<p>City of Parkston Council Meeting, Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 90</p><p>REGULAR MEETING OF THE PARKSTON CITY COUNCIL, MAY 13th, 2014 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF THE CITY HALL IN THE CITY OF PARKSTON, SOUTH DAKOTA</p><p>Mayor Hoffman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and roll call noted the following council members present: Dale Hofer, Tim Semmler, Ken Henke, Brad Hohn, Jeff Murtha, and Rob Bertram. Also in attendance were Mike Wolf, Greg Reichenberg, Ryan Murtha, Karen Adkins-Runge, Bill Maxwell, Ember Dale, Leisa Tiede, Barb Braley, Chris Braley, Todd Freudenthal, and David Doering.</p><p>Motion by Henke seconded by Hofer to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 8th, 2014. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Motion by Semmler seconded by Henke to approve the following claims. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Salaries: Mayor & Council 2203.90; Finance Ofc. 2965.05; Gov't Buildings 179.06; Police Dept. 8019.63; Street Dept. 5551.08; Rubble Site 240.30; Library 3395.31; Plan & Zone 525.00; Water Dept 717.92; Sewer Dept 462.92.</p><p>CK# PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT</p><p>GENERAL FUND</p><p>16975 Parkston Gun Club 2014 Donation 750.00 16976 Farmers State Bank FICA Contribution 1861.88 Federal Withholding 857.28 16977 SD Retirement Contribution- April 2014 2753.10 16978 Northwestern Power- City Hall 363.53 N. Gas- City Hall 434.41 Power- Maint. Bldg. 126.40 N. Gas- Maint. Bldg. 244.79 Power- Street Lights 2127.46 Power- Traffic Signal 37.04 Power- Airport 119.29 Power- E. Park 29.25 Power- W. Park 247.97 Power- Softball Field 12.46 Power- Library 189.22 N. Gas- Library 124.05 16980 Agland Coop Propane, fuel 1632.60 16981 Blue Cross/Shield Mthly Health Ins. Premium 3280.31 16982 Santel Communications Communications- City Hall 181.12 Siren Circuit 19.48 Communications- PD 46.81 Communications- Library 58.18 Internet Connection- Airport 91.46 16983 Casey’s Gas- PD 174 gals (March ’14) 643.93 16984 RDO Equipment Misc. supplies 8.43 16985 Aflac Accrued Aflac 473.76 16986 Noteboom Implement Vehicle supplies- sweeper 111.24 City of Parkston Council Meeting, Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 91</p><p>16987 CHS/Farmers Alliance Gas- 145 gals 525.56 16988 Visa Brick- backstop project 528.00 16989 Visa Lodging- airport conference, mini indicator lamp 188.62 16990 Aramark Rug service- March 2014 124.53 16991 Farmers State Bank FICA Contribution 2282.58 Federal Withholding 953.12 16993 Farmers State Bank City bucks- tree planting program reimbursement 145.00 16994 Northwestern Energy Power- Baseball field 586.75 16995 Southeastern Electric Power- street lights, water pump 118.70 16996 Parkston Advance Proceedings, rubble site, dog, garden ads, notices 398.45 16998 Parkston Advance Ad- Library 17.50 17001 McLaury Engineering Engineering- floodplain, annexation 24.00 17002 Sturdevant’s Oil filters 11.97 17003 Untereiener’s Rebar- baseball backstop project 82.09 17004 Untereiner’s Material- E. Park restroom update 550.15 17005 Untereiner’s Painting supplies- library 44.64 17006 Maxwell Bowar Agency Insurance- airport fuel system 203.00 17007 Parkston Drug Inc. Supplies 20.43 17008 Weidenbach Concrete Concrete- E. Park restroom update 527.50 17010 Blackbaud 2014 Annual support fee 3702.50 17011 Henke Tractor Repair Equipment supplies, chain 312.60 Sharpen blades, water pump repair 164.70 17012 SD Dept. of Revenue Sales tax remittance 14.44 17013 The Daily Republic Newspaper renewal- library 175.00 17014 Petty Cash- Fin. Ofc. Postage 21.23 17015 Herman Appliance Bathroom repairs, break room furnace repairs 994.15 E. Park restroom update 1405.17 17016 Demco Library supplies 298.47 17017 SD Dept. of Revenue 2014 State share of malt beverage license 437.50 17021 Weber Sanitation Garbage service- library 18.00 17022 Sioux Falls Two Way Rpr. pd radio antenna, S. Third siren repairs 727.59 17023 Ingram Books 338.74 17029 Barnes & Noble Books 316.16 17031 Casey’s Gas- PD 215 gals (April ‘14) 738.49 17032 B&H Tree Service Grind/stump trees- parks 625.00 17033 Darrington Water Mthly drinking water 12.00 17034 Dakota Supply Group Fountain- baseball field bathroom 698.53 17035 Runnings Ammo, clothing, seed, bulbs, misc. shop supplies 695.70 17036 Parkston Electric Locates- E. Park, airport windsock repairs 414.37 17037 Stan Houston Equipment Mortar- baby pool repairs 103.80 17038 Spencer Quarries 200 ton chips 2380.54 17039 Parkston Precision Rpr. lawn equipment, flag holder 135.60 17040 Helms & Assoc. Engineering- Airport land acquisition project 1250.00 17041 Greg Reichenberg Mileage/meals- Police Chief Conference 67.80 17042 O’Connars & Sons Hauling chips 1085.36 17043 Noteboom Implement Vehicle supplies 18.16 17044 Farmers Alliance Gas- 156 gals 566.15 17045 Tractor Salvage & Weld. Cutting edges- Grapple fork bucket 856.66 17046 Dollar General Cleaning supplies 30.95 City of Parkston Council Meeting, Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 92</p><p>17047 Tactical Solutions Certify radar units 72.00 17048 Huffy’s Airport Wind. Windsock- airport 121.95 17049 Aramark Rug service- April 2014 83.02 17050 Southern Minn. Company49.19 ton “orange” agrilime 458.95 17051 Dust-Tex Rug service- library 18.44 17052 Uline Library supplies 77.45 17053 Weber Woodworking Final payment- finance office furniture 1795.00 17054 Holicky Bros. Logistics Trucking- agrilime 1647.87 17055 Bryan Rock Products “Red” agrilime, trucking 1893.18 17056 Nicole Weber WSI certification reimbursement 145.00 17057 Timothy Schmidt WSI certification reimbursement 145.00 17063 NSU Continuing education- Library 137.10 17064 Aramark Continuing education- Library 84.15</p><p>CAPITAL PROJECTS</p><p>16997 Parkston Advance Adv. For bids- 2014 Street Project 109.78 16999 McLaury Engineering Engineering- Hazard Mitigation Project 15493.83 17000 McLaury Engineering Engineering- 2014 Street Project 991.00</p><p>WATER</p><p>16978 Northwestern Power- South Well 126.67 16979 US Postmaster Bulk postage 96.10 16992 Paul Ellis/P. Mahoney Refund on deposit 110.64 17009 Vern’s Body Shop Refund credit 2.99 17014 Petty Cash- Fin. Ofc. Postage 17.00 17020 BY Water District Bulk Water 11696.80 17024 City Water Fund Balance due on Acct. #2095 39.36 17025 City Water Fund Balance due on Acct. #2046 62.52 17026 City Water Fund Balance due on Acct. #1965 40.77 17027 City Water Fund Balance due on Acct. #2002 29.86 17028 City Water Fund Balance due on Acct. #2035 22.38 17030 One Call Systems Locate fee’s 4.20 17034 Dakota Supply Group Materials- water inventory 855.21 17035 Runnings Material- shop water meter 14.99 17058 Marie Burnett Refund on deposit 87.48 17059 Lyle & Jane Zoerb Refund on deposit 109.23 17060 Todd & Charis Mayo Refund on deposit 120.14 17061 Oren Long Refund credit balance 26.90 17062 Jake Longville Refund on deposit 127.62</p><p>SEWER</p><p>16978 Northwestern Power- Sewer Alarm 8.00 16979 US Postmaster Bulk postage 96.11 16995 Southeastern Electric Power- lagoons, lift station 65.95 17014 Petty Cash- Fin. Ofc. Postage 101.03 17018 Armour Electric Rpr. sewer lift station pump 41.76 City of Parkston Council Meeting, Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 93</p><p>17019 State Health Lab Lab tests 95.00 17036 Parkston Electric Lift station repairs 32.13</p><p>At 7:05 p.m., Motion by Murtha seconded by Semmler to adjourn. All present voting aye. Motion carried. ORGANIZATION OF NEW COUNCIL</p><p>Mayor Hoffman called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. and roll call noted the following council members present: Murtha, Hohn, Hofer, Semmler, Bertram, and Henke. Those in attendance are as listed at the beginning of these minutes.</p><p>Mayor Hoffman swore the following aldermen into office:</p><p>Alderman Ward I- Tim Semmler- 2 years Alderman Ward II- Brad Hohn- 2 years Alderman Ward III- Ken Henke- 2 years</p><p>Motion by Henke seconded by Semmler to approve the following appointments as recommended by Mayor Hoffman. City Attorney Chris Braley; City Physician Dr. Richard Honke; Chief of Police Greg Reichenberg, City Floodplain Administrator McLaury Engineering, and Finance Officer Brenda Huether. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Motion by Hohn seconded by Murtha to designate Farmers State Bank and First Dakota Bank both of Parkston, S.D. as official depositories. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Motion by Hofer seconded by Semmler that pursuant to SDCL 4-5-8, authorize the Finance Officer to invest City funds into interest bearing accounts within the designated depository(s) as she may deem proper and in the best interest of the city. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Mayor Hoffman presented the following committee appointments for the year 2014-2015:</p><p>Streets, Alleys & City Disposal Area (C) Hohn Henke Semmler</p><p>Buildings & Zoning (C) Semmler Hohn Hofer</p><p>Sewer and Rubble Site (C) Hofer Murtha Henke</p><p>Ordinances (C) Murtha Hohn Bertram City Attorney Finance Officer Police Chief</p><p>Waterworks (C) Murtha Henke Hofer</p><p>Finance (C) Henke Murtha Hohn</p><p>Parks, Rec & Pool (C) Bertram Hofer Semmler City of Parkston Council Meeting, Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 94</p><p>Health (C) Bertram Murtha Henke</p><p>Equipment (C) Henke Bertram Hohn</p><p>Airport (C) Hofer Murtha Bertram</p><p>Personnel & Grievances (C) Hohn Henke Semmler Finance Officer</p><p>ADA Grievance (C) Bertram Hofer Murtha</p><p>Floodplain (C) Hohn Henke Semmler</p><p>Library (C) Semmler ******* *******</p><p>Housing (C) Murtha ******* *******</p><p>(C) = Chairmen</p><p>Motion by Henke seconded by Semmler to approve the appointments as presented by Mayor Hoffman. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Motion by Hofer seconded by Murtha to elect Ken Henke as Council President and Brad Hohn as Council Vice-President. All present voting ayel. Motion carried.</p><p>Commercial Club members, Ember Dale, Lisa Tiede, and Bill Maxwell addressed the council with information on a proposed new event, Downtown Friday Nights. Ember explained that the club is planning three Friday night events, June 13, July 11, and August 1. The events will be located on Main Street between First and Depot Street and consist of live music, bean bags, and small activities for kids. It will be held from 6 pm- 10 pm. Bill added that they are hoping to entice the community to come out and enjoy an evening in Parkston. Motion by Murtha seconded by Hofer to approve the Commercial Club to use Main Street between First and Depot Street for their Downtown Friday Night events. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>It was advised this being the time and place advertised for a public hearing on the variance request of Chris and Barb Braley, 101 W. Teek St, for the construction of a living addition with a 2 1/2’ setback between structures rather than the required 5’ setback. The City Council is now convened as a Board of Adjustment. There being no oral or written objections to said variance request, motion by Henke seconded by Hohn to approve said request. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>It was advised this being the time and place advertised for a public hearing on the variance request of Todd & Pam Freudenthal, 604 S. Second St, for the construction of a garage addition with a 4’ side setback rather than the required 5’ setback. The City Council is now convened as a Board of Adjustment. There being no oral or written objections to said variance request, motion by Hohn seconded by Henke to approve said request. All present voting aye. Motion carried. City of Parkston Council Meeting, Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 95</p><p>McLaury Engineer, Ryan Murtha, informed the council that the SD Dept. of Transportation has approved McLaury to begin the plans and specifications for the Main Street railroad crossing project. Murtha stated that he doesn’t foresee construction beginning until spring 2015.</p><p>It was reported that Lance Thury, manager of Parkston Grain & Feed, has plans to install an overhead conveyor/pit system on the bins located on Railroad Street. Mayor Hoffman advised that Mr. Thury has surveyed the property and informed him that the pit would need to be located approximately 15’ on city right-of-way on Railroad Street. Mayor Hoffman asked for the council’s feedback regarding allowing this structure to be located on city property. Alderman Hohn stated that if the city does allow it an agreement would have to be executed to cover liability, upkeep, snow removal, and other circumstances so the city is not at risk. Concerns were also raised on who would be responsible for the cost of attorney fees for the agreement, and engineer fees for ensuring the system does not affect future street improvements. Mayor Hoffman advised that Mr. Thury should be informed that Parkston Grain will be responsible for any costs incurred for this matter. It was decided that the street committee meet to discuss terms of the agreement.</p><p>Motion by Hohn seconded by Hofer to approve Safe Routes to School Project No. P SRTS(31) PCN 03x3 Amendment No. 3 Agreement No. 714709 and authorize Mayor Hoffman to sign said document. All present voting aye. Motion carried. Said agreement is to increase the cost for the design and construction engineering, which are both covered by Federal Highway funds.</p><p>Motion by Hofer seconded by Murtha to set a public hearing for the USDA Rural Development Loan for June 10th, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at city hall. All present voting aye. Motion carried. Said public hearing is to gather public input on the proposed application the City of Parkston intends to submit to Rural Development for a USDA Rural Development Water and Environmental Program for a $300,000 loan to assist in financing the southwest sewer expansion.</p><p>Ryan Murtha informed the council that the topographical survey is complete for the East Park and requested guidance on what the next step should be. It was decided to have the park committee meet to further discuss the future layout of the park, drainage, and other related topics in order for Ryan to complete plans and specifications.</p><p>Opening day for the Parkston Public Pool is tentatively scheduled for Friday, May 30th. A lifeguard orientation meeting will be held Thursday, May 22 at 5 pm at city hall.</p><p>Motion by Semmler seconded by Bertram to the following rates for the 2014 pool season: family season- $75.00; adult season $45.00; child season $30.00; adult per session $3.00; child per session $2.00; lesson- season ticket holder $15.00; lesson- non-season ticket holder $21.00; private lesson $10.00/daily session; special group rate: Our Home, Inc. $180.00 season. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Motion by Henke seconded by Semmler to approve the 2014 baseball concession lease in favor of the Parkston Lions Club. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Motion by Murtha seconded by Hofer to approve Shaykett Appraisals Co, Sioux Falls, to conduct the appraisal for the proposed airport land purchase in the amount of $5,500. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Discussion was held regarding having a city wide clean up. Since the rubble site does not accept many of the items that come from a cleanup, it was suggested to rent roll offs from Petrik Sanitation and have them available at the rubble site. It was stated that the roll offs would be available to city residents and disposal City of Parkston Council Meeting, Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 96 would be free of charge to encourage participation. Cost per roll off is $300 plus $39/ton for disposal. Motion by Hofer seconded by Murtha to approve to rent roll offs from Petrik Sanitation for a week and to allow Parkston residents to dispose free of charge. All present voting aye. Motion carried. The date of the cleanup will be scheduled by the rubble site attendant.</p><p>Chief of Police Reichenberg reminded the council to report any nuisance properties to the department. Those that are reported will be given a 10 day notice to bring the property into compliance.</p><p>Motion by Hohn seconded by Hofer to authorize the publication of annual notice to destroy weeds. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>It was advised this being the time and place advertised for a public hearing on the following malt beverage license applications for the period 2014- 2015:</p><p>Casey's Retail Company d/b/a Casey's General Store, Lot 2, Blk 31, Gray & Osborne Addition. OFF- SALE/SD FARM WINE.</p><p>Parkston Food Center, Inc., OL 1 of OL 3 of Tiedes OL (Less LT 1 of OL 1 & LTS 1 & 2 of OL 3 & S 140' X E 125' of OL 3). OFF-SALE/SD FARM WINE.</p><p>David Roth, d/b/a Sud's Stop, Lots 1 & 2, Blk 13, Original City. ON-OFF SALE/SD FARM WINE.</p><p>B's Enterprises LLC, d/b/a Kenny's Place, Lot 1 of OL 3, Tiede's OL Addition. ON-OFF SALE/SD FARM WINE.</p><p>Dolgen Midwest LLC, d/b/a Dollar General, S. 130’ of the N. 313.39’ of OL 33 except the W. 17’ thereof, all of which abuts and lies South of Plum Street. OFF-SALE.</p><p>There being no oral or written comments for or against said applications, motion by Semmler seconded by Hohn to approve the same. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>It was advised this being the time and place advertised for a public hearing on the following temporary liquor license application:</p><p>Parkston Commercial Club, Main Street between Depot and First Street. License dates: June 13, July 11, 25, 26, and August 1, 2014.</p><p>Parkston Amateur Baseball Association, Lots A, B, & C of O.L. 67, East Park (Lions Concession Stand Area). License Dates: July 4, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31; August 1, 2014.</p><p>There being no oral or written comments for or against said applications, motion by Hofer seconded by Murtha to approve the same. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Motion by Semmler seconded by Henke to apply for a West Nile Virus Grant for funding for Parkston’s mosquito control program and authorize Mayor Hoffman to be the authorized agent. All present voting aye. Motion carried. City of Parkston Council Meeting, Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 97</p><p>Motion by Hohn seconded by Hofer to approve Resolution No. 14-537- City of Parkston’s 2014 Personnel Policy, which replaces and supersedes all prior personnel manuals and policies. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>At 9:45 p.m., motion by Murtha seconded by Semmler to convene into executive session to review communications from legal counsel regarding the rubble site land acquisition pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2.3 and to discuss personnel matters pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2.1. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Having reconvened from executive session at 10:06 p.m., motion by Hohn seconded by Hofer to hire the following additional lifeguards: Timothy Schmidt at 7.25/hour; Jonah Murtha at $7.25/hour. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Motion by Hohn seconded by Semmler to approve city attorney, Chris Braley, to continue negotiations for the rubble site land acquisition. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>Mayor Hoffman made the following announcements: Librarian, Trista Friman, has been appointed to the SD State Library Board, the Parkston rubble site will be closed Saturday, May 24 for the Memorial Day holiday, a community garden will not be pursued due to lack of interest, and Governor Daugaard invites communities to celebrate 125 years of statehood in 2014.</p><p>At 10:18 p.m., motion by Semmler seconded by Murtha to adjourn. All present voting aye. Motion carried.</p><p>______David Hoffman, Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______Brenda K. Huether, Finance Officer</p><p>Published once at an approximate cost of $ ______. </p>
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