<p>INTANGIBLE-ASSETS</p><p>ARB 43, Chapter 5 -- Intangible Assets…..4051</p><p>Share. It also modifies Chapter 5, Intangible Assets (paragraphs, 5, 9577 fair values of tangible and identifiable intangible assets less 25161</p><p>Goodwill and other unidentifiable intangible assets are difficult to 25499 and identifiable intangible assets acquired less liabilities assumed 25507 indicates the value of acquired unidentified intangible assets…….25509 the purchase method. APB 17: Intangible Assets….29347 </p><p>Effective Date: For intangible assets acquired after October 31, 1970 29359 </p><p>1. An enterprise may acquire intangible assets from others or may 29437 develop them itself. Many kinds of intangible assets may be 29439 intangible assets lack specific identifiability. Both identifiable 29445 intangible assets may be acquired singly, as a part of a group of 29449 unidentifiable intangible assets that a company acquires, including 29539 conclusions of the Opinion apply to intangible assets recorded, if 29545 intangible assets with indeterminate lives. 29553 identifiable intangible assets that a company defers and records as 29563 intangible assets while others record the costs as expenses as 29567 costs of intangible assets acquired from others, including goodwill 29639 expenses the costs to develop intangible assets which are not 29643 </p><p>10. Various intangible assets differ in their characteristics, 29675 dispositions. Intangible assets may be classified on several 29679 </p><p>11. Present principles of accounting for intangible assets are 29745 property, plant, and equipment. Intangible assets acquired from other 29749 develop specifically identifiable intangible assets are often recorded 29753 determinable. Costs of developing other intangible assets are usually 29757 </p><p>12. Intangible assets have been divided into two classes for 29775 intangible assets is often criticized because alternative methods of 29839 of acquired intangible assets over a short arbitrary period to reduce 29843 </p><p>Cost of Intangible Assets ….29871 </p><p>15. The cost of intangible assets acquired either singly or in 29883 groups, including intangible assets acquired in a business 29885 costs of developing goodwill and other intangible assets with 29891 </p><p>16. Costs of intangible assets which have fixed or reasonably 29913 opinion center on the amortization of acquired intangible assets with 29919 intangible assets do not clearly fit either classification; their 30101 </p><p>Amortizing the cost of goodwill and similar intangible assets on 30111 that few, if any, intangible assets last forever, although some may 30139 other intangible assets with an indeterminate life over time is 30143 </p><p>Acquisition of Intangible Assets…..30165 costs of intangible assets acquired from other enterprises or 30179 intangible assets which are not specifically identifiable, have 30183 25. Cost of intangible assets. Intangible assets acquired singly 30197 </p><p>26. Intangible assets acquired as part of a group of assets or as 30215 </p><p>26. Intangible assets acquired as part of a group of assets or as 30215 identifiable intangible assets and those lacking specific 30221 identification. The cost of identifiable intangible assets is an 30223</p><p>The cost of unidentifiable intangible assets is measured by the 30229 identifiable intangible assets acquired less liabilities assumed. 30235</p><p>Amortization of Intangible Assets….30249 </p><p>27. The Board believes that the value of intangible assets at any 30261 intangible assets should be amortized by systematic charges to income 30265 considered in estimating the useful lives of intangible assets…30269 </p><p>The period of amortization of intangible assets should be determined 30325 indeterminate lives of some intangible assets are likely to exceed 30359 goodwill and of other acquired intangible assets not deductible 30381 </p><p>32. Ordinarily goodwill and similar intangible assets cannot be 30433 for intangible assets acquired after October 31, 1970. Intangible 30461 </p><p>….assets recognized in business combinations initiated before November 30463 retroactively to intangible assets acquired before November 1, 1970, 30479 all intangible assets held on October 31, 1970 of the provisions in 30491 prospectively, the accounting for intangible assets held on October 30497 required amortization of goodwill and other intangible assets (for 30575 usefulness. In all cases, the amortization of intangible assets…30593 nondeductible intangible assets even though such intangible assets may 41557 nondeductible intangible assets even though such intangible assets may 41557</p><p>DEPRECIABLE-ASSETS of depreciable assets are, in general, appreciably shorter than the 59 certain depreciable assets acquired and placed in service after 1961. 489 growing investment in depreciable assets uses straight-line 14759 growth in depreciable assets (accentuated in periods of inflation) the 14767</p><p>Disclosure of Depreciable Assets and Depreciation 17021</p><p>DISCLOSURE OF DEPRECIABLE ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION 17169 practice. The balances of major classes of depreciable assets are 17185</p><p>The class or classes of depreciable assets to which the change 34233 periods, such as a change in service lives of depreciable assets or 34581 expense to a segment without allocating the related depreciable assets…..89673 regarding loss or damage to depreciable assets is in some cases one of 154861</p><p>CURRENT-ASSETS</p><p>ARB 43, Chapter 3A -- Current Assets and Current Liabilities4021 capital, i.e., current assets less current liabilities, and the 32653</p><p>Current Assets and Liabilities of Accounting Research Bulletin No. 36637 classification as current or noncurrent assets in a classified balance 68703 in classification as current or noncurrent assets in a classified 68923</p><p>Current assets and current liabilities are translated at the rate of 80137</p><p>This Statement amends ARB No. 43, Chapter 3A, "Current Assets and 111603 </p><p>3. Paragraph 7 of ARB No. 43, Chapter 3A, "Current Assets and 111735 expected to consume existing current assets within a certain time 112011 called for translation of current assets and liabilities at the 131311 major exceptions include translation of current assets carried at cost 133483</p><p>Existing definitions of current and noncurrent assets and 133631</p><p>Paragraph 9 of Chapter 3A, "Current Assets and Current 153645</p><p>NET-ASSET material in relation to the lessee's net assets or reasonably expected 3097 and the equity in net assets at date of acquisition and to any 12841 financial statements or in the manner of determining net assets per 20577 financial statements or in the manner of determining net assets per 20577 corporations, one company transfers its net assets to another, and 24925 each company transfers its net assets to a newly formed corporation. 24927 transfer by a corporation of its net assets to a newly formed 24937 a transfer of net assets or exchange of shares between companies under 24941 for the combining of retained earnings and of amounts of net assets…..25105</p><p>……assets are disbursed to stockholders and the net assets of the issuing 25673 assets are disbursed to stockholders and the net assets of the issuing 25673 corporation are enlarged by the net assets of the corporation whose 25675</p><p>Accordingly, the net assets of the constituents remain intact but 25683</p><p>A transfer of the net assets of a combining company to effect a 26641 business combination satisfies condition 47-b provided all net assets….26643 share of underlying net assets at the date acquired as recorded by the 27477 e. Descriptions of the nature of adjustments of net assets of the 27575</p><p>Excess of Acquired Net Assets Over Cost 28531 </p><p>91. The value assigned to net assets acquired should not exceed the 28543 historical-cost based accounting is that net assets acquired should be 28547</p><p>No part of the excess of acquired net assets over cost should 28577 corporation's proportionate equity in the net assets of the combining 28887 investor's equity in the net assets of the combining company, that 28909 equity in net assets of the investee at the date of investment. The 31101 underlying equity in net assets of an investee should be accounted for 31551 net assets of the investee. The difference should affect the 31751 carried and the amount of underlying equity in net assets and the 31805 statements or in the manner of determining net assets per common 32351 information by segregation in the balance sheet of the net assets and 49929 those organizations report the change in net assets for a period in a 82525 the net assets of unconsolidated subsidiaries and other equity method 109385 investment in net assets of Z Co. was $400. 110669 during the year in the net assets available for benefits 113387 provide a statement of changes in net assets. Net assets and changes 113575 in those net assets are relevant because net asset value per share is 113577 changes in net assets are different from those of a statement of cash 113583</p><p>A difference between the translated net assets and the dollar cost of 130581 of the fair value of the net assets acquired, the difference is 132237 the net assets of the foreign operation at the current rate can the 134009</p><p>Exposed Net Asset Position: The excess of assets that are measured or 137217 net assets and net income. 153983 deliberate, consistent understatement of net assets and profits. The 197297</p><p>Certain other changes in net assets (principally certain holding 200823 standards accordingly. Certain changes in net assets that meet the 201067</p><p>Certain other changes in net assets (principally certain holding 202635 </p><p>(money) amount of an enterprise's net assets at the end of a period 202773 exceeds the financial amount of net assets at the beginning of the 202775 future standards also may recognize certain changes in net assets as 202935 components of earnings. Changes in net assets are recognized as 203741 paragraphs 83-87. Certain changes in net assets (discussed in 203745</p><p>Investments by owners are increases in net assets of a particular 206037 </p><p>--Distributions to owners are decreases in net assets of a particular 206051</p><p>Investments by owners are increases in net assets of a 208173 </p><p>53. Distributions to owners are decreases in net assets of a 208193 benefits; its net assets increase. If the purchaser of equity 208239 not affect the net assets of the enterprise. 208247 equity always equals net assets (assets - liabilities). That is why 211183 that an enterprise's net assets have increased (or decreased) but also 211415</p><p>Minority interests in net assets of consolidated subsidiaries 212391 include changes in net assets from price changes, casualties, and 213409</p><p>Equity or net assets is the residual interest in the assets of an 213971</p><p>Equity or net assets is the residual interest in the assets of an 213971 business enterprise, net assets is divided into three classes based 213979</p><p>E The Statement defines three classes of net assets of 214069 </p><p>-- Change in permanently restricted net assets during a period is 214081 from (or to) other classes of net assets during the period as a 214095 </p><p>-- Change in temporarily restricted net assets during a period is 214101 reclassifications to (or from) other classes of net assets during the 214115 </p><p>-- Change in unrestricted net assets during a period is the total 214125 change in net assets during the period less change in permanently 214127 restricted net assetsand change in temporarily restricted net assets 214129 restricted net assets and change in temporarily restricted net assets…..214129 </p><p> donor-imposed stipulations. Changes in unrestricted net assets….214135 reclassifications from (or to) other classes of net assets as a 214141 enterprises) or net assets (not-for-profit organizations), revenues, 214425 net assets of not-for-profit organizations and the changes in those 214433 their operations. It also defines three classes of net assets of 214477</p><p>Equity or Net Assets 215923 </p><p>49. Equity or net assets is the residual interest in the assets of 215935 </p><p>49. Equity or net assets is the residual interest in the assets of 215935 </p><p>Equity of Business Enterprises and Net Assetsof Not-for-Profit 215941 increase or decrease total liabilities. Thus, equity or net assets of 215963 no assets to owners. Rather, its net assets often is increased by 216007 paragraphs 64-89) and (b) net assets of not-for-profit organizations 216035</p><p>Similarly, the line between net assets and liabilities of 216147 enhanced or burdened by increases and decreases in net assets from 216309 benefits; its net assets increase. If the purchaser of equity 216701 not affect the net assets of the enterprise. 216709 Net Assets of Not-for-Profit Organizations 217359 </p><p>Characteristics of Net Assets of Not-for-Profit Organizations 217367 net assets (equity) is a residual, the difference between the entity's 217381 </p><p> assets and its liabilities but, in contrast to equity of a business 217383 </p><p>91. Net assets of not-for-profit organizations is divided into 217403 </p><p>Classes of Net Assets…217411 </p><p>92. Permanently restricted net assets is the part of the net assets 217423 </p><p>92. Permanently restricted net assets is the part of the net assets….217423 other classes of net assets as a consequence of donor-imposed 217437 </p><p>93. Temporarily restricted net assets is the part of the net assets 217447 </p><p>93. Temporarily restricted net assets is the part of the net assets…217447 reclassifications to (or from) other classes of net assets as a 217461 </p><p>94. Unrestricted net assets is the part of net assets of a 217475 </p><p>94. Unrestricted net assets is the part of net assets of a 217475 part of net assets resulting (a) from all revenues, expenses, gains, 217481 restricted net assets and (b) from reclassifications from (or to) 217485 other classes of net assets as a consequence of donor-imposed 217487 those stipulations. The only limits on unrestricted net assets are 217493 </p><p>95. The three classes of net assets reflect differences in, or 217517 a not-for-profit organization to classify the increase in net assets,…217551 assets can result in permanently or temporarily restricted net assets 217577 assets can result in permanently or temporarily restricted net assets 217577 the use of net assets that were not stipulated by donors. However, 217585 organization to earmark a portion of its unrestricted net assets to 217595 donor-imposed limits on their use increase assets,and net assets of a 217619 donor-imposed limits on their use increase assets and net assets of a 217619 but they do not increase unrestricted net assets nor are they 217623 unrestricted net assets in any period, and the donated assets are not 217679 </p><p>Restrictions Affect Net AssetsRather Than Particular Assets 217689 </p><p>Restrictions Affect Net Assets Rather Than Particular Assets….217689</p><p>Thus, permanently restricted net assets and temporarily restricted net 217729 </p><p>…assets generally refer to amounts of net assets that are restricted by 217731 assets generally refer to amounts of net assets that are restricted by 217731 </p><p>Maintenance of Net Assets….217737 organization's net assets decrease as it uses up an asset unless its 217785 do so, it has not maintained its net assets during the current period. 217795 </p><p>105. Maintenance of net assets in not-for-profit organizations, as 217803 has been maintained if the financial (money) amount of its net assets… 217809 net assets at the beginning of the period.217813 organization has maintained certain classes of net assets may be more 217825 significant than whether it has maintained net assets in the 217827 aggregate. For example, if net assets were maintained in a period 217829 maintained the part of its net assets that is fully available to 217837 </p><p>Transactions and Events That Change Net Assets of Not-for-Profit 217843 information on changes in restrictions on net assets as well as on 217881 restrictions on net assets and changes in the restrictions are 217919 examples. (Exchanges that affect the amount of net assets belong in 217937</p><p>All changes within net assets that do not affect assets or 217991 </p><p>C. All changes within net assets that do not affect assets or 217991 </p><p>1. Reclassifications between classes of net assets from changes in 217997 assets become unrestricted net assets when a donor-imposed time 218001 class of net assets while decreasing another but do not change the 218005 circumstances that change either the amount of net assets or the 218031 events and circumstances affecting net assetsof a not-for-profit 218051 classes of net assets (the fourth level) are defined and discussed in 218073 of net assets of a not-for-profit organization. All resource inflows 218097 ettlements of its liabilities that increase net assets are either 218101 net assets are either expenses or losses and have characteristics 218109 </p><p>112. Net assets of a not-for-profit organization changes as a 218119 </p><p>114. Reclassifications between classes of net assets result from 218189 </p><p>Restrictions are removed from temporarily restricted net assets when 218211 Time-restricted net assets generally become unrestricted when the 218215 stipulated time arrives; for example, net assets that are restricted 218217 unrestricted on January 1, 1986. Purpose-restricted net assets…218221 in expenses that decrease unrestricted net assets (paragraphs 151 and 218233 </p><p>152). Temporarily restricted net assets may become unrestricted when 218235 consent result in a reclassification of unrestricted net assets to 218261 permanently restricted net assets or to temporarily restricted net 218263 </p><p>Changes in Classes of Net Assets of Not-for-Profit Organizations 218269 classes of net assets often may be more significant to them than 218293 </p><p>118. Events that result in reclassifications within net assets and 218307 net assets, and change in unrestricted net assets (paragraphs 218315 </p><p>Change in Permanently Restricted Net Assets…218321 </p><p>119. Change in permanently restricted net assets of a 218333 </p><p> of net assets during the period as a consequence of donor-imposed 218349 </p><p>Characteristics of Change in Permanently Restricted Net Assets…218359 </p><p>120. Most increases in permanently restricted net assets of a 218363 </p><p>Receipt of a contribution increases permanently restricted net assets… 218369 </p><p>Events that diminish permanently restricted net assets may also occur. 218403 restricted net assets or occasionally decrease it (paragraphs 218423 Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets..218429 </p><p>123. Change in temporarily restricted net assets of a 218441 other classes of net assets during the period as a consequence of 218457 </p><p>Characteristics of Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets…218471 </p><p>124. Most increases in temporarily restricted net assetsof a 218475 temporarily restricted net assets to unrestricted net assets.218545 </p><p>Change in Unrestricted Net Assets…218549 </p><p>127. Change in unrestricted net assets of a not-for-profit 218561 organization during a period is the total change in net assets during 218563 the period less change in permanently restricted net assetsand change 218565 in temporarily restricted net assets for the period. It is the change 218567 during the period in the part of net assets of a not-for-profit 218569 </p><p>Characteristics of Change in Unrestricted Net Assets…218579 </p><p>128. Changes in unrestricted net assets include (a) revenues and 218583 </p><p>(or to) other classes of net assets as a consequence of donor-imposed 218589 </p><p>129. Revenues and gains that increase unrestricted net assets of a 218603 </p><p>130. Expenses and losses that decrease unrestricted net assets of a 218623 unrestricted net assets (paragraph 121 and 125). Those expenses and 218637 temporarily restricted net assets that increase unrestricted net 218665 maintained particular classes of net assets may be more significant 218703 than whether it has maintained net assets in the aggregate (paragraph 218705 </p><p>106). Change in unrestricted net assets for a period indicates 218707 whether an organization has maintained the part of its net assets that 218709 period. The combined change in unrestricted net assets and change in 218715 temporarily restricted net assets for a period indicates whether an 218717 organization has maintained the part of its net assets that is now or</p><p>52. Removal of restrictions on temporarily restricted net assets 219385 </p><p>…assets (described as a concept equivalent to comprehensive income of 219713 three broad classes of net assets of not-for-profit 219717 nature of net assets based on the presence or absence of donor 219727 income of business enterprises and its components, and net assets and 219961 changes in the classes of net assets of not-for-profit 219963</p><p>Paragraph 49 defines equity or net assets as "the residual 221337 maintenance. (The distinguishing characteristics of net assets of 221361 equity always equals net assets (assets minus liabilities). That is 221397 that an entity's net assets have increased (or decreased) but also how 221623</p><p>Characteristics of Net Assets and Changes in the Classes of Net Assets 221681 </p><p>Characteristics of Net Assets and Changes in the Classes of Net Assets..221681 221. Paragraph 49 defines equity or net assets as "the residual 221695 interest in the assets of an entity that remains after deducting its 221697 liabilities." This Statement defines net assets of not-for-profit 221699 two restricted classes of net assets at any time reflect existing 221709 limits on the organization's use of assets resulting from donor 221711 withdrawn, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified as 221715 unrestricted net assets. Characteristics of net assets of a 221717 changes in the classes of net assetsare briefly discussed in the 221721 </p><p>222. Net assets in a not-for-profit organization is the cumulative 221739 net assets is subject to the priority of liabilities as claims against 221749 organization assets, makes net assets not determinable independently 221751 of assets and liabilities. Although equity or net assets can be 221753 of assets and liabilities. Although equity or net assets can be 221753 </p><p>Interest in Information about Changes in Classes of Net Assets …221765 not-for-profit organization's net assets has increased (or decreased) 221779 change its net assets is usually more useful to present and potential 221823 </p><p>The amount of change in net assets for a period can be measured by 221827 an organization's net assets is useful in identifying the resource 221885 </p><p>227. Information about the change in unrestricted net assets for a 221901 have drawn upon, maintained, or added to the part of its net assets…221905 Information about the combined change in unrestricted net assetsand 221911 in temporarily restricted net assets for a period indicates whether an 221913 organization has maintained the part of its net assets that is now or, 221915 involve questions such as: Should changes in classes of net assets be 221945 temporarily restricted net assets that become unrestricted be 221953</p><p>Minority interests in net assets of consolidated subsidiaries 222903 classes of net assets (of not-for-profit organizations) and changes in 222963</p><p>Change in permanently restricted net assets 107-110, 117-122, 226 223023 net assets 107-110, 117-118, 123-126, 225 223031 </p><p>Change in unrestricted net assets 107-110, 117-118, 127-133, 223035 </p><p>Changes in classes of net assets of 223041 </p><p>Classes of net assets of not-for-profit 223057 </p><p>Equity or net assets 49-65, (footnote 26) 50, 90-110, 212-214, 223119 </p><p>Maintenance of net assets 71-72, 103-106 223181 </p><p>Net assets of not-for-profit 223193 </p><p>Net assets or equity 49-65, (footnote 26) 50, 90-110, 212-214, 223201 </p><p>Permanently restricted net assets 91-92, 218, 95-102, 107-110 223231 </p><p>Temporarily restricted net assets 91, 93-95, 95-102, 107-110, 223315 </p><p>Unrestricted net assets 91, 94, 107-110, 221 223333 sheets and statements of changes in net assets of not-for-profit 223545 business enterprises, which is common usage, and the term net assets 224025 in paragraphs 78-79 also apply to the changes in net assets of 224213</p><p>…assets and liabilities. This Statement classifies net assets, not 224471 often uses equity and net assets interchangeably but generally applies 224737 equity to business enterprises and net assets to not-for-profit 224739</p><p>IDENTIFIABLE-ASSETS MONETARY-ASSETS NONMONETARY-ASSETS TRANSFER OF-ASSETS PLAN-ASSETS SEGMENT-ASSETS INTEREST-BEARING-ASSETS</p>
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