<p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary</p><p>Academic Year 2009/2010</p><p>Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission for Educational Exchange</p><p>H-1082 Budapest, Baross u. 62. Tel: (36-1) 462-8040 Fax: (36-1) 252-0266 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.fulbright.hu</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 FULBRIGHT GRANTEES IN HUNGARY, AY 2009/2010</p><p>I. Lecturers</p><p>Dr. Joan M. Borst Social Sciences Dr. Scott H. Huffmon Political Science Dr. Richard O. Kellems Agriculture Dr. Sue G. Lurie Anthropology Dr. Harry Perlstadt Sociology Mr. Bruce H. Rogers Creative Writing Dr. Thaddeus W.Usowicz Business Administration Dr. Louise O. Vasvari Language and Literature Dr. Luther Waters, Jr. Agriculture Dr. Lorene A. Wedeking Public/Global Health</p><p>II. Researchers</p><p>Dr. Thomas S. Burns History Dr. Lynn M. Hooker Music Dr. Janos Szanyi Chemistry</p><p>III. Students</p><p>Ms. Allison P. Beresford Literature Ms. Adee Braun Art/Architectural History Ms. Ameerah N. Chowdhury Mathematics Ms. Barbara E. Coons Public/Global Health Mr. Brett S. Frankel Mathematics Mr. Christopher P. Maroshegyi Economic Development Ms. Leslie M. Waters Modern History</p><p>Teaching Assistants</p><p>Mr. Benjamin C. Brooks TEFL Ms. Kristina E. Poznan TEFL</p><p>IV. Classroom Teacher Exchange Program</p><p>Mr. John M. Dater English Mr. Mark F. Deebold English Ms. Joyce I. Mannel English</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 I. Lecturers</p><p>Fall semester</p><p>Dr. Joan M. Borst Dr. Scott H. Huffmon Dr. Sue G. Lurie Dr. Louise O. Vasvari Dr. Luther Waters, Jr.</p><p>Spring semester</p><p>Dr. Richard O. Kellems Dr. Harry Perlstadt Mr. Bruce H. Rogers Dr. Thaddeus W. Usowicz Dr. Lorene A. Wedeking</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Dr. Joan M. Borst Associate Professor School of Social Work Grand Valley State University Grand Rapids, Michigan</p><p>Date of Birth: 11/27/55</p><p>Grant Category: Researcher/Lecturer </p><p>Discipline: Social Work</p><p>Specialization: Chronic Illness; Health Care; Dying and Death; AIDS; Grief and Loss; International Learning </p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: University of Pécs Department of Social Work and Social Policy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Pecs </p><p>7624 Rokus Street 2, Pecs Hungary</p><p>Duration of Stay: September 2009- January 2010</p><p>Academic Background: Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2005 M.S.W., Grand Valley State University, 1990 B.A., Calvin College, 1978</p><p>Professional Background: Associate Professor, Grand Valley State University, 2009 Assistant Professor, Grand Valley State University, 2002-2008</p><p>Selected Publications:</p><p>Borst, J. (2010). Social work and health care: Policy, practice, and professionalism. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.</p><p>Borst, J. (2005). Annie. Casebook: Medical Social Work. In J. L. Johnson & G. Grant (Eds.), Casebook Series, Boston: Allyn & Bacon.</p><p>Borst, J. (2005). Bob and Phil. Casebook: Medical Social Work. In J. L. Johnson & G. Grant (Eds.), Casebook Series, Boston: Allyn & Bacon.</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Dr. Scott H. Huffmon Associate Professor of Political Science; Director, Social & Behavioral Research Lab Winthrop University Dept. of Political Science, Winthrop University, Rock Hill SC 29732 USA</p><p>Date of Birth: 05/13/1969</p><p>Grant Category: Lecturer </p><p>Discipline: Political Science</p><p>Specialization: American Public Opinion; American Campaigns and Elections; American Political Parties; Politics of the American South; American State and Local Government</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: University of Debrecen North American Department, Institute of English and American Studies; Department of Political Science, Institute of Political Science and Sociology H-4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. Hungary</p><p>Duration of Stay: August 2009- January 2010</p><p>Academic Background: Ph.D., University of Mississippi, 2001 B.S., James Madison University, 1991</p><p>Professional Background: Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Winthrop University, 08/2006 - Present</p><p>Director, Social & Behavioral Research Laboratory, 2002 – present Director of the Winthrop/ETV Poll Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Winthrop University, 08/2001 – 08/2006 </p><p>Selected Publications:</p><p>“Community Context, Personal Contact, and Support for an Anti-Gay Rights Referendum.” with Jay Barth and L. Marvin Overby. 2009 Political Research Quarterly vol. 62 no. pp 355-365. “The Student-Athlete Model and the Socialization of Intercollegiate Athletes.” with Jonathan Marx and Andy Doyle. 2008 Athletic Insight, March Vol. 10 Issue 1. “A Case Study of Public Attitudes Toward Taxation in Anderson County, South Carolina.” with Adam Smith and Jeremy Winkler 2006. Public Policy & Practice. vol. 5. no. 1. “Revisiting the Role of Information Format in Candidate Evaluation: An ‘Update’ Model of Evaluation.” 2003. Journal of Political Science. vol. 31. pp 35-69. “Public Attitudes Toward Planning and Development in Rock Hill.” with B.J. Thomas 2003. Public Policy & Practice. vol. 2 no 4 pp. 23-32. </p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Dr. Sue Gena Lurie Assistant Professor Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences School of Public Health University of North Texas Health Science Center 3500 Camp Bowie Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 76107 USA</p><p>Date of Birth: 10/21/41</p><p>Grant Category: Lecturer</p><p>Discipline: Anthropology</p><p>Specialization: Social and Behavioral Health, Medical Anthropology, Comparative Health Systems, Healthcare Ethics, Mental Health Policy, Qualitative Research Methods</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Semmelweis University Institute of Behavioral Science H-1089 Buadpest Nagyvarad ter 4</p><p>Duration of Stay: September 2009- January 2010</p><p>Academic Background: NIMH Post-Doctoral Fellow, Northwestern University Program in Ethnography and Public Policy, l984-1985 Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, 1983 M.A., University of North Carolina, 1965 B.A., University of South Carolina, 1963</p><p>Professional Background: Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, University of North Texas Health Science Center, 2004-2009 Assistant Professor/Medical Humanities Director, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, University of North Texas Health Science Center, 1987-2004 Visiting Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Southern Methodist University, 1984-1985</p><p>Foreign Languages: (Spanish)</p><p>Selected Publications: Reinventing Mental Health Care: Public-Private Systems. S. Lurie. In Economics of Health and Wellness: Anthropological Perspectives. Wood, ed. San Diego, Calif.: Elsevier. 2008. Health-Seeking Behavior in Ethnic Populations. Gibbs, S. Lurie, eds. Lewiston,N.Y.:Edwin Mellen Press. 2007. Ethical Choices in Public Health Policy and Practice. S. Lurie. The Applied Anthropologist 26:1, 37-45. 2006.</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Dr. Louise O. Vasvari Professor Emerita & Adjunct Professor Comparative Literature & Linguistics Stony Brook U + New York University Stony Brook NY + New York City</p><p>Date of Birth: 05/13/1943</p><p>Grant Category: Senior Lecturer</p><p>Discipline: Cultural Studies & American Studies</p><p>Specialization: Gender Studies, Language and Gender, Holocaust Studies, Medieval and Renaissance Literature, & Folklore, Romance languages</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Eötvös Loránd University H-1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 5 University of Szeged H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2</p><p>Duration of Stay: September 2009- January 2010</p><p>Academic Background: Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley 1969 M.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1966 B.A., Montclair State University, 1963</p><p>Professional Background: Professor, Stony Brook University, 1984-2005 Adjunct Professor, New York University, 2000-present Associate Professor, Stony Brook University, 1977-1983 Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University, 1973-1977 Foreign Languages: Hungarian, Spanish, French, German, Italian</p><p>Selected Publications: [selected & since 2004 only]</p><p>[with Steven Totosy]. CLCWeb 11 (2009) Thematic Issue: New Work in Holocaust Studies http://docs.ib.purdue.edu/clcweb/vol11/iss1 [with Steven Totosy]. Comparative Central European Holocaust Studies. West Lafayette IND: Purdue UP, 2009. [with Steven Totosy]. Imre Kertész and Holocaust Literature. Books in Comparative Cultural Studies. West Lafayette IND: Purdue UP, 2005 . [with Louise Haywood]. A Companion to the “Libro de Buen Amor.”London: Tamesis, 2004.</p><p>“A töredékes (kulturális) test irása Polcz Alaine Asszony a fronton cimü müveben.” In Erzsébet Barát & Klára Sándor, eds.2009 [in press]. “’A megcsalt férj,’ or Cunningly Lingual Wives in Hungarian Ballad Tradition.” Folklorika [forthcoming] “Lefordított traumák, lefordított életek: holokauszt-túlelö magyar nök az emigrációban.” Mult és Jövö (Budapest), 2009.1.</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Dr. Luther Waters, Jr. Professor and Coordinator of International Education Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture Auburn University,101 Funchess Hall Auburn University, Alabama 36849</p><p>Date of Birth: March 29, 1942</p><p>Grant Category: Lecturer</p><p>Discipline: Horticulture</p><p>Specialization: Crop Physiology; seed science; post-harvest technology.</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Szent Istvan University, Samuel Tessedik College Faculty of Water and Environmental Management H-5540 Szarvas, Szabadsag ut 2</p><p>Duration of Stay: August 2009-December 2009</p><p>Academic Background: Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1979 A. A., Hillsborough Community College, 1974 M. S., Clemson University, 1966 B. S., Clemson University, 1964</p><p>Professional Background: Professor, Auburn University, 2001-2009 Dean and Director, Agriculture, Auburn University, 1999-2001 Chair and Professor, The Ohio State University, 1990-1999 Professor, Horticulture, University of Minnesota, 1989-1990 Associate Professor, University of Minnesota, 1982-1989 Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota, 1978-1982 Agriculture Research Manager, Del Monte Corp., 1970-1975 Horticulturist, Del Monte Corp., 1968-1970 Active Army Duty, 1966-68 Farmer in South Carolina, 1956-60 Languages: Limited Spanish</p><p>Selected Publications: McElhannon, L. M., L. Waters, Jr., J. R. Kessler, C. Robinson. 2008. Temperature effects of seed Germination of Lenton Rose (Helleborus orientalis Lam.). International Plant Propagators Society Vol. 58:25-29. Baxter, L. and L. Waters, Jr. 1991. Quality changes in asparagus spears stored in a flow-through CA system or in consumer packages. HortScience 26(4):399-402. Bennett, M.A. and L. Waters, Jr. 1988. Kernel maturity, seed size, and seed hydration effects on the seed quality of a sweet corn inbred. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 113(3):348-353. Waters, L.,Jr.,Breen, P.J. Mack, H.J. and P.H.Graham. 1980. Trans location of 14C photosynthate, carbohydrate content and nitrogen fixation in Phaseolus vulgaris L. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 105(3):424-427.</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Dr. Richard Owen Kellems Professor, Emeritus Department Plant and Wildlife Sciences Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602</p><p>Date of Birth: 01/30/46</p><p>Grant Category: Lecturer </p><p>Discipline: Animal Science – Animal Nutrition and Management</p><p>Specialization: Dairy Feeding and Management, International Animal Production, Animal Nutrition, Livestock Feeds and Feeding, Ruminant Nutrition</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: University of Kaposvar Animal Science Faculty Kaposvar, Hungary</p><p>Duration of Stay: February 2010 – June 2010</p><p>Academic Background: Ph.D., Oregon State University, Animal Science - Ruminant Nutrition, 1976 M.S., Oregon State University, Food Science – Animal Nutrition, 1975 B.S., Brigham Young Univ., Animal Science - Dairy Processing, 1969 Professional Background:</p><p>1998 – 2009 Professor, Teaching/Research, Plant and Animal Sciences Dept., Brigham Young Univ., Provo, UT. 1986-98 Associate Professor, Teaching/Research, Animal Science Dept., Brigham Young Univ., Provo, UT. 1985-86 Nutritionist, 85% Dairy Nutrition 15% Nutrition of Other Species, MoorMan Mfg. Co., Stockton, CA. 1980-85 Assistant Professor, Teaching/Research, Animal Science Dept., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 1978-80 Research Associate, Regional Single Cell Protein Research Project Animal Science Dept., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR. 1977.78 Research Associate, FDA Validation Project, Pathology Dept., Medical School, Univ. of California at Davis, Davis, CA. 1975-77 Postdoctorate Research Associate, Regional Forage Research Project, Animal Science Dept., Univ. of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI.</p><p>Selected Publications: Kellems, R.O. and D.C. Church. July 2009 Livestock Feeds and Feeding, 6th Ed. Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, New Jersey Kellems, R.O and D.C. Church, 2006.Livestock Feeds and Feeding –Chinese Translation Published by China Agricultural University Press, Edition 5th Kellems, R.O., 2008. Overview of Dairying in the World and Factors Influencing Dairy Cattle Feeding, Chinese Journal of Dairy Science, Oct. S. Gy. Fekete and Richard Kellems. 2007. Interrelationship of feeding with immunity and parasitic infections: A Review. Jounral Veterinarni Medicina, 2007. </p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Dr. Harry Perlstadt Professor Department of Sociology Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824-1111 USA</p><p>Date of Birth: 08/23/1942</p><p>Grant Category: Visiting Lecturer</p><p>Discipline: Medical Sociology/ Public Health</p><p>Specialization: Health Care Organization, Delivery, Politics; Evaluation Research; Applied Sociology.</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Semmelweis University, College of Health Care Department of Public Health H-1088 BUDAPEST, Vas u. 17. </p><p>Duration of Stay: February 2010– June 2010</p><p>Academic Background: Ph.D., (Sociology) University of Chicago, 1973 M.P.H., (Health Planning) University of Michigan, 1979 B.A., (Political Science) University of Michigan, 1963</p><p>Professional Background: Asst to Full Professor, Michigan State University, 1968-- Director, Program in Bioethics, Humanities and Society, Michigan State University, 2003-2007. Interim Exec Dir. Michigan Public Health Institute 1993</p><p>Selected Publications:</p><p>Comparing Lead Poisoning Risk Assessment Methods: Census Block Group Characteristics vs. ZIP Codes as Predictors with S Kaplowitz and L Post. Public Health Reports forthcoming</p><p>A Framework for Decision Making on Funding State Retiree Health Care Benefits Center for State and Local Government Excellence with AM Schneider and RK Kelly, June, 2008.</p><p>"The Environment and Health and Process in Europe" with ID. Ivanov, in Health and the Environment in the WHO European Region: Situation and Policy. p 157-176. Copenhagen, DK. WHO Regional Publications, 2005</p><p>"An Overview of Citizen Participation in Health Planning: Lessons Learned from the Literature," with C Jackson-Elmoore, PP. Freddolino and C Reed. National Civic Review 1998 87:4 (Winter) 347-367</p><p>"The Development of the Hill-Burton Legislation: Interests, Issues and Compromises," Journal of Health & Social Policy, 1995, 6(3): 77-96.</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Mr. Bruce Holland Rogers Permanent Fiction Faculty Whidbey Writers Workshop Northwest Institute of Literary Arts Freeland, Washington, U.S.A.</p><p>Date of Birth: 06/11/1958</p><p>Grant Category: Lecturer </p><p>Discipline: Creative Writing</p><p>Specialization: Fiction, Abbreviated Prose Forms</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Eötvös Loránd University Department of American Studies</p><p>Duration of Stay: January 2010 – June 2010</p><p>Academic Background: M.A., University of Colorado, 1987 B.A., Colorado State University, 1982</p><p>Professional Background: Freelance Fiction Writer, 1988 - present Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois, 1992 Instructor, University of Colorado, 1987-1991</p><p>Foreign Languages: Spanish</p><p>Selected Publications:</p><p>The Keyhole Opera: Wheatland Press, 2005</p><p>Thirteen Ways to Water: Wheatland Press/Panisphere Books, 2004</p><p>Word Work: Surviving and Thriving as a Writer: Invisible Cities Press, 2002</p><p>Wind Over Heaven: Wildside Press, 2000</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Dr. Thaddeus W. Usowicz Associate Professor Department of Information System, College of Businesss San Francisco University 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132</p><p>Date of Birth: 10/02/43</p><p>Grant Category: Senior Fulbright Lecturership </p><p>Discipline: Information Systems and Data Analyses</p><p>Specialization: Systems Analysis and Design; Object-Oriented Design; IT Project Management; Medical and Biological Informatics; Management Sciences. </p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Veszprém. University of Pannonia Department of Management, Faculty of Economics Institute of Political Science and Sociology H-8200 Veszprém. Egyetem u. 10.</p><p>Duration of Stay: January 2010- June 2010</p><p>Academic Background: Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco, 1991 M.S. Management, Mass. Institute of Technology, 1968 M.S.C.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968 S.B.M.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965</p><p>Professional Background: Assoc. Professor, San Francisco State University, 1983 Capital Improvements Program Engineer (included internal management consulting, patronage forecasting), Bay Area Rapid Transit District, 1975-1980. Transportation Syst. Analyst, INTERPLAN Corp., 1973- 1974 Member, Economics Dept., General Research Corp., 1971-1972, 1968-69 Captain, U.S. Army Ordnance Corps, 1969-1971. Foreign Languages: Polish</p><p>Selected Publications: “The Challenges and Directions of MIS Curriculum Development in Respect of Transformation of Business Requirements”. (with Wrycza, S., and others). Proceedings of ITiCSE ’99, 4th Annual SIGCSE/SIGCUE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Cracow, Poland, 1999. "Current Trends in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodologies in the U.S." Proceedings of Business Information Systems '97 (BIS'97), Poznan, Poland, 1997. “Trip Distance and Fare Paying Characteristics of BART Patrons in May 1978”. (with W. Belding). 60th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 1981. Published in the Transportation Research Record Series. Integration of Transit Systems. Volume 2: Integrated European Transit Systems. (with R. Krzyczkowski, Dr. Vukan R. Vuchic, and others). Report 7123 R, INTERPLAN Corp., Santa Barbara, CA, May 1973.</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Dr. Lorene A. Wedeking Professor Department of Nursing Metropolitan State University Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106</p><p>Date of Birth: 10/22 /1944</p><p>Grant Category: Lecturer</p><p>Discipline: Global/Public Health</p><p>Specialization: Public Health Nursing, Health Policy, Nursing Informatics</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: University of Pécs Faculty of Health Sciences H-7621 Pé.cs</p><p>Duration of Stay: February- June, 2010</p><p>Academic Background: Ph.D., Capella University, 2001 M.S., University of Minnesota, 1972 BSN, University of Iowa, 1970</p><p>Professional Background: Professor, Metropolitan State University, 2005 Associate Professor, Metropolitan State University, 2002-2005 Consultant and Director positions, Minnesota Department of Health, 1975-2001 Assistant Professor, Winona State University, 1972-1975</p><p>Foreign Languages:</p><p>Selected Publications and Presentations:</p><p>Josten, L, Wedeking, L, Block, D.E., Savik, K, & Vincent, P. (1997). Linking High-Risk, Low-Income Pregnant Women to Public Health Services. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 3(2), 27-36.</p><p>Decker, F A., Vancini, M, Wedeking, L. A. & Stevens, L. (1979). Using Patient Outcomes to Evaluate Community Health Nursing. Nursing Outlook, 27 (April), 278-282.</p><p>Using Assessment to Improve Student Learning. Presented at the 2007 Spring Faculty Conference, Metropolitan State University, Saint Paul, MN.</p><p>The Wheel: A Language for Public Health Nursing Practice Spreading Across the World. Presented at the Hawai’i Department of Health, May 18, 2005; Hilo, Hawaii; sent by videoconference to Kona side of the Big Island and to offices in Maui and Kaui’i.</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 II. Researchers</p><p>Fall semester</p><p>Dr. Janos Szanyi</p><p>Spring semester</p><p>Dr. Thomas S. Burns Dr. Lynn M. Hooker</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Dr. Janos Szanyi Staff Scientist Chemical and Materials Sciences Division Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 902 Battelle Blvd., Richland WA 99352</p><p>Date of Birth: 01/18/58</p><p>Grant Category: Researcher</p><p>Discipline: Chemistry</p><p>Specialization: Surface Science/Catalysis</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Chemical Research Center Institute of Nanotechnology and Catalysis</p><p>H-1025 Budapest, Pusztaszeri ut 59-67..</p><p>Duration of Stay: August 2009-December 2009</p><p>Academic Background: Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 1993 Dr. of Univ., University of Szeged, 1996 B.A., University of Szeged, 1982</p><p>Professional Background: Staff Scientist, PNNL, 2007 Senior Scientist, PNNL, 2001 Senior Research Scientist, PPG Ind., Pittsburgh, 1996 Research Associate, Los Alamos Nat.Lab., 1993</p><p>Foreign Languages: Hungarian</p><p>Selected Publications:</p><p>“Understanding the nature of surface nitrates in BaO/γ -Al2O3 NOx storage materials: A combined experimental and theoretical study”, Journal of Catalysis, 2009, 261, 17.</p><p>“BaO/Al2O3/NiAl(110) Model NOx Storage Materials: The Effect of BaO Film Thickness on the Amorphous-to-Crystalline Ba(NO3)2 Phase Transition”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 716.</p><p>“Reaction of NO2 with a Pure, Thick BaO Film: The Effect of Temperature on the Nature of NOx Species Formed”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 2134.</p><p>“Oxygen Coverage Dependence of NO Oxidation on Pt(111)”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 5766.</p><p>“Role of Pentacoordinated Al3+ Ions in the High Temperature Phase Transformation of γ-Al2O3”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008, 112, 9486.</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Dr. Thomas S. Burns S. C. Dobbs Professor of History Department of History Emory University</p><p>Date of Birth: 07/ 06/ 45</p><p>Grant Category: Researcher </p><p>Discipline: History</p><p>Specialization: Ancient History and Archaeology</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: University of Pécs Department of Ancient History and Archeology H-7624 Pécs Rókus u. 2.</p><p>Duration of Stay: January – June 2010</p><p>Academic Background: Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1974 M.A., University of Michigan, 1968 B.A., Wabash College, 1967</p><p>Professional Background: Professor, Emory University, 1985 - Assoc. Professor, Emory University, 1980 - 1985 Assist. Professor, Emory University, 1974 - 1980</p><p>Foreign Languages: Latin, ancient Greek, French, German, Spanish</p><p>Selected Publications:</p><p>Die römische Siedlung bei Babarc, Komitat Baranya/Ungarn / The Roman Settlement near Babarc, Komitat Baranya, Hungary, with Helmut Bender (U. Passau, Germany) and Z. Visy and F. Fazekas (U. Pécs, Hungary), Passauer Universitätsschriften zur Archäologie, Band 12, Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH (Passau, 2007).</p><p>Rome and the Barbarians, 100 BC to AD 400 (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003).</p><p>Barbarians within the Gates of Rome: A Study of Roman Military Policy and the Barbarians, ca.375-425 AD (Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1994).</p><p>A History of the Ostrogoths, (Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1984).</p><p>The Ostrogoths; Kingship and Society, Historia, Einzelschriften, No. 36, Wiesbaden, 1980.</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Dr. Lynn M. Hooker Assistant Professor of Central Eurasian Studies Adjunct Assistant Professor of Musicology and Ethnomusicology Indiana University Goodbody Hall 157 1011 East Third Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47405 [email protected]</p><p>Date of Birth: 11/10/1968</p><p>Grant Category: Researcher</p><p>Discipline: Musicology/Ethnomusicology</p><p>Specialization: music and modernism; Béla Bartók and Ferenc (Franz) Liszt; Eastern European minority issues, particularly Roma (Gypsies) and the minorities of Transylvania; gender in music and dance; national, transnational, and global identities, as seen though music</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Ethnology 1014 Budapest, Országház u. 30.</p><p>Duration of Stay: January - May 2010</p><p>Academic Background: Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2001 M.A., University of Chicago, 1994 A.B., Duke University, 1990</p><p>Professional Background: Assistant Professor, Indiana University, 2003-present Assistant Professor, University of Richmond, 2001-2003</p><p>Foreign Languages: Hungarian, German, French</p><p>Selected Publications: “Festivalization, the Carnivalesque, and the Creation and Maintenance of Community in North American Hungarian Folk Music and Dance Camps,” Hungarian Studies 22, no. 1-2 (2008), 89-101. “Controlling the Liminal Power of Performance: Hungarian Scholars and Romani Musicians in the Hungarian Folk Revival,” Twentieth-Century Music 3, no. 1 (March 2006), 51-72. “Modernism on the Periphery: Béla Bartók and the New Hungarian Music Society of 1911-1912,” Musical Quarterly 88, no. 2 (Summer 2005), 274-319. “Gypsiness and Gender in the Hungarian Folkdance Revival,” Anthropology of East Europe Review 23, no. 2 (Autumn 2005), 52-62. “Transylvania and the Politics of the Musical Imagination,” European Meetings in Ethnomusicology 9 (2002), 45-76. “The political and cultural climate of turn-of-the-century Hungary,” The Cambridge Companion to Bartók, ed. Amanda Bayley. Cambridge University Press, 2001, 7-23. Redefining Hungarian Music from Liszt to Bartók, book manuscript under review.</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 III. Students</p><p>Ms. Allison P. Beresford Ms. Adee Braun Ms. Ameerah N. Chowdhury Ms. Barbara E. Coons Mr. Brett S. Frankel Mr. Christopher P. Maroshegyi Ms. Leslie M. Waters</p><p>Teaching Assistants</p><p>Mr. Benjamin C. Brooks Ms. Kristina E. Poznan</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Ms. Allison P. Beresford Student English and Comparative Literary Studies Occidental College 1600 Campus Road Los Angeles, CA 90041 </p><p>Date of Birth: 12/12/1986</p><p>Grant Category: Student Full Grant</p><p>Discipline: Language and Literature</p><p>Project Title: From Reform to Revolution: Changes in the Hungarian Literary Language</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: ELTE Eötvös József Collegium H-1118 Budapest Ménesi Út 11-13</p><p>Duration of Stay: September 2009- May 2010</p><p>Academic Background: B.A., Occidental College, 5/2009</p><p>Professional Background:</p><p>6/2007 – 5/2009: Slide Registry Assistant, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery 6/2007 – 8/2007: Community Arts Intern, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery 9/2005 – 9/2007: Office Assistant, Occidental College Office of Alumni Relations</p><p>Foreign Languages: Spanish, Hungarian, Russian</p><p>Honors, Publications, Presentations (selection):</p><p>Theodore and Ellen Stearns Scholarship, Occidental (2007-2009); Presenter, paper titled “Voices of Subversion: Hungarian Literature under Communism.” at the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (Nov. 2008); Presenter, paper titled “Dreaming in Hungarian.” at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research in La Crosse, WI (2009); Member of Phi Beta Kappa (2009); Magna Cum Laude Graduate: Occidental College (May 2009)</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Ms. Adee Braun Student Columbia University New York, NY 10027</p><p>Date of Birth: July 1, 1982</p><p>Grant Category: Student Full Grant</p><p>Discipline: Art History</p><p>Specialization: National Exhibitions; National Myths, Symbols and Monuments; National Identity and Identity Construction; Nineteenth Century Hungarian Nationalism</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Academy of Sciences Research Institute for Art History H-1014 Budapest, Úri utca 49</p><p>Duration of Stay: September 2009- May 2010</p><p>Academic Background: M.A., Columbia University, 2009 B.A., State University of New York, Geneseo, 2004</p><p>Professional Background: Assistant Acquisitions Editor, Teachers College Press: 2004-2009</p><p>Foreign Languages: French, Hebrew (spoken)</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Ms. Ameerah N. Chowdhury Student Mathematics University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA, 92093-0112</p><p>Date of Birth: 03/03/82</p><p>Grant Category: Student Full Grant</p><p>Discipline: Mathematics</p><p>Project Title: Intersection Theorems in Vector Spaces</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Afréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences</p><p>Reáltanoda utca 13-15, H-1053, Budapest, Hungary</p><p>Duration of Stay: January 2010 – September 2010</p><p>Academic Background: Ph.D., UC San Diego, 2012 (expected) MMath., University of Waterloo, 2005 B.S., California Institute of Technology, 2004</p><p>Professional Background: NSF-CESRI Fellow, 5/2008 - 7/2008 Research Assistant, UC San Diego, 2008 - 2009 Course Assistant, UC San Diego, 2006 – 2009 Math Instructor, Upward Bound, 6/2006 - 8/2006 Course Assistant, University of Waterloo, 2004 – 2005 GRE Instructor, Kaplan Inc., 2003 – 2005 Math Tutor, Caltech, 2000 - 2004 </p><p>Foreign Languages: Spanish, Hungarian</p><p>Selected Publications:</p><p>A. Chowdhury, C. Godsil, and G. Royle, ``Colouring Lines in Projective Space," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 113/1, (2006), 39-52.</p><p>A. Chowdhury and B. Patkos, “Shadows and Intersections in Vector Spaces,” submitted.</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Ms. Barbara E. Coons Student Department of Biology; Department of History University of Pennsylvania College Hall 208 Philadelphia, PA 19104</p><p>Date of Birth: 11/11/86</p><p>Grant Category: Student </p><p>Discipline: Public Health and Epidemiology</p><p>Project Title: “The Implications of Privatization of the Hungarian Medical System on Ethnic Minorities”</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: University of Debrecen Faculty of Public Health H4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26</p><p>Duration of Stay: September 2009- May 2010</p><p>Academic Background: B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 2009</p><p>Professional Background: English Teacher, Kabay János Általános Iskola, 2004 - 2005 Research Assistant, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Surgical Research, 2007 - 2009</p><p>Foreign Languages: Hungarian; French</p><p>Selected Honors, Publications, Presentations: Penn Program on Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism Undergraduate Fellow, Project titled: “The Potential for Violence in 1990s Eastern Europe: Why Did Transylvania Simmer While Kosovo Boiled?” (2008 – 2009) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of Pennsylvania and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 2008 Poster Presentation, “In Utero Delivery Enhances Transduction Efficiency, Distribution and Muscle Tropism of Systemically Delivered rAAV1, 6, 8, and 9,” American Society of Gene Therapy Conference (Boston, Massachusetts: May 2008) University Scholar, University of Pennsylvania (December 2007) Presentation, “Magyar Hegemony and the Suppression of Romanians in Transylvania,” Midwest Slavic Conference (Columbus, Ohio: April 2007)</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Mr. Brett S. Frankel The Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD 21218</p><p>Date of Birth: 12/15/86</p><p>Grant Category: Student Full Grant</p><p>Discipline: Mathematics</p><p>Specialization: Experiencing Hungarian Mathematics Education From Both Sides of the Classroom</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Mathematics 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C..</p><p>Duration of Stay: August 2009- June 2010</p><p>Academic Background: B.A. and M.A., The Johns Hopkins University, 5/2009 Budapest Semesters in Mathematics, Spring 2008 IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute, Undergraduate Summer School, Summer 2009</p><p>Professional Background: Teaching Assistant, Johns Hopkins University Mathematics: Fall 2007, Fall 2008, Spring 2009 NSF-funded research programs: East Tennessee State University, Summer 2007 Mount Holyoke College, Summer 2008 University of Utah, Summer 2009</p><p>Honors, Publications, Presentations (selection):</p><p>J. J. Sylvester Award, awarded to up to two graduating Johns Hopkins undergraduates for outstanding acheivement in mathematics.</p><p>Richard A. Macksey Award, presented to the graduating senior member of Phi Beta Kappa whose academic career best emulates the wide-ranging intellectual interests of Professor Macksey.</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Mr. Christopher P. Maroshegyi Student Boston College 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467</p><p>Date of Birth: 12/01/87</p><p>Grant Category: Researcher</p><p>Discipline: Economic Development</p><p>Specialization: Economic and Political Development; Foreign Aid; Migration</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Hajdu Laszlo Mayor of Budapest, 15th district Member of Parliament 1153 Budapest XV, Bocskai u 1-3, 1601 pf. 46</p><p>Duration of Stay: September 2009- May 2010</p><p>Academic Background: B.A., Boston College 2009</p><p>Professional Background: Project Consultant, UNESCO Iraq – 2009 – Present Founder, Editor-In-Chief of Al-Noor – Sept. 2006 – May 2009 Globalization and Development Specialist, Columbia University – Summer 2008 Economic/IT Development Researcher, American University in Cairo – Spring 2009 Congressional Intern – Summer 2007 Undergraduate Research Fellow, Sept. 2006 – May 2007</p><p>Foreign Languages: Hungarian, Arabic</p><p>Honors, Publications, Activities:</p><p>“ The Role of International Migrant Remittances in Poverty Reduction,” Elements, Boston College, Forthcoming Bachelor’s Thesis with Honors, Exporting Citizens: The Power Politics and Economics Behind Emigration Policy in Morocco, 2009. Advanced Study Grant Recipient for field research in Budapest, Hungary Boston College Undergraduate Research Fellow</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Ms. Leslie M. Waters PhD Candidate Department of History University of California Los Angeles 6265 Bunche Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095</p><p>Date of Birth: 24/12/1981</p><p>Grant Category: Student Full Grant </p><p>Discipline: History </p><p>Specialization: Modern History of East-Central Europe; Nationalism; Right-wing Politics.</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of History 1014 Budapest Úri u. 53 </p><p>Duration of Stay: September 2009-June 2010</p><p>Academic Background:</p><p>M.A., University of California, Los Angeles, 2008 B.A., University of San Francisco, 2003</p><p>Professional Background:</p><p>Teaching Assistant, UCLA, 2007-2009 Research Assistant, J. Paul Getty Research Institute, 2007-2008 Lecturer, J.M. Hurbana Gymnazium, Cadca, Slovakia, 2005</p><p>Foreign Languages:</p><p>Hungarian</p><p>Honors, Publications, Presentations:</p><p>Graduate Summer Research Mentorship, UCLA, 2008 Awardee, Summer Institute for Conducting Archival Research, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in conjunction with George Washington University, 2008 Slavic Studies Language Award, UCLA, 2007 History Department Summer Research Grant, UCLA, 2007 David Herlihy Prize for Excellence in History, University of San Francisco, 2003 Finalist, Dean’s Medal and Valedictorian, University of San Francisco, 2003</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Mr. Benjamin Chaffin Brooks Graduate Teaching Assistant Educational Studies University of Cincinnati</p><p>Date of Birth: 09/10/1979</p><p>Grant Category: English Teaching Assistantship</p><p>Discipline: Education</p><p>Specialization: Social, Cultural, Historical Foundations of Education; Oral History; Philosophy and Policy in Education</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Eszterhazy Karoly College Department of American Studies</p><p>American Corners-Eger</p><p>Duration of Stay: September 2009- May 2010</p><p>Academic Background: ABD, University of Cincinnati, 2009 M.Ed., University of Cincinnati, 2005 B.S., James Madison University, 2001</p><p>Professional Background: 2009, Graduate Teaching Assistant/Professor, Introduction to Oral History.</p><p>2009, Guest Lecturer, Cincinnati State University, Issues in Human Diversity</p><p>2008, Instructor, Upward Bound of Mount St. Joseph’s College, English II and Algebra/Geometry.</p><p>2007-2009, Graduate Teaching Assistant/Professor, Ed. Studies, Schooling and Teaching in America.</p><p>2005-2007, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Dr. Ken Howey and Dr. Nancy Zimpher, Leadership and Collaboration in P-16 Partnerships.</p><p>2005-2007, Graduate Assistant, President Nancy Zimpher, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.</p><p>Selected Publications: Brooks, B., & Allen-Brown, V. (2008). A brief oral historical account of the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission. </p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Ms. Kristina E. Poznan M.A. Candidate Lyon G. Tyler Department of History College of William & Mary Williamsburg, VA 23187</p><p>Date of Birth: 07/09/86</p><p>Grant Category: English Teaching Assistant (ETA)</p><p>Disciplines: History; Education</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church Department of English Languages & Cultures H-1088 BUDAPEST, Reviczky u. 4.</p><p>Duration of Stay: September 2009- May 2010</p><p>Academic Background:</p><p>M.A., College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, 2010 Field: American History</p><p>B.A., Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, 2008 Major: History; Teaching Certification: Secondary Social Studies</p><p>Professional Background:</p><p>Editorial Apprentice, Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture (William & Mary Quarterly), Williamsburg, VA</p><p>Head Residential Program Assistant, National Institute of American History & Democracy, Williamsburg, VA</p><p>Student Teacher, Arlington High School, LaGrangeville, NY</p><p>Research Assistant, Vassar College Department of History, Mid-Hudson Antislavery History Project, and Bedford/St. Martin’s Press</p><p>Writing Consultant, Vassar College Writing Center, Poughkeepsie, NY</p><p>Assistant, Lewis & Clark Experience Inc., Fairfield, CT, and Helena, MT</p><p>Counselor, Hungarian Reformed Youth Camp/Magyar Református Ifjúsági Tábor, Laurelville, PA</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 IV. Classroom Teacher Exchange Program</p><p>Mr. John M. Dater Mr. Mark F. Deebold Ms. Joyce I. Mannel</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Mr. John M. Dater ESOL Teacher Wheaton High Schoool 12601 Dalewood Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20906</p><p>Date of Birth: 05/25/75</p><p>Grant Category: Classroom Teacher Exchange </p><p>Discipline: English as a Second Language</p><p>Specialization: Social Studies</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Szerb Antal Gimnázium 1164 Bp. Batthyány Ilona u. 12. Nagytarcsa Department of English as a Foreign Language</p><p>Duration of Stay: August 2009 – June 2010</p><p>Academic Background: M.Ed., The George Washington University, 2007 B.A., Vassar College, 1998</p><p>Professional Background: Social Studies Teacher, Escuela Internacionale Sampedrana, San Pedro Sula, Honduras 2003-2004 Peace Corps Volunteer, Teacher of English as a Foreign Language, Benin, Africa, 2001-2003 Sociology Researcher, Wellesley College, 2000</p><p>Foreign Languages: French, Spanish, Bariba</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Mr. Mark Francis Deebold Sheltered Instruction Coach, ESL Instructor English as a Second Language Atlantic City High School Atlantic City, New Jersey</p><p>Date of Birth: 01/08/1965</p><p>Grant Category: High School Teacher Exchange</p><p>Discipline: English as a Second Language</p><p>Specialization: Teaching English as a Second Language; Sheltered Instruction; American Culture; World History; Educational Administration</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Radnoti Miklos Economic Secondary School 7633 Pécs, Esztergár Lajos u. 6.</p><p>Duration of Stay: September 2009- June 2010</p><p>Academic Background: M.A. Educational Administration, Rowan University, 2008</p><p>M.S. Teaching, Rowan University, 1997</p><p>B.A. History, Richard Stockton College, 1991</p><p>Professional Background: Sheltered Instruction Coach, ACHS, 2007-Present</p><p>Owner, On the Job English, 2000-Present</p><p>Sheltered World History Teacher, ACHS, 1998-Present</p><p>ESL Teacher, ACHS, 1998-2008</p><p>Program Coordinator, ACIT, 1997-2002</p><p>ESL Teacher, Atlantic Cape Community College, 1997-1998 Foreign Languages: Chinese</p><p>Selected Presentations: Utilizing Student-Produced Films to Facilitate Second Language Acquisition: National TESOL Convention, Seattle, WA The Regional Immigrant Newcomer Center at Atlantic City High School: NJ TESOL/NJBE Convention, Somerset, NJ Improving Communicative Competence Through Courtroom Dramas: PENN TESOL Convention, Philadelphia, PA Teaching Techniques for Teachers of ELLs: Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ Implementing the SIOP Model: Atlantic City School District, Atlantic City, NJ</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010 Ms. Joyce I. Mannel ESL Teacher & Chair ESL Department Port Chester High School 1 Tamarack Rd., Port Chester, NY 10573</p><p>Date of Birth: 11/11/63</p><p>Grant Category: Teacher Exchange</p><p>Discipline: TESOL</p><p>Specialization: NYS English Regents Preparation, Literacy & Grammar, Literature, Fundamentals of Expository Writing</p><p>Affiliation in Hungary: Zrinyi Ilona High School 4400 Nyiregyhaza Szechenyi utca 29-37</p><p>Duration of Stay: September 2009 - June 2010</p><p>Academic Background: M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University, 1997 B.A., New York University, 1989</p><p>Professional Background: Port Chester - Rye Union Free School District, 2001 - date; Brandeis H.S., 1996 - 2001; G.W. H.S., 1995-1996; Adlai E. Stevenson H.S., 1994-1995 </p><p>Foreign Languages: some Greek, some Spanish</p><p>American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2009/2010</p>
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