WEATHER FORECAST Sunny and hot today with a chance of a late afternoon thundershower. Pair, low Metropolitan .near 63 tonight. (Pull report, Page A-2.) Temperatures Today Midnight 70 6 a.m.—65 n a.m....83 2 a.m.—67 8 am.__.73 Noon 84 am.__.66 Edition 4 10 am.—79 p.m.."’84 l V, y V y WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION L/ifef New York Markets, Page C-7 ©he Itienina/*MT 105th Year. No. ‘ 114. Phone ST. 3-5000 ?? WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, 24, 1957-84 PAGES Home Delivered: r Uma APRIL V&ngTt&„ !i S 8 5 CENTS Women Charge --Vvv 'fi^ Pressure for Jordan Quells Riots, ' v , «sl- .... Mry ji; i v* Ap >? -UtW' ¦< , i .p'rfMU, False Evidence Vila. ¦¦ SlKi&.srir Portland Deputy Shuts Syrian Border Calls Testimony in Labor Quiz 'Hoax' By CECIL HOLLAND AND Rocks Flung; WILLIAMHINES Egypt Reveals Tension Splitting Arabs; A youngish, sharp featured woman told the Senate commit- Leftist Strike tee investigating labor racketeer- Iraq Lines Up for Jordan ing today she had been pres- Plan for Suez Baghdad Reported sured by a Portland (Oreg.) Moving Troops, Grips State deputy sheriff into giving a false Issuing Warning to Egypt Syria affidavit. and AMMAN,Jordan, April 24 UP). Claiming JERUSALEM, Israel, April 24 OP}.—Private reports reaching ; -Stone-throwing rioters The deputy. George Minlelly, Tolls and a earlier had given a contradictory Israel today said Iraq has moved troops to areas near her border r| general strike failed today to story to the committee and sub- U. with Syria. The reports lacked official confirmation Iraqi . shake Premier Hussein Khalidi S. Asks Council here. out of office. sequently took the stand again troops previously have been reported near the Jordan frontier. to To Meet to Take Up (Jordan characterise the woman’s It appeared from reports here mounting )! closed its border testimony as “the greatest that tension is ’ with Syria at 6:30 a.m. local hoax Canal among the Arab nations, Iraq lined up against ever pushed on the American Question with with Jordan - time today, Damascus radio public." CAIRO. April 24 (A*).—Egypt Egypt and Syria. reported. It said the move An Israeli The two conflicting stories, disclosed today a Suez Canal foreign office spokesman, Moshe Leshem, said I came as a “surprise” to Syria). given Egypt . youths, apparently in the course of a two-hour i plan calling for Egyptian collec- has now “come out in the Mobs of session in the jOpen” in seeking overthrow of agreement par- . organized by pro-Egyptian left- Senate Caucus l tion of all tools and the setting j and “we are not 1 Room, drew from Senator Mc- ithe Jordan government. ticularly in need of hostile ai ists, ran through downtown Up of International ' Clellan a statement that “I’m arbitration The reports of the Iraqi troop neighbors.” streets for several hours de- manding government getting a little tired of having machinery for settling disputes. movements reached here a short that the “Armed Camps" Described resign this committee imposed upon by The proposal was contained in ’time after the government- and that Jordan-federate BELVOIR ‘PACKAGE’—Fort Belvoir’s atomic power plant, called a crossing : Syria Egypt. liars.” “package” a memorandum released here operated Kol Israel (voice of Tourists into the with and because is its in Israeli part of Jerusalem from violence erupted Witnesses in the hearings to- it designed so components may be transported by air for installa- of a U. Security Israel) radio reported that Iraq l The in the day. advance N. Jordan reported capital besides Deputy tion at remote bases, was Council meeting ihad warned Egypt and Syria several anti- ¦ center of the about 9 a.m. Minielly, Sheriff warily opened for photos yesterday. on Suez ex.’ and anti-Western Mobs swarmed about were Kathline Weeks, pec ted to be held tomorrow or against attempting to bring about American i the Mos- who told the conflicting story Friday. Jordan’s collapse. demonstrations in the old city lem mosque in the heart of the of - city. Communist, and Mary Childress, whose tes- VAPOR CONTAINER The Egyptian Jerusalem. The travelers re- leftist and na- timony announcement Military Plan Reported ported the ; tionalist leaders largely supported that entrance said the memorandum demonstrations were addressed the of consti- The radio said Iraq de- broken up by the Arab Legion. crowds by turns, most of Miss Weeks. tutes “an instru- had them international clared she is ready to undertake They said the old city of Jerusa- • condemning the Eisenhower doc- Admits Using ment” and will be deposited and Narcotics registered a ‘‘widespread military opera- lem and Amman were armed I trine for the Middle East. with the U. N. secre- camps, legionnaires Miss Weeks identified herself tary general. • tion” that would pit Arab against l with Arab occupying West Denounced as a “known prostitute” and said Although Arab if Syria or Egypt bring 1 the main streets and she gMHk details were not im- about of strategic buildings. One mob stood in front of was a narcotics user. Mrs. I mediately disclosed, ' a dismemberment the 1 Childress characterized the Cairo Hashemite Kingdom. Spokesman Moshe Leshem said I Government House for more herself newspaper A1 Shaab , hour, shbutihg as a “housewife” and said said these It said Iraq’s Ambassadors in the Egyptians are now working than an demands she were the highlights of the mem- | that the cabinet resign and was not a prostitute, having been Cairo and Damascus had been openly1 against King Hussein in- arrested only orandum: instructed to convey side Jordan as well as through , such anti-Western slogans as, once, in 1933, for 1. All the warn- 1 prostitution. She transit fees should be l ings and to lodge complaint a Cairo radio press cam- . “We don’t want American dol- also said she paid to Egypt. They may a ¦ and had been taking be against the interference by the paign.1 lars or pounds sterling.” narcotics but raised up to per quieted. had been under 1 cent every two countries in af- "The Egyptians have Then Amman The treatment re- year. Any Jordan's decided I dispersed peace- cently to the further increase would fairs. i to play it openly," Mr. Leshem , demonstrators break habit. be arranged by . fully The brief, surprise negotiation be- Israeli spokesman Leshem told a reporter. “Before this after suffering a few minor session, tween Egypt 1 ’ injuries. called yesterday augment and canal users. said this country wants King they were careful. Their mili- to 2- Egypt ’ Large testimony in the so-called Port- wll lobserve the 1888 Hussein to stay in power and tary attaches worked ‘through numbers of troops held Constantinople key positions throughout land scandals, was opened by convention con- doesn’t want “Joraan to fall i secret channels.” the cerning capital participate Chairman freedom of, navigation. apart.” If Iraqis move Jor- A major objective of Egyp- but did not McClellan with this » Any disputes into the ! putting over the conven- dan. he said, would sud- tian drive, Mr. said, in down the riots, statement: tion’s interpretation Israel Leshem is! j On “I think during HI or the denly find herself with a neigh- to make dependent upon the orders of Mr. Khalidi that the Jordan Egyptian memorandum should bor who had signed < to avoid serious bloodshed, po- course of these hearings it should be no armistice other Arab states. be settled in accordance with ¦ > lice armed with clubs and . borne in mind the witnesses ir Is\ provisions of the U. N. charter. equipped with straw shields primarily B ij# are the witnesses of 8188 id I ¦mt'V The trapped large Sheriff Schrunk and CHyde World Court would be the sections of the Crosby.” final arbiter. rioters and prevented them from ' .T 3. Disputes over Panama Pressures U. S. Joining forces. The Schrunk is Mayor of 'V? -I f transit vio- tactic Portland. lations be to the worked. Crosby is the top Teamster of- should referred ¦M fwf filjfip jdMHHI" Hi Egyptian Sues Canal authority ii After the rioting stopped, Mr. ficial in Oregon. Both men are * for settlement. If they Khalidi went to the royal palace. under todictment in eeonection are not For Bigger Share of I by authority, Tolls The 70-year-old premier, wifflr <He and corruption bSI MB w settled the theyl named scan- be put up By , by young King Hussein to dals in the Oregon metropolis. should for arbitration. I EARL H. VOSS ] | here to discuss Juridical aspects heui In this case, three arbitrators! Bt»r Stuff Correspondent jof United States operations. ;the cabinet mostly of inde- Returned to Portland should be appointed, one by tbei PANAMA CITY, April 24.—! . In the Canal Zone,, ostensibly J pendents only eight days ago, Minielly testified he went from authority, another by the com- There are solid indications here ,! under private sponsorship, the e twas reported to have told an Portland to Laredo, Tex., to plainant and a third by agree- that Panama, military , seminar had the obvious in- JAll-Party Committee demanding I herself a ¦ his resignation take Miss Weeks and Miss Chil- ment of the two sides. If they cipher, is awakening to the ef- , dorsement of Mr. de la Guardia } that he would not do agree quit. dress in custody and return them Hi BHfF' not on the third per- fectiveness of political pressures ; and his administration. * to charge wßmmß yiHy^flHHlison the president of the Inter- Portland on a of un- 1 on the United States for a Accept Cites Previous Support flight national Court of Few Nations lawful to avoid prosecu- ENTRANCE—An engine«r,Harold Hoover, stahds beside one Justice should greater share in Panama Canal He said leaders tion.
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