Seeking a Better Future in Education

Seeking a Better Future in Education

<p> SEEKING A BETTER FUTURE IN EDUCATION: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EDUCATION OF SKILLS, MORALS AND VALUES IN TURKEY FROM THE PAST TO THE PRESENT APRIL 16-18, 2015 / BARTIN </p><p>SEEKING A BETTER FUTURE IN EDUCATION: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EDUCATION OF SKILLS, MORALS AND VALUES IN TURKEY FROM THE PAST TO THE PRESENT APRIL 16-18, 2015 / BARTIN</p><p>An international symposium entitled “Seeking a Better Future in Education: International Symposium on Education of Skills, Moral and Values in Turkey from the Past to the Present” is going to be held in Bartın on April 16-18 with the collaboration of Higher Institution of Ataturk Culture, Language and History – Ataturk Research Center and Bartın University Faculty of Education. The symposium mainly aims at addressing and evaluating humanitarian issues about the Turkish education system, particularly the education of morals, skills and values; through different perspectives with an interdisciplinary approach and putting forward suggestions and models to consolidate the culture of living together and awareness of the nation for the future of Turkey. Below are some of the topics that are supposed to be discussed in the symposium. However, paper topics are not limited to these topics. Papers with different topics can be presented on condition that the general framework of the symposium is obeyed and the subjects are not distorted. </p><p>PAPER TOPICS I. Studies and Applications on the Education of Skills, Morals and Values in Our Cultural Geography  Policies to consolidate the goal of living together as a nation  Fundamentals of the education policies applied from the past to the present  Values in the policy of education and culture in Ataturk Era  National and original curriculum approaches and the search for models  Teaching skills, morals and human values in primary, secondary and higher education  The place of the education of morals and values in our image of civilization  Morals, values and skills in historical texts II. Today’s Education of Morals and Corruption of Values  The influence of information and communication technologies  The influence of the mass media  Intergenerational value changes  Transfer of morals and values in family circle  The influence of skills and values on individual, social and economic development  Problems encountered in the education of skills and values and suggestions for solutions III. Research on the Education of Skills, Morals and Values  Studies for the education of morals, values and skills in Turkey  Studies for the education of morals, values and skills in the world IV. The Education of Skills, Morals and Values for Tomorrow’s Turkey  Our national and human values  Envisaging the future in the education of skills, morals and values  The education of morals and values for the citizens of the Republic of Turkey living abroad  The education of morals and values for children  Values and the outlook in the world V. Approaches and Methods in the Education of Skills, Morals and Values  Education of skills, morals and values in the society  Education of skills, morals and values at schools  Religions education and values at schools VI. Application Examples in the Education of Skills, Morals and Values  Values in traditional Turkish games  Projects and applications  Voluntary organizations and studies We would like to meet the scholars and researchers who wish to participate in the symposium with their academic work relied on new information, documents and evaluations in the fields of the main topics stated above.</p><p>TERMS OF PARTICIPATION IN THE SYMPOSIUM</p><p>Abstract Submission and Evaluation</p><p>Domestic and foreign academicians as well as researchers who study the relevant subjects are welcomed to participate in the symposium. For participation, paper proposals containing objectives, methods, resources used and possible findings with a minimum of 400 words must be sent as an attached file to beceridegerlereğ[email protected] The deadline is the end of the working time on January 26, 2015. Paper proposals will be evaluated by the members of the Scientific and Organizing Committees by taking their conformity with symposium topics and scientific conditions as well as the originality of the studies into account. Assessments by the committee members will be in the way of acceptance / correction / rejection. The accepted proposals will be announced to the related people on January 9, 2015 the latest and they will be asked to send the full text until March 20, 2015 so that they can be involved in the final program. Official languages of the symposium are Turkish and English. Papers are supposed to be original and it is required that they have not been presented or printed before and that they are not titles, subtitles or parts of a published book or a thesis even though the thesis has not been published.</p><p>Submission of the Full Text The full texts of the accepted papers must be sent as a Word file in conformity with spelling rules and writing format to beceridegerlereğ[email protected] until March 20, 2015. The papers the full texts of which have been sent will be involved in the symposium program after being examined by Organizing and Scientific Committees in terms of conformity with abstract and scientific terms. Venue of the Symposium, Accommodation and Travelling</p><p>It is free of charge to partake in the symposium and the travelling and accommodation expenses of those who will take part in the symposium will be covered by Ataturk Research Center. The symposium is going to be held in Bartın on April 16-18, 2015. </p><p>FULL TEXT WRITING FORMAT FOR PAPERS 1. The heading of the study must be written in bold, using capital letters; the text- alignment should be central and the name of the author should be placed just below, to the right. The academic title, institution and e-mail should be given respectively in an unnumbered footnote at the bottom of the page. 2. Following the heading and author name, the Turkish and English summaries/abstracts should be written in size 10pt, each consisting of 300 words. The English summary should also include the heading in English. 3. The typeface should be Times New Roman, in size 12pt. Tables, footnotes and references should be relayed in size 10pt. 4. The study should be written in M. Word program, blocked according to an A4 paper size. Margins should consist of 2,5cm while the header and footer should be 1,25cm. 5. There must be spacing between paragraphs. The indent: 0 cm, 6pt space-before: 6pt space-after, using single line spacing. 6. Concerning references, the surname of the author, date of publication and page number should be given in this order in brackets as in the following example: (Çaycı, 2002:520). If referenced in a footnote, however, it should be expressed in a sequence following the name and surname of the author, the book title (in bold, articles expressed in quotation marks and italic), the publishing house, place and date of publication and page number. The sources used should be presented as in the format of footnotes, in alphabetical order according to surname at the end of the article. 7. Tables and graphics need to be individually numbered, giving their resources directly beneath the table or graphic in size 10pt. 8. Original documents, pictures (photos, images, etc.), maps which are not directly relevant to the study should not be presented within the article body but should be numbered and attached at the end of it. High-resolution images should be saved on a CD and submitted separately. The paper is to be from 10 up to a maximum of 20 pages.</p><p>COMMITTEES OF THE SYMPOSIUM Honorary Committee Prof. Dr. Numan Kurtulmuş (Deputy Prime Minister) Nabi AVCI (Minister of National Education) Prof. Dr. Derya ÖRS (President of Higher Institution of Ataturk Culture, Language and History) Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali BEYHAN (President of Ataturk Research Center) Prof. Dr. Ramazan KAPLAN (Chancellor of Bartın University)</p><p>Organizing Committee</p><p>Nihat BÜYÜKBAŞ (Vice-President of Ataturk Research Center) Prof. Dr. İsmail COŞKUN (İstanbul University, Member of Board of Science of Ataturk Research Center) Prof. Dr. Firdevs GÜNEŞ (Bartın University, Dean of Faculty of Education) Prof. Dr. Abdullah İLGAZİ (Dumlupınar University, Member of Board of Science of Ataturk Research Center) Prof. Dr. Adnan SOFUOĞLU (Director of Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History of Hacettepe University, Member of Board of Science of Ataturk Research Center) Prof. Dr. Necati Fahri TAŞ (Vice-Chancellor of Erzincan University, Member of Board of Science of Ataturk Research Center) Prof. Dr. Selahattin TURAN (Eskişehir Osmangazi University Dean of Faculty of Education) Prof. Dr. Selma YEL (Gazi University, Member of Board of Science of Ataturk Research Center) Doç. Dr. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur ÜNAL (Director General of Prime Ministry State Archives, Member of Board of Science of Ataturk Research Center) Doç. Dr. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oktay AKBAŞ (Kırıkkale University Deputy Dean of Faculty of Education) Yrd. Doç. Dr. / Asst . Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir ÖZTÜRK (Eskişehir Osmangazi University) Hüseyin TOSUN (Director of Scientific Studies of Ataturk Research Center)</p><p>Scientific Committee</p><p>Prof. Dr. Enver ABBASOV (Institute of Educational Problems) Prof. Dr. Aytaç AÇIKALIN (Retired Lecturer) Prof. Dr. Alparslan AÇIKGENÇ (Fatih Sultan Mehmet Waqf University) Prof. Dr. Hayati AKYOL (Gazi University Dean of Faculty of Education) Prof. Dr. Hasan ALACACIOĞLU (İstanbul University) Prof. Dr. Akmatali ALİMBEKOV (Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University) Prof. Dr. Ednan ARSLAN (University of Vienna) Prof. Dr. Yaşar AYDIN (German Institute of International Relations and Security) Prof. Dr. Hasan BACANLI (Piri Reis University) Prof. Dr. Ali BALCI (Ankara University) Prof. Dr. Richard BATES (Deakin University) Prof. Dr. Vedat BİLGİN (Gazi University) Prof. Dr. Tamara G. BOGDANOVA (Moscow State Pedagogical University) Prof. Dr. Megan CROWFORD (Cambridge University) Prof. Dr. Musa ÇİFTÇİ (Uşak University) Prof. Dr. İsmail COŞKUN (İstanbul University) Prof. Dr. Burhanettin DÖNMEZ (İnönü University) Prof. Dr. Şule ERÇETİN (Hacettepe University) Prof. Dr. Mustafa ERGÜN ( Afyon Kocatepe University) Prof. Dr. Yücel GELİŞLİ (Gazi University) Prof. Dr. Tahsin GÖRGÜN (İstanbul 29 Mayıs University) Prof. Dr. Craig HOWLEY (Ohio University) Prof. Dr. Gulnora İBRAGİMOVA (Tashkent State University of Economics) Prof. Dr. Rahmi KARAKUŞ (Sakarya University) Prof. Dr. Emin KARİP (Board of Education and Discipline) Prof. Dr. Recep KAYMAKCAN (Credit and Dormitories Institution) Prof. Dr. Remzi Y. KINCAL (Atatürk University) Prof. Dr. Sadettin ÖKTEN (Retired Lecturer) Prof. Dr. Yüksel ÖZDEN (Member of Parliament) Prof. Dr. Kamil Z. ÖZERK (Oslo University) Prof. Dr. Cemil ÖZTÜRK (Marmara University) Prof. Dr. Tatyana N. PETROVA (Cheboksary University) Prof. Dr. Yaşar SARIKAYA (Justus-Liebig University) Prof. Dr. Recep ŞENTÜRK (Fatih Sultan Mehmet Waqf University) Prof. Dr. Mehmet ŞİŞMAN (Member of Council of Higher Education ) Prof. Dr. Necmettin TOZLU (Bayburt University) Prof. Dr. Selahattin TURAN (Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Education) Prof. Dr. Hacı Halil USLUCAN (Duisburg- Essen University) Prof. Dr. Ahmed QEŞEMOĞLU (National Sciences Academy of Azerbaijan, Institute of Philosophy Sociology and Law) Prof. Dr. Duncan WAITE (Texas State University) Doç. Dr. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Fuat ARICI (Yıldız Technical University) Doç. Dr. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali ÇAKMAK (Gazi University) Doç. Dr. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erol DURAN (Uşak University) Doç. Dr. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan DÜNDAR (Kırıkkale University) Doç. Dr. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet ESKİCUMALI (Sakarya University) Doç. Dr. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar GİRMEN (Eskişehir Osmangazi University) Doç. Dr. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Güray KIRPIK (Member of Turkish Education Board) Doç. Dr. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa ORCAN (Yıldırım Beyazıt University) Doç. Dr. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mizrap POLAT (Eskişehir Osmangazi University) Doç. Dr. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet TURAN (Fırat University) Yrd. Doç. Dr. / Asst. Prof. Dr. Soner ALADAĞ (Adnan Menderes University) Yrd. Doç. Dr. / Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akif SÖZER (Gazi University) Yrd. Doç. Dr. / Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÜLGER (Kırıkkale University) SECRETARIAT </p><p>Hüseyin TOSUN (Director of Scientific Studies of Ataturk Research Center) Murat SAYGIN (Associate Expert of Ataturk Research Center) Yrd. Doç. Dr. / Asst. Prof. Dr. Özge GÜN (Bartın University) Yrd. Doç. Dr. / Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Derya IŞIK (Bartın University)</p><p>CONTACT INFORMATION Presidency of Ataturk Research Center </p><p>Ziyabey Cad. No: 19</p><p>06520/ Balgat - ANKARA- TURKEY</p><p>Tel: +90 312 2856551</p><p>Fax : +90 312 2855527 e-mail: beceridegerlereğ[email protected]</p><p>Web:</p><p>SEEKING A BETTER FUTURE IN EDUCATION: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EDUCATION OF SKILLS, MORALS AND VALUES IN TURKEY FROM THE PAST TO THE PRESENT (APRIL 16-16, 2015 / BARTIN)</p><p>BAŞVURU FORMU / PARTICIPATION FORM SOYADI / SURNAME : ...... ADI / NAME : ...... UNVAN / TITLE : ...... ÜNİVERSİTE / UNIVERSITY : ...... BÖLÜM / DEPARTMENT :...... ADRES / ADDRESS :...... ŞEHİR / CITY :...... ÜLKE / COUNTRY :...... TELEFON / PHONE :...... FAKS / FAX :...... E-POSTA/ E-MAIL :...... ÇALIŞMA ALANI / RESEARCH FIELD ...... </p><p>BİLDİRİ BAŞLIĞI / PAPER TITLE ...... </p><p>BİLDİRİ ÖZETİ / ABSTRACT ...... </p><p>ANAHTAR KELİMELER / KEY WORDS ...... KULLANILAN KAYNAKLAR / RESOURCES USED …………………………………………………………………………………………………...</p><p>ÖZGEÇMİŞ / C.V...... </p><p>İMZA / SIGNATURE</p><p>CALENDAR OF THE SYMPOSIUM</p><p>Announcement of the symposium invitation October 2014</p><p>Deadline for submitting paper abstracts December 26, 2015</p><p>Notification of the accepted abstracts January 9, 2015</p><p>Deadline for submitting the full text of papers March 20, 2015</p><p>Announcement of the final program of the symposium March 26, 2015</p><p>Symposium April 16-18, 2015 Publication of the presented papers June – December 2015</p>

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