<p> Badger Region Volleyball Association Board of Directors Meeting Horny Goat Restaurant on October 30, 2011</p><p>Board Members In Attendance: Julie Voeck, Nancy Paulson, Chris Haworth, Dave Schmidlin, Jim Momsen, BJ Bryant, BJ Leroy, Chad Schreiber, Kelly Lehman</p><p>Ex-Officio Members Present: Jennifer Armson-Dyer, Terry Paulson, Colleen Houk, Scott Blackmon, Anne Denkert, Larry Schoenick, Dale Rohde, Anne Slattery</p><p>“Everyone has had a chance to review the agenda. Does anyone have a conflict of interest with anything we plan to discuss? Let the minutes reflect…”</p><p>I. Call to Order Voeck calls the meeting to order at 10:19 a.m. Introductions of new members</p><p>II. Approval of Minutes from August 14, 2011. All in favor of approving minutes; none opposed. Motion passes.</p><p>III. Region Office Report a. USAV October Meetings a.i. Armson-Dyer attended meetings and returned with a significant amount of notes. a.i.1. Florida region spearheading Semi Pro Women’s League –regionally a.i.1.a. Allocated $10,000 (Florida) a.i.1.b. Interest is minimal a.i.1.c. Concerned with getting players/coaches/marketing/organization a.i.1.d. Schreiber suggests that a different model should be looked at Discussion **Men are as interested as women at the highest of levels **USAV should spearhead it instead of the regions **Going back to possibly working with the Central Zone format—combining **No need to jump on board with this until we get more info. b. National Referee Rating Process b.i. Referee Division will change the process of getting rated. Training teams/rating teams. Some Commissioners dislike the change. USAV leadership didn’t feel that they needed the regions to pass it. Our region already has a policy in place. c. AES Ranking System c.i. The possibility of new codes will be disbursed. Code will make clear what organization the team is associated with. d. Region Bonding d.i. Regions should consider bonding together to get better marketing e. 2011 USAV Registrations --3000+ f. Junior Championships—talked moving the dates f.i. Another layer to the Champs was discussed g. Boys Grant g.i. Congrats to Armson-Dyer & Schreiber for working together and getting awarded the grant Discussion *Stipends to clubs who want to start a boys club *Impact/registration fee for new coaches *Sister/Brother clinic (every paid girl-free boy’s fee to the clinic) *Father/Son clinic (boys pay and get free mentor paid for) *Boy’s clinic at the state boys tourney (next year) (9-3:00 before the boys games on Friday)/Possibly even make it an Impact clinic *How would club qualify to get the money? (bidding process from clubs) Existing club could get the money but it has to be a new category (new age level) *Bryant talked about ideas that he had –3 tourneys including the region champs *T. Paulson stated that there are more clubs offering more boys events. So teams should have more places to play. Tourneys would mainly be in Jan/Feb *All unused funds if any (from grant) would go into final event at the 2012 Boys state tourney. Voeck thanked them for all of their hard work. h. Website—Will be up and running by November 7 h.i. Four company’s bid with Jay Group getting the nod h.i.1. Armson-Dyer has been very pleased with how quickly things are moving h.i.2. Online Registration processes are being looked at closely i. CAP i.i. Registration is open/ discount happens before the 1st j. D & O Insurance j.i. Armson-Dyer has information available k. Winter Board Meeting—Monday k.i. Jan 23 l. Budget l.i. Slattery has been working on all budgets l.i.1. Getting items properly coded l.i.1.a. $86,000 profit (will probably be down to $70,000) l.i.1.a.a. Mileage up l.i.1.a.b. Staff stipend up l.i.1.a.c. Staff salary up l.i.1.a.d. Admission up/entry down l.i.1.a.e. Financially solvent (like to here) l.i.2. Where would we like to get to? (Voeck) Targeting--Spring meeting for finalizing budget Finer Coding is a must</p><p>IV. Tournament Director Report a. Badger Region Championships a.i. Contracts are all set up/AES will be set up soon a.ii. Teams can enter on 12/1 a.iii. Hotel set up will be different for State Fair weekend-Hilton & Marriott Courtyard a.iv. May have to use the old court systems—water barrels a.v. Molten contract signed/ Fine Designs (last year) b. Badger Region Qualifier b.i. Weekends have been decided b.ii. National Bid Problem b.ii.1. 2011 teams were throwing the bid b.ii.1.a. Might just give away if a team wants it b.iii. Outdoor Events b.iii.1. Junior Events—interest is high b.iii.1.a. Work on bringing a National event to Milwaukee b.iii.1.b. Horny Goat (indoor) b.iii.2. Sandy (GLR)/concerned about liability b.iii.2.a. Bathroom ordinances b.iii.2.b. Fines for things that need to be fined for b.iii.2.b.a. Refs standing on boxes or other unstable things b.iii.3. Haworth will work on specific sponsorship’s at our events b.iii.3.a. Individual sponsorships b.iii.3.b. Court Sponsors b.iii.3.b.a. Junior Clubs could sponsor courts b.iii.3.b.b. Donations of any kind (I support Region champs) b.iii.3.b.b.1. The money would be used to help with underfunded areas in the association b.iii.4. Sponsorships could be used to help with continuing the boy’s grants for future years. b.iii.4.a.a. Armson-Dyer is speaking with Eastbay b.iii.4.a.b. T. Paulson brought up that Molten is good b.iii.4.a.b.1. Most company’s want to be in kind and not be the main sponsor b.iii.4.a.c. Haworth—Olympus sign and banner (Brown Deer)</p><p>V. Officials a. Refereeing Updates a.i. Momsen sent out a referee survey with ½ responding a.i.1. Clinics –referee only clinics instead of the junior clinic (required next year) a.i.2. Mileage changing a.i.3. 3 refs on 2 court a.i.3.a. Working on power point for the upcoming clinics a.ii. Referee pay increase proposal (Momsen presented) a.ii.1. Would like to increase/last increase was 2 years ago a.ii.2. Momsen proposed new pay structure a.ii.2.a. 10-15% increase a.ii.2.b. Mileage stays the same Discussion *Lehman has no problem with the increase but Slattery is concerned with it happening this year as too many events have been sanctioned and it might hurt some clubs financially. *Bryant is concerned with next year keeping everyone at the same—pay scale same/no matter how many years *Voeck says that other regions send an extra official to events to monitor the officials and evaluate them —cadre type thing. *Leroy says that having good officials is what distinguishes us from the WIAA. *The BOD needs more feedback from the tourney directors on the refs *Voeck asked if we could commit to 10 evals throughout the season—get better officials to do this b. Referee Proposal—Pass/Fail (withdrawn by Momsen) b.i. Leroy motions to accept Momsen’s proposal as written b.i.1. Schmidlin seconds Discussion *Bryant—suggests $25.00/jr in training and then $27 .00 for all others *Lehman suggests a Friendly amendment to start the new pay raise next year *Scorekeepers should be included (proposed by Nancy) (already the same) *Leroy thinks that increasing the junior in training should not be increased by $5.00 *Would the increase help to lure some of the better WIAA officials into USAV *Bryant thinks there should be a separate proposal from the pay increase and getting evaluators at the events ***Motion will be put together by Jim to get more evaluators out there. ***Jim will get it to the executive committee c. Wi Legislation c.i. Workmans Comp Bill d. N. Paulson—scorekeepers—updated power point d.i. Hopefully better utilized by club directors d.ii. Dates need to be posted for certifications e. Voeck said that the region will be hosting a ref clinic before the boys bid tourney</p><p>VI. Juniors Advisory Meetings a. Should a parliamentarian be used to run the meeting? b. Proposals b.i. How are they drafted? c. Proposal Committee c.i. N. Paulson states that a proposal committee is needed c.i.1. When would this committee meet? ***The committee would review with the person making the proposal to see if they can help them word it correctly and make sure that they can explain it. d. Junior Club Director meeting should be revamped. d.i. Junior Club Directors start later in the day d.ii. Mornings should be used for specific meetings </p><p>VII. Junior Advisory Meeting Recommendations a. The Juniors passed the following Recommendations a.i. Tie breaking procedure No Playoff to stay in Gold a.i.1. Momsen moved to accept the proposal as written a.i.1.a. Bryant seconds a.i.1.b. Vote was taken—motion passes a.ii. Liberos—Serving a.ii.1. Bryant moved to accept the proposal as written a.ii.1.a. Lehman seconds a.ii.1.b. Vote was taken—motion passes a.ii.1.b.a. If not using—need to ask for a waiver a.iii. Sanction of Non-Member—Tournament Director a.iii.1.a. The region will ask tourneys to report the name of the site director to make sure that they have a current background screen a.iv. End of Season Release –BJ Bryant—presented at the Junior meeting and was shot down. **Wants the board to hear is proposal Bryant explained very passionately why he thinks the region should consider changing the release of player rule **that players are released to other clubs for events but that both clubs can then talk to this player ***An extensive/interesting conversation took place. a.iv.1. Bryant—proposed to change the current policy as to the release of players per his written proposal that was introduced at the Junior Club Director meeting. In favor—2/opposed—4/ abstain—2 ***Suggestions Bring before Ethics and Eligibility Clubs list that they have an opening on such/such team and then a player ask their club director for a release so that they can talk to the club that needs a player. b. Scholarship Proposal—Scott Blackmon b.i. For Region players that are not going on to play in college b.i.1. Does the BOD want to support? ***Suggestions *Played 4 years of club—but are not playing in college *Male & Female (renew yearly) *Open ended as far as how much?? *BOD agreed to form a committee on how to fund it/ Blackmon will pick committee</p><p>VIII. Adults—Leroy is working on a handbook a. No issues with adults</p><p>IX. Hall of Fame a. What will the region contribute? a.i. $500 (to be put into yearly budget)</p><p>X. Executive Committee Actions a. Operations Manager Hire—Colleen Houk b. Seton Tourney—Contribution b.i. Committee questioned how the region should be supporting it b.i.1. Badger region booth—for boy’s growth b.i.2. Other tournaments will be evaluated for donations as well. c. Junior Advisory Committee</p><p>XI. New Business a. Website a.i. Bio and head shot of BOD a.ii. Calls from Club Directors a.ii.1. About recruiting a.ii.1.a. Can a club offer before 10/31—yes, but they can’t accept before the 1st date. b. Leroy—wants to have a committee formed to look into the recruiting issues.</p><p>XII. Meeting Adjourned—2:40</p><p>Motions • All in favor of approving minutes. None opposed. Motion carries. • Leroy motions to accept Momsen’s proposal as written. Schmidlin seconds. Proposal is withdrawn by Momsen. • Momsen moved to accept the Tie breaking procedure No Playoff to stay in Gold proposal by the Jr Committee. Bryant seconds. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carries. • Bryant moved to accept Liberos—Serving proposal by Jr Committee. Lehman seconds. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carries. • Bryant moved to change the current policy; as to the release of players per his written proposal that was introduced at the Junior Club Director meeting. In favor—2/opposed—4/ abstain—2. Motion fails. Action Items • LeRoy and Armson-Dyer will work together on the Boys Grant and what the monies will be used for. • Slattery will work on finer coding for the budget • Haworth will work on tournament sponsors • Momsen will work at getting more evaluators • Blackmon will pick a committee for the scholarship</p>
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