Who Created Technology, God, Man Or The Devil

Who Created Technology, God, Man Or The Devil

<p> Who Created Technology, God, Man or the Devil?</p><p>Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun. Exactly what does that mean? Does it mean that there is nothing new because everything that was here is here and will be again? If that is the case then there is nothing new only ideas recycled to look like something new? If we have an old design refashioned from a new material, does that mean it is something new or still something old? This reminds me of the wedding day saying, “Something old, and something new, something borrowed and something blue.” Something old is something that has been here all the while; something new might be freshly made after something old but a new model. Something borrowed is the same as something old because it is refashioned from a borrowed idea. Something blue is a color that has ever been around though it might be a different shade or created by a new means. Is an ancient Stonehenge any different from a farmer’s almanac or a Doppler radar? Is a sundial any older or different from a wrist watch? Is a stone hammer any different from a metal hammer? Is Ezekiel’s vision of a wheel within a wheel form of transportation different than a commercial airplane with engines spinning on the inside? Is our present day tallest building in the world any different from the pyramids although one is fabricated with a different material and can house a transformer on the top to collect data? Is the space station vastly different when Ezekiel saw the wheel engines, or Enoch was translated, Elijah taken up or Messiah ascended to heaven? Recently, I heard a strange thing although I had heard it said before. Someone said, “God created the internet so we should use it.” And then I heard others say they use all forms of technology to worship God and to study His word. The general opinion was that since we all live in this technological age we should all embrace it because surely it is from God. I have also heard it said that God allowed this vast knowledge because He can spread His word faster and reach places we could not have other wise reached. Something struck a nerve in me and I thought to myself, “Is this really a God thing or are we being deceived.” To me the internet is like Pandora being let out of the box and you can’t put it back in and it has nothing to do with God. I wondered, “What does God need with the internet?” Here is The Spirit that can be everywhere and anywhere, knowing all things and being without beginning or end and we have resigned Him to needing this technology to go where no man has gone before. Some have gone so far as to ascribe this technology to YHVH saying He invented it so we can preach the gospel to every nation – go where no man has gone before. I had to ask myself the question, “Who created technology?” I pondered the question, race through the bible searching the scriptures looking for an answer and then, as I stood in a group praying I was struck with the answer. YHVH is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. That does not include technology. I understood immediately YHVH has no need of the internet because whatever concerns us is by the will and power of the Holy Spirit. The spirit of YHVH is everywhere. He is omnipresent, all knowing, able to reach tall buildings in a single bound, look in the sky it is not Skynet, he cannot be seen by the naked eye; only by faith experienced. My question, “who created technology and why? The answer, the devil because he is not omnipresent, he is not all knowing except by the use of technology. He is merely a principality, a limited spirit who manipulates the hearts and minds of men. Then I recalled the days of Noah and the knowledge that abound on the earth because the sons of God visited the daughters of men and to them were born giants, men of renown (Genesis 6). I ask myself the question, “What was left on the earth after the flood?” The entire earth was covered by water and the earth was shifted off its foundation and the world was changed. All was buried except for the passing of time and men began to become wise in them selves and began to excavate and uncover that which was buried by the power of YHVH to save us from ourselves and the demons that want to annihilate us.</p><p>Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. </p><p>This does not say the knowledge of YHVH shall increase but rather “and knowledge shall increase,” implying that either man’s knowledge shall increase or simply knowledge shall increase – but what is the source of that knowledge?</p><p>Genesis 6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. </p><p>Every time man’s perverse knowledge increase YHVH destroyed man or what man created from that perverse knowledge. What is the catalyst of that knowledge?</p><p>Genesis 11:5-9 [5] And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. [6] And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. [7] Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. [8] So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. [9] Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. </p><p>Archeologist today around the globe is unearthing those things that are dead and should remain dead. They pretend that it is for the sake of humanity so we can know who we are and where we came from. </p><p>Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.</p><p>The proverbial mantra, “Who are we, where did we come from, why are we here and where are we going?” Well, we are the creation of YHVH born from the seed of Adam and Eve, our ancestors who came out of the Garden when they broke covenant with YHVH. We are here by the mercies of YHVH for indeed it repented Him that He made us yet He spared Noah and his family. Our purpose is to repent and return to the worship of our creator and when the Son of man shall return we shall be gathered to Him and we shall all be judged according to our faith or not and it is either eternity with YHVH or eternity in the lake of fire. This is fundamental to our faith. I’ve wondered why nothing has really been preserved in its entirety from the ancient world even though we have stories and tales of magnificent wonders of the world. Why has the technology being lost to us? Why has Noah’s ark been lost to us and the Ark of the Covenant? Why have the Urim and Thummim stones been lost? Why has Atlantis and other ancient great civilizations been blotted out? Why do we have ancient monuments and megaliths built inline with constellations and the sun and located on ley lines? Why is the knowledge of all this lost to us? Did some great power of intelligence have a role in destroying this knowledge because they want to keep us ignorant or is it because by His grace He is extending a restraining hand for the sake of his creation? I find a bit of the answer in the book of Daniel. “…and none shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” </p><p>Daniel 12:8-10 [8] And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? [9] And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. [10] Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. </p><p>Daniel understood that what was to come was not for him to know because it was for another age. There will be a time when there will be specific knowledge that only the wise shall understand. This wisdom would not come from man but come as a revelation from YHVH. A time will come when knowledge will increase again almost flowing like water and it will increase quickly. Something will happen to thrust us into this wave of knowledge. We will be lead to believe that it is our own doing with human intelligence and we will be led to believe that such things have never been done before. The idea that will be purported is that it is utterly something new. Yet history tells us in fragments that the ancients had knowledge that surpassed our very own. They could tell the distance between stars and they could name all the solar systems and galaxies. They could build structures that were spot on inline with constellations, which we only deduce because of computerized programs. Ancient art depicts what looks like rocket ships, astronauts, giants and humanoids with elongated heads and tales of their goings and comings back and forth to the earth. These visitors are recorded as the ones who brought the knowledge of the gods to the earth perpetrating themselves as aliens from far off galaxies. They went so far as to set themselves up as gods. So many ancient civilizations experience their own level of technological feats but where are they today? They were so advanced for their time but where are they? Where is great and powerful Atlantis or the oracle of Delphi? Where are the knowledgeable magi with their knowledge of the star that lead them to Bethlehem? And where are those men of renown spoken of in Genesis 6? Something occurred that took us from the steam engine age to the atomic age in record time. In the late 1400s and early 1500s Leonardo Da Vinci sketched flying machines - five hundred years later by 1912 we began building and flying airplanes. By the end of the 1920s there were almost 23 million registered motorists in America. By July 1945 the first nuclear bomb was detonated. Within this same decade computers emerged. By 1957 we had entered the space age. We sent our first man to the moon in July 1969. The first personal computer was invented in 1976 and on and on. Less than one hundred years we made leaps and bounds. Hollywood started making movies of futuristic event that we thought were imaginative but they were prophetic or perhaps small leakage of what was to come - a systematic brainwashing of the world. We have been trained to embrace these changes as though it has always been a blueprint of where we have purposefully intended to be. Back to the question, who created the internet? So I must ask myself this question, “What use does YHVH have of the internet?” If He has created all this for us and for us to use to promote His name or whatever else we can squeezed out of it why have all inventions and technology of the ancient world been obliterated? I am reminded of a Star Trek movie with a character called Khan who went on a venture to the abode of God. He arrived at some distant planet and he was pursued by the Enterprise. When Kirk and Khan stood in this cave where this entity dwelled the entity kept insisting they beam him aboard the ship so they could leave the planet. Finally, it dawn on Kirk, “What does God need with a starship?” Kirk perceived that this god could not leave because it was not God. So I ask myself the same question, “what does an omnipresent, all knowing YHVH want with the internet?” My answer is that this is not of YHVH but His enemy who is neither of those things. There are things that YHVH allowed but He did not sanction. The Pharisees asked Jesus about divorcing their wives.</p><p>Mark 10:2-9 [2] And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him. [3] And he answered and said unto them, What did Moses command you? [4] And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away. [5] And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. [6] But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. [7] For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; [8] And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. [9] What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. </p><p>You see, Moses suffered them to do so but this was not YHVH sanctioned. There are many things we sufferer ourselves to do but that does not mean YHVH sanctioned it. So many people tell me that they can reach so many people on the internet and that they use their social media accounts to do just that. However, Jesus said that “we” were to go. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is in us and by His power working in us we are able to preach and make disciples and manifest His amazing power. </p><p>Hebrews 6:2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. </p><p>One is baptized by water and not computer circuitry, because YHVH does not need the internet to move His spirit across the waters of the earth. We are being cajoled into submerging ourselves and way of life into a system that engages all our attention and will eventually enslave us. There is nothing new under the sun. Humanity has been systematically introduced into this era of technology as though we are the original creators of all that we survey. Yet we know that sophisticated technology was here before. We know that the pyramids and the megaliths were not designed and constructed by man but by others far advanced. We also know that YHVH decided age after age that such knowledge was not good in the hands of man. Time and time again He brought disasters to the earth to wipe out the knowledge and the many structures that came about. We have many remnants and scattered here and there we have tales of these ancient lost civilizations. Slowly by slowly we see the intrusion of these technologies revamped to look like something new upon the earth and to look like the invention of man. Yet in all the eons of time YHVH has seen fit to reduce human societies to the basics. Those civilizations that once knew how to read the heavenly bodies are gone without a trace of how they did it. Some megaliths were designed inline with constellations and arranged upon ley lines to precisions but no records have been found that tells us who, what and how. Those who built the pyramids are gone without leaving a blueprint or an inkling of how they were constructed. Even with our modern inventions of super carriers and earth moving and lifting equipment we still don’t have any that can move the size rocks that are found in megaliths. The technologies of the ancient world have either been blasted or wash away. How is it that the Nazca Lines in Peru can only be seen from above? What of the many depictions of technology found on temples in Mexico and Egypt and other places of the world that resembles airplanes and rocket ships? All around the globe there are reminders that we are not the first to invention technology, but even more so, the fact that we are not the original inventors. We have a story in the 11 Chapter of Genesis that tells the story about Nimrod and how the people came together to build a great tower to reach the heavens. YHVH came down and crumbled the tower and scattered the people because they had one mind to do evil. It seems that when man find ways to unite under one banner or purpose together they always seemed to devise evil and that evil was either world domination or finding a way to usurp YHVH from His throne. Technology is no different from that tower of Babel because it sought to keep the people together and to usurp the power of YHVH. Genesis 1:28 says, “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” It seems it is not enough for us to have dominion over everything that moveth upon the earth we also want dominion over what is in the heavens an under the sea as well. Is it really us calling the shots or are we being influence by others who have mastered leading us about by a string? Did we really come up with the ideas ourselves or were they craftily imposed upon us? I believe they were imposed upon us. How is it possible that what we could not achieve in thousands of years in a matter of less than a century we are hopping on to meteors and roving over Mars? Are we that naïve thinking this is all us? It uses to be that the value of a man was based on his character and today it is based on his intellect. We know that intellect gave us the atom bomb and created weapons of destruction but the character of a man could make peace and forgive his neighbor. Yes, we had wars and made a mess of our societies when greed and ambition came into play. We were hunters and gathers for our basic needs until greedy men sought to gain power by amassing wealth. Yet, many of those wealthy men had hearts and compassion. Today we are indiscriminate about the use of technology which is designed to amass everything it can about every human on earth. We say it is easy, simple, convenient and accessible and you name it we find an answer to make it ok. Social media has replaced spying because we have a tendency to expose everything about ourselves to the world of social media. All that has to be done is hack into every computerized device and you will find where a man has been, what he has said, how much he has, owe and need. The internet is amassing data on all humanity and for what purpose? Is this truly a God thing or a god thing? YHVH already has a book with all names written down and He knows exactly who has been naughty and who is nice and one day He will judge us all from that book. He has no need for technology and he is not the inspiration of the internet although many might say otherwise. Many speak of the anti-Christ and the false prophet that will arise who will have need of all this data. This is because they are not omnipresent or omniscience. They need a mainframe to know us all and find us all. We can hardly hide because we leave a cyber trail everywhere we go. Today the world is coming together through the internet and the gap of our divide is narrowing to a close. We were scattered for our own good because together we are evil. Perhaps this sound crazy to you but the truth is the heart of man is evil. The enemy’s purpose is to corral on the internet so he can rein us in one fell swoop. This young woman, twenty years or less my senior, said that “God made the internet.” I could have opened my mouth and said “Really,” but I did not because the young often cannot be reasoned with. Once she started spouting her two degrees one less than me I realized her intellect had already been won over to the other side. There are many believers who rely on the internet, cell phone downloadable bibles, iPods and other devices to engage in what they call worship. Some use these technological devices on the way to work while driving or being driven, other while cleaning their homes or sitting in the toilet jogging, walking or having a lunch break to engage in worship but nothing is deliberate. YHVH is just a chance encounter to fill a time block that would otherwise be void or deemed wasted time. We must be deliberate about the time we spend with Him. He is not a void filler God. He must receive the best of our day. YHVH has always been deliberate with us, in creation and for grace. For those who argue that technology helps them manage their time for work or bills or school etc. is one thing but to help you manage your time with YHVH that is preposterous. We do not manage YHVH He manages us and with respect to our free will. He does not force not even His love on us even thought it is always extended to us. Indeed the heart of men will never fail as long as we have breath but one day technology will either fail us or assail us. I believe in heaven there are many technological wonders but that is not something that YHVH has ever extended to us. He said in Genesis 3:19 “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” Sin has set us on a course of hard labor. Since we became automated and technologically creative in less than a hundred years we have brought the earth to its knees with global warming and air pollution and toxins we have seeped into the earth trying to make things grow faster and bigger. We have automated ourselves to near destruction. We have become lazier, sicker, rebellious, and destructive. In times pass every thing that died replenished the earth, but today everything that dies continues to pollute the earth because we have become diseased and toxic. In times passed a weapon of destruction might one day be a sword and the next a pruning hook. Today all weapons of destruction remain live rounds or toxic even after the warring is over. Neither technology nor the internet is something that I believe is a God thing rather a god thing. These are things that belong to the gods of this world. These are their instruments to enslave mankind. Everything about us is being recorded and stored. Our face, voice, thoughts, relationships, where we have been, what we have purchased, or likes and dislikes, our political and religious thoughts and affiliations, our weaknesses and our strengths, our skills, health records and medications including our diagnoses and prognoses, where we will be at any given time and who will meet us there. Ancestors.com not only gives our family history but every source from which to gather our DNA. Oh sinner man, where will you run to all on that day? I am sure this is much to ponder. There is much more but I leave that to each of you to figure out. Yes, I still have a website and yes I am still sending emails but I have my absolute limit. Be sure you too have a limit and be sure that you have not rendered YHVH as an internet easy access. For sure He is not there but in heaven just as the bible says. He is all knowing, present everywhere and infinitely wiser than the wisest man. He is not bound by circuitries and neither can He be accessed by such. He is a spirit and we must worship Him in spirit. Music is well and good, audio bibles and such are tools but these cannot access that which is spirit because that is something only the heart is capable of doing. If the heart is not engaged I am certain the spirit will not activate. We cannot relegate YHVH to in between time, or chore time or driving time or toilet time or filler time. I hope I have said something here that will get your minds to thinking about what we have entangled ourselves in. At the least consider that if this is not YHVH then we must take care to use reason, restraint and limits with all this technology we have been blindsided by. </p><p>John 4:23-24 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. [24] God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. </p><p>Copyright © 2014 Founder Catch the Wave Ministries International, Inc. </p>

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