<p> THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting December 5, 2000 at 6:00 p.m. in Courtroom #1 located in the Anson County Courthouse.</p><p>Commissioners present: Bobby Moore Steve Lear Blake Hildreth Michael Livingston Jim Sims Harold Smith Ross Streater Bill Thacker </p><p>Staff members present: Chris Wease, County Manager Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board James Bennett, Human Resource, Asst. County Manager Dorothy Tyson, Finance Officer</p><p>Chairman Moore called the meeting to Order. Reverend Carroll Arant of Red Hill Baptist Church delivered the Invocation.</p><p>At this time, County Manager Wease presented a plaque to Chairman Moore in appreciation for his tenure as County Commissioner.</p><p>County Attorney Bower opened the floor for nominations for the position of Chairman. Commissioner Sims nominated Commissioner Lear. Commissioner Streater nominated Commissioner Thacker. Commissioner Smith nominated Commissioner Sims with Commissioner Sims withdrawing since he had pledged his support to Commissioner Lear. Motion by Commissioner Livingston, seconded by Commissioner Streater, to close the nominations. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>County Attorney Bower called for the vote as follows:</p><p>Commissioner Lear: Commissioner Thacker: Commissioner Sims Commissioner Streater Commissioner Livingston Commissioner Smith Commissioner Lear Commissioner Hildreth Commissioner Thacker</p><p>Chairman Thacker then called for nominations for the position of Vice Chairman. Commissioner Lear nominated Commissioner Livingston while Commissioner Smith nominated Commissioner Streater. Motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Sims, to close the nominations. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Thacker called for the vote as follows:</p><p>Commissioner Livingston: Commissioner Streater Commissioner Lear Chairman Thacker Commissioner Sims Commissioner Smith Commissioner Hildreth Commissioner Streater Commissioner Livingston </p><p>Chairman Thacker thanked Board members for their support and looks forward to the next year and working for the betterment of the county. </p><p>Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Commissioner Lear and Vice Chair Livingston asked to add an item under Commissioner Concerns while County Manager Wease added a closed session to discuss legal concerns. Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Streater, to approve the Agenda with the additions. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Public Hearing: Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to open the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Commissioner Lear has been working with these citizens and asked to speak first. This past summer, Ms. Dews went through the process to replace her existing house only to find that she could not since the property is zoned Heavy Industrial. Ms. Dews began to talk with her neighbors who were also unaware that their area was zoned Heavy Industrial. They are asking the Commissioners to rezone the twelve parcels, consisting of approximately twelve acres, from Heavy Industrial to R-20, Residential. Motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>In regular session, motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Smith, that the request to change zoning from HI to R-20 be approved. Chairman Thacker asked how many houses were in this area with the answer being twelve or thirteen. Reverend R. J. Ingram spoke in favor of the rezoning. He commented that this was a close family community, never causing problems. Commissioner Sims commented that the Board was with them 100%. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Commissioner Lear asked Ms. Dews the amount she had to pay to appear before the Planning Board with her rezoning request. Ms. Dews replied that she paid $100.00. Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Sims, to refund Ms. Dews the $100.00 she paid to go before the Planning Board. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Commissioner Sims referred to the fact that Vice Chair Livingston needed to leave the meeting early and asked that Item 7, Appointments, be the next item of discussion after the Consent Agenda. Motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Hildreth, to hear Item 7 right after the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Consent Agenda: Chairman Thacker asked if there were any questions concerning the Consent Agenda. He noted the annual meeting between the Commissioners and the Trustees of South Piedmont Community College is scheduled for February 13, 2001 at the Polkton Depot. Motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Streater, to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Consent Agenda: Approval of Minutes: Approved minutes of the regular meeting on November 14, 2000. Tax Releases: Vehicle Tax Releases : Black, Fred Omar JR 2000 27.14 Proration Black, Lois Watts 2000 39.60 Proration Burch, Linda Lue 1999 10.10 Proration Caple, Forest 2000 25.46 Value Collini, Olivia 1999 133.65 Proration Davis, Amy Renee 1999 51.16 Proration Dyson Farm 2000 12.87 Value Harrington, Amy Brock 1999 106.08 Situs Hildreth, Bobby R 1999 29.60 Proration Hudson, Tansel 2000 13.23 Value Huntley, William Kenneth 1999 147.75 Double billed Johnson, Clarence W. 1999 43.47 Proration Laney, Curtis W 1999 135.95 Proration Lisenby, Linda Little 1999 41.40 Proration Lowery, Linda C 2000 10.35 Proration Marsh, Cynthia Jeanette 1999 168.85 Situs Marsh, Cynthia Jeanette 2000 86.03 Situs Marshall, Louis 1999 11.65 Proration McKenaie, Susan 1999 9.16 Proration Moore Funeral Home 2000 65.00 Proration Moore Funeral Home 2000 50.31 Proration Panicek, Richard Martin 1999 70.25 Situs Robinson, Wanda K 1999 58.58 Proration Scott, Richard D 1999 3.04 Proration Thomas, Joe Leonard JR 1999 73.85 Proration Total $1,424.53</p><p>Vehicle Tax Refunds: Madras, Joseph & Hilda 1999 80.40 Proration Nolen, James Garner 1999 47.85 Proration Pratt, Theodore R 1999 18.41 Proration Sturdivant, Lillie L 2000 40.56 Proration Sturdivant, Rosemary 1999 19.04 Proration Taylor, Larry F & Carolyn 1999 10.90 Proration Total $217.16</p><p>Property Tax Releases: Baucom-Williamson LLC 2000 41.00 Billing error Brisson, Marvin Jr 2000 42.67 Situs Harris, Debra 1994 335.43 Listing error Harris, Debra 1995 299.42 Listing error Harris, Debra 1996 276.14 Listing error Harris, Debra 1997 209.65 Listing error Harris, Debra 1998 189.00 Listing error Harris, Debra 1999 183.42 Listing error Harris, Debra 2000 157.33 Listing error IOS 2000 25.98 Value Johnson, Laura E. 2000 41.00 Listing error Johnson, Theodore Heirs 1994 75.45 Listing error Johnson, Theodore Heirs 1995 73.00 Listing error Johnson, Theodore Heirs 1996 64.00 Listing error Johnson, Theodore Heirs 1997 34.00 Listing error Johnson, Theodore Heirs 1998 34.00 Listing error Johnson, Theodore Heirs 1999 45.00 Listing error Johnson, Theodore Heirs 2000 41.00 Listing error Short, George ET/AL 1997 49.32 Double billed Short, George ET/AL 1998 46.36 Double billed Short, George ET/AL 1999 44.03 Double billed Short, George ET/AL 2000 40.21 Double billed Total $2,347.41</p><p>Property Tax Refunds: Baucom-Williamson LLC 1996 64.00 Billing error Baucom-Williamson LLC 1997 34.00 Billing error Baucom-Williamson LLC 1998 34.00 Billing error Baucom-Williamson LLC 1999 45.00 Billing error Total $177.00 CJPB Agreement Amendment: Contract Agreement between Criminal Justice Partnership Program and Sandhills Center for Satellite Substance Abuse Treatment and Counseling. Change in the dollar amounts. Said Contract is on file in the clerk’s office and hereby referenced and made a part of these minutes. Resolution for Council of Governments: Allows for the appropriation of the county’s portion of funding from the Office of State Planning to be distributed to our COG. It was questioned whether we were to release these funds to Pee Dee COG or Centralina. Budget Amendments: To appropriate Medicaid Escrow accumulations to the various programs where capital items are needed and used to purchase two new vehicles and purchase a computer and fetal heart monitor. BUDGET AMENDMENT ANSON CUNTY BUDGET ORDINANCE FY 00/01 BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the 2000/2001 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows: Section 1. Expenditures: Increase health programs 11-5110-5182 $ 28,960.00 Total Expenditure: $ 28,960.00 Section 2. Revenues: Increase All programs 11-4110 Fund balance Appropriated $ 28,960.00 Total Revenues: $ 28,960.00 Adopted this 5th day of December, 2000. Copier Maintenance Agreement: This is for the copier shared by Board of Elections and Human Resource. Economic Development Report: Usual monthly report and accepted as presented. Revenue and Expense Report: Usual monthly report and accepted as presented SPCC Meeting: The Board of Trustees of South Piedmont Community College has invited the Board of Commissioners for the annual dinner meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at 6:00 p.m. Polkton Depot.</p><p>Appointments: Landfill Advisory Board: County Manager Wease reminded members that Balt Quinain resigned this appointment and a replacement was needed. Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Sims, to appoint Richard Pinkston to this Board. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Vice Chair Livingston reminded Commissioner Smith that he would need to make an appointment to this Board. Solid Waste Committee: Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Vice Chair Livingston, to approve the list as presented: Carol Smith, Myla Warfel, Donnie Wall, Scott Dutton, Tiffany Harris, Robert Colf and Vicky Malaro. Chairman Thacker asked if all districts were represented with James Bennett answering yes. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Vice Chair Livingston asked to be excused from the meeting. Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Streater, to excuse Vice Chair Livingston from the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Old Business: Airport Road Relocation Award: County Manager Wease noted that the current location of Pinkston River Road is directly through the middle of the proposed runway which is why we need to relocate the road. We have bid the construction project for the relocation of the road, which will be funded through DOT’s secondary road program. The Division of Aviation has funded 90% of the engineering cost through our grant agreement for the entire multi-year airport project. We have already allocated adequate funding in the current budget to cover the 10% match of the engineering cost. Much of the engineering cost has been incurred in prior fiscal years and only engineering oversight and quality control costs will be incurred during the current fiscal year. Our 10% match should not exceed $9,700 this fiscal year. Copies of bid documents were enclosed in each Agenda packet with the recommendation to award the bid to the lowest bidder, JT Russell & Sons, Inc. </p><p>County Manager Wease noted that in relocating the road, where the new road intersects with the old road, it cuts off access to our property. We need to purchase four-tenths of an acre from Pines Davis in order to have access to our property. He has talked with the Division of Aviation and they said 90% of the purchase price is reimbursable through the Grant. Mr. Davis wants $3,000 for his property. After discussion, motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to purchase .40 acres from Mr. Pines Davis, as depicted on the plat prepared by James R. Harrington dated December 5, 2000 for $3,000.00 for the airport project. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Lear, to accept the bids and award the contract, including the change order #1, to the lowest bidder, JT Russell & Sons, Inc. for a total project amount of $744,150.00; contingent upon the receipt and execution by the Chairman of the Reimbursement Agreement with the NCDOT Division of Highways and upon execution of the right-of-way acquisition and deed for .40 acres with Mr. Pines Davis. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Dain Riley was present to speak to the project. He stated that if all goes according to plan, the new airport should be in operation by late 2002 or early 2003. </p><p>Land Use Planning–RFP’s-Funding Arrangements: County Manager Wease referred to the last meeting in which two proposals were presented for Land Use Planning. He has checked references for both companies. He talked with both companies to see how their quoted price could be reduced. County Manager Wease, while noting both are reputable firms, stated that Benchmark seemed to have a slight edge on Centralina COG. Commissioner Hildreth referred to community input, noting both proposals included four public meetings in various parts of the county but neither included Burnsville as a possible meeting place. Commissioner Streater asked how we would pay for this service with County Manager Wease answering both firms agreed to accept $20,000 this fiscal year with the remainder coming from next fiscal year’s budget. This year the funds would come from contingency. Commissioner Hildreth would like to see a certain amount of achievement associated with payment. After discussion, motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Streater, to accept Benchmark’s proposal with the addition that at no cost to the county, they include a meeting in the Ansonville/Burnsville area. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Space Issue-Site Suitability: County Manager Wease presented a power point presentation, showing a history of the issue. In looking at all county owned property, they found two suitable sites for the location of a county complex. The county owns fifty-four acres near the high school that is adjoined by one hundred fifty-four acres owned by the Board of Education. There is a sixty-foot right of way from highway 74 to the property. The county also owns forty acres at the airport that is suitable for building. County Manager Wease presented a matrix outlining the various attributes of each site. These attributes are for comparison of the two sites and do not include costs for development. The actual costs cannot be determined until an extensive review of the property has been conducted, which will require a significant investment of time, energy and money. It was noted that the high school property has gravity sewer on the property while the airport property would require us to develop a pump station and force main to get to Triangle Brick The airport property offers easier expansion. Vance Gulledge cautioned the Board to consider one day building a new jail facility and more room for court. There was much discussion of the pros and cons of both locations. </p><p>Vice Chair Livingston returned to the meeting at 7:15 p.m.</p><p>Commissioner Sims asked if we built on the site near the high school, could we count on the National Guard to help with their equipment. County Manager Wease noted that Steve Leary is working on acquiring their help no matter what property we decide to build on. Vance Gulledge feels they are at a point to enlist engineering help and asked the Board to chose a building site. Chairman Thacker asked which site was the favorite of the space committee with County Manager Wease answering the school site. </p><p>Theodore Horne, Airport committee member, wondered if the airport site is chosen, whether the buildings conflict with the airport expansion. County Manager Wease noted that all buildings would be one story. He also voiced a concern for any communication towers that may be placed on the site. Dain Riley feels that buildings would not interfere with the airport but would not want to see communication towers placed on the property </p><p>Richard Pinkston questioned if a public hearing should be held for a project of this size. County Manager Wease mentioned that a public hearing was planned for later on in the project but sees no problem holding two hearings. Commissioner Sims felt that first we need to determine if the land at the high school is suitable and then see if the school board will agree to trade property, then come back and look again at both sites then hold a public hearing before making the final decision. It was determined that County Manager Wease, along with members of the space committee, would meet with the School Board to see if they will make available any land we may need. This matter will be placed on the January Agenda.</p><p>Chairman Thacker called for a short break.</p><p>Commissioner Smith left the meeting during the break.</p><p>Administrative Matters: Voting Delegate for NCACC: Motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Vice Chair Livingston, to appoint Commissioner Hildreth as our delegate. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Parks and Recreation Master Plan: The plan is proposed to guide future development of recreational activities across the county. The plan is a result of several community forums where citizens provided input to the staff regarding their ideas for recreational activities within their communities. The plan will also provide additional points on the grant application that we will file with the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund in order to make some of these ideas become reality. Jeff Waisner was present to answer any questions. He noted that in January he will be applying for a grant to match the money raised to make the cover at the pool a reality. This is the first such plan ever done in Anson County. Commissioner Sims commented that the plan was beautifully done. Commissioner Lear commended Jeff and his staff for the work they did on the plan, noting the proposal was impressive from top to bottom. Motion by Commissioner Hildreth, seconded by Vice Chair Livingston, to approve the plan as presented. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Commissioner Concerns: Commissioner Lear is currently Chairman of the Land Use Planning Committee and needs to step down for personal reasons. </p><p>Another matter was brought before the Board for discussion and that was a Little League member circulating a petition that puts a bad light on the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Lear suggested the Board draft a response to the petition. Commissioner Sims noted that while he understands that the intentions are good, the facts are incorrect. Steve Roberts, Little League Board member, was present and announced that the person circulating the petition is not a member of their Board. Mr. Roberts noted that the contract they have with the county is fine and they will draft a response to this person. He will talk with the Little League President and have her share a copy of the letter with the Commissioners. </p><p>Vice Chair Livingston voiced concern for zoning regulations in the county. He favors the county approving only R-20 zoning and letting the Towns zone differently if they so choose. He asked the Board to be consistent with zoning and to say we will stay with R-20 and nothing else. Commissioner Sims noted that developers can’t make enough money with R-20 and therefore ask for R-6 or R-8. After much discussion, County Manager Wease suggested the Board send a policy statement to the planning board rather than changing the Ordinance, that they would only look favorably upon rezoning to R-20 and higher. Vice Chair Livingston mentioned the recent meeting with Planning Board members and their concern that we do not offer R-40 zoning. He proposed that we send the message that this Board is working with the Planning Board by enacting such zoning to be used at the discretion of the Planning Board. County Manager Wease stated that in order to develop this new district, it would be necessary to hold a public hearing. Motion by Vice Chair Livingston, seconded by Commissioner Sims, that we include R-40 in our Zoning Ordinance and advertise to hold said public hearing at our January meeting. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>The last issue mentioned by Vice Chair Livingston was that of the recent zoning change to a parcel of land located on highway 74 W near the Union County line. The parcel is presently zoned R-8 and Vice Chair Livingston wants it rezoned to R-20. County Manager Wease again noted that such change would require a public hearing. Motion by Vice Chair Livingston, seconded by Commissioner Sims, to pursue the change from R-8 to R-20 for that certain parcel of land and to hold said public hearing in January to consider the process. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>Motion by Vice Chair Livingston, seconded by Commissioner Hildreth, to go into closed session to consult with our Attorney to consider and give instructions concerning a potential or actual claim, administrative procedure, or judicial action, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3). Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>In regular session, being no further business, Chairman Thacker recessed the meeting until December 13, 2000.</p><p>Respectfully submitted:</p><p>Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC Clerk to the Board</p><p>Meeting time: 3 hrs.</p>
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