<p>Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 1</p><p>Final Project: Young Reader’s Book Club</p><p>Amanda Wedvik</p><p>Info 649-901</p><p>Drexel University</p><p>12/4/11 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 2</p><p>Abstract</p><p>There are many children at the Skyway library who do not read at their grade level. The </p><p>Renton School District needs help with filling the need for reading activities for these children. </p><p>The Young Reader’s Book Club is a book club for elementary-school aged children. The book club will raise the reading level of children in the club by encouraging them to read more (at least one assigned book and one other book a month), by facilitating discussions of books in a safe space, and by teaching techniques for reading and using the library.</p><p>Community</p><p>For my final project, I planned a project for the Skyway Library, part of the King County </p><p>Library System. Serving the neighborhoods of Bryn Mawr and Skyway, the library is located in a “donut hole” of unincorporated King County, Washington between the cities of Renton, </p><p>Seattle, and Tukwila (please see Appendix A for map). The U.S. Census Bureau combines the neighborhoods of Skyway and Bryn Mawr to make the Bryn Mawr-Skyway Census Designated </p><p>Place (CDP), which had its latest data from the 2000 Census. 13,977 people lived in Bryn </p><p>Mawr-Skyway according to the 2000 Census, and the largest racial/ethnic populations were </p><p>44.2% of people were White (compared to 75.1% nationally), 25.3% were Black or African </p><p>American (12.3% nationally), 21.8% were Asian (3.6% nationally) </p><p>(</p><p>_event=Search&geo_id=86000US98178&_geoContext=01000US|</p><p>86000US98178&_street=&_county=skyway&_cityTown=skyway&_state=04000US53&_zip=&</p><p>_lang=en&_sse=on&ActiveGeoDiv=geoSelect&_useEV=&pctxt=fph&pgsl=860&_submenuId).</p><p>Bryn Mawr-Skyway is a more ethnically and racially diverse area than the United States as a Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 3 whole in 2000, with less than half the population being White, twice the proportion of African </p><p>Americans than the country as a whole, and five times as many Asians as the country as a whole.</p><p>Bryn Mawr-Skyway also has a larger proportion of African Americans than Seattle does (25.3% compared to 8.4%), more Asian people (21.8% compared to 8.3%), and fewer White people </p><p>(44.2% compared to 70.2%) (Ibid;</p><p>_event=ChangeGeoContext&geo_id=16000US5363000&_geoContext=01000US|04000US53|</p><p>16000US5308552&_street=&_county=seattle&_cityTown=seattle&_state=04000US53&_zip=&</p><p>_lang=en&_sse=on&ActiveGeoDiv=geoSelect&_useEV=&pctxt=fph&). </p><p>The economic data from the 2000 census for Bryn Mawr-Skyway CDP showed that the median household and family income for Bryn Mawr-Skyway was above the national average </p><p>($47,385 and $55,927 compared to $41,994 and $50,046 nationally) and the median household income was above that for Seattle ($45,736), but the median family income was much lower than that for the city of Seattle ($47,385 compared to $62,195 for Seattle) (Ibid). Bryn Mawr-</p><p>Skyway’s per capita income for was also higher than the national average ($23,294 compared to </p><p>$21,297), but it was much lower than the average for the city of Seattle ($30,336) (Ibid). The </p><p>Seattle area is one of the most expensive places to live in the U.S. and it is important to note that though the residents of Bryn Mawr-Skyway may look above average compared to national statistics the high cost of living makes it useful to compare Bryn Mawr-Skyway to Seattle. </p><p>Housing prices are significantly lower in Bryn Mawr-Skyway, which may contribute to the difference in income between Bryn Mawr-Skyway and Seattle.</p><p>The King County Library System has a mission statement that covers all libraries within the system. “The mission of the King County Library System is to provide free, open and equal access to ideas and information to all members of the community Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 4</p><p>( In addition, one goal of the library system is to </p><p>“provide collections and services to meet community needs and interests”, and one of the principals of service is to “provide open, non-judgmental access to collections and services without regard to race, citizenship, age, educational level, economic status, religion, or any other qualification or condition” (Ibid).</p><p>Target Audience</p><p>The target audience for the Young Reader’s Book Club is elementary school children in the community the Skyway Library serves. Children ages 5-18 make up 3.1% of the population of the Bryn Mawr-Skyway CDP, and 6.4% of families are below poverty level (Ibid). Low income children are generally score at least 10 points lower on standardized tests than wealthier students in Washington State. In addition, 25.3% of the Bryn Mawr-Skyway CDP are African </p><p>American, and African American students score 10-20 points lower than white students in </p><p>Washington ( gradeLevelId=10&waslCategory=6&chartType=1). </p><p>Since the Skyway Library serves large and overlapping populations of low income and </p><p>African American students, it is a great place to put on a program designed to raise the reading level of children. The Young Readers Book Club will encourage children to read and teach them reading skills, which will raise the reading levels of children who participate. All children will be welcome in the Young Readers Book Club, following the King County Library System’s inclusive program policy. However, the program will be most beneficial for beginning readers </p><p>(1st – 3rd grade) and reluctant middle grade readers (4th – 6th grade). </p><p>Statement of Need Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 5</p><p>Students in Washington State are affected by a phenomenon known as the achievement gap, where African American students have consistently lagged White students in test scores, graduation rates, and college placements over the last thirty years. 23.6% of African Americans drop out of high school in Washington, and data from the Washington Assessment of Student </p><p>Learning (WASL) “reveal that White and Asian students in poverty score higher than African </p><p>American students not in poverty”, indicating an element of racial/ethnic prejudice or disadvantage, not just a low income disadvantage (Bailey, 2008). “Recent research reveals that while African </p><p>American and White one-year olds are on average equal in their development, a gap appears by the age of three. That gap tends to grow as these children continue in school, unless they get more time, better teaching, and more resources to help them catch up” (Ibid). When African American children do get into school, they suffer the effects of “system-wide low expectations, ongoing and widening achievement gaps, under-involvement in school activities other than sports, under-representation in programs for the gifted, over-representation in special education programs, disproportionate discipline referrals resulting in suspension and expulsion, over-representation in the juvenile justice system, less access and effective use of technology, low graduation rates, low entry to higher education, under-representation in programs that prepare African American students for the world of work, and under-representation in gateway courses to college” (Ibid). </p><p>The 2008 report by the HB2722 Advisory Committee, a committee for a Washington State achievement gap law found that the primary causes of the achievement gap were “inequitable distribution of skilled, experienced teachers; insufficient and inequitable school funding; inadequate, obsolete, and unbalanced distribution of facilities, technology and, instructional materials; inequitable access to demanding, rigorous pre-college coursework; institutional racism; lack of cultural competence among teachers, school staff, administrators, curriculum and assessment developers and the school system itself” and that secondary causes of the achievement gap are Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 6</p><p>“intergenerational poverty; families/communities not able (and often not welcomed by the education system) to support or advocate for children; a lack of supplemental services such as mentoring and tutoring to young people whose backgrounds subject them to the inequities and risk factors listed above” (Ibid).</p><p>2010-2011, 61.9% of low income children passed the 3rd grade reading portion of the </p><p>Washington State statewide standardized test, the Measurements of Student Progress (MSP). </p><p>Non low income children scored over twenty percent higher on the third grade reading section of the MSP. 61.7% of Black children passed the 3rd grade reading section of the MSP in 2010-</p><p>2011, while 73.1% of White children passed, a difference of over ten percent (Ibid). Ethnicity and income status combine in low-income African American children. “In Washington, 1 in 7 children is poor. For African Americans, nearly double this rate or 2 of 7 children are poor” </p><p>(Children’s Defense Fund, 2007 from Bailey, 2008). By the time these children get to high school, the failure of the education system is apparent. “In 2002, the average African American </p><p>12th-grader’s reading level was equivalent to that of the average White 8th-grader (The Education </p><p>Trust). The result is that nearly 25 percent of African Americans who enroll in college require remediation in reading, compared to 7 percent of White students (Wilkins, 2006)” (Bailey, 2008).</p><p>Reading skills are the foundation for academic achievement. Reading skills and comprehension of written material is essential for humanities, science, and social science classes. A phenomenon known as the “rich get richer” or Matthew effect (from a passage in the Bible’s book of </p><p>Matthew dramatically affects the acquisition of reading skills. In his landmark paper, Stanovich describes this positive reinforcing cycle. “The very children who are reading well and who have good vocabularies will read more, learn more word meanings, and hence read even better. Children with inadequate vocabularies - who read slowly and without enjoyment - read less, and as a result have slower development of vocabulary knowledge, which inhibits further growth in reading ability” Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 7</p><p>(Stanovich, 1986). Researchers have documented “how extremely large differences in reading practice begin to emerge as early as the middle of the first-grade year” (Biemiller 1977-1978; Al- lington, 1980, 1983, 1984 in Stanovich, 1986). In an ideal world, all children would receive quality preschool education that introduces children to the preliteracy skills so essential for early reading success when children start to read. However, if children do not receive quality early childhood education and have low reading levels when they begin to read in elementary school, the ideal time to intervene is in elementary school, and the sooner the better. As we have seen, the Matthew effect shows that reading level improvements snowball over time, so the earlier low-reading-level children receive help the less they will fall behind their high reading level classmates. </p><p>The way to improve a child’s reading level is to get them to read more (Stanovich, 2008; </p><p>Carver and Hug, 2001). Stanovich states that as children read more, they learn more word meanings, become better at reading, and want to read more as they become engaged with texts. Low-reading- level children, especially older children, on the other hand, may be less engaged with texts as they struggle to find the meaning of words in simpler books that do not stimulate interest. Engagement in reading can also break through barriers posed by a low income level or low educational background. </p><p>“Engaged readers from low income/education families achieved at a higher level than did less engaged readers from high income/education backgrounds. Engaged readers can overcome obstacles to achievement and become agents of their own reading growth (Guthrie, Schafer, & Huang, 2001)” </p><p>(Guthrie, 2000). Guthrie suggests a number of ways to engage readers. An abundance of interesting texts, which are “relevant to the learning and knowledge goals being studied”, such as “trade books of diverse levels of difficulty and with a number of illustrations”, for teaching children can make them more eager to learn (Ibid). Sincere praise and rewards from authority figures such as parents and teachers can make children feel more accomplished and make them want to learn more. </p><p>“Wlodkowski (1985) suggests that praise should be “3S-3P”: praise that is sincere, specific, Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 8 sufficient, and properly given for praiseworthy success in the manner preferred by the learner” (Ibid).</p><p>Evaluation is another tool he suggests can improve or worsen the learning environment. “Highly student-centered and personalized … portfolios … readily support student motivation” (Ibid). The involvement of teachers can also encourage engagement. “Skinner and Belmont (1993) found that when students perceived teachers to be involved (interested in their progress) and autonomy supportive (providing some control of learning), they were engaged in the classroom -- for example, participating in class discussions, learning actively, and appearing happy” (Ibid). </p><p>Intended Results </p><p>The desired outcomes for the children in the Young Reader’s Book Club are to raise their personal reading levels, to build confidence in reading out loud and silently, and to get them to love reading and the library. I expect that the children will gain better reading skills as they practice reading and learn new reading skills to help them read. As they read more and get better at reading, the Matthew Effect says that they will read more, leading to a positive reciprocal cycle that may foster a love of reading for pleasure and raise their proficiency in non-reading schoolwork as well. In addition, the goal folders will allow the children in the program to develop, work towards, and achieve goals, a style of evaluation that will lead to greater engagement in learning. The involvement and sincere praise of the librarian, a school teacher stand-in, will also lead to greater engagement by the children. This greater engagement, what I would call a love of reading, may also make up for some of the disadvantages these children might face because of their race/ethnicity or income status. Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 9</p><p>Program Design and Evaluation Plan </p><p>Partner Organizations </p><p>Partner organizations for The Young Reader’s Book Club include:</p><p>Local elementary school libraries. The Skyway Library serves children who attend </p><p>Lakeridge Elementary, Bryn Mawr Elementary, and Spirit Christian Academy. School librarians </p><p> would publicize the program with teachers and children at the school. </p><p>The Friends of the Skyway Library. The Friends of the Skyway Library could be asked to </p><p> fund the purchase of books for the book club of popular titles that are not in the library system </p><p> yet, or to fund end-of-year rewards for the participating children. They could also be asked to </p><p> fund small prizes, such as bookmarks or stickers, for rewards after the children complete the </p><p> periodic reading level tests.</p><p>Program Goals & Objectives</p><p>Worksheet for Determining Goals, Objectives, Outcomes, Activities, and Resources</p><p>Goal/Outcome Objectives Activities that Foster Resources/Inputs Needed the Goal/Outcome</p><p>1. Raise the Raise the reading Teach children reading Give one reading lesson a month reading level of level of all skills (sometimes in the form of a game). all participants participants by one Give parents handouts about the in the Young and a half grades lesson and how to reinforce it. I will Reader’s Book in the first year need to plan the games and develop Club and print the handouts</p><p>Get children to read at Assign one specific book for the book least two more books club and have the children read one per month “free choice” book per month.</p><p>Get children to Facilitated discussion of books. understand the structure and content of the books better by Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 10</p><p> having discussions about the books.</p><p>2. Raise the Raise the Provide a safe space for Work with children to lay ground rules reading confidence of all reading out loud, where for the group on the first meeting. confidence of the children to children will not be Ensure that the rules are followed and all participants read out loud and teased or demeaned. revised if necessary. Facilitate safe silently and respectful space.</p><p>Provide a safe space for Facilitate safe and respectful space. asking questions – “all Answer all questions with respect and questions are good seriousness. questions”.</p><p>Encourage reluctant Encourage members with genuine readers. praise. Show the children how they’ve progressed using the goal sheets.</p><p>Encourage children to Encourage teamwork and coaching by help each other. playing teamwork games, encouraging it in discussion.</p><p>3. Foster a love To get all the Get the children excited Convince the children the book club of reading and a children to like to read by showing books are really awesome. Have the love of the reading more (and them how fun and children do blind voting on possible library eventually to love interesting books can book club titles – this uses democracy reading!) be. to engage the students. Give the children copies of books as presents/rewards. These require researching the book club books to find the best way to “sell” them. It also requires a Friends of the Library donation to purchase gift books.</p><p>Show them how they are improving using the goals folders and possibly whole-group statistics. Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 11</p><p>To get all the Give lessons and play children to like the games that teach library more (and children how to use the eventually to love library. Introduce the the library!) children to staff members at the library.</p><p>Goal #1: Raise the reading level of all children participating in the books club. The program will teach the children reading skills, get them to do more out-of-school reading, and get them to participate in discussing the books. Before the first program begins and every six months thereafter, short reading-level tests will be given to the participating children and their parents to evaluate this goal. </p><p>Goal #2: To raise reading confidence in participants. This program will provide a safe and supportive environment for children to practice reading and literacy skills such as reading out loud and group discussion. A supportive atmosphere will be maintained, with ground rules of respect and “all questions are good questions” that are laid out in the first group meeting. The library staff member leading the discussions will also direct and focus the discussion if it’s getting too off-topic or becoming antagonistic. To help evaluate this goal, the librarian leading the club will takes notes of how well children are reading (by noting pauses, sounding out words, etc.) and record those notes. Every six months the notes will be compared and progress or lack thereof for individuals and the group will be noted. All information will be kept confidential.</p><p>Goal #3: Encouraging a love of reading and the library. The Young Reader’s Book Club will provide new and interesting books for the children participating to read. The facilitator will get the children excited about the next month’s book. There will be periodic “blind voting” by the children in the group about books they’d like to read, so their participation in choosing books Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 12 will also build cooperation and enthusiasm. In addition, the facilitator will provide reader’s advisory services for the children, suggesting titles of books for their “free choice books” that will grab their interest and get them excited about reading. In addition, the Young Reader’s Book</p><p>Club will foster a love of the library by giving instruction on how to use the library. It will also introduce staff members to the children, perhaps having “guest hosts” (along with the regular facilitator) for a discussion of a favorite book or genre. </p><p>Project Activities</p><p>The first set of activities I will perform is related to planning the Young Reader’s Book </p><p>Club. I will research partners for the program and plan a pitch for them. I will do informal research for early planning topics such as suitable times to hold the program, suitable books, and length of each session by surveying colleagues, parents at the library, and partners. I will research evaluation materials in the literature and draft my own evaluations. I will research popular and exciting books for a variety of reading levels and reading tastes. I will draft publicity documents, including posters, hand-outs, emails, and any multi-media presentations. I will design the physical sign-up sheets for use in the library and the library web page for signing up online. I will research suitable reading/literacy/library instruction topics and think of ways to incorporate them into games and with specific books. I will make a draft budget and proposal and submit them to my manager. I will propose the program to my partner organizations, the elementary schools that the library serves and the school librarians and teachers who work at them, and the Friends of the Skyway Library, and receive any recommendations for changes or improvements to the program.</p><p>Another set of activities is related to initially publicizing the program. In the planning activities I planned publicity-related activities, such as drafting documents and partner proposals. Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 13</p><p>Publicizing the program is an important next step, as I will need children to show up to the program to have a successful program. With school support, I will put up posters for the Young </p><p>Reader’s Book Club in strategic places in the school, such as the library, the lunchroom, hallways, and classrooms. In addition, I will publicize the program to the teachers at the school through presentations at their staff meetings and through email. I will also present information about the program at school PTA meetings and in any parent newsletters the schools produce. I will also publicize the program at the Skyway Library, putting up posters in the lobby, at the reference desk, and in the children’s area. I will also publicize the program with fellow library staff through a presentation at a staff meeting and through email. </p><p>A third activity set includes the beginning phases of the program. I will provide opportunities for children to sign up for the program online and in person at the Skyway Library. </p><p>I will choose the first book for the book club to read before I publicize the event, so that the draw of the exciting title will peak the interest of the adults and children. I will also place five more copies than registrations of the book title on hold through the library system to hand out at the first meeting. I will finalize pre-program and ongoing evaluation materials, lesson plans, expectations for the children and the program, and activities for the first book club meeting.</p><p>The fourth set of activities is holding the first meeting of the Young Reader’s Book Club.</p><p>The day of the book club I will prepare the meeting room of the library by setting up tables and chairs; putting the first month’s book club selections in the cupboard; putting out stacks of pre- program reading level tests, reading lists, parental information sheets, and name tags; and putting out the large paper pad for brainstorming. I will make sure that staff members will direct any lost-looking children to the meeting room, and greet the children (and/or their parents) when they arrive. I will begin the meeting with an ice-breaking game and introductions, so that the children Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 14 get to know each other and me. I will go over what the book club will do (read a book club book and a free choice book per month, discuss ideas, and play games). As an activity, I will lead the children in coming up with expectations for the group. I will then give the five-minute reading level test and lead them in writing down personal reading goals. I will then conclude the meeting by handing out the books, reading lists, and papers with information for the parents. I will then lead the children to the check-out desk to demonstrate how to use the self-checkout machines. </p><p>In subsequent meetings, I will do the same preparation activities, and also post the expectations on the wall. I will start each meeting off with an ice-breaker or game, so that any new children will feel included. Then I will lead a discussion of the book the children read for the month, ensuring that the children stay respectful of each other and that the discussion doesn’t go too off-topic. I will then lead the book club members in a game that teaches a literacy or library skill. At the end of the meeting we will discuss the free-choice books the children read last month, and do a blind vote to find a topic or specific book that the children may read in an upcoming month. I will then pass out the next month’s books, and the children will check them out. I will put away tables, chairs, and anything left in the room. During the meetings I will keep coded notes on the book club’s individual and group progress, and type up these notes with annotations after the meeting is over. I will make folders for each child to hold their reading goals, and every two months the children will write about if they achieved their goal, and then talk as a group about their goals. The children will revise their goals or write new goals. Every six months I will give the members another reading level evaluation, and I will keep a confidential chart of their information as individuals and as a group. I will give the children a small reward for completing the test, such as a sticker, bookmark, or special game. Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 15</p><p>The last set of activities includes evaluation activities. In the activities included above I have already planned, drafted, and implemented evaluations. The children will get reading level tests every six months, as well as evaluating their own goals and progress every two months with their reading goal folders. I will also take notes on them during the meetings and record my impressions of individual children and the group after each meeting. In addition, I will evaluate how well the program is working every six months, using all the evaluation methods to get a clearer picture of how the program is changing the children’s reading levels, how the children see their reading progressing, and how I see their reading progressing. After the evaluation I will change the program if there are any aspects that could be improved upon, or if there are activities that were very successful that should be repeated. Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 16</p><p>Scheduling and Resources</p><p>Timeline (in months) Evaluation of program</p><p>Librarian Librarian Librarian notes Librarian notes Librarian notes Librarian notes (Activities) notes Evaluation notes Reading Level Test Goal folder Goal folder</p><p> th 2nd Program 3rd program 4th Program 5th Program 6 Program</p><p>Ongoing programs (etc., until Month 12) 1st Program</p><p>Finalize materials</p><p>Place books on hold</p><p>Sign-ups available Choose 1st book</p><p>Beginning the Program</p><p>Publicizing to children – introduction posters Publicizing to children – ongoing posters</p><p>Publicizing to staff</p><p>Initial Publicity Ongoing Publicity </p><p>Program Proposals Planning</p><p>(time, in etc., until months) 7 0 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 month 12 Planning – month 0-1 for the planning activities for 4 hours per week. In 0.5-1, I will </p><p> propose the program to potential program partners. Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 17</p><p>Publicity – month 0.75-2 for initial publicity activities, including formally publicizing the program to staff at the Skyway Library after the program partners are confirmed (.75-1?), then publicizing the program to the program partners the next week. In months 1-2, initial posters, handouts, and announcements for children will be provided for introduction to the book club, another set will be produced for Months 2 on, which are for ongoing publicity activities.</p><p>Beginning the program – Months 0.7-2. I will choose the book at month 0.7. The online and in person sign-ups will be available from months 1-2. I will place the book club books on hold in month 1, and finalize pre-program and ongoing evaluation materials, lesson plans, expectations for the children and the program, and activities for the first book club meeting in month 1.5-2.</p><p>Holding the first program – Month 2. The first meeting will be held in month 2. I will prepare the meeting room and hold the program on the first Saturday of Month 2.</p><p>Subsequent programs – Monthly on the first Saturday of each month (or other designated date) from Month 3 – Month 12. Goal folders will be done every 2 months starting Month 3. </p><p>Reading level tests will be done every 6 months, starting Month 1 and Month 6. </p><p>Evaluation – Reading level tests and goal folders as described above. The librarian will write down notes during and after each monthly program. There will be evaluation of the program by the librarian every 6 months, starting in Month 7.</p><p>Method of Evaluation</p><p>OUTCOMES-BASED EVLUATION PLANNING TABLE Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 18</p><p>Goals/ Inputs Activities Outputs Outcome Outcome Outcomes Targets Indicators</p><p>1. Raise the -Librarian to be -The children read -Reading level The participants -Individual reading level the book club two books per evaluations at the will be children, reading level of all facilitator month (book club beginning of the there are improvement participants -“Guest hosts”: book and free program and different target by one and a one and a half library staff whochoice book) every six months groups: half grades grades in the could do a -children discuss -beginning -Group average first year meeting with books readers (1st-3rd reading level their favorite -games and grade) improvement book/genre lessons teach -struggling by one and a -Parents, school reading skills middle readers half grades teachers, school (2nd-4th grade) librarians: can -middle readers reinforce lessons taught at the book club, can encourage the children to read the books</p><p>2. Teach the -Librarian - Every program -Librarian note- All participants, -Notes and participants -Parents, school will include a taking to but especially the folders will reading skills teachers, school game or lesson to determine if beginning indicate if the librarians teach reading children are readers and children are skills talking about new struggling middle using the skills reading skills in readers. previously discussion taught -Goal folders to determine if the children think they’re using new skills</p><p>3. Raise the -Librarian -Provide a safe -Librarian notes All participants, -Notes and reading -Parents, school place for children will determine but especially the folders will confidence of teachers, school to practice reading how the children beginning indicate if the all participantslibrarians out loud are progressing in readers and children are their reading struggling middle becoming more Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 19</p><p>-Provide a safe confidence readers. proficient place for children (frequency of readers and are to ask questions volunteering to feeling more -Provide a place read out loud, confident as for children to number of readers think about pauses/pace of reading goals and reading) work on achieving -Goal folders will those goals determine how confident the children feel about reading over time</p><p>4. Inspire a love -Librarian -Discuss the books -Librarian notes All participants, -Notes and of reading and -Parents, school each month; will reveal how but especially the folders will a love of the teachers, school discuss if the many children beginning indicate if the library in the librarians children liked the liked the book readers and children are participants book club book club book, how struggling middle becoming more -Friends of the and their free enthusiastic they readers. enthusiastic Skyway Library choice book, and were about about reading broaden the reading that -Staff discussion to month, and trends observation include what parts over time will indicate if they liked or did -Librarian notes children not like, and why will also show interact with - librarian will how the children the library in a show enthusiasm interact with the different and for the books and library and with more positive for reading in the staff of the way (do they general library (the know where -Have children librarian will also sections are, do vote on possible get feedback from they talk to titles to get buy-in other staff about staff at the the children in the library, do they book club) learn how to -Goal folders will use more show weather resources, etc.) children’s enthusiasm about Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 20</p><p> reading and the library grows</p><p>Budget </p><p>Young Readers Book Club Budget for First Year</p><p>Item/service Cost Who pays?</p><p>Initial time for librarian to ($25 per hour x 4 hours per Skyway Library develop program week x 4 weeks) = $400</p><p>Time for librarian to prepare ($25 per hour x 6 hours per Skyway Library & publicize subsequent month x 11 months) = $1,650 monthly programs </p><p>Time for librarian to facilitate ($25 per hour x 2 hours per Skyway Library programs month x 12 months) = $600</p><p>Time for librarian to evaluate ($25 per hour x 4 hours x 2 Skyway Library program every six months times per year) = $200</p><p>Time for any “guest host” ($25 per hour x 2 hours x 2 Skyway Library staff to collaborate with times per year) = $100 librarian to prepare a program and cost for “guest host” staff to co-facilitate program</p><p>Photocopies for reading level ($0.10 per copy x 100 copies Skyway Library tests, monthly handouts for per month x 12 months) = parents, posters, etc. $120</p><p>Prize/rewards (bookmarks, ($0.50 per bookmark/sticker x Friends of the Skyway Library stickers, books) 20 children x 2 times per year) = $20 +</p><p>($4.00 per book x 20 children x 1 time per year) = $80</p><p>= $100</p><p>Folders for goal folders ($0.50 each x 20 children) = Friends of the Skyway Library Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 21</p><p>$10</p><p>Meeting room space for each Free from the Skyway Library Skyway Library month</p><p>TOTAL: $3,180</p><p>TOTAL for Skyway Library: $3,070 per year</p><p>TOTAL for Friends of the Skyway Library: $110 per year</p><p>Selective Bibliography</p><p>Bailey, M., & Dziko, T. (2008, December 1). A plan to close the achievement gap for african </p><p> american students. State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. </p><p>Retrieved December 2, 2011, from Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 22</p><p>%20Rpt%20FINAL.pdf</p><p>Carver, D., & Hug, A. (2001). Investigating reading achievement using a causal model. </p><p>Scientific Studies of Reading, 5(2), 107-140. Retrieved November 29, 2011, from the </p><p>EBSCO Host database.</p><p>Guthrie, J. (2000, January 1). Reading Online - articles: contexts for engagement and motivation </p><p> in reading. Reading Online. Retrieved December 1, 2011, from </p><p></p><p>Stanovich, K. (1986). Matthew effects in reading: some consequences of individual differences </p><p> in the acquisition of literacy. Reading Research Quarterly, 21(4), 360-407. Retrieved </p><p>November 27, 2011, from the JSTOR database.</p><p>Appendix A</p><p>Map of the Bryn Mawr-Skyway CDP, retrieved from American FactFinder (Map - Bryn Mawr- Skyway CDP). I add the location names to the map. Running Head: FINAL PROJECT: YOUNG READER’S BOOK CLUB 23</p>

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