<p> Assynt House Beechwood Park Inverness IV2 3BW Tel: 01463 717123 Fax: 01463 235189 Textphone users can contact us via Typetalk: Tel 0800 959598 www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk MINUTE of MEETING of the HEALTH and SAFETY COMMITTEE 19 May 2011 – 10.30 am Board Room, Assynt House</p><p>Present Ms Elspeth Caithness, Joint Chair Mrs Anne Gent, Director of Human Resources, Joint Chair Ms Pauline Craw, North Highland CHP (videoconference) Ms Anne Frame, Dental Services Mr Iain King, CSP Mr Derek Leslie, General Manager, Argyll & Bute CHP (videoconference) Mr Gordon Laurie, Dental Services Ms Una Lyon, Lead Nurse, Raigmore Mr Colin Shields, Health and Safety Adviser, Mid Highland CHP Mr Nigel Small, General Manager, South East Highland CHP</p><p>In attendance Ms Sara Crawshaw, Moving & Handling Manager Mr Alexander Featch, Fire Safety Adviser Ms Amanda Glen, Health & Safety Officer, deputising for Rosie McGee Mr Alastair McKenzie, Acting Estates Manager Mr Mark Middleton, Health & Safety Manager, Argyll & Bute, deputising for Fiona Campbell (videoconference) Ms Fiona Miller, Health & Safety Manager, North Highland CHP Ms Linda Rawlinson, Occupational Health Nurse Manager Mrs Diane Stark, Infection Control Mr Bob Summers, Head of Health & Safety Miss Irene Robertson, Board Committee Administrator</p><p>1 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES</p><p>Elspeth Caithness welcomed everyone to the meeting.</p><p>Apologies were received from Bill Brackenridge, Stephen Don, Fraser Brunton, Fiona Campbell, Mirian Morrison and Rosie McGee.</p><p>2 MINUTE OF MEETING HELD ON 17 FEBRUARY 2011 </p><p>The Minute of meeting held on 17 February 2011 was Approved subject to the following amendments:-</p><p> Gill McVicar to be included in the list of those present.</p><p> Page 5, item 5.3 Infection Control Report, last sentence - ‘blood collection system’ to be amended to ‘blood culture collection system’. 3 MATTERS ARISING </p><p>3.1 HSE Inspection / Visit – Action Plan</p><p>(a) Disposal of Clinical Waste</p><p>Bob Summers advised that one of the key actions arising from the HSE visit was an audit of waste disposal arrangements across the area. It was agreed that Brian Beattie, Portering and Operational Security Manager, would coordinate this exercise in liaison with the Operational Unit General Managers and Health and Safety Managers, with Site Managers responsible for undertaking audits of clinical waste on hospital sites. Discussion followed on health and safety walk rounds and a suggestion that these might be integrated into the Scottish Patient Safety Programme Leadership walk rounds. It was felt it would be more appropriate for health and safety to be integrated into the HEI walk rounds. Nigel Small reported on walk rounds undertaken within South East Highland CHP for which a pro forma had been devised. It was suggested this form might be adapted for use in other localities. Colin Shields reported on the work done to date within Mid Highland CHP based on the HEI pro forma with input from Estates. The need for a consistent approach was emphasised. It was agreed that further consideration would be given to how to progress this issue and provide clarity of roles and responsibilities in relation to walk rounds at local level. </p><p>The Committee Remitted to Mr Summers to take this forward. </p><p>(b) Formalin</p><p>Mr Summers confirmed that a process was now in place for the safe moving of Formalin. </p><p>(c) LPG</p><p>The work required to comply with the HSE recommendations had now been completed. There was some outstanding work to be done at Portree and Broadford. </p><p>(d) Prevention of Dermatitis</p><p>Mr Summers advised that there were three RIDDOR reportable incidents relating to dermatitis.</p><p>4 TOPIC SPECIFIC ITEMS</p><p>4.1 Occupational Health and Safety Strategy Framework</p><p>Anne Gent reported on the work of the national group, of which she was a member, which was overseeing the implementation of the Framework. Its key recommendations provided a steer to the Board, helping it to prioritise actions and integrate the underpinning principles of the Framework into its own policies and procedures. Linda Rawlinson was currently leading on the operational work that required to be done to progress the actions. There was a need for additional partnership working with the Health Improvement Team and Public Health, to promote staff health and well being and ensure all staff have access to appropriate support to improve and maintain their health. A report would be submitted to the next meeting of the Board which would update the Board on the current position and actions still to be taken to implement the Framework. </p><p>The Committee Noted progress with the implementation of the Framework and the ongoing work. </p><p>2 4.2 Health and Safety Strategic Implementation Plan</p><p>4.2.1 NHS Highland Health and Safety Rolling Work Programme 2011 – 2012 </p><p>Bob Summers spoke to the circulated draft Rolling Work Programme 2011 – 2012 which set out priorities for implementation at Corporate and at Operational level, the key areas being COSHH, fire safety and the management of contractors. In addition to these, the programme also supported the implementation of the four priorities identified in the Occupational Health and Safety Strategic Framework for NHSScotland –  Mental health and well being  Musculo-skeletal disorders  Aggression and violence  Slips, trips and falls </p><p>The Health and Safety Managers present agreed that the work plan provided a helpful structure for the development of the Operational Units’ work plans. The need was highlighted to ensure operational plans reflected Corporate priorities. </p><p>The Committee:</p><p> Agreed the Rolling Work Programme for 2011-2012 which would now be rolled out to the Operational Units.  Agreed to review its agenda to ensure it reflects the key areas of work as detailed in the Rolling Work Programme. </p><p>4.3 Fire Safety Policy for NHSScotland 2011 – CEL 11 (2011) </p><p>A copy of the Scottish Government Health Directorates Fire Safety Policy for NHSScotland issued under cover of CEL 11(2011) on 17 March 2011 had been circulated previously to the Committee. The Policy and associated Mandatory Requirements took immediate effect. Alastair McKenzie, Acting Estates Manager, and Alex Featch, Fire Safety Adviser, outlined the implications for Highland and advised that work was already underway to develop a revised local Fire Safety Policy and procedures that complied with the national guidance. </p><p>Mr McKenzie reported in detail on a fire that had occurred in premises outwith Highland, the findings of the subsequent FAI, the issues identified and the lessons to be learned from the incident. </p><p>It was agreed that Mr McKenzie and Mr Featch would prepare a report for the next meeting detailing actions taken/planned in response to the findings of the FAI and the ongoing work to ensure compliance with the national Fire Safety Policy and the Mandatory Requirements. The revised NHS Highland Fire Safety Policy would then be submitted for consideration and ratification. </p><p>The Committee:</p><p> Noted the Fire Safety Policy for NHSScotland and associated Mandatory Requirements and the implications for NHS Highland.  Agreed that the revised NHS Highland Fire Safety Policy would be submitted to the next meeting for ratification.  Agreed that a report would be prepared for the next meeting in response to the findings of the FAI, with recommendations for further action. </p><p>3 4.4 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)</p><p>Speaking to his circulated report Mr Summers recapped on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) visit in November 2010 and the action plan that was developed to implement the recommendations made in their report relating to compliance with the management and control of hazardous substances. During the course of another visit earlier this week, the HSE acknowledged the considerable work undertaken to date but indicated that further improvements needed to be made in respect of frontline controls. </p><p>Another area requiring improvement was health surveillance systems. A Health Assessment and Surveillance Procedure had been developed which had been endorsed by the HSE and which required to be implemented by the end of June. A copy of the Draft Procedure was circulated for the Committee’s information. It was acknowledged that some further work required to be done on the document to ensure it was fully comprehensive, Mr Summers would meet with relevant officers to take this work forward. However, as dermatitis had been highlighted in the HSE report as an area requiring attention it was suggested that the skin surveillance element of the procedure which included a questionnaire, should be circulated as soon as possible. It was proposed to remit this piece of work to the working group that had been established to look at skin care. Some concern was expressed about ensuring that all relevant staff received the questionnaire. It was agreed that the questionnaire should be issued with a covering letter to clinical wet workers, targeting in particular high risk groups. With regard to non-clinical staff who do some wet work, rather than sending them the questionnaire it was proposed to identify a superviser/responsible person to carry out the necessary health checks. This arrangement to be in place by the beginning of September.</p><p>The Committee:</p><p> Acknowledged the considerable work done to date to address the issues identified in the HSE report.  Agreed that the Health Assessment and Surveillance Policy could be issued subject to some further refinement.  Remitted to the working group to arrange for the issue of the skin care questionnaire and covering letter to relevant staff.  Noted the proposed skin surveillance arrangements to be implemented in respect of non-clinical wet workers. </p><p>4.5 Update on the Review of the Health and Safety Training Strategy</p><p>Mr Summers updated the Committee on progress with the development of the Health and Safety Training Strategy. LearnPro was one component of the Strategy. It was confirmed that the system had now been purchased, and a project manager had been appointed who would be responsible for rolling out the system and providing a link between NHS Highland and training providers. A draft training prospectus had also been developed with the aim of meeting the various different training and learning needs identified. The first step however was to review again whether statutory training requirements were all being met, within available resources. It was acknowledged that this was an evolving process and that there were a number of issues that would require to be addressed. </p><p>The Committee Noted the update. </p><p>4 4.6 Draft Working Time Regulations </p><p>There were circulated for information the Final Drafts (Version 5) of the Working Time Regulations (WTR) Policy and the Secondary Employment & Monitoring of Working Hours Policy. With regard to employees who had more than one job/employer, the Committee noted that responsibility lay with those individuals to ensure their combined hours did not exceed the working time limit and that the additional work undertaken did not impact adversely on their main employment with NHS Highland. </p><p>The Committee Noted the Final Draft Policies. </p><p>4.7 Moving and Handling Passport </p><p>In her circulated report, Sarah Crawshaw, Moving and Handling Manager, referred to the NHSScotland Manual Handling and Passport Scheme in which all Scottish NHS Boards are strongly encouraged to participate. The Passport aims to ensure consistency of manual handling education across NHSScotland, thus allowing staff to transfer these skills when moving between boards. Participation in the Passport sets a minimum standard against which Boards can be measured; it provides an opportunity for Boards to review their current arrangements and take appropriate action to ensure they meet the legal requirements for training and reduce the risks to staff, patients and others resulting from poor practice. </p><p>A number of actions were required to enable NHS Highland to achieve compliance with the standards. A training needs analysis and risk assessment would require to be undertaken to determine the competency levels of staff and the frequency of update training necessary. There was a need to review the way in which training is delivered, the aim being to move towards a work based approach, and to consider how LearnPro can best be used in conjunction with the practical training elements. It was suggested that key workers might extend their role to cover low risk areas, however this option would have significant resource implications. </p><p>Welcoming the national standards, the Committee agreed the need to monitor progress with implementation. It was suggested a report be prepared on a six monthly basis which would also reflect the work being progressed in relation to the Health and Safety Training Strategy.</p><p>The Committee:</p><p> Welcomed the national standards set in the Passport.  Noted the actions being taken/planned towards achieving compliance with the standards.  Agreed to monitor progress with implementation, a position report to be prepared on a six monthly basis. </p><p>4.8 Health and Safety Committee Annual Report </p><p>The Committee noted and agreed the content of its Annual Report April 2010 – March 2011. Mr Summers suggested that summary reports of the topics discussed at each meeting might be produced for dissemination, for example via ‘Highlights’, to keep staff informed of key health and safety issues. He also asked the Committee to consider reviewing its operation and performance on an annual basis to ensure it was fulfilling its remit. </p><p>The Committee:</p><p>5  Noted and Agreed the content of its Annual Report for 2010 – 2011.  Agreed the proposal to issue a summary of key issues discussed following each meeting of the Committee to keep staff abreast of relevant health and safety matters. </p><p>5 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES </p><p>5.1 Draft Workplace Risk Assessment Procedure </p><p>In presenting this and the other documents below, Mr Summers explained that the aim was to have one overarching Health and Safety Policy supported by all the necessary Procedures. </p><p>During discussion of the Draft Workplace Risk Assessment Procedure, the need for a clear, consistent definition of risk assessment was highlighted. To this end it was suggested that a generic risk assessment tool might be developed, based on the Risk Assessment Form included in the document. It was acknowledged that Fire Safety and Estates had their own specific risk assessment procedures which had to be followed. Mark Middleton reported on the risk assessment training module developed in Argyll & Bute. It was agreed that this learning should be rolled out across the area, a module would also be included in LearnPro. </p><p>The Committee Agreed the Draft Procedure for general use, acknowledging that there were specific risk assessment procedures to be adhered to in certain areas. </p><p>5.2 HSE Procedures </p><p>There was circulated Draft Engagement with Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Inspectors Procedure. Mr Summers clarified that members of staff involved in an inspection visit may have their Health and Safety representative with them during the process. With regard to unplanned or unannounced HSE visits, the document stated that the person receiving the Inspector must inform the Chief Executive, the Director of Human Resources and the Head of Health and Safety immediately. It was suggested that Mr Summers would be notified in the first instance of any such visits and he would escalate them to the Director of Human Resources and Chief Executive. This amendment to the procedure was agreed. </p><p>The Committee Agreed the Draft Procedure subject to the amendment discussed.</p><p>5.3 First Aid at Work Procedure </p><p>Mr Summers updated the Committee on the position, noting that a procedure was being developed. There remained an issue to be addressed relating to CEL payments. </p><p>The Committee Noted the position. </p><p>6 ADVISERS’ REPORTS</p><p>6.1 Clinical Governance and Risk Management</p><p>The following issues were raised in relation to Mirian Morrison’s circulated report:-</p><p>6  The number of incidents awaiting final approval.  The categorisation of incidents. It was felt that more analysis of the data was required, and that it would be helpful to provide some narrative detail in the quarterly reports issued to the operational units to give a clearer picture. </p><p>In Mrs Morrison’s absence, it was agreed that members should raise these and any other issues arising from her report directly with her outwith the meeting. </p><p>6.2 Facilities</p><p>Issues relating to CEL11 and COSHH risk assessment had been covered earlier in the meeting. It was intended that Facilities and Estates would meet with the Health and Safety Team on a regular basis to ensure all relevant issues were captured and addressed. </p><p>6.3 Infection Control Report</p><p>The Committee received and noted Diane Stark’s circulated report. </p><p>6.4 Occupational Health</p><p>6.4.1 Adviser’s Report </p><p>The Committee received Linda Rawlinson’s circulated report summarising progress in a number of areas. </p><p>6.4.2 NHS Highland Service Level Agreement for Occupational Health Service </p><p>There was circulated for consideration NHS Highland Service Level Agreement for Occupational Health Service. During discussion an issue was raised in relation to provision of services to independent contractors which would require further discussion with Dr Ken Proctor, Associate Medical Director (Primary Care). In general the Committee supported the content of the Service Level Agreement with the proviso that the reference to independent contractors was removed and the issue followed up as appropriate. Pauline Craw advised that she would submit the document to her CHP Management Team and confirm their agreement within the next two weeks. Any further comments from the Committee members outwith the meeting would also be welcome. </p><p>The Committee Approved the Service Level Agreement in principle, subject to the amendments discussed. </p><p>6.5 Radiation Protection </p><p>The Committee noted Fraser Brunton’s circulated report. Iain King raised a query in relation to the Health Protection Agency’s (HPA) External Audit of Oncology (2010), which had highlighted difficulties in filling existing vacancies within the Oncology Department and the need to manage workload. Anne Gent confirmed that an action plan had been developed to address all the issues raised following the HPA visit in November 2010. She had been present at a statutory inspection of the Board’s IRMER compliance in April 2011 when the action plan had been reviewed. The report of the visit was awaited. In the meantime Mr King proposed to pursue some of the issues with Diane Brawn, Radiotherapy Manager. </p><p>The Committee Noted the reports, the issues identified and the actions being taken. </p><p>7 7 REPORTS BY OPERATIONAL UNITS </p><p>7.1 Verbal updates/minutes of last operational meetings</p><p>The Committee received the undernoted reports from the Operational Units’ Health and Safety Groups:-</p><p> Mid Highland CHP draft minute of 2 March 2011  North Highland CHP: - Caithness Health and Safety Group draft minute of 17 February 2011 - Sutherland Health and Safety Group draft minute of 23 February 2011  South East Highland CHP minute of 2 March 2011 </p><p>It was noted that Staff Side Chairs had been identified for all the CHP Health and Safety Groups apart from South East CHP. It was hoped to have appointed a Staff Side Chair to this group by August. </p><p>Anne Gent advised that the Board had agreed there should be two Non-Executive Directors on the Committee, and at least one development session for Board members on Health and Safety per year, thereby raising the profile of health and safety and reinforcing the links between corporate and operational levels. Mrs Gent was also able to feed back to the Board on the issues discussed at the Committee’s meetings. </p><p>The Committee:</p><p> Noted the reports, and the intention to have Staff Side Chairs identified for all the CHP Health and Safety Groups by August 2011.  Noted that a second Non-Executive Director would be appointed to serve on the Committee.</p><p>8 FOR INFORMATION</p><p>8.1 Horizon Scanning - Legislative Update </p><p>Bob Summers drew the Committee’s attention to the revised criteria for selection for investigation of RIDDOR notifications (except gas incidents reported under Reg 6(1) and 6(2)). On the point raised by Mr Featch in relation to an audit report on gas safety published in 2006, Mr Summers undertook to confirm the position with Rosie McGee in terms of implementation of the report’s recommendations. The Committee agreed the need to ensure action plans were developed timeously in response to all such reports. </p><p>The Committee:</p><p> Noted the revised incident selection criteria.  Remitted to Mr Summers to follow up the 2006 gas safety audit report with Rosie McGee with a view to ensuring appropriate action has been taken in response to the report’s recommendations. </p><p>9 ANY OTHER COMPETENT BUSINESS </p><p>8 Anne Gent asked the members for their views on the operation of the Committee and to consider whether there was anything that might be done differently in order to improve its effectiveness. As already discussed, the Committee agreed the need to revise its agenda to focus on key areas of the work programme. In this regard it was agreed that Fire Safety would be the main topic for discussion at the next meeting in August, and Stress would be included on the agenda for the meeting in November. It was suggested that health and safety issues arising from significant reviews could appropriately be raised with the Committee.</p><p>With regard to staffing levels within the Health and Safety Team, Mr Summers was pleased to confirm that all the managers were now in post. There was however currently a Moving and Handling vacancy, with potential risk in terms of delivery.</p><p>The Committee Agreed to revise its agenda in order to reflect the key areas of its work programme. </p><p>10 DATE AND VENUE OF NEXT MEETING</p><p>The next meeting of the Health and Safety Committee will be held on Thursday 18 August 2011 at 10.30am in the Board Room, Assynt House. </p><p>The meeting closed at 13.00 pm</p><p>9</p>

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