Many Additions and Changes

Many Additions and Changes

<p>July (2) 2017 – Online 14/07/17 MANY ADDITIONS AND CHANGES NEW PRIORITY REQUIREMENTS - IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT! IMPORTANT NOTICE: DELAYS DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST. WE ARE CLOSED AUGUST 5 TH -14 TH 1840 1d Black 3 Margins £45.00, 2/3 Margins £30.00, 2 M £25.00 1841 1d Red Imperf Mint 3 Margins £30.00, 2/3 Margins £25.00 1841 2d Blue Used Spacefiller £1.00 1887 Queen Victoria Jubilee to 1/- (15v) Mounted Mint £120.00, 1/ Green M/M £6.00 1902 Edward VII to 1/- (15v) Mounted Mint £95.00 1911 Edward VII Perf. 15 x 14 (5v) U/M £105.00 1911/12 Downey Heads (10v) Mounted Mint £35.00 1912 George V Royal Cypher 9d Green U/M £115.00, Mounted Mint £34.00 1912 George V to 1/- (15v) Mounted Mint £68.00, do. ex. 9d Green Mounted Mint £34.00 1913 £1 Seahorse Mounted Mint £1350.00 1924 George V to 1/- (12v) Mounted Mint £32.00 1929 £1 P.U.C. U/M £550.00 (White Gum), Mounted Mint £360.00 1934 George V Photogravure to 1/- (11v) U/M £30.00, Mounted Mint £14.00 1936 Edward VIII (3v) on Plain FDC £10.00, 1d Plain FDC £8.00 1937 George VI (U/M – Max 120 any) 2d £0.30, 3d £1.50, 7d £2.30, 1941 3d £0.35 1948 Silver Wedding £1 Mtd. or F/U £6.00, Complete Sheet of 20 U/M (no wrinkles) £240.00 Do. 2½d Sheet of 120 £12.00 1952 Tudor Wmk. to 1/6 (17v) U/M £28.00, Mounted Mint £12.50 1953 Coronation (4v) U/M £7.50, Complete Sheet of 120 £950.00, Mounted Mint £1.50, Do. Souvenir FDC £20.00, do. handwritten £12.50 1955 St. Edwards Wmk. to 1/6 (18v) U/M £38.00, Mounted Mint £14.50 1957 Graphite (6v) U/M £2.80 2010 Machin Palette Miniature Sheet, SG MS3073 £18.00 GUERNSEY 1940 2d Bisects Card/Cover 2d GVI £20.00(FD £25), Cent. 2d £13.50(FD £18) George V 2d Bisect (1912/1924/1934) each £80.00 JERSEY 1943 Views (6v) U/M £8.50 OMNIBUS 1948 Silver Wedding (138v) Mounted Mint £650.00 1949 U.P.U. (310v) Mounted Mint £110.00 1953 Coronation (106v) U/M £48.00, Mounted Mint £38.00 Muscat (4v) U/M £2.50, South West Africa (5v) U/M £1.50 ENGLISH CROWN COINS – Queen Victoria/Edward VII, any condition each £12.50</p><p>HEAVY HINGE LESS 30% ALL SUBJECT TO REQUIREMENTS AND PRICE REVISION, E. & O.E.</p><p>1 July (2) 2017 (VIEW OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.RUSHSTAMPS.CO.UK FOR ANY CHANGES/UPDATES) G.B. URGENT REQUIREMENTS, ALSO INDIA, CHINA, ETC. REMEMBER EXTRA NOW 10% IF YOU TAKE A CREDIT AGAINST RETAIL PURCHASES Do. Sideways Wmk. (3v) U/M £115.00, 1d S/W M/M or 1840 1d Blacks 4M £70, 3M £45, 2/3M £30, 2M £25, F/U £22.00, Fillers £16, 1d Plate 11, 3 or 4 Margins - Please Offer 1929 PUC £1 U/M £550 (White Gum), Mtd.£350.00, 1840 1d Blacks on Cover (tidy) 4M £120/£180, Good Used £180.00, Used Spacefillers £90.00 Do. 3M £75.00, 2/3M £60.00 1934 George V to 1/- Set (11v) U/M £30.00, M/M £13.50 1840 2d Blue (4 Margins) VFU £200, Used £110.00, Do. 1/- U/M £12.00, 1936 Edward VIII FDC 3 vals. £9.50, 3 Margins £85, 2/3 Margins £45.00, S/fillers £18.00 1d FDC £6.50, 1936 Edw. VIII ½d Inv. U/M £2.50 1840 2d Blues on Cover (tidy) 4M £250.00, 1946 Victory Souv. FDC £28.00, do. handwritten £16.00 Do. 3M £150.00, 2/3M £90.00 1948 Silver Wedding £1 Mtd. or F/U £6.00,Complete Sheet 1841 2d on Cover 4 Margins £45.00, 3M £20.00, of 20 £240.00 (no wrinkles), Do. 2½d Sheet of 120 £10.00 2/3M £15.00, 2d Spacefiller Used £1.00 1951 Postage Due ½d Shade, SG D35a U/M or F/U £26.00 1847 Embossed Spacefillers (Cut to shape) Set of 3 £25.00, 1952 Tudor (17v) U/M £28.00, M/M £12.50 10d £15.00, 3 Margins £105.00, 2/3 Margins £70.00 , 1953 Coronation Set of 4 U/M £7.50, do. M/M £1.50, 6d or 1/- 2/3 Margins £25.00, Souv. FDC £20.00, do. handwritten £12.50 1858 1d Red Plate 132 Used £6.50, Plate 225 VFU 1954 Postage Dues (Tudor) Mtd. or Used £55.00 (Well Centred) £200, Sound Used £160, Spacefillers £45.00 1955 St. Edw. Wmk. 1/6 M/M £6.00 1d Red Plates Grade A per 100 £25.00, 1958 Crowns ½d Chalky U/M or F/U £0.60, 1/6 U/M £0.60 1869 2½d SG 141 Plate 17 Good Used £20.00, Spacefillers 2d Inv. Wmk. M/M or F/U. £22.00 £8.00, 6d SG 161 Plate 18 F/U £8.00, Used £5.00 1958 Graphite 1½d Upr., SG 589 Mtd. or F/U…. £22.00 1883 9d (Good Colour) Used £55.00, Spacefiller £8.00 do. 1½d Inverted Wmk. U/M £12.00, 2d Phos. Graphite Do. 1/- VFU… £32.00 Error, SG 605a Mtd. or F/U £40.00, Used £30.00 1887 Set (14v) M/M £120.00, 1/- Green M/M £60.00, 1992/97 Any Greetings £3.60, do. Pres. Pack £3.70, 1/- Green & Red SG 214 U/M £28.00, M/M £15.00, 1994 Castles Cross Gutter Blocks of 4 £65.00, 1902 Edward VII ½d to 1/- (15v) M/M£95.00, 1997 Enschede Cross Gutter Blocks of 4 £90, 1d U/M £0.60, M/M £0.30, 5/- Used £8.00, 1997 Enschede Castle (4v) U/M £12, do. £1.50 only £2.50 do. Space filler £2.00, 10/- Good Used £45.00, 2002 Blind Trials (1st and 2nd) the pair £260.00 10/- VFU….. £95.00, £1 Mounted Mint £600.00, 2012 A-Z Sheet of 30 (SG MS3308) £40.00, £1 VFU £200.00, Used £150.00, S/Fillers……….. £65.00 2015 Smilers Sheet LS93 £60.00, LS94 (1d Black) £22.00 1911/12 Downey Heads Set of 10 M/M £35.00 1912 6d Perf. 14 M/M £30.00, GUERNSEY 2d G.V. Bisect on Cover/Card £80.00, 9d Green U/M £115.00, M/M £34.00 GVI 2d £20.00, 1st Day (27/12/40) ……………… £24.00 1913 1d Mult. Cypher Mint Fillers £35.00 1940 Centenary £13.50, do. 1st Day…………….. £15.00 1913/15 10/- Seahorse(Wat./DLR) Used Fillers… £22.00 ½d Banknote Paper U/M £5.00 (Max 20) 1913 £1 Seahorse M/M £1300.00, Good Used £380.00 1918 10/- Used £20.00, Used Fillers…………..… £2.50 JERSEY 1943 Views (6v) U/M £8.50, FDC’s £18.00 1934 Re-Engraved 10/- Used Fillers…………… .. £2.00 1924 Postage Dues (v) U/M £325.00, G.B. OFFICIALS (USED) (See Page 5) ALSO do. 1½d Used (SG D12) £8.50 SG O68 £10.00, O70 £2.00 1929 PUC 1½d U/M £1.00, Inv. Wmk. (3v) Mounted Mint NOW 10% EXTRA IF YOU TAKE A CREDIT AGAINST RETAIL (Good Perfs) £10.00, do. F/U £6.50, do. 2 ½d Inv. Wmk. PURCHASES – ALL U/M UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE F/U (CDS) £380.00, Used £280.00, Fillers £70.00, Mint P.O.R. ALL SUBJECT TO REQUIREMENTS AND PRICE REVISION, E & OE</p><p>2 £500,000+ AVAILABLE!</p><p>CAN YOU HELP WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING?</p><p>G.B. AND BRITISH COMMONWEALTH REVENUE COLLECTIONS/LOTS, USED POSTAL HISTORY QV/EDW. VII (Covers, Cards, Wrappers, Etc.) – Cheap and Cheerful, especially. Quantities – Please Offer. HERM, LUNDY LOCALS – Please Offer. Also Covers/Errors CHINA – anything and everything WORLDWIDE Old Envelopes/Postcards PRINTERS SAMPLE BOOKS (Bradbury, DLR, Etc.) – Please Offer. OLD INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPONS (All Countries) EARLY KILOWARE/BUNDLES Pre 1934 Wanted, Please Offer. CINDERELLA MATERIAL (In Small And Large Quantities) GB PRE-DECIMAL COMMEMORATIVES – We can accept Commemorative Sheets (No Xmas) at 30%. OLD BANKNOTES/COINS/MEDALS , VICTORIAN/EDWARDIAN SCRAP BOOKS – Please Offer. OLD POSTAL ORDERS G.B. AND WORLDWIDE, OLD POSTCARDS (Especially in Albums). G.B. AND WORLDWIDE G.B. ERRORS & VARIETIES Missing Colours, Imperfs, Shifts, etc., please offer – Top Prices Paid PROOFS, ESSAYS, TRIALS, IMPRIMATURES, SPECIMEN/CANCELLED OPTS. – All Countries (Pres-1952 only)– We Pay Top Prices – Please Offer. TELEGRAMS (Used and Unused), BIAFRA - All items inc. Varieties COLLECTIONS OF USA ALSO WANTED PRE-1940 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH, FOREIGN & WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS, SEAHORSES in large used Multiples, also on Cover. G.B. DATESTAMPS/SLUGS , PRE-1950’S CAR TAX DISCS, BONDS, LUGGAGE PARCEL TAGS/LABELS WITH STAMPS (All Countries), IRELAND G.V. Coil Leaders/Varieties/Locals/Booklets OLD DEALERS STOCKS, LOTS AND ACCUMULATIONS, AZAD HIND Anything Considered BRITISH COMMONWEALTH GEORGE VI AND EARLY QE2 DEFINITIVES – Low Values in Sheets/Part Sheets QV TO GV PARCEL/PARCEL POST Used Labels ANY FALKLAND ISLANDS/TRISTAN DA CUNHA GVI POSTAL ORDERS WE PAY UP TO £500 EACH B.E.A. LETTER SERVICE MINT AND ON COVER, OLD TRAM/BUS/RAILWAY/PLATFORM TICKETS BRITISH COMMONWEALTH POSTAGE DUES USED ON COVER – ALL PERIODS! WHAT CAN YOU OFFER US! COINS G.B. PRE-1947 (3d Silver, 6d, 1/-, 2/-. 2/6 and 5/-) 12 TIMES FACE VALUE (£12 per £1 Face). POST-1947 30% FACE (any). Any condition accepted. ANY WORLDWIDE USED/UNUSED BANKNOTES (ESP. INDIA). ADEN 1937 Dhows (12v) U/M £500, M/M £300, F/U £300, BRUNEI 1979 Ports & Harbour Opening (4v) Unissued U/M £400, Mounted £250, CANADA 1875 8c Blue Registered, SG R8/R9 M/M £150, Used £80.00 – Please Offer (all conditions), 1898 Xmas Good Used £2.00 (Max. 50), CHINA Lots and Collections, Covers, Error & Varieties, EGYPT 1935 Silver Jubilee Seal M/M £240, Used £60, INDIA Durbar Coronation cancels on Covers, Cards, Stationery – Please Offer. Also 1946/56 U/M Sets and FDC’s., KENYA GVI 50c Rope Not Joined U/M £150, MTD. £90, USED £80, MALAYA - Anything Unusual, MALAYA UNION 1946 Victory U/M £180, Mtd. Mint £120.00, MUSCAT/OMAN All issues U/M, Used, on Cover, FDC’s – please offer. PALESTINE Old Covers/Errors, POSTAGE See Page 4. QATAR Covers George VI and QE2, all destinations – Top prices PAID, please send or offer! THAILAND/INDIA Lots and Collections, Covers, Error & Varieties , </p><p>DUBAI, KUWAIT, OMAN,QATAR, BAHRAIN PRE-1980 MINT/FDC’S/COMMERCIAL COVERS – PLEASE OFFER. POSTAGE DUES USED ON COVER UP TO 1965 (BR. COM OR FOREIGN). OMAN/QATAR/MUSCAT Covers GVI and QE2 all destinations-Top Prices Paid-Please Send or Offer!</p><p>PRE-EURO ‘OLD CURRENCY’ BANKNOTES – ANY CONDITION – SEND FOR OFFER OMNIBUS ISSUES WANTED 1949 U.P.U. (310v) M/M £110.00 1953 Coronation (106v) U/M £48.00, M/M £38.00 (Send List of Odd Countries you have) For Other Issues please send details for our latest offer</p><p>3 We also need odd Countries (U/M and M/M) Ask for latest list of requirements. CURRENT GB BUYING REQUIREMENTS All Unmounted Mint unless stated except QV which are used. Please list and price all material. Prices subject to requirements. 1992/97 GREETINGS £3.60 QUEEN VICTORIA USED 1840 2d Blue 4 Margins...... £110.00 DO. PRES. PACK £3.70 do. 4 Large Even Margins VFU.. £200.00 3 Margins £85.00, do. 2/3 Mar….. £40.00 1847 Embossed 6d 4 Margins F/U (clear) £120, PRE-DECIMAL 10d 3Margins F/Used £110.00, COMPLETE SHEETS – Do. Fillers 10d £20.00 GEORGE V/VI 1853 1d Red Plates Plate 225 Mint.. £650, Always need 1924 to 1964 - 1912 1½d ‘Pencf’ U/M…...... £70.00 F/U...... £220.00, Used...... £160.00, do. Mtd. or F/U…...... £55.00 Spacefillers……………………. £45.00 Premium paid. 1911/12 Downey Head Set of 12 Mounted Pl. 88 Mint...... £120.00 Mint……………………………... £35.00 Commemoratives or 1858 1/2d Plate 9 MINT……… £750.00 1912 Downey Head ½d Green Inv. Wmk. Do. F/U £140, Used £95, Spacefiller.£30.00 Definitives – Please Offer (SG 346Wi) M/M or F/U………… £8.00 Do. 1d Scarlet Inv. Wmk. (SG 350Wi) MACHINS (U/M) QUEEN VICTORIA USED U/M £25, M/M or F/U…………… £16.00 5d Tete-Beche Pair……………. £120.00 (Please check condition carefully- No 1913 £1 Seahorse M/M……..… £1350.00, do. Tete-Beche Imperf Pair…. £150.00 Very Fine Used. £600.00 G/Used £380.00, mice nibbles please on spacefillers) 2p DLR (Y1668)……………….. £0.10 Spacefillers……. £100.00 SG VFU Used Used S/F 97p (Ex. WWF PSB) SG Y1790… £3.25 1946 Victory 2½d ‘Extra Porthole U/M£45.00 24 1d £9.00 - - £1.30 Traffic Light Gutter Pair….. £3.50 27 2d £85.00 - - £1.41 Traffic Light Gutter Pair….. £6.00 WILDINGS 36a 2d £55.00 - £10.00 Any Large Machin £1.30 to £1.60 at 1957 Graphite SG 563a 1½ d Both 62 4d £65.00 (Small Garter) 65% of face value (Max. 50 any) Lines at Left U/M £750, M/M £400, 63/65 4d £70.00 (Medium Garter) Machin £2 ‘Missing £’ Singles…..£50.00 F/U £200, Used………………… £150.00 76 3d £34.00 - - do. Pairs. £85.00, Strips of 3….... £90.00 SG 564a 2d Line at Left U/M £300.00 98 9d £110.00 £48.00 - Cyl. Blocks of 6 …...... £110.00 M/M £200, F/U £120, Used..…. £100.00 112 10d £48.00 - - 1st/2nd Dagger Perfs U/M or F/U. £150.00 121 2/- £500.00£320.00 £100/£120.00 1 and 3 Lines WANTED 1958 3d Tete-Beche Pair…….. £35.00 141 2½d REGIONALS (U/M) 1958 Wilding 1/6 (Ord.) U/M….. £0.60 Plate 17 - £18.00 - Scotland 28p P. 14 (S75a)……… £4.00 151 1/- £90.00 - £18.00 1958 Graphite 1 ½d Mtd. or F/U £22.00 1d 3 lines (SG 588b)…………… £15.00 152 4d £48.00 - - PRESTIGE BOOKLETS – (New Prices) 3d 2 lines clear, SG 592a Used … £75.00 156 8d £30.00 - - DX3a -1983 Stanley Gibbons Optd. 3d 3 lines (SG 592c)…………… £35.00 158 3d £16.00 £10.00 - ANPEX………………………… £100.00 SG 590a 2d One Graph. Line at Left 161 6d £12.00 £8.00 £2.40 DX4a -1983 Royal Mint Optd. U/M £500, M/M £300, F/U £250, Used £150 192 4d £22.00 £8.00 - AUSIPEX………………………... £55.00 SG 592b 3d One Graph. Line U/M £330.00 195 9d - £55.00 £8.00 DX7b British Rail Opt. Ameripex £60.00 M/M £200, F/U£150, Used….. £100.00 196 1/- £35.00 - - DX17a -1995 N. Trust ‘Singapore’ Opt £80.00 SG 593a 4d Misplaced Graph. Line 2016 Queens 90th Birthday……… £16.50 (F/U = Well Centred) U/M £1200, M/M £900, F/U £750, Used £500 Some Other Overprints Wanted, please offer 1959 2d Error (SG 605a) Mounted or Fine Used… £40.00, do. Used…. £30.00, Inverted Watermarks SOUVENIR FDC’S 1881 1d Lilac U/M £25.00, Complete Coils and Coil Leaders (TIDY AND NOT Mtd. Pre-decimal – Please Offer HANDWRITTEN): or F/U £20.00 HIGH VALUES PLAIN (Tidy)1924 1887 ½d Orange Mtd. or F/U 1883 5/- Used £8.00, 10/- Used £40.00 Wembley £18.00, Used £15.00 Edward VII 2/6 Used £6.50, 5/- Used £8.00, 10/- VFU £95.00, Used £45.00 £160, 1925 Wembley £650, ½d Green Mtd. or F/U £18.00, Do. £1 VFU £200, Used £150, S/F £50 Used £15.00 1913/15 10/- Seahorse (Wat./DLR) 1929 P.U.C. (4) £P.O.R. Other Values – Please Offer Used Fillers……………………… £22.00 1935 Silver Jubilee £200/£250 1918 10/- Used £18.00, Filler….. £2.50 1934 Re-Engraved 10/- Used Filler £2.50 1946 Victory (2) £28.00, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE TRIANGLES do. handwritten £16.00, PRE-DECIMAL 1948 Silver Wedding (2) G.B. COMPLETE SHEETS ALL REIGNS – £150/£200, Definitives & Commemoratives - 1948 Liberation £12.00, We pay premiums – Please Offer do. handwritten £7.00, 1953 Coronation £20.00, 1840 MULREADY do. handwritten £12.50 SHEETS/ENVELOPES 3 M 2 /3M 2 M 1d Red £10.00 £6.00 1d Used £80/£100 USED ABROAD (on Cover) IN SOUTH 4d Blue - - - 2d Used £250/£325 AMERICA AND OTHERS WANTED – 6d Lilac £40.00 £22.00 £9.00 PLEASE OFFER 1/- Green £60.00 £38.00 £22.00 (Unused also Wanted) CASTLE SCARCER CYL. BLOCKS – (4 Margin not required!) Please Offer</p><p>4 QUEEN VICTORIA L57p 4/6 £400.00 1924 (Block) M58p 3/- £420.00 2d £14.00 £10.00 £10.00 £5 TELEGRAPH Q2 –Q22 2½d £30.00 £16.00 £16.00 All Conditions, (ex. Q19) 6/- £20.00 3d - - £15.00 Q12 6/- £80.00 4d £75.00 £35.00 £30.00 please offer! Q3p-Q17p 6/- £25.00 5d £50.00 £30.00 £25.00 Q15p 6/- £175.00 6d £30.00 £18.00 £18.00 X9 10/- £280.00 9d - £20.00 £18.00 (F/U) X15p 10/- £3.50 10d £1500.00 £600.00 £350.00 1/- £300.00 £200.00 - (Booklets with problems will be INV & REVERSED ALSO WANTED IF HEAVY HINGED LESS 30% priced accordingly)</p><p>Subject to requirements and POSTAGE DUES (Many new prices) stock changes. U/M Mtd Used D5a (3d) £10.00 - - D7 (5d) £16.00 - - 2008 SMILERS BOOKLET D12 (1½d) - - £8.50 SG QA4 £10.00 D14b (3d)Exp.£85.00 £45.00 - D16 (5d) - £14.00 - EARLY BOOKLETS (Must be PRE-DECIMAL 1965-1970 D19 (1/2d) - £4.00 - D24 (5d) £32.00 - - perfect) COMMEMORATIVES Edward VII , George V and George VI - D40 (1/2d) - - £3.00 D41 (2d) - £8.00 - Prices on Request – Please Offer Complete Sheets (No Christmas) D43 (4d) - - - 35% Face Value (No Splits) D48 (1 ½d) £3.50 £3.00 £3.00 GEORGE V/VI BOOKLETS ALL PREVIOUS YEARS 1914 (8) £260.00 £60.00 - Must be complete and in good condition: WANTED – WE PAY A GOOD 1924 (9) £325.00 £80.00 £15.00 BB2 £ 800 PREMIUM – PLEASE OFFER 1936 (8) - - £35.00 BB7 £ 700 1937 (8) - £30.00 - 1954 (6) £95.00 £50.00 £55.00 BB8 £ 650 1955 (10) £150.00 £45.00 £14.00 BB9 £ 650 GRAPHITE/PHOSPHOR FDC’s 1951 ½d Shade, SG D35a U/M or F/U £26.00 BB10 £ 500 1957 Graphite (6)………………… £20.00 1959 (13) £15.00 - - BB15 £1200 Do. December Pmk. (6)………….. £25.00 1959 (£1) - - £1.25 BB18 £ 680 1959 Phos. Graphite (8)………….. £40.00 BB19 £ 680 1960 Phos. to 1/3…………………. £50.00 INV. & REV. WMKS. WANTED(Mint/Used) BB20 £1100 1960 Scotland (3)………………… £45.00 BB21 £1100 All Castle FDC’s required. BB22 £1100 All GV and GVI FDC’s required. COINS BB23 £1100 £5 Coins: , Jersey and Guernsey..... £3.00 BB27 £ 800 GERMAN WARTIME UK...... £4.50 Pre-1947 3d (Silver), 6d, 1/-, 2/-, 2/6 & 5/- BB30 £1050 PROPAGANDA FORGERIES at 12 times face value BB31 £1050 (Unused/Cancelled) Do. 1947 onwards at 30% of face value BB32 £1050 GVI Set of 6 (odds £12)………… Old Copper ½d & 1d £3.50 per kilo BB34 POR £80.00 World Mixed £4.50 per Kilo BB35 £1050 Do. any Liquidation Opts. Set of Any Victorian/Edward VI Crowns any BB36 £2400 6£120.00 condition each £12.50 BD6 £3500 Do. Odd values…………………… All Pre-Euro Banknotes Wanted. BD16 £ 400 £20.00 Any condition, send for offers. BD22 £ 750 1935 Silver Jubilee ………………. BD24 £ 800 £70.00 ALL 1959/1963 CASTLES BD25 £ 800 1937 Coronation ………..………. INVERTED WATERMARKS BD26 £ 800 £80.00 MINT/USED BD29 POR (Multiples Welcome) Subject to Requirements – Other Overprints – Please Offer Some ‘editions’ may not be required. ALL STRICTLY SUBJECT GEORGE V INVERTED TO REQUIREMENTS QE2 AND PRICE REVISION F10 2/6 £150.00 WATERMARKS F14a 2/6 £450.00 Subject U/M Mtd Used USED OFFICIALS - ALL RARITIES to 1912(Cypher) WANTED – PLEASE OFFER F26 2/6 £120.00 Inspection 2d £6.00 £4.00 - 2½d - £25.00 £25.00 O7 (1/-) £220.00 O9 (5/-) £450.00 H6 5/- £250.00 and 3d £65.00 £32.00 £25.00 O10 (10/-) £600.00 O16 (£1) £600.00 H7 5/- £125.00 requirements 4d £15.00 £12.00 £12.00 O19 (1/-) £180.00 O68 (1/-) £10.00 H51-H69 5/- £30.00 (ex. 53, 54) 5d £330.00 £220.00 £180.00 O70 (2d) £2.00 O92 (1d) £45.00 H60p 5/- £500.00 6d £35.00 £16.00 £16.00 O109 (1½d)£140.00 O110 (2d) £180.00 H61p 5/- £125.00 7d - - £20.00 O111 (2½d)£200.00 H64p 5/- £125.00 8d £70.00 £45.00 £45.00 HI-VAL FORGERIES WANTED L29-L56 4/6 £20.00 (ex. 33, 34, 38, 41, 42, 55) 9d Agate £75.00 £45.00 £40.00 Quantities of Good Used Considered L42p 4/6 £275.00 9d Green £440.00 £300.00 £200.00 L45p 4/6 £90.00 10d £1000.00 £500.00 £350.00 L48-50 4/6 £40.00 1/- £125.00 - £40.00 5 WORLD POSTAGE (1966 onwards) 1958 1 st DLR 2/6 £2./00, £1 £38.00 (WE PAY PRONTO) USA £3.00 per US$10 (Later HiVals Please Offer) ALL STAMPS MUST HAVE FULL GUM GEORGE VI (BUT CAN BE MOUNTED) All Subject to Requirements WATERLOW ESSAYS Please check if large quantity Please Offer Great Britain 55% (1st/ and over £1.00), Full Face Essay - nd 2 Class 60%, 40% (Other Values) – MINT HIVAL SPACEFILLERS All Colours “E” rate each 60p (With all/most Gum) Smilers Sheets 50% 1883 5/- £50.00, 10/- £100.00, £1 £280.00 Guernsey 20% EVII £1 £200.00 Seahorses 1913/5 2/6 £12.00, 5/- £20.00, E. & O.E. Japan £3.00 per 1000 Yen 10/- £55.00, £1 £250.00 Switzerland £30.00 per 100Fr. 1934 2/6 £5.00, 5/- £12.00</p><p>6 GREAT BRITAIN ODD VALUE DEFINITIVES Mtd = Lightly mounted Fine used = CDS S/FU = Used EARLY COMMERCIAL COVERS (Non-Philatelic) Spacefiller S/FM = Mint Spacefiller Preferably pre-1950, especially China, Thailand, Iran, Far/Middle MANY CHANGES East, India, British Colonies – please send for offer. Mint Spacefillers at 3% (CBS) unless stated Heavy Mounted less 30% GEORGE V, GEORGE VI, TUDOR, CASTLE FDC’S Please offer, plain or Souvenir – Please Offer.</p><p>Mtd Mint G.B. VICTORIAN USED ENVELOPES/COVERS WANTED S.G Mint S/F F/U Used S/FU including Postal Stationery, 1d Lilac, Jubilee low values, etc. – Please Offer – Just the cheap/common. 1883 (LILAC & GREEN) (S.G 187/196) – Good colours 4d 192 £105.00 £24.00 £22.00 £8.00 - OVERSEAS SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: 5d 193 £105.00 - £15.00 - - Please quote our VAT Number GB 411 7942 62 on the outside of 9d 195 £230.00 £48.00 - £55.00 £10.00 the package to facilitate Customs Importation. 1/- 196 £20.00 - £35.00 (Set VFU £180.00) Please mark as Philatelic Material For Valuation. </p><p>1887 JUBILEE – Set to 1/- (15v) Mounted Mint £120.00, 1/- Green COMMEMORATIVE INVERTED WATERMARKS £65.00, Mint Spacefillers: 10d £3.00, 1/- Green £10, 1/- R&G WANTED - We pay these high prices! Mtd./ F/U also £5.00 (Other odd Values considered – please offer) Wanted. All others also required – please offer. 1964 Shakespeare 1/3 Ord £550.00, Phos………… £300.00 EDWARD VII (S.G 215/314) Lightly Mint Do. 2/6………………………………………………. £550.00 U/M Mtd S/F F/U Used S/FU 1965 P. O. Tower 1/3 Ord… £50.00, ITU 1/6 Ord… £150.00 1d £0.60 £0.30 - - - - 1965 Lister 1/- Ord or Phos………………………….£350.00 4d - £8.00 - - - - 1965 Churchill 1/3…………………………………. £80.00 10d £55.00 £20.00 - - - - 1967 Discovery 1/6…………………………………..£120.00 1/- £50.00 - - - - - 1967 EFTA 9d Phos…... £50.00, 1/6 Ord. ………… £20.00 Set of 15 Mounted Mint £95.00</p><p>ALL 1959/1963 CASTLES EDWARD VII (15 X 14) (S.G 279/86) U/M Mtd F/U Used S/FU INVERTED WATERMARKS MINT/USED ½d £23.00 £12.00 - - £1.00 1d £10.00 - £1.80 - £0.20 MISSING COLOURS /ALL ERRORS WANTED 2½d £20.00 - - - - 3d £22.00 - - - - BAHRAIN, ERITREA/TRIPOLITANIA, 4d £15.00 £6.50 - - - Set £105.00 £30.00 - - £1.50 KUWAIT COMMERCIAL COVERS, SEND FOR OFFER 1912 DOWNEY (SIMPLE Cypher) SG 334/5 – 336/7(Upr. Wmk) 1/2d - - £8.50 £4.00 - 1d - - £2.50 £1.25 - MACHIN ‘00’ Colour Standards – Please Offer 1912 ROYAL CYPHER (G.V) (S.G 351/95) U/M Mtd F/U S/FM 1d Inverted QUEEN VICTORIA HIVAL USED 6d Perf.14£54.00 £30.00 £28.00(Used £12) Wmk., SG 7d - £2.50 - - “SPACEFILLERS” 350Wi 8d - £5.50 - - NEW PRICES! 9d (Grn) £115.00 £34.00 - - U/M £25.00, 10d £12.00 £3.50 - - Mtd. or F/U Set (15v) inc.9d £16.00 Green £190.00 £68.00 - -</p><p>1913 MULTI CYPHER (S.G 397/8) Good Perfs U/M Mtd S/FM F/U Used S/FU ½d - - - £30.00 £25.00 - 1d - - £35.00 - - - Set £260.00 - - - - -</p><p>1924 BLOCK CYPHER (S.G 418/29) U/M Mtd S/FM F/U Used 2½d £3.30 - - - - 1/- - £8.00 - - - Value SG Price Set £90.00 £32.00 - - - 10/- 128 £90.00 £1 129 £220.00 PRE-DECIMAL MINT DEFS/REGIONALS 10/- 131/135 £180.00 (NO NOT COMMEMORATIVES) - ANY AT 30% FACE £1 132/136 £400.00 £5 137 £350/£400 £1 185 £110.00 £1 186 £230.00 (Perfins Accepted but No Mice Nibbles)</p><p>7</p><p>8 H I G H V A L U E S - IMPORTANT GRADING CONDITIONS MINT – Well Centred, VFU Light steel circular Date stamp (well centred) FU – Fine used will be priced accordingly between VFU and used prices: USED – Sound used copies, multiples, rubber, parcel Postmarks (no faults), Heavy mtd less 30%Interim Grades will be priced accordingly. Please offer later issues. No mice nibbles on spacefillers please. High values must be reasonably centred. Mint S/F Sound Perfins/ Year Value S.G Scott U/M M/M well centered VFU Used S/Fillers 1867/1883 5/- Maltese Cross 126/7 57 £2500.00 £1100.00 £150.00 £85.00 - - 10/- Maltese Cross 128 74 £9000.00 £4000.00 £1000.00 £450.00 £150.00 £90.00 £1 Maltese Cross 129 75 POR £12000.00 £4000.00 £900.00 £500.00 £220.00 5/- Anchor Wmk 130/4 90 £2000.00 £1200.00 £200.00 £380.00 £100.00 £35.00 10/- Anchor Wmk 131/5 91 POR POR £3000.00 £700.00 £350.00 £180.00 £1 Anchor Wmk 132/6 92 POR POR £3000.00 £1800.00 £700.00 £400.00 £5 Orange 137 93 £6000.00 £3000.00 £500.00 £1500.00 £700.00 £400.00 1883/1884 2/6 Queen Victoria 178/9 96 £250.00 £85.00 - £16.00 - - 5/- Queen Victoria 180/1 108 £500.00 - - £18.00 £8.00 10/- Queen Victoria 183/3a 109 £1050.00 £450.00 £120.00 £95.00 £40.00 £8.00 1884 £1 Crowns 185 110 POR POR POR £450.00 £180.00 £110.00 1886 £1 Orbs 186 123 POR POR £2400.00 £700.00 £400.00 £230.00 1891 £1 Green 212 124 £1800.00 £850.00 £280.00 - - - 1902/13 2/6 Edward VII 260/316 139 £240.00 £80.00 - £16.00 £6.50 - 5/- Edward VII 263/318 140 - £90.00 - £18.00 £8.00 £2.00 10/- Edward VII 265/319 141 - £250.00 - £95.00 £45.00 £8.00 £1 Edward VII 266/320 142 £1000.00 £600.00 £200.00 £200.00 £150.00 £50.00 1913/15 2/6 Seahorse Any 173 £150.00 £40.00 £12.00 - - - (Waterlow or 5/- Seahorse Any 174 £305.00 £95.00 £20.00 £14.00 - - DeLaRue) 10/- Seahorse Any 175 £650.00 £240.00 £55.00 £95.00 - £22.00 £1 Seahorse 403/4 176 £1800.00 £1350.00 £250.00 £600.00 £360.00 £100.00 1918 Bradbury 2/6 Seahorse 413/5 179 £140.00 - - - - - 5/- Seahorse 416 180 £140.00 £30.00 - £8.00 - - 10/- Seahorse 417 181 £290.00 - £35.00 £30.00 £20.00 £2.50 1934 Re- 2/6 Seahorse 450 222 - - £5.00 - - - Engraved 5/- Seahorse 451 223 - - £12.00 £15.00 - - 10/- Seahorse 452 224 - £110.00 £30.00 £12.00 - £2.00 Set of 3 £385 .00 £200 .00 £50 .00 - - - 1939/48 GVI 2/6 Brown 476 249 ------2/6 Green 476a 249a - - - - COMPLETE- - 5/- Red 477 250 - - - - SHEETS- - 10/- Indigo 478 251 - - - £5.00 WANTED- - 10/- Ultramarine 478a 251a - £6.00 - - PLEASE- - £1 Brown 478b 275 - - - £5.00 OFFER- - Set of 6 £140 .00 £75 .00 - - - - 1951 Festival 2/6 509 286 ------5/- 510 287 ------10/- 511 288 ------£1 512 289 ------Set of 4 £26 .00 £15 .00 - - - - 1955 Waterlow 2/6 Castle 536 309 ------5/- Castle 537 310 ------10/- Castle 538 311 - - - - £1 Castle 539 312 - - £6.00 - - - Set of 4 £75 .00 £30 .00 - £12 .00 - - 1958 DeLaRue 2/6 Castle 536a ------(1st) 5/- Castle 537a ------10/- Castle 538 ------£1 Castle 539a - - COMPLETE- - - - Set of 4 £250 .00 £125 .00 - - - - 1959 DeLaRue 2/6 Castle 595 - - - SHEETS - - - (2nd) 5/- Castle 596 - - -WANTED - - - 10/- Castle 597 - - - PLEASE - - - £1 Castle 598 - - - OFFER - - - Set of 4 £30 .00 £20 .00 - - - - 1963 B.W 2/6 Castle 595a 371 ------5/- Castle 596a 372 ------10/- Castle 597a 373 ------£1 Castle 598a 374 ------Set of 4 £2 .20 (Complete Sheets £100) - - - - 1967 Unwmkd 2/6 Castle 759 525 ------5/- Castle 760 526 ------10/- Castle 761 527 ------£1 Castle 762 528 ------Set of 4 £2 .00 (Complete Sheets £90.00)- - - - 1969 Machin 2/6 787 510 ------5/- 788 511 ------10/- 789 512 ------£1 790 513 ------Set of 4 £2 .00 (Complete Sheets £90.00)- - - - 1977/87 Machin £1-£5 Any values at 65% of face ------1988 Castle £1-£5 “ “ “ “ “ “ £6.50 - - - - 1992/5 Castle £1-£5 " " " " “ “ £6.50 - - - - - 1993 £10 (1994 £1 Re-Engraved U/M £2.00) £7.50 - (£10 complete sheet £200.00) - - 1997 Enschede Castles £12.00 (£1.50 only £2.50) - - - - MANY HIGHER PRICES IN THIS LIST 9 1924/1960 SIDEWAYS & INVERTED WATERMARKS</p><p>S/W S/W S/W S/W INV INV INV INV U/M Mtd F/U Used U/M Mtd F/U Used 1924 Set - £30.00 £30.00 £12.00 - (10d Used £3.00) - - 1912 INV WMK do. 1d - £4.50 - £2.00 £0.90 - £0.15 - U/M Mtd do. 1½d - £2.00 £1.00 - - - - - ½d - £1.00 do. 2d - £20.00 £25.00 £8.00 £10.00 £6.00 £6.00 £3.00 1d - £1.00 1934 Set - £30.00 £30.00 £8.00 - £5.50 £0.70 - 1½d £5.00 £2.00 do. ½d - £1.00 - - £5.00 - - - 2d £20 £12.00 do. 1d - £5.00 ------do. 1½d - £1.00 ------do 2d - - £15.00 - - - - - 1937 Set - £15.00 - - - £19.00 - ½d - - - - - £0.80 - - 1d - - - - - £5.00 - - 1½d - £0.15 £0.15 - - - - - 2d - £8.00 £8.00 - - - - - 2½d ------1941 Set £8.50 £5.00 £4.00 - £2.00 - - - 2d - £3.00 £2.50 - - - - - 1950 Colour Change Set - - - - £2.00 - - 1d - - - - £0.75 - - - 1½d - - - - - £0.50 - - 2d - - - - £1.50 £0.80 - - 1952 Set (Tudor) - - - - - £6.00 £6.00 - 1d ------2d - - - - - £5.00 - - 2½d £1.60 ------1955 Set (Edw) - - - £5.00 - £3.50 £3.50 - 3d - £2.00 £2.00 - - - - - 1958 Crowns Set - £2.20 £2.20 - - £24.00 £24.00 £8.00 2½d ------2d - - - - - £22.00 £22.00 - 1958 Graphite Set (1½d Upr. £28.00 U/M) - - - - - 1½d (Upr. Wmk. Used £18) - - - £8.00 £8.00 - 2½d - - - - - £15.00 £15.00 £8.00 1960 Phos. Set - £5.00 £5.00 £4.00 - £50.00 £50.00 £40.00 1½d - - - - £5.00 £1.50 £1.50 - 2½d (2B) - - - - - £50.00 £50.00 £35.00 2½d (1B) - - - - - £8.00 £8.00 £4.50 3d (LB) - - £0.70 - - £12.00 £12.00 £6.00 3d (RB) - - £0.70 - - - - -</p><p>BUYING INDIA - UNMOUNTED & MOUNTED MINT 1854-2012, COMPLETE OR INCOMPLETE COLLECTIONS, BRITISH INDIA SETS/SINGLES, POST INDIA SETS/SINGLES, ARCHIVE MATERIAL – ESSAYS, DIE CARDS, PROOFS, COLOUR TRIALS, MINIATURE SHEETS, SE- TENANT PAIRS, CLASSIC MATERIAL, SCINDE DAWK STAMPS, 1854 INDIA FIRST ISSUE UNUSED/USED STAMPS, POSTAL HISTORY – ADEN – FRENCH INDIA – BRITISH INDIA EARLY INDIA CANCELLATIONS – PRE-STAMP COVERS, AIRMAILS – ROCKET MAILS – PIGEON MAILS – ZEPPELIN MAIL FROM INIDA IRELAND WANTED - ANYTHING UNUSUAL, VARIETIES, ERRORS, COILS, EARLY BOOKLETS, LOCALS, PROPAGANDA, ETC. – PLEASE OFFER</p><p>GB COMPLETE SETS "AT A GLANCE" Reign Description U/M Lightly Mtd V/F/U Used QV 1883 Lilac & Green Set 1/2d - 1/- 10 values - £850.00 £150.00(Good Colours) 1887 Jubilee Set ½d - 1/- 14 values - £120.00 - - EVII Simplified Set Set ½d - 1/- 15 values £300.00 £95.00 - Mint- Harrison Perf 15 x 14 Set 5 values £105.00 £30.00 £10.00 Heavy- GV Downey basic Set 10 values £80.00 £35.00 £15.00 Hinge- 1912 Royal Cypher Set 15 values £190.00 £68.00 - Less- ditto Set 14 vals (No 9d Green) £80.00 £34.00 - 30%- 10 1913 Multiple Cypher Set 2 values(Good Perfs) £260.00 - - - 1918 Bradbury 2/6 to 10/- Set 3 values £605.00 £200.00 £35.00 - 1924 Block Cypher Set 12 values £90.00 £32.00 - - Block Cypher sideways Set 4 values - £30.00 £30.00 £12.00 1934 Re-engraved 2/6 - 10/- Set 3 values £385.00 £200.00 £20.00 (10/- Filler £3.00) Photo Set Set 11 values £30.00 £13.50 - - Photo Set sideways Set 4 values - £30.00 £30.00 £8.00 Photo inverted Set 3 values - £5.50 - - 1936 Edward VIII Set of 4 values (Complete Sheet of 240 £75.00) - - - Inverted Set 3 values - £3.50 - - 1937 Dark colours Set 15 values £10.00 £5.50 - - Dark colours sideways Set 5 values - £15.00 - £8.00 Dark colours inverted Set 5 values - £19.00 - - 1939 High Values Set 6 values £140.00 £75.00 - - 1941 Light colours Set 6 values - - - - Light colours sideways Set 3 values - - £4.00 - Light colours inverted Set 3 values - - - - 1950 Colour change Set 6 values - - - - Colour change sideways Set 4 values - - - - Colour change inverted Set 5 values - £2.00 £2.50 - 1951 Festival high values Set 4 values £26.00 £15.00 - - 1952 Tudor Set 17 values £28.00 £12.50 - - Tudor sideways Set 3 values - £1.00 £1.00 - Tudor inverted Set 5 values - £6.00 - - 1955 Waterlow High Values Set 4 values £75.00 £30.00 - - 1955 Edward Set 18 values £38.00 £14.50 - - Edward sideways Set 5 values - £5.00 £5.00 - Edward inverted Set 7 values - £3.50 £3.50 - 1957 Graphite Set 6 values (2d U/M £0.55) £2.80 £1.00 - - 1958 1st DLR Set 4 values £260.00 £125.00 £24.00 - 1958 Crowns Set 17 values - - - - 1958 Crowns sideways Set 8 values - - £2.20 - 1958 Crowns inverted Set 9 values - £24.00 £24.00 £8.00 1958 Graphite Set 8 values (1½d Upr. U/M £28) £35.00 £30.00 £20.00 £18.00 1958 Graphite inverted Set 5 values (1½d U/M £12) - - - - 1959 2nd DLR Set 4 values £30.00 £20.00 - - 1959 Phosphor Graphite Set 8 values (4d U/M £6.00) £24.00 £14.00 £14.00 £12.00 1960 Phosphor Set 17 values - £0.60 £1.00 - 1960 Phosphor sideways Set 9 values - £5.00 £5.00 - 1960 Phosphor inverted Set 10 values - £50.00 £50.00 £40.00 1963 B/Wmk Set 4 values £2.20 - - - 1967 Machin ½d to 1/9 Set of 16 values - - - - 1967 No Wmk Set 4 values £2.00 - - - 1969 Machin high value Set 4 values £2.00 - - - 1970/1 Machin 10p - £1 Set 4 values - - - - 1977/87 Machin £1 - £5 Set 8 values - (Odd vals at 65% face) - - 1988 Castle high values Set 4 values £6.50 (Odd vals at 65% face) - - 1992 Castle high values Set 4 values (not £3) £6.50 (Odd vals at 65% face) - - 1993 £10 (Complete sheets wanted please offer) £7.50 - - - 1997 Enschede Castles Set of 4 values £12.00 (£1.50 only £2.50) - - Heavy hinged generally accepted at less 30% of lightly mounted prices, subject to requirements. </p><p>NEW HIGHER PRICES: 1d RED NUMBERED MALTESE CROSSES (4 Clear Margins F/U only required) 1 £30.00, 2 £30.00, 3 £32.00, 4 £90.00, 5 £25.00, 9 £29.00, 10 £38.00, 11 £42.00, 12 £45.00 2d BLUE NUMBERED MALTESE CROSSES (4 Clear Margins F/U only required) 1/2/3/4 £150.00, 5 £200.00, 6 £150.00, 7 £300.00, 8 £250.00, 9 £300.00, 10 £350.00, 11 £250.00 Covers also required on 1d Blacks and 2d Blues </p><p>11</p>

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