<p> MINUTES THE BYTOWN DISTRICT COUNCIL MEETING Monday, September 27, 2010 19:00 ODMHA, Board Room</p><p>IN ATTENDANCE District Executive Associations / Leagues Chairman Norm Sharpe BMHL John Tobin (regrets) Alternate Chair Paul Kreller Canterbury Denis Marchand Director Competitive Hockey Richard Seguin Ottawa Centre Eric Lay Ice Coordinator Rob Wolf Ottawa East Daniel Danis Referee-in-Chief Ian Perry (on behalf of) Ottawa Junior 67’s Anna Murphy-Dow Registrar John Messier Ottawa Sting Chris Cullen Treasurer John Messier Ottawa West Mark Arnold Director at Large Dave Best SouthEnd Mike Stollman Director at Large vacant W.E.H.L. Andrew Stead Clinic Coordinator vacant Coach Mentor vacant Director of Risk and Safety vacant Director of Development vacant abs = absent Secretary Andrew Stead a/w = absent with regrets sent</p><p>Guests:</p><p>ACTION ITEMS: 1. Access to referee reporting system: There should be three user IDs for the District to access the referee reports. One for competitive, one for house and one for Norm Sharpe. Rick and Paul will hold the passwords. 2. Associations need to supply the name of their Risk and Safety person to the ODMHA. 3. Potential honorariums to be discussed in the future. May 2010 meeting minutes to be reviewed. 4. Continue search for individuals to fill empty positions. 5. Eric Lay and Dan Danis to discuss boundary issue.</p><p>WELCOME BY THE CHAIR Minutes from last meeting: Question regarding the amount that would go to comp players being invited to camps. John M thinks it might have been $500.00. Amendment to amend the minutes to read $100.00 per player to a maximum of $500.00 per year.</p><p>Motion to accept minutes: Mark made motion, Rick seconded, carried.</p><p>Page 1 Minutes of Bytown District Council Meeting 23 August 2010 CHAIRS REPORT</p><p>PRESIDENTS MEETING 1. Changes to police records check. The searches will be done on birthdate and gender. Too many pedophiles have changed their names and are slipping through the system. Associations need to develop a policy as to how positive hits will be handled. Ensure the policy is in writing and contained within the minutes of the Association’s minutes. 2. Legacy fund: Lots of money to still give away. Ann Mainville-Neeson will provide a copy of a previous application successfully filled in by South End. 3. Icing calls from refs. Front linesmen will not raise their hands this year to signal icing. Dan reports that there is a new RIC for Hockey Canada and he is keen on promoting a four man system. They will be moving to two refs and one linesman as a pilot. This is being used in Junior C this season. In the International system they do not put their hands up for icing. The view is to have a two ref, one line system in place within roughly five years. The logic is that eventually the refs will call the icings and they don’t want to put their arms up so there is no confusion about penalties. Dan will send the email outlining the rule to everyone at the table for distribution to Associations. 4. Speak Out: All team officials need to take Speak Out, including team managers. Anybody on the team list must have Speak Out. 5. Player Supervision: There must be two people in the dressing rooms at all times. The issue of girls was raised as to how this rule is applied. Utilizing parents is an option. Ottawa Sting has implemented a rule that at least one of the parents must have a completed PRC. 6. Risk and Safety: Dist B is looking for a Risk and Safety person, as well as a new Director at Large. Paul Kreller has volunteered to step in as Risk and Safety in the meantime. </p><p>MINOR COUNCIL MEETING 1. Highlights from the Minor Council meeting are: a. Intro Coach Course. This is the course for IP. People have showed up for Coach Stream who were headed to IP. It is important to ensure the correct course is being taken. The question was raised by why coaches who have taken Intro have to take Coach Stream one or two years later. This is a significant expense for the Associations that does not represent a good investment for the Associations. Eric Lay will write a letter on behalf of the District to raise an objection to this expense. b. Development assistance: The ODHA has people who are willing to help out with development. They have the ability to provide body contact, power skating, goalie coaching, etc. There is the possibility to apply to the legacy fund to help with the expenses. The person responsible is Jeff Baker whose contact info is on the website. c. Risk and Safety: All associations are to provide Risk and Safety information to Jeff Steele at the ODMHA. d. IP review program: Paul attended and will provide details. e. Insurance payment: $27.00 per person due on the 15th of October. An estimate is acceptable to start. </p><p>VACANT POSITIONS</p><p>BOUNDARY DISCUSSION</p><p>Page 2 Minutes of Bytown District Council Meeting 27 September 2010 1. The Chair asked the ODMHA and Minor Council whether the change of boundary agreement between OCMHA and Sandy Hill Minor Hockey Association that was apparently agreed to in April, 2006, was ever passed at Minor Council and whether the ODMHA has a "signed" copy of the agreement. The answer to both is "no". The Chair stated that Bob Pershick told District B to decide what we want done and to bring a motion to a future Minor Council meeting. If District B wants to recognize the new boundaries as represented in the Geomapping Home Association Lookup tool that is on the ODMHA website, then Minor Council will most likely support the motion. Eric Lay and Dan Danis agreed to discuss the situation and bring a recommendation back to District Council next month. </p><p>MONTHLY OFFCERS’ REPORTS</p><p>Alternate Chair House report: 1. His report has been sent. Paul owes Richard Sennott a list of the IP coordinators as well as a quick overview of the program. Number of hours allocated, number of Fun Days and an acknowledgment that each Association is following the goals of the IP program. Dist B has no District IP coordinator which may be a position to consider. The use of goalies in Fun Days was brought up. Paul is looking for feedback. 2. Paul has raised the topic of the minutes of each meeting, and the possibility of the development of a list of action items from each meeting. This list could be loaded to the website for reference by Associations. John Messier will post them to the website. Alternate Chair competitive report: 1. Injured players who miss a game or practice need a Doctor’s certificate to get back on the ice. 2. Rick will send the suspension reporting procedure to the comp Associations 3. The B league regular season will end February 27th,, about the same date as last year. They will be playing 32 games. Website is the same as last year. October 7th at ODMHA Cafeteria will be the coaches meeting. 4. Rick needs access to the referees’ reports as does Norm Sharpe. Dan will arrange with his webmaster for three logins.</p><p>RIC report: 1. Bruce sends his regrets. Greg Lund is getting invoices ready for interim payments to the refs. They will use the same numbers as last year. There are about 180 refs this year which is up about 20 – 30 from last year. There are likely 25 – 30 new officials. Only one or two left from last year. Clinics started Sep 11 and the last clinic is the end of October. All of the refs are doing their Speak Out. If they are under the age of 16 or they reffed last year they can fill in a booklet. If they are over16 they need to take the Speak Our course. Please get schedules to the refs as quickly as possible. The refs are available to attend coach’s meetings. If there are any specific’s that Associations would like covered please let them know. If anybody has any issues with an official, please send an email, not less than 24 hours after the game. If there is need for further information, the refs will respond back as quickly as possible if necessary. Coach’s should not be contacting the refs directly. It should be an Association official that contacts the refs. Risk and Safety: 1. Nothing to report at this stage – Norm Sharpe</p><p>Registrar: 1. There are issues with Trainer’s who are looking to be put onto team lists at competitive that are not showing up as qualified in the Hockey Canada database. Page 3 Minutes of Bytown District Council Meeting 27 September 2010 2. There were 7 coaches who applied for Coach Stream or higher who did not complete their post course material. 3. Transfers are going well. Please ensure signatures are provided in a timely manner. There are emails from the Hockey Canada system that are being filtered by Spam filters. Registrar’s are asked to check notices to ensure that any lost emails are being captured. When documents are posted notices only go out if a note is attached. </p><p>BUDGET 1. Invoice for ice has been sent. September numbers have been adjusted. October numbers will be adjusted for the next invoice. 2. Admin fees have all been paid by the Associations. 3. City of Ottawa had an issue with the mailing of the invoices. They had charged late fees which John is debating. They have dropped the late fees from roughly 4k to 1.6k. 4. Coaches have been approaching the District for extra ice. They are being referenced to the Associations to work out if there is extra ice to purchase.</p><p>ICE COORDINATOR 1. Rob not present. There are no concerns around the table and everybody reports things are going well.</p><p>ASSOCIATION REPORTS 1. BMHL. There is five hours of ice that were assigned to pre-season balancing that will be paid by the BMHL’s funds. 2. CHA: Novice through Bantam assessments are done. Teams are being formulated. Balancing games will be happening over the next two weeks. Some games have been played against other Associations and the games have been even. Midget is starting Sep 27th. CHA has a challenge with a parent who has been abusive towards league officials. The CHA will deal with it in conjunction with ODMHA and Hockey Canada. West End has indicated that there will be only one A team at Novice and this is not considered acceptable by the District B table. With 188 kids there must be two A teams at Novice as was previously agreed. 3. SE: Evaluations are done. Team selection is being done this week. Balancing games with other Associations have gone well. Really great reception for Midget C. 4. OC: IP numbers are up. Registration is going well. OC has put on coaching clinics. Excellent response, especially from younger coaches. Thanks to John Tobin for arranging the balancing games. 5. OE: Registration numbers are up, especially at Novice with 24 kids more than last year. Two more teams overall than last year. No Midget A team because OC is doing two with some OE players. 6. WE: Things are going well. Most teams have been drafted except for Midget. Balancing games will be happening. 7. Sting: Things have gone well. There have only been two complaints from parents about placements. Atom AA has 60 minute games which is challenging as it is not an efficient use of ice. The Sting is looking to update their website. Ottawa Centre’s website is a potential base model for this. 8. Ottawa West: Numbers are up except for Minor Midget. 7 of 8 teams have been selected. Minor Midget team is short. OW has been working with the Sting and has taken two players from Nepean. The Association is looking for more volunteers to help build the base within the Association. </p><p>Page 4 Minutes of Bytown District Council Meeting 27 September 2010 9. 67s: District 9 has added a Director at Large to the board. One of the motions passed at the AGM was that every district can have a rep at the board. The Director at Large is believed to have a vote. </p><p>NEW BUSINESS 1. Vacant positions: Need to work on determining willing volunteers for those positions which are vacant. 2. Orders taken for Coaches handbooks</p><p>Motion: Moved that Denis Marchand be the District B Representative at Large on the Junior 67s AAA executive. Moved: Chris Cullen Seconded: Rick Seguin Carried</p><p>ADJOURNMENT 2. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Motion by Rick Seguin, seconded by Mark Arnold. Passed.</p><p>Page 5 Minutes of Bytown District Council Meeting 27 September 2010</p>
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