<p> “All the towns have its past, our town has also a future!”</p><p>DobrichDobrich 20202020 This plan was adopted and approved by the Municipal Council of the town of Dobrich, Bulgaria, this 29th day of April, 2002.</p><p>Content </p><p>Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….. 2</p><p>The Town of Dobrich in Brief ……..………………………………………………..….... 5</p><p>SWOT Analyze ……………………...... ………………………………………………… 11</p><p>Vision Statement …………………………...……………………………………....……. 12</p><p>Economic Development……………………..……………………………………………. 13</p><p>Urbanization, Public Works, Transport……………………………………...…………… 19</p><p>Environmental Protection ...... ……………………………………………..…… 31</p><p>Healthcare, Sports, Social Activities …………………………………………………….. 36</p><p>Arts and Culture ...... ……………………………………………………………...…… 42</p><p>Public Safety and Crime Prevention …………………………..………………………..... 50</p><p>20 Most Important Goals and Projects in Dobrich 2020……………………………….…. 56</p><p>Instead of Conclusion …………………………………..………………………...... 57 Dobrich 2020 2</p><p>Introduction</p><p>The future of a city depends mainly on its citizens’ will and determination to look after it and turn it into an attractive and comfortable place to live in. In this respect, making a long-term plan for the development of Dobrich, reaching the year 2020, is not just an effort to face the challenges of a new century – the century of information. Such a plan means facing the challenges of the present too – the economic crisis, the unemployment, the creeping poverty. Our wish for a positive change in the situation may become a reality only if we set ourselves clear and achievable goals, if we define our tasks precisely and if we reach a harmony in the interests and the actions of all social and professional groups – the community, the local authorities, political parties and local institutions – in other words, if we have a potential for a long term development. If we assume that the future starts today, then the advantages and the opportunities that such a plan has are clearly seen: Dobrich 2020 is a means for activating local and central funds and resources, stimulating foreign investment, integrating the multitude of municipal and district projects and plans; Dobrich 2020 creates opportunities for citizen participation, development of neighborhoods and communities, citizen involvement; Dobrich 2020 is a necessary prerequisite for participation in European and national programs for regional development, in competition with other district centers in the country; Dobrich 2020 not only outlines the prospects of our town but also creates the conditions for the major rights of the citizens, defined in both the Bulgarian and European regulations. This is why Dobrich 2020 should be seen as a development concept that might be long term, but is at the same time realistic and has been created in the name of a better future for us and for our children.</p><p>Major Stages in Elaborating the Dobrich 2020 Plan</p><p>In the period of dramatic changes in our society and mainly over the last few years, the problems relating to strategic planning at the municipal and the district level have become more acute. The painful transition from a totally organized and planned development to a market-oriented society has led to underestimating, even distorting the process of municipal planning, which has been carried out in a rather limited temporal and topical framework. To stop this, we studied the experience and the impressive results of the long-term plan for the Municipality of Auburn, Alabama, USA. Following our meetings and consultations with Mr. Philip Dunlop and Mr. Ed Gardner from Auburn, in March 2001 we formed a</p><p>Steering Committee, headed by the Mayor of Dobrich, Mr. Lachezar Rossenov, which was responsible for putting together a long-term plan for the development of our town. Later we formed six </p><p>Subject Area Committees, each of which was responsible for the different aspects of the plan. Dobrich 2020 3 The aspects of the plan – economic development, urbanization, environment, social activities, cultural activities, and public safety and crime prevention – cover all major elements related to the functioning of the town and the life of its citizens. Besides municipal administrators, the committees included municipal councilors, experts, businessmen, heads of institutions, NGOs, public figures, citizens, young people. The ideas and the tasks in the plan have been discussed at seminars, meetings and workshops. The activities of Public Forum – Dobrich have proved very fruitful too: they involved research, analysis and summarizing ideas, opinions and initiatives of citizens and experts. The suggestions made by NGOs, the media, the professional circles, the young people and the neighborhoods have also proved useful. Therefore we can definitely claim that the strategy for the development of our town is a result of the joined effort of citizens, NGOs, clubs, local and central institutions, which feel responsible for the future of the town.</p><p>Structure of Dobrich 2020 Plan</p><p>Summarizing ideas, projects and initiatives for the development of Dobrich in the period reaching as far as 2020, the goal of the plan is to be a practical guide for long-term city management, which should be used by the local authorities, the citizens and their organizations. The principles of continuity and consistency in solving the town’s problems have been lain at the base of the plan. This allows the Plan to remain a living document even in the context of inevitable political changes in the local authorities.</p><p>Documents used in the Preparation of the Plan</p><p>The European Urban Charter; The European Declaration about the Rights of Citizens; The Charter for the Participation of Young People in the Life of Municipalities and Regions; The European Convention for Civil Rights and Freedoms; TheUniversal Declaration of Human Rights; The Municipal Regional Development Plan 2000-2006; The Economic Development Concept for the Region of Dobrich 1997- 2015; The Municipal Program for Energy Efficiency 2001-2006; stage I – 2001-2003 The Municipal Program for the Development of Education 2001-2004; The Municipal Program for the Development of Arts and Culture 2000- 2003; The SINDY Municipal Program for the Promotion of Health and for Prophylactics 2001-2011; The Municipal Program of the Public Council for the Restriction of Drug Abuse and Alcohol Abuse in the Municipality of Dobrich; The Municipal Program for the Development of Physical Education, Amateur Sports, Professional Sports, Social Tourism and the Municipal Sports Facilities 2001-2004; The Municipal Youth Program 2002-2006; Directions for the Development of the Public Transport in Dobrich;</p><p>The Plan has also taken into consideration some other international, national and regional projects and programs. Dobrich 2020 4</p><p>Sections of the Dobrich 2020 Plan</p><p> Economic development (I) Urbanization, public works and transportation (II) Environment (III) Healthcare, sports and social care (IV) Arts and culture (V) Public Safety and crime prevention (VI)</p><p>Parameters of Dobrich 2020</p><p>The plan for the development of the town has been based on a profound analysis of the present condition and the development trends in the country and the region. It contains the vision of citizens and experts, reckoned with the available resources needed for achieving the goals and the tasks. This has determined the short-term and the medium-term character of most goals. The plan is in keeping with the temporal framework established and approved by the EU:</p><p>Short term – until 2006 Medium term – 2007-2013 Long term – 2014-2020 </p><p>It should be pointed out, that the bigger part of the strategic programs, made by the Ministries and the central institutions of the country, have been synchronized with the planning framework mentioned above. Time will inevitably necessitate changes and corrections in the plan. The important thing is that the plan sets high strategic goals. It is an open, living document that allows regular reviews of ideas and projects, at the same time keeping the core – the confidence and the determination of the local authorities, the citizens and their organizations to make Dobrich an appealing town, giving its citizens the quality of life they deserve. </p><p>The Town of Dobrich in Brief Dobrich 2020 5</p><p>Location and Characteristics of the Region Area</p><p>Dobrich is the second largest economic center in Northeast Bulgaria. It is the administrative center of the Municipality of Dobrich and the Dobrich region. The town is located on a flat land, cut by the valley of Suha Reka (the Dry River). The altitude of the various parts of the town is 190-220 meters above sea level. The town is situated between the Black Sea and the Danube (in the latitude of 43° N and in the longitude of 28° E), amidst the Dobrudja plateau. The length of the Black Sea coast belonging to the region is 110 km. The climate is temperate-continental – the winter is relatively mild, with an average temperature for January -1.6° C, and the summer is hot, with an average temperature for June 21.1° C. Spring is relatively cool, and the autumn is warm because of the immediate proximity of the sea. The region can be characterized as windy. The predominant winds are the Northwest winds. Second in importance are the North winds. The average humidity of the air is 78%. During the winter season, the humidity reaches 85-86%, and in the summer it drops to 68-69%.</p><p> Natural Resources</p><p>Soils The soil cover lies on a loess base and is rich in humus. Such soil is extremely fertile. The predominant soils fall into categories 1 and 2. The vegetation consists mainly of agricultural plants.</p><p>Mineral Resources The town of Dobrich stands on a land whose geological content is mostly Miocene: limestone, clay and marl as thick as 50-80m. </p><p>Water Resources Surface water is drained by a well-developed river network, formed in the past geological periods and oriented to the North. The density of the network is under 0.250. The flow is weak, varying between 0.5 and 1. This flow is determined by the scarce rainfall, the evaporation, the permeability, the loess and the carbonate bed, and the slight gradient of the ground. </p><p>Forests Wild vegetation takes up little space. It has remained only in those places that are less suitable for agriculture. The single trees and the tree clusters that have survived here and there, suggest large forests in the past. </p><p> Population</p><p>According to the preliminary figures from the last census (March 1, 2001), the population of Dobrich is 100 379, or 46.25% of the total population of the district (i.e. 217 012).</p><p>Population by sex and age</p><p>Region Total Age Dobrich 2020 6 Municipality Sex Under 18 18 - 64 Over 65 Dobrich region 217 012 44979 139 815 32218 men 107 085 women 109 927 Dobrich town 100 379 21742 68507 10130 men 48 733 women 51 646</p><p>There is a marked tendency towards increasing the proportion of women.</p><p>Structure of the population of the town of Dobrich by age % Under working age 21,65 Active working age 68,25 Over retirement age 10,10</p><p> Historical fact-file</p><p>The history of Dobrich and Dobrudja is a part of the history of the Bulgarian people and state. Man settled down here about six thousand years before Christ and this was the beginning of a number of pre-historic cultures. In VII AD, the Bulgarian state was established in these lands, and in the fateful XIV AD, here lay the Dobrudja county of the count Dobrotitsa. In the written sources from medieval Europe, this land was called the Third Bulgaria. The centuries, during which the country was under the rule of the Ottomans, changed the demographic pattern of the region dramatically, as a result of which Dobrudja is now characterized by a considerable religious and ethnographic diversity, unique to this part of Bulgaria only. Another important factor is the geo-political location of the region – between the Black Sea and the Danube, near the center of the Byzantine and the Ottoman empires (Constantinople, later Tsarigrad). That is why over the centuries Dobrudja has been a point of contact for the penetration of technological, economical, cultural and political impulses in the history of South-East and Central Europe. In the XVII – XIX centuries, the town developed as a craft, commercial and agricultural center. It became famous for its weaving, homespun tailoring and copperware goods, as well as for its agricultural products – wheat, linseed, raw sheep hide, wool and cheese. Next to the modern central square in present-day Dobrich lies an ethnographic, open-air museum consisting of craftsman’s workshops, keeping the traditions of the Bulgarian national revival. On January 27, 1878, the town was liberated from the Ottomans. On February 19, 1882, with a decree of the Royal Prince, the town of Hadjioglu Pazardjik was renamed to Dobrich, after the medieval ruler Dobrotitsa. For a few decades the town was called Tolbuhin – after the Red Army marshal Tolbuhin. Today Dobrich is a modern industrial, agricultural and transportation center of the region of Dobrudja, and one of the ten largest towns in Bulgaria – an important economic, administrative and cultural center in the North-East economic region of our country. Infrastructure</p><p>Transportation network Dobrich 2020 7 The road network provides access to any point in the region and to the other parts of Bulgaria. Across the territory of the region lie the roads to the seaside, to Romania, and the transit roads to Poland, Ukraine and Russia. Roads: First grade road E-87: Bourgass – Varna – Balchik – Shabla; Second grade road E-21: Silistra – Dobrich – Obrochishte – Albena; Second grade road E-27: Dobrich – Balchik – Kavarna; Second grade road E-29: Varna – Dobrich – General Toshevo. The town has a railway link with the capital city, the rest of the country and with Romania. The street network of Dobrich is primarily radial-circular, in some parts of the town rectangular. There is a complete ring road going all the way around the town, taking the transit traffic to Varna, Albena, Balchik, General Toshevo, Silistra, Shoumen and Rousse. The network of through streets takes the non-transit traffic. The total length of the street network is 165 km., of which 60 km. is the length of the through streets.</p><p>Water-supply Water is supplied mainly through catchment and draw wells, most of them situated near the town. The total amount of water supplied is 630 liters per second. The network of water pipes is 218 km. long. The amount of water is sufficient, but about 80-85% of the amount is lost in the supply process.</p><p>Sewerage The town has a complete system of sewers. It is of mixed type – draining sewage water and rainwater. The major problem that has to be solved is the construction of a new collector passing through the lowest parts of the town.</p><p>Communications Dobrich has six outlets offering postal services, one of which – The Central Post Office – offers all postal, telephone and telegraph services, and the other outlets offer the basic communication services. The outlets cover the whole territory of the town and meet the needs of the citizens. A broadcasting station with 4 television transmitters, 8 radio transmitters and 4 relay transmitters operates in the municipality, broadcasting radio and TV programs, cable TV channels and telephony.</p><p>Heat supply There are 46 companies and public buildings with local central heating on the territory of the town. 31 of them belong to industrial enterprises and about 15 of them belong to the former Heat Supply Company, which hasn’t been in operation over the last few years. The municipal department for education and youth activities operates 42 local central heating units.</p><p>Gas supply The Northern branch of the master pipe carrying natural gas from Russia passes quite near the town of Dobrich. The pressure of the pipe is 5.5 MPa. This fact is favorable for the development of the gas supply system in the town. An automatic gas pressure regulator with a capacity of 2x15 000 Hm3 per hour has been built in the North part of the town. Following the signing of a license agreement, Gas engineering Ltd. elaborated a complete plan for the gasification of Dobrich and started the construction of a high-pressure gas supply network. Three of its branches are already in operation and supply natural gas to various industrial enterprises and utility companies like Dobrudjanski textile Ltd., Start Ltd., Semi-trailers and Containers Ltd., Dobrudjanski hlyab Ltd., Albena Style Ltd., Dobrich 2020 8 The technical school for construction and building, Mayak Ltd., Ptitseklanitsa Ltd., Terem Ltd. The municipality has financed the gasification of language school ‘Geo Milev’, school ‘Stefan Karadja’, Kindergartens No 27 and No 10, and is planning to finance the gasification of other cultural and educational institutions.</p><p> Agriculture</p><p>The available arable land is divided into six categories:</p><p>Category ha 8% 9% Fields 6313.5 2% Perennial plants 647 0.68% Grasslands 748.6 1%</p><p>Nursery gardens 25.7 80% 0.32% Pastures 83</p><p>Fields Perennial plants Grasslands Dirt roads 163 Nursery gardens Pastures Dirt roads</p><p>The area of arable land in the municipality is 7 679 ha. Major crops grown: wheat, corn and sunflower.</p><p> Economy</p><p>The municipality of Dobrich boasts a well-developed industrial field, which can be characterized as: diversified – a variety of industries, the major ones being branches of the light industry, the food processing industry and machine building. convenient – the enterprises are set in well-defined industrial zones. There is a good network of small firms, both municipal and privately run, providing various services in the fields of construction, retailing, etc. well-staffed – the region is rich in educated and experienced human resources</p><p>All these characteristics of the industrial field, together with the available infrastructure, are an important prerequisite for a rapid development of the municipality. The major industries determining the structure of the municipal economy are the light industry, food processing, machine building, transportation and construction.</p><p>Priorities in the development of the municipality for the period 2000-2006 establishing the necessary conditions for a working municipal economy improving the quality of life of the community Dobrich 2020 9</p><p>Strategic goals in the municipal policies for the period 2000-2006 ensuring growth in the municipal economy curbing unemployment reaching a stability in the social and the economic processes in the municipality improving the available infrastructure and the quality of the environment</p><p>Measures for achieving the strategic goals for the period 2000-2006 Pooling and efficient managing of all local resources (human, financial, natural, etc.) Encouraging the development of the private sector through assisting the small and medium-sized firms Attracting national and foreign investors Upgrading and developing the transportation network; improving the quality of transportation services and communication systems Bringing up the professional and the educational level of the community Co-operation with other municipalities Fitting the economy of the municipality in both the European and the global economic networks</p><p>Important economic forums held in Dobrich The investors’ forum ‘Do Business in Dobrudja’ The international trade fair ‘Agriculture and Everything for It’ The national trade show ‘Torgo – Wines – Delicacies’ The national trade show for seeds and seedlings</p><p>The last three are organized by Dobrich Fair Ltd., in which the Municipality is a stockholder.</p><p>● Healthcare and Social Activities</p><p>Several health and social establishments operate in Dobrich. These are the Multi-profile Hospital for Active Treatment Dobrich Ltd. (the former district hospital), The Mental Health Center – Dobrich, The Center for Medical and Social Care for children under the age of three, Diagnostic and Consulting Center No 1 Ltd. and Diagnostic and Consulting Center No 2 Ltd. for out-of-hospital medical activities, Dental Center No 1 Ltd., Medical Laboratory Ltd., a residential home for 103 elderly people, a resource center for children with specific needs (disabilities), six creches. The society for hospital co-operation ‘Shafhausen, Switzerland-Dobrich’, headed by Dr. Andre Gredel, was established in 1991.</p><p> Science and education</p><p>The municipal network of educational institutions consists of 19 schools situated in different neighborhoods. 10 technical schools offer vocational education. The network of kindergartens is well structured and meets the needs of the community. Seven academic structures offer higher education in Dobrich. These include: The Bulgarian-Russian Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Training (part of the Free University ‘Chernorizets Hrabar’ - Varna; The Center for Distance Learning (part of the Technical University - Varna); Dobrich 2020 10 The Teacher Training College (part of the University ‘St. Konstantin Preslavski’ - Shoumen; The Technological College of Dobrudja (part of the Technical University – Varna); The Medical College (part of the Medical University in Varna); The Bulgarian-Dutch College ‘Albena’ In the academic year 2001/2002, the number of students in Dobrich is 2090. The Dobrudja Agricultural Institute (former Institute for Wheat and Sunflower) near the town of General Toshevo is a reputed research institute.</p><p> Art and culture</p><p>Art gallery - Dobrich, Museum of history - Dobrich, Architectural & Ethnographic open-air museum ‘The old town of Dobrich’, ‘Yordan Yovkov’ theater, Puppet theater ‘Dora Ghabe’, Library ‘Dora Ghabe’, the Public records office - Dobrich, Youth Center - Dobrich, Amateur arts center ‘Yordan Yovkov’ - Dobrich, Mixed choir ‘Dobrudjanski zvutsi’, Children’s choir - Dobrich, Teachers’ choir - Dobrich, Chamber choir Dobrich, Bulgarian chamber orchestra, Brass band-Dobrich, Professional folklore ensemble ‘Dobrudja’ - Dobrich, Amateur arts center ‘Probuda’ – ‘Riltsi’, Children’s center – Dobrich, the Writers’ society – Dobrich, the Artists’ society ‘Atelie 13’ – Dobrich, Union of Bulgarian Artists – branch Dobrich. Every year Dobrich is a venue for the following festivals: The International Youth Music Festival ‘Hopes, talents, masters’ Dobrich – Albena; The International Youth Festival ‘Folklore without borders’ Dobrich – Albena; The European Youth Pop-Rock Competition ‘Sarandev’ – Dobrich; The Festival of Chamber Music – Dobrich (‘The Music of May’); The International exhibition ‘The Paper’.</p><p>Celebrations commemorating Yordan Yovkov and his literary works are held regularly in the town of Dobrich, ending with bestowal of Yovkov’s award for literature. Forthcoming cultural event (from year 2003): Literature celebrations ‘Dora Ghabe’ and bestowal of National literature award ‘Dora Ghabe’.</p><p>SWOT ANALYSE Dobrich 2020 11 The short presentation of the geographic conditions and the potential of the municipal structures enables us to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.</p><p>Strengths Weaknesses Center of a developed agricultural region Far from the capital city (lack of large- (the wheat-barn of Bulgaria) scale investment from national Major source for the food-processing programs) industry Lack of a local lobby in the Parliament Clean environment and in other national institutions Well developed consumer-goods and Outdated infrastructure (problems with food-processing industries sewage and water supply; bad Qualified and well-trained labor condition of roads and streets) Major educational, cultural and Unemployment administrative center in North-East Limited access of the local products to Bulgaria markets Location – near the Black Sea (the resorts Lack of a complete production cycle and ports); threshold of the eastern (lack of end-products in some markets industries) Opportunities Threats Setting up a seed and commodity Aging and decreasing population exchange Labor migration (especially of young Modernization of agriculture people) Development of small and medium-sized High energy prices businesses Lack of government investment in Modernization of consumer-goods and infrastructure food-processing industries Making the region a source for raw Establishing Dobrich as a site for fairs materials (with no or only a few value- and festivals added industries) Developing industries – suppliers for the resorts and the tourist companies Making Dobrich an academic city (with a local university)</p><p>The vision, the strategic goals and the tasks of Dobrich 2020 have been defined on the basis of this SWOT-analysis. </p><p>Vision Statement Dobrich 2020 12 What would we like the image of Dobrich to be in 20 years time? A concise answer to this question, which has been shaped up in a number of discussions and tens of, sometimes conflicting, opinions, can be given with the following formulation:</p><p>Dobrich – a flourishing economic, commercial and cultural center of Dobrudja; a town in which everyone can study, work and thrive.</p><p>Of course, this vision of Dobrich has its own specific dimensions for each area of the economic, social and cultural life.</p><p>Mission Statement</p><p>The strategic role (mission) of the Municipality of Dobrich for the fulfillment of this vision can be defined as follows:</p><p> Encouraging and joining the efforts of the local business, of the economic and managerial structures, and of the citizens, aiming at developing the economy, creating favorable investment conditions and opportunities for employment; Further developing and maintaining a modern, reliable and adequate to the necessities municipal infrastructure; Creating healthy environment and improving the health and the social status of the population; Ensuring favorable conditions for investments in human resources through stimulating an accessible and modern education and healthcare, through development of adequate cultural activities, through increasing the opportunities for leisure, rehabilitation and entertainment; Creating conditions for promoting Dobrich as a town for tourism, for fairs and festivals; Extending the opportunities for citizens’ participation in the local self- government and the life of the community.</p><p>I. Section “Economic development” Dobrich 2020 13 “The economic progress is not a fortuity, but a necessity.” H. Spenser</p><p> Local authorities should ensure the economic development of their local communities Economic and social development are inextricably linked A town is economically and socially part of its surrounding region or hinterland Economic growth and development depends upon an infrastructure adequate to produce, sustain and increase that growth Collaboration between the private and public sectors is an important component in urban economic growth and development</p><p>Principles of the European Urban Charter</p><p> Every one has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment</p><p>Universal Declaration of Human Rights Dobrich 2020 14</p><p>Analysis of the present day situation</p><p>The municipality of the town of Dobrich, the center of a big agricultural region, has a fully- fledged industrial sector – a diversified branch and sub-branch structure and specialization; a balanced development of production capacities; well-qualified human resources; a relatively good engineering and technical infrastructure in the industrial regions.</p><p>Structure-determining economic branches are the food processing industry, light industry and machine building.</p><p>The local economy is dominated by the private sector - 91%, the total number of registered companies in the municipality being around 10 500. The people in active working age account for 65% of the whole population.</p><p>Some of the biggest foreign investors are: Novak Corporation, Japan – leather processing and leather goods; REB Scheele, Germany – waste collection and waste removal; OKS, Turkey – clothing; View, Italy – food products and clothing; New Tech Manufacturer Ltd., Lebanon – textiles, etc.</p><p>Dobrich has a well-developed retail network, with the prevalence of shops selling food and manufactured goods, and food establishments. The near proximity to the Black sea resorts, to cultural and historic resources, the available amenities and facilities for leisure and entertainment create favorable conditions for the development of cultural, congress and hunting tourism.</p><p>Over the last years, Dobrich has become popular as a center of fairs and an organizer of yearly exhibitions of national and international importance – “Agriculture and everything for it”, “National Seed Fair”, “Torgo - Wine and Delicacies’, “Fashion, Style and Beauty”, etc. Dobrich Fair Ltd. specializes in organizing and holding commercial exhibitions, auctions, scientific events and other supporting services in the field of agriculture and trade in agricultural goods. Our ambition is for Dobrich to become a leading fair and exhibition center on the Balkan peninsular.</p><p>As an integral part of the country’s economy, the municipal industry is seriously affected by the negative processes developing in the last years, especially having in mind the fact that most of our plants and factories were selling their produce to the ex-socialist countries markets. As a result, the produce of a number of structure-determining enterprises sharply decreased – machine building, textiles, etc.</p><p>The general survey of the business situation in the town reveals that the major problems in the municipal economy come as a consequence of the problems in the national economy: The lack of markets and the decrease in industrial orders reduced a number of production lines to the absolute minimum, even to a collapse (machine building, electrical engineering, etc.); The incomplete legislation, the difficulties in borrowing, the lack of adequate preferences for local and foreign investors are serious hurdles to the municipal businesses; Dobrich 2020 15 The lack of a protectionist policy of the state in such fields like food processing and agriculture; The out-dated production capacities, the insufficiency in new technologies, the difficulties connected with certification of enterprises and products are a real obstacle to accessing the international markets.</p><p>These, as well as some other problems, lead to a serious rise in the unemployment rate – from 10.5% in 1998 to 19.9% in 2001, and to a growing impoverishment of the population. In the sphere of economy, therefore, a priority in Dobrich 2020 is creating conditions for an active municipal economy with the purpose of raising the quality of life of the citizens. </p><p>Vision Statement: “ Dobrich – an industrial, commercial and touristic town, a trade center for agricultural products and manufactured goods, attractive for foreign investors and entrepreneurs.”</p><p>Mission Statement: Joining the efforts of the local business, the non-business sector and the citizens, aiming at developing the town economy and thus ensuring employment and a higher standard of living for the citizens of Dobrich; Pooling and utilizing of all available municipality resources (human, financial, natural) with a view to create conditions for an active municipal economy; Ensuring conditions for attracting domestic and foreign investors to the municipality; Giving a new life to the cooperation of the Municipality of Dobrich with other municipalities in the region, in the country and abroad.</p><p>The successful development of the economy in the municipality is the necessary firm base for solving the most important social, cultural and urban-renewal tasks facing the citizens of Dobrich. In cooperation with the state authorities and the private sector, the local authorities must search for and find management decisions and techniques that would facilitate and stimulate positive economic shifts, contribute to solving the problems of unemployment and overcoming the impoverishment of the citizens. In this respect, it is advisable that we utilize the existing advantages, the available capacities, the experience and the potential of Dobrich as a traditional center of one of the biggest agricultural regions in the country. It is of utmost importance for the region to curb the process of becoming a source for basic raw materials and to stimulate value-added industries on the spot. In this respect, we are planning to set up a seed and commodity exchange in the town, to re-equip and refurbish the food processing and the light industry enterprises, to assist their adjustment to the European standards and requirements, etc.</p><p>The encouragement of small and middle-sized businesses and expansion of the service sector is a potential trend in the local economy. This will be accomplished by training and by developing the idea in a business incubator, through financing by the Municipal Security and Investment fund and other local and central funds.</p><p>An important field of activity for the local authorities is developing and strengthening the investment capacity of the municipality. We shall sustain the policy of encouraging and attracting local and foreign entrepreneurs by letting out land at preferential rates, in exchange for firm commitment for job creation. We shall continue to facilitate the whole procedure of Dobrich 2020 16 starting the business and to create favorable living conditions. Meanwhile, together with the owners, we shall start reviewing and updating of the existing detailed master plans of the industrial zones.</p><p>Strengthening the position of Dobrich as a leading commercial center in North-Eastern Bulgaria and as an organizer of trade fairs not only ensures continuity in terms of traditions, but is also an appropriate way to attract investors and entrepreneurs. The potential of the town as a touristic center will be actively developed and utilized, too.</p><p>Dobrich needs to be the proactive party in the economic interrelations with neighboring municipalities and regions. Special attention will be paid to the international near-the-border economic cooperation with Romanian towns and municipalities. </p><p>In order to strengthen the opportunities for the local authorities to stimulate directly or indirectly the economic growth, we need to take the necessary measures for a real financial decentralization of the municipality, and also to ensure a variety of alternative sources and forms of financing. At the same time, it is necessary to find the appropriate balance between the economic and social development of the town on one side, and preserving the environment – on the other side. Summarizing what has been said, we can define the following</p><p>Strategic goals: Working economy; Achieving growth in the municipal economy and curbing unemployment; Achieving financial independence of the municipality with a view to ensure a stable financial resource for a normal budgeting; Attracting investments for adjusting the existing production lines to the European standards and requirements; opening new productions aiming at expanding the fiscal basis of the municipal revenues; Strengthening the position of Dobrich as a leading center of modern agriculture in the country.</p><p>Major tasks:</p><p>Short-term: Establishing a seed and commodity exchange or creating opportunities for an alternative exchange trade. Resource: Funds of the stockholders of Dobrudjanska Seed and Commodity Exchange Ltd. Term: until 2004 Participation of the municipality in regional and national programs for employment and encouraging small and middle-size businesses; Resource: Funds of the approved projects of the Regional Program for Employment. Term: every year – from 2002 to 2006. Construction of an indoor fruit and vegetable market – stage one Resource: Funded by Professional Football Club (PFC) “Dobrudja” Ltd. Term: until 2003. Construction of an indoor fruit and vegetable market – stage two Resource: Funded by PFC “Dobrudja” Ltd. Term: until 2006. Dobrich 2020 17 Detailed projects for renovation of places and routes for cultural, hunting and congress tourism, together with business organizations, NGOs and with the cooperation of Albena Co. Resource: Funding by international programs, business organizations in the field of culture, commerce and tourism and with the financial contribution of Albena Co, Albena resort. Term: permanent Ensuring changes in legislation (through members of parliament, the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, etc.) providing a real financial decentralization of municipalities, in order to strengthen their investment capacity. Resource: Establishing a lobby of Dobrudja among the members of Parliament. Term: permanent. Utilization of alternative sources and forms of financing – bank loans, municipal bond issues, international funds and programs for an earmarked financing of individual municipal projects and programs, municipal security and investment fund for small and middle-sized businesses. Resource: Municipal Security and Investment fund, Regional Initiatives Fund, funds of the European Union and other international financing institutions. Term: permanent. Establishing public-private partnerships for economic revival of the municipality in the fields of constructions, trade, tourism and services. Resource: the Municipality, The Agency for Regional Economic Development and Investment (AREDI), NGOs, the private sector. Term: 2002 – 2006. Improving communications by attracting new mobile communication operators for building digital mobile networks. Resource: Mobile telecom companies Term: 2002-2006</p><p>Medium-term Construction of a commercial center, exhibiting the products of local companies, and companies from twin-cities and partner-cities. Resource: funds from interested companies and municipal participation. Term: until 2010 Construction of a farm animal market. Resources: Funds from international donor programs and cattle breeding farmers and co- operations. Term: until 2008 Establishment of a Center for training and qualification of beginner-farmers and agricultural specialists in cooperation with the academic structures on the territory of the Municipality. Resource: Funds from donor programs and National funds. Term: until 2010. Reviewing and updating of the detailed master plans of existing industrial zones in order to give opportunities to small and middle size enterprises and external investors to buy land and buildings for production activities. Resource: Municipal budget and private companies. Term: until 2010. Long-term Dobrich 2020 18 Construction and establishment of a trade-fair site for Dobrich Fair Ltd., and enhancing the format of the fairs. Resource: Funding from the stockholders of Dobrich Fair Ltd., after its transformation into a joint stock company. Municipal participation. Term: until 2015. Construction and establishment of micro shopping centers in the neighborhoods and the suburbs of the town. Resource: Through giving under concession of the land, provided for such purpose in the PUP. Term: until 2015. Opening permanent offices of Bulgarian and foreign companies for agricultural machinery, plant protection chemicals and fertilizers; Resource: Funding from interested firms, with the cooperation of the Municipality in defining and letting out land and premises. Term: until 2015. Broadening and enriching the scope of activities of popular economic forums, such as “Do business in Dobrudja”, etc., as one of the ways for presenting the economic potential of the town. Resource: Funds from projects and programs for which the Municipality will apply in co- operation with AREDI. Fees paid by the participants in the forums. Term: on a yearly basis – from 2002 until 2020. Establishment of business incubators and technological parks. Resource: Funding from interested firms and pre-integration EU funds. Term: stage by stage, until 2015. Dobrich 2020 19</p><p>ІІ. Section “Urbanization, infrastructure and transport”</p><p>“The city – a home and future for our children”.</p><p> City centres must be safeguarded as important symbols of European cultural and historic heritage Architectural creation and development play a crucial role in the quality of the urban townscape Urban heritage must be integrated into contemporary life via its incorporation as an essential element in overall planning Economic development can often be stimulated by the heritage Local authorities should ensure diversity, choice and mobility in housing The right of persons and families in the most disadvantaged categories cannot be safeguarded by market forces alone The street must be recovered as a social arena It is essential that the volume of travel, particularly by private car, be reduced </p><p>Principles of the European Urban Charter Dobrich 2020 20</p><p>Analysis of the present day situation</p><p>Subsection “Urbanization” I. Location The town of Dobrich is located in the Northeast part of the Republic of Bulgaria and it is the center of a municipality that has a specific statute and territory – there are no other settlements in the municipality with the exception of “Riltsi” district, which is included in the town of Dobrich as an administrative unit, but is separated in territory.</p><p>In the town of Dobrich are also the headquarters of Dobrichka Municipality, which includes a total of 67 villages.</p><p>The Municipality of Dobrich has a territory of 10 950 ha. The different categories are divided as follows: Residential places – 1 652.4 ha; Industrial, farm, public buildings, etc. – 381.6 ha; Forests, parks – 735.7 ha; Uncultivated land, including transport communications – 968.5 ha; Arable land – 7 211.5 ha.</p><p>II. History Until its liberation from the Turkish domination in 1878, the town of Dobrich developed as a compact structure within the boundaries of the present day center.</p><p>In the period 1905-1944, the town grew eastward and westward, increasing its area more than twice.</p><p>In the period 1944-1959, the town saw an insignificant east-west growth and kept the trend of low building in detached building sites.</p><p>After 1957, the town started to develop very fast. Significant changes in the town structure were made in that period. A new network of roads was constructed, including main streets (grade 2B) and a pedestrian zone. In the same period, the town abandoned its specific low- story building patterns for spacious areas with high-story buildings. Two clearly defined industrial zones were set up.</p><p>The master plan of Dobrich was designed during the 1980s as well as the detailed plans of: residential districts “Dobrotitsa”, “Druzhba”, “Balik-Yovkovo”, “Moderna Mahala”, “Sever”, “Riltsi”, industrial zone “Sever”, industrial zone “Zapad”.</p><p>Following the shift in the social and economic conditions, the beginning of a transition to a market-oriented economy and the corresponding changes in legislation, the active Master plan and detailed plans became non-applicable. For instance, now it is not permitted to expropriate residential properties for the purpose of a large-scale residential construction, public residential construction, etc. This determined the drawing of a new Master plan that allows the Dobrich 2020 21 drawing of new detailed plans. Such plans for construction are: residential sites “Russia 1’, “Russia 2”, “Russia 3,4”, “Sever 1”, “Sever 2”, “Sever 3”, “Balik-Yovkovo - south”, “Balik- Yovkovo - north”. III. Climate The climate of the region is temperate continental, with an average annual temperature of 10.2°C. The winter is mild – average monthly temperatures in January are 1.6°C, and the summer is hot – average summer temperatures of 20.7°C.</p><p>IV. Population, labor force and demographic development The analysis of the demographic situation of the town of Dobrich is based on data provided by the statistics office and the “Civil registration and public services” Department at the Municipality of Dobrich.</p><p>On the basis of this data, a demographic forecast can be prepared, which will allow for a good development plan of the town of Dobrich.</p><p>Taking in view the economic and social reforms in the country, we can foresee a stable trend in the population of the municipality of Dobrich over the next 20 years. The expected figures as per 2020 are: a population of 132 000 people under working age – 23% of population; in active working age – 64 % of population; over retirement age – 13% of population.</p><p>V. Residential buildings The number of residential buildings amounts to 9 086 (or 79.8% of all buildings in the town). They can be divided into the following categories: Framed buildings – 1 138 or 12.52%; Semi-solid built - 579 or 6.37%; Solid-built – 6 979 or 76.81%; Reinforced concrete – 390 or 4.30%. There are 39 148 homes in these buildings. According to the number of rooms in one home, these are divided as follows: One-room - 7 591 or 19.39%; Two-room – 16 759 or 42.81%; Three-room – 10 828 or 27.66%; Four or more rooms – 3 970 or 10.14%. The average size of a home is 76.1 m2 built up area.</p><p>VI. Economy After a thorough analysis of data concerning enterprises and employment by branches of industry, agriculture, transportation services, buildings and others, and comparing it with an updated list of the number of people employed in manufacture, we came to the conclusion that the proportion of people involved in the service sector is increasing while the industry and transportation are witnessing a decrease.</p><p>Keeping in mind the expected results from the economic reforms, we can make the following employment forecast as per 2020: Dobrich 2020 22 Agriculture – 5%-7%; Industry, transport, construction, etc. – 40%-50%; Supporting branches and activities – 50%-55%.</p><p>VII. Territorial structure</p><p>Balance of territory The total urban area is currently 1 705.92 ha, and according to the projects – 1 870.71 ha. The increase is due to the growth of the residential zone.</p><p>The industrial and the storage areas will retain their structure. They will remain concentrated mainly in the two compact zones – northern and western.</p><p>Besides ‘Chorcholiyki’ and the land towards ‘Riltsi’, the ‘Gaazi Baba’ area also applies for a change of statute. It will be a small-settlement zone. The change of statute for these areas is already under way and a new settlement called ‘Lozyata’ is being created. </p><p>VIII. Urbanization problems Non-applicable detailed town plans for parts of the territory; Incomplete communication network, technical infrastructure, parking space and garages; A lack of a system for maintaining the existing public works; A lack of a system for maintaining the buildings and meeting the requirements for firmness and energy efficiency; A lack of a comprehensive approach to the technical infrastructure.</p><p>IX. Communication, infrastructure and urban renewal The street network of the town has been developed in accordance with the specific properties of the terrain and the existing railway. The street network of the town is mainly radial-circular, in some parts rectangular. The main communication network confines a central town zone, several residential units and two industrial zones – industrial zone “West” and industrial zone “North”. The total length of the street network is 165 km. There is a complete ring road going all the way around the town, taking the transit traffic to Varna, Albena, Balchik, General Toshevo, Silistra, Shoumen and Rousse. All through streets and district arteries were constructed more than 20 years ago and the exploitation term of the supporting layer of bituminous concrete expired long ago. Dobrich 2020 23</p><p>Subsection “Infrastructure” I. Water supply Dobrich receives its water supply from seven pumping waterworks. Submerged pumps, placed deep down into the draw wells, bring the water up to the surface. From there the water goes into the reservoirs of the pumping waterworks and then, after a second pumping, this time with horizontal pumps, the water flows into the reservoirs and the water supply network of the town of Dobrich. The pumping waterworks supply approximately 50 000 m3 of water a day.</p><p>II. The water pipes The water supply network of the town has a total length of 218 km, of which 160 km are asbestos-cement water-mains, 24 km – steel, 16 km – high-density polyethylene water-mains, 15 km - galvanized pipes and 3 km - cast iron. The main problem arises from the decay and the bad condition of the pipes, resulting in up to 80% losses of water.</p><p>III. Sewers The town of Dobrich has a complete system of sewers, which is of mixed type and therefore leads away sewage water as well as rainwater. Some of the collectors are blocked and this causes problems during rainfall. A major issue that needs to find an adequate solution is the construction of a new main collector that will pass through the lower parts of the town. The districts “Riltsi” and “Izgrev” have no sewers. Separate sewers must be constructed in “Riltsi” district in order to utilize the rainwater. The “Izgrev” district is inhabited mostly by gypsies. There, the sewage waters flow into the surrounding area thus being a potential threat to the health of the people and the cleanness of the environment.</p><p>IV. Water treatment The water treatment plant of Dobrich has an area of 11.6 ha and is located on the territory of the municipality of Vratchantsi - a nearby village.</p><p>V. Gas supply, heat supply and energy efficiency</p><p>Gas supply and heating system The Northern branch of the master pipe carrying natural gas from Russia passes quite near the town of Dobrich. The pressure of the pipe is 5.5 MPa. This fact is favorable for the development of the gas supply system in the town. An automatic gas pressure regulator with a capacity of 2x15 000 Hm3 per hour has been built in the North part of the town. Since 1985, investors have constructed distribution pipelines with a pressure of 0.6 MPa.</p><p>Analysis of the existing situation: There are 46 companies and public buildings with local central heating on the territory of the town. 31 of them belong to industrial enterprises and about 15 of them belong to the former Heat Supply Company, which hasn’t been in operation over the last few years. The municipal department for education and youth activities operates 42 local central heating units.</p><p>Energy efficiency Dobrich 2020 24 The municipality of Dobrich has been a member of the Municipal energy efficiency network since its establishment in 1997. In July 2000, the Municipality began compiling a database by sectors and target groups. For each individual site – operated by the municipality and financed by the municipal budget – we defined and specified the major indicators relating to energy costs for the site.</p><p>Conclusions: The buildings need not only repairs and maintenance, but also certain insulation activities, which do not require heavy investment but will improve energy efficiency; Necessary measures include repairing and replacing of boilers, repairing of heating systems, replacing of non-efficient burners with new automatic burners, switching from liquid fuel to natural gas, which is cheaper, environment friendly and efficient. It is necessary to introduce double-rate electricity meters and to replace ordinary light bulbs with the more modern high-pressure sodium-vapor lamps or with low-consumption compact fluorescent lamps.</p><p>V. Power supply The Municipality of Dobrich is supplied with electricity of 20kV from three substations, 110/20 kV each. There are 347 transformers with a total power of 329.63 MW. The existing total electric power of the transformers is sufficient but unevenly distributed, which causes problems to the energy consumers. In general, the municipal power supply is based on a well-established network of supply and transformation. The predominant cable network is of the type HV and LV, there is a collector in the town center, the existing over-the-ground cable network LV is gradually being replaced with cable NFC – Alcatel – France. Dobrich 2020 25</p><p>Subsection ‘Transportation and communications’</p><p>I. Transportation services Three companies provide transportation services on the territory of the municipality: Patnicheski prevozi Ltd., Trolleybusen transport Ltd. and PG Commerce Ltd., as well as individual private carriers, associated in partnerships. In 1998, the Municipal Council of Dobrich approved ‘Directions for the development of the public transport’ and a considerable attention was given to the trolley-bus transport as more reliable and more nature-friendly. </p><p>II. Telecommunications and radio broadcasting Three analogue automatic exchange units of a decade-pitch system type A29 and a total capacity of 28 000 phone numbers and one analogue automatic exchange unit of the type “Crosspoint ESK 10000E with a capacity of 14 000 phone numbers operate in Dobrich. The total installed capacity is 42 000 analogue phone numbers. The in-use capacity is 36 071 numbers of which 5 067 are business telephones and 31 004 are home telephones. Three mobile phone networks operate in the area – the digital mobile networks of ‘Mtel’ and ‘Globul’ and the analogue network of ‘Mobicom’. An optical communications ring has also been set up.</p><p>The analysis of the existing situation in the fields of urbanization, infrastructure and communications sets out the major problems and trends in the development of the town and defines the main goals and tasks for the period ending in 2020.</p><p>Vision Statement:</p><p>“Dobrich – a town for its citizens, with an adequate and accessible architectural and living environment, a town with a modern and well-maintained infrastructure and developed transportation and communications systems.”</p><p>Mission Statement: Developing and maintaining of an up-to-date, reliable and adequate municipal infrastructure; Protecting the central part and the cultural memorials as symbols of the Bulgarian historical heritage; Updating of all city plans in view of raising the role of architectural work as an important factor for the quality of the townscape; Consistent and efficient management of natural and power resources.</p><p>The fulfillment of the vision for Dobrich as a town for its citizens, a town with modern infrastructure and adequate living and architectural environment, depends largely on the ideas and views laid out in the detailed town plans. These plans must reflect the past, the present and the future of Dobrich as a residential place. The updating of these plans will directly affect the conditions for travel, work and recreation of the people. Special attention must be drawn to the town center – a covered pedestrian zone will be constructed, which will provide a place for personal contacts and recreation. It is necessary to work on the renovation of the existing buildings, which will result in a decreased consumption of energy, a new exterior of the buildings and an improved Dobrich 2020 26 architectural outlook of the town. The water supply problems must be solved through a complete replacement of the outdated pipes. In accordance with the leading trends in the development of the European cities, the transportation patterns will be changed by limiting the car traffic and encouraging the use of bicycles. The share of the environment friendly transport will grow considerably. Practical solutions must be found for the construction of garages and parking lots in the suburbs and in the central part of the town. Keeping in mind the specific character and the location of the town, the use of agricultural land for industrial activities will be reduced to the minimum, while the existing industrial zones will be renovated and adapted to the new production trends. In compliance with the European practices for the construction of new residential buildings in non-polluted areas beyond the construction borders of the town, the residential settlement “Lozyata” will be built.</p><p>Strategic aims: Ensuring the best functional structure for sustainable development of the municipality; harmonious co-existence of urbanized structures with natural and man-made elements. Overcoming the water shortage, cutting down power costs and completing the gas supply network; Ensuring sanitation, maintenance and power efficiency of the existing buildings; Introducing new technologies for management and control of the street traffic and ensuring environment friendly transportation services for the community.</p><p>Major tasks: Short-term: Finishing the procedure of approving the detailed plans for residential formation “Lozyata”. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich Term: 2003-2006 Urban renewal activities Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, structural funds. Term: 2002-2020 Ensuring a convenient transportation link between sports facilities in St. George’s Park. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, “Sportni imoti” Ltd., NGOs. Term: 2002-2020 Replacement of the asbestos cement water mains with polyethylene pipes. Resource: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and the Municipality of Dobrich – 23 150 m (stage I). Term: 2003 Resource: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and the Municipality of Dobrich – 41 530 m (stage II) Term: 2010 Resource: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and the Municipality of Dobrich – 46 900 m (stage III). Term: 2020 Renovation of local water mains, branching pipes and water meters Resource: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and the Municipality of Dobrich – stage I. Term: 2003 Dobrich 2020 27 Resource: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and the Municipality of Dobrich – stage II. Term: 2010 Resource: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and the Municipality of Dobrich – stage III. Term: 2020 Completing the town sewage system. Resource: the Municipality of Dobrich, Ministry of Environment and Water– 3 370 m (Stage I). Term: 2003 Resource: the Municipality of Dobrich, Ministry of Environment and Water– 4 500 m (Stage II). Term: 2010 Resource: the Municipality of Dobrich , Ministry of Environment and Water Term: 2020 Designing and construction of a new main doubling collector. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, Ministry of Environment and Water and funds. Term: 2003 Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, Ministry of Environment and Water and funds. Term: 2010 Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, Ministry of Environment and Water and funds. Term: 2020 – 5 500 m Putting into operation the substation “Center”. Resource: ME (?) Term: 2003. Replacing mercury-vapor lamps with sodium-vapor lamps and compact fluorescent lamps. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich and funds. Term: 2003-2006. Replacing single-rate with double-rate energy meters. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich. Term: 2003-2006 Providing sites for construction of multi-story parking lots and garages both in the central town area and in the suburbs. Resource: Municipality. Term: 2003-2006. Construction of pilot zones with regulators for decreasing the pressure in the network. Resource: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works Term: 2003-2006.</p><p>Medium-term: Step-by-step design of detailed town plans for residential and industrial zones. Resource: Municipality Term: 2006-2013-2020. Communication and infrastructure activities Resource (communication activities): Municipality, structural funds. Term: 2006-2013-2020. Resource (infrastructure activities): Municipality, structural funds. Term: 2006-2013-2020. Dobrich 2020 28 Providing the necessary conditions for construction of houses for the Roma population. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich. Term: 2006-2020 Renovation of the existing municipal buildings and providing housing for low-income families Resource: Municipality. Term: 2013. Finding a permanent solution to the water shortage in the town by giving concession for water supply activities to private companies Resource: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and Municipality of Dobrich. Term: 2013. Rehabilitation of water supply sources in the town surroundings. Resource: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works Term: 2007-2013 Introducing a dispatch water supply system Resource: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works Terms: 2007-2013 Building sewers in residential complex “Izgrev” Resource: Ministry of Environment; funds and the Dobrich Municipality. Term: 2007-2013. Installing the full equipment in the water treatment plant in the village of Vratchantsi Resource: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works Term: 2007-2013. Step-by-step construction of new and renovation of the existing kiosk switchgears. Resource: Ministry of Energy and Dobrich Municipality. Term: 2006,2013,2020. Replacement of cable lines. Resource: Ministry of Energy and Dobrich Municipality. Term: 2006,2013,2020. Completing the construction of the trolley-bus network, building up uniform shelters at the bus stops and purchasing new trolley buses. Resource: Ministry of Environment and Waterand Dobrich Municipality. Term: 2006-2013. Adapting all public transport vehicles to the EU requirements Resource: Ministry of Transport and Communication and “Putnicheski Prevozi” Ltd. Term: 2006-2013. Completing the construction of the new road Dobrich – Albena in the part between the villages of Odartsi and Tcurkva. Resource: “Roads” Agency. Term: 2006-2013. Gasification of Dobrich. - industrial sector; Resource: “AMGA” Co., businesses Term: 2006. - public sector; Resource: “AMGA” Co. , Dobrich municipality Term: 2013. - community sector; Dobrich 2020 29 Resource: private companies. Term: 2020. Total digitalization of telephone services and increasing the number of telephones. Resource: Bulgarian Telecommunication Co. Term: 2006-2013. Designing and construction of a covered pedestrian zone in the central part of the town. Resource: Municipality, private businesses, property owners. Term: 2006-2013. Construction of a totally accessible architectural environment for handicapped people. Resource: Municipality, NGOs Term: 2006-2013.</p><p>Long-term: Sanitation of buildings (according to a specific program). Resource: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Municipality, EU integration funds. Term: 2014-2020. Construction of bike alleys in the residential areas “Balik-Yovkovo”, “Dobrotitsa” and “Druzhba” . Resource: Dobrich Municipality Term: 2014-2020 Building sewers in “Riltsi”. Resource: Dobrich Municipality, Ministry of Environment and Waterand Water, and funds. Term: 2015. Introducing a central dispatching system for the public transport. Resource: “Putnicheski prevozi” AD Term: 2020. Re-equipping of all motor vehicles of the public transport for the usage of nature friendly fuel – propane-butane. Resource: “Putnicheski prevozi” Ltd. and private carriers. Term: 2020. Opening of a passenger and cargo railway link with the Republic of Romania. Resource: Bulgarian State Railroad company. Term: 2020. Construction of a railway track for a speed train, connecting Dobrich with Balchik and Albena. Resource: Bulgarian State Railroad company and private partners. Term: 2020. Digitalization of radio and TV broadcasting. Resource: Council for electronic media Term: 2020. Construction of sports facilities for handicapped people. Resource: NGOs and structural funds. Term: 2014-2020. Dobrich 2020 30</p><p>Dobrich 2020 31</p><p>ІІІ. Section “Environmental Protection”</p><p>Nature does not belong to us, but to our children.</p><p> Public authorities have a responsibility to husband and manage energy resources in a coherent and rational manner Local authorities should adopt policies to prevent pollution Nature conservation is a factor in developing community involvement and pride All persons are entitled to a healthy, safe, settled, pleasant and stimulating living environment The provision and management of open space in the city are integral parts of urban development </p><p>Principles of the European Urban Charter Dobrich 2020 32</p><p>Analysis of the present day situation</p><p>The town of Dobrich is characterized by a relatively clean environment – non-polluted water, air and soil, well-developed and maintained green space. Our aim is to preserve these parameters of the environment and to work for their improvement. Section “Environmental protection” of Dobrich 2020 involves specific tasks such as surveying, designing, altering legislation and improving the living conditions.</p><p>1. Waters On the territory of the municipality there are no surface water streams. There are a number of dry gorges. The valley of the Suha Reka, which is a wide river bed, goes through town. Drinking water – it comes from two underground horizons – the Sarmatian and the Valjanian. They are reliably protected against pollution by a thick, impermeable horizon. Water from this source can be used directly after chlorination. Wastewater – over 80% of the sewage system has been built. Water treatment is being done in the water treatment plant in the village of Vrachantsi. Before flowing into the town sewers, industrial wastewater passes through the local treatment facilities. After the treatment, the waters are lead to the river Suha Reka.</p><p>2. Soils The soil cover lies on a loess base, the major type of soil being humus (black soil). Major sources of soil pollution are sewage waters, aerosols and household solid waste. Water treatment does not always give the desired results because the treatment facilities can be inefficient with some cases of large-scale pollution. Air currents carry Nitric and sulphurous compounds, carbon and plumbic aerosols. Motor vehicles and the micro landfills in some parts of the town are also major polluters.</p><p>3. Green space There are 72.5 ha of green space with some 46 000 trees. 10 ha of them are being maintained intensively. The town is divided into four park areas – “North”, “East”, “West” and “South”. The river Suha Reka and the green space along the ring road are also among the green units of the townscape.</p><p>4. Waste The waste-collecting and waste-transportation activities on the territory of the town have been given under concession and are being done by REB Scheele Ltd. – branch Dobrich. The solid waste depot is located near the village of Bogdan. Its operation life, however, has expired and a possible reconstruction is being considered. The regional environmental office in Varna monitors industrial and hazardous waste.</p><p>5. Air The town of Dobrich has a low level of air pollution (up to 25%), which is due to the wind patterns of the area. The average monthly concentrations of SO2, NO2 and Pb-aerosols, registered by the 5 units of the Institute of Hygiene, do not exceed the permitted levels stated in the regulations. At times Dobrich 2020 33 of intensive construction and reconstruction works and heavy traffic, the concentration of dust particles increases and reaches values quite near to the permitted levels.</p><p>6. Noise The acoustic situation in the town is complicated by the bad condition of the street cover, the inefficiently organized traffic, the lack of sound-proof structures and adequate greening. </p><p>The following five groups of major environmental issues can be drawn from the analysis of the present day situation of the environment in the area: Improving the parameters of the green space; Waste control – household waste, construction waste, hazardous waste, etc.; Parameters of the environment – air, water, soil, noise; Environmental awareness, education and control; Other environmental issues – stray dogs, ticks, black birds, rats.</p><p>Vision Statement:</p><p>“Dobrich – clean and green”</p><p>Mission: Creating a healthy environment and improving the quality of life of the population through extending the green space and improving the environmental parameters in the municipality; Introducing a proactive municipal policy for the protection and reproduction of the natural resources and for pollution prevention; Keeping the community informed about environmental issues, encouraging decision making and participation in green projects.</p><p>Reaching the vision depends on the following three major projects:</p><p>Designing the Green Space in Dobrich The town park is the only place providing good conditions for recreation. In their leisure time, the townspeople go to the City Garden. Crossing the whole town in order to have a walk in the green park, to ride a bike or to let the children play in the “Wooden town” shall be avoided by designing green zones and parks in the four well-defined park areas. Through the assigning and drawing of town plans and working projects for suburban parks “Riltsi”, “Hadzhi Balar”, “Iglika”, “Moderna Mahala” and “Dobrotitsa”, we shall create the necessary conditions for the development of green zones in near proximity to big residential areas of the town. The children’s amusement center “Patilantsi”, which is planned for construction, will provide a real kingdom for little children. The reconstruction of the green areas and the construction of bicycle alleys along the gully of the Suha reka will turn the gully back into a river. The reconstruction of the green space along the ring road of the town and the major through streets, greening of boulevards, streets and pedestrian zones is considered to be an important measure for improving the townscape. At the weekends, people often visit the forest park Dobrich 2020 34 “Dubovete”, which is located near Dobrich and has good sports and play facilities. In order to strengthen further the position of the park as an attractive place for recreation, it’s necessary to improve the transportation link with the park, to attract investors and entrepreneurs that can develop the network of places for entertainment and recreation. The reconstruction of the road cover, providing waste bins and effective care for the green space are of considerable importance for improving the general condition of the park and adding to its attractiveness. In order to create better entertainment and leisure opportunities for the citizens of Dobrich, the construction of a “Center for protection of nature and animals” is under way. The idea of this project is to provide the animals with living conditions similar to those in their natural habitat. Such a center is going to be unique in Bulgaria.</p><p>Implementing of a new system for waste management. Due to the specific geographic location of the town and the economic stagnation, waste is a major environmental concern. The municipality of Dobrich has worked out and approved a waste management program, which contains measures for solving some of the aspects of this problem and specific goals for its solution, including the implementation of at-source collection of recyclable waste. Organic waste, collected during the maintenance of green areas, is a useful ingredient for compost production and is used as a fertilizer. A problem of the present day is the reconstruction of the solid waste depot in the village of Bogdan, which is to be carried out in a short term. At the same time, it is obvious that a regional household solid waste depot, built and utilized together with other municipalities in the district, is a necessity.</p><p>Improving the environmental parameters Following a hygienic survey of the environmental qualities of Dobrich, prepared by the national center for hygiene, medical ecology and nutrition, an action plan “Environment - health” is soon to be prepared. This will help to decrease the level of air pollution, identify the specific measures and actions for the purpose of improving the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the environmental components, as well to assist the monitoring of the environment.</p><p>Strategic goals Designing a green space system in Dobrich; Implementing a new waste management system; Improving the quantitative and qualitative environmental parameters of Dobrich.</p><p>Major tasks Short-term: Updating municipal regulations No1 and No2. Including the latest requirements concerning waste management and environmental protection. Resource: municipal department “Greening and environmental protection” Term: 2002 Drawing up an action plan “Environment-health” Resource: In cooperation with the Institute of Hygiene. Based on a report on the hygienic parameters and the quality of the town environment. Term: 2002 Working up a program for decreasing the levels of air polluters. Resource: In cooperation with the regional environmental office in Varna, the Institute of Hygiene and polluter companies. Dobrich 2020 35 Term: 2003 Construction of a depot for storage of humus and clay. Resource: In cooperation with “Ritual Homes” Ltd. Term: 2002 Drawing up a project on compost production in the decorative nursery garden. Resource: Required funding - 41 000 BGL. Term: 2003 Preliminary survey, identifying a site, drawing up a project and construction of a regional solid waste depot serving several municipalities. Resource: In cooperation with interested municipalities, EU Preaccession funds. Term: Preliminary survey starting 2002. Construction of a Center for protection of nature and animals. Resource: Bulgarian – Swiss cooperation. Term: 2002. Working up and approving regulations for design, maintenance, control and protection of the green space in Dobrich. Resource: municipal department “Greening and environmental protection”. Term: 2003. Working up and implementing a Program for improving the environmental awareness, culture and education of the community Resource: In cooperation with NGOs, citizens, students, business circles. Term: 2004 Greening of the areas around apartment buildings, schools and kindergartens. Resource: “Greening” Dept. in cooperation with NGOs, citizens, municipal department “Education and youth activities”. Term: Permanent Reconstruction of the solid waste depot in the village of Bogdan, aiming at prolonging the operation life of the depot and a possible re-cultivation. Resource: Value of the project – 14 mil BGL; searching for non-budget sources for additional financing, EU Preaccession funds. Term: Starting work on the project immediately after finalizing the legal proceedings. Removing the non-registered micro landfills from the urban areas. Resource: Required financing - 335 000 BGL, partnerships with citizens, NGOs, students. Term: 2002-2015.</p><p>Middle-term: Working up and implementing at-source collection of recyclable waste. Resource: Scheele Ltd. (one of the clauses of the concession contract). Term: 2006. Reconstruction and greening of sports center “Prostor”. Resource: In cooperation with Dobrich Fair Ltd. Term: 2007. Reconstruction and construction of new green areas – amateur art center “Riltsi”, Hristo Botev Street, the monument of Stefan Karadja and Trakya square. Resource: Financing through the project “Beautiful Dobrich” and alternative sources, cooperation with the board of the amateur art center, giving retail outlets under concession with a clause demanding maintenance of the adjoining green areas. Term: 2008. Dobrich 2020 36 Reconstruction of the town Cemetery Resource: Ritual Homes Ltd. Term: 2010. Improving acoustics through adequate horizontal and vertical greening, installing noise- killing screens, limiting the traffic on the busiest streets. Resource: In cooperation with NGOs, school boards, municipal department “Education”. Term: 2010 Construction of a dendrarium – the third stage of the project “Center for protection of nature and animals”. Resource: Bulgarian- Swiss cooperation, alternative sources for financing. Term: 2012.</p><p>Long term: Construction of green space areas and parks in: Northern park region – “Chorcholiykite”, suburban park “Riltsi” and suburban park “Hadzi Balar”. Resource: Searching for alternative sources for financing from structural funds. Term: 2020. Eastern park region – suburban parks “Iglika”, “Moderna mahala”, “Dobrotitsa” and children’s amusement center “Patilantsi”; Resource: Searching for alternative sources for financing from structural funds. Term: 2020. Southern park region – reconstruction of the St. George’s park; Resource: Searching for alternative sources for financing from structural funds. Term: 2020. Adjacent park regions – reconstruction and extension of forest park “Dubovete” and green zone “Gaazi baba”. Resource: In cooperation with the Forestry office. Term: 2018. Reconstruction of the green space along the ring road of the town and the major through streets, greening of boulevards, streets and pedestrian zones. Resource: “Greening”, searching for partners and alternative sources of financing. Term: 2020. Transforming the gully of the Suha reka into a river. Resource: Necessary funds for a thorough cleaning – 100 000 BGL (after the reconstruction of the railway bridge Dobrich - Kardam); necessary funds for the construction of bicycle alleys and green areas - Term: 2020. Replacing the outdated water supply pipes, aiming at improving the quality of the drinking water. Resource: The local water company “Water-supply and sewage “ Ltd. Term: 2020. Dobrich 2020 37 IV. Section “Healthcare, sport and social activities”</p><p>“Healthcare is the best medicine.” Japanese proverb</p><p> Local authorities must encourage community-based health initiatives and participation Towns must be designed in such a way that all citizens have access to all places Policies for the disadvantaged and disabled persons should aim to integrate and not over-protect Co-operation with and between specialized associations, representing disadvantaged or minority groups, is essential It is important to ensure that houses and workplaces are suitably adapted to the requirements of the disadvantaged and disabled Urban health, a matter of international importance, involves the coordination of municipal action with international programs All urban dwellers have a right to take part in sporting and recreational facilities Sports facilities should be safe and well designed The urban environment must be conducive to good health for all citizens</p><p>Principles of the European Urban Charter</p><p>Analysis of the present day situation</p><p>Against the background of the serious social and economical changes, the problems of healthcare and the social status of the population become very important. Dobrich 2020 38 The demographic development of the Municipality and the country on the whole is characterized by a number of negative trends, determined by economic, social and health factors: Drop in the living standard of the population; Increase of death rate; Slow increase of birth rate; Decrease of life expectancy; “Aging” of the nation; Increase in the number of cases of cardiovascular diseases; Increase in the number of people who need social care – lonely old people, disabled people, children at risk, etc. Decrease in the number of people engaged regularly in sports activities.</p><p>The low standard of living results in a low purchasing power in terms of medical services, foodstuff and recreation. The problem of unhealthy nutrition stands out – one of the major factors, among others, causing metabolism diseases and cardiovascular diseases, as well as the so called “diseases of the civilization”. In some spheres of the medical services, there is a certain lagging behind the European standards, for instance in the treatment of complications related to heart attacks and apoplexy, shortage in the number and the capacity of the centers for rehabilitation in the period after heart operations. As for the social sphere, it is necessary to direct the activities from social aid to social services for specific social and age groups. This means that services should be provided to the most vulnerable target groups, assisting their social adaptation. Special attention should be paid to the problems of children, adolescent, disabled people, lonely elderly people and others. Individual healthcare and prophylactics on one side, and the regular physical exercises on the other are significant factors for the improvement of the health and the vitality of the people. The municipal network of medical and social establishments and units, the sports and leisure facilities and the retained traditions in prophylactics and physical education are positive preconditions for upgrading the health and social status of the community. The utilization of this potential requires systematic and consistent efforts on behalf of the local authorities, health and social institutions and establishments, NGOs, sports clubs and organizations, all citizens.</p><p>Vision Statement:</p><p>“Dobrich – a town of health and sport.”</p><p>Mission Statement: Improving the health and social status of the population of the municipality; Finding the balance between urbanization and health; Decentralization of healthcare by place of residence; Prophylactics – a major factor for improving the health status of the citizens; Ensuring free access and adequate usage of all resources for encouraging sports and physical education; Dobrich 2020 39 Health care is an overriding concern for the individual, as well as of the society as a whole. The analysis of the present day situation and problems in healthcare proves convincingly that Dobrich has the potential to become a town of modern medicine. This goal shall be fulfilled through the new municipal policy for turning the medical institutions into attractive centers for highly qualified medical staff and providing the most up-to-date medical equipment. The Municipality shall support the idea for purchasing a nuclear-magnetic resonance and a second scanner. The establishment of a new cardiology center, meeting the European requirements for the treatment of the heaviest diseases for the region – heart attacks and apoplexy – will be a priority. There is a need for establishing a new surgical hospital with the participation of the Municipality. Dobrich has opportunities of becoming a center of alternative medicine, more specifically of apitherapy /treatment with honey/ and phytotherapy. The municipality of Dobrich should initiate the establishing of an international physiotherapy center and the building of facilities for rehabilitation and health tourism. The development of medical institutions and improving of medical care has not only social but also economic dimensions. Considerable results can be achieved (without serious financing) by improving the health awareness of the population, especially among children and young people. One of the major trends in the social sphere is the development of the network of social institutions providing services to various target groups. Forthcoming is the construction of a resource center for handicapped children (children with physical and sensor damages), centers for home services, neighborhood homes for the different social and age groups, of a home for disabled people, etc. The program “From social care to employment” is of considerable importance, as it will decrease the number of people receiving financial aid from the social funds. An important task, aiming at encouraging childbirth, is the establishing of a Municipal fund “Mother’s healthcare.” The renovation of the sports facilities in “Prostor”, “Russalka”, “Dobrotitsa”, “Mladost” and in the schools, and the construction of new sports grounds in the neighborhoods and among the apartment buildings will create opportunities for improving the physical condition and the vitality of the citizens. Summarizing what has been said, we can define the following</p><p>Strategic goals: Development of Dobrich as a town of modern medicine; Social activities – a factor for social development; Dobrich – the town where you can relax, do sport and have a rest.</p><p>Major goals: Short-term: Establishment of a new cardiology center, meeting the European requirements for the treatment of the heaviest diseases for the region – heart attacks and apoplexy. Resource: Grants from EU programs Term: 2005 Constructing and opening a surgical hospital with mixed ownership (including participation of the municipality); Resource: private investors Term: 2003 Establishing a new First aid unit as an alternative to the similar state-run structure; Dobrich 2020 40 Resource: a joint project of the municipality of Dobrich and Dobrudja – M – Life Ltd. Insurance Company. Term: 2002 Initiating a project for establishing a Municipal social fund “Help through mutual aid”, for support of programs in the field of healthcare and social activities. Resource: Municipality, medical institutions, insurance companies and NGOs. Term: 2005 Development of the Medical college Resource: Medical college – Varna, medical institutions and insurance companies Term: 2002-2020 Drawing up long-term municipal programs for: - Young people; - Senior citizens; - Ethnic minorities; Resource: Municipal structures, State Agency for Youth and Sport (SAYS), The Red Cross, NGOs, international and national programs. Term: 2002 - “From social care to employment”; Resource: Municipality, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Social Services Office, Labor office, private companies. Term: 2006 Development of the network of social institutions for meeting the needs of different social groups. - Establishment of a Resource center for children with special needs (physical and sensor damages); Resource: Social Services Office, The British Know How Fund; Term: 2002 - Construction of a Home for disabled people; Resource: Municipality, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, foreign financing institutions Term: 2004 - Establishment of centers for home services; Resource: Social Services Office, NGOs Term: 2005-2006 - Establishing daily residential homes in the neighborhoods for the different social and age groups; Resource: Social Services Office, NGOs and Ministry of Labor and Social Policy Term: 2004-2010 Establishing specialized companies, commercial enterprises and co-operatives for employment of disabled people; Resource: Municipality, NGOs, the Labor office and private entrepreneurs. Term: 2004 Step-by-step upgrading of the sports center “Dobrotitsa” into a host of national and international competitions in track and field athletics and other sports. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, The State Agency for Youth and Sport, The Bulgarian Federation for Track and Field Athletics and sponsors. Term: 2004-2020 Stage by stage reconstruction and renovation of “Druzhba” stadium and the supporting football pitches, in accordance to the European standards and requirements; Dobrich 2020 41 Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, Municipal Sports Club Dobrudja, Professional Football Club Dobrudja, Sports Clubs for Track and Field Athletics Dobrudja and Dobrudja 99 Term: Until 2004 – turfing of the football pitches Until 2009 – renovation of the stands and replacing the seats of “Druzhba” stadium; Until 2020 – laying an athletics track in accordance with the European standards. Stage by stage renovation of the facilities in sports centers “Prostor”, “Russalka”, “Dobrotitsa”, “Mladost” and “Rabotnik”; Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, SAYS, sponsors, private entrepreneurs, sports clubs Term: Until 2004 – renovation of sports centers “Prostor” and “Russalka” Until 2009 – renovation of gymnasium “Dobrotitsa”, sports center “Mladost” and gymnasium “Rabotnik” Until 2020 – renovation of the indoor swimming pool “Russalka”. Rehabilitation and modernization of sports facilities, gyms and fields in all schools, kindergartens and areas among apartment buildings; Resource: Municipal budged, SAYS, entrepreneurs, NGOs and clubs Term: 2002-2020 Financial support (from the municipal budget) for the best projects of the sports clubs Resource: Municipality Term: 2002-2020 Sustaining and specifying the activities of the specialized educational units for sport development Resource: Municipal budget, SAYS and the Ministry of Education and Science Term: 2002-2006 Development of amateur sport through providing sports facilities at reasonable rates. Resource: Municipality, sports clubs, NGOs Term: 2002-2020 Providing sports facilities and services, in co-operation with Albena Co, to foreign sports clubs and sportsmen for their preparation for the Olympic games in 2004. Resource: Municipality, Albena Co, SAYS and sports clubs Term: 2002-2004</p><p>Middle-term: Strengthening the position of the medical institutions as attractive centers for highly qualified medical staff and centers with up-to-date technical equipment. Resource: licensed health insurance and pension funds; issuing Municipal bonds for the purpose of re-equipping medical institutions. Term: 2008 Supporting the purchase of a nuclear-magnetic resonance and a second scanner; Resource: Joint project of the municipality of Dobrich with the municipality of Dobrich – villages, Shabla, Kavarna, Baltchik, Krushari, Gen. Toshevo and Tervel; Term: 2008 Dobrich – a center of alternative medicine – establishing an apito-therapy center (treatment with honey) and a center for phyto-therapy; Resource: Private investors, medical units and insurance and pension funds Term: 2010 Establishment of a Municipal Public Healthcare Center to co-ordinate the activities for prevention of most important diseases, prophylactics and screening; Dobrich 2020 42 Resource: Municipality, State Diagnostic Centers, Institute for Hygiene, NGOs Term: 2007-2008 Opening a diet restaurant and specialized clubs – diabetics’ club, club of people suffering from ulcer, club of people suffering from high blood pressure, etc; Resource: Municipal social fund, entrepreneurs Term: 2007 Establishing a municipal fund “Mother’s healthcare” for encouraging birth rate; Resource: Municipal budget, NGOs, national and international funds and programs Term: 2007 Transforming of the St. George’s park into an area for leisure and entertainment by sanitation of the lake, construction of a center for entertainment and leisure; designing of “Health alleys”, organizing a yearly celebration of “The Day of the City Park”. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, SAYS, Bulgarian Federation for Track and Field Athletics, The Ministry of Environment and Waterand Waters, entrepreneurs, Municipal Sports Club Dobrudja, Professional Football Club Dobrudja, Sports Clubs for Track and Field Athletics Dobrudja and Dobrudja 99 Term: 2007</p><p>Long-term: Construction of holiday camps and facilities for children from Dobrich along the Black Sea coast in co-operation with the rest of the municipalities in the region. Resource: Municipalities in Dobrich district, Ministry of Education and Science, international and national programs and projects. Term: 2015-2020 Establishing a Home for protection of children’s rights and marginalized families. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, Social Services Office and NGOs Term: 2015-2020 Construction of an extension building of the local Rest home for old people. Resource: Municipality, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, insurance and pension funds Term: 2015 Working on a joint project with the municipalities of Shabla and/or Balchik, for the construction of an international Physiotherapy center and development of health tourism. Resource: Joint projects with canton Schaffhausen – Switzerland and other investors; Joint projects with the municipalities. Term: 2013 Dobrich 2020 43</p><p>V. Section “Arts and culture”</p><p>“The most important goal of our life must be our spiritual perfection”. Socrates</p><p> All urban dwellers have a right to culture The cultural development of towns contributes to their economic and social development Local authorities should ensure the participation of young people in local life Cultural exchange is a powerful bond between peoples of different nationalities, different regions and nations Cultural development and genuine cultural democracy involves extensive collaboration between local authorities and community groups, the voluntary sector and the private sectors The balanced promotion of cultural tourism by local authorities can have a beneficial effect on their community Cultural and educational policies in towns should be non-discriminatory The maintenance and sometimes revival of specialised crafts and techniques are essential</p><p>Principles of the European Urban Charter</p><p> Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. </p><p>Universal Declaration of Human Rights Dobrich 2020 44</p><p>Analysis of the present day situation</p><p>The intellectual development of the citizens is an important part of the process of transition to a market economy and civil society, to a new type of social awareness and way of life. In this sense, the intellectual sphere is a priority factor for the establishment of Dobrich as a developed town – an administrative, economic and cultural center of South Dobrudja. The analysis of the present condition, the problems and the prospects of arts and culture brings forth the following conclusions: The education in Dobrich is supported by significant cultural achievements. The established educational network provides enough opportunities to children and young people in town to attend nursery schools, to make a choice among schools and get secondary education in institutions that offer not only a wide range of subjects, but also high quality education. Then they can continue their studies in the academic structures in the town. The cultural activities in Dobrich have reached a level comparable to the highest esthetic criteria and requirements of the national cultural processes and to those of European culture. There is a developed network of cultural institutions, professional and amateur groups, creative groups and unions, that not only present the major types and genres of arts and culture, but also satisfy the intellectual needs of different social, ethnic and professional groups. An objective assessment of the cultural potential demands that the traditions and the achievements in the educational and the cultural sphere be preserved. It also calls for a definition of the ways, the means and the mechanisms for strengthening their position as a leading factor for social development.</p><p>Vision Statement:</p><p>Dobrich – a town with European dimensions in education and culture”</p><p>Mission: The local authorities consider the intellectual development of the town as a prerequisite and a necessary condition for strengthening the position of Dobrich as an attractive place for a full life; Education and culture are conditions and factors for a sustainable development of the town; The intellectual development of the citizens is an important part of the process of transition to a market economy and civil society, to a new type of social awareness and way of life; Preserving the cultural traditions, the activities and the buildings of cultural institutions as heritage of the town, ensures continuity and development of Dobrich in social and economic respect; Ensuring opportunities for exchange of information, values and people with other towns and cities in the country and in Europe; Going by the principles of democracy, accessibility and variety of cultural activities; raising their quality and efficiency; meeting the intellectual and spiritual needs of different social and ethnic groups. Dobrich 2020 45</p><p>The experience of European cities similar to Dobrich shows that the educational and cultural activities, besides their social and intellectual dimensions, play a role in the building of the city, too. The presence of a well-structured network of educational institutions, especially of academic units providing accessible and modern education, is a precondition not only for a positive individual and intellectual development of young people, but also provides opportunities for their integration in the life of the community. In this respect, an important goal is to preserve the rich traditions and high level of education in Dobrich, and at the same time to put a stress on some modern aspects like information technologies, foreign language training, economic studies, etc. Of considerable importance is the development of the educational and academic structures related to training in the field of agriculture. Schools, kindergartens and cultural institutions in Dobrich have proved their role as centers for civil education and cultural and ethnic integration. The development of the academic structures in the town will ensure a growth in the number of students provide the necessary conditions for establishing an independent higher education academic structure. The most suitable academic spheres are agriculture, tourism, management and IT. The vision for the development of Dobrich over the next decades is based on the understanding that art and culture are not a privilege for a few people, but a way to stimulate the intellectual potential and the artistic skills of all social groups. Culture is a key element in the general municipal policy for improving the quality of life. That is why the ideas for preserving the network of cultural institutions and groups, for encouraging the artistic activities of children and young people and for enriching the cultural calendar of the town are not just goals for their own sake. These ideas create opportunities for democratization of cultural processes on one side and at the same time they guarantee the place of the Bulgarian cultural identity in the global village. A favorable direction in the development of arts and culture in Dobrich is preserving the traditional music forums – the European pop-rock competition “Sarandev”, the international youth festivals “Folklore without borders” and “Hopes, talents, masters”. These festivals are a wonderful means for discovering talented children from various countries and motivating the young talents to appear on the Bulgarian and European cultural stages. Many of the winners from previous years now give concerts on stages all over the world. During these festivals of real art, the citizens of Dobrich not only have the opportunity to enjoy the performances and the works of art, but also to meet representatives of different national cultures. Noteworthy international cultural events are the traditional exhibition “The paper” and the Festival of the European cinema. Strengthening the position of Dobrich as a town of festivals and a town for cultural tourism will undoubtedly contribute to its successful economic, social and cultural development.</p><p>Strategic goals: Building an orderly, flexible network of educational institutions, providing opportunities for modern, accessible and continuous education; Preserving and strengthening the traditions, achievements and activities in the sphere of education and creative arts; reaching a balance between regional, national and European values and criteria. Dobrich 2020 46</p><p>Major tasks:</p><p>A. Education</p><p>“Education – the hidden treasure” Jacque Delor</p><p>Short-term: Step-by-step optimizing of the existing network of educational institutions through preserving the variety of subjects and transition to a one-shift school day in Elementary and Secondary Schools. Resource: Municipal Council, Ministry of Education and Science, heads of educational units Term: 2003 – 2006 – 2013 Opening of an Arts School. Resource: Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Culture, Municipal Council, the district and the municipality administrations, the Regional office of Ministry of Education and Science Term: 2004-2005 Enriching the opportunities for out-of-class studies, the cultural and sports calendar of the town. Resource: Youth center, Children’s center, Center for science, cultural institutions, sports clubs Term: short-term programs Drawing up a long-term program for raising the social status, motivation and qualification of teachers. Resource: Department of Education, Trade Unions, Regional Office of Ministry of Education and Science. Term: from 2004 Strengthening the position of vocational schools as centers for training, qualification and re-qualification based on contracts with employers. Resource: Regional office of Ministry of Education and Culture, Youth Activities Department, Labor office and organizations of employers. Term: 2002-2004. Establishing a public consultative body on the problems of higher education in Dobrich. Resource: Municipality, District administration, academic structures, NGOs, Labor office. Term: 2002 Developing a Municipal strategy for higher education in the field of agriculture, economics, information technologies, tourism, etc. Resource: Sofia University - Branch Dobrich, Institute for Wheat and Sunflower, Municipality Dobrich, academic structures, Labor office, employers’ organizations. Term: 2003 Information system concerning the development of each child, with the aim to provide quality education to all, especially to marginalized children. Resource: Youth Activities Department, schools, NGOs Term: 2004/2005 Long-term program for work with Roma children and their families. Dobrich 2020 47 Resource: Municipality, Roma organizations, NGOs, Cultural and Information Center “Roma”. Term: 2003, 2007, 2011 Development of civic education through programs for individual development, self- knowledge, communication skills, environmental awareness, health and legal awareness, etc. Resource: Youth Activities Department, Regional Office of Ministry of Education and Science, NGOs, foundations and programs. Term: starting in school year 2002/2003 Young citizens’ participation in the community life through a municipal youth program. Resource: Municipality, Youth Activities Department, Youth Council, Children’s Center, NGOs. Term: starting from 2002 Increasing the role of parents in the process of education through an association of school boards, and ensuring parent participation in training programs and projects. Resource: Youth Activities Department, school boards and school administrations, NGOs Term: 2003/2005 Encouraging the activities of the scientific research clubs, organizing scientific conferences with national and international participation. Resource: Research and Development Center, educational institutions, Bulgarian Scientists’ Club – branch Dobrich, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Institute for Wheat and Sunflower. Term: 2002-2006 Announcing fellowships and scientific competitions that will add to the image of Dobrich as a commercial, exhibition and tourist place. Resource: Bulgarian Scientists’ Union - branch Dobrich, entrepreneurs, NGOs, business circles Term: 2006 Raising the role of schools for training in computer literacy through computer laboratories. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, Ministry of Education and Science, school boards and administrations Term: 2002-2003 Research and implementation of best educational and training practices form Europe and the world; participation of educational institutions in joint projects with partners from other countries. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, Departments of the Ministry of Education and Science, Regional office of Ministry of Education and Science, national and foreign projects. Term: 2003</p><p>Middle-term: Usage and development of the university property – the buildings of the Medical college. Resource: District administration, Municipality of Dobrich, academic units Term: until 2010 Establishing of an autonomous high school in Dobrich. Resource: District administration, Ministry of Education and Science, academic structures, NGOs Term: until 2010 Dobrich 2020 48 Preparation and implementation of a program for life-long learning through flexible educational forms, qualification and re-qualification. Resource: Youth Activities Department, schools, academic structures, Labor Office, employers’ organizations. Term: 2006, 2008, 2012, 2016. Financing reliable research projects providing return of investments. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, SU – branch Dobrich, private entrepreneurs Term: 2007-2000 Municipal information center for programs and projects in the educational sphere and development of school libraries as information units. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, Social development club, Municipal Library “Dora Gabe”, schools Term: 2006-2012 Opening of a kindergarten for children with speech problems Resource: YAD, Municipality of Dobrich, the local inspectors’ office of MES Term: 2008</p><p>B. Culture</p><p>“Culture – back to the future”</p><p>Short-term: Preserving the network of cultural institutions and activities and its gradual adjustment to the new market and social reality. Transforming the “Dora Gabe” Library into a modern informational, educational and cultural institute; Resource: municipal budget, projects and programs of national and international donors. Term: 2002-2020 Preserving the Museum of History – Dobrich as a research institute and a modern center for cultural communication, education and entertainment. Resource: budget financing, earmarked resources from approved projects, revenue from economic activities, sponsorship and partnership. Term: 2002-2020 Finding a permanent solution to the problem of housing the Museum of History; moving the museum into a building providing enough space for a permanent exhibition and storage of the museum’s stock. Resource: municipal budget and projects Term: 2006 Community art center “Yordan Yovkov” – a multi-purpose cultural and educational institute Resource: municipal budget, Ministry of Culture and revenue from events Term: 2005 Finding a permanent solution to the problem of property ownership, maintenance and reconstruction of the Art Gallery, and developing its activities as an organizer of curator’s projects for national and international exhibitions. Resource: Union of Bulgarian Artists, District administration, Artists’ societies, Ministry of Culture, private entrepreneurs. Term: 2006 Dobrich 2020 49 Broadening the scope of impact of classical music through preserving professional and amateur groups. Resource: municipal budget, revenue from concerts and other events, as well as from national and international programs. Term: 2002-2020 Professional folk ensemble “Dobrudja” – a multi-purpose center for learning, preserving and popularizing the folklore of Dobrudja. Resource: budget, projects, and grants Term: 2002-2020 Encouraging the activities of children’s and youth folk ensembles, groups, and orchestras of schools and cultural institutions. Resource: Dobrich municipality, Culture Department, Ministry of Education and Science, projects, programs. Term: 2002-2020 Long-term program for introducing European spiritual values and cultural achievements. Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, Ministry of Culture, international projects. Term: 2003 Turning the Brass band into one of the most popular music performers in the town, the region and the country, popularizing the art of music Resource: Municipality of Dobrich, sponsors, revenue from performances Term: 2002-2020 Construction of a modern sound-recording studio in Concert Hall “Dobrich”. Resource: Ministry of Culture, municipality, entrepreneurs. Term: 2005 Hosting the national competition for young ballet dancers “Atanas Petrov”. Resource: municipality budget, SMTD, projects, independent cultural societies. Term: 2005 Raising the national and international importance of the traditional Yovkov’s literature festival and the literature festival “Dora Gabe”. Resource: projects Term: 2003-2020 Publishing a newspaper for the cultural events and the intellectual life in Dobrich – published by the writers’ society. Resource: municipality, projects Term: 2003 Setting up a national literature award “Yordan Kruchmarov”. Resource: Municipality, writers’ society, sponsors. Term: 2005 “Svoboda” squire – an attractive venue for active cultural life and social contacts. Resource: municipal budget, cultural institutions Term: 2003-2004 Updating and development of the programs concerning integration links with “Albena” resort, “Golden Sands” resort and other companies from the tourism industry. Resource: municipality, cultural institutions, and entrepreneurs. Term: 2002-2020 Defining the relations between culture and tourism in the framework of the project “Via Pontica”. Dobrich 2020 50 Resource: municipalities in the district, Ministry of Culture, “Albena” resort, cultural institutions, projects. Term: 2004 Raising the image of festivals and cultural initiatives of international significance: International youth music festival “Hopes, talents, masters” – Dobrich - Albena International youth festival “Folklore without borders” – Dobrich – Albena European pop-rock competition “Sarandev” International exhibition “The paper” Festival of chamber music “The music of May” Resource: projects, Municipality of Dobrich, own revenue Term: 2002-2020</p><p>Medium-term: Preserving the architectural and ethnographic outdoor museum (AEOM) “Old Dobrich”; accomplishing the third stage of its construction and development as a place for cultural, historic and alternative tourism. Resource: municipality of Dobrich, donor programs, and private partnerships. Term: 2008-2015 Drama Theater “Yordan Yovkov” – a center for performing art. Resource: Ministry of Culture, Municipality of Dobrich, cultural institutes, and cultural societies. Term: 2007 Establishment of cultural-information centers in the neighborhoods as a means for affiliation of ethnic communities. Resource: municipality, NGOs, foreign programs Term: 2007 Folk festival of ethnic cultures in Dobrudja. Resource: municipality, NGOs, projects, sponsors Term: 2007 Re-establishment of the children’s club for brass and percussion instruments. Resource: municipality, projects Term: 2007 Construction of a new building for the Culture Club and its members. Resource: municipality, societies, and entrepreneurs Term: 2007</p><p>Long-term A complete renovation of the buildings and facilities with cultural functions. Resource: municipality, Ministry of Culture, structural funds Term: 2014, 2020 Working on a comprehensive cultural program for recreation and leisure activities of different age and social groups in St. George’s park. Resource: municipality, cultural institutions and entrepreneurs Term: 2013-2020 Dobrich 2020 51</p><p>VІ. Section “Public Safety and Crime Prevention”</p><p>“Laws exist in vain for those who do not have the courage to defend them.” T. Makolay</p><p> A coherent security and crime prevention policy must be based on prevention, law enforcement and mutual support The urban dweller is entitled to privacy in the home Crime prevention involves all members of the community A local urban security policy must be based on up-to-date comprehensive statistics and information An effective urban security policy depends upon close co-operation between the police and the local community A local anti-drug policy must defined and applied Programs for preventing relapse and developing alternatives to incarceration are essential Principles of the European Urban Charter</p><p> Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.</p><p>Universal Declaration of the Human Rights Dobrich 2020 52 Analysis of the present day situation</p><p>Crime and fear of criminal and anti-social acts have an exclusively painful effect on the life of our fellow citizens. The profound social and economic changes of the last years directly affect the security and the peaceful life of the people. The growing economic crisis, the unemployment and the fast impoverishment of population resulted in an increase in the crime rate. The social alienation and the everyday problems of the people, especially of marginal groups, lead to social aggressiveness. The permanent reforms in the criminal jurisdiction have decreased its efficiency and created a sense of impunity in the criminals, at the same time causing distrust towards the legal system. The efficiency of factors and institutions that used to prevent the antisocial behavior of the personality – the family, the school, children’s and youth organizations, the church – has fallen dramatically. The analysis of crime statistics shows that about 30-35% of the total number of criminal acts are done in the town – on the streets, squares, parking lots and other social places of Dobrich. The increase in the number of the heaviest crimes – organized crime, violence, robberies, thefts, etc. – is very alarming. Due to its proximity to Varna, to the Black Sea resorts and the border checkpoints, our town is very vulnerable in terms of drug abuse and drug traffic. It is well known that drug addicts themselves are a cause for the increase in crime rate. One of the most alarming trends is the decrease in the average age of drug addicts. A serious problem for Dobrich is the number of cases of theft, vandalism and burglary. There is an obvious necessity for coordination of the efforts of all public resources for control over crime and establishing conditions for reversing the trends.</p><p>Vision Statement: “Dobrich – a safe and peaceful town”</p><p>Mission: Carrying a consistent municipal policy for guaranteeing safety and preventing acts of crime; Ensuring efficient co-operation between police forces and the local community, its organizations and associations; Long-term strategy against drug abuse; Intolerance to anti-social behavior; Programs for social re-integration of offenders.</p><p>The fulfillment of this mission will ensure safety and peace for the population of Dobrich. This means that before anything else we should create an atmosphere of intolerance against antisocial acts and disturbance of peace. Restoring the trust and respect to the legal system as a whole will create the conditions for an active voluntary participation of the citizens and their associations in protecting the social order and preventing acts of crime. Improving the elements of the urban environment – development of abandoned places buildings in the residential districts, reconstruction and renovation of streets and street lighting will be combined with a palpable police presence in the suburbs and risk areas as well as a wide usage of electronic security systems. Consistent and target-oriented efforts towards more careful planning of the leisure time of children and young people will certainly be of great importance Dobrich 2020 53 for the crime prevention. The efficient activities of the police and the justice institutions will be synchronized with the permanent efforts for re-integration of the law offenders. We must focus our attention on the struggle against drug abuse, which involves prosecution and prevention (minimizing the opportunities for buying and selling drugs). One of the major tasks facing the local authorities – ensuring safety and peace for the citizens – largely depends on the balanced and efficient social and economic policies of the municipality, policies that will allow everybody to find their place and role in the community. However, the specific goals and tasks in this sphere are not an automatic consequence of the improved social environment. They require clearly defined, long term commitments of all structures and institutions on local level. They also require consistent and persistent efforts on behalf of each member of the society in the name of social and individual safety and peace.</p><p>Strategic goals: Provide conditions that will limit the threat of criminality to the community; Give the police a more central role in the system of security; guaranteeing the dignity of police staff ; Prevention of crime and drug-abuse through adequate social policies that can give everyone the opportunity of employment and a healthy environment; Close co-operation between the police and the local community (institutions, local authorities, citizens and associations) for prevention of crime and executing control over the criminal sector.</p><p>Major tasks: Short-term: Ensuring police presence and establishing reception offices in all neighborhoods of the town. Resource: Regional Police Office No 1 and municipality. Term: 2004-2004 Active campaign to teach the citizens how to safeguard private property – homes, offices, house yards, etc. Resource: Municipality, Regional Police Department No 1. Term: 2002-2004 Implementing the project “Citizens – Police. Public control and trust” among young people and the inhabitants of every neighborhood. Resource: Social Development Club, Municipality, Regional Police Department No 1 Term: 2002 Organizing security guard units in schools, kindergartens and other children’s institutions to protect children and prevent antisocial acts and criminal activities. Resource: Municipality, Education and Youth Activities Department, Regional Police Department No 1, and school boards. Term: 2003 Municipal programs to protect children against violence and young people’ integration in community life. Resource: Social Services Office, Education and Youth Activities Department, NGOs. Term: 2002-2005 Put into action the program for preventive strategies against mental violence in destructive cults (religious and non-religious), in cooperation with lecturers from Secondary School “St. Climent Ohridski”. Resource: Education and Youth Activities Department Dobrich 2020 54 Term: 2002-2003 Establish an information system to improve work with children at risk. Resource: Education and Youth Activities Department, pedagogic advisors, school boards, Anti - violence and drugs committee. Term: 2002-2005 Work up and approve a program for co-operation with the Roma community and its associations on crime prevention. Resource: Municipality, Police Department, Roma organizations. Term: 2003-2005 Establish daytime centers with parents training programs. Resource: Social Services Office Term: 2004 Provide schools with health kits to assist teachers of various subjects in their health promotion activities. Resource: Municipality, Education and Youth Activities Department, Institute for Hygiene. Term: 2002-2003 Work up a program to integrate children without shelter in ordinary family environment. Resource: Social Services Office. Term: 2003 Providing adequate conditions for young parents to combine employment with childcare. Resource: Social Services Office Term: 2004-2005 Qualification and re-qualification of young marginalized people, mostly Roma with a very low educational level, and direct them to companies to employ them. Resource: Municipality, NGOs, Labor Office Term: 2003-2006 Restoration and modernization of sports facilities in schools, kindergartens and neighborhoods to provide opportunities for sports activities to children and young people. Resource: Municipality, Education and Youth Activities Department, sports clubs, NGOs Term: 2002-2020 Reconstruction of residential blocks in “Petar Sariyski” district – Railway station “Sever” and rent the flats to young families. Resource: Municipality Term: 2005 Organizing an exhibition of youth’s art “Join us against drugs” (exhibitions of young artists and fashion designers, open stages for music bands, school drama clubs, etc.) Resource: Youth Club Home, Community Art Center “Y. Yovkov”, schools, cultural institutions Term: 2002-2008 Intensive security activities aiming at protecting the property and life of the citizens (using the services of private security companies too). Resource: Police, citizens, security companies Term: 2002-2012 Establishing structures for interrelation between authorities like the police, the court, the prosecutor’s office, civil associations and NGOs, political parties, in order to attenuate the criminal environment and to prevent crime activities. Resource: Municipality and police in cooperation with all institutions and the citizens. Dobrich 2020 55 Term: 2003-2020 Renovating abandoned places and buildings in the neighborhoods which provoke criminal activities. Resource: Municipality, police in co-operation with citizens, NGOs Term: 2002-2020 Providing lodging for young people – orphans, brought up in orphanages around the country until completing the age of 18. Resource: Municipality, Social Services Office Term: 2002-2020 Executing severe control over the activities of commercial and catering establishments serving liquor and tobacco products to under 18s. Resource: Municipality, Regional Police Department No 1. Term: 2002-2020 Sustainable development of the Municipal Council for prevention of drug abuse and drugs control. Resource: Municipality, Police, NGOs, international programs Term: 2002-2020 Motivate young people for a life free of drugs through providing information on health and opportunities for a healthier life. Resource: Schools, cultural institutes, Institute for Hygiene, medical institutions, religious institutions, NGOs. Term: 2002-2020 Educating parents, teachers and medical staff for preventing drug abuse among children Resource: Schools, Institute for Hygiene, health institutions Term: 2002-2020</p><p>Medium-term Designing an anti-crime information system for the institutions in the municipality Resource: Council of Ministers, Court, Prosecutor’s office, Municipality Term: 2008 Measures and programs for prophylactics of recidivism and re-integration of offenders into the community Resource: Monitoring Committee, Social Services Office, Court, prosecutor’s office, NGOs Term: 2006-2008</p><p>Long-term Establishing a center for help for the victims of crime or violence Resource: Social Services Office, NGOs Term: 2015 Dobrich 2020 56</p><p>DOBRICH 2020</p><p>Steering Committee</p><p>1. Chairman: Lachezar Rossenov, Mayor 2. Members: Toshko Stoev, Vice Mayor Boriana Stancheva, Arch. Chief Architect Milen Chalakov, Arch. First Vice Mayor Luibomir Sivkov Vice Mayor Sultanka Mincheva Vice Mayor</p><p>3. Staff: Pravda Dimova</p><p>Leading Consultants: T. Phillip Dunlap, Economic Development Director Auburn, AL Edward Gardner Assistant Economic Development Director Auburn, AL FLGR, Sofia Dobrich 2020 57</p><p>Twenty major goals and projects in Dobrich 2020</p><p>/not listed in order of importance/</p><p>1. Dobrich – a busy economic, commercial and trade-fair center. 2. Building a covered fruit and vegetables market and micro-markets in the neighborhoods. 3. Setting up a Seed exchange 4. Modernization of enterprises for consumer goods, food products and agricultural machines. 5. Reaching a permanent solution of water-supply problems. 6. Sanitation and renovation of buildings. 7. Gas supply. 8. Building Green System in Dobrich. 9. Building a Center for protection of nature and animals. 10.Dobrich – a town with modern and well-maintained infrastructure. 11.Building a depot for solid waste and introducing at-source collection of waste. 12.Dobrich – a safe and quiet town. 13.Dobrich – a town of modern medicine. 14.Creating conditions for a healthy life and encouraging amateur sports activities of the citizens. 15.Dobrich – a town of equal opportunities for the different social, age and ethnic groups. 16. Accessible, modern, high-quality, continuing education. 17.Dobrich – an academic and scientific center. 18.Dobrich – a town of intense cultural life, a host for national and international festivals. 19.Dobrich – frequented by tourists. 20.Dobrich – a town with a modern transportation and communications center. Dobrich 2020 58</p><p>Instead of a conclusion…</p><p>Dobrich 2020 is an effort to outline a possible long-term future for our town. In a specific way, it combines detailed projects and goals with more general principles and ideas. The majority of the proposed initiatives fall into a relatively short period of time – the next 5-10 years. That is not surprising, for the plan is realistic enough and is based on facts, processes and activities that already exist and influence the life of the citizens. On the other hand, it is not easy to see beyond the horizon of the financial, legal and even psychological barriers put by the present day. Time will inevitably make some corrections in our forecasts, reflecting the changes in the economic and social development. In this respect, the plan is open for suggestions and projects. Still, its guiding line and the modern approach to important issues are useful and necessary for the steering and the development of the town. And the most important is: Dobrich 2020 convinces us that the future of our town will be good only if we, its citizens, want that to happen; only if we, the citizens, manage to join our efforts, our energy and faith in the name of a better and worthier life.</p>
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