<p> Curriculum Vitae of</p><p>Name M. Zahangir Kabir, PhD </p><p>Date of Birth & 5th December, 1945, British Indian Citizenship at Birth</p><p>Nationality/Present Citizenship Bangladeshi</p><p>Religion Islam</p><p>Present Work Place Abroad Associate Professor Department of Media Studies The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB) Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Phone : 0092-062-9255451 (O), 2052852 ® 0321-5252657 (Mobile) E-mail : [email protected] </p><p>Permanent Village Address Vill. Rajapur, P. O. Kurulia, Dist, Narail, Bangladesh</p><p>Home Town Address ‘JAHAN ARA HOUSE’ 69, Gagan Babu Road Khulna, Bangladesh</p><p>Phone: 00-880-41-723145</p><p>Address of Correspondence 368/1, Senpara Parbota in Home country (South-West of BRTA License Office) Mirpur Section -10 Dhaka -1216, Bangladesh</p><p>Phone: 00-880-2-9004893, 9004721 (R) E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Martial Status and List of Married, Shahina Sultana 48 Years Wife Dependants Kazi Emon Mehdi 26 Years Son Kazi Sajid Kabir 12 Years Son Kazi Jafrin Kabir 09 Years Daughter EDUCATION ABROAD</p><p>1 Doctor of Philosophy Journalism and University of Mysore, India, 1982-87 Mass Communication Post Graduate Diploma Journalism for Developing Indian Institute of Mass, 1974-75 Countries Communication, New Delhi</p><p>EDUCATION HOMECOUNTRY</p><p>Master of Arts Mass Commun, Advn. University of Dhaka, 1972 In Journalism Reporting, Advn. Editing, Radio Journ, Thesis,</p><p>Eng, Beng, Journ, Reporting, Editing, Current Affairs</p><p>Bachelor of Arts Eng., Beng, Hist, Beng Litt. University of Rajshahi, 1970</p><p>TRAINING RECEIVED </p><p> Agricultural Information Services, July 1991 – Training Workshop on Farm-Radio Script Writing & Presentation Techniques.</p><p> B’desh Agril. Res. Council (BARC), February 1991 – Training Workshop for Publication.</p><p> B’desh Agril. Res. Council (BARC), Nov-Dec 1989 – Computer / DTP</p><p> B’desh Agril. Res. Council (BARC), September 1989 – Technical Writing and Editing </p><p> National Book Centre, March 1989 – Advanced Technology in Publishing </p><p> B’desh Edu. Extn. Res. Instt. October 1980 – Audio – Visual Production and Presentation </p><p>INTERNSHIP UNDERTAKEN IN</p><p> News Service Division of All India Radio, News Service Division of Delhi Television and Department of Audio Visual and Publicity under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India as part of Courses / Studies taken in Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi. </p><p>COMPUTER LITERACY </p><p> Familiar with PC Software like MS-Word in Windows 98, MS-Excel in Windows 98, Page Maker, Power Point, Harvard Graphics etc.</p><p>SYNOPSES OF FOREIGN WORK EXPERIENCES</p><p>• Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Media Studies, The Islamia </p><p>2 University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. </p><p> Expert, European Commission Funded Project on Study of Madrasas in Bangladesh and Pakistan.</p><p> Deputy Director and Acting Director of SAARC Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC), Islamabad, Pakistan.</p><p> Director, SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p> Member-Secretary, Governing Board, SAARC Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC), Islamabad, Pakistan.</p><p> Member-Secretary, Governing Board, SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p> INTERNATIONAL SEMINARS CONFRENCES MEETINGS ATTENDED AND NEWSLETTERS JOURNALS PAPERS REPORTS PRESENTED / PRODUCED</p><p> Attended 11th South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Summit held in Kathmandu, Nepal in December 2001</p><p> Attended 12th South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Summit held in Islamabad, Pakistan in December 2004</p><p> Attended Programming Committee Meetings of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in various SAARC member countries</p><p> Attended Standing Committee Meetings of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in various SAARC member countries</p><p> ∙Attended a number of Meetings of the SAARC Technical Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development in various SAARC member countries</p><p>Attended 02 (Two) Meetings of Governing Board, SAARC Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC), Islamabad, Pakistan</p><p>Attended 07 (Seven) Meetings of Governing Board, SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p> 02 (Two) Reports of the Governing Board, SAARC Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC), Islamabad, Pakistan produced.</p><p> 07 (Seven) ) Reports of the Governing Board, SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC), Dhaka, Bangladesh produced.</p><p>3 Former Chairman, Editorial Board, SAIC Newsletter of SAARC Former Editor and Publisher, SHRDC Newsletter of SAARC Former Managing Editor, Editorial Board of Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture, BARC</p><p>SYNOPSES OF WORK EXPERIENCES IN HOMECOUNTRY </p><p> Director, Agricultural Information Centre (AIC) of BARC with the responsibility of print, electronic, video, audio media of communication activities and Library Services. .</p><p> Publishing and Editing of Technical & Research Information in the form of Publications including its management and administration.</p><p> Planning and Evaluation, Management of Training Programmes.</p><p> University Teaching in Mass Communication / Media Studies in Bangladesh and Pakistan</p><p> Public Relations (Partial).</p><p> Journalism (Partial).</p><p>DETAILS OF INTERNATIONAL SERVICE CAREER</p><p>Associate Professor and Chairman, 04 September 2006 to 08 June 2009 and Associate Professor from 09 June 2009 to date Department of Media Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Bahawalpur, Pakistan.</p><p>Description of Works:</p><p>Whole time faculty to teach, guide, impart instruction, supervise the research of students and deal with all administrative matters of the Department of Media Studies in accordance with the Statutes, Regulations, and Rules of the University. </p><p>Teaching Media Studies Courses to Under-Graduate, Post-Graduate, and MPhil Students. Guiding MPhil Students Theses of :</p><p>Ms. Tahira Perveen - The Impact of Television Cartoon Films on the Behaviour of Children Mr. Rao Shahid Mahmood - Communication Strategies of Aids Control Programmes in Pakistan Ms. Atia Irum - Status of Working Women in Mass Media Industry Of Pakistan Mr. Ch. Shafqat Ali - Effectiveness of Radio Farm Programmes of Radio Pakistan </p><p>An FM Radio Station has been established and establishment of a Print Media Lab is near completion in the Department under my supervision.</p><p>4 Deputy Director, October 04 to June 06 SAARC Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC), Islamabad, Pakistan.</p><p> Deputy Director and Acting Director, Dec’02 to September 04. SAARC Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC), Islamabad, Pakistan.</p><p>Description of works: Responsible for overall policy, planning, organisation, guidance, coordination, administration with financial responsibilities, and implementation of programmes / activities of the SAARC Regional Centre. </p><p> Director, Nov’01-Dec’02. SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Description of works: Responsible for overall policy, planning, organisation, guidance, coordination, administration with financial responsibilities, and implementation of the programs / activities as per objectives of AIC for NARS institutes and SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC). During my service as Director, SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC), I was able to strengthen the SAIC through preparation and implementation of a project. As a result the Centre has now been fully equipped with all necessary information and communication related equipments and physical facilities to carry out its programme of activities. </p><p> Director, Apr’ 96 – Jul’ 99. SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Description of works: Responsible for overall policy, planning, organisation, guidance, coordination, administration with financial responsibilities , and Implementation of the programs / activities as per objectives of AIC for NARS Institutes and SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC).</p><p> Director, (In-charge) Aug’ 94 – Mar’ 96. SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Description of works: Responsible for overall policy, planning, organisation, guidance, coordination, administration with financial responsibilities, and Implementation of the programs / activities as per objectives of AIC for NARS Institutes and SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC).</p><p>DETAILS OF SERVICE CAREER IN HOMECOUNTRY</p><p> Director (Training) Mar’01-Sep’01. Concurrent, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh. </p><p>Description of works:</p><p>5 Responsible for overall policy, planning, organisation, guidance, coordination, administration and implementation of the HRD related programs / activities of NARS institutes.</p><p> Chief Scientific Officer (Planning and Evaluation), Jul’ 99 – Oct’ 01. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Description of works: Coordination of research programs evaluation, coordination with agricultural research institutes and donors, management, monitoring and review of contract research programs, coordination and management of technical assistance program, preparation of project proposals, project concepts papers, technical assistance project proposal and various reports, new project concepts and management of the projects. </p><p> Principal Scientific Editor, Mar’ 93 –Jul’ 94 Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Description of works: Pre-publishing evaluation of the manuscripts, obtain administrative and financial approval for the materials to be published, make arrangement to review the manuscripts by experts, language editing, collating, organising and re-organising the manuscripts, determine the method of printing, copy- editing and copy marking, making cost estimates, prepare and process tender documents, process print orders after going through final proof reading, make arrangement for payment of printing bills, determine appropriate reading audiences for various published materials, make arrangement to enlist printing presses, and ensure quality printing works, and overall coordination of the Publication Unit. </p><p> Associate Professor and Chairman, Mar’ 92 – Feb’ 93. Department of Mass Communication, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.</p><p>Description of works: Responsible for overall policy, planning, organization, guidance, coordination and implementation of both academic and development programs and activities of the newly established teaching department of the university, preparation of course curriculum for Honors and Masters level education, recommendation of books and journals, constitutions of panel of examiners and experts, recruitment of teachers, oversee administration of the department, undertake teaching and guidance to students. </p><p> Principal Scientific Editor, Jun’ 89 – Feb’ 92. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Description of works: Pre-publishing evaluation of the manuscripts, obtain administrative and financial approval for the materials to be published, make arrangement to review the manuscripts by experts, determine the method of printing, copy-editing and copy marking, making cost estimates, prepare and process tender documents, process print orders after going through final proof reading, make arrangement for payment of printing bills, determine appropriate reading audiences for various published materials, make arrangement to enlist printing presses, </p><p>6 maintain liaison with the printing presses and ensure quality printing works, and overall coordination of the Publication Unit. </p><p> Senior Scientific Editor, Nov’ 88 – May’ 89 Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Description of works: Technical editing of the manuscripts, arrangement for inviting tenders, preparation of comparative statement for rates, arrangement for processing the rates through tender committee, final proof reading, making correspondences relating to publication, preparation of relevant reports, responsible for timely publication of periodicals, and processing financial assistance for publications to other organizations.</p><p> Technical Editor, Feb’ 87 – Oct’ 88. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Description of works: Technical editing of the manuscripts, arrangement for inviting tenders, preparation of comparative statement for rates, arrangement for processing the rates through tender committee, final proof reading, making correspondences relating to publication, preparation of relevant reports, responsible for timely publication of periodicals, and processing financial assistance for publications to other organizations.</p><p> Publication Officer, Dec’ 77 – Jan’ 87. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Description of works: Technical editing of the manuscripts, arrangement for inviting tenders, preparation of comparative statement for rates, arrangement for processing the rates through tender committee, final proof reading, making correspondences relating to publication, preparation of relevant reports, responsible for timely publication of periodicals, and processing financial assistance for publications to other organizations.</p><p> Publication Information Officer, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May’ 76 – Nov’ 77.</p><p>Description of works: Published annual reports, compiled report on BUET for Commonwealth Universities Year Book, supplied campus news to Press, Radio and Television published a book on ordinances, statutes, rules and regulations of BUET, carried out different printing works of BUET, and performed overall publication and information related activities of the University. </p><p> Correspondent, Daily Newspaper Purbodesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Aug’ 69 – Dec’70. </p><p>Description of works: Making news stories on events throughout Narail subdivision for coverage in the newspaper.</p><p> Correspondent, Newspaper The Wave, Khulna, Bangladesh, Feb’ 67 – Dec’73. </p><p>7 Description of works: Making news stories on events for coverage in the newspaper.</p><p>PUBLICATIONS o Publications in Periodicals, Research – 15 o Newspapers, General – 34</p><p>LANGUAGES </p><p>I can speak, read and write fluently in English and Bangla. Understand and speak Urdu and Hindi.</p><p>COUNTRIES VISITED </p><p>1) India 2) Pakistan 3) Sri Lanka 4) Nepal 5) Bhutan 6) Maldives 7) Singapore 8) Indonesia 9) Belgium 10) France 11) Saudi Arabia</p><p>LIST OF PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES AND ACTIVITIES IN CIVIC, PUBLIC OR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS:</p><p>Member, National Curriculum Revision Committee of HEC in Mass Communication, Pakistan. Former Member, Editing and Publication Association of Bangladesh Former Member, Mass Communication and Journalism Association Former Member, Bangladesh Public Relation Association Former Member, Communication Club of Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi </p><p>REFERENCES </p><p>1. Professor Dr. A. A. M. S. Arefin Siddique Vice Chancellor University of Dhaka Dhaka – 1000, Bangladesh Ph: 00880 -2- 00880-2-8618383, 8615177, 8614431 Fax: 00880 -2- 8615583 E-mail : [email protected]</p><p>2. Dr. M. Nurul Alam Former Executive Chairman, BARC (Sr. Government Officer) Presently Executive Director, Krishi Gobeshona Foundation (KGF) Farmgate, Dhaka -1215, Bangladesh Ph: 00880 -2-9111041 (O)</p><p>8 Fax: 00880 -2- 8113032, 9130844 E-mail : [email protected] </p><p>3. Dr. Md. Golam Rahman Professor, Communication Studies The Papua New Guinea University of Technology Papua New Guinea E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] </p><p>4. Dr. Sakhawat Ali Khan Professor Department of Mass Communication and Journalism University of Dhaka Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh Phone : 00880-2-9661900-19(O), 00880-2-9661920-59(O) 00880-2-9663850® Fax : 00880-2-8615583 (On Request)</p><p>5. Mr. Q.A.M.A. Rahim Former Secretary - General South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Presently at Dhaka, Bangladesh Phone: 00880-2-8920340 ® E-mail : [email protected], [email protected] </p><p>6. Mr. Amjad Hussain B. Sial Director General (United Nations), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan Tel (Office): +92 51 9205762, 9056642 Fax : +92 51 9204202 Tel (Mobile): +92 345 2805786, +92 334 5400633 E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]</p><p>7. HE Mr. Pushkar Man Singh Rajbhandari Former Royal Nepalese Ambassador in Pakistan Presently Staying in Kathmandu Ph : 00977-1-4373931 ®</p><p>8. HE Mr. Liaquat Ali Choudhury High Commissioner of Bangladesh Bangladesh High Commission in India 56 Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar III New Delhi 110 024, India Ph: 26835172, 26834065 Fax: 26839237,26840596</p><p>9 E-mail: [email protected] </p><p>9. H.E. Mr. Masud Bin Momen Ambassador and PR to FAO, IFAD and WFP Bangladesh House Via Riccardo Zandonai 11 Bld – 3, APT – 7 (4th Floor) 00194, Rome. Phone : 807 3606 (O), 329 3838 (R),338 631 6992(M)</p><p>10. Dr. P. N. Mathur Ex. Joint Director (Foreign Expert) Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) 16 B AN Block, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi-110 088, India Ph: 0091 -11- 27477439 Fax: 0091 -11- 27479775; E-mail: [email protected] </p><p>(Dr. M. Zahangir Kabir)</p><p>10</p>
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