Bc-Rc-Sc /Ahjwg.1/Inf/1

Bc-Rc-Sc /Ahjwg.1/Inf/1

<p>Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1 Ad hoc joint working Distr.: General group on enhancing 10 January 2007 cooperation and coordination among English only the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions</p><p>First meeting Helsinki, 26-28 March 2007 Items 3 and 4 of the provisional agenda Consideration of the supplementary report on enhancing cooperation and coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions Preparation of joint recommendations on enhancing cooperation and coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions</p><p>List of national contacts for the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (as at 9 March 2007)</p><p>The attached contains the list of the national contacts for the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. The list includes national contacts for Parties and non-Parties that have been transmitted to the Secretariats.</p><p>I. Basel Convention</p><p>A. Focal Point (FP) “Focal Point” means the entity of a Party referred to in Article 5 responsible for receiving and submitting information as provided for in Articles 13 and 16.</p><p>B. Competent Authority (CA) “Competent Authority” means one governmental authority designated by a Party to be responsible within such geographical area as the Party may think fit, for receiving the notification of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes, and any information related to it, and for responding to such a notification, as provided in Article 6.</p><p> BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/1.</p><p>190307</p><p>For reasons of economy, this document is printed in a limited number. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to meetings and not to request additional copies. BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>II. Rotterdam Convention</p><p>A. Official Contact Points (OCPs) The secretariat communicates with its Official Contact Points on official issues such as notices regarding participation in meetings of the Conference of the Parties, circulation of the reports of these meetings, proposals for the addition of chemicals to Annex III of the Convention and inclusion in the PIC procedure, and the nominations of experts to subsidiary bodies such as the Chemical Review Committee. The functions of Official Contact Points are clearly distinguished from the ones of Designated National Authorities (DNAs), with whom the secretariat regularly communicates on administrative matters required by the Convention.</p><p>B. Designated National Authorities (DNAs) Designated National Authorities or DNAs play a crucial role in the implementation of the convention. They serve as the focal point in their country for the dissemination of information concerning the provisions of the Convention to the relevant government departments as well as to other partners such as export and importing industries and customs officers. One important requirement in nominating a DNA is that governments shall ensure that the DNA is provided with the necessary resources to effectively carry out their responsibilities. DNAs are also responsible for providing information to the Secretariat and to other participating countries as required by the Convention. In line with the Convention, each Party shall designate one or more national authorities to act on its behalf with regard to the performance of the administrative functions required by this Convention. The decision as to the number of DNAs is up to individual governments. Most Parties have decided on the nomination of authorities regulating chemicals in their country, while others have nominated authorities responsible for foreign affairs. DNA roles and responsibilities</p><p> Notifying the Secretariat of national final regulatory actions  Submitting proposals for severely hazardous pesticide formulations  Providing importing country responses to chemicals subject to PIC  Communicating the received import responses to stakeholders in that country  Sending and acknowledging export notifications  Information exchange</p><p>III. Stockholm Convention</p><p>A. Official Contact Points (OCPs) Official contact points for the performance of administrative functions and all formal communication under the Convention for Parties, designated in accordance with decision SC-2/16 of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention.</p><p>B. National Focal Points (NFPs) National focal points for the exchange of information, appointed pursuant to Article 9 of the Convention.</p><p>2 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Albania (2) FP/CA Director for Pollution Prevention OCP/ – OCP/ – Ministry of Environment DNA NFP Rruga e Durresit, No. 27 Tirana, Albania Telephone: (355 4) 22 49 85 Telefax: (355 4) 27 06 27 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Algeria (2) FP Secrétariat d'Etat auprès du Ministre de OCP – OCP – l'Intérieur, des Collectivités Locales et de l'Environnement, chargé de l'Environnement Avenue de l'Indépendance Palais Mustapha Bacha, Alger Algérie Telephone: (213 2) 65 91 58/67 04 70 Telefax: (213 2) 66 40 32/67 05 81 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP</p><p>Andorra (2,3) FP/CA Department of Environment OCP/ – OCP/ – Ministry of Agriculture and Environment DNA NFP C/ Prat de la Creu 62-64 Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra Telephone: (376) 87 57 07 Telefax: (376) 86 98 33 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>3 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Angola (1,2) FP Head of Information and Documentation OCP – OCP Ms. Angelica Costa Centre 3rd Secretary Ministry of Urban Affairs and Permanent Mission of Angola in Geneva Environment Rue de Lausanne 45-47 Rua Luanda Sul, Condominio Jardins de 1201 Geneva, Switzerland Talatona Tel: (+41 22) 716 22 53 Torre-E, 302 Fax: +41 (22) 732 30 60 P.O. Box 5209 Luanda, Angola Telefax: (244 2) 31 00 03 or 31 05 17 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP –</p><p>Antigua and FP Chief Environment Officer OCP – OCP/ Ms. Diann Black Layne Barbuda (2) Ministry of Public Works, Transportation NFP Chief Environmental Officer and Environment Ministry of Public Works, Transportation Ministry of Agriculture Building and Environment Queen Elizabeth Highway Factory Road St. John's Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda St. John’s, Antigua Telephone: (1 268) 462 46 25 Tel: (+1 268) 462 46 25/562 25 68 Telefax: (1 268) 462 46 25 Fax: (+1 268) 460 72 78 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>CA Chief Environmental Officer DNA – Environment Division Ministry of Tourism and Environment Queen Elizabeth Highway St. John's, Antigua, West Indies Telephone: (1 268) 462 06 51 Telefax: (1 268) 462 28 36 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>4 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Argentina FP Dirección General de Asuntos OCP Representación Permanente de la OCP Embajador Maria Esther Bondaza Ambientales República Argentina ante la FAO Directora General de Asuntos Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Piazza dell'Esquilino, 2 Ambientales Comercio Internacional y Culto Roma 00185, Italy Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Esmeralda 1212 Comercio Internacional y Culto 1007 Buenos Aires, Argentina Esmeralda 1212, Piso 14 Telephone: (54 11) 48 19 74 14 (C1007ABR) Buenos Aires Telefax: (54 11) 48 19 74 13 or 48 19 76 Argentina 22 Tel.: +54 (11) 4819 7414 E-Mail: [email protected] or Fax: +54 (11) 4819 7413 [email protected]</p><p>CA Ministerio de Salud OCP/ Dirección General de Asuntos NFP Dirección General de Asuntos Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo DNA- Ambientales Ambientales Sustentable CP Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Direccion Nacional de Gestion Ambiental Comercio International y Culto Comercio Internacional y Culto San Martín 459 Esmeralda 1212 Esmeralda 1212 (1004) Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires 1007, Argentina 1007 Buenos Aires, Argentina Telephone: (54 11) 43 48 82 00 / 8425 / Fax +54 11 4819 74 13 Tel: (+54 11) 4819 7414 8459 e-mail [email protected] Fax: (+54 11) 4819 7413 Telefax:(54 11) 43 48 86 24 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>OCP/ Director Nacional DNA- Dirección Nacional de Gestión Ambiental CP Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, Ministerio de Salud y Ambiente San Martín 451, piso 4° Buenos Aires C 1004 AA1, Argentina Attn: Miguel Angel Craviotto Phone +54 11 4348 8305 Fax +54 11 4348 8312</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>5 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency e-mail</p><p> [email protected] </p><p>Armenia FP Head, Department of Hazardous OCP The Minister for Foreign Affairs OCP/ Mrs. Anahit Aleksandryan Substances and Waste Management Ministry of Foreign Affairs NFP Head, Hazardous Substances and Waste Ministry of Nature Protection Government House 2 Management Department 3, Governmental Building Republic Square Ministry of Nature Protection Republic Square Yerevan 375010, Armenia Government Building 3, Yerevan 375010, Armenia Republic Square Telephone: (374 10) 53 88 38 The Permanent Representative Yerevan 375010, Armenia Telefax: (374 10) 53 88 38 Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tel: (+374 10) 538 838 E-Mail: [email protected] Armenia to the United Nations Fax: (+374 10) 538 838 119 East 36th Street New York 10016, USA</p><p>CA Ministry of Nature Protection DNA- Head of Department 3, Governmental Building CP Ministry of Nature Protection Republic Square Hazardous Substances and Wastes Yerevan 375010, Armenia Management Department Telephone: (374 10) 53 88 38 Governmental Building 3, Republic Telefax: (374 10) 53 88 38 Square Yerevan 375010, Armenia Attn: Dr. Anahit Aleksandryan Phone +374 2 53 88 38 or +374 10 540 896 Fax +374 2 53 88 38 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>6 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Australia FP/CA Director, Hazardous Waste Section OCP/ Manager of Technical and International OCP/ Mr. Chris Mobbs Department of the Environment and DNA- Policy, Product Integrity, Animal and NFP Assistant Director Heritage P Plant Health Chemical Policy GPO Box 787 Australian Government Department of Department of the Environment and Canberra ACT 2601, Australia Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Heritage Telephone: (61 2) 62 74 14 11 GPO Box 858 GPO Box 787 Telefax: (61 2) 62 74 11 64 Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia CANBERRA ACT 2601, Australia E-Mail: [email protected] Attn: Dr. Angelo Valois Tel.: (+61 2) 6274 2385 Phone +61 2 6272 5566 Fax: (+61 2) 6274 1164 Fax +61 2 6272 5697 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Assistant Secretary C Environment Protection Branch Australian Commonwealth Government Department of the Environment and Heritage GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601, Australia Attn: Mr. Barry Reville Phone +61 2 6274 1622 Fax +61 2 6274 1164 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>7 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Austria FP Federal Ministry of Agriculture, OCP/ Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, OCP – Foresting, Environment and Water DNA- Environment and Water Management Management C Department V/2 Department VI/4 Stubenbastei 5 Stubenbastei 5 Vienna A-1010, Austria A-1010 Vienna, Austria Attn: Dr. Michael Wittmann Telephone: (43 1) 515 223 537 Phone +431 515 22 23 34 Telefax: (43 1) 515 227 333 and 7502 Fax +431 515 22 73 34 E-Mail: e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] [email protected] t</p><p>CA Federal Ministry of Agriculture, NFP Ms. Barbara Perthen-Palmisano Foresting, Environment and Water Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Management Environment and Water Management Department VI/1 Dept. V/2, Chemicals Management Stubenbastei 5 Stubenbastei 5 A-1010 Vienna, Austria A-1010 Vienna, Austria Telephone: (43 1) 515 223 513 Tel.: +43-1-51522-2321 Telefax: (43 1) 515 227 333 and 7502 Fax: +43-1-51522-7334 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>Mr. Peter Weiss Department for Terrestrial Ecology Federal Environment Agency Spittelauerlände 5 1090 Vienna, Austria Tel: +43 1 31304 34 30 Fax: +43 1 31304 35 33</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>8 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Ms. Elisabeth Hosner Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Dept. V/9, International Environmental Affairs Stubenbastei 5 A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel.: +43-1-51522-1622 Fax: +43-1-51522-7626</p><p>Azerbaijan (2) FP Head of Hazardous Wastes Management OCP – OCP Mr. Gulmali Suleymanov Sector Chief of the Division of Climate Changes Department for Environmental and Ozone Centre Protection Ministry of Ecology and Natural Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Resources 50 Hydar Aliyev Avenue Azerbaijan AZ 11 54 Baku, Azerbaijan Telephone: (99 412) 492 41 73 Tel: (+99 412) 598 2795 Telefax: (99 412) 492 59 07 Fax: (+99 412) 441 56 85 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP Mr. Namig Zeynalov Advisor State Examination Department Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan Tel: (+99 412) 466 65 31 Fax: (+99 412) 498 05 63</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>9 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Bahamas (2) FP/CA Ambassador to the Environment OCP/ – OCP/ Dr. Donald Cooper The Bahamas Environment, Science and DNA NFP Under-Secretary Technology Commission Bahamas Environment, Science & P.O. Box CB 10980 Technology Commission Nassau, Bahamas Nassau Court Telephone: (1 242) 356 30 67 P.O. Box CB-10980 Telefax: (1 242) 326 35 09 Nassau, Bahamas E-Mail: [email protected] or Tel: (+1 242) 322 4546 [email protected] Fax: (+1 242) 326 3509</p><p>Bahrain (2) FP Head of Waste Management Section OCP – OCP/ Ms. Afaf Sayed Ali Al-Shoala Environment and Wildlife Affairs NFP Director of Environmental Control Public Commission for the Protection of Directorate Marine Resources, Environment and General Directorate of Environment & Wildlife Wildlife Protection P.O. Box 32657 Public Commission for the Protection of Isa Town, Kingdom of Bahrain Marine Resources, Environment & Telephone: (973) 17 87 51 63 Wildlife Telefax: (973) 17 78 61 02 P.O. Box 32657 E-Mail: [email protected] or Isa Town, Bahrain [email protected] Tel: (+973) 17 875 175 Fax: (+973) 17 786 102</p><p>CA Environment and Wildlife Affairs DNA – NFP Mr. Jaffar Habib Public Commission for the Protection of Director of Plants Wealth Marine Resources, Environment and Ministry of Housing and Agriculture Wildlife P.O. Box 251 P.O. Box 32657 Manama, Bahrain Isa Town, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: (+973) 696 702 Telephone: (973) 17 87 42 90 Fax: (+973) 695 734 Telefax: (973) 17 76 49 34 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>10 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Bangladesh (2,3) FP Secretary OCP – OCP – Ministry of Environment and Forest Bangladesh Secretariat Building No. 6 Dhaka, Bangladesh Telephone: (880 2) 40 43 49 Telefax: (880 2) 86 92 10</p><p>CA Director General DNA – NFP Director General Department of Environment Department of Environment Paribesh Bhaban, E/16 Agargaon Paribesh Bhaban Sher-e-Bangla Nagar E-16 Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh Telephone: (880 2) 81 24 61 Tel: (+8802) 8112461/9111173 Telefax: (880 2) 31 86 82 Fax: (+8802) 9118682</p><p>Barbados (2) FP Director OCP – OCP Hon. Dame Billie A. Miller Environmental Protection Department Senior Minister Ministry of Housing, Lands and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Environment Trade Jemmotts Lane No. 1 Culloden Rd. St. Michael, Barbados St., Michael, Barbados Telephone: (1 246) 436 48 20 Tel.: (+1 246) 431 2200 Telefax: (1 246) 228 71 03 Fax: (+1 246) 429 66 52 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>11 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Permanent Secretary (Environment) DNA – OCP/ Mr. Jeffrey Headley Ministry of Environment, Energy and NFP Director Natural Resources Environment Protection Department Sir Frank Walcott Building, Colloden Jemmotts Lane Road St. Michael, Barbados St. Michael, Barbados Tel: (+1 246) 436 48 20 Telephone: (1 246) 431 76 80 Fax: (+1 246) 228 7103 Telefax: (1 246) 437 88 59 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>NFP Mr. Anthony Headley Deputy Chief Environmental Engineer</p><p>Belarus (2) FP/CA Deputy Minister OCP – OCP – Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection 10 Kollectornaya Str. Minsk 220 048, Belarus Telephone: (375 17) 200 72 61 or 200 55 71 Telefax: (375 17) 200 55 83 or 200 47 71 or 200 55 71 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>DNA – NFP Mr. Valentine Malishevskiy Deputy Minister Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection 10 Kollectornaya Str. 220048 Minsk, Belarus Tel: (+375 17) 200 70 48 Fax: (+375 17) 200 55 71/55 83</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>12 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Ms. Alina Bushmovich Leading Specialist Department for State Management Control Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection 10 Kollectornaya Str. 220048 Minsk, Belarus Tel/fax: (+375 17) 200 5571 Fax: (+375 17) 200 5583</p><p>Belgium FP OVAM OCP The Permanent Representative OCP Afdeling Afvalstoffenbeheer Permanent Mission of Belgium to UNEP Stationsstraat 110 P.O. Box 30461 2800 Mechelen, Belgium Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: (32 15) 28 42 84 Ministre des Affaires Etrangères Telefax: (32 15) 20 32 75 Service M4.1 E-Mail: [email protected] Direction générale des relations politiques multilatérales Rue des Petits Carmes, 15 Bruxelles B-1000, Belgium Développement (Unité A-2) Commission des communautés européenes G-12 09/111 Bruxelles 1049, Belgium</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>13 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Multiple authorities (list available from DNA- Inspecteur de l'environnement NFP Mr. Frédéric Denauw the Focal Point) CP Risk Management Office Attaché Federal Public Service of Public Health, Maitrise des Risques Food Chain Security and Environment DG Environnement CAE Vesale Building (Bur 2/3 010) Service Public Fédéral pour la Santé Brussels 1010 Publique, la Sécurité de la Chaine Belgium Alimentaire et l'Environnement Attn Mr. Fréderic Denauw Place V. Horta 40 boîte 10 Phone +32 2 210 48 71 1060 Brussels, Belgium Fax +32 2 210 48 84 Tel: (+32 2) 524 9592 e-mail [email protected] Fax: (+32 2) 524 9603</p><p>Belize (3) FP Chief Environmental Officer OCP Deputy Prime Minister OCP – Department of the Environment Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Natural Resources and the Market Square Environment Belmopan, Belize 10/12 Ambergris Avenue Attn: Mr. John Breceno Belmopan City, Belize Telephone: (501) 822 28 16 or 822 25 Minister of Foreign Affairs 42 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Telefax: (501) 822 28 62 Belmopan, Belize E-Mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. Godfrey Smith</p><p>CA – DNA- Chief Environmental Officer NFP Mr. Martin Alegria CP Department of the Environment Chief Environmental Officer 10/12 Ambergris Ave. Department of Environment Belmopan City, Belize Ministry of Natural Resources & Attn Mr. Ismael Fabro the Environment Phone +501 822 2542 / 2816 10/12 Ambergris Avenue Fax +501 822 2862 Belmopan City, Belize e-mail [email protected] Tel: (+501) 822 2542/2816 Fax: (+501) 822 2862</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>14 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Sanitation Engineer C Public Health Bureau Ministry of Health Belize City, Belize</p><p>DNA- Registrar P Department of Agriculture Pesticides Control Board Central Farm Cayo, Belize Attn Ms. Miriam Serrut Phone +501 824 2640 Fax +501 824 3486 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Benin FP/CA Direction de l'Environnement OCP Le Ministre des affaires étrangères et de OCP – Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'intégration africaine l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme Ministère des affaires étrangères et de B.P. 01-3621 l'intégration africaine Cotonou, Benin Avenue Pape Jean- Paul II Telephone: (229) 31 55 96 Boîte Postale 318 Telefax: (229) 31 50 81 Cotonou, Benin</p><p>Directeur de l'Aménagement du Territoire Ministère de l'environnement, de l'habitat et de l'urbanisme B.P. N. 01-3621 Cotonou, Benin Phone +229 312 065 Fax +229 312 065</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>15 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Bureau du PNUD B.P. 506 Cotonou, Benin</p><p>DNA- Ingénieur d'Etat en Génie de NFP M. Chabi Séké MORAKPAI CP l'Environnement Chef de Service à la Direction de Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'environnement l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme Ministère de l'Environnement, de P.O. Box 01-3621 l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme Cotonou, Benin 01 BP 3621 Attn M. Wabi Marcos Cotonou, Benin Phone +229 31 2065 Tel: (+229) 2131 50 81 Fax +229 31 5081 Fax: (+229) 2131 14 36 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Bhutan (2,3) FP Environment Assessment Section OCP – OCP – National Environment Commission Post Box No. 466 Choezong Lham Thimphu, Bhutan Telephone: (975 2) 32 43 74 or 32 33 84 Telefax: (975 2) 32 17 07 or 32 33 85</p><p>CA Deputy Minister DNA – NFP – National Environment Commission Post Box No. 466 Choezong Lham Thimphu, Bhutan Telephone: (975 2) 32 43 74 or 32 33 84 Telefax: (975 2) 32 17 07 or 32 33 85</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>16 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Bolivia FP/CA Viceministro de Recursos Naturales y OCP Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto OCP Ing. Maria Alejandra Galarza Coca Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Coordinadora Nacional Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible Culto Programa Nacional de Contaminantes Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz No. 1092 Calle Junín Orgánicos Persistentes PRONACOP´s Edificio Ex. COMIBOL, 6° Piso Esquina Ingavi Av. Mcal Santa Cruz Nº 1092 La Paz, Bolivia La Paz, Bolivia Edificio :EX-COMIBOL, Piso: Planta Baja Telephone: (591 2) 233 07 62 La Paz, Bolivia Telefax: (591 2) 233 12 73 Dirección General de Organismos Tel.: (+591-2) 214 8946/233 0762 E-Mail: [email protected] Internacionales Fax: (+591-2) 214 8926/233 1273 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto La Paz, Bolivia Phone +591 2 40 8924 Fax +591 2 40 8642/ 40 8905</p><p>Oficina del PNUD Casilla 686 La Paz, Bolivia</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>17 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Viceministerio de Medio Ambiente, NFP Punto Focal Político CP Recursos Naturales y Desarrollo Forestal Dirección General de Impacto, Calidad y Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Servicios Ambientales Culto Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible y Planificación Punto Focal Nacional Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz 1092 (Ex Comibol) 6 piso Casilla N. 12814 Viceministro de Recursos Naturales y La Paz, Bolivia Medio Ambiente Phone +591 2 37 69 44 / 37 79 68 Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible Fax +591 2 37 62 34 Av. Mcal Santa Cruz Nº 1092 DNA- e-mail [email protected] Edificio :EX-COMIBOL, Piso: 6 P La Paz, Bolivia Servicio de Sanidad Agropecuaria e Tel: (+591-2) 233 0762 Inocuidad Alimentaria Fax: (+591-2)-233 1273 Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca Área Técnica Responsable Av. Camacho No. 1471, Casilla 732 La Paz, Bolivia Ing. Maria Alejandra Galarza Coca Fax +591 3 4628105 Coordinadora Nacional Programa Nacional de Contaminantes Orgánicos Persistentes PRONACOP´s Av. Mcal Santa Cruz Nº 1092 Edificio :EX-COMIBOL, Piso: Planta Baja La Paz, Bolivia Tel.: (+591-2) 214 8946/233 0762 Fax: (+591-2) 214 8926/233 1273</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>18 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Bosnia and FP Federal Ministry of Physical Planning and OCP – OCP/ Ms. Nermina Skejovic-Huric Herzegovina (2,3) Environment NFP Expert Adviser Marsala Tita 9a Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Relations Telephone: (387 33) 44 50 31 Musula 9 Telefax: (387 33) 44 50 31 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: (+387 33) 552 365 Fax: (+387 33) 206 141</p><p>CA – DNA –</p><p>Botswana (2) FP/CA The Department of Waste Management OCP – OCP Director and Pollution Control Department of Environmental Affairs Private Bag B.O. 323 Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Gaborone, Botswana Tourism Telephone: (267) 30 02 26 Gaborone, Botswana Telefax: (267) 30 99 53 Tel.: (+267) 390 2055 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (+267) 390 2050</p><p>DNA – NFP Mr. Mushanana L. Nchunga National Conservation Strategy Coordinating Agency Ministry of Lands, Housing and Environment P/Bag 0068 Gaborone, Botswana Tel: (+267) 390 20 50 Fax: (+267) 390 2051/391 46 87</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>19 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Brazil FP Head of the Division of Environmental OCP/ Head of the Division OCP Head of Division of Environmental Policy Policy and Sustainable Development DNA- Division for Environmental Policy and and Sustainable Development Ministry of External Relations CP Sustainable Development (DPAD) Ministry of External Relations Esplanada dos Ministérios Ministry of External Relations (MRE) Esplanada dos Ministerios, Bloco H, Bloco H, Anexo II, sala 204 Esplanada dos Ministérios, bloco H Anexo II, sala 204 Brasilia, DF 70170-900 Anexo II Brasilia, DF - 70170-900, Brazil Brasil Sala 204 Tel.: (+55 61) 3411 9289 Telephone: (55 61) 3411 6193 / 6194 Brasilia-DF 70170-900, Brazil Fax: (+55 61) 3411 9288 Telefax: (55 61) 3224 2667 Phone +55 61 34119289 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +55 61 34119288 e-mail [email protected] OCP The Permanent Representative of Brazil to FAO Permanent Representation of Brazil to FAO Via di SAnta Maria dell'Anima,32 Rome 00186, Italy</p><p>The Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations in Geneva Permanent Mission of Brazil to the U.N. in Geneva 71, av. Louis-Casaï Cointrin, Geneva 1216, Switzerland</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>20 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Director of Licensing and Environment DNA- President NFP National Political Focal Point Quality (DILIQ) CP Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e Brazilian Institute for the Environment dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis - Head of the Division of Environmental and the Renewable Resources (IBAMA) IBAMA Policy SCEN, Edificio Sede do IBAMA Sain Av. L4 Norte - Ed. Sede do IBAMA Ministry of External Relations Bloco "C", 1° ANDAR Brasília DF 70 800-200 Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco “H” CEP 70.919-800, Brasília, DF Brazil Anexo II, Sala 204 Brazil Phone +55 61 3316 12 68 70.170-900 – Brasilia-DF, Brazil Telephone: (55 61) 316 13 47 or 316 12 Fax +55 61 3226 49 91 Tel: (+55 61) 3411 9289/9295 82 Fax: (+55 61) 3411 9288 Telefax: (55 61) 225 05 64 E-Mail: [email protected] (Notifications should be sent to both competent authorities)</p><p>Secretariat of Environmental Quality Special Adviser Ms. Marilia Marrecco Cerqueira Ministry of Environment Secretariat of Environment Quality in Programme for the Protection and Esplanada dos Ministérios Human Settlements Improvement of Environmental Quality Bloco B, 8 (oitavo) andar Ministry of Environment Ministry of the Environment CEP 70.068-900 - Brasília, DF Esplanada dos Ministérros, Bloco B, sala Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco “B” Brazil 801 80 andar, Sala 810 Telephone: (55 61) 317 12 44 or 317 11 Brasilia 70 068-901, Brazil 70.068-900 – Brasilia-DF, Brazil 47 Attn Ms. Marilia Marreco Cerqueira Tel: (+55 61) 4009 1244 Telefax: (55 61) 226 80 50 Phone +55 61 4009 1244 Fax: (+55 61) 4009 1759/1760 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +55 61 4009 1959 or [email protected] e-mail [email protected] (Notifications should be sent to both competent authorities)</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>21 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Brunei FP Department of Environment, Parks and OCP – OCP – Darussalam (2,3) Recreation Ministry of Development Bandar Seri Begawan BB3510 Brunei Darussalam Telephone: (673 2) 38 32 22 Telefax: (673 2) 38 36 44 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP Mr. Haji Mohd Zakaria Haji Sarudin Head Environment Unit Ministry of Development Bandar Seri Begawan BB3510 Brunei Darussalam Tel: (+673 2) 382 102 Fax: (+673 2) 383 644</p><p>Bulgaria FP/CA Waste Management Directorate OCP Mission permanente de la Republique de OCP/ Mrs. Katya Stanke Vasileva Ministry of Environment and Water Bulgarie auprès de l'ONU et des autres NFP Expert, Coordination of the Regional 67, William Gladstone str. organisations internationales à Genève Environment and Waters Directorate Sofia 1000, Bulgaria Chemin des Crêts-de-Pregny 16 Ministry of Environment and Water Telephone: (359 2) 940 65 31 Le Grand Saconnex 67, William Gladstone St. Telefax: (359 2) 986 48 48 Genève 1218, Switzerland 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria E-Mail: [email protected] Phone +41 22 798 0300 Tel: (+359 2) 940 60 26 Fax +41 22 798 0302 Fax: (+359 2) 981 33 17/981 33 84 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Ambassade de la République de Bulgarie via Pietro Paolo RUbens, 21 Roma 00197, Italy Phone +39 06 322 4640 Fax +39 06 322 6122 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>22 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency The Minister of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2, Alexander Zhendov str. Sofia 1040, Bulgaria</p><p>The Minister of Environment and Water Ministry of Environment and Water 67, William Gladstone str. Sofia 1000, Bulgaria</p><p>DNA- Expert CP Directorate "Coordination of the Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water" Ministry of Environment and Water 67, Gladstone Str. Sofia 1000, Bulgaria Attn Mrs. Parvoleta Luleva Phone +359 2 940 6021 Fax +359 2 981 33 84 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Chief, Sector "International Cooperation" P Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry National Plant Protection Service 17, Hristo Botev Blvd Sofia 1606, Bulgaria Attn Mr. Stefan Uzunov Phone +359 2 953 33 60 Fax +359 2 95 333 60 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>23 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Burkina Faso FP Direction Générale de la Préservation de OCP Le Ministre de l'environnement et de OCP/ M. Désiré Ouedraogo l'Environnement Cadre de vie NFP Coordinateur Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Eau 565, rue Agostino Neto Ministère de l’Environnement et du 03 BP 7044 BP. 7044 Cadre de Vie Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso 03 BP 7044 Telephone: (226) 31 16 69/76 Phone +226 50318708 Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso Telefax: (226) 31 64 94/16 76 Fax +226 50310675 Tel: (+226) 70 24 10 35 E-Mail: [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Fax: (+226) 50 30 19 98</p><p>CA Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Eau DNA- Monsieur le Chef du Bureau Contrôle et 03 BP 7044 P Homologation des Pesticides Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso S/C de Monsieur le Directeur des Telephone: (226) 31 16 76 Productions Végétales Telefax: (226) 31 87 24 01 BP 5362 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso Phone +226 36 19 15 Fax +226 36 18 65 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Ministère de l'Environnement et de C Cadre de Vie Direction Générale de l'Amélioration du Cadre de Vie (DGACV) BP 7044 Ouagadougou 03 Burkina Faso Attn Mr. Bruno R. Salo Phone +226 5030 6395 Fax +226 5032 4098 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>24 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Burundi FP Cabinet du Ministère de l'Aménagement OCP Institut National pour l'environnement et OCP Mr. Oscar Ndayiziga du Territoire, de l'Environnement et du la conservation de la nature Directeur Generale, Institute Nationale Tourisme Ministère de l'aménagement, du pour l'environnement (Conseiller) tourisme et de l'environnement Ministere de l'Amenagement du B.P. 631 B.P. 56 Territoire et de l'Environnement Bujumbura, Burundi Gitega, Burundi BP 2757 Telephone: (257) 22 49 79 or 22 67 18 Bujumbura, Burundi Telefax: (257) 22 89 02 or 24 12 05 Tel.: (+257) 40 30 31 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (+257) 40 30 32</p><p>Le Ministre des relations extérieures et de la coopération Ministère des relations extérieures et de la coopération Boulevard de la Liberté B.P. 1840 Bujumbura, Burundi Attn Mme Antoinette Batumubwira Fax +257 223970</p><p>Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire, de l'Environnement et du Tourisme B.P. 631 Bujumbura, Burundi Phone +257 224 979/221 649 /224233 Fax +257 228 902</p><p>Ministère de la santé publique B.P. 1820 Bujumbura, Burundi</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>25 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Mission permanente du Burundi auprès du PNUE P.O. Box 2752, 1007 Lugalo Rd. Upanga East, Dar-Es-Salaam Tanzania, United Republic of Phone +255 22 2126827 Fax +255 22 2121499</p><p>CA Ministre de l'Aménagement du DNA- Directeur NFP M. Festus NTANYUNGU Territoire, de l'Environnement et du P Departement de la protection de Directeur Général Tourisme végétaux Institut National pour l’Environnement et B.P. 631 Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'élèvage la Conservation de la Nature «INECN» Bujumbura, Burundi B.P. 114 B.P. 56, Gitega Telephone: (257) 22 49 79 or 22 67 18 Gitega, Burundi 2757 Bujumbura, République du Burundi Telefax: (257) 22 89 02 or 24 12 05 Attn M. Eliakim Skayoya Tel: (+257) 403 032/234 304 E-Mail: [email protected] or Phone +257 40 20 36 Fax: (+257) 403 032 [email protected] or Fax +257 40 2104 [email protected] or e-mail [email protected] [email protected]</p><p>Cambodia (2) FP Vice Chief, Office of Environmental OCP – OCP Mr. Heng Nareth Pollution Research and Technology Director of Department of Environmental Management Pollution Control Department of Pollution Control Ministry of Environment Ministry of Environment #48 Samdech Preach Sihanouk 48, Samdech Preah Sihanouk Tonle Bassac Tonle Bassac, Chamkamon Phnom Penh, Cambodia Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel.: (+855) 23 220 392 Telephone: (855 12) 85 68 18 Fax: (+855) 23 987 880 Telefax: (855 23) 98 78 80 or 21 25 40 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>26 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Director, Department of Pollution DNA – NFP Political Focal Point Control Ministry of Environment H.E. Mr. Khieu Muth 48, Samdech Preah Sihanouk Secretary of State Tonle Bassac, Chamkamon Ministry of Environment Phnom Penh, Cambodia #48 Samdech Preah Sihanouk Telephone: (855 12) 92 61 08 Tonle Bassac, Chamkarmon Telefax: (855 23) 98 78 80 or 21 25 40 Phnom Penh, Cambodia E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: (+855) 16 821 180 Fax: (+855) 23 219 287</p><p>Technical Focal Point</p><p>Mr. Ken Choviran Deputy Director Department of Pollution Control Ministry of Environment #48 Samdech Preah Sihanouk Tonle Bassac, Chamkarmon Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: (+855) 12 856 818 Fax: (+855) 23 987 880</p><p>Cameroon (3) FP Inspector No. 2 OCP Directeur des Normes et du Contrôle OCP – Cabinet Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Technical Adviser No. 1 Protection de la Nature Ministry of Environment and Nature Yaoundé, Cameroon Protection Attn Dr. Blaise Efendene Yaoundé, Cameroon Phone +237 776 19 41 Telephone: (237) 769 74 74 Fax +237 223 6051 Telefax: (237) 223 34 23 e-mail [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>27 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA The Ministry of Environment and DNA- Monsieur le Directeur NFP Mr. TEKEU Jean Claude Protection of Nature P Sous-Direction de la protection des Inspecteur Yaoundé, Cameroon végétaux Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Telephone: (237) 223 34 23 Ministère de l'Agriculture Protection de la Nature Telefax: (237) 223 34 23 Direction de l'agriculture Yaoundé, République du Cameroun Cameroon Tel: (+237) 776 19 41/998 53 51 Fax: (+237) 223 34 23/222 87 35</p><p>Canada FP/CA Director, Waste Management Division OCP A/Executive Director, Consumer and OCP – Environment Canada Commercial Products 70 Crémazie Street, 6th floor Environment Canada Gatineau, Quebec K1A OH3 251 St-Joseph Blvd, 12th Floor Canada Gatineau, Québec K1A 0H3 Telephone: (1 819) 997 33 77 Attn Ms. France Jacovella Telefax: (1 819) 997 30 68 Tel: (819) 956-5263 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (819) 994-0007 Email: [email protected]</p><p>Senior Policy Advisor Environment and Energy Division (GDE) Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada 111 Sussex Drive, R2-29 Ottawa, Canada K1N 1J1 Attn Mr. Satender Singh Tel: (613) 944-1723 Fax: (613) 995-9525 E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>28 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency First Secretary Permanent Mission of Canada in Geneva 5 Avenue de l'Ariana, 1202 Genève Attn Mr Karim Amegan Tel.: +41 (0) 22 919 9244 Mobile.: +41 (0) 79 408 0764 Fax.: +41 (0) 22 919 9227 Courriel/e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Director NFP Ms. Cheryl Heathwood P Alternative Strategies and Regulatory Chief, Hazardous Air Pollutants Affairs Air Pollution Prevention Directorate Health Canada Environment Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency Place Vincent Massey 2720 Riverside Drive 351 St. Joseph Blvd, 11th floor Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9, Canada Hull, PQ K1A 0H3, Canada Attn Ms. Trish MacQuarrie Tel: (+1 819) 953 74 42 Phone +1 613 736 3661 Fax: (+1 819) 953 89 63 Fax +1 613 736 3659 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Director C Chemicals Control Branch Environment Canada Place Vincent Massey 351 St. Joseph Boulevard 12th Floor Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3, Canada Phone +1 819 994 3648 Fax +1 819 994 0007 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>29 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Cape Verde FP/CA – OCP Le Ministre des affaires étrangères, de la OCP – coopération et des communautés Ministère des affaires étrangères, de la coopération et des communautés Praça 1° de Maio C.P. 60 Praia, Cape Verde</p><p>Bureau du PNUD Caixa Postale 62 Praia, Cape Verde</p><p>DNA- Monsieur le Directeur NFP – P Division de la Protection des Végétaux C.P. 50 Praia, Cape Verde Phone +238 61 64 18 Fax +238 61 63 84</p><p>Central African FP/CA – OCP/ – OCP/ Mr. Michel DIMBELE-KOMBE Republic (2,3) DNA NFP Chef de Service de Coordination des Actions Environnementales Ministère des Eaux, Foret, Chasse, Peche, chargé de l'Environnement B.P. 830 Bangui, République Centrafricaine Tel: (+236) 50 34 48</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>30 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Chad FP/CA Le Directeur Général OCP Le Ministre dÊtat, Ministre des affaires OCP – Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Eau étrangères et de l'intégration africaine B.P. 447 Ministère des affaires étrangères et de N'Djamena, Chad l'intégration africaine Telephone: (235) 52 67 86 B.P. 746 Telefax: (235) 52 67 88 Chad E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Le Ministre de l'Environnement et de l'Eau Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Eau B.P.447 N'Djamena, Chad Phone +235 52 32 55 Fax +235 52 38 39/52 52 32 c/o UNDP</p><p>Bureau du PNUD B.P. 906 N'Djamena, Chad</p><p>Mission permanente du Tchad auprès du PNUE 11, Avenue Kalemie Zone le Gombe B.P. 9097 Kinshasa 1, Democratic Republic of the Congo Phone +243 12 21646</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>31 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Direction de Protection des végétaux et NFP M. Abderaman Mahamat Abderaman CP du conditionnement (DPVC) Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Eau Ministère de l'agriculture B.P. 447 B.P. 441 N'Djamena, Chad N'Djamena, Chad Tel: (+235) 526 786/629 4960 Phone +235 51 36 92 Fax: (+235) 523 839 / 525 234 /526 788 Fax +235 51 22 19</p><p>Chile FP Dirección de Medio Ambiente OCP Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores OCP Ms. Lilian Veas Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Jefa del Area de Gestion de Sustancias Catedral 1143 Catedral 1158, piso 3 Quimicas Santiago, Chile Santiago, Chile Comision Nacional de Medio Ambiente Telephone: (56 2) 679 43 75/83 de Chile (CONAMA) Telefax: (56 2) 673 21 52 or 698 12 72 Ministro Secretario Teatinos, 258, piso 4 or Secretaria General de la Presidencia Santiago, Chile 699 42 02 Moneda N° 1160, 4 piso Tel.: (+562) 241 18 13 E-Mail: [email protected] Santiago, Chile Fax: (+562) 241 18 24 Phone +562 698 4150 Fax +562 698 4656/699 3900</p><p>Oficina del PNUD Casilla 197-D Santiago, Chile</p><p>Representante Permanente de Chile ante el PNUMA Misión Permanente de Chile ante el PNUMA P.O. Box 45554 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>32 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Subsecretaría de Salud DNA- Director Nacional NFP Sra Paulina Saball Astaburuaga Ministerio de Salud P Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero Directora Ejecutiva Enrique Mac-Iver 541 Avenida Bulnes 140, Piso 8 Comision Nacional del Medio Ambiente Santiago de Chile Santiago 4088, Chile (CONAMA) Chile Attn Dionisio Faulbaum Mayorga Teatinos No. 254, Santiago Centro Telephone: (56 2) 630 05 75 Phone +56 2 345 1109 Santiago, Chile Telefax: (56 2) 664 95 50 Fax +56 2 345 1102 Tel: (+562) 240 56 00 E-Mail: [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Fax: (+562) 241 18 24</p><p>DNA- Departamento de Salud Ambiental C Ministerio de Salud Mac Iver 459 Piso 8 Santiago, Chile Attn Mr Julio Monreal Phone +562 5740179 Fax +562 664 9150 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>China FP/CA State Environmental Protection OCP Permanent Mission of the People's OCP – Administration Republic of China to UNEP 115 Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie Whisper Estate LR 9104/136 Beijing 100035, China P.O. Box 30947 Telephone: (861 0) 66 55 62 56/62 57 Gigiri Telefax: (861 0) 66 55 62 52 Kenya E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>The Minister for Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture 11 Nongzhanguan Nanli Beijing 100026, China</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>33 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency The Minister, State Environmental Protection Administration(SEPA) N° 115, Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035, China Phone +8610 66151933 Fax +8610 66151761</p><p>Director Division of International Organizations Department of International Cooperation State Environmental Protection Administration Beijing, China Attn Ms Jeqing Zhang Phone +86 10 6555 6520 Fax +86 10 6655 6513 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Deputy Director-General NFP Mr. Yue Ruisheng P Institute for the Control of Deputy Director General Agrochemicals (ICAMA) Division of International Organizations. Ministry of Agriculture Department of International Co No 22, Mairidian Street operation Chaoyang State Environment Protection Beijing 100026, China Administration Attn Mrs. Yong-zhen Yang 115, Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie Phone +86 10 64 19 40 71 Beijing 100035, China Fax +86 10 65 02 59 29 Tel.:(+8610) 6655 6492 e-mail [email protected] Fax: (+8610) 6655 6494</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>34 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Deputy Director CP Division of Solid Waste and Chemical Management, Department of Pollution Control State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) No. 115, Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035, China Attn Ms. Wenchao Zang Phone +86 10 66 55 6258 Fax +86 10 66 55 62 52 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>CA Hong Kong Special Administrative DNA – NFP – Region, China</p><p>Territorial Control Office Environmental Protection Department Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China 28th Floor, Southorn Centre 130 Hennessy Road Wanchai, Hong Kong, China Tel: (85 2) 27 55 54 62 Fax: (85 2) 23 05 04 53 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>35 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Macao Special Administrative Region of China</p><p>Environment Council Alameda Dr. Carlos d'Assumpção no. 393-437 Edif. Dynasty Plaza 10° andar, Macau SAR, China Tel: (853) 72 51 34 Fax: (853) 72 51 29 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Colombia (2,3) FP Viceministra de Asuntos Multilaterales OCP – OCP Doctora Adriana Mejia Hernandez Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Viceministro de Asuntos Multilaterales Calle 10 # 5 - 51Bogotá Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Colombia Calle 10 No. 5-51 Telephone: (57 1) 562 80 92 Bogota, Colombia Telefax: (57 1) 562 76 10 Tel: (+571) 562 80 92 Fax: (+571) 562 76 10 </p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>36 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Vice Minister DNA – NFP H.E. Ambassador Alejandro Borda Rojas Ministry of Environment Viceministro de Asuntos Multilaterales Calle 37 # 8-40 piso 4 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Santa Fe de Bogotá Calle 10 No. 5-51 Colombia Bogota, Colombia Telephone: (57 1) 332 34 34 Ext. 120 Tel: (+571) 562 80 92 Telefax: (57 1) 288 98 35/9725 Fax: (+571) 562 76 10 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Dra. Andrea Alban Duran Coordinadora Grupo de Asuntos Multilaterales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Placio de San Carlos Calle 10 No. 5-51 Bogota, Colombia Tel: (+571) 566 70 77 Fax: (+571) 566 60 81</p><p>Comoros (2) FP Le Directeur Général OCP – OCP – Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, la Pêche et l'Environnement Ministère de la Production et de l'Environnement B.P. 41 Moroni, Comores Telephone: (269) 73 66 88 Telefax: (269) 74 46 32 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP –</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>37 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Congo (1) FP Direction Général de l'Environnement OCP Le Directeur général de l'environnement OCP/ Mme Marie Agathe Makelola Ministère du Tourisme et de Direction de l'environnement NFP Ministère de l'Economie Forestière et de l'Environnement B.P. 958 l'Environnement B.P. 958 Brazzaville, Congo B P 958, Brazzaville Brazzaville, Congo Phone +242 814141/810295 République du Congo Telefax: (242) 81 03 30 Fax +242 814134/837150 Tel: (+242) 556 6822 Fax: (+242) 815 448</p><p>Bureau du PNUD B.P. 465 et 51 Brazzaville, Congo</p><p>Ministre des affaires étrangères, de la coopération et de la francophonie Ministère des affaires étrangères, de la coopération et de la francophonie B.P. 2070 Congo</p><p>Le Ministre de l'Economie Forestière et de l'Environnement Brazzaville, Congo Phone +242 814141/810295 Fax +242 814134/837150 CA – DNA- Chef de service P Service de la Protection des Végétaux Ministère de l'Agriculture, et de l'Elevage B.P. 387 Brazzaville, Congo Attn M. Maurice Obambi Phone +242 521 88 65 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>38 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Directeur général de l'environnement CP Direction générale de l'environnement Ministère de l'Economie, Forestière et de l'Environnement B.P. 958 Brazzaville 262, Congo Attn M. Benjamin Dzaba Boungou Phone +242 661 0441 Fax +242 81 0330 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Cook Islands FP/CA – OCP The Secretary OCP – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration P.O. Box 105 Rarotonga, Cook Islands</p><p>The Secretary Ministry of Agriculture P.O. Box 96 Cook Islands</p><p>DNA- Secretary of Agriculture NFP – P Ministry of Agriculture Government of the Cook Islands P.O. Box 96 Rarotonga, Cook Islands Phone +682 287 11 Fax +682 218 81 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>39 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Director C National Environment Service Tuanga Taporoporo P.O. Box 371 Raratonga, Cook Islands Attn Mr. Vaitoti Tupa Phone +682 2 1256 Fax +682 2 2256 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Costa Rica (2) FP Viceministro de Salud OCP – OCP/ Sra. Shirley Soto Montero Ministerio de Salud NFP Directora de Gestion de Calidad Apartado Postal 10123-1000 Ambiental San José, Costa Rica Ministerio de Ambiente y Energia Telephone: (506) 222 40 18 San Jose, Costa Rica Telefax: (506) 223 74 11 Tel: (+506) 253 25 96 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (+506) 253 26 24</p><p>CA Ministra de Salud DNA – Ministerio de Salud Apartado Postal 10123-1000 San José, Costa Rica Telephone: (506) 223 06 83 Telefax: (506) 255 25 94 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Côte d’Ivoire FP Point Focal de la Convention de Bâle OCP Ministre de l'Environnement et des Eaux OCP/ M. Dakouri Raphael Zadi Ministère de l'Environnement et du et Forêts NFP Juriste, Point Focal des POPs Cadre de Vie BP 650 Ministère de l'Environnement, des Eaux 20 BP 650 Abidjan 20 et de la Forêt Abidjan 20, Côte d'Ivoire Côte d´Ivoire 20 BP 650 Telephone: (225) 20 21 04 95 Phone +225 20 21 70 67 Abidjan 20, te d'Ivoire Telefax: (225) 20 21 60 26 or 05 78 34 Fax +225 20 21 42 74 Tel: (+225) 0617 2799 05 Fax: (+225) 2021 0495 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>40 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Ministre des Affaires Etrangères Bloc Ministériel B.P. 1533 Abidjan, Côte d´Ivoire</p><p>Bureau du PNUD Angle Avenue Marchand, Rue Gourgas 01 BP 1747 Abidjan, Côte d´Ivoire Phone +225 21 13 41/ Fax +225 21 13 67 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Direction de la Protection des Végétaux, du contrôle et de la Qualité Ministère de l'Agriculture 20 B.P. V7 Abidjan, Côte d´Ivoire Phone +225 20210770 Fax +225 20212032</p><p>Mission Permanente de la République de Côte d'Ivoire auprès du PNUE High 23 Kabele 13, House N° 1308 P.O. Box 3668 Ethiopia Phone +251 171 1213 Fax +251 712 754</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>41 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Direction de l'Environnement DNA- Monsieur le Directeur des actions Ministère de l'Environnement et du P industrielles Cadre de Vie B.P. V.50 BP V. 184 Abidjan, Côte d´Ivoire Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire Phone +225 22 67 28 / 32 45 21 Telephone: (225) 21 06 23 Fax +225 21 53 20 Telefax: (225) 21 04 95/45 61</p><p>DNA- Assistante au coordonnateur du projet CP POPs Direction des Politiques et Stratégies de l'Environnement Ministère d'Etat, Ministère de l''Environnement 20 BP 650 Abidjan 20, Côte d´Ivoire Attn Mme VI née Kouadio Amenan Phone +225 20 211 183 Fax +225 20 222 050 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Croatia (2) FP Head of the Waste Management OCP – OCP – Department Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction Ulica Republike Austrije 1 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Telephone: (385 1) 378 21 11 Telefax: (385 1) 378 21 57 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>42 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Ministry of Environmental Protection, DNA – NFP Dr. Marija Vojnovic Physical Planning and Construction Assistant Minister Ulica Republike Austrije 20 Directorate for Strategic and Integration 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Process within Environmental Protection Telephone: (385 1) 378 24 45 Ministry of Environmental Protection Telefax: (385 1) 378 25 555 and Physical Planning E-Mail: [email protected] Ulica Republike Austrije 14 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel: (+385 1) 3782 179 Fax: (+385 1) 3717 149</p><p>Cuba (2,3) FP International Cooperation Department OCP – OCP – Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Capitolio Nacional Prado y Teniente Rey 10200 Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba Telephone: (53 7) 57 06 06 Telefax: (53 7) 866 80 54 or 867 06 06 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>CA Center for Environmental Inspection and DNA – NFP – Control Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Calle 28 # 502 entre 5ta y 7ma Municipio Playa 11300 Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba Telefax: (537) 202 70 30 or 204 26 76 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>43 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Cyprus FP/CA Environment Service OCP The Permanent Representative of the OCP – Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Republic of Cyprus to UNEP Resources and Environment Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tagmatarchou Pouliou 17 Cyprus Ag. Andreas P.O. Box 30739 Nicosia 1411, Cyprus Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: (357 2) 30 38 70/83 Telefax: (357 2) 77 49 45 Permanent Secretary E-Mail: Planning Bureau [email protected] Nicosia, Cyprus Attn Mr. Panico Pouros</p><p>The Minister for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Demostenis Severis Avenue Government House 18 Nicosia 1447, Cyprus</p><p>DNA- Director, Department of Labour NFP – CP Inspection Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance 12 Apellis Str. Nicosia 1493, Cyprus Attn Mr Leandros Nicolaides Phone +357 22 40 5630 Fax +357 22 66 3788 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>44 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Czech Republic FP/CA Waste Management Department OCP Ministry of Foreign Affairs - OMEV OCP/ Mr. Karel Bláha Ministry of the Environment Loretanske nam. 101/5 NFP Deputy Minister, Director General for Vršovická 65 Prague 1 11800, Czech Republic Technical Protection of the Environment 100 10 Praha 10, Czech Republic Ministry of the Environment Telephone: (420 2) 67 12 22 83/25 76 Minister of Environment of the Czech Vrsovická 65 Telefax: (420 2) 67 31 15 45 Republic 100 10 Prague 10, Czech Republic E-Mail: [email protected] or Vrsovicka 65 Tel: (+420 2) 6712 2535 [email protected] Prague 10 100 10, Czech Republic Fax: (+420 2) 6731 0013 Attn H.E. Mr. Petr Jan Kalas</p><p>Permanent Representative to UNEP OCP Mr. Ivan Holoubek Embassy of the Czech Republic Director Jumuia Place, Lenana Road National Centre for Persistent Organic 48785 Nairobi, Kenya Pollutants RECETOX Masaryk University Kamenice 126/3 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic Tel.: (+420) 549 491 475 Fax: (+420) 549 492 840</p><p>DNA- Director CP Department of Environmental Risks Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic Vrsovickà 65 Prague 100 10, Czech Republic Attn Dr. Darina Liptáková Phone +420 267122032 Fax +420 2 67 31 00 13 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>45 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Democratic FP – OCP The Minister for Foreign Affairs OCP – People’s Republic Department of International of Korea (1) Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jungsong-dong, Centrtal District P.O. Box 44 Pyongyang City Democratic People´s Republic of Korea Phone +850 2 382 7222 Fax +850 2 381 44410</p><p>The Secretary-General National Coordination Committee on Environment (NCCE) Jungsong-dong, Central District P.O. Box 44 Pyongyang City Democratic People´s Republic of Korea Phone +850 2 7222 Fax +850 2 381 44410</p><p>UNDP Office P.O. Box 27 Pyongyang Democratic People´s Republic of Korea</p><p>CA – DNA- National Coordinating Committee for NFP – CP Environment P.O Box 44 Pyongyang Democratic People´s Republic of Korea Attn Mr. Chol Rim Song Phone + 850 2 381 8370 Fax +850 2 381 4660</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>46 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency National Coordinating Committee for Environment P.O. Box 44 Pyongyang Democratic People´s Republic of Korea Attn Mr. Pak Chun II Phone +850 2 352 72 22 Fax +850 2 381 46 60</p><p>Democratic FP Directeur des Etablissements Humains OCP Bureau du PNUD OCP – Republic of the et Protection de l'Environnement B.P. 7148 Congo Point Focal des Conventions de Bâle et Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the de Stockholm Congo Ministère de l'Environnement, Conservation de la Nature, Eaux et Le Ministre des affaires étrangères et de Forêts la coopération internationale B.P. 12348 Ministère des affaires étrangères et de Kinshasa/Gombe la coopération internationale Democratic Republic of the Congo Bld. de l'Indépendance Telephone: (243) 818 125 145 B.P. 7100 E-Mail: [email protected] Kinshasa- Gombe Democratic Republic of the Congo</p><p>Ministère des Terres, environnement et du Tourisme, conservation de la nature, Pêche et Forêts Ave ILEO N0. 15 B.P. 12345 Kinshasa - Gombe Democratic Republic of the Congo Phone +243 12 34390 Fax +243 12 337 21</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>47 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Directeur Institut national pour la conservation de la nature (INCN) Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Phone +243 12 34390 Fax +243 12 33721</p><p>Mission permanente de la République démocratique du Congo auprès du PNUE P.O. Box 48106 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>CA Monsieur le Secrétaire Général à DNA- Monsieur le Directeur NFP M. Jean Claude EMENE ELENGA l'Environnement et Conservation de la CP Service des établissements humains et Ministère de l'Environnement Nature, Eaux et Forêts protection de l'environnement Conservation de la Nature, Eaux et Ministère de l'Environnement, Ministère de l'environnement, Fôrets Conservation de la Nature, Eaux et conservation de la nature et tourisme Direction des Etablissements Humains et Forêts B.P. 12348 Kin. 1 Protection de l'Environnement B.P. 12348, Kinshasa/Gombe Kinshasa B.P. 12 348 Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa/Combe, RD du Congo Telephone: (243) 883 43 90 Phone +243 12 332 50 / 332 51 Tel: (+ 243) 99 812 11166 Telefax: (243) 884 36 75 (UNDP) E-mail: jcemene @yahoo.fr E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>48 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Monsieur le Directeur M. Josué KIZAL MPINZI P Production et protection des végétaux Bureau des Etablissements Humains Ministère de l'agriculture et Protection de l'Environnement Croisamant Blvd. du 30 juin Ministère de l'Environnement Ave. Batetela, BP 8722 Kinshasa 1 Conservation Kinshasa-Gombe 1 de la Nature , Eaux et Fôrets Democratic Republic of the Congo B.P. 12 348 Attn M. Li-Botayi Likunde Albert Kinshasa/Combe, RD du Congo Phone +243 813 33 1290 Tel: (+243) 998 39 43 64 or Fax +243 88 02381 (+ 243) 0812897782 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Denmark FP/CA Soil and Waste Division OCP The Danish Environmental Protection OCP – Danish Environmental Protection Agency Agency Strandgade 29 Strandgade 29 1401 Copenhagen K, Denmark Copenhagen K 1401, Denmark Telephone: (45) 32 66 01 00 Attn Ms. Mona M. Westergaard Telefax: (45) 32 66 04 79 Phone +45 32 66 01 00 E-Mail: [email protected] e-mail [email protected]</p><p>The Danish Environmental Protection Agency Strandgade 29 Copenhagen K 1401, Denmark Attn Mr. Lars Fock Phone +45 32 66 01 00 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>49 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Head of Section, Chemical Division NFP Ms. Mona Mejsen Westergaard CP Miljøstyrelsen (Danish EPA) Senior Advisor on International Strandgade 29 Environmental Issues Copenhagen K DK-1401, Denmark Danish Environmental Protection Agency Attn Mr. Lars Fock Ministry of the Environment Phone +45 3266 0285 Strandgade, 29 Fax +45 3266 0479 1401 Copenhagen K, Denmark e-mail [email protected] Tel.: (+45) 32 66 03 56 Fax: (+45) 32 66 02 61</p><p>Djibouti FP Ministre OCP Ministre des affaires étrangères et de la OCP – Ministre de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme, de coopération int., chargé des relations l'Environnement et de l'Aménagement avec le Parlement du Territoire Ministère des affaires étrangères et de B.P. 11 Djibouti la coopération internationale République de Djibouti B.P.1863 Telephone: (253) 35 00 06 or 35 83 57 Djibouti, Djibouti Telefax: (253) 35 16 18 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Le Ministre Ministère de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme, de l'Environnement et de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Artisanat B.P. 11 Djibouti, Djibouti Phone +253 35 00 06 Fax +253 35 16 18</p><p>Bureau du PNUD B.P. 2001 Djibouti, Djibouti</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>50 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA – DNA – NFP Son Excellence M. Elmi Obsieh Waiss Ministre de l’Habitat, de l’Urbanisme, de l’Environnement et de l’Aménagement du Territoire B.P. 11, Djibouti, République de Djibouti Tel: (+253) 35 85 22 Fax: (+253) 35 16 18</p><p>Dominica FP Head of the Environmental Coordinating OCP The Permanent Secretary OCP – Unit Government Headquarter Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment Environment Roseau Fisheries Complex Building Roseau, Dominica Dame Mary Eugenia Charles Boulevard Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica The Minister Telephone: (1 767) 448 24 01 ext. 3456 Government Headquarters Telefax: (1 767) 448 45 77 Ministry of Agriculture and the E-Mail: [email protected] Environment Kennedy Avenue Roseau, Dominica</p><p>CA The Chief Environmental Health Officer DNA- The Director NFP Mr. Lloyd Pascal Ministry of Health CP Pesticide Control Board Head of Environmental Coordinating Unit Government Headquarters Ministry of Agriculture Roseau Fisheries Complex Building Kennedy Avenue Botanic Gardens Dame Mary Eugenia Charles Boulevard Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica Roseau, Dominica Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica Telephone: (1 767) 448 24 01 Ext. 3467 Phone +1 767 448 24 01 Tel: (+1 767) 448 2401 ext 3456 Telefax: (1 767) 448 60 86 Fax +1 767 448 79 99 Fax: (+1 767) 448 4577 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>51 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Dominican FP Subsecretaría de Estado de Gestión OCP Subsecretaria de Estado de Gestión OCP – Republic (3) Ambiental Ambiental Secretaría de Estado de Medio Ambiente Av. John F. Kennedy y Recursos Naturales Km 6/12 Autopista Duarte Edificio Oficinas Gubernamentales Los Jardines del Norte Edificio B, 1er piso Dominican Republic Av. México esq. Dr. Delgado Attn Sra. Zoila González de Gutiérrez Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Phone 809 472 0626 Telephone: (1 809) 688 88 86 Fax 809 472 0631 Telefax: (1 809) 221 86 98 e-mail [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Secretariado Técnico Presidencia de la República Dominicana Palacio de la Presidencia, Ave. México, Esq. Dr. Delgado Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Phone +809 695 8028 Fax +809 695 8432 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>CA Directora de Calidad Ambiental de la DNA- Dirección de Calidad Ambiental NFP Secretaría de Estado de Medio Ambiente Subsecretaría de Estado de Gestión C Av. John F. Kennedy, Km. 6 1/2, y Recursos Naturales Ambiental Autopista Duarte Los Jardines del Norte Edificio la Cumbre, piso 10 Naco. Secretaría de Estado de Medio Ambiente Santo Domingo, D.N. Avenida Tiradentes y Recursos Naturales Attn: Licda. Elsa Ferreras Santo Domingo Edificio Oficinas Gubernamentales Phone: +809 472 0626 Dominican Republic Edificio B, 1er piso Fax: +809 472 0631 Tel: (+ 1 809) 567 4300 Av. México esq. Dr. Delgado e-mail: [email protected] Fax: (+1 809) 540 2667 Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Telephone: (1 809) 472 06 26 Telefax: (1 809) 472 06 31 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>52 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Director, Ingeniero Agrónomo Ms. Zoila Gonzalez P Departamento de Sanidad Vegetal Subsecretario de Estado de Gestion Secretaría de Estado de Agricultura Ambiental Los Jardinos Av. Mexico esq. Dr. Delgado Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Edificio de Oficinas Gubernamentales Phone +1 809 547 37 86 “El Palacito” Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Tel: (+1 809) 221 03 87/472 06 30/26/27 Fax: (+1 809) 472 06 31</p><p>Ecuador FP Ministry of Foreign Affaires OCP Ministro OCP – Avenida 10 de Agosto y Carrion Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Quito, Ecuador Carrión 10-40 y Av. 10 Agosto Telephone: (59 32) 299 32 84-5 or 299 Quito, Ecuador 32 00 Phone +593 2 256 3166/256 3201 Telefax: (5932) 299 32 73 or 299 32 74 Fax +593 2 256 5809 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Ministro Ministerio del Ambiente Avenida Amazonas y Eloy Alfaro Edificio del Ministerio de Agricultura, 7° piso Quito, Ecuador Phone +593-2 256-3429 Fax +593-2 250-0041/ 256-5809</p><p>Oficina del PNUD P.O. Box 4731 Ecuador</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>53 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Subsecretaría de Calidad Ambiental DNA- Director Ejecutivo NFP Political Focal Point: Ministerio del Ambiente P Servicio Ecuatoriano de Sanidad Av. Amazona y Eloy Alfaro Agropecuaria – SESA Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Edificio MAG, 7° Piso Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería Departamento de Medio Ambiente Quito, Ecuador Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas Edificio Avenida 10 de Agosto y Carrion Telephone: (593 2) 256 34 92 Mag 9° piso. Quito-Ecuador Telefax: (593 2) 252 32 69 Quito Tel: (+593 2) 299 32 34 E-Mail: [email protected] or Attn: Sr. Carlos Nieto Cabrera Fax: (+593 2) 299 22 41 [email protected] Phone: +593 2 2544476 Fax: +593 2 2228448 ext 201 e-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Subsecretario de Calidad Ambiental Technical Focal Point: C Subsecretaria de Calidad Ambiental Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Ministerio del Ambiente del Ecuador Av. Amazonas y Eloy Alfaro Subsecretaria de Calidad Ambiental: Edificio MAG, 7mo. Piso. Vinicio Valarezo Quito, Ecuador Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas Attn Ing. Roberto Urquizo Edificio MAG, 7mo. Piso Phone +593 2 256 3543 Quito, Ecuador Fax +593 2 256 3543 Tel: (+593 2) 563 542 e-mail [email protected] Fax: (+593 2) 563 542</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>54 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Egypt (2) FP Head of Hazardous Waste Department OCP – OCP/ Mr. Tarek Eid Mohamed Mahmoud El- Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency NFP Ruby Ministry of State for Environmental Head of Coordination, Monitoring and Affairs Exchange Information Unit for 30 Misr Helwan Rd International Conventions on Chemicals 11728 Maadi, Cairo Environmental Affairs Agency Egypt Ministry of State for Environmental Telephone: (202) 525 64 52 Affairs Telefax: (202) 526 05 88 or 525 64 90 30 Misr Helwan El-Zyrae Rd. Maadi, E-Mail: [email protected] P.O. 1177728 Cairo, Egypt Tel: (+202) 526 0588 Fax: (+202) 526 0588</p><p>CA Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency DNA – NFP Dr. Mohamed Sayed Khalil 30 Misr Helwan St. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Maadi, Cairo Environmental Affairs Agency Egypt Ministry of State for Environmental Telephone: (202) 525 64 52 Affairs Telefax: (202) 525 64 90 30 Misr Helwan El-Zyrae Rd. Maadi E-Mail: [email protected] P.O. 1177728 Cairo, Egypt Tel: (+202) 525 64 52 Fax: (+202) 525 64 90</p><p>Director Department of Environment and Sustainable Development Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maspiro - Corniche El Nil Cairo, Egypt Telephone: (202) 574 78 47 Telefax: (202) 574 79 36</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>55 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Transit Control Department Suez Canal Authority Irshad Building Ismailia, Egypt Telephone: (2064) 391 00 00 Telefax: (2064) 391 47 84 or 339 38 33 or 339 28 33</p><p>El Salvador (3) FP Permanent Mission of El Salvador to the OCP/ Ministro OCP – United Nations DNA- Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores 65, rue de Lausanne CP Calle Circunvalación, No.27, Colonia San 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Benito Telephone: (41 22) 732 70 36 San Salvador, El Salvador Telefax: (41 22) 738 47 44 Attn H.E. Mr. Francisco Esteban E-Mail: [email protected] Lainez Rivas or [email protected] Phone +503 22439715 Fax +503 22439658</p><p>CA Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y DNA- Jefe NFP – Recursos Naturales C Gerencia de Salud Ambiental Km. 5.5 Carretera a Santa Tecla Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Calle y Colonia Las Mercedes Social Edificio MARN Alameda Roosevelt, Edificio Dr. Max (Instalaciones ISTA) Bloch San Salvador, El Salvador San Salvador Telephone: (503) 224 64 68 El Salvador Telefax: (503) 224 64 68 Phone +503 271 12 82 / 88 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +503 260 68 35 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>56 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Jefe División de Registro y Fiscalización P Dirección General de Sanidad Vegetal y Animal Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería Santa Tecla, El Salvador Attn Roosevelt González Vásquez Phone +503 228 2862 Fax +503 265 7821 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Coordinador de la Division de CP Seguimiento a Convenios División de Seguimiento a Convenios Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Kilómetro 5 ½ Carretera a Nueva San Salvador, Calle y Colonia Las Mercedes, Edificio MARN San Salvador, El Salvador Attn Italo Andrés Córdova Flamenco Phone +503 224 65 15 Fax +503 224 64 68 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Equatorial Guinea FP/CA Ministro de Pesca y Medio Ambiente OCP Oficina del PNUD OCP – (3) Ministerio de Pesca y Medio Ambiente C.P. Box 399 Malabo Malabo, Equatorial Guinea Guinée Equatoriale Telephone: (240) 09 29 53 or 09 33 35 Ministro Telefax: (240) 09 10 07 Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, E-Mail: [email protected] Cooperación Internacional y Francofonía Malabo, Equatorial Guinea</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>57 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Ministro Delegado Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de la Francofonía Malabo, Equatorial Guinea</p><p>Ministro Delegado Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos Malabo, Equatorial Guinea</p><p>DNA – NFP –</p><p>Eritrea FP/CA – OCP The Minister for Foreign Affairs OCP – Ministry for Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 190 Asmara, Eritrea</p><p>The Minister for Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture P.O. Box 1048 Asmara, Eritrea</p><p>Permanent Mission of Eritrea to UNEP P.O. Box 38651 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>The Permanent Representative of Eritrea to the United Nations 800 Second Avenue, 18th floor New York N.Y. 10017, United States of America Phone +212 687 3390 Fax +212 687 3138</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>58 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA – NFP –</p><p>Estonia (3) FP/CA Commission on import, export and OCP Ministry of Foreign Affairs OCP – transit of controlled waste Rävala pst 9 Ministry of the Environment Tallinn EE0100, Estonia Narva mnt 7a 15172 Tallinn, Estonia The Minister for Agriculture Telephone: (372) 626 28 60/6 Ministry of Agriculture Telefax: (372) 626 28 01 39/41 Lai Street E-Mail: [email protected] or Tallinn 15056, Estonia [email protected] International Relations Division Ministry of Environment Toompuiestee 24 Tallinn EE0100, Estonia Phone +372 622 626802 Fax +372 6262801</p><p>DNA- Manager NFP Mr. Ott Roots CP Chemicals Notification Centre Director-Chief Scientist Gonsiori 29 Estonian Environmental Research Tallinn 15027, Estonia Institute Attn Mrs. Enda Veskimae Estonian Research Centre Phone +372 626 9396 Marja 4D Fax +372 626 9395 10 617 Tallinn, Estonia e-mail [email protected] Tel: (+372) 611 2964 Fax: (+372) 611 2901</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>59 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Ethiopia FP Deputy Director General OCP UNDP Office OCP – Environmental Protection Authority P.O. Box 5580 P.O. Box 12769 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Telephone: (251 1) 646 46 07 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Telefax: (251 1) 646 48 76 or 646 48 82 P.O. Box 393 E-Mail: [email protected] or Addis Ababa, Ethiopia [email protected]</p><p>Permanent Mission of Ethiopia to UNEP P.O. Box 45198 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>General Manager Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box 12760 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia</p><p>Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development P.O. Box 62347 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia</p><p>CA Environmental Protection Authority DNA- Deputy Director General NFP – P.O Box 12769 CP Environmental Protection Agency Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Telephone: (251 1) 646 46 07 Attn Mr. Dessalegne Mesfin Telefax: (251 1) 646 48 82 or 646 48 76 Phone +251 1 46 5007 E-Mail: [email protected] or Fax +251 1 46 4876 [email protected] e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>60 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Head, Crop Protection Department P Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development P.O. Box 62347 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Attn Mr. Fikre Markos Phone +251 1 62 6973 Fax +251 1 62 6505 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>European FP/CA Head of Waste Management Unit OCP/ Director General Environment OCP/ Mr. Sylvain Bintein Community Directorate-General for Environment DNA- Biotechnology and Pesticides Unit NFP Policy Desk Officer European Commission CP European Commission Directorate-General Environment, 200, rue de la Loi BU-9,6/167 European Commission 1049 Brussels, Belgium Rue de la Loi 200 DG Environment Telephone: (32 2) 299 22 65 Brussels 1049, Belgium Chemicals Unit, DG ENV.D.1 Telefax: (32 2) 299 10 68 Attn Ms Leena Yla-Mononen 1049 Brussels, Belgium E-Mail: [email protected] or Phone +322 299 3530 Tel.: (+32 2) 29 95 452 [email protected] Fax +322 296 7617 Fax: (+32 2) 29 66 995 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>OCP Director General c/o Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities P.O. Box 45119 Nairobi, Kenya – Fiji (1,2) FP/CA – OCP/ – OCP/ DNA DNA</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>61 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Finland FP Ministry of the Environment OCP Environmental Protection Department OCP/ Ms. Pirkko Kivelä P.O. Box 35 Ministry of the Environment NFP Counsellor FIN-00023 Government P.O. Box 35 Environmental Protection Department Finland Governement 00023 Ministry of the Environment Telephone: (358 9) 16 007 Finland PO Box 35, FIN-00023 GOVERNMENT, Telefax: (358 9) 16 039 716 Attn Ms. Merja Turunen Finland E-Mail: [email protected] or Office: Kasarmikatu 25 [email protected] Department for Global Affairs Helsinki, Finland Unit for Environmental Policy Tel: (+358 20) 490 73 22 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mobile: (+358 50) 3622 041 P.O. Box 176 Fax: (+358 9) 160 39716 Helsinki 00161, Finland</p><p>CA The Finnish Environment Institute DNA- Chemicals Unit P.O. Box 140 CP Finnish Environment Institute FIN-00251 Helsinki, Finland Box 140 Telephone: (358 9) 40 30 00 Helsinki 00251, Finland Telefax: (358 9) 40 30 04 91 Attn Mr. Magnus Nyström E-Mail: [email protected] Phone +358 9 40 3000 Fax +358 9 40 300 591 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>62 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency France FP/CA Direction de la prévention des pollutions OCP Sous-direction de l'environnement OCP M. Jean-Louis MAURER et des risques Direction des Affaires économiques et Redacteur, Sous-direction de Sous-direction des produits et des financières (DE) l'environnement déchets 37 quai d'Orsay Direction des Affaires économiques et Ministère de l'Ecologie et du Paris SP 75700, France financières, Ministère des Affaires Développement Durable étrangères 20, avenue de Ségur Le Ministre de l'Economie, des Finances 37 quai d'Orsay 75302 Paris 07 SP, France et de l'Industrie 75007 Paris Telephone: (33 1) 42 19 14 26 7ème Sous-direction-Teledoc 279 - France Telefax: (33 1) 42 19 14 68 Bureau agriculture et environnement Tel.: (+33 1) 43 17 57 36 E-Mail: Direction du Budget Fax: (+33 1) 43 17 57 45 [email protected] 139, rue de Bercy (Competent authority for Transit. France Paris Cedex 12 75572, France has designated the Departmental Prefectures as Competent Authority for Export and Import)</p><p>La Ministre de l'Ecologie et du M. Xavier CAPILLA Développement durable Bureaux des Substances et préparations Direction de la prévention des pollutions chimiques et des risques Direction de la prévention des pollutions Bureau des substances et préparations et des risques, Ministère de l'Ecologie et chimiques du développment durable 20, avenue de Ségur 20 avenue de Ségur Paris 07 SP 75302, France 75302 Paris 07 SP, France Tel.: (+33 1) 42 19 10 52 Fax: (+33 1) 42 19 14 68</p><p>Sous-direction des Affaires économiques Direction des Nations Unies et des Organisations internationales (NUOI) 37 quai d'Orsay Paris 07 SP 75700, France</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>63 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Représentation permanente de la France auprès du PNUE PO Box 41784 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>DNA- Monsieur le Directeur NFP M. Pablo Libreros CP Direction de la prévention des pollutions Ministère de l'Ecologie et du et des risques / Bureau des substances Développement Durable et préparations chimiques Direction de la Prévention des Pollutions Ministère de l'écologie et du et des Risques développement durable sous-direction des Produits et des 20 av. de Ségur Déchets Paris 07 SP 75302 BUREAU DES SUBSTANCES ET DES France PREPARATIONS CHIMIQUES Attn M. Mario Nichelatti 20, avenue de Ségur Phone +33 1 42 19 15 45 75302 PARIS 07 SP, France Fax +33 1 42 19 14 68 Tel: (+33 1) 42 19 15 42 e-mail Fax: (+33 1) 42 19 14 68 [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Direction générale de l'alimentation, P Sous-direction de la qualité et de la protection des végétaux Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'alimentation, de la pêche et des affaires rurales Bureau de la réglementation et de la mise sur le marché des intrants 251, rue de Vaugirard Paris CEDEX 15 75732, France</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>64 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Gabon (1,3) FP Directeur OCP Le Consul Honoraire OCP – Centre National Anti-Pollution Consulat honoraire du Gabon Ministère de l'Economie Forestière, des Hotel Intercontinental Eaux, de la Pêche, Charge de P.O.Box 30353 l'Environnement et de la Protection de la Nairobi, Kenya Nature B.P. 3241 Le Ministre d'Etat, Ministre des affaires Libreville, Gabon étrangères, de la coopération et de la Telephone: (241) 76 32 50 or 73 47 73 francophonie or 52 14 71 Ministère des affaires étrangères, de la Telefax: (241) 76 63 85 or 73 83 64 coopération et de la francophonie E-Mail: [email protected] or B.P. 2245, Gabon [email protected]</p><p>Ministre Ministère de l'Economie forestière, des Eaux, de la Pêche chargé de l'Environnement et de la Protection de la Nature B.P. 3974 Libreville, Gabon</p><p>Bureau du PNUD B.P. 2183 Libreville, Gabon</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>65 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Centre National Anti-Pollution DNA- Directeur Adjoint NFP Mr. Hubert Binga Ministère de l'Economie Forestière, des CP Centre National Anti-Pollution Directeur Adjoint Eaux, de la Pêche, Charge de Ministere de l'Economie Forestiere, des Centre National Anti-Pollution l'Environnement et de la Protection de la Eaux, de la Pêche, de l'Environnement, Ministère de l’Environnement Nature Chargé de la Protection de la Nature B. P. 3241 B.P. 3241 B.P. 3241 Libreville, Gabon Libreville, Gabon Libreville, Gabon Tel: (+241) 76 32 50 Telephone: (241) 76 32 50 Attn Dr. Hubert Binga Fax: (+241) 76 63 85 Telefax: (241) 76 63 85 Phone +241 76 3250 Fax +241 76 6385 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Gambia FP/CA The Executive Director OCP Permanent Secretary OCP Mr. Momodou B.S. CANTEH National Environment Agency Department of State for Fisheries & Director, Technical Services 5 Fitzgerald Street Water Resources National Environment Agency PMB 48 Marina Parade 5 Fitzgerald street Banjul, The Gambia Banjul, Gambia PMB 48, Banjul Telephone: (220) 22 80 56 The Gambia Telefax: (220) 22 97 01 Executive Director Tel.: (+220) 422 80 56 / E-Mail: [email protected] National HIV/AIDS Secretariat Fax: (+220) 422 97 01 5 Fitzgerald Street Banjul, Gambia</p><p>Secretary General Office of the President State House Banjul, Gambia</p><p>Permanent Secretary Department of State for Forestry & Environment State House Banjul, Gambia</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>66 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Resident Representative UNDP UN House Cape Point Bakau, Gambia</p><p>DNA- Executive Director NFP Mr. Momodou Sarr CP National Environment Agency Executive Director 5, J.R. Forster (Fitzgerald) Street National Environment Agency PMB 48 5 Fitzgerald Street Banjul, Gambia PMB 48 Phone +220 22 32 06 / 22 80 56 / 22 Banjul, Gambia 48 67 Tel: (+220) 422 4867/8056 Fax +220 22 97 01 Fax: (+220) 422 9701 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Georgia (2) FP/CA Deputy Head of Waste and Chemical OCP – OCP – Substances Management Department Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources 68 'a' Kostava Street 0171 Tbilisi, Georgia Telephone: (995 32) 33 36 84 Telefax: (995 32) 33 46 87 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>DNA – NFP Mr. Givi Kalandadze Deputy Head of Waste and Chemical Substances Management Department Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia 6 Gulua Street 0114, Tbilisi, Georgia. Tel: (+995 32) 752 130 Fax: (+995 32) 752 130</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>67 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Germany FP Federal Environmental Agency OCP The Minister for Foreign Affairs OCP/ Dr. Reiner Arndt Focal Point Basel Convention c/o The Permanent Mission of the NFP Head of Division Postfach 14 06 Federal Republic of Germany to UNEP Federal Ministry for the Environment, 06813 Dessau, Germany P.O. Box 30180 Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Telephone: (49 340) 21 03 34 59 Nairobi , Kenya Postfach/P.O.Box 12 06 29 Telefax: (49 340) 21 03 31 03 D 53048 Bonn, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: (+49 228) 305 2740 Fax: (+49 228) 305 3524</p><p>CA Umweltbundesamt DNA- Anmeldestelle NFP Coordinator: Focal Point Basel Convention CP Chemikaliengesetz/Zulassungsstelle Postfach 14 06 Biozide Dr. Klaus Günter Steinhäuser 06813 Dessau, Germany Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Deputy Director General Telephone: (49 340) 21 03 34 59 Arbeitsmedizin Federal Environmental Agency Telefax: (49 340) 21 03 31 03 Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25 Postfach 33 00 22 E-Mail: [email protected] Postrach 170202, postcode D44061 14191 Berlin (Competent Authority for Transit. Dortmund D-44149, Germany Germany Germany has designated 31 Competent Attn Ms. Ulrike Kowalski Tel.: (+49 30) 8903-3200 Authorities for Phone +49 231 9071 2516 Fax: (+49 30) 8903-3232 Export and Import. The list could be Fax +49 231 9071 2679 obtained from the Secretariat upon e-mail [email protected] request.)</p><p>DNA- Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Dr. Steffi Richter P Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) Federal Environmental Agency Abteilung Pfanzenschutzmittel Woerlitzer Park 1 Messeweg 11-12 06844 Dessau Braunschweig D-38104, Germany Germany Attn Ms. Mirijam Seng Tel: (+49 340) 2103 2375 Phone +49 531 299 36 14 Fax: (+49 340) 2104 2375 Fax + 49 531 299 30 05 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>68 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Ghana FP Chief Director OCP The Executive Director OCP – Ministry of Environment and Science Environmental Protection Agency Box MB 232 P.O. Box M 326 Accra, Ghana Accra, Ghana Telephone: (233 21) 67 33 36 Telefax: (233 21) 66 68 28 Minister E-Mail: [email protected] Ministry of Food and Agriculture P.O.Box M.37 Accra, Ghana</p><p>Minister Ministry of Environment and Science P.O. Box M 232 Accra, Ghana</p><p>Minister Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box M 53 Accra, Ghana</p><p>The Resident Representative United Nations Development Programme P.O. Box GP 1423 Accra, Ghana</p><p>CA – DNA- Executive Director NFP Mr. Edward Osei Nsenkyire CP Environmental Protection Agency Chief Director PO Box MB 326 Ministry of Environment and Science Accra, Ghana P.O. Box M.232 Phone +233 21 662693 Accra, Ghana Fax +233 21 66 26 90 Tel: (+233 21) 673 336/666 049 e-mail [email protected] Fax: (+233 21) 666 828</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>69 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Greece FP/CA Ministry of Environment, Physical OCP Director OCP – Planning and Public Works Department of Pesticide Patission 147 Ministry of Rural Development and Food 112 51 Athens, Greece General Directorate of Plant Produce Telephone: (30 1) 864 42 63 Directorate of Plant Protection Telefax: (30 1) 864 74 20 150, Sygrou ave. Athens 17671, Greece Attn Mr. Kafritsas Theofanis Phone +302109287238 Fax +302109212090 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>OCP/ Head of Division DNA- Division of Environment Section of P Dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles Ministry of Economy and Finance Directorate General General Chemical State Laboratory 16 an Tsoha Street Athens, Greece Attn Mr Dimitrios Tsichlis Phone +302 10 647 9451 Fax +302 10 646 6917 e-mail gxk- [email protected]</p><p>OCP Director Directorate of Environmental Protection Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1, Zalokostas str. Athens 10671, Greece Attn Chryssogelos Nikolaos Phone +30210 3683230 Fax +30210 3683234</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>70 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Agronomist NFP – P Department of Pesticides Ministry of Agriculture Gen. Directorate of Plant Produce Directorate of Plant Produce Protection 3-5 Ippocratus Street Athens 101 64, Greece Attn Dionysios Charalambus Vlachos Phone +30 210 212 4563 Fax +30 210 361 7103 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Guatemala (2,3) FP Ministro de Ambiente y Recursos OCP – OCP – Naturales Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales 2a. Avenida 4-17 Zona 10 16001 Guatemala Guatemala Telephone: (502 2) 348 00 00 Telefax: (502 2) 348 05 50 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>CA Viceministro de Recursos Naturales DNA – NFP – Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales 20 Calle 28-58 Zona 10 Edificio MARN, Guatemala Telephone: (502) 512 25 54 or 990 08 90 Telefax: (502) 385 69 23 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>71 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Guinea (3) FP Directrice National de l'Environnement OCP Ingénieur Chimiste, Chef de Division OCP/ Mme. Diallo Halimatou Tandeta et Chef de la Division Pollutions Contrôle des Produits Chimiques NFP Directrice Nationale Adjointe Ministère de l'Energie et de Direction National de la Prévention et de Ministère de l’Environnement l'Environnement la Lutte contre les Pollutions et B.P. 761, Conakry, République de Giunée Direction Nationale de l'Environnement Nuisances Tel: (+224) 63 40 75 B.P. 3118 BP 761 Fax: (+224) 46 84 56 Conakry, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Telephone: (224) 41 46 16 Attn M Bangaly Dioumessy Telefax: (224) 41 47 21 Phone +224 60 29 7755 E-Mail: [email protected] e-mail [email protected]</p><p>CA – DNA- Chef de Division Protection des P Végétaux Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Elevage B.P. 576 Conakry, Guinea Attn Mr. Moriba Pivi Phone +224 41 1910 / 41 4260 / 29 6920 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Directeur National Adjoint CP Direction Nationale Controle Qualite de Vie Ministère de l'Environnement Quartier Lanseboundji Matam B.P. 761 Conakry, Guinea Attn Mr. Bademba Labbo Sow Phone +224 29 5297 / 4685 Fax +224 46 8546 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>72 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Guinea-Bissau (2,3) FP Directeur des Services de OCP – OCP – l'Environnement Urbaine et Point Focal de la Convention de Bâle Direction Generale de l'Environnement Boite Postale 399 Bissau, Guinée-Bissau Telephone: (245) 722 56 44 Telefax: (245) 20 17 53 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA DNA – NFP M. Ernesto Augusto Pereira Direction Générale de l’Environnement Ministerio dos Recursos Naturales B.P. 399 Bissau, Guinée-Bissau Tel: (+245) 664 0959/660 3927 (Mob) Fax: (+245) 20 17 53/20 11 68</p><p>Guyana (2,3) FP Director, Environmental Management OCP – OCP – Division Environmental Protection Agency IAST Building UG Campus, Turkeyen Greater Georgetown, Guyana Telephone: (592) 222 57 84 Telefax: (592) 222 24 42 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP –</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>73 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Haiti (1,2,3) FP Ingénieur attaché à la Direction OCP – OCP – technique du Ministère de l'Environnement 181, avenue Jean Paul II Haut de Turgeau Port-au-Prince, Haiti Telephone: (509) 409 19 77 or 245 06 35 or 245 39 09 Telefax: (509) 245 73 60 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP Dr. Marie Alice Limage Ministry of Environment Haut Turgeau # 181 Port-au-Prince, Haiti Tel: (+509) 245 06 35 Fax: (+509) 245 73 60</p><p>Honduras (2) FP Directora General OCP – OCP – Centro de Estudio y Control de Contaminantes (CESCCO) Edificio CESCCO, Barrio Morazan, Frente a Central de Bomberos Tegucigalpa AMDC, Honduras Telephone: (504) 239 01 94 or 231 10 06 or 232 6317 Telefax: (504) 239 09 54 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>74 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA – DNA – NFP Ms. Danelia Sabillón Rodriguez, Ph.D Directora General del Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes (CESCCO) Secretaria de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente 100 metros al Sur del Estadio Nacional Honduras Tel: (+504) 239 0194 / 231 1006 Fax: (+504) 239 0954</p><p>Hungary (3) FP Ministry for Environment OCP The Secretary of State Chairman OCP – Fö u. 44-50 Hungarian National Committee for UN H-1011 Budapest Food and Agricultural Agencies Hungary Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Telephone: (36 1) 457 35 73 Development Telefax: (36 1) 201 24 91 Kossuth Lajos-tér 11 E-Mail: [email protected] Budapest V 1860, Hungary</p><p>The Director General Department of International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bem rkp. 47 P.O. Box 423 Budapest 62 1394, Hungary</p><p>Permanent Mission of the Republic of Hungary to UNEP Ole Odume Road P.O. Box 61146 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>75 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Chief Inspector DNA- The Director NFP Mr. Maté Kovács National Inspectorate for Environment P Central Service for Plant Protection and Councillor and Nature Conservation Soil Consevation Environment Department Fö u. 44-50 Budaorsi út 141-145 Ministry of Environment and Water H-1011 Budapest, Hungary Budapest H-1118 1011 Budapest Telephone: (36 1) 457 35 45 Hungary Fö utca 44-50, Hungary Telefax: (36 1) 201 42 82 Phone +36 1 309 1040 Tel.: (+36 1) 457 3300/639 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +36 1 309 1074 Fax: (+36 1) 201 3056 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Director General C National Institute of Chemical Safety 1096 Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 2. P.O. Box 36 Budapest H-1450 Hungary Attn Dr. Tettinger Antal Phone +361 476 1158 Fax +361 216 9907 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Iceland (2) FP/CA Environmental and Food Agency of OCP/ – OCP/ Dr. Stefan Einarsson Iceland DNA NFP Project Manager P.O. Box 8080 Environment and Food Agency Armuli 1a Sudurlandsbraut 24 IS-128 Reykjavík, Iceland 108 Reykjavik, Iceland Telephone: (354) 585 10 00 Tel.: (+354) 591 20 00 Telefax: (354) 585 10 10 Fax: (+354) 591 20 20 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>76 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency India FP Joint Secretary OCP The Joint Secretary (PA-I) to the OCP – Hazardous Substances Management Government of India Division Ministry of Environment & Forests Ministry of Environment and Forests CGO Complex, Lodhi Road Paryavaran Bhawan New Delhi 110003, India CGO Complex, Lodi Road Phone +91 11 24360634 New Delhi 110 003, India Fax +91 11 24363577 Telephone: (91 11) 24 36 06 34 Telefax: (91 11) 24 36 35 77 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA Secretary to the Government of India DNA- Joint Secretary (Chemicals) NFP Mr. Shri R.K. Vaish Ministry of Environment and Forests C Department of Chemicals & Joint Secretary CGO Complex, Lodi Road Petrochemicals Ministry of Environment & Forests New Delhi 110 003, India Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers Government of India Telephone: (91 11) 24 36 07 21 or 24 36 Government of India Paryavaran Bhawan 18 96 Room N° 341, A-Wing, Shastri Bhawan CGO Complex, Lodhi Road Telefax: (91 11) 436 06 78 New Delhi 110 001, India New Delhi – 110003, India E-Mail: [email protected] Attn Shri Kumaresh C. Misra Tel: (+91 11) 2436 0634 Phone +91 11 23381573 Fax: (+91 11) 2436 3577 Fax +91 11 23073050 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Director (Plant Protection) P Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Plant Protection Division Room No. 228-A, Krishi havan Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road New Delhi 110 001, India Attn Mr. Amit Jha Fax +91 11 233 81385 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>77 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Indonesia (2,3) FP Deputy Minister for Toxic and Hazardous OCP – OCP Mr. Ilham Malik Substances and Wastes Management Deputy Assistant for Administration of Ministry of Environment Hazardous Waste Control C Building 1st floor Ministry of Environment Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav 24 2 nd floor, Building C Jakarta 13410, Indonesia Jl. DI Panjaitan Kav. 24 Telephone: (62 21) 85 90 56 37 Jakarta 13410, Indonesia Telefax: (62 21) 85 90 56 37 Tel.: (+62 21) 8591 11 14 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (+62 21) 851 47 63</p><p>CA Ministry of Environment DNA – NFP Mr. Moh Gempur Adnan C Building 1st floor Deputy for Environmental Pollution Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav 24 Ministry of Environment Jakarta 13410, Indonesia 5th Floor, Building A Telephone: (62 21) 85 90 56 37 Jl. D.I. Pandjaitan, Kebun Nanas Telefax: (62 21) 85 90 56 37 Jakarta 13410, Indonesia Tel: (+62 21) 858 0110/0067 Fax: (+62 21) 852 0763/851 8135</p><p>Iran (Islamic FP/CA Deputy Head for Human Environment OCP The Minister for Agriculture OCP Mr. Gholamhossein Dehghani Republic of) Department of the Environment Ministry of Agriculture Secretary of the National Authority for East-West Resalat Highway Hihad Conventions on Chemicals Pardison Natural Park Keshavarz Blv. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Center of Research Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of) United Nations Avenue, Building No. 8.2 Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran Imam Sq. Telephone: (98 21) 88 26 79 91 UNDP Office Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran Telefax: (98 21) 88 26 79 90 P.O. Box 15875-4557 Tel.: (+98 21) 6115 4336 E-Mail: [email protected] Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of) Fax: (+98 21) 667 400 94</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>78 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency The Director Office of International Mr. Nassereddin Heidari Organizations Deputy of the National Authority for c/o Permanent Mission of Iran to UNEP Conventions on Chemicals Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 49170 United Nations Avenue, Building No. 8.2 Nairobi, Kenya Imam Sq., Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran Tel.: (+98 21) 7615 4421 Fax: (+98 21) 6674 0094</p><p>DNA- Director NFP The Secretariat P Plant Protection Organization National Authority for Chemical Ministry of Agriculture Conventions Jihad Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the I.R. of 2 Yemen st., Evin Iran 19395/4568 United Nations Avenue Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of) Building No. 8.2, Imam sa. Attn Mr. Ali Alizadeh Aliabadi Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of Phone +9821 240 2712 Tel: (+98 21) 6115 4336/4363 Fax +9821 240 3197 Fax: (+98 21) 6674 00 94 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Director General C Department of Environment The Water & Soil Pollution Investigation Bureau Pardisan Park Hemmat Expressway Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of) Attn dr. Soroush Modabberi Phone +98 21 826 7991 Fax +98 21 826 4003 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>79 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Iraq (1,2,3) FP – OCP – OCP Dr. Hussian H. Kharnoob Consultant Ministry of Environment Baghdad, Iraq Tel.: (+964 7) 901 657 311</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP Dr. Kifah Kadim Abdul Rahman Al Naimi Division of Chemical Protection and Improvement Office of Protection & Promotion Ministry of Health P.O. Box 61294/10062 Baghdad, Iraq Tel: (+964 1) 415 84 11 Fax: (+964 1) 885 23 41/886 20 73</p><p>Ireland (3) FP Waste Management Section OCP The Secretary OCP – Department of the Environment and Department of Foreign Affairs Local Government EU Multilateral Policy Custom House Bishop's Square Dublin 1, Ireland Redmonds Hill Telephone: (353 1) 888 20 00 Dublin 2, Ireland Telefax: (353 1) 888 20 14 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>80 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Environmental Protection Agency DNA- Inspector, Grade III NFP – P.O. Box 3000 C Hazardous Substances Assessment Unit Johnstown Castle Estate Health and Safety Authority Co. Wexford, Ireland 10 Hogan Place Telephone: (353 53) 606 00 Dublin 2, Ireland Telefax: (353 53) 606 99 Attn Dr. Gabi Christ E-Mail: [email protected] Phone +353 1 614 7028 (Competent Authority of Destination and Fax +353 1 616 7017 Transit) e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Head of Service P Department of Agriculture and Food Pesticide Control Service Backweston Campus Young's Cross Celbridge Co. Kildare, Ireland Attn Dr. Mark Lynch Phone +353 1 6157616 Fax +353 1 615 7575 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Israel (2,3) FP/CA Head, Hazardous Substances Division OCP – OCP Dr. Gilly Zimand Ministry of Environment Deputy Director, Division of Hazardous P.O. Box 34033 Substances Jerusalem 91340, Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection Telephone: (972 2) 655 37 65/6 P.O. Box 34033 Telefax: (972 2) 655 37 63 Jerussalem 95464, Israel E-Mail: [email protected] Tel.: (+972 2) 655 37 66 Fax: (+972 2) 655 37 63</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>81 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA – NFP Ministry of Environment 5 Kanfei Nesharim P.O. Box 34033 Jerusalem 95464, State of Israel Tel: (+972 2) 655 3745 Fax: (+972 2) 655 37 52</p><p>Italy (3) FP/CA Department for Wastes OCP DGCE-Coordinamento FAO/IFAD/PAM OCP/ Ms. Federica Fricano Ministry for the Environment and Ministerio degli Affari Esteri NFP Director General office Territory Roma 00194 Department for Environmental Research Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44 Italy and Development 00147 Roma, Italy Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44 Telephone: (39 06) 57 22 52 16 00144 Roma, Italy Telefax: (39 06) 57 22 52 92 Tel.: (+39 6) 572 281 48 / E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (+39 6) 572 281 73</p><p>DNA- Dirigente I Livello CP Direzione Generale della Prevenzione Sanitaria, Uff. IV Ministero della Salute Via della Civilta Romana 7 Rome 00144, Italy Attn Dr. Pietro Pistolese Phone +39 06 59 94 3439 Fax +39 06 59 94 3554 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>82 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Researcher Departimento di Ambiente e Connessa Prevenzione Primaria Istituto Superiore di Sanita Via Regina Elena, 299 Rome 00161, Italy Attn Dr. Leonello Attias Phone +39 06 499 020 61 Fax +39 06 493 871 70 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Jamaica (3) FP Director, Projects and Enforcement OCP Minister for Agriculture OCP – Ministry of Land and Environment Ministry of Agriculture 16A Half-Way-Tree Road Hope Gardens Kingston 5, Jamaica P.O. Box 480 Telephone: (1 876) 960 56 32-3 Kingston 6, Jamaica Telefax: (1 876) 920 72 67 E-Mail: [email protected] or Ministry of Land and Environment [email protected] 16 A Half Way Tree Road Kingston 6, Jamaica Phone +1 876 9204081 Fax +1 876 929 6005</p><p>UNDP Office P.O. Box 280 Kingston 5, Jamaica</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>83 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency The Minister for External Affairs and Foreign Trade c/o Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the United Nations 767 Third Avenue, 9th Floor New York NY 10017, United States of America Phone +212 935 7509 Fax +212 935 7607</p><p>CA Manager, Pollution Prevention and DNA- Registrar NFP Ms. Gillian Guthrie Control Branch CP Pesticides Control Authority Director, Projects and Enforcement The National Environment and Planning Ministry of Health Ministry of Local Government and Agency Fourth Floor Environment 10 Caledonia Avenue 2-4 King Street 16A Half Way Three Road Kingston 5, Jamaica Kingston, Jamaica Kingston 5, Jamaica Telephone: (1 876) 754 75 70 Attn Mrs. Hyacinth Chin Sue Tel: (+1 876) 960 5632 2 Telefax: (1 876) 754 75 94 Phone +1 876 967 1281 Fax: (+1 876) 920 7267 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +1 876 967 1285 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Japan FP Director, Global Environment Division OCP Environment Officer OCP Ms. Mai Inamura International Cooperation Department Special Agency Section Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Permanent Mission of Japan to the Global Environmental Division, Ministry 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku International Organisations in Geneva of Foreign Affairs Tokyo 100-8919, Japan Chemin des Fins 3 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Telephone: (81 3) 55 01 82 45 Case Postale 337 Tokyo 100-8919 Telefax: (81 3) 55 01 82 44 1211 Genève 19, Switzerland Japan E-Mail: [email protected] or Tel.: (+81 3) 5501 8245 [email protected] Fax: +81 (3) 5501 8245</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>84 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency OCP/ Director Environment Officer DNA- Global Environmental Division, Global Permanent Mission of Japan in Geneva CP Issues Department 3 chemin des Fins Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku P.O. Box 337 Tokyo 100-8919, Japan Geneva, Switzerland Attn Mr. Hideo Fukushima Tel.: (+41 22) 717 31 11 Phone +81 3 5501 8245 Fax: (+41 22) 788 38 11 Fax +81 3 6402 8244 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>CA Director, Office of Waste Disposal NFP Global Environment Division Management Multilateral Co-operation Department Waste Management and Recycling Foreign Policy Bureau Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Environment 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chioda-ku 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8919, Japan Tokyo 100-8975, Japan Tel: (+81 3) 5501 8245 Telephone: (81 3) 55 01 31 57 Fax: (+81 3) 5501 8244 Telefax: (81 3) 35 93 82 64 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Mr. Masaya OKUYAMA First Secretary Permanent Mission of Japan to UNOG Chemin des Fins 3 Case Postale 337 1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 717 33 51 Fax: (+41 22) 717 37 20</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>85 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Jordan FP/CA The Secretary General OCP The Minister of Planning and OCP – Ministry of Environment International Cooperation P.O. Box 1408 Ministry of Planning and International Amman 11941, Jordan Cooperation Telephone: (962 6) 535 01 49 or 534 58 P.O. Box 1408 48 Amman 11118, Jordan Telefax: (962 6) 535 00 84 E-Mail: [email protected] or The Minister of Environment [email protected] Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 1408 Amman 11941, Jordan</p><p>The Minister of Foreign Affairs International Relations and Organizations Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 35217 Amman, Jordan</p><p>DNA- Director NFP Eng. Faris Al Junaidi P Department of Plant Protection Secretary General Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Environment Queen Rania Street Queen Rania Street Ministry of Agriculture P.O. Box 1408 Amman, Jordan Amman-11941, Jordan Attn Mr. Mahmoud Al-Khtoom Tel: (+962 6) 556 01 13 Phone +962 6 5686151 Fax: (+962 6) 556 0288 Fax +962 6 5686310 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>86 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Director C Environmental Health Directorate Ministry of Health PO Box 86 Amman, Jordan Attn Eng. Salah Al-Heyari Phone +962 6 565 0626 Fax +962 6 666147 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Kazahkstan (2,3) FP – OCP – OCP Mr. Alzhan Braliyev Vice-Minister Ministry of Environmental Protection Ministries House 35 street, 8 Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: (+7 3172) 74 00 73 Fax: (+7 3172) 74 08 02</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP Mr. Marat Ishankulov Chairman of the International Environmental Conventions Committee National Environmental Centre for Sustainable Development Ministry of Environmental Protection 38, Bukei Khan Street St. 473000 Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan Tel: (+7 3172) 59 25 50 Fax: (+7 3172) 59 25 50 </p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>87 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Kenya FP The Permanent Secretary OCP UNDP Office OCP – Ministry of Environment and Natural P.O. Box 30218 Resources Nairobi, Kenya P.O. Box 30126 Nairobi, Kenya The Honourable Minister Telephone: (254 2) 73 08 00 or 254 20 Ministry of Agriculture 252 Kilimo House, Cathedral Road Telefax: (254 2) 71 00 15 or 254 20 2 P.O. Box 30028, Kenya E-Mail: Fax +254 02 316231 [email protected] e-mail [email protected]</p><p>The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kenya to UNEP Permanent Mission of Kenya to UNEP P.O. Box 41395 Nairobi, Kenya Fax +254 02 215105 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>The Director General National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) P.O. Box 67839 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>88 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA The Director General DNA- The Director NFP Mr. KIHUMBA Njuguna F. National Environment Management C National Environment Secretariat Ministry of Environment and Natural Authority Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 67839-00200 Resources P.O. Box 67839 Nairobi, Kenya Bruce House, 13th Floor Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: (254 2) 60 90 13 or 60 90 22 P.O. Box 67839 Tel: (+254 20) 376 04 61 E-Mail: [email protected] Nairobi, Kenya Fax: (+254 20) 376 04 61 Phone +254 2 24 30 88 Fax +254 2 24 88 52</p><p>DNA- The Secretary P Pest Control Products Board Westlands P.O. Box 13794-00800 Nairobi, Kenya Attn Mr. Samuel Gachanja Phone +254 020 4446115 Fax +254 020 4449072 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Kiribati (2) FP Permanent Secretary OCP  OCP – Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development P.O. Box 234 Bikenibeu, Tarawa Kiribati Telephone: (686) 285 93 or 285 07 or 280 00 Telefax: (686) 283 34</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>89 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA – DNA – NFP Mr. Tukabu Teroroko Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment Lands and Agriculture Development P.O Box 234 Bikenibeu, Tarawa, Kiribati Tel: (+686) 28000, 285933 Fax: (+686 28334</p><p>Kuwait FP/CA Director General OCP Counsellor, Permanent Representative OCP – Environment Public Authority of the State of Kuwait to F.A.O P.O. Box 24395 viale Aventino, 36 -int.8 Safat 13104, Kuwait Rome 00153, Italy Telephone: (965) 482 05 80 Attn Prof. Lamya Ahmad Al-Saqqaf Telefax: (965) 482 05 70 E-Mail: [email protected] Head of the directorate of Research and Nurseries Public Authority of Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources Kuwait, Kuwait Attn Mr. Faisal Yousef Al-Sadeegi Phone +965 4723408 Fax +965 4735096</p><p>DNA- The Director NFP Mr. Ali Haider P Plant Wealth Department Director General Public Authority for Agriculture & Fish Environment Public Authority Resources P.O. Box 24395 Safat Safat 13104, Kuwait P.O. Box 21422 Tel: +965 482 05 80 Kuwait 13075, Kuwait Fax: +965 482 05 70 Phone +965 472 45 94 / 474 35 38 Fax +965 473 50 96</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>90 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Director General CP Environment Public Authority Safat P.O. Box 24395 Kuwait 13104, Kuwait Attn Dr. Jasem Besharah Phone +965 482 0590 / 0580 Fax +965 482 0570 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Kyrgyzstan FP/CA The Ozone Center under Ministry of OCP The Minister of Foreign Affairs OCP – Ecology and Emergency Situations of Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Kyrgyz Dzerhinsky Ave. 54 Republic Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Toktonalieva str., #2/1, #109 Bishkek 720055 Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Kyrgyz Republic Republic to the United Nations Telephone: (996 312) 42 72 80 or 54 88 866 United Nations Plaza 52 Suite 477 Telefax: (996 312) 54 88 53 New York NY 10017, United States of E-Mail: [email protected] America Phone +212 486 4214 Fax +212 482 5259</p><p>DNA- Assistant, Ozone Center NFP Mr. K. Ch. Djanuzakov CP Ozone Centre Deputy Minister Ministry of Ecology and Emergency Ministry of Ecology and Emergency Situations 2/1 Toktonalieva Str. Toktonalieva str., 2/1, 4th floor Bishkek 720055, Kyrgyz Republic Bishkek 720055, Kyrgyzstan Fax: (+996 312) 541 177 Attn Mr. Myrsaliev Narynbek Phone +996 312 427280 Fax +996 312 548853 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>91 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Lao People’s FP  OCP  OCP  Democratic Republic (1,2) CA  DNA – NFP Mrs. Monemany Nhoybouakong Acting Director General Environment Research Institute (ERI) Vientiane, Lao PDR Tel: (+856 21) 213 470 Fax: (+856 21) 213 472</p><p>Latvia FP/CA Environmental Protection Department OCP Permanent Representative of the OCP – Ministry of Environment Republic of Latvia to the United Nations 25, Peldu Str. 333 East 50th Street, LV 1494 Riga, Latvia New York, NY 10022 Telephone: (371) 702 65 15 United States of America Telefax: (371) 782 04 42 Phone (212) 838-8877 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax (212) 838-8920</p><p>Senior Officer Environmental Protection Department, Technology Division Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Latvia Peldu street 25 Riga LV.1494, Latvia Attn Mr. Zane Gedrovica Phone +371 7026511 Fax +371 7820442 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>The Minister for Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Republikas laukums 2 Riga LV-1841, Latvia</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>92 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Head of Chemicals Department NFP Ms. Ingrida Apene CP Chemicals Department Senior Desk Officer The Latvian Environment, Geology and Department of Environmental Protection Meteorology agency Ministry of Environmental Protection Maskavas Iela 165 and Regional Development Riga LV-1019, Latvia 25 Peldu Str., Attn Mr Arnis Ludborzs LV-1494, Riga, Latvia Phone +371 714 6138 Tel: (+371) 702 6508 Fax +371 714 5154 Fax: (+371) 782 0442 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Lebanon FP Acting Chief of Service of Prevention OCP Le Ministre des affaires étrangères et OCP – from Technological Impacts and Natural des émigrés Disasters Ministère des affaires étrangères Ministry of Environment Palais Bustros, Achrafieh Lazarieh Building - 7th floor (Room 7-42) Beyrouth, Lebanon P.O. Box 11-2727 Beirut, Lebanon The Prime Minister and Minister for Telephone: (961 1) 97 65 12 or 97 65 55 Foreign Affairs Ext. 412 c/o The Permanent Representative of Telefax: (961 1) 97 65 30 Lebanon to the United Nations E-Mail: [email protected] 866 United Nations Plaza, Room 531 533 New York NY 10017, United States of America Phone +212 355 5460 Fax +212 838 2819</p><p>Honorary Consul of Lebanon Maendeleo Building University Way P.O. Box 55303 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>93 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Directorate General of Environment DNA- Plant Protection Department-Plant NFP Department of Prevention from Ministry of Environment P Resources Directorate Technological Impacts and Risks Lazarieh Building - 7th floor (Room 7-42) Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 11-2727 Beir Hassan - Embassies Street P.O. Box 70-1091 Beirut, Lebanon Beirut, Lebanon Antelias, Lebanon Telephone: (961 1) 97 65 12 or 97 65 55 Attn Eng. Imad Nahhal Tel: (+961 4) 522 222 Ext. 500 Phone +961 1 84 96 39 Fax: (+961 4) 524 555 Telefax: (961 1) 97 65 30 Fax +961 1 84 96 27 E-Mail: [email protected] e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Lesotho (2) FP Senior Environment Officer - Pollution OCP  OCP – Control P.O. Box 10993 Maseru 100, Lesotho Telephone: (266 22) 31 17 67 Telefax: (266 22) 31 11 39 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA Ministry of Tourism, Environment and DNA – NFP Mr. Thabo Ts’asanyane Culture Senior Environment Officer Pollution P.O. Box 52 Control Maseru 100, Lesotho Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Telephone: (266 22) 31 30 34 Culture Telefax: (266 22) 31 01 94 P.O. Box 10993 Maseru 100, Lesotho Tel: (+266 22) 311 767 Fax: (+266 22) 310 194</p><p>Liberia FP/CA – OCP The Minister for Foreign Affairs OCP – c/o the Honorary Consulate General of Liberia P.O. Box 6095 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>94 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency UNDP Office P.O. Box 274 Monrovia, Liberia</p><p>Minister for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mamba Point Monrovia, Liberia</p><p>DNA- Director NFP Mr. Henry O. Williams CP Division of Environmental and Deputy Executive Director Occupational Health Environment Protection Agency Ministry of Health and Social Welfare 4th street Sinkor P.O. Box 10-9009 P.O. Box 4024 Monrovia-10 1000, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia Attn Mr. D. Omarley Yeabah Tel: GSM (231) 6 587 734 Phone +231 22 2633 / 4221 Fax: +31205407127 V-Sat fax line e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Libyan Arab FP Environment General Authority (EGA) OCP Minister of Environment OCP  Jamahiriya P.O. Box 83618 People's committee of Environment El-Gheran General Authority (EGA) Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Trípoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Telephone: (218 21) 484 00 45 Phone +218 21 4870266 Telefax: (218 21) 483 99 91 Fax +218 21 4839991 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>95 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency The Secretary of the General People's Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Secretariat, General People's Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Trípoli Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</p><p>Secretary of People's Committee Environment General Authority Gheran P.O. Box 83618 Trípoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Attn Dr. Abdul-Hakim Elwaer Phone +218 21 487 0266 Fax +218 21 487 1590 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>The General People's Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation P.O. Box 47190 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>CA – DNA- The Director NFP – P General Directorate of Plant Protection and Quarantine Secretariat of Agriculture P.O. Box 351 Trípoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Phone +218 21 391 41</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>96 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Liechtenstein FP/CA Head of the Office for the Protection of OCP Le Ministre pour les affaires étrangères OCP – Waters Ministère pour les affaires étrangères Amt für Gewässerschutz Regierungsgebäude (Office for the Protection of Waters) Vaduz FL9490, Liechtenstein Städtle 38 FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein Monsieur le Directeur Telephone: (075) 236 61 90 Bureau des affaires étrangères Telefax: (075) 236 61 99 Vaduz FL 9490, Liechtenstein E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>DNA – NFP Ms. Ines Schachenhofer Amt fur Umweltschutz Industriestrasse 3 FL-9495 Triesen, Liechtenstein</p><p>Lithuania FP Ministry of Environment OCP/ Head of Chemical Substances Division OCP Ms. Marija Teriosina A. Jaksto 4/9 DNA- Chemical Substances Division Head of Chemical Substances Divsion LT-2624 Vilnius, Lithuania CP Ministry of Environment Ministry of Environment Telephone: (370 52) 66 34 92 A. Jaksto St. 4/9 A. Jaksto Str. 4/9 Telefax: (370 52) 66 36 63 Vilnius LT-01105, Lithuania 01105 Vilnius, Lithuania E-Mail: [email protected] Attn Mrs. Marija Teriosina Tel.: +370 (5) 266 35 01 Phone +370 5 266 3501 Fax: +370 (5) 266 3502 Fax +370 5 266 3502 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>CA State Environmental Protection DNA- Chief Specialist of Information Division NFP – Inspectorate CP Environmental Protection Agency A. Juozapavičiaus st 9 A.Juozapaviciaus St 9 LT-09311 Vilnius, Lithuania Vilnius LT-09311, Lithuania Telephone: (370 52) 72 84 79 Attn Mr. Vytautas Danilevicius Telefax: (370 52) 72 27 66 Phone +370 5 261 22 76 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +370 5 266 28 00 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>97 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Luxembourg FP Ministère de l'Environnement OCP Le Ministre des affaires étrangères OCP – 18, Montée de la Pétrusse Ministère des affaires étrangères L-2918 Luxembourg B.P. 1602 Luxembourg Luxembourg, Luxembourg Telephone: (352) 478 68 43 Telefax: (352) 40 04 10 Le Ministre de l'Environnement E-Mail: [email protected] 18, Montée de la Petrusse Luxembourg-ville 2918, Luxembourg</p><p>Ministère des affaires étrangères Direction II B.P. 1602 Luxembourg, Luxembourg</p><p>Le Vice-Premier Ministre, Ministre des affaires étrangères et du commerce extérieur Ministère des affaires étrangères et du commerce extérieur 5, rue Notre Dame Luxembourg, Luxembourg</p><p>CA Administration de l'Environnement DNA – NFP M. Frank Thewes 16, rue Eugène Ruppert Administration de l’Environnement L-2453 Luxembourg Division Air/Bruit Telephone: (352) 40 56 56 506 16, rue Ruppert Telefax: (352) 49 62 56 L-2453 Luxembourg E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: (+352) 40 56 56-646 Fax: (+352) 48 50 78</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>98 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Madagascar FP Point Focal National de la Convention de OCP Ministre des affaires étrangères OCP – Bâle Ministère des affaires étrangères Ministère de l'Environnement, des Eaux B.P. 836 et Forêts Antananaviro ANOSJ 101, Madagascar B.P. 571 - Ampandrianomby Antananarivo 101, Madagascar Ministère de l'environnement Telephone: (261 20) 226 45 82 or B.P. 571 (261 33) 118 16 76 (Mobile) Ampandrianomby, Antananaviro 101 Telefax: (261 20) 224 19 19 Madagascar E-Mail: [email protected] or Phone +261 20 22 409 08 [email protected] Fax +261 20 22 419 19</p><p>Bureau du PNUD B.P. 1348 Antananarivo 101, Madagascar</p><p>The Honorary Consul Consulate of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar AACC Building, Waiyaki Way P.O. Box 14205 - 00800 Westlands, Nairobi Kenya</p><p>CA Monsieur le Ministre de l'Environnement DNA- Directeur NFP Mme. RAKOTOARISETRA Haritiana des Eaux et Forêts CP Legislation de conventions et de la Ministère de l'environnement Ministère de l'Environnement, des Eaux cooperation internationale Boîte postale 571 et Forêts Ministère de l'environnement, des eaux Ampandrianomby B.P. 571 - Ampandrianomby et forêts 101 Antananarivo Antananarivo 101, Madagascar B.P. 571 Ampandrianomby Madagascar Telephone: (261 20) 224 09 08 Antananarivo 101, Madagascar Tel: (+261 20) 2022 524 87 Telefax: (261 20) 224 19 19 Attn Mr. Ratsimisaraka Thelesphore Fax: (+261 20) 2022 524 87 E-Mail: [email protected] Phone 261 20 22 524 87 Fax 261 20 22 419 19 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>99 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Monsieur le Directeur Général Mme. RABEARISOA Volanirina P Office national pour l'environnement Ministère de l'environnement Av. Rainilaiarivony Boîte postale 571, Ampandrianomby B.P. 822 101 Antananarivo Antananarivo, Madagascar Madagascar Phone +261 20 22 259 99 Tel: (+261 20) 22 593 40 Fax +261 20 22 306 93 Fax: (+261 20) 22 593 40/419 19 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Malawi (2,3) FP/CA  OCP/  OCP/ Mr. Lyson John Kampira DNA NFP Principal Environmental Officer Environmental Affairs Department Private Bag 394 Lilongwe 3, Malawi Tel: (+265 1) 771 111 Fax: (+265 1) 771 279</p><p>Malaysia (3) FP/CA The Director General OCP Under Secretary OCP Dr. Lian Kok Feii Department of Environment Conservation and Environmental Undersecretary Ministry of Natural Resources and Management Division Conservation and Environmental Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and Management Division, Ministry of Level 1-4, Podium Block 2 & 3 Environment Natural Resources and Environment Lot 4G3, Presint 4 Level 6, Tower Block 4G3, Precint4 Federal Government Administrative Federal Government Administrative Federal Government Administrative Centre Centre Centre 6th floor, Tower Block 4G3, Precinct 4 62574 Putrajaya, Malaysia Putrajaya 62574, Malaysia 62574 Putrajaya, Malaysia Telephone: (60 3) 88 85 82 00 Phone +603 8886 1125/1129 Tel.: (+603) 8886 1125 Telefax: (60 3) 88 88 99 87 Fax +603 8888 4473 Fax: (+603) 8888 4473 E-Mail: [email protected] e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>100 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Secretary OCP/ Dr. Nazri Yahaya P Pesticides Control Division, Department NFP Deputy Under Secretary of Agriculture Conservation and Environmental Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Management Division Industry Ministry of Natural Resources and Jalan Gallagher Environment Kuala Lumpur 50480, Malaysia 6th Floor, Tower Block 4G3, Precint 4 Phone +603 2697 7220 Federal Government Administrative Fax +603 26977225 Center e-mail [email protected] 62574 Putrajaya, Malaysia Tel: (+603) 8886 1129 Fax: (+603) 8888 4473 DNA- The Director-General of Environment C Department of Environment Hazardous Substances Division Level 1-4 Podium Block 2 & 3 Lot 4G3, Presint 4 Federal Government Administrative Centre Putrajaya 62662, Malaysia Phone +603 8871 2000 ext 2117 Fax +603 888 9 1937 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Maldives FP/CA The Deputy Minister OCP Deputy Minister OCP  Ministry of Environment, Energy and Ministry of Environment, Energy and Water Water Huravee Building 3rd. Floor, FEN Building Ameer Ahmed Magu Ameenee Magu Male 20-05, Republic of Maldives Male, Maldives Telephone: (960) 332 48 61 Attn Mr. Abdullahi Majeed Telefax: (960) 332 22 86 Phone +960 3324861 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +960 3322286</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>101 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA – NFP –</p><p>Mali FP Directeur National Adjoint OCP Direction Nationale de l'Assainissement OCP/ M. Lamine Thera Direction Nationale de l'Assainissement et du et du Contrôle des Pollutions et des NFP Point Focal de la Convention de Contrôle des Pollutions et des Nuisances Nuisances Stockholm sur les POPs BP E-3114 BP.E 3114 Direction Nationale de l’Assainissement Bamako, Mali Bamako, Mali et du Contrôle des Pollutions et des Telephone: (223) 229 24 10 or 229 38 04 or 672 03 81 Phone +223 229 24 10 Nuisances Telefax: (223) 229 50 90 Fax +223 229 50 90 BP. E 3114 E-Mail: [email protected] or e-mail [email protected] Bamako, Mali [email protected] Tel: (+223) 229 2410 Fax: (+223) 229 5090</p><p>Division Contrôle des Pollutions et Nuisances B.P. E 3114 Mali Phone +223 229 24 10 Fax +223 229 50 90</p><p>Direction des Affaires Juridiques Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération Internationale Bamako, Mali Phone +223 222 37 43 Fax +223 222 52 26 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>102 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Assainissement Bamako, Mali Phone +223 229 51 68 Fax +223 229 51 70 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Directeur C Laboratoire National de la Santé Ministère de la Santé B.P. 232 Bamako, Mali Attn Prof. Gaoussou Kanouté Phone +223 2224770 Fax +223 2232281 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>CA – DNA- Directeur Général Adjoint P Direction Générale de la Réglementation et du Contrôle du Secteur du Développement Rural Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Elevage et de la Pêche BP E 281 Bamako, Mali Attn Mr. Aboubacar Diarra Phone +223 2222022 Fax +223 2231217 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>103 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Chef CP Division Contrôle des pollutions et des nuisances Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Assainissement BP E-3114 Bamako BP 831, Mali Attn M. Abdoulaye Traore Phone +223 2292410 Fax +223 2295090 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Malta (2,3) FP The Director OCP  OCP  Environment Protection Directorate Malta Environment and Planning Authority PO Box 200 Valletta CMR 0, Malta Telephone: (356) 22 90 41 06 Telefax: (356) 22 90 22 90 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA Malta Environment and Planning DNA – NFP – Authority PO Box 200 Valletta, CMR 0 Malta Telephone: (356) 22 90 50 04 Telefax: (356) 22 90 50 11 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>104 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Marshall Islands FP/CA Ministry of Foreign Affairs OCP The Secretary of Foreign Affairs and OCP – P.O. Box 1349 Trade Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Telephone: (692) 625 31 81 or 625 30 P.O. Box 1349 12 Majuro 96960, Marshall Islands Telefax: (692) 625 49 79 E-Mail: [email protected] Le Minister Ministry of Foreign Affairs B.P. 1349 Majuro, Marshall Islands Phone +692 625 3181 Fax +692 625 4979</p><p>DNA- Director NFP Ministry of Foreign Affairs CP Office of Environmental Planning and Republic of the Marshall Islands Policy Coordination P.O. Box 1349 P.O. Box 975 Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960 Majuro, Marshall Islands Tel: (+692) 625 3181/3012 Attn Ms Yumi Crisostomo Fax: (+692) 625 4979 Phone 692 625 7944 Fax 692 625 7918 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Mauritania FP/CA Le Directeur OCP Ministre OCP – Direction de l'Environnement et de Ministère du Développement Rural et de l'Aménagement Rural l'Environnement Ministère du Développement Rural et de B.P.180 l'Environnement Nouakchott, Mauritania B.P. 170 Phone +222 257 463 / 5150 00 Nouakchott, Mauritanie Fax +222 525 7475 Telephone: (222 2) 591 83 Telefax: (222 2) 507 41/574 75 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>105 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Le Ministre des affaires étrangères et de la coopération Ministère des affaires étrangères et de la coopération B.P. 180 Nouakchott, Mauritania</p><p>DNA- Chef Service Production Végétale NFP M. Hamoud Ould Sid' Ahmed P Direction de l'Agriculture Conseiller Juridique Ministère du Développement Rural et de Direction de l'environnement et de l'Environnement l'aménagement rural BP 180 BP 170 Nouakchott, Mauritania Nouakchott , Mauritania Attn Dr. Ould Taleb El Hadi Tel: (+222) 641 0836 Phone +222 525 7879 Fax: (+222) 525 8386 Fax +222 5242486</p><p>DNA- Directeur de l'Environnement C Direction de l'Environnement Ministère du Développement Rural et de l'Environnement B.P. 180 Nouakchott, Mauritania Attn Mr Ould Bahneine El Hadrami Phone +222 529 0115 Fax +222 525 8386</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>106 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Mauritius FP/CA Director, Department of Environment OCP/ Head Occupational Health Unit OCP Mrs. Sin Lan Ngyunwing Ministry of Environment and National DNA- Dangerous Chemicals Control Board Acting Director Development Unit CP Ministry of Health and Quality of Life National Development Unit, Ministry of 2nd Floor, Ken Lee Tower Sufren and MGR Gonin Street Environment Barracks Street Port Louis, Mauritius Ken Lee Tower Port Louis, Mauritius Attn Dr. Ravinanda Sibartie 2nd floor, Barrack street Telephone: (230) 212 60 80 Phone +230 211 2847 Port Louis, Mauritius Telefax: (230) 212 66 71 Fax +230 211 9928 Tel.: (+230) 212 60 80 E-Mail: [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Fax: (+230) 212 66 71</p><p>NFP Mr. Sateeaved Seebaluck Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment & NDU Environment Division Level 10, Ken Lee Tower Barracks Street, Port-Louis, Mauritius Tel: (+230) 212 71 81/83 32 Fax: (+230) 212 83 24/94 07</p><p>Mexico FP Director General para Temas Globales OCP Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores OCP/ Embajador Ernesto Cespedes Oropeza Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Dirección General de Negociaciones NFP Director General para Temas Globales Plaza Juárez 20, Piso 14 Económicas Internacionales, SRW Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Col. Centro, Delegación Cuauhtémoc Paseo de la Reforma 175, Piso 10 Plaza Juarez 20, Piso 14 C.P. 06010 México, D.F. Col. Cuauhtémoc Col. Centro, C.P. 06010 Mexico Mexico DF 06500, Mexico México D.F. Telephone: (52 55) 36 86 56 28 or 36 86 Tel: (+52 55) 91 59 56 28 56 99 Oficina del PNUD Fax: (+52 55) 91 59 56 32/33 Telefax: (52 55) 36 86 56 32 or 36 86 56 Apartado Postal 6719 33 México D.F. 06600, Mexico E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>107 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Missión Permanente de México ante la ONU 6 Chemin de la Tourelle 1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland</p><p>Dirección General de Asuntos Multilaterales de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores c/o Permanent Mission of Mexico to UNEP P.O. Box 14145-00800 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>The Permanent Mission of Mexico to UNEP P.O. Box 14145-00800 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>CA Encargado de la Dirección General de DNA- Comisionada de Evidencia y Manejo de Gestión Integral de Materiales y CP Riesgos Actividades Riesgosas Secretaría de Salud Subsecretaría de Gestión para la Comisión Federal para la Protección Protección Ambiental contra Riegos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS) Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Monterrey 33, 9° piso Recursos Naturales (Semarnat) Col. Roma Av. Revolución 1425, Col. Tlacopac San Del. Cuauhtémoc Ángel México, D.F. C.P. 06700, Mexico Delegación Álvaro Obregón Attn M.en C. Rocío Alatorre Eden- C.P. 01040, México, D.F., México Wynter Telephone: (52 55) 56 24 33 77 or 56 24 Phone +52 55 5514 8572 36 12 Fax +52 55 5514 8557 Telefax: (52 55) 56 62 31 10 e-mail [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>108 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Coordinadora General del Sistema Federal Sanitario Monterrey No.33, 1er. piso. Coloia Roma Delegación Cuauhtémoc México, D. F. C.P. 06700 Mexico Attn Lic. Marcela Madrazo Phone +52 55 5514 6618 Fax +5255 5208 2974 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Encargado de la Dirección General de Gestión integral de materiales y actividades riesgosas Subsecretaría de gestión para la protección ambiental Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y recursos naturales Av. Revolución 1425 Col. Tlacopac San Angel Delegación Alvaro Obregón México D.F. 01040 Attn: M. Alfonso Flores Ramírez Phone: +5255 5624 3377 Fax: +5255 5662 3110 e-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Micronesia FP The Secretary OCP  OCP – (Federated States Department of External Affairs of) (2) P.S. 123 Palikir, Pohnpei 96941 Federated States of Micronesia Telephone: (691) 320 26 41/13 Telefax: (691) 320 29 33 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>109 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Department of Health Services DNA – NFP Political Focal Point: P.S. 123 Palikir, Pohnpei 96941 Mrs. Jane Chigiyal Federated States of Micronesia Department of Foreign Affairs Telephone: (691) 320 26 41/13 P.O. Box PS123 Telefax: (691) 320 29 33 Palikir, PNI 96941 E-Mail: [email protected] Federated States of Micronesia Fax: (+691) 320 29 33</p><p>Technical Focal Points:</p><p>Mr. John Mooteb Department of Economic Affairs P.O. Box P.S. 12 Palikir, PNI 96941 Federated States of Micronesia Fax: (+691) 320 58 54</p><p>Mr. Moses Pretrick Department of Health, Education & Social Affairs P.O. Box PS 70 Palikir, Federated States of Micronesia Fax: (+691) 320 52 63</p><p>Monaco (2) FP/CA Le Délégué à l'Environnement OCP  OCP – International et Méditerranéen Ministère d'Etat BP 522 98015 Monaco Cedex Telephone: (377) 93 15 21 22 Telefax: (377) 93 50 95 91 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>110 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA – NFP M. Patrick VAN KLAVEREN Le Délégué à l'Environnement International et Méditerranéen Ministère d’Etat Place de la Visitation - BP 522 MC 98000 MONACO-VILLE Tel: (+377) 93 15 81 48/93 15 21 22 Fax: (+377) 93 50 95 91</p><p>Mongolia FP Director of International Cooperation OCP The Minister of Foreign Affairs OCP Ms. Choikahnd Janchivlamdan Department Department of International Officer, International Cooperation Ministry of Nature and Environment Organizations Department Government Building No. 3 Enkh Talvny gudamj 7A Ministry of Nature and Environment Baga Toiruu 44 Ulan Bator, Mongolia Government Building-3, Baga Toiruu-44 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia A210620 Ulanbaatar, Mongolia Telephone: (976 51) 26 61 97 UNDP Office Tel.: (+976) 51 263 341 Telefax: (976 11) 32 14 01 P.O. Branch 49/207 Fax: (+976) 11 321 401 E-Mail: [email protected] or Ulaan Bator [email protected] Mongolia</p><p>Director International Cooperation Department Ministry of Nature and Environment of Mongolia Government Building N° 3 Baga Toiruu - 44 Ulaanbaatar A210620, Mongolia Phone +976 51266179 Fax +976 11 321401</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>111 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Ministry of Nature and Environment DNA- Chief NFP Mr. G. Enkhee Government Building No. 3 CP State Plant Protection Service Director Baga Toiruu 44 Ministry of Food and Agriculture International Cooperation Department Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia A210620 Baruun Selbe - 9 Ministry of Nature and Environment Telephone: (976 11) 31 24 50 P.O. Box 147 Government Building # 3 Telefax: (976 11) 32 14 01 Ulaanbaatar-38, Mongolia Baga toiruu 44, Ulanbaatar E-Mail: [email protected] or Attn Dr. Prof. Dambyn Tsedev Mongolia, A210620 [email protected] Phone +976 1 216 70 Tel: (+976) 512 66197 Fax 976 1 21670 Fax: (+976 11) 321 401</p><p>Director General Coordination Department Ministry of Nature and Environment Strategic Planning, Policy Government Building 3 Baga Toiruu 44 Ulaanbaatar 210620, Mongolia Attn Mr. Oyundari Navaan- Yunden Phone +976 51 267548 Fax +976 11 321401 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Montenegro (2,3) FP/CA  OCP/  OCP/  DNA NFP</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>112 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Morocco (2) FP/CA Directeur de la Surveillance et de la OCP/  OCP/ M. Abdelhay ZEROUALI Prévention des Risques DNA NFP Directeur de Surveillance et de la Ministère de l'Aménagement du Prévention des Risques Territoire, de l'Eau et de Ministère de l'Aménagement du l'Environnement Territoire, de l'Eau et de l'Environnement Département de l'Environnement 2 Rue Oum-Rabiaa 2, rue Oum-Errabia Agdal Agdal, Rabat , Morocco Rabat, Maroc Tel: (+212 37) 77 26 58 Telephone: (212) 37 77 26 58 Fax: (+212 37) 68 16 41 Telefax: (212) 37 68 16 41 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>Mozambique (2) FP National Directorate for Environmental OCP  OCP/ Mr. Joseph Costans John Gungunhana Impact Assessment NFP Technician Av. Acordos de Lusaka, 2115 Ministry for Coordination of C.P. 2020 Environmental Affairs Maputo, Mozambique Av. Acordo de Lusaka 2115 Telephone: (258 21) 46 51 41 P.O. Box 2020 Telefax: (258 21) 49 54 09 Maputo, Mozambique E-Mail: Tel: : (+258) 21 465 141 há[email protected] Mob: : (+258) 82 555 37 47 Fax: : (+258) 21 465 141</p><p>CA Ministry for Coordination of DNA – Environmental Affairs Rua da Kassuende 167 Maputo, Mozambique Telephone: (258 1) 49 61 09 Telefax: (258 1) 46 54 09</p><p>Myanmar (1,2) FP  OCP  OCP –</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>113 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA – DNA – NFP Dr. San Win Joint Secretary National Commission for Environmental Affairs (NCEA) Yangon, Myanmar Tel: (+95 1) 64 4496 Fax: (+95 1) 64 44 97</p><p>Namibia FP/CA The Chairman OCP The Permanent Secretary OCP Dr. Freddy Sikabongo Ministry of Environment and Tourism Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head, Environment Impact Assessment Private Bag 13306 4th Floor, Government Offices Building and Pollution Control Windhoek, Namibia Robert Mugabe Avenue Ministry of Environment and Tourism Telephone: (264 61) 24 90 15 Private Bag 13347 Private Bag 13346 Telefax: (264 61) 24 03 39 Windhoek Windhoek, Namibia Namibia Tel.: (+264 61) 284 2111 Fax: (+264 61) 240 339</p><p>The Minister for Foreign Affairs Administrative Building 4th Floor, Western Wing Private Bag 13289 Windhoek, Namibia</p><p>UNDP Office Private Bag 13329 Windhoek, Namibia</p><p>Permanent Representative of the Republic of Namibia to the United Nations 135 East 36th Street New York NY 10016, United States of America</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>114 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Director NFP Dr. M. Lindeque CP Extension and Engineering Services Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Ministry of Environment and Tourism Development Private Bag 13306 Luther Street Windhouk, Namibia Private Bag 13184 Tel: (+264 61) 24 9015 Windhoek, Namibia Fax: (+264 61) 24 0339 Attn Ms Paulina P. Shiyelekeni Phone +264 61 208 74 58 Fax +264 61 208 77 78 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Nauru (2) FP/CA  OCP/  OCP/  DNA NFP</p><p>Nepal (3) FP/CA Secretary OCP  OCP Ministry of Environment Science and Ministry of Population and Environment Technology Singh Durbar Singha, Dubar Kathmandu, Nepal Kathmandu Telephone: (977 1) 424 15 86 or 424 15 Nepal 88 Tel.: (+977) 1 2 244 609 Telefax: (977 1) 424 21 38 Fax: (+977) 1 2 225 474 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>DNA – NFP Mr. Bhakta Raj Pokharel Pesticide Expert Crops Conservation Directorate Department of Agriculture and Co- operatives Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Kathmandu. Nepal Tel: (+977 1) 43 56 810 Fax: (+977 1) 43 50 689</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>115 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Netherlands FP Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and OCP The Minister for Foreign Affairs OCP/ Mr. Jan-Karel B.H. Kwisthout the Environment c/o The Permanent Representative of NFP Deputy Head of Unit DGM/SAS, the Kingdom of the Netherlands to UNEP Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning P.O. Box 30945 P.O. Box 41537 and the Environment 2500 GX The Hague, The Netherlands Nairobi, Kenya P.O. Box 30945 Telephone: (31 70) 339 41 62 2500 GX The Hague, Netherlands Telefax: (31 70) 339 12 83 Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Tel: (+31 70) 339 47 26 E-Mail: the Netherlands to UNEP Fax: (+31 70) 339 12 86 [email protected] Riverside Lane, Off Riverside Drive P.O. Box 41537 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>The Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the FAO Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the FAO Via delle Terme Deciane 6 Rome 00153, Italy</p><p>CA SenterNovem, Uitvoering Afvalbeheer DNA- The Director Juliana van Stolberglaan 3 CP Chemicals, Waste and Radiation P.O. Box 2595 CA Protection Directorate The Hague, The Netherlands Ministry of Housing Spatial Planning and Telephone: (31 70) 373 50 00 the Environment Telefax: (31 70) 373 51 00 Rijnstraat 8, IPC 645 E-Mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 20951 2500 EZ Den Haag, Netherlands Attn Mr. Willem Jan Kemmeren Phone +31(0)70 339 2407 Fax +31(0)70 339 1286 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>116 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency New Zealand FP Basel Convention Focal Point OCP Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade OCP – Ministry for the Environment Attn: UNC Division, Stafford House P.O. Box 10362 Wellington Wellington, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Telephone: (64 4) 917 74 00 c/o The Permanent Representative of Telefax: (64 4) 917 75 23 New Zealand to FAO E-Mail: [email protected] Via Zara 28 Rome 00198, Italy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of New Zealand to UNEP 2, Chemin des Fins P.O. Box 334 Grand Saconnex, Geneva 1218 Switzerland Phone +41 22 929 0350 Fax +41 22 929 0374</p><p>The Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Private Bag 18901 Wellington, New Zealand Phone +644 439 8440 Fax +644 439 8517</p><p>Chief Executive Ministry for the Environment 23 Kate Sheppard Place P.O. Box 10362 Welllington, New Zealand Phone +64 4 439 7400 Fax +64 4 439 7704</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>117 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Resources and Networks Branch DNA- General Manager, Working with Central NFP Mr. Howard Ellis Environmental Issues Group CP Government Senior Policy Analyst Ministry of Economic Development Ministry for the Environment Ministry for the Environment P.O. Box 1473 Environment House P.O. Box 10 362 Wellington, New Zealand 23 Kate Sheppard Place Wellington, New Zealand Telephone: (64 4) 474 28 76 P.O. Box 10362 Tel: (+64 4) 439 74 37 Telefax: (64 4) 473 70 10 Wellington, New Zealand Fax: (+64 4) 439 77 05 E-Mail: [email protected] Attn Mr. David Brash Phone +64 4 439 7400 Fax +64 4 439 7700 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Programme Manager (Plant Residues) New Zealand Food and Safety Authority Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry P.O. Box 2835 Wellington, New Zealand Attn Mr David Lunn Phone +64 4 463 2654 Fax +64 4 463 2675 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Nicaragua (2) FP Dirección de Seguridad Química OCP  OCP/ Lic. Helio C. Zamora Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos NFP Director de Seguridad Quimica/DGCA Naturales (MARENA) Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Apdo. Postal No. 5123 Naturales (Marena) Managua, Nicaragua Direcccion General de Calidad Ambiental Telephone: (505) 263 20 95 (DGCA) Telefax: (505) 263 23 54 or 263 26 20 P.O. Box 5123, km.13 Carretera Norte E-Mail: [email protected] or Managua, Nicaragua [email protected] Tel: (+505) 263 2830/32 Fax: (+505) 263 2354/ 26 20</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>118 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos DNA – Naturales (MARENA) Apdo. Postal No. 5123 Managua, Nicaragua Telephone: (505) 263 12 71-73 Telefax: (505) 263 12 74</p><p>Niger FP Chef de Division Lutte contre les OCP Bureau du PNUD OCP – Pollutions et Nuisances B.P. 11207 Direction de l'Environnement Niamey, Niger Ministère de l'Hydraulique, de l'Environnement et de la Lutte Contre la La Ministre des affaires étrangères et de Désertification la coopération B.P. 578 Ministère des affaires étrangères et de Niamey, Niger la coopération Telephone: (227) 73 33 29 B.P. 396 Telefax: (227) 73 55 91/73 27 84 Niamey, Niger E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA Secrétariat d'Etat à l'Environnement et à DNA- Directeur de l'environnement NFP M. RANAOU Maazou la Lutte contre la Désertification CP Ministère de l'hydraulique de Direction de la Protection des Végétaux Ministère de l'Hydraulique, de l'environnement et de la lutte contre la Ministère du Développement Agricole l'Environnement et de la Lutte Contre la desertification B.P. 323 Désertification Direction de l'environnement Niamey, Niger B.P. 257 B.P. 578 Tel: (+227) 742 556 Niamey, Niger Niamey, Niger Fax: (+227) 741 983 Telephone: (227) 72 38 89 Attn Mr. Mahamane Laminou Attaou Telefax: (227) 72 40 15 Fax +227 73 27 84 E-Mail: [email protected] e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>119 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Chef Division Lutte contre les Pollutions et Nuisances Division Lutte contre les Pollutions et Nuisances Ministère de l'Hydraulique de l'environnement et de la lutte contre la desertification Direction de l'Environnement B.P. 578 Niamey, Niger Attn Mr. Sani Mahazou Phone +227 73 33 29 Fax +227 73 55 91 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Ingénieur Agro-pharmacien Direction de la Protection des Végétaux Ministère du développement agricole B.P. 323 Niamey, Niger Attn Mme Alimatou Douki Abdou Phone +227 20 742556 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Nigeria FP Department of Pollution Control OCP Minister OCP – Federal Ministry of Environment Federal Ministry of Environment Plot 444 Aguiyi Ironsi Street 7th, 9th floor, Federal Secretariat, P.M.B. 468 Shehu Shagari Way Garki, Abuja Abuja, Nigeria Nigeria Telephone: (234 9) 413 13 94 Minister Telefax: (234 9) 413 63 17 Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural E-Mail: [email protected] Development Area 11, Garki Abuja, Nigeria</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>120 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Minister Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zone 3, Wuse Abuja, Nigeria</p><p>CA Federal Ministry of Environment DNA- Deputy Director NFP Prof. O. A. Afolabi 9th Floor, Federal Secretariat Complex CP Federal Ministry of Environment Coordinator Shehu Shagari Way 7th & 9th Floor, Federal Secretariat, Pollution Control & Environmental Health P.M.B. 468 Shehu Shagari Way Federal Ministry of Environment Garki, Abuja P.M.B. 468 Garki Plot 444, Aguiyi Ironsi Street Nigeria Abuja, Nigeria Maitama District Telephone: (234 9) 523 40 14 Attn Mrs. Soyombo Abuja, Nigeria Telefax: (234 9) 523 41 19 Phone +234 9 670 3783 Tel: (+234 80) 371 34 87 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +234 9 413 6317/ 523 4119 Fax: (+234 9) 523 38 07 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- The Director P Pest Control Services Division Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Area II, Garki P.M.B. 135 Abuja, Nigeria Phone +234 91 234 1329</p><p>Niue (1,2) FP/CA – OCP/ – OCP/ – DNA NFP</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>121 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Norway FP/CA Norwegian Pollution Control Authority OCP The Minister for Development OCP Mr. Henrik Hallgrim Eriksen (SFT) Ministry for Foreign Affairs Senior Adviser P.O. Box 8100 Dep 7 Juni plass No. 1 Ministry of the Environment N-0032 Oslo, Norway P.O. Box 8114 Dep P.O. Box 8013 Dep. Telephone: (47) 22 57 34 00 Oslo 1 N-0032 0030 Oslo, Norway Telefax: (47) 22 67 67 06 Norway Tel.: (+47 22) 24 58 39 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (+47 22) 24 60 34</p><p>Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 8013 Oslo N-0030, Norway Attn Mona Aahus Phone (+) 47-22-34-90-90 Fax (+) 47-22-34-95-60</p><p>Norwegian Pollution Control Agency P.O. Box 8100 Oslo N-0032, Norway</p><p>The Minister for Foreign Affairs Ministry for Foreign Affairs c/o Permanent Mission of Norway to UNEP International Life House, 1st Floor P.O. Box 46363 Norway</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>122 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Senior Executive Officer NFP Ms. Bjorg Fjeld P National Centre of Plants and Vegetable Norwegian Pollution Control Authority Food P.O. Box 81 00 Dep. Norwegian Food Safety Authority N-0032 Oslo, Norway Felles Postmottak, Postboks 383 Tel: (+47 22) 573 400 Brumunddal 2381, Norway Fax: (+47 22) 676 706 Attn Ms Marit Randall Phone +47 64 94 4391 Fax +47 64 94 4410 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Section for Risk Evaluation of Chemicals C Norwegian Pollution Control Authority P.O. Box 8100 Dep Oslo N-0032, Norway Attn Mrs. Bjørg Fjeld Phone +47 22 57 3588 Fax +47 22 67 6706 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Oman FP Director of Coordination and Follow-up OCP The Director OCP/ Mr. Saeed bin Al Al-Zadjali Ministry of Regional Municipalities, International Organization Focal Points NFP Director of Chemical Substances Environment and Water Resources Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Ministry of Regional Municipalities, P.O. Box 323 Environment Environment and Water Resources Muscat 113, Sultanate of Oman P.O. Box 323 P.O. Box 323 Telephone: (968) 24 69 24 71 Muscat 113, Oman Muscat PC 113, Oman Telefax: (968) 24 69 29 28 Phone +0968 692552 Tel: (+968) 24 692 417/994 177 10 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +0968 692928 Fax: (+968) 24 692 462</p><p>The Ministry of Regional Municipalities Environment and Water Resources P.O. Box 323, Oman Phone +0968 692552 Fax +0968 692928</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>123 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency The Ministry Responsible for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs c/o Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman Via della Camilluccia, 625 Rome 00135, Italy</p><p>CA Director General of Environmental DNA- Director General of Environmental Affairs C Affairs Ministry of Regional Municipalities, Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Environment and Water Resources Environment P.O. Box 323 P.O. Box 323 Muscat 113 Muscat 113, Oman Sultanate of Oman Phone +968 69 64 61 Telephone: (968) 69 25 35 Fax +968 69 64 60 Telefax: (968) 69 24 62 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Director of Plant Protection P Department of Plant Protection Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries P.O. Box 467 Muscat 113, Oman Attn Suleiman M. Al Toubi Phone +968 69 62 87 Fax +968 69 62 71 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>124 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Pakistan (3) FP/CA Joint Secretary and Director General OCP The Permanent Mission of the Republic OCP  (Environment) of Pakistan to UNEP Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 30045 Islamabad, Pakistan Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: (92 51) 920 25 74 Telefax: (92 51) 920 22 11 The Secretary E-Mail: [email protected] Ministry of Foreign Affairs Constitution Avenue Islamabad, Pakistan</p><p>The Secretary Ministry of Environment, Local Government and Rural Development 44F, Office Tower, Blue Area Islamabad 44000, Pakistan Phone +92 51 920 1468 Fax +92 51 920 6343</p><p>UNDP Office P.O. Box 1051 Islamabad, Pakistan</p><p>DNA- Adviser and Director General NFP – P Department of Plant Protection Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock Jinnah Avenue Malir Halt Karachi 75100, Pakistan Phone +92 21 9248607 Fax +92 21 9248673 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>125 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Joint Secretary for International CP Cooperation Ministry of Environment Government of Pakistan CDA Block No. 04 Civic Centre Islamabad 44000, Pakistan Attn Mr. Khizar Hayat Phone +92 51 920 2558 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Panama FP Funcionario de la Subdirección de Salud OCP Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores OCP – Ambiental Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Ministerio de Salud Palacio Bolívar Calle Gorgas, Ancon, Building 265 San Felipe P.O. Box 2048 Zona 4 Panamá 1, Panamá Panamá 4, Panama Telephone: (507) 212 92 71 or 212 92 Phone +507 511 4103 86 Fax +507 511 4109 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Administrador General Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente (ANAM) Albrook Edificio 804, C. Zona 0843 Apdo. Postal 2016 Balboa, Ancon Panama Phone +507 500 0855</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>126 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Oficina del PNUD Casa de las Naciones Unidas Ciudad del Saber Apartado 6314 Panama, Panama</p><p>CA Ministerio de Salud DNA- Jefe NFP H.E. Dr. Camilo Alleyne Calle Gorgas, Ancon, Building 265 P Departamento de Registro y Control de Ministro de Salud P.O. Box 2048 Agroquímicos Ministerio de Salud Panamá 1 Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario Edificio 237, Calle Gorga, Ancon Panamá Dirección Nacional de Sanidad Vegetal Panama City, Panama Telephone: (507) 212 92 74 or 212 92 Rio Tapia Tocumen Tel: (+507) 212 92 01 71 or Apartado Postal 0816-01611 212 94 12 Panama 5, Panama Telefax: (507) 212 92 86 or 212 94 87 Attn Mr. Catalino Cedeño Lopez E-Mail: [email protected] Phone +507 220 07 33 Fax +507 266 2943 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Assistente de la Vice Ministro de Salud C Divisíon de Salud Ambiental Ministerio de Salud av. Ancòn Edificio 265 Corregimiento de Ancon Apartado 2048, Zona 1 Panamá, Panama Attn Lic. Vielka Pérez Phone +507 212 9110 Fax +507 212 9243 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>127 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Papua New Guinea FP/CA The Secretary OCP  OCP – (2) Department of Environment and Conservation Level 7 Somare Foundation P.O. Box 6601 Boroko, National Capital District Papua New Guinea Telephone: (675) 325 01 80 Telefax: (675) 325 01 82 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>DNA – NFP Department of Environment & Conservation P.O. Box 6601 Boroko, National Capital District Papua New Guinea Tel: (+675) 325 01 80 Fax: (+675) 325 01 82</p><p>Paraguay FP Punto Focal Técnico OCP Servicio Nacional de Calidad y Sanidad OCP Dirección de Planificacion Estrategica SEAM - Secretaría del Ambiente Vegetal y de Semillas (SENAVE) Secretaría del Ambiente Madame Lynch 3500 Humaitá 145 e/ Independencia Nacional Avenida Madame Lynch No. 3500 Asunción, Paraguay Edificio Planeta I piso 15 Asuncion, Paraguay Telephone: (595 21) 61 58 14 or 61 58 Asunción, Paraguay Tel.: (+595 21) 615 8036 03/7 Phone +595 21 441 491 Telefax: (595 21) 61 58 14 e-mail [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>128 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Ministro DNA- Oficina de Asuntos Internacionales, NFP Lic. Gustavo Alberto Chamorro SEAM - Secretaría del Ambiente C Subsecretaría de Estado de Recursos Director, Direction de Planificacion Madame Lynch 3500 Naturales y Medio Ambiente Secretaria del Ambiente (SEAM) Asunción, Paraguay Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería Presidencia de la Republica Telephone: (595 21) 61 58 14 or 61 58 Km. 10,5 - Ruta 2 Mcal. Estigarribia Avda Madame Lynch 3500 03/7 San Lorenzo, Paraguay Asuncion, Paraguay Telefax: (595 21) 61 58 14 Phone +595 21 57 0516 al 19 Tel/fax: (+595 21) 615 814 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +595 21 57 0512 / 44 0306</p><p>DNA- Presidente de SENAVE P Servicio Nacional de Calidad y Sanidad Vegetal y de Semillas (SENAVE) Ministerio De Agricultura y Ganaderia- MAG-SENAVE Humaitá 145 entre Independencia Nacional y Nuestra Señora de la Asunción-Edificio Planeta I Asunción, Paraguay Attn Ing. Agr. Edgar Alder Esteche Alfonso Phone +595 21 44 1549 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>129 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Peru FP Ministry of Production OCP Ministro OCP – Office of the Deputy Minister for Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Industry Jr. Ucayali No. 318 Office of the National Director for Lima, Peru Industries Office of the Director for Environmental Oficina del PNUD Affairs Naciones Unidas Calle Uno Oeste Nr. 050, Urbanización Apartado 4480 Corpac Lima, Peru San Isidro, Lima 27 Peru Misión Permanente del Perú ante Las Telephone: (51 1) 224 32 75 Naciones Unidas Telefax: (51 1) 616 22 22 / 80 Avenue Louis Casai 71 E-Mail: [email protected]; Case Postale 160 [email protected]; Cointrin. Geneva 1216 [email protected] and Switzerland [email protected]</p><p>CA Office of the Director General for DNA- Director General NFP Mr. Jorge Alberto Albinagorta Jaramillo Environmental Health P Dirección de Insumos Agropecuarios e Director General Ministry of Health Inocuidad Agroalimentaria Direccion General de Salud Ambiental Las Amapolas 350 Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria - (DIGESA) Lince-Lima, Peru SENASA Las Amapolas 350 Telephone: (51 1) 442 83 53/6 Av. La Molina N° 1915 Urb. San Eugenio, Lince Telefax: (51 1) 440 65 62 La Molina, Peru Lima, Peru E-Mail: [email protected] or Attn Ing. Jorge Leonardo Jave Nakayo Tel: (+51 1) 422 0143/440 0399 [email protected] Phone +511 313 3323 Fax: (+51 1) 422 6404/442 8353 (Multiple Authorities - list available from Fax +511 313 3323 the Focal Point) e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>130 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Director General CP Direccion General de Salud Ambiental (DIGESA) Ministerio de Salud Las Amapolas N° 350 Urb. San Eugenio-Lince Lima, Peru Attn Ing. Jorge A. Albinagorta Jamarillo Phone +511 442 8353 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Philippines FP/CA Environmental Management Bureau OCP The Permanent Representative of the OCP – Department of Environment and Natural Republic of the Philippines to the United Resources Nations Visayas Avenue 556 Fifth Avenue, 5th floor, Diliman, Quezon City 1116 New York NY 10036, United States of Philippines America Telephone: (63 2) 928 11 85 or 920 22 Phone +1 212 764 1300 63 Fax +1 212 840 8602 Telefax: (63 2) 920 22 63 E-Mail: [email protected] or Office of the FAO Representation in the [email protected] Philippines 29F Yuchengco Tower, RCBC Plaza 6819 Ayala Avenue. Makati City 1229, Philippines Phone +632 9010351 Fax +632 9010361</p><p>The Honourable Secretary for Foreign Affairs Department of Foreign Affairs 11rh Floor DFA Building 233a Roxas Bolvd, Pasay City Manila 1300, Philippines</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>131 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency The Secretary Department of the Environment and Natural Resources DENR Building, Visayas Ave. Diliman, Quezon City Metro Manila 1102, Philippines Phone +63 9296626 Fax +63 2 9204352</p><p>Department of Foreign Affairs c/o The Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Philippines to UNEP P.O. 47941 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>DNA- Director NFP Ms. Elisea G. Gozun P Department of Agriculture Compound Secretary Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPE) Department of Environment and Natural Visayas Ave., Resources Quezon City 1116, Philippines DENK Bldg., Visayas Avenue Attn Ms. Aida Ordas Diliman, Quezon City 1116, Philippines Phone +632 928 2336 Tel: (+632) 928 0691/929 6633 Fax +632 920 8234 Fax: (+632) 920 4352</p><p>DNA- The Director Mr. Julian D. Amador C Department of Environment and Natural Director, Env. Management Bureau Resources (DENR) Compound Department of Environment and Natural Environmental Management Bureau Resources Visaya Avenue, Diliman DENK Compound., Visayas Avenue Quezon City 1116, Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1116 Attn Ms Teresita Pamela Liao Philippines Phone +63 2 920 2266 Tel: (+632) 927 15 17 Fax +63 2 928 1212 Fax: (+632) 928 20 60 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>132 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Poland (3) FP Chief Specialist OCP The Director OCP  Division of Transboundary Movement of United Nations System and Global Waste in Department of Market Control Affairs Department Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Ministry of Foreign Affairs Protection Aleja Szucha 21 Wawelska St 52/54 Warsaw 00-580, Poland PL-0922 Warsaw, Poland Fax +48 22 621 02 17 Telephone:(48 22) 592 80 92 Telefax: (48 22) 592 80 93 E-Mail: [email protected] </p><p>Inspector for Chemical Substances and Preparations Bureau for Chemicals Substances and Preparations Ul. Sw. Teresy 8 Lodz 21-348, Poland Attn Mr. Jerzy Majka</p><p>Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland to UNEP P.O. Box 30086 Nairobi, Kenya Attn H.E. Mr. Wojciech Jasinski Fax +254 20 3872 814; 3874 572</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>133 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Chief Inspector DNA- Specialist in Risk Assessment NFP Ms. Magdalena Piotrak Chief Inspectorate for Environmental CP Department Department of Waste Management Protection Bureau for chemical Substances and Ministry of the Environment Wawelska St 52/54 Preparations Wawelska 52/54 St. 00-922 Warsaw, Poland ul. Sw Tersy 8 00-922 Warsaw, Poland Telephone: (48 22) 592 80 92 Lodz 91-348, Poland Tel: (+48 22) 57 92 257 Telefax: (48 22) 592 80 93 Attn Mrs Magdalena Andryszkiewicz Fax: (+48 22) 57 92 795 E-Mail: [email protected] or Phone +48 42 631 4573 [email protected] e-mail magdalena.andryszkiewicz@ chemikalia.gov.pl</p><p>Portugal FP/CA Instituto dos Resíduos OCP/ Senior Adviser OCP – Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, No. 30, 5 DNA- Gabinete de Emergências e Riscos Piso CP Ambientais 1000-017 Lisboa Instituto do Ambiente Portugal Rua da Murgueira Telephone: (351 21) 842 40 00 9/9A Zambujal Apartado Telefax: (351 21) 842 40 99/29 Alfragide E-Mail: [email protected] or Ap 7585 [email protected] or Amadora 2611-865, Portugal [email protected] Attn Mr. Rui M. Figueiredo Simões Phone +351 21 472 82 79 Fax +351 21 471 8231 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>NFP Ms. Tereza Vinhas Institute for the Environment Ministry for Environment Rua da Murgueira n 9/9 A-Zambujal Apartado 7585, 2611-865 Amadora Portugal Tel: (+ 351 21) 4728200 Fax: (+ 351 21) 4719074</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>134 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Qatar FP/CA Head of Pollution Control Section OCP The Minister for Foreign Affairs OCP Mr. Mohammed G. Al-Ibrahim Supreme Council for the Environment Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head of Chemical Management and Natural Reserves P.O. Box 250 Supreme Council for Environment & P.O. Box 7634 Doha, Qatar Natural Reserves Doha, Qatar P.O. Box 7634 Telephone: (974) 441 52 46 The Secretary General Doha, Qatar Telefax: (974) 443 71 71 Supreme Council for the Environment & Tel.: (+974) 4437 171 ext 244 E-Mail: [email protected] Natural Reserves Fax: (+974) 4415 216 P.O. Box 7634 Doha, Qatar</p><p>DNA- Director of the Technical Affairs NFP The Supreme Council for the C Supreme Council for the Environment & Environment and National Reserves Natural Reserves Department of Chemical Materials P.O. Box 7634 P.O. Box 7634 Doha, Qatar Doha, Qatar Attn Mr. Yusif Al-Hamar Tel: (+974) 443 71 71 Phone +974 443 7171 ext. 550 Fax: (+974) 441 52 46 Fax +974441 5246 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Head P Plant Protection and Agricultural Quarantine Section, Department of Agricultural Development Ministry of Agriculture P.O. Box 2727 Doha, Qatar Attn Mr. Jasim Al-Mohannadi Phone +974 67 12 62 Fax +974 32 20 02</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>135 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Republic of Korea FP Waste Management Policy Division OCP Director General OCP Mr. Park Heung-kyeong Ministry of Environment International Cooperation Bureau Director of Environmental Cooperation 1 Joonang-dong Ministry of Environment Division Kwacheon-Si, Kyunggi-do Government Complex-Kwacheon, 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Republic of Korea Kwacheon City Room #710, 95-1 Doryemdong, Telephone: (82 2) 504 92 59 Kyonggi Province 427-760 Jongrogu, Seoul Telefax: (82 2) 504 92 80 Kwacheon 427-760, Republic of Korea Republic of Korea E-Mail: [email protected] Attn Mr. Park Young-Woo Tel.: (+82) 2 2100 7745 Fax: (+82) 2 2100 7991</p><p>Director Environment and Science Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade International Economic Affairs Bureau Seoul 110-787, Republic of Korea Attn Mr. Park Heung-Kyeong</p><p>Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to UNEP Anniversary Towers P.O. Box 30455 Nairobi, Kenya Attn H.E. Mr. Yun Ki-Syub</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>136 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Resource Recirculation Bureau DNA- Director NFP – Resource Recirculation Policy Division CP Environment and Science Division Ministry of Environment Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Gwacheon Government Complex 95-1 Doryeom-dong Jongno-gu Gwacheon Si Seoul Gyeonggi-Do 427-729, Republic of Korea Republic of Korea Telephone: (82 2) 504 92 88 Phone +82 2 2100 7743 Telefax: (82 2) 504 60 68 Fax +82 2 2100 7991 (A list of the regional branches of the e-mail [email protected] Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea could be obtained from the Secretariat upon request.)</p><p>DNA- Director P Agricultural Resources Division Rural Development Administration 250 Seodundong Suwon, Republic of Korea Attn In Ahn Phone +82 31 299 2590 Fax +82 31 299 2607 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>137 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Director C Hazardous Chemicals Management Division Ministry of Environment Government Complex Gwacheon 1, Joonang-dong, Gwacheon-si Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea Attn Mr Kim Young Hoon Phone +82 2 2110 7960 Fax +82 2 507 7654 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Republic of FP Head of Prevention Environment OCP The Permanent Representative OCP/ Mrs. Liudmila Marduhaeva Moldova Pollution Principal Division Permanent Representative of the NFP Consultant, Division of Environment Ministry of Ecology and Natural Republic of Moldova to the United Pollution Prevention Resources Nations Ministry of Ecology and Natural 9, Cosmonautilor Str. 573-577 Third Avenue Resources MD 2005 Chisinau New York NY 10016, United States of 9, Cosmonautilor St Republic of Moldova America Chisinau MD 2005, Republic of Moldova Telephone: (373 22) 20 45 25 Phone +212 682 3523 Tel: (+373 22) 20 45 26 Telefax: (373 22) 22 68 58 Fax +212 682 6274 Fax: (+373 22) 22 68 58 E-Mail: [email protected] The Minister of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs 31 August Str., 80 c/o UNDP Resident Representative Chisinau MD 2012, Republic of Moldova</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>138 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Ministry of Environment DNA- Principal Specialist 9 St. Cosmonautilor CP Principal Division on Environment 2001 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Pollution Prevention Telephone: (373 2) 27 74 83 Ministry of Ecology and Natural Telefax: (373 2) 27 74 86 Resources of the Republic of Moldova E-Mail: [email protected] 9 Cosmonatilor St., MD-2005, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Attn Mr. Stefan Stasiev Phone +373 22 20 4526 Fax +373 22 22 6858 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Consultant Principal Division on Environment Pollution Prevention Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Moldova 9 Cosmonatilor St., MD-2005, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Attn Mrs. Liudmila Marduhaeva Phone +373 22 20 4526 Fax +373 22 22 6858 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Chairman Scientific Research Association "FERTILITATEA" 6, Kosmonavtov St. Chisinau 277005, Republic of Moldova Attn Mr. Leonid N. Antanovski Phone +373 2 24 30 32 Fax +373 2 24 27 87</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>139 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Romania FP/CA Directorate of Waste Management and OCP/ Director of Waste Management and OCP Mrs. Angela Filipas Chemicals DNA- Hazardous Chemical Substances General Director of the Impact Ministry of Environment and Water CP Directorate Assessment, Pollution Control General Management Waste Management and Hazardous Directorate Bd. Libertatii 12 Chemicals Substances Directorate Ministry of Environment and Water Sector 5 Ministry of Environment and Water Management of Romania Bucharest, Romania Management 12, Libertatii Blvd. Telephone: (4021) 319 02 98 12 Bd. Libertatii, Sect. 5 Bucharest, Romania Telefax: (4021) 319 02 98 Bucharest, Romania Tel.: (+40) 21 316 77 35 E-Mail: [email protected] Attn Mrs. Elena Dumitru Fax: (+40) 21 316 04 21 Phone +4021 316 02 98 Fax +4021 316 02 98 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>CA National Environmental Protection NFP Mrs. Popovici Elena Agency Counsellor Ministry of Environment and Water Directorate Impact Assessment, Pollution Management Control and Risk Management Ministry of Aleea Lacul Morii nr. 151 Environment and Water Management Sector 6, cod 060841 (MEWM) Bucharest, Romania 12 Libertatii Blvd. Sector 5 Telephone: (40 21) 493 43 50 or (40 Bucharest, Romania 746) 22 66 55 Tel: (+40 21) 316 04 21 Telefax: (40 21) 493 43 50 Fax: (+40 21) 316 04 21 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Russian FP Director OCP  OCP – Federation (2,3) State Centre of Ecological Programs Malaya Uyshunskaya Str., 1 Korp.1, Office 1404 Moscow 117303, Russian Federation Telephone: (7 095) 319 84 94 Telefax: (7 095) 319 84 94 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>140 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Head DNA – NFP Mr. Serguei Tikhonov Federal Ecological, Technological and Director Atomic Supervision Service Centre for International Projects Taganskaya str Pervomaiskaya str. 58b Moscow 109147, Russian Federation 105043 Moscow, Russian Federation Telephone: (7 095) 912 39 11 Tel: (+7 095) 165 05 62 Telefax: (7 095) 912 40 41 Fax: (+7 095) 165 08 90</p><p>Rwanda FP Department of Environment OCP Agent OCP – Ministry of Lands, Environment, Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Elevage Forestry, Water and Natural Resources Kigali, Rwanda B.P. 3502 Attn Mr. Léon Hakizamungu Kigali, Rwanda Telephone: (250) 58 26 28 or 885 45 70 Le Ministre des affaires étrangères et de Telefax: (250) 58 26 29 la E-Mail: [email protected] Ministère des affaires étrangères et de la coopération régionale B.P. 147 Kigali, Rwanda</p><p>Ministère des Terres, de l'Environnement des Forêts, de l'Eau, et des Mines BP 3502 Kigali, Rwanda Attn Mr. Eliezer Ndizeye Rusakana Phone +250 582628 Fax +250 582629</p><p>Bureau du PNUD BP 445 Kigali, Rwanda</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>141 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Mission permanente de la République du Rwanda auprés du PNUE International Life House Kimathi Street P.O. Box 30619 Nairobi 00100, Kenya Phone +254 317400 Fax +254 317403</p><p>CA Ministry of Lands, Environment, DNA- Chef de Division Protection des NFP M. Rusakana Eliézer NDIZEYE Forestry, Water and Natural Resources P Végétaux Direction de la Protection de B.P. 3502 Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Elevage l’Environnement Kigali, Rwanda BP 621 Ministère des Terres, de Telephone: (250) 826 28 Kigali, Rwanda l’Environnement, des Forets, de l’Eau et Telefax: (250) 826 29 des Ressources Naturelles E-Mail: [email protected] B.P. 3502 Kigali, Rwanda Tel: (+250) 58 53 98 Fax: (+250) 58 26 29</p><p>DNA- Directeur de l'Environnement C Ministère de l'Environnement, des Forêts, de l'Eau et des Ressources Naturelles BP 3502 Kigali, Rwanda</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>142 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Saint Kitts and FP Senior Environmental Officer OCP  OCP – Nevis (2) Department of Physical Planning and Environment Ministry of Sustainable Development P.O. Box 597 Bladen Commercial Development Wellington Road Basseterre, St. Kitts St. Kitts and Nevis Telephone: (1 869) 465 22 77 Telefax: (1 869) 465 58 42 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board Basseterre St. Kitts –West Indes</p><p>Saint Lucia (2) FP/CA Permanent Secretary OCP  OCP – Ministry of Planning, Development, Environment and Housing P.O. Box 709 Castries, St. Lucia Telephone: (1 758) 468 44 58/9/60 Telefax: (1 758) 451 69 58 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>143 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA – NFP Mr. Martin Satney Permanent Secretary Ministry of Physical Development, Environment and Housing P.O. Box 709 Castries, St. Lucia, WI Tel: (+1 758) 468 44 19/18 Fax: (+1 758) 451 6958/452 2506</p><p>Saint Vincent and FP/CA Ministry of Health and the Environment OCP/  OCP/  the Grenadines (2) Ministerial Building DNA NFP Kingstown St. Vincent and the Grenadines Telephone: (1 784) 485 69 92 Telefax: (1 784) 457 26 84 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>Samoa FP/CA Chief Executive Officer OCP The Secretary for Foreign Affairs OCP Mr. Aiono Mose Pouvi Sua Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry of Foreign Affairs Chief Executive Officer P.O. Box L1859 Beach Road Ministry of Foreign Affairs Apia, Samoa Private Bag P.O. Box L1859 Telephone: (685) 211 71 or 253 13 Apia, Samoa Apia, Samoa Telefax: (685) 215 04 Tel.: (+685) 21171 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (+685) 21504</p><p>The Director Ministry of Lands, Surveys and Environment Private Bag Apia, Samoa Phone +685 23723 Fax +685 23174</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>144 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency UNDP Office Private Mail Bag Apia, Samoa</p><p>CA Chief Executive Officer DNA- The Director NFP The Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Natural Resources and C Department of Lands, Surveys & Ministry of Foreign Affairs Environment Environment P.O. Box L1859 PO Private Bag Private Mail Bag Apia, Samoa Apia, Samoa Apia, Samoa Tel: (+685) 633 33/253 13 Telephone: (685) 224 81 or 237 01 or Phone +685 2 38 00 Fax: (+685) 215 04 237 02 or 256 53 Fax +685 2 31 76 Telefax: (685) 231 76</p><p>DNA- Pesticide Registrar P Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries and Meteorology P.O. Box 1874 Apia, Samoa Attn Mr. Pimalolo Maiava Phone +685 26103 Fax +685 26103 OCP/ Sao Tome and FP/CA  OCP/  NFP  Principe (1,2) DNA</p><p>Saudi Arabia (3) FP/CA Meteorology and Environmental OCP President OCP  Protection Administration (MEPA) Presidency of Meteorology & P.O. Box 1358 Environment (PME) Jeddah 21431, Saudi Arabia P.O. Box 1358 Telephone: (96 62) 651 23 12 Jeddah 21431, Saudi Arabia Telefax: (96 62) 651 14 24 Attn H.E. Mr. Turki bin Nasser Bin Abdelaziz Fax +96 626511424</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>145 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- The President NFP – CP Meteorological & Environmental Protection Administration Ministry of Defense & Aviation P.O. Box 1358 Jeddah 21431, Saudi Arabia Phone +966 2 651 86 76 Fax +966 2 651 14 24</p><p>Senegal FP/CA Direction de l'Environnement OCP/ Directeur OCP – Ministère de l'Environnement et de la DNA- Direction de l'Environnement et des Protection de la Nature CP Etablissements Classés 23, rue Calmette Ministère de l'Environnement et de la B.P. 4049 Protection de la Nature Dakar, Senegal 106 Rue Carnot, BP 6557 Telephone: (221) 821 07 25 Dakar, Senegal Telefax: (221) 822 62 12 Attn Mme Fatima Dia Touré Phone +221 821 0725 Fax +221 822 6212 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>NFP Mme. Fatima Dia Toure Directeur de l’Environnement et des Etablissements Classés 106, rue Carnot Dakar, Sénégal Tel: (+221) 821 07 25 Fax: (+221) 822 62 12</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>146 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Serbia (2,3) FP Ministry of Science and Environmental OCP  OCP/ Ms. Valentina Radjenovic Protection NFP Advisor 1, Omladinskih Brigada St. Directorate for Environmental Protection Novi Beograd Chemicals Management Department Belgrade, Serbia Ombaladinskih brigade St. Telephone: (381 11) 313 25 75 11070 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Telefax: (381 11) 313 25 74 Tel: (+381 11) 215 87 59 ext. 135 E-Mail: Fax: (+381 11) 215 87 93 [email protected]</p><p>CA Directorate for Environmental Protection DNA – Ministry for Science and Environmental Protection 1, Omladinskih Brigada St. Novi Beograd 11070 Belgrade, Serbia Telephone: (381 11) 313 25 75 Telefax: (381 11) 313 25 74 E-Mail: [email protected] (For control, import licensing, export and transit and information on transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal)</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>147 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Laboratory for categorization of waste Institute for health protection 29 November 54a 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Telephone: (381 11) 323 82 30 Telefax: (381 11) 323 82 30 or 322 78 28 E-Mail: [email protected] (For waste categorization and list of waste, designation of national marks for wastes)</p><p>"Zastava" automobiles PC Central Laboratory 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia Telephone: (381 34) 35 56 36 Telefax: (381 34) 35 56 36 (For waste categorization and list of waste, designation of national marks for wastes)</p><p>Institute IMC-Laboratory for materials testing Bulevar Vojvode Misica 43 11 070 Novi Beograd Belgrado, Serbia Telephone: (381 11) 265 14 91 Telefax: (381 11) 369 27 82 (For waste categorization and list of waste, designation of national marks for wastes)</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>148 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Seychelles (2,3) FP Assistant Director (Pollution Control) OCP  OCP – Division of Environment Ministry of Environment, Economic Planning and External Relations P.O. Box 445 Victoria, Seychelles Telephone: (248) 22 46 44, ext. 50 Telefax: (248) 22 45 00 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA Division of Environment DNA – NFP Environmental Assessment and Pollution Botanical Gardens Control P.O. Box 445 Division of Environment Victoria, Seychelles Botanical Gardens, Mont Fleuri Telephone: (248) 22 46 44 P.O. Box 445 Telefax: (248) 22 45 00 Mahé, Seychelles E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: (+248) 233 326/722 486 Fax: (+248) 224 500</p><p>Ministry of Industry P.O. Box 648 Victoria, Seychelles Telephone: (248) 22 50 60 Telefax: (248) 22 50 86</p><p>(1,2) OCP/ Sierra Leone FP/CA – OCP/ – NFP – DNA</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>149 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Singapore FP Head, International Environment and OCP Permanent Secretary. Director OCP – Policy Department International Relations Division Ministry of the Environment Ministry of the Environment and Water 11th Storey, Environment Building Resources 40 Scotts Road Environment Building Singapore 228231 40 Scotts Road, #23-00 Singapore Singapore 228231, Singapore Telephone: (656) 732 77 33 Telefax: (656) 738 44 68 Permanent Secretary. Director E-Mail: [email protected] International Organisations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tanglin 248163, Singapore</p><p>CA Head, Pollution Control Department DNA- Head, Pollution Control Department NFP Mr. Eng Tiang Sing National Environment Agency CP National Environment Agency Director, International Relations Division 12th Storey, Environment Building 40, Scotts Road # 12-00 Ministry of the Environment and Water 40 Scotts Road Environment Building Resources (MEWR) Singapore 228231 Singapore 228231, Singapore Environment Building Singapore Attn Rohaya Saharom #23-00, 40 Scotts Roads Telephone: (65) 67 31 96 54 Phone +65 67319654 Singapore 228231, Republic of Telefax: (65) 68 36 22 94 Fax +65 68362294 Singapore E-Mail: [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Tel: (+65) 6731 9878 Fax: (+65) 6738 4468</p><p>Slovakia FP Slovak Environmental Agency (SEA) OCP  OCP Mrs. Andrea Laurincova Centre of Waste and Environmental Head of Department of Environmental Management Chemical Safety, Waste and Hanulova 5/D Environmental Management Centre 844 40 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Slovak Environmental Agency Telephone: (421 27) 64 36 99 24 Tajovskeho 28 Telefax: (421 27) 64 28 26 83 974 09 Banska Bystrica, Slovakia E-Mail: [email protected] Tel.: (+421 2) 60 20 16 14 / Fax: (+421 2) 64 28 26 83</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>150 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Ministry of the Environment DNA – NFP Director Waste Management Department Air Protection Department nám L. Štúra 1 Ministry of the Environment 812 35 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Nam L. Stura 1 Telephone: (421 27) 59 56 11 11 812 35 Bratislava, Slovakia Telefax: (421 27) 59 56 20 31 Tel: (+421 2) 5956 2220/2221 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (+421 2) 5956 2031</p><p>Slovenia FP/CA Environmental Agency OCP The Minister for Agriculture, Forestry OCP/ Mrs. Vesna Ternifi, B. Sc. Ministry of the Environment, Spatial and Food NFP Undersecretary Planning and Energy Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and National Chemicals Bureau Vojkova 1B Food Ministry of Health 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Dunajska 58 Mali trg 6 Telephone: (386 61) 478 45 35 or 478 Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 45 21 Tel: (+386 1) 478 62 51 Telefax: (386 61) 478 40 51 Minister of the Environment and Spatial Fax: (+386 1) 478 62 66 E-Mail: [email protected] or Planning [email protected] Dunajska cesta 48 Ljubljana SI-1000, Slovenia Phone +3861 4787300 Fax +3861 4787427</p><p>DNA- Undersecretary CP National Chemicals Bureau Ministry of Health Mali trg 6 Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia Attn Ms. Karmen Krajnc Phone +386 1 478 60 54 Fax +386 1 478 62 66 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Solomon Islands FP/CA – OCP/ – OCP/ – (1,2) DNA NFP</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>151 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency South Africa FP/CA The Director General OCP The Director General OCP – Chief Directorate: Pollution Control and Department of Foreign Affairs Waste Management Directorate: Environment, Science and Department of Environmental Affairs Technology and Tourism Route JAD 000 Private Bag X447 Private Bag X152 Pretoria 0001, South Africa Pretoria 0001, South Africa Telephone: (27 12) 310 35 32 Telefax: (27 12) 322 26 82 or 320 00 24 E-Mail: [email protected] </p><p>Permanent Mission of the Republic of South Africa to UNEP Roshanmaer Place Lenana Road P.O. Box 42441 Nairobi 00100, Kenya</p><p>DNA- The Director General NFP The Assistant Director CP Department of Environmental Affairs MEA Focal Point and Tourism Department of Environmental Affairs and Directorate Chemicals and Hazardous Tourism Waste Management Private Bag X447 Private Bag X447 Pretoria, Republic of South Africa Pretoria 0001, South Africa Tel: (+27) 12 310 3270 Phone +27 12 310 3668 Fax: (+27) 12 320 0025 Fax +27 12 320 0024 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>152 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Spain FP/CA Jefe del Area de Gestión de Residuos y OCP Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores OCP – Jefe del Servicio de Diseño de Planes Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores Subdirección General de Prevención de c/o Embajada de España Residuos, Dirección General de Calidad (Oficina del Representante Permanente y ante la FAO) Evaluación Ambiental Largo dei Lombardi 21 Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Rome 00186, Italy Plaza de San Juan de la Cruz, s/n 28071 Madrid, Spain Telephone: (34 91) 597 57 99/6 Telefax: (34 91) 597 63 61 (Spain has designated 18 Competent Authorities of Dispatch and Destination for shipments between Spain and other EU Member State and 1 Competent Authority for imports and exports between Spain and non-EU Member State, and transit of waste through Spain. Spain has also designated 1 Correspondent for imports and exports between Spain and non-EU Member State, transit of waste through Spain and shipments between Ceuta or Melilla and other EU Member State and 17 Correspondents for other shipments between Autonomous Communities and EU Member States. The list could be obtained from the Secretariat upon request.)</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>153 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Director General de Calidad y NFP Ms. Ana Fresno Ruis CP Evaluación Ambiental DG. Calidad y Evaluacion Ambiental Subdirección General de Calidad y Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Prevención de Riesgos Pza. San Juan de la Cruz s/n Ministerio de Medio Ambiente 28071 Madrid, Spain Plaza San Juan de la Cruz s/n Tel: (+34 91) 453 53 62 Madrid 28071, Spain Fax: (+34 91) 534 05 82 Attn D. Manuel Carbo Phone +34 91 4535401 Ms. Ana Garcia Gonzalez Fax +34 91 4530582 DG Calidad del Aire y Prevencion de e-mail [email protected] Riesgos Ministerio de Medio Ambiente c/Agustin de Betancourt 25, 1 28071 Madrid, Spain Tel: (+34 91) 453 5363 Fax: (+34 91) 534 0583</p><p>Sri Lanka FP Secretary OCP The Permanent Representative of the OCP Mr. W.R.M.S. Wickramasinghe Ministry of Environment and Natural Republic of Sri Lanka to UNEP Additional Secretary Resources P.O. Box 1505 Ministry of Environment No. 104 Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha Colombo, Sri Lanka "Sampathpaya" Battaramulla, Sri Lanka 82 Rajamalwatta Road Telephone: (94 11) 287 72 90 or 288 74 UNDP Office Battaramulla, Sri Lanka 53 P.O. Box 1505 Tel.: (+94) 11 287 53 27 Telefax: (94 11) 287 72 92 or 286 11 96 Colombo, Sri Lanka Fax: (+94) 11 287 98 34 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>Minister for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic Building Republic Square Colombo 1, Sri Lanka</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>154 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency The Minister Ministry of Enviornment & Natural Resources "Sampathpaya" N° 82 Rajamalwatta Road Colombo 4, Sri Lanka Phone +941 866617 Fax +941 866613/877292</p><p>CA Chairman DNA- Registrar of Pesticides NFP – Central Environmental Authority P Pesticides Registration Office No. 104 Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha Getambe Battaramulla, Sri Lanka P.O. Box 49 Telephone: (94 11) 287 23 48 Peradeniya 20400, Sri Lanka Telefax: (94 11) 287 23 47 Phone +94 812 388 135 E-Mail: [email protected] or Fax +94 812 388 135 [email protected] or [email protected] e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- The Director-General C Central Environmental Authority "Parisara Piyasa" 104 Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha Battaramulla, Sri Lanka Attn Mrs. Manel Jayamanna Phone +94 11 2872359 Fax +94 11 2872608 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>155 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Sudan FP – OCP The Minister for External Relations OCP Dr. Saad El Din Ibrahim Ministry of External Relations Secretary General Mak Nimir Avenue Higher Council for Environment and P.O. Box 873 Natural Resources (HCENR) Khartoum, Sudan Gamaa Street P.O. Box 11488 The Minister for Foreign Affairs Khartoum, Sudan c/o The Permanent Mission of the Tel.: (+249) 183 784 279 Republic of Sudan to UNEP Fax: (+249) 183 787 617 P.O. Box 48784 Khartoum, Sudan</p><p>CA – DNA- The Registrar NFP Higher Council for Environment and CP National Council for Pesticides Natural Resources Plant Protection Directorate P.O. Box 10488 P.O. Box 14 Khartoum Khartoum North, Sudan Sudan Phone +249 185 33 74 42 Tel: (+249 1) 83 784 279/781 879 Fax +249 185 33 94 23 Fax: (+249 1) 83 787 617 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Suriname (1,3) FP Environmental Policy Officer OCP Environmental Policy Officer OCP  Environmental Section Environmental Section Ministry of Labour, Technological Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment Development and Environment Wagenwegstraat, 22 Wagenwegstraat N° 22 Paramaribo, Suriname Paramaribo, Suriname Telephone: (597) 47 53 68 Attn Mrs Magret Kerkhoffs-Zerp Telefax: (597) 42 09 60 Phone +597 47 53 68 E-Mail: [email protected] or Fax +597 42 09 60 [email protected] e-mail milieu [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>156 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA – DNA- Head Pesticides Division NFP Mrs. Margret Kerkhoffs-Zerp CP Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Environmental Policy Officer Husbandry and Fisheries Environmental Section Letitita Vriesdelaan 8 Ministry of Labor, Technological P.O. Box 160 Development Paramaribo, Suriname and Environment Attn Ing. Mrs. A. van Sauers-Muller Wagenwegstraat 22 Phone +597 425632 Paramaribo, Suriname Fax +597 42 0152 Te.( +597) 475 368 e-mail [email protected] Fax: (+597) 420 960</p><p>Swaziland (2) FP  OCP  OCP –</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP Mrs. Thobile Khumalo Environmental Engineer Swaziland Environment Authority Second floor, Income Tax Building Mhlambanyatsi Road P.O. Box 2652 Mbabane, Swaziland Tel: (+268) 404 64 20 Fax: (+268) 404 17 19</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>157 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Sweden FP Division for Eco-Management and OCP The Minister for Agriculture, Food and OCP/ Dr. Bo Wahlström Chemicals Fisheries NFP Senior International Advisor Ministry for Sustainable Development Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate S-103 33 Stockholm, Sweden Fisheries P.O. Box 2 Telephone: (46 8) 405 10 00 Fredsgatan 8 SE-172 13 Sundbyberg, Sweden Telefax: (46 8) 613 30 72 Stockholm SE 103-33, Sweden Tel.: (+46 8) 5194 1260 E-Mail: Fax: (+46 8) 735 76 98 [email protected] or The Minister for Foreign Affairs [email protected] c/o The Permanent Representative of Sweden to UNEP Royal Swedish Embassy P.O. Box 30600 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>CA Sweden Environmental Protection DNA- The National Chemicals Inspectorate Agency CP (Keml) S-106 48 Stockholm Esplanaden 3A Sweden P.O. Box 2 Telephone: (46 8) 698 10 00 Sundbyberg S-172 13, Sweden Telefax: (46 8) 698 12 22 Attn Kirsti Siirala E-Mail: Phone +46 8 5194 1100 margareta.appelberg@naturvardsverket Fax +46 8 735 7698 .se e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Switzerland FP International Affairs Division OCP Le Chef du Département fédéral des OCP/ Prof. Georg Karlaganis Swiss Agency for the Environment, affaires étrangères NFP Head of the Substances, Soil and Forest and Landscape (SAEFL) c/o Permanent Mission of Switzerland to Biotechnology Division 3003 Bern, Switzerland UNEP Federal Office for the Environment Telephone: (41 31) 322 92 43 7th Floor, International Life House CH 3003 Berne, Switzerland Telefax: (41 31) 323 03 49 P.O. Box 30752 GPO Tel: (+41 31) 322 6955 E-Mail: Nairobi, Kenya Fax: (+41 31) 324 7978 [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>158 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Monsieur le Conseiller Fédéral Département fédéral de l'économie Vice-président du Conseil fédéral Chef du Département fédéral de l'économie c/o Représentant permanent de la Suisse auprès de la FAO Viale Aventino 89 Rome 00153, Italy</p><p>CA Waste Management Division OCP/ Head of Division Swiss Agency for the Environment, DNA- Division Substances, Soil, Biotechnology Forest and Landscape (SAEFL) CP Federal Office for the Environment 3003 Bern, Switzerland (FOEN) Telephone: (41 31) 322 93 27 Berne 3003, Switzerland Telefax: (41 31) 322 59 32 Attn Mr. Georg Karlaganis Phone +41 31 322 69 55 E- Fax +41 31 324 79 78 Mail:[email protected] e-mail [email protected] dmin.ch Syrian Arab FP Chemical Safety Department OCP Minister of Foreign Affairs OCP/ Eng. Fouad ELOK Republic General Commission for Environmental Muhajreen Shora NFP Director of Chemical Safety Directorate Affairs Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic General Commission for Environmental Ministry of Local Administration and Phone +963 11 3331 200 Affairs Environment Fax +963 11 332 7620 / 332 0686 Ministry of Local Administration and P.O. Box 3773 Environment Mazraa, Damascus Minister of Local Administration and P.O. Box 3773 Syrian Arab Republic Environment Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic Telephone: (963 11) 444 37 29 or 446 Ministry of Local Administration and Tel: (+963 11) 444 37 29/446 10 79 59 05 Environment Fax: (+963 11) 444 37 29/446 10 79 Telefax: (963 11) 444 37 29 or 446 10 P.O. Box 3311 79 Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>159 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Ministry of Local Administration and OCP/ Director Environment DNA- Directorate of Chemical Safety and P.O. Box 3773 CP dangerous Wastes Management Mazraa, Damascus Ministry of Local Administration and Syrian Arab Republic Environment Telephone: (963 11) 446 59 05 or 442 Mazraa Square 12 41 P.O. Box 3773 Telefax: (963 11) 446 10 79 Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic E-Mail: [email protected] Attn Mr. Fouad Al Ek Phone +963 11 444 3729 Fax +963 11 4461079 e-mail [email protected] </p><p>Tajikistan (1,2) FP  OCP  OCP Mr. Abdusalim Juraev Head of Department on State Control of Nature Resources Use State Committee on Environment Protection and Forestry 50, Dehoti Street 734055 Dushanbe, Tajikistan Tel.: (+992) 37 234 13 24 Fax: (+992) 37 221 18 39</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP –</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>160 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Thailand FP Director General OCP/ Director-General OCP/ Dr. Supat Wangwongwatana Pollution Control Department DNA- Pollution Control Department NFP Director General Ministry of Natural Resources and CP Ministry of Natural Resources and Pollution Control Department Environment Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and 92 Soi Phahon Yothin 7 Phahonyothin 92 Soi Phahon Yothin 7, Environment Rd. Phahon Yothin Road, Phayathai District 92 Soi Phahon Yothin 7 Phayathai District Bangkok 10400, Thailand Phahon YothinRoad Bangkok 10400, Thailand Attn Dr. Supat Wangwongwatana Sam Sen Nai, Phayathai Telephone: (66 2) 298 22 38, 2427 or Phone +662 298 2121 Bangkok 10400, Thailand 2447 Fax +662 298 2129 Tel: (+66 2) 298 2121/2457 Telefax: (66 2) 298 24 25 e-mail [email protected] Fax: (+66 2) 2129/2425 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA Director General DNA- Director General Department of Industrial Works P Department of Agriculture Ministry of Industry Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives 75/6 Rama VI Road, Ratchatewi 50, Phaholyothin Rd., Ladyao, Bangkok 10400, Thailand Chatuchak, Telephone: (66 2) 202 42 28 or 245 78 Bangkok 10900, Thailand 74 Attn Mr. Adisuk Sreesunpagit Telefax: (66 2) 202 40 15 Phone +66 2 579 0586 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +-66 2 561 5024 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Director-General C Department of Industrial Works Ministry of Industry 75/6 Rama Vi Rd. Ratchathewi Bangkok 10400, Thailand Attn Mr. Issra Shoatburakarn Phone +662 202 4101-2 Fax +662 354 3390</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>161 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency The former FP/CA Ministry of Environment OCP  OCP – Yugoslav Republic "Drezdenska" 52 of Macedonia (2) 91000 Skopje The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Telephone: (389 2) 36 69 30 Telefax: (389 2) 36 69 31 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>DNA – NFP Ms. Teodora Obradovic Grncarovska Assistant Head of Department for Sustainable Development Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Drezdenska 52 1000 Skopje The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: (+389 2) 3066 930 Ext. 109 Fax: (+389 2) 3066 931 Togo FP – OCP Bureau du PNUD OCP Mr. Thiyu Kohoga Essobiyou B.P. 911 Chef Division Instalations et Dechets Lomé, Togo Dangereux Direction de l'Environnement 247 rue des Nimes B.P. 4825 Lomé, Togo Tel: (+228) 221 33 21 Fax: (+228) 221 51 97</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>162 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Ministre des affaires étrangères et de la coopération Ministère des affaires étrangères et de la coopération Place des Martyrs de Sarakawa B.P. 900 Lomé, Togo</p><p>Ministère de la Santé B.P. 386 Togo Phone +228 222 4261 Fax +228 222 2073</p><p>Ministère de l'environnement et ressources forestières B.P. 4825 Lomé, Togo Phone +228 221 0600 / 2210 / 2213078 Fax +228 210 333/ 2210600</p><p>CA – DNA- Chef NFP Mr. OURO-DJERI Essowé CP Division Contrôle Phytosanitaire Ingenieur des Eaux et Forêts Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Elevage Directeur du Cabinet et de la Pêche Ministère de l’Environnement et des Direction de l'Agriculture Ressources Forestières Togo BP 4825 Attn M. Yawa Sèfe Gogovor Lomé, Togo Phone +228 222 61 25 Tel: (+228) 222 2113/902 1935 Fax +228 222 61 05 Fax: (+228) 221 0333/222 9807 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>163 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Directeur C Direction de l'Environnent Ministère de l'Environnement et des Ressources Forestières 247, rue des Nîmes B.P. 4825 Lomé, Togo Attn M. Bougonou K. Djeri-Alassani Phone +228 221 5197/ 918 1315/ 2251527 Fax +228 221 0333 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Directeur P Direction de l'Agriculture Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Elevage et de la Pêche B.P.1263 Lomé, Togo Attn M. Akla-Esso M'baw Arokoum Phone +228 222 6105 Fax +228 222 6105 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Tonga (1,2,3) FP – OCP – OCP –</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP Mr. Uilou Samani Dierctor of Environment P.O. Box 917 Nuku’alofa, Tonga Tel: (+676) 25 050 Fax: (+676) 25 051</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>164 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Trinidad and FP Permanent Secretary OCP – OCP Dr. David Persaud Tobago (2) Ministry of Public Utilities and the Environmental Manager Environment Ministry of Public Utilities and the Sacred Heart Building Environment 16-18 Sackville Street Sacred Heart Building Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago 16-18 Sackville Str. Telephone: (1 868) 625 60 83 Port of Spain Telefax: (1 868) 625 70 03 Trinidad And Tobago E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: (+1 868) 624 60 24 Fax: (+1 868) 625 70 03</p><p>CA Environmental Management Authority DNA – NFP – (EMA) 8 Elizabeth Street St. Clair Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Telephone: (1 868) 624 80 42 or 628 80 44 Telefax: (1 868) 628 91 22 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Tunisia (2) FP/CA Ministère de l'Environnement et du OCP/ – OCP/ – Développement Durable DNA NFP Centre Urbain Nord - Boulevard de la Terre 1080 Tunis, Tunisia Telephone: (216) 70 72 86 44 Telefax: (216) 70 72 86 55 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>165 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Turkey (2,3) FP/CA Head of Department OCP – OCP Mr. Abdurrahman Uluirmak General Directorate of Environmental Head of Chemical Management Management Department Ministry of Environment and Forestry Ministry of Environment and Forestry Sögütözü General Directorate of Environmental 06560 Ankara, Turkey Management Telephone: (90 312) 207 64 63 Sogutozu Cad. No. 14/E Telefax: (90 312) 207 66 95 06560 Bestepe-Ankara, Turkey E-Mail: [email protected] Tel.: (+90 312) 207 64 64 Fax: (+90 312) 207 64 46</p><p>DNA – NFP Mr. Sami Agirgun General Director Ministry of Environment General Directorate for Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Eskisehir Yolu 8. km Ankara, Turkey Tel: (+90 312) 285 10 40 Fax: (+90 312) 285 58 75</p><p>Turkmenistan (2,3) FP Ministry of Foreign Affairs OCP – OCP – 83 Magtymguly Avenue Ashgabat 744000 Turkmenistan Telephone: (99 312) 35 66 88/39 47 09 Telefax: (99 312) 51 14 30</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP –</p><p>Tuvalu (1,2) FP/CA – OCP/ – OCP/ – DNA NFP</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>166 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Uganda (2) FP Environmental Impact Assessment OCP – OCP Dr. Henry Aryamanya-Mugisha Officer Executive Director National Environment Management National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) Authority (NEMA) P.O. Box 22255 NEMA House Plot 17, 19, 21, Jinja Road Kampala, Uganda P.O. Box 22255 Telephone: (256 41) 25 10 64/5/8 Kampala, Uganda Telefax: (256 41) 23 26 80 or 25 75 21 Tel.: (+256) 251 064 /5/8 / E-Mail: [email protected] or Fax: (+256) 41 257 521 [email protected]</p><p>CA The Executive Director DNA – NFP Mr. Patric Isagara Kamanda National Environment Management Environment Inspector Authority (NEMA) National Environment Management NEMA House Authority (NEMA) Plot 17, 19 & 21 Jinja Road P.O. Box 22255 P.O. Box 22255 Kampala, Uganda Kampala, Uganda Tel: (+256 41) 25 1064/1065/1068 Telephone: (256 41) 25 10 64/5/8 Fax: (+256 41) 25 7521 Telefax: (256 41) 25 75 21 or 23 26 80 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>Ukraine (3) FP Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of OCP Director OCP/ Mr. Yevgen Matorin Environmental Problems Department of Environmental Safety NFP Director, Department of Environmental 6, Bakulin Street and Hazardous Chemicals Management Safety 61166 Kharkiv, Ukraine Ministry of Environment and Natural Ministry of Environmental Protection Telephone: (38 057) 702 15 85 Resources of Ukraine 35 Uritskogo str. Telefax: (38 057) 702 15 92 35 Uritskogo street 03035 Kiev, Ukraine E-Mail: [email protected] Kyiv 03035, Ukraine Tel: (+38 044) 206 31 55 Attn Mr. Yevhen M. Matorin Fax: (+38 044) 206 31 55 Phone +38044 206 31 03 Fax +38044 206 31 03 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>167 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency The Minister for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs c/o Permanent Mission of Ukraine to UNEP P.O. Box 63566 Nairobi 00619, Kenya Phone +254 374 89 22 Fax +254 375 6028</p><p>CA Ministry of Environmental Protection DNA- Head of the Department 35 Urytskoho Str. P Department of Ecological Safety 03035 Kyiv, Ukraine Ministry of Environment and Natural Telephone: (38 044) 206 31 51 Resouces of Ukraine Telefax: (38 044) 206 31 51 5 Kreschatyk str. E-Mail: [email protected] Kiev 01601, Ukraine Attn Mr. Yevhen Matorin Phone +380 44 228 05 43 Fax +380 44 228 05 43 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Cabinet of Ministers State Committee for the Trials and Registration of Plant Protections Means and Regulators of Growth Kiev, Ukraine</p><p>DNA- Head of the Committee C Hygienic Regulation Committee Ministry of Public Health 75, Saksagansky Str. Kiev 01033, Ukraine Attn Dr Alexander Kravchuk Phone +380 44 289 4705 Fax +380 44 428 0643 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>168 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency United Arab FP/CA The Director General OCP The Under Secretary OCP – Emirates Federal Environmental Agency (FEA) Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries P.O. Box 5951 P.O. Box 1509 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Dubai, United Arab Emirates Telephone: (971 2) 677 73 63 Telefax: (971 2) 677 05 01 The Minister for Finance and Industries E-Mail: [email protected] Ministry of Finance and Industries Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates</p><p>UNDP Office P.O. Box 3490 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates</p><p>The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 1 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates</p><p>The Minister for Information and Culture Ministry of Information and Culture P.O. Box 17 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates</p><p>Federal Environment Agency (FEA) Al Salem St. Union Bank building 14 floor P.O. Box 5951 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Phone +971 2 6330000 Fax +971 2 643 4885</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>169 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Director NFP – CP Plant Protection and Quarantine Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries P.O.Box 1509 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Attn Mr. Mohammed Mousa Abdullah Phone +971 4 295 7650 Fax +971 4 294 5994 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>United Kingdom of FP Secretary of State for Environment, OCP The Secretary of State for Foreign and OCP Mr. Sekai Ngarize Great Britain and Food and Rural Affairs Commonwealth Affairs Advisor Northern Ireland c/o Waste Management Division c/o The Permanent Mission of the United Department for Environment, Food and Department for Environment, Food and Kingdom to UNEP Rural Affairs Rural Affairs (DEFRA) P.O. Box 30465 4/E4 Ashdown House Floor 6/E5, Ashdown House Nairobi, Kenya 123 Victoria Str. 123 Victoria Street London, SW1E 6DE, United Kingdom London SW1E 6DE, United Kingdom The Ambassador of the United Kingdom Tel.: (+44 20) 7082 8065 Telephone: (44 20) 70 82 87 61 to FAO Fax: (+44 20) 7082 8086 Telefax: (44 20) 70 82 87 64 Permanent Representation of the United E-Mail: [email protected] Kingdom to FAO Via Monserrato 48/1 Rome 00186, Italy</p><p>CA List available from the focal point</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>170 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Sovereign Base Areas: DNA- Department of the Environment NFP Mr. Nicola Lettington Competent Authority for the Western CP Transport and the Regions International Chemicals Team Sovereign Base Area: Chemicals and Biotechnology Division Department for Environment, Food and Floor 3/F4, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Area Officer, Area Office Street Zone 4/E4 Ashdown House Akrotiri London SW 1E 6DE 123 Victoria Street BFPO 57 Tel: (357) 25 27 72 90 United Kingdom of Great Britain and London SW1E 6DE, United Kingdom Northern Ireland Tel: (+44 20) 207082 81 03 Competent Authority for Eastern Sovereign Phone +44 171 890 52 30 Fax: (+44 20) 207082 80 86 Base Area: Fax +44 171 890 52 29 Area Officer, Area Office Dhekelia BFPO 58 Tel: (357) 24 74 45 58</p><p>British Forces Cyprus: Competent Authority: Defence Estates Support Manager Block D, Headquarters British Forces Cyprus Episkopi BFPO 53 Tel: (357) 25 96 23 29</p><p>United Republic of FP Director of Environment OCP The Principal Secretary OCP – Tanzania Division of Environment Office of the Vice President P.O. Box 5380 P.O. Box 5380 Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Dar-es-Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania Tanzania Telephone: (255 22) 211 84 16 Telefax: (255 22) 212 52 97 or 211 30 The Director General 82 or The National Environmental 211 38 56 Management Council E-Mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 63154 United Republic of Tanzania</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>171 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency UNDP Office P.O. Box 9182 Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania</p><p>Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Kivukoni Front P.O. Box 9000 Dar-es-Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania</p><p>The Permanent Representative of the United Republic of Tanzania to UNEP Taifa Road, Re-Insurance Plaza 9th Floor P.O. Box 47790 Nairobi, Kenya</p><p>CA Principal Secretary DNA- The Chief Goverment Chemist NFP Mr. Eric K. Mugurusi Vice President's Office C Government Chemical Laboratory Director of Environment P.O. Box 5380 Agency Vice-President’s Office Dar-es-Salaam, United Republic of P.O. Box 164 P.O. Box 5380 Tanzania Dar-es-Salaam, United Republic of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Telephone: (255 22) 211 84 16 Tanzania Tel: (+255 22) 211 39 83/211 84 16 Telefax: (255 22) 212 52 97 or 211 30 Attn Dr. Ernest N.M. Mashimba Fax: (+255 22) 82 or Phone +255 21 11 33 20 2125297/2113856/211302 211 38 56 Fax +255 21 11 33 20 E-Mail: [email protected] e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>172 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency DNA- Principal Agricultural Officer P Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security P.O. Box 9071 Dar Es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania Attn Ms. Francisca Katagira Phone +255 22 286 5642 Fax +255 22 286 5642 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>United States of FP Office of Environmental Policy (ENV) OCP – OCP Ms. Karissa Taylor Kovner America (1,2,3) Bureau of Oceans and International Senior Policy Advisor Environmental and Scientific Affairs Office of the Assistant Administrator for (OES) Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic U.S. Department of State Substances 2201 C St., NW The US Environment Protection Agency Washington, D.C. 20520, U.S.A. 1201 Pennsylvania Ave., NW MC 7101M Telephone: (1 202) 647 92 66 Washington, DC 20460, USA Telefax: (1 202) 647 59 47 Tel.: (+1 202) 564 0564 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (+1 202) 564 0529</p><p>Ms. Angela Bednarek Foreign Affairs Officer US Department of State, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of Environmental Policy 2201 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20520, USA Tel.: (+1 202) 647 8772 / Fax: (+1 202) 647 5947</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>173 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Office of Solid Waste (OSW) DNA – NFP – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (5304W) Washington, D.C. 20460, U.S.A. Telephone: (1 703) 308 84 21 Telefax: (1 703) 308 05 14 or 308 05 22 E-Mail: [email protected] (General point of contact for Basel Convention matters) International Compliance Assurance Division (2254A) Office of Federal Activities Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20460, U.S.A. Telephone: (1 202) 564 41 08 Telefax: (1 202) 564 00 25 E-Mail: [email protected] (Point of contact for processing notification forms, written consents, written objections)</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>174 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Uruguay FP/CA Dirección de Medio Ambiente OCP Departamento de Organismos y OCP/ Ing. Agr. Alicia Torres Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Reuniones Internacionales NFP Directora Nacional Colonia 1206 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Ministerio de Vivenda y Medio Ambiente, Montevideo 11100, Uruguay 18 de Julio N°1205 Direccion Nacional de Medio Ambiente Telephone: (598 2) 901 70 86 or 900 04 Montevideo, Uruguay (MVOTMA) 47, Galicia 1131/33, 1 Piso ext. 2221 and 2052 Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y CP 11.100 Telefax: (598 2) 902 10 06 Pesca Montevideo, Uruguay E-Mail: [email protected] Calle constituyente 1476. Tel: (+598 2) 916 51 33 Montevideo, Uruguay Fax: (+598 2) 917 07 10 ext 4155 Attn Ing. Elena Masoller e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Ministro Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores 18 de Julio N°. 1205 Montevideo, Uruguay</p><p>Ministry of Housing, Land Use Management and Environment Calle Zabala N° 142 Entre 25 de Mayo y Rincon Montevideo, Uruguay</p><p>Delegación Permanente de la República Oriental del Uruguay 65 rue de Lausanne, 4ème étage Genève 1202, Switzerland</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>175 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Dirección Nacional de Medio Ambiente DNA- Directora Nacional de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento CP Dirección Nacional de Medio Ambiente Territorial y Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Sabala 1427 Territorial y Medio Ambiente Montevideo, Uruguay Rincón 422, piso 5° Telephone: (598 2) 916 51 33/82 87 Montevideo, Uruguay Telefax: (598 2) 916 51 32/82 88 Attn Ing. Agr. Alicia Torres E-Mail: [email protected] Phone +598 2 917 07 10 ext. 4558 Fax +598 2 916 51 32 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Dirección de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Colonia 1206 Montevideo 11100, Uruguay Phone +5982 9017086, 9000447 Fax +5982 9021006 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Director P Dirección General de Servicios Agrícolas Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca Av. Millán 4703 Montevideo CP 12.900, Uruguay Attn Ing. Agr. Humberto Almirati Phone +598 2 309 22 19 Fax +598 2 309 20 74 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>176 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Uzbekistan (2,3) FP/CA State Committee for Nature Protection OCP/  OCP/  99, Amir Timur Street DNA NFP 700128 Tashkent, Uzbekistan Telephone: (99871) 139 41 95/10 78 Telefax: (99871) 135 79 20/07 62 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Vanuatu (1,2) FP  OCP  OCP –</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP Director Department of Quarantine and Inspection Services Private Mail Bag 9095 Port Vila, Vanuatu Tel: (+678) 23 130/23 519/24 128 Fax: (+678) 23 185 Venezuela FP Unidad de Medio Ambiente OCP Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores OCP – (Bolivarian Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Republic of) Torre MRE Conde A, Carmelitas P:B: Avenida Urdaneta, Torre MRE, al lado Caracas 1010, Venezuela del Correo de Carmelitas Telephone: (58 2) 806 14 55 or 806 12 Venezuela 55 Attn H.E. Mr. Alí Rodriguez Araque Telefax: (58 2) 864 45 66 or 864 65 26 Phone +58212 8624484 or e-mail [email protected] 864 43 88 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Viceministro de Conservación Ambiental Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Venezuela Attn Ing. Miguel Leonardo Rodriguez</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>177 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency CA Direción General de Calidad Ambiental DNA- Dirección General NFP Ing. Miguel Leonardo Rodriguez Ministerio del Ambiente y de los CP Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Viceministro de Conservacion Ambiental Recursos Naturales (MARN) Recursos Naturales Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Centro Simón Bolivar Torre Sur, Centro Simón Bolivar Recursos Ambientales Torre Sur, Piso 28 Piso 28 Centro Simon Bolivar Caracas, Venezuela Caracas, Venezuela Torre Sur, Piso 26 Telephone: (58 2) 408 11 18 Attn Lic. Norberto Rebolledo Caracas, Venezuela Telefax: (58 2) 481 11 16 Phone +582 124 08 11 16 / 18 Tel: (+58 212) 408 1182/1184 Fax +582 124 08 15 10 / 15 01 Fax: (+58 212) 408 1147 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Viet Nam (2) FP/CA Vietnam Environmental Protection OCP  OCP – Agency (VEPA) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) 67 Nguyen Du Street Hanoi, Viet Nam Telephone: (84 4) 822 44 20 Telefax: (84 4) 822 31 89 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]</p><p>DNA – NFP Dr. Tran Hong Ha Director General of VEPA Vietnam Environment Protection Agency Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 67 Nguyen Du Hanoi, S. R. Vietnam Tel: (+844) 822 4420 Fax: (+844) 822 3189</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>178 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Yemen FP/CA Chairman OCP The Chairman OCP/ Mr. Salem Ba Kehazel Environment Protection Authority (EPA) The Environment Protection Authority NFP Environment Protection Authority P.O. Box 19719 (EPA) Ministry of Water and Environment Sana'a, Republic of Yemen Ministry of Water & Environment (MWE) P.O. Box 19719 Telephone: (967 1) 20 78 17 P.O. Box 19719 Sana’a, Yemen Telefax: (967 1) 20 73 27 Sana'a, Yemen Tel: (+967) 120 78 17 E-Mail: [email protected] or Phone +967 1 20 78 16 Fax: (+967) 120 73 27 [email protected] Fax +967 1 207327</p><p>DNA- Director General CP Monitoring and Assessment Environment Protection Authority (EPA) P.O. Box 19719 Sana'a, Yemen Attn Mr. Salem Abdullah Baquhaizel Phone +967 1 20 2019 Fax +967 1 20 2019 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>DNA- Director of Pesticides Directorate P General Department of Plant Protection Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation PO Box 26 Sana'a, Yemen Attn Dr. Shoki Abdulwali Al-Dobai Phone +967 1 235193 Fax +967 1 235193 e-mail [email protected]</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>179 BC-RC-SC /AHJWG.1/INF/1</p><p>BASEL CONVENTION ROTTERDAM CONVENTION STOCKHOLM CONVENTION Countries Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Role Responsible office/agency Zambia (2) FP The Permanent Secretary OCP  OCP – Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources Box 34011 Lusaka, Zambia Telephone: (260 1) 22 94 11 to 16 Telefax: (260 1) 22 21 89 E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>CA The Director DNA – NFP Mr. Edward H. Zulu Environmental Council of Zambia Director P.O. Box 35131 Environmental Council of Zambia Lusaka, Zambia Corner Church and Suez Roads Telephone: (260 1) 25 41 30/46 P.O. Box 35131 Telefax: (260 1) 25 41 64 Lusaka, Zambia E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: + 26 1 254 023/59 Fax: + 26 1 154 164</p><p>Zimbabwe (1,2,3) FP  OCP  OCP –</p><p>CA – DNA – NFP Ministry of Environment and Tourism Karigamombe Centre 53 Samora Machel Avenue P Bag 7753, Causeway Harare, Zimbabwe Tel: (+263 4) 757 881/751 720 Fax: (+263 4) 759 413</p><p>______</p><p>1 – Not a Party to the Basel Convention. 2 – Not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention. 3 – Not a Party to the Stockholm Convention.</p><p>180</p>

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