<p> OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER, CUSTOMS & CENTRAL EXCISE MANGAL PANDEY NAGAR: MEERUT-I - 250 005</p><p>Trade Notice No.: 05/Tech/M-I/2014 Dated : 28/03/2014</p><p>Subject: - Opening of offices during the week beginning 24 th March,2014– reg. </p><p>Attention of the Trade and Industry is invited towards the letter issued vide F.No. 296/42/2013-CX9 dated 14.03.2014 from the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Tax Research Unit, New Delhi regarding Opening of offices during the week beginning 24th March,2014. The copy of the aforesaid circular is enclosed herewith for information and necessary action. . </p><p>Accordingly, all Trade Associations/Chambers of Commerce, Member of Regional Advisory Committee (SSI Sector, Organized and Service Tax Sector) and field formations are requested to bring the contents of this Trade Notice to the knowledge of their constituent members and all concerned. </p><p>Encl: As above</p><p>(VINOD KUMAR SAXENA)</p><p>COMMISSIONER</p><p>CENTRAL EXCISE, MEERUT – I </p><p>C. NO. V(30) T/M-I/05/2014/ Dated: 03.2014 Copy to: - 1. The Chief Commissioner, Central Excise Meerut Zone, Meerut. 2. The Commissioner, Central Excise, Meerut-II, Ghaziabad & Noida. 3. The Joint Commissioner (P&V/Audit/Customs) Central Excise, Meerut-I. 4. The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise,Division-Meerut/Dehradun/ Saharanpur/Muzaffarnagar-I & Muzaffarnagar-II are directed to go through the above changes and compliance. 5. The Superintendent (Systems/Recovery/Customs/Adj./ServiceTax/Audit) Central Excise, Meerut-I 6. All members of the R.A.C. (SSI, Organized& Service Tax Sector) as per mailing list. 7. Notice Board. </p><p>Superintendent (Tech)</p><p>Central Excise, Meerut-I</p><p>Mailing list</p><p>Sl.No Name of the member (S/Shri) and Address</p><p>1 Surendra Pratap (President), Chamber Bhavan, Opp. Roadways Bus Chamber of Commerce and Stand, 194, Delhi Road, Meerut Industries</p><p>2 Pankaj Gupta, (President), Industries Association of Uttrakhand, Industries Association of Mohabewala Indl. Area, Dehradun Uttrakhand,</p><p>3 Arun Saraswat (President), Sidcul Padm Services, Block No.27, Sector 1B, Industrial Association, Hardwar Sidcul, Hardwar 249403</p><p>4 Shri Vivek Garg (President), Grand Toyota Mohabewala, Dehradun Uttrakhand Automobile Dealers 248001 Association</p><p>5 R K Jain Western U.P. Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bombay Bazar, Near Hanuman (Secretary), Western U.P. Chmber Chowk Meerut Cantt-250001 of Commerce and Industry</p><p>6 R K Jain Premier Rubber C- 4 & 5, Sports Goods Complex, Delhi (President), Indian Industries of Road, Associations Meerut 7 Sri Ravi Prakash Agarwal M/s Multi Max Engg. Works 1127/A.P.L. (President), Chamber of Sharma Road, Meerut Commerce & Industry, U.P.</p><p>8 Iqbal Ahmad Ansari , Exporters M/s Iqbal Ahmad Ansari & Brotheres, Association 12/1005, Bazdaran Street, Saharanpur.</p><p>9 Neel Kamal Puri, Federtion of Federation Bhawan, Industrial Estate, Muzaffrngar Commerce and Muzffrngar Industry</p><p>10 Sunil Kapoor, Indian Industries M/s Santoshi Steels (P) Ltd., Saharanpur Association, Saharanpur Chapter</p><p>OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER, CUSTOMS & CENTRAL EXCISE MANGAL PANDEY NAGAR: MEERUT-I - 250 005</p><p>Trade Notice No.: 04/Tech/M-I/2014 Dated : /02/2014</p><p>Subject: - Effective date for levy of Excise duty on Cigarettes at the enhanced rates vide Finance Act,2012-Clarification-Regarding. . </p><p>Attention of the Trade and Industry is invited towards the Circular No.981/05/2014- CX dated 11.02.2014 issued vide F.No. 345/01/2013-TRU dated 11.02.2014 from the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Tax Research Unit, New Delhi regarding Effective date for levy of Excise duty on Cigarettes at the enhanced rates vide Finance Act,2012-Clarification. The copy of the aforesaid circular is enclosed herewith for information and necessary action. . Further, this Circular can be downloaded directly from the departmental website www.cbec.gov.in. Accordingly, all Trade Associations/Chambers of Commerce, Member of Regional Advisory Committee (SSI Sector, Organized and Service Tax Sector) and field formations are requested to bring the contents of this Trade Notice to the knowledge of their constituent members and all concerned. Encl: As above</p><p>(VINOD KUMAR SAXENA)</p><p>COMMISSIONER</p><p>CENTRAL EXCISE, MEERUT – I </p><p>C. NO. V(30) T/M-I/05/2014/ Dated: 02.2014</p><p>Copy to: -</p><p>1. The Chief Commissioner, Central Excise Meerut Zone, Meerut. 2. The Commissioner, Central Excise, Meerut-II, Ghaziabad & Noida. 3. The Joint Commissioner (P&V/Audit/Customs) Central Excise, Meerut-I. 4. The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise, Division-Meerut/Dehradun/ Saharanpur /Muzaffarnagar-I & Muzaffarnagar-II are directed to go through the above changes and compliance. 5. The Superintendent (Systems/Recovery/Customs/Adj./Stt./ServiceTax/Anti- evasion/ Audit) Central Excise, Meerut-I 6. All members of the R.A.C. (SSI, Organized& Service Tax Sector) as per mailing list. 7. Notice Board. </p><p>Superintendent (Tech)</p><p>Central Excise, Meerut-I Mailing list</p><p>Sl.No Name of the member (S/Shri) and Address</p><p>1 Surendra Pratap (President), Chamber Bhavan, Opp. Roadways Bus Stand, Chamber of Commerce and 194, Delhi Road, Meerut Industries</p><p>2 Pankaj Gupta, (President), Industries Association of Uttrakhand, Industries Association of Mohabewala Indl. Area, Dehradun Uttrakhand,</p><p>3 Arun Saraswat (President), Sidcul Padm Services, Block No.27, Sector 1B, Sidcul, Industrial Association, Hardwar Hardwar 249403</p><p>4 Shri Vivek Garg (President), Grand Toyota Mohabewala, Dehradun Uttrakhand Automobile Dealers 248001 Association</p><p>5 R K Jain(Secretary), Western U.P. Western U.P. Chamber of Commerce and Chmber of Commerce and Industry Industry Bombay Bazar, Near Hanuman Chowk Meerut Cantt-250001</p><p>6 R K Jain (President), Indian Premier Rubber Industries of Associations C- 4 & 5, Sports Goods Complex, Delhi Road, Meerut</p><p>7 Sri Ravi Prakash Agarwal (President), M/s Multi Max Engg. Works 1127/A.P.L. Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Sharma Road, Meerut U.P.</p><p>8 Iqbal Ahmad Ansari , Exporters M/s Iqbal Ahmad Ansari & Brotheres, Association 12/1005, Bazdaran Street, Saharanpur.</p><p>9 Neel Kamal Puri, Federtion of Federation Bhawan, Industrial Estate, Muzaffrngar Commerce and Industry Muzffrngar</p><p>10 Sunil Kapoor, Indian Industries M/s Santoshi Steels (P) Ltd., Saharanpur Association, Saharanpur Chapter</p><p>OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER, CUSTOMS & CENTRAL EXCISE MANGAL PANDEY NAGAR: MEERUT-I - 250 005 Trade Notice No.: 03/Tech/M-I/2014 Dated : /02/2014 Subject: - Divergent practices of assessment with respect to compounded levy scheme applicable for smokeless tobacco products –reg. </p><p>Attention of the Trade and Industry is invited towards the Circular No.980/04/2014-CX dated 24.01.2014 issued vide F.No. 354/120/2011-TRU dated 24.01.2014 from the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Tax Research Unit, New Delhi regarding Divergent practices of assessment with respect to compounded levy scheme applicable for smokeless tobacco products. The copy of the aforesaid circular is enclosed herewith for information and necessary action. . Further, this Circular can be downloaded directly from the departmental website www.cbec.gov.in. </p><p>Accordingly, all Trade Associations/Chambers of Commerce, Member of Regional Advisory Committee (SSI Sector, Organized and Service Tax Sector) and field formations are requested to bring the contents of this Trade Notice to the knowledge of their constituent members and all concerned. </p><p>Encl: As above</p><p>(VINOD KUMAR SAXENA)</p><p>COMMISSIONER</p><p>CENTRAL EXCISE, MEERUT – I C. NO. V(30) T/M-I/05/2014/ Dated: 02.2014</p><p>Copy to: -</p><p>1. The Chief Commissioner, Central Excise Meerut Zone, Meerut. 2. The Commissioner, Central Excise, Meerut-II, Ghaziabad & Noida. 3. The Joint Commissioner (P&V/Audit/Customs) Central Excise, Meerut-I. 4. The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise,Division-Meerut/Dehradun/ Saharanpur/Muzaffarnagar-I & Muzaffarnagar-II are directed to go through the above changes and compliance. 5. The Superintendent (Systems/Recovery/Customs/Adj./ServiceTax/Audit) Central Excise, Meerut-I 6. All members of the R.A.C. (SSI, Organized& Service Tax Sector) as per mailing list. 7. Notice Board. </p><p>Superintendent (Tech)</p><p>Central Excise, Meerut-I Mailing list</p><p>Sl.N Name of the member (S/Shri) and Address o</p><p>1 Surendra Pratap (President), Chamber Bhavan, Opp. Roadways Chamber of Commerce and Bus Stand, 194, Delhi Road, Meerut Industries</p><p>2 Pankaj Gupta, (President), Industries Association of Industries Association of Uttrakhand, Mohabewala Indl. Area, Uttrakhand, Dehradun</p><p>3 Arun Saraswat (President), Padm Services, Block No.27, Sector Sidcul Industrial Association, 1B, Sidcul, Hardwar 249403 Hardwar</p><p>4 Shri Vivek Garg (President), Grand Toyota Mohabewala, Uttrakhand Automobile Dehradun 248001 Dealers Association</p><p>5 R K Jain(Secretary), Western Western U.P. Chamber of Commerce U.P. Chmber of Commerce and Industry Bombay Bazar, Near and Industry Hanuman Chowk Meerut Cantt- 250001</p><p>6 R K Jain (President), Indian Premier Rubber Industries of Associations C- 4 & 5, Sports Goods Complex, Delhi Road, Meerut</p><p>7 Sri Ravi Prakash Agarwal M/s Multi Max Engg. Works (President), Chamber of 1127/A.P.L. Sharma Road, Meerut Commerce & Industry, U.P.</p><p>8 Iqbal Ahmad Ansari , M/s Iqbal Ahmad Ansari & Exporters Association Brotheres, 12/1005, Bazdaran Street, Saharanpur.</p><p>9 Neel Kamal Puri, Federtion Federation Bhawan, Industrial of Muzaffrngar Commerce Estate, Muzffrngar and Industry</p><p>10 Sunil Kapoor, Indian M/s Santoshi Steels (P) Ltd., Industries Association, Saharanpur Saharanpur Chapter OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER, CUSTOMS & CENTRAL EXCISE MANGAL PANDEY NAGAR: MEERUT-I - 250 005</p><p>Trade Notice No.: 02/Tech/M-I/2014 Dated : 21/01/2014</p><p>Subject: - Implementation of decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of M/s Fiat India Ltd-regarding</p><p>Attention of the Trade and Industry is invited towards the Circular No.979/03/2014-CX dated 15.01.2014 issued vide F.No. 6/7/2012-CX-1 dated 15.01.2014 from the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, CBEC, New Delhi regarding Implementation of decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of M/s Fiat India Ltd. The copy of the aforesaid circular is enclosed herewith for information and necessary action. . </p><p>Further, this Circular can be downloaded directly from the departmental website www.cbec.gov.in. </p><p>Accordingly, all Trade Associations/Chambers of Commerce, Member of Regional Advisory Committee (SSI Sector, Organized and Service Tax Sector) and field formations are requested to bring the contents of this Trade Notice to the knowledge of their constituent members and all concerned. </p><p>Encl: As above</p><p>(VINOD KUMAR SAXENA)</p><p>COMMISSIONER</p><p>CENTRAL EXCISE, MEERUT – I </p><p>C. NO. V(30) T/M-I/05/2014/ Dated: 21.01.2014 Copy to: - 1. The Chief Commissioner, Central Excise Meerut Zone, Meerut. 2. The Commissioner, Central Excise, Meerut-II, Ghaziabad & Noida. 3. The Joint Commissioner (P&V/Audit/Customs) Central Excise, Meerut-I. 4. The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise,Division-Meerut/Dehradun/ Saharanpur/Muzaffarnagar-I & Muzaffarnagar-II are directed to go through the above changes and compliance. 5. The Superintendent (Systems/Recovery/Customs/Adj./ServiceTax/Audit) Central Excise, Meerut-I 6. All members of the R.A.C. (SSI, Organized& Service Tax Sector) as per mailing list. 7. Notice Board. </p><p>Superintendent (Tech)</p><p>Central Excise, Meerut-I Mailing list</p><p>Sl.No Name of the member (S/Shri) and Address</p><p>1 Surendra Pratap (President), Chamber Bhavan, Opp. Roadways Bus Chamber of Commerce and Stand, 194, Delhi Road, Meerut Industries</p><p>2 Pankaj Gupta, (President), Industries Association of Uttrakhand, Industries Association of Mohabewala Indl. Area, Dehradun Uttrakhand,</p><p>3 Arun Saraswat (President), Sidcul Padm Services, Block No.27, Sector 1B, Industrial Association, Hardwar Sidcul, Hardwar 249403</p><p>4 Shri Vivek Garg (President), Grand Toyota Mohabewala, Dehradun Uttrakhand Automobile Dealers 248001 Association</p><p>5 R K Jain Western U.P. Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bombay Bazar, Near Hanuman (Secretary), Western U.P. Chmber Chowk Meerut Cantt-250001 of Commerce and Industry</p><p>6 R K Jain Premier Rubber C- 4 & 5, Sports Goods Complex, Delhi (President), Indian Industries of Road, Associations Meerut 7 Sri Ravi Prakash Agarwal M/s Multi Max Engg. Works 1127/A.P.L. (President), Chamber of Sharma Road, Meerut Commerce & Industry, U.P.</p><p>8 Iqbal Ahmad Ansari , Exporters M/s Iqbal Ahmad Ansari & Brotheres, Association 12/1005, Bazdaran Street, Saharanpur.</p><p>9 Neel Kamal Puri, Federtion of Federation Bhawan, Industrial Estate, Muzaffrngar Commerce and Muzffrngar Industry</p><p>10 Sunil Kapoor, Indian Industries M/s Santoshi Steels (P) Ltd., Saharanpur Association, Saharanpur Chapter OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER, CUSTOMS & CENTRAL EXCISE MANGAL PANDEY NAGAR: MEERUT-I - 250 005</p><p>Trade Notice No.: 01/Tech/M-I/2014 Dated : 17/01/2014 Subject: - Extension of warehousing and acceptance of LUT in place of Bank Guarantee for export warehousing for status holder manufacturer Exporters-regarding</p><p>Attention of the Trade and Industry is invited towards the Circular No.976/10/2013-CX dated 12.12.2013 issued vide F.No. 201/14/2013-CX.6 dated 12.12.2013 from the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, CBEC, New Delhi regarding Extension of warehousing and acceptance of LUT in place of Bank Guarantee for export warehousing for status holder manufacturer Exporters. The copy of the aforesaid circular is enclosed herewith for information and necessary action. . </p><p>Further, this Circular can be downloaded directly from the departmental website www.cbec.gov.in. </p><p>Accordingly, all Trade Associations/Chambers of Commerce, Member of Regional Advisory Committee (SSI Sector, Organized and Service Tax Sector) and field formations are requested to bring the contents of this Trade Notice to the knowledge of their constituent members and all concerned. </p><p>Encl: As above</p><p>(VINOD KUMAR SAXENA)</p><p>COMMISSIONER</p><p>CENTRAL EXCISE, MEERUT – I </p><p>C. NO. V(30) T/M-I/05/2014/ Dated: .01.2014 Copy to: - 1. The Chief Commissioner, Central Excise Meerut Zone, Meerut. 2. The Commissioner, Central Excise, Meerut-II, Ghaziabad & Noida. 3. The Additional Commissioner (P&V/Audit/Customs) Central Excise, Meerut-I. 4. The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise, Division- Meerut/Dehradun/ Saharanpur/Muzaffarnagar-I & Muzaffarnagar-II are directed to go through the above changes and compliance. 5. The Superintendent (Systems/Recovery/Customs/Adj./Service Tax/Audit) Central Excise, Meerut-I 6. All members of the R.A.C. (SSI, Organized& Service Tax Sector) as per mailing list. 7. Notice Board. </p><p>Superintendent (Tech)</p><p>Central Excise, Meerut-I</p><p>Mailing list</p><p>Name of the Address Name of the Contact No. Email-address member (S/Shri) Association/ SSI Chamber/ Export</p><p>Surendra Pratap Chamber Bhavan, Opp. Chamber of 665365, 661039 chamberofcommercemrt2006 (President) Roadways Bus Stand, Commerce @yahoo.co.in 194, Delhi Road, Meerut and Industries Fax: 66419</p><p>Pankaj Gupta, Industries Association of Industries 0135-2640530 [email protected] (President) Uttrakhand, Association of Mohabewala Indl. Area, Uttrakhand, 0135- Dehradun 2643382(Fax) 9412050047</p><p>Arun Saraswat Padm Services, Block Sidcul 7351200027, [email protected] (President) No.27, Sector 1B, Sidcul, Industrial 01334-235484, Hardwar 249403 Association, 232121 (Fax) Hardwar</p><p>Shri Vivek Garg Grand Toyota Uttrakhand 0135-2643811- [email protected] (President) Mohabewala, Dehradun Automobile 13 248001 Dealers Association</p><p>R K Jain Western U.P. Chamber Western U.P. 9690509558 [email protected] of Commerce and Chmber of (Secretary) Industry Bombay Bazar, Commerce Near Hanuman Chowk and Industry Meerut Cantt-250001</p><p>R K Jain Premier Rubber Indian 0121- 2513799 [email protected] C- 4 & 5, Sports Industries of 0121-2533799 (President) Goods Complex, Associations Delhi Road, (Fax), Meerut 9837348884</p><p>Sri Ravi Prakash M/s Multi Max Engg. Chamber of 9837052743 [email protected] Agarwal Works 1127/A.P.L. Commerce & (President) Sharma Road, Meerut Industry, U.P. 0121-2663043 0121- 2440585(Fax) Iqbal Ahmad M/s Iqbal Ahmad Ansari Exporters 9412234033 [email protected] Ansari & Brotheres, 12/1005, Association Bazdaran Street, Saharanpur.</p><p>Neel Kamal Puri Federation Bhawan, Federtion of 9837032100 [email protected] Industrial Estate, Muzaffrngar Muzffrngar Commerce and Industry</p><p>Sunil Kapoor, M/s Santoshi Steels (P) Indian 0132-2725112- [email protected] Ltd., Saharanpur Industries 15, 9837033284 Association, Saharanpur Chapter</p>
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