Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 13/17 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 1.-31. Juli Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Neuer Chef für die Arbeitspartei ....................................................................................................................... 1 2. Zündstoff im Streit zwischen orthodoxen und liberalen Juden ......................................................................... 3 3. Empörung über Hebron-Entscheidung der UNESCO ...................................................................................... 5 4. Gewalt am Tempelberg .................................................................................................................................... 6 5. Eklat mit Jordanien .......................................................................................................................................... 9 6. Drei Tote bei Attentat in Halamish .................................................................................................................. 10 7. Medienquerschnitt .......................................................................................................................................... 12 1. Neuer Chef für die Arbeitspartei Knesset, lehnt er eine Große Koalition mit Benjamin Eine Absage erteilten die Genossen von Israels Netanyahus Likud entschieden ab. „Politisch bin ich Arbeitspartei den alten Hasen an der Spitze, als sie wie Yitzhak Rabin“, sieht er sich selbst auf den Spu- Avi Gabbay überraschend zum neuen Chef wählten. ren des 1995 ermordeten Regierungschefs und ver- Erst vor gut einem halben Jahr schloss sich der spricht, die Friedensgespräche mit den Palästinen- 50-jährige Wirtschaftswissenschaftler der sozialde- sern aufzunehmen, sollte die Arbeitspartei die Wah- mokratischen Partei an. Im Mai 2016 hatte er seinen len für sich entscheiden. Als Erstes will er dann die Posten als Umweltminister aufgegeben. Damals ver- staatlichen Investitionen in isolierte Siedlungen stop- abschiedete er sich auch aus der Mittepartei Kulanu. pen und arabische Wohnviertel in Ostjerusalem unter Parteichef Moshe Kahlon schimpfte ihn daraufhin ei- die Kontrolle der Palästinensischen Autonomiebe- nen „hinterhältigen Verräter“. Als Sohn marokkani- hörde stellen. scher Einwanderer wuchs Gabbay mit sieben Ge- schwistern in einem Übergangslager auf, entpuppte The most radical thing one could do: Back Israel's sich als begabter Schüler und machte das Abitur an Labor Party einem Jerusalemer Elitegymnasium. Nach der Mili- (…) This party has done everything possible to dis- tärzeit, die er beim Nachrichtendienst ableistete, und appoint its supporters. It is a spineless opposition. It dem Wirtschaftsstudium begann er seine berufliche crawled on its belly to the governing coalition. (…) It Laufbahn beim Finanzministerium. Kurz darauf has zero charisma and its internal politics recall a wechselte er zur größten Telekommunikationsgesell- dysfunctional family with patterns of abuse. Never- schaft des Landes Bezeq, wo er es bis zum General- theless, it’s a leftist, social democratic party and, un- direktor schaffte und „unangemessen viel Geld ver- der the current conditions, the only one that can try to diente“, wie er selbst zugibt. Ganz anders als sein extricate us from the ruins left behind by previous Vorgänger Isaac Herzog, der vorläufig die Fraktion governments. (…) it’s time to breathe new life into the weiterführt, denn Gabbay ist kein Abgeordneter der Labor primary. (…) Even if Labor isn’t the party of 1 your dreams, and even if you don’t intend to vote for to turn the Labor Party into an alternative, he it in the next Knesset election, emotional involvement, shouldn’t give Netanyahu that gift. enthusiasm, caring, anger and joy are the only fuel Ben-Dror Yemini, YED, 12.07.17 the leftist camp needs. (...) I’ve already declared my firm support for Amir Peretz, and now I’m rooting for Labor looks outside for new hope him and Labor from the bleachers – because that’s (…) Seventy years after it established the state, the the most radical left-wing thing to do right now. Labor movement is thirstier than ever for recognition, Iris Leal, HAA, 02.07.17 for a warm embrace. (…) Welcoming Tzipi Livni to the party ahead of the primaries can be seen in a similar Avi Gabbay, the man who came out of nowhere vein, as something that provides a new spirit of hope. The man who came out of nowhere, who was never It seems the Labor party's confidence is so frail that it a Knesset member, who never participated in a cabi- does not believe it will ever be able to walk upright net meeting, who has no security-related background again without someone holding its hand. (…) the and who never managed a political body, had done it head of the Knesset's main opposition party will not easily, nonchalantly, almost naturally. (…) the Labor also be opposition leader. While the person he ap- Party is desperate for something new. It’s a time of points to that position -- Isaac Herzog, (…) maybe changes, that is evident all around the world, and even Amir Peretz -- will meet with world leaders and Israel is part of the trend. (…) Choosing Gabbay is its receive updates on a variety of matters from Prime way of choosing life. An option of reinventing itself. Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Gabbay himself will try By picking Gabbay, it picked the new, the unknown, to find his political footing outside the Knesset. an adventure. (…) he managed to instill hope (…) Mati Tuchfeld, IHY, 11.07.17 We’ve seen better speakers. But he has the ability to directly connect with people, sound reliable, not bom- Israel doesn't need 50 shades of center-right. bastic. One of our own. (…) The feeling is the Labor New Labor leader Avi Gabbay must present a Party decided to walk on the edge (…) it´s a revolu- substantive alternative to Benjamin Netanyahu's tion. (…) worldview Sima Kadmon, YED, 11.07.17 (…) newly elected chairman Avi Gabbay has breathed new life into the party. The left now feels A former Likudnik is exactly what Labor needs that it’s possible to expand its ranks and even to re- (…) if the party is really interested in a proper shake- turn to power. (…) Gabbay, who has voted Likud in down, there is nothing like a former Likud member to the past, (…) believes in improving government agen- indicate a change. (…) he comes from the Finance cies and public systems by “upping the budget for Ministry and from the world of business. For all intents civilian spending to proportions similar to the norm in and purposes, he is a capitalist. (…) in spite of every- the OECD.” (…) On the diplomatic front, Gabbay has thing, the Labor Party wants to live. It realized that been careful not to stray beyond the bounds of the things must change. (…) Never before has a guest familiar comfort zones: Two states, a regional peace from “another planet,” or another party, performed process and freezing settlement construction outside such a quick takeover of an Israeli party that wishes the major blocs. (…) Gabbay’s main goal is to bring to regain power. (…) I doubt there’s a single person new voters to Labor – starting by returning those who in Israel who knows his political opinions, beyond decamped for Yesh Atid – and thus to replace the banal statements like “commitment to peace.” (…) government. (…) Nevertheless, winning must not be- Gabbay has sat in a government that made decisions come the be-all and end-all. If the goal is to replace that were (…) odd and puzzling. He was a partner. Benjamin Netanyahu without posing a real alternative He kept quiet. And he of all people has become the to his policies, the opposition already has Yesh Atid true Messiah? It only means that the party members Chairman Yair Lapid. We don’t need 50 shades of are fed up. They are simply fed up. The vote contrac- center-right. Therefore, Gabbay must present a sub- tors’ politics didn’t work; the desire for change did. stantive alternative to the current prime minister’s (…) Gabbay will have to take a new path. If he leans worldview. (…) Gabbay would be wise to make it to the left, he will become the media’s darling, or at clear to the public where Labor is heading under his least a pretty large part of the media. If he leans to leadership and to sketch out the direction in which he the right, he will suffer blows. Netanyahu is praying wants to lead the country. he’ll choose the first and easy path. If Gabbay wants Editorial, HAA, 12.07.17 2 2. Zündstoff im Streit zwischen orthodoxen A cry for help und liberalen Juden (…) What's taking place here isn't an internal religious Der Konflikt um die Gebetsrechte an der Klagemauer, argument or a spiritual dispute, it's a political battle über die Israels orthodoxes Establishment und libe- that has to do with control and resources and recog- rale Juden streiten, hat mit der Regierungsentschei- nition. (…) it appears that a close threat from within dung, der Knesset eine umstrittene Gesetzreform zu the government outweighs a familiar threat from over- unterbreiten, weiteren Zündstoff erhalten. Dabei geht seas. (…) it's convenient for Prime Minister Benjamin es um die alleinige Zuständigkeit des Oberrabbinats Netanyahu to soothe the coalition, even at the für Konvertierungen. Befürworter der Initiative be- expense of threats from the heads of the Reform haupten, dass das Gesetz Israels Konvertierungs- movement (…) we must not ignore our collective re- system festige und damit seine Unbescholtenheit ga- sponsibility to the Jewish people in the Diaspora. (…) rantiere. Anhänger des liberalen und Reformjuden- For
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