<p> 1 Supplemental Methods</p><p>2 HuNoV samples. Ten human stool samples from confirmed HuNoV outbreaks </p><p>3 were obtained from the Michigan Department of Community Health. Samples were </p><p>4 stored at -80˚C. HuNoV genomes titers in individual human stool samples were </p><p>5 measured by a multiplex quantitative Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR) specific for GI and </p><p>6 GII, and virus strains were genotyped by sequencing regions in the RdRp (ORF1) and </p><p>7 the ORF1/2 junction [1]. Human stool suspensions (10 % w/v) were prepared in </p><p>8 phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4; Gibco Life Technologies) and clarified by </p><p>9 centrifugation. Inocula for mouse infections were prepared by mixing equal volumes of </p><p>10 GI- and GII-positive human stool suspensions (i.e., GI+II mix), or GII-positive human </p><p>11 stool suspensions (i.e., GII mix). HuNoV genomes in the pooled inoculum were then </p><p>12 back-titered by qRT-PCR each time an experiment was performed to determine the </p><p>13 genome titer used to infect animals.</p><p>14 Mice. All animal studies described herein were performed in accordance with </p><p>15 local and federal guidelines as outlined in the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory</p><p>16 Animals” of the National Institutes of Health. Protocols were approved by the University </p><p>17 of Michigan Committee on Use and Care of Animals (UCUCA Number: 09710) and by </p><p>18 Colorado State University's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC </p><p>19 Number: 12-3829A). Six to seven week old wild-type Balb/c (000651) and four to eight </p><p>20 week old Rag-/-c-/- mice on a B6/B10 background (4111) were purchased from Jackson </p><p>21 Laboratories and Taconic Farms, respectively. Rag-/-c-/- mice on a Balb/c background </p><p>22 were bred and housed at Colorado State University and University of Michigan. </p><p>23 Humanized mice were generated as previously described [2] at Colorado State 24 University. For the original experiments, humanized and non-humanized mice were </p><p>25 shipped to University of Michigan for infection experiments. For later experiments, a </p><p>26 colony of Rag-/-c-/- mice on a Balb/c background was established at the University of </p><p>27 Michigan. Tissues and feces from mice in this colony were tested by qRT-PCR for MNV </p><p>28 as described [3] and shown to be negative.</p><p>29 Infection of mice. Mice were housed individually in wire bottom cages. All </p><p>30 murine feces was collected throughout the 12 hours before and at 12 - 24 h intervals </p><p>31 after infection and frozen in 10 ml PBS. Mice were infected intraperitoneally with a 0.2 </p><p>32 ml sterile-filtered human stool suspension and/or orally with a 0.05 ml clarified, </p><p>33 unfiltered human stool suspension.</p><p>34 Mice were humanely euthanized according to approved protocol. The following tissues </p><p>35 were harvested: half of the heart, brain, spleen, stomach, one kidney, </p><p>36 duodenum/jejunum, proximal ileum, distal ileum, cecum, and colon, all of the mesenteric</p><p>37 lymph nodes and kidney, 1 lobe of the lung, a quarter of liver with the gall bladder, and </p><p>38 1 femur to extract bone marrow. Samples were homogenized in 0.5 ml PBS with 500 </p><p>39 mg of 1.0 mm silica beads (BioSpec) using a MagNA Lyser (Roche) for 1 min at 6,000 </p><p>40 rpm, centrifuged at 12,000 rpm using tabletop centrifuge 5424 (Eppendorf) for 10 min, </p><p>41 and stored at -80˚C. Remaining tissue pieces were fixed for histopathology.</p><p>42 Quantification/typing of HuNoV genomes by qRT-PCR. Total genomic RNA </p><p>43 was extracted from 0.14 ml clarified murine fecal suspensions, tissue homogenates and</p><p>44 inoculum samples (clarified and mixed human stool suspensions) using the QIAamp </p><p>45 Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen). Quantitative RT-PCR of HuNoV genome was performed on</p><p>46 fecal and tissue samples with 2 μl RNA extract using QuantiTect Probe RT-PCR Kit 47 (Qiagen). Genome quantification was also performed under certified diagnostic </p><p>48 conditions at the Consultant Laboratory for Noroviruses at the Robert Koch-Institute </p><p>49 using primers and probes specific to the ORF1/2 junction of GI and GII [1]. The limit of </p><p>50 detection of the Taqman is between 1-10 genomes per reaction volume or 214-2140 </p><p>51 genomes/ml. The qRT-PCR procedure was certified according to DIN EN ISO 15189 </p><p>52 and DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 for diagnostic purposes and exhibits an intra-assay </p><p>53 coefficient of variation of 0.15 - 1.94 % and an inter-assay variation of 0.41 - 2.34 %. </p><p>54 Sensitivity and specificity was 100% in an inter-laboratory test using blinded samples. </p><p>55 For genotyping of fecal samples, region A and C [4] were amplified by OneStep </p><p>56 RT-PCR and HotStarTaq Master Mix Kit (Qiagen), sequenced directly using the BigDye </p><p>57 terminator cycle sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems), and analyzed using the norovirus </p><p>58 typing tool [5]. Tissue samples were not subjected to genotyping.</p><p>59 Determination of fold increase. Inoculum titers were determined for each </p><p>60 experiment after back-titration of the human stool suspensions by qRT-PCR. For qRT-</p><p>61 PCR titers, a factor of 214.29 was multiplied per tissue to obtain genomes per ml </p><p>62 homogenate. This value was then multiplied by 1 for mesenteric lymph nodes and </p><p>63 kidney, by 4 for liver, and by 2 for the remaining tissues to obtain total genomes in each </p><p>64 tissue. For murine feces the value was multiplied by 10. Total genome copies per </p><p>65 mouse were calculated by adding genome copies in all tissues and feces. Fold change </p><p>66 was determined by dividing total genome copies by inoculum genome copies.</p><p>67 Nucleic acid preparation and 454 pyrosequencing. Total nucleic acid was </p><p>68 isolated from 0.2 ml of clarified human stool filtrate (6 % w/v) using Ampliprep DNA </p><p>69 extraction machine (Roche) according to manufacturer's instructions. Total nucleic acid 70 from each sample was reverse transcribed and amplified as described [6]. Amplification </p><p>71 products were pooled, adaptor-ligated and sequenced at the Washington University </p><p>72 Genome Sequencing Center on the 454 GS-FLX platform (454 Life Sciences).</p><p>73 A genome sequence of HuNoV GII was obtained from mouse feces 48 hours post-</p><p>74 infection using Sanger sequencing of PCR amplicons (Genbank# KC631815). This </p><p>75 genome sequence was used as a reference for mapping of reads obtained from the </p><p>76 human stools of patient #9 and #10 (Table S1) using the extraction and amplification </p><p>77 protocol described above. Read mapping was performed using gsMapper (Roche). </p><p>78 Default settings were used to map and identify high-confidence variants. Sequences </p><p>79 spanning the entire genome were obtained for human stool #9, while human stool #10 </p><p>80 was incomplete. Capsid genes from human stools #9 and #10 were also sequenced by </p><p>81 the Sanger method and alignments indicated they were identical.</p><p>82 Production and purification of HuNoV VLPs. Recombinant capsid monomers </p><p>83 of GII.7 (Genbank# KC832474) were produced by the Gateway® Technology and </p><p>84 expressed using the BaculoDirect™ Baculovirus Expression System (Invitrogen, </p><p>85 Carlsbad, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instruction. Briefly, amplification </p><p>86 products of complete open reading frame 2 and 3 of GII.7 HuNoV was cloned into the </p><p>87 Gateway® pENTR 1A vector and subsequently transferred to BaculoDirect linear DNA </p><p>88 by LR recombination. High titer viral stocks were generated in recombinant baculovirus-</p><p>89 transformed Spodoptera frugiperda ovarian cells (Sf9) using complete Grace’s Insect </p><p>90 Medium (Invitrogen). For expression of capsid monomers, High Five™ cells maintained </p><p>91 in serum-free Express Five® SFM medium (Invitrogen) in suspension culture were </p><p>92 infected with recombinant baculovirus at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 10, and cell 93 culture supernatant and infected cells were harvested at day 7 post inoculation. VLPs </p><p>94 were purified from supernatant and cell lysate by ultracentrifugation through a 30 % </p><p>95 (w/v) sucrose cushion in TEN buffer (10 mM Tris-Cl [pH 8.0], 1 mM EDTA, 0.1 M NaCl), </p><p>96 followed by isopycnic potassium tartrate-glycerol density gradient ultracentrifugation [7]. </p><p>97 VLP purity was analyzed by SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, and electron microscopy. </p><p>98 Protein concentration was determined using Bradford reagent (Sigma Chemical, USA) </p><p>99 and photometry at 280 nm.</p><p>100 Generation of antibodies. Anti-VLP antibodies were made at Cocalico </p><p>101 Biologicals, Inc., Reamstown, PA, USA, in rabbits following standard protocols. Non-</p><p>102 structural antibodies were generated against conserved antigenic peptide sequences of </p><p>103 all non-structural proteins NS1 – 7 at GenScript USA Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, in </p><p>104 rabbits following standard protocols. Rabbit polyclonal anti-nonstructural peptide </p><p>105 antibodies were then affinity purified at GenScript USA Inc. Only sera that were raised </p><p>106 against peptides from NS4 (RVGRQLKDVRTMPEC) and NS6 (CSNAKSMDLGTTPGD)</p><p>107 showed low non-specific staining and thus were used in the experiments. Pre-immune </p><p>108 sera were collected from each rabbit used to generate each antibody.</p><p>109 Histopathology and Immunohistochemistry. Mouse tissues were harvested </p><p>110 and fixed in 10 % buffered formalin (Fisher Scientific) for 24 h. Tissues were embedded </p><p>111 in paraffin and processed at the University of Michigan Pathology Core for Animal </p><p>112 Research following standard histological procedures. Tissues were subjected to </p><p>113 hematoxylin and eosin stain for histopathological examinations. Sodium citrate buffer </p><p>114 was used for antigen retrieval prior to performing immunohistochemistry as described </p><p>115 previously [8] with the following modifications. Tissue sections were stained with a 116 1:5000 dilution of anti-HuNoV GII.7 VLP rabbit polyclonal antibody or the corresponding </p><p>117 pre-bleed rabbit serum, 1:1000 dilutions of the GII.4 NS4- or NS6-specific antisera or </p><p>118 the corresponding pre-immune sera, and 1:1000 dilution of anti-MNV VLP (strain S99) </p><p>119 rabbit polyclonal antibody or the corresponding pre-bleed rabbit serum.</p><p>120 121 122 References: 123 124 1. Hoehne, M. and E. Schreier, Detection of Norovirus genogroup I and II by 125 multiplex real-time RT- PCR using a 3'-minor groove binder-DNA probe. BMC 126 Infect Dis, 2006. 6: p. 69. 127 2. Berges, B.K., et al., HIV-1 infection and CD4 T cell depletion in the humanized 128 Rag2-/-gamma c-/- (RAG-hu) mouse model. Retrovirology, 2006. 3: p. 76. 129 3. Taube, S., et al., Ganglioside-linked terminal sialic acid moieties on murine 130 macrophages function as attachment receptors for murine noroviruses. J Virol, 131 2009. 83(9): p. 4092-101. 132 4. Mattison, K., et al., Multicenter comparison of two norovirus ORF2-based 133 genotyping protocols. J Clin Microbiol, 2009. 47(12): p. 3927-32. 134 5. Kroneman, A., et al., An automated genotyping tool for enteroviruses and 135 noroviruses. J Clin Virol, 2011. 51(2): p. 121-5. 136 6. Wang, D., et al., Viral discovery and sequence recovery using DNA microarrays. 137 PLoS Biol, 2003. 1(2): p. E2. 138 7. Ashley, C.R. and E.O. Caul, Potassium tartrate-glycerol as a density gradient 139 substrate for separation of small, round viruses from human feces. J Clin 140 Microbiol, 1982. 16(2): p. 377-81. 141 8. Zhang, J., et al., Expression and sub-cellular localization of the CCAAT/enhancer 142 binding protein alpha in relation to postnatal development and malignancy of the 143 prostate. Prostate, 2008. 68(11): p. 1206-14. 144 145</p>
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