<p> GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Commentary: had, by prayers and encouraging words and In this Gospel, John provides clear evidence affectionate exhortations, reconciled him that Jesus is the Son of God and that by with Heaven and with himself. believing in him we may have eternal life. John also provides unique material about This beautiful legend is the subject of some Jesus’ birth. He did not come into being old engravings, in which St. John is when he was born, because he is eternal. represented embracing the robber, who is weeping of his neck, having flung away his Legend of St. John weapons. It has been, however, too rarely It is related by Clement of Alexandria that treated; I have never met with a picture of when St. John was at Ephesus, and before the subject; and yet it abounds in he was exiled to Patmos, he had taken to picturesque capabilities; the forest his care a young man of promising qualities background, the contrast of youth and age, of person and mind. During his absence he bright armor, flowing drapery, and the most left him under the spiritual guidance of a striking and affecting moral, are here all certain bishop: but, after a while, the youth combined. took to evil courses, and proceeding from one excess to another, he at length became The Eternal Word the leader of a band of robbers and John takes us back, beyond Creation, to assassins, who struck terror into the whole show that Jesus has been God the Son from country. eternity past. He existed before His birth, coequal with God the Father, the source of When St. John returned to Ephesus, he light and of life itself. Before He began His went to the bishop and demanded ‘the ministry on earth the presence of Jesus, the precious deposit he had left in his hands.’ At preexistent Word, was announced the first the priest did not understand him; but pointed out by John. Yet, though He made when St. John explained the allusion to his the world itself, and came to a people He as adopted son, he cast down his eyes with God had called out long ago, He was neither sorrow and shame, and told of what had recognized nor received by His own. Here befallen. Then St. John rent his garments John introduces a central theme of his and wept with a loud voice, and cried out, Gospel. Those who do receive Him, by ‘Alas! Alas! To what a guardian have I believing on His name, become the children trusted our brother!’ And he called for a of God. The awesome truth is that in Jesus horse and rode towards the forest in which God Himself did become flesh and live the robbers sojourned, and when the captain among us. Jesus is the turning point of of the robbers beheld his old master and sacred history, the source of a grace that instructor, he turned and would have fled surpasses law, the visible expression of the from his presence, but St. John by the most unseen. fervent entreaties, prevailed on him to stop and listen to his words. Jesus Christ is God: Verse 1 The Word After some conference, the robber, utterly Verse 4 The Life subdued, burst into tears of penitence, Verse 7 The Light imploring forgiveness; and while he spoke, Verse 14 The Begotten he hid beneath his robe his right hand, Verse 17 Jesus Christ which had been sullied with so many crimes; Verse 23 The Lord but St. John, falling on his knees before him, Verse 29 The Lamb seized that blood-polluted hand and kissed Verse 34 The Son of God it, and bathed it with his tears; and he Verse 38 The Master remained with his re-converted brother till he Verse 45 Jesus of Nazareth 1 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Verse 49 The King of Israel There is one number which occurs in Verse 51 The Son of Man Scripture more times than any other, the number seven. Sermon Note John's Gospel has often been compared to Here is an example from the Old Testament. a pool in which a child could wade safely Just the very first sentence in the Bible: and an elephant could swim. It is both simple and profound. It is for the beginner in "In the beginning God created the heavens the faith and for the mature Christian. and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). In the Hebrew, this verse is exactly 7 words. Sermon Note The 7 words have exactly 28 (4 x 7) letters. My Peace 14:27 There are 3 nouns (God, heavens and My Words 15:7 earth). Taking the letters of these, My Love 15:9 substituting their number equivalents and My Disciples 15:8 adding them up, you get a combined total of Mr. Friends 15:14 777 (111 x 7)! There is one Hebrew verb— My Commandment 15:12 created. It's total numerical value is 203 (29 My Joy 17:13 x 7). My Glory 17:24 The first three words contain the subject with "I am God" exactly 14 (2 x 7) letters; likewise the other A favorite story of research scientists is four are the object with exactly 14 letters. about a future president of the United States The Hebrew words for the two objects who assembled his scientific brain trust and (heavens and earth) each have 7 letters. asked them to build the biggest and The value for the first, middle and last letters smartest computer the world has ever in the sentence is 133 (19 x 7). known. "When it's finished," he said, "I want to ask it the most important question ever The numeric value of the first and last letters asked." of all the words is 1393 (199 x 7); the value of the first and last letters of the first and last When the giant electronic brain was words of the verse is 497 (71 x 7). The value completed, the president came before it and of the first and last letters of each of the asked, "Is there a God?" words between is 896 (128 x 7).</p><p>Lights flashed, wheels whirled, chemicals And so on in this verse alone there are 30 bubbled, and then came the answer: "There different features of 7. I have listed only 11 is now." of them!</p><p>Sermon Note The chance of this happening accidentally is I am the bread of life 6:35 1 in 33,000,000,000,000 (33 trillion). I am the light of the world 9:5 I am the gate 10:9 Sevenfold Need: I am the Good Shepherd 10:11 A Divine Revelation of the Father I am the resurrection 11:25 A Divine Light in Christ I am the way 14:6 A Divine Substitute is the Lamb of I am the true vine 15:1 God A Divine Right to the Family of God Number "7"—Most Frequent In Bible A Divine Nature by His Holy Spirit A Divine Fullness in His Nature A Divine Power for His Service</p><p>2 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>There is a splendid moment in the movie Life and Light of Men Jurassic Park, when world-class The Gospel of John has been well called paleontologist Allen Grant, who has devoted “the Gospel of Eternity,” for it is the Gospel his life to the study of dinosaurs, suddenly of God. John was a specially prepared comes face-to-face with real, live prehistoric vessel for this very honorable ministry. He creatures. He falls to the ground, had been from his youth a beloved apostle. dumbstruck. The reason is obvious. It is one “His head had rested on the Lord’s breast, thing to piece together an informed but he had stood beside the Cross, had nonetheless imperfect image of dinosaurs witnessed the Ascension, had cherished till by picking through fossils and bones. But to encounter an actual dinosaur—well, there her death the Mother of the Lord, had seen can be no comparison. the Jewish dispensation closed and the Holy City overthrown, and to him the beatific For many people, spirituality amounts to visions of the Apocalypse had been picking through the artifacts of faith that granted.” The great purpose of this Gospel is survive from long ago and far away. In that very fittingly expressed in Chapter 20:31. bygone era, humans saw God, heard his “These have been written that ye may voice, and experienced his awesome, at believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of times terrible, power. But that was then. God, and that believing ye may have life in His Name.” All the key words of his Gospel Today, those kinds of gripping encounters are found in this verse. The opening words with God—with a God who wasn't an of this chapter are among the most profound illusion, but Someone who was real, ever penned by the hand of man. They Someone you could see, and touch, and feel reveal a three-fold relationship of the Lord —well, there could be no comparison. Jesus Christ in His: Observe: Sermon Note What this light is Relationship to God Where this light shines. Relationship to Creation The effect of it’s shining Relationship to Man The darkness apprehended it not The darkness overcame it not Thank God For God "The roar of the world is in my ears. Illustration Thank God for the roar of the world; No one can look steadily at the sun without Thank God for the mighty tide of fears being blinded; and to one looking in any Against me always hurled. other direction the sun would be invisible, "Thank God for the were it not for the particles of matter in the bitter and ceaseless strife, air, each of which, in the sun’s rays, And the sting of his chastening rod. becomes a miniature sun, revealing the very Thank God for the stress and pain of life, nature of the sun, its light, and heat and And O, thank God for God!" chemical powers, its infinite variety of colors. Experiencing God: It is by matter that the sun’s nature is Experiencing God revealed. This fact is an emblem of the Faith Word, incarnated in Jesus Christ, revealing Holy Spirit to us the invisible God “whom no man can Incarnation see and live.” “The only begotten, He hath Knowing God declared Him.” Perception and Reality Spirituality C. H. Spurgeon</p><p>3 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>May the Holy Spirit, who inspired these both Jews and non-Jews (Gentiles). As one words, inspire us through them as we read of Jesus’ 12 disciples, John was an them! eyewitness, so his story is accurate. His book is not a biography (like the book of John is the majestic Evangelist; he is the Luke); it is a thematic presentation of Jesus’ high-soaring eagle with the piercing eye. His life. Many in John’s original audience had a is the Gospel of the Son of God. Greek background. Greek culture encouraged worship of many mythological 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and gods, whose supernatural characteristics the Word was with God, and the were as important to Greeks as genealogies Word was God. were to Jews. John shows that Jesus is not In the beginning was the Word, only different from but superior to these gods and the Word was with God, and of mythology. the Word was God. In the beginning was the Word, and 1:1ff What does John mean by the Word? the Word was with God, and the The Word was a term used by theologians Word was God. and philosophers, both Jews and Greeks, in many different ways. Colossians 1:17 In Hebrew Scripture, the Word was an agent And He is the image of the invisible God, the of creation (Psalm 33:6), the source of God’s first-born of all creation. message to his people through the prophets (Hosea 1:2), and God’s law, his standard of 1 John 1:1 holiness (Psalm 119:11). In Greek What was from the beginning, what we have philosophy, the Word was the principle of heard, what we have seen with our eyes, reason that governed the world, or the what we beheld and our hands handled, thought still in the mind, while in Hebrew concerning the Word of Life: thought, the Word was another expression for God. Philippians 2:6 Who, although He existed in the form of John’s description shows clearly that he is God, did not regard equality with God a speaking of Jesus (see especially John thing to be grasped, 1:14)—a human being he knew and loved, but at the same time the Creator of the 1:1 What Jesus taught and what he did are universe, the ultimate revelation of God, the tied inseparably to who he is. John shows living picture of God’s holiness, the One in Jesus as fully human and fully God. whom “all things hold together” (Col. 1:17). Although Jesus took upon himself full To Jewish readers, “the Word was God” was humanity and lived as a man, he never blasphemous. To Greek readers, “the Word ceased to be the eternal God who has became flesh” (John 1:14) was unthinkable. always existed, the Creator and Sustainer of To John, this new understanding of the Word all things, and the source of eternal life. This was gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ. is the truth about Jesus, and the foundation of all truth. If we cannot or do not believe TODAY IN THE WORD this basic truth, we will not have enough Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna who was faith to trust our eternal destiny to him. That martyred about A.D. 155, was a disciple of is why John wrote this Gospel—to build faith the apostle John. In his letter to the church and confidence in Jesus Christ so that we at Philippi, Polycarp faithfully passed on may believe that he truly was and is the Son what he had learned from those who saw of God (John 20:30-31). Christ. Polycarp taught and defended the truth of Scripture, and accepted his suffering 1:1 John wrote to believers everywhere, joyfully, thanking God for the privilege of 4 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 being able to follow the example of Christ. His infinite grace that removes the curse of As a young man, Polycarp had come to faith sin. in Christ and served Him for many years much like his beloved teacher, John the C. H. Spurgeon apostle. The divine Logos, whom we know as the Christ of God. “In the beginning was the We owe a great debt to early Christian Word.” The first words of this gospel remind leaders like Polycarp. Their faithfulness to us of the first words of the Old Testament: the Word of God helped preserve the truth, “In the beginning God created the heaven and pass it on to us. The truth Polycarp and the earth.” Even then “the Word” was; learned from John is summarized he existed before all time, even from magnificently in the opening verses of everlasting. John’s Gospel, which weave together the truth of Jesus’ deity and humanity. John 1 is I know not how the Deity of Christ can be another passage that should be on our more plainly declared than in his eternal Christmas reading list. duration. He is from the beginning. In his glory he was “with God.” In his nature he The similarity between John 1:1 and “was God.” Genesis 1:1 is too close to miss. John was making the strongest declaration possible: o’ legos = LOGOS that Jesus is, to use the theologian’s phrase, This expression is the key-note and theme very God of very God. The apostle identifies of the entire gospel Logos is from the root Jesus as the Creator, just as Paul does (Col. leg, appearing in lego, the primitive meaning 1:16). of which is “to lay”: then, “to pick out, gather, pick up”: hence logos is, first of all a So the issue of Jesus’ pre-existence as God collecting or collection both of things in the is settled with the first strokes of John’s pen. mind, and of words by which they are Notice how the testimony of John the Baptist expressed. It therefore signifies both the also confirmed the truth that Jesus is God. The apostle John says John the Baptist was outward form by which the inward though is sent as a witness to that light (v. 7), meaning expressed, and the inward thought itself, the Jesus. John the Baptist also affirmed that Latin oratio and ratio: compare the Italian Jesus existed before him (v. 15), even ragionare, “to think” and “to speak.” though we know from the Christmas narratives that John was born a few months His Words: earlier than Jesus. God-given Life-giving The writer John added his own testimony to Faith-producing the mountain of evidence for Jesus’ true Prayer-inspiring identity. The world may have missed His Peace-assuring coming by and large, or even rejected Him Soul-sustaining (vv. 10-11). But John could say, "I have seen Wonder-begetting God in the flesh (v. 14). TODAY IN THE WORD Many years later, John would add that he The most theological of the four Gospels, had touched the Lord (1 John 1:1), proving John was penned by the apostle John about that Jesus was not a spirit merely appearing a.d. 85–90 from the city of Ephesus. John, to be human. Grace and truth came through who called himself “the disciple whom Jesus Jesus Christ (v. 17). That’s a ringing loved” in his narrative, was, with his brother statement of His sufficiency for any need we James, one of the “Sons of Thunder.” He will ever have! He told us the truth about our began his ministry in Jerusalem before lost condition, but then He extended to us working for 20-25 years in Ephesus, where 5 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 tradition says he was buried. He also wrote three epistles and the book of Revelation. Illustration The Greek word for with, pros, originally The Gospel of John was the last Gospel to denotes “motion towards,” and hence “with”, be written, and probably aimed to as the result of the motion: and that not supplement information found in the other merely as being near or beside, but as a three. The book clearly shows both Christ’s living union and communion. Thus John’s humanity and His deity, and contains His statement is that the divine Word not lay seven famous “I am” statements. It also abode with the Father from all eternity, but features the longest account of Passion was in the living, active relation of Week, beginning at chapter 12. John clearly communion with Him. announces the purpose of his Gospel: to evangelize and build up new believers TODAY IN THE WORD (20:31). We introduced the devotional readings for January 8--9 with episodes from the John established Jesus’ identity from the Gospels. In dealing with the purpose of the first words: “In the beginning was the Word.” Sabbath, and with God’s design for By calling Jesus the “Word” or “Logos,” he marriage, we thought it would be more than drew on an existing concept meaningful to appropriate to cross-reference what Christ both Jews and Gentiles. It suggested said about these during his earthly ministry. reason, wisdom, and even creativity, as well as highlighting the fact that Jesus was God’s But we had more than that in mind. To the revelation to humanity. Further, “the Word Pharisees, Jesus was just another traveling was with God, and the Word was God” (v. teacher. Everyone had an idea about these 1)--a clear assertion of Christ’s deity. controversial issues, and to many people Jesus was just one more opinion. Here in these opening verses, we see the course of Jesus’ life summarized: salvation For us, on the other hand, Jesus’ word is met with incomprehension and rejection (vv. authoritative. Debate stops. Why? One 4–5, 10–11). We also see the book’s central reason is because our Savior is also our theme of spiritual life. Jesus gives life and is Creator. When He spoke about the Sabbath life. Life is found in Him and through Him or marriage, He was not referring to tradition alone. Commentators such as J. Carl Laney or Scripture--He spoke from personal have pointed out that the prologue’s experience! He knew what He was talking structure focuses attention on the second about because He was the author. He was part of verse 12, and the fact that faith in there! Christ makes us children of God (cf. Eph. 2:8; 1 John 4:15). At the time Creation began, Christ was with God; in fact, He was God--fully God, not a C. H. Spurgeon created being (vv. 1-2; cf. Heb. 1:3). As God, Christ the Word has existed from all eternity. He is the eternal, self-existent “I Am.” These He is the eternal Son of the eternal Father; opening phrases of John consciously echo he is really what Melchisedec was the opening of Genesis. metaphorically, “having neither beginning of days, nor end of life.” “In the beginning was What was the Son’s role in Creation? the Word,” — “Through Him all things were made” (v. 3). . Another text says, “through whom He made The Word was as truly God as the Father the universe” (Heb. 1:2). We might say the was God, and as the Spirit was God:” these Son was the means by which the Father three are one,” and ever have been one. created: God spoke the universe into being, “Very God of very God” is that Jesus whom and Christ is the Word. Colossians adds that we trust, and love, and adore. creation is “for Him” (1:16), suggesting that 6 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 its aim or purpose is His glory. was with God, and the Word was God” (v. 1)--a clear assertion of Christ’s deity. This is the foundation for John’s whole Gospel narrative. The details of Christ’s Here in these opening verses, we see the redemptive mission follow from His identity course of Jesus’ life summarized: salvation as God and Creator. John thus links the met with incomprehension and rejection (vv. doctrine of creation with that of redemption. 4–5, 10–11). We also see the book’s central This is the topic for the third part of our study theme of spiritual life. Jesus gives life and is this month. If these two doctrines are far life. Life is found in Him and through Him apart in your mind, this week we’ll bring alone. Commentators such as J. Carl Laney them closer together. have pointed out that the prologue’s structure focuses attention on the second C. H. Spurgeon part of verse 12, and the fact that faith in We cannot describe the Deity of Christ in Christ makes us children of God (cf. Eph. clearer language than John uses. He was 2:8; 1 John 4:15). with God; he was God; he did the works of God, for he was the Creator. If any doubt his R.C. Sproul Deity, they must do so in distinct defiance of We live in an age of unparalleled skepticism the language of Holy Scripture. about the essential content of the Christian faith. There is a tremendous doubt TODAY IN THE WORD concerning the origin of human life and of The most theological of the four Gospels, the universe. It is held that we are cosmic John was penned by the apostle John about accidents, grown-up germs that have a.d. 85–90 from the city of Ephesus. John, emerged from the slime, having no who called himself “the disciple whom Jesus significance and no dignity. loved” in his narrative, was, with his brother James, one of the “Sons of Thunder.” He The secular skeptic knows that if he can began his ministry in Jerusalem before demonstrate that God as Creator is working for 20-25 years in Ephesus, where unknowable or unprovable, that is as far as tradition says he was buried. He also wrote he needs to go to destroy all the truth claims three epistles and the book of Revelation. of Christianity. This is because if there is no The Gospel of John was the last Gospel to act of creation, then the whole idea of a be written, and probably aimed to redemption of that creation is just an illusion. supplement information found in the other All we have is endless, changeless being three. The book clearly shows both Christ’s with visage of beginning, no prospect of an humanity and His deity, and contains His end. seven famous “I am” statements. It also features the longest account of Passion Thus, the technical and abstract question of Week, beginning at chapter 12. John clearly whether or not we can demonstrate that announces the purpose of his Gospel: to there is some eternal, transcendent, self- evangelize and build up new believers existing Creator from whom all other life and (20:31). reality derives is a critical issue. In fact, what we decide about this issue touches heavily John established Jesus’ identity from the upon everything else the church proclaims first words: “In the beginning was the Word.” about Christ and God. By calling Jesus the “Word” or “Logos,” he drew on an existing concept meaningful to The philosophical argument for God's both Jews and Gentiles. It suggested existence is this: If something exists now, reason, wisdom, and even creativity, as well then Something exists necessarily. What we as highlighting the fact that Jesus was God’s mean by necessary existence is that there is revelation to humanity. Further, “the Word Something that has the power of existence 7 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 within itself eternally. That Being cannot not mocking of cruel men, from glory to exist. It exists by the sheer power of what it humiliation. To provide our salvation, Jesus is. came in human flesh, took upon Himself the form of a servant, and became obedient to To come at it another way, let's assume that the point of death, even the death of the there was a time when there was absolutely cross. Our great Creator became our Savior. nothing. You don't have to be a philosopher He deserves our heartfelt worship and to answer the following question: If there humble adoration. were a time when there was absolutely nothing, then what would there be now? God's highest Gift Absolutely nothing. You cannot get should awaken our deepest gratitude. something from nothing. So, since the world presently does exist, there has to be Study Note something that has always existed. And, that The Greek work is logos, which usually Something must have sheer existence within emphasizes the message of a spoken word. itself. Could this be the universe itself? No, John's point is that a key role of the Second because if the universe as a whole were Person of the Trinity has always been self-existent, it could not change. Change communication. The Son is the Spoken means something is contingent, dependent, Word, the living expression of all that God derived. Therefore, the self-existent Being has ever sought to communicate about must be the Creator of the universe of time Himself. and change. John's point is that Jesus is both identical Our Daily Bread with the God of the O.T. and yet is distinct At one time a wise and beloved Shah who from Him. The concept, so familiar although cared greatly for his people and desired only mysterious to us, was stunning in the world the best for them ruled Persia. One day he of the 1st century. The Jews emphasized the disguised himself as a poor man and went to uniqueness and unity of the O.T...'s one visit the public baths. The water for the baths God. The pagans imagined a class of beings was heated by a furnace in the cellar, and they called gods. But John affirms that God the Shah made his way to that dark place to is one, yet exists in distinct, separate sit with the man who tended the fire. The two personalities. The concept is difficult, but the men shared the coarse food, and the Shah teaching is clear. The Word (Jesus) existed befriended him in his loneliness. Day after eternally with God as one God. day the ruler went to visit the man. The worker became attached to this stranger Sermon Note because he came where he was. The Shah Pre-existent expected the man to ask for a gift when he Separate learned his true identity. Instead, he looked Fully Divine with love and wonder into his leader's face and said, You left your palace and your glory R.C. Sproul to sit with me in this dark place, to eat my John begins his gospel with a proclamation coarse food, and to care about what of Chart’s divinity by using the highly happens to me. On others you may bestow abstract term “Word” or “Logos.” In Greek rich gifts, but to me you have given yourself. philosophy, “logos” meant logic or reason. Philosophers such as Philo used the word in As we thing of what our Lord has done for various ways: sometimes as a divine us, we can echo that fire thunders attribute, sometimes as a bridge between sentiments. He stepped from heaven to God and the world, but not identical to God, earth, from the worship of angels to the and sometimes as an abstract force that 8 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 brought harmony and order to the universe. the ambitious dreams of myself, Caesar, some have thus reasoned that John used Alexander, should have vanished into thin this term as the Greeks used it, but this is air, a Judean peasant, Jesus, should be able not the case. While the Gentiles to whom he to stretch His hands across the destinies of was writing would have been familiar with men and nations. the term, “the Word” is rooted not in Greek but in Semitic thought, reaching back into I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ the Old Testament Scriptures to derive its is no mere man. Between him and every meaning. The Old Testament presents the other person in the world there is no Word of God as a Person: “By the Word of possible term of comparison. Alexander, the LORD were the heavens made” (Ps. Caesar, Charlemagne, and I myself have 33:6). How the Word made the heavens is found empires; but upon what do these elaborated in Proverbs 8:27-30: “when He creations of our genius depend? Upon force. established the heavens, I was there. Then I Jesus alone founded his empire upon love; was by Him, as master workman.” This was and to this very day millions would die for the concept John wanted to convey when he Him. used the term “Logos.” Sermon Note As the Word of God, Christ is not only He is the Eternal God creative but He expresses or reflects the He is the Creator of All mind of God. He also reveals God to man. He is the Giver of Life This is what a word does; it gives expression He is the Light of the World to an inner thought and reveals this thought to others. As you can see, there is a TODAY IN THE WORD dimension to the use of the word that is In his poem “The Night,” Henry Vaughan similar to Greek use, but we would err contrasts the peacefulness of night with the greatly if we assumed that this was John’s hectic busyness of day. It’s no surprise that main purpose in using the designation. His Vaughan comes out in favor of night. The goal is much higher and is derived from the poem ends with this daring suggestion: Old Testament where the Word is given “There is in God (some say) / A deep, but personal and divine distinctiveness. dazzling darkness . . . / O for that night! where I in him / Might live invisible and dim.” In case his readers missed the point, John declared Christ’s divinity by saying, “The Vaughan’s sentiment has precedent in mystical Christian traditions, but it is not the Word was God.” But because God has no language of Scripture. From Genesis 1 (“Let definite article before it in the Greek, some there be light!”) to Psalm 27 (“The Lord is have translated the verse as “the Word was my light and my salvation”) to John 1, the a god.” This, however, is not faithful to the Bible associates God with light. With this Greek grammar (or to the monotheism of precedent in mind, what does light tell us Scripture). God does not have a definite about God? What links light and life? article because it has been placed first in the sentence for emphasis. It is used in this All living things need light to live. Plants and same way elsewhere in the New Testament trees draw energy from the sun to grow. where there is no dispute over the meaning. Animals pattern their sleeping habits by the John was obviously emphasizing the divinity cycle of light and dark. Human beings may of the Word. grow depressed in the winter from lack of light. Our dependence on natural light to Illustration sustain biological life reminds us of our The following observation is attributed to absolute need for God, the source of all life Napoleon Bonaparte: I marvel that whereas and the “Father of lights” (James 1:17). 9 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> us, 'I give you my Word,’ few people take Yet note the order that John puts these Him seriously.” Now consider Isaiah 40:8: words in: The “life” of the Word brings “light” “The word of our God stands forever.” to men (v. 4). How does life bring light? Light is metaphor for understanding. (When a Prophets, such as Isaiah, often began with person understands something, we imagine “Thus says the Lord!” because the Word of a light turning on in her mind.) Jesus’ life the Lord was considered an extension of brings understanding of who God is. His life Yahweh Himself--as if Yahweh were visibly on earth in the flesh reveals God’s glory to present. us (v. 14). His manner of living opens our eyes to God. That’s why the word Word so perfectly describes Jesus. John 1:1 contains three Jesus was a man overflowing with life: He essential truths about our Lord--an entire loved fellowship with friends; He enjoyed theology course in one verse! First, the children; He told stories with vigor; He Word is eternal; at the very beginning of it sailed, walked, taught, healed; He raised all, Jesus already was. Second, the Word is people from the dead; and He Himself could always with God--there has never been a not remain in the grave. He could not time when Jesus has not been with the because He is life itself (John 14:6). Father. Finally, the Word is God--there can be no doubt about the divinity of Jesus. Christ’s Life is Light Before anything else existed, there was What else do we learn about the Word in Christ, with God. He has always been alive John 1? He is the source of all creation (v. 3; and is Himself God. He created everything cf. Gen. 1:3). He is the light of humanity (v. there is; nothing exists that He didn’t make. 5)--in John’s gospel, light always means Eternal life is in Him, ad this life gives light to salvation, so this is another way of saying all mankind. His life is the light that shines that Jesus is the source of all salvation. through the darkness and the darkness can Even so, not everyone will recognize Him as never extinguish it. God sent John (the such (v. 11). Only those who put their faith in Baptist) as a witness so that everyone would Him will become God’s children (v. 12). know Jesus Christ is the true Light. John himself was not the Light; he was only a This very Word--eternal, active in creation, witness to identify it. Later on the one who is source of salvation--became flesh (v. 14)! the true Light arrived to shine on everyone Just as the “Word of the Lord” through coming into the world. prophets revealed the holy nature of God, so too Jesus is the perfect revelation of the But although He wade the world, the world Father’s nature (1:18). didn’t recognize Him when He came. Even in His own land among His own people, the The rest of John’s gospel shows exactly Jews, He was not accepted. Only a few what the Word that became flesh looked would welcome and receive Him. But to all like--how He lived, how He taught, how He who received Him, He gave the right to healed, how He died for the world, and how become children of God. All they needed to He was glorified. It’s quite clear: if you want do was to believe He would save them. to see God, look carefully at the Word that became flesh. TODAY IN THE WORD Madeleine L’Engle wrote, “When was the 1:2 He was in the beginning with God. last time anybody said to you, 'I give you my He was with God in the word,’ and you knew that you could trust that beginning. word, absolutely? . . . Words of honor are The same was in the beginning with broken casually today, as though they don’t God. matter. Small wonder then when God tells 10 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Beginnings: yet comparatively few recognized that light, The Bible does not discuss the subject of and rejoiced in it. Christ’s light shines more evolution. Rather, its worldview assumes brightly now, but the dark, benighted soul of God created the world. The Biblical view of man perceives not the brightness of our creation is not in conflict with science; rather, spiritual Lord until the Holy Spirit works the it is in conflict with any worldview that starts mighty miracle of regeneration, and so gives without a creator. sight to those who have been blind.</p><p>Equally committed and sincere Christians 1:3 All things came into being by Him, have struggled with the subject of and apart from Him nothing came beginnings and come to differing into being that has come into being. conclusions. This, of course, is to be Through him all things were expected because the evidence is very old made; without him nothing was and, due to the ravages of the ages, quite made that has been made. fragmented. Students of the Bible and of All things were made by him; and science should avoid polarizations and without him was not any thing made black/white thinking. Students of the Bible that was made. must be careful not to make the Bible say what it doesn’t say, and students of science Colossians 1:16 must not make science say what it doesn’t say. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and The most important aspect of the continuing invisible, whether thrones or dominions or discussion is not the process of creation, but rulers or authorities: all things have been the origin of creation. The world is not a created by Him and for Him. product of blind chance and probability; God created it. Hebrews 1:2 in these last days has spoken to us in His The Bible not only tells us that the world was Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, created by God; more important, it tells us through whom also He made the world. who this God is. It reveals God’s personality, his character, and his plan for his creation. It 1:3 When God created, he made something also reveals God’s deepest desire: to relate from nothing. Because we are created to and fellowship with the people he created. beings, we have no basis for pride. God took the ultimate step toward fellowship Remember that you exist only because God with us through his historic visit to this planet made you, and you have special gifts only in the person of his Son, Jesus Christ. We because God gave them to you. With God can know this God who created the universe you are something valuable and unique; in a very personal way apart from God you are nothing, and if you try to live without him, you will be The heavens and the earth are here. We are abandoning the purpose for which you were here. God created all that we see and made. experience. The book of Genesis begins, “God created the heavens and the earth.” 1:3-5 Do you ever feel that your life is too complex for God to understand? Remember, Here we begin the most exciting and fulfilling God created the entire universe, and nothing journey imaginable. is too difficult for him. God created you; he is alive today, and his love is bigger than any C. H. Spurgeon problem you may face. The light of Christ shone many times amid the darkness that enshrouded the world C. H. Spurgeon before his coming to live here in the flesh, 11 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>He that hung upon the cross was the Maker hates his life in this world shall keep it to life of all worlds. He that came as an infant, for eternal. our sake, was the Infinite. How low he stooped! How high he must have been that John 14:6 he could stoop so low! Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one come to the Study Note Father, but through Me. John credits the Word with Creation. Psalm 19 exalted the created universe for speaking C. H. Spurgeon so plainly of God without language, so that Essentially, Eternally. its message can be heard in every language. Additional testimony is found in Zoe Col., which calls Jesus the image of the The word zoe is used 36 times by John. This invisible God and says all things were distinctive term for life draws attention to the created by Him. Here in John the tense were vitalizing principle which makes physical life made implies a creative act, not a process. possible and even more often to eternal life. Jesus spoke, and the universe sprang into The saying that life was the light of men existence. means that as the source of all life, Jesus is the focus of all our hopes. Illustration The story is told of a science professor who 1:4-5 “The darkness has not understood it” constructed a planetarium, a precisely means the darkness of evil never has and scaled model of the universe. A student never will overcome or extinguish God’s came into his office and asked him who light. Jesus Christ is the Creator of life, and made it. The professor said, No one. The his life brings light to mankind. In his light, student laughed and asked again, Come on, we see ourselves as we really are (sinners who made this fantastic piece of precise in need of a Savior). When we follow Jesus, work? The professor replied, No one. It just the true Light, we can avoid walking blindly happened. The student became confused and falling into sin. He lights the path ahead and angry, and the professor said, Well, if of us so we can see how to live. He removes you can go out of this class and look at the darkness of sin from our lives. Have you nature around you and believe it just allowed the light of Christ to shine into your happened, you can also believe this precise life? Let Christ guide your life, and you’ll piece of work just happened without a never need to stumble in darkness. creator. R.C. Sproul 1:4 In Him was life, and the life was the Once again, John uses three abstract terms light of men. to describe Christ and our relation to Him: In him was life, and that life was life, light, and darkness. What was John’s the light of men. intention in using these terms? Does life, for In him was life; and the life was the instance, merely describe our existence in light of men. Christ? From the passage, we find that it means much more than that, for this life is John 5:26 the “light of men,” The life we receive from “ For just as the Father has life in Himself, Christ, while it certainly encompasses our even so He gave tot he Son also to have life physical existence, is spiritual life. He alone in Himself. is the light of men because He illumines our hearts and minds to the truth of God. He John 11:25 alone gives us life and opens our eyes so “He who loves his life loses it; and he who that we can see the light: the revelation of 12 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 grace. Vivification Possession Hendriksen writes, “Basically the term “life” Satisfaction refers to the fullness of God’s essence, His glorious attributes: holiness, truth Zwh: LIFE (knowledge, wisdom, veracity), love, (Zoe) existence, in distinction brom Bios, the omnipotence, sovereignty. This full blessed period or manner of existence, the course of life of God is said to have been present in life. Hence Zoology is used of animals, but the Word, and this from all eternity and Biography of men. In the New Testament, throughout the entire old dispensation: “In Zoh is the nobler word, expressing the sum Him was life.” Here in the present context of mortal and eternal blessedness. Hence (John’s Prologue) the life of God in Christ to Life (Zoh) in this verse includes every which all things and all men owe their degree of life from the existence of the existence (creation and preservation), is lowest animals to the noblest life in heaven. represented as the source of men’s illumination regarding spiritual matters and Illustration of the everlasting salvation of God’s It is interesting to note that spontaneous children.” generation is given up by all leading scientific scholars. Only life can produce life. Christ as the light illumines every man. This In the first chapters of Genesis the word was true in the old dispensation, and it is still create is used three times: of matter, of life, true today. Only in Christ can we see God. of the soul of man. And at each of these Only in Him can we come into His most holy points the efforts of men to produce life by presence and apprehend the many spiritual the forces of nature have proved a complete realities hidden from those blinded by sin. failure. This is especially true of spiritual life Mankind is fallen and dead in its sins. While in the soul. the message of Christ’s glorious work on the cross is proclaimed throughout the world, Lord, make me an instrument of the world refuses to listen because it Thy peace; suppresses the truth, preferring sinful Where there is hatred, let me sow love; ignorance to the enlightenment of Christ’s Where there is doubt, faith; revelation. Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light, and The darkness does not appropriate, Where there is sadness, joy. apprehend, or comprehend the light. There is more going on here than just a lack of O Divine Master, understanding. Fallen man hates the light. grant that I may not so much Unbelievers oppose the truth with all their Week to be consoled, as to console; might. Darkness is active and personal. As To be understood as to understand; Christians, we must remember that the To be loved, as to love; world hates Christ; and because it hates Him it will hate us. Therefore, we must be on For it is in giving that we receive; our guard against those who oppose the It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and light. It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.</p><p>Light: Illustration Revelation Light is mysterious in nature, ineffably bright Reflection and glorious, everywhere present, swift- Identification winged, undefiled, and undefilable. Light is Relationship the source of life, of beauty, of manifested 13 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 reality, of warmth, comfort and joy, of health and of power. It destroys all darkness; it 1:5 And the light shines in the darkness, unites in itself purity and clearness. Without and the darkness did not it the world would be but a mass of coldness comprehend it. and death. Now, what light does for the The light shines in the darkness, natural world, Jesus does for the world of but the darkness has not man, for mind, soul and spirit. He reveals understood it. God and heaven, and truth; He shows the And the light shineth in darkness; way; He cheers, comforts, vivifies, renews. and the darkness comprehended it not. Illustration Bishop Heaslett had told a moving story of John 3:19 his prison experiences in Japan. He “ And this is the judgment, that the light is poignantly describes how one night shortly come into the world, and men loved the after his arrest he felt himself completely darkness rather than the light; for their deserted. deeds were evil.</p><p>He says: “The uncleanness of body, the John 9:5 soiledness of mind, the hopeless isolation; “While I am in the world, I am the light of the the complete identification of myself with world.” thieves, gamblers, suspects, men who trafficked in women; the ruthlessness of the John 12:46 machine in which I had been caught and in These are frequently contrasted by John, which I was as helpless as a small fly in a representing not only the forces of good and large spider’s web; above all, what I though evil, but also reality and illusion. The powers of as being the failure of my friends and their of darkness are ranged against the light abandonment of me; the accumulated revealed in Jesus, but have proven unable shame and weight of all this brought me that to overcome. night to bitter tears and the verge of a breakdown.” when He had reached what C. H. Spurgeon seemed the limit of endurance it was a It never has done so; it never will. You may message from God’s Word that brought sometimes call the darkness, the ignorance relief: of men, or the sin of men. If you like, you may call it the wisdom of men, and the “He was numbered with the transgressors.” righteousness of men, for that is only He says, “ Flood of light and illumination another form of the same darkness. “The came upon me at that moment. For the first light shineth in darkness; and the darkness time and through my own experience I knew comprehended it not.” what our Lord had suffered from His arrest until His crucifixion, as far as the human Illustration mind can fathom His experience. Aristotle, in one of his works, fancies the feelings of one who, having lived in C. H. Spurgeon darkness all his life, should for the first time Christ is still not understood, Jesus is still behold the rising of the sun. He might have not known. How should darkness had some idea of the world from the light of understand light? It opposes light, it has to candles or of moon and stars; but when the flee before light, but it does not, it cannot sun rose, what new glories would burst on understand light. O God, work a miracle in his vision! How much more beautiful, more our dark hearts, and fill them with the light of perfect, far-reaching that he could have Christ! conceived! The dangers, too, would be 14 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 shown in clearer light, as well as the safe irresistible authority, attracted quite an roads. Like this was the coming of Christ to audience, which he challenged to repent the world, “a day spring form on high.” Like from their sins. Then he baptized them as a this is the receiving of Christ into our souls. symbol of their repentance. It doesn’t sound like a popular message or messenger, but Illustration people crowded to him. John always knew There is an allegory written for the little that his role was to be a messenger, and he ones, but serviceable to the grown folks: pointed beyond himself to the coming of “the Once upon a time a Cave lived under the true light that gives light to every man” (v. 9). ground, as caves have the habit of doing. It “ The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (v. 14) shows that Jesus had spent its lifetime in darkness. It heard a became fully human and lived as a man voice calling to it, “come up into the light; while never ceasing to be the eternal God come and see the sunshine.” The Cave who has always existed, the Creator of all retorted, “I don’t know what you mean; there things, and the Source of eternal life. isn’t anything but darkness.” Finally the Cave ventured forth and was surprised to By His Spirit and grace, Jesus Christ see light everywhere. Looking up to the Sun enlightened all who were willing to accept the Cave said, “come with me and see the Him, while those who wouldn’t listen darkness.” The Sun asked, “what is perished in darkness. darkness?” The Cave relied, “come and see.” One day the Sun accepted the Jesus Christ is the perfect example of how invitation. As it entered the cave it said, we are to act, and He was the perfect “Now show me your darkness!” but there teacher to show us how God thinks and how was no darkness. we should mirror His thoughts. Jesus also came as the perfect sacrifice for our sins, 1:6 There came a man, sent from God, that His death would satisfy the whose name was John. requirements of the removal of our sin. There came a man who was sent “From the fullness of his grace we have all from God; his name was John. received one blessing after another” (v. 16). There was a man sent from God, He brings us grace and truth (v. 17). whose name was John. C. H. Spurgeon 1:6-8 In this book, the name John refers to How very different is the style of this verse John the Baptist. For more information on from the one that precedes it! John the Baptist, see his Profile. How grand, how sublime, are the TODAY IN THE WORD Evangelist’s words when he speaks of If you had an announcement that would Jesus! How truly human he becomes, how change the world, who would you want to he dips his pen in ordinary ink, when he deliver it? Would you choose a supermodel writes: “There was a man sent from God, or celebrity? Maybe a respected journalist or whose name was John.” Yet that was a political leader would get everyone’s noble testimony to the herald of Christ. John attention. the Baptist was “a man sent from God.”</p><p>The announcement of the coming of the John the Baptist: Savior was given by God to a man named There’s no getting around it—John the John the Baptist, a man who lived in the Baptist was unique. He wore odd clothes desert, ate strange food, and wore odd and ate strange food and preached an clothes. unusual message to the Judeans who went out to the wastelands to see him. This wild-looking man, who spoke with 15 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>But John did not aim at uniqueness for its was John”! Jesus himself said concerning own sake. Instead, he aimed at obedience. John, “Among them that are born of women He knew he had a specific role to play in the there hath not risen a greater than John the world—announcing the coming of the Savior Baptist;” yet, from the greatest of prophets, —and he put all his energies into this task. what a climb it is to get up to Jesus Christ, Luke tells us that John was in the desert the Son of God! “ There was a man sent when God’s word of direction came to him. from God, whose name was John.” John was ready and waiting. The angel who had announced John’s birth to Zechariah Strengths and accomplishments: had made it clear this child was to be a The God-appointed messenger to Nazirite—one set apart for God’s service. announce the arrival of Jesus John remained faithful to that calling. A preacher whose theme was repentance This wild-looking man had no power or A fearless confronter position in the Jewish political system, but Known for his remarkable life-style he spoke with almost irresistible authority. Uncompromising People were moved by his words because he spoke the truth, challenging them to turn Lessons from his life: from their sins and baptizing them as a God does not guarantee an easy or symbol of their repentance. They responded safe life to those who serve him by the hundreds. But even as people Doing what God desires is the crowded to him, he pointed beyond himself, greatest possible life investment never forgetting that his main role was to Standing for the truth is more announce the coming of the Savior. important than life itself The words of truth that moved many to Vital statistics: repentance goaded others to resistance and resentment. John even challenged Herod to Where: Judea admit his sin. Herodias, the woman Herod Occupation: Prophet had married illegally, decided to get rid of Relatives: Father Zechariah this desert preacher. Although she was able Mother Elizabeth. to have him killed, she was not able to stop Distant relative: Jesus his message. The One John had announced ContemporariesHerod, Herodias was already on the move. John had accomplished his mission. Key verse: “ I tell you the truth: Among those born of God has given each of us a purpose for women there has not risen anyone greater living, and we can trust him to guide us. than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in John did not have the complete Bible as we the kingdom of heaven is greater than he” know it today, but he focused his life on the (Matthew 11:11). truth he knew from the available Old Testament Scriptures. Likewise we can John’s story is told in all four Gospels. His discover in God’s Word the truths he wants coming was predicted in Isaiah 40:3 and us to know. And as these truths work in us, Malachi 4:5; and he is mentioned in Acts others will be drawn to him. God can use 1:5, 22; Acts 10:37; Acts 11:16; Acts 13:24- you in a way he can use no one else. Let 25; Acts 18:25; Acts 19:3-4. him know your willingness to follow him today. C. H. Spurgeon That is our business, too. We who are C. H. Spurgeon ministers sent from God bear witness of the What a descent it is from “The Word of God” Light, that all men through him may believe. to the “man sent from God, whose name 16 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Oh, how often we go home, and cry, “Who home." hath believed our report?” We do not ask you to believe in us; no, but in our Master, Jesus said that we who know Him as Savior whose heralds we are. If we can lead you to and Lord are lights in this sin-darkened faith in him, we shall be glad indeed; but, if world (Matthew 5:14-16). We are reflections not, we will sorrow because we have missed of Christ, who is "the true Light" (John 1:9). our mark, and failed in our purpose. As John the Baptist was a "witness of the 1:7 He came for a witness, that he might Light" and pointed people to Jesus (v.7), so bear witness of the light, that all can we. Our faithful walk of obedience to might believe through him. Him is a beacon of God's love and truth. Our He came as a witness to testify lives and words are beams of warm light concerning that light, so that piercing the cold darkness of this world. We through him all men might are like a porch light late at night, drawing believe. unbelievers to Jesus, assuring them that The same came for a witness, to Someone loves them and waits to welcome bear witness of the Light, that all them home. men through him might believe. Perhaps a member of your family is still in Acts 19:4 the darkness. Maybe you're concerned And Paul said, “John baptized with the about a friend or co-worker. Don't stop baptism of repentance, telling the people to praying for them. Keep finding ways to draw believe in Him who was coming after him, their attention to the Lord. Be sure to leave that is, in Jesus. the light on. </p><p>C. H. Spurgeon You can attract people to Christ when Dear friends, if you and I know our real you have His light in your life. destiny, and are the servants of God, we are sent that men might, through us, believe in R.C. Sproul Jesus. John was a special witness; but we Some people in the early church believed ought all to be witnesses to complete the that the baptism of John was superior to chain of testimony. Every Christian man Jesus’ baptism. The apostle corrects this should reckon that he is sent from God to error by stressing that John the Baptist was bear witness to the great Light, that, through a man who testified to the coming of the him, men might believe. Messiah. John was not the true light; Jesus was. When you compare the terms the Digital Transmission apostle uses to describe John the Baptist [John] came for a witness, to bear witness of with those he uses to describe Christ, the the Light, that all through him might believe. emphasis becomes clear. —John 1:7 First, Christ existed from all eternity (in the A motel chain once had a series of radio beginning ...); the Baptist “came,” implying a commercials that ended with the reassuring starting point. Christ was the Word; John words, "We'll leave the light on for you." My was a man. Next, Jesus is the true light, but mother used to say the same thing to me. John came to testify concerning the true light. Christ is the object of faith; John is the Sometimes I worked the late shift at the agent whose testimony leads men to trust in factory, or I would come home late from Christ. college. No matter what the reason or the time, the porch light was burning. Its warm John the Baptist’s purpose in redemptive beams seemed to say, "This is where you history was to testify concerning Christ. Like belong. Someone loves you here. You are the apostles who came after him, he gave 17 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 credible testimony to that which he had But I know that its every promise seen, heard, and experienced. God had Is firm and true always; revealed to him that the Messiah was It is tried as the precious silver, coming, and John proclaimed that fact. And it means just what it says. When the apostle writes in verse 7 “that all It is strange we trust each other, through him might believe,” he is not talking And only doubt our Lord; about Christ but about John the Baptist. It is We will take the word of mortals, on account of John’s testimony that men And yet distrust His word; might believe in Christ. Never does the Bible say we believe through Jesus, but we But, oh, what light and glory believe in Him. However, we are brought to Would shine o’er all our days faith through means, through agents such as If we always would remember John the Baptist who testify concerning That He means just what He says. salvation in Christ. C. H. Spurgeon The light we receive from Christ is spiritual That John could not do, he could only bear illumination through the Gospel. But John is witness to Christ, the true Light, who alone not simply referring to the illumination we is able to illuminate, in a larger or lesser receive when our hearts are regenerated. degree, “every man that cometh into the He is talking about the illumination of the world.” Gospel, the message of salvation in Christ; a message that men accept or reject. 1:8 He was not the light, but came that he might bear witness of the light. Some people hear the Gospel and are in a He himself was not the light; he sense enlightened concerning the truth, but came only as a witness to the they reject it. We find this to be true from the light. parable of the seed and from Heb. 6:4-8, He was not that Light, but was sent where some are said to be illumined but to bear witness of that Light. nonetheless reject the truth. John himself says that the light came into the world, but 1:8 We, like John the Baptist, are not the the world opposed it. Hearing the testimony source of God’s light; we merely reflect that concerning the truth does not guarantee light. Jesus Christ is the true Light; he helps embracing it. Knowing the Gospel does not us see our way to God and shows us how to guarantee believing its message. walk along that way. But Christ has chosen to reflect his light through his followers to an Illustration As the morning sky reflects the rays of the unbelieving world, perhaps because sun while yet itself is unseen below the unbelievers are not able to bear the full horizon, and bears witness that the sun is blazing glory of his light firsthand. The word there, and is soon to rise and flood the world witness indicates our role as reflectors of with its blessed light, and bears witness also Christ’s light. We are never to present to the nature of that light, so John came ourselves as the light to others, but are before Jesus Christ to witness that He was always to point them to Christ, the Light. coming, to show something of the effects of His coming, and to awaken people to look Source of Light: for Him. God. Gives the light of the knowledge of God in Christ. God Means Just What He Says There are some who believe the Bible, Jesus Christ came to give light to And some who believe in part, men. And some who trust with reservation, Jesus Christ gives light to three And some with all their heart. groups. 18 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> Jesus Christ is the very light of the world,” she said, “and I love the Word.” heaven itself. Rev. 21:23 Jesus Christ the light. John 8:12 1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the C. H. Spurgeon world did not know Him. If any man has saving light, true light, he He was in the world, and though gets it through Christ. There is no other light; the world was made through him, all other light is but darkness visible. The the world did not recognize him. light in which we see God comes from He was in the world, and the world Jesus. was made by him, and the world knew him not. 1:9 There was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens Colossians 1:16 every man. For by Him all things were created, both in The true light that gives light to the heavens and on earth, visible and every man was coming into the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or world. rulers or authorities: all things have been That was the true Light, which created by Him and for Him. lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Hebrews 1:2 in these last days has spoken to us in His Isaiah 49:6 Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, He says, “It is too small a thing that You through whom also He made the world. should be My Servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to 1:10-11 Although Christ created the world, restore the preserved ones of Israel; the people he created didn’t recognize him I will also make You a light of the nations (John 1:10). Even the people chosen by So that My salvation may reach tot he end of God to prepare the rest of the world for the the earth. Messiah rejected him (John 1:11), although the entire Old Testament pointed to his 1 John 2:8 coming. On the other hand, I am writing a new commandment to you, which is true in Him C. H. Spurgeon and in you, because the darkness is passing This is a sad verse. He was a stranger in his away, and the true light is already shining. own house. He was unknown amidst his own handiwork. Men whom he had made, C. H. Spurgeon made nothing of him. “The world knew him There was no light from John except what not;” did not recognize him. he reflected from his Lord. All the light comes from Jesus. Every man who comes The World into the world with any light borrows his light In this word we can trace the development from Christ. There is no other light; there can from the physical to the ethical. be no other. He is the “Light of the World.” Order, harmonious arrangement. Illustration The world, the universe, considered “Just one letter of the alphabet makes all the as an orderly system; difference between us now,” said a recently The inhabitants of this orderly world, converted young woman to an unsaved the human race; friend, who could not understand the great The sum total of human life in the change that had come over her. “You love ordered world considered as hostile</p><p>19 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> to God, arrayed against God; the world and sin. Worldly affairs, the whole circle of worldly influences, which are the Here kosmos suggests the society as a motives and inspiration of the whole. Christ made humankind and created hostility to God and His kingdom. the biosphere in which we live. But when He came to join us, humanity had no awareness C. H. Spurgeon of who He was or the significance of His Oh, what terrible estrangement sin has presence. caused between God and man! Oswald Chambers What dreadful ignorance sin has created in In every life there is one place where God the human mind! The world was made by must have elbowroom. We must not pass Christ, yet “the world knew him not.” judgment on others, nor must we make a principle of judging out of our own The State of the World: experience. It is impossible for anyone to Creation masterpiece know the views of Almighty God. Preaching Corruption disintegration from prejudice is dangerous, it makes a Desolation lack of hope person dogmatic and certain that he is right. The question for all of us to ask ourselves is The Hope of the World: this: Would I recognize God if He came in a Compassion unselfishness way I was not prepared for; if He came in Substitution replacement the bustle of a marriage feast, or as a Salvation deliverance carpenter? That is how Jesus Christ appeared to the prejudices of the Pharisees, The Need of the World: and they said He was mad. Today we are Conviction expectation trying to work up a religious revival, and the Contrition sign of guilt majority of us have not begun to recognize Confession divulgence it. The characteristics that are manifested when God is at work are self-effacement, The Believer and the World: self-suppression, abandonment to Divinely separated something or someone other than oneself. Divinely commissioned Divinely equipped 1:11 He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. C. H. Spurgeon He came to that which was his Strange was it that the Creator came to his own, but his own did not receive own earth, and yet he wag unknown. Men him. mistook him, they hated him, they crucified He came unto his own, and his own him whom they ought to have entertained received him not. with sacred hospitality, and worshipped with holy loyalty. C. H. Spurgeon That favored circle, the Jewish nation, where Illustration revelation had been given, even there, there The moon shines in the night sky because of was no place for him. He must be despised reflected light from the sun. Without that and rejected even by his own nation. reflected light, the moon would become lost in the darkness of space. The believer in Rejected Christ shines only because of the reflection He came to His own, and His own did not of Christ's light. Without that reflected light, receive Him. —John 1:11 the believer becomes lost in the darkness of 20 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Rejection hurts. When candidate Adlai the most perfect Person who ever lived on Stevenson conceded the US presidential this earth, McGimsey thought. We seem to election in 1952, he said he felt like a grown have missed the whole significance of His man who had just stubbed his toe. He life. added, "It hurts too much to laugh, but I'm too old to cry." That night McGimsey wrote his thoughts on the back of an envelope. These words, Little children feel the pain of rejection when which were written like the spirituals he had one of their peers is chosen instead of them loved growing up in the southern United to recite a poem or sing a song. As they States, flowed out of his heart: grow older, some of them are not going to be chosen for the varsity team. Some of Sweet little Jesus Boy, them are going to be turned down by a girl They made You be born in a manger. they want to date. Some may marry and Sweet little Holy Child, didn't know who You have their mate leave them for another was. person. They may wonder why the Lord Didn't know You'd come to save us, Lord, allows them to be rejected. To take our sins away. Our eyes was blind, we couldn't see, I have no easy answers for people who have We didn't know who You was. been hurt like this. I can only suggest that they look to Jesus, remembering how He The song offers an apology to the Christ- experienced rejection. He was scorned by child for not recognizing Him when He came His brothers and His countrymen. He heard to this earth. But every year gives us an the crowd demand His crucifixion (Matthew opportunity to look again at Jesus' birth with 27:23). On the cross, as our sin-bearer, He new eyes of understanding and acceptance. felt such abandonment by His Father that Will we recognize and honor Him as our He cried out, "My God, My God, why have Lord and King this Christmas? You forsaken Me?" (v.46). The hinge of history is found When you feel the deep hurt of rejection, on the door of a Bethlehem stable. remember that Jesus understands how you feel. He loves you. If you have believed on Pride of: Him, He has accepted you—and He will Birth never reject those who trust in Him. Wealth Respectability Jesus cares; Appearance and that makes all the difference. Independence Learning Sweet Little Jesus Boy Superiority He came to His own, and His own did not Success receive Him. --John 1:11 Self-reliance On Christmas Eve 1932, Robert McGimsey Ability attended a midnight church service in New Self-will York City and then headed back to his one- Intellect room apartment. As he walked the final Allegiance blocks, he passed the open doors of private Resentment clubs where people were shouting and Reserve swearing and singing. Others were so drunk Sanctity they had passed out on the sidewalk. Illustration What a strange way to celebrate the birth of A young boy was doing his best to lift a rock 21 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 that was too large for someone his size. He utterly untrue. They only become the sons of grunted and puffed as he tried various God who receive Christ, and believe on his methods for lifting the rock. But, in spite of name; else are they heirs of wrath, even as all his efforts, the rock wouldn't budge. His others: father walked by and, after watching his son's struggle, asked if he was having 1:12 But as many as received Him, to trouble. The boy answered, Yes, I've tried them He gave the right to become everything, and it won't move. The father children of God, even to those who replied, Are you sure you have tried every believe in His name. possibility, that you have used every Yet to all who received him, to resource at your disposal? The boy looked those who believed in his name, up with frustration and exhaustion filling his he gave the right to become face and grunted out a Yes! With kindness, children of God-- the father bent over and softly said, No, my But as many as received him, to son, you haven't. You haven't asked for my them gave he power to become the help. How often are we like the little boy, sons of God, even to them that struggling with our problems but unable to believe on his name: solve them; because we have not asked for our Father's help. Galatians 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Rejected by: Christ Jesus. His nation His hometown John 3:18 His friends “ He who believes in Him is not judged; he His family who does not believe has been, judged The religious world already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. C. H. Spurgeon To those who were chosen as “his own” out 1 John 5:13 of all the nations upon the earth, to those to These things I have written to you who whom he was specially promised of old, to believe in the name of the Son of God, in the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and order that you may know that you have Jacob, — to these Jesus came, yet they eternal life. “received him not.” 1:12-13 All who welcome Jesus Christ as Illustration Lord of their lives are reborn spiritually, After viewing the portrait of himself, done by receiving new life from God. Through faith in artist Hurd, President Johnson rejected it, Christ, this new birth changes us from the with the comment, It is the ugliest thing I inside out—rearranging our attitudes, ever saw. The portrait since then has desires, and motives. Being born makes you become famous and is being sought by physically alive and places you in your several museums. Without taking sides in parents’ family (John 1:13). Being born of God makes you spiritually alive and puts you the issue, it reminds one of the first Portrait in God’s family (John 1:12). Have you asked of Christ, in His first advent, so emphatically Christ to make you a new person? This fresh rejected by His nation. He came into his start in life is available to all who believe in own, and His own received Him not. Christ.</p><p>C. H. Spurgeon C. H. Spurgeon All men are not the sons of God; the This is a blessed “But.” Though Christ’s own doctrine of the universal Fatherhood is nation, the Jews, as a whole “received him 22 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 not,” there was “a remnant according to the isn't it?" he asked. "Yes," she said. "How election of grace,” there were some who long has it been that?" "Ever since my received him. “But” — husband and I were married 30 years ago." "Tell me," he said, "how did you become How came those persons to receive him Mrs. Franklin?" when others rejected him? There must have been some great change wrought in them to She paused. "It was at the wedding. The make them different from the rest of their minister asked me, 'Will you have this man countrymen; and truly there was, for these to be your lawful, wedded husband?' and I were twice-born men, said, 'I will.' With those words I became his wife." "Didn't you say, 'I hope so,' or 'I'll try to Saved From: take him as my husband'?" asked the Wrath to come evangelist. "No," replied the woman. "I said, Curse of broken Law 'I will,' and that's all there was to it." Servitude of sin Pollution of sin The evangelist explained that God wanted Corruption of the world her to receive Christ as her Savior in the same way. Finally she saw the point and Selfishness of self exclaimed, "How simple!" Wondering why she hadn't said "I will" long before, right Ark's One Door there she accepted Christ as her Savior, In the morning, when the ark-door was believing what the Bible says about Him— opened, an observer might see a pair of that Christ died for her sins. golden eagles in the sky. But glancing downward, one might see creeping along, a Have you ever trusted the Lord Jesus Christ pair of snails, a pair of snakes, a pair of to save you? If not, right now say from your worms. There were pairs of creeping heart, "Lord Jesus, I will turn from my sin creatures as well as pairs of flying creatures. and receive You as my personal Savior." But there was only one entrance for them Those are the most important words you'll all. The eagle must come down to enter it, ever say. and the worm must crawl up to it. Faith is the hand that must take God's Saved To: gift of salvation. Relationship with God Eternal live Blessings of Faith: Newness of life Sonship relationship Holiness of character Salvation restoration Pureness of heart Eternal Life permanent Love of Christ Satisfaction compensation Righteousness of conduct Blessing consent, approval Sweetness of temper Preservation setting apart Victory over Satan Service instrumentality Saving others Assurance verification</p><p>'I Will' Nothing But The Blood As many as received Him, to them He gave At a great parliament of religions, held in the right to become children of God. --John Chicago many years ago, practically every 1:12 known religion was represented.</p><p>An evangelist was trying to help a woman During one session, Dr. Joseph Cook, of understand John 1:12, and what it means to Boston, suddenly rose and said: receive Christ. "Your last name is Franklin, "Gentlemen, I beg to introduce to you a 23 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 woman with a great sorrow. Bloodstains are At this point may I ask, Have you received on her hands, and nothing she has tried will Him? Do you have the assurance that Christ remove them. The blood is that of murder. is in you? If not, you can receive Him now. She has been driven to desperation in her You can receive Him at any time and in any distress. Is there anything in your religion place. You can receive Him by yourself or that will remove her sin and give her with others. While you are reading this daily peace?" A hush fell upon the gathering. Not selection, you can take the step to receive one of the company replied. Him. It is as simple as receiving a gift. For example, someone may offer a pen to you. Raising his eyes heavenwards, Dr. Cook They can say, "This pen is for you. It is a then cried out, "John, can you tell this gift." They can offer the pen to you all day woman how to get rid of her awful sin?" The long, but for the pen to become yours, you great preacher waited, as if listening for a need to receive it. Then it actually becomes reply. Suddenly he cried, "Listen. John yours. In a similar way the Lord Jesus offers speaks: 'The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, Himself to us through the gospel. But He is cleanseth us from all sins' (1 John 1:7)." like a gentleman. He waits for our act of receiving. Whenever anyone receives Him, Not a soul broke the silence: the He instantly comes into them. representatives of Eastern religions and Western cults sat dumb. In the face of It is a momentous thing to receive the Lord human need, the Gospel of Jesus Christ Jesus. You receive by confessing with your alone could meet the need. The sin of the mouth, "Lord Jesus, I receive You." At that race demanded the blood of Calvary. moment He gives you the authority to become His child. There is more authority in Attention of Grace: simply saying, "Jesus, right now I open to Names His sheep You, come into me," than in all the form Numbers our hairs prayers you have ever prayed and all the Counts our steps rituals you have ever practiced. The authority to become a child of God is yours Books our thoughts by the act of receiving Him. You can do it Bottles our tears now, if you have not already Takes our hands Supplies our need Christian Steps: Receive admit, include Devotional Confess convict, admit A great deal of importance is placed upon Abide continue to be the word "receive" in the New Testament. Follow conform, imitate You might ask, What does it mean to receive Pure authentic, uncut Christ? When do I receive Him? At what Serve be an instrument point can I say I have received Him? In the Fellowship good company above verse, the answer to these questions does not mention joining a church or merely R.C. Sproul subscribing to doctrinal statements; neither When Christ entered into His public ministry, does it require us to go through a religious the world did not acknowledge Him. Even ritual. It simply says - "as many as received though Christ was God, Creator of all things, Him." Then it says, "to them He gave and even though all creatures should have authority to become children of God." The recognized Him and worshiped Him, they word "become" implies that we were not rejected Him. This is a sad commentary on children of God, but by the act of receiving, the state of this world. It revels in darkness, an authority is imparted to us by Christ refusing to embrace or even recognize God Himself to become children of God. It is by as having any authority over it. receiving Him that I become a child of God. 24 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>An even sadder commentary is that which Relationship relatedness John gives concerning His chosen people. Righteousness morals virtues From the time of the fall, God set His love on Nearness similarity, union a particular nation: Abraham’s seed. To Service usefulness them, He gave all the promises of the Union connection covenant. But, as Paul points out elsewhere, Partnership interrelation not all of Abraham’s offspring were the true Outlook future condition Israel. Only those who believed in the promises of God were truly His children. Our Daily Bread While Andrew Jackson was President of the So when Jesus came to proclaim the United States, a man was given a court trial coming of His spiritual kingdom to the Jews, and condemned to die. President Jackson many rejected Him. They did not offered to pardon him but the condemned acknowledge Him as their Messiah. As John man refused the pardon. Prison authorities, puts it, they did not receive Him. They the Attorney General of the United States, should have known Him. But because of and others earnestly endeavored to their rebellious and stubborn hearts, they convince the man to accept the pardon. opposed Him (Isa. 1:2-3). They tried to impress upon him that it would not only spare his life, but that if he did not Those who received Christ, whether they accept the pardon it would be an insult to were Jews or Gentiles, obtained the right to the President. The man persisted. The become children of God: to become Attorney General consulted the Supreme members of the true Israel. This implies two Court, asking whether legal authorities could things. not force the man to receive the pardon. The court ruled that the pardon was merely a First, fallen people are not children of God. printed statement until the man accepted it. They do not bear His likeness in holiness After he rejected the pardon, it remained and righteousness, and they do not have printed matter. intimate communion with God as their Father. Only those who have been renewed It is much the same tithe God's salvation. by the Spirit are adopted as children into the Even though the Lord Jesus has provided family of God. There is no other way to redemption for everyone, only those who become a child of God except through faith accept His pardon actually benefit from His in Christ. offer. Until we personally trust Christ as Savior, we will never be free from the Second, we become God’s children by His judgment of God upon sin. He who believes authority and His will. Our membership in in Him is not condemned; but he who does God’s family doesn’t rest on a decision of not believe is condemned already, because our own wills. Nor is it rooted in physical he has not believed in the name of the only heritage. It is a right given by God Himself to begotten God of God. Salvation is offered to those whom He has chosen since the all. But to experience it and to benefit from foundation of the world. Here God’s all its rich and enjoyable blessings, we must sovereignty in redemption is stressed: a accept it. needed reminder to any who think they are God’s children because of their own deeds, Salvation is free; choices, or nationality. Only those who are But we must receive it. given faith (Eph. 2:8-9), the ability to receive Him, are called sons of God. But Jesus was recognized as God incarnate by some! These received Him. This image, What we are made: receive, is the first John uses to define 25 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 believe. If you do not see a gift held out to your joy may be full, identity with Jesus you, or if you see it but do not accept is as Christ and with His joy. real, you won't stretch out your hand to take it. Believing in Jesus involves seeing Him What was the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ? presented as God's Son, accepting that His joy was in having completely finished the description as real, and simply stretching out work His Father gave Him to God; and the your hand to accept God's gift of eternal life. same type of joy will be granted to every You then become what you were not: a child man and woman who is born of God the of God. Holy Spirit and sanctified, when he or she fulfills the work God has given each person Many were: to do. What is that work? To be a saint, a Baptized into Jesus Christ walking, talking, living, practical epistle of Led by the Spirit of God what God Almighty can do through the Walk according to His rules atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ; one in Perfected unto Him identity with the faith of Jesus, one in identity Loved by Him with the love of Jesus, one in identity with Received by Him the Spirit of Jesus until we are so one in Him Ordained to eternal life that the high-priestly prayer not only begins to be answered, but is clearly manifest in its His Word tells me! answering, that they may be one, just as We A dear little girl came to me in one of my are one. meetings and said, “I want to be a Christian.” Taking her aside, I read from How To Become Children: God’s Word this verse, among others. ‘But Who made the world? as many received Him, to them gave He Who was in the world? power to become the sons of God’. Having Who is the true light? read this verse, I asked the little girl, “Do you Who was rejected by His own? believe this verse,?” She said, “I believe it!” Who has authority to make us? Then I asked her, “Will you receive Jesus as Who has power to regenerate the your Savior?” “Yes, I am one of God’s soul? children! I know it because of two things: This (pointing to her Bible) tells me I am, Our Daily Bread and this (pointing to her heart) tells me I am, As finite creatures, we sense that our earthly too!” life and eternal destiny are somehow bound up with our Creator. Most religions of the Body of Faith: world represent man's effort to reach up to Eyes of faith God and become acceptable to Him. In Ears of faith China, for example, devout pilgrims ascend Hands of faith a sacred mountain called Taishan. They Feet of faith climb seven thousand steps to its summit, Mind of faith first passing through the middle gate, then Heart of faith through heaven's southern gate. Finally they Taste of faith reach one of the most beautiful buildings in all of China; the Temple of the Azure Cloud. Oswald Chambers Here they offer sacrifices, which the A great thinker has said, The seal and end of worshipers believe will gain God's favor. true conscious life is joy; not pleasure, nor Such effort represents great religious fervor happiness. Jesus Christ said to His and futility, for it brings devotees no closer to disciples, These things I have spoken to God than when they mounted the first step. you, that My joy may remain in you, and that 26 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>By contrast, Christianity begins with the He learns to have faith in himself. Creator of heaven and earth reaching down If a child lives with love to us. In His holiness He is beyond the He learns the world is a wonderful highest mountain peak, so far out of reach of place to be. sinners that only He Himself could span the gulf. And that's exactly what He did. By the Illustration miracle of the incarnation, He became flesh When Napoleon's horse ran away and a and offered Himself as a once-and-for-all lowly soldier caught him, Napoleon said, sacrifice for our sin. Then, after rising from Thank you, Captain. The man at once the dead, He went back to Glory. And He did packed his belongings, moved to the it all for us. Our part is to confess that we officer's quarters, and went to mess with are sinners, to renounce all efforts to earn them. The emperor had called him captain, our salvation, and to trust Him as our Savior. and he was therefore an officer. We are all Those still climbing endless steps of self- miserable sinners, but when we receive effort may as well give up. They lead Jesus Christ, He calls us sons of God. Let nowhere. Instead, take that all-important us then promptly pack our belongings and step of faith in the Lord Jesus. It's the only move into the higher life to which He has step that leads to heaven. appointed us!</p><p>Salvation is not something we achieve Only One Name: But something we receive. Salvation Forgiveness Illustration Strength If a child lives with criticism Eternal Life He learns to condemn Sonship If a child lives with hostility Answered Prayer He learns to fight Leading If a child lives with fear He learns to be apprehensive Alexander Fell Before High Priest If a child lives with pity Alexander the Great was coming with his He learns to feel sorry for himself. army against Jerusalem. Jaddus the high If a child lives with jealousy priest, went out of the City to meet him, He learns to feel guilty. adorned with his priestly robes, an upper If a child lives with encouragement garment of purple embroidered with gold, He learns to be self-sufficient. and a golden plate on the foreside, wherein If a child lives with tolerance the Name of God was written. The sight was He learns to be patient. so grave and solemn, that the Emperor fell to the ground, as reverencing the Name that If a child lives with praise was thereon inscribed. He learns to be appreciative. If a child lives with acceptance 1:13 Who were born not of blood, nor of He learns to love. the will of the flesh, nor of the will of If a child lives with approval man, but of God. He learns to love. Children born not of natural If a child lives with recognition descent, nor of human decision He learns to have a goal. or a husband's will, but born of If a child lives with fairness God. He learns what justice is. Which were born, not of blood, nor If a child lives with honesty of the will of the flesh, nor of the will He learns what truth is. of man, but of God. If a child lives with sincerity 27 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> saints. If we could trace our pedigree to a John 3:5,6 perfect man, if such there be, yet the birth by Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the flesh would not avail us. Sons of God unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he are.” born, not of blood, nor of the will of the cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” R.C. Sproul What does it mean to have a free will? The James 1:18 great American theologian Jonathan In the exercise of His will He brought us Edwards said that free will is the mind forth by the word of truth, so that we might choosing. While there is a distinction be, s it were, the first fruits among His between mind and will, he said, the two are creatures. inseparable in action. We do not make a choice without our mind's approving that 1 Peter 1:23 choice. for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, Edwards provides the following rule: Free through the living and abiding word of God. moral agents always act according to the strongest inclination they have at the C. H. Spurgeon moment of choice. To say it another was, we To receive Christ, a man must be born of always choose according to our inclinations God. It is the simplest thing in all the world, and according to our strongest inclination at one would think, to open the door of the a given moment. We do what we want to do. heart, and let him in; but no man lets Christ When we commit a sin, it means that at that into his heart till first God has made him to moment our desire to sin is greater than our be born again, born from above. desire to obey Christ.</p><p>Birthday Happenings Even when we seem to choose something Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Plato for no apparent reason, in fact we do have and Philip Melancton died on their birthdays. some kind of inclination. You come into an John Huss, the martyr, was burned at the auditorium and take a seat. Why that stake on his birthday. Timoleon, a successful particular seat? Maybe because you like to general, and Philip of Macedon gained their sit in the front or in the back or along the greatest victories on their birthdays. aisle. Maybe you take the nearest empty seat because you prefer not to wander Charles Kingsley was at the seaside on one around looking. Whatever the reason, there of his birthdays, and there on the beach he is some inclination behind your decision. gave his heart to the Lord. His second birthday was thus on the same day as his first. Every year on his birthday David What about coercion? Well, if a man points a Livingstone repeated his covenant with his gun at me and says, Your money or you life, Master. The most tragic birthday party ever I still have a choice. I may not like either celebrated took place in the palace of Herod one, but I will make my choice in terms of the King. my inclination, which will be my inclination to live and lose my money, rather than die and C. H. Spurgeon lose my money anyway. There is another birth beside the natural one; never does the birth of the flesh make John Calvin wrote that if we mean by free us Christians. If our ancestry should be a will that fallen man has the moral power and line of saints yet are we born sinners; we ability to choose righteousness, then, said must be born again if we are to become Calvin, free will is far too grandiose a term to 28 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 apply to fallen man. Man's will is free to perfect example—as a model of what we are follow his inclinations, but fallen man's to become, he shows us how to live and inclinations are always and invariably away gives us the power to live that way (1 Peter from God. We are free to make decisions, 2:21); (3) the perfect sacrifice—Jesus came but because of our sinful nature, there is one as a sacrifice for all sins, and his death decision, we will never want to make: the satisfied God’s requirements for the removal decision to bow the knee to our Creator. of sin (Col. 1:15-23). God must intervene to change our nature before we will do that. 1:14 “The One and Only, who came from the Father” means Jesus is God’s only and unique Son. The emphasis is on unique. C. H. Spurgeon Jesus is one of a kind and enjoys a So that those who receive Christ, those who relationship with God unlike all believers truly believe on Christ, are people who have who are called “children” and said to be been born, as others have not been born, by “born of God.” a new birth from heaven, a supernatural birth, so that they are a people set apart by 1:14 When Christ was born, God became a themselves as those who have been twice man. He was not part man and part God; he created, first as human beings just like was completely human and completely others, and then as new creatures in Christ divine (Col. 2:9). Before Christ came, people Jesus. could know God partially. After Christ came, people could know God fully because he 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and became visible and tangible in Christ. Christ dwelt among us, and we beheld His is the perfect expression of God in human glory, glory as of the only begotten form. The two most common errors people from the Father, full of grace and make about Jesus are to minimize his truth. humanity or to minimize his divinity. Jesus is The Word became flesh and made both God and man. his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the TODAY IN THE WORD One and Only, who came from the The Declaration of Independence was read Father, full of grace and truth. publicly for the first time by Colonel John And the Word was made flesh, and Nixon in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776. dwelt among us, (and we beheld his Following the reading, the Liberty Bell was glory, the glory as of the only rung to proclaim America’s independence begotten of the Father,) full of grace from Great Britain. It didn’t crack that day, as and truth. is sometimes believed, but many years later, in 1835, while being rung during the funeral Romans 1:3 of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John concerning His Son, who was born of a Marshall. descendant of David according to the flesh. Quite large, this famous bell measures Galatians 4:4 twelve feet around its bottom circumference, But when the fullness of the time came, God has a clapper more than three feet long, and sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born weighs 2,080 pounds. under the Law. The Liberty Bell is a national legend, a symbol of freedom familiar to most of us. Its 1:14 “The Word became flesh” means ringing proclaimed political freedom for the becoming human. By doing so, Christ American colonies. In a similar way, God became (1) the perfect teacher—in Jesus’ proclaimed spiritual freedom, not through a life we see how God thinks and therefore bell, but in the person of His Son. how we should think (Phil. 2:5-11); (2) the 29 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> sight. He gasped, "Something must have The humanity of Jesus is an integral part of happened here!" God’s revelation. That is to say, Christ’s humanity is not an incidental fact, but At the Christmas season, anyone who stops essential to our salvation. In order to give to look and listen must ask what the hustle His life as the perfect sacrifice for sin, He and bustle is all about. A thoughtful man or had to live and die as a human being. As woman, seeing the lights, the decorations, we’ve seen the past two days, “The Word the festivities, and the religious services became flesh.” might also conclude, "Something must have happened here!" This Word is the same Word found at the beginning of John 1: the divine Logos who Of course, something did happen. We need has existed eternally (vv. 1-3). Thus, we to tell the world about it. God has visited our believe a profound mystery: God was born planet. His Son Jesus Christ came to reveal with a human body and made His home on God and to die for our sins (John 1:1-14). It's earth. He became one of us! the best news ever! The Lord came and lived among us that we might live forever Since to see Jesus was the same as seeing with Him. the Father (cf. John. 14:6-11), in Jesus, John and the other disciples saw the very glory of That's why we can rejoice at Christmas. God (v. 14). His blessing is not limited to eyewitnesses, however, but has been given To make the most of Christmas, to all of us, a continual stream of grace-filled focus on Christ. goodness (v. 16). darx egeneto: Was Made Flesh C. H. Spurgeon This means more than that He assumed a They who saw Christ on earth were highly human body. Sarx means human nature privileged; but it is a spiritual sight of him entire, including a human body, a human alone that is to be desired, and we can have soul, and a human spirit. that even now. The Meaning Of Christmas How full of grace, how full of truth, he is to The Word became flesh and dwelt among all those who are privileged to behold him! us. --John 1:14</p><p>Something Happened Here Each year it seems that Christ's birth is The Word became flesh and dwelt among acknowledged less and less during the us, and we beheld His glory. —John 1:14 Christmas season. An editorial in a British newspaper stated, "Christ has been Christians are divided in their views of detached from Christmas, and the season is Christmas. Some want to give up on it and now apparently just a time for being kind hand it over to the stores. Others want to and ensuring that no one is lonely." salvage it and use it to say something important about the birth of Jesus to a weary We have a magnificent opportunity to spread secular world. I, for one, would like to take the good news that Jesus is the reason for my place with the second group. the season. Here are three perspectives on the true meaning of Christmas that we can Years ago an old pioneer journeyed share with others: westward across the Great Plains of North America until he came to an abrupt halt at Christmas is a birthday celebration, the edge of the Grand Canyon. He gawked honoring Jesus. God's Son took on at the sight before him—a vast chasm 1 mile human flesh and dwelt among us" deep, 18 miles across, and stretching out of (John 1:14). 30 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> Jesus came for our sake. He was born to die on a cross for our sins, In his book Show Me God, Fred Heeren and He was resurrected to give us says of this interest in alien beings: "People forgiveness and eternal life (1 want a higher companion, but not too Corinthians 15:3-4). high. . . . People are looking for an We can urge people to respond to intermediate, . . . but someone who can still Jesus with faith, accepting His offer identify with us as a fellow creature." of salvation (John 1:12; 3:16). How sad that they search in the wrong This time of year is more than just a season places for what God has already provided in to be kind. Christmas is about Jesus—the Christ! The Bible says there is "one Mediator real reason for the season. So let's take the between God and men, the Man Christ opportunity to tell others the miraculous Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all" (1 story of Jesus, God's Son. And let's pray that Timothy 2:5-6). Jesus has revealed God to many, like the wise men who came to us and opened the door to life eternal. worship the promised Savior (Matthew 2:1- 2), will seek Him and find Him this year. To get a clear view of God, focus on Jesus Christ. Bethlehem's stable was the first step in God's journey of love to the cross. Father’s Business: To do His work C. H. Spurgeon To proclaim His words There is no way of knowing God, and being To reveal His character reconciled to God, except as we receive To glorify His name Jesus Christ, his Son, into our hearts, and To carry out His will learn of him, through the Holy Spirit’s To unfold His love teaching, all that he delights to reveal to us To bring you to His house concerning his Father. Oswald Chambers Contact With The Almighty Almighty God is nothing but a mental The Word became flesh and dwelt among abstraction unless He becomes concrete us. --John 1:14 and actual, because an ideal has no power unless it can be realized. The doctrine of the After spending millions of dollars in a 40- Incarnation is that God did become actual; year project, scientists have still made no contact with extraterrestrial beings. But their He manifested Himself on the plane of search continues. Robert Jastrow, director of human flesh, and Jesus Christ is the name the Mount Wilson Institute, says that he not only for God and Man in one, but the expects to find "beings superior to us . . . , name of the personal Savior who makes the not only technically, but perhaps spiritually way back for every man to get into a and morally." personal relationship with God.</p><p>Jastrow and his fellow scientists hope that In the Incarnation we see the amalgam of an alien civilization billions of years old will the Divine and the human. Pure gold cannot be able to tell us why we are here and how be used as coin; it is too soft; in order to to overcome our destructive tendencies, make gold serviceable for use, it must be which make advances in weapons mixed with an alloy. The pure gold of the technology so terrifying. This fear that Divine is of no use in human affairs; there humanity might destroy itself, as well as the must be an alloy, and the alloy does not innate desire for meaning in life, may stand for sin, but for that which makes the account for the many popular books and Divine serviceable for use. God Almighty is movies about extraterrestrial beings. nothing but an mental abstraction to me 31 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 unless He can become actual, and the where the glory of God dwelt. The structure revelation of the New Testament is that God was made of badger skins and was plain on did become actual: “the Word was made the outside. But inside it was exquisitely flesh.” Jesus Christ was not pure Divine. He beautiful (Exodus 25–27). was unique: Divine and human. We can compare the tabernacle with Jesus’ Jesus Christ is God-Man. God in essence human form. John said, “the Word became cannot come anywhere near us. Almighty flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). The God does not matter to me; He is in the word dwelt means He “pitched His tent with clouds. To be of any use to me, He must us,” the same word that ancient Greek versions of the Old Testament used for the come down to the domain in which I live; tabernacle. and I do not live in the clouds but on the earth. The doctrine of the Incarnation is that Jesus looked like an ordinary man: He had God did come down into our domain. The “no beauty that we should desire Him” wisdom of God, the Word of God, the exact (Isaiah 53:2). No one gave Him a second expression of God, was manifest in the look. Yet John “beheld His glory,” the glory of flesh. That is the great doctrine of the New God Himself. Occasionally, the tent flap was Testament: dust and Deity made one. The lifted and he caught a glimpse of Jesus’ pure gold of Deity is of no use to us unless it inner beauty and majesty. is amalgamated in the right alloy, viz. the pure Divine working on the basis of the pure We are tabernacles too, made of skin, made human: God and humanity one, as in our to contain God’s Spirit. Most of us are very Lord Jesus Christ. There is only on God to plain, not like the made-up actors we see in the Christian, and His name is Jesus Christ, the movies or the air-brushed models we and in Him we see mirrored what the human view in the ads. But God is even now—at race will be like on the basis of Redemption, this moment—in the process of making us a perfect oneness between God and man. radiantly beautiful within. Jesus Christ has the power of reproducing Himself by regeneration, the power of We may be very plain and ordinary on the introducing into us His own heredity, so that outside—but as we allow God’s Spirit to dust and Deity again become one. work within us, the beauty of God’s indwelling presence will shine from our The tremendous revelation of Christianity is faces. not the Fatherhood of God, but the So, is the world seeing Jesus in you? Babyhood of God: God became the weakest thing in His creation, and in flesh and blood A righteous heart He levered it beck to where it was intended is the fountain of beauty. to be. No one helped Him; it was done absolutely by God manifest in human flesh. C. H. Spurgeon God has undertaken not only to repair the Oh, all ye who would know Christ, learn that damage, but in Jesus Christ the human race he is worth the knowing! He is full of grace is put in a better condition than when it was your sinnership, and full of truth for your originally designed. It is necessary to ignorance. He can cleanse and he can understand these things if you are to be able teach; there is everything in him that you to battle for your faith. need. You shall not be deceived, for he is full of truth; you shall not be rejected, for he Inner Beauty is full of grace. We beheld His glory. —John 1:14 1 Timothy 3:16 The tabernacle in the wilderness was a tent And by common confession great is the 32 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 mystery of godliness: incarnation of Christ.</p><p> He who was revealed in the flesh, When John says that Christ took on “flesh,” Was vindicated in the Spirit, he is referring to human nature in its Beheld by angels, weakness, not sin. Throughout Christian Proclaimed among the nations, history, some have equated humanity with Believed on in the world, sinfulness. But the Scriptures clearly teach Taken up in glory. that although Christ veiled His glory by taking on human nature, He did not become Hebrews 2:14 sinful. If He had any hint of sin, He would not Since then the children share in flesh and have been a worthy sacrifice for sin. But blood, He Himself likewise also partook of being pure and holy in every sense, His the same, that through death He might sacrifice was acceptable to His Father. render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil; The incarnate Word is the spotless Lamb of God, who came to take away the sins of the R.C. Sproul world. He alone is full of grace and truth: In verses 14-18, we have the grand climax qualities that John and the other apostles of John’s prologue; the Incarnation. When saw first hand. And being the fullness of John writes that the Word became flesh, he grace and truth, Christ is the source of does not mean the Son of God ceased to be eternal life. divine. Christ retained His divinity but took on a human nature. This concept can be Alexander Maclaren compared to a woman becoming a mother. These four words, “the Word became flesh” She does not cease to be who she is then are the foundation of all our knowledge of she becomes a mother, yet she takes on God, of man, and of the relations between something else. Likewise, when the Word them. They are the foundation of all our became flesh, the Son of God took on hopes. “He dwelt among us.” As the divine something else: a human nature, without glory of old dwelt between the cherubim, so eradicating what He was before. Jesus is now the true Temple among us. In Him we see a truer glory than that radiant This point must be continually stressed. light in the Holy of Holies. “We beheld His There have been heresies concerning the glory”; and the glory that shone from the incarnation since the dawn of the Christian Incarnate Word was not a menacing or church. Some people have believed that dazzling light. He and it were “full of grace Christ was merely human. Others have and truth,” perfect love bending to inferiors maintained that He was solely God. Both and sinners, with hands full of gifts and a errors must be avoided. This is clearly one heart full of tenderness. His grace bestows of John’s goals in this book: to establish both all that our lowness needs; His truth teaches the humanity and divinity of Christ. all that our ignorance requires. All grace and truth reside in the Incarnate Word, in whom Another point to remember about the those who believe are the children of God. Incarnation is that Jesus’ human and divine natures did not become mixed or fused into “Word became flesh.” God became man. A each other. Each maintained their distinct headline story. The world’s Creator walked properties. To be sure, we cannot and worked 33 years in that same world. His comprehend how the infinite became united visit met with a cold reception. “He came to with the finite without being mixed or His own, and His own did not receive Him.” confused. But we can apprehend that this is How will you receive Him? No mere foreign the teaching of John concerning the visitor, He is your loving Savior. Welcome 33 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Him at your life’s door this day with a heart bars of iron. He hath turned for me my prepared to receive His words. mourning into laughter, and my desolation into joy; He hath led my captivity captive, The Empathy Factor and made my heart rejoice with joy The Word became flesh and dwelt among unspeakable and full of glory. Let others us. —John 1:14 think as they will of Him, to me He must be the only begotten of the Father: blessed be In the summer of 2005, I led a group of high His name. And He is full of grace. school students on a missions trip to Jamaica. Our goal was to build a playground Ah! Had He not been I should never have at a school for deaf children in that beautiful been saved. HE drew me when I struggled island country. to escape from His grace; and when at last I came all trembling like a condemned culprit Many of our students had previously visited to His mercy-seat HE said, 'Thy sins which the school and played with the kids. But one are many are all forgiven thee: be of good of our teenagers had a special connection to the Jamaican children. Chelsea too grew up cheer.' And He is full of truth. True have His in a world of quiet. Deaf since birth, she promises been, not one has failed. I bear didn't hear a sound until she was 11, when witness that never servant had such a she received a cochlear implant. Now able master as I have; never brother such a to hear about 30 percent of the sounds kinsman as He has been to me; never around her, Chelsea understood the deaf in spouse such a husband as Christ hath been ways our other students could not. She had to my spirit. true empathy. I want none beside Him. In life He is my life, Empathy is a strong emotion. It can drive us and in death He shall be the death of death; to come alongside those who are in similar in poverty Christ is my riches; in sickness he situations. It can cause us to care in a makes by bed; in darkness He is my star, deeper way for those with whom we share a and in brightness He is my sun; He is the concern or a difficulty. manna of the camp in the wilderness, and He shall be the new corn of the host when The most important example of empathy is they come to Canaan. Jesus is to me all the Lord Himself. He became one of us grace and no wrath, all truth and no (John 1:14). Because He did, He falsehood: and of truth and grace He is full, understands our struggles and weaknesses infinitely full. My soul, this night, bless with (Heb. 4:15). Jesus knows what we are going all thy might 'the only Begotten.' " through, for He endured this life Himself. As we receive His grace in our time of need, we The Word Made Flesh: are better able to come alongside others. Mysterious Incarnation No one understands like Jesus. Profound Humiliation Divine Manifestation C.H. Spurgeon Provided Salvation Believer, you can hear your testimony that Blessed Testimony Christ is the only begotten of the Father, as well as the first begotten from the dead. You Illustration can say, "He is divine to me, if He be human Reverend Nick Smith and his wife, Ellen, are to all the world beside. HE has done that for the only whites in the black township of me which none but a God could do. He has Mamelodi near the South African city of subdued any stubborn will, melted a heart of Pretoria. Going to a community of 300,000 adamant, opened gates of brass, snapped blacks was a complete change in his life, a rejection, in fact, of everything that his life 34 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 had been until then and everything fundamental in Afrikaner society and Our Daily Bread Afrikaner belief. Smith has begun to see life Jesus is God in human form. In coming into and people in a completely new way. As our world, He revealed the heavenly Father Time put it, Nick Smith is almost one of to us, That's what John meant when he said them; not exactly, but almost. that the Word became flesh. We call this the doctrine of the incarnation. The incarnation is about how Jesus became almost one of us. In one sense, He was like F.W. Boreham applied this truth in his book any other man; completely human. In Faces in the Fire. He wrote; another way, He was totally different; completely God. The birth of Jesus was not The Christian man must accompany the the first time God appeared as a human; the Christian message. The Word must be Old Testament records a number of times presented in its proper human setting. The when God briefly appeared in some bodily Word make flesh is thus pronounced with an form. Yet the Bethlehem birth was unique; accent and an eloquence which are simply God became a member of the human family irresistible. The words of men become and stayed around for thirty-three years. (filled) with passion and with power only when they are made flesh. And in the same In those thirty plus years, Jesus grew way, the thoughts of God to men are only physically and mentally. He got hungry, tired, eloquent when they are so expressed. and thirsty. He slept and wept. He was tempted with typical human desires. He felt To emphasize the importance of putting anguish, He showed concern. And His veins actions behind our words, Boreham quoted flowed with blood. Like every human, He English writer George Eliot (pen name for died. Mary Ann Evans). Speaking of how people's lives convey the meaning of ideas, Eliot In His humanity Jesus was not just God with said, Sometimes (words) are made flesh; skin, but He wasn't just a person without sin they breathe upon us with warm breath, they either. He was like us, but different, and that touch us with soft responsive hands, they made all the difference in the world. He look at us with sad, sincere eyes, and they could save us from ourselves, gather up the speak to us in appealing tones; they are broken images, and make us like Himself. clothed in a living human soul.</p><p>The Word Became Flesh: Likewise, if people are to hear the Word of Manifesting the will of God. God, they must see it demonstrated in our Conforming to the testimony of lives. Jesus said, Let your light so shine prophecy. before men, that they may see your good Accommodating the need of man. works and glorify your Father in heaven. Christians who live what they believe give The Word Dwelt Among Us: flesh to the Word. Fulfilling the Law. Ministering to the needy. We teach more with our life Dying for the sinner. than with our lips.</p><p>The Word Disclosed the Glory of God Oswald Chambers Introducing the fullness of grace. If we want to know what God is like, let us Revealing the reality of truth. study the Lord Jesus. He who has seen Me Demanding the humility of the has seen the Father. How did people see sinner. Him in the days of His flesh? by their natural 35 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 eyes? No, after His resurrection they came wrapped in swaddling cloths and was received Holy Spirit, and their eyes were laid in a manger because there was no room opened and they knew Him. We do not know for him at the inn. Is there room for him in Him by the reasoning of our minds, but by your life? the new life. Jesus Christ is to us the faithful face of God. Could anyone be in doubt any Oswald Chambers more after they had seen Jesus Christ by In presenting Jesus Christ never present the Holy Spirit? Think of the absurd, painful. Him as a miraculous being who came down distressing, never-to-be-answered questions from heaven and worked miracles and who we ask: Shall I know those whom I love after was not related to life as we are; that is not death. Wild, vagrant, wrong, stupid, painful the gospel Christ. The gospel Christ is the questions. Look at Jesus Christ, get into being who came down to earth and lived our contact with Him by the Holy Spirit, and life and was possessed of a frame like ours. those questions are impossible. He says, He became Man in order to show the Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in relationship humanity was to hold to God, God, believe also in Me. The face of God is and by His death and resurrection He can the Lord Jesus Christ. It always comes back put anyone into that relationship. Jesus to the simple point, Come to Me. Christ is the last word in human nature.</p><p>Today Earth Walk As a little tike, I thought incarnation had The Word became flesh and dwelt among something to do with the flowers the ushers us, and we beheld His glory. —John 1:14 wore in church; sometimes they wore carnation. The Latin origins of some of our After the Apollo XV mission, Colonel James theological terms can make them seem far Irwin related some of the high points of his outside of our daily experience; they can experience. He told of their weightless seem rather sterile. Just remember that the bodies floating free in the space capsule, the carn part of the word incarnation comes rising crescent of the earth as seen from the from the Latin word meaning flesh. moon, and the triumphal splashdown before a watching world. Christ's incarnation, or enfleshment, Irwin also spoke of the impact the however, was anything but sterile. The same experience had on his spiritual life. He said Sovereign Lord who laid the earth's that from the lunar surface he sensed both foundation and who calls forth the the glory of God and the plight of constellations in their seasons; he made his earthbound man. As he came back to earth, appearance in a filthy stall. He was wrapped he realized he couldn't content himself with in swaddling cloths, which is to say that he being merely a celebrity. He would have to had to have his diapers changed. He had to be a servant, telling his fellowman of a better learn to crawl, walk, and talk. He gained way to live. Irwin concluded by saying that if firsthand knowledge or the weariness, we think it a great event to go to the moon, friendship, heartache, temptation, and joy how much greater is the wonder that God that we experience. came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ! Because man walked on the moon, science The Word became flesh and made his and technology have made tremendous dwelling among us; full of grace and truth. advances. But because God walked on Isn't it astounding that Jesus, by emptying earth, we know both our origin and our himself, became one of us? Now he is both destiny. We can know our Creator personally our Lord and our brother. We sometimes say (John 1:1,14,18), and we can live in His light that the best presents come wrapped in (v.9). Through Jesus' sinless life and small packages. Well, the very best gift of all sacrificial death, we can know the joy of 36 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 having our sins forgiven and experience the which we live, and this is the sphere of the fullness of an abundant life—all because revelation of the self-giving of God. God walked on the earth. Illustration God made His home with us so that we In my earlier days and yet I was old enough might make our home with God. o be a lecturer in the Andover Theological Seminary; I wanted a new way of teaching Jonathan Edwards the doctrine of Christ. I thought I would tell It was total grace that God gave us His only them to get a sheet of paper and divide it begotten Son. The grace is great because of into three columns. In the first column they the excellency of what is given. The gift was were to write every passage where Christ infinitely precious because it was a person was spoken of as God-man; in the second of infinite glory, one infinitely near and dear column all the passages where Christ was to God, one infinitely worthy. The grace is spoken of as God alone, and in the third all great in proportion to the benefit we have in the passages where He is spoken of as man Him: deliverance from an infinite, eternal alone. I went to work; I think I have the misery, and enjoyment of eternal joy and paper now. It is badly balanced. The first glory. column and second filled right up, but the third column, I never found a passage The grace is great in proportion to our speaking of Christ as man alone. Do you unworthiness; instead of deserving such a remember any such passage? gift, we merited infinite ill from God’s hands. The grace in bestowing this gift is most free. Talking My Language It was what God was under no obligation to Fear, of God bestow. It was what we did nothing to merit. God, goodness of It was given while we were yet enemies, and Incarnation before we had so much as repented. It was from the love of God that saw no excellency In his book The Jesus I Never Knew, Philip in us to attract it. And it was given without Yancey shares an episode from his youth expectation of ever being repaid for it. when the concept of "the Word becoming flesh" dawned on him with profound meaning: Grace is something more than prayer before a meal. It is God sending His only Son to die I learned about incarnation when I kept a as a criminal so that God’s enemies might salt-water aquarium. Management of a live. From a human perspective, grace is a marine aquarium, I discovered, is no easy free gift: undeserved and unearned. From task. I had to run a portable chemical God’s perspective, grace is a priceless laboratory to monitor the nitrate levels and sacrifice: costly and precious. Such great the ammonia content. I pumped in vitamins grace deserves great gratitude. You may and antibiotics and sulfa drugs and enough never be able to thank God adequately for enzymes to make a rock grow. I filtered the what He has done for you in Christ, but it’s water through glass fibers and charcoal, and never to late to start. exposed it to ultraviolet light.</p><p>Oswald Chambers You would think, in view of all the energy The revelation given by Jesus Christ of God expended on their behalf, that my fish would is not the revelation of Almighty God, but of at least be grateful. Not so. Every time my the essential nature of deity; unutterable shadow loomed above the tank they dove humility and moral purity, utterly worthy in for cover into the nearest shell. They showed me one emotion only: fear. Although every detail of actual life. In the Incarnate I opened the lid and dropped in food on a God proves Himself worthy in the sphere in regular schedule, three times a day, they 37 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 responded to each visit as a sure sign of my I am ready to preach the gospel to you. — designs to torture them. I could not convince Romans 1:15 them of my true concern. To my fish I was deity. I was too large for them, my actions Dementia was slowly taking Mom Cetas too incomprehensible. My acts of mercy they from us. And there was nothing my husband saw as cruelty; my attempts at healing they or I could do to keep her from slipping away. viewed as destruction. In those difficult days, Mom taught us many To change their perceptions I began to see lessons. She forgot how to do a number of would require a form of incarnation. I would things, but one of the things she did not have to become a fish and "speak" to them forget was how to pray. Occasionally, in a language they could understand. someone would mention a problem they were having, and she’d stop right there to 1:15 John bore witness of Him, and cried pray for the person’s need. out, saying, "This was He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has a She also continued to talk to others about higher rank than I, for He existed Jesus. Those who took care of her at the before me.' " nursing home said that she often asked the John testifies concerning him. He other residents and workers if they knew cries out, saying, "This was he of Jesus as their Savior. She wanted them to whom I said, 'He who comes be sure that their sins were forgiven and after me has surpassed me they were going to heaven. because he was before me.' " When I think of these qualities in Mom, I John bare witness of him, and cried, think of Romans 1. The apostle Paul saying, This was he of whom I remembered the people in the Roman spake, He that cometh after me is church “always in [his] prayers” (v.9). And he preferred before me: for he was was “ready to preach the gospel” because, before me. as he said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to John 1:30 salvation for everyone who believes” (vv.15- “This is He on behalf of whom I said, ‘After 16). me comes a Man who has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.’ As long as Mom Cetas was able, she kept I AM A shortened form of God’s response to looking to Jesus in prayer and telling others Moses’ request for the name of the God of about Him. We all can learn from her the patriarchs (Exodus 3:13-14). The fuller example of boldness and trust in the Lord. form of the name may be rendered “I am who I am,” “I will be who I will be,” or even “I Talking to Christ about others gives us cause to be what is.” the passion to talk to others about Christ.</p><p>C. H. Spurgeon 1:16 For of His fullness we have all I spake, He that cometh after me is received, and grace upon grace. preferred before me: for he was before me. From the fullness of his grace we And of his fullness have all we received, and have all received one blessing grace for grace. For the law was given by after another. Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus And of his fulness have all we Christ. No man hath seen God at any time; received, and grace for grace. He is too high, too spiritual, to be perceived by human senses. Ephesians 1:23 which is His body, the fulness of Him who Lessons From Mom fills all in all. 38 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> about the fact that God, by His own Colossians 1:19 sovereign plan, decided to be gracious to For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all me is overwhelming. the fulness to dwell in Him, He poured out His grace on me. He forgave all my sins. He granted me the indwelling of The Thrill of Grace the Holy Spirit. He gave me an Is the experience of God’s grace in your life understanding of His Word. He called me to a thrilling thing? It is for me! Just thinking spiritual ministry. Every day He gives me a about the fact that God, by His own rich communion with the saints, and I relish sovereign plan, decided to be gracious to being a part of His redeemed people. He me is overwhelming. enables me to see the world as His handiwork. I am His child, and He loves me He poured out His grace on me. He forgave in a personal way. all my sins. He granted me the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He gave me an There is nothing greater than receiving understanding of His Word. He called me to grace upon grace. I pray that is your spiritual ministry. Every day He gives me a experience. rich communion with the saints, and I relish being a part of His redeemed people. He caritos = of Grace enables me to see the world as His The word primarily means that which gives handiwork. I am His child, and He loves me joy, the beauty, loveliness, goodness, which in a personal way. brings delight. The graces express the beauty of holiness. Thence, kindness, favor, There is nothing greater than receiving good will: the loving spirit which inspires grace upon grace. I pray that is your those virtues. Then naturally the gifts and experience. favors which are the fruit and express of good will. Of all these Jesus was full. As C. H. Spurgeon regards the Gospels we see, with great I wish that we could all say that. Even out of distinctness, that every detail points to the this company, many can say it; and linking certainty that there was something majestic our hands with those who have gone before and winning in the personal presence of us, and those who are still with us in the Jesus. faith, we say unitedly, “Of his fullness have all we received,” and we hope to receive C.H. Spurgeon from it again to-night, for it is still his These words tell us that there is a fullness in fullness. There is never a trace of declining Christ. There is a fullness of essential Deity, in him. It was fullness when the first sinner for in His dwelleth all the fullness of the came to him; and it is fullness still; it will be Godhead. There is a fullness of perfect fullness to the end. “And grace for grace.” manhood, for in Him, bodily, that Godhead We get grace to reach out to another grace, was revealed. There is a fullness of atoning each grace becoming a stepping-stone to efficacy in His blood, for the blood of Jesus something higher. I do not believe in our Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin. rising on the “stepping-stones of our dead There is a fullness of justifying selves.” They are poor stones; they all lead downwards. The stepping-stones of the righteousness in His life, for there is living Christ lead upwards; grace for grace, therefore now no condemnation to them that grace upon grace, till grace is crowned with are in Christ Jesus. There is a fullness of glory. divine prevalence in his plea, for He is able to save to the uttermost them that come John MacArthur Jr. unto God by Him; seeing He ever liveth to Is the experience of God’s grace in your life make intercession for them. There is a a thrilling thing? It is for me! Just thinking fullness of victory in His death, for through 39 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 death He destroyed him that had the power be, although I abhor that which is evil and of death, that is the devil. There is a fullness would cleave to what is good! I am not what of efficacy in His resurrection from the dead, I hope to be, but soon I shall be out of for by it we are begotten again unto a lively mortality, and with it all sin and imperfection. hope. Though I am not what I wrought to be, nor what I wish to be, nor yet what I hope to be, There is a fullness of triumph in His I can truly say I am not what I once was: a ascension, for when He ascended up on slave to sin and Satan. I can heartily join high, He led captivity captive, and received with the apostle and acknowledge that by gifts for men. There is a fullness of blessings the grace of God I am what I am!” Then, of every sort and shape; a fullness of grace after a pause, he said, “Now let us pray!” to pardon, of grace to regenerate, of grace to sanctify, of grace to preserve, and of C. H. Spurgeon grace to perfect. There is a fullness at all He was not before John in the order of times; a fullness of comfort in affliction; a human birth, yet he was truly before John, fullness of guidance in prosperity. A fullness for he had an eternal pre-existence, as he of every divine attribute, of wisdom, of was none other than the uncreated Son of power, of love; a fullness which it were God. impossible to survey, much less to explore. It pleased the Father that in Him should all Devotional It is by grace that God authors fullness dwell. and produces within us the prompting to Himself. Then He supplies grace once again Oh, what a fullness must this be of which all at every point that we obey His voice and receive! Fullness, indeed, must there be respond to His inner prompting. This is what when the stream is always flowing, and ye is meant in the phrase "grace for grace" (or, the well springs up as free, as rich, as full as "grace in exchange for grace" - Gk.: anti). ever. Come, believer, and get all thy need When we obey by saying "Amen" to His supplied; ask largely, and thou shalt receive speaking, we are not carrying out an act of largely, for this fullness is inexhaustible, and obedience from our own energy or strength. is treasured up where all the needy may We are exchanging the grace of His reach it, even in Jesus, Emanuel; God with prompting for a fresh supply of grace to work us. out those prompting in our practical experience. Obedience under the new Illustration covenant is a step of faith to open ourselves Two or three years before the death of John to the flow of God's grace to once again Newton, when his sight was so dim that he supply us with Himself. Thus, to hear His was no longer able to read, a friend and voice is not to come under a demand of the brother in the ministry called to have law. Rather, it is to hear a call to enjoy a breakfast with him. Their custom was to read fresh supply of grace. the Word of God following mealtime, after which Newton would make a few short The Lord's voice is located in the region of remarks on the Biblical passage, and then our heart. Hebrews 3:7-8 tells us, appropriate prayer would be offered. That "Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: Today, if day, however, there was silence after the you will hear His voice, do not harden your words of Scripture “by the grace of God I am hearts as in the rebellion, in the day of trial what I am” were read. in the wilderness." The voice of God speaks in our hearts. When the Lord is speaking, we Finally, after several minutes, Newton spoke, can either constrict and harden our heart so “I am not what I ought to be! How imperfect that it is not soft and pliable to His voice, or and deficient I am! I am not what I wish to we can hear His voice and soften our heart 40 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 and go along with that voice. This is the way equally clear that grace and truth come by we interact with the Lord's voice under the this divine channel, “Jesus Christ.” new covenant. C.H. Spurgeon C. H. Spurgeon When it was demanded of Moses to prove As they meant, “Art thou, literally, the whether or not he was sent by God, he took prophet Elijah risen from the dead? the wonder-working rod in his hand and achieved marvels. But they were all miracles “ John said,” “I am not.” “Art thou that of judgment, not or mercy. Moses, the type prophet of who Moses foretold?” “And he of the law, has his credentials in judgment. answered, No.” John gave short, sharp How different from Jesus. He is full of grace answers to these cavilers. and truth, and the seals of his ministry must be acts of mercy and kindness. He was not a man of dainty words and polished periods, especially in with ouch He turned not the water into blood, but water people as they were. into wine. He slays not their fish, but multiplies a few small fish and feeds 1:17 For the Law was given through thousands with them. He does not smite Moses; grace and truth were their wheat with hail, but he multiplies their realized through Jesus Christ. bread and gives them many blessings. He For the law was given through sends no boils, but he heals their Moses; grace and truth came sicknesses. Instead of striking the first-born through Jesus Christ. dead, he heals the dying and rescues from For the law was given by Moses, the grasp of death some who had even gone but grace and truth came by Jesus down to the grave! Christ. 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; Romans 3:24 the only begotten God, who is in the being justified as a gift by His grace through bosom of the Father, He has the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. explained Him. No one has ever seen God, but 1:17 Law and grace are both aspects of God the One and Only, who is at God’s nature that he uses in dealing with us. the Father's side, has made Him Moses emphasized God’s law and justice, known. while Jesus Christ came to highlight God’s mercy, love, and forgiveness. Moses could No man hath seen God at any time; only be the giver of the law, while Christ the only begotten Son, which is in came to fulfill the law (Matthew 5:17). The the bosom of the Father, he hath nature and will of God were revealed in the declared him. law; now the nature and will of God are revealed in Jesus Christ. Rather than Exodus 33:20 coming through cold stone tablets, God’s But He said, “You cannot see My face, for no revelation (“truth”) now comes through a man can see Me and live!” person’s life. As we get to know Christ better, our understanding of God will John 6:46 increase. “ Not that any man has seen the Father, except the One who is from God; He has C. H. Spurgeon seen the Father. We know that the law came by Moses. The law has often burdened us, crushed us, 1 John 4:9 convinced us, condemned us. Let us be By this the love of God was manifested in 41 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 us, that God has sent His only begotten Son eternal generation of the Son in the Trinity, into the world so that we might live through not as an emanation of a different substance Him. than God, but as God Himself. This “Trinitarian Sonship” expresses the eternality 1:18 God communicated through various of the Son and His intimate relation to the people in the Old Testament, usually Father. Christ, in other words, did not prophets who were told to give specific become God’s Son when He was born to messages. But no one ever saw God. “God Mary, but He had been God’s own Son from the One and Only” is a title showing that all eternity: “And now, O Father, glorify Me Jesus is both God and the Father’s unique together with Yourself, with the glory which I Son. In Christ, God revealed his nature and had with You before the world was” (John essence in a way that could be seen and 17:5). touched. In Christ, God became a man who lived on earth. Because of this Sonship, the religious leaders crucified Christ. He claimed to be C. H. Spurgeon Yahweh, and such a claim was in violation of We do not want to see God apart from everything the Jewish religious Christ. I am perfectly satisfied to see the establishment believed in. They could not Eternal Light through his own chosen accept Jesus’ claim that He was the eternal medium, Christ Jesus. Apart from that Son of God, begotten of the Father. medium, the light might blind my eyes. “No man hath seen God at any time.” Who can The glory of Christ as the “begotten God,” look on the sun? What mind can look on who proceeds from the Father for all eternity, God? But Christ does not hide the Father; possesses a fullness of grace and truth that he manifests him. “The only-begotten Son, exceeds the law given to Moses, Hendriksen which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath comments, “There was nothing wrong with declared him.” the law, moral and ceremonial. It had been given by God through Moses. It was Father’s Business: preparatory in character. It revealed man’s To do His work lost condition and it also foreshadowed his To proclaim His words deliverance. But there were two things which To reveal His character the law as such did not supply: grace so that To glorify His name transgressors could be pardoned and To carry out His will helped in time of need, and truth, i.e., the To unfold His love reality to which all the types pointed (think of To bring you to His house the sacrifices). Christ, by His atoning work, furnished both. He merited grace and He R.C. Sproul fulfilled the types.” The glory of “grace and truth” was not revealed in John the Baptist but in the “only Though the law was given, grace and truth begotten” Son: Jesus Christ. This came through Christ, who is called in this extraordinary statement of John’s passage by His full name for the first time in concerning the Son’s relationship to the this gospel. In the fullness of the person of Father has caused great controversy in the Jesus Christ, as the God-man, only begotten church. of the Father, we have unmerited favor with God and the fulfillment of Old Testament law. Some have interpreted “only begotten” as “being born,” which implies the Christ had a C. H. Spurgeon beginning. But this is not John’s emphasis in What of God we need to know, we may see this passage. “Only begotten” refers to the in Christ; enough to save us, enough to 42 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 sanctify us, enough to make us all like the only as we gain them can we even see in only-begotten Son of the Father. His fullness our God whose powers are infinite. All that we can see is revealed by Christ: His works, and especially by Jesus Christ Central Revelation who not only reveals what God is, but Central Cause implants the new life, as the purity of heart Central Figure by which we can see what He reveals. Central Attraction Central Sufferer Our Daily Bread Central Power In an article in Moody Monthly, Frank M. Central Object Fairchild told of a beautiful fresco on the Central Glory ceiling of a Roman palace. Painted by Guido Reni in 1614, it was one of the most Illustration impressive works of its day. But visitors It is impossible to see God any farther than couldn't fully appreciate the masterpiece we are like Him. The man born blind cannot because they had to crane their necks to even conceive of the flowers of sight. The see it. To solve the problem, palace officials man who does not love cannot conceive of placed a large mirror on the floor beneath what love is. What is true of physical the painting, enabling viewers to study its sensations is probably true of spiritual reflection and more fully appreciate its vision. In the Popular Science Monthly a beauty. statement about possible senses and sensations was given, as here condensed: Fairchild made this observation: "Jesus Christ does precisely that for us “ Sound is the sensation produced on us when we try to get some notion of God. He when the vibrations of the air strike on the interprets God to our dull hearts. In Him, drum of our ear. When they are few, the God becomes visible and intelligible to us. sound is deep; as they increase in number, it We cannot by any amount of searching find becomes shriller and shriller; but when they out God. The more we try, the more we are reach 40,000 in a second they cease to be bewildered. Then Jesus Christ appears. He audible. Light is the effect produced on us is God stooping down to our level, and He when waves of light strike on the eye. When enables our feeble thoughts to get some real four hundred millions of millions of vibrations hold on God Himself." of ether strike the retina in a second, they produce red, and as the number increases Christ came to reveal God to us. But He is the color passes into orange, then yellow, more than a reflection of the Father. He is then green, blue, and violet. But between God in human flesh. Hebrews tells us that 40,000 vibrations a second and four He is the express image of God (1:3). And hundred millions of millions we have no Jesus Himself said, He who has seen Me organ of sense capable of receiving the has seen the Father (John 14:9). impression. Yet between these limits any number of sensations may exist. We have As we mediate on the wonder of the Word five senses, and sometimes fancy that no made flesh, we will say with the hymn writer, other is possible. But it is obvious that we O come, let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord. cannot measure the infinite by our own narrow limitations.” Christ's birth brings the infinite God Within the finite reach of man. It is quite probable that there are as many possibilities of spiritual knowledge and Illustration feeling, of which we as yet know nothing, but If Jesus came to certain theological schools 43 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 today and asked the professors, And you, weaknesses. who do you think I am? What do you think Believe “If life is a comedy to him might be the reply? Some might answer, You who thinks and a tragedy to are the eschatological manifestation of the him who feels, it is a victory kerygma in which we recognize the ultimate to him who believes.” significance of our interpersonal relations. And Jesus would probably say, What?! Believers “Many a time I have wanted Devotional to stop talking and find out what I really believed.” The concentration of the divine love is presently existing in the Son of God. When Creation “I don’t believe that you the apostle John describes the only evolved from a monkey, do begotten Son as being into the bosom of the you?” Father, he is unveiling the intimacy of the divine love existing between the Father and Darkness “He who is in evil, is also in the Son. The Greek preposition in this verse the punishment of evil.” is not in but into. Thus, it is more accurately translated "into the bosom of the Father" Glory “O how quickly passes away rather than "in the bosom. the glory of the earth.”</p><p>In his Commentary on the Gospel of John, Grace “Grace is but glory begun, Frederick Goode talks about the love and glory is but grace relationship existing between the Father and perfected.” the Son in John 1:18. He says, "This present participle, Who is, refers to the permanent Law “If not a single cock crows, relation of the Son to the Father through all will daylight fail to appear?” the stages of His divine, human, and divine- human existence. He ever presses anew, Jesus: Human-Sized God with an equal intimacy into the bosom of the Father, who reveals Himself to Him in a Christ, incarnation of manner suitable to His position and His work Christ, one with the Father at every moment. The Greek form 'into the Christ, the Word bosom,' instead of 'in the bosom' (the Jesus Christ preposition of motion, instead of that of rest), expresses precisely this active and living Origen, in the third century, had a great relation. The bosom of the Father is not a analogy. He told of a village with a huge place, but a life; one is there only in virtue of statue—so immense you couldn't see a continual moral act." The indication here is exactly what it was supposed to represent. that there is a continuous, intimate love Finally, someone miniaturized the statue so relationship going on between the Father one could see the person it honored. Origen and the Son. He is ever into the bosom of said, "That is what God did in his Son." Paul the Father. tells us Christ is the self-miniaturization of God, the visible icon or image of the invisible God (Colossians 1). In Christ we have God May God grant that this love-life would in a comprehensible way. In Christ we have become our portion and our experience in God's own personal and definitive visit to the the middle of our weakness, so that instead planet. of being into our depression, we would constantly be into the bosom. We would not OPEN IT be into our bad and unworthy feelings that cause morbid introspection, but into a love- 01. What are some of the slang expressions life that nourishes and cherishes us in our you used growing up? 44 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>______07. What was John's role in relation to the ______light? (1:6) ______02. In what ways are words different from ______visual images? ______08. How did the light give light to every ______person? (1:9) ______EXPLORE IT ______</p><p>03. Who is the Word? (1:1) 09. Why didn't the world recognize the light? ______(1:10) ______04. What is the relationship between the Word and God? (1:1-2) 10. What is the benefit of receiving or ______believing in the Word? (1:12) ______05. What was the Word's role in creation? (1:3) 11. How and why did the Word make His ______dwelling among us? (1:14) ______06. How is the "life" the light of men? (1:4) ______12. Whose glory did the Word reveal? (1:14) ______45 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>______13. What did God give us through Moses? ______(1:17) ______19. In what way can you receive or welcome ______Christ into your life? ______14. What did God give us through Jesus? ______(1:18) ______20. What insights can you gain from seeing ______Jesus as God's Word? ______15. Why is it significant that no one has seen ______God but "God the One and Only"? (1:18) ______21. How should being a child of God affect ______our lives? ______GET IT ______16. Why did the Word become flesh and live among us? 22. In what way is John an example for us to ______follow? ______17. How does a person receive the Word? ______23. How did Jesus reveal God's glory to us? ______18. What happens when we receive or believe in the Word? APPLY IT 46 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> inspired Word. For more information on the 24. What do you need to do to be certain of Pharisees, see the charts in Matthew 3:7 your relationship with God? and Mark 2:16. ______These leaders came to see John the Baptist ______for several reasons: ______ Their duty as guardians of the faith ______caused them to want to investigate any new preaching 25. What will you do this week to better They wanted to find out if John had enjoy your status as a child of God? the credentials of a prophet. ______ John had quite a following, and it ______was growing. ______They were probably jealous and wanted to ______see why this man was so popular. ______TODAY IN THE WORD 26. How should the reality that God became Several years ago, archaeologist Ya’akov a man affect your life today? Huster found in the Gaza region of Israel the ______remains of an ancient church dedicated to ______John the Baptist. Preserved under sand ______dunes, the church featured marble floor tiles ______and multicolored mosaics, including the ______dedicatory inscription. Said Huster: “These ______discoveries show that this was a major church in a successful community in the 1:19 And this is the witness of John, mid-sixth century.” when the Jews sent to him priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask Who was John the Baptist and what was his him, "Who are you?" role in the life of Christ? Today’s reading tells Now this was John's testimony us that he prepared the way for Jesus. “The when the Jews of Jerusalem sent reason I came . . . was that he might be priests and Levites to ask him revealed to Israel” (v. 31). John the Baptist who he was. was also introduced in yesterday’s reading And this is the record of John, when as a witness or herald of the light (vv. 6–9, the Jews sent priests and Levites 15). from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? In those days of Roman occupation, messianic claims were plentiful, which is one 1:19 The priests and Levites were respected reason why the Jewish leaders sent a religious leaders in Jerusalem. Priests delegation to investigate John’s ministry. He served in the temple, and Levites assisted explicitly denied being the Messiah, but he them. The leaders that came to see John said “the Christ” was coming. He were Pharisees (John 1:24), a group that characterized his own mission as one of both John the Baptist and Jesus often clearing obstacles and softening hearts in denounced. Many of them outwardly obeyed preparation for Messiah’s arrival, a task he God’s laws to look pious, while inwardly their accomplished through baptism and hearts were filled with pride and greed. The preaching on repentance (v. 23; Isa. 40:3). Pharisees believed that their own oral traditions were just as important as God’s John hinted that the one to come would be 47 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 more than a man. To say he was not worthy and multicolored mosaics, including the to untie Messiah’s sandals expressed dedicatory inscription. Said Huster: “These extreme, worship-like humility, far beyond discoveries show that this was a major the respect paid to a normal rabbi (v. 27). He church in a successful community in the also affirmed that Christ was “before” him in mid-sixth century.” time (v. 15). When he met Jesus, he declared: “I have seen and I testify that this Who was John the Baptist and what was his is the Son of God” (v. 34). role in the life of Christ? Today’s reading tells us that he prepared the way for Jesus. “The The climax of John’s ministry was his reason I came . . . was that he might be proclamation that Christ had come (v. 29). revealed to Israel” (v. 31). John the Baptist The description of Jesus as the “Lamb of was also introduced in yesterday’s reading God” alluded to the Old Testament sacrificial as a witness or herald of the light (vv. 6–9, system, in which an animal was killed in 15). substitution for a guilty person. The verb In those days of Roman occupation, “take away” pictures “the sin of the world” messianic claims were plentiful, which is one being lifted up and carried away. The “Lamb reason why the Jewish leaders sent a of God who takes away the sin of the world” delegation to investigate John’s ministry. He conveys forgiveness, salvation, and explicitly denied being the Messiah, but he said “the Christ” was coming. He freedom. characterized his own mission as one of C. H. Spurgeon clearing obstacles and softening hearts in Not “I am the Word,” but “I am the voice.” preparation for Messiah’s arrival, a task he Christ is the essential Word; we are but the accomplished through baptism and voice to make that word sound across the preaching on repentance (v. 23; Isa. 40:3). desert of human life. John hinted that the one to come would be Not the Word, but “the voice” by which the more than a man. To say he was not worthy Word was to be made known: “I am the to untie Messiah’s sandals expressed voice” extreme, worship-like humility, far beyond the respect paid to a normal rabbi (v. 27). He “I am not the One anointed of God to save also affirmed that Christ was “before” him in mankind.” time (v. 15). When he met Jesus, he declared: “I have seen and I testify that this C. H. Spurgeon is the Son of God” (v. 34). Was that the place where the Israelites caressed the Jordan? It is said to have been The climax of John’s ministry was his so; and truly this is the place where we proclamation that Christ had come (v. 29). cross the Jordan too — come out of old The description of Jesus as the “Lamb of Judaism into the true faith of the revealed God” alluded to the Old Testament sacrificial Christ. system, in which an animal was killed in substitution for a guilty person. The verb C. H. Spurgeon “take away” pictures “the sin of the world” With indignation he must have repelled the being lifted up and carried away. The “Lamb idea that he was the Messiah: of God who takes away the sin of the world” conveys forgiveness, salvation, and TODAY IN THE WORD freedom. Several years ago, archaeologist Ya’akov Huster found in the Gaza region of Israel the 1:20 And he confessed, and did not deny, remains of an ancient church dedicated to and he confessed, "I am not the John the Baptist. Preserved under sand Christ." dunes, the church featured marble floor tiles He did not fail to confess, but 48 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> confessed freely, "I am not the dust at His feet. Christ." Nothing enough for Jesus but to be And he confessed, and denied not; everything. but confessed, I am not the Christ. 1:21 And they asked him, "What then? John 3:28 Are you Elijah?" And he said, "I am “ You yourselves bear me witness, that I not." "Are you the Prophet?" And he said, ‘I am not the Christ,’ but, ‘I have been answered, "No." sent before Him.’ They asked him, "Then who are you? Are you Elijah?" He said, "I Luke 3:15,16 am not." "Are you the Prophet?" Now while the people were in a state of He answered, "No." expectation and all were wondering in their And they asked him, What then? Art hearts about John, as to whether he might thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. be the Christ, John answered and said to Art thou that prophet? And he them all, “As for me, I baptize you with answered, No. water; but One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to untie the thong of Matthew 3:1-2 Hs sandals; He will baptize you with the Now in those days John the Baptist came, Holy Spirit and fire.” preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven I am not: is at hand.” John’s repudiation (I am not the Christ) Matthew 16:14 Pharisee’s pride And they said, “some say John the Baptist; (I am not as other men) and other, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, Peter’s denial or one of the prophets.” (I am not a follower) Christ’s avowal Deut. 18:15 (I am not of this world) “The LORD your God will raise up for you a Centurion’s confession prophet like me from among you, from your (I am not worthy) countrymen, you shall listen to him. Christ’s companion (I am not alone) Malachi 4:5 predicts an Elijah is to appear Place in the Body before the Messiah comes in power. Jesus (I am not the hand: eye, etc) said that had He been accepted by His own, John's ministry could have been considered Illustration to fulfill this prediction. Charles Fox, writes of Christ’s five-ranked army of decreasing human weakness. 1:21-23 In the Pharisees’ minds, there were Concerning this army, any of us can qualify if four options regarding John the Baptist’s we are: identity: he was: </p><p> Foolish enough to depend on Him The prophet foretold by Moses for wisdom. Elijah Weak enough to be empowered with The Messiah, or His strength. A false prophet. John denied being Base enough to have no honor but the first three personages. Christ’s honor. Instead he called himself, in the words of the Despised enough to be kept in the 49 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Old Testament prophet Isaiah, “A voice of to them that sent us. What sayest one calling: ‘In the desert prepare the way thou of thyself? for the LORD’ ” (Isaiah 40:3). The leaders kept pressing John to say who he was C. H. Spurgeon because people were expecting the Messiah Not “the Word.” — Christ is that, but John to come (Luke 3:15). But John emphasized was “the voice.” only why he had come—to prepare the way for the Messiah. The Pharisees missed the Highway to Hell: point. They wanted to know who John was, Think about yourself. but John wanted them to know who Jesus Talk about yourself. was. Use “I” as often as possible. Mirror yourself continually in the C. H. Spurgeon opinion of others. For, though indeed he was the true spiritual Listen greedily to what people say Elijah who was to come as the forerunner of the Messiah, yet, in the sense in which they about you. asked the question, the only truthful answer Be suspicious. was, “I am not.” Expect to be appreciated. Be jealous and envious. The long-expected prophet foretold by Be sensitive to slights. Moses? Never forgive a criticism. Trust nobody but yourself. Illustration Insist on consideration and the Dr. Charles Fineberg, a noted Jewish- proper respect. Christian scholar, says that in the course of Demand agreement with your views Israel's history since the time of our Lord, on everything. sixty-four different individuals have appeared Sulk if people are not grateful to you claiming to be the Messiah. for favors shown them. Never forget a service you have C. H. Spurgeon rendered. Humbly he reduces himself to a voice; but Be on the lookout for a good time for he was not “a voice and nothing more.” yourself. There was much that was mighty and wise Shirk your duties if you can. in that voice. Do as little as possible for others. Love yourself supremely. That is all; a voice and nothing more. John Be selfish. did not profess to be the Word; he was only the voice which vocalized that Word, and 1:23 He said, "I am a voice of one crying made it audible to human ears. He came to bear witness to the Christ, but he was not in the wilderness, 'Make straight the himself the Christ: “I am the voice” way of the Lord,' as Isaiah the prophet said." 1:22 They said then to him, "Who are John replied in the words of you, so that we may give an answer Isaiah the prophet, "I am the to those who sent us? What do you voice of one calling in the desert, say about yourself?" 'Make straight the way for the Finally they said, "Who are you? Lord.' " Give us an answer to take back to He said, I am the voice of one those who sent us. What do you crying in the wilderness, Make say about yourself?" straight the way of the Lord, as said Then said they unto him, Who art the prophet Esaias. thou? that we may give an answer 50 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Matthew 3:1-2 descendants needed the spiritual cleaning Now in those days John the Baptist came, symbolized in baptism stirred up the people preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and greatly concerned the Jewish leaders. If saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven John was a prophet, as so many believed, is at hand.” the scribes and teachers of the law wanted to know it so they could use him for their Mark 1:3 own ends. but if he was a false prophet, THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE some of the more sincere leaders wanted to WILDERNESS, suppress any error that might lead people ‘MAKE READY THE WAY OF THE LORD, astray. MAKE HIS PATHS STRAIGHT.’ To investigate the situation, the Sanhedrin Luke 3:4 sent a committee to John. They had one as it is written in the book of words of Isaiah purpose: to find out who he was in relation the prophet, to Old Testament prophecy. “ THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, Unfortunately, they came to him with a false ‘MAKE READY THE WAY OF THE LORD, presupposition. They had misinterpreted MAKE HIS PATHS STRAIGHT. Malachi 4:5, which said that Elijah would precede the coming of the Messiah. They Isaiah 40:3 assumed that Elijah himself would come A voice is calling, back from the dead. But as we learn from “ Clear the way for the LORD in the Christ Himself, the forerunner of Messiah wilderness; would not be Elijah himself but one who Make smooth in the desert a highway for our came in the spirit and power of Elijah. The God. mistake of the Jews concerning this prophecy is a good lesson for us all not to C. H. Spurgeon assume a wooden hyper-literalism in You see, even as a voice, John was not understanding prophecy. original. That straining after originality, of which we see so much to-day, finds no When the Jews asked John whether he was warrant among the true servants of God. Elijah, he denied that he was the prophet in Even though John is only a voice, yet he is a the overly literal sense they had in mind. voice that quotes the Scriptures: “Make They also wanted to know whether he was straight the way of the Lord, as said the the Messiah Himself. John denied that too. prophet Esaias.” The more of Scripture we The Jews had missed the entire point can voice, the better. Our words, what are because they did not apply Isaiah 40:3 to they? They are but air. His Word, what is it? the situation: a verse that John uses to identify himself. It is “grace and truth.” May we continually be lending a voice to the great Words of God that have gone before! John told the committee in no uncertain terms that he was the forerunner of the R.C. Sproul Messiah, that he came to prepare the We find that John the Baptist had made his people for the coming of the Holy One of first public appearance in the summer of Israel. That preparation involved repentance 26AD. His ascetic lifestyle and fervent and on the part of a people who had grown cold effectual preaching on repentance, even for toward God. They needed to turn from their the seed of Abraham, excited much legalistic traditions and prepare their hearts attention. His teaching that Abraham’s for the coming of the Lord.</p><p>51 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>C. H. Spurgeon The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto See the true humility of this faithful servant him, and saith, of Christ. He does not dream of putting his own name side by side with his Master’s. Behold the lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. This is he of whom I The unloosing of shoe latchets was work for said, After me cometh a man which is a slave to do, but if we are privileged to preferred before me: for he was before me. perform this work for Christ, it will make us as kings before him. To do anything for And I knew him not: but that he should be Christ, to have even a menial’s place in his made manifest to Israel therefore am I come palace, is better than being an emperor baptize with water. And John bare record, among men. May we have the portion of saying, I saw the Spirit descending from those who are not ashamed to unloose the heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. latchet of Christ’s shoes! And I knew him not: but he that sent me to John is called “a voice” because: baptize with water, the same said unto me, He was the utterer of God’s thought. Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit The whole man was a sermon. descending, and remaining on him, the He called attention not to himself, same is he which baptizeth with the Holy but to his message, as does every Ghost. And I saw, and bars record that this true preacher and teacher. is the Son of God. Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples, and Himself weak and insignificant, like looking upon Jesus he walked, he saith, words, sound, motion in the air, he Behold the lamb of God! And the two yet produced a mighty effect on the disciples heard him speak, and they souls of men. followed Jesus. In the third chapter of the same Gospel, we have yet another The name given Jesus here reflects the testimony by John the Baptist concerning atonement theme in this Gospel. Lambs Christ. were sacrificed on O.T. altars as sin offerings. But the true Lamb of God which all C. H. Spurgeon O.T. sacrifices symbolized is Jesus who How wisely does God always choose and takes away the sin of the world. fashion his servants! John is evidently just the man for his place; he bears testimony to C. H. Spurgeon Christ very clearly; he earnestly turns away How John hides himself behind his Master! all attention from himself to his Master; and He was a most worthy man, a truly great he has such s reverent esteem for him of man; but he counted himself unworthy of the whom he is the herald that he puts all honor most menial service for Christ, and felt and glory upon him. honored by filling the office of a slave to unloose his Master’s shoe’s latchet. It is 1:24 Now they had been sent from the better to be the slave of Christ than to rule Pharisees. vast empires; he who truly serveth him is Now some Pharisees who had glorified thereby. been sent And they which were sent were of Epigram the Pharisees. Hearing a hundred times is not as good as seeing once. C. H. Spurgeon Ah! Dear friends, although it was a lowly C. H. Spurgeon expression that John used, you and I often These things were done in Bethabara feel that we want something that goes lower beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing. even than that. 52 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> neither that prophet? What are we worthy to do for Christ? Yet there are times when, if there is a shoe- 1:25-26 John was baptizing Jews. The latchet to be unloosed, we are too proud to Essenes (a strict, monastic sect of Judaism) stoop to do it. When there is something to practiced baptism for purification, but be done that will bring no honor to us, we normally only non-Jews (Gentiles) were are too high and mighty to do it. O child of baptized when they converted to Judaism. God, if you have ever been in that condition, When the Pharisees questioned John’s be greatly ashamed of yourself! John was authority to baptize, they were asking who first in his day, the morning-star of the Light gave John the right to treat God’s chosen of the gospel, yet even he felt that he was people like Gentiles. John said, “I baptize not worthy to do the least thing for Christ. with water”—he was merely helping the Where shall you and I put ourselves? Paul people perform a symbolic act of said that he was “less than the least of all repentance. But soon one would come who the saints.” He ran away with a title that would truly forgive sins, something only the might have been very appropriate for us. Son of God—the Messiah—could do.</p><p>Well, we must let him have it, I suppose; and 1:26 John answered them saying, "I we must try to find another like it; or if we baptize in water, but among you cannot find suitable words, God help us to stands One whom you do not know. have the humble feeling, which is better still! "I baptize with water," John replied, "but among you stands one you do not know. Pharisees: John answered them, saying, I A sect of the Jews. Acts 15:5 baptize with water: but there Resurrection. Matt 15:9 standeth one among you, whom ye Publicans and sinners. Matt 9:11 know not; Fasting. Matt 9:14 Washing of hands. Matt 15:1 Acts 1:5 Duties of children Matt 15:4 for John baptized with water, but you shall Sabbath. Matt 12:2 be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many Hypocrisy Matt 3:7 days from now. Hypocrisy Matt 6:2 R.C. Sproul Reject John. Luke 7:30 The priests who came to question John Reject Christ. Matt 12:38 wanted to know whether he had the right to Come to Jesus Matt 19:3 baptize. In the Old Testament only the Minister to Jesus. Luke 7:36 priests possessed the right to administer Disciples of Jesus. John 3:1 modes of purification. Because John had Paul a Pharisee. Acts 23:6 denied (according to their understanding) that he was a prophet, Elijah, or the 1:25 And they asked him, and said to Messiah, they concluded that he acted on him, "Why then are you baptizing, if no divine authority. Even though John had you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, already answered them by saying that he nor the Prophet?" was the forerunner of Christ, they did not questioned him, "Why then do believe him. As a result, they were blinded to you baptize if you are not the the purpose of his ministry, the significance Christ, nor Elijah, nor the of his baptism, and the presence of Christ Prophet?" who had already begun His ministry. And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if John’s answer to the question “Why do you thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, baptize?” is significant in understanding 53 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 sacraments in general and the difference saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He between John’s baptism and Christ’s. who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.’” First, John declares that he only baptized with water but One was coming who would “This is He on behalf of whom I said, ‘After baptize with the Spirit (Mark 1:8). John is not me comes a Man who has a higher rank saying that the baptism he administered was than I, for He existed before me.’” totally different from the one Christ would administer. He was simply enlightening the 1:27 John the Baptist said he was not even priests concerning his role in administering worthy to be Christ’s slave, to perform the the sacrament of baptism, which consisted humble task of unfastening his shoes. But in a merely outward administration. All John according to Luke 7:28, Jesus said that John could do as a minister, as a mere man, was was the greatest of all prophets. If such a administer the outward sign of baptism, great person felt inadequate even to be which was water. Only Christ was able to Christ’s slave, how much more should we bestow the thing signified by water: the gift lay aside our pride to serve Christ! When we of the Holy Spirit. truly understand who Christ is, our pride and self-importance melt away. The priests had assumed that because John was baptizing, he was administering this rite Not Worthy: in the power of the Messiah Himself Unworthy forerunner (according to Messianic prophecies as they Unworthy disciple understood them, Ezek. 36:25; 37:23). But Unworthy guests John was only a prophet, a forerunner who Unworthy son relied solely on Christ Himself. Because the Unworthy sufferings priests did not know Christ, they did not Unworthy world understand baptism as signifying the great Humble supplicant riches that come through faith in Christ. Illustration Second, John directs everyone’s attention A rider on horseback, many years ago, away from himself toward Christ. His role came across a squad of soldiers who were was to bear witness to the Light, which he trying to move a heavy piece of timber. A did faithfully. John tells the priests his corporal stood by, giving lordly orders to baptism is only a sign. That sign would be “heave.” but the piece of timber was a trifle fulfilled in Christ, who alone can bestow the too heavy for the squad. “Why don’t you gift of the Spirit. Therefore, the people help them?” asked the quiet man on the should not focus on the lowly minister, or horse, addressing the important corporal. even on the sign of baptism, but on Christ “Me? Why, I’m a corporal, sir!” dismounting, Himself. the stranger carefully took his place with the soldiers. “Now, all together, boys; heave!” he 1:27 "It is He who comes after me, the said. And the big piece of timber slid into thong of whose sandal I am not place. The stranger mounted his horse and worthy to untie." addressed the corporal. “The next time you He is the one who comes after have a piece of timber for your men to me, the thongs of whose sandals handle, corporal, send for the commander- I am not worthy to untie." in-chief.” The horseman was George He it is, who coming after me is Washington. preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose. 1:28 These things took place in Bethany beyond the Jordan, where John was John 1:15,30 baptizing. John bore witness of Him, and cried out, This all happened at Bethany on 54 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> the other side of the Jordan, Now is he bringing out his message; now is where John was baptizing. he pointing out his Master. These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where OPEN IT John was baptizing. 01. Why do people enjoy boasting about C. H. Spurgeon themselves and their accomplishments? You know, dear friends, that Christ existed ______from all eternity, so, in very truth, he was ______before John; you know, too, the glory and ______the excellency of our Divine Master’s ______person, so that, in another sense, he was ______and is before John and all other creatures ______whom he has made.</p><p>Attitude 02. Why is it hard to be humble? The trouble with most of us is that we would ______rather be ruined by praise than saved by ______criticism. ______Believers ______Never put a question mark where God has ______put a period. ______</p><p>Humility 03. What are the characteristics of a humble After crosses and losses men grow humbler person? and wiser. ______Integrity ______The measure of a man’s real character is ______what he would do, if he knew he would ______never be found out. ______</p><p>Jesus Christ EXPLORE IT I hold the precepts of Jesus as delivered by himself, to be the most pure, benevolent, 04. What did the Jews want to know? (1:19) and sublime which have ever been ______preached to man. I adhere to the principles ______of the first age; and consider all subsequent ______innovations as corruptions of this religion, ______having no foundation in what came from ______him. ______</p><p>Messiah 05. Who did the Jews think John was? God clothed himself in man’s vile flesh that (1:20-21) so he might be weak enough to suffer woe. ______Witnessing ______You cannot cure a blind man by increasing ______the light. ______C. H. Spurgeon 06. What did John say about who he was? 55 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>(1:20-22) ______12. Who did John say was coming after ______him? (12:27) ______07. In what way was John a "voice of one ______calling in the desert"? (1:23) ______13. Where did these events take place? ______(1:28) ______08. What does the phrase "make straight the ______way for the Lord" mean? (1:23) ______GET IT ______14. In what ways can you honor Christ with ______your accomplishments? ______09. How did John "make straight the way for ______the Lord"? (1:23) ______15. How can we point others to Christ? ______10. Why did the Pharisees care that John ______was baptizing people? (1:24) ______16. In what situations is it difficult for you to ______be humble? ______11. What did John say he was not worthy to ______do? (1:27) ______17. If you had been John how would you ______have felt about your role? ______56 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>______to him, and said, "Behold, the Lamb ______of God who takes away the sin of ______the world! The next day John saw Jesus 18. In what ways is your life like John's? coming toward him and said, ______"Look, the Lamb of God, who ______takes away the sin of the world! ______The next day John seeth Jesus ______coming unto him, and saith, Behold ______the Lamb of God, which taketh away ______the sin of the world. 19. What special or unique means has God given you to share His Word? Isaiah 53:7 ______He was oppressed and He was afflicted, ______Yet He did not open His mouth; ______Like a lamb that is led to slaughter, ______And like a sheep that is silent before its ______shearers, ______So He did not open His mouth.</p><p>APPLY IT 1 Peter 1:19 but with precious blood, as of a lamb 20. In what way can you be a voice for unblemished and spotless, the blood of Jesus? Christ. ______1:29 Every morning and evening, a lamb ______was sacrificed in the temple for the sins of ______the people (Exodus 29:38-42). Isaiah 53:7 ______prophesied that the Messiah, God’s servant, ______would be led to the slaughter like a lamb. To pay the penalty for sin, a life had to be given 21. What are some areas in which you —and God chose to provide the sacrifice struggle to be humble at this time in your himself. The sins of the world were removed life? when Jesus died as the perfect sacrifice. ______This is the way our sins are forgiven (1 Cor. ______5:7). The “sin of the world” means ______everyone’s sin, the sin of each individual. ______Jesus paid the price of your sin by his death. ______You can receive forgiveness by confessing ______your sin to him and asking for his forgiveness. 22. In what specific ways can you point others to Christ this week? TODAY IN THE WORD ______Can you imagine living in a crowded Jewish ______neighborhood in ancient Egypt during the ______time of Moses? Your family has worked as ______slaves and lived with horrible oppression. ______God has heard your people’s cries and ______raised up a deliverer--Moses--but this deliverer keeps bringing unbearable plagues 1:29 The next day he saw Jesus coming upon the land. Now, tonight in fact, you’ve 57 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 been told that each household is to sacrifice Behold the Man a year-old male lamb, with no defects (Ex. Behold the Sower 12:3–5). Then you are to spread some of the Behold your King sacrificed lamb’s blood on the doorframe (v. Behold the Greater 7), so that no harm will come to your family Behold your God when Egypt’s firstborn are struck down (v. 13)! R.C. Sproul As John continues his testimony concerning In the time of Jesus, Jews were familiar with the nature and work of Jesus Christ, he this story, hearing it every Passover. In fact, proclaims to the people that the Lamb of when John saw Jesus and cried out, “Look, the Lamb of God!” (John 1:29), he may have God comes to take away the sin of the had this incident in mind. Or, perhaps, he world. We will examine what John meant by may have thought of Isaiah 53 (see “Lamb of God” and “taking away the sin of December 9). Notice how John added, “who the world.” takes away the sin of the world.” It’s clear from Isaiah 53:6–7, that the Servant would First, Jesus enters into His public ministry by offer His life, taking on Himself the “iniquity undergoing the rite of baptism and fulfilling of us all” (v. 6). “all righteousness.” John focuses on Jesus’ life of obedience when he uses the present John the Baptist recognized in Jesus the participle “taking away.” John did not say, One whom God had sent finally to deliver “He will take away,” but “He is taking away.” the world from the bondage of sin and evil. Christ’s perfect life was as necessary for our When John saw the Holy Spirit come upon redemption as His death. And here we find Jesus at His baptism (v. 32), John knew that specific reference to that fulfillment as Jesus this was indeed the Son of God (v. 34). subjects Himself to baptism.</p><p>Paul also recognized that Jesus was the Second, John calls Jesus the “Lamb of true Passover lamb (1 Cor. 5:7). Additionally, God.” This designation referred to the varied Paul may have thought of the burnt offering, sacrificial rites that prefigured the Messiah: outlined in Leviticus 1:3–17, which was to be (Num. 28:4), and the lamb in Isaiah 53:6-10. offered daily for general atonement of sin. This latter “type” would have held specific significance because John had quoted from C. H. Spurgeon Isaiah in describing his relation to the John preached a sacrificial Savior, a sin- coming Messiah: John would declare the bearing Savior, a sin-atoning Savior. You coming of the Lamb who would take away and I have nothing else to preach. Let each of us say; the sins of His people. The taking away of sin was symbolized by the slaughtered “Tis all my business here below lamb: an imagery that have been well-known To cry, Behold the Lamb!” to the people who heard John preach.</p><p>John lost no time. He had no sooner Third, when John says that Jesus came to discovered the Savior than he bore witness take away the “sin of the world,” he was not of him. “The next day.” As soon as ever his teaching universal atonement. The Jews eyes lighted upon Jesus, he had his thought the Messiah would come for their testimony ready for him. “Behold!” said he, redemption only, but John as well as Christ “the Lamb of God.” Himself taught that God’s mercy extended beyond the borders of Israel to the “whole Behold the Christ: world.” Later, the disciple John makes the Behold My Servant point that Jesus did not just die for one Behold the Lamb nation (the Jews) but for “the children of God 58 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 who ere scattered abroad” (John 11:51-52). lambs. The father was speechless for a Here we have a limitation set on who would moment and then realized what traumatic be saved: not every person in world history and memorable events such sacrifices were. but those children of God, the lost sheep of How serious the killing of a lamb for sacrifice Israel, who are scattered throughout all and how destructive the reason for the nations during all times. sacrifice: sin. If the killing of a pure white lamb seems horrendous, how immeasurably In this way God’s grace extended to the more was the crucifixion of the Lamb of whole world. He has extended it to you by God! bringing the good news of Christ, the Lamb of God, into your hearing. C.H. Spurgeon It is the preacher’s principal business, his C. H. Spurgeon only business, to cry, “Behold the Lamb of I think I hear the Elijah-like tones of that son God!” I think the minister who has failed to of the desert, “Behold the Lamb of God, cry, “Behold the Lamb of God,” may expect which taketh away the sin of the world.” at the last to be cut in pieces and to have his portion with the tormentors. Illustration On a little church in Germany stands a stone An Announcement lamb which has an interesting history: When Lamb of God: some workmen were building the roof, one Glorification Rev. 13:8 workman fell to the ground. His companions Incarnation Phil. 2:7-9 hastened down expecting to see him killed. Expiation Isa. 53:7 But he was unhurt. A lamb was brazing Coronation Rev. 5:6-14 below when he fell on it, crushing the lamb. He was so grateful that he made an image Oswald Chambers of the lamb in stone and placed it on the In the days of His flesh, Jesus Christ building as a memorial. exhibited this divine paradox of the Lion and the Lamb. He was the Lion in majesty, C.H. Spurgeon rebuking the winds and demons; He was the Places and times become memorable when Lamb in meekness, “who when He was linked with our Lord; hence we are told what reviled, reviled not again.” He was the Lion was done at Bethabara on such a day, and in power, raising the dead; He was the Lamb what happened on the next day. in patience, who was “brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her Let us treasure holy memories with great shearers is dumb, so He openeth not His care; especially memories of Jesus, times mouth.” He was the Lion in authority, “Ye when we saw the Lord. In the case before have heard that it hath been said, but I say us the preacher was a notable man, and his unto you”; He was the Lamb in gentleness, theme more notable still. John the Baptist “Suffer the little children to come unto Me ... preaches Jesus. We have here a model for and He took them up in His arms, put His every minister of Christ. hands upon them, and blessed them.” In our personal lives Jesus Christ proves Himself Illustration to be all this: and plant within us His own When telling his young daughter the story of heredity of holiness; He is the Lion to rule Abraham and Isaac, a father related how over us, so that we gladly say, “The God had finally told Abraham not to kill Isaac government of this life shall be upon His and had provided a sacrificial lamb instead. shoulders.” And what is true in individual life The little girl looked up with a sad is to be true also in the universe at large. expression and said, I don't like killing The time is coming when the Lion of the 59 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 tribe of Judah shall reign, and when “the Tells of God's Justice kingdoms of this world are become the Lamb for Men kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ.” Tells of God's Grace</p><p>He came down to the lowest reach of Oswald Chambers creation in order to bring back the whole At the outset of our Lord's public ministry He human race to God, and in order to do this accepted His vocation, which was to (take) He must take upon Him, as representative away the sin of the world. We must never Man, the whole massed sin of the race. That forget that. John's baptism was a baptism of is why He is called “the Lamb of God.” repentance for the remission of sins, and that was the baptism with which Jesus was Taketh away: baptized. Permit it to be so for now, for thus What Jesus did. it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness; How He did it. and right through to the end, our Lord was identified with that one thing; that is, sin. John Macarthur He entered this world, took on human flesh, The agony in Gethsemane reveals the last and died on a cross to bear your sin, to pay reach of the unfathomable depths to which the penalty for your iniquity, to remove your our Lord went in that identification. Christ guilt. He did so that you might enter into his has redeemed us from the curse of the law, presence. You must respond. having become a curse for us. Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the Behold! world! These were almost the first words 1. It was by beholding that the race of John the Baptist spoke about Jesus. And man became lost. almost the last words Jesus spoke were to a 2. It was by beholding that the race of criminal: Today you will be with Me in man became saved. Paradise. The last possible reach of faith is the cry of a sinner who begins to realize that C.H. Spurgeon God can save him. As soon as he cries out In 1857, a day of two before preaching at to God he will find the marvel of Jesus the Crystal Palace, I went to decide where Christ's salvation wrought in his personal the platform should be fixed; and, in order to experience. test the acoustic properties of the building, cried in a loud voice, Behold the Lamb of The lamb used for the Old Testament God, which taketh away the sin of the world. sacrifice was to be without blemish. What a In one of the galleries, a workman, who true type it was of Jesus Christ the Son of knew nothing of what was being done, heard God! And to the Jews, John the Baptist the words, and they came like a message called Jesus the Lamb of God, not a lamb, from heaven to his soul. He was smitten with or some lamb, but THE LAMB. The Lord conviction on account of sin, put down his Jesus Christ was certainly without blemish tools, went home, and there after a season and without spot. The Bible tells us that He of spiritual struggling, found peace and life knew no sin (2 Cor. 5:21), He did no sin (1 by beholding the Lamb of God. Years after, Pet. 2:22), and He had no sin (1 John 3:5). he told this story to one who visited him on In order for Jesus Christ to be able to be the his deathbed. spotless Lamb of God, He would have to be the sinless Son of God, otherwise He would Sermon Note have to die His own death and pay His own Lamb from God debt; but ... Tells of God's Love. Lamb for God Jesus had no death to die, 60 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>He'd never lived in sin. his life as a ransom for you, for me, for all of He died the death that you and I us. He sacrificed himself to give us a second Through faith might enter in. chance. He would have gone to any lengths to do so. And he did. He went to the cross, Jesus had no debt to pay, where man’s utter despair collided with He paid the price for me, God’s unbending grace. And washed my every sin away: Thank God He set me free! 1:30 "This is He on behalf of whom I said, 'After me comes a Man who has a Polycarp (69-155) higher rank than I, for He existed Eighty-six years have I served Christ, and before me.' He has never done me wrong. How can I This is the one I meant when I blaspheme my King who saved me? said, 'A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he Illustration was before me.' A flippant youth asked a preacher, You say This is he of whom I said, After me that unsaved people carry a weight of sin. I cometh a man which is preferred feel nothing. How heavy is sin? Is it ten before me: for he was before me. pounds? Eighty pounds?</p><p>The preacher replied by asking the youth, If John 1:15,27 you laid a four hundred pound weight on a John bore witness of Him, and cried out, corpse, would it feel the load? saying, “this was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has a higher rank than The youth replied, It would feel nothing, I, for He existed before me.’” because it is dead. “It is He who comes after me, the thong of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie.” The preacher concluded, That spirit, too, is indeed dead which feels no load of sin or is 1:30 Although John the Baptist was a well- indifferent to its burden and flippant about known preacher who attracted large crowds, it's presence. he was content for Jesus to take the higher place. This is true humility, the basis for The youth was silenced. greatness in preaching, teaching, or any other work we do for Christ. When you are C.H. Spurgeon content to do what God wants you to do and God-sent servants do not say, “Look to the let Jesus Christ be honored for it, God will priest, look to the altar, look to the do great things through you. sacraments, look to yourself; come and confess you sins, and I will give you C. H. Spurgeon John knew Jesus very well; but he did not absolution.” No, no, no, no. Forever and know him as the Sent Ono of God, the ever no! The priests of antichrist do that, but Messiah, till after he had received the sign the servants of Christ cry, “Behold the Lamb and token at his baptism: “I knew him not.” of God.” Our great difficulty is to get men’s eyes off themselves, off their works, off their Ah! how infinitely before John; how before forms and ceremonies, off mere creed him Jarring no beginning of days, before him religion, and to get them to look at the living in his exalted nature, before him in his Christ. superior rank and office!</p><p>Max Lucado 1:31 "And I did not recognize Him, but in Christ came to earth for one reason: to give order that He might be manifested to 61 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Israel, I came baptizing in water." first to baptize Jesus. John's baptism was for I myself did not know him, but the sinners, and John knew Jesus did not need reason I came baptizing with to repent! water was that he might be revealed to Israel." C. H. Spurgeon And I knew him not: but that he John would not know of his own judgment. should be made manifest to Israel, No doubt he was morally certain that Jesus therefore am I come baptizing was the Christ. He had been brought up with with water. him; he knew his mother, he had heard of his wondrous birth; John and Jesus must 1:31-34 At Jesus’ baptism, John the Baptist have been often together; but he was not to had declared Jesus to be the Messiah. At use his own judgment in this case, but to that time God had given John a sign to show wait for the sign from heaven; and until he him that Jesus truly had been sent from God witnessed it, he did not say a word about it. (John 1:33). John and Jesus were related When he saw the Holy Ghost descend upon (see Luke 1:36), so John probably knew him, then he knew that it was even he. who he was. But it wasn’t until Jesus’ baptism that John understood that Jesus Illustration was the Messiah. Jesus’ baptism is The sign that you followed Abraham described in Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; was circumcision. and Luke 3:21-22. The sign that you followed Moses was keeping the Sabbath. 1:33 John the Baptist’s baptism with water The sign that you followed John the was preparatory, because it was for Baptist was that you were baptized. repentance and symbolized the washing The sign that you follow Jesus away of sins. Jesus, by contrast, would Christ is that you love one another. baptize with the Holy Spirit. He would send the Holy Spirit upon all believers, empowering them to live and to teach the C. H. Spurgeon message of salvation. This outpouring of the Since John’s time, many others have borne Spirit came after Jesus had risen from the similar testimony. We also have received dead and ascended into heaven (see John him, and rejoice to say that he has baptized 20:22; Acts 2). us with the Holy Ghost. All that John said of him is true, and much more than John said is also true. He is the Lamb of God, who has C. H. Spurgeon taken upon himself the sin of all who believe Although John knew the Savior personally, in him, and therefore he is able to save unto he did not know him officially. He had a the uttermost all that come unto God by him. token given to him by God, by which he was Oh, that all men would receive the testimony to know the Messiah; and he did not officially concerning him which we find in this blessed know him till he had that token fulfilled. Book, and which we delight to repeat in his name! It was by baptism that the Christ was to be known. John knew more of Jesus Christ than anybody else, yet he did not know him C. H. Spurgeon to be the Lamb of God until he had baptized Jesus and John must have been well him. acquainted with one another; they were closely related, but John was not to know anybody as the Messiah tin he received the Sermon Note token from God. When he saw that token, Know is used here in the sense of then he officially knew, and he bore instant recognize. John knew his cousin so well, witness: “This is the Son of God.” other Gospel writers tell us, he refused at</p><p>62 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>The secret sign of the descent of the Spirit, literally bellowed the unutterable gushings of in dovelike form, upon our Lord, was given my heart.” to John; and as soon as he saw it, he knew of a surety that Jesus was the Sent One, the In his writings, Charles G. Finney says, “He Messiah, and that he must point him out to who neglects to obey the command to be the people. filled with the Spirit, is as guilty of breaking the command of God, as he who steals, or 1:32 And John bore witness saying, "I curses, or commits adultery. His guilt is as have beheld the Spirit descending great as the authority of God is great, who as a dove out of heaven, and He commands us to be filled. His guilt is remained upon Him. equivalent to all the good he might do if he Then John gave this testimony: "I were filled with the Spirit.” saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on C. H. Spurgeon him. I doubt not that John had assuredly guessed And John bare record, saying, I saw that Jesus was the person; but he had the Spirit descending from heaven nothing to do with guesses: he was a like a dove, and it abode upon him. witness for God, and he could only speak as God revealed things to him. Matthew 3:16 And after bang baptized, Jesus went up 1:33 "And I did not recognize Him, but He immediately from the water; and behold, the who sent me to baptize in water said heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit to me, 'He upon whom you see the of God descending as a dove, and coming Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, upon Him, this is the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.' Mark 1:10 I would not have known him, And immediately coming up out of the water, except that the one who sent me He saw the heavens opening, and the Spirit to baptize with water told me, like a dove descending upon Him; 'The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is Luke 3:22 he who will baptize with the Holy and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in Spirit.' bodily form like a dove, an a voice came out And I knew him not: but he that sent of heaven, “Thou art My beloved Son, in me to baptize with water, the same Thee I am well-pleased.” said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and Illustration remaining on him, the same is he Charles G. Finney says of his own which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. experience, “As I turned and was to take a seat by the fire, I received the mighty Matthew 3:11 Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost “ As for me, I baptize you with water for descended upon me in a manner that repentance, but He who is coming after me seemed to go through me, body and soul. I is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove could feel the impressions like a wave of His sandals; He will baptize you with the electricity going through and through me. Holy Spirit and fire. Indeed, it seemed to come in waves and waves of liquid love; for I could not express Acts 1:5 it in any other way. I wept aloud with joy and for John baptized with water, but you shall love; and I do not know, but I should say I be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many 63 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 days form now. John 1:49 C. H. Spurgeon Nathaniel answered Him, “Rabbi, You are Notice how very clear John is. There is no the Son of God; You are the King of Israel.” mistaking him. He repeated himself lest there should be any possibility of an error, 1:34 John the Baptist’s job was to point and he gives the detail of the mode by which people to Jesus, their long-awaited Messiah. he recognized the Savior, in order that all Today people are looking for someone to might be persuaded to accept Jesus as in give them security in an insecure world. Our very truth the Messiah and the Son of God, job is to point them to Christ and to show so that we are to preach very plainly — not that he is the one whom they seek with enticing words of men’s wisdom, but with demonstration of the Spirit and with C. H. Spurgeon power. What have we to conceal? Nay, we Hear ye, then, the witness of John. The have everything to reveal and our business Christ, who came from Nazareth to be is that men should be convinced that Jesus baptized of him in Jordan, he on whom the is the Christ, and should come and put their Holy Ghost descended like a dove, “this is trust in him the Son of God.” This is the sin-bearing Lamb. Oh, that you and I might fulfill John’s Notice how very clear John is. There is no expectation, for he spoke that we might mistaking him. He repeated himself lest believe. there should be any possibility of an error, and he gives the detail of the mode by which He, being dead, yet speaketh. May we he recognized the Savior, in order that all believe his witness, and be assured that might be persuaded to accept Jesus as in “this is the Son of God”! very truth the Messiah and the Son of God, so that we are to preach very plainly — not R.C. Sproul with enticing words of men’s wisdom, but with demonstration of the Spirit and with The gospel of John may have been written power. What have we to conceal? Nay, we around 90AD near the end of John’s life. have everything to reveal and our business From the varied explanations given on is that men should be convinced that Jesus Jewish customs in the book, we can assume is the Christ, and should come and put their that the writer was a Jew who was familiar trust in him with the traditions of Israel, well-instructed in the Old Testament Scriptures, and Illustration knowledgeable of the layout of Palestine, The Holy Spirit enters the heart, in His where John had been raised. fulness, that can boast of nothing but an aching void. Maybe, no ecstasy, no rushing Most scholars believe John wrote this mighty wind, no fiery baptism, but gospel while he resided in Ephesus. nevertheless, ‘the Lord whom ye seek shall Christians there were constantly challenged suddenly come to His temple.’ It is not by both Jews and pagans. John probably striving after faith, but resting in the faithful debated regularly with Hellenistic One! philosophers who denied the deity of Christ. The book was written for Gentiles, who 1:34 "And I have seen, and have borne needed the explanations John gives witness that this is the Son of God." concerning Jewish traditions. They would I have seen and I testify that this have also come in contact with pagan is the Son of God." philosophers in Ephesus who wanted to And I saw, and bare record that this undermine their faith by challenging the is the Son of God. doctrine of Jesus as God and Messiah. Just</p><p>64 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 a cursory reading of John reveals his central Constantinople, taught that Christ was both focus on Jesus Christ as the Son of God. God and man, but that the Godhead was one Person, the manhood another. Instead Many scholars believe that John was writing of a union of two natures with distinction, to refute the errors of a heretic named Nestorians taught that there were two Cerinthus, who denied the divinity of Christ. persons. Cerinthus taught that Jesus was merely human, the son of Joseph and Mary by In this same era lived Eutyches, a monk of natural generation; that He was just and Constantinople, who was a zealous for of wise but not the Son of God; that the Holy Nestorianism: yet he proposed another Spirit had descended upon Him at His strange theory concerning the nature of our baptism but left Him on the eve of His Lord. The Christological view of Eutyches suffering, so that it was not Christ who was that the human nature of Christ is suffered, died and rose again, but it was absorbed into the divine; yet Eutychianism Jesus. holds firmly to one nature, the divine in Christ. This made the humanity of Christ a John’s emphasis on the divinity of Christ can mere accident of the immovable divine be seen from the events he chose to substance. include. John was clearly uninterested in giving a thorough account of Jesus’ life, for The early church met these heretics with he left that to the other gospels (of which he four adverbs which briefly and conveniently was likely familiar). Instead, he focused on defined the two natures in Christ’s person. one purpose: to testify to Jesus Christ as the They said that when “the Word was made Son of God. flesh” the divine and the human natures were united “truly”, to oppose the Arians; Many of the accounts John recorded “Perfectly,” to oppose the Appollianarians; emphasize Jesus’ authority: the wedding at and “undividedly,” to oppose the Nestorians; Cana, His conversations with Nicodemus and “unmixedly,” to oppose the Eutychians. and the Samaritan woman, the healing of the man at Bethesda, the discourse about Forgiveness the living water, and the raising of Lazarus. Forgiving the unrepentant is like drawing Do not be distracted by the lack of pictures on water. biographical order in this book. A biography was not John’s purpose. He wanted to exalt History Jesus Christ as our sovereign God and Those who refuse to learn from history are Savior who is the only way to eternal life. condemned to repeat it.</p><p>Illustration Holy Spirit The only way to keep a broken vessel full is In the fourth century AD Arius, a presbyter of to keep it always under the tap. Alexandria, began to propagate the view that Jesus though the Son of God, could not Jesus Christ be co-eternal with His Father and that He Only once did God choose a completely must be regarded as external to the divine sinless preacher. essence and only a creature. Arius held the Christ was not true God. Our text calls Messiah Christ, “the Word,” making Him a Person in Anything that one imagines of God apart the Trinity. Aryanism could be classified as from Christ is only useless thinking and vain the progenitor of modern Unitarianism. idolatry.</p><p>In the fourth century, Nestorius, patriarch of Security 65 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>If I could hear Christ praying for me in the ______next room, I would not fear a million ______enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. ______He is praying for me: ‘He ever liveth to make intercession.’ 05. What does Jesus do with the sins of the world? (1:29) Sin ______Sin is man’s declaration of independence of ______God. ______World ______The world is nothing but a reversed ______Decalogue of the Ten Commandments backwards, mask and picture of the Devil. 06. What did John mean that Jesus surpassed him because He was before him? OPEN IT (1:30) ______01. What function do initiation rites serve in ______a club or society? ______07. How was Jesus before John? (1:30) ______02. What can you infer about someone from ______his or her title (such as Doctor, Professor, or ______Prince)? ______08. Why did John say he didn't know who ______Jesus was? (1:31) ______EXPLORE IT ______03. Why did John call Jesus the Lamb of God? (1:29) 09. What reason did John give for baptizing ______Jesus? (1:31) ______04. What are the sins of the world? (1:29) ______10. Why did John come to baptize people? ______(1:31) ______66 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>______away? ______11. What creature represented the Spirit of ______God? (1:32) ______17. How do we receive the forgiveness that ______Christ bought for us? ______12. Why did the Spirit come down upon ______Jesus? (1:33) ______18. In what way do you share Jesus' identity ______as a child of God? ______13. With what did John baptize? (1:31, 33) ______19. What role does the Holy Spirit play in ______your life? ______14. With what will Jesus baptize? (1:33) ______20. How does Jesus baptize us? ______15. What title did John ascribe to the person ______he baptized? (1:34) ______APPLY IT ______21. How can you honor Jesus' Sonship with ______your life this week? ______GET IT ______16. What sin of yours has Jesus taken ______67 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>______One year ago, a visiting museum director from Scotland was sifting through old boxes 22. What steps can you take to appreciate of drawings at the Cooper-Hewitt design better who Jesus is? museum in New York when he spotted a ______piece that instantly caught his eye. Sir ______Timothy Clifford stared in amazement at the ______drawing, rendered in black chalk on cream ______paper, depicting a candelabrum on a two- ______part pedestal. He felt sure it was the work of ______the great Italian artist Michelangelo, and further examination by other art experts 23. In what way can you reveal Christ to confirmed that Clifford had made an others this week? incredible discovery. Cooper-Hewitt had ______purchased the drawing in 1942 in a batch of ______designs from a dealer in London, paying $60 ______for the lot. Today this Michelangelo original, ______only 10 x 17 inches, is valued at up to $12 ______million. “I’ve made many discoveries,” said ______Sir Clifford, “but this one tops them all.” </p><p>1:35 Again the next day John was Although a once-in-a-lifetime discovery like standing with two of his disciples, this is exciting, it pales in comparison to the The next day John was there treasure that Jesus’ future disciples again with two of his disciples. discovered when they met Him. Andrew and Again the next day after John stood, John made the thrilling discovery about and two of his disciples; Israel’s Messiah when John the Baptist pointed to Jesus one day and said, “Look, John 1:29 the Lamb of God!” (John 1:36). Jesus chose The next day he saw Jesus coming to him, these two disciples of John the Baptist to join Him in His earthly ministry, a treasure far and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who above whatever valuable objects this world takes away the sin of the world.” might offer. 1:35ff These new disciples used several Andrew and John brought their brothers, names for Jesus: Lamb of God (John 1:36), Peter and James, to Jesus–and the next day Rabbi (John 1:38), Messiah (John 1:41), Jesus called Philip and Nathanael. There is Son of God (John 1:49), and King of Israel no doubt that Jesus deeply loved these men (John 1:49). As they got to know Jesus, their who left everything to follow Him. In fact, the appreciation for him grew. The more time we Bible is clear that Jesus displayed His spend getting to know Christ, the more we perfect love to everyone He encountered will understand and appreciate who he is. during His ministry, whether that love was We may be drawn to him for his teaching, returned or refused. but we will come to know him as the Son of God. Although these disciples made this TODAY IN THE WORD verbal shift in a few days, they would not Most people have heard of the exploits of Sir fully understand Jesus until three years later Isaac Newton, who introduced the law of (Acts 2). What they so easily professed had gravity and revolutionized the study of to be worked out in experience. We may find astronomy. that words of faith come easily, but deep appreciation for Christ comes with living by But according to science historians, if it faith. weren't for Edmund Halley, the world may never have heard of Isaac Newton. Halley TODAY IN THE WORD 68 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 challenged Newton to think through his drawing, rendered in black chalk on cream original theories and corrected his paper, depicting a candelabrum on a two- mathematical errors. Halley also coaxed part pedestal. He felt sure it was the work of Newton to write his great work, the great Italian artist Michelangelo, and Mathematical Principles of Natural further examination by other art experts Philosophy; and it was Halley who confirmed that Clifford had made an supervised and financed its publication even incredible discovery. Cooper-Hewitt had though Newton was wealthier. purchased the drawing in 1942 in a batch of designs from a dealer in London, paying $60 If Edmund Halley had been one of the for the lot. Today this Michelangelo original, Twelve, he probably would have been like only 10 x 17 inches, is valued at up to $12 Andrew or Philip. These two men were million. “I’ve made many discoveries,” said definitely on the ""second tier"" of disciples, Sir Clifford, “but this one tops them all.” behind the ""inner circle"" of Peter, James and John. But they were content to serve Although a once-in-a-lifetime discovery like the Lord where they were, and He used this is exciting, it pales in comparison to the them effectively. treasure that Jesus’ future disciples discovered when they met Him. Andrew and In verses 35-40, Andrew's spiritually John made the thrilling discovery about sensitive heart shows through. He was Israel’s Messiah when John the Baptist already a disciple of John the Baptist, pointed to Jesus one day and said, “Look, meaning that he had accepted John's the Lamb of God!” (John 1:36). Jesus chose message of repentance and preparation for these two disciples of John the Baptist to the Messiah. It's not surprising that Andrew join Him in His earthly ministry, a treasure far immediately followed Jesus after John the above whatever valuable objects this world Baptist identified Him. might offer. </p><p>Andrew is best known for the first thing he Andrew and John brought their brothers, did, and rightly so. He brought his brother Peter and James, to Jesus–and the next day Peter to Jesus. But Andrew was also the Jesus called Philip and Nathanael. There is disciple who brought the boy with his lunch no doubt that Jesus deeply loved these men to Jesus (John 6:8-9), and in John 12:20-22 who left everything to follow Him. In fact, the he teamed up with Philip to bring ""some Bible is clear that Jesus displayed His Greeks"" to Jesus. perfect love to everyone He encountered during His ministry, whether that love was Philip was a ""bringer"" too. He was sought returned or refused. out personally by Jesus and couldn't wait to tell Nathanael about his great discovery. It's C. H. Spurgeon interesting that when Jesus and the With holy reverence, with loving awe, gazing disciples were faced with the hungry crowd, upon this extraordinary Person “as he Jesus asked Philip to take care of their walked”, needs (John 6:5-7). Jesus did this to test Philip's faith, an indication of the Savior's This was the same text from which he had interest in this man from Bethsaida. preached the day before, and it was the same sermon, somewhat shortened. So TODAY IN THE WORD should it be with us. One year ago, a visiting museum director from Scotland was sifting through old boxes His only righteousness I show, of drawings at the Cooper-Hewitt design His saving truth proclaim; museum in New York when he spotted a ‘Tis all my business here below piece that instantly caught his eye. Sir To cry, ‘Behold the Lamb!’ Timothy Clifford stared in amazement at the 69 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>TODAY IN THE WORD There is no objection to preaching the same Every spring, small fish called koryushka sermon twice if it be on such a matter as migrate from their home in the Gulf of this. “Behold the Lamb of God,” he said one Finland to their spawning ground in the day, and the next day he did not vary the Neva River in Russia. Koryushka are highly phraseology. He had no new metaphor — no prized as a delicacy by the people of St. new figure — with which to set forth Christ, Petersburg, who are willing to stand in long but, as striking a nail upon the head and the lines and pay high prices for them. As one same nail will help to fasten it, and may do person explained, “It’s a sign that spring is more service than bringing out a new nail, here.” so he gets to the same word and the same subject “Behold the Lamb of God.” One market vendor estimated he sold 500– 700 pounds of koryushka daily at the height TODAY IN THE WORD of the season. Because the fish are so Dudley Tyng was a pastor in Philadelphia coveted, commercial fisherman work long during the revival of 1858. God used Tyng to hours to bring in as many as they can. stir thousands of men to commitment. One Ordinary citizens join the chase as well, day Tyng was visiting in the country when using nets from the riverbank and hoping to his arm was caught in a threshing machine get lucky. and mangled so badly that he died of shock and loss of blood. On his deathbed, the Peter, John, and Andrew would have young pastor whispered to a group of understood. But when Jesus asked them to friends, Let us all stand up for Jesus. A turn from being fishermen to being “fishers fellow pastor named George Duffield took of men,” they answered the call (Matt. 4:19). Tyngs words to heart and wrote a poem to John the Baptist’s testimony had a direct his friend. The poem was set to music, and effect on this--Andrew and John had been we now know it as the gospel song Stand following him, but when he pointed out the Up, Stand Up for Jesus.s brother Andrew “Lamb of God,” they began to follow Jesus. was a young man much like Dudley Tyng. Andrew had the heart of a disciple, and he Whom did they think they were following? clearly loved the things of God. message of Andrew went and told his brother, Peter, repentance and preparation for the coming about the Messiah. Philip went and told his of Messiah (v. 40). s disciples, which meant friend, Nathanael, about “the one Moses that his heart was ready and open to believe wrote about in the Law, and about whom the in Jesus. And although Andrew probably did prophets also wrote” (v. 45). Astonished by not have the ability to stir thousands with his Jesus’ ability to tell him what he had been oratory, he stirred at least one very important thinking, Nathanael declared that Christ was person his brother Peter to get up and seek the “Son of God” and “King of Israel” (v. 49). out Christ. In doing so, Andrew became another individual who made a real As for Jesus Himself, He promised that difference. followed Jesus, and he brought Nathaniel and the others would see even others to Jesus. When you think about it, greater things: “You shall see heaven open, that’s not a bad epitaph for anyone! Jesus. and the angels of God ascending and The two accepted Jesus invitation to come descending on the Son of Man” (v. 51). What and see where He was staying. What an did He mean? By alluding to Jacob’s famous afternoon that must have been! Andrew dream, Christ meant to say that He Himself became convinced that he had found Israel is the ladder or stairway to heaven, that is, promised Messiah, and he excitedly told the way to God. He Himself formed the link Peter so.(John 6:8-9); and he, along with between heaven and earth. Philip, helped some Greeks who were trying to find Jesus (John 12:22). background once C. H. Spurgeon Peter arrived on the scene. Andrew accomplished what God had for him to do, 70 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 and God blessed his dedication. There are that He was the Messiah. certainly more Andrews among us than Peters and that’s fine, because without Whatever the case, Philip enthusiastically Andrew we don’t know who would have recruited Nathanael. Philip didn’t describe brought Peter to Jesus. the case, we hope Jesus as the Messiah, but Nathanael knew that praying for lost friends and relatives is whom Moses and the prophets had written part of your daily devotional routine. Why not about (v. 45). ask God to give you a divine appointment this week to introduce someone to Christ, as Jesus’ meeting with Nathanael produced Andrew did? another revealing of His identity (v. 49). “Son of God” was not only a reference to Jesus’ TODAY IN THE WORD deity, but a Messianic title. “King of Israel” The late J. Oswald Sanders, author of was another name for the Messiah. Spiritual Leadership, says one way to These disciples had a long way to go in their identify true spiritual leaders is to ask this spiritual growth, but they were sensitive question: Is anyone spiritual following them? enough to recognize and follow Jesus. That is, do other people who are in tune with God recognize the qualities and spiritual TODAY IN THE WORD character that qualify a person for leadership Every spring, small fish called koryushka in the work of Christ? migrate from their home in the Gulf of Finland to their spawning ground in the Jesus Christ could have held Himself above Neva River in Russia. Koryushka are highly such examination by other people. But prized as a delicacy by the people of St. throughout His ministry, Jesus invited people Petersburg, who are willing to stand in long to follow Him, listen to what He was saying, lines and pay high prices for them. As one and see what He was doing, and then person explained, “It’s a sign that spring is decide if He was the Truth from God or here.” something less. And His worthiness has continued to shine for nearly 20 years, as One market vendor estimated he sold 500– His body the church follows Him in faith. 700 pounds of koryushka daily at the height of the season. Because the fish are so We can see this feature of the Lord’s coveted, commercial fisherman work long ministry from the very beginning, in His hours to bring in as many as they can. earliest contacts with the men who would be Ordinary citizens join the chase as well, closest to Him. Jesus welcomed the scrutiny using nets from the riverbank and hoping to of the two men who followed Him after get lucky. hearing John the Baptist identify Him as the “Lamb of God.” Peter, John, and Andrew would have understood. But when Jesus asked them to One of the men was Andrew, who saw and turn from being fishermen to being “fishers heard enough in part of one day that he was of men,” they answered the call (Matt. 4:19). convinced Jesus was Israel’s Messiah. John the Baptist’s testimony had a direct Andrew said as much to his brother Simon effect on this--Andrew and John had been (v. 41)--who came to see for himself. In the following him, but when he pointed out the process, Simon got a new calling and a new “Lamb of God,” they began to follow Jesus. name. Whom did they think they were following? Philip seemed ready to follow Jesus on Andrew went and told his brother, Peter, nothing more than the command, “Follow about the Messiah. Philip went and told his me” (v. 43). It’s possible, though, that friend, Nathanael, about “the one Moses Andrew and Peter had told Philip about their wrote about in the Law, and about whom the encounter with the Lord and their conviction prophets also wrote” (v. 45). Astonished by 71 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Jesus’ ability to tell him what he had been miracles; he did not watch Him on the Mount thinking, Nathanael declared that Christ was of Transfiguration, he did not see Him in any the “Son of God” and “King of Israel” (v. 49). great moment at all; he saw Him on an As for Jesus Himself, He promised that ordinary day when Jesus was walking in an Nathanael and the others would see even ordinary common way, and he said, Behold greater things: “You shall see heaven open, the Lamb of God! That is the test of reality. and the angels of God ascending and Mounting up with wings like eagles, running descending on the Son of Man” (v. 51). What and not being weary, are indications that did He mean? By alluding to Jacob’s famous something more than usual is at work. dream, Christ meant to say that He Himself Waling and not fainting is the life that is the ladder or stairway to heaven, that is, glorifies God and satisfies the heart of Jesus the way to God. He Himself formed the link to the full; the plain daylight life, unmarked, between heaven and earth. unknown, only occasionally, if ever, does the marvel of it break on other people. 1:36 And he looked upon Jesus as He walked, and said, "Behold, the Lamb Sermon Note of God!" When he saw Jesus passing by, Look backward he said, "Look, the Lamb of God!" Christ dying And looking upon Jesus as he Look upward walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb Christ pleading of God! Look inward Christ living in you John 1:29 Look forward The next day he saw Jesus coming to him, Christ coming soon and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” Righteousness—"Lamb" Above "Me" The Chinese character for "righteousness" is C. H. Spurgeon most interesting. It is composed of two This is our one business to-night, to cry, separate characters—one standing for a “Behold the Lamb of God! lamb, the other for me. And when "lamb" is placed directly above Behold the Christ: "me," a new character—"righteousness"—is Behold My Servant formed. Behold the Lamb Behold the Man The Lamb of God: Behold the Sower Testimony of John Behold your King “Behold” a new revelation. Behold the Greater Character of Christ Behold your God “Lamb of God”</p><p>Oswald Chambers Perhaps Today The real life of the saint on this earth, and Perhaps today our Lord will come the life that is most glorifying to Jesus, is the To bear us to our much-loved Home: life that steadfastly goes on through Before the evening shadows fall common days and common ways, with no May sound the longed-for clarion call; mountain-top experiences. We read that John the Baptist looked upon Jesus as He Then out of sorrow, tears and strife, walked; not at Jesus in a prayer meeting or We'll rise to realms of joy and life. in a revival service, or Jesus performing Perhaps today will be the last, And time shall be forever past. 72 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> subject, "Agnosticism versus Christianity," Our light affliction will be o'er. and offered to pay all expenses involved. Then Glory! Glory! evermore! These days of toil and pain will cease Dr. Ironside read the card aloud to his And faithful workers rest in peace. audience and then said: "I accept on these conditions: Perhaps today mine eyes shall see The Lamb of God who died for me: "First, that you promise to bring with you to Oh, nothing else will matter then. the platform one man who was once an If unto Him I've faithful been. outcast, a slave to sinful habits, but who heard you or some other infidel lecture on Live for that day, O soul of mine, agnosticism, was helped by it and cast away And joy eternal shall be thine. his sins and became a new man, and is today a respected member of society, all Belonged to God: because of your unbelief. Was given by Him “Take away the sins of the world.” "Second, that you agree to bring with you Result of Faith one woman who was once lost to all purity “Followed Jesus.” and goodness, but who can now testify that agnosticism came to her while deep in sin Gravestone: "Forgiven" and implanted in her poor heart a hatred of Not far from New York, there is a cemetery impurity and a love of holiness, causing her with a grave, which has inscribed upon its to become chaste and upright, all through a headstone just one word—"Forgiven." disbelief in the Bible.</p><p>There is no name, no date of birth or death. "Now, sir," he continued, "if you will agree, I The stone is unembellished by the sculptor's promise to be there with one hundred such art. There is no epitaph, no fulsome eulogy men and women, once just such lost souls, —just that one word, "Forgiven." who heard the gospel of the grace of God, believed it and have found new life and joy But that is the greatest thing that can be said in Jesus Christ our Saviour. Will you accept of any man, or written upon his grave, my terms?" "Forgiven." As might be expected, the atheist could only John’s Testimony: walk away silently. He was the Lamb of God 1:37 And the two disciples heard him He was before me speak, and they followed Jesus. He is preferred before me When the two disciples heard him He would be made manifest to Israel say this, they followed Jesus. He is the Anointed One And the two disciples heard him He is the baptizer with the Holy speak, and they followed Jesus. Ghost He is the Son of God 1:37 One of the two disciples was Andrew (John 1:40). The other was probably John, Only Christianity Transforms Lives the writer of this book. Why did these As Dr. Harry A. Ironside preached in a disciples leave John the Baptist? Because certain place, he noticed a man in the crowd that’s what John wanted them to do—he writing on a card, which he presently handed was pointing the way to Jesus, the one John to the speaker. The man was Arthur Lewis, had prepared them to follow. These were agnostic lecturer, and he proposed a Jesus’ first disciples, along with Simon Peter challenge to the speaker to debate the (John 1:42) and Nathaniel (John 1:45). 73 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>His brother to come and see the Messiah. C. H. Spurgeon All true believers, once they recognize the By his testimony to the truth, he was truth of who Christ is, cannot help but tell sending them to follow the Lord Jesus others about Him. This is exactly what Christ, and he did it well and gracefully. Andrew did. He called his brother, Simon. And when Simon came into Christ’s There are many who would find it a hard presence, Jesus gave him a new name, one task to reduce the number of their disciples; that signified his steadfast role as an apostle but it was not so with John. of Christ’s church. Likewise, Christ gives His followers new names. No longer are we R.C. Sproul children of the devil, but we are children of This passage shows us how Christ began to God, adopted into His family, and build His church: slowly and with few transformed into His likeness. disciple. The two disciples who first followed Jesus were Andrew and John. As soon as C. H. Spurgeon the disciples heard the proclamation that They went beyond their teacher. And oh! Jesus was the “Lamb of God,” they turned what a mercy it is if our hearers can go from their previous teacher (John the Christward far beyond us. John was well Baptist) and followed Jesus. content to be left behind if they followed Jesus; and so may any minister of Christ Notice that they walked behind Him. They rejoice if his people will follow Jesus, even if did not run ahead and wait for Him in the they go far beyond his attainments. square, but they dutifully and humbly followed Him. Like Andrew and John, all true 1:38 And Jesus turned, and beheld them disciples of Christ recognize that He is the following, and said to them, “What only way to salvation, and therefore the only do you seek?” And they said to Him, One to follow. “Rabbi (which translated means Teacher), where are You staying?” Jesus immediately noticed them and asked, Turning around, Jesus saw them “What do you seek?” He did not ask them following and asked, "What do who they sought but what. Those who truly you want?" They said, "Rabbi" follow Christ follow Him for “something.” (which means Teacher), "where That something is eternal life, which the are you staying?" Lamb of God can alone deliver. Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What The disciples called Him “Rabbi” and asked seek ye? They said unto him, Him where He was lodging. By this Rabbi, (which is to say, being response, the disciples showed that they interpreted, Master,) where dwellest considered Jesus their teacher. They wanted thou? to learn from Him and spend time with Him. As the apostle John later declared in the John 1:49 book of Revelation, the Lamb of God alone Nathaniel answered Him, “Rabbi, You are is worthy to take the book and open it. He the Son of God; You are the King of Israel.” alone is the Rabbi, the teacher of truth. All 1:38 When the two disciples began to follow who truly want eternal life will look to Him for Jesus, he asked them, “What do you want?” all knowledge and understanding. Following Christ is not enough; we must follow him for the right reasons. To follow Once Andrew and John had spent time with Christ for our own purposes would be asking Jesus, their understanding of His Messianic Christ to follow us—to align with us to role increased. In response, Andrew called support and advance our cause, not his. We 74 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 must examine our motives for following him. imagination. One day while they were with Are we seeking his glory or ours? John, Jesus walked by and John announced, "Behold the Lamb of God!" Jesus did not say, “Whom seek ye?” (v.36). Instead of continuing to follow John, because He knew they sought Himself; but, his two disciples started following Jesus. “What seek ye?” What is it in Me that ye When Jesus saw them, He asked, "What do seek? Ah, this opens a wide door of you seek?" (v.38). entrance, there is so much in Jesus worth seeking. Some only seek to look at Him, Apparently John had taught them well, others seek His forgiving smile. There are because their answer indicated that they others who seek to know His dwelling-place, were not seeking something for themselves that they might abide with Him. What but Jesus Himself. They wanted to know where Jesus was staying. Not only did seekest thou, O my soul? Seek His wisdom Jesus show them the place, He spent the to guide thee, His Spirit image. Seek that remainder of the day with them. His will may be done in thee as it is done in Heaven, and that His presence may be an I wonder how often we miss an opportunity abiding reality with thee. Seek, and ye shall to spend time with Jesus because we're find. seeking something other than His presence. I know from experience that the more time I C. H. Spurgeon spend with Jesus, the less desire I have for It was all a seeing gospel. John said, a lot of things that once seemed very “Behold the Lamb of God!” Then Jesus said, important. “Come and see;” and now Philip says the same. Faith is that blessed sight by which Jesus longs for our fellowship we discern the Savior. Whoso looks to Christ even more than we long for His. by faith shall live. 1:39 He said to them, "Come, and you Christ wants intelligent followers: so he asks will see." They came therefore and the question, “What seek ye?” saw where He was staying; and they stayed with Him that day, for it was Which is often his answer to enquirers — about the tenth hour. “Come and see.” “Oh! taste and see that the "Come," he replied, "and you will Lord is good.” Learn by experience. Do not see." So they went and saw merely hear what I say, but come and see. where he was staying, and spent that day with him. It was about What Do You Seek? the tenth hour. Jesus turned, and seeing them following, He saith unto them, Come and see. said to them, "What do you seek?" —John They came and saw where he 1:38 dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour. How would you answer if Jesus were to ask you, "What do you seek?" (John 1:38). Would you ask Him for health and fitness? A Oswald Chambers better job? A happier marriage? Financial Where the self-interest sleeps and the real security? Vindication from a false interest awakens. “They abode with Him that accusation? Salvation for a wayward loved day.” That is about all some of us ever do, one? An explanation of some difficult then we wake up to actualities, self-interest theological concept? arises and the abiding is passed. There is no condition of life in which we cannot abide in For two disciples of John the Baptist, this Jesus. situation was more than an exercise in 75 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>“ Thou are Simon, thou shalt be called Cephas.” God writes the new name on those Sermon Note places only in our lives where He has Nearness erased the pride and self-sufficiency and Not far from another in space, time, self-interest. Some of us have the new name or relation in spots only, like spiritual measles. In Rest sections we look all right. When we have our Freedom from labor, responsibility, best spiritual mood on, you would think we or strain were very high-toned saints’ but don’t look at Peace us when we are not in that mood. The Amiable, nonviolent, tranquil, or disciple is one who has the new name complaisant written all over him; self-interest and pride Power and self-sufficiency have been completely (to command, decide, rule, or judge) erased. Assurance (commitment to truthfulness) Pride is the deification of self, and this today Joy in some of us in not of the order of the (supreme well-being, good spirits) Pharisee, but of the publican. To say “Oh, Hope I’m no saint,” is acceptable to human pride, (a fervent aspiration) but it is unconscious blasphemy against Heaven God. It literally means that you defy God to (ecstasy, elation, euphoria) make you a saint, “I am much too weak and hopeless, I am outside the reach of the "Come Thou Almighty King" Atonement.” Humility before men may be This is one of our most popular "opening" unconscious blasphemy before God. Why hymns, yet little is known of its background. are you not a saint? It is either that you do It appeared anonymously in London, not want to be a saint, or that you do not England, about 1757 to commemorate believe God can make you one. It would be Trinity Sunday. About fifteen years earlier all right, you say, if God saved you and took the British national hymn, "God Save Our you straight to heaven. That is just what He Gracious King," first came into general use. will do! “We will come unto him, and make Both of these hymn texts were sung to the our abode with him.” Make no conditions, let same tune for a period of time. Jesus be everything, and He will take you home with Him not only for a day, but Today, however, that tune, "America," is forever. used exclusively in this country for our national hymn, "My Country, 'Tis of Thee." The Italian hymn tune has been wedded Come: permanently with "Come, Thou almighty And Rest Matt. 22:28 King." And See John 1:39 And Drink John 7:37 It has been suggested that the newer text And Dine John 21:12 was written as an act of rebellion and as a And Follow Me Mark 10:21 substitute for the words of the royal hymn, And Rest Awhile Mark 6: 31 and that for this reason the author wished to And Inherit Matt. 25:34 remain anonymous. Other writers have felt that this text was written as a sequel to the Study Note earlier text, with one a prayer for an earthly Today we spend time with Jesus in the Word ruler, the other a prayer to a heavenly King. and by associating with His people. Anyone Come, Thou Almighty King, willing to spend the time in honest searching Help us Thy name to sing, for the truth about Jesus will find Him. 76 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Help us to praise: C. H. Spurgeon Father, all glorious, This is how the kingdom began to grow — O'er all victorious, by individual effort. “Andrew findeth Simon”: Come and reign over us, one convert must bring another: “and he Ancient of Days. brought him to Jesus.” What must we come for? 1:40 One of the two who heard John Rest speak, and followed Him, was Knowledge Andrew, Simon Peter's brother Satisfaction Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, Discipleship was one of the two who heard Victory what John had said and who had Fellowship followed Jesus. Refreshment One of the two which heard John Inheritance speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. How must we come? We must come just as we are, without any Matthew 4:18-22 attempt to make ourselves presentable, for And walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw the very good reason that we are too far two brothers, Simon who was called Peter, gone, and only He can do anything with us, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into and then He will make us new creatures; a the sea; for they were fishermen. And He new creation in Jesus Christ. said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” And they immediately When must we come? left the nets, and followed Him. And going on “One hour before you die?” Well, when will from there He saw two others brothers, that be? You cannot say, so you had better James the son of Zebedee, and John his come now. In fact, those are the instructions: brother, in the boat with Zebedee their “Come now,” found over and over again in father, mending their nets; and He called the Scriptures. them. And they immediately left the boat and their father, and followed Him. Illustration How painful almost to get a situation Mark 1:16-20 but to miss it. And as He was going along by the Sea of How vexing almost to catch a plane, Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew, the but to be left at the terminal. brother of Simon, casting a net in the sea; How sad almost to escape drowning for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to but to be engulfed in the water. them, “Follow Me, and I will make you But, oh, how above-all-things terrible become fishers of men.” And they to be almost a Christian and yet in immediately left the nets and followed Him. the lake of fire for eternity And going on a little farther, He saw James It has been said that the road to hell the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, is paved with good intentions. who were also in the boat mending the nets. May it not be said also that it will be And immediately He called them; and they trodden by millions of almost left their father Zebedee in the boat with the Christians. hired servants, and went away to follow Him Oh, be warned, then, against being an almost-er, for to be almost saves Luke 5:2-11 is to be certainly lost! and He saw two boats lying at the edge of the lake; but the fishermen had gotten out of 77 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 them, and ere washing their nets. And He Simon, and said to him, "We have got into one of the boats, which was found the Messiah" (which Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little translated means Christ). way from the land. And He sat down and The first thing Andrew did was to began teaching the multitudes from the boat. find his brother Simon and tell And when He had finished speaking, He him, "We have found the said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water Messiah" (that is, the Christ). and let down your nets for a catch.” And The first thing Andrew did was to Simon answered and said, “Master, we find his brother Simon and tell him, worked hard all night and caught nothing, "We have found the Messiah" (that but at Your bidding I will let down the nets.” is, the Christ). And when they had done this, they enclosed a great quantity of fish; and their nets began Daniel 9:25 to break; and they signaled to their partners “So you are to know and discern that from in the other boat, for them to come and help the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild them. And they came, and filled both of the Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will boats, so that they began to sink. But when be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will Simon Peter saw that, he fell down at Jesus’ be built again, with plaza and moat, even in feet, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a times of distress.” sinful man, O Lord!” For amazement had seized him and all his companions because John 4:25 of the catch of fish which they had taken; The woman said to Him, “I know that and so also James and John, sons of Messiah is coming (He who is called Christ); Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. when that One comes, He will declare all And Jesus said to Simon, “do not fear, from things to us.” now on you will be catching men.” And when they had brought their boats to land, they left Finding And Telling everything and followed Him. He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, "We have found the Messiah.. 1:40-42 Andrew accepted John the Baptist’s --John 1:41 testimony about Jesus and immediately went to tell his brother, Simon, about him. Many years ago some prospectors were There was no question in Andrew’s mind panning for gold in Montana when one of that Jesus was the Messiah. Not only did he them found an unusual stone. Breaking it tell his brother, he was also eager to open, he saw that it contained gold. Working introduce others to Jesus (see John 6:8-9; eagerly, the men soon discovered an John 12:22). abundance of the precious metal. With unrestrained delight they shouted, "We've 1:42 Jesus saw not only who Simon was, found it! We've found gold! We're rich!" but who he would become. That is why he gave him a new name—Cephas in Aramaic, Before going into town for supplies, they Peter in Greek (the name means “a rock”). agreed not to tell a soul about their find. Peter is not presented as rock-solid While in town, not one of them breathed a throughout the Gospels, but he became a word about their discovery. When they were solid rock in the days of the early church, as about to return to camp, though, a group of we learn in the book of Acts. By giving men had gathered and were ready to follow Simon a new name, Jesus introduced a them. change in character. For more on Simon Peter, see his Profile. "You've found gold," the group said. "Who told you?" asked the prospectors. "No one," 1:41 He found first his own brother they replied. "Your faces showed it!" 78 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Salonica. Paul was beheaded at Rome by the It's much like that when a person discovers Emperor Nero. Christ. The joy of sins forgiven and a new relationship with Him shows on that person's Such was the fate of the Apostles according face and in his transformed life. to traditional statements.</p><p>Those miners, of course, wanted to keep 1:42 He brought him to Jesus. Jesus quiet about their find, but we as Christians looked at him, and said, "You are should be eager to let people know about Simon the son of John; you shall be ours. Finding Christ is life's greatest called Cephas" (which is translated discovery, and our joy increases when we Peter). share it with others. As believers, our And he brought him to Jesus. highest delight is both in finding and in Jesus looked at him and said, telling. "You are Simon son of John. You The good news of Christ will be called Cephas" (which, is too good to keep to yourself. when translated, is Peter). And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus Illustration looked at him and said, "You are All of the apostles were insulted by the Simon son of John. You will be enemies of their Master. They were called to called Cephas" (which, when seal their doctrines with their blood and translated, is Peter). nobly did they bear the trial. John 21:15-17 Matthew suffered martyrdom by So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus being slain with a sword at a distant said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do city of Ethiopia. you love Me more than these?” He said to Mark expired at Alexandria, after Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” being cruelly dragged through the He said to him, “Tend My lambs.” streets of that city. Luke was hanged upon an olive tree 1 Corinthians 15:5 in the classic land of Greece. and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the John was put in a caldron of boiling twelve. oil, but escaped death to be banned to Patmos. Matthew 16:18 Peter was crucified at Rome with his “ And I also say to you that you are Peter, dead downward. and upon this rock I will build My church; James, the Greater, was beheaded and the gates of Hades shall not overpower at Jerusalem. it. James, the Less was thrown from a lofty pinnacle and clubbed to death. C. H. Spurgeon Bartholomew was flayed alive. There was a meaning in the change of Andrew was bound to a cross, names, for there was about to be a change whence he preached until he died. of character — the timid son of a dove soon Thomas was run through the body to become a very rock for the Church. with a lance in the East Indies. Jude was shot to death with arrows. Illustration Matthias was first stoned and then Alexander the Great said to a soldier named beheaded. Alexander, but proved a coward, that he Barnabas was stoned to death at must either change his names or change his ways. 79 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> rich, or powerful or great, but He does intend Brought: us all to be friends. Brought out Brought forth Witnessing Brought to Christianity is not a puzzle to be solved, but Brought up a way of life to be adopted. It is not a creed Brought low to be memorized, but a Person to follow. Brought near OPEN IT Brought home 01. What gets you excited or enthusiastic? Illustration ______During the first persecution of Christians by ______Emperor Nero, Christians begged Peter not ______to expose his life which was considered ______necessary to the well-being of the church. ______Finally, Peter consented to depart from ______Rome, but as he fled along the Apia Way, about two miles from the gates, he was met by a vision of the Savior traveling towards 02. How would you feel if a good friend the city. Struck with amazement, he abandoned your friendship in favor of exclaimed, “Lord, whither goest thou?” The someone else? Savior, looking upon him with mild sadness, ______replied, “I go to Rome to be crucified a ______second time,” and vanished. Peter ______immediately turned back and reentered the ______city. ______Follow There are no crown-wearers in Heaven that 03. What nicknames have you had over the were not cross bearers here below. years? ______Humility ______It was pride that changed angels into devils; ______it is humility that makes men as angels. ______Jesus Christ ______His parentage was obscure; His condition poor; His education null; His natural EXPLORE IT endowments great; His life correct and innocent; He was meek, benevolent, patient, 04. Who besides Jesus had disciples? firm, disinterested, and of the sublimest (1:35) eloquence. ______Messiah ______Only Christ could have conceived a Christ. ______Names ______I find the name of Jesus Christ written on the ______top of very page of modern history. 05. What did John say when he saw Jesus? Priorities (1:36) God evidently does not intend us all to be ______80 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>______he had followed Jesus? (1:40) ______06. How did John identify Jesus for his ______disciples? (1:37) ______12. Who was Andrew's brother? (1:40) ______07. What did John's disciples do when John identified Jesus? (1:37) 13. What did Andrew tell his brother about ______Jesus? (1:41) ______08. What did Jesus ask John's disciples? (1:38) ______14. What nickname did Jesus give to ______Simon? (1:42) ______15. What words did the author interpret for 09. What did John's disciples call Jesus? us? (1:37, 41, 42) (1:38) ______GET IT 10. What did John's disciples ask Jesus? (1:38) 16. What does it mean to follow Jesus? ______</p><p>11. What was the first thing Andrew did after 17. What hinders us from following Jesus? 81 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>______23. What change in your daily routine would ______enable you to follow Jesus better? ______18. What must we leave to follow Jesus? ______C.H. Spurgeon ______This case is an excellent pattern of all cases ______where spiritual life is vigorous. As soon as a ______man has found Christ, he begins to find others. I will not believe that thou hast tasted 19. To what friends and relatives could you of the honey of the gospel if thou canst eat it introduce Jesus? all thyself. True grace puts an end to all ______spiritual monopoly. Andrew first found his ______own brother Simon, and then others. ______Relationship has a very strong demand ______upon our first individual efforts. Andrew, thou ______didst well to begin with Zion. I doubt whether there are not some Christians giving away 20. How can we spend time with Jesus to tracts at other people's houses who would get to know Him better? do well to give away a tract at their own: ______whether there are not some engaged in ______works of usefulness abroad who are ______neglecting their special sphere of usefulness ______at home. Thou, mayest or thou mayest not ______be called to evangelize the people in any ______particular locality, but certainly thou art called to see after thine own servants, thine APPLY IT own kinsfolk and acquaintance. </p><p>21. Whom do you want to introduce to Jesus Let thy religion begin at home. May this week? tradesmen exhort their best commodities; ______the Christian shouldn't. He should have all ______his conversation everywhere of the best ______savor; but let him have a care to put forth ______the sweetest fruit of spiritual life and ______testimony in his own family. When Andrew ______went to find his brother, he little imagined how eminent Simon would become. Simon 22. How could you introduce Christ to a Peter was worth ten Andrews so far as we friend or relative? ______can gather from sacred history, and yet ______Andrew was instrumental in bringing him to ______Jesus. ______You may be very deficient in talent yourself, ______and yet you may be the means of drawing to 82 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Christ one who shall become eminent in that person to Jesus; and the sooner we find grace and service. Ah! Dear friend, you little that out, the better. God alone can forgive know the possibilities which are in you. You sins. It is blasphemy for any man to claim may but speak a word to a child, and in that that power. Andrew brought Simon to Jesus child there may be slumbering a noble heart and stopped. That is the limit of our work. which shall stir the Christian church in years to come. Andrew has only two talents, but It will take more than your own persuasive he finds Peter. Go thou and do likewise. powers to convince others that Jesus is the Savior. And that’s where Jesus comes in. C.S. Lewis His life, His words, His death and A man who was merely a man and said the resurrection are far more convincing than sort of things Jesus said wouldn't be a great any human argument could possibly be. In moral teacher. He's either be a lunatic, on order for others to be changed by Christ, the level with a man who says he's a they must first come in contact with Him. poached egg or else he'd be the devil of hell. And that’s where you come in! You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a Get excited enough about something, or madman or something worse. Someone and other s will show an interest. Have you accepted your responsibility to The First Disciples: bring your neighbor, co-worker, or relative to A simple testimony Jesus? Be an Andrew to some Simon today, An act of faith and see what happens in that person’s life A heart searching question and your own. An anxious inquiry A gracious invitation Illustration A willing service The story is told of the captain of a Mississippi riverboat who, as his ship We know conversion is real when "the first passed another vessel, grabbed the first thing' one wants to do is share Jesus with passenger he saw and said, Look, look, over loved ones. there on the other boat. Look at its captain. The man was somewhat bewildered and Sermon Note asked, Why do you want me to look at that 1. We are saved from evil service captain? What makes him so special? 2. We are saved for holy service 3. We may save by being witnesses Then the captain told him the story of how 4. We may save by our testimony he had collided one night with another boat. 5. We may save by spreading the good His won vessel was foundering and in the news through our experience. process he was thrown overboard. The captain of the other vessel saw his B.H. Carroll desperate plight and maneuvered close We cannot convert a person. That is not a enough that he was able to dive into the part of our duty. We have reached our limit water and save his life. of responsibility when we have brought another to Jesus. He will attend to His part After telling the story, the once-saved of it. Yet how many believers have tried to captain then turned to the bystander and do God’s work: attempting to make said, Ever since that day, I want to point out Christians out of other people, and giving my rescuer to others. Likewise, as those formulas for it. who have been saved, secured, and loved by Jesus, we should want to tell others of Our limit is reached when we have brought him. 83 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> about Nazareth keep him from pursuing the 1:43 The next day He purposed to go truth. day illustrate a very different reaction forth into Galilee, and He found when confronted with the truth. Philip. And Jesus said to him, "Follow Me." The blind man of John 9 tried his best to The next day Jesus decided to convince them that Jesus was neither a leave for Galilee. Finding Philip, sinner nor a phony. Finally, in exasperation, he said to him, "Follow me." he challenged the Pharisees to check Jesus The next day Jesus decided to out for themselves. But they flew into a rage leave for Galilee. Finding Philip, he and excommunicated the man from synagogue worship were talking about the said to him, "Follow me." response that God calls for when it comes to the gospel. One of the most basic responses Matthew 10:3 unbelievers need to make is to at least Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and investigate Jesus claims with an open heart. Matthew the tax-gatherer; James the son of evidence warrants belief. Let's urge our Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; skeptical friends not to be content with their doubt, but to seek the truth. John 6:5,7 Jesus therefore lifting up His eyes, and One reason people don't pursue eternal seeing that a great multitude was coming to matters is that they are clinging to their own Him, said to Philip, “where are we to buy standards of goodness. they always live up bread, that these may eat?” to their own standards. Few will be brave Philip answered Him, Two hundred denarii enough to say yes. Then, ask them if they worth of bread is not sufficient for them, for think God should simply look the other way everyone to receive a little.” when they fall short. Most people's sense of fairness will lead them to admit that God John 12:21,22 can't do that. Others may admit they have these therefore came to Philip, who was never thought about it before. Either way, from Bethsaida of Galilee, and began to ask they may be open to your further witness. him, saying, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” Add this idea to your witnessing notes today. Philip came and told Andrew; Andrew and Philip came, and they told Jesus. C.H. Spurgeon Once when I was a little child I though I saw TODAY IN THE WORD a needle moving across the table. I should Imagine this conversation as you run to the have been wondering who made the needle office down the hall to warn a friend and co- march as it did, but I was old enough to worker that the building is on fire. Come on, understand that somebody was moving a let's get out of here. The building is on fire! magnet underneath the table. Thus the Lord, Really? Yes, come on! Yeah right. I think with his mighty magnet of grace, is often at you’re just playing a joke on me. Ill leave work on the hearts of men, and we think that when I see flames or the fire department their desire after God and their faith in Christ comes. way many people treat their eternal are of themselves. In a sense these are their destiny. They seem to figure that as long as own. But there is a divine force that is at they don't see flames or hear the sirens, work on them, producing these results. there's no reason to check to see whether or Philip thinks he is finding Jesus, but behind not there really is a fire. that Nathaniel’s the veil it is Jesus finding Philip. heart was already tender toward the things of God. Jesus called him true Israelite, in A call to: whom there is nothing false (John Salvation 1:47).claim of Jesus to be Israel's long- (enlightenment, immortality, truth) awaited Messiah, he didn't let his doubts 84 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> Consecration the city of Andrew and Peter. (glorification, sanctification, exalted) Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was Separation from the town of Bethsaida (estrangement, desertion, divorce) Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was Self-denial from the town of Bethsaida. (temperance, moderation, abstain) Concentration John 12:21 (consolidation, solidification) these therefore came to Philip, who was Imitation from Bethsaida of Galilee, and began to ask (impersonation, conformity, echo) him, saying, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” Service (clear, divert, load, assign, hook up) 1:45 Philip found Nathaniel and said to Himself him, "We have found Him of whom (gentleman, fellow, person, man) Moses in the Law and also the Prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, Illustration the son of Joseph." Socrates taught for forty years, Plato for fifty, Philip found Nathaniel and told Aristotle for forty, and Jesus for only three; him, "We have found the one yet those three years infinitely transcend in Moses wrote about in the Law, influence the combined one hundred and and about whom the prophets thirty years of teaching of Socrates, Plato, also wrote--Jesus of Nazareth, the and Aristotle, three of the greatest men of all son of Joseph." antiquity. Jesus painted no pictures; yet the Philip found Nathaniel and told him, paintings of Raphael, Michelangelo, and "We have found the one Moses Leonardo da Vinci received their inspiration wrote about in the Law, and about from Him. Jesus wrote no poetry; but Dante, whom the prophets also wrote-- Milton and scores of the world’s greatest Jesus of Nazareth, the son of poets were inspired by Him. Jesus Joseph." composed no music; still Haydn, Handel, Beethoven, Bach, and Mendelssohn John 21:2 reached their highest perfection of melody in There were together Simon Peter, and the hymns, symphonies, and oratorios Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of written in His praise. Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two others of His disciples. Thus every sphere of human greatness has been incomparably enriched by the humble Luke 24:27 carpenter of Nazareth. But His unique And beginning with Moses and with all the contribution to the race of men is the prophets, He explained to them the things salvation of the soul. Philosophy could not concerning Himself in all the Scriptures. accomplish that, nor art, nor literature, nor music. Only Jesus Christ can break the Matthew 2:23 power of sin; only He can speak power into and came and resided in a city called the strengthless soul, and life into the he Nazareth, that what was spoken through the dead. The world admires Christ afar off. prophets might be fulfilled, “He shall be Some adopt Him as their example and try to called a Nazarene.” pattern their lives after His. A few open the door of their hearts and invite Him in to be Illustration their Savior. Rabbi Simlai in the third century noted that Moses gave us 365 prohibitions and 248 1:44 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, of positive commands. David in Psalm 15 85 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 reduced them to eleven: Isaiah in 33:14,15 unnecessary detours. There is a lesson in made them six: Micah 6:8 binds them into that for would-be disciples. three: and Habakkuk reduces them all to one, namely: ‘The just shall live by faith.’ 1:46 And Nathanael said to him, "Can any good thing come out of Oswald Chambers Nazareth?" Philip said to him, You may have had no reluctance in obeying "Come and see." the Lord's command, and yet it is probable "Nazareth! Can anything good you are hurting Him because you look for come from there?" Nathanael God to manifest Himself where He never asked. "Come and see," said can; Lord, show us the Father. We look to Philip. God to manifest Himself to His children: God "Nazareth! Can anything good come manifests Himself in His children, from there?" Nathanael asked. consequently the manifestation is seen by "Come and see," said Philip. others, not by us. It is a snare to want to be conscious of God; you cannot be conscious John 7:41,42 of your consciousness and remain sane. Others were saying, “This is the Christ.” Still You have obeyed Christ's command, then others were saying, “Surely the Christ is not are you hurting Him by asking some going to come from Galilee, is He? Has not profoundly perverse question? I believe our the Scripture said that the Christ comes from Lord is repeatedly astounded at the stupidity the offspring of David, and from Bethlehem, we display. It is notions of our own that make the village where David was?” us stupid; when we are simple we are never stupid, we discern all the time. Lord, show 1:46 Nazareth was despised by the Jews us the Father; Show me your face; Expound because a Roman army garrison was this thing to me; and His answer comes located there. Some have speculated that straight back to our hearts: Have I been with an aloof attitude or a poor reputation in you so long, and yet you have not known morals and religion on the part of the people Me? of Nazareth led to Nathanael’s harsh comment. Nathanael’s hometown was Cana, Sermon Note about four miles from Nazareth. Follow me John 1:43 1:46 When Nathanael heard that the Come to me Matt 11:28 Messiah was from Nazareth, he was Learn of me Matt 11:29 surprised. Philip responded, “Come and Abide in me John 15:4 see.” Fortunately for Nathanael, he went to meet Jesus and became a disciple. If he had Illustration stuck to his prejudice without investigating Someday, watch a stream of ants stretching further, he would have missed the Messiah! between their anthill and a food source. Don’t let people’s stereotypes about Christ Some will be going to pick up their load; cause them to miss his power and love. others will be returning to deposit their prize Invite them to come and see who Jesus in the recesses of the anthill. The whole really is. process will be very organized, very precise. Then ask yourself, Why are these ants so Our Daily Bread organized in their task? The reason is that We may lead some people to Christ by ants are good followers, each dependent on giving them the logical and historical the ant in front of him to lead him to the food arguments for our faith, but we will more supply. Because each ant follows the other, likely win them by telling them what Jesus there is a straight line between the anthill means to us and inviting them to find out for and the food; no wasted energy, no themselves. 86 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p> some of the fruit. He refused, for he said that T.H. Huxley, a well-known agnostic, was with he had picked up some of the apples by the a group of men at a weekend house party. roadside that fell from those trees, and they On Sunday morning, while most of them were poor and bitter. The owner replied that were preparing to go to church, he those trees were placed there on purpose, approached a man known for his Christian so that the boys would not be attracted into character and said, “suppose you stay at the orchard to steal. But come inside, and home and tell me why you are a Christian.” there the apples are delicious. So it is with The man, knowing he couldn’t match wits those who taste only the outside of with Huxley, hesitated. But the agnostic said Christianity, its self-denials, its labors, its restrictions, but do not experience its real gently, “I don’t want to argue with you. I just blessings. want you to tell me simply what this Christ means to you.” The man did, and when he Nathanael’s Conversion: finished, there were tears in Huxley’s eyes Heard as he said, “I would give my right hand if Questioned only I could believe that!” Proved Believed In John 1, Philip didn’t argue when Nathaniel said that someone from Nazareth couldn’t Confessed possibly be the Messiah. He simply Was Encouraged responded, “Come and see.” If you know Jesus as your Savior, tell others what He God's Hand On Johnny Cash Johnny Cash! Known internationally as the has done for you and invite them to trust great country folk singer of all time, he broke Him as their Savior. That kind of witness is all attendance records at the London the best argument of all. Palladium. Cash found that his rise to stardom brought more than fame and Christ doesn’t need defenders, fortune. It brought problems. While he was Just witnesses. rising professionally and more and more Gold Records were added to his collection, Pride of: in his personal life, things became worse. Birth Wealth Show business pressures soon drove him to Respectability take "pep pills," and soon he became Appearance addicted to Amphetamine. His first arrest Independence came in 1965, when he was caught with Learning more than 1,000 pills in his pockets. From Superiority 200 lbs. he went down to 140 lbs. in weight. Success Side effects from drugs caused him a severe Self-reliance car accident—he broke his nose and Ability knocked out four teeth. He was going steadily downhill. Self-will Intellect Then on May 9, 1971, Johnny Cash sat in a Allegiance pew of a small church in his home town. The Resentment pastor finished his sermon and appealed to Reserve the congregation to come to the front to Sanctity "make things right" with God. Johnny Cash stood up and walked a few steps to the Illustration wooden altar. God put his hand on Johnny Mr. Spurgeon tells a story of a man who was Cash... invited to come into an orchard and eat 87 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>1:47 Jesus saw Nathaniel coming to Him, beguile. The true Israelite would be the true and said of him, "Behold, an child of Israel after he had ceased to be the Israelite indeed, in whom is no supplanter. Hence he was without deceit, or guile!" bad purposes hidden under plausible When Jesus saw Nathanael appearances; simple, straightforward. approaching, he said of him, "Here is a true Israelite, in whom True sincerity, unblinded by prejudice, there is nothing false." undistorted by selfishness, is the condition When Jesus saw Nathanael of soul, to which are given the largest and approaching, he said of him, "Here best truths and the richest spiritual is a true Israelite, in whom there is blessings. It is like the windows of clearest nothing false." and purest glass through which the light and visions of all that is without, come undimmed Psalm 32:2 and undistorted. Guile and prejudice are like How blessed is the man to whom the LORD the twisted spots in the glass, like frostwork does not impute iniquity, or cobwebs on the windows. And in whose spirit there is no deceit! C.H. Spurgeon Psalm 73:1 This is a chapter of beholds. We are first to Let those be turned back because of their behold the Lamb of God, and then to behold shame a man of God. Nathaniel was simple, Who say, “Aha, aha!” straightforward, honest, an Israelite indeed. In this he was not like his progenitor, Jacob, Romans 9:4,6 who was a supplanter, and not a prince with who are Israelites, to whom belongs the God, till that memorable night when the adoption as sons and the glory and the angel wrestled with him, and withered his covenants and the giving of the Law and the carnal strength. Then in the weakness of temple service and the promises, whose are that simplicity which laid hold upon the the fathers, and from whom is the Christ mighty One, Jacob became Israel. according to the flesh, who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen. A sincere and simple character was not common in our Lord's day. It is despised by 1:47-49 Jesus knew about Nathanael before many at this day. It was greatly appreciated the two ever met. Jesus also knows what we by our Lord, who has the same character in are really like. An honest person will feel perfection, and is truly called the hold child comfortable with the thought that Jesus Jesus. knows him or her through and through. A dishonest person will feel uncomfortable. Thomas Watson You can’t pretend to be something you’re The clearer the diamond, the more it not. God knows the real you and wants you sparkles; the plainer the heart is, the more it to follow him. sparkles in God's eye. What a commendation did Christ give Nathaniel: C. H. Spurgeon Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no “There is no craft or deception in this man, guile. as there was in Jacob; he is a true Israelite, like Israel at his best.” Illustration C.S. Lewis once commented to an American dolos = No Guile friend, How little people know who think that Properly, a bait for fish, and related at the holiness is dull. When one meets the real root to delezw, to catch with a bate, or thing, it is irresistible. If even 10% of the</p><p>88 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 world's population had it, would not the the greatest essential element of spiritual whole world be converted and happy before fitness. The time will come, as Nathanael a year's end? experienced in this passage, that a private "fig-tree" life will no longer be possible. 1:48 Nathaniel said to Him, "How do you Everything will be out in the open, and you know me?" Jesus answered and will find yourself to be of no value there if said to him, "Before Philip called you have not been worshipping in everyday you, when you were under the fig occasions in your own home. If your worship tree, I saw you." is right in your private relationship with God, "How do you know me?" then when He sets you free, you will be Nathanael asked. Jesus ready. It is in the unseen life, which only God answered, "I saw you while you saw, that you have become perfectly fit. And were still under the fig tree when the strain of the crisis comes, you can before Philip called you." be relied upon by God. "How do you know me?" Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, "I saw Are you saying, "But I can't be expected to you while you were still under the fig live a sanctified life in my present tree before Philip called you." circumstances; I have no time for prayer or Bible study right now; besides, my C. H. Spurgeon opportunity for battle hasn't come yet, but What Nathanael had been doing there, we when it does, of course I will be ready"? No, do not know; probably he had been you will not. If you have not been meditating, or he may have been engaged in worshipping in everyday occasions, when prayer. But this announcement was s proof you get involved in God's work, you will not to Nathanael that Jesus could see all things, only be useless yourself but also a and read men’s hearts, and know what they hindrance to those around you. were doing in their chosen retreats: “When thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.” God's training ground, where the missionary Christ knows all of you who came in here, weapons are found, is the hidden, personal, to-night, in a prayerful spirit, seeking him. worshipping life of the saint.</p><p>And whenever men are seeking him, be you Illustration sure that he is also seeking them. A Theological student came to Charles Spurgeon one day, greatly concerned that Oswald Chambers he could not grasp the meaning of certain Worshipping in Everyday Occasions. We verses in the Bible. The noted preacher presume that we would be ready for battle if replied kindly but firmly, “Young man, allow confronted with a great crisis, but it is not the me to give you this word of advice. Give the crisis that builds something within us -- it Lord credit for knowing things you don’t simply reveals what we are made of already. understand.” Do you find yourself saying, "If God calls me to battle, of course I will rise to the 1:49 Nathanael answered Him, "Rabbi, occasion"? Yet you won't rise to the You are the Son of God; You are the occasion unless you have done so on God's King of Israel." training ground. If you are not doing the task Then Nathanael declared, "Rabbi, that is closest to you now, which God has you are the Son of God; you are engineered into your life, when the crisis the King of Israel." comes, instead of being fit for battle, you will Then Nathanael declared, "Rabbi, be revealed as being unfit. Crises always you are the Son of God; you are the reveal a person's true character. King of Israel." </p><p>A private relationship of worshipping God is John 1:34 89 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>“ And I have seen, and have borne witness and see Jesus for himself. He told Nathaniel that this is the Son of God.” that the prophecy concerning the Messiah had been fulfilled in the man Jesus, who Matthew 2:2 was from Nazareth. “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east, and Nathaniel responded incredulously. Some have come to worship Him.” think he questioned whether anything good could come out of Nazareth because that Mark 15:32 town was disparaged by neighboring towns. “Let this Christ, the King of Israel, now come Hendriksen maintains, instead, that the down from the cross, so that we may see question arose out of Nathaniel’s and believe!” And those who were crucified understanding of prophecy. Did the prophets with Him were casting the same insult at ever say that the Messiah would come out of Him. Nazareth? Nathaniel’s understanding of prophecy. Did the prophets ever say that the John 12:13 Messiah would come out of Nazareth? took the branches of the palm trees, and Nathaniel wasn’t sure. Instead of trying to went out to meet Him, and began to cry out, prove it to him, Philip simply says “come and “Hosanna! BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES see.” Oftentimes, the objections people raise IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, even the about the Gospel can be removed not by our King of Israel.” arguments but by their “seeing” Christ for themselves. Arguments, even good ones, C. H. Spurgeon can’t produce faith. Only God can do that. “Thou sawest what I was doing in secret; and by that token I perceive that thou art When Nathaniel did come to Christ, Jesus God’s own Son.” commended him as having no guile (a reference to Jacob who was filled with Sermon Note deceit). Nathaniel, asked Jesus how He The interplay of Jesus' deity and humanity is could know the state of his heart. Count a fascinating study. At times the Gospels Philip have told Him? No, Jesus saw into the describe His human limitations; He is tired, depths of his heart as he carried out his discouraged, lonely, in anguish, and near devotions under the fig tree. Nathaniel is despair in Gethsemane. And then His shocked by Jesus’ penetrating knowledge: essential deity shines through, as here, an obvious proof of His divine nature. He when Jesus is aware of something not then declares that Jesus is truly the available through the senses. Nathaniel, a Messiah, the King of Israel. true Israelite in his spiritual insight as well as character, realized at once that Jesus must What was true for Nathaniel is no less true be the Son of God. for us today. Christ knows our hearts. He sees into the recesses of our minds and our R.C. Sproul motives. It is folly to even try to hide As Jesus travels north to Galilee, He adds anything from Him. In response to such Philip and Nathaniel to His small group of knowledge, all we can do is humble disciples. To Philip He simply says, “Follow ourselves before Him and proclaim that He, Me,” which Philip immediately and willingly indeed, is the Son of God who knows all does. May each of us be so quick and things. diligent to obey Christ when He calls us to follow Him. Oswald Chambers Worshipping as occasion serves. We Like the other disciples who wanted to share imagine we would be all right if a big crisis with others their newly found knowledge of arose; but the big crisis will only reveal the the Messiah, Philip urged Nathaniel to come stuff we are made of, it will not put anything 90 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 into us. “If God gives the call, of course I will itself, all who board the plane make it to rise to the occasion.” You will not unless you heaven. Predestination means God himself have risen to the occasion in the workshop, makes sure the elect actually board the unless you have been the real thing before plane. Their response of faith in Christ is like God there. If you are not doing the thing that checking in at the gate with a boarding pass. lies nearest, because God has engineered it’ when the crisis comes instead of being The gospel call, in contrast, is like revealed as fit, you will be revealed as unfit. advertising for the trip. The church is Crisis always reveal character. commissioned to get the word to the whole world. Unfortunately most people treat God's The private relationship of worshipping God free offer as junk mail and throw it in the is the great essential of fitness. The time trash. However, those whom God has comes when there is no more “fig-tree” life elected to salvation he also moves to accept possible, when it is out into the open, out his free offer. Many are called, but few are into the glare and into the work, and you will chosen. Yet all who are chosen are find yourself of no value there if you have predestined to end up in heaven. not been worshipping as occasion serves you in your home. Worship aright in your Illustration private relationships, then when God sets A number of prominent literary men were you free you will be ready, because in the assembled in a club room in London one unseen life which no one saw but God you day a number of years ago. The have become perfectly fit, and when the conversation veered to a discussion of some strain comes you can be relied upon by of the illustrious figures of the past, and one God. of the company suddenly asked: “Gentlemen, what would we do if Milton “I can’t be expected to live the sanctified life were to enter this room?” “Ah,” replied one in the circumstances I am in; I have no time of the circle, “we would give him such an for praying just now, no time for bible ovation as might compensate for the tardy reading, my opportunity hasn’t come yet; recognition accorded him by the men of his when it does, of course I shall be all right.” own day.” “And if Shakespeare entered?” No, you will not. If you have not been asked another. “We would arise and crown worshipping as occasion serves, when you him master of song,” was the answer. “And if get into work you will not only be useless Jesus Christ were to enter?” asked another. yourself, but a tremendous hindrance to “I think,” said Charles Lamb amid an intense those who are associated with you. The silence, “we would all fall on our faces.” workshop of missionary munitions is the hidden, personal, worshipping life of the 1:50 Jesus answered, “Because I said to saint. you that I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You, shall see C.H. Spurgeon greater things than these.” It is a good thing that God chose me before I Jesus said, "You believe because was born, because he surely would not have I told you I saw you under the fig afterwards!" tree. You shall see greater things than that." Illustration Jesus said, "You believe because I Election is God's deciding who gets on the told you I saw you under the fig tree. plane bound for heaven. You shall see greater things than Predestination is his charting the route the that." plane will take, the schedule, the accommodations both during and after the C. H. Spurgeon flight, and each passenger's safety. With Those who are ready to believe Christ, on God as the pilot of the plane and the plane what may be thought to be slender 91 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 evidence, shall “see greater things than understanding of Jesus’ breaching the gap these.” “Blessed are they that have not between men and God. Finally, Nathaniel’s seen, and yet have believed.” They shall proclamation that Jesus was the King of gaze upon a wonderful sight by-and-by. Israel would be rewarded by a clearer, more spiritual understanding of the kingdom of R.C. Sproul God and the kingship of the Son of Man. Deeply moved by Jesus’ penetrating knowledge of his own soul, Nathaniel made F.B. Meyer a glorious proclamation: “Rabbi, You are the God’s dealings with us are on an ascending Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” scale. The steps that slope away through Jesus responded by saying, “Because I said darkness up to God will always be to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you beckoning to greater and yet greater things. believe?” Hendricksen maintains that we Have you known Christ as the Word? He is should not read this question as a more: both Spirit and Life. Has He become disparaging remark regarding Nathaniel’s flesh? You shall behold Him glorified with the immediate response of faith. It is because glory He had before the world began. Have Nathaniel believed on the basis of so little you known Him as Alpha? He is also evidence that he would receive even greater Omega. Have you beheld the Lamb on the revelations as a reward. cross? You shall behold Him in the midst of the throne. Have you seen the Spirit What are these “greater things’? “You shall descend like a dove on one head? You shall see heaven open, and the angels of God see Him come as a fire upon an ascending and descending upon the Son of unnumbered multitude. Do you acknowledge Man.” The reference is to Jacob’s ladder in Him as King of Israel? You shall hear the Genesis 28. In this account, Jacob had a acclamations that salute Him as King of the dream in which he saw a ladder standing on world. Live up to all you know, and you shall the earth, its top reaching to heaven. know more. Be all you can, and you shall Ascending and descending along the ladder become more. Do all that your two talents were the angels of God. Then Jacob hears permit, and you will find yourself ruler over God’s voice: “And in your seed shall all the four cities. families of the earth be blessed.” This prophecy finds its fulfillment in Christ, who In computer games, victory on the screen was symbolized by the ladder in Jacob’s usually means moving to the next level of dream. Only Christ is the link between difficulty. The goal? Merely a higher score. heaven and earth, the bond of union But in the Christian life, victory means far between God and man, the One who by more than seeing your name in lights. means of His life and sacrifice reconciles It means you are drawing closer to the Lord God to man. With faith, His disciples will be Jesus Christ: in His fellowship and likeness. able to see Him in that light: as the fulfillment of Jacob’s dream, the blessing of Illustration all the nations. And so, Jesus’ reference to We have here the account of the way in Jacob’s ladder can be seen as a multi- which five disciples were brought to receive faceted promise to Nathaniel for His faith. Christ. All came into personal connection with Him, but each in a way of his own, First, Nathaniel had just glimpsed Jesus’ suitable to his own state of mind and feeling. omniscience in action. He would continue to The finding of the one was not the finding of see this divine attribute in action throughout the other. For John and Andrew there was Christ’s life, as Jesus’ all-knowing gaze the talk with Jesus through the hours of that penetrated into the very souls of men and never-to-be-forgotten evening. For Simon: women. What’s more, Nathaniel had the heart-searching word, convincing him he declared Christ to be the Son of God. As a was known, and his future read off. For result, Nathaniel would grow in Philip: a peremptory command; and for 92 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>Nathanael: a gracious courtesy disarming between heaven and earth. Jesus is not him of prejudice, assuring him of a perfect saying that this would be a physical sympathy in the breast of the Lord. Thus experience (that they would see the ladder there are those who seek Christ, those who with their eyes) like the transfiguration, but are brought by others to Christ, those whom that they would have spiritual insight into Christ seeks for Himself, those who come Jesus’ true nature and purpose for coming. without doubts, and those who come with doubts. Each soul must deal with Christ for C. H. Spurgeon himself. “ Thou art a true Israelite, and thou shalt have Israel’s vision. Thou shalt see the 1:51 And He said to him, "Truly, truly, I same sight as thy father Jacob saw when he say to you, you shall see the fell asleep with a stone for his pillow, only heavens opened, and the angels of thy vision shall be far grander than his. God ascending and descending on Christ always knows how to meet the needs the Son of Man." of our hearts, and to give us something in He then added, "I tell you the accordance with our own expressions, and truth, you shall see heaven open, to make his answers fit our requests, only and the angels of God ascending that he always far exceeds all that we ask or and descending on the Son of even think, blessed be his holy name!” Man." He then added, "I tell you the truth, Illustration you shall see heaven open, and the A Savior not quite God is like a bridge angels of God ascending and collapsed at the other end. descending on the Son of Man." Our Daily Bread Genesis 28:12 We have glamorized the birth of Jesus. And he had a dream, and behold, a ladder Christmas card art often depicts an idyllic was set on the earth with its top reaching to manger scene with halos of light heaven; and behold, the angels of God were surrounding the faces of Mary, Joseph, and ascending and descending on it. the Christ-child. His birth, however, was like any normal human birth, except for its crude Matthew 3:16 and unusual setting. Yet that lowly scene And after being baptized, Jesus went up encompassed the wonder of the incarnation, immediately from the water; and behold, the the infinite God of the universe came from heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit the heights of heaven to the depths of earth. of God descending as a dove, and coming upon Him, Referring to the words of Christ in John 1:51, Andrew Murray captured the dramatic Luke 3:21 contrast inherent in this amazing event. In “But he who practices the truth comes to the The Life and Light of Men, he wrote: light, that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.” "The nature of our Lord Jesus is infinite in its extent. One hand it touches the height of Matthew 8:20 Godhead, on the other the depth of And Jesus said to him, “The foxes have manhood. To use His own comparison (John holes, and the birds of the air have nests; 1:51), it resembles the mystic ladder, which but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His in the dream of the wanderer (Jacob), linked head.” the far distant depths of sky; where, more brilliant than sun or moon, the light of the 1:51 This is a reference to Jacob’s dream Shekinah shone, with the moorland, strewn recorded in Genesis 28:12. As the unique with huge boulders of stone, on which he God-man, Jesus would be the ladder lay. At one end is the aisle, Son of God; at 93 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1 the other, Son of Man." is no mere man. Between him and every other person in the world there is no Jesus is Son of God, in all His deity, and He possible term of comparison. Alexander, became Son of Man, in full humanity. Yet He Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded did not sin. Thus His death guarantees empires. But on what did we rest the forgiveness and eternal life if we trust Him creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus as our Savior. Because God descended Christ founded his empire upon love; and at from heaven to earth in Christ, we can this hour millions of men would die for him. ascend from earth to heaven through Christ. OPEN IT The Son of God became the Son of Man That He might change the sons of men 01. How do people feel when they find into sons of God. something that's been missing for a for long time? Angels ______In these days you must go to Heaven to find ______an angel. ______Believe ______The opposite of joy is not sorrow, it is ______unbelief.</p><p>Follow 02. What famous people would you like to But what can mortal man do to secure his meet? Why? own salvation? Mortal man can do just what ______God bids him do. He can repent and believe. ______He can arise and follow Christ as Matthew ______did. ______God ______In his life, Christ is an example, showing us how to live; in his death, he is a sacrifice, 03. About what things are people today satisfying for our sins; in his resurrection, a skeptical? conqueror; in his ascension, a king; in his ______intercession, a high priest. ______Goodness ______I expect to pass through this world but once; ______any good thing, therefore, that I can do, or ______any kindness that I can show to my fellow- creatures, let me do it now; let me not EXPLORE IT defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. 04. How did Jesus and Philip meet? (1:43) ______Heaven ______If I ever reach heaven I expect to find three ______wonders there: first, to meet some I had not ______thought to see there; second, to miss some I ______had expected to see there; and third, the ______greatest wonder of all, to find myself there. Jesus Christ 05. What did Jesus say to Philip? (1:43) I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ ______94 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>______Nathanael? (1:47) ______06. How did Philip respond to Jesus' ______invitation? (1:44-46) ______12. What convinced Nathanael that Jesus ______was the Son of God? (1:47-50) ______07. What did Philip do after he followed ______Jesus? (1:45) ______13. What was Nathanael's response to ______Jesus' greeting? (1:48) ______08. What did Philip tell Nathanael about ______Jesus? (1:45) ______14. Why was Nathanael surprised? (1:48) ______09. Why was Nathanael skeptical that Philip had found the Messiah? (1:46) 15. Why did Nathanael call Jesus the Son of ______God and the King of Israel? (1:48-49) ______10. How did Nathanael respond to the fact that Jesus was from Nazareth? (1:46) 16. What were the greater things to which ______Jesus referred? (1:50) ______11. What did Jesus say when he saw 95 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>17. What did Jesus tell Nathanael he would ______see? (1:51) ______23. How is Jesus the King of your life? ______18. Who is the Son of Man? (1:51) ______24. What do you have in common with ______Jesus? ______GET IT ______19. What about Christ stirs skepticism today? 25. How can Jesus' identity as the Son of ______God inspire your confidence in Him? ______20. What stereotypes about Christ prevent people from trusting Him today? APPLY IT ______26. How will you show your trust in the God ______who knows all about you this week? ______21. What convinced you that Jesus was the ______Son of God? ______27. How would you share your faith with a ______skeptical person this week? ______22. What makes Jesus qualified to rule our ______lives? ______28. In what way will you recognize Jesus as ______the ruler of your life today? ______96 GOSPEL OF JOHN Chapter 1</p><p>______</p><p>97</p>
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