<p> KEYNSHAM TOWN COUNCIL</p><p>Minutes of the Planning & Development Committee meeting held on Monday 13th July 2015 at 7.30pm in the Town Council Offices</p><p>PRESENT: Councillors C Fricker (Chairman), A Crouch, J Fleming, B Simmons and Z Wilkins</p><p>IN ATTENDANCE: Dawn Drury – Deputy Town Clerk</p><p>30. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE</p><p>Councillors D Nelson and K Simmons</p><p>31. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST</p><p>There were none</p><p>32. NON DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS</p><p>There were none</p><p>33. DISPENSATIONS</p><p>There were none</p><p>34. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – 22 nd June 2015</p><p>RESOLVED:</p><p>That the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd June 2015 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.</p><p>35. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION</p><p>There were 4 members of the public present </p><p>36. QUESTIONS ON NOTICE BY MEMBERS</p><p>There were none</p><p>37. SITE VISITS</p><p>There was one official site visit:-</p><p>28 Queens Road</p><p>38. PRESENTATION ON PROPOSALS FOR ST. MONICAS – SOMERDALE</p><p>A presentation on the proposals for the St. Monica’s retirement village on the Somerdale site was given by John Sneddon of Tetlow King Planning (Town Planners working on behalf of St. Monica’s Trust), David Williams (Chief Executive of St. Monica’s Trust), Andrew Wilson (Project Manager for St. Monica’s Trust) and Dr Nick Woodward (Senior Partner of St. Augustine’s Medical Practice, Keynsham). </p><p>The following points were discussed:-</p><p> How buildings A, B and C will be utilised which included the proposals for the MINS. PLANNING CTTE. 2 13th July 2015 incorporation of a doctors surgery, pharmacy and one retail shop. The need for a further doctors practice is Keynsham was explained by Dr Woodward. (a handout was presented entitled ‘Why does Keynsham need a new GP surgery?’) Doctor’s surgeries in Keynsham are already at capacity.</p><p> The proposed number of retirement units and care beds.</p><p> The range of care facilities and communal areas that will form part of the plan. The communal areas which will also be accessible by the public/visitors to the care home will include a restaurant, cinema and other areas where social interaction may take place.</p><p> Timescales – Demolition works on some link sections are to commence on 2 nd August with all demolition and asbestos removal to be completed by the beginning of December. It is envisaged that the doctors will be completed by January 2017 and the whole retirement village completed by Easter 2017.</p><p>Questions raised by Councillors included:-</p><p> Would there be full access for dial-a-ride mini buses to the main section of the village? It was confirmed that the access roads that are currently being formed on site are designed to take all emergency vehicles, refuse trucks and similar sized vehicles.</p><p> Would there be priority or a reduction in cost of the retirement/care facilities for ex- employees of Frys? The Trust are actively talking about the site providing affordable housing.</p><p> Similarly would ex-employees of Frys be given the opportunity to take up employment positions within the village? </p><p> What retail facility is planned? The single shop on site would be for basic daily essentials and would not be intended to compete with shops on the main High Street of Keynsham.</p><p> Would there be public space for exhibitions? This is something that could be looked at.</p><p> Would there be any Section 106 or CIL funding from this development? There will be no CIL or Section 106 funding because of the type of accommodation.</p><p>St. Monica’s Trust will be holding an exhibition on 4th August in the new Fry Club conference facilities and the exhibition boards will be available for the Councillors to view in the Town Council meeting room on Monday 3rd August and developers will be available for more questions at the next planning meeting on 3rd August.</p><p>39. PRESENTATION BY PERSIMMON HOMES – SITE TO SOUTH WEST OF KEYNSHAM</p><p>A Presentation was given on Persimmon Homes pre-application consultation for their part of the site to the South West of Keynsham by Mark Crosby (Consensus Communications Limited) and Emma Geater. They explained that the Masterplan is to be presented to B&NES and that this will go to committee on 29th July for an overview.</p><p>This site and the Bloor Homes site will both access on to Charlton Road with possible MINS. PLANNING CTTE. 3 13th July 2015 roundabouts to ease traffic out of the estates on to the main road. It is proposed that there will be 100 homes on the Persimmon Homes site and these will be mainly first and second time buyer’s homes. The Bloor Homes site adjacent will contain more executive homes. Persimmon Homes are holding a consultation event on Friday 17th July from 1.30 p.m. – 2.30 p.m. for Councillors and from 2.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. for the general public.</p><p>40. CONSULTATION ON PLANNING APPLICATIONS</p><p>With permission of the Committee it was agreed to amend the agenda order to consider agenda item 11.6 prior to the other items. </p><p>40.1 15/02862/FUL – 28 Queens Road Erection of 1 no. 3 bed attached house. Object on the following grounds:</p><p>The proposed development will be out of keeping with existing properties. On a site visit, it was noted that the proposed access (drop kerb) to number 28 will come on to a section of Queens Road that is currently congested with on street parking and at a point of poor visibility on a bend. (Policy D2 of the Local Plan)</p><p>Further comment - The proposed development is listed as attached but the plans show it to be detached.</p><p>40.2 15/02579/LBA – 1 Bristol Road (Milward House) Internal and external refurbishment works. Support. </p><p>40.3 15/02074/FUL – 31c Charlton Road – Erection of two storey extension following the demolition of existing garage (Re-submission). Support.</p><p>40.4 15/02697/FUL – 163 Charlton Road Erection of a single storey side extension. (Forming dependant relative accommodation). Object on the following grounds:</p><p>The proposed development is of an incongruous nature, does not follow the existing building line, is out of keeping and does not match the existing street scene. (Policy D2 of the Local Plan). </p><p>If the Local authority of a mind to permit this development it is suggest that a condition of the permission be that the extension should remain part of the main dwelling and not be sold as a separate accommodation in the future.</p><p>40.5 15/02873/FUL – 5 Kennet Road Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extension following the demolition of existing garage/utility room. Support.</p><p>40.6 15/02868/FUL – Parkhouse Lane (The Barn) Change of use of existing garage into two bedroom dwelling (resubmission). Support.</p><p>40.7 15/02699/FUL – Wellsway (Uplands Farm) Erection of a new structure to provide ancillary office accommodation and garage to adjacent dwelling. Comments only - The proposed development will be an MINS. PLANNING CTTE. 4 13th July 2015 overdevelopment of the site. The proposal is listed to provide ancillary office accommodation yet point 23 of the planning application form records no existing employment or proposed employment figures.</p><p>40.8 15/02518/FUL – 18 Ludlow Close Erection of an apartment building that contains two apartments on land to the side of 18 Ludlow Close. Object on the following grounds:</p><p>The proposed development would constitute an overdevelopment and would be out of keeping with existing properties. (Policy D2 of the Local Plan). </p><p>40.9 15/02976/TCA – Steel Mills (River View) 7 x Lylander – remove. No objection</p><p>41. PLANNING APPLICATIONS DETERMINED BY B&NES COUNCIL</p><p>The applications determined by B&NES Council were received and noted.</p><p>42. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION</p><p>There were none</p><p>43. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND DECISION</p><p>PROPOSED STOPPING UP OF HIGHWAY AT 37 WINDRUSH ROAD</p><p>Having considered the paperwork it was RESOLVED: </p><p>That the Planning and Development Committee are in agreement to the Stopping Up Order.</p><p>44. L IST OF OUTSTANDING PLANNING APPLICATIONS</p><p>RESOLVED:</p><p>That the information concerning planning applications that had remained undetermined for a period of 8 weeks or longer be received and noted.</p><p>45. DATE OF NEXT MEETING</p><p>RESOLVED:</p><p>That the next meeting of the Committee be held on MONDAY 3rd August 2015 at 7.30 p.m.</p><p>The meeting closed at 9.10 pm MINS. PLANNING CTTE. 5 13th July 2015 Signed: ...... Date: ...... (Chairman)</p>
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