<p> UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATICS RIS 124 (2010) ADVANCED PROGRAMMING AND PROBLEM SOLVING MODULE GUIDE</p><p>A. CONTACT DETAILS</p><p>Lecturer: Prof. Pieter Blignaut Office: WWG 320 Telephone: 051 401 3701 E-mail: [email protected] Consulting Hours: Per appointment</p><p>Assistant: Miss. Ashleigh Langhein Office: WWG317 Telephone: 051 401 3854 E-mail: [email protected] </p><p>Departmental chair person: Dr. Anelize van Biljon Office: WWG 312 Telephone: 051 401 2605 E-mail: [email protected] Consulting Hours: Make an appointment at the departmental secretary</p><p>B. MODULE OBJECTIVE</p><p>This module is on NQF level 5. This module is a continuation of RIS114 and deals with information systems and problem solving in business and scientific environments. Advanced object oriented concepts, debugging, storing data in files and access to simple databases are discussed.</p><p>C. MODULE OUTCOME</p><p>At the end of the course the student should: understand the concepts of collections, strings and arrays; be able to design and implement a class that includes data fields, properties and methods; understand advanced OO concepts such as abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism; be able to read from and write to text files and binary files; understand the basics of databases and how to connect to a database from C#.</p><p>D. COMMUNICATION</p><p>Attendance of theory classes and practical sessions is compulsory. You will be largely disadvantaged if you miss a class. Do not get behind with the work! Contact the lecturer or assistant in time if you have any problems with the work. Attendance of practicals or assistance at other subjects or probation (for example education students) are not acceptable excuses. </p><p>You get an e-mail address when you register, for example [email protected]. When you activate your student card at the Thakaneng Bridge, your e-mail address will be activated as well. Appointments with the lecturer or assistant must be scheduled by e-mail. Read your e-mail regularly. We don't send e-mails to other addresses than the student.ufs.ac.za domain.</p><p>RIS124 (2010) 1 It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that he/she receives all the information in connection with this module that is provided during the theoretical classes, on the department's network, on the notice board in the Mathematical Sciences Building on the third floor, in the calendar or by e-mail.</p><p>All enquiries should be addressed to the assistant before you consult the lecturer.</p><p>You must at all times have this guide as well as a pen with you when you consult the lecturer or the assistant.</p><p>E. STUDY MATERIAL</p><p> We will use the following book during this module: Blignaut, Pieter. 2010. Be Sharp with C#, Part 2. University of the Free State.</p><p> Supplementary notes, practical assignments, solutions to tests and practical assignments, etc. will periodically be posted on the departmental network (G:\Courses\RIS124\2010\). You are responsible to ensure that you receive everything in time and study them.</p><p> RIS124 will be using C# (C sharp) as language for all programming. This is part of the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 package. Students who are registered for RIS124 can obtain the software free of charge from Mr. Brian Campbell in room WWG 318.</p><p> The following book is available at Van Schaik and may be consulted as an additional resource: Farrel, Joyce. 2009. Microsoft Visual C# 2008. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming. Third edition.</p><p> Tutor classes will be arranged for students who need extra help. Times and venues will be communicated as soon as the information is available.</p><p>F. CONTACT SESSIONS</p><p>This module consists of three theoretical periods per week and one practical session of 3 hours per week. Attendance of theoretical classes and practical sessions is compulsory.</p><p>1 2 3 Afrikaans Mondays Wednesdays Thursdays 12:10 – 13:00, FGG378 10:10 – 11:00, FGG378 13:10 – 14:00, FGG378 English Mondays Wednesdays Thursdays 07:10 - 08:00, FGG378 13:10 – 14:00, FGG378 09:10 – 10:00, FGG378 (Not 17:10 as on official time table) Practicals Group A: Mondays, 14:10 – 17:00 Group B: Mondays, 17:00 – 20:00</p><p>2 G. LABORATORY USAGE</p><p>All practicals and tests will be done in the Computer Science Labs (WWG225 & 316) during the assigned practical sessions. To be able to use the Labs, you must bring proof of registration as well as a signed copy of the laboratory rules to the secretary (WWG312) prior to attending the first practical session.</p><p>H. ASSESSMENT</p><p>Module mark</p><p>The module mark will be determined through four class tests and two module tests. All tests will have a practical as well as written component. See the module calendar below for the dates of the class tests and module tests.</p><p>Class tests :30% of module mark (Best three class tests will count 10% each) Module test 1 : 30% of module mark Module test 2 : 40% of module mark.</p><p> You must write all module tests and class tests. Failure to do any module test will result in a result of incomplete for the module and you may not write exam. Failure to do a class test will result in a zero mark for the specific test. Students who register late will not be accommodated. This is not a text book subject that you can catch up in own time. If you are late, you are out! Not tests will be marked if you are not registered for RIS124.</p><p>The module mark will be available on 29 October 2010 on the notice board. No marks will be provided over the telephone</p><p>Promotion and exam</p><p> A promotion system applies for this module. You are exempted from the final examination in November/January if your module mark for the semester is 70% or more. If you did not get a module mark of 70% or more you will have to write the final examination which will be a three hour written paper during the November & January examination opportunities. The module mark and examination mark each contributes 50% towards the final mark for RIS124. Marks for tests, examinations and assignments may be held back if required so by the administration of the university in cases of students not registered for the module or outstanding fees.</p><p>Sick test</p><p>If you have a valid doctor certificate for any class or module test and submitted it within 48 hours after the test, you will be allowed to write the sick test on 27 October. Note, however, that the sick test will cover all the work of the entire semester and not only the work of the test that you missed. </p><p>The sick test policy of the Department of Computer Science and Informatics is published on the notice board on the third level of the Mathematical Sciences Building and will be strictly applied. Only in the following circumstances will students qualify for a sick test:</p><p>1. In the event of absence of the class or module tests due to illness. A valid medical certificate, wherein the doctor stipulates the diagnosis of illness and that you are not in a position to write a module test, must be submitted within 48 hours after the test. Please note that the lecturer might call the doctor to confirm the legality of the medical certificate. A certificate that reads "As</p><p>RIS124 (2010) 3 I was informed" is not valid. The doctor must examine you and must stipulate the nature and seriousness of the disease. 2. With the death of any of your immediate family. You are required to hand in a certified copy of the relevant death certificate to the lecturer within 48 hours after the test. Note also the following conditions:</p><p>1. Should you qualify for the sick test and you do not write the test on the given date and time, no further tests will be set up. 2. Participation in sport, cultural activities, the attendance of weddings, or transport problems etc. are not valid reasons for the absence of tests. 3. No member of the Student Representative Council or House Committee may give you permission not to write a test or examination.</p><p>H. MODULE CALENDAR</p><p>WEEK DATE LECTURE PRACTICALS TESTS S 1 21, 22 July Ch 10 2 26, 28, 29 July Ch 10 26 July Ch 10 3 2, 4, 5 August Ch 10 2 August Ch 10 Class test Ch 10 During practical session 4 11, 12, August Ch 11 5 16, 18, 19 August Ch 11 16 August Ch 11 6 23, 25, 26 August Ch 11 23 August Ch 11 7 30 Aug, 1, 2 Sep Ch 12 30 Aug Ch 12 Class test Ch 10 & 11 During practical session 8 8, 9 Sep Ch 13 6 Sep Module test Ch 10 - 11 During practical session 9 13, 15, 16 Sep Ch 13 13 Sep Ch 13 10 20, 22, 23 Sep Ch 13 20 Sep Ch 13 Class test Ch 12, 13 During practical session Holiday 11 4, 5, 7 October Ch 14 4 October Ch 14 12 11, 13, 14 Ch 14 Class test Ch 10-13 October 11 October Ch 14 13 18, 20, 21 Ch 14 October 18 October Ch 14 Class test Ch 13-14 During practical session 14 25 October Module test (Ch 12 - 14) During practical session 27 October Sick test (Ch 10 - 14) 29 October Semester marks available 29 October Semester ends</p><p>4 __November First exam opportunity __ January Second exam opportunity</p><p>RIS124 (2010) 5 Department of Computer Science and Informatics Rules for the usage of the computer laboratories</p><p> Only students that have registered for modules offered by the Department of Computer Science and Informatics (CSI) and activated their student cards will be permitted to use the CSI labs.</p><p> The lab computers are only for academic use.</p><p> Eating and drinking in the labs is strictly prohibited.</p><p> The labs are to be kept clean at all times.</p><p> Noise in labs will not be tolerated.</p><p> Students will be banned for a period of 5 class days if:</p><p> o They allow non-CSI students into the labs.</p><p> o They play games of any kind on the lab computers.</p><p> Students will be banned for the remainder of the semester if:</p><p> o They log into the lab computers for non-CSI students or students that have been banned from using the labs.</p><p> o Watch pornography. These students will also have to get written permission from the Departmental Chair in order to be allowed temporary lab access during their practical sessions. Offenders will be reported to the Dean of Students and will have to attend a disciplinary hearing which may result in their expulsion from the University.</p><p> Students who are banned from the labs, and who need to use the labs during the designated practical sessions of the CSI modules that they are registered for, will have to temporarily reactivate their lab access before each practical session. Temporary reactivation may be done by presenting a valid student card, and ID/passport document if the photo on the student card has faded, to the technical assistant in room WWG318 no sooner than 5 minutes before each practical session. Temporary activation will last for the duration of the respective practical session only.</p><p> Everybody who does not comply with the rules mentioned in this document will be liable for a fine of R100. The fine is to be paid into the following entity number at the cashiers on the Thakaneng Bridge: 1-104-05018.</p><p>6 Trespassers will be banned from using the labs until the fine is paid and the receipt is presented to the technical assistant. If an extended ban applies, lab access will only be granted once the ban period has expired. </p><p> The computer labs are under 24 hour video surveillance. Other control methods are also in place that allow the Department to monitor how the computers in the labs are being used and who is logged in.</p><p> The lab assistant on duty must be obeyed at all times</p><p>.</p><p>These rules will be strictly enforced to ensure that those students who need to use the labs for academic purposes are able to do so with minimum interference.</p><p>______Signature Date</p><p>______Name in print</p><p>______Student number</p><p>RIS124 (2010) 7 Department of Computer Science and Informatics Rules for the usage of the computer laboratories</p><p> Only students that have registered for modules offered by the Department of Computer Science and Informatics (CSI) and activated their student cards will be permitted to use the CSI labs.</p><p> The lab computers are only for academic use.</p><p> Eating and drinking in the labs is strictly prohibited.</p><p> The labs are to be kept clean at all times.</p><p> Noise in labs will not be tolerated.</p><p> Students will be banned for a period of 5 class days if:</p><p> o They allow non-CSI students into the labs.</p><p> o They play games of any kind on the lab computers.</p><p> Students will be banned for the remainder of the semester if:</p><p> o They log into the lab computers for non-CSI students or students that have been banned from using the labs.</p><p> o Watch pornography. These students will also have to get written permission from the Departmental Chair in order to be allowed temporary lab access during their practical sessions. Offenders will be reported to the Dean of Students and will have to attend a disciplinary hearing which may result in their expulsion from the University.</p><p> Students who are banned from the labs, and who need to use the labs during the designated practical sessions of the CSI modules that they are registered for, will have to temporarily reactivate their lab access before each practical session. Temporary reactivation may be done by presenting a valid student card, and ID/passport document if the photo on the student card has faded, to the technical assistant in room WWG318 no sooner than 5 minutes before each practical session. Temporary activation will last for the duration of the respective practical session only.</p><p> Everybody who does not comply with the rules mentioned in this document will be liable for a fine of R100. The fine is to be paid into the following entity number at the cashiers on the Thakaneng Bridge: 1-104-05018.</p><p>8 Trespassers will be banned from using the labs until the fine is paid and the receipt is presented to the technical assistant. If an extended ban applies, lab access will only be granted once the ban period has expired. </p><p> The computer labs are under 24 hour video surveillance. Other control methods are also in place that allow the Department to monitor how the computers in the labs are being used and who is logged in.</p><p> The lab assistant on duty must be obeyed at all times</p><p>.</p><p>These rules will be strictly enforced to ensure that those students who need to use the labs for academic purposes are able to do so with minimum interference.</p><p>______Signature Date</p><p>______Name in print</p><p>______Student number</p><p>RIS124 (2010) 9 UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATICS RIS 124 (2010) PERSONAL DETAILS</p><p>Student number ______</p><p>Surname ______</p><p>Initials ______</p><p>Title ______</p><p>First name ______</p><p>Address during semester ______</p><p>______</p><p>Telephone numbers ______(cell)</p><p>______(home / residence)</p><p>______(parents)</p><p>E-mail ______</p><p>Preferred instruction medium Afrikaans English</p><p>I have received the RIS124 (2010) module guide. I understand the contents thereof and I will abide by the rules as stipulated.</p><p>Signature ______</p><p>Date ______</p><p>10 UNIVERSITEIT VAN DIE VRYSTAAT DEPARTEMENT REKENAARWETENSKAP EN INFORMATIKA RIS 124 (2010) GEVORDERDE PROGRAMMERING EN PROBLEEMOPLOSSING MODULE HANDLEIDING</p><p>A. KONTAKBESONDERHEDE</p><p>Dosent: Prof. Pieter Blignaut Kantoor: WWG 320 Telefoon: 051 401 3701 E-pos: [email protected] Besoekure: Per afspraak</p><p>Assistent: Mej. Ashleigh Langhein Kantoor: WWG317 Telefoon: 051 401 3854 E-pos: [email protected] </p><p>Departementele voorsitter: Dr. Anelize van Biljon Kantoor: WWG 312 Telefoon: 051 401 2605 E-pos: [email protected] Besoekure: Maak ’n afspraak by die departementele sekretaresse</p><p>B. MODULE DOELWIT</p><p>Hierdie module is op NKR vlak 5. Die module is 'n voortsetting van RIS114 en behandel inligtingstelsels en probleemoplossing in besigheids- en wetenskapsomgewings. Gevorderde objek- beginsels, ontfouting, lêers en databasisse word bespreek.</p><p>C. MODULE UITKOMSTE</p><p>Aand die einde van die kursus behoort die student 'n begrip te hê van wat "collections", karakterstringe en skikkings behels; in staat te wees om 'n klas wat datavelde, "properties" en metodes bevat, te ontwerp en implementeer; gevorderde OO begrippe soos abstraksie, enkapsulasie, oorerwing en polimorfisme te verstaan; in staat te wees om data van teks- en binêre lêers te lees en daarheen te skryf; die basiese aspekte van databasisse te verstaan en weet hoe om aan 'n databasis te koppel vanuit C#.</p><p>D. KOMMUNIKASIE</p><p>Bywoning van teorieklasse en praktiese sessies is verpligtend. U sal grootliks benadeel word indien u ’n klas misloop. Moet nie agter raak met die werk nie! Maak betyds kontak met die dosent of assistent as u enige probleme het met die werk. Bywoning van praktikas van ander kursusse of assistentskappe of proeftydperke (vir byvoorbeeld onderwysstudente) is nie aanvaarbare verskonings nie. U sal ’n e-posadres kry as u registreer, byvoorbeeld [email protected]. As u studentekaart geaktiveer word op die Thakaneng-brug, sal u e-posadres ook geaktiveer word.</p><p>RIS124 (2010) 11 Afsprake met die dosent of assistent moet per e-pos gemaak word. Lees u e-pos gereeld. Ons stuur nie e-pos na ander adresse as die student.ufs.ac.za domein nie.</p><p>Dit is die student se verantwoordelikheid om toe te sien dat hy/sy alle inligting omtrent die module wat gedurende teoretiese klasse, op die departement se netwerk, op die kennisgewingbord in die Wiskundige Wetenskappegebou, in die Jaarboek of per e-pos versprei word, te bekom.</p><p>Alle navrae moet eers aan die assistent gerig word voordat u die dosent nader.</p><p>U moet te alle tye hierdie gids sowel as ’n pen byderhand hê as u die dosent of assistent kom spreek.</p><p>E. STUDIEMATERIAAL</p><p> Ons sal die volgende boek gebruik vir hierdie module: Blignaut, Pieter. 2010. Be Sharp with C#, Part 2. University of the Free State.</p><p> Aanvullende aantekeninge, praktiese opdragte, oplossings vir toetse en praktiese opdragte, ens. sal periodiek op die departementele netwerk geplaas word (G:\Courses\RIS124\2010\). U is verantwoordelik om seker te maak dat u alles betyds ontvang en bestudeer.</p><p> RIS124 gebruik die C# (C-kruis) programmeertaal. Dit is deel van die Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 pakket. Studente wat vir RIS124 geregistreer is, kan die programmatuur kosteloos bekom by Mnr. Brian Campbell, WWG 318.</p><p> Die volgende boek is by Van Schaik beskikbaar en mag as addisionele hulpbron gebruik word: Farrel, Joyce. 2009. Microsoft Visual C# 2008. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming. Third edition.</p><p> Tutor-klasse sal gereël word vir studente wat eksta hulp benodig. Tyd en plek sal bekend gemaak word sodra die inligting beskikbaar is.</p><p>F. KONTAKSESSIES</p><p>Hierdie module bestaan uit drie teoretiese periodes per week en een praktiese sessie van 3 ure per week. Bywoning van die teoretiese klasse en praktiese sessies is verpligtend.</p><p>1 2 3 Afrikaans Maandae Woensdae Donderdae 12:10 – 13:00, FGG378 10:10 – 11:00, FGG378 13:10 – 14:00, FGG378 Engels Maandae Woensdae Donderdae 07:10 - 08:00, FGG378 13:10 – 14:00, FGG378 09:10 – 10:00, FGG378 (Nie 17:10 soos op die amptelike rooster nie) Prakties Groep A: Maandae, 14:10 – 17:00 Groep B: Maandae, 17:00 – 20:00</p><p>12 G. LABORATORIUMGEBRUIK</p><p>Alle praktiese sessies en toetse sal in die Rekenaarwetenskap laboratoria ((WWG225 & 316) tydens die geskeduleerde tye gedoen word. Om die laboratoria te gebruik moet u bewys van registrasie sowel as ’n getekende kopie van die laboratoriumreëls na die departementele sekretaresse (WWG312) bring voordat u die eerste praktiese sessie bywoon.</p><p>H. ASSESSERING</p><p>Modulepunt</p><p>Die modulepunt word bepaal deur vier klastoetse en twee module toetse. Alle toetse sal ’n praktiese sowel as geskrewe komponent hê. Kyk na die module kalender vir die datums van klas- en moduletoetse.</p><p>Klastoetse :30% van die modulepunt (Beste drie klastoetse tel 10% elk.) Moduletoets 1 : 30% van die modulepunt Moduletoets 2 : 40% van die modulepunt</p><p> U moet alle moduletoetse en klastoetse skryf. Indien u in gebreke bly om enige moduletoets te skryf sal u kursus as onvoltooid aangeteken word en u mag nie eksamen skryf nie. Indien u in gebreke bly om ’n klastoets te skryf sal u ’n zero-punt kry vir die betrokke toets. Studente wat laat registreer sal nie geakommodeer word nie. Hierdie is nie ’n handboekvak wat u in eie tyd kan opvang nie. As u laat is, is u uit! Geen toetse sal nagesien word as u nie geregistreer is vir RIS124 nie.</p><p>Die modulepunt sal beskikbaar wees op 29 Oktober 2010 op die kennisgewingbord. Geen punte sal telefonies verskaf word nie.</p><p>Promosie en eksamen</p><p> ’ n Promoveringstelsel geld vir hierdie module. U word vrygestel van die finale eksamen in Mei/Junie/Julie as u ’n semesterpunt behaal van 70% of meer. Indien u nie 'n modulepunt van 70% of meer gekry het nie, moet u ’n drie-uur geskrewe eksamen skryf gedurende die November en Januarie eksamengeleenthede. Die module-punt en eksamenpunt dra elk 50% by tot die finale punt vir RIS124. Punte vir toetse, eksamens en opdragte mag teruggehou word op instruksie van die universiteit se administrasie-afdeling in gevalle waar studente nie vir’n module geregistreer het nie of as daar uitstaande fooie is.</p><p>Siekte toets</p><p>As u ’n geldige doktersertifikaat het en dit binne 48 uur na afloop van ’n klas- of moduletoets kan toon, sal u toegelaat word om die siektetoets op 27 Oktober te skryf. Let egter daarop dat die siektetoets al die werk van die hele semester sal dek en nie slegs die werk van die toets wat u gemis het nie.</p><p>Die siektetoetsbeleid van die Departement is beskikbaar op die kennisgewingbord op die derde vloer van die Wiskundige Wetenskappe Gebou en sal streng toegepas word. U sal slegs in die volgende omstandighede toegelaat word om die siektetoets te skryf:</p><p>1. In die geval van afwesigheid van ’n module toets of klastoets a.g.v. siekte. ’n Geldige mediese sertifikaat wat die diagnose duidelik spesifiseer en wat aandui dat u nie in staat was om die toets te skryf nie, moet binne 48 uur na afloop van die toets ingedien word. Let asseblief daarop die dosent die dokter sal skakel om die geldigheid van die sertifikaat te bevestig. ’n Seifikaat wat aandui "soos wat ek meegedeel is" is nie geldig nie. Die dokter moet u ondersoek en moet die aard en erns van die toestand aandui.</p><p>RIS124 (2010) 13 2. In die geval van sterfte van onmiddellike familie. Daar word van u verwag om ’n gesertifiseerde sterftesertifikaat binne 48 uur na afloop van die toets in te dien.</p><p>Let ook op die volgende voorwaardes:</p><p>1. Indien u kwalifiseer vir ’n siektetoets en u nie die toets op die gegewe datum en tyd kan aflê nie, sal geen verdere toetse opgestel word nie. 2. Deelname aan sport, kulturele aktiwiteite, bywoning van huweliksbevestigings of vervoerprobleme is nie geldige redes vir afwesigheid van toetse nie. 3. Geen lid van die Verteenwoordigende Studenteraad of Huiskomitee mag u toestemming gee om nie ’n toets of eksamen te skryf nie.</p><p>H. MODULE KALENDER</p><p>WEEK DATUM LESINGS PRAKTIES TOETSE 1 21, 22 Julie Hfst 10 2 26, 28, 29 Julie Hfst 10 26 July Hfst 10 3 2, 4, 5 Augustus Hfst 10 2 Augustus Hfst 10 Klastoets Hfst 10 Gedurende praktiese sessie 4 11, 12, Augustus Hfst 11 5 16, 18, 19 Augustus Hfst 11 16 Augustus Hfst 11 6 23, 25, 26 Augustus Hfst 11 23 Augustus Hfst 11 7 30 Aug, 1, 2 Sep Hfst 11 30 Aug Hfst 11 Klastoets Hfst 11 Gedurende praktiese sessie 8 8, 9 Sep Hfst 12 6 Sep Module toets Hfst 10 - 11 Gedurende praktiese sessie 9 13, 15, 16 Sep Hfst 12 13 Sep Hfst 12 10 20, 22, 23 Sep Hfst 12 20 Sep Hfst 12 Klastoets Hfst 12 Gedurende praktiese sessie Vakansie 11 4, 5, 7 Oktober Hfst 13 4 Oktober Hfst 13 12 11, 13, 14 Oktober Hfst 13 NB: Geen toets op 11 Oktober 11 Oktober Hfst 13 13 18, 20, 21 Oktober Hfst 13 18 Oktober Hfst 13 Klastoets Hfst 13 Gedurende praktiese sessie 14 25 Oktober Module toets Hfst 12 - 13 Gedurende praktiese sessie 27 Oktober Siektetoets Hfst 10 – 13 29 Oktober Semesterpunte beskikbaar 29 Oktober Semester eindig __November Eerste eksamengeleentheid __ Januarie Tweede eksamengeleentheid Departement Rekenaarwetenskap en Informatika</p><p>14 Reëls vir die gebruik van die Rekenaarlaboratoria</p><p> Slegs studente wat geregistreer is vir die modules wat deur die Departement Rekenaarwetenskap en Informatika aangebied word en wie se studentekaarte geaktiveer is, sal toegelaat word in die laboratoria.</p><p> Die laboratoriumrekenaars is slegs vir akademiese gebruik.</p><p> Eet en drink in die laboratoria word streng verbied.</p><p> Die laboratoria moet te alle tye skoon gehou word.</p><p> Geraas in die laboratoria sal nie geduld word nie.</p><p> Studente kan vir 5 dae uit die laboratoria geban word indien:</p><p> o Hulle nie-RKW studente toelaat in die laboratoria.</p><p> o Hulle speletjies van enige aard op die rekenaars speel.</p><p> Studente sal vir die oorblywende deel van die semester uit die laboratoria geban word, indien</p><p> o Hulle namens nie-RKW studente of studente wat uit die laboratorium geban is, op ’n rekenaar aanteken.</p><p> o Hulle na pornografie kyk. Sodanige studente sal ook skriftelike toestemming van die Departementele Voorsitter moet kry om tydelik tot die laboratoria toegelaat te word tydens praktiese sessies. Oortreders sal aan die Studentedekaan gerapporteer word en sal ’n dissiplinêre verhoor moet bywoon wat tot skorsing mag lei.</p><p> Studente wat geban is uit die laboratoria en wat die labratoria moet gebruik tydens praktiese sessies van modules waarvoor hulle geregistreer is, moet om tydelike toegang tot die laboratoria aansoek doen nie vroeër as 5 minute voor die aanvang van die sessie nie. Tydelike aktivering sal slegs gedoen word as ’n geldige studentekaart of ID/paspoort getoon word waarvan die foto duidelik sigbaar is. Tydelike toegang is slegs geldig vir die duur van die betrokke praktiese sessie.</p><p> Enige persoon wat nie hou by die reëls soos uiteengesit in hierdie dokument nie, sal aanspreeklik wees vir ’n boete van R100 wat by die kassiere op die Thakaneng betaalbaar is in die entiteit met nommer 1-104-05018.</p><p>RIS124 (2010) 15 Oortreders sal geban word uit die laboratoria totdat die boete betaal en die kwitansie getoon is by die tegniese assistent in WWG318. Indien ’n verlegnde ban van toepassing is, sal toegang slegs verleen word as die bantydperk verstryk het.</p><p> Die rekenaarlaboratoria is onder 24 uur video-toesig. Ander beheermaatreëls is ook in plek om die Departement in staat te stel om te monitor hoe die rekeanaars gebruik word en wie aangeteken is.</p><p> Die laboratorium-assistent aan diens moet te alle tye gehoorsaam word.</p><p>Hierdie reëls sal streng afgedwing word om te verseker dat studente wat die rekenaars nodig het vir akademiese doeleindes, dit kan doen sonder inmenging.</p><p>______Handtekening Datum</p><p>______Naam is drukletters</p><p>______Studentenommer</p><p>16 Departement Rekenaarwetenskap en Informatika Reëls vir die gebruik van die Rekenaarlaboratoria</p><p> Slegs studente wat geregistreer is vir die modules wat deur die Departement Rekenaarwetenskap en Informatika aangebied word en wie se studentekaarte geaktiveer is, sal toegelaat word in die laboratoria.</p><p> Die laboratoriumrekenaars is slegs vir akademiese gebruik.</p><p> Eet en drink in die laboratoria word streng verbied.</p><p> Die laboratoria moet te alle tye skoon gehou word.</p><p> Geraas in die laboratoria sal nie geduld word nie.</p><p> Studente kan vir 5 dae uit die laboratoria geban word indien:</p><p> o Hulle nie-RKW studente toelaat in die laboratoria.</p><p> o Hulle speletjies van enige aard op die rekenaars speel.</p><p> Studente sal vir die oorblywende deel van die semester uit die laboratoria geban word, indien</p><p> o Hulle namens nie-RKW studente of studente wat uit die laboratorium geban is, op ’n rekenaar aanteken </p><p> o Na pornografie kyk. Sodanige studente sal ook skriftelike toestemming van die Departementele Voorsitter moet kry om tydelik tot die laboratoria toegelaat te word tydens praktiese sessies. Oortreders sal aan die Studentedekaan gerapporteer word en sal ’n dissiplinêre verhoor moet bywoon wat tot skorsing mag lei.</p><p> Studente wat geban is uit die laboratoria en wat die labratoria moet gebruik tydens praktiese sessies van modules waarvoor hulle geregistreer is, moet om tydelike toegang tot die laboratoria aansoek doen nie vroeër as 5 minute voor die aanvang van die sessie nie. Tydelike aktivering sal slegs gedoen word as ’n geldige studentekaart of ID/paspoort getoon word waarvan die foto duidelik sigbaar is. Tydelike toegang is slegs geldig vir die duur van die betrokke praktiese sessie.</p><p> Enige persoon wat nie hou by die reëls soos uiteengesit in hierdie dokument nie, sal aanspreeklik wees vir ’n boete van R100 wat by die kassiere op die Thakaneng betaalbaar is in die entiteit met nommer 1-104-05018.</p><p>RIS124 (2010) 17 Oortreders sal geban word uit die laboratoria totdat die boete betaal en die kwitansie getoon is by die tegniese assistent in WWG318. Indien ’n verlegnde ban van toepassing is, sal toegang slegs verleen word as die bantydperk verstryk het.</p><p> Die rekenaarlaboratoria is onder 24 uur video-toesig. Ander beheermaatreëls is ook in plek om die Departement in staat te stel om te monitor hoe die rekeanaars gebruik word en wie aangeteken is.</p><p> Die laboratorium-assistent aan diens moet te alle tye gehoorsaam word.</p><p>Hierdie reëls sal streng afgedwing word om te verseker dat studente wat die rekenaars nodig het vir akademiese doeleindes dit kan doen sonder inmenging.</p><p>______Handtekening Datum</p><p>______Naam is drukletters</p><p>______Studentenommer</p><p>18 UNIVERSITEIT VAN DIE VRYSTAAT DEPARTEMENT REKENAARWETENSKAP EN INFORMATIKA RIS 124 (2010) PERSOONLIKE BESONDERHEDE</p><p>Studentenommer ______</p><p>Van ______</p><p>Voorletters ______</p><p>Titel ______</p><p>Noemnaam ______</p><p>Adres gedurende semester ______</p><p>______</p><p>Telefoonnommers ______(selfoon)</p><p>______(huis / koshuis)</p><p>______(ouers)</p><p>E-pos ______</p><p>Voorkeuronderrigmedium Afrikaans Engels</p><p>Ek het die modulehandleiding vir RIS124 (2010) ontvang. Ek verstaan die inhoud daarvan en sal by die reëls hou soos aangedui.</p><p>Handtekening ______</p><p>Datum ______</p><p>RIS124 (2010) 19</p>
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