<p>American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 1 American History Lesson Plan – The Americans by Danzer, Klor De Alva, wilson, and Woloch (McDougal Littell – 1998)</p><p>Chapter #: 12 Chapter Title: Reconstruction and Its Effects Pages: 348-375 </p><p>Unit Beginning Date: January 27, 2004 Ending Date: January 30, 3004 </p><p>Teacher: Grade/Class American History 9 BEFORE YOU TEACH TEACHER QUESTIONS</p><p>1. Establish Purpose: why are the kids doing this chapter/lesson/video? a. What level of comprehension do students need to have when they finish reading? (See the attached Bloom’s Taxonomy – p. 5.)</p><p>Level of understanding: Learn New Content: Comprehension </p><p> b. What do students need to do with the information while they read or after they read?</p><p>While: 2-Column notes/ CE Graphic Org/ C/C chart Tenant v. sharecropper </p><p>After: Graphic Organizer: Key Concepts </p><p> c. How will you structure the lesson for your students to maximize success?</p><p>MODEL ACTIVITY: (1) Vocab in context (2) notes for 1 st section </p><p>SCAFFOLDED INSTRUCTION: (1) Preview chapter together (Title, </p><p> timeline, Intro p. 350 Conclusion p. 373, Subtitle and Captions) </p><p>(2) Summarize “Big Idea” before reading (3) Jigsaw reading </p><p> d. What materials do you need to provide the students so they are successful?</p><p>Guided Note Taking BIG IDEA notes page </p><p>Graphic Organizers (prior knowledge, vocab frame) </p><p>2. Ask Questions: What vocabulary might be a barrier? What concept vocabulary do I need to pre-teach:? reconstruction, allegiance, compliance, </p><p> radical, moderate, black codes, impeachment, suffrage, home rule </p><p> a. Context Vocabulary examples:</p><p>SCALAWAGS p. 357 DIVERSIFYING p. 365 (model) </p><p>CARPETBAGGERS p. 358 American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 2</p><p>3. Estimate Student Rate (p. 8)</p><p> a. Purpose: Comp/Applic Level of Comprehension (p. 5)</p><p> b. Task: 2 column notes HUG Answer Questions Seminar Discussion Quiz/Test Report Project Summary Other: </p><p> c. Text Difficulty Easy Moderately Difficult Difficult</p><p> d. Text Familiarity Very familiar Related to prior knowledge Brand new</p><p>The average student should be able to read these 27 pages in about 2 X 30 minutes. </p><p>WHILE YOU INTRODUCE THE CHAPTER/LESSON: ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT TODAY’S TOPIC</p><p>Access Prior Knowledge What do students already know about this topic? KWL (see attached full-size form) What do you already know? What do you think you know? What do you want to learn? see map to relate this info to civil war unit</p><p>PRE-TEACH VOCABULARY Key Concepts Vocab Frames ★ make flashcards ★ create a word wall ★ use word jars</p><p>Context Vocabulary OH Model p. 365 Diversifying ★ OH sample ★ Materials for the black or white board ★ Word Diary copies for students to record information American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 3 Vocabulary: Chapter 12 – Reconstruction and Its Effects</p><p>KEY CONCEPT VOCABULARY</p><p> reconstruction (348)</p><p> allegiance (351)</p><p> comply/noncompliance (352)</p><p> radical (351)</p><p> moderate (351)</p><p> black codes (352)</p><p> impeach/impeachment (354)</p><p> suffrage (355)</p><p> home rule (372)</p><p>CONTEXT VOCABULARY</p><p> scalawags (357)</p><p> carpetbaggers (358)</p><p>Model Context Vocabulary diversifying - p. 365</p><p>Instead of diversifying – or varying – their crops, Southern planters tried to make up for the lower prices by growing more cotton – which only drove down prices even further, creating a vicious cycle.</p><p>Diversifying means varying. </p><p>The author uses a restatement clue. If you look after the word “diversifying,” you will see a “ – or “ followed by the definition of the unknown word. American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 4 Vocabulary: Chapter 12 – Reconstruction and Its Effects</p><p>KEY CONCEPT VOCABULARY reconstruction (348) term for the US government plan for rebuilding the South economically and politically after the Civil War.</p><p> allegiance (351) loyalty</p><p> noncompliance (352) refusal to follow the laws or requirements set by the government</p><p> radical (351) someone with extreme political views</p><p> moderate (351) someone with non-extreme political views</p><p> black codes (352) laws that discriminated against former slaves</p><p> impeach (354) to formally charge a President of misconduct in office. If the president is impeached, the Congress must then vote whether to remove the President from office.</p><p> suffrage (355) the right to vote</p><p> home rule (372) the ability of states to run their own governments without the federal government getting involved and interfering</p><p>CONTEXT VOCABULARY scalawags (357) white Southerners who joined the Republican party; generally these men wanted to help the South and gain political office, but some wanted to enrich themselves as much as they could</p><p> carpetbaggers (358) Northerners who moved to the South, some who wanted to do good, some who wanted to help the South, and some who wanted to get rich</p><p>Model Context Vocabulary diversifying - p. 365</p><p>Instead of diversifying – or varying – their crops, Southern planters tried to make up for the lower prices by growing more cotton – which only drove down prices even further, creating a vicious cycle.</p><p>Diversifying means varying. </p><p>The author uses a restatement clue. If you look after the word “diversifying,” you will see a “ – or “ followed by the definition of the unknown word. American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 5</p><p>Vocabulary Frame</p><p>RE CON STRUCT ION</p><p> to build</p><p> political plan developed by the DESTROY US government to rebuild the South economically and politically after the Civil War</p><p>The politicians had a hard time agreeing how to do things as they started rebuilding the South after the Civil War. American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 6</p><p>Links: North and South: Before and During the Civil War KWL Prior Knowledge Map</p><p>A. Political problems and B. Social problems and differences differences</p><p>America Before and During the Civil War:</p><p>C. Economic problems and differences D. Physical destruction of the South</p><p>Predict: Will it be to get the country to agree on a reconstruction policy? Why or why not? American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 7</p><p>BEGIN THE CHAPTER Model for the students how to skim over the entire chapter to get the big idea. This is the S step of SQ3R (p. 9).</p><p>SQR1R2R3 Survey the entire chapter o title o graphics o introductory ¶s o concluding ¶s or summary o questions at end of chapter</p><p>PREDICT Make predictions about the content of the chapter: What is the big idea?</p><p>Do this as a class on the Big Picture OH </p><p>Have students copy notes onto their Big Idea handout </p><p>How is this information organized?</p><p>Cause/Effect Compare/Contrast Topical Chronological</p><p>Chronological </p><p>SQR1R2R3 Question: Have students turn each bold-faced heading into a question. The students should then read to find the answer to the question they’ve posed. Model this. If the heading is “Ancient Peoples Come to the Americas” then turn it into some logical questions: Who came to the Americas? How did theses people get to the Americas? Why did people come to the Americas? Where did the people come from?</p><p>SQR1R2R3 Read & Record: have the students record the answer to the questions they formed when they looked at the bold-faced heading. Read to find the answer to your question. (R1) Then students should record the answer (R2). One efficient way to record information is by using RAPT 2-column notes. However, you could have students take their notes in a graphic organizer that matches the content of the chapter.</p><p>Whatever you choose to do, you should ★ provide a template to the students before they begin, and ★ model how to decide what part of the text is important enough to write down. American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 8 This is an IMPORTANT TIME TO SCAFFOLD INSTRUCTION to make sure your at-risk students really understand what to do (p. 6). American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 9</p><p>MODEL “Record the answer to the question” The example here uses 2-column notes. ) You could also use a graphic organizer, a map, a timeline, etc. Or you could have the students HUG the text if they can write on the materials.)</p><p>Topic Main Idea / FIRES (Facts, Incidents, Reasons, Examples/Evidence, Statistics</p><p>ASSIGN THE READING 1. Review Purpose – “Remember that your purpose is to understand the three aspects of reconstruction: the politics, changing society, and the collapse.” </p><p>2. Review Rate – “You have to complete the assignment.”</p><p>3. Review what kids have to do WHILE they read. “As you read, you will need to</p><p> complete the section of the guided notes GO that is assigned to your group.”</p><p>Review what kids will have to do with the information AFTER THEY FINISH READING. “When you finish reading you will be asked to join a larger group and teach them about the section you read. Finally, you will present your group notes to the class. ” TIME PASSES...... AFTER THE STUDENTS FINISH READING Activities to extend, reinforce, and clarify the content. Chapter 12: Reconstruction 1. Have groups present their notes to the rest of the class. 2. The class members will complete their graphic organizers. 3. Chapter 12 – Framed paragraph assignment</p><p>Be sure to build in regular review (R3) time. American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 10</p><p>Jigsaw Activity T.E.A.M. – Together Everyone Achieves More</p><p>Before you begin this jigsaw co-operative group activity, you should have completed each of the following: Access prior knowledge with KWL Pre-teach Vocabulary, both concept and modeling of context Survey the entire chapter Write a “Big Idea” summary</p><p>Day 1 1. Divide the class into 8 groups of 4 members each</p><p>2. Explain the jigsaw activity to the class. -- Each group will be assigned a section of the chapter. -- The group will read the chapter and become experts on its contents. -- After the group of 4 has mastered the content, they will meet in groups of 8 with all the students who have read the same segment. -- Each group will have to select a questioner, a recorder, a time keeper, and a spokesman. QUESTIONER- turns each bold-faced heading into a question and makes sure the group is on task in finding the answer to the question RECORDER – takes legible and accurate group notes in the format required by the teacher TIME KEEPER – plans how much time the group has to spend on each section, watches the clock, and makes sure the group does not bog down SPOKESMAN - presents the information from the group notes to the group of 8 when the two groups merge</p><p>3. Assign sections of the chapter to the groups. Two groups of 4 will read and take notes on each segment. Allow students 40 minutes to read and take notes in this round. Collect the notes to review for accuracy. A. The Politics of Reconstruction, p. 350 to 355 B. Reconstruction Society, p. 356 to 362 C. Reconstruction of Society, p. 362 to 365 D. The Collapse of Reconstruction, p. 366 to 373 American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 11</p><p>Jigsaw Activity, p. 2</p><p>4. Materials For each student, provide note-taking materials SUGGESTED: Cornell style, 2-column notes</p><p>Day 2 5. Merge the students into groups of 8 so that all students who read the same segment are now together. Allow them 40 minutes to compare notes and to create a set of large group notes. (The questioner, timer, and recorder should keep their same roles. The presenter becomes the leader of this process.)</p><p>As the groups work, visit the groups to discuss comments you wrote on the notes when you reviewed their notes overnight. You want to be sure that the information they present to the entire class is accurate and what you expect.</p><p>6. The two presenters for each chapter segment will now present their large- group notes to the entire class. Students should have a place to record individual notes as they listen to the presentation.</p><p>Day 3 7. Provide the presenters with proper materials (overhead and pens, chalk, poster-paper) so they can present to the class. Allot 10 minutes for each large group presentation.</p><p>8. Collect all the students’ notes to check for accuracy and completeness. American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 12</p><p>Chapter 12 – Reconstruction and Its Effects Map: Key Concepts Guided Note Taking A. Political Reconstruction B. Reconstructing society Leniency Fixing destruction - - - - Punishment of South/rebels Politics - - - - Compensate former slaves - - New freedoms for former - slaves - America After - - the Civil War: - Political upheaval - - Reconstruction - - Economic problems - - - - -</p><p>C. Collapse of Reconstruction Violence vs. blacks Supreme Court rulings - - - North unsupportive - - Scandals and $ Crisis - - Home Rule - - - American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 13</p><p>Chapter 12 – Reconstruction and Its Effects Map: Key Concepts</p><p>A. Political Reconstruction B. Reconstructing Society Leniency Fixing destruction -Lincoln’s 10% plan -Battle scarred buildings, land -Johnson’s Presidential Recons. -Public Works programs Punishment of South/Rebels Politics -Radical Republicans -Scalawags (white Southerners) -Congressional Reconstruction -Carpetbaggers (Northerners) Compensate former slaves -No unity in Republican party -Freedmen’s Bureau Former Slaves -Civil Rights Act of 1866 -Freedom to travel, marry, vote, -14th Amendment America After read and write, form schools and -Reconstruction Act of 1867 churches Political Upheaval the Civil War: -Enter politics (Hiram Revels) -Johnson impeached Reconstruction Economic Problems -Grant elected -40 acres + mule -15th Amendment -Labor shortage -Civil Rights Act of 1875 -Sharecropping/Tenant farmers</p><p>C. Collapse of Reconstruction Violence vs. blacks Supreme Court rulings -Ku Klux Klan- -removing protections for blacks -Southern Democrats North unsupportive -Amnesty Act -Republicans abandon Reconstruction Scandals and $ Crisis -focus on national issues -fraud and bribery in Grant’s administration Home Rule (Credit Mobilier; Whiskey Ring) -laws take away rights of freed slaves, -Panic of 1873 collapsed stock market and closed banks slash taxes, dismantle schools American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 14</p><p>KWL Chart: Access Prior Knowledge</p><p>What do you already know? What do you think you know? What do you want to learn? American History Lesson Plan- Reconstruction 15</p><p>SQ3R - Reading Efficiently</p><p>S = Survey/Skim . Preview the entire assigned reading. (Skimming Rate) o Think about the chapter title; access prior knowledge. o Carefully read the introduction to the chapter. o Read the bold-faced headings. o Skim the whole chapter, especially the first sentences of each paragraph, illustrations, graphics, etc. o Carefully read the summary at the end of the chapter.</p><p>Q – Question . Ask a question about each bold-faced heading. Ex: CAUSES OF THE DEPRESSION What caused the depression? How many causes are there? . Improve comprehension by 50% by focusing on finding the answer. . Make predictions about what information the section will contain.</p><p>R = Read . Read slowly and carefully IF your purpose is complete understanding AND the material is unfamiliar. (Study Rate) . Read more quickly IF your purpose is to find the main idea OR you are already familiar with the topic. (Average Rate) . Be on the lookout for the answers to the questions you asked. . Read critically; in other words, don't accept everything at face value.</p><p>R = Recite . Answer the questions as you read. o Use the SKRAWL (characteristics of good notes). o Create RAPT, HUG, Map, or a Graphic Organizer notes. . Participate in a discussion.</p><p>R = Review . Summarize in your own words as soon as you finish reading. . Review on a regular basis (next day, next week, next month). . Test yourself by studying aloud with a partner. American History Lesson Plan : Reconstruction 16</p><p>What’s the big idea? Write a summary of the chapter’s big idea after you survey the chapter:</p><p>American History Lesson Plan : Reconstruction 17</p><p>RAPT Notes Sheet Name: </p><p>Subject: DATE: Page: R = Read the paragraph/Listen to the lecture. A = Ask questions. • What's it about? (Topic/Table of Contents) • What is the author/lecturer saying about the topic? (MI/FIRES) P = Put it in your own words using SKRAWL2 T = Test yourself TOPIC/Table of Contents MI/FIRES (Facts, Incidents, Reasons, Examples/Evidence, Statistics) (What's it about?) (What is the author/lecturer saying about the topic?)</p><p>American History Lesson Plan Reconstruction 18</p><p>Subject: Date: Page: TOPIC/Table of Contents MI/FIRES (Facts, Incidents, Reasons, Examples/Evidence, Statistics) (What's it about?) (What is the author/lecturer saying about the topic?)</p><p>American History Lesson Plan Reconstruction 19</p><p>Chapter 12 – Reconstruction and Its Effects</p><p>Name: Date: Hour: Now that we have finished reading and studying the chapter on Reconstruction, I want you to write an informative summary. Please keep it brief and original (in your own words). </p><p>1. Your summary must begin with an introduction (3 points), written in your own words.</p><p>2. Your second paragraph explains, in an interesting and informative manner, one of the three different aspects of Reconstruction: political reconstruction, social reconstruction, or the collapse of reconstruction. In your explanation, use the following terms. Underline each term the first time you use it.</p><p>Choice #1: Choice #2: Choice #3: Radical Republicans Scalawags Ku Klux Klan Congressional Reconstruction Carpetbaggers Southern Democrats Freedman’s Bureau Sharecropping Amnesty Act Impeachment Tenant farmers Panic of 1873 Civil Rights Act 1875 40 Acres + mule Home Rule</p><p>Score: 5 terms = 10 points, 4 terms = 8 points, 3 terms = 6 points 2 terms = 4 points, and 1 terms = 2 points</p><p>3. Your summary must end with a conclusion (3 points) written in your own words.</p><p>Bonus: 2 points if you type your summary. Attach the printout to this sheet.</p>
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