
<p>Frank O’Collins of UCADIA, 1/6/11 (ed. note: not to be taken as a word-for-word transcript) http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=90342&cmd=tc See www.university.ucadia.info and www.one-heaven.org. Necessity, compliance, and duress: If you think about the problems you face and all the people you know who have lost their homes, gone to prison, been fined etc vs those who have succeeded, then the system is geared against us. That’s common sense, but I want you to think of those who’ve succeeded and those who haven’t. Of course, it’s a terribly unbalanced scale. Now consider those who have suffered, including yourself, and in most every case there is a common thread. That is, that we have been under the belief that if we don’t comply, if we stand our ground, that we hold the moral right. Let’s look at the side of those who have succeeded. In many cases we find a common thread, that they did not put themselves in dishonor to the system, no matter how mad the system is. They attended the hearing, they were respectful to the judge, but they made it unmistakably clear that they were there under duress, as a matter of necessity. Their signature would also be under duress, and while they would comply, this could not possibly be regarded as consent, because they’re under duress. This appears to be one of the simplest ways of finding remedy. On the other hand, defiance is sure to bring the system down on us. So why are people saying more than ever, ‘disobey’? For an answer, please go to www.one- heaven.org, click on Ecclesiastical Deed Poll, then ‘key concepts’. The most important thing to the courts/the system is your energy, especially your vocal energy. A man’s oath is his bond. An oath is “a solemn appeal to the Divine Creator by invocation and the presence of at least two witnesses that a pronouncement is true or a promise binding”. The Florentines realized, as they developed their ‘indulgences’, that when people kept their word, that could be monetized, and that is what they did. And we, being honorable, keep our word, which creates money, and promissory notes, and that’s the purpose of the court. Court is derived from the Latin ‘cautio’, meaning to bond, to securitize, and to bail. The law is the bank. It has nothing to do with common law, as we think of it. If we don’t give our oath/sign, there is no value to them, in which case there is no point in pursuing the case. The Canon law of the Roman cult is that if a vow or oath or signature is given when you’re under duress, it’s worthless. The test is if you hold your ground. Just because the judge et al can’t be (damned?) to understand the meaning of their own laws, refusing to read, and acting as ignorant morons doesn’t mean that it’s not true. Necessity; go to the Canons of Positive Law, where we’ve improved Article 113: “Necessity is the unavoidable requirement of a Party to consent, act or perform in a manner that they would not otherwise do if not for the presence of some clear need, threat, coercion, danger or risk. Hence, any oath, vow, sign or seal given under Necessity has no legal validity or value.” They cannot monetize this. So how do you deal with it? Say respectfully to the judge, at any point, ‘judge, in respect to the law, I will comply (with your order for a psyche eval, for example), but my compliance is not my consent, as I do so out of necessity, under duress. I request that my statement be put on the record.” The psyche eval will have no value whatsoever. He can’t use that trick to declare you incompetent. If its given under duress, it means nothing. If the police are telling you to sign something, you know that they are taser-crazed, so sign “v.c.” (Latin for under duress) after your signature. If they say you can’t do that, put three dots (…)(I believe this is supposed to go before your signature)(it means ‘what you want it to say’). What about if you don’t go to court and they issue an arrest warrant? How is it they can create bonds in our absence. Their trick is that if we lose our honor in a clear and unmistakable way, they declare us dishonorable and they invoke powers they’ve already reserved as our Power of Atty, as we have shown ourselves to be incompetent. The only way is to remain in honor. “Judge, I comply out of necessity, but my compliance is not consent, as I’m under duress.” If they order a jail sentence, or a psyche eval, remember that that’s an offer, and say, “Judge, I gratefully decline your offer.” Why do we see so much “defy”, “disobey” attitude in the Truth Movement? Well, how do you think the system is going to want to deal with us, as we acquire knowledge? Does a prosecutor or judge want any of you in their courts with this knowledge? The easiest process for them is to get you into dishonor. But you have enormous power when you remain in honor. The proof is in plain sight. Re: Ecclesiastical Deeds; again go to one-heaven.org, ‘deed polls’; new pages have been added. There’s info on how the UCC fits in with EDPs. It can be sent to the Registrar of Vital Stat’s/Births/deaths and marriages… But in a foreclosure, unless it’s a dire situation, you don’t need to evoke the EDP. Actually, its intro into those types of cases just devalues it, because the judges plead ‘ignorance’. If you’ve started it, that’s OK. It’s not wrong to assert your rights, to stand yup and say I’m not a slave. I say use it parallel to the EDP. We have new answers at one-heaven to your questions about the Psyche eval, info on obtaining an EIN number and how to get it registered, and on trust accounts and special deposits. There are people in the Truth movement who feel threatened by the fact that you’re becoming competent. They may have a monetary interest in your incompetence, or an ego investment. Remedy is your Divine right, and these people are in extreme dishonor for refusing it. How strong is the EDP remedy? What does the word “Poll” mean in terms of the deed poll? From the Latin ‘pollex’, it means ‘thumb’. A signature in Roman times was illegal. How do you send a deed poll? How do you send a Deed and still claim that it is consensual? Look at Article 114, go to canon 1418 “Natural birth of the flesh is proof of lawful conveyance from a Divine Trust to a True Trust as a result of willing consent by the Divine Person to be born in accordance with these Canons. Therefore, the existence of the body of a living flesh Homo Sapien is proof of their divine (ecclesiastical) consent to obey these Canons.” Not one word is contrary to the Bible. It is no longer safe to say, ‘I’m living spirit’ and demand that they leave you alone. So we’re clarifying what we mean by our relationship with the Divine. The divine person can never be considered incompetent. It’s part of the Divine. Our flesh is another story. But the divine person, by being born, has consented to be ruled by Diving Law, and if the flesh does not honor that deed, then the flesh by its own definition has declared itself incompetent. If this all sounds like argument, remember argument is exactly what they’ve used against us, but we can’t defeat it by just walking away from it. The System is a ‘complex, bad idea’, and we need something to replace it with.</p><p>Re: Title…Article 71, Canon 1049; A Title is a both a valid inscription or entry into the Asset Register of a Trust and a certificate or notice of proof of such entry and therefore claim of Right of Ownership. The word ‘Title’ is derived from the Latin word titulus meaning ‘inscription, label and notice (of entry) into a tabulae’ with the Latin word ‘tabulae’ literally meaning register. It was most commonly used in the context of a register of slaves. The Latin word for a registrar is ‘tabularius’. Canon 1050 The creation of Title occurs upon the valid entry of the claimed property into the Asset register of the Trust by the recording of a minimal set of information about the Property now also defined as an Asset. This minimal information includes: (i) A Unique Identifying Number also called the Unique Register Number; and (ii) A Name for the Property; and (iii) The Day of entry into the Register; and (iv) The Grantor/Provider of the Asset; and (v) The Custodian of the Asset; and (vi) The value of the Asset. What do we know about Cestui Que Vie’s and what was the system doing at our birth? It’s about getting our name in a register and creating title. Once entered, they have title. We know enough about title as a claim/right of ownership, that we should think about what that means; when they claim our name, they therefore claim title. [to us?] Foreclosure: We’re building a sort of parallel set of notes on saving your home and obtaining title, free and clear. The power of the most powerful register to ever exist in this temporal plane, is that of the Great Register, and Public Record of One Heaven. If an entry into a register of a trust is a claim of right, then there is no greater claim of right anyone could ever make than that. And that is exactly what your trust numbers are. If you enter your trust number it will match your name/identity. When you can match your trust number with your name and identity, and we can insure that your live-born record is up to date, it then becomes a certificate/proof of title that cannot be denied by any court, any registrar or anyone in their system. If it is proof of title, then it is proof of ownership of your name, of your flesh, and of your spirit, not them…and it is proof of their fraud. I’m very keen to see that the live-birth process becomes automatic for all of you. For anyone that is in the 11th hour, the artwork is still up there on the site, and we will get that across. It’s working now (the EDP); ‘these are just automations.’ [Did you mean ‘automatons’?] Title is an essential element concerning foreclosures (FC). We’re working on remedy, depending on your location judicial v non-judicial, etc, including removing yourself from delinquency. We mustn’t put ourselves in dishonor. That’s exactly what happens with FC. The bank convinces us that unless we pay all the money, they’ll kick us out. They do not want us to pay a ‘consideration’ because if we do, then the contract is re-negotiated, and we cannot be claimed as ‘delinquent’. No one can be claimed as delinquent if they run out of money. Slavery: People will tell you slavery is illegal. But it’s still here. The proof is that after the Jesuits came out in 1815 after their makeover, no longer managing the assets but franchising the management out, there was a conference soon after in Vienna, and it’s famous history because it’s supposedly where they banned the slave trade and slavery. When you talk to people about it, they tell you ‘that’s against the law’. But remember, we’re dealing with lawyers, experts in language. Well, they did ban the slave trade, as well as ‘unlawful slavery’. The slave trade used to be regulated from one plantation to another. There is no mention of ‘lawful’ slavery in any proclamation or laws etc of the UN. You see how they split hairs in the words they use. So instead of transporting slaves around, the Jesuits and their agents developed a complete, global, lawful system of slavery (1823). Everybody on the planet would get a birth certificate and be registered at birth. Once registered, a title/claim of ownership is created. But by their own rules, if a person or a slave is not in their register, then they are free. Lawful slavery exists. The language is very precise. The banks are not breaking any laws by bonding us and owning our flesh, or being slave owners, with us as the slaves. It’s done “lawfully”. Words mean something. Nevertheless, the Jesuits are the only group on the planet that is not in dishonor of the 7 Divine Deeds of Protest and Dishonor, based upon a meeting we had with them last year. But since 1815, it has been very important to the Jesuits that they remain in honor. Ultimately, that’s the challenge to those Jesuits that listen to these calls; that as we move forward and we are lawfully recognized as emancipated, and as our property is re-conveyed to us, then, when their agents refuse to obey, then of course as we put them in dishonor they will stay in dishonor. And if by the end of this year, in which the plan is to destroy the currencies of the world and re-establish the gold standard, if the Jesuits allow that process to take place, and do not support this model, then they will be the first to be judged on Judgment Day. Until then its up to them to insure that their minions/agents follow their own laws. [Done up to the question/answer period] Q&A period: </p><p>Re: using the EDP, would it be helpful to copy what you sent to the lower court over to the Atty Gen’l and such? Frank: that’s what happens at the end. If you start at the top, there’s nowhere to go. Look at it this way; if you send an EDP to the court and they honor it, collapse the CQV’s and give an accounting, and the matter’s dismissed, that’s fine. But if you start at the top there’s nowhere to go. If there is dishonor by the fourth deed, we follow up with a system called The Great Writs, and there will be a great writ that comes at the end of that process, that kicks it up to the Gov and the AG, or if it’s a federal matter, to the Pres and the USAG. I don’t think anyone has gotten to the 4th level yet, and I’m working, and what I’m referring to is Article 112 of the Great Writs (112.1 The 13 Great Divine Writs of Justice By this most sacred Covenant, thirteen (13) sacred writs are recognized as having the highest Judicial Power and Authority over all other Writs, excluding the Divine Notices, Writs and Deeds of the Apocalypse. These thirteen (13) sacred writs shall be known as the Great Writs of Justice and may only be issued by a national, union or global court of a Ucadia society. When such courts are administered purely by spiritual members, then three (3) living members, having perfected their competent living status as Trustees of a true Trust through the issue of one or more Ecclesiastical Deeds, may issue a Great Writ of Justice.)</p><p>There are different writs for different situations. See the Great Writs of Justice. They are the only documents I know of in history that will have three Divine, Immortal Spirits sealing them in a blood signature. And when they do that, you’re actually creating a Divine Trinity. Do people understand what they’re doing when they do that? Remember, ‘they’ worship the Trinity; the unholy trinity. So when you do that you’re actually bringing that force to bear into that document. The Great Writs will have instructions, examples, and they’ll be one of the most powerful tools we’ll have available. For those who have family/friends in prison, we will be using the Great Writ of Habeus Corpus, sealed with three blood seals to free people. And that’s not a boast, that will occur. Q: One Heaven states ‘a member insurance bond is always ten million credits’. Please explain the confidence-building measures that you have initiated to back this indemnity statement. A; look at the Covenant and at the ‘creation of a supreme credit’. An (garbled; “supreme”?) act by 100 members, and that is the ultimate underwriting and the ultimate asset-backing of the currency of Ucadia. There are six currencies, (actually more than 6), but there is the Supreme Credit that underwrites the Universal Gold Credit that underwrites the Global Silver Credits, that underwrite the six regional Currencies, and those currencies that underwrite national currencies and then underwrite regional currencies (sic). There are global reserve bank sites, you can see them at www.globe- union-bank.org (Frank first said global-RESERVE-bank.org) and start with the Covenant reference to ‘supreme credits’ (several hundred pages) and send an email for more info if necessary. Article 118 Treasury of One Heaven is the article to start with and also Article 117, Supreme Units of Value [ed: I believe Frank meant Article 16- Supreme Credit 16.1 Supreme Credit Supreme Credits are the highest, most valuable currency ever formed by any Civilization. There is no possible higher currency, nor object of greater value (including gold, other precious metals and gems). This is because each and every unit of currency of Supreme Credits is registered in the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven. (http://www.globe-union-bank.org/charter/article_0160.htm) and http://www.globe-union-bank.org/charter/article_0170.htm; Universal Gold Credit Universal Credits, also known as Universal Gold Credits are the second highest, most valuable currency ever formed by any Civilization. Then go to www.americas-union.org] and open up its Charter and see how the value is conveyed from the globe union to one of the regional unions. Rights and property are top-down concepts. If you accept that only the Divine Creator can own anything, that’s a top-down concept. A claim is a bottom-up concept. So in order for a currency system to be uncorrupted and to replace their system, which puts the Pope on top, along with the Khazars, etc, you have to remove them and replace them and draw a clean line from the Divine down to you. We are perfecting all these charters as deeds of trust with spiritual members in place, and as you come together in a state or a province/county, these deeds will be in place, your titles will be perfected, and as you become competent, you will elect yourselves into positions of authority and build up from there. Yes, it’s a massive system, but it’s designed to convey the property of the world back to you. Q: do the de facto actors have any awareness of the meaning of the recipient Trust Number? A: Absolutely. They don’t understand their own laws. But any judge that is a Mason will see that number and know it has significance, including if it’s on an envelope sent to them. The veil that hid their system for thousands of years has now dissipated. The essence of magic is, to me, the power of belief. If you believe someone has some supernatural power, then it’s a self-fulfilling process. We’ve face Master Sorcerers who have placed massive spells on us, which has now morphed into Psychiatry, Economics, etc. But you can’t defeat a system of spells by simply saying, ‘I don’t believe’. You must mirror them, to cause those spells to mature, and to end them. So the design of our number is for the purpose of exposing their sorcery. They’ve already created their system, based on three CQVs. Cestui cestui cestui, six six six. We’re exposing their magic as being an absolute fraud. Everything we do is upfront; but we’re dealing with people who are mentally ill, and getting them to wake up is a crucial part of what we’re doing. The number will mean a lot to them. Q; We want to deliver the EDP on the ‘private’ side, correct? A: The reverse side of their document IS the private side. Attach the EDP to the reverse. Read the notes on the EDP. Q: re: warrants. A: that’s part of Administrative Law, which is the next batch that will be posted. Q: on the True Bill, it says ‘enacted at’. Would that be ‘the court’? A: That would be ‘your county’, or your location. Do that in “proper case” (? A google search of ‘proper case’ does not answer this) or better still, in lower case so that it can’t be viewed as being within one of their trusts. You could use the name of one of our trusts, because every state and every nation is one of our trusts, and you can get those numbers on the register at the globe-union site. If it starts with a ‘93’ you can use it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the exact hour of your birth, your number is still valid, first, by virtue of the nature of the number and what it represents, and second, when those numbers will be connected to the Register. I look forward to the day when a court wants to challenge the validity of the number, because that will be a very stupid move. We are preparing the entry point for the registers, so that your membership number is validated by being able to search for it and find it thru the Great Register, which is connected to all the different societies. If anyone wants to challenge it, we’ll be happy to validate it. In response to a caller: “I am out of the picture as of Judgment Day, Dec 21, 2011, Frank O’Collins has nothing to do with this. We have 12 months to make this work, but it’s success will be in your hands, not mine; because it is an ‘open source’ idea/structure/model. Q: Please explain the process for bringing rent and arrears up to date. A: A bank will refuse to take any more payments after they start to claim that you’re in default. Take a personal check, a statement of months you are paying for, if there’s a foreclosure case take it to the court along with an affidavit for the clerk to sign saying he/she refused to take the payment. It’s your evidence you attempted to make payment, now they can’t claim you’re delinquent. Caller has an update on SS4 applications. A: the trust registration process is updated at http://one-heaven.org/ecclesiastical_deed_poll/edp_trust_registration.htm. The IRS term is a non-withholding foreign grant trust. See http://one- heaven.org/ecclesiastical_deed_poll/downloads/Form_SS4.pdf for an example. Q: Caller signed a plea bargain and has a sentencing hearing coming up. Be polite. At the right time, without being rude, I would state for the record that the plea bargain was made under duress and necessity, and does not represent your consent. If the judge says, ‘but you signed this, I’d say, ‘I did sign it, but under duress, and I’m stating for the record that everything I signed at the plea bargain was out of necessity for the fear of my personal safety that your system placed me under, and it was under duress, and has no bearing on my oath or vow. They’ll get really annoyed. You can say ‘everything I said here in court was under duress’. That means the bond they created on the plea bargain, which is how they made their money, is now utterly worthless. Every person, whether they’ve committed murder, or whatever the crime, is given the opportunity of redemption, under the Covenant of One Heaven. If you’re accused of a serious crime, you may still have to face a court within your society. Q: Is there any special order in which we should be filing EDP, and registering, etc? A: The trust is already created. We’re just using the Deed Poll to inform them that we now know who we are and that you’re collapsing the trusts that they put in ‘for our benefit’. You can get your EIN without sending a Deed Poll. Check out the instructions on the EDP, and you decide if you want to, and when you want to, and how you want to follow thru. But there are plenty of things you can do without sending an EDP. Just remember, until you do that, the system still assumes you are using its property to trade in commerce, hence, they will try and tax you, police you, and take your energy. File your EDP with your birth state. You can use a copy of your birth certificate. If you have a criminal record, it’s attached to ‘your’ Strawman, which ‘they’ own. So unless you’re thinking of establishing a criminal record in their system against your True Trust, when you’re trading in commerce in your True Trust in the (sic) their person is collapsed, you won’t have a criminal record [I think this means when you file the EDP and collapse the trusts, the record disappears.] After filing the EDP with Vital Statistics, follow the detailed instructions on the site at www.one-heaven.org, click on the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll, and follow the instructions. Q: can you explain how to get the Spiritual binding, calling on the Angels to take out these people? A: This is the end of their world; the Apocalypse, Judgment Day, etc. They broke their covenant. The Talmud was smashed in the 1940s in WWII when they confected the ‘end of the world’. They think they already made that happen according to the Talmud, and got away with it. That’s why the ghettoes got abolished in Europe; because they were supposed to live a certain way until the End of Days, and they could not enter, according to the Talmud, the Promised Land. They could not set up Israel. So they’ve broken their covenant. So the Talmud is worthless to them, because they’re all in dishonor. “Binding” is a process associated with their dishonor. They placed themselves in binding. You cannot put someone else in binding. Binding is the very last defense of those who hate God, who even hate darkness, who believe in nothing but themselves. All those who are under a Great Binding are those who have been served under the Seven Great Deeds of Dishonor. By the way, anyone who dishonors one of the Great Writs will be placed under a Great Binding. It is a last resort for when the flesh has demonstrated complete delinquency and incompetency and refuses to yield. I can assure you that the minions are moving along on their timetable to collapse the currencies and bring back the gold. They are so mentally ill, that in spite of the evidence, they will not change. We call on the big guns, which are, that they’re under a binding. What happens to them then is what is written. We don’t have to call on the Angels to accomplish that task, and it wouldn’t even help, because it’s not our department. Ours is to be competent, to heal, and to help. Leave what happens to them between the Angels, the Spirits, the demons redeemed, and the Divine Creator, and the Horsemen. Two Horsemen have arrived, there’s a third one coming in December. His name is Michael. You may have heard that Name. He’s coming to collect on the bindings. So leave it up to them. When a judge puts themselves in dishonor, they have singled themselves out for binding, and they deserve what comes to them, as it is written in the seven Deeds. [Deed 5: Perfidy: Black’s Law 1st: “The act of one who has engaged his faith to do a thing, and does not do it, but does the contrary.”] Q: are there 7 arch-demons called home under Article 47 (garbled) A; There are more than 7. There are three major issues. If you believe in hell, then you believe that war continues in heaven, and if war continues in heaven, then it can’t be the end of a period. A treaty is what brings an end to a war. The elite depend upon the war continuing in heaven to justify the way they operate. They need the war. The elite, who destroyed their own covenant, need people to believe that ‘evil spirits’ are still in dishonor with the Divine to maintain the lie that they still follow the Talmud, their covenant with Satan. They don’t. They’re in dishonor, they smashed it. So when a treaty of Lucifer is presented as part of a covenant, which it is, and cannot be unbound, then you have exposed these people for what they are; severely mentally ill, cowards, destroyers, and they cannot claim a single trinket to claim that they are sorcerers anymore, or in charge of the supernatural, or worship darkness. They are liars, pirates, parasites. That is a strategy of war, as much as a healing process. As for the saints, and the Roman cult, they need division. When you honor those who have been part of the system, and you forgive them, then you expose them for what they are. But if you condemn them to eternal fire and brimstone, then you are being sucked into their game, which is what they want. If you want to get rid of the madness that turns this paradise into hell, then you’ve got to get rid of the mental illness that knows no bounds. It’s in the truth movement, where people don’t want you to be competent, it’s in the preacher/priest who says, “I love”, but then molests children; those in Venice and elsewhere who claim to be gods, and who claim to follow the Talmud but don’t. To end the madness we must remove the veils of the layers of lies that they hide behind. Yes this is hard to understand. But if this is the end of the world, then we were promised thousands of years ago that our minds would be expanded beyond our comprehension when we realize the miracles before us. The Treaty of Lucifer is a miracle, because the war is ended. I’m just a man, not a Messiah, I don’t have a cult/group of people around me, and by Dec 21, 2011, the Day of Judgment, I no longer will have anything to do with this. Divine inspiration given to many, including the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation, with regard to the 1260 days being the 1260 years, along with many prophecies from all religions are coming to this point. The four horsemen was more than just a symbol. Is it not the perfection of Diving Notarial procedure, to end an injury, an injustice? The Pippens first put themselves into power in Rome in 751AD. Add 1260 to 751 and truly that is the date. What the Roman cult says and what is true are two entirely different things. The Roman cult came to power in 1057, but the first time the Catholic Church came to power in Rome was 751. Add the two together, and the year of judgment is 2011 (sic)(Frank, looks like 1808 to me!). I’ll be out of the picture on 12/21, because Frank O’Collins is just a scribe. I write things as they are given to me to write. I’m just doing a job. I’m no better than anyone else. I tried many times to not have to do this, but I had to. The rest is up to you, because YOU are the author as much as I am. If you don’t complete this by standing competently, then that is YOUR life lesson and later when you pass on (garbled) you’ll come to terms with. This is OUR work, and it’s an evolving process. It should be self-evident, who the Author of this is, and that’s the respect I’m trying to give. I don’t want you to believe a single thing I say. I would like you to develop a competency and a balance and an amazement at who you are. And if this helps you, then that’s all this is. There is no requirement of ‘belief’ or an ‘act of faith’ in this. This is a model. If people use it, they use it, if they don’t, they don’t. At the end, Frank answers a question about the filing of the EDP in the birth state; if you’re over 70, because the CQV collapses after 70 years, you only have to file in the state you now reside in. And last, discusses how individuals within the Jesuits, for example, may have been well- intentioned. It is the SYSTEM that is the enemy. </p>
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