Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76038-6 - The Cambridge Introduction to Franz Kafka Carolin Duttlinger Index More information Index acting, see play-acting Bauer, Erna, 57 adaptations of Kafka’s works, 131 Bauer, Felice, 3–5, 21, 28–29, 32, 42, 56, in film, 131–136 57, 110, 121 Adorf, Mario, 133 Baum, Oskar, 2, 15 Adorno, Theodor W., 127–128 Beard, George M., 9 aging, process of, see old age Benjamin, Walter, 44, 60, 68, 75, alertness, 45, 49, 60, 61, 108, 109 126–127, 128 Alexander the Great, 76 Berlin, 2, 3, 5, 6, 13, 16, 29, Alexeïeff, Alexandre, 133 57, 108 alienation, 97, 115, 126, 127–128, 129 Bloch, Grete, 57 Alt, Peter-André, 1 Boa, Elizabeth, 117 Amerika, see Man who Disappeared, The body, 25, 26, 32–33, 34–35, 36, 38, 41, animal 48, 49, 54, 72, 74, 97, 109, 119 instinct, 66, 82 as spectacle, 53 stories, 33, 75–80, 81, 107–109, as the site of art, 109, 113 117–120 changing body image, 51 transformation into, 19–20, 36–38, 40 of the text, 69 anti-Semitism, 15, 77, 118 Bohemia, 20 art, 109–110 Brecht, Bertolt, 133, 135 as performance, 109, 118 defamiliarization, 133 as vocation, 110, 113 Brod, Max, 2, 3, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 32, Art Nouveau, 8 46, 79, 86, 109 artist, 109–111, 112–113 as Kafka critic, 126 relation to audience, 109, 112, 117, as Kafka’s editor, 122–123, 124 118, 121 Buber, Martin, 15, 77, 79 asceticism, 3 Bunyan, John, 124 assimilation, 1, 15, 79 bureaucracy, 10, 76, 91 attention, 23, 25, 49, 54, 61, 120 Austria, 6, 73, 82, 91 capitalism, 9–10, 36, 49–50, 55 automatic writing, 20 Castle, The (Das Schloss), 43, 69, awakening, 36, 60–61 88–104, 115, 123, 124, 126 child, 62, 69–70, 85, 112, 115 bachelor, 19, 26, 27, 28, 29 as actor, 78 Bar Kochba (student organisation), 15 childhood, 12, 101, 105, 119–120, 127 Barthes, Roland, 83 memory, 101–102 147 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76038-6 - The Cambridge Introduction to Franz Kafka Carolin Duttlinger Index More information 148 Index Christianity, 77, 124, 127 Diamant, Dora, 6–7, 108 Jesus Christ, 39, 67, 112 dirt, 39, 54–55, 66–67, 70 cinema, 9, 10, 21–22, 44 disgust, 52, 54, 77, 97 circulation, 9, 32, 36, 48 distraction, 2, 9, 38, 111, 121, 127 circus, 80–81, 107, 110–111, 112, 113 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 58, 130 city, 9–10, 18, 25–26, 27, 28, 59, 67 dream, 8, 11, 20, 34, 46, 48, 60–61, 64, class, 9, 47 81, 83, 128, 133 clothing, 10, 51 daydream, 64 Cold War, 132 dreamlike narrative, 18, 20, 26 colonialism, 73–74, 92 versus reality, 50, 81 comedy, 31, 44, 132 Duchamp, Marcel, 118 community, 9, 27, 91, 95, 102, 112, 121 entrapment, 63, 70, 73, 112 and individual, 88, 94, 107–108, 109 Existentialism, 126 Corngold, Stanley, 124 exoticism, 64, 72 Country Doctor, A (Ein Landarzt, Expressionism, 8, 17, 29, 130 collection), 74–88, 109 Critical Theory, 127 fairy tale, 36, 41, 103 Czech language, 2, 6 family, 9, 12, 29, 38–40, 41, 57, 78, 85, Czechoslovakia, 14, 93, 119 96, 105 Fanta, Berta, 12 Dadaism, 8 fasting, 105, 112–114, 116, 118 Darwin, Charles, 79, 114 father, 39, 57 Day Lewis, Cecil, 131 father–son conflict, 12–13, 18, 29, death, 38, 42–43, 56, 67, 69, 71–72, 30–32, 33 87–88, 90, 119, 134–135 film, 17, 127, 130 and writing, 74, 120–121 adaptations of Kafka’s works, drive, 103 131–136 Kafka’s, 6–7, 122 and photography, 21–22 of the author, 83 fin de siècle, 130 sentence, 29, 31, 42 First World War, 5, 14, 16, 74, 82, 92, 112 victory over, 102 flâneur, 25, 28 Decadence, 17 Flaubert, Gustave, 19, 130 deconstruction, 129–130 food, 54, 105, 107, 113–114 Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari, Foucault, Michael, 74 14–15, 40, 128–129 fragmentation Derrida, Jacques, 129–130 of perception, 23, 34 desire, 8, 11, 40, 41, 54, 66–67 of the text, 25, 83, 136 deterritorialized, 128 France, 20 disavowed, 86 Franz Josef I (Emperor of Austria), 82 homoerotic, 53, 64 freedom, 25, 43, 45, 51, 76, 102–103, detective story, 58 110, 111, 114, 120 Devil’s Island, 73 and childhood, 28 dialogue, 30, 104, 134, 135 Freud, Sigmund, 10–12, 29, 63, 86 and gesture, 126 Oedipus complex, 11, 29, 41, 128 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76038-6 - The Cambridge Introduction to Franz Kafka Carolin Duttlinger Index More information Index 149 parapraxis (‘Freudian slip’), 30, 128 illness, 5–7, 107, 109 primal scene, 39 Impressionism, 17 The Interpretation of Dreams,11 insomnia, 28, 88–89 The Psychopathology of Everyday institutions, 10, 59, 74, 84, 100, 105, 126 Life,46 disciplinary, 74 Friedland (Bohemia), 21 interpretation, 81 Futurism, 8 as a literary theme, 59 failure of, 24 gender, 114 of Kafka’s texts, 36, 126, 127, 128, 131 relations, 51–55 open-ended, 68 roles, 9, 51, 65 Italy, 2, 20 Germany, 5, 20, 73, 91, 124 gesture, 20, 126 Jesenská, Milena, 6 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 55, 130 Jew, The (Der Jude, periodical), 77, 79 gothic novel, 90 Judaism, 1, 15–16, 77, 118, 126, gramophone, 130 127, 130 Gross, Hans, 12, 73 Hasidism, 6, 15–16 Gross, Otto, 12 Jewish legend, 68 Guattari, Félix, see Deleuze, Gilles scholarly tradition, 68 guilt, 58, 59–60, 105 ‘Judgement, The’ (‘Das Urteil’), 5, 28–33, repression of, 59–60 36, 42, 43, 56, 57, 69, 74, 85 sexual, 132 Judgement Day (Der jüngste Tag, book series), 48 Haas, Willy, 11 Habsburg Empire, 14, 47, 82, 92 Kabbalah, 126 Hamburg, 134 Kafka,Franz Haneke, Michael biographies of, 1 The Castle (Das Schloss, film), drawings by, 20–21, 131 135–136 editions of his works, 122–124 Hebrew language, 6, 16 scholarship on, 122, 125–130 Heindl, Robert, 73 works, see also individual entries for Heinisch, Christian, 133 key works discussed Hermann, Karl, 6 ‘An Ancient Manuscript’ (‘Ein Hitler, Adolf, 77 altes Blatt’), 81–83, 84, 88 Hoffmann, E. T. A., 11 ‘The Bachelor’s Distress’ (‘Das Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 8 Unglück des Junggesellen’), 26 Holitscher, Arthur, 56 ‘Before the Law’ (‘Vor dem Holmes, Sherlock, 58 Gesetz’), 129 Holocaust, 14, 127 ‘A Brother’s Murder (‘Ein home (Heimat), 100–101 Brudermord’), 88 homoeroticism, 53, 64 ‘The Burrow’ (‘Der Bau’), Horkheimer, Max, 49 108–109, 112, 129 Huillet, Danièle, see Straub, Jean-Marie ‘Children on the Highway’ Hunger Artist, A (Ein Hungerkünstler, (‘Kinder auf der Landstraße’), collection), 109–120 26–27, 28 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76038-6 - The Cambridge Introduction to Franz Kafka Carolin Duttlinger Index More information 150 Index Kafka,Franz (cont.) ‘The New Advocate’ (‘Der neue ‘A Country Doctor’ (‘Ein Advokat’), 76, 78 Landarzt’, short story), 88 notebooks, 21, 33, 98, 124 ‘Description of a Struggle’ ‘Odradek, or Cares of a (‘Beschreibung eines Householder’ (‘Die Sorge des Kampfes’), 17–18, 22 Hausvaters’), 84–86 diaries, 3, 8, 15, 17, 20–22, 86, 109, ‘The Passenger’ (‘Der Fahrgast’), 25 110, 122, 124 ‘A Report to an Academy’ (‘Ein ‘A Dream (‘Ein Traum’), 74 Bericht für eine Akademie’), ‘Eleven Sons’ (‘Elf Söhne’), 84, 85 78–80, 85 ‘First Sorrow’ (‘Erstes Leid’), 108, ‘The Runners’ (‘Die 109, 110–112, 113, 114, 119 Vorüberlaufenden’), 25 ‘A Hunger Artist’ (‘Ein ‘The Small Businessman’ (‘Der Hungerkünstler’, short story), Kaufmann’), 26 108, 109, 112–114, 116, 118, ‘The Stoker’ (‘Der Heizer’), 119, 120 6, 48 ‘The Huntsman Gracchus’ (‘Der ‘The Sudden Stroll’ (‘Der Jäger Gracchus’), 88 plötzliche Spaziergang’), 25 ‘In the Gallery’ (‘Auf der Galerie’), ‘Trees’ (‘Die Bäume’), 23, 24–25 80–81 ‘Unhappiness’ ‘In the Penal Colony’ (‘In der (‘Unglücklichsein’), 27–28 Strafkolonie’), 72–75, 77, 87 ‘Unmasking a Confidence-Man’ ‘Investigations of a Dog’ (‘Entlarvung eines (‘Forschungen eines Hundes’), Bauernfängers’), 25 107–108 ‘The Warden of the Tomb’ (‘Der ‘Jackals and Arabs’ (‘Schakale und Gruftwächter’), 75 Araber’), 76–78, 79, 81, 88 ‘The Way Home’ (‘Der ‘Josefine, the Singer or The Mouse- Nachhauseweg’), 26 People’ (‘Josefine, die Sängerin ‘Wedding Preparations in the oder Das Volk der Mäuse’), 27, Country’ 108, 114, 116, 117–121 (‘Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf ‘The Knock at the Courtyard Gate’ dem Lande’), 17, 19–20, 22 (‘Der Schlag ans Hoftor’), 84 ‘Wish to Become a Red Indian’ ‘Letter to his Father’ (‘Brief an den (‘Wunsch, Indianer zu Vater’), 12–13, 15 werden’), 25, 26, 27, 44 letters, 3–5, 7, 8, 11–12, 15, 21, ‘Zürau aphorisms’, 104 78, 79, 83–84, 86, 109, 110, Kafka, Gabriele (‘Elli’), 2, 14 121, 122 Kafka, Georg, 2 ‘A Little Woman’ (‘Eine kleine Kafka, Heinrich, 2 Frau’), 114–117, 120 Kafka, Hermann, 1, 2, 12, 13 Meditation (Betrachtung), 3, 17, Kafka, Julie, 1 18, 22–28, 29, 44, 53, 109 Kafka, Ottilie (‘Ottla’), 2, 5, 6, 10, 14, 75, ‘A Message from the Emperor’ 112 (‘Eine kaiserliche Botschaft’), Kafka, Valerie (‘Valli’), 2, 14 83–84 Kafkaesque, 131 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76038-6 - The Cambridge Introduction to Franz Kafka Carolin Duttlinger Index More information Index 151 Kaiser Panorama, 21–22 nakedness, 40, 64, 74, 87 Karl I (Emperor of Austria), 82 narrative Kierling (Austria), 6 circularity, 69 Kisch, Egon Erwin, 14 dreamlike, 18, 20, 26, 76 Kleist, Heinrich von, 130 ending, 25, 32, 42–43, 56–57, 68–72, Klopstock, Robert, 6, 7 80, 81 Kracauer, Siegfried, 9 first-person, 98, 117 Kubin, Alfred, 14 opening, 22, 24, 26, 34, 45, 48, 58, 89–91, 98 Langer, Georg, 16 perspective, 34–36, 42, 50, 53, 58, 59, language, crisis of, 8–9 75–76, 81, 89 law, 2, 66, 67, 76, 129–130 third-person, 19, 30, 58 Leipzig, 2 Naturalism, 8 Lothar, Susanne, 135 nature, 18, 26, 90 Löwy, Jizchak, 20 neurasthenia, 9 Löwy, Siegfried, 6
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