VARIEtY LiiiiiiiniiiiiiniirMfiuim/iiiiiijuiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiM THREE NEW SONGS BY THE WRITERS OF JEROME l1.REHiCK«Ca "SMILES" LEE 8. ROBERTS-^. WILL. CALLAHAN NEW TOSK a»W.46th8k V BROOKLYN "AFTER ALL" 6M Fnlton St. I PROVIDENCB After all the Tears, Kisses, Laughs, Winks, etc., this Is the only song Ifoilc Dept.. Hall ft Lyoaa for you to follow, "Smiles." BOSTON ..r- .. 328 Tremont St. PHILADELPHIA ai Boath 9th St. "YOUDONTKNOW'i BALTIMOBB Hnsie Dept., An inspiration. You can't afford to overlook this song. S Stewart Dry Goods Co. WASHINGTON . »th and DSti., N. W. ''A Little Birch I PITTSBURGH Canoe andYou" • Schmidt , 308 Bld«. WASHINGTON "TIMES": CLEVELAND B. F. Keith's Washington.—Mme. Marguerite Sylva's charm is infectious. .:(i:\'',<'' Hippodrome Bide. Her songs, "My Little Birch Canoe and You" and "You Dont Know" are great. ' V' ^•'• ftdJ iii"i""H'iiiiiii"i''iiiiiii"»"ii»"'i""""i»i "<ini"ii"i»iiii»"i"i»iM^^D^m i:Vri^^!:M^ ,•^-:^,c|/!w•,,^'v;.i^;> '?.•,<'" ..I % JEROME H. REniCKiCa • (Pm True to the Whole Regiment) | I '.;' By BOUSQUET, ROBERT & BRYAN - TORONTO UTTongeSt. the -French-American song hit, published with French and English tcit, DETROIT ' ' ';'•= .: , 187 Fort Street • ^>^':::;''• v':>'Vis;^Ur' 'v^:''/' r'^''^';; .;;.. .': V »,y.'-» ONCINNATl' The Fair Hasle Dept. **TILL WE MEET AGAIN" I ST. LOUIS Grand Leader, Hnsie Dept. By Egan Whiting, & those boys from Detroit who were broaghtto New CHICAGO York by Will Morrisaey to write Ms new OVER SEAS REVUE. Majeetle Theatre Blttf. HINNBAPOUS Ma sic Dept., ;• Powers Mercantile Co. PORTLAND, ORK. I "ONTHEROADTOCALAIS" I StI No. VasUflffton St. BAM FRANaSCO By BRYAN & JOLSON tOB Market St. '- • ^^_ finally this Y'.i big h{t« E LOS ANGELES - We persuaded Mr. Jolson to release song, one .»• vW •Hi « . ,. 5» So. Broadway t the Winter Garden now. iMiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiBiNiuiiiiinniiimi i i i i i i i i ii i •''' ii iiii Mi ii iiiii iiiiii iiiinm \'' . -', "?' m . iiliiiii»iiMiiiinitii i iiiiii i i i iiit i ii i iH» i ii i iiiiii ii iiniiii ii »M^ Do you want the Best "Shimmy" song published? Get JCROnE H. RDIICK^Ca "YOU CANNOT SHAKE THAT SHIMMY HERE" VAN—SCHENCK—WELLS PROFESSIONAL COPIES, Do yon want the best "BLUE" song pabllshed? Get VOCAL ORCHESTRATIONS i 'TVE GOT THE BLOE RIDGE BlUES" DANCE ORCHESTRATIONS MASON—WRITING—COOK. BAND—QUARTETTES, ETC. Do yon want the best "ZIP" dance song published? Get "TACKIN' 'EM DOWN" GUHBLB-DB 8ILVA READY S Do yon want the best melody baUad published? Get "IN THE Call at one of onr offices fer LAND WHERE a demonstration or write for .^ rr-J^-^fr -•.•.•wj.-jwrrfi? r.v : ,5^'s^.Ir.l•.•.:/;r'.'^.w,•. " POPPIES BLOOM"^"' matorlaL VAN—SCHENCK—BASKETTE miwiiiniiHnffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH]iiiiiiiiii]iiiiniiiiiiiiiM« m Publldud WmUt tUSSt Briwdinj. Entered aa second elau matter BMamber v; °i TUnoi SoiuM, VInrYalk. N. T.< 22. 1905, at the PmI Offlee at Mew Turk, ;^v; Vol. Lin, No. 8 br VulMT, iBo, NEW YORK CITY, JANUARY 17, 1919 N. Y., under the Act of Uareh 9, 1879. ;>9 UoB, IS. •fltacla vtfm, U MADE IN AMERICA. SHYING OFF TEXAS. LIQUOR SELLERS INVADING Several sceite sets for Albert de Legitimate producers controlling Cpurville's forthcoming new revue at traV^eiing organizations are cutting the London Hippodrome (due in April) out the routing of their attractionB- /-.-Ufa are being made in New York by the through Texas. PICTURE EXHIBITING FIELD Robert Law studios. Herbert Ward They find they are unable to book is due to sail for London soon, re- consecutive dates in the better houses maining abroad about a year repre- in that state for/two reasons. One it f.r-''n senting the Law studios, with which that the Loew circuit has been making Rush to Theatres to Escape "Bone Dry*' Closing. House flattering inducements to local man- he is now connected. Some scenery M agers to adopt a vaudeville policy and Prices was made in this country last year for Go Skyward as a Result. Brokers Pulling London productions but there was the other is the prevalence of "tabs," which are booked on a 50-50 percent- Deals. Regular Exhibitors Clean Up (.-reat difficulty in getting it shipped over. age. When a regular traveling attrac-j as a Result. Some of the costumes for the new tion comes along and asks 75 per cent de Courville show are also being made cf the gross the proposal is not favor- here by Mahieu. Mrs. Mahieu is also ably received. going Right at present the i^uying and sales valuation from $4,500 to $7,000. abroad and may open a London selling of picture theatres in Greater It was sold at that price last week. branch. DONNELLY'S WAR ACT. New York and the small outlying liquor The men are extremely Leo Donnelly is to appear in vaude- towns in the Vicinity is undergoing anxious to get into business of some THE WAY OF "THE FOLLIES." ville for a ttvr weeks with a turn one of the greatest booms that it has kindj and figure that catering to the recital of 4 Chicago, III., Jan. IS. which is to be a humorous ever experienced. The reason is that public is one thin^ that they are The troubles of us UFollies'^' girls is his experiences while he was entertain- there has been an influx of money for, '' suited and -the idea o'f the profit -'i>:-' sumpin' horrible. Viola Ford left Flo ing in France with the Shamrock Uiiit. from the retiring liquor store dealers that they have heard of in pictures Ziegfeld flat in Chicago (the show, of During a great part of his time in and the saloon men, who are all fear- seems to h&ve been the lure. In the course) last Sunday and hurried to France Donnelly was with the 77th ing that they are to be wiped out as meantime the smaller exhibitors are Toronto to marry a Canadian army Division, which is the National Army far as their present business is con- cleaning up by accepting the offers Division from the vicinity of New officer. Saturday a girl chum in the '.'i''';*( cerned and' are heading, for the .ex- that are made under the bdoni. They* York. Later he was in the sector of hibiting field immediately. show got a wire: "I've married my hgure that after things settle down :<? officer, but his mother's raising so the 33rd Division, composed of troops . During the past few weeks sales .again they will be able to get back much hell we're on our way to New from Chicago and vicinity. The idea have been made rapidly as far as a into the game again at bargain rates. '' ii to have Doni\elly relate, the "close- . number of small houses are concerned. York." up" stuff of the home boys in each The demand, according to a certain As Will Rogers says, "They get town as far as he met them or at broker who fo"^merly handled nothing ALL OFF FOR BRYAN, married and then in about six weeks they come backj and away wei go least relate incidents which the^boys but , corner saloons, but who lately The negotiations for the appearance * have undoubtedly written home about added picture theatres to list, again." his for of William Jennings Bryan did not :rt?i the greater part is for the. 600-seat proceed beyond their preliminary houses. :M stage, which amounted to Evangeline CHAPLIN GOING TO ENGLAND. I. R. INSPECTION. A hig sale was recorded about four Weed submitting Bryan's name to the Los Angeles, Jan. 15. The Internal Revenue office for the weeks ago when a couple of foi^mer big time managers, who rejected it. A notice was posted this week at the limes Square district appears to be liquor men took over the Burlana, in It is said the managers concluded Charlie Chaptin studio the establish- devoting early attention to securing the Bronx, from David Picker. This Mr. Bryan would find it difficult to ment would be closed \in seven days. reports of personal income in the house is out of the usual .run of the- refrain from commen^ng upon -the Chaplin will leave immediately foK. early years off the war and shortly atres the liquor men are looking for. present Administration at Washington. England, the reason given, a break- before. The purchase price paid was $35,000, As his early departure from the Wil- down in health. Letters were sent out this week* by and after running the 'house for two son cabinet seemed to presage his It is not known whether the film the Internal Reve|iue men to the- weeWs and finding they were losers of comment would not be in d laudatory comedian will take his wife with him. atrical producers, picture manufac- , $1,400 on the first two weeks as the- vein, the managers were not long in turers and music publishers, asking atre managers the liquor men decided reaching their conclusions. "CHU" WILL MAKE $200,000. for the amounts of royalty paid writers to call in outside assistance. half A during 1913, 1914. 1915 and 1916. mterest in the house was given to the Pittsburgh, Jan. 15. ••'is Marcus Loew Circuit, and the theatre ALBEE IS NOT RETIRING. (People who seem to know the in- BOSTON TICKET BILLS. is now being run as a link in the Current rumors anent the proposed ternal business affair of Morris Gest's Loew chain. retirement of E. F. Albee from his "Chu Chin Chow" say that Mr. Gest Boston, Mass:, Jan. 15.
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