<p> High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet </p><p>Dance Team Tryout Packet </p><p>1 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet </p><p>Dear Parents/Guardian,</p><p>Your child has expressed an interest in becoming a member of the Desty Darling Dance Team. If she is selected, there are certain responsibilities and obligations that she must assume in order to qualify to try out for and remain a member of the dance team. </p><p>The attached pages contain the dance team tryout information. Any questions please email the sponsors at [email protected] or [email protected]. </p><p>Please note that the tryout permission form, the insurance information form, and the medical history/physical form must be completed and turned in before your child will be allowed to participate in any part of the tryout process. Students must also turn in a copy of their last report card. All students should return all completed paperwork to the sponsor on the first day of the clinic. If we have not received your child's paperwork by the first day of the tryout clinic, she will not be allowed to participate and will be sent home.</p><p>You will also find teacher recommendation forms attached. Your child should distribute one form to each of her first semester teachers (DHS) as soon as possible. Eighth grade students need one from each of their present teachers. Have the teacher return it to student in a sealed envelope with their initials on the seal or send to me through e mail or courier. We must receive a completed teacher recommendation form from each of your child's teachers in order for her to be eligible to try out.</p><p>Students in the past have received many beneficial experiences from the dance team, and we hope that this experience will be enriching and worthwhile for your child as well.</p><p>Thank you,</p><p>Micque Voges</p><p>Hailee Weber</p><p>2 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet </p><p>Please read the entire application packet then both the candidate and the parent/guardian must sign the permission slip and required forms. The forms must be completed in order for the candidate to tryout. </p><p>IMPORTANT DATES All forms due: Wednesday, March 8, 2017</p><p>Tryout Clinic: Wednesday, March 8, 2017, Thursday, March 9, 2017 3:45 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.</p><p>Tryouts: Friday, March 10, 2017 3:45 p.m. until…</p><p>New Member Parent Meeting: Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. </p><p>First Practice: Monday, April 3th at 3:30 p.m.</p><p>Dance Team Kiddie Camp **Mandatory** June 5th – June 9th</p><p>UDA Dance Camp **Mandatory** June 1st –June 4th Hilton in New Orleans</p><p>REQUIRED PAPERWORK 1. All participants must have obtained a “C” average to tryout. Candidates must provide a copy of their own report card. 2. All forms must be completed, signed by a parent/guardian and turned in Wednesday, March 8, 2017. 3. All fees owed must be paid by the day of tryouts. Students will not be allowed to try out if fees are not paid. </p><p>3 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet </p><p>PROCEDURES: Candidates must be checked in by 3:45 p.m. Candidates should warm up on their own. Do not be late. If you are not at school before tryouts begin, you will not be allowed to participate.</p><p>Please read carefully! Attendance is MANDATORY EVERYDAY OF TRYOUTS unless otherwise cleared by the directors. If you are absent or tardy during the week of tryouts, you will not be allowed to audition for the team. NO EXCEPTIONS.</p><p>Wednesday, March 8th (3:45-5:30) Turn in all completed and signed forms, application, copy of last report card, and copy of health insurance card. Please use the checklist in this packet! We will stretch extensively and work on required elements: various turns, leaps, jumps, etc. This day will focus on technique. May learn first few counts of routine.</p><p>Thursday, March 9th (3:45-4:30) Learn tryout routine.</p><p>FRIDAY, MARCH 10th (3:45- UNTIL) * Tryouts! This is the only day that tryouts will be held. </p><p>DRESS CODE: Candidates must adhere to all dress codes set by the sponsors which are approved by the principal during the tryouts. On Wednesday and Thursday of tryout week, we ask that you wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes with white soles or goreboots.</p><p>On Friday, tryout day, you will need to wear black shorts with biker shorts underneath; a plain fitted white t-shirt, and white tennis shoes or jazz shoes. Your hair should be securely pulled back in a ponytail. You may not wear nail polish, body glitter, excessive makeup, or jewelry (except for stud earrings). You will be given a tryout number to wear during your audition. Remember, your appearance is the first impression the judges will have of you!</p><p>Current Destys who will tryout on Friday are not allowed to wear Desty attire at all during the week of tryouts.</p><p>NOTES 1. Tryouts will be held before a qualified panel of judges who have no former associations with any participants or the sponsors. 2. Selection of the dance team will be based on the skill scores from tryouts and teacher recommendations. 3. When tryouts are completed, all participants will be dismissed. All participants must leave the school premises. The list of dance team members will be available via the school website no later than 9:00 p.m. </p><p>PARENT MEETING/UNIFORM INFORMATION 1. There will be a meeting for all newly selected dance team members and their parents on Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. 2. All members will have expenditures. This includes camp fees, clothing, shoes and other supplies deemed necessary by sponsors. </p><p>PRACTICE 1. The first practice for the Dance Team will be held on Monday, April 3, 2016. 2. Regular after school practices will be through the remainder of the school year. Those dance team members who ride the bus will be dismissed to ride the activity bus. </p><p>4 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet </p><p>Dance Team Tryout Score Sheet</p><p>Candidate Number: </p><p>SKILLS DEMONSTRATION: Kicks 5 Splits 5 Toe Touch 5 Leaps 5 Turns 5 </p><p>ROUTINE: Projection 15 Technique 20 Memory 15 Overall Appeal 15 </p><p>FOR TABULATOR USE ONLY: Teacher Evaluation 10 </p><p>TOTAL: 100</p><p>5 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet </p><p>APPROXIMATE DANCE TEAM COSTS</p><p>The following is a list of possible expenses that may be incurred. Not all activities and/or items may relate to each squad. We do host several fundraisers throughout the year to help with the costs. This is simply a guideline of the approximate cost of being a dance team member. </p><p>SUMMER CAMP 1. UDA Camp at Hilton in New Orleans ( Includes three nights with meals.) $424.00</p><p>UNIFORM (Please note: These are “new” item costs. Not all dance team members need all of the following) Daytime Uniform-briefs $215.00 Varsity Warm up Suit embroidered with logo front and back and name $140.00 Desty Varsity Jacket $125.00 White Nancy Boots $45.00 Practice Desty Bag embroidered with logo and name $30.00 Nighttime Bag embroidered with logo and name $45.00 Garmet Bag embroidered with logo and name $28.00 TOTAL UNIFORM COST ESTIMATE $1068.00</p><p>All Members Practice uniforms- shorts, shirts, dance shorts, Adidas pants, jersey $195.00 Nike Tennis Shoes $75.00 Accessories- rhinestone earrings, rhinestone ponytail clips, embroidered hair $65.00 ribbons, rhinestones Nighttime Uniform/ Poms Rental $80.00 White long sleeved top to wear under both Daytime and Nighttime uniforms $15.00 Rain Jacket $10.00</p><p>OTHER COSTS Team Technique Classes $25.00 monthly Jazz shoes, stockings-regular and fishnets, sports bras Black high top Converse</p><p>Competition Fees-Includes State and National Costs- Travel costs, Entry fees, $1500.00 Choreography fees, Costumes, and Studio rentals. Sponsorship money covers a large portion of these expenses.</p><p>The total maximum approximate cost is based on students buying every item listed above. Most dance team members do not purchase all of the above items. </p><p>TOTAL (APPROXIMATE) DANCE TEAM COSTS $1500.00 </p><p>6 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet </p><p>Criteria Officers *Captain: must be a junior or senior, must have been a member of the dance team for two consecutive years prior to trying out for an officer position. * Co-Captain: must be a junior or senior, must have been a member of the dance team for two consecutive years prior to trying out for an officer position. *Lieutenant: can be a sophomore, junior, or senior, must have been a member of the dance team for at least one year prior to trying out for an officer position. No officers may be involved in any other activity (including work) that will take precedence over dance team. Those interested in becoming an officer should consider the extra time commitment and responsibilities that accompany an officer position. </p><p>General Information Officer Tryouts will be closed and will take place right after team try outs. Scores will not be available for review. Officers may be determined by the following criteria: o Officer Essay and Interview o Team Tryout Score o Officer solo and choreography of a dance Tryouts Candidates for officers will be required to write an essay during the week of dance team tryouts. The essay will include information on the candidates’ goals and plans for the team. This will be scored using rubric at auditions. Officer interviews and auditions will take place after team tryouts. This portion of the tryouts will be in front of a panel of UDA judges. Tryouts may consist of the following components: 1. The judges will ask a series of dance related questions and will score the candidates on creativity, poise, communication, and knowledge using a detailed rubric. 2. The judges will score candidates using a rubric on choreography and performance of a solo and group dance.</p><p>7 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet </p><p>REQUIRED FORMS</p><p>The forms that follow must be SIGNED and returned before the first day of tryouts. </p><p>Please carefully read all material within this entire packet. By signing these forms, you are indicating that you have read and also agree to abide by all information contained within this document. </p><p>Application for Tryouts Physical Form Medical Insurance Form Teacher Rec Forms St. Charles Parish Consent Form</p><p>8 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet Dance Team Application/Permission Form for Tryouts</p><p>Dancer’s Name: ______Grade Level: ______Current School: ______Current Class Schedule: CLASS/TEACHER CLASS/TEACHER ______Parent Contact Information: Parents’ Names: ______Contact Phone Number: ______Email: ______</p><p>Participation Release Student Agreement - I ______am interested in being a member of the dance team. I understand the risks stated above. If selected, I promise to abide by the St. Charles Parish Dance Team Handbook and the rules and regulations set forth by the sponsor and the principal. I promise to cooperate and follow the instructions of the dance team sponsor. I agree to participate in all required activities if selected as a member. Student Signature: ______Date: ___/___/___</p><p>Parent Agreement My child, ______, has my permission try out to be a dance team member. I understand that all forms attached must be completed before the first day of tryouts, or my child will not be allowed to tryout. I understand that my child must attend all practices (unless excused by the advisor) and tryout sessions, or my child will not be considered for a cheerleading position. I understand that my daughter/son will be evaluated by qualified judges, and we agree to abide by the decision of the judges. I understand that, if selected, he/she must abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the sponsor, the principal, and the St. Charles Parish Dance Team Handbook. I understand that my child must be present for all practices and performances. I have read the rules and regulations and understand that the violation of any of these rules may lead to temporary or permanent suspension from the squad. I understand all costs, as stated by the sponsor, are my responsibility and I must meet all payment deadlines set by the sponsor. I understand by the very nature of the activity of dancing carries a risk of physical injury. No matter how careful the participant and sponsor are, the risk cannot be eliminated. The risk of injury includes minor injuries such as muscle pulls, dislocation, and broken bones. The risk also includes catastrophic injuries such as permanent paralysis or even death from landing or falls on the back, neck, or head. I understand these risks and will not hold the school or any of its personnel responsible in the case of accident or injury at any time. I agree to indemnify the school and its employees for any claim which may hereafter be presented by my child as a result of such injuries. In the event that I am unavailable for purposes of providing parental consent, I authorize the staff, hospital, or emergency care center affiliated with the school or school district to provide such hospital care that includes routine diagnostic procedures and medical treatment as necessary to my minor child. I understand that consent does not include major surgical procedures. Parent Signature: ______Date: ___/___/___</p><p>9 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet </p><p>10 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet MEDICAL INFORMATION</p><p>DO YOU HAVE A DISABILITY, ALLERGY, SPECIAL MEDICATION, OR OTHER MEDICAL CONDITION THAT YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL CARE? YES NO</p><p>IF YES PLEASE EXPLAIN BELOW.</p><p>PROOF OF MEDICAL INSURANCE</p><p>PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR INSURANCE INFORMATION BELOW</p><p>INSURED’S NAME: ______</p><p>NAME OF INSURANCE COMPANY: ______</p><p>POLICY NUMBER: ______</p><p>STREET ADDRESS: ______</p><p>CITY, STATE, ZIP:______</p><p>TELEPHONE: ______</p><p>IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY:</p><p>NAME: ______NAME:______RELATIONSHIP: ______RELATIONSHIP: ______DAYTIME PHONE: ______DAYTIME PHONE: ______EVENING PHONE: ______EVENING PHONE: ______CELL PHONE: ______CELL PHONE: ______</p><p>SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN: ______DATE: ______</p><p>A COPY OF YOUR INSURANCE CARD MUST BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THIS PAGE</p><p>11 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet Teacher Recommendation for Dance Team Tryouts </p><p>Student: These forms are to be presented to your first semester teachers (DHS) and all teachers (HHS). Please give one to every teacher. </p><p>Teacher: These confidential recommendations make up 30% of a candidate's tryout score. It is very important that you rate the student according to how YOU feel the student does and has done in YOUR class or classes. Please be honest. The forms will NOT be shared with the students. Thank you for your time and cooperation.</p><p>Please fill out each section, and return the form to the sponsor by ______. D o Not give the form to the student to return.</p><p>Name of candidate: ______Class(es) Taught: ______On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, please rate this candidate in each of the following areas: Poor Average Strong Profile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ability to get along with others Attentiveness in class</p><p>Willingness to help classmates Quality of work in or out of class Punctuality</p><p>General disposition/Attitude</p><p>Attendance record</p><p>Ability to accept criticism</p><p>Ability to represent our school well</p><p>Grand Total: </p><p>Teacher’s Name:______Teacher’s Initials______</p><p>12 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet </p><p>Teacher Recommendation for Dance Team Tryouts </p><p>Student: These forms are to be presented to your first semester teachers (DHS) and all teachers (HHS). Please give one to every teacher.</p><p>Teacher: These confidential recommendations make up 30% of a candidate's tryout score. It is very important that you rate the student according to how YOU feel the student does and has done in YOUR class or classes. Please be honest. The forms will NOT be shared with the students. Thank you for your time and cooperation.</p><p>Please fill out each section, and return the form to the sponsor by ______. D o Not give the form to the student to return.</p><p>Name of candidate: ______Class(es) Taught: ______On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, please rate this candidate in each of the following areas: Poor Average Strong Profile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ability to get along with others Attentiveness in class</p><p>Willingness to help classmates Quality of work in or out of class Punctuality</p><p>General disposition/Attitude</p><p>Attendance record</p><p>Ability to accept criticism</p><p>Ability to represent our school well</p><p>Grand Total: </p><p>Teacher’s Name:______Teacher’s Initials______</p><p>13 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet Teacher Recommendation for Dance Team Tryouts </p><p>Student: These forms are to be presented to your first semester teachers (DHS) and all teachers (HHS). Please give one to every teacher.</p><p>Teacher: These confidential recommendations make up 30% of a candidate's tryout score. It is very important that you rate the student according to how YOU feel the student does and has done in YOUR class or classes. Please be honest. The forms will NOT be shared with the students. Thank you for your time and cooperation.</p><p>Please fill out each section, and return the form to the sponsor by ______. D o Not give the form to the student to return.</p><p>Name of candidate: ______Class(es) Taught: ______On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, please rate this candidate in each of the following areas: Poor Average Strong Profile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ability to get along with others Attentiveness in class</p><p>Willingness to help classmates Quality of work in or out of class Punctuality</p><p>General disposition/Attitude</p><p>Attendance record</p><p>Ability to accept criticism</p><p>Ability to represent our school well</p><p>Grand Total: </p><p>Teacher’s Name:______Teacher’s Initials______</p><p>14 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet Teacher Recommendation for Dance Team Tryouts </p><p>Student: These forms are to be presented to your first semester teachers (DHS) and all teachers (HHS). Please give one to every teacher.</p><p>Teacher: These confidential recommendations make up 30% of a candidate's tryout score. It is very important that you rate the student according to how YOU feel the student does and has done in YOUR class or classes. Please be honest. The forms will NOT be shared with the students. Thank you for your time and cooperation.</p><p>Please fill out each section, and return the form to the sponsor by ______. D o Not give the form to the student to return.</p><p>Name of candidate: ______Class(es) Taught: ______On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, please rate this candidate in each of the following areas: Poor Average Strong Profile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ability to get along with others Attentiveness in class</p><p>Willingness to help classmates Quality of work in or out of class Punctuality</p><p>General disposition/Attitude</p><p>Attendance record</p><p>Ability to accept criticism</p><p>Ability to represent our school well</p><p>Grand Total: </p><p>Teacher’s Name:______Teacher’s Initials______</p><p>Teacher Recommendation for Dance Team Tryouts </p><p>15 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet Student: These forms are to be presented to your first semester teachers (DHS) and all teachers (HHS). Please give one to every teacher.</p><p>Teacher: These confidential recommendations make up 30% of a candidate's tryout score. It is very important that you rate the student according to how YOU feel the student does and has done in YOUR class or classes. Please be honest. The forms will NOT be shared with the students. Thank you for your time and cooperation.</p><p>Please fill out each section, and return the form to the sponsor by ______. D o Not give the form to the student to return.</p><p>Name of candidate: ______Class(es) Taught: ______On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, please rate this candidate in each of the following areas: Poor Average Strong Profile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ability to get along with others Attentiveness in class</p><p>Willingness to help classmates Quality of work in or out of class Punctuality</p><p>General disposition/Attitude</p><p>Attendance record</p><p>Ability to accept criticism</p><p>Ability to represent our school well</p><p>Grand Total: </p><p>Teacher’s Name:______Teacher’s Initials______</p><p>Teacher Recommendation for Dance Team Tryouts </p><p>16 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet Student: These forms are to be presented to your first semester teachers (DHS) and all teachers (HHS). Please give one to every teacher.</p><p>Teacher: These confidential recommendations make up 30% of a candidate's tryout score. It is very important that you rate the student according to how YOU feel the student does and has done in YOUR class or classes. Please be honest. The forms will NOT be shared with the students. Thank you for your time and cooperation.</p><p>Please fill out each section, and return the form to the sponsor by ______. D o Not give the form to the student to return.</p><p>Name of candidate: ______Class(es) Taught: ______On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, please rate this candidate in each of the following areas: Poor Average Strong Profile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ability to get along with others Attentiveness in class</p><p>Willingness to help classmates Quality of work in or out of class Punctuality</p><p>General disposition/Attitude</p><p>Attendance record</p><p>Ability to accept criticism</p><p>Ability to represent our school well</p><p>Grand Total: </p><p>Teacher’s Name:______Teacher’s Initials______</p><p>17 January 28, 2016 High School Dance Team Tryout Information Packet </p><p>18 January 28, 2016</p>
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