<p> Community Unit School District 200 BOARD REPORT</p><p>Contact Person: Dr. Lori Belha</p><p>Title: Personnel Report</p><p>Date: August 8, 2007</p><p>Board Policy 5.30 ______</p><p>Attached is the personnel report for the August 8, 2007 board meeting.</p><p>It is recommended that the Board of Education adopt the personnel report as presented in the attached lists which include:</p><p> The recommendation for employment of specified certified staff</p><p> The recommendation for internship</p><p> The adjustment in compensation level of specified certified staff</p><p> The recommendation for full-time rehire of specified certified staff</p><p> The recommendation for part-time rehire of specified certified staff</p><p> The transfer of specified certified staff</p><p> The voluntary reduction in FTE of specified certified staff</p><p> The rescinded resignation of specified certified staff</p><p> The resignation of specified certified staff</p><p> The correction in assignment of specified certified staff</p><p> The recommendation for employment of specified classified staff</p><p> The recommendation for full-time rehire of specified classified staff</p><p> The increase in FTE of specified classified staff</p><p> The transfer of specified classified staff</p><p>Board Meeting – August 8, 2007 Board Report ______page 1 The resignation of specified classified staff</p><p> The resignation of specified before and after school staff</p><p> The recommendation for employment of specified stipend staff</p><p> The decrease in FTE of specified stipend staff</p><p> The resignation of specified stipend staff</p><p>CERTIFIED STAFF</p><p>Board Meeting – August 8, 2007 Board Report ______page 2 RECOMMENED FOR EMPLOYMENT</p><p>Robin Grey Math, WWSHS Effective: August 20, 2007 (2007/2008)</p><p>Education: BA, 2007, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL Major: Mathematics</p><p>Certification: Initial Secondary Teaching Mathematics (Senior HS)</p><p>Experience: None</p><p>Salary: $39,065. BA, Step 1 (Replacing Christine Warren – unpaid parental leave)</p><p>Raelyn Isherwood ELL, Districtwide/Franklin Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Education: BA, 2002, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL Major: Elementary Education</p><p>Certification: Initial Elementary Teaching Language Arts (Middle Grades) Mathematics (Middle Grades) Self Contained General Education Kindergarten – Grade 9</p><p>Experience: 1 year</p><p>Salary: $39,944. BA, Step 2 (Additional FTE)</p><p>RECOMMENDED FOR EMPLOYMENT – CERTIFIED – cont.</p><p>Board Meeting – August 8, 2007 Board Report ______page 3 Kristin Reenstjerna Guidance Counselor (.5), Franklin Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Education: BA, 1977, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA Major: Sociology MA, 2005, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO Major: Professional Counseling Certification, 2007, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL</p><p>Certification: School Service Personnel School Counselor (K to Grade 12 – Area of Service Endorsed)</p><p>Experience: None</p><p>Salary: $24,872. MA+15, Step 1 (Replacing Meredith Gould – accepted (.5) Curriculum Leader position)</p><p>Michelle Varland Spanish, WWSHS Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Education: BS, 2004, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL Major: Advertising MA, 2007, National-Louis University, Lisle, IL Major: Secondary Education/Foreign Language</p><p>Certification: Initial Special Teaching Business, Marketing and Computer Education (Senior HS) Foreign Language – Spanish (Senior HS)</p><p>Experience: None</p><p>Salary: $39,065. BA, Step 1 (Replacing Amy Neal – resignation)</p><p>RECOMMENDED FOR EMPLOYMENT – CERTIFIED – cont.</p><p>Sarah Wells School Social Worker (.8), Pleasant Hill and Edison</p><p>Board Meeting – August 8, 2007 Board Report ______page 4 Effective: August 20, 2007 (2007/2008)</p><p>Education: BA, 2005, Lee University, Cleveland, TN Major: Psychology MSW, 2007, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL Major: Social Work</p><p>Certification: School Service Personnel School Social Worker (Grade level of Certificate)</p><p>Experience: None</p><p>Salary: $41,785.60 MA+30, Step 1 (Replacing Susan Merrihew [.4 at Edison] parental leave and Additional FTE [.4 at Pleasant Hill])</p><p>RECOMMENDED FOR INTERNSHIP</p><p>John Durachta School Social Worker Intern (.6), Districtwide Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Education: BSW, 2007, Aurora University, Aurora, IL Major: Social Work</p><p>Salary: $6,000 (Replacing Byron Powell – completed internship)</p><p>ADJUSTMENT TO COMPENSATION LEVEL</p><p>Michael Neuhaus Science, WNHS From BA, Step 1 ($39,065.) To BA, Step 2 ($39,944.)</p><p>Pamela Ryan Special Education Resource, Lincoln From MA, Step 7 ($55,587.) To MA, Step 8 (57,088.) Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>RECOMMENDED FOR FULL-TIME REHIRE</p><p>Tracey Fickett Social Studies/Language Arts, Monroe Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Sheila King Special Education, WWSHS Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>RECOMMENDED FOR PART-TIME REHIRE</p><p>Patricia Bauer Family & Consumer Science (.4 - 1st semester/.6 - 2nd semester), WWHS</p><p>Board Meeting – August 8, 2007 Board Report ______page 5 Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Pamela Cherry Vocal Music (.5), Edison Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Kathleen Fitzgerald Science (.6), WNHS Effective: August 20, 2007 (2007/2008)</p><p>TRANSFER</p><p>Elissa Schwass From Special Education Vocational Coordinator, WWSHS To Dean of Students, WWSHS Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>VOLUNTARY REDUCTION IN FTE</p><p>Tammy Scioli From Language Arts, Monroe To Language Arts (.67), Monroe Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>RESCIND RESIGNATION</p><p>Patricia Bauer Family & Consumer Science, WWSHS Effective: July 12, 2007</p><p>RESIGNATION</p><p>Alexandra (Correa) Perez ESL/Bilingual, Johnson Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>James Langlas Physical Education (.2), WNHS Effective: July 24, 2007</p><p>Aaron Maschman Adapted Physical Education, Districwide Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>CORRECTED ASSIGNMENT</p><p>Crystal Forbes From Vocal Music (.5), Franklin To Vocal Music (.67 - 4 classes 1st semester and .5 – 3 classes 2nd semester), Franklin Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>FOR INFORMATION ONLY</p><p>Jennifer Brown Science (.4), WWSHS Effective: August 20, 2007 (2007/2008) (Returning from unpaid parental leave)</p><p>Board Meeting – August 8, 2007 Board Report ______page 6 Ellen O’Rourke From 5th Grade (.5) and Curriculum Leader (.5), Bower To Curriculum Leader (.5) and RTI Facilitator (.5), Bower Effective: August 20, 2007 (2007/2008) (RTI Facilitator – new position paid by grant)</p><p>Ann Piccione From 2nd Grade (Job Share) and Curriculum Leader (.5), Pleasant Hill To Curriculum Leader (.5) and RTI Facilitator (.5), Pleasant Hill Effective: August 20, 2007 (2007/2008) (RTI Facilitator – new position paid by grant)</p><p>CLASSIFIED STAFF</p><p>RECOMMENDED FOR EMPLOYMENT</p><p>Elisa Clingen Secretary to Assistant Principal (1.0) 37.5 hrs/wk., Franklin Effective: August 1, 2007 (Replacing Debbie Koehler – transferred to new position)</p><p>Dee Horky Receptionist (1.0) 37.5 hrs/wk., WNHS Effective: August 13, 2007 (Replacing Courtney Oettel – transferred to new position)</p><p>RECOMMENDED FOR FULL-TIME REHIRE</p><p>Christopher Barberis Special Education BD Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Hubble Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Ann Glade Special Education Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Hubble Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Deborah Moore Special Education Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Hubble Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Bonnie Navarro Special Education/ELL Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Hubble Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Cesar Navarro ELL Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Hubble Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Elizabeth Schwark Special Education Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Hubble Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>INCREASE IN FTE</p><p>Janet Cather From Special Education Inclusion Aide (.5) 16.25 hrs/wk., Emerson To Special Education Inclusion Aide (.75) 24.38 hrs/wk., Emerson Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Board Meeting – August 8, 2007 Board Report ______page 7 Patricia Diebold From Special Education Aide (.7) 22.75 hrs/wk., Emerson To Special Education Aide (.75) 24.38 hrs/wk., Emerson Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Patricia Seimetz From Early Childhood Kindergarten (.5) 16.25 hrs/wk., Emerson To Early Childhood Kindergarten (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Emerson Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Julie Walsh From Early Childhood Kindergarten Aide (5) 16.25 hrs/wk., Emerson To Early Childhood Kindergarten Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Emerson Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>TRANSFER</p><p>Linda Stone From Special Education Inclusion Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Hubble To Special Education ED Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Hubble Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>RESIGNATION</p><p>Melissa Flanigan Computer Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Lowell Effective: July 27, 2007</p><p>Walter Ihnatiuk Custodian (1.0) 40 hrs/wk., WWSHS Effective: July 17, 2007</p><p>Kathleen McGinnis Library Learning Center Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Wiesbrook Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>Alison Sylwestrak Special Education Inclusion Aide (.5) 16.25 hrs/wk., Lowell Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>Gretchen Woodley Clerical Aide (.23) 7.48 hrs/wk., and Health Aide (.37) 12 hrs/wk., Whittier Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>FOR INFORMATION ONLY</p><p>Mary Pat Curato From Kindergarten (.5), Emerson To Special Education ED/BD Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Emerson Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>Brenda Wild From Special Education Inclusion Aide (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Washington To Special Education PLD Classroom Assistant (1.0) 32.5 hrs/wk., Pleasant Hill Effective: August 20, 2007</p><p>BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM STAFF</p><p>RESIGNATION</p><p>Kristin DeMoulin BASP Aide, Wiesbrook Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>Board Meeting – August 8, 2007 Board Report ______page 8 Sarah Dickinson BASP Aide, Wiesbrook Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>Lelia Ellison BASP Aide, Emerson Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>Elizabeth Gonzalez BASP Aide, Johnson Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>William Kimball BASP Aide, Hawthorne Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>STIPEND STAFF</p><p>RECOMMENDED FOR EMPLOYMENT</p><p>Timothy Brylka Head Baseball Coach, WWSHS Effective: August 20, 2007 (Replacing Joseph Kish – accepted administrative position)</p><p>Adam Hines Assistant Boy’s Soccer Coach, WWSHS Effective: August 8, 2007 (Replacing Jon Dominguez – resignation)</p><p>Eric Laird Varsity Boy’s Tennis Coach, WNHS Effective: August 13, 2007 (Replacing George Ruwe – resignation)</p><p>Maureen Latimer Head Girl’s Gymnastics Coach, WWSHS Effective: August 8, 2007 (Replacing Arika Hoyt – resignation)</p><p>Hayley Lotspeich Class Sponsor, WNHS Effective: August 23, 2007 (Replacing Kristen Torkelson – resignation)</p><p>Tiffany (Marconi) Ludwig Assistant Dance Coach, WWSHS Effective: August 8, 2007 (Replacing Theresa Recchia – resignation)</p><p>Kelly McCabe Head Dance Coach (.3), WWSHS Effective: August 8, 2007 (Sharing head coaching position with N.LaFrancis)</p><p>Peter Macabobby Head Girl’s Track Coach, WNHS Effective: August 13, 2007 (Replacing Kenneth Fasshauer – resignation)</p><p>RECOMMENED FOR EMPLOYMENT – STIPEND – cont.</p><p>Cynthia Paulsen Freshman Class Sponsor, WNHS Effective: August 23, 2007 (Replacing Jennifer Clum – resignation)</p><p>Jamie Rausch Assistant Girl’s Volleyball Coach, WNHS Effective: August 13, 2007</p><p>Board Meeting – August 8, 2007 Board Report ______page 9 (Replacing Ryan Baker – resignation)</p><p>Kelley Realmuto Assistant Girl’s Gymnastics Coach, WWSHS Effective: August 8, 2007 (Replacing Maureen Latimer – accepted head coaching position)</p><p>Douglas Rushing Athletic Event Supervisor (Fall), WWSHS Effective: August 8, 2007 (Replacing Frank Novakowski – resignation) </p><p>Eric Stajduhar Assistant Boy’s Soccer Coach, WWSHS Effective: August 8, 2007 (Replacing Robin Alam – resignation)</p><p>DECREASE IN FTE</p><p>Nicole LaFrancis From Head Dance Coach, WWSHS To Head Dance Coach (.7), WWSHS Effective: August 8, 2007 (Sharing head coaching position with K. McCabe)</p><p>RESIGNATION</p><p>John Burlace Assistant Boy’s Volleyball Coach, WWSHS Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>Jonathan Dominguz Assistant Boy’s Soccer Coach, WWSHS Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>Theresa Recchia Assistant Dance Coach, WWSHS Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>Derek Weber Band Assistant (.5), WNHS Effective: June 6, 2007</p><p>Board Meeting – August 8, 2007 Board Report ______page 10 Board Meeting – August 8, 2007 Board Report ______page 11 </p>
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