- < HISTORY Keeping w/vm ^ N e v a d atown t o a n s w r a p q Dispatcher Angel IVM ajerus serves u p s H r summer gj,m sw ers m an y callsIs Ito d u t y ^ J | K B im dstoryteltelling a r c h i v i ri i gi p r o j e c t SeeC»miliyltMdi,Dl ______ Sw W aglc Valley, ft GoddMoniing H W >:n L " « 6 6 TUESDAY f T i ^ " Augudl,200fi5 Partly cioiKfy and broflzy 0 tim et. OttailK A3 i m ( e s - ' N e w s ^ 5 0 cents - — — M a ^ V a ^ x o mn ------------- ---------------------------- Aquifer F 3 urder, rechargge UjT dnappini•g upheld ...J'[ » i k e i n _ Director findss < '"d' water belongeced , ' ' / I ' port to state, not rail crime numbei3rs canal companiinies rease in MM state,i ByMkMleDtialop , Tlmes-New» w rtter_______________ M ptto UOISE — TIio stale didlid n: o t Jake w a te r fro m M agic ValValley d . 9 ‘n v i NI iIvU.J.S A — 31113 wiis a veae ar ill . « llioMagii-V canal compiitiics whenleh it -\:Uj itf Valley. ■ • rvplvnisbcil (])c aquifer;r thist - ^ ' IB . I'iv o tnnurtlers u r w m ' reporicd in hvinI falls1- sjjfing. according to a rcrcc( c e n t n Couiuy. fourfell nioa- ilian the previous year,yi « Ii-rnmc CotiuiyCm a-porteii one and Unc{icoln, In July. Sen. Quick Coirlo in e r,' ^ two—butliluili liiul noneiiil'tUM. K-1\vin Falls, cast doubt,ibt. on ^ A nd kidniidnappiuRs njse just as slmqjly. l y - ■ whether the slate -used:d thI e - 4 ^ a from (ini.'toe to ID inJerom eO oiinty, two too fiveI correct water ri^his wheiilieii 1( ' in d o o di in n lat' n d l ‘i lo 3 ;i in iW n I-alls. d iv e rted w a te r e arlie r (his yi lie iw«) cairgDriL-s o f i-rinie w\v ere for ii({uifcr reciiarge. Coit [ spiki-s in a federal repori iluiiil ■ ini) . exI)res^ed c o n c e rn th aII t tht e m ost rriin e s on th e detliiic. water miKhi liavo lu'lonned (0 ' niforin C rim e Hepori lor 2(105. comco - the North Side Qinal Co. a liie rUI from local police siatistiistii's, the ;i\vin l-alls Canal Co. foi r • lai Ixiiii arresis a n d crim es repo u rur tl p o w e r p ro d u c tio n .- AfiA fter ! Ml assia, (liioding. lernme, IJntt:ictiln. review, Idaho Uepartinent a a n d IWin I'alls counlil^. Water Resources DlrectorKirK url Please sec CRIME. Page’e A2 D re h er ru led th a t th e re c h a t water did indeed belong; 10(o tht e state. Totala! arrests by county Inin ■ “I h a v e d e te r m in e d tli diversicjns lo recharge wtw ere 2004 and 2005; •made properly in accordan County' 2 0 0 4 2006 % dn with the water riRlu perni-‘rmil ' ; imp Cassia 1.541 1,184 23.:3.2 held hy Ihe Water Hesour Goading>g 5 5 9 526 5.S>.9 Board iuid the water riKhl pip e r - ' Jerome»• - 860 832 3J mil for power prndnciion1 heldhe iJ3 *UncolnIn • 34 23 - 32.12.4 by the North Side Can ' Minidokaka 871 623 28.18.5 Company and the :iWin I'a . Twin FallsIlls 2 .9 6 6 2,721 8.3J.3 i Canal Company." Drehre h e r I I ' ■ ' Idaho 7 7.9 9 6 73,5.47 S.7u wrote In his letter to Coin I d a te d July 27. •Not all agenciesagt participated in report The 2(]0e . LcRislatu Soore*; UnKonn Crime Report. 2(KWS instructed die Water Kesoiin Board to develop a manag rneni p la n Tor th e shriiikii Eastern Snake River Plni Aquifer, the Uikc l-rie-sizc source of waier for peop FDA\ considers from Ashton to King Hill. Tl aquifer — and, consequenti Magic Valley irrigators — hi nonfiprescriptioin seen decreased water leve over the past 50 years dueje toi ' changes in Irrigation pra< monming-after tices, groundwater pumpin and drought. I’uttlng wativaler back Into the aquifer, knowlow n ^ pill salesSi as recharge, is one stratc^ iisgy ai4rWcM,iiiM,M a MTMtthind* M h teclMr «t Jt dial has been ideniified as bif of IM FrWiy to btr datKbtaTTIfl Bridges w ay to resto re it. “ IM,itSinwA>i MaiM . HU nI « 4 o n <lN M rt-tlM ikictl994. Associatedd PressPi writer________________ _ m Local]Hy owned Tc o n I w A s iiimm i; T O N - W o m e n over JH mnay ; four Ice deliivers the co so.H. be ableible lo get the morning-after pillp: --------------- 1 ^ wiilw)ui- iiI prescripii<»n.pri In a surjirise dececi- DUMSIn H g ran d soson n of the founder of locally silln Mnndauiay. heallli officials revivedd a llH Tlme»ftew»w!ttef t f ■_____________ ^ o w n e di ’Ib’Ibur Icc, he makes, bags and Facts about long-st.-illcded application< to allow over-th-Ihe- deliversrs thet^ frozen product Uirou^i- counicrsalu-iales of die emergency contnicej:ep- H TWINFALLS — We>c all guilty o f o u t scvei2ven counties In the Magic Tour Ice; live. ii.EispcclaUydurlniring th e h o t sw elter- Valley,i includingit dte towns of III a n ti D rug A dm inisiraiion tollold in g days o f sumnmer, m when relief Is Hammett • Three generations tiave wor • nett, Rupen, Gistleford and • Barrl’liurmaim a ce iitica ls Inc. d ia l ii w iiniedd ioi slio n a n d days arcarelong.An(jroshua Shoshone atthepisni . one. Me said he tindersiands , m e et w ithlin in ai w ee k in disc u ss h o w io alluilow Warren has beenin oujSrltBIn< far too the snarkj • Makes three types of Ice, In arky "cool Job" com m ents, but ),i«lud- a d u lts Id freelyfru( buy the coninicepdve - m any tim es. ing cubcd, pressed block and th a t It tetends r to get a little old after known as 1‘laiiI>li B — while keeping il prc) re- I B B “People ore n im l ^ y s saying w h a t a throw ing!ing hundr^s ofbags of ice nn lomwd block ' . - scription-onionly for p e o p le u n d e r lU. 'cool’ lo b I lia^*,"fc," sa id W orreh last a triple-di 2*di(^t soiiilieni Idaho day. A.s • Can moke about 50.000) poundspo llie coiilmilracepiive siill would be availail- week wliile piitiinitlng in anotlier 12- the tliird f :rd generation W arren to work of ice per day ' able on ly froiifrom behind pharmacy counterers, [ "M hour-plus day at the plant. “And theicc.hii ', his fam ily trce li.xs be e n nxJi- • Can store about 10.000I poundspo' The annoulo u n c e m e n i c a m e just 2-i h o u rrs about thp time my edintlicf . J . 'J'cy say li nt t»bc heprodvctsinccia77. oflce before I'resid.‘sideni Bush’s mimince lo leai:a d ■ ■ p a t i o s . shoes ore mcliing ng in tlie pavement “My paiparenti; stancxl the baslness • Delivers ice in seven countiijnties ib e regulaioi!Uory agency. Dr, Andrew voi/on a n d I’m bu rn in g5 uU| p — it isn't cool." • Treats and tests water for>r pipurity iis c h e n b a cch, h , was to appear before ; W arren Is in tlieh e ic e business. Tlie P lease se e ICE, Page A2 _________ S e n a te comiiim m itiee. WEDNESDAY IN<1 - - p le a s e se e PILL, Pago A2A; ...... .......... FOOD & HOME ■ State to0 expedite!I hunting li(icensesforrterminall]ly ill youthL Businessond ServiceOirectofy ..Ct TewsofShoshonw n e invited h im I y . Classifieds . ; ............................ C31 C o m ic s ..................................AI?6.7 ■________ to hunt pheasieasants on his HUntt ofI a Lifeb'me H Ceontry R o o d s.............................. 01 property. Most51 huntersh spend .« u..« »/. TWINFALLS-LlLawmakers a lot of time wai mor* atwut Hunt of a ^ H | C ro s s w o rd .................................... 07 w aitin g to b u y a i Ifetlme visit:vi www.huntofal-' DeofAKiy .....................................A. .A77 might not undcrsisrstand the license and findindlng.placco H o r o sc o p e.................................. Impact of Bill 139391. which hunt. ---------- thejTinanimoujlyy ui p p iu w d --------rtn d th a n s Tlim im e yo u n g peo- M oney...........................................Cl ■ th is m o n th . • pic with llfe-thi-threatening ill- “This all .......................................... A7 all started about a R ^H M o v tes But .Matthew (W iuB rtes .................................. J^5 W oo d ley n e sse s d o n 't haveluve. y e ar ago whenwi a young man jS E Ouinlon ........................................AS■J^3 w o u ld h av e — h o d1 h e lived to N o w a n e w lalav w allow s p e o - fro m N ew/York, Y w h o h a d can- S p o r t s ..........................................],BiB1 se c it.
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