<p>NORTHWEST MASONRY INSTITUTE 07 21 00 NATIONAL MASONRY SYSTEMS GUIDE THERMAL INSULATION NORTHWEST EDITION – 01.14.2016 PAGE 1 OF 9</p><p>SECTION 07 21 00 - THERMAL INSULATION</p><p>PART 1 - GENERAL</p><p>0.1 SECTION INCLUDES</p><p>A. Foam Board Insulation.</p><p>B. Fiber Board Insulation.</p><p>C. Fiber Batt Insulation.</p><p>D. Mineral Fiber Batt Insulation.</p><p>E. Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation.</p><p>0.2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS</p><p>A. 04 26 16 - Adhered Masonry Veneer: for masonry adhered to substrate.</p><p>B. 07 25 26 - Air and Water Resistant Barriers: for components of masonry systems.</p><p>C. 07 62 00 - Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim: for sheet metal components of masonry systems.</p><p>D. 07 92 00 - Joint Sealers.</p><p>E. 09 96 53 - Elastomeric Coatings: used over unit masonry systems.</p><p>0.3 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS</p><p>A. Preinstallation Meeting: Convene one week before starting work of this section in accordance with Section 01 30 00 - Administrative Requirements.</p><p>1. Review preparation and installation procedures and coordinating and scheduling required with related work.</p><p>0.4 SUBMITTALS</p><p>A. Product Data: Provide data on product characteristics, performance criteria, and product limitations.</p><p>B. Test Report: Submit report of full-size mock-up test for NFPA 285 fire performance, with project cladding assemblies highlighted, for foam insulation on exterior.</p><p>C. Research/Evaluation Reports: Provide ICC-ES report for foam-plastic insulation. NORTHWEST MASONRY INSTITUTE 07 21 00 NATIONAL MASONRY SYSTEMS GUIDE THERMAL INSULATION NORTHWEST EDITION – 01.14.2016 PAGE 2 OF 9</p><p>D. Shop Drawings: Indicate required flashings, control joints, and expansion joints, and sealing details at openings, projections, penetrations, and sleeves to maintain continuous thermal barrier.</p><p>E. LEED Submittals: For components of this section submit the following in compliance with Section 01 35 15 - LEED Certification Procedures.</p><p>1. MR 3: Materials Reuse; documentation showing materials reused.</p><p>2. MR 4: Product data for products having recycled content.</p><p>3. MR 5: Product certificates for products and materials complying with regional material requirements.</p><p>F. Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specified requirements.</p><p>G. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special preparation of substrate, installation and attachment methods, and perimeter conditions requiring special attention.</p><p>1. Include recommended fastening components and spacing to control sag.</p><p>2. Include manufacturer's recommended product for thermal barrier over foam insulation exposed to interior in accordance with IBC 2012.2603.4. a. "...tested in accordance with and meets the acceptance criteria of both the Temperature Transmission Fire Test and the Integrity Fire Test of NFPA 275."</p><p>3. For exterior foam insulation include details required to comply with acceptance criteria of manufacturer's NFPA 285 test in accordance with IBC 2012.2603.5.5. a. "The exterior wall assembly shall be tested in accordance with and comply with the acceptance criteria of NFPA 285."</p><p>H. Maintenance Data: For users operation and maintenance of system including:</p><p>1. Methods for maintaining system's materials and finishes.</p><p>2. Precautions about cleaning materials and methods that could be detrimental to components, finishes, and performance.</p><p>0.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE</p><p>A. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum 5 years experience.</p><p>1.</p><p>0.6 MOCK-UP</p><p>A. Enclosure Visual Mock-up: NORTHWEST MASONRY INSTITUTE 07 21 00 NATIONAL MASONRY SYSTEMS GUIDE THERMAL INSULATION NORTHWEST EDITION – 01.14.2016 PAGE 3 OF 9</p><p>1. Construct and participate in Enclosure Visual Mock-up specified in Section ______.</p><p>B. Enclosure Performance Mock-up:</p><p>1. Construct and participate in Enclosure Performance Mock-up and testing specified in Section ______.</p><p>C. Construct mock-up of ____ sq ft (____ sq m) of horizontal insulation exposed in unconditioned space, representing finished work including internal and external corners.</p><p>1. Locate where convenient.</p><p>2. Mockup may remain as part of the Work.</p><p>0.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING</p><p>A. As required by the manufacturer for a warrantable installation of the installed products to meet the Performance and Design Criteria.</p><p>B. Deliver, store, and handle material to avoid exposure to sunlight and contact with flammable materials.</p><p>C. Store moisture sensitive materials in dry, weathertight enclosures.</p><p>PART 2 - PRODUCTS</p><p>0.1 DESCRIPTION</p><p>A. Foam board, fiber board, batt and low expansion detailing foam thermal insulation.</p><p>0.2 PERFORMANCE AND DESIGN CRITERIA</p><p>A. Surface-Burning Characteristics: As determined by testing identical products according to ASTM E 84 by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency.</p><p>1. IBC 2012.2603.4.</p><p>B. Assembly Fire Propagation Characteristics: Provide results of test performed on wall assemblies tested by manufacturer in accordance with NFPA 285.</p><p>1. IBC 2012.2603.5.5</p><p>0.3 MATERIALS</p><p>A. Foam Board Insulation: NORTHWEST MASONRY INSTITUTE 07 21 00 NATIONAL MASONRY SYSTEMS GUIDE THERMAL INSULATION NORTHWEST EDITION – 01.14.2016 PAGE 4 OF 9</p><p>1. Extruded Polystyrene Board Insulation: ASTM C 578, Type IV, 25 psi. a. Performance Criteria: 1) Flame Spread Index: 75 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 2) Smoke Developed Index: 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 3) Complies with fire-resistance requirements as part of an exterior non-load- bearing exterior wall assembly when tested in accordance with NFPA 285 in cladding systems matching project. 4) Water Absorption: 4 percent by volume, maximum, when tested In accordance with ASTM D2842. 5) Water Vapor Transmission: 1.5 perms when tested in accordance with ASTM E96 based on 1 inch thickness. 6) Board Density: 1.3 lb/cu ft. 7) Compressive Resistance: 15 psi. 8) Thermal Conductivity (k factor) at 25 degrees F: 0.28. 9) Thermal Resistance (R Value) at 40 degrees F/inch of thickness: 5. b. Features: 1) Board Size: As indicated on drawings. 2) Board Thickness: As indicated on drawings. 3) Board Edges: Square.</p><p>2. Polyisocyanurate Board Insulation: Rigid cellular foam, complying with ASTM C1289. Type I, Class 1 or Class 2: a. Performance Criteria: 1) Flame Spread Index: 75 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 2) Smoke Developed Index: 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 3) Complies with fire-resistance requirements as part of an exterior non-load- bearing exterior wall assembly when tested in accordance with NFPA 285 in cladding systems matching project. 4) Water Absorption: <1 percent by volume, maximum, when tested In accordance with ASTM C209 5) Water Vapor Transmission: <0.3 perms when tested in accordance with ASTM E96 based on 1 inch thickness. 6) Board Density: 2 lb/cu ft. 7) Compressive Resistance: 25 psi. 8) Thermal Conductivity (k factor) at 25 degrees F: 9) Thermal Resistance (R Value) at 40 degrees F/inch of thickness: 5.6.</p><p>B. Fiber Board Insulation: NORTHWEST MASONRY INSTITUTE 07 21 00 NATIONAL MASONRY SYSTEMS GUIDE THERMAL INSULATION NORTHWEST EDITION – 01.14.2016 PAGE 5 OF 9</p><p>1. Mineral Fiber Board Insulation: Semi-rigid mineral fiber, ASTM C612. a. Performance Criteria: 1) Flame Spread Index: 25 or less, when tested with facing, if any, in accordance with ASTM E84. 2) Smoke Developed Index: 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 3) Rated Non-combustible per NFPA standard 220 in accordance with ASTM E136. 4) Water Absorption: 0.03 percent by volume, maximum, when tested In accordance with ASTM C1104. 5) Water Vapor Transmission: 50 perms when tested in accordance with ASTM E96 based on 1 inch thickness. 6) Board Density: 4.5 lb/cu ft. 7) Compressive Resistance: 25 psi. 8) Thermal Conductivity (k factor) at 25 degrees F: 9) Thermal Resistance (R Value) at 40 degrees F/inch of thickness: 4.2. b. Features: 1) Board Thickness: As indicated on drawings. 2) Board Edges: Square.</p><p>C. Fiber Batt Insulation:</p><p>1. Glass Fiber Batt Insulation: Flexible preformed batt or blanket, complying with ASTM C665; friction fit. a. Performance Criteria - Unfaced, Type I: 1) Combustibility: Non-combustible, when tested in accordance with ASTM E136. 2) Flame Spread Index: 25 or less, when tested with facing, if any, in accordance with ASTM E84. 3) Smoke Developed Index: 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 4) Water Absorption: 0.03 percent by volume, maximum, when tested In accordance with ASTM C1104. 5) Water Vapor Transmission: 50 perms when tested in accordance with ASTM E96 based on 1 inch thickness. 6) Board Density: 4.5 lb/cu ft. 7) Compressive Resistance: 25 psi. 8) Thermal Conductivity (k factor) at 25 degrees F: 9) Thermal Resistance (R Value) at 40 degrees F/inch of thickness: ___. b. Performance Criteria - Kraft-Faced, Type 2: NORTHWEST MASONRY INSTITUTE 07 21 00 NATIONAL MASONRY SYSTEMS GUIDE THERMAL INSULATION NORTHWEST EDITION – 01.14.2016 PAGE 6 OF 9</p><p>1) Non-reflective faced. 2) Class C: faced surface not rated for flame propagation. 3) Category 1: Vapor barrier membrane.</p><p>2. Mineral Fiber Batt Insulation: Flexible preformed batt or blanket, complying with ASTM C665; friction fit. a. Performance Criteria: 1) Facing: None, unfaced. 2) Combustibility: Non-combustible, when tested in accordance with ASTM E136. 3) Flame Spread Index: 25 or less, when tested with facing, if any, in accordance with ASTM E84. 4) Smoke Developed Index: 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 5) Water Absorption: 0.03 percent by volume, maximum, when tested In accordance with ASTM C1104. 6) Water Vapor Transmission: 50 perms when tested in accordance with ASTM E96 based on 1 inch thickness. 7) Board Density: ___ lb/cu ft. 8) Compressive Resistance: ___ psi. 9) Thermal Conductivity (k factor) at 25 degrees F: 10) 1Thermal Resistance (R Value) at 40 degrees F/inch of thickness: ___.</p><p>D. Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation: HCFC-based, close-cell, complying with ASTM C1029.</p><p>1. Performance Criteria: a. Flame Spread Index: 25 or less, when tested with facing, if any, in accordance with ASTM E84. b. Smoke Developed Index: 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. c. Core Density: 1.9-2.4 pcf when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1622. d. Thermal Resistance (aged): when tested in accordance with ASTM C 518 at 75 degrees F, (h-ft2- degrees F)/Btu. 1) Thickness less than or equal to 2-1/2 inches: 5.8 per inch of thickness. 2) Thickness greater than 2-1/2 inches: 6.4 per inch of thickness. e. Thermal Resistance (initial): 6.4 per inch of thickness when tested in accordance with ASTM C 518 at 75 degrees F, (h-ft2- degrees F)/Btu. f. Closed Cell Content: 88-95 percent when tested in accordance with ASTM D 2842. g. Water Absorption: Less than 2 percent by volume when tested in accordance with ASTM D 2842. h. Water Vapor Transmission: <1 perm at 2 inch thickness when tested in accordance with ASTM E 96. NORTHWEST MASONRY INSTITUTE 07 21 00 NATIONAL MASONRY SYSTEMS GUIDE THERMAL INSULATION NORTHWEST EDITION – 01.14.2016 PAGE 7 OF 9</p><p> i. Compressive Strength: Greater than 25 psi when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1621.</p><p>0.4 VAPOR RETARDERS</p><p>A. Sheet Retarder: Polyamide film vapor retarder, unfaced, vapor permeable glass fiber and mineral wool insulation complying with ASTM E86.</p><p>1. Water Vapor Permeance: a. Dry cup method: 1.0 perms. b. Wet cup method: 10 perms.</p><p>2. Flame Spread Index: 20 or less, when tested with facing, if any, in accordance with ASTM E84.</p><p>3. Smoke Developed Index: 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84.</p><p>B. PVA Paint: Transmission rate not exceeding 1 perm in accordance with ASTM E96.</p><p>0.5 ACCESSORIES</p><p>A. All accessory materials required by the manufacturer for a warrantable installation of the installed products in a manner that meets the Performance and Design Criteria.</p><p>B. Insulation Fasteners: Impaling clip of unfinished steel with washer retainer and clips, to be adhered to surface to receive insulation, length to suit insulation thickness and substrate, capable of securely and rigidly fastening insulation in place.</p><p>C. Anchor Adhesive: Bond insulation anchors securely without damage to insulation, fasteners and substrates.</p><p>D. Masonry ties with integrated insulation retainer clip.</p><p>PART 3 - EXECUTION</p><p>0.1 EXAMINATION</p><p>A. Verify existing conditions meet the manufacturer's requirements before starting work.</p><p>B. Clean substrates of substances that are harmful to insulation, including removing projections capable of puncturing vapor retarders, or that interfere with insulation attachment.</p><p>C. Verify that substrate, adjacent materials, and insulation materials are dry and substrates are ready to receive insulation and adhesive.</p><p>D. Verify substrate surfaces are flat, free of honeycomb, fins, irregularities, or materials, or substances that may impede adhesive bond. NORTHWEST MASONRY INSTITUTE 07 21 00 NATIONAL MASONRY SYSTEMS GUIDE THERMAL INSULATION NORTHWEST EDITION – 01.14.2016 PAGE 8 OF 9</p><p>0.2 PREPARATION</p><p>A. Prepare surfaces to receive work in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.</p><p>0.3 INSTALLATION</p><p>A. General: Install all materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions based on conditions present.</p><p>1. Install insulation in thicknesses indicated and provide thermal continuity at entire building enclosure.</p><p>2. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions and fill voids with insulation. Remove projections that interfere with placement.</p><p>B. Cavity-wall Insulation:</p><p>1. Install with method detailed.</p><p>2. Fit courses of board insulation between wall ties and other obstructions, with edges butted tightly in both directions. Press units firmly against inside substrates.</p><p>3. Fasten insulation anchors to substrates. Space anchors according to insulation manufacturer's written instructions for insulation type, thickness, and application indicated.</p><p>4. Install board insulation by pressing insulation into position over spindles and securing it tightly in place with insulation-retaining washers.</p><p>C. Framing cavity insulation:</p><p>1. Use insulation widths and lengths that fill cavities formed by framing members. If more than one length is required to fill the cavities, provide lengths that will produce a snug fit between ends.</p><p>2. Provide a friction fit between edges of insulation and adjoining framing members.</p><p>3. Maintain 3-inch clearance of insulation around recessed lighting fixtures not rated for contact with insulation.</p><p>4. For framed wall cavities where height exceed 96 inches, support unfaced blankets mechanically and support faced blankets by taping flanges of insulation to flanges of studs.</p><p>5. Where installing batt faced with vapor retarder material, install with vapor retarder facing the warm side of the assembly in winter. Lap onto interior face of framing and seal to adjacent vapor retarder lap. Seal vapor retarder to sill and head framing and all penetrations with tape or acoustical adhesive.</p><p>D. Spray Foam Insulation NORTHWEST MASONRY INSTITUTE 07 21 00 NATIONAL MASONRY SYSTEMS GUIDE THERMAL INSULATION NORTHWEST EDITION – 01.14.2016 PAGE 9 OF 9</p><p>1. Do not apply insulation until installation of pipes, ducts, conduits, wiring, and electrical outlets in walls is completed and windows, electrical boxes, and other items not indicated to receive insulation are masked.</p><p>2. Install in maximum 2 inch lifts, or as recommended by manufacturer, whichever dimension is less.</p><p>3. Ensure full bond of spray-foam to materials as needed for air barrier continuity.</p><p>E. Miscellaneous Voids: Install insulation in miscellaneous voids and cavity spaces where required to prevent gaps in insulation using the following materials:</p><p>1. Foam-In-Place Sealant: Apply according to manufacturer's written instructions.</p><p>0.4 PROTECTION</p><p>A. Protect installed work as required by the manufacturer to maintain product performance, design criteria and warranty.</p><p>0.5 SCHEDULE:</p><p>A. Extruded Polystyrene Board:</p><p>1. Locations: a. As indicated</p><p>B. Mineral Fiber Board:</p><p>1. Locations: a. As indicated.</p><p>C. Polyisocyanurate Board Insulation:</p><p>1. Locations: a. As indicated.</p><p>D. Spray-Foam Insulation:</p><p>1. Locations: a. As indicated.</p><p>END OF SECTION</p>
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