Alison S. Carson

Alison S. Carson

<p> Curriculum Vitae</p><p>ALISON S. CARSON</p><p>Department of Psychology Manhattanville College 2900 Purchase Street Purchase, NY 10577 E-mail: [email protected] ePortfolio: ___ </p><p>E D U C A T I O N</p><p>2000. Ph.D. Psychology. Boston College. Ph.D. Dissertation: “Distributive Justice Reasoning in Two Communities in the Philippines.” (Advisor: Dr. Ali Banuazizi) 1998. M.A. Psychology. Boston College. M.A. Thesis: “Ideas of Fairness in Filipino Children.” (Advisor: Dr. Ali Banuazizi) 1995. B.A. Psychology. Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA. Senior Thesis: “The Spirituality of College Students at a Small Liberal Arts College.” (Advisor: Dr. Jack Heller)</p><p>R E S E A R C H I N T E R E S T S</p><p>Cultural psychology; communities of practice and situated learning; culture learning; immigration and acculturation.</p><p>T E A C H I N G P O S I T I O N S</p><p>July 2011 – present. Department Chairperson of Psychology, Manhattanville College. July 2009 - present. Associate Professor: Fundamentals of Psychology (PSY 1004), Survey of Psychological Research (PSY 1006), Psychology and Culture (PSY 2042), Psychology of Identity (PSY 2046), Research Methods in Psychology (PSY 3001), Advanced Seminar in Cultural Psychology (PSY 3067). Department of Psychology, Manhattanville College. August 2006. Assistant Professor: CSTEP/MAP Pre-Freshmen Summer Program in Psychology. Manhattanville College. September 2003 – July 2009. Assistant Professor: Fundamentals of Psychology (PSY 1004), Survey of Psychological Research (PSY 1006), Culture, Ethnicity, Race & Identity (PSY 2032), Psychology and Culture (PSY 2042), Research Methods in Psychology (PSY 3001), Qualitative Approaches to Psychology (PSY 3058), and Special Topics in Cultural Psychology (PSY 4015). Department of Psychology, Manhattanville College. September 2001 – May 2003. Adjunct Assistant Professor: Research Practicuum in Developmental Psychology (Spring 2003), Child Development (Fall 2002), Fundamental Perspectives in Psychology (Spring 2001), and Introduction to Psychology (Fall 2001). Department of Psychology, Hofstra University. September 2001 - July 2003. Adjunct Assistant Professor: Research Methods II. Department of Psychology, State University of New York, College at Old Westbury. January 2001 – May 2001. Adjunct Assistant Professor: Culture and Moral Development. Department of Psychology, Boston College. January 2001 – May 2001. Teaching Assistant: Statistics and Research Methods & Children of Color. Department of Psychology, Boston College. September 2000 – December 2000 & January 1998 - May 1998. Instructor: Research Practicum in Cultural Psychology. Department of Psychology, Boston College. September 1996 - May 1997. Teaching Assistant: Introductory Psychology & Psychology and Social Issues. Department of Psychology, Boston College. </p><p>G R A N T S, F E L L O W S H I P S A N D S C H O L A R S H I P S</p><p>January 2014 – June 2014. 6-month extension: Connect to Learning: ePortfolio, Engagement, and Student Success. FIPSE-funded through LaGuardia Community College January 2011 – January 2014. Connect to Learning: ePortfolio, Engagement, and Student Success. FIPSE-funded through LaGuardia Community College grant. 2010. Manhattanville College Summer Stipend for Research Development ($2000) 2009 – 2010. Making Connections ePortfolio Seminar at LaGuardia Community College 2007. Manhattanville College Summer Stipend for Research and Curriculum Development 2006. Manhattanville College Summer Stipend for Research and Curriculum Development 2004. Manhattanville College Summer Stipend for Research and Curriculum Development 1999 - 2001. Co-PI, National Science Foundation Grant #9807000. “Fairness Reasoning in American and Filipino Children and College Students.” ($27800). Visiting Researcher. Department of Psychology, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Manila, Philippines. 1999 - 2000. Boston College University Fellowship. 1999 - 2000. Center for International Studies at Boston College. For participation in the Graduate Student International Forum at Boston College. ($500) 1998 -1999. Fulbright Scholarship. “Ideas of Fairness in Two Filipino Communities.” Visiting Researcher. Department of Psychology, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Manila, Philippines. 1997. Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Grants-in-Aid ($2000) Summer 1994. Franklin and Marshall College Hackmann Scholarship. </p><p>P A P E R / O N L I N E P U B L I C A T I O N S </p><p>Carson, A., McClam, S., Frank, J., & Hannum, G. (in press). ePortfolio as a catalyst for change in teaching: An autoethnographic examination of transformation. International Journal of ePortfolio. Carson, A. (2013). What we’ve learned. In Catalyst For Learning: ePortfolio Research and Resources (Partners: Manhattanville College section). Retrieved from: Carson, A., & Hannum, G. (2013). The Manhattanville Portfolio System: Using inquiry and reflection to support integration across a student’s college career. In Catalyst For Learning: ePortfolio Research and Resources (Partners: Manhattanville College section). Retrieved from: Carson, A, Frank, J., Hannum, G., & McClam, S. (2013). From paper to pixels, looseleaf to links: A seemingly simple transition of the Manhattanville Portfolio. In Catalyst For Learning: ePortfolio Research and Resources (Partners: Manhattanville College section). Retrieved from: Carson, A, Frank, J., Hannum, G., & McClam, S. (2013). Our technology story. In Catalyst For Learning: ePortfolio Research and Resources (Partners: Manhattanville College section). Retrieved from: Carson, A, Frank, J., Hannum, G., & McClam, S. (2013). Professional development practice: Teaching and learning circles. In Catalyst For Learning: ePortfolio Research and Resources (Partners: Manhattanville College section). Retrieved from: Carson, A, Frank, J., Hannum, G., & McClam, S. (2013). Sky’s the Limit: Using our bold history to make the most of our digital future. In Catalyst For Learning: ePortfolio Research and Resources (Partners: Manhattanville College section). Retrieved from: Summers, T., & Carson, A. (2012). Connecting learning with the AAEEBL annual conference. AAEEBL Learner, 3(4), 1, 7-10. Carson, A. &, Banuazizi, A. (2008). It’s not fair!: Similarities and differences in resource distribution between American and Filipino fifth graders. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39(4), 493-514. Carson, A. (1998). The development of fairness reasoning in Filipino children. Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference in Critical Thinking and Education. Zamboanga, Mindanao, Philippines.</p><p>U N P U B L I S H E D M A N U S C R I P T S </p><p>Carson, A. S., Daino, G., & McDowell, L. Ethnic immersion, not dominant immersion, affects body image in Latinas. Unpublished manuscript.</p><p>M A N U S C R I P T S I N P R E P A R A T I O N</p><p>Carson, A., Schreer, G., Dzindolet, K., & Smith, R. The effect of media exposure on feelings of body dissatisfaction in European-American and Hispanic/Laina women. Unpublished manuscript.</p><p>P O S T E R S A N D P R E S E N T A T I O N S Carson, A. (2014, April). Using ePortfolio to Support Social Pedagogy in Psychology. Presentation at the 28th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, NY. Carson, A., McClam, S., Frank, J., & Hannum, G. (2014, January). Situated Learning in Communities of Practice: Understanding ePortfolio as a Catalyst for Change. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C. Carson, A. (2013, September). Learning is Social: Using ePortfolio to Support Social Pedagogies in the Teaching of Psychology. Presentation at the Atlantic Coast Teaching of Psychology Conference. Red Bank, NJ. Carson, A., McClam, S., Frank, J., & Hannum, G. (2013, July). ePortfolio as Catalyst for Teaching Change: A Case for Faculty Development. Presentation at the annual conference for the Association for the Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-based Learning, Boston, MA. Carson, A., McClam, S., & Hannum, G. (2013, July). Creating resources to support faculty and faculty developers using ePortfolios. Birds of a Feather Roundtable, at the annual conference for the Association for the Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-based Learning, Boston, MA. Carson, A. (2012, June). ePortfolio and Assessment at Manhattanville College. Invited address at the Connect to Learning Summer Institute. Johnson & Wales College, Providence, RI. Carson, A, & Frank, J. (2013, May). ePortfolio: Possibilities for Engaged Learning and Assessment. Invited address at St. Joseph’s College of Maine, Standish, ME. Carson, A., Frank, J., & Hannum, G. (2012, May). ePortfolio: Possibilities for Engaged Learning and Assessment. Invited address at the University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME. Carson, A., Frank, J., & McClam, S. (2012, May). Manhattanville College: Developing an ePortfolio Culture. Invited address at the Smith College, Northhampton, MA. Carson, A., Frank, J., & Hannum, G. (2012, January). Paper to Pixels, Staples to Scroll Bars, and Loose-leaf to Links: A Transition to ePortfolio. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C. Carson, A., & Schreer, G. (2011, May). The Role of Ethnicity and Acculturation on Body Dissatisfaction Following Media Exposure in Hispanic/Latina and European- American Women. Poster presentation at the annual meeting for the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D.C. Carson, A. (2011, May). Student Learning Portfolios at Manhattanville College. Invited speaker at annual Conference on Innovative Assessment Practices. Misericordia University. Dallas, PA. Carson, A., Frank, J. & Hannum, G. G. (2011, May). Birds of a Feather: Developing Policies and Guidelines for ePortfolio Use. Roundtable at SUNY Stony Brook's 2011 Spring Colloquium. Carson, A., & Schreer, G. (2010, January). What’s the skinny on body image: The effect of exposure to average and ideal models on women’s body dissatisfaction. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV. Carson, A., Schreer, G., Dzindolet, K., & Smith R. (2009, February). The effect of exposure to average and ideal models on women’s body dissatisfaction. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa, FL. Carson, A., McDowell, L., & Daino, G. (2007, March). The influence of ethnic identity and acculturation on Caucasian and Hispanic women's body image. Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA. Carson, A., McDowell, L., & Daino, G. (2007, February). The role of acculturation, ethnic identity, and culture in women's perceptions of body. Society for Cross-Cultural Research, San Antonio, TX. Diano, G., & Carson, A. (2006, April). The influence of acculturation and the media on body dissatisfaction among US and foreign-born women. University of Scranton Psychology Conference, Scranton, PA. Lowin, J., & Carson, A. (2006, April). The triadic nature of the relationship between coach, parent, and skater. University of Scranton Psychology Conference, Scranton, PA. Carson, A., Delahanty, E., & Schreer, G. (2006, March). And then there was one (core course): Rationale and implications of changing our major requirements. Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD. Carson, A. (2006, January). Using psychology to increase cultural awareness in the classroom. 28th Annual National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology in St. Petersburg, FL. Carson, A., & Banuazizi, A. (2002, February). Norms of distributive justice and conceptions of equality: A U.S.-Philippines college student comparison. Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Santa Fe, NM. Carson, A., & Banuazizi, A. (2001, February). What is fair? A comparison between Filipino and American children's distributive justice. Society for Cross-Cultural Research, San Diego, CA. Carson, A. (2000, February). Conceptions of fairness in a poor urban Filipino community. Society for Cross-Cultural Research, New Orleans, LA. Carson, A. (1999, May). Fairness reasoning in two Filipino communities. Philippine-American Educational Foundation. Manila, Philippines. Carson, A. (1998, September). The development of fairness reasoning in Filipino children. Conference in Critical Thinking and Education, Zamboanga, Mindanao, Philippines. Carson, A. (1998, August). The relationship between fairness reasoning and fair behavior in Filipino children. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. Carson, A. (1998, February). The development of fairness reasoning in Filipino children. Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA. Carson, A. (1995, April). The spirituality of college students. Association of Bahai Psychologists, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA.</p><p>A W A R D S A N D H O N O R S</p><p>2012. Nominated by the Student Government Association as Faculty Member of the Year. 2005. Club Advisor of the Year Award, Psychology Club, Manhattanville College. 2001. Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award, Boston College. 1999. Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award, Boston College. 1995. Elected member of Phi Beta Kappa. 1994. Elected member of Psi Chi (National Psychology Honor Society).</p><p>C O L L E G E S E R V I C E</p><p>May 2013. Supported the assessment of Freshman Essays using the assessment module of Digication. This involved creating support documentation and correspondence with FYP instructors. March 2013. Panel member: For Parents – New Knowledge: Student and Faculty Relationships with Maggie Goff ‘14 Summer 2012. Directed assessment procedures using the Portfolio for the Middle States Monitoring Report Fall 2012 – present. Board on Academic Standards representative on the Core Curriculum Committee. Spring 2012 - present. Member of the Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Board Fall 2011/Winter 2012. Quoted in Peer Review regarding use of VALUE rubrics for Manhattanville Portfolio System evaluation. Fall 2011-Spring 2012. Member of the Title III grant writing group. Gathered information, developed and wrote the section on ePortfolio Fall 2011. Member of the Job Search committee for the Founding Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning March 2010. Panel member for Student/Faculty Research presentation with Marciana Ramos ‘10 during the Board of Trustees Weekend. Fall 2009. Member of Registrar Search Committee Fall 2009. Ad hoc Member of the Status Committee. September 2009 – May 2010. Member of Middle States Dicennial Self-Study Chapter 2 subcommittee. Summer 2009. Chair of Academic Advising and Registration subcommittee of the Academic Policy Committee September 2008 – May 2010. Member of the Manhattanville College Institutional Review Board. September 2008 – May 2009. Board on Academic Standards representative on the Academic Policy Committee. September 2008 – present. Chair of the Board on Academic Standards. Duties and initiatives include: oversight and revision of Portfolio requirements, adjudication of academic dishonesty cases, transition from paper to electronic platform, creation of a Peer Portfolio Advising program. August 2008. Participated in Orientation Advising and Open House for Psychology Department. March 2008. Panel member for Student/Faculty Research presentation with Kara Dzindolet ‘08 during the Board of Trustees Weekend. June 2007 – December 2007. Chair of the Board on Academic Standards. Summer 2007. Member of search committee for Director of the Writing Program. January 2007 - June 2007. Board on Academic Standards representative to the Faculty Technology Committee July 2006 – January 2007. Member of the Pre-Health Professional Advisory Committee. March 2007. Panel member for Student/Faculty Research presentation with Laura McDowell ’07 during the Board of Trustees Weekend. June 2006. Participated in Orientation Advising and Open House for Psychology Department. May 2006 – December 2007. Member of the Portfolio Evaluation Committee. September 2005 – May 2006. Member of the Global Learning at Manhattanville Task Force. August 2005. Participated in Orientation Advising and Open House for Psychology Department. April 2005. Judge for the Manhattanville Annual Science Competition. September 2004 – present. Elected member of the Board on Academic Standards. June 2004. Participated in Orientation Advising for Psychology Department September 2003 – May 2004. Member of Plagiarism ad hoc committee. September 2003 – present. Co-advisor for the Psychology Club and Psi Chi at Manhattanville College. November 2003. Participated in Open House for Psychology Department. August 2003. Participated in Orientation Advising for Psychology Department</p><p>P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T </p><p>April 2014. Served as a judge for the student poster session at the 28th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, NY. Fall 2013. Peer-reviewer of Catalyst For Learning: ePortfolio Research and Resources June 2013. Connect to Learning grant Summer Institute. LaGuardia Community College, Woodside, NY. June 2012. Connect to Learning grant Summer Institute. Johnson & Wales University, Providence, RI. January 2011. Connect to Learning Kick-off Institute. San Francisco, CA. October 2010-March 2011. Participated in HERS Wellesley Institute for Women in Higher Education Administration. 2009 – 2010. Making Connections ePortfolio Seminar at LaGuardia Community College January 2009. Reviewer of a cross-cultural psychology textbook proposal by Ken Keith for Wiley- Blackwell Publishers. April 2004. Judge for the Ronal Shipley Invitational Science Fair April 2003. Reviewer of Santrock’s Children (8th ed.) for McGraw-Hill Publishers April 2003. Judge for the Ronal Shipley Invitational Science Fair December 2001. Reviewer of a cross-cultural psychology textbook proposal for Prentice-Hall Publishers . February 2000. Session chairperson at the annual meeting of the Society Cross-Cultural Research, New Orleans, LA. 1999 - 2001. Vice-president and founding board member of the Center for the Study of Culture and Education, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to the study of the intersection of culture and education. September 1999 - May 2000 & September 1996 - May 1998. Graduate Student Advisor to Boston College Psychology Club. September 1997 - April 1998. Coordinator for the 24th Greater Boston Psychological Undergraduate Research Conference. Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA. September 1996 - August 1998. Coordinator for the Boston Area Cultural Psychology Forum (an inter-university forum of faculty and graduate students in the field of cultural psychology). September 1994 - April 1995. President of Franklin and Marshall Chapter of Psi Chi. </p><p>P R O F E S S I O N A L A F F I L I A T I O N S</p><p>Phi Beta Kappa Psi Chi</p>

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