<p>THE GREETER September 2015 </p><p>FROM THE RECTOR</p><p>It’s time to act! For years now, the parish and I have expressed an interest in obtaining an assistant priest. This has been a long stated goal which has been delayed due to the repayment of our building renovation loan. That loan is now fully paid off. Please understand that another priest is not a threat to me. I want and need another priest to assist me – and if they are better than I am in some areas, so much the better! Fortunately for us, we have the able and competent assistance of Fr. John Adams to help us understand just how valuable a different voice and skill set can add to the parish. We see what a difference he is making and what a difference someone else could make too. This September will be a critical month for us, more so than normal. It’s the start of Sunday school, our men’s group, the Episcopal Church women group, Wednesday Family Nights, and the Tuesday study group along with St. Monica’s Guild and altar guild meetings – I may be missing a group or two here. These are all normal; what will be different is that we are going to make a concerted effort to begin our stewardship drive on Labor Day weekend. By the end of the month of September, you will have those pesky pledge cards in your hands. And this year, more than ever, it will be important for you to fill them out promptly. Frankly, we need to know with some degree of confidence that we will have the funds in place to call an assistant, otherwise we would be ill advised to do so. Please, begin to have the discussion with your partner (if you have one) about what you will give to the church in 2016. I know that feels far away, but it will be here sooner rather than later. And please, please seek God’s guidance. The good news is that if everyone who pledged to the Capital Campaign this year took that same pledge amount, added it to their normal pledge, and followed through, we would have enough to call an assistant. Please understand that there will be no separate line item for an assistant in 2016, it will all be part of the normal operating budget pledge. I have formed a search committee to assist me with the process of calling an assistant. Our first meeting will be on September 1st. The members of the committee are as follows: Andy Hawekotte, Senior Warden, Nancy Ponec, Junior Warden, Terri Saunders, representing the 7:45 service, Ben Bryan, representing the 9:00 am service and Ken West, representing the 10:30 am service. I also hope to have a representative from the 5:00 PM Saturday service. Please pray for our committee as we begin our work together. Since an assistant works for the rector, this is not like a regular search. I make the final call with the vestry’s knowledge and approval with the able assistance of the search committee. I do have some good news in regards to the search before it even begins. I have spoken with the new rector of All Saints and that parish is also beginning the process of finding an assistant rector. Marisa Thompson (the rector of All Saints) and I both agree in principle that when possible and appropriate, we will cross interview candidates and share in the costs of doing so. Our parishes have different needs and different rectors, so we probably won’t want the same candidate and this will be a good way for our parishes to work together to find priests that are a good fit for both places. I anticipate the search process to take anywhere from four to eight months. Personally, I want as little time as possible to elapse between when Fr. John Adams leaves after January 3rd and when we have a new priest on board. Ideally, there would be a period of overlap between the two, but that may be a bit ambitious. We shall see. Fr. John MINISTRY NEWS</p><p>BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS Sunday, October 4, we will combine with All Saints for a Blessing of the Animals. Bring your pets and meet us at All Saints 9302 Blondo St. at 3pm for this fun outdoor service. Fr. Schaefer will officiate this year, and in 2016, we will host with Mother Marisa officiating. It will be a great opportunity for both humans and animals to meet new friends.</p><p>PASTORAL CARE As a result of our “Dreaming for the Future” meetings last fall, the vestry has made pastoral care one of our priorities this year. Father John is working with Sarah Black and the caring ministry committee to improve pastoral care at St. Andrew’s. It has been noted in the past that Father John is often the last to know when someone may need some pastoral care because they are having surgery, are sick or just need a call from him. To help provide better care to all of us, we are going to implement more ways to communicate our needs to receive the care that we all want in times of need. First, there will be individuals in each service that will be the “eyes and ears” whom we will make known to all of you soon. These persons will pass on your needs (with your permission) to an identified person on the care ministry team. We are also going to re-vamp the white care cards in the pew to include prayer requests and requests for pastoral care of any type (Stephen Ministry, prayer team, meal train, etc,). Then, we are going to bring back those “red books” that some of you may remember we used about 20 years ago. These books will be in each pew and we will ask that you sign that you are present. We want to be able to reach those who are missing from our worship and this is a great way to begin! Of course you can always call the office with your requests. </p><p>We truly hope that our care ministry team will improve the care of our congregational members here at St. Andrew’s. If you have any additional ideas or would like to help serve on this team in any aspect – meal train, “eyes and ears”, providing transportation, making calls or any way that you can think of, please let Nancy Ponec (402-312-4979) or Sarah Black (402-660-7649) know. We will gladly incorporate you into our ministry team.</p><p>WE WANT YOU TO HELP LEAD WORSHIP Every week at St. Andrew's, a host of folks assist the Fathers John in the leading of worship: reading the Scripture lessons, helping around the altar, and working behind the scenes to insure each service runs smoothly. We offer our thanks to those who assist in these ways, and we invite everyone to pray about assisting the leading of worship in the following roles. ACOLYTE: Assists the priest with setting the table for communion and lights the candles, among other duties. Open to "anyone tall enough to light the candles," typically 4th grade and up. (9:00 and 10:30 only) Dan Sitzman, leader: 402-556-5344 [email protected] LAY READER: Reads aloud the Old Testament and Epistle lessons for the day, leads the Prayers of the People, and bears a chalice during communion. Also fills the acolyte role at 5:00 and 7:45. (Especially needed at 5:00, 7:45, and 10:30). Ron Dunic, leader: 402-981-0829 [email protected] USHER: Passes the offering plates and helps direct traffic at communion. 9:00 leader: Jim Hutchinson: 402-593-8648 [email protected] 10:30 leader: Dave Gambal 402-571-7487 [email protected] GREETER: Meets folks before the service and makes a particular effort to greet visitors and help orient them to St. Andrew's worship. Jim Hutchinson, leader: 402-593-8648 [email protected] ALTAR GUILD: Sets up before and cleans up after each service of communion. Terrie Saunders, leader: 402-669-9820 [email protected] COUNTER: Counts the weekend's offerings and prepares them for deposit in the bank. Ginny Winsor: 402-391-1950 [email protected] If you hear God calling you toward any of these roles, please contact the ministry leader or call the office (402-391-1950) and talk to either Father John about training.</p><p>ST. MONICA’S GUILD KICK-OFF LUNCHEON St. Monica’s Guild will be holding their fall kick-off luncheon and meeting at noon on Wednesday, September 16th. We will be meeting at the church and would love to see all of our returning members, as well as some new faces. St. Monica’s women meet the third Wednesday of the month, from September through May, for lunch, fellowship, and some good works as well. Our monthly hostesses arrange a program for each meeting, which cover many subjects, are informative, and often a lot of fun. All women of St. Andrew’s are welcome to join and guests are welcome anytime. We would love for you to come for a luncheon and try it out to see if you would like to become a member. If you did not attend our meetings last year and would like to join us on the 16th or at anytime throughout the year, just call Amy Urban at 402-697-1505, so that we can get a head-count for our luncheon. </p><p>POLKA MASS! We are bringing the Polka Mass back for the 9am service on October 4. Many have enjoyed this service in the past with Bob Zagozda on clarinet and Dan Cerveny on Accordion.</p><p>SUNDAY SCHOOL AND YOUTH PROGRAMMING Sunday school starts back up on September 13 and we can always use additional teachers. Wednesday night dinners will begin again September 16th and we need volunteers for set up and tear down. If you are able to help with either, please contact Sarah Black at [email protected] or 402-660-7649. </p><p>BISHOP BARKER WILL HERE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Our Wednesday night meals and programs for adults, youth and children will commence starting on September 16th. We begin our evenings with a catered meal (not a potluck) and ask for donations to help cover the cost. The meal goes from 6:00 PM until 6:30ish. Children and youth break off to do their own programs. During the fall, the adults will be concentrating and discussing the recent actions of General Convention which took place in June. In our denomination, it is General Convention that sets the policy and canons (rules) for the Episcopal Church. Our first featured speaker will be The Right Rev. Scott Barker, Bishop of the Diocese of Nebraska. He will get us started by discussing the following topics: Michael Curry and his election as the new Presiding Bishop The larger church budget and its mission priorities The (few) structural changes we adopted And same sex marriage Please put Wednesday evenings on your calendars and plan on good food, good fellowship and good discussion. We generally end our evenings no later than 8 PM and usually before that time.</p><p>ALTAR GUILD EVENTS Monthly Meeting—Wednesday September 2 and October 7 at 9:30 in the chapel followed by the meeting in the conference room. Area-Wide Altar Guild Meeting Saturday, September 19, 9:00 to 11:00 at All Saints' Retreat Center. Please RSVP to Terrie no later than the September 2 Altar Guild meeting. Coffee Hour shared with Nearly New Shop October 11 and November 22.</p><p>CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD TRAINING The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to the religious formation of children that is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. Children gather in an atrium, a room prepared for them, which contains simple yet beautiful materials that they use. There is a special place where the mystery of God meets the mystery of the young child. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) seeks to nurture the relationship between the child and God in a profound, deep, and age appropriate way. At St. Andrew's, CGS is the program we offer as Sunday School for children in preschool through third grade. Margaret Schaefer will be offering a CGS level 1 training for adults beginning September 12 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. The class will meet every other Saturday morning. Childcare will be available when needed. This training is for any Church members who are interested in exploring their own relationship with God or want to know more about how children develop their relationship with God. We need adults willing to work with the children on Sunday mornings, but we also invite anyone interested in their own or their children's spiritual formation. This training is an opportunity to deepen your relationship with God. If you feel called or curious about this ministry, contact Margaret at 402-690-3955 or [email protected] or let Sarah Black know at [email protected] 402-660-7649</p><p>OUTREACH NEWS</p><p>PINE RIDGE HEATING FUND It is that time of the year again. Through September we will be collecting money to contribute to those at Pine Ridge Reservation that need help making it through the winter. Please put your donation in the Offering Plate with “Pine Ridge Heating Fund” in the memo line.</p><p>BILLY MCGUIGAN & JIMMY WEBER along with Tara Vaughan and the By Request Only Band invite you to a magical night of music indoors at Omaha's Lauritzen Gardens! The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Nebraska & St. Andrew's Episcopal Church present: "BY REQUEST ONLY" - A FUNDRAISER CONCERT supporting research for a cure. When: Friday, September 18, 2015 - 7:30 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm) Where: Lauritzen Gardens - Indoor Concert (No personal food or beverages allowed indoors) Cost: General Admission $25 ($35 at the door the night of the event) Cash bar only event (No personal food or beverages allowed indoors) Please join us in supporting Nebraska families, as the dollars we raise stay in our home state and benefit many local people. Both organizations provide services to the public regardless of income. The Nebraska Chapter of the LLS uses these funds to support patient services and provide education and other financial assistance needs to their patients. There are currently two ongoing research projects being conducted through the University of Nebraska Medical Center specifically for the Nebraska Chapter of LLS. Last year’s event was so successful that Mary Nelson, from KMTV‘s Morning Blend, who was in attendance, gave it an incredible “Must Attend” review the following morning on her show. Mary called the event: “Lightning in a Bottle! ….the atmosphere was charged with an exciting energy and Jimmy, Billy and the band entertained long past the scheduled stop time! It was a wonderful night”. Premium Tickets are still available for VIP Reception through August 30 including a Meet & Greet the Band. See purchasing website for details. Purchase tickets now! http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1414005</p><p>Join us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/By-Request-Only/288372917966533 ST. ANDREWS TO PROVIDE OMAHA STREET SCHOOL LUNCHES On the 2nd Monday of the month, St. Andrews provides lunch for the students at the Omaha Street School. We currently have two teams of four and are looking to have at least two additional teams to serve lunches. We are responsible for serving 30-35 students, teachers and volunteers. If you are interested in helping, please contact Melissa Peeler at 402 212-3827 or email at [email protected]. </p><p>DEAN FRICKE FOOD PANTRY If we ask for an item we are having difficulty obtaining, then the item magically appears in the shopping cart. Thanks to those who heard our plea for crackers while we were having a tough time buying them from the Food Bank. Our current needs are anything non-perishable. We would appreciate any and all non- perishable items and, as always, brown paper grocery sacks. Thanks to those of you who continually fill the cart with food for those less fortunate. We currently have a full staff of volunteers for the food pantry but if you would like to be put on the list for potential volunteers and be contacted when an opening appears, please email Noreen at [email protected] or call me at 402-289-3882. A big thank you to those of you who currently volunteer. You are very much appreciated.”</p><p>UPCOMING FALL/WINTER OUTREACH In addition to all of the other outreach projects mentioned, in October, we will also be collecting food for Thanksgiving meal boxes and providing a meal for The Rainbow House, in November, we will collect clothing for YES, and hats and mittens for the December mitten tree. Please look for additional information to come.</p><p>DOMINICAN REPUBLIC MISSION TRIP Eighteen youth and adults from Nebraska traveled to the Dominican Republic June 22 through 29, 2015 to help build a home for a family in El Pedregal, and to renovate a building to become a Children’s Shelter at the Mount of the Transfiguration School. Work on both projects was done again this year in partnership with Christ Church, Valdosta, Georgia. A third construction project of our team was to establish a dedicated media room on the second floor of the Stevens Dormitory where educational and entertainment programs may be offered to the community and those visiting the camp. Please look at the Saint Andrew’s website for additional information on what we accomplished and many more photos. THE NEARLY NEW SHOP We always need Volunteers in the Shop, and for a few "at home" tasks. Our summer hours are Thursday & Friday 10-3 and Saturdays 10-1. We also have a couple "one-time events" coming up where will need your help. Please let us know if you are available. Stop in or contact us at 402-393-5888 or [email protected].</p><p>FELLOWSHIP AND FUNDRAISING NEWS</p><p>ODDS & ENDS SALE THANK YOUS The Odds and Ends Sale reached its goal of $5000. Thank you to everyone who donated, prices, worked, and cleaned up, as YOU are the ones that made the sale a success! Special thanks go to the following families: Crane, Cratty, Dalton, Haakinson, Huss, Lambert, MacNeill, Moya, and Orrick for their large donations. Thank you also to the special team of pricers and sellers including Eileen Armstrong, Laraine Crane, Suzanne and Phil Dalton, Adah Earle, Joe Fehr, Carolyn Fleming, Pat Gardner, Gretchen Gottschalk, Tish Halstead, James Henry, Jane Hoover, Bob Jones, Sheila Karpf, Janeen Kennedy, Sharon Kryger, John Mabry, Sharon Moya, Joyce Rickard, Betty Richardson, Terrie and Jim Saunders, Mary and Jim Schreiber, Anna Kay Sitzman, Jean Sitzman, and Lauren Sitzman, Doris Sladek, Lois Westfall, Betty White, and Tim and Noreen Witty for their hard work and dedication. Thank you also to those that helped with loading and packing including Dave Adcock, Dan Coonce, Joe Engle, & Todd Engle and the volunteers from Inroads to Recovery. We apologize if we missed some names, as all you helped to make the job easier and definitely more efficient. Hats off to all of you for another great sale, great team work, and for a job well done. </p><p>Merci beaucoup!</p><p>Bebe Miller </p><p>FUN CLUB Join us August 30, on the church grounds after the 9:00 and 10:30 services, for our 2nd Annual Fun Club picnic and frivolity. There will be activities galore for all ages, food from Maria Bonita’s, beverages, and time to celebrate our wonderful church family. All you need to do is show up and have fun. First Tuesday Gatherings at local area establishments will begin September 1 5pm-7pm at the Fox and Hound 506 N 120th St. and October 6 at Upstream @ Legacy 17070 Wright St. Third Sunday Game Nights for all ages will resume September 20 in the parish hall. We hope to see you there.</p><p>AN INVITATION TO THE LIBRARY Thanks to the generous assistance of Erin Sloan and Cricket Foley, Gini Thomas has completed the reorganization of the books in the St. Andrew’s library! In the Blue Room, books are arranged by subject, with each shelf appropriately labeled. Most books on religious concerns are located in the built-in bookcases, while books on the sciences, math, literature, history and the like are kept in the new free-standing bookcase. Many thanks go to Jim Saunders for installing this new bookcase! Books on the theory of religion and on biblical studies, as well as Bibles and concordances, are now located in the 1st/2nd grade room, off the undercroft. When you find a book that you would like to borrow, please fill out one of the available shelf markers and place it where the book was located. This way you will know where to put the book when you return it. When you have time, we hope you will browse through our collection. </p><p>THE CURATE’S CORNER A Word to the Wise</p><p>In September, the Revised Common Lectionary has us delving into a Biblical genre we rarely read on Sunday mornings (or Saturday evenings): wisdom literature. The first three weekends in September, we will be reading from Proverbs, that great Hebrew collection of wisdom sayings, and from August 30 through September 27, we will hear selections from the Epistle of James, the book of the New Testament that most closely resembles Old Testament wisdom literature. If wisdom is that difficult-to-describe combination of experience, knowledge, and common sense that allows a person to thrive amidst the trials of daily life, then wisdom literature is concerned with teaching those things to subsequent generations so that they too might thrive. In addition to Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes are books of wisdom in the Old Testament; while they defy easy summarization, all three books are concerned with the proposition (articulated in Deuteronomy and through the historical books) that good things in life come to the good person and bad things to the bad. The Book of Proverbs affirms that this assertion is true in real life; it is a collection of sayings that teach the reader how to act and think wisely, which will result in reward, and not foolishly, which will lead to suffering. Throughout Christian and Jewish history, Proverbs is most often cited by parents and other elders to their children or other youth (10:1, “A wise child makes a glad father, but a foolish child is a mother’s grief,” is typical). Where Proverbs causes difficulty is in its repeated assertions that the wise and righteous are rewarded in the world and the wicked and foolish suffer (for example, 11:8, “The righteous are delivered from trouble, and the wicked get into it instead”) when our own lives and the history of the world at large are chock full of examples where that just isn’t the case. Job and Ecclesiastes push back against Proverbs somewhat, both teaching that suffering or reward are not necessarily tied to one’s moral fiber or lack of the same. James, although framed as an epistle, comes across more as a manual of moral teaching and advice. Jesus is barely mentioned (only once in five chapters outside of the opening salutation), which contributed to Martin Luther’s famous statement that it was an “epistle of straw” that should be excluded from the New Testament canon. But in addition to riffing on familiar themes from Proverbs (most especially an extended sequence on checking one’s tongue), James explores several implications of Jesus’ teachings on a person’s individual behavior in ways that have positively shaped Christian moral teaching to this day (most famously arguing that one’s faith must be shown through one’s actions). In addition to providing a library of sometimes useful advice on how to live as good people, Biblical wisdom literature is relevant because early Christians identified Jesus as the incarnation of divine wisdom. From a philosophical perspective, the Word of God and the Wisdom of God can be viewed as one in the same, while from a scriptural perspective, several New Testament descriptions of Jesus echo Old Testament descriptions of Sophia, the personification God’s Wisdom (compare for example John 1:1-18 with Proverbs 8:22-31). So this month, as students and teachers settle back into school, I encourage everyone to pay particular attention to these readings in the hope that we will all turn out, if not wiser, at least a little less foolish.</p><p>FROM THE DESK As summer fades away and turns into fall, the campfires start up. This fall, as you are mesmerized by the crackling fire, remember to pay attention to the flame inside of you as well. Let your light shine, and you will be the positive energy the world needs. Do not be afraid to show and share the love of Christ which is in your heart. St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Vestry Minutes for July 21, 2015</p><p>Attending: Jerry Boyles, Ben Bryan, Andy Hawekotte, John Mabry, D. J. O’Shea, Don Peeler, Nancy Ponec, Shaun Rife. Treasurer: Gordon Foley.</p><p>Special Guest: Ron Dunic</p><p>Nancy Ponec opened the meeting at 7:03 with prayer.</p><p>Special Guest Ron Dunic: Ron presented the proposed By Request Only budget from the Fund-Raising Committee. He noted the raise in cost for the use of Lauritzen Gardens. He emphasized that the Committee is trying to beef up general ticket attendance this year. He also noted that instead of video or radio ads, more emphasis will be put on print advertising. </p><p>John Mabry moved and D.J. O’Shea seconded that the proposed budget be adopted. The vote was unanimous.</p><p>Minutes of the June 16, 2015, meeting were read. D. J. O’Shea disclosed that he was not at the June meeting and asked that his name be removed from the list as attending.</p><p>Shaun Rife moved, and Don Peeler seconded that the minutes be approved as amended. Vote was unanimous.</p><p>Financial Report: The “People, Programs and Property Report” shows a negative bottom line for the month of June of $2,844.39, in spite of the fact that the $37,795.18 in income was the 2nd highest in the past 7 years. The loss was the lowest loss in June. The Year-to-Date shows a cumulative balance of $11,508.42. The Operating Cash Fund Balance stands at $47,183.40; the Capital Cash Fund Balance is $481.65; and the Special Fund Balance is at $119,584.71 making total cash on hand $167,249.76.</p><p>The report for Consolidated Fund Balances shows that the Clergy Fund was increased by $5,065 in the month of June. Gordon did caution the Vestry that the Destroy the Debt payments for the month were about ½ the previous month.</p><p>The Budgeting process will be beginning in August. Gordon asked that it be announced to the congregation that all are welcome to join the Budget Committee. People should also be asked for budget proposals for 2016 and that preparations be prepared as a zero-based budgeting process. The Vestry was presented with an overview of the funds in the Youth Activities Funds per their request last month. Anyone having questions should contact Ginny.</p><p>The motion to approve the Financial Report was made by Shaun and seconded by John M. The vote was unanimous.</p><p>Rector Report: John Schaefer is on vacation, but sent information to Andy for his report. The Committee to meet with the Music department was held and he felt it went well and there should be no end-of-the-year surprises. The budgeting process will start in August, as will the Stewardship process. John should have the Bishop’s report on the marriage policies from the General Convention by the August meeting. Ding Daisley’s funeral will be on Friday the 24th. </p><p>Curate Report: John Adams is on duty at Camp Comeca.</p><p>Senior Warden Report: Andy Hawekotte reported that his research on the alarm system is held up at this point over some wiring concerns and the cost to replace/repair before a new company will take over our service.</p><p>Junior Warden Report: Nancy Ponec reported that the Caring Ministry Committee will be meeting this Thursday.</p><p>New Business: There was no new business.</p><p>Old Business: There was no old business.</p><p>Other New Business: Again no new business.</p><p>Committee Reports: John Mabry reported that Jim Saunders has been as busy as usual – parking lot repairs have been done, the door on the lawn mower shed has been repaired, the bookcase in the Blue Room has been attached to the wall, glass has been added to the door and John’s new door should be in place when he returns from vacation. Next he will turn his attention to the undercroft doors and some much needed kitchen repairs.</p><p>Don Peeler reported that he had received information that the Meal Train project is going well, though additional contributions are needed.</p><p>Other Business: There was no other old business discussed... Andy closed the meeting at 7:55 with prayer.</p><p>Respectfully Submitted, Ginny Winsor September Birthdays and Anniversaries Mary Ann Jernstrom 9/1 Liam O’Shea 9/1 Jeanette Raupe 9/2 Hank Austin 9/2 CJ Ahrendsen 9/2 Richard Huffman 9/3 Dari Dornan 9/3 Jasper White 9/3 Dave Brown 9/4 Cheryl Baumgartner 9/6 Joseph Whittaker 9/6 Jack Sagert 9/6 Cade Bullard 9/6 Frank Hudson 9/7 Jonathan Gray 9/9 Collin Kauth-Fisher 9/9 Charles Adcock 9/9 Josephine Sanderford 9/10 Sheryl Hill 9/11 Brendan Kauth-Fisher 9/11 Caolyn Curtis 9/12 Reid Ladenson 9/12 Jeanie Lyda 9/12 Amy Sanderford 9/13 Aaleya Matthews 9/13 Mark Ahrens 9/15 Janet Cosgrove 9/16 Joel Vanderveen 9/16 Wilson Ryals 9/16 Peg Dahlke 9/17 Cathy Rife 9/17 Connor Malnack 9/17 Becky Spencer 9/18 Jen Pierce 9/20 Rob Ahrendsen 9/20 Noreen Witty 9/22 Phyllis Lee 9/25 Richard Vinci 9/25 Larry Lee 9/26 Robert Howerton 9/27 Diane Fleming 9/29 Natasha Larson 9/30 Brooke Hansen 9/30 </p><p>Stu and Dari Dornan 9/1 Jim and Cathy Johnson 9/1 Susan and Ron Menter 9/1 Steve and Lauren White 9/1 Charley IV and Melody Pugsley 9/2 Jay and Roxi Adams 9/3 Joel and Leslie VanderVeen 9/3 Darrell and Cheryl Huss 9/4 Nate III and Meg Dodge 9/6 James and Heather Murray 9/11 D.J. and Tara O’Shea 9/14 Dick and Bonnie Erickson 9/17 Karen and Alan Richards 9/17 Mike and Rhonda Markoff 9/17 Jeremy and Sandy Lipschultz 9/18 Andrew Fisher and Kathleen Kauth 9/18 Scott and Wendy Zaloudek 9/18 Tudor and Angie Lewis 9/19 Doug and Karen LeClair 9/20 Dave and Caeli Brown 9/21 Travis and Sarah Frink 9/22 Ted and Diane Fleming 9/23 James and Jeanie Lyda 9/30</p><p>Ministry Schedule Sept 6 Sept 13 Sept 20 Sept 27 Acolytes 9:00 Ella Haakinson Taryn Smith Lauren Sitzman Ella Haakinson Kathy Upton Paige Rife 10:30 Sarah Conrad Ron Dunic Laura Dodge Josh Gottschalk Kelsey Conrad Eleanor Dodge Nathan Gottschalk Altar Guild S Suzanne Dalton Sue Hillman TBD TBD E Ardie Vickery Liz Bourne TBD TBD L Mina Jan Buhr TBD TBD Witherspoon Healing Prayer 7:45 Lois Westfall Lois Westfall Lois Westfall Lois Westfall 9:00 Andy Hawekotte Lance Baker Jamie Baker Andy Hawekotte Karen Ekholm Nancy Ponec Andy Karen Ekholm Hawekotte 10:30 TBD Dorothy Steele Anne Gambal Cricket Foley Lay Readers 7:45 Lois Westfall Jordan Hankins Keith Ross Lois Westfall 9:00 Don Peeler Ben Bryan David Adcock Dan Sitzman Anna Kay Kim Hawekotte Sharon Kryger Don Peeler Sitzman 10:30 Kelly Bourne Ken West Elizabeth Anne Gambal Tara O’Shea Lee Hammond Hallgren Kelly Bourne Andy Ketterson Ushers 7:45 John Mabry John Mabry John Mabry John Mabry 9:00 Keith Gourley Steve and Linda Kay- Mary Cash Susan Menter Lauren White Einerson Roger Rowe Burke Smith Matt Dornan Isabelle Adcock 10:30 Charley and Lee Hammond Gordon Foley TBD Nancy Pugsley D.J. O’Shea Ken Cratty Scott Nelson Ron Dunic Dave Gambal</p><p>Greeters 7:45 John Mabry Laraine Crane John Mabry Laraine Crane 9:00 Camille Culp Dana Coonce Tish and Monty Tom and Jean Halstead Sitzman 10:30 Lisa Hammond Kelly and Liz Cricket Foley Janic Nelson Bourne Parish Life Lay Readers Healing Prayer St. Monica’s Greeters Liturgy Team Stephen ECW Board Ministry</p><p>ALL SUNDAY SERVICES </p>
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