[FREE] Serving Philipstown and Beacon Olympic Insight Page 20 FEBRUARY 2, 2018 161 MAIN ST., COLD SPRING, N.Y. | highlandscurrent.com What the Flu Bug Doubles Governor Wants Down Budget proposal takes State allows pharmacists to on opioids, environment, vaccinate minors consolidation By Chip Rowe By Liz Schevtchuk Armstrong s a particularly nasty flu virus spreads Aacross the state and country, New York ov. Andrew Cuomo’s latest budget Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Jan. 25 signed an and policy proposals call for in- executive order to allow pharmacists to ad- Gcreased funding to fight the opioid minister vaccines to children and teenagers. crisis, tax savings through local consolida- Drug World in Cold Spring, which had tion, and more attention to education and been vaccinating anyone age 19 and older, infrastructure upgrades, including expan- announced it will vaccinate anyone age 4 sion of Stewart International Airport in and older (call 845-265-6352), and Rite- Newburgh and a new Hudson Line station Aid in Beacon will vaccinate anyone age at Woodbury Common. 5 and older. For other retailers offering The governor outlined his agenda in shots, see vaccinefinder.org. his State of the (Continued on Page 7) The influenza A strain known as H3N2 is the most prevalent type of flu circulat- EAGLES RETURN – A bald eagle rests on ice in the Hudson near Stony Point. With luck, ing in the U.S. In Putnam, there have been more of these majestic hunters will be visible during the 14th annual Teatown Hudson 109 confirmed cases of Influenza A and 63 River Eaglefest on Saturday, Feb. 10, at Croton Point Park. See teatown.org/events/ of Influenza B as of Jan. 29, according to eaglefest. Boscobel in Garrison will again host one of the free viewing sites. the Department of Health, including 10 Photo by Chuck Hantis cases of A and two cases of B in Philip- stown. Dutchess County recorded 273 cas- es of A and 27 of B through Jan. 20. Development Being Considered for During the week ending Jan. 27, nearly 11,683 cases of the flu were confirmed by Old Texaco Site Near Beacon lab tests statewide, a 50 percent increase If residential, could impact tions at a public forum in March for the over the previous week, while 2,221 people redevelopment of the former Texaco Re- were hospitalized, a 21 percent increase. city schools search Center, known as Glenham Mills, Both were the highest weekly numbers just outside Beacon. since reporting began in 2004. By Jeff Simms The group has been considering plans Putnam and Dutchess counties have so Gov. Andrew Cuomo delivers his State for the 153-acre site in the Fishkill hamlet far not been hit as hard as Westchester or of the State Address in Albany on Jan. 3. working group comprised of resi- of Glenham for several years, but as a Jan. some western counties. Through Jan. 20, Photo by Mike Groll/Governor's Office dents, local officials and consul- 31 work session showed, there’s still un- the infection rate in Dutchess, was 122 per tants will share its recommenda- A certainty about how much development is 100,000 residents, according to the state appropriate. Department of Health. In Putnam there If there’s a residential component to have been 97 cases per 100,000, while the project, it could affect the Beacon City Westchester has had 193 per 100,000. The School District, which includes Glenham state average is 127. Elementary School. Currently at least 143 Orange County (Continued on Page 2) students who live in Fishkill attend Bea- con schools, many of them at the elemen- tary school. "I'm not anti-development, but develop- ment does not come without its own im- pact," said Meredith Heuer, a member of the Beacon school board who serves on the panel studying the project. "It's important to measure it properly, or there will be a significant cost if it's not done right." Texaco purchased the site in 1931, call- ing it the Beacon Laboratories. As it had in the 19th century, when the property LAST CALL — Jim Guinan (center) sang Danny Boy in the pub at Guinan's 10 years was home to wood and saw mills, the ago, on Jan. 30, 2008, the night before it closed after a half century in business. For site functioned as a self-contained com- The flu bug has been traveling around the memories of the Garrison landmark, see Page 9. Photo by Russ Cusick country. Illustration by Davd Granlund munity, housing (Continued on Page 8) 2 FEBRUARY 2, 2018 The Highlands Current highlandscurrent.com Flu Bug Doubles Down (from Page 1) has 113 cases per 100,000 residents and YLER ELL Rockland 75. Cayuga County, in the west, Five Questions: T M has the highest rate of infection in the state, By Alison Rooney at 468 per 100,000. 5 According to the federal Centers for yler Mell, 21, a Cold Spring So it was your Broadway Disease Control and Prevention, every native, is an aspiring actor debut. How did it feel? state except Hawaii has suffered “wide- in New York City. My legs were shaking. I’ve been T spread” influenza. Since Oct. 1, there have onstage, but this was different. We Many young actors wait been more than 25,000 confirmed cases sang It Only Takes a Taste. The audi- tables. You’re an usher. How across New York, including nearly 8,000 ence was so excited that two ushers did that come about? people who were hospitalized and one were going to sing. I think we sang I saw the production of Spring child who died. In addition, a 10-year-old it with a lot of emotional goodness. Awakening at the Brooks Atkin- from Connecticut on his way home from Even though I’ve seen the show son Theater and introduced myself a hockey tournament died on Jan. 14 at about 45 times, I didn’t know the to the house manager. I followed a Catskills hospital of pneumonia brought ending harmony. I thought I had too up and got lucky with the timing on by Influenza B. much vibrato. I flubbed some lyrics and was hired as a substitute. It’s Because of the large number of cases, the and had to look at the book twice. a great job because the hours are Putnam County Health Department held an But the audience gave us a stand- theater hours, and auditions tend emergency vaccine clinic at its Brewster of- ing ovation. As soon as we finished, to be early in the morning. fices on Jan. 30. No others are planned, but we had to rush back to where we vaccinations are available by appointment You went from usher to stand at the end of the shows. People by calling 845-808-1332. (The department performer during Waitress. were complimenting us and we were has administered 3,611 flu shots to county How did you manage that? saying, “Thank you so much. Exit residents since Oct. 1.) Dutchess County has About once a month they do straight ahead.” “Cast Album Karaoke.” Ticket- not held any public clinics. holders sign up before the show or What’s your dream role? During last year’s flu season, there at intermission to sing a song from Tateh in Ragtime. were nearly 13,000 flu-related hospital- So, what’s next? izations in New York and eight children My goal is to become a starv- died. The World Health Organization es- ing theater artist, so I’m heading timates the flu kills as many as 500,000 Tyler Mell Photo by Leslie Hassler back to college to train. Broadway people each year. is the dream but regional theater the show. Every time I worked a karaoke is the goal. performance I would sign up. I signed up See highlandscurrent.com for a video of Beating the Spread with another usher, Sarah Daigle, and our the performance. names were called. • et vaccinated. The current Gshots protect against three viruses that research months ago suggested would be most prevalent. But even if you catch a different bug, a vaccine can reduce its severity. The CDC recommends anyone 6 months of age or older be vaccinated. 969 MAIN ST. FISHKILL • Stay home from school or work (845) 896-6700 when sick. People with the flu are sdec2020.com infectious for up to seven days after symptoms begin. • Unlike some viruses, influenza is Dr. Brian Powell Dr. Brian D. Peralta Jun Bellis Steve Gangel easily killed by soap and hot water. Lori Talarico-Coddington • Carry an alcohol-based hand Dr. Gary M. Weiner Licensed Opticians Doctors of Optometry sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. • Do not cough or sneeze into your hands. Instead, cover your mouth Tyler Mell and Sarah Daigle on the Five-star-rated eye care with a focus on YOU. and nose with a tissue. Waitress stage Photo by Linda Tam artful cooking / event planning 845-­424-­8204 www.freshcompany.net highlandscurrent.com The Highlands Current FEBRUARY 2, 2018 3 Beacon Proposal Would Restrict Tree Cutting Council also weighs waiver to 10 percent of their units available for be- affordable housing law low-market rates. The West End Lofts project will include By Jeff Simms 72 middle-income and artists’ spaces that are funded through a state program, he Beacon City Council has post- along with 26 market-rate units. Of its 98 poned a public hearing while it units (one will be set aside for a super- Twrestles with how to revise a law to intendent), 50 will be available to resi- protect trees.
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