JCANCE NP Psychological JJ Issues NNS in in Genetic NP Testing NP for in Breast NP Cancer

JCANCE NP Psychological JJ Issues NNS in in Genetic NP Testing NP for in Breast NP Cancer

<p>JCANCE_NP psychological_JJ Issues_NNS in_IN Genetic_NP Testing_NP for_IN Breast_NP Cancer_NP Susceptibility_NP 2_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ estimated_VBN that_CS approximately_RB 180000_CD American_JNP women_NNS developed_VBN breast_NN cancer_NN in_IN 1993_CD , and_CC 46000_CD of_IN these_DTS women_NNS died_VBD of_IN this_DT disease_NN Recent_NP work_NN in_IN molecular_JJ genetics_NNS has_HVZ led_VBN to_IN the_ATI identification_NN of_IN genes_NNS that_WPR confer_VB susceptibility_NN to_TO breast_NN cancer_NN , including_IN a_AT major_JJ breast-ovarian_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN gene_NN on_IN chromosome_NN 17_CD as_QL many_AP as_CS one_CD1 in_IN 300_CD women_NNS may_MD carry_VB germline_VB mutations_NNS on_IN one_CD1 or_CC more_QL breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN genes_NNS 3_CD these_DTS advances_NNS bring_VB promise_NN of_IN clinical_JJ genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN in_IN a_JJ few_AP settings_NNS , this_DT information_NN already_RB is_BEZ being_BEG applied_VBN to_TO identify_VB gene_NN carriers_NNS and_CC noncarriers_NNS within_IN families_NNS with_IN hereditary_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN as_CS yet_RB , however_RB , there_EX are_BER no_ATI guidelines_NNS for_IN communicating_JJ genetic_JJ information_NN about_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN or_CC for_IN providing_VBG recommendations_NNS and_CC follow- up_NN care_NN for_IN identified_JJ gene_NN carriers_NNS this_DT is_BEZ a_AT serious_JJ concern_NN , as_IN previous_JJ research_NN suggests_VBZ that_CS cancer_NN risk_NN notification_NN can_MD have_HV serious_JJ negative_JJ psychological_JJ consequences_NNS moreover_RB , in_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN proper_JJ counseling_NN and_CC follow-up_NN , psychological_JJ distress_NN has_HVZ the_ATI potential_JJ to_TO impair_VB adherence_NN to_IN current_JJ recommendations_NNS for_IN surveillance_NN and_CC possible_JJ prevention_NN 4_CD in_IN this_DT article_NN , we_PP1AS discuss_VB psychological_JJ and_CC behavioral_JJ issues_NNS relevant_JJ to_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN recent_JJ findings_NNS in_IN the_ATI field_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN genetics_NNS are_BER reviewed_VBN briefly_RB , and_CC a_AT conceptual_JJ model_NN for_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN is_BEZ presented.=20_CD 5_CD three_CD key_NN psychological_JJ and_CC behavioral_JJ issues_NNS are_BER addressed_VBN : (_( 1_CD1 )_) ensuring_VBG informed_JJ consent_NN for_IN testing_NN , (_( 2_CD )_) minimizing_VBG adverse_JJ psychological_JJ consequences_NNS , and_CC (_( 3_CD )_) promoting_VBG breast_NN cancer_NN prevention_NN and_CC screening_NN practices.=20_CD 6_CD these_DTS issues_NNS and_CC accompanying_JJ recommendations_NNS are_BER based_VBN on_IN our_PP$ comprehensive_JJ review_NN of_IN the_ATI literature_NN on_IN the_ATI psychological_JJ impact_NN of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN traditional_JJ mendelian_NN diseases_NNS , as_QL well_RB as_CS our_PP$ previous_JJ research_NN on_IN the_ATI psychological_JJ and_CC behavioral_JJ impact_NN of_IN cancer_NN risk_NN notification_NN and_CC promoting_VBG adherence_NN to_TO cancer_NN control_NN regimens_NNS Recommendations_NNS for_IN research_NN to_TO evaluate_VB pilot_NN programs_NNS for_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN are_BER presented_VBN 7_CD GENETIC_NPT TESTING_NPT FOR_NPT BREAST_NP CANCER_NP 8_CD family_NN and_CC Genetic_NP Studies_NP 9_CD a_AT positive_JJ family_NN history_NN is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL important_JJ determinant_NN of_IN a_AT woman's_NN$ risk_NN of_IN developing_VBG breast_NN cancer_NN having_HVG one_CD1 first-degree_JJB relative_JJ (_( FDR_NP )_) with_IN breast_NN cancer_NN imparts_VBZ about_IN a_AT twofold_JJ to_IN threefold_JJ increased_JJ risk_NN risk_NN also_RB increases_VBZ as_IN the_ATI age_NN at_IN onset_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN in_IN the_ATI FDR_NP decreases_VBZ the_ATI earlier_RBR the_ATI age_NN at_IN onset_NN and_CC the_ATI greater_JJR the_ATI number_NN of_IN FDRs_NP , the_ATI higher_JJR the_ATI probability_NN that_CS a_AT positive_JJ family_NN history_NN is_BEZ the_ATI result_NN of_IN an_AT inherited_VBN genetic_JJ predisposition_NN , rather_RB than_IN somatic_JJ genetic_JJ changes_NNS occurring_VBG in_IN a_AT woman's_NN$ breast_NN cells_NNS during_IN her_PP$ lifetime_NN 10_CD hereditary_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN (_( HBC_NP )_) syndromes_NNS exhibit_VB a_AT pattern_NN of_IN disease_NN occurrence_NN consistent_JJ with_IN autosomal_JJ dominant_JJ inheritance_NN of_IN a_AT single_JJ disease_NN gene_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ estimated_VBN that_CS HBC_NP accounts_NNS for_IN about_IN 5%_NN to_IN 10%_CD of_IN all_ABN breast_NN cancer_NN and_CC as_IN many_AP as_IN 25%_NN of_IN early-onset_NN cases_NNS the_ATI clinical_JJ indicators_NNS of_IN HBC_NP include_VB multiple_JJ cases_NNS with_IN early_JJ age_NN at_IN onset_NN (_( often_RB before_IN age_NN 45_CD years_NNS )_) , vertical_JJ transmission_NN through_IN the_ATI maternal_JJ and_or_CC paternal_JJ lineages_NNS in_IN the_ATI pedigree_NN , specific_JJ tumor_NN associations_NNS (_( most_QL often_RB ovarian_JJ and_or_CC colon_NN malignant_JJ neoplasms_NNS )_) , and_CC an_AT excess_NN of_IN bilaterality_NN extended_JJ family_NN pedigrees_NNS have_HV served_VBN as_IN the_ATI primary_JJ tool_NN for_IN identifying_VBG HBC_NP families_NNS and_CC counseling_VBG unaffected_JJ women_NNS who_WPR may_MD have_HV inherited_VBN a_AT breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN gene_NN 11_CD recent_JJ molecular_JJ studies_NNS have_HV established_VBN a_AT foundation_NN for_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN</p><p> initial_JJ linkage_NN studies_NNS identified_VBN a_AT 50-cM_NP region_NN on_IN the_ATI long_JJ arm_NN of_IN chromosome_NN 17_CD that_CS includes_VBZ a_AT major_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN gene_NN more_QL recently_RB , this_DT gene_NN , labeled_VBN BRCA1_CD , has_HVZ been_BEN localized_VBN to_IN an_AT 8-cM_NN region_NN on_IN chromosome_NN 17q12_CD however_RB , since_IN BRCA1_CD has_HVZ yet_RB to_TO be_BE cloned_VBN , determination_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN on_IN the_ATI basis_NN of_IN this_DT locus_NN requires_VBZ analysis_NN of_IN blood_NN and_or_CC tissue_NN samples_NNS from_IN multiple_JJ family_NN members_NNS 12_CD this_DT linkage_NN analysis_NN approach_NN takes_VBZ advantage_NN of_IN the_ATI fact_NN that_CS alleles_NNS close_RB together_RB on_IN the_ATI same_AP chromosome_NN tend_VB to_TO be_BE transmitted_VBN together_RB the_ATI probability_NN that_CS breast_NN cancer_NN occurrence_NN in_IN a_AT given_VBN family_NN is_BEZ linked_VBN to_IN this_DT locus_NN has_HVZ been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO be_BE higher_JJR for_IN families_NNS that_CS manifest_JJ early-onset_NN breast_NN cancer_NN (_( mean_VB age_NN at_IN diagnosis_NN , {_( 45_CD years_NNS )_) and_CC those_DTS with_IN multiple_JJ cases_NNS of_IN breast_NN and_CC ovarian_NN cancer_NN Data_NP from_IN both_ABX population-based_JJ and_CC family_NN studies_NNS suggest_VB that_CS the_ATI BRCA1_CD gene_NN is_BEZ highly_RB penetrant_JJ , producing_VBG a_AT risk_NN of_IN breast_NN or_CC ovarian_NN cancer_NN that_CS approaches_NNS 80%_NP to_IN 90%_NP by_IN the_ATI age_NN of_IN 70_CD years_NNS the_ATI probability_NN of_IN misclassification_NN when_WRB linkage_NN analysis_NN is_BEZ used_VBN in_IN families_NNS with_IN hereditary_JJ breast-ovarian_NN cancer_NN (_( HBOC_NP )_) has_HVZ been_BEN estimated_VBN to_TO be_BE less_AP than_IN 2%_JJ 13_CD genetic_JJ Testing_NP and_CC Counseling_NP Model_NP 14_CD the_ATI concept_NN and_CC practice_NN of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN is_BEZ being_BEG expanded_VBN to_TO include_VB genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN while_CS the_ATI approach_NN to_TO testing_NN and_CC counseling_VBG is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN the_ATI traditional_JJ medical_JJ genetics_NNS model_NN , several_AP key_NN differences_NNS exist_VB the_ATI most_AP important_JJ of_IN </p><p> these_DTS relates_VBZ to_IN the_ATI underlying_JJ cause_NN and_CC expression_NN of_IN the_ATI diseases_NNS for_IN which_WDTR testing_NN is_BEZ provided_VBN</p><p> traditionally_RB , genetic_JJ testing_NN has_HVZ been_BEN applied_VBN to_IN well- defined_JJ , monogenic_JJ syndromes_NNS that_CS are_BER inherited_VBN in_IN a_AT strict_JJ mendelian_NN fashion_NN , such_IN as_IN Huntington's_NP$ disease_NN (_( HD_NP )_) , cystic_JJ fibrosis_NN , and_CC Duchenne's_NP$ muscular_JJ dystrophy.=20_CD 15_CD for_IN these_DTS diseases_NNS , inheritance_NN of_IN the_ATI disease_NN gene_NN leads_VBZ to_TO expression_NN of_IN the_ATI disease_NN phenotype_NN by_IN contrast_NN , studies_VBZ of_IN inherited_VBN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN provide_VB evidence_NN of_IN incomplete_JJ penetrance_NN , suggesting_VBG that_CS the_ATI inheritance_NN of_IN an_AT altered_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN gene_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT sufficient_JJ to_TO produce_VB the_ATI disease_NN additional_JJ genetic_JJ events_NNS , acting_VBG in_IN conjunction_NN with_IN environmental_JJ cofactors_NNS , may_MD be_BE necessary_JJ in_IN fact_NN , much_AP of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT caused_VBN by_IN inherited_JJ susceptibility_NN at_IN all_ABN , but_CC results_NNS from_IN somatic_JJ events_NNS that_WPR produce_VB genetic_JJ changes_NNS in_IN a_AT woman's_NN$ breast_NN cells_NNS during_IN her_PP$ lifetime_NN moreover_RB , the_ATI majority_NN of_IN women_NNS who_WPR develop_VB breast_NN cancer_NN have_HV no_ATI known_VBN major_JJ risk_NN factors_NNS 16_CD the_ATI complexity_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN development_NN creates_VBZ new_JJ challenges_VBZ for_IN the_ATI practice_NN of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN example_NN , identification_NN of_IN HBC_NP families_NNS that_DT may_MD be_BE appropriate_JJ for_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN is_BEZ difficult_JJ one_CD1 reason_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_ATI occurrence_NN of_IN multiple_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN cases_NNS in_IN a_AT family_NN may_MD be_BE attributable_JJ to_IN common_JJ environmental_JJ exposures_NNS , rather_RB than_CS to_IN inherited_JJ susceptibility_NN even_RB when_WRB breast_NN cancer_NN in_IN a_AT given_VBN family_NN is_BEZ the_ATI result_NN of_IN a_AT major_JJ gene_NN effect_NN , it_PP3 may_MD be_BE difficult_JJ to_TO identify_VB the_ATI gene_JJ responsible_JJ for_IN example_NN , as_QL many_AP as_CS 50%_NP of_IN HBC_NP families_NNS tested_VBN for_IN BRCA1_CD have_HV been_BEN found_VBN to_TO be_BE _** unlinked_JJ _** at_IN this_DT locus_NN one_CD1 clinical_JJ implication_NN is_BEZ that_CS a_AT substantial_JJ proportion_NN of_IN families_NNS who_WPR provide_VB genetic_JJ material_NN will_MD not_XNOT receive_VB any_DTI genetic_JJ information_NN Moreover_NP , even_RB when_WRB a_AT carrier_NN of_IN a_AT specific_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN gene_NN can_MD be_BE identified_VBN with_IN a_AT high_JJ level_NN of_IN certainty_NN , her_PP$ risk_NN of_IN developing_VBG the_ATI disease_NN remains_VBZ less_AP than_IN 100%_CD (_( ie_NN , incomplete_JJ penetrance_NN )_) 17_CD the_ATI incomplete_JJ penetrance_NN of_IN the_ATI major_JJ breast_NN cancer-related_JJ genes_NNS affords_VBZ a_AT major_JJ opportunity-the_JJ potential_JJ for_IN prevention_NN or_CC early_JJ detection_NN in_RP as_IN yet_RB unaffected_JJ gene_NN carriers_NNS whether_CS breast_NN cancer_NN morbidity_NN and_CC mortality_NN can_MD be_BE reduced_VBN through_IN the_ATI adoption_NN of_IN prevention_NN and_CC surveillance_NN practices_NNS remains_VBZ an_AT open_JJ question_NN if_CS current_JJ prevention_NN trials_NNS provide_VB conclusive_JJ evidence_NN of_IN efficacy_NN , a_AT more_QL prescriptive_JJ approach_NN to_IN counseling_VBG high- risk_NN women_NNS would_MD be_BE suggested_VBN this_DT approach_NN emphasizes_VBZ personal_JJ risk_NN , as_QL well_RB as_CS options_NNS and_CC advice_NN for_IN possible_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN prevention_NN and_CC early_JJ detection_NN This_NN is_BEZ in_IN sharp_JJ contrast_NN to_IN genetic_JJ counseling_NN for_IN HD_NP , which_WDTR emphasizes_VBZ existential_JJ issues_NNS surrounding_JJ inevitable_JJ premature_JJ death_NN and_CC employs_VBZ a_AT nondirective_JJ counseling_NN approach_NN to_TO protect_VB a_AT woman's_NN$ privacy_NN in_IN making_VBG reproductive_JJ decisions_NNS as_CS will_MD be_BE illustrated_VBN below_IN , these_DTS differences_NNS in_IN the_ATI two_CD genetic_JJ counseling_NN approaches_NNS have_HV important_JJ implications_NNS for_IN the_ATI clinical_JJ and_CC psychological_JJ treatment_NN of_IN women_NNS who_WPR present_JJ for_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN and_CC counseling_VBG for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN 18_CD PSYCHOLOGICAL_NPT AND_NPT BEHAVIORAL_NP ISSUES_NP 19_CD ensuring_VBG Informed_NP Consent_NP for_IN Genetic_NP Testing_NP 20_CD to_TO make_VB an_AT informed_JJ decision_NN about_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN , potential_JJ screenees_NNS must_MD understand_VB the_ATI potential_JJ benefits_NNS as_QL well_RB as_IN the_ATI limitations_NNS and_CC potential_JJ risks_NNS three_CD key_NN limitations_NNS of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN must_MD be_BE addressed_VBN in_IN this_DT regard_NN first_OD , potential_JJ participants_NNS must_MD be_BE informed_VBN that_CS genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN may_MD not_XNOT be_BE informative_JJ second_OD , potential_JJ screenees_NNS must_MD also_RB be_BE made_VBN aware_JJ that_CS genetic_JJ information_NN , when_WRB available_JJ , is_BEZ probabilistic_JJ in_IN nature_NN more_QL specifically_RB , not_XNOT all_ABN gene_NN carriers_NNS develop_VB cancer_NN (_( incomplete_JJ penetrance_NN )_) , while_CS not_XNOT all_ABN noncarriers_NNS remain_VB protected_VBN from_IN cancer_NN (_( causative_JJ heterogeneity_NN )_) Third_NP , potential_JJ screenees_NNS must_MD be_BE informed_VBN of_IN the_ATI limitations_NNS of_IN current_JJ options_NNS for_IN cancer_NN prevention_NN and_CC early_JJ detection_NN as_CS yet_RB , there_EX are_BER no_ATI proven_JJ methods_NNS of_IN preventing_VBG the_ATI disease_NN while_CS gene_NN mutation_NN carriers_NNS may_MD benefit_VB from_IN increased_JJ surveillance_NN with_IN mammography_NN , clinical_JJ breast_NN examination_NN , and_CC breast_NN self-examination_NN , the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN early_JJ detection_NN methods_NNS for_IN ovarian_NN cancer_NN is_BEZ suboptimal_JJ 21_CD several_AP potential_JJ risks_NNS of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN have_HV been_BEN identified_VBN in_IN previous_JJ research_NN and_CC must_MD be_BE included_VBN as_IN part_NN of_IN the_ATI informed_JJ consent_NN process_NN for_IN example_NN , the_ATI potential_JJ negative_JJ psychological_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN testing_NN , for_IN both_ABX the_ATI screenee_NN and_CC family_NN members_NNS , must_MD be_BE addressed_VBN In_NP addition_NN , persons_NNS identified_VBN as_IN gene_NN carriers_NNS may_MD be_BE vulnerable_JJ to_TO loss_NN of_IN insurance_NN or_CC employment_NN as_IN a_AT result_NN of_IN their_PP$ altered_JJ risk_NN status_NN social_JJ stigmatization_NN also_RB has_HVZ been_BEN reported_VBN by_IN some_DTI carriers_NNS of_IN disease_NN genes_NNS , and_CC therefore_RB should_MD be_BE mentioned_VBN as_IN a_AT possible_JJ consequence_NN of_IN testing_NN 22_CD a_AT major_JJ challenge_NN to_IN genetic_JJ counseling_NN will_MD be_BE to_TO ensure_VB that_CS screenees_NNS not_XNOT only_RB receive_VB information_NN about_IN the_ATI risks_NNS and_CC benefits_NNS of_IN testing_NN but_CC also_RB comprehend_JJ this_DT information_NN research_NN on_IN informed_VBN consent_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN treatment_NN has_HVZ shown_VBN that_CS a_AT substantial_JJ proportion_NN of_IN patients_NNS fail_VB to_TO comprehend_VB key_NN details_NNS of_IN the_ATI benefits_NNS and_CC risks_NNS of_IN cancer_NN treatment_NN , despite_IN disclosure_NN by_IN their_PP$ medical_JJ oncologists_NNS even_RB when_WRB patients_NNS receive_VB complete_JJ information_NN , their_PP$ ability_NN to_TO process_VB specific_JJ details_NNS may_MD be_BE impaired_VBN by_IN their_PP$ high_JJ levels_NNS of_IN anxiety_NN thus_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ prudent_JJ to_TO provide_VB genetic_JJ information_NN at_IN a_AT subsequent_JJ visit_NN , rather_RB than_IN immediately_RB after_IN receipt_NN of_IN consent_NN 23_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS a_AT discussion_NN of_IN the_ATI limitations_NNS and_CC potential_JJ risks_NNS of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN will_MD dissuade_VB some_DTI individuals_NNS from_IN participation_NN for_IN example_NN , the_ATI desire_NN to_TO reduce_VB uncertainty_NN and_CC to_TO protect_VB one's_CD1$ future_NN health_NN have_HV been_BEN cited_VBN as_CS primary_JJ reasons_NNS for_IN undergoing_VBG genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN traditional_JJ mendelian_NN disorders_NNS as_CS such_ABL , potential_JJ screenees_NNS are_BER likely_JJ to_TO be_BE discouraged_VBN when_WRB they_PP3AS learn_VB of_IN the_ATI limitations_NNS of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN and_CC the_ATI lack_NN of_IN conclusive_JJ evidence_NN concerning_IN available_JJ options_NNS for_IN prevention_NN and_CC early_JJ detection_NN if_CS genetic_JJ testing_NN commences_VBZ without_IN previous_JJ awareness_NN of_IN these_DTS limitations_NNS , participants_NNS are_BER likely_JJ to_TO be_BE disappointed_JJ with_IN the_ATI results_NNS and_CC may_MD be_BE more_QL vulnerable_JJ to_IN the_ATI adverse_JJ psychological_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN testing_NN 24_CD despite_IN these_DTS caveats_NNS , preliminary_JJ data_NNS indicate_VB that_CS the_ATI majority_NN of_IN persons_NNS who_WPR express_VB initial_JJ interest_NN in_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN will_MD consent_VB to_IN complete_JJ the_ATI testing_NN process_NN Lynch_NP and_CC colleagues_NNS offered_VBD genetic_JJ information_NN to_IN the_ATI members_NNS of_IN a_AT large_JJ hereditary_JJ breast-ovarian_NN cancer_NN family_NN who_WPR had_HVD previously_RB provided_VBN genetic_JJ material_NN as_IN part_NN of_IN a_AT linkage_NN study_NN after_IN receipt_NN of_IN information_NN about_IN the_ATI benefits_NNS and_CC risks_NNS of_IN testing_NN , 70%_NP percent_NNU of_IN the_ATI women_NNS and_CC 15%_CD of_IN the_ATI men_NNS in_IN this_DT family_NN requested_VBD their_PP$ results_NNS However_NP , rates_NNS of_IN use_NN may_MD be_BE lower_JJR among_IN high- risk_NN persons_NNS in_IN the_ATI general_JJ population_NN who_WPR have_HV not_XNOT already_RB provided_VBN genetic_JJ material_NN as_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN cancer_NN is_BEZ integrated_VBN into_IN routine_JJ medical_JJ practice_NN , it_PP3 will_MD be_BE critical_JJ to_TO develop_VB and_CC evaluate_VB protocols_NNS for_IN educating_VBG individuals_NNS about_IN the_ATI benefits_NNS and_CC risks_NNS of_IN testing_NN and_CC , moreover_RB , to_TO ensure_VB that_CS testing_NN is_BEZ never_RB provided_VBN without_IN previous_JJ informed_JJ consent_NN 25_CD minimizing_VBG Adverse_NPT Psychological_NP Consequences_NP of_IN Genetic_NP Testing_NP 26_CD a_AT recent_JJ prospective_JJ study_NN of_IN the_ATI impact_NN of_IN predictive_JJ testing_NN for_IN HD_NP provides_VBZ some_DTI important_JJ insights_NNS into_IN the_ATI potential_JJ psychological_JJ sequelae_NN of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN participants_NNS in_IN a_AT pilot_NN HD_NP program_NN were_BED administered_VBN a_AT battery_NN of_IN psychological_JJ measures_NNS for_IN depression_NN , general_JJ well-being_NN , and_CC psychiatric_JJ symptoms_NNS before_CS testing_NN and_CC at_IN multiple_JJ follow-up_NN points_NNS at_IN first_OD follow-up_NN (_( 7_CD to_IN 10_CD days_NNS after_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN )_) , there_EX were_BED significant_JJ differences_NNS on_IN all_ABN measures_NNS between_IN persons_NNS identified_VBN as_IN gene_NN carriers_NNS and_CC those_DTS identified_VBN as_IN noncarriers.=20_CD 27_CD these_DTS differences_NNS resulted_VBD from_IN both_ABX increased_JJ distress_NN from_IN baseline_NN in_IN carriers_NNS and_CC decreased_VBD distress_NN in_IN noncarriers_NNS however_RB , at_IN the_ATI 6-month_NN follow-up_NN , the_ATI carriers_NNS and_CC noncarriers_NNS were_BED distinguished_JJ only_RB by_IN their_PP$ scores_NNS on_IN the_ATI measure_NN of_IN general_JJ well-being_NN by_IN 12_CD months_NNS , all_ABN measures_NNS of_IN distress_NN declined_VBD significantly_RB for_IN both_ABX carriers_NNS and_CC noncarriers_NNS , and_CC these_DTS two_CD groups_NNS no_RB longer_RBR differed_VBD on_IN any_DTI of_IN the_ATI psychological_JJ dimensions_NNS examined_VBN an_AT interesting_JJ feature_NN of_IN this_DT study_NN was_BEDZ the_ATI inclusion_NN of_IN 40_CD participants_NNS who_WPR did_DOD not_XNOT receive_VB genetic_JJ information_NN , either_DTX because_CS they_PP3AS withdrew_VBD their_PP$ consent_NN or_CC because_CS testing_NN was_BEDZ not_XNOT informative_JJ psychologically_RB , these_DTS persons_NNS did_DOD not_XNOT fare_VB as_CS well_RB during_IN the_ATI study_NN period_NN although_CS these_DTS subjects_NNS did_DOD not_XNOT differ_VB from_IN screening_NN participants_NNS in_IN terms_NNS of_IN their_PP$ baseline_JJ psychological_JJ status_NN , at_IN 12-month_CD-CD follow-up_NN they_PP3AS manifested_VBD significantly_RB higher_JJR scores_NNS on_IN depression_NN and_CC lower_JJR scores_NNS on_IN general_JJ well-being_NN than_IN both_ABX carriers_NNS and_CC noncarriers_NNS while_CS these_DTS findings_NNS are_BER relevant_JJ to_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN BRCA1_CD , the_ATI generalizability_NN awaits_NNS empiric_JJ study_NN although_CS both_ABX HD_NP and_CC breast_NN cancer_NN are_BER late-onset_NN diseases_NNS , only_RB breast_NN cancer_NN offers_VBZ any_DTI hope_VB for_IN prevention_NN , early_JJ detection_NN , or_CC treatment_NN 28_CD preliminary_JJ data_NNS are_BER now_RN available_JJ on_IN the_ATI psychological_JJ responses_NNS of_IN members_NNS of_IN an_AT extended_VBN hereditary_JJ breast- ovarian_NN cancer_NN family_NN after_IN predictive_JJ testing_NN for_IN the_ATI BRCA1_CD gene_NN structured_JJ telephone_NN interviews_NNS , conducted_VBN 3_CD to_IN 6_CD weeks_NNS after_IN disclosure_NN of_IN genetic_JJ information_NN , indicated_VBN that_CS a_AT substantial_JJ proportion_NN of_IN women_NNS identified_VBN as_IN gene_NN carriers_NNS were_BED experiencing_VBG some_DTI level_NN of_IN psychological_JJ distress_NN ; specific_JJ responses_NNS included_VBN persistent_JJ worries_NNS , depression_NN , confusion_NN , and_CC sleep_NN disturbance_NN interestingly_RB , 50%_NP of_IN noncarriers_NNS reported_VBN that_CS they_PP3AS continued_VBD to_TO worry_VB about_IN their_PP$ risk_NN status_NN determination_NN of_IN the_ATI severity_NN and_CC clinical_JJ implications_NNS of_IN these_DTS reactions_NNS to_IN genetic_JJ information_NN awaits_NNS future_NN studies_NNS that_WPR employ_VB standardized_VBN psychological_JJ measures_NNS 29_CD the_ATI suggestion_NN of_IN negative_JJ short-term_JJB effects_NNS of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN is_BEZ consistent_JJ with_IN previous_JJ studies_NNS of_IN the_ATI impact_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN risk_NN factor_NN information_NN for_IN example_NN , significant_JJ adverse_JJ psychological_JJ reactions_NNS have_HV been_BEN documented_VBN among_IN women_NNS after_IN notification_NN of_IN abnormal_JJ mammogram_NN results_NNS other_AP studies_NNS have_HV indicated_VBN that_CS a_AT substantial_JJ proportion_NN of_IN women_NNS with_IN a_AT positive_JJ family_NN history_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN manifest_JJ persistent_JJ psychological_JJ distress_NN .=20_CD 30_CD in_IN one_CD1 of_IN these_DTS studies_NNS , 27%_NN of_IN high-risk_NN women_NNS who_WPR self-referred_JJ to_TO a_AT breast_NN cancer_NN screening_NN program_NN exhibited_VBN serious_JJ symptoms_NNS that_CS warranted_VBD psychological_JJ counseling_NN a_AT recent_JJ population-based_JJ study_NN of_IN FDRs_NP of_IN index_NN patients_NNS with_IN breast_NN cancer_NN showed_VBD that_QL as_QL many_AP as_CS one_CD1 half_ABN of_IN these_DTS women_NNS experienced_JJ traumatic_JJ stress_NN symptoms_NNS related_VBN to_TO their_PP$ breast_NN cancer_NN risk_NN , including_IN intrusive_JJ thoughts_NNS and_CC feelings_NNS , sleep_NN disturbance_NN , and_CC impairment_NN in_IN daily_JJ activities_NNS thus_RB , one_CD1 would_MD expect_VB the_ATI psychological_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN risk_NN notification_NN based_VBN on_IN DNA_NP testing_NN to_TO be_BE at_RB least_RB as_QL significant_JJ as_CS these_DTS effects_NNS 31_CD taken_VBN together_RB , these_DTS studies_NNS provide_VB empiric_JJ justification_NN for_IN the_ATI importance_NN of_IN psychological_JJ preparation_NN for_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN in_IN the_ATI context_NN of_IN predictive_JJ testing_NN programs_NNS for_IN HD_NP , pretest_JJT counseling_VBG typically_RB is_BEZ delivered_VBN in_IN two_CD to_IN three_CD sessions_NNS with_IN a_AT genetic_JJ counselor_NN and_CC psychologist_NN one_CD1 important_JJ objective_NN of_IN pretest_JJT counseling_VBG is_BEZ to_TO identify_VB individuals_NNS with_IN psychiatric_JJ disorders_NNS or_CC those_DTS who_WPR are_BER psychologically_RB vulnerable_JJ to_IN the_ATI negative_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN testing_NN such_ABL persons_NNS may_MD be_BE identified_VBN by_IN means_NNS of_IN standard_NN psychological_JJ instruments_NNS or_CC structured_JJ interviews_NNS that_WPR assess_VB depression_NN , suicide_NN potential_JJ , and_CC life_NN stressors_NNS 32_CD in_IN addition_NN , preparatory_JJ counseling_NN is_BEZ critical_JJ to_TO plan_VB for_IN the_ATI impact_NN of_IN test_NN results_NNS and_CC the_ATI tailoring_NN of_IN follow-up_NN programs_NNS for_IN HD_NP have_HV found_VBN it_PP3 useful_JJ to_TO explore_VB strategies_NNS that_CS potential_JJ screenees_NNS can_MD use_VB to_TO cope_VB with_IN positive_JJ or_CC negative_JJ results_NNS maladaptive_JJ coping_NN responses_NNS (_( eg_NN , denial_NN or_CC substance_NN use_NN )_) can_MD be_BE identified_VBN and_CC more_QL adaptive_JJ strategies_NNS can_MD be_BE rehearsed_VBD (_( eg_NN , seeking_VBG social_JJ support_NN or_CC obtaining_VBG more_QL frequent_JJ surveillance_NN )_) studies_NNS in_IN the_ATI traditional_JJ genetic_JJ testing_NN domain_NN suggest_VB that_CS such_ABL preparation_NN is_BEZ essential_JJ to_TO minimize_VB the_ATI likelihood_NN of_IN untoward_JJ psychological_JJ consequences_NNS 33_CD it_PP3 also_RB is_BEZ critical_JJ that_CS genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN not_XNOT be_BE initiated_VBN before_CS establishing_VBG resources_NNS and_CC plans_NNS for_IN follow-up_NN counseling_NN in_IN one_CD1 report_NN of_IN participants_NNS in_IN a_AT predictive_JJ testing_NN program_NN for_IN HD_NP , 40%_NP required_VBD additional_JJ psychological_JJ counseling_NN to_TO adjust_VB to_IN the_ATI results_NNS other_AP reports_NNS indicate_VB that_CS follow-up_NN also_RB is_BEZ critical_JJ for_IN persons_NNS identified_VBN as_IN noncarriers_NNS for_IN example_NN , 10%_CD of_IN noncarriers_NNS of_IN the_ATI HD_NP gene_NN reported_VBD difficulties_NNS adjusting_VBG to_IN this_DT information_NN and_CC required_VBD additional_JJ psychological_JJ counseling_NN for_IN these_DTS individuals_NNS , who_WPR have_HV lived_VBN their_PP$ lives_NNS under_IN the_ATI cloud_NN of_IN heightened_VBN risk_NN , the_ATI prospect_NN of_IN a_AT long_JJ life_NN without_IN disease_NN may_MD be_BE unexpected_JJ and_CC unplanned_JJ for_IN in_IN addition_NN , the_ATI prospective_JJ HD_NP study_NN described_VBD above_IN suggests_VBZ that_CS psychological_JJ follow-up_NN also_RB should_MD be_BE provided_VBN for_IN potential_JJ screenees_NNS who_WPR do_DO not_XNOT receive_VB genetic_JJ information_NN finally_RB , it_PP3 must_MD be_BE recognized_VBN that_CS genetic_JJ information_NN has_HVZ implications_NNS , not_XNOT only_RB for_IN the_ATI individuals_NNS who_WPR undergo_VB testing_NN but_CC also_RB for_IN their_PP$ partners_NNS , children_NNS , siblings_NNS , and_CC parents_NNS as_IN such_ABL , follow-up_NN support_NN should_MD be_BE extended_VBN to_IN family_NN members_NNS as_IN well_RB 34_CD promoting_VBG Prevention_NN and_CC Surveillance_NP 35_CD early_JJ Detection_NN Strategies_NP the_ATI benefits_NNS of_IN mammography_NN for_IN women_NNS aged_JJ 50_CD years_NNS and_CC older_JJR have_HV received_VBN consistent_JJ support_NN in_IN trials_NNS across_IN Europe_NP and_CC Canada_NP the_ATI results_NNS of_IN these_DTS trials_NNS have_HV led_VBN most_QL professional_JJ medical_JJ organizations_NNS to_TO recommend_VB mammography_NN annually_RB for_IN women_NNS aged_JJ 50_CD years_NNS and_CC older_JJR and_CC every_AT 1_CD1 to_IN 2_CD years_NNS for_IN women_NNS aged_JJ 40_CD to_IN 49_CD years_NNS however_RB , the_ATI results_NNS of_IN a_AT recent_JJ Canadian_JNP trial_NN , which_WDTR failed_VBN to_TO demonstrate_VB any_DTI reduction_NN in_IN mortality_NN among_IN screened_VBN women_NNS aged_JJ 40_CD to_IN 49_CD years_NNS , has_HVZ generated_VBN significant_JJ controversy_NN regarding_IN the_ATI most_QL appropriate_JJ screening_NN interval_NN for_IN women_NNS in_IN this_DT age_NN group_NN 36_CD one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI greatest_JJT potential_JJ benefits_NNS of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN may_MD be_BE the_ATI identification_NN of_IN younger_JJR women_NNS who_WPR may_MD benefit_VB from_IN mammography_NN surveillance_NN initiated_VBN at_IN an_AT earlier_RBR age_NN and_or_CC on_IN a_AT more_QL frequent_JJ basis_NN while_CS there_EX presently_RB is_BEZ no_ATI consensus_NN on_IN mammography_NN screening_NN intervals_NNS for_IN women_NNS in_IN HBC_NP families_NNS , some_DTI providers_NNS recommend_VB that_CS these_DTS women_NNS begin_VB mammography_NN screening_NN at_IN 25_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN , or_CC 5_CD years_NNS before_IN the_ATI earliest_JJT age_NN at_IN diagnosis_NN of_IN an_AT affected_VBN FDR_NP thereafter_RB , biannual_JJ clinical_JJ breast_NN examinations_NNS and_CC annual_JJ mammograms_NNS are_BER advised_VBN .=20_CD 37_CD however_RB , mammography_NN in_IN younger_JJR women_NNS may_MD be_BE less_QL sensitive_JJ because_CS of_IN increased_JJ breast_NN tissue_NN density_NN in_IN addition_NN , the_ATI possible_JJ effects_NNS of_IN long-term_JJB exposure_NN to_IN ionizing_VBG radiation_NN must_MD be_BE considered_VBN proponents_NNS of_IN mammography_NN for_IN younger_JJR high-risk_NN women_NNS emphasize_VB data_NNS that_WPR show_VB that_CS in_IN younger_JJR women_NNS , mammograms_NNS can_MD detect_VB microcalcifications_NNS that_CS are_BER indicative_NN of_IN malignant_JJ conditions_NNS also_RB , state-of-the-art_NN mammography_NN uses_VBZ low_JJ radiation_NN doses_NNS , and_CC there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI evidence_NN of_IN significant_JJ risk_NN of_IN mammography_NN screening_NN in_IN women_NNS over_IN age_NN 35_CD years_NNS 38_CD moreover_RB , anecdotal_JJ reports_NNS indicate_VB that_CS mammography_NN is_BEZ effective_JJ in_IN detecting_JJ very_QL early_JJ lesions_NNS in_IN gene_NN carriers_NNS younger_JJR than_IN 30_CD years_NNS For_NP ataxia_NN telangectasia_NN heterozygotes_NNS , who_WPR may_MD be_BE more_QL susceptible_JJ to_TO the_ATI effects_NNS of_IN ionizing_VBG radiation_NN , ultrasound_NN may_MD be_BE an_AT option_NN for_IN women_NNS who_WPR present_JJ with_IN a_AT breast_NN lump_NN these_DTS controversial_JJ issues_NNS potentially_RB can_MD be_BE resolved_VBN by_IN mammography_NN screening_NN trials_NNS of_IN gene_NN carriers_NNS 39_CD while_CS there_EX have_HV not_XNOT yet_RB been_BEN any_DTI studies_NNS of_IN the_ATI mammography_NN screening_NN practices_NNS of_IN female_JJ members_NNS of_IN HBC_NP families_NNS , there_EX have_HV been_BEN several_AP reports_NNS of_IN underuse_NN of_IN mammography_NN among_IN women_NNS with_IN a_AT positive_JJ family_NN history_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN for_IN example_NN , Vogel_NP and_CC colleagues_NNS showed_VBD that_CS only_RB 31.5%_CD of_IN these_DTS women_NNS had_HVD ever_RB received_VBN a_AT mammogram_NN Lack_NP of_IN a_AT physician_NN referral_JJ was_BEDZ cited_VBN as_IN a_AT major_JJ screening_NN barrier_NN Similarly_NP , a_AT study_NN of_IN FDRs_NP of_IN patients_NNS with_IN breast_NN cancer_NN aged_JJ 50_CD years_NNS and_CC older_JJR showed_VBD that_CS while_CS 49%_NN had_HVD mammograms_NNS , only_RB 14%_CD adhered_VBN to_TO annual_JJ screening_NN among_IN those_DTS who_WPR had_HVD never_RB been_BEN screened_VBN , 92%_NN reported_VBN that_CS their_PP$ physicians_NNS had_HVD never_RB recommended_JJ mammography_NN 40_CD notification_NN of_IN genetic_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN potentially_RB can_MD motivate_VB women_NNS to_TO adhere_VB to_IN recommended_JJ guidelines_NNS for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN screening_NN however_RB , as_CS noted_VBN above_IN , risk_NN notification_NN may_MD also_RB generate_VB psychological_JJ distress_NN in_IN some_DTI women_NNS this_DT is_BEZ a_AT particular_JJ concern_NN because_CS of_IN the_ATI possible_JJ impact_NN of_IN distress_NN on_IN subsequent_JJ adherence_NN to_TO breast_NN cancer_NN screening_NN for_IN example_NN , anxiety_NN and_CC cancer_NN worries_NNS have_HV been_BEN associated_VBN with_IN lower_JJR rates_NNS of_IN mammography_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS reductions_NNS in_IN breast_NN self-examination_NN and_CC clinical_JJ breast_NN examination_NN in_IN one_CD1 study_NN of_IN women_NNS with_IN a_AT positive_JJ family_NN history_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN , those_DTS with_IN serious_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN worries_NNS were_BED about_RB 2.5_CD times_NNS less_QL likely_JJ to_TO adhere_VB to_TO mammography_VB screening_NN guidelines_NNS than_IN were_BED women_NNS without_IN such_ABL worries_NNS 41_CD the_ATI genetic_JJ testing_NN encounter_NN may_MD be_BE an_AT optimal_JJ time_NN for_IN promoting_VBG adherence_NN in_IN high-risk_NN women_NNS studies_NNS have_HV shown_VBN that_CS an_AT unequivocal_JJ medical_JJ recommendation_NN is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL powerful_JJ predictor_NN of_IN mammography_NN adherence_NN the_ATI impact_NN of_IN a_AT simple_JJ medical_JJ recommendation_NN is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO be_BE enhanced_VBN by_IN emphasizing_VBG the_ATI possible_JJ benefits_NNS of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN screening_NN , including_IN the_ATI potential_JJ for_IN detection_NN of_IN early_JJ stage_NN 1_CD1 tumors_NNS , increased_JJ treatment_NN options_NNS , and_CC increased_JJ probability_NN of_IN long-term_JJB survival_NN health_NN care_NN professionals_NNS should_MD also_RB address_VB known_VBN barriers_NNS to_TO breast_NN cancer_NN screening_NN , including_IN concerns_VBZ about_IN radiation_NN , embarrassment_NN , and_CC anxiety_NN about_IN positive_JJ results_NNS the_ATI effects_NNS of_IN these_DTS communications_NNS may_MD be_BE enhanced_VBN by_IN provision_NN of_IN written_VBN educational_JJ materials_NNS and_CC follow-up_NN telephone_NN counseling_VBG to_TO address_VB barriers_NNS to_TO adherence_NN psychological_JJ barriers_NNS to_TO adherence_NN , such_IN as_IN denial_NN and_CC fear_NN of_IN finding_VBG cancer_NN , may_MD be_BE seen_VBN among_IN women_NNS who_WPR manifest_JJ difficulties_NNS adjusting_VBG to_IN genetic_JJ information_NN these_DTS effects_NNS are_BER likely_JJ to_TO be_BE addressed_VBN by_IN arranging_VBG follow-up_NN psychological_JJ counseling_NN services_NNS for_IN these_DTS women_NNS it_PP3 also_RB is_BEZ critical_JJ for_IN noncarriers_NNS of_IN susceptibility_NN genes_NNS , who_WPR remain_VB susceptible_JJ to_IN the_ATI development_NN of_IN environmental_JJ or_CC _** sporadic_JJ _** malignant_JJ neoplasms_NNS , to_TO adhere_VB to_IN guidelines_NNS for_IN women_NNS in_IN the_ATI general_JJ population_NN additionally_RB , all_ABN women_NNS should_MD be_BE instructed_VBN in_IN breast_NN self-examination_NN to_TO increase_VB confidence_NN and_CC proficiency_NN in_IN lump_NN detection_NN and_CC reduce_VB anxiety_NN about_IN self-examination_NN performance_NN of_IN breast_NN self-examination_NN may_MD be_BE especially_RB important_JJ for_IN younger_JJR women_NNS , for_IN whom_WPOR mammography_NN is_BEZ less_QL efficacious_JJ 42_CD since_CS carriers_NNS of_IN the_ATI BRCA1_CD gene_NN also_RB may_MD be_BE predisposed_VBN to_TO develop_VB ovarian_NN cancer_NN , guidelines_VBZ for_IN screening_NN of_IN the_ATI female_JJ reproductive_JJ tract_NN also_RB should_MD be_BE provided_VBN however_RB , there_EX presently_RB is_BEZ no_ATI consensus_NN with_IN regard_NN to_TO ovarian_VB cancer_NN screening_NN guidelines_NNS , because_CS of_IN concerns_VBZ about_IN the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN available_JJ methods_NNS in_IN some_DTI settings_NNS , women_NNS at_IN excess_JJ genetic_JJ risk_NN for_IN ovarian_NN cancer_NN are_BER being_BEG advised_VBN to_TO undergo_VB biannual_JJ screening_NN with_IN pelvic_JJ examination_NN , CA-125_CD-CD , and_CC transvaginal_JJ sonography_NN as_CS yet_RB , little_JJ is_BEZ known_VBN about_IN patterns_NNS of_IN use_NN or_CC barriers_NNS to_IN participation_NN among_IN high-risk_NN women_NNS 43_CD prevention_NN Strategies_NP women_NNS at_IN high_JJ risk_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN are_BER increasingly_RB seeking_VBG counseling_VBG about_IN prophylactic_JJ mastectomy_NN (_( PM_NP )_) , and_CC PM_NP has_HVZ been_BEN advocated_VBN for_IN selected_JJ members_NNS of_IN HBC_NP families_NNS potential_JJ postoperative_JJ complications_NNS of_IN PM_NP include_VB skin_NN flap_NN necrosis_NN , hematoma_NN , and_CC infection_NN in_IN a_AT small_JJ proportion_NN of_IN patients_NNS the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN PM_NP has_HVZ yet_RB to_TO be_BE established_VBN in_IN controlled_JJ trials_NNS it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN estimated_VBN that_CS about_IN 0.5%_NP of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR received_VBD subcutaneous_JJ mastectomy_NN will_MD develop_VB breast_NN cancer_NN however_RB , this_DT figure_NN probably_RB underestimates_VBZ the_ATI results_NNS that_DT would_MD be_BE obtained_VBN with_IN a_AT longer_RBR follow-up_NN period_NN and_CC a_AT high-risk_NN group_NN of_IN women_NNS 44_CD the_ATI psychological_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN PM_NP have_HV received_VBN little_JJ attention_NN in_IN the_ATI literature_NN prophylactic_JJ mastectomy_NN may_MD provide_VB important_JJ psychological_JJ benefits_NNS , especially_RB for_IN women_NNS in_IN high-risk_NN families_NNS for_IN example_NN , long-term_JJB uncertainty_NN and_CC worry_VB might_MD be_BE reduced_VBN , as_IN would_MD dependence_NN on_IN screening_NN and_CC self- examination_NN prophylactic_JJ mastectomy_NN also_RB may_MD reduce_VB the_ATI likelihood_NN of_IN experiencing_VBG the_ATI distress_NN associated_VBN with_IN false-positive_JJ mammography_NN results_NNS 45_CD the_ATI potential_JJ psychological_JJ costs_NNS of_IN PM_NP also_RB must_MD be_BE addressed_VBN Although_NP several_AP studies_NNS have_HV examined_VBN the_ATI psychological_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN mastectomy_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN cancer_NN , the_ATI impact_NN of_IN these_DTS procedures_NNS among_IN asymptomatic_JJ women_NNS is_BEZ unknown_JJ recent_JJ controversies_NNS about_IN silicone_NN breast_NN implants_NNS are_BER likely_JJ to_TO raise_VB anxiety_NN among_IN women_NNS who_WPR opt_VB for_IN breast_NN reconstruction_NN .=20_CD 46_CD however_RB , because_CS of_IN the_ATI lack_NN of_IN empiric_JJ data_NNS , it_PP3 is_BEZ difficult_JJ to_TO prepare_VB women_NNS effectively_RB for_IN the_ATI problems_NNS in_IN adjustment_NN they_PP3AS are_BER likely_JJ to_TO experience_VB moreover_RB , the_ATI distress_NN experienced_VBN by_IN carriers_NNS who_WPR desire_NN but_CC cannot_NN afford_VB the_ATI high_JJ cost_NN of_IN mastectomy_NN and_CC reconstruction_NN may_MD be_BE especially_RB great_JJ finally_RB , the_ATI long-term_JJB efficacy_NN of_IN PM_NP is_BEZ unknown_JJ , but_CC the_ATI degree_NN to_TO which_WDTR this_DT fact_NN will_MD be_BE appreciated_VBN by_IN potential_JJ genetic_JJ testing_NN participants_NNS is_BEZ unclear_JJ 47_CD prophylactic_JJ oopherectomy_NN also_RB is_BEZ being_BEG advised_VBN for_IN women_NNS genetically_RB predisposed_VBN to_TO ovarian_VB cancer_NN however_RB , major_JJ questions_NNS about_IN the_ATI protective_JJ effects_NNS of_IN oopherectomy_NN were_BED raised_VBN after_IN reports_NNS of_IN three_CD cases_NNS of_IN intra-abdominal_JJ carcinomatosis_NN among_IN 28_CD women_NNS who_WPR had_HVD surgery_NN 48_CD an_AT additional_JJ challenge_NN to_IN clinicians_NNS will_MD be_BE to_IN counsel_NN women_NNS about_IN dietary_JJ modification_NN and_CC chemoprevention_NN practices_NNS while_CS the_ATI role_NN of_IN dietary_JJ fat_NN in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN remains_VBZ controversial_JJ , there_EX is_BEZ little_JJ harm_NN in_IN encouraging_JJ women_NNS to_TO reduce_VB fat_NN intake_NN to_IN 25_CD g_d_NN , in_IN accordance_NN with_IN the_ATI recommendations_NNS of_IN the_ATI American_JNP Cancer_NP Society_NP additionally_RB , high-risk_NN women_NNS may_MD opt_VB to_TO enroll_VB in_IN the_ATI Tamoxifen_NP Chemoprevention_NN Trial_NP this_DT long-term_JJB , randomized_JJ trial_NN will_MD compare_VB the_ATI effects_NNS of_IN tamoxifen_NN with_IN those_DTS of_IN placebo_NN in_IN 16000_CD women_NNS at_IN increased_JJ risk_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN however_RB , the_ATI lack_NN of_IN proved_VBN benefits_NNS of_IN these_DTS interventions_NNS must_MD be_BE emphasized_VBN to_IN women_NNS to_TO avoid_VB generating_NN a_AT false_JJ sense_NN of_IN reassurance_NN 49_CD suggestions_NNS for_IN Research_NP to_IN Evaluate_NPT Genetic_NP Testing_NP for_IN Breast_NP Cancer_NP Susceptibility_NP 50_CD a_AT large_JJ number_NN of_IN professional_JJ publications_NNS have_HV appeared_VBN recently_RB concerning_IN the_ATI ethical_JJ , legal_JJ , and_CC social_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN genetic_JJ research_NN and_CC testing_NN nevertheless_RB , much_AP of_IN the_ATI debate_NN concerning_IN the_ATI potential_JJ impact_NN of_IN testing_NN has_HVZ occurred_VBN in_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN relevant_JJ empiric_JJ evidence_NN as_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN is_BEZ initiated_VBN on_IN a_AT larger_JJR scale_NN , it_PP3 will_MD be_BE critical_JJ to_TO conduct_VB carefully_RB designed_JJ studies_NNS to_TO evaluate_VB the_ATI impact_NN of_IN these_DTS programs_NNS on_IN psychological_JJ status_NN and_CC cancer_NN prevention_NN and_CC control_NN practices_NNS the_ATI selection_NN of_IN research_NN designs_NNS and_CC measures_NNS for_IN these_DTS studies_NNS should_MD be_BE guided_VBN by_IN behavioral_JJ science_NN theory_NN and_CC informed_VBN by_IN work_NN conducted_VBN in_IN other_AP domains_NNS of_IN risk_NN factor_NN screening_NN and_CC cancer_NN prevention_NN and_CC control_NN 51_CD prospective_JJ studies_NNS are_BER essential_JJ to_TO determine_VB the_ATI psychological_JJ and_CC behavioral_JJ impact_NN of_IN genetic_JJ risk_NN information_NN assessments_NNS should_MD be_BE conducted_VBN at_IN multiple_JJ time_NN points_NNS , including_IN before_CS testing_NN , immediately_RB after_IN notification_NN , at_IN short-term_JJB follow-up_NN (_( eg_NN , 3_CD months_NNS )_) , and_CC at_IN long-term_JJB follow-up_NN (_( eg_NN , 1_CD1 year_NN )_) critical_JJ outcome_NN variables_NNS include_VB psychological_JJ status_NN , marital_JJ and_CC family_NN functioning_NN , quality_NN of_IN life_NN , health_NN behaviors_NNS , reproductive_JJ intentions_NNS , and_CC health_NN care_NN use_NN Assessment_NP of_IN psychological_JJ status_NN should_MD include_VB , but_CC not_XNOT be_BE limited_JJ to_TO , well-validated_JJ , global_JJ measures_NNS of_IN functioning_NN , including_IN those_DTS that_CS assess_VB anxiety_NN , depression_NN , and_CC somatic_JJ complaints.=20_CD 52_CD however_RB , while_CS these_DTS measures_NNS can_MD be_BE useful_JJ for_IN screening_NN and_CC follow-up_NN purposes_NNS , they_PP3AS also_RB can_MD be_BE insensitive_JJ to_IN the_ATI kinds_NNS of_IN changes_NNS that_CS are_BER likely_JJ to_TO occur_VB among_IN well-adjusted_JJ individuals_NNS psychological_JJ reactions_NNS , such_IN as_IN intrusive_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN worries_NNS , survivor_NN guilt_NN , carrier_NN guilt_NN (_( eg_NN , a_AT father_NN who_WPR passes_VBZ an_AT abnormal_JJ gene_NN to_IN his_PP$ daughter_NN )_) , and_CC the_ATI psychosexual_JJ responses_NNS surrounding_JJ PM_NP , may_MD not_XNOT be_BE captured_VBN by_IN these_DTS global_JJ measures_NNS of_IN distress_NN therefore_RB , preliminary_JJ studies_NNS should_MD also_RB include_VB open- ended_JJ questions_NNS and_CC interview_NN formats_NNS that_WPR allow_VB these_DTS complex_JJ themes_NNS to_TO emerge_VB for_IN the_ATI purpose_NN of_IN comparison_NN , assessments_NNS should_MD be_BE conducted_VBN not_XNOT only_RB with_IN carriers_NNS but_CC also_RB with_IN noncarriers_NNS and_CC individuals_NNS who_WPR decline_NN to_TO be_BE tested_VBN much_AP of_IN the_ATI early_JJ work_NN on_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN and_CC counseling_VBG has_HVZ focused_VBN on_IN participants_NNS in_IN early_JJ pilot_NN programs_NNS , a_AT group_NN that_WPR may_MD be_BE highly_RB self-selected_JJ and_CC whose_WP$R responses_NNS may_MD not_XNOT be_BE representative_NN of_IN the_ATI entire_JJB at-risk_NN population_NN 53_CD a_AT major_JJ goal_NN of_IN this_DT research_NN should_MD be_BE to_TO understand_VB why_WRB two_CD individuals_NNS can_MD react_VB so_QL differently_RB to_IN similar_JJ information_NN regarding_IN breast_NN cancer_NN risk_NN thus_RB , variables_NNS that_CS moderate_JJ the_ATI impact_NN of_IN genetic_JJ information_NN should_MD be_BE identified_VBN for_IN example_NN , sociodemographic_JJ characteristics_NNS such_IN as_IN educational_JJ level_NN are_BER likely_JJ to_TO influence_VB how_WRB genetic_JJ information_NN is_BEZ processed_VBN and_CC acted_VBD on_RP in_IN addition_NN , data_NNS on_IN personality_NN and_CC coping_NN styles_NNS , collected_VBD before_CS testing_NN , are_BER prerequisites_NNS to_IN meaningful_JJ subgroup_NN comparisons_NNS of_IN impact_NN .=20_CD 54_CD this_DT research_NN also_RB should_MD examine_VB the_ATI role_NN of_IN values_NNS and_CC beliefs_NNS , as_CS well_RB as_IN the_ATI processes_NNS by_IN which_WDTR personal_JJ disease-related_JJ experiences_NNS affect_VB perceptions_NNS of_IN genetic_JJ information_NN in_IN addition_NN , studies_NNS should_MD explore_VB ethnic_JJ and_CC cultural_JJ differences_NNS in_IN perceptions_NNS of_IN and_CC reactions_NNS to_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN concerns_VBZ surrounding_JJ possible_JJ discrimination_NN may_MD contribute_VB to_IN an_AT especially_RB adverse_JJ impact_NN of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN on_IN members_NNS of_IN ethnic_JJ minority_NN groups_NNS these_DTS concerns_VBZ underscore_VB the_ATI importance_NN of_IN including_IN persons_NNS with_IN diverse_JJ socioeconomic_JJ backgrounds_NNS in_IN studies_NNS of_IN the_ATI impact_NN of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN 55_CD the_ATI second_OD stage_NN of_IN psychological_JJ research_NN on_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN should_MD include_VB controlled_VBN clinical_JJ trials_NNS of_IN different_JJ counseling_NN protocols_NNS because_CS of_IN unique_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN causes_NNS and_CC prevention_NN , counseling_VBG protocols_NNS developed_VBN for_IN traditional_JJ mendelian_NN diseases_NNS may_MD have_HV limited_JJ applicability_NN to_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN thus_RB , it_PP3 will_MD be_BE important_JJ to_TO develop_VB and_CC test_NN new_JJ counseling_NN approaches_NNS that_WPR vary_VB in_IN terms_NNS of_IN the_ATI content_NN , process_NN , and_CC timing_NN of_IN delivery_NN of_IN genetic_JJ information_NN also_RB , standard_NN adjunctive_JJ psychoeducational_JJ interventions_NNS should_MD be_BE examined_VBN for_IN their_PP$ efficacy_NN in_IN ameliorating_VBG psychological_JJ distress_NN and_CC enhancing_VBG adherence_NN behaviors_NNS among_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN participants_NNS the_ATI rapid_JJ expansion_NN of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN will_MD demand_VB that_CS these_DTS programs_NNS be_BE justified_VBN empirically_RB in_IN terms_NNS of_IN cost_NN and_CC effectiveness_NN 56_CD CONCLUSION_NP 57_CD clinical_JJ genetic_JJ tests_NNS soon_RB will_MD become_VB available_JJ to_TO identify_VB persons_NNS at_IN risk_NN for_IN a_AT common_JJ form_NN of_IN cancer_NN although_CS HBC_NP may_MD account_VB for_IN only_RB 5%_JJ to_IN 10%_CD of_IN all_ABN breast_NN cancer_NN cases_NNS , as_QL many_AP as_CS one_CD1 in_IN 300_CD persons_NNS are_BER carriers_NNS of_IN these_DTS gene_NN mutations_NNS these_DTS discoveries_NNS raise_VB hope_VB concerning_IN the_ATI potential_JJ public_JJ health_NN impact_NN of_IN genetic_JJ testing_NN However_NP , before_CS testing_NN programs_NNS are_BER implemented_VBN , effective_JJ and_CC ethical_JJ means_NNS of_IN communicating_JJ genetic_JJ risk_NN information_NN must_MD be_BE identified_VBN Genetic_NP testing_NN protocols_NNS must_MD be_BE informed_VBN by_IN empiric_JJ research_NN that_CS examines_VBZ the_ATI psychosocial_JJ impact_NN of_IN pilot_NN testing_NN programs_NNS on_IN participants_NNS and_CC their_PP$ families_NNS consensus_NN guidelines_NNS for_IN surveillance_NN and_CC prevention_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN among_IN carriers_NNS must_MD also_RB be_BE established_VBN , including_IN validated_JJ methods_NNS for_IN enhancing_VBG patient_NN adherence_NN these_DTS issues_NNS will_MD be_BE best_JJT addressed_VBN if_CS genetic_JJ testing_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN susceptibility_NN initially_RB is_BEZ conducted_VBN within_IN the_ATI context_NN of_IN research_NN that_CS carefully_RB assesses_VBZ the_ATI immediate_JJ and_CC long-term_JJB impact_NN of_IN risk_NN notification_NN 58_CD acoustic_JJ Neuroma=20_CD 59_CD the_ATI 1991_CD Consensus_JJ Development_NP Conference_NP on_IN Vestibular_NP Schwannoma_NP was_BEDZ convened_VBN to_TO consider_VB how_WRB patients_NNS can_MD acquire_VB an_AT accurate_JJ diagnosis_NN and_CC to_TO review_VB the_ATI best_JJT options_NNS for_IN management_NN of_IN this_DT disease_NN , including_IN primary_JJ therapy_NN , follow-up_NN , and_CC rehabilitation_NN 60_CD we_PP1AS use_VB the_ATI term_NN vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS throughout_IN this_DT report_NN because_CS these_DTS tumors_NNS are_BER composed_VBN of_IN Schwann_NP cells_NNS and_CC typically_RB involve_VB the_ATI vestibular_NN rather_RB than_IN the_ATI acoustic_JJ division_NN of_IN the_ATI eighth_OD cranial_JJ nerve_NN although_CS benign_JJ , because_CS of_IN their_PP$ location_NN vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS can_MD produce_VB serious_JJ morbidity_NN or_CC even_RB death_NN , by_IN compression_NN of_IN vital_JJ structures_NNS , including_IN the_ATI cranial_JJ nerves_NNS and_CC the_ATI brain_NN stem_NN advances_NNS in_IN microsurgery_NN have_HV dramatically_RB reduced_VBN operative_JJ mortality_NN and_CC have_HV made_VBN tumor_NN removal_NN without_IN additional_JJ neurologic_JJ deficit_NN a_AT realistic_JJ but_CC challenging_JJ goal_NN 61_CD an_AT estimated_VBN 2000_CD to_IN 3000_CD new_JJ cases_NNS of_IN unilateral_JJ vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN are_BER diagnosed_VBN in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP each_DT year_NN , an_AT incidence_NN of_IN about_IN one_CD1 per_NNU 100000_CD per_NNU year_NN the_ATI most_AP common_JJ presenting_VBG symptoms_NNS are_BER change_NN in_IN hearing_VBG in_IN one_CD1 ear_NN , tinnitus_JJ (_( noise_NN in_IN the_ATI ear_NN )_) , and_CC poor_JJ balance_NN the_ATI advent_NN of_IN magnetic_JJ resonance_NN imaging_VBG (_( MRI_NP )_) with_IN gadolinium_NN enhancement_NN has_HVZ permitted_VBN the_ATI identification_NN of_IN many_AP very_QL small_JJ , previously_RB undetectable_JJ tumors_NNS some_DTI studies_NNS suggest_VB that_CS the_ATI prevalence_JJ of_IN vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS at_IN autopsy_NN may_MD be_BE as_QL high_JJ as_CS 0.9%_NP , but_CC this_DT is_BEZ quite_RB likely_JJ an_AT overestimate_VB in_IN any_DTI event_NN , the_ATI vast_JJ majority_NN of_IN these_DTS tumors_NNS are_BER very_QL small_JJ and_CC are_BER not_XNOT recognized_VBN clinically_RB at_RB least_RB 95%_NN of_IN diagnosed_JJ vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS are_BER unilateral_JJ these_DTS tumors_NNS are_BER encapsulated_VBN and_CC rounded_JJ and_CC usually_RB appear_VB as_IN a_AT single_JJ mass_NN about_IN 5%_JJ of_IN patients_NNS exhibit_VB bilateral_JJ schwannomas_NNS associated_VBN with_IN an_AT inherited_VBN syndrome_NN known_VBN as_IN neurofibromatosis_NN type_NN 2_CD (_( NF2_NP )_) (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) Population-based_NP data_NNS from_IN the_ATI United_NP Kingdom_NPL suggest_VB that_CS one_CD1 in_IN 35000_CD individuals_NNS carries_VBZ the_ATI gene_NN for_IN NF2_NP 62_CD WHAT_NPT ARE_NPT ACOUSTIC_NPT NEUROMAS_NPT AND_NPT HOW_NPT SHOULD_NPT THEY_NPT BE_NP CLASSIFIED_NP ? 63_CD cytologically_RB , no_ATI differences_NNS have_HV been_BEN found_VBN between_IN the_ATI vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS of_IN NF2_NP and_CC those_DTS found_VBN in_IN sporadic_JJ cases_NNS histologically_RB , however_RB , the_ATI tumors_NNS in_IN NF2_NP often_RB appear_VB as_IN grapelike_NN clusters_NNS that_DT can_MD infiltrate_VB the_ATI fibers_NNS of_IN individual_JJ nerves_NNS and_CC may_MD adumbrate_VB a_AT polyclonal_JJ origin_NN both_ABX unilateral_JJ and_CC bilateral_JJ tumors_NNS vary_VB in_IN their_PP$ precise_JJ location_NN along_IN the_ATI vestibular_NN nerve_NN , tending_VBG to_TO arise_VB at_IN the_ATI border_NN between_IN the_ATI central_JJ and_CC peripheral_JJ segments_NNS of_IN the_ATI nerve_NN why_WRB tumors_NNS arise_VB at_IN this_DT transition_NN zone_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT known_VBN , but_CC variation_NN in_IN the_ATI site_NN at_IN which_WDTR a_AT tumor_NN is_BEZ located_VBN can_MD have_HV a_AT major_JJ influence_NN on_IN the_ATI symptoms_NNS it_PP3 produces_VBZ 64_CD for_IN clinical_JJ management_NN , the_ATI most_QL useful_JJ classification_NN of_IN vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS is_BEZ by_IN size_NN , location_NN , and_CC growth_NN rate_NN however_RB , tumors_NNS tend_VB to_TO enlarge_VB unpredictably_JJ some_DTI do_DO not_XNOT change_VB in_IN size_NN for_IN many_AP years_NNS , while_CS others_APS may_MD grow_VB at_IN a_AT rate_NN of_IN up_RP to_IN 20_CD mm_UH in_IN diameter_NN per_NNU year_NN currently_RB , the_ATI best_JJT method_NN to_TO monitor_NN tumor_NN growth_NN is_BEZ with_IN gadolinium-enhanced_JJ MRI_NP to_TO facilitate_VB the_ATI interpretation_NN of_IN clinical_JJ studies_NNS , both_ABX the_ATI greatest_JJT diameter_NN of_IN the_ATI tumor_NN within_IN the_ATI posterior_JJ fossa_NN and_CC the_ATI extent_NN of_IN penetration_NN into_IN the_ATI intracanalicular_NN space_NN should_MD be_BE documented_VBN 65_CD a_AT second_OD important_JJ classification_NN is_BEZ between_IN familial_JJ and_CC sporadic_JJ cases_NNS all_ABN cases_NNS of_IN vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS are_BER thought_VBN to_TO result_VB from_IN the_ATI functional_JJ loss_NN of_IN a_AT tumor- suppressor_NN gene_NN that_WPR has_HVZ been_BEN localized_VBN to_IN the_ATI long_JJ arm_NN of_IN chromosome_NN 22_CD in_IN at_RB least_RB 95%_NN of_IN patients_NNS , however_RB , the_ATI disease_NN is_BEZ unilateral_JJ and_CC the_ATI majority_NN of_IN these_DTS cases_NNS are_BER sporadic_JJ , resulting_JJ from_IN somatic_JJ mutations_NNS that_CS are_BER not_XNOT associated_VBN with_IN an_AT increased_JJ risk_NN for_IN other_AP tumors_NNS either_DTX in_IN the_ATI individual_JJ or_CC in_IN close_RB relatives_NNS about_IN 5%_NN of_IN patients_NNS exhibit_VB bilateral_JJ disease_NN or_CC other_AP features_NNS that_WPR define_VB NF2.=20_NP 66_CD these_DTS patients_NNS are_BER thought_VBN to_TO carry_VB a_AT single_JJ germ- line_JJ mutation_NN of_IN the_ATI chromosome_NN 22-linked_JJ gene_NN and_CC sustain_VB the_ATI loss_NN of_IN the_ATI remaining_JJ normal_JJ allele_NN as_IN a_AT somatic_JJ event_NN in_IN those_DTS cells_NNS that_WPR give_VB rise_NN to_IN the_ATI tumor_NN thus_RB , the_ATI trait_NN is_BEZ recessive_JJ at_IN the_ATI cellular_JJ level_NN but_CC exhibits_NNS a_AT dominant_JJ pattern_NN of_IN genetic_JJ transmission_NN in_IN families_NNS even_RB when_WRB a_AT thorough_JJ family_NN history_NN is_BEZ obtained_VBN , in_RP about_IN half_ABN of_IN all_ABN recognized_VBN cases_NNS of_IN NF2_NP , no_ATI evidence_NN of_IN other_AP affected_JJ family_NN members_NNS can_MD be_BE found_VBN These_NP patients_NNS may_MD represent_VB new_JJ germ-line_NN mutations_NNS and_CC are_BER at_IN risk_NN of_IN transmitting_VBG the_ATI disease_NN to_IN their_PP$ offspring_NN 67_CD 10_CD patients_NNS with_IN NF2_NP who_WPR carry_VB new_JJ mutations_NNS tend_VB to_TO be_BE more_QL severely_RB affected_VBN than_IN familial_JJ cases_NNS , and_CC some_DTI recent_JJ studies_NNS have_HV raised_VBN the_ATI possibility_NN that_CS in_IN familial_JJ cases_NNS the_ATI onset_NN of_IN symptoms_NNS may_MD be_BE earlier_RBR and_CC the_ATI severity_NN greater_JJR when_WRB the_ATI disease_NN is_BEZ inherited_VBN from_IN the_ATI mother_NN such_ABL effects_NNS can_MD arise_VB from_IN genomic_JJ imprinting_NN , and_CC although_CS the_ATI precise_JJ genetic_JJ mechanism_NN for_IN this_DT phenomenon_NN is_BEZ unknown_JJ , a_AT growing_JJ number_NN of_IN examples_NNS of_IN such_ABL parental_JJ origin_NN effects_NNS now_RN have_HV been_BEN documented_VBN if_CS confirmed_VBN , these_DTS findings_NNS could_MD have_HV practical_JJ implications_NNS for_IN the_ATI management_NN of_IN families_NNS with_IN NF2_NP 68_CD molecular_JJ studies_NNS on_IN NF2_NP and_CC on_IN unilateral_JJ tumors_NNS are_BER at_IN an_AT exciting_JJ juncture_NN the_ATI gene_NN for_IN NF2_NP should_MD soon_RB be_BE identified_VBN and_CC may_MD provide_VB molecular_JJ explanations_NNS for_IN clinical_JJ differences_NNS among_IN families_NNS with_IN NF2_NP as_QL well_RB as_CS differences_NNS in_IN the_ATI growth_NN rate_NN among_IN tumors_NNS further_JJB studies_NNS on_IN the_ATI molecular_JJ biology_NN of_IN the_ATI gene_NN may_MD suggest_VB treatments_NNS for_IN vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS , both_ABX in_IN patients_NNS with_IN NF2_NP and_CC in_IN patients_NNS with_IN unilateral_JJ diseases_NNS 69_CD patients_NNS with_IN NF2_NP may_MD have_HV associated_JJ meningiomas_NNS and_CC spinal_JJ root_NN schwannomas_NNS as_IN well_RB as_IN cafe-au-lait_NN spots_NNS and_CC peripheral_JJ Schwann_NP cell_NN tumors_NNS and_CC often_RB develop_VB posterior_JJ subcapsular_NN cataracts_NNS at_IN an_AT early_JJ age_NN the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN these_DTS findings_NNS varies_VBZ greatly_RB among_IN families_NNS 70_CD IN_NPT WHOM_NPT SHOULD_NPT ACOUSTIC_NPT NEUROMA_NPT BE_NPT SUSPECTED_NPT AND_NP EVALUATED_NP ? 71_CD sporadic_JJ Vestibular_NP Schwannoma_NP 72_CD the_ATI most_AP common_JJ symptom_NN , found_VBD in_IN up_RP to_IN 90%_NP of_IN individuals_NNS with_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN , is_BEZ a_AT progressive_JJ , asymmetric_JJ , or_CC unilateral_JJ sensorineural_JJ hearing_NN loss_NN approximately_RB 70%_NP have_HV a_AT high-frequency_NN pattern_NN of_IN loss_NN , while_CS a_AT small_JJ number_NN of_IN patients_NNS will_MD display_VB either_DTX normal_JJ hearing_NN or_CC a_AT symmetric_JJ hearing_NN loss_NN a_AT symptom_NN sometimes_RB reported_VBN , even_RB in_IN the_ATI face_NN of_IN apparently_RB normal_JJ hearing_NN , is_BEZ distorted_VBN sound_NN perception_NN , often_RB manifested_VBN as_IN difficulty_NN in_IN using_VBG the_ATI telephone_NN or_CC perceiving_NN instruments_NNS to_TO be_BE _** off_RP key_NN _** in_IN one_CD1 ear.=20_CD 73_CD although_CS most_AP schwannoma-associated_JJ hearing_NN loss_NN is_BEZ gradual_JJ and_CC progressive_JJ , approximately_RB 10%_CD of_IN patients_NNS report_NN sudden_JJ loss_NN of_IN hearing_NN less_QL commonly_RB reported_VBN symptoms_NNS in_IN patients_NNS with_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN include_VB unilateral_JJ or_CC asymmetric_JJ tinnitus_JJ (_( ringing_VBG in_IN the_ATI ears_NNS )_) with_IN or_CC without_IN complaints_NNS of_IN dizziness_NN or_CC disequilibrium_NN these_DTS symptoms_NNS are_BER generally_RB regarded_VBN as_CS _** early_JJ _** but_CC can_MD be_BE seen_VBN with_IN both_ABX small_JJ and_CC large_JJ tumors_NNS it_PP3 should_MD be_BE noted_VBN that_CS only_RB a_AT small_JJ fraction_NN of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR suffer_VB any_DTI one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI above_IN symptoms_NNS will_MD be_BE found_VBN to_TO have_HV a_AT vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN 74_CD other_AP findings_NNS , generally_RB regarded_VBN as_CS _** late_JJ _** manifestations_NNS , are_BER related_VBN to_IN compressive_JJ effects_NNS of_IN tumor_NN mass_NN on_IN neighboring_JJ structures_NNS These_NP include_VB headache_NN , ataxia_NN , cerebellar_NN signs_NNS , and_CC compressive_JJ cranial_JJ neuropathies_NNS the_ATI fifth_OD cranial_JJ (_( trigeminal_JJ )_) nerve_NN compression_NN may_MD cause_VB facial_JJ pain_NN and_or_CC numbness_NN and_CC corneal_JJ insensitivity_NN leading_JJ to_IN ulceration_NN compression_NN or_CC irritation_NN of_IN the_ATI seventh_OD (_( facial_JJ )_) cranial_JJ nerve_NN may_MD result_VB in_IN facial_JJ spasm_NN , weakness_NN , or_CC paralysis_NN infrequently_RB , involvement_NN of_IN the_ATI sixth_OD cranial_JJ nerve_NN may_MD cause_VB double_JJ vision_NN (_( diplopia_NN )_) compression_NN of_IN the_ATI 9th_OD , 10th_OD , or_CC 12th_OD cranial_JJ nerves_NNS will_MD result_VB in_IN difficulty_NN in_IN swallowing_NN and_or_CC speaking_NN when_WRB the_ATI brain_NN stem_NN is_BEZ sufficiently_RB compressed_VBN or_CC distorted_VBN by_IN a_AT large_JJ tumor_NN , the_ATI patient_NN may_MD display_VB nausea_NN , vomiting_NN , or_CC lethargy_NN , leading_JJ to_TO coma_NN , respiratory_JJ depression_NN , and_CC death_NN hydrocephalus_JJ and_CC papilledema_JJ with_IN increased_VBN intracranial_JJ pressure_NN also_RB may_MD be_BE seen_VBN with_IN increasing_JJ tumor_NN size_NN and_CC severity_NN of_IN symptoms_NNS , prompt_JJ diagnosis_NN and_CC initiation_NN of_IN treatment_NN become_VB vital_JJ 75_CD bilateral_JJ Neurofibromatosis_NN 76_CD neurofibromatosis_NN type_NN 2_CD is_BEZ a_AT complex_JJ syndrome_NN in_IN which_WDTR many_AP findings_NNS in_IN addition_NN to_IN those_DTS described_VBN above_IN may_MD occur_VB these_DTS include_VB peripheral_JJ or_CC central_JJ lenticular_NN cataracts_NNS , which_WDTR may_MD be_BE present_JJ even_RB in_IN very_QL young_JJ children_NNS (_( 80%_NP of_IN cases_NNS in_IN one_CD1 series_NN )_) ; skin_NN nodules_NNS and_CC other_AP lesions_NNS that_WPR include_VB dermal_JJ neurofibromas_NNS and_CC cafe-au-lait_NN spots_NNS (_( }60%_NP of_IN cases_NNS in_IN one_CD1 series_NN )_) ; pain_NN or_CC numbness_NN because_CS of_IN schwannomas_NNS of_IN peripheral_JJ nerves_NNS and_or_CC roots_NNS ; seizures_NNS and_CC other_AP focal_JJ neurologic_JJ symptoms_NNS ; other_AP findings_NNS related_VBN to_IN meningiomas_NNS , which_WDTR may_MD be_BE multiple_JJ , or_CC to_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN gliomas_NNS (_( astrocytomas_NNS , ependymomas_NNS , etc_RB )_) ; and_CC similarly_RB affected_JJ relatives_NNS 77_CD once_RB the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN NF2_NP is_BEZ made_VBN , relatives_NNS who_WPR are_BER at_IN risk_NN should_MD be_BE screened_VBN for_IN the_ATI disease_NN bilateral_JJ neurofibromatosis_NN should_MD also_RB be_BE considered_VBN as_IN a_AT diagnostic_JJ possibility_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN unilateral_JJ vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS who_WPR are_BER under_IN the_ATI age_NN of_IN 40_CD years_NNS 78_CD HOW_NPT SHOULD_NPT PATIENTS_NPT BE_NP EXAMINED_NP ? 79_CD when_WRB vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN is_BEZ suspected_VBN , the_ATI evaluation_NN must_MD begin_VB with_IN a_AT thorough_JJ clinical_JJ and_CC family_NN history_NN this_DT includes_VBZ seeking_VBG the_ATI stigmata_NN of_IN NF2_NP , schwannoma_NN , or_CC other_AP nervous_JJ system_NN tumors_NNS the_ATI physical_JJ examination_NN should_MD focus_VB on_IN the_ATI skin_NN and_CC a_AT neurologic_JJ examination_NN of_IN cranial_JJ nerve_NN function_NN additional_JJ evaluation_NN should_MD include_VB a_AT detailed_JJ examination_NN for_IN cataracts_NNS and_CC audiovestibular_NN function_NN 80_CD the_ATI initial_JJ audiologic_JJ evaluation_NN should_MD include_VB pure-tone_VB air_NN and_CC bone_NN conduction_NN thresholds_NNS , speech_NN reception_NN thresholds_NNS , and_CC speech_NN recognition_NN (_( discrimination_NN )_) scores_NNS beyond_IN these_DTS tests_NNS , two_CD other_AP diagnostic_JJ approaches_NNS are_BER commonly_RB used_VBN more_AP sophisticated_JJ audiologic_JJ tests_NNS such_IN as_IN the_ATI determination_NN of_IN acoustic_JJ reflex_NN threshold_NN , acoustic_JJ reflex_NN decay_NN tests_NNS , and_CC brain-stem_JJ auditory_JJ evoked_VBD responses_NNS (_( BAER_NP , also_RB termed_VBD ABR_NP )_) may_MD permit_VB assessment_NN of_IN the_ATI site_NN of_IN the_ATI audiologic_JJ lesion_NN The_NP other_AP approach_NN is_BEZ gadolinium-enhanced_JJ MRI_NP the_ATI decision_NN of_IN which_WDTR test_NN to_TO use_VB depends_VBZ on_IN clinical_JJ judgment_NN and_CC level_NN of_IN suspicion_NN these_DTS are_BER affected_VBN by_IN family_NN pedigree_NN , degree_NN of_IN asymmetry_RB of_IN auditory_JJ symptoms_NNS , brain-stem_NN findings_NNS , or_CC stigmata_NN of_IN NF2_NP 81_CD the_ATI advantages_NNS of_IN BAER_NP (_( ABR_NP )_) are_BER its_PP$ ability_NN to_TO measure_VB functional_JJ status_NN and_CC its_PP$ lower_JJR cost_NN recent_JJ experience_NN has_HVZ shown_VBN that_CS the_ATI sensitivity_NN of_IN BAER_NP (_( ABR_NP )_) is_BEZ 94%_JJ and_CC that_CS the_ATI specificity_NN is_BEZ greater_JJR than_IN 85%_NN for_IN the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN auditory_JJ evoked_VBD responses_NNS , however_RB , may_MD not_XNOT be_BE possible_JJ in_IN the_ATI face_NN of_IN severe_JJ hearing_NN loss_NN 82_CD magnetic_JJ resonance_NN imaging_VBG now_RN is_BEZ regarded_VBN as_IN the_ATI most_QL definitive_JJ study_NN that_WPR can_MD be_BE performed_VBN , and_CC it_PP3 is_BEZ capable_JJ of_IN revealing_VBG vestibular_NN tumors_NNS as_QL small_JJ as_CS a_JJ few_AP millimeters_NNS in_IN diameter_NN this_DT examination_NN should_MD emphasize_VB thin-slice_VB scans_NNS in_IN the_ATI axial_JJ plane_NN with_IN gadolinium_NN enhancement_NN a_AT negative_JJ gadolinium-enhanced_JJ MRI_NP is_BEZ accepted_VBN in_IN current_JJ practice_NN as_CS effectively_RB excluding_VBG the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN false_JJ positives_NNS are_BER rare_JJ a_AT disincentive_NN to_IN the_ATI use_NN of_IN MRI_NP as_IN a_AT screening_NN test_NN is_BEZ its_PP$ cost_NN 83_CD vestibular_NN testing_NN is_BEZ thought_VBN to_TO be_BE of_IN less_QL diagnostic_JJ value_NN than_IN the_ATI audiometric_JJ tests_NNS listed_VBN above_IN , at_RB least_RB in_IN part_NN , because_CS of_IN the_ATI compensatory_JJ ability_NN of_IN the_ATI vestibular_NN system_NN preoperative_JJ tests_NNS of_IN vestibular_NN function_NN may_MD be_BE important_JJ as_CS predictors_NNS of_IN postoperative_JJ balance_NN and_CC possible_JJ hearing_NN preservation_NN at_IN surgery_NN 84_NN computed_JJ tomography_NN is_BEZ useful_JJ in_IN certain_JJ instances_NNS for_IN screening_NN purposes_NNS , particularly_RB when_WRB MRI_NP cannot_NN be_BE obtained_VBN some_DTI surgeons_NNS stress_NN the_ATI usefulness_NN of_IN computed_JJ tomography_NN in_IN preoperative_JJ planning_NN 85_CD WHAT_NPT ARE_NPT THE_NPT TREATMENT_NPT OPTIONS_NPT FOR_NPT THOSE_NPT WITH_NPT ACOUSTIC_NP NEUROMA_NP ? 86_CD currently_RB , the_ATI ideal_JJ treatment_NN for_IN symptomatic_JJ patients_NNS with_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN is_BEZ the_ATI total_JJ excision_NN of_IN the_ATI tumor_NN in_IN a_AT single_JJ stage_NN with_IN minimal_JJ morbidity_NN and_CC mortality_NN and_CC with_IN preservation_NN of_IN neurologic_JJ function_NN the_ATI other_AP options_NNS for_IN management_NN are_BER observation_NN , subtotal_JJ removal_NN , and_CC various_JJ forms_NNS of_IN radiation_NN treatment_NN , including_IN stereotaxic_JJ radiosurgery_NN selection_NN of_IN the_ATI appropriate_JJ treatment_NN option_NN should_MD be_BE based_VBN on_IN the_ATI clinical_JJ findings_NNS and_CC status_NN of_IN the_ATI patient_NN 87_CD the_ATI question_NN of_IN whether_CS and_CC when_WRB to_TO undertake_VB treatment_NN of_IN a_AT vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN is_BEZ a_AT complex_JJ issue_NN for_IN the_ATI majority_NN of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR present_JJ with_IN a_AT symptomatic_JJ tumor_NN , expeditious_JJ surgery_NN will_MD be_BE the_ATI primary_JJ treatment_NN modality_NN young_JJ patients_NNS with_IN progressive_JJ neurologic_JJ deficit_NN or_CC evidence_NN of_IN tumor_NN growth_NN clearly_RB are_BER candidates_NNS for_IN surgery_NN However_NP , there_EX are_BER groups_NNS of_IN patients_NNS for_IN whom_WPOR conservative_JJ approaches_NNS , including_IN long-term_JJB observation_NN , may_MD be_BE indicated_VBN elderly_JJ patients_NNS without_IN severe_JJ neurologic_JJ symptoms_NNS or_CC evidence_NN of_IN tumor_NN growth_NN are_BER one_CD1 such_ABL group.=20_CD 88_CD there_EX also_RB is_BEZ evidence_NN that_CS some_DTI patients_NNS with_IN unilateral_JJ vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN and_CC a_AT subgroup_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN NF2_NP may_MD have_HV tumors_NNS that_WPR fail_VB to_TO progress_VB rapidly_RB , resulting_JJ in_IN stable_JJ neurologic_JJ function_NN for_IN a_AT long_JJ time_NN the_ATI use_NN of_IN MRI_NP with_IN contrast_NN enhancement_NN has_HVZ resulted_VBN in_IN the_ATI identification_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN very_QL small_JJ , relatively_RB asymptomatic_JJ vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS for_IN whom_WPOR the_ATI natural_JJ history_NN is_BEZ still_RB not_XNOT known_VBN Conservative_NP management_NN may_MD be_BE appropriate_JJ for_IN these_DTS patients_NNS the_ATI risk_NN of_IN neurologic_JJ deterioration_NN in_IN conservatively_RB treated_VBN patients_NNS needs_NNS to_TO be_BE recognized_VBN and_CC discussed_VBN with_IN the_ATI patient_NN 89_CD 32_CD certain_JJ preoperative_JJ findings_NNS correlate_VB with_IN treatment_NN outcome_NN When_NP a_AT patient_NN presents_VBZ with_IN a_AT mild_JJ hearing_NN loss_NN and_CC the_ATI preoperative_JJ BAER_NP (_( ABR_NP )_) recording_VBG demonstrates_VBZ normal_JJ results_NNS with_IN well-formed_JJ waves_NNS , the_ATI prognosis_NN for_IN hearing_VBG preservation_NN after_IN surgery_NN is_BEZ more_QL favorable_&FW than_IN when_WRB these_DTS conditions_NNS are_BER not_XNOT present_JJ conversely_RB , when_WRB MRI_NP shows_VBZ a_AT tumor_NN that_WPR is_BEZ larger_JJR than_IN 2_CD cm_NNU or_CC when_WRB the_ATI tumor_NN fills_VBZ the_ATI fundus_NN of_IN the_ATI internal_JJ auditory_JJ canal_NN , the_ATI likelihood_NN that_CS useful_JJ hearing_NN will_MD be_BE preserved_VBN is_BEZ far_RB lower_JJR expanding_JJ our_PP$ understanding_NN of_IN how_WRB these_DTS and_CC other_AP preoperative_JJ findings_NNS correlate_VB with_IN treatment_NN outcome_NN should_MD be_BE a_AT high_JJ priority_NN for_IN future_NN research_NN 90_CD 33_CD advances_NNS in_IN microsurgical_JJ technique_NN , anesthesia_NN , and_CC perioperative_JJ care_NN have_HV significantly_RB reduced_VBN the_ATI morbidity_NN and_CC mortality_NN for_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN surgery_NN and_CC now_RN permit_VB total_JJ removal_NN in_IN a_AT majority_NN of_IN cases_NNS excellent_JJ results_NNS have_HV been_BEN reported_VBN for_IN three_CD major_JJ surgical_JJ approaches_NNS , each_DT characterized_VBN by_IN specific_JJ advantages_NNS and_CC disadvantages_NNS hearing_VBG preservation_NN should_MD be_BE a_AT goal_NN of_IN surgery_NN when_WRB tumor_NN removal_NN can_MD be_BE achieved_VBN without_IN compromising_JJ the_ATI facial_JJ nerve_NN the_ATI middle_JJB fossa_NN approach_NN provides_VBZ good_JJ extradural_JJ exposure_NN for_IN small_JJ lesions_NNS situated_VBN in_IN the_ATI internal_JJ auditory_JJ canal_NN and_CC enables_VBZ potential_JJ hearing_VBG preservation_NN , especially_RB for_IN tumors_NNS arising_VBG from_IN the_ATI superior_JJ vestibular_NN nerve.=20_CD 91_CD 34_CD this_DT approach_NN is_BEZ less_QL suitable_JJ for_IN larger_JJR tumors_NNS with_IN intracranial_JJ extension_NN the_ATI translabyrinthine_NN approach_NN sacrifices_NNS hearing_VBG but_CC facilitates_NNS ventral_JJ exposure_NN of_IN small_JJ and_CC large_JJ tumors_NNS and_CC allows_VBZ the_ATI surgeon_NN to_TO identify_VB and_CC protect_VB the_ATI facial_JJ nerve_NN the_ATI suboccipital_JJ or_CC retrosigmoid_JJ approach_NN allows_VBZ the_ATI surgeon_NN to_TO identify_VB the_ATI brain_NN stem_NN , cranial_JJ nerves_NNS , and_CC cerebral_JJ vasculature_NN through_IN a_AT wide_JJ exposure_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN small_JJ tumors_NNS , this_DT approach_NN facilitates_NNS hearing_VBG preservation_NN the_ATI approach_NN also_RB is_BEZ suitable_JJ for_IN large_JJ tumors_NNS Criteria_NP for_IN the_ATI selection_NN of_IN surgical_JJ approach_NN should_MD be_BE based_VBN on_IN the_ATI training_NN , experience_NN , and_CC preference_NN of_IN the_ATI surgical_JJ team_NN ; the_ATI status_NN of_IN preoperative_JJ hearing_NN ; and_CC the_ATI location_NN and_CC size_NN of_IN the_ATI lesion_NN 92_CD 35_CD there_EX is_BEZ consensus_NN that_CS intraoperative_JJ real-time_JJ neurologic_JJ monitoring_VBG improves_VBZ the_ATI surgical_JJ management_NN of_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN , including_IN the_ATI preservation_NN of_IN facial_JJ nerve_NN function_NN and_CC possibly_RB improved_JJ hearing_NN preservation_NN by_IN the_ATI use_NN of_IN intraoperative_JJ auditory_JJ brain-stem_NN response_NN monitoring_NN new_JJ approaches_NNS to_IN monitoring_VBG acoustic_JJ nerve_NN function_NN may_MD provide_VB more_QL rapid_JJ feedback_JJ to_IN the_ATI surgeon_NN , thus_RB enhancing_VBG their_PP$ usefulness_NN intraoperative_JJ monitoring_NN of_IN cranial_JJ nerves_NNS V_ZZ , VI_NP , IX_NP , X_ZZ , and_CC XI_NP also_RB has_HVZ been_BEN described_VBN , but_CC the_ATI full_JJ benefits_NNS of_IN this_DT monitoring_VBG remain_VB to_TO be_BE determined_JJ 93_CD 36_CD in_IN the_ATI majority_NN of_IN cases_NNS of_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN , the_ATI treatment_NN goal_NN is_BEZ complete_JJ removal_NN of_IN the_ATI tumor_NN with_IN minimum_NN morbidity_NN and_CC mortality_NN however_RB , there_EX are_BER clinical_JJ situations_NNS where_WRB the_ATI more_QL conservative_JJ goal_NN of_IN planned_VBN subtotal_JJ resection_NN of_IN the_ATI tumor_NN may_MD be_BE indicated_VBN among_IN these_DTS are_BER patients_NNS requiring_VBG decompression_NN in_IN whom_WPOR recurrence_NN is_BEZ unlikely_JJ because_CS of_IN limited_JJ life_NN expectancy_NN and_CC patients_NNS in_IN whom_WPOR hearing_VBG preservation_NN is_BEZ of_IN importance_NN because_CS of_IN diminished_VBN function_NN of_IN the_ATI contralateral_JJ ear_NN 94_CD 37_CD the_ATI best_JJT published_VBN surgical_JJ outcomes_NNS in_IN the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN are_BER from_IN medical_JJ centers_NNS that_CS have_HV highly_RB organized_VBN and_CC dedicated_JJ teams_NNS with_IN a_AT specific_JJ interest_NN in_IN these_DTS tumors_NNS and_CC sufficient_JJ continuing_NN experience_NN to_TO develop_VB , refine_VB , and_CC maintain_VB proficiency_NN comprehensive_JJ surgical_JJ treatment_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN requires_VBZ collaboration_NN between_IN health_NN care_NN providers_NNS from_IN many_AP disciplines_NNS , including_IN neuro-otology_NN , otorhinolaryngology_NN , neurosurgery_NN , anesthesiology_NN , radiology_NN , neurology_NN , audiology_NN , nursing_NN , pathology_NN , clinical_JJ neurophysiology_NN , plastic_NN surgery_NN , ophthalmology_NN , social_JJ service_NN , and_CC rehabilitation_NN medicine_NN , in_IN addition_NN to_IN a_AT strong_JJ institutional_JJ commitment_NN and_CC support_NN for_IN intensive_JJ care_NN in_IN the_ATI postoperative_JJ period_NN teamwork_NN is_BEZ necessary_JJ for_IN both_ABX planning_NN and_CC performing_VBG the_ATI primary_JJ surgical_JJ procedure_NN and_CC recognizing_VBG and_CC managing_JJ potential_JJ intraoperative_JJ and_CC postoperative_JJ complications_NNS 95_CD 38_CD radiotherapy_NN is_BEZ a_AT treatment_NN option_NN limited_VBN in_IN current_JJ practice_NN primarily_RB to_IN patients_NNS unable_JJ or_CC unwilling_JJ to_TO undergo_VB otherwise_RB indicated_VBN surgery_NN the_ATI greatest_JJT experience_NN to_TO date_VB has_HVZ been_BEN with_IN stereotaxic_JJ radiosurgery_NN , using_VBG multisource_JJ cobalt_JJ 60_CD units_NNS for_IN single-dose_NN , external_JJ gamma_NN ray_NN therapy_NN other_AP options_NNS include_VB conventional_JJ photon_NN beam_NN therapy_NN and_CC particle_NN beam_NN therapy_NN , using_VBG either_DTX single_JJ or_CC fractionated_JJ doses_NNS early_JJ reports_NNS indicate_VB that_CS retardation_NN of_IN tumor_NN growth_NN is_BEZ observed_VBN in_IN the_ATI majority_NN of_IN patients_NNS , but_CC long- term_JJB follow-up_NN from_IN multiple_JJ centers_NNS is_BEZ not_XNOT yet_RB available_JJ fully_RB to_TO assess_VB therapeutic_JJ efficacy_NN and_CC complication_NN rates_NNS 96_CD 39_CD patient_NN follow-up_NN is_BEZ an_AT important_JJ component_NN of_IN management_NN whether_CS the_ATI primary_JJ treatment_NN is_BEZ surgery_NN , irradiation_NN , or_CC observation_NN The_NP program_NN for_IN monitoring_VBG patients_NNS includes_VBZ obtaining_VBG a_AT history_NN of_IN new_JJ findings_NNS , following_JJ the_ATI progression_NN of_IN known_JJ signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS , repeated_VBN neurologic_JJ examination_NN , audiologic_JJ assessment_NN , and_CC radiographic_JJ imaging_NN follow-up_NN intervals_NNS may_MD range_VB from_IN every_AT 3_CD months_NNS initially_RB to_TO every_AT 1_CD1 to_IN 2_CD years_NNS , depending_VBG on_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ clinical_JJ course_NN the_ATI interval_NN between_IN follow-up_NN evaluations_NNS may_MD be_BE shorter_JJR initially_RB and_CC longer_RBR with_IN the_ATI passage_NN of_IN time_NN , if_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI evidence_NN of_IN recurrent_JJ disease_NN or_CC progression_NN the_ATI duration_NN of_IN patient_NN follow-up_NN may_MD be_BE lifelong_JJ , particularly_RB in_IN patients_NNS with_IN NF2_NP 97_CD 40_CD management_NN of_IN bilateral_JJ vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS in_IN patients_NNS with_IN NF2_NP must_MD take_VB into_IN account_NN the_ATI risk_NN of_IN hearing_VBG impairment_NN in_IN both_ABX ears_NNS and_CC the_ATI disabling_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN acquired_JJ deafness_NN one_CD1 side_NN may_MD progress_VB more_QL rapidly_RB and_CC dictate_VB the_ATI need_NN and_CC priority_NN of_IN treatment_NN The_NP previous_JJ loss_NN of_IN functional_JJ hearing_NN in_IN one_CD1 ear_NN raises_VBZ additional_JJ management_NN issues_NNS for_IN treatment_NN of_IN the_ATI tumor_NN on_IN the_ATI side_NN with_IN better_JJR hearing_NN more_AP conservative_JJ approaches_NNS , such_IN as_IN subtotal_JJ intracapsular_NN resection_NN or_CC simple_JJ observation_NN of_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ progress_NN , may_MD be_BE indicated_VBN 98_NN 41_CD rational_JJ selection_NN of_IN specific_JJ treatment_NN options_NNS is_BEZ impeded_VBN by_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN standardized_JJ terminology_NN in_IN the_ATI medical_JJ literature_NN in_IN future_NN reports_NNS , audiometric_JJ assessment_NN should_MD be_BE classified_VBN according_IN to_IN levels_NNS of_IN residual_JJ hearing_NN , with_IN specific_JJ objective_JJ definitions_NNS for_IN each_DT level_NN such_ABL categories_NNS might_MD include_VB mild_JJ , moderate_JJ , severe_JJ , and_CC profound_JJ hearing_NN loss_NN , as_CS determined_VBN by_IN combinations_NNS of_IN pure-tone_NN averages_NNS and_CC speech_NN recognition_NN scores_NNS imaging_VBG of_IN vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS by_IN gadolinium-enhanced_JJ MRI_NP allows_VBZ tumors_NNS to_TO be_BE classified_VBN according_IN to_TO volume_NN and_CC tumor_NN location.=20_CD 99_CD 42_CD specific_JJ size_NN categories_NNS should_MD be_BE developed_VBN to_TO facilitate_VB comparison_NN of_IN patient_NN populations_NNS and_CC treatment_NN results_NNS facial_JJ nerve_NN function_NN should_MD be_BE reported_VBN according_IN to_IN a_AT standardized_JJ grading_NN scale_NN , such_IN as_IN the_ATI House- Brackmann_NP classification_NN system_NN more_AP sophisticated_JJ methods_NNS of_IN assessing_VBG functional_JJ speech_NN recognition_NN and_CC facial_JJ animation_NN also_RB may_MD be_BE useful_JJ in_IN monitoring_VBG outcomes_NNS and_CC evaluating_VBG management_NN options_NNS patient_NN age_NN groups_NNS should_MD also_RB be_BE standardized_VBN , with_IN numerical_JJ definition_NN of_IN specific_JJ age_NN groups_NNS studies_NNS suggest_VB that_CS three_CD or_CC more_QL age_NN groups_NNS may_MD be_BE useful_JJ 100_CD 43_CD WHAT_NPT ARE_NPT POSSIBLE_NPT ADVERSE_NPT CONSEQUENCES_NPT OF_NPT TREATMENT_NPT AND_NP WHAT_NP ARE_NPT THE_NPT MANAGEMENT_NPT OPTIONS_NPT FOR_NP EACH_NP ? 101_CD 44_CD both_ABX the_ATI vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN itself_PPL and_CC its_PP$ management_NN can_MD result_VB in_IN significant_JJ morbidity_NN requiring_VBG intensive_JJ rehabilitative_JJ (_( and_CC sometimes_RB reconstructive_JJ )_) therapy_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ therefore_RB vital_JJ that_CS the_ATI health_NN care_NN team_NN provide_VB to_IN patients_NNS and_CC their_PP$ families_NNS sufficient_JJ verbal_JJ and_CC written_JJ materials_NNS so_CS that_CS they_PP3AS have_HV realistic_JJ expectations_NNS of_IN treatment_NN outcomes_NNS when_WRB appropriate_JJ , referral_JJ to_IN a_AT former_AP patient_NN or_CC to_IN a_AT peer_NN support-information_NN group_NN can_MD be_BE most_QL helpful_JJ 102_CD 45_CD the_ATI most_AP serious_JJ perioperative_JJ complications_NNS occur_VB in_IN the_ATI first_OD 72_CD hours_NNS these_DTS include_VB air_NN embolism_NN , intracranial_JJ hemorrhage_NN , and_CC stroke_NN prompt_JJ recognition_NN by_IN the_ATI operative_JJ team_NN can_MD result_VB in_IN decreased_VBD mortality_NN and_CC morbidity_NN cerebrospinal_JJ fluid_NN leak_NN and_CC meningitis_NN can_MD occur_VB in_IN a_AT delayed_JJ fashion_NN and_CC also_RB require_VB immediate_JJ therapy_NN 103_CD 46_CD loss_NN of_IN hearing_VBG in_IN the_ATI operated-on_NN ear_NN is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL common_JJ adverse_JJ consequence_NN and_CC can_MD be_BE a_AT serious_JJ handicap_NN these_DTS patients_NNS have_HV difficulty_NN hearing_VBG in_IN even_RB modestly_RB noisy_JJ environments_NNS and_CC do_DO not_XNOT have_HV directional_JJ hearing_NN young_JJ children_NNS are_BER at_IN an_AT educational_JJ disadvantage_NN There_NP are_BER a_AT number_NN of_IN devices_NNS that_DT can_MD be_BE used_VBN to_TO allow_VB for_IN partial_JJ compensation_NN to_TO make_VB the_ATI acoustic_JJ signal_NN louder_JJR than_IN the_ATI background_NN noise_NN or_CC bring_VB sound_NN from_IN the_ATI impaired_VBN ear_NN to_IN the_ATI hearing_NN ear_NN these_DTS devices_NNS can_MD be_BE used_VBN by_IN both_ABX children_NNS and_CC adults_NNS 104_CD 47_CD total_JJ loss_NN of_IN hearing_VBG occurs_VBZ in_IN many_AP patients_NNS with_IN NF2_NP and_CC in_IN a_AT small_JJ number_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN unilateral_JJ tumors_NNS who_WPR have_HV had_HVD hearing_VBG loss_NN in_IN the_ATI nontumor_NN ear_NN from_IN other_AP causes_NNS these_DTS are_BER among_IN the_ATI most_QL seriously_RB handicapped_JJ of_IN all_ABN patients_NNS there_EX are_BER a_AT number_NN of_IN rehabilitation_NN strategies_NNS that_DT can_MD be_BE used_VBN to_TO restore_VB communication_NN Many_NP of_IN these_DTS are_BER visually_RB based_VBN , such_IN as_IN lipreading_VBG (_( speech_NN )_) , use_NN of_IN captions_NNS , or_CC sign_NN language_NN sign_NN language_NN would_MD be_BE more_QL useful_JJ if_CS families_NNS were_BED also_RB instructed_VBN patients_NNS with_IN visual_JJ defects_NNS , common_NN in_IN NF2_NP , will_MD have_HV added_VBN difficulty_NN in_IN visual_JJ communication_NN modes_NNS tactile_JJ systems_NNS are_BER somewhat_RB effective_JJ for_IN the_ATI deaf- blind_NN 105_CD 48_CD electroprostheses_NNS are_BER being_BEG developed_VBN and_CC may_MD be_BE of_IN potential_JJ benefit_NN in_IN selected_JJ patients_NNS with_IN postlingual_JJ total_JJ deafness_NN , secondary_JJ to_IN loss_NN of_IN both_ABX statoacoustic_JJ nerves_NNS 106_CD 49_CD abnormal_JJ vestibular_NN function_NN occurs_VBZ in_IN almost_RB all_ABN patients_NNS Unilateral_NP loss_NN for_IN usual_JJ life_NN situations_NNS has_HVZ little_JJ morbidity_NN and_CC is_BEZ compensated_VBD rapidly_RB vestibular_NN dysfunction_NN becomes_VBZ significant_JJ when_WRB it_PP3 is_BEZ bilateral_JJ or_CC occurs_VBZ in_IN conjunction_NN with_IN other_AP central_JJ nervous_JJ system_NN or_CC sensory_JJ impairment_NN patients_NNS with_IN bilateral_JJ vestibular_NN dysfunction_NN are_BER at_IN increased_JJ risk_NN for_IN drowning_NN when_WRB swimming_NN , diving_JJ , or_CC even_RB bathing_NN 107_CD 50_CD one_CD1 distressing_JJ complication_NN of_IN surgery_NN is_BEZ disfiguring_VBG facial_JJ nerve_NN weakness_NN or_CC paralysis_NN , with_IN consequent_JJ physical_JJ , emotional_JJ , psychosocial_JJ , and_CC possibly_RB professional_JJ dysfunction_NN treatment_NN approaches_NNS to_TO _** reanimation_JJ _** of_IN the_ATI face_NN include_VB surgery_NN (_( muscle_NN or_CC nerve_NN grafting_VBG or_CC rerouting_VBG )_) and_CC physical_JJ and_CC occupational_JJ therapy_NN (_( exercise_NN , biofeedback_NN )_) as_CS yet_RB , none_PN of_IN these_DTS can_MD restore_VB normal_JJ function_NN and_CC appearance_NN strong_JJ support_NN from_IN family_NN , friends_NNS , the_ATI health_NN care_NN team_NN , and_CC patient_NN advocacy-support_NN groups_NNS is_BEZ needed_VBN 108_CD 51_CD when_WRB complete_JJ closure_NN of_IN the_ATI eye_NN is_BEZ compromised_VBN , dryness_NN , irritation_NN , excessive_JJ tearing_NN , blurred_JJ vision_NN , corneal_JJ abrasions_NNS , ectropion_NN , entropion_NN , and_CC loss_NN of_IN vision_NN can_MD occur_VB surgical_JJ reanimation_NN techniques_NNS can_MD restore_VB nearly_RB normal_JJ function_NN other_AP cranial_JJ nerves_NNS can_MD be_BE involved_VBN , but_CC the_ATI particular_JJ combination_NN of_IN the_ATI fifth_OD and_CC seventh_OD nerves_NNS places_VBZ the_ATI cornea_NN at_IN greater_JJR risk_NN and_CC must_MD be_BE treated_VBN vigorously_RB The_NP combined_JJ involvement_NN of_IN 9th_OD , 10th_OD , and_CC 12th_OD nerves_NNS creates_VBZ difficulty_NN swallowing_NN and_CC places_VBZ the_ATI patient_NN at_IN risk_NN for_IN aspiration_NN 109_CD 52_CD headache_NN may_MD be_BE a_AT common_JJ and_CC often_RB debilitating_JJ complication_NN of_IN surgery_NN its_PP$ intensity_NN can_MD range_VB from_IN moderate_JJ to_TO excruciatingly_VB severe_JJ , and_CC while_CS most_QL headaches_NNS eventually_RB resolve_NN , they_PP3AS can_MD last_AP for_IN months_NNS and_CC sometimes_RB years_NNS evaluation_NN of_IN the_ATI true_JJ incidence_NN of_IN postoperative_JJ headache_NN , its_PP$ etiology_NN , and_CC possible_JJ treatment_NN are_BER needed_VBN 110_CD 53_CD recurrence_NN can_MD occur_VB in_IN cases_NNS where_WRB tumors_NNS were_BED apparently_RB either_DTX totally_RB or_CC partially_RB removed_VBN ; thus_RB , all_ABN cases_NNS need_NN to_TO be_BE followed_VBN up_RP by_IN imaging_NN those_DTS that_CS have_HV recurred_VBD may_MD be_BE managed_VBN by_IN either_DTX reoperation_NN or_CC stereotaxic_JJ or_CC fractionated_JJ irradiation_NN the_ATI results_NNS are_BER modestly_RB satisfactory_JJ for_IN surgery_NN and_CC marginally_RB satisfactory_JJ for_IN fractionated_JJ radiotherapy_NN 111_CD 54_CD complications_NNS of_IN irradiation_NN occur_VB late_JJ as_CS opposed_VBN to_IN the_ATI immediate_JJ complications_NNS of_IN surgery_NN stereotaxic_JJ radiosurgery_NN , a_AT newer_JJR modality_NN , has_HVZ the_ATI benefit_NN of_IN a_AT low_JJ early_JJ complication_NN rate_NN , but_CC it_PP3 has_HVZ unknown_JJ long-term_JJB complications_NNS the_ATI limited_JJ data_NNS available_JJ indicate_VB that_CS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT high_JJ rate_NN of_IN hearing_VBG loss_NN within_IN 1_CD1 year_NN after_IN therapy_NN There_NP may_MD be_BE delayed_VBN transient_JJ dysfunction_NN of_IN the_ATI fifth_OD and_CC seventh_OD cranial_JJ nerves_NNS comparison_NN of_IN the_ATI complication_NN rate_NN with_IN surgical_JJ techniques_NNS cannot_NN be_BE done_VBN until_CS there_EX are_BER proper_JJ long- term_JJB data_NNS available_JJ if_CS surgery_NN is_BEZ required_VBN after_IN radiotherapy_NN , it_PP3 may_MD be_BE more_QL difficult_JJ and_CC complication_NN prone_JJ 112_CD 55_CD the_ATI emotional_JJ and_CC interpersonal_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN on_IN the_ATI patient_NN and_CC family_NN must_MD be_BE anticipated_VBN appropriate_JJ and_CC early_JJ intervention_NN must_MD be_BE made_VBN by_IN a_AT team_NN of_IN professionals_NNS and_CC must_MD include_VB advance_NN preparation_NN of_IN the_ATI patient_NN and_CC family_NN , emotional_JJ support_NN , aggressive_JJ physical_JJ and_CC rehabilitative_JJ therapy_NN , and_CC a_AT carefully_RB coordinated_JJ program_NN of_IN follow-up_NN focusing_VBG on_IN medical_JJ and_CC psychosocial_JJ needs_NNS the_ATI support_NN team_NN should_MD consist_VB of_IN physicians_NNS , audiologists_NNS , nurses_NNS , social_JJ workers_NNS , physical_JJ and_CC occupational_JJ therapists_NNS , and_CC behavioral_JJ counselors_NNS 113_CD 56_CD many_AP complications_NNS would_MD be_BE deemed_VBN far_RB less_QL problematic_JJ , certainly_RB less_QL devastating_JJ , if_CS patient_NN needs_NNS and_CC expectations_NNS were_BED addressed_VBN preoperatively_RB with_IN precise_JJ knowledge_NN of_IN possibilities_NNS for_IN the_ATI future_NN the_ATI patients_NNS should_MD be_BE educated_JJ to_IN the_ATI degree_NN that_CS they_PP3AS understand_VB the_ATI decision_NN they_PP3AS must_MD ultimately_RB make_VB and_CC any_DTI potential_JJ consequences_NNS they_PP3AS will_MD face_VB in_IN accordance_NN with_IN that_DT decision_NN this_DT may_MD include_VB referral_JJ to_IN specialized_JJ facilities_NNS that_CS deal_NN with_IN their_PP$ particular_JJ problem_NN complete_JJ and_CC realistic_JJ written_VBN and_CC audiovisual_JJ information_NN should_MD be_BE presented_VBN at_IN the_ATI time_NN of_IN diagnosis_NN , hospitalization_NN and_CC operation_NN , discharge_NN , and_CC follow-up_NN referral_JJ should_MD be_BE made_VBN to_TO peer_VB support_NN groups_NNS and_or_CC positive_JJ former_AP patients_NNS early_RB in_IN the_ATI process_NN 114_CD fear_NN of_IN the_ATI unknown_JJ exacerbates_NNS any_DTI threatening_JJ situation_NN the_ATI more_AP knowledge_NN imparted_VBN to_IN patients_NNS , the_ATI more_QL they_PP3AS participate_VB in_IN a_AT decision_NN , the_ATI better_JJR they_PP3AS will_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO live_VB with_IN any_DTI possible_JJ aftereffects_NNS 115_CD WHAT_NPT ARE_NPT APPROPRIATE_NPT AREAS_NPT FOR_NPT FUTURE_NP RESEARCH_NP ? 116_CD two_CD recent_JJ advances_NNS , the_ATI development_NN of_IN gadolinium- enhanced_JJ MRI_NP and_CC the_ATI mapping_NN of_IN the_ATI gene_NN for_IN NF2_NP , have_HV opened_VBN major_JJ new_JJ areas_NNS of_IN needed_VBN research_NN 117_CD the_ATI ability_NN to_TO diagnose_VB vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN with_IN unprecedented_JJ accuracy_NN and_CC to_TO recognize_VB much_RB smaller_JJR tumors_NNS has_HVZ enhanced_VBN dramatically_RB the_ATI potential_JJ for_IN the_ATI preservation_NN of_IN hearing_NN there_EX is_BEZ an_AT urgent_JJ need_NN for_IN the_ATI development_NN of_IN protocols_NNS to_TO collect_VB carefully_RB standardized_VBN preoperative_JJ and_CC postoperative_JJ data_NNS on_IN unbiased_JJ patient_NN samples_NNS so_CS that_CS the_ATI influence_NN of_IN relevant_JJ variables_NNS on_IN treatment_NN outcomes_NNS can_MD be_BE objectively_RB assessed_VBN 118_CD the_ATI establishment_NN of_IN an_AT international_JJ vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN registry_NN also_RB could_MD yield_VB valuable_JJ epidemiologic_JJ and_CC demographic_JJ data_NNS on_IN the_ATI distribution_NN of_IN the_ATI disease_NN this_DT could_MD provide_VB the_ATI basis_NN for_IN studies_NNS of_IN diagnostic_JJ method_NN , treatment_NN and_CC rehabilitative_JJ modalities_NNS , and_CC complication_NN rates_NNS , and_CC for_IN case-control_JJ studies_NNS of_IN possible_JJ environmental_JJ factors_NNS that_DT might_MD influence_VB tumor_VB development_NN 119_CD now_RN that_CS the_ATI chromosomal_JJ location_NN of_IN the_ATI NF2_NP gene_NN has_HVZ been_BEN determined_JJ , its_PP$ successful_JJ cloning_NN can_MD be_BE anticipated_VBN in_IN the_ATI near_IN future_NN this_DT achievement_NN may_MD provide_VB immediate_JJ insight_NN into_IN the_ATI pathogenesis_NN of_IN the_ATI disease_NN , the_ATI extent_NN of_IN the_ATI genetic_JJ heterogeneity_NN that_CS exists_VBZ among_IN families_NNS , and_CC the_ATI cause_NN for_IN the_ATI associated_JJ findings_NNS in_IN NF2_NP these_DTS studies_NNS would_MD be_BE greatly_RB facilitated_VBN by_IN the_ATI establishment_NN of_IN a_AT cell_NN repository_NN and_CC tissue_NN bank_NN 120_CD there_EX also_RB is_BEZ an_AT urgent_JJ need_NN for_IN careful_JJ longitudinal_JJ studies_NNS of_IN families_NNS with_IN NF2_NP to_TO document_NN the_ATI natural_JJ history_NN of_IN the_ATI disease_NN little_JJ is_BEZ known_VBN about_IN the_ATI control_NN of_IN Schwann_NP cell_NN growth_NN in_IN humans_NNS and_CC the_ATI factors_NNS that_DT may_MD contribute_VB to_IN formation_NN of_IN vestibular_NN schwannomas_NNS Research_NP to_TO define_VB the_ATI specific_JJ factors_NNS that_CS control_NN growth_NN could_MD have_HV important_JJ therapeutic_JJ implications_NNS for_IN example_NN , evidence_NN suggests_VBZ that_CS angiogenic_JJ factors_NNS may_MD play_VB a_AT role_NN in_IN tumor_NN growth_NN , and_CC their_PP$ pharmacologic_JJ inhibition_NN could_MD provide_VB an_AT exciting_JJ approach_NN to_TO treatment_NN of_IN this_DT disease_NN the_ATI evidence_NN that_CS hormones_NNS influence_VB the_ATI growth_NN of_IN schwannomas_NNS is_BEZ inconclusive.=20_CD 121_CD because_CS the_ATI target_NN is_BEZ so_PN small_JJ , vestibular_JJB schwannoma_NN conceivably_RB could_MD become_VB a_AT candidate_NN for_IN somatic_JJ gene_NN therapy_NN other_AP approaches_NNS to_TO the_ATI control_NN of_IN tumor_NN growth_NN by_IN the_ATI manipulation_NN of_IN specific_JJ growth_NN factors_NNS would_MD be_BE greatly_RB enhanced_VBN by_IN the_ATI availability_NN of_IN cells_NNS from_IN schwannomas_NNS and_CC from_IN normal_JJ human_JJ nerves_NNS to_TO study_VB the_ATI growth_NN of_IN Schwann_NP cells_NNS in_IN vitro_NN finally_RB , the_ATI cloning_NN of_IN the_ATI gene_NN for_IN NF2_NP could_MD ultimately_RB lead_NN to_IN the_ATI development_NN of_IN animal_JJ models_NNS of_IN the_ATI disease_NN in_IN transgenic_JJ mice_NNS 122_CD RECOMMENDATIONS_NP 123_CD future_NN activities_NNS and_CC research_NN efforts_NNS should_MD include_VB establishment_NN of_IN a_AT registry_NN for_IN all_ABN patients_NNS with_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN , including_IN those_DTS undergoing_VBG observation_NN rather_RB than_IN active_JJ treatment_NN ; descriptive_JJ and_CC analytic_JJ epidemiologic_JJ studies_NNS targeting_VBG potential_JJ environmental_JJ causes_NNS of_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN ; development_NN of_IN a_AT tissue_NN repository_NN and_CC greater_JJR use_NN of_IN cell_NN cultures_NNS and_CC animal_NN models_NNS for_IN studies_NNS of_IN the_ATI factors_NNS that_CS influence_NN tumor_NN growth_NN ; 124_CD refinement_NN of_IN surgical_JJ techniques_NNS with_IN a_AT focus_NN on_IN lowering_VBG morbidity_NN ; improved_JJ communication_NN between_IN health_NN care_NN providers_NNS , patient_NN advocate_NN groups_NNS , and_CC patients_NNS about_IN diagnosis_NN , treatment_NN options_NNS , prognosis_NN , side_NN effects_NNS , and_CC available_JJ support_NN ; improved_JJ documentation_NN of_IN long-term_JJB outcome_NN in_IN relation_NN to_TO treatment_NN modality_NN ; and_CC increased_VBN research_NN on_IN and_CC reimbursement_NN for_IN rehabilitation_NN , that_CS involves_VBZ hearing_VBG deficits_NNS , facial_JJ nerve_NN dysfunction_NN , eye_NN disorders_NNS , and_CC the_ATI psychological_JJ impact_NN of_IN vestibular_NN schwannoma_NN 125_CD estrogen_NN Replacement_NPT Therapy_NPT In_NPT Breast_NPT Cancer_NP Survivors_NP : a_AT Time_NP for_IN Change_NP 126_CD postmenopausal_JJ women_NNS often_RB experience_NN annoying_JJ and_CC sometimes_RB debilitating_JJ menopausal_JJ symptoms_NNS , and_CC breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS are_BER no_ATI exception_NN hot_JJ flashes_NNS , dyspareunia_NN , atrophic_JJ vaginitis_NN with_IN attendant_JJ urinary_NN tract_NN symptoms_NNS , sleep_NN disturbance_NN , and_CC mood_NN change_NN are_BER among_IN these_DTS symptoms_NNS coronary_JJ artery_NN disease_NN and_CC osteoporosis_NN may_MD be_BE more_QL insidious_JJ , but_CC potentially_RB fatal_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN menopausal_JJ estrogen_NN decline_NN estrogen_NN replacement_NN therapy_NN (_( ERT_NP )_) has_HVZ been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO ameliorate_VB these_DTS problems_NNS , and_CC as_CS informed_JJ consumers_NNS , breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS are_BER increasingly_RB inquiring_JJ about_IN and_or_CC requesting_VBG ERT_NP 127_CD there_EX are_BER more_AP breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS alive_JJ now_RN than_IN ever_RB before_CS , so_QL their_PP$ nononcologic_JJ health_NN problems_NNS are_BER a_AT growing_JJ concern_NN a_AT dramatic_JJ rise_NN in_IN the_ATI incidence_NN rates_NNS of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN occurred_VBD in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP between_IN 1982_CD and_CC 1987_CD , presumably_RB because_CS of_IN increased_JJ screening_NN the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN noninvasive_JJ and_CC of_IN small_JJ , invasive_JJ , axillary_JJB node-negative_JJ breast_NN cancers_NNS rose_VBD concurrently_RB five-year_JJB survival_NN rates_NNS for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN patients_NNS also_RB have_HV been_BEN rising_VBG since_IN 1979_CD 128_CD ERT_NP is_BEZ increasingly_RB prescribed_VBN for_IN menopausal_JJ women_NNS the_ATI magnitude_NN of_IN the_ATI reduction_NN of_IN coronary_JJ heart_NN disease_NN reported_VBN in_IN ERT_NP users_NNS who_WPR undergo_VB natural_JJ menopause_NN is_BEZ large_JJ and_CC in_IN general_JJ ranges_NNS from_IN 30%_NP to_IN 70%_NP likewise_RB , bone_NN mineral_NN density_NN is_BEZ maintained_VBN in_IN women_NNS receiving_VBG ERT_NP , and_CC reduction_NN in_IN the_ATI rate_NN of_IN subsequent_JJ fracture_NN in_IN ERT_NP users_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN reported_VBN to_TO range_VB from_IN 30%_NP to_IN 60%_NP 129_CD the_ATI prohibition_NN of_IN ERT_NP may_MD diminish_VB quality_NN of_IN life_NN in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS furthermore_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS the_ATI prohibition_NN of_IN ERT_NP could_MD reduce_VB overall_JJB survival_NN in_IN such_ABL women_NNS by_IN leaving_VBG them_PP3OS at_IN increased_JJ risk_NN of_IN coronary_JJ heart_NN disease_NN and_CC osteoporotic_JJ fracture_NN 130_CD of_IN greater_JJR concern_NN is_BEZ the_ATI precipitation_NN of_IN premature_JJ menopause_NN in_IN women_NNS treated_VBN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN along_RP with_IN the_ATI increasing_JJ incidence_NN of_IN small_JJ , prognostically_RB favorable_&FW cancers_NNS , the_ATI indications_NNS for_IN adjuvant_NN therapy_NN have_HV expanded_VBN in_IN 1989_CD , the_ATI results_NNS of_IN four_CD major_JJ , prospective_JJ , randomized_VBN clinical_JJ trials_NNS were_BED published_VBN they_PP3AS compared_VBD treatment_NN with_IN no_ATI treatment_NN and_CC documented_VBN the_ATI benefit_NN of_IN adjuvant_NN therapy_NN in_IN women_NNS with_IN node-negative_JJ , invasive_JJ breast_NN cancers_NNS larger_JJR than_IN 1_CD1 cm_NNU sup_VB 6-9_NN Chemotherapy_NP was_BEDZ the_ATI intervention_NN used_VBN in_IN three_CD of_IN the_ATI studies_NNS since_CS then_RN , chemotherapy_NN is_BEZ increasingly_RB prescribed_VBN for_IN this_DT favorable_&FW subset_JJ of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN patients_NNS 131_CD adjuvant_NN chemotherapy_NN causes_NNS premature_JJ ovarian_NN failure_NN the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN amenorrhea_NN is_BEZ age_NN and_CC drug_NN dependent_JJ for_IN CMF_NP , the_ATI combination_NN of_IN cyclophosphamide_NN , methotrexate_NN , and_CC fluorouracil_NN , the_ATI most_QL commonly_RB prescribed_JJ adjuvant_NN chemotherapy_NN regimen_NNS for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN , amenorrhea_NN occurs_VBZ in_IN 53%_CD of_IN women_NNS younger_JJR than_IN 35_CD years_NNS , in_IN 84%_JJ of_IN those_DTS aged_JJ 35_CD through_IN 44_CD years_NNS , and_CC in_IN 94%_NN of_IN those_DTS aged_JJ 45_CD years_NNS or_CC more_QL among_IN those_DTS who_WPR experience_NN amenorrhea_NN , ovarian_NN failure_NN is_BEZ permanent_JJ in_IN 86%_NN of_IN women_NNS younger_JJR than_IN 40_CD years_NNS and_CC in_IN 96%_NN of_IN women_NNS 40_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN or_CC older_JJR 132_CD this_DT is_BEZ of_IN concern_NN , since_CS most_QL studies_NNS that_CS have_HV examined_VBN the_ATI role_NN of_IN premature_JJ menopause_NN on_IN coronary_JJ heart_NN disease_NN have_HV found_VBN an_AT increased_VBN risk_NN in_IN women_NNS with_IN early_JJ menopause_NN evidence_NN that_CS ERT_NP can_MD reduce_VB this_DT effect_NN of_IN early_JJ menopause_NN comes_VBZ from_IN the_ATI Harvard_NP Nurses'_NNS$ Health_NP Study_NP , where_WRB nurses_NNS who_WPR underwent_JJ surgical_JJ menopause_NN and_CC received_VBD ERT_NP had_HVD a_AT significantly_RB lower_JJR risk_NN of_IN cardiovascular_NN disease_NN compared_VBN with_IN those_DTS who_WPR underwent_JJ surgical_JJ menopause_NN and_CC did_DOD not_XNOT receive_VB ERT_NP the_ATI age-adjusted_JJ relative_JJ risk_NN of_IN major_JJ coronary_JJ disease_NN for_IN ERT_NP users_NNS was_BEDZ 0.40_CD (_( 95%_NN confidence_NN interval_NN , 0.22_NP to_IN 0.73_NP )_) 133_CD death_NN from_IN nonneoplastic_JJ conditions_NNS is_BEZ common_JJ among_IN node- negative_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS cardiovascular_NN disease_NN is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL common_JJ nonneoplastic_JJ cause_NN these_DTS data_NNS are_BER derived_VBN from_IN patients_NNS who_WPR did_DOD not_XNOT receive_VB chemotherapy_NN and_CC thus_RB did_DOD not_XNOT undergo_VB premature_JJ menopause_NN as_CS more_AP node-negative_JJ women_NNS receive_VB adjuvant_NN chemotherapy_NN , the_ATI possibility_NN exists_VBZ that_CS early_JJ chemotherapy- mediated_JJ gains_NNS in_IN survival_NN from_IN breast_NN cancer_NN may_MD be_BE overshadowed_VBN by_IN higher_JJR mortality_NN from_IN cardiovascular_NN and_CC osteoporotic_JJ events_NNS later_RBR on_RP that_DT is_BEZ , women_NNS may_MD survive_VB their_PP$ breast_NN cancers_NNS , only_RB to_TO succumb_VB to_IN these_DTS other_AP more_QL common_JJ , but_CC delayable_JJ afflictions_NNS 134_CD concern_NN for_IN quality_NN of_IN life_NN as_IN well_RB as_IN longevity_NN in_IN our_PP$ patients_NNS justifies_VBZ a_AT trial_NN of_IN ERT_NP in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS members_NNS of_IN the_ATI Breast_NPT Cancer_NP Committees_NP of_IN the_ATI Eastern_NPT Cooperative_NPT Oncology_NP Group_NP have_HV been_BEN struggling_JJ with_IN the_ATI subject_NN of_IN ERT_NP for_IN 4_CD years_NNS here_RN we_PP1AS address_VB the_ATI issue_NN for_IN the_ATI breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS of_IN the_ATI future_NN 135_CD we_PP1AS have_HV performed_VBN a_AT literature_NN review_NN of_IN MEDLINE_NP and_CC CANCERLINE_NP (_( CancerLit_NP )_) through_IN the_ATI National_NP Library_NPL of_IN Medicine_NP the_ATI search_NN included_VBN Medical_NPT Subject_NP Heading_NP (_( MESH_NP )_) terms_NNS such_IN as_IN estrogen_NN replacement_NN therapy_NN , breast_NN neoplasms_NNS , mammography_NN , and_CC tamoxifen_NN Further_NP references_NNS were_BED retrieved_VBD from_IN bibliographies_NNS of_IN manuscripts_NNS abstracted_VBN from_IN the_ATI search_NN of_IN these_DTS on-line_NN databases_NNS 136_CD the_ATI Standard_NP of_IN Care_NP 137_CD the_ATI standard_NN of_IN care_NN in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP is_BEZ to_TO discourage_VB prescription_NN of_IN ERT_NP to_TO breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS although_CS there_EX are_BER theoretical_JJ justifications_NNS for_IN this_DT position_NN , the_ATI limited_JJ number_NN of_IN studies_NNS offer_VB little_JJ support_NN for_IN such_ABL concern_NN (_( vide_&FW infra_NN )_) this_DT lack_NN of_IN study_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT because_CS of_IN indifference_NN ; physicians_NNS are_BER increasingly_RB calling_VBG for_IN clinical_JJ trials_NNS , and_CC some_DTI have_HV published_JJ guidelines_NNS for_IN administration_NN of_IN ERT_NP to_TO breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS further_JJB , we_PP1AS know_NN of_IN many_AP clinicians_NNS who_WPR will_MD treat_VB breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS with_IN ERT_NP in_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN evidence_NN showing_VBG a_AT harmful_JJ effect_NN a_AT distinguished_JJ investigator_NN has_HVZ stated_VBN , _** It_NP is_BEZ no_RB longer_RBR justifiable_JJ to_TO deprive_VB those_DTS women_NNS who_WPR have_HV received_JJ treatment_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN of_IN hormonal_JJ treatment_NN which_WDTR can_MD relieve_VB symptoms_NNS which_WDTR are_BER making_VBG their_PP$ lives_NNS intolerable_JJ _** nonetheless_RB , practicing_VBG physicians_NNS who_WPR treat_VB breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS currently_RB have_HV no_ATI official_JJ justification_NN to_TO offer_VB ERT_NP to_IN their_PP$ patients_NNS , as_IN the_ATI opinions_NNS of_IN many_AP professional_JJ societies_NNS are_BER either_DTX ambiguous_JJ or_CC opposed_VBN to_TO such_ABL treatment_NN 138_CD the_ATI American_JNP College_NPL of_IN Physicians_NP has_HVZ recently_RB published_VBN guidelines_NNS for_IN counseling_VBG postmenopausal_JJ women_NNS about_IN preventive_JJ hormone_NN therapy_NN they_PP3AS support_NN ERT_NP in_IN women_NNS with_IN or_CC at_IN increased_JJ risk_NN for_IN coronary_JJ heart_NN disease_NN they_PP3AS speculate_VB that_CS the_ATI risks_NNS of_IN ERT_NP in_IN women_NNS who_WPR are_BER at_IN increased_JJ risk_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN might_MD outweigh_VB its_PP$ benefits_NNS For_NP other_AP women_NNS , the_ATI best_JJT course_NN of_IN action_NN is_BEZ unclear_JJ , but_CC they_PP3AS suggest_VB describing_VBG the_ATI probable_JJ risks_NNS and_CC benefits_NNS of_IN ERT_NP 139_CD the_ATI American_JNP College_NPL of_IN Obstetricians_NNS and_CC Gynecologists_NNS supports_VBZ the_ATI use_NN of_IN ERT_NP in_IN postmenopausal_JJ women_NNS but_CC considers_VBZ breast_NN cancer_NN a_AT contraindication_NN the_ATI American_JNP College_NPL of_IN Cardiology_NP has_HVZ no_ATI official_JJ policy_NN regarding_IN ERT_NP , nor_CC does_DOZ the_ATI Endocrine_NP Society_NP 140_CD ERT_NP and_CC Mammographic_NP Detection_NN of_IN Breast_NP Cancer_NP 141_CD ERT_NP can_MD increase_VB breast_NN density_NN and_CC thus_RB potentially_RB delay_NN diagnosis_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN unfortunately_RB , the_ATI literature_NN on_IN the_ATI subject_NN is_BEZ limited_JJ most_AP studies_NNS were_BED retrospective_JJ the_ATI duration_NN and_CC type_NN of_IN ERT_NP varied_JJ , and_CC baseline_NN studies_NNS were_BED often_RB unavailable_JJ radiologists_NNS were_BED not_XNOT blinded_VBN as_CS to_IN the_ATI ERT_NP status_NN of_IN the_ATI patients_NNS technique_NN varied_JJ ; some_DTI women_NNS underwent_JJ radiographic_JJ screening_NN , others_APS xeromammography_NN 142_CD ERT_NP probably_RB causes_VBZ increased_VBN parenchymal_JJ density_NN in_IN a_AT minority_NN of_IN women_NNS parenchymal_JJ density_NN was_BEDZ increased_VBN in_IN 17%_CD of_IN 30_CD women_NNS in_IN one_CD1 study_NN and_CC in_IN 24%_NN of_IN 50_CD in_IN another_DT increased_VBN parenchymal_JJ density_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN uniformly_RB observed_VBN a_AT matched_JJ cohort_NN study_NN of_IN 405_NP women_NNS who_WPR underwent_NN screening_NN xeromammography_NN demonstrated_VBN no_ATI increase_NN in_IN breast_NN density_NN among_IN ERT_NP users_NNS 143_CD there_EX is_BEZ conflicting_JJ information_NN on_IN duration_NN of_IN ERT_NP and_CC parenchymal_JJ patterns_NNS significant_JJ differences_NNS in_IN the_ATI proportion_NN of_IN high-risk_NN and_CC low-risk_JJ parenchymal_JJ patterns_NNS were_BED not_XNOT observed_VBN as_IN the_ATI duration_NN of_IN ERT_NP increased_VBN in_IN one_CD1 study_NN however_RB , duration_NN of_IN ERT_NP did_DOD matter_NN in_IN another_DT high-risk_NN patterns_NNS were_BED observed_VBN significantly_RB more_QL often_RB among_IN 194_CD women_NNS who_WPR had_HVD taken_VBN ERT_NP for_IN more_AP than_IN 5_CD years_NNS compared_VBN with_IN 216_CD nonusers_NNS 144_CD clearly_RB , any_DTI clinical_JJ trial_NN evaluating_VBG ERT_NP in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS must_MD include_VB a_AT controlled_JJ study_NN of_IN mammographic_JJ parenchymal_JJ changes_NNS mammography_NN before_CS and_CC after_IN treatment_NN evaluated_VBN by_IN an_AT observer_NN blinded_VBD to_IN the_ATI assigned_JJ treatment_NN (_( placebo_NN vs_IN ERT_NP )_) would_MD provide_VB valuable_JJ prospective_JJ information_NN 145_CD ERT_NP and_CC Second_NPT Breast_NP Cancers_NP 146_CD concern_NN over_IN ERT-induced_NP new_JJ breast_NN cancers_NNS must_MD be_BE addressed_VBN in_IN any_DTI trial_NN of_IN ERT_NP for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS a_AT personal_JJ history_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN is_BEZ a_AT strong_JJ risk_NN factor_NN for_IN subsequent_JJ development_NN of_IN primary_JJ breast_NN cancers_NNS the_ATI annual_JJ incidence_NN of_IN new_JJ primary_JJ breast_NN cancers_NNS among_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS is_BEZ 14_CD per_NNU 1000_CD women_NNS , compared_VBD with_IN an_AT incidence_NN of_IN two_CD per_NNU 1000_CD women_NNS in_IN the_ATI general_JJ population_NN 147_CD the_ATI association_NN between_IN ERT_NP and_CC risk_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN remains_VBZ controversial_JJ , although_CS 24_CD studies_NNS and_CC three_CD meta-analyses_NNS have_HV been_BEN published_VBN since_IN 1980_CD (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) collectively_RB , the_ATI studies_NNS do_DO not_XNOT consistently_RB demonstrate_VB an_AT increased_JJ risk_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN among_IN women_NNS who_WPR have_HV ever_RB used_VBN ERT_NP studies_NNS that_CS controlled_VBN for_IN screening_NN showed_VBD no_ATI difference_NN in_IN relative_JJ risk_NN between_IN cases_NNS and_CC controls_NNS this_DT suggests_VBZ that_CS there_EX may_MD be_BE a_AT detection_NN bias_NN operating_VBG in_IN some_DTI studies_NNS that_CS have_HV reported_VBN an_AT increased_JJ risk_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN among_IN ERT_NP users_NNS Importantly_NP , use_NN of_IN low-dose_NN (_( 0.625_NP mg_d_NN )_) conjugated_VBN ERT_NP for_IN several_AP years_NNS did_DOD not_XNOT appreciably_RB increase_VB the_ATI risk_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN 148_CD although_CS having_HVG ever_RB used_VBN ERT_NP does_DOZ not_XNOT appear_VB to_TO substantially_RB increase_VB the_ATI risk_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN , there_EX remains_VBZ a_AT concern_NN that_CS selected_JJ subgroups_NNS of_IN the_ATI population_NN will_MD be_BE adversely_RB affected_VBN by_IN the_ATI use_NN of_IN ERT_NP for_IN example_NN , some_DTI studies_NNS have_HV suggested_VBN that_CS long- term_JJB estrogen_NN use_NN (_( 10_CD to_IN 15_CD years_NNS or_CC more_QL )_) does_DOZ increase_VB the_ATI risk_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN in_IN women_NNS using_VBG replacement_NN doses_NNS although_CS these_DTS results_NNS are_BER based_VBN on_IN small_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN cases_NNS (_( since_CS relatively_RB few_AP women_NNS have_HV used_VBN ERT_NP for_IN 15_CD or_CC more_QL years_NNS )_) these_DTS findings_NNS are_BER of_IN concern_NN 149_CD despite_IN the_ATI preponderance_NN of_IN evidence_NN that_CS short-term_JJB (_( less_AP than_IN 10_CD years_NNS )_) use_NN of_IN ERT_NP does_DOZ not_XNOT cause_VB breast_NN cancer_NN in_IN healthy_JJ women_NNS , it_PP3 is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS women_NNS with_IN a_AT personal_JJ history_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN may_MD be_BE more_QL susceptible_JJ to_TO tumor-promoting_VB effects_NNS of_IN estrogen_NN tamoxifen_NN reduces_VBZ the_ATI risk_NN of_IN contralateral_JJ breast_NN cancers_NNS in_IN women_NNS with_IN a_AT history_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN among_IN eight_CD prospective_JJ randomized_JJ trials_NNS of_IN tamoxifen_NN vs_IN no_ATI therapy_NN , the_ATI relative_JJ risk_NN reduction_NN was_BEDZ 35%_CD for_IN women_NNS receiving_VBG tamoxifen_NN thus_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS tamoxifen_NN , if_CS administered_VBN with_IN ERT_NP , may_MD attenuate_VB any_DTI potential_JJ cancer-promoting_JJ effect_NN of_IN estrogen_NN on_IN breast_NN cells_NNS 150_CD ERT_NP and_CC Breast_NPT Cancer_NP Relapse_Survival_NP 151_CD a_AT major_JJ concern_NN over_IN prescribing_VBG ERT_NP for_IN women_NNS with_IN a_AT history_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN is_BEZ that_CS dormant_JJ tumor_NN cells_NNS might_MD be_BE activated_VBN there_EX is_BEZ surprisingly_RB little_JJ clinical_JJ information_NN to_TO substantiate_VB such_ABL concern_NN If_NP endogenous_JJ estrogen_JJ stimulated_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN growth_NN , women_NNS diagnosed_VBN with_IN breast_NN cancer_NN after_IN menopause_NN should_MD have_HV a_AT better_JJR prognosis_NN than_IN women_NNS diagnosed_VBN premenopausally_RB this_DT is_BEZ not_XNOT the_ATI case_NN instead_RB , there_EX is_BEZ rapid_JJ prognostic_JJ deterioration_NN in_IN breast_NN cancers_NNS diagnosed_VBN after_IN menopause_NN such_ABL deterioration_NN could_MD be_BE explained_VBN by_IN an_AT interaction_NN between_IN endogenous_JJ hormones_NNS and_CC the_ATI metastatic_JJ process_NN Counterintuitive_NP though_CS it_PP3 may_MD seem_VB , endogenous_JJ hormones_NNS might_MD somehow_RB inhibit_VB microscopic_JJ tumor_NN deposits_NNS 152_CD if_CS ERT_NP were_BED injurious_JJ for_IN patients_NNS with_IN breast_NN cancer_NN , one_CD1 would_MD expect_VB that_CS women_NNS who_WPR developed_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN while_CS taking_VBG estrogen_NN would_MD have_HV a_AT worse_JJR prognosis_NN in_IN fact_NN , the_ATI prognosis_NN of_IN women_NNS with_IN breast_NN cancer_NN who_WPR took_VBD ERT_NP before_CS diagnosis_NN is_BEZ better_JJR than_IN that_DT of_IN women_NNS with_IN no_ATI recorded_JJ exposure_NN , and_CC women_NNS who_WPR were_BED diagnosed_VBN within_IN a_AT year_NN of_IN taking_VBG ERT_NP enjoy_VB a_AT longer_RBR relative_JJ survival_NN than_IN women_NNS with_IN no_ATI recorded_JJ exposure_NN or_CC those_DTS whose_WP$R exposure_NN has_HVZ been_BEN more_AP than_IN a_AT year_NN from_IN diagnosis_NN (_( Table_NP 2_CD )_) 153_CD bergkvist_NN et_&FW al_APS studied_JJ survival_NN among_IN women_NNS with_IN breast_NN cancer_NN in_IN a_AT cohort_NN exposed_VBN to_IN ERT_NP before_IN diagnosis_NN these_DTS women_NNS were_BED then_RN compared_VBN with_IN women_NNS of_IN the_ATI background_NN population_NN diagnosed_VBN with_IN breast_NN cancer_NN during_IN the_ATI same_AP time_NN women_NNS with_IN a_AT history_NN of_IN ERT_NP exposure_NN had_HVD significantly_RB better_JJR observed_VBN and_CC relative_JJ survival_NN rates_NNS compared_VBN with_IN those_DTS who_WPR had_HVD no_ATI recorded_JJ history_NN of_IN ERT_NP 154_CD Gambrell_NP conducted_VBD a_AT prospective_JJ study_NN of_IN postmenopausal_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN patients_NNS and_CC evaluated_VBN the_ATI effect_NN of_IN ERT_NP on_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survival_NN at_IN the_ATI time_NN of_IN the_ATI analysis_NN , 102_CD of_IN 256_CD women_NNS had_HVD died_VBN the_ATI mortality_NN rate_NN was_BEDZ 22%_NN among_IN those_DTS diagnosed_VBN with_IN breast_NN cancer_NN while_CS using_VBG hormones_NNS and_CC 46%_NN among_IN those_DTS not_XNOT using_VBG hormones_NNS (_( P{_NP .002_NP )_) Fifty-seven_NP percent_NNU of_IN the_ATI hormone_NN users_NNS had_HVD negative_JJ nodes_NNS ; 42%_NN of_IN the_ATI nonusers_NNS were_BED node- negative_JJ within_IN this_DT node-negative_JJ group_NN , the_ATI mortality_NN rate_NN was_BEDZ 8%_NN for_IN hormone_NN users_NNS and_CC 25%_NN for_IN nonusers_NNS (_( P{.05_NP )_) 155_CD hunt_NN et_&FW al_APS reported_VBN on_IN mortality_NN from_IN breast_NN cancer_NN among_IN 4544_NN ERT_NP users_NNS their_PP$ cohort_NN experienced_JJ a_AT relative_JJ risk_NN of_IN 0.55_NP compared_VBD with_IN national_JJ rates_NNS screening_NN mammography_NN was_BEDZ rarely_RB if_CS ever_RB used_VBN to_TO diagnose_VB breast_NN cancer_NN 156_CD a_AT final_JJ study_NN confirms_VBZ these_DTS reports_NNS Henderson_NP et_&FW al_APS observed_VBN a_AT 19%_CD reduction_NN in_IN the_ATI mortality_NN from_IN breast_NN cancer_NN among_IN 4988_NN ERT_NP users_NNS vs_IN 3865_CD nonusers_NNS who_WPR subsequently_RB developed_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN 157_CD there_EX are_BER potential_JJ confounding_NN variables_NNS that_DT might_MD explain_VB these_DTS protective_JJ findings_NNS , including_IN the_ATI supposition_NN that_CS ERT_NP might_MD promote_VB development_NN of_IN estrogen-dependent_NN breast_NN cancers_NNS that_WPR wither_VB upon_IN estrogen_NN withdrawal_NN nevertheless_RB , the_ATI data_NNS are_BER coherent_JJ in_IN that_DT they_PP3AS suggest_VB that_CS ERT_NP prior_RB to_TO diagnosis_NN may_MD have_HV a_AT beneficial_JJ effect_NN on_IN survival_NN of_IN women_NNS with_IN breast_NN cancer_NN 158_CD other_AP Supporting_NP Information_NN 159_CD some_DTI natural_JJ experiments_NNS suggest_VB that_CS ERT_NP will_MD not_XNOT adversely_RB influence_NN breast_NN cancer_NN outcome_NN hormone_NN levels_NNS are_BER very_QL high_JJ during_IN pregnancy_NN however_RB , pregnancy_NN after_IN breast_NN cancer_NN does_DOZ not_XNOT affect_VB survival_NN or_CC recurrence_NN when_WRB stage_NN and_CC age_NN are_BER controlled_VBN further_JJB , use_NN of_IN oral_JJ contraceptive_JJ pills_NNS (_( OCPs_NP )_) before_CS development_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN does_DOZ not_XNOT appear_VB to_TO have_HV a_AT negative_JJ effect_NN on_IN survival_NN 160_CD Spencer_NP et_&FW al_APS found_VBN no_ATI evidence_NN of_IN a_AT worse_JJR prognosis_NN in_IN 44_CD women_NNS who_WPR took_VBD OCPs_NP during_IN the_ATI year_NN preceding_JJ a_AT diagnosis_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN Matthews_NP et_&FW al_APS studied_VBN 93_CD breast_NN cancer_NN patients_NNS whose_WP$R history_NN included_VBN OCP_NP use_NN they_PP3AS were_BED matched_VBN by_IN age_NN and_CC parity_NN with_IN a_AT control_NN group_NN who_WPR had_HVD no_ATI history_NN of_IN OCP_NP use_NN and_CC presented_VBD during_IN a_AT similar_JJ period_NN the_ATI OCP_NP group_NN had_HVD significantly_RB better_JJR differentiated_JJ tumors_NNS and_CC were_BED significantly_RB more_QL likely_JJ to_TO be_BE node- negative_JJ among_IN node-negative_JJ patients_NNS , survival_NN was_BEDZ significantly_RB better_JJR for_IN OCP_NP users_NNS 161_CD an_AT Argument_NP for_IN Prescribing_NP Tamoxifen_NP and_CC ERT_NP Together_NP 162_CD a_AT discussion_NN of_IN ERT_NP in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS must_MD consider_VB the_ATI increasing_JJ prescription_NN of_IN tamoxifen_NN the_ATI window_NN of_IN opportunity_NN to_TO study_VB the_ATI effect_NN of_IN ERT_NP on_IN the_ATI natural_JJ history_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN , independent_JJ of_IN tamoxifen_NN , has_HVZ closed_VBN 163_CD tamoxifen_NN is_BEZ recommended_JJ adjuvant_NN therapy_NN for_IN an_AT increasing_JJ number_NN of_IN women_NNS with_IN breast_NN cancer_NN a_AT recent_JJ worldwide_NN overview_NN suggested_VBN that_CS all_ABN women_NNS with_IN invasive_JJ tumors_NNS might_MD benefit_VB from_IN tamoxifen_NN and_CC that_CS longer_RBR durations_NNS of_IN treatment_NN may_MD be_BE superior_JJ to_IN shorter_JJR durations_NNS Currently_NP , adjuvant_NN tamoxifen_NN , when_WRB prescribed_VBN for_IN invasive_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN , is_BEZ given_VBN for_IN 5_CD or_CC more_QL years_NNS trials_NNS evaluating_VBG 5_CD vs_IN 10_CD years_NNS of_IN adjuvant_NN tamoxifen_NN are_BER under_IN way_NN trials_NNS evaluating_VBG the_ATI worth_IN of_IN tamoxifen_NN in_IN women_NNS with_IN node-negative_JJ , invasive_JJ cancers_NNS less_AP than_IN 1_CD1 cm_NNU and_CC trials_NNS evaluating_VBG the_ATI worth_IN of_IN tamoxifen_NN among_IN women_NNS with_IN noninvasive_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN are_BER ongoing_NN 164_CD in_IN the_ATI future_NN , tamoxifen_NN may_MD also_RB be_BE widely_RB used_VBN not_XNOT only_RB in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS , but_CC also_RB in_IN women_NNS who_WPR are_BER considered_VBN at_IN risk_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN three_CD breast_NN cancer_NN prevention_NN trials_NNS evaluating_VBG tamoxifen_NN prophylaxis_NN in_IN healthy_JJ women_NNS at_IN high_JJ risk_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN are_BER currently_RB under_IN way_NN , one_CD1 in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP and_CC Canada_NP , one_CD1 in_IN Italy_NP , and_CC one_CD1 in_IN the_ATI United_NP Kingdom_NPL and_CC Australia_NP if_CS the_ATI results_NNS of_IN these_DTS trials_NNS are_BER encouraging_JJ , tamoxifen_JJB may_MD be_BE recommended_VBN as_IN a_AT preventive_JJ agent_NN for_IN large_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN women_NNS 165_CD ERT_NP and_CC tamoxifen_NN have_HV been_BEN administered_VBN simultaneously_RB to_TO postmenopausal_JJ patients_NNS , apparently_RB without_IN ill_JJ effect_NN in_IN the_ATI British_JNP Breast_NP Cancer_NP Prevention_NN Trial_NP , which_WDTR uses_VBZ tamoxifen_NN as_IN the_ATI preventive_JJ agent_NN , postmenopausal_JJ women_NNS who_WPR experience_NN hot_JJ flashes_NNS are_BER given_VBN ERT_NP for_IN relief_NN however_RB , carefully_RB controlled_JJ studies_NNS have_HV not_XNOT been_BEN performed_VBN 166_CD because_CS of_IN its_PP$ estrogenic_JJ properties_NNS , tamoxifen_NN maintains_VBZ bone_NN mass_NN and_CC reduces_VBZ death_NN from_IN heart_NN attack_NN by_RP about_IN 20%_NP in_IN postmenopausal_JJ women_NNS ERT_NP also_RB maintains_VBZ bone_NN mass_NN and_CC reduces_VBZ the_ATI rate_NN of_IN coronary_JJ heart_NN disease_NN in_IN postmenopausal_JJ women_NNS the_ATI risk_NN of_IN fracture_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN assessed_VBN among_IN tamoxifen_NN users_NNS , and_CC tamoxifen_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN approved_VBN by_IN the_ATI Food_NP and_CC Drug_NP Administration_NN (_( FDA_NP )_) for_IN this_DT indication_NN in_IN comparison_NN , the_ATI FDA_NP has_HVZ approved_VBN ERT_NP for_IN the_ATI prevention_NN of_IN osteoporosis_NN It_NP is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS these_DTS heart_NN and_CC bone_NN benefits_NNS may_MD be_BE accentuated_VBN by_IN combined_JJ tamoxifen_NN and_CC ERT_NP 167_CD tamoxifen_NN slightly_RB increases_VBZ the_ATI risk_NN of_IN vascular_NN thrombosis_NN among_IN breast_NN cancer_NN patients_NNS ; however_RB , there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI epidemiologic_JJ evidence_NN of_IN estrogen-mediated_JJ hypercoagulability_NN among_IN ERT_NP users_NNS thus_RB , combining_VBG ERT_NP and_CC tamoxifen_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT expected_VBN to_TO exacerbate_VB this_DT toxicity_NN both_ABX tamoxifen_NN and_CC ERT_NP with_IN unopposed_JJ estrogen_NN increase_VB the_ATI risk_NN of_IN endometrial_JJ cancer_NN combining_VBG these_DTS treatments_NNS , especially_RB with_IN unopposed_JJ estrogen_NN , might_MD increase_VB this_DT risk_NN because_CS of_IN this_DT , it_PP3 is_BEZ necessary_JJ to_TO use_VB progestogens_NNS in_IN women_NNS with_IN an_AT intact_JJ uterus_JJ 168_CD the_ATI safety_NN of_IN combined_JJ tamoxifen_NN and_CC endogenous_JJ estrogen_NN has_HVZ been_BEN demonstrated_VBN in_IN clinical_JJ trials_NNS premenopausal_JJ women_NNS receiving_VBG tamoxifen_NN do_DO not_XNOT experience_VB a_AT higher_JJR incidence_NN of_IN vascular_NN or_CC endometrial_JJ events_NNS compared_VBN with_IN postmenopausal_JJ women_NNS receiving_VBG tamoxifen_NN this_DT is_BEZ true_JJ despite_IN the_ATI fact_NN that_CS premenopausal_JJ women_NNS receiving_VBG tamoxifen_NN develop_VB hyperestrogenemia_NN (_( Table_NP 3_CD )_) 169_CD as_IN the_ATI 21st_OD century_NN approaches_NNS , an_AT era_NN in_IN which_WDTR tamoxifen_NN may_MD be_BE prescribed_VBN for_IN nearly_RB all_ABN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS and_CC for_IN women_NNS at_IN high_JJ risk_NN (_( all_ABN women_NNS ? )_) , it_PP3 is_BEZ reasonable_JJ to_TO ask_VB whether_CS tamoxifen_NN and_CC ERT_NP together_RB can_MD be_BE administered_VBN safely_RB furthermore_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ reasonable_JJ to_TO study_VB the_ATI combined_JJ effect_NN of_IN ERT_NP and_CC tamoxifen_NN on_IN menopausal_JJ disease_NN , menopausal_JJ symptoms_NNS , and_CC breast_NN cancer_NN outcome_NN 170_CD potential_JJ Antagonism_NPT Between_NP ERT_NP and_CC Tamoxifen_NP on_IN Breast_NP Cancer_NP Growth_NP 171_CD a_AT logical_JJ concern_NN over_IN administration_NN of_IN estrogen_NN and_CC tamoxifen_NN together_RB is_BEZ that_CS estrogen_NN might_MD antagonize_VB the_ATI effect_NN of_IN tamoxifen_NN on_IN breast_NN cells_NNS or_CC on_IN tumor_NN cells_NNS however_RB , premenopausal_JJ women_NNS have_HV high_JJ levels_NNS of_IN estradiol_NN circulating_VBG bound_VBN to_TO sex_NN hormone-binding_NN globulin_NN , yet_RB they_PP3AS respond_VB to_TO tamoxifen_VB ; therefore_RB , postmenopausal_JJ women_NNS receiving_VBG ERT_NP should_MD also_RB 172_CD postmenopausal_JJ women_NNS receiving_VBG ERT_NP have_HV serum_NN concentrations_NNS of_IN estradiol_NN that_CS are_BER not_XNOT significantly_RB different_JJ from_IN estradiol_NN levels_NNS in_IN premenopausal_JJ women_NNS during_IN the_ATI follicular_JJ phase_NN of_IN the_ATI menstrual_JJ cycle_NN Premenopausal_NP patients_NNS have_HV much_RB higher_JJR levels_NNS through_IN the_ATI rest_NN of_IN their_PP$ cycle_NN (_( Table_NP 3_CD )_) 173_CD tamoxifen_NN stimulates_VBZ estrogen_NN secretion_NN in_IN premenopausal_JJ women_NNS The_NP rise_NN in_IN sex_NN hormone-binding_NN globulin_NN observed_VBN in_IN these_DTS women_NNS , a_AT normal_JJ hepatic_JJ response_NN to_TO hyperestrogenemia_VB , suggests_VBZ that_CS premenopausal_JJ women_NNS experience_NN a_AT physiologically_RB hyperestrogenemic_JJ state_NN corresponding_JJ to_IN their_PP$ high_JJ estrogen_NN levels_NNS mean_VB estradiol_NN levels_NNS in_IN tamoxifen-treated_JJ premenopausal_JJ patients_NNS are_BER two_CD to_IN three_CD times_NNS those_DTS seen_VBN throughout_IN a_AT normal_JJ menstrual_JJ cycle_NN despite_IN such_ABL high_JJ levels_NNS of_IN estradiol_NN , these_DTS premenopausal_JJ women_NNS respond_VB to_TO tamoxifen_VB 174_CD tamoxifen's_NP$ mechanism_NN of_IN action_NN was_BEDZ initially_RB thought_VBN to_TO be_BE mediated_VBN solely_RB through_IN the_ATI estrogen_NN receptor_NN if_CS this_DT were_BED true_JJ , high_JJ levels_NNS of_IN endogenous_JJ estrogen_NN should_MD competitively_RB inhibit_VB binding_NN of_IN tamoxifen_NN to_IN the_ATI estrogen_NN receptor_NN , thereby_RB diminishing_VBG or_CC eliminating_VBG the_ATI drug's_NP$ effectiveness_NN in_IN premenopausal_JJ women_NNS 175_CD more_AP recent_JJ research_NN has_HVZ shown_VBN that_CS tamoxifen_NN influences_NNS other_AP physiological_JJ processes_NNS for_IN example_NN , tamoxifen_NN decreases_VBZ secretion_NN of_IN stimulatory_NN growth_NN factors_NNS , such_IN as_IN transforming-cell_NN growth_NN factor- alpha_NN , insulin-like_NN growth_NN factor-II_NN , and_CC platelet-derived_JJ growth_NN factor_NN , and_CC increases_NNS secretion_NN of_IN inhibitory_NN growth_NN factors_NNS such_IN as_IN transforming-cell_NN growth_NN factor-beta_NN it_PP3 inhibits_VBZ the_ATI mitogenic_JJ effect_NN of_IN growth_NN factors_NNS on_IN breast_NN cancer_NN cells_NNS in_IN the_ATI total_JJ absence_NN of_IN estrogens_NNS tamoxifen_NN can_MD block_VB protein_NN kinase_NN C_ZZ and_CC calmodulin_NN activation_NN , alter_VB cell_NN membrane_NN permeability_NN , and_CC modulate_VB immunoregulatory_NN function_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ reasonable_JJ to_TO presume_VB that_CS these_DTS effects_NNS would_MD be_BE independent_NN of_IN serum_NN estrogen_NN levels_NNS 176_CD 52_CD observations_NNS that_WPR suggest_VB that_CS ERT_NP will_MD not_XNOT reduce_VB tamoxifen's_NP$ therapeutic_JJ effect_NN include_VB its_PP$ efficacy_NN in_IN premenopausal_JJ women_NNS with_IN metastatic_JJ and_CC operable_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN premenopausal_JJ women_NNS with_IN metastatic_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN experience_NN remission_NN when_WRB treated_VBN with_IN tamoxifen_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS the_ATI increased_JJ estradiol_NN levels_NNS seen_VBN in_IN premenopausal_JJ women_NNS taking_VBG tamoxifen_NN may_MD have_HV a_AT pharmacologically_RB equivalent_JJ effect_NN to_TO diethylstilbestrol_VB use_NN for_IN treatment_NN of_IN metastatic_JJ disease_NN for_IN most_AP physicians_NNS , tamoxifen_NN has_HVZ replaced_VBN oophorectomy_NN as_IN the_ATI initial_JJ treatment_NN of_IN choice_NN for_IN premenopausal_JJ women_NNS with_IN metastatic_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN in_IN whom_WPOR a_AT hormonal_JJ manipulation_NN is_BEZ indicated_VBN the_ATI FDA_NP has_HVZ approved_VBN the_ATI use_NN of_IN tamoxifen_NN in_IN premenopausal_JJ women_NNS 177_CD adjuvant_NN therapy_NN trials_NNS comparing_VBG tamoxifen_JJ alone_JJ with_IN placebo_NN also_RB show_VB that_CS tamoxifen_NN benefits_NNS premenopausal_JJ and_CC postmenopausal_JJ women_NNS in_IN the_ATI largest_JJT trial_NN with_IN that_DT design_NN , National_NP Surgical_NPT Adjuvant_NP Breast_NP Project_NP B-14_CD-CD , node-negative_JJ , estrogen_JJ receptor-positive_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN patients_NNS were_BED randomly_RB assigned_VBN to_TO receive_VB 5_CD years_NNS of_IN tamoxifen_NN or_CC placebo_NN in_IN that_DT trial_NN , premenopausal_JJ women_NNS derived_VBN a_AT greater_JJR benefit_NN from_IN tamoxifen_NN than_IN postmenopausal_JJ women_NNS , suggesting_VBG that_CS the_ATI combination_NN of_IN endogenous_JJ estrogen_NN and_CC tamoxifen_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT antithetical_JJ and_CC may_MD be_BE beneficial_JJ yet_RB when_WRB these_DTS same_AP premenopausal_JJ women_NNS undergo_VB menopause_NN they_PP3AS will_MD be_BE denied_VBN ERT_NP 178_CD clinical_JJ Trials_NNS of_IN ERT_NP in_IN Breast_NPT Cancer_NP Survivors_NP 179_CD proponents_NNS of_IN ERT_NP in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS bolster_VB their_PP$ argument_NN by_IN stating_VBG that_CS estrogen_NN has_HVZ been_BEN and_CC is_BEZ used_VBN as_IN a_AT treatment_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN however_RB , it_PP3 must_MD be_BE remembered_VBN that_CS the_ATI doses_NNS of_IN estrogen_NN used_VBN for_IN treatment_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN are_BER pharmacologic_JJ , not_XNOT physiological_JJ , and_CC in_IN vitro_NN studies_NNS show_VB that_CS low-dose_NN estrogen_NN stimulates_VBZ and_CC high-dose_NN estrogen_NN inhibits_VBZ breast_NN cancer_NN cell_NN growth_NN however_RB , contradictory_JJ human_JJ evidence_NN exists_VBZ 180_CD Stoll_NP treated_VBD postmenopausal_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN patients_NNS with_IN an_AT OCP_NP containing_VBG estrogen_NN (_( 17-alpha-ethynylestradiol_CD-CD , 0.15_CD mg_NNU )_) and_CC a_AT progestin_NN (_( 17-alpha-ethynyl-estrenol_CD-CD , 5_CD mg_NNU )_) patients_NNS had_HVD measurable_JJ soft-tissue_NN metastases_NNS nearly_RB complete_JJ resolution_NN of_IN disease_NN was_BEDZ observed_VBN in_IN a_AT significant_JJ proportion_NN of_IN patients_NNS a_AT dose_NN response_NN was_BEDZ not_XNOT observed_VBN One_NP tablet_NN daily_JJ (_( the_ATI normal_JJ OCP_NP dose_NN )_) was_BEDZ as_QL effective_JJ as_IN three_CD or_CC six_CD tablets_NNS per_NNU day_NN menopausal_JJ symptoms_NNS were_BED relieved_JJ 181_CD three_CD clinical_JJ series_NN of_IN ERT_NP use_NN in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS have_HV been_BEN published_VBN none_PN demonstrated_VBN a_AT striking_JJ adverse_JJ outcome_NN however_RB , these_DTS reports_NNS were_BED essentially_RB anecdotal_JJ and_CC not_XNOT formal_JJ clinical_JJ trials_NNS with_IN clearly_RB defined_JJ objectives_NNS , eligibility_NN criteria_NNS , and_CC end_NN points_NNS 182_CD Stoll_NP gave_VBD women_NNS 0.625_NP mg_NNU of_IN conjugated_VBN equine_JJ estrogens_NNS and_CC 0.15_CD mg_NNU of_IN norgestrel_CD per_NNU day_NN the_ATI women_NNS were_BED suffering_VBG severe_JJ sweats_NNS or_CC hot_JJ flashes_NNS , unrelieved_JJ by_IN clonidine_NN patients_NNS were_BED followed_VBN up_RP for_IN 2_CD years_NNS ; no_ATI relapses_NNS occurred_VBD 183_CD Wile_NP et_&FW al_APS conducted_VBN a_AT case-control_JJ study_NN of_IN 25_CD breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS who_WPR received_VBD ERT_NP the_ATI average_JJ duration_NN between_IN diagnosis_NN and_CC beginning_NN ERT_NP was_BEDZ 2_CD years_NNS each_DT patient_NN was_BEDZ matched_VBN with_IN two_CD non-ERT_NN users_NNS for_IN stage_NN , age_NN , and_CC duration_NN of_IN observation_NN the_ATI average_JJ duration_NN of_IN observation_NN of_IN patients_NNS receiving_VBG ERT_NP was_BEDZ 2_CD years_NNS there_EX was_BEDZ one_CD1 cancer-related_JJ death_NN in_IN the_ATI treated_VBN group_NN and_CC two_CD in_IN the_ATI control_NN group_NN A_ZZ subsequent_JJ report_NN by_IN these_DTS authors_NNS revealed_VBN that_CS the_ATI type_NN of_IN ERT_NP varied_JJ at_IN the_ATI time_NN of_IN the_ATI second_OD report_NN , patients_NNS had_HVD been_BEN observed_VBN for_IN a_AT mean_NN of_IN 35_CD months_NNS three_CD women_NNS who_WPR received_VBD ERT_NP had_HVD relapsed_VBN 184_CD in_IN a_AT final_JJ case-control_JJ study_NN of_IN 901_CD breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS , 90_CD of_IN whom_WPOR took_VBD combined_VBN , continuous_JJ estrogen_NN and_CC moderate-dose_NN progesterone_NN for_IN relief_NN of_IN menopausal_JJ symptoms_NNS , Eden_NP et_&FW al_APS reported_VBN significantly_RB fewer_AP tumor_NN recurrences_NNS in_IN the_ATI HRT_NP group_NN matching_JJ criteria_NNS included_VBN age_NN at_IN disease-free_NN interval_NN prior_RB to_IN starting_VBG HRT_NP 185_CD R.V._NP sellin_NN and_CC colleagues_NNS (_( written_JJ communication_NN , December_NR 1_CD1 , 1993_CD )_) are_BER currently_RB conducting_VBG a_AT prospective_JJ clinical_JJ trial_NN of_IN ERT_NP in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS eligibility_NN criteria_NNS for_IN the_ATI trial_NN include_VB a_AT disease-free_JJ interval_NN of_IN 2_CD years_NNS for_IN women_NNS with_IN estrogen_NN receptor- negative_JJ tumors_NNS and_CC 10_CD years_NNS for_IN those_DTS with_IN estrogen_NN receptor-positive_JJ tumors_NNS this_DT groundbreaking_VBG trial_NN is_BEZ an_AT important_JJ step_NN in_IN the_ATI study_NN of_IN ERT_NP in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS however_RB , it_PP3 cannot_NN detect_VB less_AP than_IN a_AT 10%_CD increase_NN in_IN relapse_NN rate_NN that_WPR could_MD be_BE caused_VBN by_IN ERT_NP in_IN a_AT disease_NN as_IN common_JJ as_IN breast_NN cancer_NN , even_RB a_AT small_JJ difference_NN in_IN outcome_NN can_MD affect_VB many_AP lives_NNS additionally_RB , the_ATI women_NNS in_IN the_ATI trial_NN are_BER not_XNOT receiving_VBG tamoxifen_NN thus_RB , the_ATI results_NNS cannot_NN be_BE generalized_JJ to_IN women_NNS receiving_VBG tamoxifen_NN 186_CD conclusions_NNS 187_CD we_PP1AS believe_VB it_PP3 is_BEZ time_NN for_IN a_AT change_NN and_CC the_ATI time_NN is_BEZ right_JJ to_TO study_VB the_ATI effects_NNS of_IN ERT_NP in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS women_NNS rely_VB on_IN their_PP$ oncologists_NNS for_IN advice_NN on_IN this_DT issue_NN , and_CC oncologists_NNS must_MD be_BE broad-minded_JJ and_CC consider_VB all-cause_NN mortality_NN , not_XNOT just_RB mortality_NN from_IN breast_NN cancer_NN , when_WRB designing_VBG clinical_JJ trials_NNS there_EX are_BER no_ATI published_VBN controlled_VBN clinical_JJ trials_NNS of_IN the_ATI effect_NN of_IN ERT_NP on_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survival_NN 188_CD clinical_JJ trials_NNS of_IN ERT_NP in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS have_HV been_BEN hindered_VBN in_IN part_NN by_IN the_ATI maxim_NN primum_NN non_&FW nocere_NN (_( first_OD do_DO no_ATI harm_NN )_) such_ABL moralizing_VBG prevents_VBZ moral_JJ reflection_NN the_ATI task_NN of_IN moral_JJ reflection_NN is_BEZ to_TO assess_VB whether_CS something_PN is_BEZ right_JJ or_CC wrong_JJ in_IN light_NN of_IN the_ATI lack_NN of_IN evidence_NN of_IN a_AT detrimental_JJ effect_NN of_IN ERT_NP in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS and_CC in_IN light_NN of_IN the_ATI potential_JJ positive_JJ effects_NNS of_IN ERT_NP on_IN the_ATI health_NN of_IN women_NNS , we_PP1AS suggest_VB a_AT new_JJ maxim_NN , primum_NN certior_NN fi_NN , tunc_NN mone_NN (_( first_OD understand_VB , then_RN advise_VB )_) this_DT review_NN supports_VBZ the_ATI ethics_NN of_IN a_AT clinical_JJ trial_NN of_IN ERT_NP in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS 189_CD ultimately_RB , the_ATI question_NN of_IN effect_NN on_IN overall_JJB survival_NN can_MD only_RB be_BE answered_VBN by_IN a_AT prospective_JJ randomized_JJ trial_NN requiring_VBG thousands_CDS of_IN women_NNS Many_NP questions_NNS regarding_IN such_ABL a_AT trial_NN exist_VB , and_CC it_PP3 is_BEZ premature_JJ to_TO mount_NN one_CD1 without_IN pilot_NN data_NNS 190_CD for_IN example_NN , it_PP3 will_MD be_BE important_JJ to_TO know_VB if_CS breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS will_MD participate_VB in_IN trials_NNS of_IN ERT_NP what_WDT are_BER the_ATI baseline_NN quality-of-life_NN measurements_NNS in_IN these_DTS women_NNS and_CC how_WRB are_BER they_PP3AS changed_VBN by_IN ERT_NP ? in_IN order_NN to_TO ascertain_VB this_DT information_NN , a_AT well- defined_JJ questionnaire_NN that_CS measures_VBZ the_ATI frequency_NN and_CC severity_NN of_IN symptoms_NNS of_IN menopause_NN or_CC a_AT quality-of-life_NN assessment_NN tool_NN must_MD be_BE developed_VBN what_WDT is_BEZ the_ATI interaction_NN between_IN ERT_NP and_CC tamoxifen_NN on_IN breast_NN , endometrium_NN , mammographic_JJ patterns_NNS , menopausal_JJ symptoms_NNS , bone_NN mineral_NN density_NN , lipid_NN profiles_NNS , and_CC coagulation_NN ? will_MD ERT_NP relieve_VB menopausal_JJ symptoms_NNS in_IN women_NNS taking_VBG tamoxifen_NN ? these_DTS are_BER only_RB a_AP few_AP of_IN the_ATI questions_NNS that_DT should_MD be_BE answered_VBN before_CS large-scale_JJB trials_NNS begin_VB 191_CD a_AT series_NN of_IN pilot_NN studies_NNS would_MD lay_VBD the_ATI groundwork_NN for_IN larger_JJR definitive_JJ trials_NNS while_CS we_PP1AS favor_NN the_ATI study_NN of_IN ERT_NP in_IN women_NNS taking_VBG tamoxifen_NN , we_PP1AS think_VB that_CS many_AP interventions_NNS may_MD be_BE appropriate_JJ , given_VBN the_ATI current_JJ lack_NN of_IN information_NN 192_CD we_PP1AS are_BER encouraged_VBN that_CS the_ATI Division_NP of_IN Cancer_NP Prevention_NN and_CC Control_NP of_IN the_ATI National_NP Cancer_NP Institute_NPL hosted_VBN a_AT multidiciplinary_NN conference_NN on_IN hormone_NN replacement_NN therapy_NN on_IN November_NR 2_CD , 1993_CD the_ATI National_NP Cancer_NP Institute_NPL will_MD now_RN consider_VB supporting_VBG clinical_JJ trials_NNS of_IN ERT_NP in_IN breast_NN cancer_NN survivors_NNS through_IN the_ATI cooperative_JJ group_NN mechanism_NN 193_CD the_ATI Management_NP of_IN Cancer_NP Metastatic_NP to_IN Bone_NP 194_CD a_AT 61-year-old_JJB woman_NN with_IN a_AT 4-year_JJ history_NN of_IN breast_NN cancer_NN and_CC known_VBN metastatic_JJ bone_NN disease_NN presented_VBN with_IN bilateral_JJ hip_NN pain_NN for_IN 3_CD months_NNS roentgenograms_NNS of_IN the_ATI left_JJ hip_NN revealed_VBN a_AT destructive_JJ lesion_NN involving_VBG the_ATI intertrochanteric_JJ region_NN of_IN the_ATI left_NN proximal_JJ femur_&FW the_ATI left_VBN femoral_JJ lesion_NN measured_VBN approximately_RB 2_CD by_IN 3_CD cm_NNU and_CC involved_VBN 60%_NP of_IN the_ATI cortex_NN right_JJ hip_NN roentgenograms_NNS demonstrated_VBN an_AT acetabular_NN lesion_JJ of_IN unknown_JJ extent_NN bone_NN scan_NN revealed_VBN no_ATI other_AP lesions_NNS the_ATI patient_NN subsequently_RB underwent_JJ irradiation_NN of_IN both_ABX hips_NNS with_IN excellent_JJ pain_NN relief_NN on_IN the_ATI left_NN but_CC continued_VBD symptoms_NNS on_IN the_ATI right_JJ Orthopedic_NP consultation_NN was_BEDZ requested_VBN to_TO evaluate_VB the_ATI patient's_NN$ risk_NN for_IN pathological_JJ fracture_NN on_IN the_ATI left.=20_CD 195_CD computed_JJ tomography_NN (_( CT_NP )_) of_IN the_ATI pelvis_NN demonstrated_VBN a_AT pathological_JJ fracture_NN of_IN the_ATI right_JJ acetabulum_NN since_IN the_ATI patient_NN was_BEDZ free_JJ of_IN pain_NN on_IN the_ATI left_JJ hip_NN , a_AT cemented_JJ total-hip_NN arthroplasty_NN was_BEDZ performed_VBN on_IN the_ATI right_JJ hip_NN the_ATI patient_NN did_DOD well_RB postoperatively_RB with_IN complete_JJ relief_NN of_IN right_JJ hip_NN pain_NN and_CC improved_JJ ambulation_NN requiring_VBG the_ATI occasional_JJ use_NN of_IN a_AT cane_NN close_RB follow-up_NN of_IN the_ATI left_NN femoral_JJ lesion_NN demonstrated_VBN gradual_JJ reossification_NN during_IN the_ATI course_NN of_IN a_AT year_NN because_CS the_ATI patient_NN demonstrated_VBN continued_VBD progression_NN of_IN her_PP$ disease_NN on_IN chemotherapy_NN , she_PP3A was_BEDZ considered_VBN for_IN and_CC placed_VBN on_IN a_AT paclitaxel_NN protocol_NN 196_CD DISCUSSION_NP 197_CD metastasis_NN to_TO bone_NN is_BEZ a_AT significant_JJ problem_NN for_IN a_AT large_JJ number_NN of_IN cancer_NN patients_NNS : up_RP to_TO 85%_NN of_IN patients_NNS dying_VBG from_IN breast_NN , prostate_NN , or_CC lung_NN carcinoma_NN primaries_NNS demonstrate_VB bone_NN involvement_NN at_IN autopsy_NN bone_NN involvement_NN routinely_RB results_VBZ in_IN pain_NN , difficulty_NN in_IN ambulation_NN , and_CC an_AT overall_JJB compromise_NN in_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ quality_NN of_IN life_NN pathological_JJ fractures_NNS are_BER extremely_RB debilitating_JJ and_CC often_RB result_NN in_IN diminished_VBN survival_NN for_IN otherwise_RB stable_JJ patients_NNS patient_NN survival_NN can_MD vary_VB widely_RB in_IN patients_NNS with_IN metastatic_JJ bone_NN disease.=20_CD 198_CD patients_NNS suffering_VBG from_IN metastatic_JJ breast_NN disease_NN survive_VB 34_CD months_NNS on_IN average_JJ after_IN detection_NN of_IN the_ATI first_OD metastasis_NN , with_IN a_AT range_NN of_IN 1_CD1 to_IN 90_CD months_NNS survival_NN with_IN metastatic_JJ prostate_NN cancer_NN averages_NNS 24_CD months_NNS , and_CC lung_NN cancer_NN patients_NNS have_HV a_AT dismal_JJ prognosis_NN of_IN less_AP than_IN 1_CD1 year_NN Most_NP patients_NNS suffering_VBG from_IN metastatic_JJ bone_NN disease_NN are_BER excellent_JJ candidates_NNS for_IN treatment_NN , whether_CS it_PP3 be_BE chemotherapy_VBN , radiation_NN , or_CC surgical_JJ intervention_NN controversy_NN regarding_IN the_ATI surgical_JJ indications_NNS for_IN prophylactic_JJ fracture_NN fixation_NN can_MD lead_VB to_TO difficulty_NN when_WRB assessing_VBG patients_NNS for_IN operative_JJ intervention_NN 199_CD pathophysiology_NN 200_CD bone_NN metastasis_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT simply_RB a_AT random_JJ process_NN metastasis_NN involves_VBZ a_AT cascade_NN of_IN linked_VBN sequential_JJ steps_NNS that_DT must_MD be_BE traversed_VBN before_CS a_AT neoplastic_JJ cell_NN successfully_RB establishes_VBZ a_AT secondary_JJ tumor_NN in_IN a_AT distant_JJ bony_JJ site_NN (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) two_CD theories_NNS of_IN bone_NN metastasis_NN are_BER often_RB cited- namely_RB , the_ATI anatomic-mechanical_JJ theory_NN proposed_VBN by_IN Ewing_NP and_CC the_ATI seed_NN and_CC soil_NN hypothesis_NN of_IN Paget_NP the_ATI mechanistic_JJ approach_NN states_NNS that_CS metastasis_NN develops_VBZ in_IN the_ATI first_OD organ_NN a_AT tumor_NN cell_NN encounters_NNS this_DT approach_NN was_BEDZ graphically_RB demonstrated_VBN by_IN Batson_NP using_VBG injection_NN studies_NNS in_IN primates_NNS to_TO define_VB the_ATI valveless_JJ paravertebral_JJ venous_JJ plexus_NN emanating_VBG from_IN the_ATI pelvis.=20_CD 201_CD mapping_NN of_IN this_DT plexus_NN was_BEDZ highly_RB predictive_JJ for_IN the_ATI bony_JJ metastatic_JJ spread_NN of_IN prostate_NN carcinoma_NN in_IN addition_NN , because_CS this_DT plexus_NN is_BEZ valveless_JJ , retrograde_JJB flow_NN was_BEDZ greatly_RB increased_VBN during_IN recumbency_NN or_CC with_IN increased_VBN abdominal_JJ pressure_NN a_AT similar_JJ plexus_NN has_HVZ been_BEN identified_VBN in_IN the_ATI shoulder_NN girdle_NN and_CC correlated_VBN with_IN the_ATI bony_JJ metastatic_JJ spread_NN of_IN breast_NN carcinoma_NN however_RB , this_DT anatomic_JJ approach_NN , although_CS it_PP3 certainly_RB plays_VBZ a_AT role_NN in_IN bone_NN metastasis_NN , is_BEZ viewed_VBN as_CS oversimplified_VBN and_CC thus_RB has_HVZ given_JJ way_NN to_IN the_ATI second_OD theory-that_NN of_IN chemotaxis_NN and_CC osteotropism_NN 202_CD clearly_RB , certain_JJ cancers_NNS exhibit_VB osteotropism_NN and_CC predictably_RB metastasize_NN to_IN bone_NN more_AP than_IN 80%_NP of_IN such_ABL cancers_NNS are_BER those_DTS of_IN breast_NN , prostate_NN , lung_NN , thyroid_JJ , and_CC kidney_NN the_ATI rate_NN of_IN metastasis_NN at_IN autopsy_NN is_BEZ estimated_VBN to_TO be_BE 84%_VBN for_IN breast_NN , 84%_NN for_IN prostate_NN , 50%_NP for_IN thyroid_JJ , 44%_NN for_IN lung_NN , and_CC 37%_CD for_IN renal_JJ carcinoma_NN proponents_NNS of_IN this_DT theory_NN have_HV isolated_JJ chemotaxic_JJ factors_NNS , which_WDTR are_BER present_JJ and_CC are_BER hypothesized_VBN to_TO play_VB a_AT role_NN in_IN directing_VBG circulating_VBG tumor_NN cells_NNS to_IN bone_NN animal_NN models_NNS of_IN bone_NN metastasis_NN have_HV been_BEN developed_VBN to_TO study_VB these_DTS factors_NNS One_NP such_ABL model_NN is_BEZ the_ATI Walker_NP 256_CD murine_NN carcinoma_NN , a_AT cell_NN line_NN that_WPR is_BEZ predictably_RB metastatic_JJ to_IN bone_NN in_IN rats_NNS bone-matrix_NN proteins_NNS such_IN as_IN type_NN I_PP1A collagen_VB and_CC transforming_VBG growth_NN factor-beta_NN have_HV been_BEN reported_VBN to_TO stimulate_VB Walker_NP 256_CD cell_NN motility_NN and_CC chemotaxis_NN in_IN vitro_NN clinical_JJ reports_NNS of_IN patients_NNS suffering_VBG from_IN both_ABX Paget's_NP$ disease_NN and_CC metastatic_JJ carcinoma_NN have_HV described_VBN an_AT increased_JJ metastasis_NN rate_NN to_TO pagetoid_VB bones_NNS this_DT observation_NN of_IN increased_JJ bone_NN turnover_NN promoting_VBG metastatic_JJ deposits_NNS was_BEDZ tested_VBN using_VBG the_ATI Walker_NP carcinoma_NN rat_NN model.=20_CD 203_CD rice_NN H-500_NP Leydig-cell_NP tumor_NN cells_NNS were_BED used_VBN to_TO stimulate_VB bone_NN resorption_NN with_IN increased_JJ osteoclast_NN number_NN and_CC activity_NN in_IN Leydig_NP tumor-bearing_NN rats_NNS , metastatic_JJ deposition_NN of_IN Walker_NP 256_CD cells_NNS adjacent_JJ to_TO trabecular_VB bone_NN increased_VBN by_IN more_AP than_IN 50%_NP conversely_RB , inhibition_NN of_IN bone_NN mineralization_NN , such_IN as_IN with_IN etidronate_NN , reduces_VBZ the_ATI rate_NN of_IN bone_NN metastasis_NN in_IN this_DT model_NN in_RB vivo_RB studies_NNS using_VBG prostate_NN cancer_NN cell_NN lines_NNS have_HV reported_VBN increased_VBN cellular_JJ growth_NN in_IN response_NN to_TO growth_NN factors_NNS produced_VBN by_IN bone_NN fibroblasts_NNS in_IN this_DT study_NN , lung_NN , normal_JJ rat_NN kidney_NN , and_CC National_NP Institutes_NNS of_IN Health_NP 3T3_CD fibroblastic_JJ cell-generated_RB conditioned_VBN media_NNS were_BED not_XNOT found_VBN to_TO be_BE mitogenic_JJ , whereas_CS a_AT bone-derived_JJ fibroblast_NN growth_NN factor_NN stimulated_JJ prostate_NN cancer_NN cell_NN growth_NN by_IN 180%_CD studies_NNS have_HV also_RB reported_VBN increased_JJ prostate_NN cancer_NN cell_NN proliferation_NN in_IN response_NN to_IN conditioned_VBN media_NNS from_IN human_JJ bone_NN marrow_NN it_PP3 appears_VBZ that_CS both_ABX the_ATI anatomic-mechanistic_JJ and_CC the_ATI chemotaxic-protein_NN organ_NN theories_NNS explain_VB aspects_NNS of_IN bone_NN metastasis_NN without_IN being_BEG mutually_RB exclusive_JJ 204_CD clinical_JJ Presentation_NN and_CC Diagnosis_NP 205_CD patients_NNS with_IN bone_NN metastasis_NN generally_RB present_JJ to_IN the_ATI clinician_NN with_IN pain_NN the_ATI pain_NN is_BEZ characteristically_RB described_VBN as_CS dull_JJ in_IN character_NN , constant_NN in_IN presentation_NN , and_CC gradually_RB progressive_JJ in_IN intensity_NN night_NN pain_NN and_CC pain_NN not_XNOT relieved_VBN by_IN rest_NN are_BER especially_RB worrisome_NN spinal_JJ involvement_NN may_MD present_JJ with_IN localized_VBN back_RP pain_NN or_CC extremity_NN paresthesia_NN from_IN nerve-root_NN compression_NN ; however_RB , bladder_NN and_CC bowel_NN impairment_NN or_CC complete_JJ paralysis_NN from_IN spinal_JJ cord_NN compression_NN is_BEZ uncommon_JJ where_WRB there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT history_NN of_IN carcinoma_NN , plain_JJ roentgenograms_NNS of_IN the_ATI involved_JJ extremity_NN and_CC a_AT bone_NN scan_NN to_TO define_VB the_ATI extent_NN of_IN disease_NN are_BER indicated_VBN roentgenograms_NNS need_MD not_XNOT be_BE obtained_VBN of_IN all_ABN additional_JJ sites_NNS identified_VBN on_IN bone_NN scan_NN ; however_RB , roentgenograms_NNS should_MD be_BE obtained_VBN of_IN painful_JJ upper- extremity_NN lesions_NNS and_CC all_ABN lower-extremity_NN lesions_NNS to_TO determine_VB fracture_NN risk_NN patients_NNS with_IN polyostotic_JJ disease_NN and_CC a_AT known_VBN primary_JJ neoplasm_NN generally_RB can_MD be_BE treated_VBN without_IN obtaining_VBG a_AT biopsy.=20_CD 206_NP however_RB , careful_JJ observation_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN , with_IN needle_NN biopsy_NN being_BEG reserved_VBN for_IN patients_NNS who_WPR do_DO not_XNOT respond_VB predictably_RB to_IN treatment_NN Needle_NP biopsy_NN is_BEZ preferred_VBN to_IN open_JJ procedures_NNS , since_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ minimally_RB invasive_JJ and_CC can_MD be_BE performed_VBN on_IN an_AT outpatient_NN basis_NN lesions_NNS that_CS are_BER at_IN risk_NN for_IN fracture_NN can_MD be_BE addressed_VBN with_IN surgical_JJ stabilization_NN at_IN the_ATI time_NN of_IN biopsy_NN , if_CS the_ATI results_NNS of_IN frozen_JJ section_NN confirm_VB carcinoma_NN or_CC metastatic_JJ sarcoma_NN monostotic_JJ lesions_NNS , especially_RB in_IN patients_NNS younger_JJR than_IN 40_CD years_NNS , are_BER at_IN increased_JJ risk_NN of_IN being_BEG a_AT primary_JJ sarcoma_NN and_CC need_NN to_TO be_BE imaged_VBN before_IN biopsy_NN to_TO elucidate_VB the_ATI full_JJ extent_NN of_IN the_ATI lesion_NN for_IN proper_JJ biopsy_NN planning_NN , CT_NP or_CC magnetic_JJ resonance_NN imaging_VBG is_BEZ needed_VBN A_ZZ well-planned_JJ biopsy_NN is_BEZ critical_JJ in_IN case_NN surgical_JJ resection_NN is_BEZ necessary_JJ later_RBR biopsy_NN incisions_NNS generally_RB need_NN to_TO be_BE longitudinal_JJ and_CC planned_VBN along_IN the_ATI lines_NNS of_IN a_AT possible_JJ larger_JJR surgical_JJ resection_NN the_ATI biopsy_NN should_MD pass_VB through_IN a_AT single_JJ compartment_NN and_CC not_XNOT violate_VB any_DTI neurovascular_NN structures_NNS drains_NNS , when_WRB used_VBN , are_BER brought_VBN out_RP of_IN the_ATI incision_NN , and_CC meticulous_JJ hemostasis_NN must_MD be_BE obtained_VBN before_CS closure_NN even_RB if_CS a_AT tourniquet_NN is_BEZ used_VBN 207_CD a_AT more_AP difficult_JJ problem_NN surfaces_NNS in_IN patients_NNS who_WPR present_JJ with_IN an_AT occult_JJ primary_JJ neoplasm_NN and_CC skeletal_JJ metastasis_NN identification_NN of_IN primary_JJ neoplasms_NNS in_IN the_ATI face_NN of_IN metastasis_NN has_HVZ averaged_VBN between_IN 9%_NN and_CC 48%_NN rougraff_NN et_&FW al_APS recently_RB presented_VBN a_AT diagnostic_JJ approach_NN with_IN an_AT 85%_NN success_NN rate_NN for_IN the_ATI identification_NN of_IN primary_JJ lesions_NNS in_IN their_PP$ series_NN a_AT careful_JJ history_NN and_CC a_AT physical_JJ examination_NN , followed_VBN by_IN a_AT routine_NN chest_NN roentgenogram_NN and_CC a_AT chest_NN CT_NP scan_NN if_CS the_ATI chest_NN roentgenogram_NN is_BEZ negative_JJ , yielded_VBD a_AT 66%_JJ successful_JJ diagnosis_NN rate_NN a_AT CT_NP scan_NN of_IN the_ATI abdomen_NN and_CC pelvis_NN established_VBN the_ATI diagnosis_NN in_IN an_AT additional_JJ 13%_CD of_IN cases_NNS it_PP3 is_BEZ interesting_JJ that_CS skeletal_JJ biopsy_NN was_BEDZ diagnostic_VBN in_IN only_RB 8%_JJ of_IN the_ATI cases_NNS , though_CS confirmatory_JJ in_IN an_AT additional_JJ 28%_NN of_IN cases_NNS this_DT type_NN of_IN standardized_JJ approach_NN to_IN the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN such_ABL lesions_NNS provides_VBZ the_ATI clinician_NN with_IN reliable_JJ results_NNS while_CS preventing_VBG unnecessary_JJ tests_NNS or_CC surgical_JJ procedures_NNS 208_NP treatment_NN 209_NP treatment_NN of_IN bone_NN metastasis_NN is_BEZ aimed_VBN at_IN relieving_VBG pain_NN , preventing_VBG development_NN of_IN pathological_JJ fractures_NNS , enhancing_VBG mobility_NN and_CC function_NN , and_CC thereby_RB improving_VBG survival_NN bone_NN pain_NN is_BEZ due_JJ to_TO either_DTX direct_JJ tumor_NN progression_NN and_CC subsequent_JJ destruction_NN or_CC biomechanical_JJ weakness_NN from_IN bone_NN loss_NN radiation_NN is_BEZ extremely_RB effective_JJ in_IN alleviating_VBG bone_NN pain_NN from_IN tumor_NN progression_NN irradiation_NN is_BEZ generally_RB the_ATI first_OD treatment_NN used_VBN , especially_RB for_IN solitary_JJ metastasis_NN approximately_RB 90%_NP of_IN patients_NNS experience_NN at_RB least_RB minimal_JJ relief_NN of_IN pain_NN , with_IN 54%_NN to_TO 66%_VB obtaining_VBG complete_JJ relief_NN the_ATI reason_NN for_IN this_DT response_NN is_BEZ unknown_JJ but_CC has_HVZ been_BEN hypothesized_VBN to_TO be_BE secondary_JJ to_TO tumor_VB shrinkage_NN or_CC to_IN inhibition_NN of_IN the_ATI release_NN of_IN chemical_JJ pain_NN mediators_NNS from_IN normal_JJ bone_NN cells.=20_CD 210_CD hormonal_JJ or_CC chemotherapeutic_JJ treatments_NNS can_MD provide_VB excellent_JJ relief_NN , especially_RB in_IN breast_NN or_CC prostate_NN cancer_NN patients_NNS a_AT problem_NN arises_VBZ when_WRB attempting_VBG to_TO clinically_RB evaluate_VB response_NN to_TO chemotherapy_VB in_IN patients_NNS suffering_VBG from_IN widespread_JJ bony_JJ metastasis_NN since_IN a_AT primary_JJ goal_NN of_IN chemotherapy_NN is_BEZ to_TO diminish_VB pain_NN , an_AT improvement_NN in_IN bone_NN pain_NN is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ clinical_JJ indicator_NN of_IN response_NN pathological_JJ fractures_NNS in_IN the_ATI upper_JJB extremity_NN , which_WDTR heal_JJ without_IN radiation_NN when_WRB adequately_RB immobilized_VBN , are_BER indicative_NN of_IN tumor_NN response_NN finally_RB , a_AT stable_JJ bone_NN scan_NN performed_VBN at_IN regular_JJ intervals_NNS after_IN chemotherapy_NN can_MD also_RB prove_VB helpful_JJ in_IN gauging_NN chemotherapeutic_JJ response_NN 211_CD diphosphonates_NNS , which_WDTR bind_VB to_TO hydroxyapatite_VB crystals_NNS , block_NN bone_NN resorption_NN , and_CC are_BER used_VBN routinely_RB for_IN Paget's_NP$ disease_NN and_CC hypercalcemia_NN secondary_JJ to_IN metastatic_JJ bone_NN disease_NN , have_HV been_BEN reported_VBN by_IN some_DTI authors_NNS to_TO reduce_VB bone_NN pain_NN in_IN a_AT randomized_JJ study_NN of_IN 131_CD patients_NNS with_IN metastatic_JJ bone_NN cancers_NNS , diphosphonates_NNS were_BED found_VBN to_TO demonstrate_VB a_AT significant_JJ decrease_NN in_IN fractures_NNS , hypercalcemia_NN , and_CC bone_NN pain_NN when_WRB compared_VBN with_IN controls_NNS in_IN addition_NN , a_AT study_NN of_IN 34_CD patients_NNS with_IN osteolytic_JJ breast_NN cancer_NN were_BED randomly_RB assigned_VBN to_IN either_DTX diphosphonates_NNS or_CC a_AT control_NN a_AT decrease_NN in_IN analgesic_JJ requirements_NNS was_BEDZ reported_VBN in_IN 88%_JJ of_IN patients_NNS receiving_VBG diphosphonates_NNS vs_IN 27%_NN of_IN controls_NNS however_RB , a_AT more_QL recent_JJ randomized_JJ study_NN consisting_VBG of_IN 57_CD patients_NNS suffering_VBG from_IN metastatic_JJ prostate_NN cancer_NN demonstrated_VBN no_ATI significant_JJ analgesic_JJ effects_NNS from_IN intravenous_JJ or_CC oral_JJ diphosphonates_NNS when_WRB compared_VBN with_IN controls_NNS Certainly_NP , the_ATI use_NN of_IN diphosphonates_NNS for_IN bone_NN pain_NN from_IN metastatic_JJ bone_NN disease_NN needs_NNS to_TO be_BE clarified_VBN 212_CD radionuclides_NNS have_HV also_RB been_BEN used_VBN to_TO treat_VB bone_NN pain_NN secondary_JJ to_TO metastatic_JJ bone_NN disease_NN sodium_NN phosphate_NN 32_CD , which_WDTR has_HVZ been_BEN used_VBN for_IN many_AP years_NNS , has_HVZ significant_JJ hematologic_JJ toxicity_NN and_CC has_HVZ largely_RB been_BEN replaced_VBN by_IN other_AP radionuclides_NNS such_IN as_IN strontium_NN chloride_NN 89_CD strontium_NN 89_CD is_BEZ a_AT beta-emitting_NN , bone-seeking_NN radionuclide_NN , which_WDTR has_HVZ been_BEN reported_VBN to_TO reduce_VB bone_NN pain_NN a_AT multicenter_JJ study_NN of_IN 83_CD patients_NNS reported_VBN a_AT dramatic_JJ or_CC substantial_JJ improvement_NN in_IN bone_NN pain_NN in_IN 55%_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN prostate_NN cancer_NN however_RB , 25%_NN of_IN the_ATI patients_NNS either_DTX did_DOD not_XNOT benefit_VB or_CC deteriorated_VBD during_IN the_ATI study_NN period_NN strontium_NN 89_CD holds_VBZ promise_NN for_IN the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN bone_NN pain_NN ; however_RB , further_JJB study_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN 213_CD structural_JJ weakness_NN secondary_JJ to_IN extensive_JJ bone_NN loss_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT acutely_RB reversed_VBN with_IN medical_JJ or_CC radiation_NN treatment_NN the_ATI local_JJ effects_NNS of_IN chemotherapy_NN and_CC radiation_NN depress_VB the_ATI rate_NN of_IN bone_NN regeneration_NN in_IN compromised_VBD areas_NNS in_IN such_ABL cases_NNS , an_AT approach_NN that_CS supports_VBZ the_ATI bone_NN during_IN recovery_NN is_BEZ often_RB necessary_JJ upper-extremity_NN lesions_NNS often_RB can_MD be_BE protected_VBN with_IN orthotic_JJ devices_NNS humeral_JJ lesions_NNS residing_VBG in_IN the_ATI diaphysis_NN are_BER amenable_JJ to_TO lightweight_JJ functional_JJ bracing_JJ the_ATI lower_JJR extremity_NN is_BEZ less_QL tolerant_JJ , largely_RB because_CS of_IN the_ATI high_JJ degree_NN of_IN stress_NN experienced_JJ during_IN ambulation_NN impending_JJ fractures_NNS of_IN the_ATI lower_JJR extremity_NN generally_RB require_VB surgical_JJ stabilization_NN with_IN fracture_NN fixation_NN devices_NNS or_CC prosthetic_JJ reconstruction_NN the_ATI use_NN of_IN polymethylmethacrylate_NN to_TO reconstitute_VB large_JJ bone_NN defects_NNS permits_VBZ immediate_JJ weight_NN bearing_VBG in_IN most_QL cases_NNS polymethylmethacrylate_NN maintains_VBZ excellent_JJ rigidity_NN , especially_RB when_WRB compressively_RB loaded_VBN , and_CC is_BEZ not_XNOT adversely_RB affected_VBN by_IN radiation_NN 214_CD the_ATI indications_NNS for_IN prophylactic_JJ fixation_NN of_IN impending_JJ fractures_NNS have_HV not_XNOT been_BEN clearly_RB defined_VBN ; most_AP of_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS are_BER generated_VBN from_IN retrospective_JJ studies_NNS of_IN plain_JJ roentgenograms_NNS often-quoted_JJ roentgenographic_JJ criteria_NNS for_IN an_AT impending_JJ fracture_NN , which_WDTR have_HV been_BEN cumulated_VBN from_IN several_AP studies_NNS , are_BER given_VBN in_IN Table_NP 1_CD1 these_DTS criteria_NNS are_BER guidelines_NNS and_CC should_MD not_XNOT be_BE strict_JJ rules_NNS one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI problems_NNS with_IN plain_JJ roentgenograms_NNS is_BEZ that_CS bone_NN loss_NN must_MD approach_VB 30%_NP to_IN 50%_NP before_CS it_PP3 becomes_VBZ apparent_JJ in_IN addition_NN , in_IN metastatic_JJ lesions_NNS characterized_VBN by_IN bone_NN production_NN (_( eg_NN , prostate_NN )_) , clear_JJ evidence_NN of_IN bone_NN destruction_NN can_MD be_BE difficult_JJ to_TO assess_VB roentgenographically_RB 215_CD an_AT objective_JJ evaluation_NN of_IN these_DTS criteria_NNS was_BEDZ undertaken_VBN in_IN a_AT study_NN by_IN Keene_NP et_&FW al_APS , who_WPR focused_VBD only_RB on_IN breast_NN cancer_NN patients_NNS with_IN proximal_JJ femoral_JJ lesions_NNS in_IN their_PP$ study_NN , critical_JJ dimensions_NNS for_IN fracture_NN based_VBN on_IN lesion_NN size_NN and_CC percentage_NN of_IN cortical_JJ involvement_NN were_BED not_XNOT identifiable_JJ because_CS of_IN similar_JJ ranges_NNS between_IN patients_NNS who_WPR fractured_VBN and_CC those_DTS who_WPR did_DOD not_XNOT the_ATI reliability_NN of_IN roentgenographic_JJ evaluation_NN was_BEDZ questioned_VBN because_CS lesion_NN size_NN could_MD vary_VB on_IN any_DTI two_CD roentgenograms_NNS of_IN the_ATI same_AP patient_NN bone_NN pain_NN unresponsive_JJ to_TO radiation_NN was_BEDZ also_RB evaluated_VBN and_CC found_VBN not_XNOT to_TO correlate_VB with_IN fracture_NN risk_NN .=20_CD 216_CD to_TO address_VB these_DTS inconsistencies_NNS , Mirels_NNS proposed_VBN a_AT scoring_NN system_NN for_IN quantitating_VBG the_ATI risk_NN for_IN pathological_JJ fracture_NN (_( Table_NP 2_CD )_) this_DT system_NN assigns_VBZ a_AT numerical_JJ score_NN to_IN four_CD variables_NNS , with_IN a_AT cumulative_JJ score_NN of_IN 7_CD points_NNS or_CC less_QL indicating_VBG a_AT low_JJ risk_NN for_IN fracture_NN (_( 5%_NN )_) Scores_NP of_IN 9_CD and_CC above_IN have_HV at_RB least_RB a_AT 33%_CD risk_NN for_IN fracture_NN , while_CS a_AT score_NN of_IN 8_CD is_BEZ suggestive_JJ of_IN a_AT 15%_CD fracture_NN risk_NN this_DT type_NN of_IN scoring_NN system_NN holds_VBZ the_ATI most_QL promise_NN for_IN quantitatively_RB predicting_VBG patients_NNS at_IN risk_NN for_IN pathological_JJ fractures_NNS 217_CD once_RB a_AT pathological_JJ fracture_NN has_HVZ occurred_VBN , aggressive_JJ surgical_JJ treatment_NN should_MD be_BE undertaken_VBN in_IN most_QL cases_NNS the_ATI goals_NNS and_CC benefits_NNS of_IN rigid_JJ fixation_NN of_IN pathological_JJ fractures_NNS include_VB pain_NN relief_NN , resumption_NN of_IN ambulation_NN , enhancement_NN of_IN survival_NN , and_CC improved_JJ fracture_NN healing_NN Patients_NP who_WPR are_BER unstable_JJ medically_RB or_CC who_WPR have_HV a_AT life_NN expectancy_NN of_IN less_AP than_IN 4_CD weeks_NNS are_BER not_XNOT surgical_JJ candidates_NNS Habermann_NP found_VBD that_CS 97%_JJ of_IN patients_NNS had_HVD good_JJ to_IN excellent_JJ pain_NN relief_NN after_IN internal_JJ fixation_NN or_CC prosthetic_JJ replacement.=20_CD 218_CD regaining_VBG ambulatory_NN status_NN is_BEZ imperative_JJ for_IN patient_NN survival_NN Harrington_NP reported_VBD a_AT success_NN rate_NN of_IN 95%_NN in_IN returning_VBG his_PP$ patients_NNS to_TO prefracture_NN ambulatory_NN status_NN with_IN surgical_JJ intervention_NN aggressive_JJ fracture_NN fixation_NN with_IN current_JJ methods_NNS has_HVZ led_VBN to_IN improved_JJ patient_NN survival_NN , 24.6_NN months_NNS as_CS opposed_VBN to_IN historical_JJ controls_NNS of_IN 11.6_CD months_NNS , after_IN pathological_JJ fracture_NN it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN well_RB documented_VBN that_CS radiation_NN adversely_RB affects_VBZ fracture_NN healing_NN successful_JJ fracture_NN healing_NN will_MD be_BE achieved_VBN in_IN 90%_NP of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR survive_VB longer_RBR than_IN 6_CD months_NNS , are_BER surgically_RB stabilized_VBD , and_CC receive_VB a_AT radiation_NN dose_NN of_IN no_ATI more_AP than_IN 30_CD Gy_NP 219_CD the_ATI spine_NN is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL common_JJ site_NN for_IN skeletal_JJ metastasis_NN of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR die_VB from_IN cancer_NN , 70%_NP demonstrate_VB vertebral_JJ metastasis_NN on_IN postmortem_NN examination_NN initial_JJ roentgenographic_JJ evaluation_NN generally_RB includes_VBZ plain_JJ roentgenograms_NNS and_CC bone_NN scintigraphy_NN computed_JJ tomography_NN and_CC magnetic_JJ resonance_NN imaging_VBG of_IN the_ATI spine_NN are_BER reserved_VBN for_IN patients_NNS who_WPR present_JJ with_IN vertebral_JJ body_NN compression_NN of_IN 50%_NP or_CC greater_JJR or_CC who_WPR present_JJ with_IN neurological_JJ involvement_NN once_RB workup_JJ is_BEZ complete_JJ , patients_NNS can_MD generally_RB be_BE divided_VBN into_IN five_CD categories_NNS , depending_VBG on_IN the_ATI extent_NN of_IN neurological_JJ involvement_NN or_CC bone_NN destruction_NN (_( Table_NP 3_CD )_) the_ATI majority_NN of_IN patients_NNS fall_VB into_IN categories_NNS I_PP1A , II_NP , or_CC III_NP and_CC can_MD be_BE treated_VBN nonoperatively_RB with_IN either_DTX chemotherapy_NN , hormonal_JJ manipulation_NN , or_CC irradiation_NN operative_JJ treatment_NN is_BEZ reserved_VBN for_IN patients_NNS with_IN either_DTX bony_JJ collapse_NN and_CC instability_NN (_( category_NN IV_NP )_) or_CC with_IN vertebral_JJ body_NN collapse_NN that_CS results_NNS in_IN retropulsion_NN of_IN bone_NN and_CC disk_NN fragments_NNS directly_RB into_IN the_ATI cord_NN (_( category_NN V).=20_NP 220_CD the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN choice_NN is_BEZ anterior_JJ resection_NN of_IN the_ATI diseased_JJ vertebral_JJ body_NN and_CC reconstruction_NN with_IN bone_NN graft_NN or_CC methylmethacrylate_NN and_CC spinal_JJ instrumentation_NN as_IN needed_VBN recent_JJ advances_NNS in_IN spinal_JJ instrumentation_NN have_HV resulted_VBN in_IN better_JJR methods_NNS for_IN the_ATI stabilization_NN of_IN vertebral_JJ body_NN collapse_NN secondary_JJ to_IN metastatic_JJ disease_NN titanium_NN cages_NNS , anterior_JJ cervical_JJ plates_NNS , and_CC distraction_NN rods_NNS , when_WRB used_VBN in_IN conjunction_NN with_IN bone_NN graft_NN or_CC cementation_NN , have_HV found_VBN a_AT wide_JJ applicability_NN in_IN cervical_JJ and_CC thoracic_JJ reconstructions_NNS occasionally_RB , posterior_JJ instrumentation_NN is_BEZ necessary_JJ where_WRB extreme_JJ instability_NN is_BEZ apparent_JJ once_RB again_RB , the_ATI goal_NN of_IN surgery_NN is_BEZ to_TO prevent_VB neurological_JJ compromise_NN and_CC restore_VB ambulatory_NN ability_NN at_RB least_RB 62%_NN of_IN initially_RB paraplegic_JJ patients_NNS will_MD regain_VB enough_QLP neurological_JJ recovery_NN to_TO walk_VB after_IN surgical_JJ decompression_NN patients_NNS who_WPR present_JJ with_IN rapid_JJ , as_CS opposed_VBN to_IN chronic_JJ , spinal_JJ cord_NN compromise_NN and_CC paraplegia_NN exhibit_NN a_AT poor_JJ prognosis_NN for_IN recovery_NN of_IN function_NN however_RB , it_PP3 must_MD be_BE emphasized_VBN that_CS most_QL patients_NNS do_DO not_XNOT present_JJ with_IN this_DT degree_NN of_IN neurological_JJ compromise_NN and_CC respond_VB well_RB to_TO radiation_NN or_CC chemotherapy_NN without_IN surgery_NN 221_CD metastatic_JJ bone_NN disease_NN continues_VBZ to_TO be_BE a_AT difficult_JJ management_NN problem_NN further_JJB research_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN to_TO define_VB chemotaxic_JJ proteins_NNS and_CC biochemical_JJ mechanisms_NNS required_VBN for_IN the_ATI metastatic_JJ deposition_NN of_IN neoplasms_NNS in_IN bone_NN a_AT better_JJR understanding_NN of_IN these_DTS processes_NNS will_MD certainly_RB aid_NN in_IN medical_JJ prevention_NN , as_CS opposed_VBN to_IN surgical_JJ intervention_NN , for_IN patients_NNS suffering_VBG from_IN metastatic_JJ bone_NN disease_NN JDIVE_NP does_DOZ This_NN Dizzy_NPT Patient_NP Have_NP a_AT Serious_JJ Form_&FW of_IN Vertigo_NP ? 2_CD patient_NN 1_CD1 3_CD a_AT 52-year-old_JJB woman_NN was_BEDZ admitted_VBN to_IN the_ATI hospital_NN because_CS of_IN nausea_NN , a_AT constant_JJ spinning_NN sensation_NN , and_CC vomiting_NN of_IN 24_CD hours'_NNS$ duration_NN any_DTI movement_NN of_IN her_PP$ head_NN made_VBD these_DTS symptoms_NNS worse_JJR on_IN examination_NN , she_PP3A had_HVD bilateral_JJ horizontal_JJ spontaneous_JJ nystagmus_JJ two_CD days_NNS later_RBR , after_IN symptomatic_JJ improvement_NN , she_PP3A was_BEDZ dismissed_VBN at_IN follow-up_NN 2_CD weeks_NNS later_RBR , her_PP$ symptoms_NNS and_CC nystagmus_JJ had_HVD completely_RB resolved_VBN 4_CD patient_NN 2_CD 5_CD a_AT 70-year-old_JJB woman_NN had_HVD a_AT 4-month_JJ history_NN of_IN an_AT intermittent_JJ whirling_JJ sensation_NN when_WRB turning_VBG her_PP$ head_NN and_CC especially_RB when_WRB rolling_JJ over_RP in_IN bed_NN On_NP examination_NN , a_AT left-side-down_NN head-hanging_NN maneuver_JJ elicited_JJ rotatory_NN nystagmus_JJ , with_IN the_ATI fast_RB component_NN to_IN the_ATI left_JJ ear_NN (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT latency_NN of_IN about_RB 3_CD seconds_NNS before_IN the_ATI onset_NN of_IN nystagmus_JJ , which_WDTR lasted_VBD approximately_RB 10_CD seconds_NNS 6_CD WHY_NPT EVALUATE_NP VERTIGO_NP ? 7_CD _** vertigo_NN _** is_BEZ defined_VBN in_IN Webster's_NP$ dictionary_NN as_IN a_AT disturbance_NN _** in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI external_JJ world_NN seems_VBZ to_TO revolve_VB around_IN the_ATI individual_JJ or_CC in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI individual_JJ seems_VBZ to_TO revolve_VB in_IN space_NN _** vertigo_NN is_BEZ an_AT illusion_NN of_IN motion_NN and_CC is_BEZ one_CD1 of_IN several_AP forms_NNS of_IN dizziness_NN the_ATI word_NN dizziness_NN is_BEZ derived_VBN from_IN the_ATI old_JJ English_JNP word_NN dysig_NN , meaning_NN foolish_JJ or_CC stupid_JJ The_NP modern_JJ usage_NN of_IN the_ATI word_NN includes_VBZ _** a_AT whirling_JJ sensation_NN in_IN the_ATI head_NN with_IN a_AT tendency_NN to_TO fall_VB , _** _** mentally_RB confused_JJ or_CC dazed_VBN , _** and_CC _** giddiness=20_CD 8_CD in_IN one_CD1 study_NN from_IN a_AT general_JJ internal_JJ medicine_NN outpatient_NN clinic_NN , dizziness_NN was_BEDZ the_ATI third_OD most_QL frequent_JJ complaint_NN of_IN patients_NNS in_IN a_AT national_JJ survey_NN reported_VBN in_IN 1989_CD , it_PP3 was_BEDZ the_ATI 13th_OD most_QL frequent_JJ reason_NN for_IN visits_NNS to_IN internists_NNS in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP dizziness_NN is_BEZ often_RB a_AT diagnostic_JJ problem_NN in_IN the_ATI emergency_NN department_NN among_IN patients_NNS seen_VBN in_IN an_AT emergency_NN department_NN , in_IN an_AT outpatient_NN clinic_NN , and_CC in_IN two_CD subspecialty_NN dizziness_NN clinics_NNS , vertigo_NN was_BEDZ the_ATI most_QL frequent_JJ category_NN of_IN dizziness_NN 9_CD most_AP patients_NNS with_IN dizziness_NN can_MD be_BE classified_VBN as_CS having_HVG one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI following_JJ syndromes_NNS : 10_CD impaired_VBN perfusion_NN of_IN the_ATI central_JJ nervous_JJ system_NN or_CC near_IN syncope_NN (_( eg_NN , orthostatic_JJ hypotension_NN , cardiac_JJ presyncope_NN )_) 11_CD disequilibrium_RB , a_AT sensation_NN of_IN imbalance_NN when_WRB standing_VBG or_CC walking_VBG (_( eg_NN , multiple_JJ sensory_JJ deficits_NNS )_) 12_CD psychogenic_JJ dizziness_NN (_( eg_NN , major_JJ depression_NN , anxiety_NN disorder_NN , and_CC somatization_NN disorder_NN )_) 13_CD vertigo_NN (_( eg_NN , Meniere's_NP$ disease_NN and_CC vestibular_NN neuronitis_NN ) _) 14_CD usually_RB dizziness_JJ can_MD be_BE classified_VBN on_IN the_ATI basis_NN of_IN information_NN obtained_VBN from_IN the_ATI medical_JJ history_NN and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN in_IN this_DT article_NN , we_PP1AS concentrate_VB on_IN the_ATI evaluation_NN of_IN vertigo_NN , the_ATI most_QL common_JJ category_NN of_IN dizziness_NN serious_JJ forms_NNS of_IN vertigo_NN are_BER due_JJ to_IN conditions_NNS associated_VBN with_IN increased_JJ mortality_NN or_CC long-term_JJB disability_NN vertigo_NN severe_JJ enough_QLP to_TO impair_VB daily_JJ functioning_NN and_CC lasting_JJ for_IN more_AP than_IN a_AT month_NN would_MD be_BE included_VBN as_IN a_AT serious_JJ form_NN of_IN vertigo_NN 15_CD the_ATI importance_NN of_IN recognizing_VBG a_AT patient's_NN$ complaint_NN of_IN dizziness_NN as_IN vertigo_NN is_BEZ that_CS it_PP3 narrows_VBZ the_ATI list_NN of_IN possible_JJ causes_NNS customarily_RB the_ATI causes_NNS of_IN vertigo_NN are_BER divided_VBN into_IN central_JJ causes_NNS (_( lesions_NNS of_IN the_ATI central_JJ nervous_JJ system_NN )_) and_CC peripheral_JJ causes_NNS (_( lesions_NNS of_IN the_ATI vestibular_NN labyrinth_NN or_CC nerve_NN or_CC both_ABX )_) (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) because_CS of_IN the_ATI importance_NN of_IN detecting_JJ lesions_NNS or_CC diagnosing_VBG syndromes_NNS that_DT can_MD be_BE treated_VBN and_CC because_CS of_IN the_ATI need_NN to_TO determine_VB prognosis_NN , physicians_NNS should_MD attempt_VB to_TO make_VB a_AT specific_JJ diagnosis_NN for_IN patients_NNS with_IN vertigo_NN 16_CD most_AP cases_NNS of_IN vertigo_NN are_BER due_JJ to_IN lesions_NNS of_IN the_ATI vestibular_NN nerve_NN or_CC labyrinth_NN</p><p> in_IN two_CD dizziness_NN clinics_NNS , the_ATI most_QL common_JJ cause_NN of_IN vertigo_NN was_BEDZ benign_JJ paroxysmal_JJ positional_JJ vertigo_NN 17_CD PATHOPHYSIOLOGY_NPT OF_NPT VERTIGO_NPT AND_NP NYSTAGMUS_NP 18_CD origins_NNS of_IN Vertigo_NP 19_CD before_CS discussing_VBG how_WRB the_ATI medical_JJ history_NN and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN can_MD help_VB in_IN diagnosing_VBG the_ATI various_JJ disorders_NNS that_CS cause_NN vertigo_NN , a_AT brief_JJ explanation_NN of_IN the_ATI pathophysiology_NN of_IN vertigo_NN and_CC its_PP$ causes_NNS is_BEZ necessary_JJ the_ATI maintenance_NN of_IN the_ATI sense_NN of_IN balance_NN and_CC spatial_JJ orientation_NN depends_VBZ on_IN input_NN from_IN the_ATI vestibular_NN labyrinth_NN , visual_JJ system_NN , and_CC proprioceptive_JJ nerves_NNS arising_VBG from_IN tendons_NNS , muscles_NNS , and_CC joints_NNS the_ATI vestibular_NN nuclei_NNS , which_WDTR are_BER in_IN the_ATI medulla_NN and_CC lower_JJR pons_NNS , receive_VB input_NN from_IN the_ATI vestibular_NN labyrinth_NN via_IN the_ATI vestibular_JJ branch_NN of_IN cranial_JJ nerve_NN VIII_NP and_CC from_IN the_ATI cerebellum_NN the_ATI vestibular_NN nuclei_NNS , in_IN turn_VB , send_VB efferent_NN fibers_NNS to_IN the_ATI cerebellum_NN , the_ATI medial_JJ longitudinal_JJ fasciculus_JJ , and_CC the_ATI vestibulospinal_JJ tract_NN visceral_JJ manifestations_NNS of_IN vertigo_NN (_( such_IN as_IN nausea_NN and_CC vomiting_NN )_) are_BER caused_VBN by_IN altered_JJ input_NN to_IN the_ATI dorsal_JJ nucleus_NN of_IN the_ATI vagus_JJ nerve_NN from_IN the_ATI vestibular_NN nuclei_NNS conscious_JJ awareness_NN of_IN vertigo_NN resides_NNS in_IN the_ATI superior_JJ temporal_JJ gyrus_NN of_IN the_ATI cerebral_JJ cortex_NN and_CC involves_VBZ a_AT mismatch_NN between_IN input_NN to_IN the_ATI cerebral_JJ cortex_NN from_IN the_ATI visual_JJ , proprioceptive_JJ , and_CC vestibular_NN systems_NNS lesions_NNS in_IN various_JJ locations_NNS , including_IN the_ATI inner_JJB ear_NN , brain_NN stem_NN , and_CC cerebellum_NN , may_MD all_ABN be_BE manifested_VBN as_IN vertigo_NN</p><p>20_CD origins_NNS of_IN Nystagmus_JJ 21_CD nystagmus_NN is_BEZ the_ATI objective_JJ accompaniment_NN of_IN vertigo_NN and_CC is_BEZ defined_VBN best_JJT as_IN a_AT _** rhythmical_JJ oscillation_NN of_IN the_ATI eyes_NNS , with_IN a_AT fast_RB movement_NN in_IN one_CD1 direction_NN and_CC a_AT slow_JJ movement_NN in_IN the_ATI other_AP _** the_ATI fast_RB component_NN may_MD be_BE horizontal_JJ , vertical_JJ , rotatory_JJB , or_CC any_DTI combination_NN of_IN these_DTS 22_CD there_EX are_BER two_CD clinically_RB relevant_JJ kinds_NNS of_IN nystagmus_VBN in_IN evaluating_VBG vertigo:=20_CD 23_CD spontaneous_JJ nystagmus_NN is_BEZ elicited_VBN by_IN having_HVG the_ATI patient_NN look_NN straight_RB ahead_RB , up_RP , down_RP , to_IN the_ATI right_JJ , and_CC to_IN the_ATI left_NN this_DT type_NN of_IN nystagmus_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT influenced_VBN by_IN head_NN position_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ normal_JJ to_TO have_HV a_AT few_AP beats_VBZ of_IN nystagmus_JJ with_IN extreme_JJ lateral_JJ gaze_NN .=20_CD 24_CD positional_JJ nystagmus_NN is_BEZ elicited_VBN by_IN a_AT head-hanging_NN maneuver_NN (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) 25_CD altered_JJ input_NN passing_VBG from_IN the_ATI vestibular_NN nuclei_NNS to_IN the_ATI nuclei_NNS of_IN the_ATI extraocular_NN muscles_NNS through_IN the_ATI medial_JJ longitudinal_JJ fasciculus_JJ and_CC related_JJ pathways_NNS in_IN the_ATI reticular_NN formation_NN produces_VBZ nystagmus_JJ this_DT input_NN may_MD be_BE modified_VBN by_IN information_NN arising_VBG from_IN the_ATI cerebral_JJ cortex_NN and_CC the_ATI cerebellum_NN for_IN example_NN , the_ATI fast_RB component_NN of_IN spontaneous_JJ nystagmus_JJ depends_VBZ on_IN interaction_NN between_IN the_ATI vestibular_NN system_NN and_CC the_ATI cerebral_JJ cortex_NN 26_CD HOW_NPT TO_NPT ELICIT_NPT THE_NPT SYMPTOMS_NPT AND_NPT SIGNS_NPT OF_NP VERTIGO_NP 27_CD first_OD , Distinguish_NPT Vertigo_NPT From_NPT Other_NP Causes_NP of_IN Dizziness_NN 28_CD patients_NNS often_RB have_HV difficulty_NN describing_VBG symptoms_NNS of_IN dizziness_NN , and_CC even_RB those_DTS who_WPR have_HV disorders_NNS that_WPR produce_VB vertigo_NN may_MD not_XNOT clearly_RB describe_VB a_AT hallucination_NN of_IN movement_NN as_CS Olsson_NP and_CC Atkins_NNS pointed_VBD out_RP , _** A_ZZ person_NN is_BEZ so_QL rarely_RB conscious_JJ of_IN his_PP$ own_AP vestibular_NN system_NN , he_PP3A has_HVZ a_AT great_JJ deal_NN of_IN trouble_NN describing_VBG his_PP$ symptoms_NNS to_IN a_AT doctor_NN _** thus_RB , clues_NNS must_MD be_BE gathered_VBN from_IN the_ATI medical_JJ history_NN and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN to_TO classify_VB the_ATI dizziness_NN properly_RB 29_CD dizziness_NN when_WRB standing_VBG may_MD be_BE due_JJ to_TO vertigo_NN , decreased_VBD cerebral_JJ perfusion_NN , or_CC disequilibrium_NN if_CS the_ATI patient_NN reports_NNS having_HVG symptoms_NNS of_IN dizziness_NN primarily_RB while_CS standing_VBG , the_ATI blood_NN pressure_NN should_MD be_BE checked_VBN with_IN the_ATI patient_NN in_IN the_ATI supine_NN position_NN and_CC also_RB after_IN standing_VBG for_IN 5_CD minutes_NNS if_CS there_EX is_BEZ an_AT orthostatic_JJ decrease_NN in_IN blood_NN pressure_NN , the_ATI symptom_NN is_BEZ likely_JJ due_JJ to_TO impaired_VBN central_JJ nervous_JJ system_NN perfusion_NN 30_CD unsteadiness_JJ while_CS walking_VBG , especially_RB in_IN elderly_JJ patients_NNS , is_BEZ often_RB due_JJ to_TO disequilibrium_VB (_( a_AT feeling_NN of_IN imbalance_NN )_) the_ATI cause_NN is_BEZ usually_RB multifactorial_JJ on_IN examination_NN , the_ATI findings_NNS of_IN decreased_VBD visual_JJ acuity_NN and_CC signs_NNS of_IN peripheral_JJ neuropathy_NN or_CC abnormal_JJ vestibular_NN function_NN support_NN a_AT diagnosis_NN of_IN disequilibrium_NN 31_CD dizziness_NN when_WRB turning_VBG , and_CC especially_RB when_WRB rolling_JJ over_RP in_IN bed_NN , is_BEZ usually_RB due_JJ to_IN vertigo_NN 32_CD psychogenic_JJ dizziness_NN is_BEZ a_AT diagnosis_NN of_IN exclusion_NN that_WPR should_MD be_BE considered_VBN especially_RB in_IN patients_NNS with_IN psychiatric_JJ illnesses_NNS , such_IN as_IN major_JJ depression_NN , anxiety_NN disorder_NN , and_CC a_AT somatization_NN disorder_NN in_IN this_DT setting_VBG , the_ATI patient_NN should_MD be_BE asked_VBN to_TO hyperventilate_VB for_IN 2_CD minutes_NNS and_CC then_RN asked_VBD whether_CS the_ATI feeling_NN associated_VBN with_IN hyperventilation_NN is_BEZ exactly_RB the_ATI same_AP as_IN the_ATI dizzy_JJ symptom_NN the_ATI physician_NN should_MD initially_RB hyperventilate_NN along_RP with_IN the_ATI patient_NN ; this_DT approach_NN encourages_VBZ the_ATI patient_NN and_CC demonstrates_VBZ the_ATI desired_JJ rate_NN and_CC depth_NN of_IN breathing_NN for_IN the_ATI test_NN if_CS hyperventilation_NN reproduces_VBZ the_ATI symptom_NN , the_ATI dizziness_NN is_BEZ often_RB psychogenic_JJ however_RB , the_ATI usefulness_NN of_IN hyperventilation_NN in_IN diagnosing_VBG psychogenic_JJ dizziness_NN is_BEZ unclear_JJ in_IN a_AT study_NN by_IN Kroenke_NP et_&FW al_APS of_IN 100_CD ambulatory_NN patients_NNS with_IN a_AT chief_JJB complaint_NN of_IN dizziness_NN , symptoms_NNS of_IN dizziness_NN were_BED reproduced_VBN by_IN hyperventilation_NN in_IN 21_CD ; however_RB , only_RB one_CD1 of_IN these_DTS patients_NNS had_HVD hyperventilation_NN as_IN the_ATI primary_JJ cause_NN of_IN dizziness_NN most_AP of_IN them_PP3OS had_HVD dizziness_JJ inducible_NN by_IN other_AP maneuvers_NNS in_IN addition_NN to_TO hyperventilation_VB further_JJB studies_NNS of_IN the_ATI hyperventilation_NN maneuver_NN in_IN the_ATI evaluation_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN suspected_VBD psychogenic_JJ dizziness_NN are_BER needed_VBN in_IN this_DT study_NN of_IN 100_CD patients_NNS , only_RB 16%_CD had_HVD pure_JJ psychogenic_JJ dizziness_NN , but_CC 24%_NN had_HVD other_AP causes_NNS of_IN dizziness_NN exacerbated_VBN by_IN psychiatric_JJ illness_NN 33_CD second_OD , Take_NP a_AT Proper_NPT History_NPT From_NPT Patients_NPT With_NP Vertigo_NP 34_CD after_IN it_PP3 is_BEZ clear_JJ that_CS the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ describing_VBG vertigo_NN , further_JJB questions_NNS help_VB elicit_VB clues_NNS about_IN its_PP$ specific_JJ cause_NN 35_CD ask_VB When_NP the_ATI Dizziness_NN Occurs_NNS it_PP3 is_BEZ probably_RB more_QL important_JJ to_TO ask_VB a_AT patient_NN about_IN the_ATI circumstances_NNS in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI dizziness_NN occurs_VBZ than_IN to_TO ask_VB for_IN a_AT description_NN of_IN the_ATI dizziness_NN dizziness_NN related_VBN to_TO early-morning_NN activities_NNS is_BEZ somewhat_RB helpful_JJ in_IN distinguishing_VBG between_IN peripheral_JJ and_CC central_JJ vertigo_NN matutinal_JJ vertigo_NN (_( vertigo_NN on_IN first_OD arising_VBG in_IN the_ATI morning_NN )_) is_BEZ usually_RB due_JJ to_IN a_AT peripheral_JJ vestibular_NN disorder_NN 36_CD ask_VB About_NPT Other_NPT Otologic_NP Symptoms-Associated_NP otologic_JJ symptoms_NNS can_MD be_BE helpful_JJ in_IN identifying_VBG a_AT peripheral_JJ cause_NN of_IN vertigo_NN hearing_VBG loss_NN and_CC vertigo_NN are_BER common_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN otosclerosis_NN episodes_NNS of_IN hearing_VBG loss_NN with_IN vertigo_NN , tinnitus_JJ , and_CC a_AT sensation_NN of_IN fullness_NN in_IN the_ATI ear_NN occur_VB in_IN patients_NNS with_IN Meniere's_NP$ disease_NN patients_NNS with_IN acoustic_JJ neuromas_NNS usually_RB present_JJ with_IN hearing_VBG loss_NN rather_RB than_IN vertigo_NN most_AP of_IN these_DTS patients_NNS notice_NN dizziness_NN but_CC complain_VB of_IN unsteadiness_JJ rather_RB than_IN vertigo_NN 37_CD ask_VB About_NPT Other_NPT Neurological_NP Symptoms-Symptoms_NP of_IN neurological_JJ disease_NN , such_IN as_IN weakness_NN , difficulty_NN with_IN speech_NN , or_CC diplopia_NN , in_IN addition_NN to_TO vertigo_NN suggest_VB a_AT central_JJ cause_NN 38_CD ask_VB About_NPT Symptom_NP Patterns-Patients_NP with_IN vestibular_NN neuronitis_NN (_( also_RB called_VBN _** labyrinthitis_NN _** )_) , benign_JJ paroxysmal_JJ positional_JJ vertigo_NN , and_CC recurrent_JJ vestibulopathy_NN (_( also_RB called_VBN _** benign_JJ recurrent_JJ vertigo_NN _** and_CC _** vestibular_NN Meniere's_NN$ disease_NN _** )_) have_HV normal_JJ hearing_NN patients_NNS with_IN benign_JJ paroxysmal_JJ positional_JJ vertigo_NN (_( also_RB called_VBN _** benign_JJ paroxysmal_JJ positional_JJ nystagmus_JJ _** and_CC _** cupulolithiasis_NN _** )_) have_HV intermittent_JJ episodes_NNS of_IN vertigo_NN with_IN head_NN turning_NN vestibular_NN neuronitis_NN is_BEZ characterized_VBN by_IN a_AT relatively_RB sudden_JJ onset_NN of_IN severe_JJ , constant_JJ vertigo_NN (_( made_VBN worse_JJR by_IN head_NN movement_NN )_) that_CS resolves_VBZ after_IN days_NNS or_CC weeks_NNS patients_NNS with_IN recurrent_JJ vestibulopathy_NN have_HV intermittent_JJ episodes_NNS of_IN constant_JJ vertigo_NN lasting_JJ for_IN minutes_NNS or_CC hours_NNS vertigo_NN (_( with_IN or_CC without_IN hearing_VBG loss_NN )_) in_IN a_AT patient_NN who_WPR has_HVZ recently_RB received_JJ aminoglycoside_NN antibiotics_NNS may_MD be_BE due_JJ to_IN the_ATI toxic_JJ effect_NN these_DTS agents_NNS have_HV on_IN the_ATI vestibular_NN labyrinth_NN 39_CD how_WRB to_IN Examine_NPT Patients_NPT With_NP Vertigo_NP 40_CD findings_NNS on_IN physical_JJ examination_NN can_MD help_VB physicians_NNS detect_VB abnormalities_NNS that_DT can_MD be_BE used_VBN to_TO determine_VB the_ATI cause_NN of_IN vertigo_NN 41_CD perform_VB a_AT Brief_NPT Neurological_NP Examination-Look_NP for_IN cranial_JJ nerve_NN palsies_NNS , weakness_NN , reflex_NN changes_NNS , ataxia_NN , decreased_VBD sensation_NN in_IN the_ATI feet_NNS , and_CC abnormalities_NNS of_IN gait_NN and_CC station_NN vertical_JJ nystagmus_NN is_BEZ associated_VBN with_IN lesions_NNS of_IN the_ATI vestibular_NN nuclei_NNS or_CC of_IN the_ATI cerebellar_NN vermis_NN neurological_JJ findings_NNS other_AP than_IN pathological_JJ nystagmus_JJ suggest_VB that_CS the_ATI lesion_NN is_BEZ central_JJ 42_CD examine_VB the_ATI Ears-Briefly_NP check_NN hearing_VBG sensation_NN with_IN a_AT mechanical_JJ wristwatch_NN or_CC tuning_NN fork_NN cholesteatoma_RB , a_AT complication_NN of_IN chronic_JJ otitis_NN media_NNS that_DT can_MD present_JJ with_IN hearing_VBG loss_NN , drainage_NN from_IN the_ATI ear_NN , and_CC vertigo_NN , may_MD be_BE found_VBN ; the_ATI usual_JJ treatment_NN for_IN this_DT is_BEZ surgery_NN Alternatively_NP , vesicles_NP associated_VBN with_IN herpes_NNS zoster_JJ oticus_JJ (_( also_RB called_VBN _** Ramsay_NP Hunt_NP syndrome_NN _** )_) may_MD be_BE present_JJ ; patients_NNS with_IN this_DT condition_NN often_RB have_HV facial_JJ palsy_NN and_CC deafness_NN together_RB with_IN vertigo_NN 43_CD check_NN for_IN Spontaneous_JJ Nystagmus-Patients_NP with_IN vestibular_NN neuronitis_NN usually_RB have_HV spontaneous_JJ horizontal_JJ nystagmus_JJ or_CC a_AT mixture_NN of_IN spontaneous_JJ horizontal_JJ nystagmus_JJ and_CC rotatory_JJ nystagmus_JJ patients_NNS with_IN disorders_NNS of_IN the_ATI central_JJ nervous_JJ system_NN may_MD also_RB have_HV spontaneous_JJ nystagmus_JJ in_IN most_AP of_IN the_ATI patients_NNS examined_VBN by_IN Silvoniemi_NP , Lachman_NP and_CC Stahle_NP , and_CC Aantaa_NP and_CC Virolainen_NP , nystagmus_JJ was_BEDZ readily_RB apparent_JJ , but_CC in_IN some_DTI , detection_NN required_VBN Frenzel_NP glasses_NNS or_CC electronystagmographic_JJ monitoring_VBG with_IN the_ATI patients'_NNS$ eyes_NNS closed_VBN patients_NNS with_IN vestibular_NN neuronitis_NN may_MD also_RB have_HV positional_JJ nystagmus_JJ patient_NN 1_CD1 had_HVD vestibular_NN neuronitis_NN 44_CD perform_VB a_AT Head-Hanging_NP Maneuver_NP most_AP physicians_NNS test_VB for_IN positional_JJ nystagmus_JJ with_IN a_AT method_NN first_OD outlined_VBN by_IN Dix_NP and_CC Hallpike_NP and_CC more_QL recently_RB by_IN Mohr_NP the_ATI head-hanging_NN maneuver_NN begins_VBZ with_IN the_ATI patient_NN in_IN a_AT sitting_VBG position_NN , with_IN gaze_NN fixed_VBN on_IN the_ATI examiner's_NN$ forehead_NN (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) the_ATI examiner_NN firmly_RB grasps_VBZ the_ATI patient's_NN$ head_NN and_CC has_HVZ the_ATI patient_NN quickly_RB lie_VB supine_NN , with_IN the_ATI head_NN turned_VBD about_RB 30_CD degrees_NNS to_TO one_CD1 side_NN and_CC about_RB 30_CD degrees_NNS below_IN the_ATI level_NN of_IN the_ATI examining_VBG table_NN next_AP , the_ATI patient_NN sits_VBZ up_RP , and_CC the_ATI maneuver_NN is_BEZ repeated_VBN with_IN the_ATI head_NN turned_VBD to_TO the_ATI opposite_JJ side_NN in_IN 1979_CD , Baloh_NP et_&FW al_APS observed_VBN that_CS if_CS the_ATI maneuver_NN was_BEDZ performed_VBN slowly_RB (_( during_IN a_AT period_NN of_IN 20_CD seconds_NNS )_) , nystagmus_JJ was_BEDZ not_XNOT induced_VBN ; thus_RB , they_PP3AS recommended_VBD performing_VBG the_ATI position_NN change_NN in_RP about_IN 2_CD seconds_NNS after_IN each_DT head-hanging_NN maneuver_NN , the_ATI physician_NN should_MD observe_VB the_ATI patient's_NN$ eyes_NNS for_IN 5_CD to_IN 15_CD seconds_NNS to_TO determine_VB whether_CS nystagmus_JJ has_HVZ been_BEN induced_VBN overall_JJB , it_PP3 takes_VBZ about_RB 3_CD to_IN 5_CD minutes_NNS to_TO explain_VB the_ATI head-hanging_NN maneuver_NN to_IN the_ATI patient_NN , to_TO perform_VB the_ATI position_NN changes_NNS , and_CC to_TO observe_VB for_IN nystagmus_JJ 45_CD benign_JJ paroxysmal_JJ positional_JJ vertigo_NN is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL common_JJ cause_NN of_IN vertigo_NN and_CC can_MD usually_RB be_BE suspected_VBN on_IN the_ATI basis_NN of_IN the_ATI history_NN alone_JJ Features_NNS of_IN this_DT syndrome_NN include_VB vertigo_NN that_CS occurs_VBZ only_RB with_IN positional_JJ changes_NNS and_CC an_AT associated_VBN positional_JJ nystagmus_JJ that_DT is_BEZ usually_RB rotatory_JJ , with_IN a_AT vertical_JJ or_CC horizontal_JJ component_NN also_RB , the_ATI nystagmus_JJ usually_RB begins_VBZ 5_CD to_IN 15_CD seconds_NNS after_IN the_ATI head-hanging_NN maneuver_NN , lasts_VBZ 2_CD to_IN 30_CD seconds_NNS , and_CC , if_CS the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ repeatedly_RB returned_VBD to_IN the_ATI provocative_JJ position_NN , occurs_VBZ less_QL and_CC less_AP until_IN it_PP3 cannot_NN be_BE induced_VBN positional_JJ nystagmus_JJ cannot_NN always_RB be_BE elicited_VBN in_IN a_AT patient_NN with_IN a_AT history_NN otherwise_RB compatible_JJ with_IN the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN benign_JJ paroxysmal_JJ positional_JJ vertigo_NN its_PP$ occurrence_NN during_IN a_AT head-hanging_NN maneuver_NN occasionally_RB makes_VBZ a_AT vague_JJ description_NN of_IN dizziness_NN clearer_JJR Rarely_NP , patients_NNS with_IN central_JJ nervous_JJ system_NN lesions_NNS may_MD present_JJ with_IN positional_JJ vertigo_NN and_CC nystagmus_JJ and_CC with_IN no_ATI other_AP neurological_JJ abnormality_NN patient_NN 2_CD had_HVD benign_JJ paroxysmal_JJ positional_JJ vertigo_NN 46_CD learning_VBG how_WRB to_TO check_VB for_IN positional_JJ nystagmus_JJ usually_RB requires_VBZ practice_NN always_RB explain_VB to_IN the_ATI patient_NN what_WDT you_PP2 are_BER going_VBG to_TO do_DO before_CS performing_VBG a_AT head-hanging_NN maneuver_NN specifically_RB , ask_VB the_ATI patient_NN to_TO keep_VB the_ATI eyes_NNS open_JJ if_CS he_PP3A or_CC she_PP3A becomes_VBZ vertiginous_JJ ; many_AP patients_NNS close_RB their_PP$ eyes_NNS if_CS vertigo_NN develops_VBZ the_ATI head-hanging_NN maneuver_NN should_MD be_BE performed_VBN quickly_RB but_CC not_XNOT so_QL rapidly_RB as_CS to_TO injure_VB the_ATI patient_NN be_BE observant_JJ because_CS the_ATI nystagmus_JJ may_MD last_AP only_RB a_JJ few_AP seconds_NNS 47_CD ACCURACY_NPT OF_NPT THE_NPT SYMPTOMS_NPT AND_NPT SIGNS_NPT OF_NP VERTIGO_NP 48_CD data_NNS are_BER available_JJ on_IN three_CD clinically_RB relevant_JJ questions_NNS about_IN the_ATI accuracy_NN of_IN the_ATI clinical_JJ examination_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN vertigo_NN 49_CD can_MD positional_JJ nystagmus_JJ identify_VB patients_NNS with_IN benign_JJ paroxysmal_JJ positional_JJ vertigo?=20_CD 50_CD the_ATI answer_NN is_BEZ _** not_XNOT very_QL well_RB _** only_RB 198_CD of_IN 255_CD patients_NNS with_IN positional_JJ vertigo_NN examined_VBN in_IN a_AT dizziness_NN clinic_NN had_HVD positional_JJ nystagmus_JJ during_IN initial_JJ and_CC subsequent_JJ examinations_NNS (_( sensitivity_NN , 78%_NN )_) in_IN an_AT epidemiologic_JJ study_NN of_IN positional_JJ vertigo_NN , only_RB 13_CD of_IN 26_CD patients_NNS tested_VBN had_HVD positional_JJ nystagmus_JJ (_( sensitivity_NN , 50%_NP )_) 51_CD can_MD matutinal_JJ vertigo_NN distinguish_VB peripheral_JJ causes_NNS from_IN central_JJ causes_NNS of_IN vertigo_NN ? again_RB , the_ATI answer_NN is_BEZ _** not_XNOT very_QL well.=20_CD 52_CD in_IN a_AT study_NN of_IN 100_CD neurology_NN patients_NNS (_( 48_CD of_IN whom_WPOR had_HVD matutinal_JJ vertigo_NN )_) , matutinal_JJ vertigo_NN had_HVD a_AT sensitivity_NN of_IN 51%_CD and_CC a_AT specificity_NN of_IN 69%_NN for_IN peripheral_JJ disorders_NNS , and_CC in_IN an_AT epidemiologic_JJ study_NN , symptoms_NNS of_IN vertigo_NN when_WRB rolling_JJ over_RP in_IN bed_NN generated_VBN a_AT sensitivity_NN of_IN 40%_NP for_IN benign_JJ paroxysmal_JJ positional_JJ vertigo_NN 53_CD can_MD any_DTI set_VBN of_IN symptoms_NNS and_CC signs_NNS distinguish_VB urgent_JJ causes_NNS from_IN nonurgent_JJ causes_NNS of_IN dizziness_NN ? 54_CD symptoms_NNS and_CC signs_NNS can_MD help_VB identify_VB patients_NNS in_IN need_NN of_IN an_AT urgent_JJ evaluation_NN , as_CS shown_VBN in_IN Table_NP 2_CD and_CC Table_NP 3_CD , which_WDTR are_BER from_IN a_AT study_NN of_IN 125_CD emergency_NN department_NN patients_NNS with_IN the_ATI complaint_NN of_IN dizziness_NN Patients_NP who_WPR had_HVD the_ATI highly_RB specific_JJ cluster_NN of_IN positive_JJ results_NNS on_IN the_ATI head-hanging_NN test_NN and_CC either_DTX vertigo_NN or_CC vomiting_NN almost_RB always_RB had_HVD a_AT nonurgent_JJ peripheral_JJ vertigo_NN (_( a_AT finding_VBG with_IN high_JJ specificity_NN , if_CS positive_JJ , tends_VBZ to_TO rule_VB in_IN the_ATI target_NN disorder_NN )_) in_IN Table_NP 3_CD , the_ATI high_JJ sensitivity_NN (_( 87%_JJ )_) of_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN vertigo_NN or_CC age_NN older_JJR than_IN 69_CD years_NNS or_CC the_ATI presence_NN of_IN a_AT neurological_JJ deficit_NN for_IN a_AT serious_JJ cause_NN of_IN dizziness_NN meant_VBD that_CS younger_JJR patients_NNS with_IN vertigo_NN but_CC no_ATI neurological_JJ deficit_NN were_BED unlikely_JJ to_TO have_HV an_AT urgent_JJ cause_NN of_IN dizziness_NN (_( a_AT finding_VBG with_IN high_JJ sensitivity_NN , if_CS negative_JJ , tends_VBZ to_TO rule_VB out_RP the_ATI target_NN disorder_NN )_) 55_CD these_DTS reassuring_JJ results_NNS of_IN the_ATI accuracy_NN of_IN the_ATI clinical_JJ examination_NN come_VB from_IN a_AT single_JJ study_NN in_IN an_AT emergency_NN department_NN with_IN rates_NNS of_IN peripheral_JJ vertigo_NN and_CC serious_JJ disease_NN characteristic_NN of_IN such_ABL settings_NNS ; they_PP3AS need_NN independent_JJ confirmation_NN in_IN different_JJ settings_NNS although_CS the_ATI nonurgent_JJ causes_NNS of_IN dizziness_NN may_MD not_XNOT require_VB immediate_JJ hospitalization_NN , some_DTI of_IN the_ATI causes_NNS of_IN peripheral_JJ vertigo_NN (_( eg_NN , acoustic_JJ neuroma_NN )_) deserve_VB further_JJB diagnostic_JJ study_NN 56_CD the_ATI following_JJ are_BER our_PP$ recommendations_NNS on_IN useful_JJ symptoms_NNS and_CC signs_NNS in_IN the_ATI evaluation_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN dizziness_NN : 57_CD in_IN patients_NNS with_IN suspected_VBD vertigo_NN , ask_VB whether_CS they_PP3AS have_HV dizziness_NN when_WRB changing_VBG body_NN position_NN (_( rolling_JJ over_RP in_IN bed_NN , looking_VBG up_RP at_IN the_ATI ceiling_NN , or_CC bending_NN over_RP to_TO tie_VB shoelaces_NNS )_) and_CC perform_VB a_AT head-hanging_NN maneuver_NN to_TO check_VB for_IN positional_JJ nystagmus_JJ 58_CD in_IN combination_NN with_IN other_AP data_NNS (_( including_IN a_AT brief_JJ neurological_JJ examination_NN )_) in_IN an_AT emergency_NN department_NN setting_VBG , the_ATI presence_NN of_IN positional_JJ nystagmus_JJ can_MD be_BE useful_JJ in_IN identifying_VBG serious_JJ causes_NNS of_IN dizziness_NN 59_CD the_ATI International_NPT Normalized_NP Ratio_NP : a_AT Guide_NP to_IN Understanding_NP and_CC Correcting_NP Its_NP Problems_NP 60_CD with_IN the_ATI increasing_JJ use_NN of_IN the_ATI international_JJ normalized_JJ ratio_NN (_( INR_NP )_) to_TO monitor_NN warfarin_NN therapy_NN , a_AT number_NN of_IN problems_NNS with_IN prothrombin_NN time_NN (_( PT_NP )_) testing_NN have_HV been_BEN identified_VBN that_CS have_HV led_VBN some_DTI laboratory_NN physicians_NNS to_TO question_VB the_ATI reliability_NN of_IN the_ATI INR_NP this_DT is_BEZ ironic_JJ , because_CS it_PP3 was_BEDZ the_ATI introduction_NN of_IN the_ATI INR_NP system_NN that_WPR brought_VBD to_TO light_VB some_DTI of_IN the_ATI long-standing_JJ problems_NNS with_IN the_ATI technique_NN of_IN PT_NP monitoring_NN However_NP , these_DTS problems_NNS are_BER not_XNOT insurmountable_JJ if_CS a_AT compromise_NN can_MD be_BE reached_VBN between_IN the_ATI expectations_NNS of_IN laboratory_NN physicians_NNS and_CC of_IN clinicians_NNS thus_RB , the_ATI laboratory_NN physician_NN seeks_VBZ a_AT perfect_JJ assay_NN system_NN , which_WDTR in_IN the_ATI case_NN of_IN the_ATI INR_NP is_BEZ unattainable_JJ at_IN present_NN , because_CS of_IN differences_NNS in_IN PT_NP reagents_NNS and_CC methods.=20_CD 61_CD in_IN contrast_NN , the_ATI clinician_NN is_BEZ satisfied_JJ with_IN a_AT system_NN of_IN monitoring_VBG that_CS provides_VBZ safe_JJ and_CC effective_JJ warfarin_NN dosing_NN this_DT goal_NN can_MD be_BE achieved_VBN provided_VBN that_CS certain_JJ details_NNS of_IN PT_NP testing_NN are_BER observed_VBN in_IN this_DT communication_NN , which_WDTR is_BEZ directed_VBN to_IN practicing_VBG clinicians_NNS , the_ATI potential_JJ problems_NNS with_IN the_ATI INR_NP system_NN are_BER discussed_VBN , their_PP$ clinical_JJ relevance_NN is_BEZ critically_RB reviewed_VBN , and_CC solutions_NNS are_BER offered_VBN 62_CD warfarin_NN treatment_NN must_MD be_BE monitored_VBN closely_RB because_CS the_ATI anticoagulant_NN response_NN to_IN fixed_JJ dosages_NNS varies_VBZ among_IN individuals_NNS , and_CC the_ATI efficacy_NN and_CC safety_NN of_IN warfarin_NN are_BER highly_RB dependent_JJ on_IN maintaining_VBG the_ATI anticoagulant_NN effect_NN within_IN a_AT defined_VBN therapeutic_JJ range_NN laboratory_NN monitoring_VBG is_BEZ usually_RB accomplished_VBN by_IN measuring_VBG the_ATI PT_NP the_ATI PT_NP is_BEZ measured_VBN by_IN adding_VBG a_AT thromboplastin_JJ reagent_JJ (_( which_WDTR is_BEZ either_DTX an_AT extract_NN of_IN mammalian_NN tissue_NN rich_JJ in_IN tissue_NN factor_NN or_CC a_AT recombinant_NN preparation_NN of_IN human_JJ tissue_NN factor_NN in_IN combination_NN with_IN phospholipid_NN )_) to_TO citrated_VBN plasma_NN and_CC recording_VBG the_ATI time_NN for_IN clotting_NN to_TO occur_VB after_IN recalcification_NN the_ATI PT_NP is_BEZ responsive_JJ to_IN a_AT reduction_NN of_IN three_CD vitamin_NN K-dependent_NP clotting_NN factors_NNS (_( prothrombin_NN and_CC factors_NNS VII_NP and_CC X_ZZ )_) , the_ATI levels_NNS of_IN which_WDTR decrease_NN at_IN a_AT rate_NN that_CS depends_VBZ on_IN their_PP$ respective_JJ half-lives_NNS the_ATI major_JJ reason_NN why_WRB control_NN of_IN warfarin_NN therapy_NN using_VBG the_ATI PT_NP is_BEZ problematic_NN is_BEZ because_CS thromboplastin_NN reagents_NNS vary_VB in_IN their_PP$ responsiveness_NN to_IN warfarin-induced_JJ reduction_NN in_IN clotting_NN factors_NNS , a_AT variability_NN that_WPR is_BEZ dependent_JJ on_IN their_PP$ method_NN of_IN preparation_NN 63_CD the_ATI urgent_JJ need_NN to_TO standardize_VB PT_NP reporting_VBG was_BEDZ highlighted_VBD by_IN two_CD recent_JJ reports_NNS in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP that_CS demonstrated_VBN that_CS PT_NP reagents_NNS used_VBN in_IN North_NP America_NP still_RB differ_VB markedly_RB in_IN their_PP$ responsiveness_NN to_TO the_ATI anticoagulant_NN effects_NNS of_IN warfarin_NN as_IN a_AT result_NN , widely_RB divergent_JJ PT_NP ratios_NNS may_MD be_BE obtained_VBN for_IN the_ATI same_AP plasma_NN sample_NN , depending_VBG on_IN the_ATI thromboplastin_JJ reagent_JJ that_DT is_BEZ used_VBN , a_AT situation_NN that_WPR can_MD lead_VB to_TO inappropriate_JJ and_CC dangerous_JJ anticoagulant_NN dosing_NN 64_CD there_EX are_BER a_AT number_NN of_IN potential_JJ solutions_NNS to_IN this_DT problem_NN the_ATI approach_NN that_WPR is_BEZ now_RN recommended_VBN is_BEZ to_TO standardize_VB PT_NP monitoring_VBG by_IN using_VBG the_ATI INR_NP , a_AT system_NN that_CS adjusts_VBZ for_IN the_ATI variable_JJ sensitivities_NNS of_IN the_ATI different_JJ thromboplastin_NN reagents_NNS an_AT alternative_NN approach_NN would_MD be_BE to_TO use_VB thromboplastin_NN reagents_NNS that_CS have_HV a_AT similar_JJ level_NN of_IN responsiveness_NN to_IN warfarin-induced_JJ reduction_NN of_IN coagulation_NN factors_NNS a_AT third_OD possibility_NN might_MD be_BE to_TO replace_VB the_ATI PT_NP with_IN a_AT test_NN that_CS does_DOZ not_XNOT use_NN a_AT thromboplastin_JJ reagent_JJ , avoiding_JJ the_ATI limitations_NNS caused_VBN by_IN the_ATI variability_NN in_IN responsiveness_NN of_IN these_DTS materials_NNS the_ATI latter_AP two_CD approaches_NNS will_MD be_BE discussed_VBN briefly_RB before_IN the_ATI problems_NNS associated_VBN with_IN the_ATI INR_NP system_NN are_BER reviewed_VBN 65_CD STANDARDIZING_NPT THE_NPT RESPONSIVENESS_NPT OF_NP THROMBOPLASTINS_NP 66_CD this_DT potential_JJ solution_NN would_MD require_VB the_ATI cooperation_NN of_IN manufacturers_NNS to_TO produce_VB sensitive_JJ thromboplastin_NN reagents_NNS with_IN similar_JJ levels_NNS of_IN responsiveness_NN to_IN warfarin-induced_JJ reduction_NN of_IN coagulation_NN factors_NNS this_DT approach_NN has_HVZ been_BEN facilitated_VBN by_IN the_ATI availability_NN of_IN human_JJ recombinant_NN tissue_NN factor_NN , which_WDTR makes_VBZ it_PP3 easier_JJR to_TO produce_VB sensitive_JJ thromboplastin_NN reagents_NNS in_IN commercial_JJ quantities_NNS 67_CD REPLACEMENT_NPT OF_NPT THE_NPT PT_NPT WITH_NPT OTHER_NP TESTS_NP 68_CD other_AP laboratory_NN tests_NNS that_CS are_BER easier_JJR to_TO standardize_VB than_IN the_ATI PT_NP may_MD be_BE useful_JJ substitutes_NNS for_IN monitoring_VBG warfarin_NN treatment_NN the_ATI most_AP promising_JJ of_IN these_DTS is_BEZ the_ATI prothrombin_NN (_( factor_NN II_NP )_) antigen_NN assay_NN , which_WDTR was_BEDZ reported_VBN to_TO be_BE better_JJR than_IN the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN at_IN predicting_VBG clinical_JJ events_NNS in_IN studies_NNS of_IN patients_NNS treated_VBN with_IN warfarin_NN unfortunately_RB , however_RB , an_AT insensitive_JJ thromboplastin_NN was_BEDZ used_VBN to_TO measure_VB the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN in_IN these_DTS studies_NNS , and_CC it_PP3 remains_VBZ to_TO be_BE established_VBN whether_CS the_ATI PT_NP antigen_NN assay_NN will_MD be_BE as_CS effective_JJ and_CC safe_JJ as_IN the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN when_WRB a_AT sensitive_JJ thromboplastin_NN is_BEZ used_VBN further_JJB randomized_JJ trials_NNS are_BER necessary_JJ to_TO settle_VB this_DT issue_NN in_IN addition_NN , the_ATI utility_NN of_IN the_ATI prothrombin_NN antigen_NN assay_NN may_MD be_BE limited_JJ because_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ more_QL expensive_JJ and_CC more_QL complicated_JJ to_TO perform_VB than_IN the_ATI PT_NP test_NN until_CS these_DTS issues_NNS are_BER settled_VBN , the_ATI PT_NP will_MD continue_VB to_TO be_BE the_ATI method_NN of_IN choice_NN for_IN monitoring_VBG warfarin_NN treatment_NN 69_CD THE_NP INR_NP 70_CD the_ATI INR_NP scheme_NN for_IN PT_NP standardization_NN was_BEDZ approved_VBN by_IN the_ATI Expert_NP Committee_NP on_IN Biological_NP Standardization_NN of_IN the_ATI World_NP Health_NP Organization_NN in_IN 1983_CD after_IN extensive_JJ and_CC prolonged_JJ study_NN the_ATI INR_NP corrects_VBZ the_ATI PT_NP ratios_NNS obtained_VBN with_IN thromboplastin_NN reagents_NNS with_IN different_JJ degrees_NNS of_IN responsiveness_NN to_IN the_ATI warfarin-induced_JJ coagulation_NN defect_NN by_IN standardizing_VBG the_ATI result_NN against_IN a_AT common_JJ international_JJ reference_NN preparation_NN standardization_NN is_BEZ achieved_VBN by_IN converting_VBG the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN observed_VBN with_IN any_DTI local_JJ thromboplastin_NN to_IN a_AT common_JJ standard_NN , which_WDTR is_BEZ the_ATI INR_NP the_ATI INR_NP is_BEZ calculated_VBN as_IN follows_VBZ : INR_NP =3D_CD (_( Observed_NPT PT_NP Ratio_NP )_) sup_VB c_ZZ , where_WRB the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN is_BEZ the_ATI patient's_NN$ PT_NP value_NN divided_VBD by_IN the_ATI mean_NN normal_JJ PT_NP value_NN and_CC c_ZZ indicates_VBZ the_ATI power_NN representing_VBG the_ATI International_NP Sensitivity_NP Index_&FW (_( ISI_NP )_) for_IN each_DT thromboplastin_NN the_ATI INR_NP system_NN of_IN reporting_VBG is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN a_AT logarithmic_JJ relationship_NN between_IN the_ATI PT_NP ratios_NNS of_IN the_ATI test_NN and_CC reference_NN preparation_NN the_ATI INR_NP is_BEZ the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN that_CS would_MD be_BE obtained_VBN if_CS the_ATI international_JJ reference_NN preparation_NN , which_WDTR has_HVZ an_AT ISI_NP of_IN 1.0_CD , were_BED used_VBN to_TO perform_VB the_ATI test_NN the_ATI ISI_NP is_BEZ the_ATI correction_NN factor_NN in_IN the_ATI equation_NN that_CS relates_VBZ the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN of_IN the_ATI local_JJ reagent_JJ to_TO the_ATI reference_NN preparation_NN and_CC is_BEZ a_AT measure_NN of_IN the_ATI responsiveness_NN of_IN a_AT given_JJ thromboplastin_NN to_IN reduction_NN of_IN the_ATI vitamin_NN K-dependent_NP coagulation_NN factors_NNS ; the_ATI lower_JJR the_ATI ISI_NP , the_ATI more_QL _** sensitive_JJ _** the_ATI reagent_JJ and_CC the_ATI closer_RBR the_ATI derived_VBN INR_NP will_MD be_BE to_IN the_ATI observed_VBN PT_NP ratio_NN 71_CD the_ATI calculation_NN of_IN the_ATI INR_NP is_BEZ relatively_RB simple_JJ and_CC can_MD be_BE performed_VBN with_IN a_AT handheld_NN calculator_NN for_IN example_NN , if_CS the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN is_BEZ 1.5_CD and_CC the_ATI ISI_NP of_IN the_ATI thromboplastin_NN is_BEZ 1.8_CD , the_ATI INR_NP =3D_CD 1.5_CD .8_CD =3D_CD 2.07_NP the_ATI relationship_NN between_IN the_ATI INR_NP and_CC PT_NP ratio_NN over_IN a_AT range_NN of_IN ISI_NP values_NNS is_BEZ shown_VBN in_IN Table_NP 1_CD1 72_CD after_IN a_AT slow_JJ start_NN , the_ATI INR_NP system_NN of_IN PT_NP standardization_NN is_BEZ being_BEG adopted_VBN by_IN an_AT increasing_JJ number_NN of_IN hospitals_NNS in_IN North_NP America_NP thus_RB , whereas_CS two_CD reports_NNS from_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP in_IN 1992_CD showed_VBD that_CS only_RB a_AT very_QL small_JJ proportion_NN of_IN centers_NNS were_BED reporting_VBG the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN as_IN an_AT INR_NP , by_IN mid-1993_CD-CD , about_IN half_ABN of_IN the_ATI participants_NNS in_IN the_ATI College_NPL of_IN American_JNP Pathologists_NP proficiency_NN testing_NN program_NN were_BED doing_VBG so_QL (_( D._NP a._RB Triplett_NP , MD_NP , oral_JJ communication_NN , March_NR 2_CD , 1993_CD )_) with_IN the_ATI increasing_JJ use_NN of_IN the_ATI INR_NP system_NN to_TO replace_VB the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN method_NN of_IN reporting_VBG , a_AT number_NN of_IN problems_NNS have_HV been_BEN identified_VBN , and_CC the_ATI INR_NP system_NN has_HVZ been_BEN criticized_VBN The_NP remainder_NN of_IN this_DT article_NN will_MD review_VB these_DTS problems_NNS with_IN the_ATI INR_NP system_NN , consider_VB their_PP$ clinical_JJ importance_NN vis-a-vis_VB the_ATI continued_VBD use_NN of_IN PT_NP system_NN of_IN reporting_VBG , and_CC suggest_VB solutions_NNS 73_CD PROBLEM_NP 1_CD1 74_CD lack_NN of_IN Reliability_NP of_IN the_ATI INR_NPT System_NPT When_NP Used_NP at_IN the_ATI Onset_NP of_IN Warfarin_NP Therapy_NP 75_CD 17_CD the_ATI PT_NP is_BEZ responsive_JJ to_IN reduction_NN in_IN three_CD of_IN the_ATI four_CD vitamin_NN K-dependent_NP procoagulants_NNS , factor_NN II_NP , factor_NN VII_NP , and_CC factor_NN X_ZZ , but_CC individual_JJ thromboplastin_NN reagents_NNS vary_VB in_IN their_PP$ sensitivity_NN to_TO decreases_VBZ in_IN these_DTS clotting_NN factors_NNS , particularly_RB factors_NNS VII_NP and_CC X._NP Since_NP the_ATI three_CD vitamin_NN K-dependent_NP clotting_NN factors_NNS have_HV varying_JJ rates_NNS of_IN plasma_NN clearance_NN , their_PP$ relative_JJ contribution_NN to_IN the_ATI prolongation_NN of_IN the_ATI PT_NP will_MD be_BE different_JJ during_IN the_ATI induction_NN phase_NN of_IN warfarin_NN therapy_NN (_( first_OD few_AP days_NNS )_) than_CS during_IN the_ATI subsequent_JJ weeks_NNS to_IN months_NNS of_IN treatment_NN thus_RB , during_IN the_ATI first_OD 2_CD to_IN 5_CD days_NNS of_IN warfarin_NN treatment_NN , the_ATI prolongation_NN of_IN the_ATI PT_NP is_BEZ mainly_RB the_ATI result_NN of_IN a_AT reduction_NN in_IN the_ATI level_JJ of_IN functional_JJ factor_NN VII_NP , with_IN some_DTI contribution_NN from_IN a_AT decrease_NN in_IN factor_NN X_ZZ levels_NNS in_IN contrast_NN , during_IN longer-term_JJR anticoagulation_NN , the_ATI prolongation_NN of_IN the_ATI PT_NP reflects_VBZ a_AT decrease_NN in_IN all_ABN three_CD vitamin_NN K-dependent_NP coagulation_NN factors_NNS , which_WDTR are_BER usually_RB reduced_VBN to_IN a_AT similar_JJ extent_NN 76_CD to_TO overcome_VB the_ATI problem_NN of_IN the_ATI variable_JJ responsiveness_NN of_IN thromboplastins_NNS to_IN factors_NNS VII_NP and_CC X_ZZ , plasma_NN samples_NNS collected_VBN during_IN the_ATI induction_NN phase_NN are_BER not_XNOT used_VBN to_TO calibrate_VB thromboplastins_NNS instead_RB , the_ATI INR_NP scheme_NN is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN ISI_NP values_NNS derived_VBN from_IN the_ATI plasma_NN of_IN patients_NNS whose_WP$R conditions_NNS have_HV stabilized_VBN while_CS receiving_VBG anticoagulant_NN treatment_NN for_IN at_RB least_RB 6_CD weeks_NNS given_VBN this_DT practice_NN , there_EX is_BEZ the_ATI potential_JJ for_IN the_ATI INR_NP to_TO be_BE unreliable_JJ early_RB in_IN the_ATI course_NN of_IN warfarin_NN therapy_NN if_CS reagents_NNS that_CS are_BER relatively_RB insensitive_JJ to_IN depletion_NN of_IN factors_NNS VII_NP and_CC X_ZZ are_BER used_VBN 77_CD this_DT problem_NN was_BEDZ investigated_VBN by_IN McKernan_NP and_CC associates_NNS , who_WPR performed_VBN serial_JJ PT_NP testing_NN for_IN 5_CD to_IN 40_CD days_NNS after_IN oral_JJ anticoagulant_NN therapy_NN was_BEDZ started_VBN in_IN 15_CD patients_NNS all_ABN plasma_NN samples_NNS were_BED tested_VBN in_IN parallel_JJ with_IN five_CD different_JJ thromboplastins_NNS (_( including_IN the_ATI international_JJ reference_NN preparation_NN )_) a_AT wide_JJ range_NN of_IN INR_NP values_NNS was_BEDZ observed_VBN when_WRB the_ATI same_AP plasma_NN was_BEDZ tested_VBN with_IN the_ATI different_JJ thromboplastins_NNS the_ATI variance_NN appeared_VBD to_TO be_BE most_QL marked_JJ during_IN the_ATI first_OD 4_CD days_NNS of_IN warfarin_NN therapy_NN but_CC persisted_VBD throughout_IN the_ATI period_NN of_IN study_NN two_CD factors_NNS explained_VBD the_ATI divergence_NN in_IN INR_NP values_NNS among_IN the_ATI different_JJ thromboplastins_NNS these_DTS were_BED (_( 1_CD1 )_) differences_NNS in_IN the_ATI responsiveness_NN of_IN the_ATI reagents_NNS to_TO decreases_VBZ in_IN individual_JJ vitamin_NN K- dependent_NP coagulation_NN factors_NNS and_CC (_( 2_CD )_) inaccurate_JJ calibration_NN of_IN reagents_NNS by_IN manufacturers_NNS although_CS the_ATI variance_NN was_BEDZ considerable_JJ , the_ATI clinical_JJ relevance_NN of_IN these_DTS differences_NNS is_BEZ uncertain_JJ , because_CS they_PP3AS would_MD have_HV resulted_VBN in_IN only_RB modest_JJ changes_NNS in_IN warfarin_NN doses_NNS during_IN the_ATI first_OD 14_CD days_NNS of_IN treatment_NN furthermore_RB , among_IN the_ATI different_JJ thromboplastins_NNS , the_ATI INR_NP values_NNS were_BED less_QL variable_JJ than_IN the_ATI PT_NP ratios_NNS during_IN the_ATI initial_JJ stages_NNS of_IN treatment_NN thus_RB , this_DT study_NN clearly_RB demonstrates_VBZ that_CS the_ATI INR_NP system_NN of_IN reporting_VBG is_BEZ superior_JJ to_IN the_ATI nonstandardized_NN PT_NP ratio_NN , even_RB when_WRB used_VBN to_IN monitor_NN patients_NNS soon_RB after_IN warfarin_NN therapy_NN has_HVZ been_BEN started_VBN 78_CD additional_JJ evidence_NN that_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ safe_JJ to_TO use_VB the_ATI INR_NP system_NN during_IN the_ATI initial_JJ stages_NNS of_IN warfarin_NN therapy_NN is_BEZ provided_VBN by_IN the_ATI results_NNS of_IN randomized_JJ trials_NNS in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI INR_NP was_BEDZ used_VBN to_TO monitor_NN treatment_NN , even_RB though_CS PT_NP reagents_NNS with_IN different_JJ sensitivities_NNS were_BED used_VBN to_TO titrate_VB warfarin_NN doses_NNS anticoagulant_NN therapy_NN monitored_VBN this_DT way_NN proved_VBN to_TO be_BE both_ABX effective_JJ and_CC safe_JJ for_IN the_ATI prevention_NN and_CC treatment_NN of_IN venous_JJ thrombosis_NN , for_IN the_ATI prevention_NN of_IN systemic_JJ embolism_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN prosthetic_JJ heart_NN valves_NNS , and_CC for_IN the_ATI secondary_JJ prevention_NN of_IN myocardial_JJ infarction_NN 79_CD despite_IN its_PP$ loss_NN of_IN reliability_NN in_IN the_ATI initial_JJ stages_NNS of_IN warfarin_NN therapy_NN , when_WRB thromboplastin_NN reagents_NNS with_IN different_JJ ISI_NP values_NNS are_BER used_VBN , the_ATI INR_NP system_NN is_BEZ more_QL reliable_JJ than_IN the_ATI unconverted_JJ PT_NP ratio_NN , and_CC from_IN the_ATI point_NN of_IN view_NN of_IN clinical_JJ management_NN , it_PP3 appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE an_AT effective_JJ and_CC safe_JJ method_NN of_IN monitoring_VBG warfarin_NN therapy_NN 80_CD potential_JJ Solutions_NP 81_CD on_IN the_ATI basis_NN of_IN the_ATI data_NNS described_VBN above_IN , some_DTI investigators_NNS have_HV suggested_VBN that_CS the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN should_MD be_BE used_VBN to_IN monitor_NN patients_NNS in_IN the_ATI early_JJ stages_NNS of_IN warfarin_NN therapy_NN and_CC the_ATI INR_NP should_MD be_BE restricted_JJ to_TO monitoring_VBG patients_NNS receiving_VBG long-term_JJB anticoagulant_NN therapy_NN not_XNOT only_RB is_BEZ this_DT approach_NN impractical_JJ and_CC confusing_JJ , it_PP3 is_BEZ also_RB not_XNOT supported_VBN by_IN the_ATI evidence_NN there_EX is_BEZ evidence_NN that_CS the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN is_BEZ less_QL reliable_JJ than_IN the_ATI INR_NP even_RB during_IN the_ATI induction_NN phase_NN of_IN warfarin_NN treatment_NN although_CS there_EX may_MD be_BE limitations_NNS of_IN the_ATI INR_NP during_IN this_DT period_NN , they_PP3AS do_DO not_XNOT adversely_RB affect_VB patient_NN treatment_NN and_CC certainly_RB do_DO not_XNOT justify_VB abandoning_VBG the_ATI INR_NP system_NN furthermore_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ likely_JJ that_CS the_ATI problems_NNS with_IN the_ATI INR_NP during_IN the_ATI early_JJ stages_NNS of_IN warfarin_NN therapy_NN would_MD be_BE minimized_VBN if_CS sensitive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS were_BED used_VBN 82_CD PROBLEM_NP 2_CD 83_CD INR_NP System_NP Loses_NP Accuracy_NP and_CC Precision_NP When_NP Thromboplastins_NP With_NP High_NP ISI_NP Values_NP Are_NP Used_NP 84_NN 26_CD given_VBN that_CS the_ATI INR_NP is_BEZ calculated_VBN by_IN raising_VBG the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN to_IN the_ATI power_NN of_IN the_ATI ISI_NP as_IN follows_VBZ : INR_NP =3D_CD PT_NP ratio_NN sup_VB ISI_NP , it_PP3 is_BEZ not_XNOT surprising_JJ that_CS the_ATI calculated_JJ result_NN is_BEZ less_QL accurate_JJ when_WRB the_ATI PT_NP test_NN is_BEZ performed_VBN with_IN insensitive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS that_CS have_HV high_JJ ISI_NP values_NNS for_IN the_ATI same_AP reason_NN , the_ATI inaccuracies_NNS are_BER greater_JJR with_IN higher_JJR PT_NP ratios_NNS although_CS these_DTS concepts_NNS are_BER supported_VBN by_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN studies_NNS , the_ATI study_NN by_IN Moriarty_NP and_CC associates_NNS will_MD be_BE discussed_VBN in_IN some_DTI detail_NN because_CS it_PP3 exemplifies_VBZ the_ATI problem_NN and_CC suggests_VBZ a_AT solution_NN comparing_VBG 12_CD thromboplastins_NNS against_IN a_AT secondary_JJ reference_NN thromboplastin_NN , these_DTS investigators_NNS tested_VBN 20_CD control_NN plasma_NN samples_NNS and_CC 60_CD plasma_NN samples_NNS from_IN patients_NNS who_WPR had_HVD been_BEN treated_VBN with_IN warfarin_NN for_IN at_RB least_RB 3_CD weeks_NNS The_NP ISI_NP values_NNS of_IN the_ATI thromboplastins_NNS varied_JJ from_IN approximately_RB 1.0_CD to_IN 2.2_CD the_ATI points_NNS describing_VBG the_ATI relationship_NN between_IN the_ATI observed_VBN PT_NP ratios_NNS were_BED plotted_VBN in_IN two_CD ways_NNS : as_CS INR_NP values_NNS on_IN both_ABX the_ATI horizontal_JJ and_CC vertical_JJ axes_NNS and_CC as_IN an_AT INR_NP on_IN the_ATI horizontal_JJ axis_NN and_CC PT_NP ratio_NN on_IN the_ATI vertical_JJ axis_NN representative_JJ examples_NNS of_IN the_ATI results_NNS with_IN three_CD different_JJ thromboplastins_NNS are_BER summarized_VBN here_RN : thromboplastin_NN A_ZZ , with_IN an_AT ISI_NP value_NN of_IN 0.98_NP (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) ; thromboplastin_NN B_ZZ , with_IN an_AT ISI_NP value_NN of_IN 1.3_CD (_( Figure_NP 2_CD )_) ; and_CC thromboplastin_NN C_ZZ , with_IN an_AT ISI_NP value_NN of_IN 2.2_CD (_( Figure_NP 3_CD )_) 85_CD 27_CD with_IN thromboplastin_NN A_ZZ (_( ISI_NP , 1.0_CD )_) , the_ATI regression_NN lines_NNS representing_VBG the_ATI INR_INR_NP and_CC INR_PT_NP ratio_NN plots_NNS were_BED virtually_RB identical_JJ (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) in_IN addition_NN , the_ATI variance_NN was_BEDZ minimal_JJ , and_CC virtually_RB all_ABN of_IN the_ATI data_NNS points_NNS fell_VBD on_IN the_ATI regression_NN lines_NNS , which_WDTR had_HVD a_AT slope_NN of_IN 45_CD degrees_NNS these_DTS data_NNS demonstrate_VB that_CS a_AT very_QL responsive_JJ thromboplastin_JJ (_( with_IN an_AT ISI_NP of_IN 0.98_NP , almost_RB identical_JJ to_TO that_CS of_IN the_ATI reference_NN preparation_NN )_) is_BEZ accurate_JJ and_CC precise_JJ over_IN a_AT wide_JJ range_NN of_IN INR_NP values_NNS 86_CD 28_CD when_WRB a_AT thromboplastin_NN of_IN intermediate_JJ sensitivity_NN (_( thromboplastin_NN B_ZZ ; ISI_NP , 1.3_CD )_) was_BEDZ used_VBN , there_EX was_BEDZ considerable_JJ divergence_NN between_IN the_ATI regression_NN lines_NNS representing_VBG the_ATI INR_INR_NP and_CC INR_PT_NP ratio_NN plots_NNS although_CS there_EX was_BEDZ also_RB a_AT greater_JJR scatter_NN of_IN points_NNS around_IN the_ATI regression_NN line_NN in_IN the_ATI INR_INR_NP plot_NN , the_ATI slope_NN of_IN the_ATI line_NN was_BEDZ still_RB approximately_RB 45_CD degrees_NNS (_( Figure_NP 2_CD )_) in_IN addition_NN , as_CS expected_VBN , the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN was_BEDZ considerably_RB lower_JJR than_IN the_ATI INR_NP , and_CC this_DT difference_NN was_BEDZ increased_VBN with_IN increasing_JJ intensity_NN of_IN anticoagulation_NN these_DTS findings_NNS indicate_VB that_CS a_AT thromboplastin_JJ with_IN of_IN an_AT ISI_NP of_IN 1.3_CD is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO produce_VB less_QL accurate_JJ INR_NP results_NNS than_IN a_AT thromboplastin_NN with_IN an_AT ISI_NP close_RB to_IN 1.0_CD regardless_RB of_IN which_WDTR thromboplastin_NN is_BEZ used_VBN , however_RB , the_ATI results_NNS are_BER more_QL accurate_JJ when_WRB expressed_VBN as_CS INR_NP values_NNS than_IN as_CS PT_NP ratios_NNS 87_CD 29_CD the_ATI results_NNS with_IN the_ATI less_QL sensitive_JJ thromboplastin_JJ C_ZZ (_( ISI_NP , 2.2_CD )_) , a_AT midrange_NN North_NP American_JNP thromboplastin_NN , are_BER shown_VBN in_IN Figure_NP 3_CD there_EX is_BEZ marked_JJ divergence_NN between_IN the_ATI regression_NN lines_NNS representing_VBG the_ATI INR_INR_NP and_CC INR_PT_NP ratio_NN plots_NNS this_DT divergence_NN is_BEZ already_RB evident_JJ at_IN an_AT INR_NP of_IN 2.0_CD , where_WRB the_ATI corresponding_JJ PT_NP ratio_NN is_BEZ approximately_RB 1.3_CD , and_CC is_BEZ extreme_JJ with_IN an_AT INR_NP of_IN 5.0_CD , where_WRB the_ATI corresponding_JJ PT_NP ratio_NN is_BEZ approximately_RB 2.0_CD in_IN addition_NN , the_ATI ability_NN to_TO discriminate_VB between_IN an_AT INR_NP of_IN 3.0_CD (_( which_WDTR is_BEZ the_ATI upper_JJB level_NN of_IN the_ATI therapeutic_JJ range_NN and_CC represents_VBZ a_AT relatively_RB safe_JJ level_NN of_IN anticoagulation_NN )_) and_CC an_AT INR_NP of_IN 5.0_CD (_( which_WDTR is_BEZ potentially_RB dangerous_JJ )_) is_BEZ poor_JJ the_ATI slope_NN of_IN the_ATI regression_NN line_NN is_BEZ less_AP than_IN 45_CD degrees_NNS , although_CS not_XNOT greatly_RB less_QL , indicating_VBG that_CS even_RB with_IN this_DT less_QL responsive_JJ thromboplastin_JJ , the_ATI INR_NP system_NN remains_VBZ valid_JJ however_RB , the_ATI scatter_NN of_IN individual_JJ points_NNS around_IN the_ATI regression_NN line_NN is_BEZ considerable_JJ , demonstrating_VBG again_RB the_ATI potential_JJ for_IN loss_NN of_IN accuracy_NN and_CC precision_NN with_IN less_QL responsive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS 88_CD 30_CD potential_JJ Solution_NN 89_CD 31_CD the_ATI problem_NN of_IN loss_NN of_IN accuracy_NN and_CC precision_NN of_IN the_ATI INR_NP system_NN can_MD be_BE solved_VBN by_IN using_VBG sensitive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS with_IN ISI_NP values_NNS close_RB to_IN 1.0_CD however_RB , even_RB with_IN poorly_RB responsive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS , conversion_NN to_IN the_ATI INR_NP system_NN provides_VBZ more_QL accurate_JJ results_NNS than_IN reporting_VBG the_ATI results_NNS as_IN a_AT PT_NP ratio_NN 90_CD 32_CD PROBLEM_NP 3_CD 91_CD 33_CD loss_NN of_IN Accuracy_NP of_IN the_ATI INR_NPT With_NPT Automated_NPT Clot_NP Detectors_NP 92_CD 34_CD the_ATI INR_NP system_NN is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN a_AT mathematical_JJ relationship_NN between_IN the_ATI PT_NP ratios_NNS obtained_VBN with_IN test_NN thromboplastin_NN and_CC the_ATI international_JJ reference_NN preparation_NN using_VBG a_AT manual_JJ method_NN of_IN clot_NN detection_NN however_RB , most_QL modern_JJ laboratories_NNS now_RN use_NN automated_JJ clot_NN detectors_NNS , introducing_VBG a_AT new_JJ variable_NN this_DT variable_NN does_DOZ affect_VB the_ATI accuracy_NN of_IN the_ATI INR_NP system_NN Studies_NP have_HV shown_VBN that_CS the_ATI observed_VBN INR_NP of_IN the_ATI same_AP plasma_NN sample_NN can_MD vary_VB even_RB when_WRB instruments_NNS of_IN the_ATI same_AP make_NN and_CC model_NN are_BER used_VBN , but_CC is_BEZ the_ATI magnitude_NN of_IN the_ATI variability_NN clinically_RB important_JJ ? this_DT issue_NN was_BEDZ addressed_VBN in_IN a_AT recent_JJ report_NN by_IN Poller_NP and_CC associates_NNS using_VBG the_ATI same_AP responsive_JJ thromboplastin_NN (_( ISI_NP , 1.12_CD )_) , over_IN 100_CD laboratories_NNS measured_VBN the_ATI PT_NP for_IN plasma_NN samples_NNS obtained_VBN from_IN warfarinized_JJ patients_NNS and_CC from_IN normal_JJ controls_NNS the_ATI PT_NP test_NN was_BEDZ performed_VBN either_DTX by_IN the_ATI manual_JJ method_NN or_CC with_IN one_CD1 of_IN three_CD different_JJ automated_JJ devices_NNS using_VBG the_ATI manual_JJ method_NN , the_ATI _** true_JJ _** INR_NP levels_NNS of_IN the_ATI three_CD thromboplastins_NNS were_BED 2.21_CD , 2.80_CD , and_CC 4.34_CD , respectively_RB with_IN all_ABN three_CD instruments_NNS , the_ATI derived_VBN INR_NP values_NNS differed_VBD from_IN those_DTS obtained_VBN with_IN the_ATI manual_JJ method_NN in_IN addition_NN , the_ATI results_NNS obtained_VBN with_IN the_ATI three_CD automated_JJ methods_NNS were_BED more_QL variable_JJ than_IN those_DTS obtained_VBN with_IN the_ATI manual_JJ method_NN the_ATI variance_NN in_IN ISI_NP determinations_NNS could_MD be_BE reduced_VBN significantly_RB by_IN calibrating_VBG the_ATI instrument_NN with_IN 20_CD lyophilized_JJ plasma_NN samples_NNS that_CS had_HVD been_BEN certified_VBN centrally_RB using_VBG the_ATI manual_JJ method_NN without_IN this_DT type_NN of_IN calibration_NN , INR_NP values_NNS with_IN automated_JJ instruments_NNS deviated_VBD by_IN a_AT mean_NN of_IN about_RB 10%_CD from_IN the_ATI true_JJ INR_NP however_RB , such_ABL differences_NNS may_MD not_XNOT be_BE clinically_RB important_JJ , provided_VBN that_CS a_AT sensitive_JJ thromboplastin_NN (_( ISI_NP value_NN close_RB to_IN 1.0_CD )_) is_BEZ used_VBN with_IN less_AP sensitive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS , the_ATI instrument_NN effect_NN is_BEZ more_QL obvious_JJ , but_CC this_DT effect_NN can_MD be_BE offset_VB and_CC a_AT reliable_JJ result_NN can_MD be_BE obtained_VBN by_IN performing_VBG local_JJ calibration_NN with_IN plasmas_NNS with_IN certified_VBN INR_NP values_NNS for_IN each_DT new_JJ batch_NN of_IN thromboplastin_JJ reagent_JJ 93_CD 35_CD potential_JJ Solution_NN 94_CD 36_CD the_ATI problem_NN resulting_JJ from_IN the_ATI use_NN of_IN automated_JJ instruments_NNS to_TO measure_VB the_ATI INR_NP can_MD be_BE minimized_VBN by_IN using_VBG sensitive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS (_( ISI_NP values_NNS close_RB to_IN 1.0_CD )_) and_CC by_IN calibrating_VBG each_DT new_JJ batch_NN of_IN thromboplastin_NN with_IN lyophilized_JJ plasmas_NNS with_IN certified_VBN INR_NP values_NNS the_ATI problem_NN cannot_NN be_BE resolved_VBN by_IN reporting_VBG the_ATI results_NNS as_IN a_AT PT_NP ratio_NN 95_CD 37_CD PROBLEM_NP 4_CD 96_CD 38_CD lack_NN of_IN Reliability_NP of_IN the_ATI ISI_NPT Result_NP Provided_NP by_IN the_ATI Manufacturer_NP 97_CD 39_CD a_AT number_NN of_IN investigators_NNS have_HV noted_VBN that_CS the_ATI ISI_NP value_NN provided_VBD by_IN the_ATI manufacturer_NN for_IN each_DT new_JJ batch_NN of_IN thromboplastin_JJ reagent_JJ may_MD be_BE incorrect_JJ the_ATI error_NN is_BEZ usually_RB suspected_VBN and_CC identified_VBN when_WRB investigators_NNS calibrate_NN a_AT new_JJ lot_NN of_IN thromboplastin_NN against_IN an_AT old_JJ lot_NN For_NP example_NN , in_IN one_CD1 recent_JJ report_NN , the_ATI inaccuracy_NN was_BEDZ identified_VBN when_WRB a_AT new_JJ lot_NN of_IN thromboplastin_JJ reagent_JJ from_IN the_ATI same_AP manufacturer_NN produced_VBN INR_NP values_NNS that_CS were_BED inconsistent_JJ with_IN those_DTS obtained_VBN with_IN the_ATI prior_RB lot_NN the_ATI manufacturer_NN was_BEDZ contacted_VBN and_CC , after_IN review_NN , revised_JJ the_ATI ISI_NP value_NN of_IN the_ATI new_JJ lot_NN from_IN 2.23_CD to_IN 2.05_NP when_WRB the_ATI INR_NP values_NNS were_BED recalculated_VBN using_VBG the_ATI revised_JJ ISI_NP , the_ATI discrepancy_NN was_BEDZ partly_RB corrected_VBN , but_CC divergent_JJ INR_NP values_NNS were_BED still_RB observed_VBN in_IN the_ATI upper_JJB range_NN a_AT local_JJ calibration_NN was_BEDZ then_RN performed_VBN using_VBG the_ATI prior_RB thromboplastin_JJ reagent_JJ as_IN the_ATI reference_NN standard_NN , and_CC a_AT local_JJ sensitivity_NN index_NN of_IN 1.75_CD was_BEDZ obtained_VBN for_IN the_ATI new_JJ thromboplastin_NN the_ATI authors_NNS concluded_VBD that_CS better_JJR standardization_NN of_IN thromboplastin_NN reagents_NNS was_BEDZ required_VBN among_IN manufacturers_NNS , preferably_RB with_IN thromboplastins_NNS restricted_JJ to_IN those_DTS with_IN an_AT ISI_NP close_RB to_IN the_ATI international_JJ reference_NN thromboplastin_NN of_IN 1.0_CD they_PP3AS also_RB suggested_VBN that_CS reliable_JJ secondary_JJ reference_NN thromboplastins_NNS calibrated_VBN against_IN the_ATI World_NP Health_NP Organization_NN preparation_NN should_MD be_BE more_QL widely_RB available_JJ for_IN distribution_NN so_CS that_CS local_JJ laboratories_NNS can_MD perform_VB their_PP$ own_AP calibrations_NNS 98_NN 40_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ clear_JJ that_CS manufacturers_NNS should_MD be_BE required_VBN to_TO provide_VB reliable_JJ ISI_NP values_NNS for_IN each_DT new_JJ lot_NN of_IN thromboplastin_JJ reagent_JJ , since_IN failure_NN to_TO do_DO so_QL leads_VBZ to_IN inaccurate_JJ warfarin_NN monitoring_VBG , with_IN the_ATI potential_JJ for_IN clinical_JJ disaster_NN the_ATI recommended_JJ calibration_NN protocol_NN for_IN calculating_VBG the_ATI ISI_NP of_IN a_AT thromboplastin_NN is_BEZ to_TO perform_VB the_ATI PT_NP test_NN with_IN a_AT reference_NN thromboplastin_NN and_CC to_TO test_VB the_ATI thromboplastin_NN on_IN plasma_NN samples_NNS from_IN 20_CD healthy_JJ individuals_NNS and_CC from_IN 60_CD patients_NNS receiving_VBG oral_JJ anticoagulant_NN therapy_NN for_IN at_RB least_RB 6_CD weeks_NNS although_CS too_QL cumbersome_JJ for_IN clinical_JJ laboratories_NNS , this_DT exercise_NN is_BEZ within_IN the_ATI capability_NN of_IN manufacturers_NNS and_CC should_MD be_BE expected_VBN by_IN consumers_NNS (_( clinical_JJ laboratories_NNS and_CC practicing_VBG physicians_NNS )_) , by_IN government_NN , and_CC by_IN medical_JJ regulatory_NN bodies_NNS alternatively_RB , an_AT independent_JJ national_JJ standards_NNS laboratory_NN could_MD be_BE established_VBN to_TO calibrate_VB each_DT lot_NN of_IN thromboplastin_NN , providing_VBG independent_JJ verification_NN for_IN clinical_JJ laboratories_NNS if_CS manufacturers_NNS could_MD be_BE relied_VBN on_RP to_TO provide_VB accurate_JJ ISI_NP values_NNS , a_AT large_JJ part_NN of_IN the_ATI problem_NN would_MD be_BE solved_VBN however_RB , as_CS already_RB discussed_VBN , some_DTI discrepancies_NNS can_MD still_RB occur_VB because_CS of_IN the_ATI effects_NNS of_IN different_JJ automated_JJ instruments_NNS on_IN the_ATI INR_NP although_CS the_ATI instrument-related_JJ problem_NN is_BEZ relatively_RB minor_JJ if_CS responsive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS are_BER used_VBN , it_PP3 can_MD be_BE troublesome_JJ with_IN less_QL responsive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS poller_NN and_CC associates_NNS have_HV reported_VBN that_CS calibrations_NNS can_MD be_BE performed_VBN locally_RB by_IN using_VBG lyophilized_JJ plasmas_NNS with_IN known_VBN INR_NP values_NNS to_TO calculate_VB an_AT instrument-specific_JJ ISI_NP for_IN each_DT new_JJ lot_NN of_IN thromboplastin_NN thus_RB , the_ATI problem_NN is_BEZ solvable_JJ 99_CD 41_CD potential_JJ Solution_NN 100_CD 42_CD the_ATI problem_NN can_MD be_BE solved_VBN by_IN ensuring_VBG that_CS manufacturers_NNS assign_VB reliable_JJ ISI_NP values_NNS to_IN their_PP$ thromboplastins_NNS clinical_JJ laboratories_NNS should_MD select_VB sensitive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS with_IN low_JJ ISI_NP values_NNS (_( {_( 2.0_CD and_CC preferably_RB {_( 1.5_CD )_) if_CS less_AP sensitive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS are_BER used_VBN , local_JJ calibrations_NNS should_MD be_BE performed_VBN with_IN certified_VBN lyophilized_JJ plasma_NN samples_NNS with_IN known_VBN INR_NP values_NNS to_TO determine_VB the_ATI instrument-specific_JJ ISI_NP 101_CD 43_CD PROBLEM_NP 5_CD 102_CD 44_CD incorrect_JJ Calculation_NN of_IN the_ATI INR_NPT Resulting_NPT From_NP Use_NP of_IN Inappropriate_NPT Control_NP Plasma_NP 103_CD 45_CD the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN is_BEZ calculated_VBN by_IN dividing_VBG the_ATI patient's_NN$ PT_NP by_IN the_ATI mean_JJ normal_JJ plasma_NN PT_NP the_ATI mean_JJ normal_JJ plasma_NN PT_NP is_BEZ not_XNOT interchangeable_JJ with_IN a_AT laboratory_NN control_NN PT_NP , since_CS these_DTS values_NNS can_MD be_BE substantially_RB different_JJ therefore_RB , the_ATI use_NN of_IN a_AT laboratory_NN control_NN PT_NP instead_RB of_IN a_AT properly_RB defined_VBN mean_VB normal_JJ PT_NP can_MD lead_VB to_IN erroneous_JJ INR_NP calculations_NNS , particularly_RB with_IN nonresponsive_JJ reagents_NNS the_ATI mean_JJ normal_JJ PT_NP is_BEZ determined_VBN by_IN measuring_VBG the_ATI PT_NP for_IN fresh_JJ plasma_NN samples_NNS obtained_VBN from_IN at_IN least_RB 20_CD healthy_JJ individuals_NNS (_( and_CC preferably_RB a_AT larger_JJR sample_NN from_IN both_ABX sexes_NNS over_IN a_AT range_NN of_IN age_NN groups_NNS )_) since_IN the_ATI distribution_NN of_IN PT_NP values_NNS is_BEZ not_XNOT normal_JJ , log-transformation_JJB and_CC calculation_NN of_IN a_AT geometric_JJ mean_NN is_BEZ recommended_VBN alternatively_RB , the_ATI median_JJ can_MD be_BE used_VBN , since_CS this_DT is_BEZ a_AT close_RB approximation_NN of_IN the_ATI geometric_JJ mean_NN the_ATI mean_JJ normal_JJ PT_NP should_MD be_BE determined_JJ with_IN the_ATI same_AP reagent_JJ and_CC on_IN the_ATI same_AP instrument_NN as_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ PT_NP 104_CD 46_CD potential_JJ Solution_NN 105_CD 47_CD laboratory_NN personnel_NNS should_MD be_BE educated_JJ about_IN the_ATI differences_NNS between_IN mean_NN normal_JJ PT_NP and_CC control_NN PT_NP and_CC should_MD be_BE instructed_VBN to_TO calculate_VB the_ATI mean_JJ normal_JJ PT_NP using_VBG fresh_JJ plasma_NN samples_NNS from_IN at_RB least_RB 20_CD healthy_JJ subjects_NNS 106_CD 48_CD PROBLEM_NP 6_CD 107_CD 49_CD high_JJ INR_NP Values_NNS in_IN Overanticoagulated_NPT Patients_NPT Can_NP Produce_NP Unnecessary_NP Alarm_NP 108_CD 50_CD the_ATI expanded_JJ scale_NN and_CC logarithmic_JJ relationship_NN of_IN the_ATI INR_NP system_NN results_NNS in_IN much_RB higher_JJR values_NNS in_IN overanticoagulated_JJ patients_NNS than_IN values_NNS obtained_VBN with_IN the_ATI PT_NP ratio_NN using_VBG less_QL responsive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS For_NP example_NN , if_CS a_AT thromboplastin_NN with_IN an_AT ISI_NP of_IN 2.8_CD is_BEZ used_VBN , an_AT INR_NP of_IN 21.7_CD is_BEZ equivalent_JJ to_IN a_AT PT_NP ratio_NN of_IN 3.0_CD , and_CC an_AT INR_NP of_IN 13.0_CD is_BEZ equivalent_JJ to_IN a_AT PT_NP ratio_NN of_IN 2.5_CD while_CS a_AT PT_NP ratio_NN of_IN 2.5_CD is_BEZ unlikely_JJ to_TO evoke_VB feelings_NNS of_IN panic_NN or_CC even_RB of_IN concern_NN , the_ATI inexperienced_JJ physician_NN is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO be_BE alarmed_JJ by_IN an_AT INR_NP of_IN 13.0_CD an_AT approach_NN to_TO reversing_NN a_AT high_JJ INR_NP has_HVZ been_BEN suggested_VBN in_IN a_AT recent_JJ publication_NN and_CC is_BEZ summarized_VBN below_RI 109_CD 51_CD potential_JJ Solution_NN 110_CD 52_CD a_AT standard_NN approach_NN to_IN treating_VBG patients_NNS with_IN high_JJ INR_NP values_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN developed_VBN the_ATI following_JJ protocol_NN is_BEZ offered_VBN : 111_CD if_CS the_ATI INR_NP is_BEZ above_IN the_ATI therapeutic_JJ range_NN but_CC below_IN 6.0_CD , if_CS the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT bleeding_NN , and_CC if_CS rapid_JJ reversal_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT indicated_VBN for_IN reasons_NNS of_IN surgical_JJ intervention_NN , the_ATI next_AP few_AP doses_NNS can_MD be_BE omitted_VBN , and_CC warfarin_NN therapy_NN can_MD be_BE resumed_VBN at_IN a_AT lower_JJR dose_NN when_WRB the_ATI INR_NP is_BEZ in_IN the_ATI therapeutic_JJ range_NN 112_CD if_CS the_ATI INR_NP is_BEZ above_IN 6.0_CD but_CC below_IN 10.0_CD and_CC the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT bleeding_NN , or_CC if_CS rapid_JJ reversal_NN is_BEZ required_VBN because_CS the_ATI patient_NN needs_NNS elective_JJ surgery_NN , phytonadione_NN (_( vitamin_NN K_ZZ sub_NN 1_CD1 )_) can_MD be_BE given_VBN subcutaneously_RB at_IN a_AT dose_NN of_IN 0.5_CD mg_NNU to_TO 1_CD1 mg_NNU with_IN the_ATI expectation_NN that_CS a_AT demonstrable_JJ reduction_NN of_IN the_ATI INR_NP will_MD occur_VB at_IN 8_CD hours_NNS and_CC that_CS , in_IN many_AP patients_NNS , the_ATI INR_NP will_MD be_BE in_IN the_ATI therapeutic_JJ range_NN of_IN 2.0_CD to_IN 3.0_CD within_IN 24_CD hours_NNS if_CS the_ATI INR_NP is_BEZ remains_VBZ high_JJ at_IN 24_CD hours_NNS , an_AT additional_JJ dose_NN of_IN 0.5_CD mg_NNU of_IN phytonadione_NN can_MD be_BE given_VBN warfarin_NN treatment_NN can_MD then_RN be_BE resumed_VBN at_IN a_AT lower_JJR dose_NN 113_CD if_CS the_ATI INR_NP is_BEZ above_IN 10.0_CD but_CC below_IN 20.0_CD and_CC the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT bleeding_NN , a_AT higher_JJR dose_NN of_IN phytonadione_NN (_( 3_CD to_IN 5_CD mg_NNU )_) should_MD be_BE given_VBN subcutaneously_RB with_IN the_ATI expectation_NN that_CS the_ATI INR_NP will_MD be_BE reduced_VBN substantially_RB at_IN 6_CD hours_NNS the_ATI INR_NP should_MD be_BE checked_VBN after_IN 6_CD hours_NNS , and_CC the_ATI dose_NN can_MD then_RN be_BE repeated_VBN if_CS necessary_JJ subcutaneous_JJ injection_NN of_IN vitamin_NN K_ZZ is_BEZ preferred_VBN over_IN intravenous_JJ injection_NN in_IN these_DTS circumstances_NNS because_CS rapid_JJ intravenous_JJ infusion_NN of_IN phytonadione_NN can_MD produce_VB anaphylactoid_NN reactions_NNS 114_CD if_CS a_AT very_AP rapid_JJ reversal_NN of_IN an_AT anticoagulant_NN effect_NN is_BEZ required_VBN because_CS of_IN serious_JJ bleeding_NN or_CC major_JJ warfarin_NN overdose_NN (_( eg_NN , INR_NP }20.0_CD )_) , phytonadione_NN at_IN a_AT dose_NN of_IN 10_CD mg_NNU should_MD be_BE given_VBN by_IN slow_JJ intravenous_JJ infusion_NN (_( eg_NN , over_IN 20_CD to_IN 30_CD minutes_NNS )_) , and_CC the_ATI INR_NP should_MD be_BE checked_VBN every_AT 6_CD hours_NNS the_ATI dose_NN of_IN phytonadione_NN may_MD have_HV to_TO be_BE repeated_VBN every_AT 12_CD hours_NNS and_CC supplemented_VBN with_IN plasma_NN transfusion_NN or_CC prothrombin_JJ complex_JJ concentrate_VB , depending_VBG on_IN the_ATI urgency_NN of_IN the_ATI situation_NN 115_CD in_IN case_NN of_IN life-threatening_NN bleeding_NN or_CC serious_JJ warfarin_NN overdose_NN , replacement_NN with_IN prothrombin_JJ complex_JJ concentrate_NN is_BEZ indicated_VBN , supplemented_VBN with_IN intravenous_JJ phytonadione_NN , 10_CD mg_NNU , which_WDTR should_MD be_BE repeated_VBN as_CS necessary_JJ depending_VBG on_IN the_ATI INR_NP 116_CD if_CS continued_VBD warfarin_NN therapy_NN is_BEZ indicated_VBN after_IN high_JJ doses_NNS of_IN phytonadione_NN have_HV been_BEN administered_VBN , heparin_NN can_MD be_BE given_VBN until_IN the_ATI effects_NNS of_IN phytonadione_NN have_HV been_BEN reversed_VBN and_CC the_ATI patient_NN becomes_VBZ responsive_JJ to_TO warfarin_VB therapy_NN 117_CD 53_CD CONCLUSIONS_NP 118_CD 54_CD historically_RB , the_ATI INR_NP system_NN , which_WDTR is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN a_AT mathematical_JJ model_NN , was_BEDZ developed_VBN to_TO normalize_VB the_ATI variability_NN in_IN PT_NP ratios_NNS that_CS results_NNS from_IN the_ATI marked_JJ differences_NNS in_IN sensitivity_NN of_IN commercial_JJ thromboplastin_NN reagents_NNS to_IN the_ATI anticoagulant_NN effects_NNS of_IN warfarin_NN the_ATI INR_NP system_NN can_MD be_BE precise_JJ and_CC valid_JJ when_WRB a_AT sensitive_JJ thromboplastin_NN and_CC a_AT manual_JJ method_NN of_IN clot_NN detection_NN are_BER used_VBN however_RB , it_PP3 loses_VBZ precision_NN and_CC accuracy_NN when_WRB used_VBN to_TO convert_VB PT_NP ratios_NNS obtained_VBN with_IN less-sensitive_JJ thromboplastin_NN reagents_NNS or_CC when_WRB automated_JJ clot_NN detection_NN systems_NNS are_BER used_VBN these_DTS problems_NNS can_MD be_BE minimized_VBN by_IN using_VBG sensitive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS with_IN low_JJ ISI_NP values_NNS and_CC calibrating_VBG automated_JJ systems_NNS with_IN well-characterized_JJ plasma_NN calibrants_NNS 119_CD 55_CD although_CS the_ATI INR_NP system_NN is_BEZ far_RB from_IN perfect_JJ , it_PP3 is_BEZ the_ATI only_AP practical_JJ solution_NN currently_RB available_JJ with_IN all_ABN of_IN its_PP$ faults_NNS , it_PP3 is_BEZ much_RB better_JJR than_IN an_AT unadjusted_JJ PT_NP system_NN although_CS the_ATI laboratory_NN physician_NN would_MD like_IN a_AT perfect_JJ system_NN with_IN little_JJ or_CC no_ATI variability_NN , this_DT goal_NN is_BEZ unattainable_JJ unless_CS a_AT standardized_VBN sensitive_JJ reagent_JJ is_BEZ universally_RB adopted_VBN in_IN contrast_NN , the_ATI clinician_NN wants_VBZ a_AT system_NN that_CS permits_VBZ safe_JJ and_CC effective_JJ warfarin_NN dosing_NN independent_NN of_IN the_ATI reagent_JJ or_CC the_ATI method_NN used_VBN to_TO perform_VB the_ATI PT_NP test_NN by_IN using_VBG sensitive_JJ thromboplastins_NNS with_IN reliable_JJ ISI_NP values_NNS and_CC reporting_VBG the_ATI results_NNS as_IN an_AT INR_NP , the_ATI laboratory_NN physician_NN can_MD allow_VB the_ATI clinician_NN to_TO achieve_VB this_DT goal_NN 120_CD laboratory_NN Monitoring_NP of_IN Children_NP With_NP Precocious_JJ Puberty_NP 121_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ necessary_JJ not_XNOT only_RB to_TO perform_VB laboratory_NN tests_NNS for_IN the_ATI correct_JJ diagnosis_NN of_IN children_NNS with_IN precocious_JJ puberty_NN , but_CC also_RB to_TO monitor_NN laboratory_NN tests_NNS to_TO ensure_VB adequacy_NN of_IN therapy_NN careful_JJ laboratory_NN testing_NN is_BEZ a_AT requisite_JJ in_IN the_ATI differentiation_NN of_IN central_JJ from_IN peripheral_JJ precocious_JJ puberty_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ also_RB required_VBN to_TO determine_VB whether_CS the_ATI patient_NN who_WPR presents_VBZ with_IN early_JJ physical_JJ changes_NNS of_IN pubertal_JJ development_NN with_IN peripheral_JJ precocious_JJ puberty_NN has_HVZ evidence_NN of_IN pubertal_JJ hormonal_JJ secretion_NN the_ATI most_AP useful_JJ single_JJ test_NN is_BEZ gonadotropin-releasing_NN hormone_NN (_( gonadorelin_NN )_) stimulation_NN of_IN luteinizing_VBG hormone_NN release_NN the_ATI same_AP stimulation_NN test_NN is_BEZ also_RB indicated_VBN to_TO verify_VB the_ATI adequacy_NN of_IN suppression_NN of_IN gonadotropin_NN secretion_NN among_IN patients_NNS with_IN central_JJ precocious_JJ puberty_NN who_WPR are_BER being_BEG treated_VBN with_IN gonadotropin-releasing_NN hormone_NN analogue_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ necessary_JJ to_TO know_VB which_WDTR gonadotropin_NN assay_NN is_BEZ being_BEG used_VBN and_CC the_ATI range_NN of_IN nomal_JJ levels_NNS to_TO correctly_RB interpret_VB the_ATI tests_NNS 122_CD left_VBN untreated_JJ , gonadotropin_JJB releasing_VBG hormone_NN (_( GnRH)- dependent_NP precocious_JJ puberty_NN , also_RB known_VBN as_IN central_JJ precocious_JJ puberty_NN (_( CPP_NP )_) , can_MD have_HV profound_JJ physical_JJ and_CC psychological_JJ effects_NNS on_IN affected_JJ children_NNS and_CC their_PP$ families_NNS the_ATI physical_JJ effects_NNS include_VB tall_JJ stature_NN and_CC large_JJ size_NN for_IN age_NN and_CC early_JJ pubertal_JJ development_NN the_ATI psychological_JJ effects_NNS relate_VB not_XNOT only_RB to_IN the_ATI response_NN of_IN the_ATI child_NN to_TO being_BEG different_JJ but_CC also_RB to_IN those_DTS of_IN adults_NNS and_CC other_AP children_NNS to_IN the_ATI child's_NN$ premature_JJ physical_JJ maturity_NN and_CC size_NN however_RB , with_IN the_ATI advent_NN of_IN GnRH_NP agonist_NN therapy_NN , these_DTS children_NNS can_MD see_VB improved_JJ final_JJ height_NN predictions_NNS and_CC experience_NN regression_NN of_IN secondary_JJ sexual_JJ characteristics_NNS however_RB , because_CS the_ATI effectiveness_NN of_IN GnRH_NP agonist_NN therapy_NN depends_VBZ on_IN adequate_JJ suppression_NN of_IN the_ATI hypothalamic-pituitary_NN axis_NN , appropriate_JJ monitoring_NN is_BEZ essential_JJ , and_CC is_BEZ the_ATI main_JJB subject_NN of_IN this_DT article_NN a_AT brief_JJ overview_NN of_IN the_ATI diagnosis_NN and_CC current_JJ treatment_NN options_NNS in_IN GnRH-dependent_NP precocious_JJ puberty_NN will_MD also_RB be_BE presented_VBN 123_CD MAKING_NP A_ZZ DIAGNOSIS_NPT OF_NP CPP_NP 124_CD by_IN definition_NN , the_ATI appearance_NN of_IN secondary_JJ sex_NN characteristics_NNS before_IN age_NN 8_CD years_NNS in_IN girls_NNS and_CC 9_CD years_NNS in_IN boys_NNS is_BEZ termed_VBN precocious_JJ puberty_NN however_RB , the_ATI initial_JJ appearance_NN of_IN physical_JJ puberty_NN , such_IN as_IN breast_NN budding_JJ or_CC pubic_JJ hair_NN , does_DOZ not_XNOT necessarily_RB herald_NN progressive_JJ puberty_NN therefore_RB , patients_NNS should_MD be_BE observed_VBN for_IN a_AT period_NN of_IN months_NNS to_TO verify_VB progression_NN or_CC lack_NN thereof_RB progressive_JJ precocious_JJ puberty_NN can_MD result_VB from_IN central_JJ causes_NNS that_CS result_NN in_IN physiologically_RB normal_JJ but_CC early_JJ episodic_JJ GnRH_NP release_NN , or_CC peripheral_JJ causes_NNS peripheral_JJ precocious_JJ puberty_NN (_( GnRH-independent_NP precocious_JJ puberty_NN )_) results_NNS from_IN gonadotropin_NN or_CC sex_NN steroid_NN stimulation_NN from_IN any_DTI source_NN other_AP than_IN physiologic_JJ GnRH- stimulated_NP pituitary_NN gonadotropin_NN release_NN while_CS CPP_NP involves_VBZ gonadarche_NN (_( pubertal_JJ hypothalamic-pituitary- gonadal_JJ activity_NN )_) , it_PP3 may_MD or_CC may_MD not_XNOT involve_VB adrenarche_NN (_( the_ATI pubertal_JJ rise_NN of_IN adrenal_JJ an_AT drogen_NN secretion_NN )_) a_AT history_NN and_CC physical_JJ and_CC laboratory_NN tests_NNS are_BER necessary_JJ to_TO make_VB the_ATI diagnosis_NN and_CC determine_VB the_ATI cause_NN (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 through_IN Table_NP 3_CD )_) 125_CD the_ATI medical_JJ history_NN should_MD make_VB note_NN of_IN the_ATI onset_NN of_IN pubic_JJ hair_NN , breast_NN development_NN , genital_JJ growth_NN as_QL well_RB as_IN any_DTI vaginal_JJ discharge_NN , the_ATI occurrence_NN of_IN menarche_NN , acne_NN , erections_NNS , and_CC aggressive_JJ behavior_NN the_ATI rate_NN of_IN progression_NN of_IN pubertal_JJ development_NN should_MD be_BE documented_VBN it_PP3 should_MD also_RB be_BE determined_JJ whether_CS exposure_NN to_IN exogenous_JJ sex_NN steroids_NNS in_IN cosmetics_NNS , food_NN , or_CC medications_NNS may_MD have_HV occurred_VBN previous_JJ heights_NNS and_CC weights_NNS should_MD be_BE carefully_RB plotted_VBN for_IN age_NN on_IN a_AT growth_NN chart_NN physical_JJ examination_NN should_MD document_NN the_ATI Tanner_NP stage_NN of_IN sexual_JJ development_NN , testicular_NN size_NN , any_DTI neurologic_JJ or_CC ophthalmologic_JJ abnormalities_NNS , and_CC any_DTI evidence_NN consistent_JJ with_IN thyroid_JJ dysfunction_NN radiological_JJ examinations_NNS of_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ nondominant_NN hand_NN and_CC wrist_NN help_NN determine_VB the_ATI skeletal_JJ age_NN if_CS roentgenograms_NNS show_VB advanced_JJ skeletal_JJ age_NN (_( more_AP than_IN 2_CD SDs_NP above_IN the_ATI mean_NN )_) , this_DT is_BEZ evidence_NN of_IN excessive_JJ stimulation_NN of_IN bone_NN maturity_NN the_ATI sex_NN steroids_NNS secreted_VBN in_IN precocious_JJ puberty_NN can_MD cause_VB such_ABL stimulation_NN baseline_JJ hormonal_JJ levels_NNS should_MD be_BE measured_VBN , including_IN thyroid_JJ function_NN studies_NNS , estradiol_NN in_IN girls_NNS and_CC testosterone_NN in_IN boys_NNS plus_IN basal_JJ and_CC GnRH-stimulated_NP follicle- stimulating_NN hormone_NN (_( FSH_NP )_) and_CC luteinizing_VBG hormone_NN (_( LH_NP )_) human_JJ chorionic_JJ gonadotropin_NN should_MD be_BE measured_VBN in_IN boys_NNS to_TO rule_VB out_RP a_AT gonadotropin-producing_NN tumor_NN 17-Hydroxyprogesterone_CD-CD should_MD also_RB be_BE measured_VBN in_IN boys_NNS if_CS history_NN and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN are_BER consistent_JJ with_IN congenital_JJ adrenal_JJ hyperplasia_NN 126_CD imaging_VBG techniques_NNS may_MD be_BE indicated_VBN depending_VBG on_IN sex_NN and_CC presentation-ultrasound_JJ examination_NN of_IN the_ATI adrenals_NNS and_CC ovaries_NNS in_IN girls_NNS , and_CC a_AT skeletal_JJ survey_NN including_IN a_AT skull_NN roentgenogram_NN or_CC bone_NN scan_NN searching_VBG for_IN characteristic_JJ bone_NN lesions_NNS if_CS the_ATI McCune- Albright_NP syndrome_NN (_( a_AT type_NN of_IN gonadotropin-independent_JJ precocious_JJ puberty_NN characterized_VBN by_IN cafe_NN au_&FW lait_NN spots_NNS , skeletal_JJ dysplasia_NN , and_CC autonomous_JJ precocious_JJ puberty_NN )_) is_BEZ suspected_VBN in_IN both_ABX boys_NNS and_CC girls_NNS with_IN a_AT probable_JJ diagnosis_NN of_IN CPP_NP , computed_VBN tomographic_JJ or_CC magnetic_JJ resonance_NN imaging_VBG scans_NNS may_MD be_BE needed_VBN to_TO rule_VB out_RP space- occupying_NN lesions_NNS such_ABL as_CS tumors_NNS in_IN the_ATI hypothalamic_JJ region_NN , hypothalamic_JJ hamartomas_NNS (_( congenitally_RB redundant_JJ hypothalamic_JJ tissue_NN sometimes_RB detected_VBN in_IN children_NNS with_IN GnRH-dependent_NP precocious_JJ puberty_NN )_) , or_CC increased_VBN intracranial_JJ pressure_NN (_( a_AT lesion_NN that_CS causes_NNS increased_VBN intracranial_JJ pressure_NN may_MD lead_VB to_TO precocious_JJ puberty_NN )_) head_NN scanning_VBG is_BEZ indicated_VBN if_CS neurofibromatosis_NN is_BEZ suspected_VBN because_CS of_IN family_NN history_NN or_CC cutaneous_JJ manifestations_NNS that_DT may_MD include_VB neurofibromas_NNS , fibroma_NN molluscum_NN (_( soft_JJ subcutaneous_JJ tumors_NNS )_) , or_CC cafe_NN au_&FW lait_NN spots_NNS astrocytomas_NNS or_CC gliomas_NNS of_IN the_ATI optic_JJ chiasm_NN and_CC hypothalamus_JJ may_MD be_BE associated_VBN with_IN precocious_JJ puberty_NN first_OD , however_RB , the_ATI GnRH-stimulation_NN test_NN should_MD be_BE done_VBN to_TO determine_VB whether_CS the_ATI LH_NP and_CC FSH_NP responses_NNS suggest_VB a_AT central_JJ or_CC peripheral_JJ cause_NN for_IN the_ATI precocious_JJ puberty_NN 127_CD during_IN the_ATI GnRH-stimulation_NN test_NN , a_AT 100-micrograms_CD-CD intravenous_JJ bolus_NN of_IN gonadorelin_NN is_BEZ administered_VBN and_CC serial_JJ samples_NNS of_IN serum_NN LH_NP and_CC FSH_NP are_BER collected_VBN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN GnRH-independent_NP precocious_JJ puberty_NN (_( peripheral_JJ precocious_JJ puberty_NN )_) and_CC in_IN prepubertal_JJ children_NNS , the_ATI gonadorelin_JJ bolus_JJ results_NNS in_IN minimal_JJ release_NN of_IN LH_NP and_CC a_AT relatively_RB greater_JJR FSH_NP response_NN (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) 128_CD patients_NNS with_IN precocious_JJ pubarche_NN (_( early_JJ pubic_JJ hair_NN development_NN as_IN the_ATI result_NN of_IN early_JJ adrenarche_NN )_) or_CC precocious_JJ thelarche_NN (_( early_JJ breast_NN budding_JJ without_IN other_AP evidence_NN of_IN pubertal_JJ development_NN )_) also_RB show_VB a_AT prepubertal_JJ pattern_NN of_IN LH_NP secretion_NN patients_NNS with_IN both_ABX conditions_NNS have_HV essentially_RB normal_JJ height_NN patterns_NNS and_CC their_PP$ skeletal_JJ maturation_NN is_BEZ within_IN the_ATI range_NN appropriate_JJ for_IN their_PP$ chronologic_JJ age_NN since_CS they_PP3AS can_MD be_BE expected_VBN to_TO progress_VB through_IN other_AP aspects_NNS of_IN puberty_NN at_IN an_AT appropriate_JJ time_NN , no_ATI therapy_NN is_BEZ required_VBN 129_CD in_IN children_NNS with_IN gonadotropin-dependent_JJ precocious_JJ puberty_NN and_CC in_IN normal_JJ pubertal_JJ children_NNS , the_ATI LH_NP response_NN to_IN a_AT gonadorelin_JJ bolus_NN is_BEZ greater_JJR than_IN that_DT of_IN prepubertal_JJ children_NNS (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) among_IN girls_NNS particularly_RB , the_ATI increase_NN of_IN LH_NP becomes_VBZ more_QL discernible_JJ during_IN puberty_NN while_CS that_CS of_IN FSH_NP may_MD not_XNOT be_BE noticeable_JJ although_CS the_ATI rise_NN may_MD be_BE more_QL prompt_JJ thus_RB , the_ATI ratio_NN of_IN LH_NP to_IN FSH_NP is_BEZ greater_JJR during_IN puberty_NN than_IN prepuberty_NN 130_CD levels_NNS of_IN LH_NP and_CC FSH_NP may_MD be_BE measured_VBN using_VBG a_AT variety_NN of_IN assays_NNS including_IN radioimmunoassays_NNS (_( RIAs_NNS )_) , newer_JJR , more_QL sensitive_JJ immunoradiometric_JJ (_( IRMA_NP )_) , immunochemiluminometric_JJ , and_CC immunofluorimetric_JJ (_( IFMA_NP )_) assays_NNS (_( Table_NP 4_CD and_CC Table_NP 5_CD )_) before_CS values_NNS can_MD be_BE interpreted_VBN , it_PP3 is_BEZ necessary_JJ to_TO know_VB the_ATI levels_NNS and_CC responses_NNS in_IN prepubertal_JJ and_CC pubertal_JJ individuals_NNS for_IN the_ATI particular_JJ assay_NN used_VBN Using_NP RIAs_NNS in_IN girls_NNS , a_AT diagnosis_NN of_IN GnRH-dependent_NP precocious_JJ puberty_NN can_MD be_BE made_VBN in_IN almost_RB all_ABN patients_NNS if_CS a_AT peak_NN LH_NP value_NN of_IN over_IN 15_CD IU_L_NP or_CC a_AT peak_NN LH_FSH_NP ratio_NN higher_JJR than_IN 0.66_CD is_BEZ measured_VBN generally_RB the_ATI newer_JJR assays_NNS have_HV levels_NNS that_CS are_BER 40%_NP to_IN 50%_NP of_IN those_DTS using_VBG RIAs_NNS for_IN example_NN , the_ATI data_NNS shown_VBN in_IN Figure_NP 1_CD1 suggest_VB that_CS , using_VBG IFMA_NP , a_AT peak_NN LH_NP level_NN higher_JJR than_IN 6_CD IU_L_NP and_CC an_AT LH_FSH_NP ratio_NN higher_JJR than_IN 0.3_CD are_BER consistent_JJ with_IN CPP_NP in_IN boys_NNS , the_ATI criterion_NN is_BEZ a_AT maximum_JJ LH_NP peak_NN over_IN baseline_NN of_IN more_AP than_IN 25.5_CD IU_L_NP using_VBG RIA_NP or_CC more_AP than_IN 10_CD IU_L_NP using_VBG IFMA_NP (_( Figure_NP 2_CD )_) an_AT equivocal_JJ response_NN should_MD lead_VB to_IN reassessment_NN after_IN 3_CD to_IN 6_CD months_NNS , with_IN determination_NN of_IN progression_NN of_IN growth_NN and_CC development_NN and_CC repeated_VBN GnRH_NP stimulation_NN , if_CS indicated_VBN (_( Figure_NP 3_CD )_) repeated_VBN GnRH_NP testing_NN has_HVZ been_BEN found_VBN to_TO be_BE a_AT better_JJR index_NN than_IN testing_NN for_IN spontaneous_JJ gonadotropin_NN pulses_NNS with_IN nocturnal_JJ sampling_NN 131_CD TREATMENT_NP 132_CD treatment_NN of_IN precocious_JJ puberty_NN depends_VBZ on_IN the_ATI causes_NNS obviously_RB , surgical_JJ or_CC medical_JJ therapy_NN of_IN peripheral_JJ precocious_JJ puberty_NN depends_VBZ on_IN the_ATI specific_JJ cause_NN surgical_JJ or_CC radiation_NN therapy_NN may_MD be_BE indicated_VBN for_IN central_JJ nervous_JJ system_NN tumors_NNS related_VBN to_IN GnRH-dependent_NP puberty_NN among_IN patients_NNS with_IN idiopathic_JJ CPP_NP or_CC those_DTS with_IN underlying_JJ central_JJ nervous_JJ system_NN abnormalities_NNS in_IN which_WDTR therapy_NN does_DOZ not_XNOT lead_VB to_IN regression_NN of_IN pubertal_JJ gonadotropin_NN secretion_NN , GnRH_NP agonists_NNS may_MD be_BE used_VBN to_TO remove_VB the_ATI gonadotropin_NN secretion_NN that_CS stimulates_VBZ the_ATI pubertal_JJ process_NN if_CS complete_JJ suppression_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT the_ATI goal_NN , as_IN in_IN a_AT child_NN with_IN severe_JJ mental_JJ retardation_NN in_IN whom_WPOR height_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT a_AT factor_NN but_CC menses_NNS are_BER problematic_JJ , medroxyprogesterone_NN acetate_NN may_MD be_BE used_VBN to_TO provide_VB adequate_JJ suppression_NN to_TO stop_VB menses_NNS 133_CD generally_RB the_ATI medical_JJ treatment_NN of_IN gonadotropin-dependent_NN precocious_JJ puberty_NN involves_VBZ the_ATI use_NN of_IN GnRH_NP agonists_NNS these_DTS drugs_NNS (_( eg_NN , histrelin_NN , leuprolide_NN , nafarelin_NN )_) vary_VB in_IN their_PP$ potency_NN and_CC the_ATI route_NN by_IN which_WDTR they_PP3AS are_BER administered_VBN (_( eg_NN , intranasal_JJ , subcutaneous_JJ , and_CC intramuscular_NN )_) monthly_JJ depot_NN formulations_NNS , such_IN as_IN leuprolide_NN acetate_NN , may_MD have_HV advantages_NNS because_CS of_IN suppression_NN that_CS does_DOZ not_XNOT depend_VB on_IN timing_NN of_IN the_ATI daily_JJ administration_NN and_CC improved_JJ compliance_NN side_NN effects_NNS are_BER infrequent_JJ fewer_AP than_IN 5%_NN of_IN patients_NNS have_HV been_BEN reported_VBN to_TO develop_VB symptoms_NNS suggestive_JJ of_IN drug_NN sensitivity_NN including_IN urticaria_NN , rash_NN , and_CC pruritus_NN the_ATI depot_NN injections_NNS may_MD be_BE accompanied_VBN by_IN the_ATI formation_NN of_IN a_AT sterile_JJ abscess_NN at_IN the_ATI injection_NN site_NN as_CS with_IN the_ATI diagnostic_JJ tests_NNS , the_ATI cost_NN of_IN medication_NN may_MD vary_VB considerably_RB depending_VBG on_IN numerous_JJ factors_NNS cost_NN depends_VBZ on_IN dosage_NN and_CC may_MD range_VB from_IN about_IN $350_CD to_RP over_IN $2000_CD per_NNU month_NN because_CS larger_JJR doses_NNS are_BER required_VBN for_IN intranasal_JJ therapy_NN , the_ATI drug_NN may_MD cost_VB more_QL while_CS supplies_NNS for_IN injection_NN are_BER not_XNOT needed_VBN 134_CD the_ATI goal_NN of_IN treatment_NN of_IN GnRH-dependent_NP precocious_JJ puberty_NN is_BEZ to_TO ensure_VB that_CS secondary_JJ sex_NN characteristics_NNS stop_VB progressing_VBG or_CC recede_NN and_CC that_CS skeletal_JJ maturation_NN is_BEZ slowed_VBN so_CS that_CS patients_NNS can_MD preserve_VB or_CC regain_VB genetic_JJ height_NN potential_JJ therapy_NN with_IN GnRH_NP agonists_NNS in_IN the_ATI appropriate_JJ dose_NN suppresses_VBZ the_ATI hypothalamic-pituitary_NN axis_NN , resulting_JJ in_IN downregulation_NN of_IN LH_NP and_CC FSH_NP secretion_NN to_TO accomplish_VB the_ATI goal_NN of_IN halting_VBG pubertal_JJ progression_NN and_CC preserving_VBG or_CC increasing_JJ height_NN potential_JJ this_DT is_BEZ established_VBN by_IN persistent_JJ GnRH_NP levels_NNS at_IN the_ATI pituitary_NN gland_NN while_CS the_ATI initial_JJ effect_NN is_BEZ stimulation_NN of_IN gonadotropin_NN release_NN , LH_NP and_CC FSH_NP secretion_NN is_BEZ suppressed_VBN within_IN a_AT matter_NN of_IN days_NNS However_NP , if_CS too_QL small_JJ a_AT dose_NN of_IN GnRH_NP agonist_NN is_BEZ used_VBN or_CC if_CS the_ATI drug_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT given_VBN as_CS directed_VBN , the_ATI pituitary_NN gland_NN may_MD be_BE repeatedly_RB stimulated_VBN , resulting_JJ in_IN elevation_NN , not_XNOT suppression_NN , of_IN LH_NP and_CC FSH_NP secretion_NN and_CC thus_RB accelerating_VBG the_ATI process_NN of_IN puberty_NN this_DT may_MD exacerbate_VB the_ATI rapid_JJ progression_NN of_IN puberty_NN and_CC compromise_NN final_JJ height_NN prognosis_NN Appropriate_NP monitoring_VBG of_IN GnRH_NP therapy_NN by_IN close_RB clinical_JJ observation_NN and_CC timely_JJ laboratory_NN evaluation_NN is_BEZ therefore_RB crucial_JJ there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI evidence_NN of_IN any_DTI detrimental_JJ effect_NN if_CS a_AT greater_JJR amount_NN of_IN analogue_NN is_BEZ given_VBN than_IN needed_VBN ; once_RB in_IN circulation_NN , this_DT peptide_NN is_BEZ promptly_RB degraded_JJ 135_CD since_IN suppression_NN can_MD be_BE expected_VBN within_IN a_AT month_NN if_CS an_AT adequate_JJ dose_NN is_BEZ used_VBN , a_AT GnRH-stimulation_NN test_NN should_MD be_BE conducted_VBN after_IN the_ATI initial_JJ 1_CD1 or_CC 2_CD months_NNS of_IN therapy_NN if_CS suppression_NN does_DOZ not_XNOT occur_VB , the_ATI dosage_NN should_MD be_BE increased_VBN and_CC the_ATI patients_NNS restudied_VBN until_IN adequate_JJ suppression_NN is_BEZ achieved_VBN thereafter_RB , since_IN the_ATI dosage_NN needed_VBN for_IN suppression_NN may_MD increase_VB , a_AT reassessment_NN should_MD be_BE made_VBN with_IN GnRH_NP testing_NN every_AT 6_CD months_NNS for_IN the_ATI duration_NN of_IN therapy_NN an_AT algorithm_NN for_IN the_ATI care_NN of_IN these_DTS patients_NNS during_IN and_CC after_IN therapy_NN is_BEZ outlined_VBN in_IN Figure_NP 4_CD 136_CD clinical_JJ Monitoring_NP 137_CD the_ATI growth_NN rate_NN and_CC development_NN of_IN secondary_JJ sex_NN characteristics_NNS should_MD be_BE clinically_RB followed_VBN up_RP the_ATI growth_NN and_CC skeletal_JJ maturity_NN rate_NN should_MD decrease_VB within_IN 6_CD months_NNS and_CC stabilize_VB within_IN 1_CD1 year_NN with_IN successful_JJ therapy_NN this_DT can_MD be_BE documented_VBN both_ABX clinically_RB (_( by_IN plotting_VBG serial_JJ heights_NNS )_) and_CC radiologically_RB (_( with_IN roentgenography_NN of_IN the_ATI nondominant_NN hand_NN and_CC wrist_NN )_) successive_JJ Tanner_NP staging_NN should_MD show_VB stabilization_NN or_CC regression_NN of_IN secondary_JJ sex_NN characteristics_NNS , except_IN pubic_JJ hair_NN staging_NN , which_WDTR may_MD progress_VB slowly_RB in_IN the_ATI patient_NN who_WPR also_RB has_HVZ had_HVN adrenarche_JJ because_CS of_IN adrenal_JJ androgen_NN stimulation_NN progression_NN of_IN the_ATI growth_NN rate_NN or_CC secondary_JJ sexual_JJ characteristics_NNS indicates_VBZ either_DTX a_AT diagnosis_NN other_AP than_IN CPP_NP or_CC inadequate_JJ suppression_NN of_IN the_ATI hypothalamic-pituitary_NN axis_NN 138_CD laboratory_NN Follow-up_NP 139_CD assessment_NN of_IN adequacy_NN of_IN GnRH_NP agonist_NN therapy_NN involves_VBZ estimation_NN of_IN gonadotropin_NN secretion_NN using_VBG a_AT validated_JJ assay_NN such_ABL as_CS RIA_NP , IRMA_NP , immunochemiluminometric_JJ assay_NN , and_CC IFMA_NP or_CC fluoroimmunometric_JJ assay_NN (_( Table_NP 4_CD )_) luteinizing_VBG hormone_NN responses_NNS to_IN GnRH_NP testing_NN are_BER the_ATI most_QL definitive_JJ way_NN to_TO determine_VB whether_CS adequate_JJ gonadotropin_NN suppression_NN has_HVZ occurred_VBN (_( Table_NP 3_CD )_) while_CS the_ATI current_JJ data_NNS suggest_VB that_CS GnRH_NP stimulation_NN testing_NN provides_VBZ the_ATI best_JJT index_NN of_IN adequate_JJ therapy_NN , a_AT complete_JJ standard_NN test_NN may_MD not_XNOT always_RB be_BE necessary_JJ using_VBG IFMA_NP in_IN the_ATI assessment_NN of_IN GnRH_NP agonist_NN therapy_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN CPP_NP , an_AT abbreviated_JJ GnRH_NP stimulation_NN test_NN with_IN blood_NN samples_NNS drawn_VBN at_IN 20_CD and_CC 40_CD minutes_NNS for_IN LH_NP and_CC FSH_NP was_BEDZ adequate_JJ for_IN assessment_NN of_IN suppression_NN 140_CD another_DT study_NN using_VBG IRMA_NP suggests_VBZ that_CS a_AT single_JJ timed_VBN sample_NN following_JJ the_ATI gonadorelin_JJ bolus_JJ was_BEDZ as_CS useful_JJ in_IN distinguishing_VBG the_ATI pubertal_JJ response_NN as_IN determination_NN of_IN the_ATI peak_NN LH_NP level_NN by_IN using_VBG multiple_JJ sampling_NN that_DT study_NN compared_VBN LH_NP levels_NNS as_CS measured_VBN with_IN both_ABX RIA_NP and_CC IRMA_NP in_IN normal_JJ children_NNS after_IN GnRH_NP stimulation_NN high_JJ specificity_NN was_BEDZ needed_VBN to_TO distinguish_VB between_IN pubertal_JJ and_CC prepubertal_JJ responses_NNS the_ATI IRMA_NP assay_NN provided_VBD a_AT higher_JJR sensitivity_NN than_IN RIA_NP for_IN determining_VBG LH_NP levels_NNS at_IN 100%_CD specificity_NN , the_ATI sensitivity_NN of_IN the_ATI IRMA_NP measurement_NN of_IN peak_NN LH_NP was_BEDZ 91%_CD , while_CS the_ATI sensitivity_NN of_IN RIA_NP measurement_NN of_IN peak_NN LH_NP was_BEDZ only_RB 73%_CD sensitivity_NN of_IN IRMA_NP at_IN all_ABN time_NN points_NNS (_( 15_CD , 30_CD , 45_CD and_CC 60_CD minutes_NNS following_JJ gonadorelin_NN injection_NN )_) at_IN 100%_CD specificity_NN was_BEDZ 88%_NN , while_CS the_ATI sensitivity_NN of_IN RIA_NP was_BEDZ variable_NN , with_IN a_AT range_NN of_IN 55%_NN to_IN 70%_NP 141_CD the_ATI general_JJ understanding_NN of_IN the_ATI physiologic_JJ characteristics_NNS of_IN gonadotropin_NN secretion_NN leads_VBZ to_IN the_ATI conclusion_NN that_CS if_CS suppression_NN occurs_VBZ after_IN GnRH_NP stimulation_NN testing_NN , spontaneous_JJ gonadotropin_NN secretion_NN , as_IN reflected_VBD for_IN example_NN in_IN the_ATI random_JJ samples_NNS , urinary_NN levels_NNS , or_CC in_IN nocturnal_JJ samples_NNS , will_MD also_RB be_BE consistent_JJ with_IN suppression_NN therefore_RB , a_AT suppressed_JJ response_NN after_IN GnRH_NP testing_NN can_MD be_BE considered_VBN to_TO be_BE indicative_NN of_IN adequate_JJ suppression_NN this_DT is_BEZ at_IN variance_NN with_IN a_AT dose-finding_JJ study_NN of_IN leuprolide_NN acetate_NN depot_NN in_IN which_WDTR Cook_NP et_&FW al_APS found_VBN that_CS nocturnal_JJ LH_NP sampling_NN using_VBG RIA_NP was_BEDZ more_QL sensitive_JJ that_CS GnRH-stimulation_NN testing_JJ alone_RB in_IN assessing_VBG suppression_NN of_IN the_ATI hypothalamic-pituitary_NN axis_NN until_IN this_DT study_NN can_MD be_BE verified_VBN , nocturnal_JJ sampling_NN should_MD not_XNOT become_VB a_AT recommended_JJ tool_NN to_TO monitor_NN therapy_NN because_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ more_QL complicated_JJ , expensive_JJ , and_CC has_HVZ been_BEN found_VBN to_TO be_BE unnecessary_JJ by_IN most_QL investigators_NNS 142_CD random_JJ measurements_NNS of_IN LH_NP levels_NNS using_VBG IRMA_NP are_BER superior_JJ to_IN those_DTS made_VBN using_VBG RIA_NP in_IN identifying_VBG the_ATI onset_NN of_IN puberty_NN in_IN normal_JJ children_NNS and_CC in_IN those_DTS with_IN sexual_JJ precocity_NN using_VBG IRMA_NP and_CC IFMA_NP for_IN measuring_VBG LH_NP levels_NNS in_IN random_JJ samples_NNS provides_VBZ a_AT clearer_JJR distinction_NN between_IN pubertal_JJ and_CC prepubertal_JJ ranges_NNS than_IN does_DOZ RIA_NP this_DT is_BEZ clearly_RB a_AT function_NN of_IN increased_JJ sensitivity_NN , since_IN RIAs_NP can_MD measure_VB LH_NP in_IN concentrations_NNS as_QL low_JJ as_IN 1.8_CD IU_L_NP while_CS IRMA_NP may_MD detect_VB levels_NNS as_QL low_JJ as_IN 0.25_CD IU_L_NP 143_CD like_IN IRMA_NP , IFMAs_NP also_RB have_HV a_AT high_JJ sensitivity_NN use_NN of_IN ultrasensitive_JJ time-resolved_JJ IFMAs_NNS permits_VBZ detection_NN of_IN LH_NP at_IN a_AT level_NN of_IN about_RB 0.019_CD IU_L_NP using_VBG this_DT method_NN , a_AT prepubertal_JJ boy_NN had_HVD an_AT LH_NP level_JJ of_IN 0.02_NP IU_L_NP , while_CS the_ATI lowest_JJT LH_NP level_NN detected_VBD in_IN an_AT early_JJ pubertal_JJ boy_NN was_BEDZ 0.3_CD IU_L_NP these_DTS newer_JJR assays_NNS (_( IRMA_NP and_CC IFMA_NP )_) may_MD eventually_RB facilitate_VB the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN precocious_JJ puberty_NN and_CC follow-up_NN because_CS of_IN their_PP$ increased_JJ sensitivity_NN over_IN RIA_NP , but_CC now_RN the_ATI diagnosis_NN requires_VBZ GnRH-stimulation_NN testing_NN 144_CD single_JJ blood_NN sampling_NN determinations_NNS using_VBG these_DTS binding_JJ assays_NNS including_IN the_ATI monoclonal_JJ RIA_NP , urinary_NN gonadotropins_NNS as_CS measured_VBN with_IN RIA_NP , or_CC isolated_JJ estradiol_NN determinations_NNS in_IN girls_NNS are_BER not_XNOT currently_RB recommended_VBN for_IN patient_NN follow-up_NN radioimmunoassays_NNS employing_VBG monoclonal_JJ antibodies_NNS for_IN specific_JJ isoforms_NNS of_IN LH_NP are_BER not_XNOT recommended_VBN because_CS they_PP3AS may_MD provide_VB a_AT false_JJ sense_NN of_IN security_NN about_IN the_ATI suppression_NN of_IN LH_NP secretion_NN this_DT is_BEZ because_CS low_JJ levels_NNS of_IN one_CD1 isoform_NN do_DO not_XNOT necessarily_RB mean_VB that_CS the_ATI other_AP unmeasured_JJ biologically_RB active_JJ isoforms_NNS are_BER low_JJ as_IN well_RB in_IN fact_NN , many_AP bioactive_JJ isoforms_NNS of_IN LH_NP are_BER not_XNOT detected_VBN by_IN antibodies_NNS directed_VBN against_IN specific_JJ isoforms_NNS on_IN the_ATI other_AP hand_NN , the_ATI traditional_JJ RIA_NP may_MD detect_VB significant_JJ levels_NNS of_IN immunoactive_JJ LH_NP while_CS the_ATI bioactive_JJ forms_NNS are_BER suppressed_VBN giving_VBG the_ATI false_JJ impression_NN that_CS LH_NP secretion_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT suppressed_VBN in_IN the_ATI patient_NN 145_CD urinary_NN gonadotropin_NN levels_NNS have_HV been_BEN studied_VBN using_VBG a_AT polyclonal_JJ double_JJ antibody_NN RIA_NP method_NN maesaka_NN et_&FW al_APS studied_JJ urinary_NN LH_NP and_CC FSH_NP levels_NNS in_IN consecutive_JJ 30-day_JJB first_OD morning_NN voided_JJ urine_NN specimens_NNS in_IN normal_JJ children_NNS and_CC in_IN those_DTS with_IN CPP_NP they_PP3AS found_VBD that_CS in_IN normal_JJ prepubertal_JJ girls_NNS , urinary_NN LH_NP levels_NNS were_BED low_JJ and_CC varied_JJ little_JJ , while_CS FSH_NP levels_NNS were_BED higher_JJR and_CC varied_JJ episodically_RB in_IN early_JJ pubertal_JJ girls_NNS , urinary_NN LH_NP and_CC FSH_NP levels_NNS increased_VBN and_CC showed_VBD marked_JJ rhythmic_JJ fluctuations_NNS following_JJ menarche_NN , urinary_NN gonadotropins_NNS showed_VBD a_AT single_JJ high_JJ surge_NN during_IN each_DT menstrual_JJ cycle_NN prepubertal_JJ boys_NNS showed_VBD patterns_NNS similar_JJ to_IN those_DTS seen_VBN in_IN prepubertal_JJ girls_NNS but_CC with_IN less_QL variability_NN Children_NP with_IN CPP_NP showed_VBD patterns_NNS similar_JJ to_IN those_DTS seen_VBN in_IN normal_JJ children_NNS at_IN the_ATI same_AP stage_NN of_IN sexual_JJ development_NN the_ATI authors_NNS concluded_VBD that_CS testing_NN urinary_NN gonadotropin_NN levels_NNS in_IN first_OD morning_NN voided_JJ samples_NNS is_BEZ a_AT simple_JJ physiologic_JJ test_NN of_IN gonadotropin_NN function_NN however_RB , although_CS a_AT polyclonal_JJ RIA_NP was_BEDZ used_VBN , it_PP3 did_DOD not_XNOT measure_VB all_ABN bioactive_JJ gonadotropin_NN concentrations_NNS and_CC thus_RB may_MD not_XNOT accurately_RB reflect_VB the_ATI true_JJ activity_NN of_IN the_ATI reproductive_JJ unit_NN therefore_RB , until_IN further_JJB evidence_NN is_BEZ available_JJ , urinary_NN gonadotropin_NN levels_NNS by_IN RIA_NP cannot_NN be_BE recommended_VBN for_IN use_NN as_IN a_AT follow-up_NN measure_NN to_TO replace_VB GnRH- stimulation_NN testing_NN in_IN children_NNS undergoing_VBG treatment_NN for_IN CPP_NP 146_CD finally_RB , monitoring_VBG patients_NNS by_IN following_JJ only_RB sex_NN steroid_NN levels_NNS such_IN as_IN estradiol_NN with_IN RIA_NP is_BEZ considered_VBN inadequate_JJ for_IN the_ATI following_JJ reasons_NNS : (_( 1_CD1 )_) levels_NNS can_MD be_BE quite_RB variable_JJ even_RB among_IN pubertal_JJ females_NNS , and_CC in_IN many_AP cases_NNS they_PP3AS are_BER below_IN the_ATI limit_NN of_IN detection_NN of_IN the_ATI assay_NN used_VBN ; (_( 2_CD ) _) basal_JJ estradiol_NN levels_NNS may_MD be_BE no_ATI different_RB in_IN girls_NNS with_IN CPP_NP than_CS in_IN normal_JJ girls_NNS ; (_( 3_CD )_) low_JJ estrogen_NN levels_NNS (_( {_( 90_CD pmol_L_NN )_) stimulate_VB growth_NN at_IN the_ATI same_AP level_NN as_IN high_JJ estrogen_NN levels_NNS (_( at_RB least_RB 90_CD pmol_L_NN )_) ; and_CC (_( 4_CD )_) intraindividual_JJ variation_NN of_IN plasma_NN estradiol_NN level_NN is_BEZ common_NN in_IN girls_NNS with_IN CPP_NP 147_CD in_IN boys_NNS , however_RB , a_AT low_JJ blood_NN testosterone_NN level_NN in_IN a_AT patient_NN receiving_VBG GnRH_NP agonist_NN therapy_NN for_IN CPP_NP is_BEZ an_AT adequate_JJ index_NN of_IN suppression_NN a_AT value_NN below_IN 35_CD nmol_L_NN (_( {_( 10_CD ng_mL_NN )_) is_BEZ a_AT clear_JJ indication_NN that_CS the_ATI system_NN is_BEZ downregulated_VBN in_IN the_ATI patient_NN receiving_VBG the_ATI analogue_NN in_IN a_AT depot_NN form_NN if_CS daily_JJ medication_NN is_BEZ given_VBN , the_ATI timing_NN of_IN the_ATI blood_NN sample_NN in_IN relation_NN to_IN the_ATI last_AP dose_NN is_BEZ important_JJ because_CS the_ATI patient_NN who_WPR has_HVZ not_XNOT undergone_VBN complete_JJ downregulation_NN may_MD experience_VB a_AT stimulatory_NN phase_NN for_IN a_JJ few_AP hours_NNS that_CS includes_VBZ not_XNOT only_RB gonadotropin_JJ stimulation_NN but_CC also_RB testosterone_JJ secretion_NN 148_CD in_IN a_AT recent_JJ study_NN , it_PP3 was_BEDZ found_VBN that_CS therapeutic_JJ monitoring_NN was_BEDZ best_JJT achieved_VBN with_IN GnRH-stimulation_NN testing_NN , basal_JJ testosterone_NN or_CC estradiol_NN level_NN testing_NN , and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN every_AT 1_CD1 to_IN 2_CD months_NNS until_IN suppression_NN was_BEDZ achieved_VBN (_( usually_RB within_IN 1_CD1 month_NN of_IN initiating_JJ therapy_NN )_) thereafter_RB , since_IN GnRH_NP agonist_NN dosage_NN requirements_NNS may_MD change_VB , it_PP3 is_BEZ recommended_VBN that_CS patients_NNS be_BE evaluated_VBN every_AT 6_CD months_NNS while_CS GnRH-stimulation_NN testing_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN , few_AP samples_NNS for_IN gonadotropins_NNS need_NN to_TO be_BE drawn_VBN if_CS the_ATI more_QL sensitive_JJ assays_NNS are_BER used_VBN 149_CD CONCLUSION_NP 150_CD the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN CPP_NP with_IN GnRH_NP agonists_NNS requires_VBZ careful_JJ clinical_JJ and_CC laboratory_NN monitoring_NN effective_JJ treatment_NN leads_VBZ to_TO arrest_VB or_CC regression_NN of_IN secondary_JJ sexual_JJ characteristic_JJ development_NN , a_AT decrease_NN in_IN the_ATI rate_NN of_IN skeletal_JJ maturation_NN , and_CC an_AT improvement_NN in_IN the_ATI final_JJ height_NN prognosis_NN if_CS too_QL low_JJ a_AT dose_NN of_IN GnRH_NP is_BEZ used_VBN , stimulation_NN rather_RB than_IN suppression_NN results_NNS with_IN progression_NN of_IN puberty_NN and_CC a_AT decrease_NN in_IN the_ATI final_JJ height_NN prognosis_NN to_TO prevent_VB this_DT , clinical_JJ monitoring_NN supplemented_VBN by_IN laboratory_NN testing_NN must_MD be_BE done_VBN the_ATI key_NN test_NN is_BEZ GnRH_NP stimulation_NN serum_NN LH_NP and_CC FSH_NP levels_NNS can_MD be_BE determined_JJ using_VBG RIA_NP , IRMA_NP , or_CC IFMA_NP while_CS IRMA_NP and_CC IFMA_NP are_BER more_QL sensitive_JJ , RIA_NP measurements_NNS of_IN LH_NP levels_NNS can_MD still_RB be_BE used_VBN with_IN GnRH_NP stimulation_NN testing_NN 151_CD viral_JJ Imitations_NNS of_IN Host_NPT Defense_NP Proteins_NP : flattery_NN That_NP Turns_NNS to_IN Battery_NP 152_CD a_AT 40-year-old_JJB Indian_JNP woman_NN with_IN Takayasu's_NP$ arteritis_NN presented_VBN to_TO the_ATI National_NP Naval_NPT Medical_NP Center_NP with_IN chest_NN pain_NN of_IN 1_CD1 day's_NN$ duration_NN One_NP year_NN previously_RB , she_PP3A had_HVD presented_VBN with_IN malaise_NN , diminished_VBD left_VBN upper_JJB extremity_NN pulses_NNS , and_CC an_AT elevated_VBD erythrocyte_NN sedimentation_NN rate_NN A_ZZ diagnosis_NN of_IN Takayasu's_NP$ arteritis_NN had_HVD been_BEN made_VBN by_IN angiographic_JJ demonstration_NN of_IN stenosis_NN of_IN the_ATI left_NN subclavian_JJ artery_NN she_PP3A had_HVD been_BEN treated_VBN initially_RB with_IN 1_CD1 mg_kg_CD per_NNU day_NN of_IN prednisone_NN with_IN angiographically_RB evident_JJ improvement_NN , and_CC the_ATI drug_NN dosage_NN had_HVD been_BEN tapered_JJ over_IN the_ATI past_NN year_NN to_IN 10_CD mg_NNU of_IN prednisone_NN every_AT other_AP day_NN 153_CD on_IN the_ATI day_NN of_IN admission_NN she_PP3A noted_VBD constant_JJ , sharp_JJ left_JJ chest_NN pain_NN without_IN radiation_NN and_CC without_IN dyspnea_NN her_PP$ past_NN medical_JJ history_NN was_BEDZ otherwise_RB unremarkable_JJ the_ATI physical_JJ examination_NN revealed_VBN a_AT woman_NN who_WPR appeared_VBD well_RB nourished_VBN her_PP$ temperature_NN was_BEDZ 38.5_CD degrees_NNS C_ZZ orally_RB her_PP$ heart_NN rate_NN was_BEDZ 92_CD beats_VBZ per_NNU minute_NN , and_CC her_PP$ blood_NN pressure_NN was_BEDZ 126_78_CD mm_UH Hg_&FO the_ATI physical_JJ examination_NN produced_VBN entirely_RB normal_JJ results_NNS except_CS for_IN slightly_RB diminished_VBN left_VBN upper_JJB extremity_NN pulses_NNS that_CS were_BED unchanged_JJ from_IN the_ATI previous_JJ month_NN results_NNS of_IN blood_NN analysis_NN were_BED normal_JJ except_CS for_IN an_AT erythrocyte_NN sedimentation_JJ rate_NN of_IN 52_CD mm_h_NN and_CC a_AT white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN count_NN of_IN 11.3x10_CD sup_VB 9_L_NN with_IN a_AT normal_JJ differential_JJ the_ATI electrocardiogram_NN was_BEDZ normal.=20_CD 154_CD on_IN the_ATI second_OD hospital_NN day_NN , several_AP vesicles_NNS appeared_VBD in_IN the_ATI left_NN T-7_NP dermatomal_JJ distribution_NN the_ATI mucous_JJ membranes_NNS and_CC other_AP dermatomes_NNS remained_VBD normal_JJ the_ATI results_NNS of_IN a_AT Tzanck_NP test_NN were_BED positive_JJ , and_CC a_AT clinical_JJ diagnosis_NN of_IN localized_JJ varicella-zoster_NN virus_NN (_( VZV_NP )_) infection_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN since_IN the_ATI patient_NN was_BEDZ considered_VBN to_TO be_BE at_IN low_JJ risk_NN for_IN dissemination_NN , treatment_NN with_IN acyclovir_NN was_BEDZ withheld_VBN and_CC oral_JJ analgesics_NNS were_BED given_VBN for_IN pain_NN a_AT culture_NN of_IN the_ATI vesicular_NN fluid_NN confirmed_VBN the_ATI diagnosis_NN the_ATI vesicles_NNS healed_VBN during_IN the_ATI next_AP several_AP weeks_NNS 155_CD CASE_NP DISCUSSION_NP 156_CD in_IN an_AT article_NN entitled_VBN _** Viral_NP Quasispecies_NNS _** published_VBN in_IN Scientific_NP American_JNP in_IN 1993_CD , Nobel_NP laureate_NN Manfred_NP Eigen_NP wrote_VBD : _** according_IN to_TO Greek_JNP mythology_NN , when_WRB curious_JJ Pandora_NP opened_VBD a_AT forbidden_JJ box_NN she_PP3A set_VBD loose_JJ all_ABN the_ATI miseries_NNS and_CC evils_NNS known_VBN to_IN the_ATI world_NN one_CD1 of_IN them_PP3OS was_BEDZ undoubtedly_RB the_ATI virus-the_NN very_QL name_NN of_IN which_WDTR is_BEZ Latin_JNP for_IN slime_NN , poison_NN and_CC stench_NN _** later_RBR , somewhat_RB more_QL prosaically_RB , he_PP3A wrote_VBD , _** Essentially_NP , a_AT virus_NN is_BEZ a_AT genetic_JJ program_NN that_CS carries_VBZ the_ATI simple_JJ message_NN '_**' Reproduce_NP me_PP1O !_! '_**' from_IN one_CD1 cell_NN to_IN another.=20_CD 157_CD Eigen_NP has_HVZ captured_VBN the_ATI essential_JJ paradox_NN of_IN the_ATI virus_NN : how_WRB can_MD something_PN so_QL helpless_JJ and_CC dependent_JJ do_DO so_QL much_AP damage_NN to_IN its_PP$ host_NN ? the_ATI case_NN presented_VBN herein_RB illustrates_VBZ the_ATI complex_JJ relationship_NN that_CS certain_JJ viruses_NNS may_MD have_HV with_IN their_PP$ hosts_NNS varicella-zoster_NN virus_NN is_BEZ a_AT herpesvirus_VBN in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI first_OD disease_NN manifestation_NN on_IN invading_JJ the_ATI human_JJ host_NN is_BEZ varicella_JJ (_( chickenpox_NN )_) , usually_RB occurring_VBG in_IN childhood_NN The_NP virus_NN then_RN becomes_VBZ latent_JJ in_IN the_ATI ganglia_NNS , only_RB to_TO reemerge_VB most_QL commonly_RB in_IN a_AT dermatomal_JJ distribution_NN as_IN zoster_NN (_( shingles_NNS )_) later_RBR in_IN life_NN , or_CC sometimes_RB as_IN disseminated_VBN infection_NN when_WRB the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN is_BEZ severely_RB depressed_JJ how_WRB do_DO all_ABN viral_JJ pathogens_NNS elude_VB the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN initially_RB , and_CC how_WRB do_DO viruses_NNS like_IN VZV_NP survive_VB for_IN so_QL long_RB in_IN the_ATI host?=20_CD 158_CD although_CS specific_JJ mechanisms_NNS of_IN pathogenesis_NN are_BER poorly_RB understood_VBN for_IN most_QL viruses_NNS , one_CD1 particularly_RB interesting_JJ strategy_NN that_WPR may_MD have_HV general_JJ relevance_NN involves_VBZ the_ATI ability_NN of_IN viruses_NNS to_TO copy_VB key_NN host_NN genes_NNS to_TO subvert_VB host_NN functions_NNS this_DT strategy_NN , which_WDTR was_BEDZ first_OD identified_VBN for_IN the_ATI oncogenes_NNS of_IN acutely_RB transforming_VBG retroviruses_NNS by_IN J._NP Michael_NP Bishop_NPT , MD_NP , and_CC Harold_NP Varmus_JJ , MD_NP , 15_CD years_NNS ago_RB , is_BEZ now_RN known_VBN to_TO be_BE used_VBN by_IN DNA_NP viruses_NNS as_IN well_RB all_ABN of_IN the_ATI DNA_NP virus_NN examples_NNS have_HV been_BEN discovered_VBN within_IN the_ATI past_JJB 5_CD years_NNS , and_CC so_PN far_RB all_ABN of_IN them_PP3OS come_VB from_IN the_ATI poxviruses_NNS and_CC herpesviruses_NNS interestingly_RB , most_AP of_IN the_ATI products_NNS of_IN the_ATI pirated_NN genes_NNS of_IN DNA_NP viruses_NNS mimic_VB key_NN regulatory_JJ molecules_NNS of_IN the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN 159_CD among_IN all_ABN known_VBN viral_JJ protein_NN sequences_NNS , only_RB a_AT small_JJ number_NN have_HV significant_JJ sequence_NN similarity_NN to_IN cellular_JJ proteins_NNS (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) of_IN these_DTS , the_ATI majority_NN are_BER proteins_NNS involved_VBN in_IN regulating_VBG cell_NN growth_NN or_CC in_IN host_NN defense_NN the_ATI former_AP are_BER found_VBN primarily_RB among_IN the_ATI oncogenic_JJ RNA_NP retroviruses_NNS , whereas_CS the_ATI latter_AP are_BER found_VBN primarily_RB among_IN the_ATI DNA_NP poxviruses_NNS and_CC herpesviruses_NNS the_ATI sequence_NN relationship_NN of_IN the_ATI host_NN and_CC viral_JJ homologues_NNS for_IN the_ATI RNA_NP viruses_NNS is_BEZ very_QL strong_JJ , generally_RB more_AP than_IN 80%_NP amino_NN acid_NN identity_NN , yet_RB for_IN the_ATI DNA_NP viruses_NNS it_PP3 is_BEZ usually_RB weak_JJ , generally_RB less_AP than_IN 40%_NP amino_NN acid_NN identity.=20_CD 160_CD in_IN most_AP cases_NNS , the_ATI protein_NN sequences_NNS discovered_VBN separately_RB by_IN virologists_NNS and_CC cell_NN biologists_NNS have_HV been_BEN connected_VBN by_IN homology_NN searches_NNS of_IN protein_NN sequence_NN databases_NNS in_IN this_DT way_NN , the_ATI databases_NNS and_CC the_ATI algorithms_NNS that_CS analyze_NN them_PP3OS have_HV served_VBN as_IN a_AT computerized_VBN dating_VBG service_NN for_IN modern_JJ biology_NN , matching_JJ fields_NNS with_IN distinct_JJ pasts_NNS to_IN the_ATI promise_NN of_IN shared_VBD discovery_NN in_IN the_ATI future_NN 161_CD BARRIERS_NPT TO_NPT VIRAL_NP REPLICATION_NP 162_CD a_AT successful_JJ virus_NN must_MD first_OD penetrate_VB the_ATI host's_NP$ defenses_NNS and_CC then_RN redirect_VB the_ATI host's_NP$ cell_NN functions_NNS to_IN its_PP$ own_AP replicative_JJ advantage_NN this_DT is_BEZ true_JJ whether_CS the_ATI virus_NN infects_NNS a_AT bacterium_NN or_CC a_AT human_JJ being_BEG in_IN the_ATI case_NN of_IN bacteria_NNS , restriction_NN enzymes_NNS are_BER a_AT primitive_JJ but_CC effective_JJ immune_JJ system_NN that_CS works_NNS by_IN chopping_JJ up_RP viral_JJ DNA_NP before_CS it_PP3 can_MD be_BE transcribed_VBN or_CC replicated_VBN however_RB , the_ATI barriers_NNS that_DT must_MD be_BE overcome_VB for_IN the_ATI reproductive_JJ success_NN of_IN an_AT animal_NN virus_NN are_BER by_IN far_RB more_QL daunting_JJ and_CC diverse_JJ the_ATI virus_NN must_MD first_OD survive_VB physical_JJ threats_NNS such_ABL as_IN heat_NN , ultraviolet_NN radiation_NN , and_CC gastric_JJ acidity_NN then_RN it_PP3 must_MD get_VB past_NN the_ATI integument_NN and_CC elude_VB extracellular_JJ immune_JJ defenses_NNS such_IN as_IN complement-mediated_JJ lysis_NN and_CC antibody_NN neutralization_NN if_CS the_ATI virus_NN is_BEZ still_RB viable_JJ at_IN this_DT point_NN , it_PP3 must_MD find_VB a_AT way_NN to_TO attach_VB to_IN a_AT suitable_JJ host_NN cell_NN , penetrate_VB the_ATI plasma_NN membrane_NN , and_CC finally_RB commandeer_VB the_ATI host's_NP$ replicative_JJ machinery.=20_CD 163_CD inside_IN the_ATI cell_NN , the_ATI virus_NN must_MD hide_VB from_IN antigen- specific_JJ cytotoxic_JJ T_ZZ lymphocytes_NNS , which_WDTR home_NR in_RP on_IN the_ATI viral_JJ peptides_NNS displayed_VBN by_IN class_NN I_PP1A major_JJ histocompatibility_JJ complex_JJ (_( MHC_NP )_) molecules_NNS on_IN the_ATI surfaces_NNS of_IN infected_JJ cells_NNS the_ATI virus_NN must_MD also_RB neutralize_VB the_ATI potent_JJ antiviral_JJ and_CC proinflammatory_JJ effects_NNS of_IN cytokines_NNS such_IN as_IN tumor_NN necrosis_NN factor_NN (_( TNF_NP )_) , interleukin_NN 1_CD1 (_( IL-1_CD-CD )_) , and_CC interferon_NN gamma_NN (_( IFN-gamma_NP )_) finally_RB , it_PP3 must_MD come_VB to_IN terms_NNS with_IN its_PP$ own_AP virulence_NN , since_IN the_ATI death_NN of_IN the_ATI host_NN before_CS its_PP$ reproduction_NN may_MD be_BE a_AT Pyrrhic_JNP victory_NN for_IN the_ATI virus_NN the_ATI host-virus_JJ relationship_NN , developed_VBD over_IN evolutionary_JJ time_NN , can_MD range_VB from_IN all-out_JJB biological_JJ warfare_NN (_( humans_NNS and_CC smallpox_NN )_) to_IN peaceful_JJ coexistence_NN (_( swine_NNS and_CC swinepox_NN )_) 164_CD VIRAL_NPT WEAPONS_NPT AGAINST_NPT IMMUNOLOGIC_NPT DEFENSESOF_NPT THE_NP HOST_NP 165_CD all_ABN prospective_JJ pathogens_NNS must_MD counteract_VB both_ABX the_ATI general_JJ and_CC antigen-specific_JJ effector_JJ mechanisms_NNS of_IN the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN (_( Table_NP 2_CD )_) Known_NP viral_JJ strategies_NNS for_IN eluding_VBG antigen-recognition_NN molecules_NNS (_( antibody_NN and_CC T-cell_NP antigen_NN receptors_NNS )_) include_VB antigenic_JJ drift_NN and_CC the_ATI sabotage_NN of_IN antigen_NN presentation_NN pathways_NNS the_ATI influenza_NN A_ZZ hemagglutinin_NN and_CC neuraminidase_NN and_CC the_ATI human_JJ immunodeficiency_NN virus_NN envelope_NN protein_NN are_BER the_ATI best-documented_JJ examples_NNS of_IN how_WRB antigenic_JJ drift_NN may_MD enable_VB a_AT virus_NN to_TO escape_VB detection_NN by_IN the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN this_DT countermeasure_NN does_DOZ not_XNOT involve_VB pirating_VBG host_NN genes_NNS , however_RB 166_CD in_IN contrast_NN , the_ATI open_JJ reading_NN frame_NN UL18_CD of_IN the_ATI human_JJ cytomegalovirus_JJ (_( HCMV_NP )_) , a_AT beta_NN herpesvirus_JJ , encodes_NNS a_AT protein_NN that_WPR is_BEZ approximately_RB 20%_NP identical_JJ in_IN amino_NN acid_NN sequence_NN to_IN the_ATI variable_NN chain_NN of_IN mammalian_NN class_NN I_PP1A MHC_NP molecules_NNS the_ATI UL18_CD product_NN binds_VBZ to_IN cellular_JJ beta_NN sub_NN 2_CD -microglobulin_NN , the_ATI invariant_JJ chain_NN of_IN the_ATI class_NN I_PP1A molecule_VB essential_JJ for_IN transporting_VBG normal_JJ class_NN I_PP1A heterodimers_NNS to_IN the_ATI plasma_NN membrane_NN in_IN this_DT way_NN , deployment_NN of_IN fully_RB assembled_JJ class_NN I_PP1A molecules_NNS on_IN the_ATI cell_NN surface_NN is_BEZ prevented_VBN in_IN cells_NNS infected_VBN with_IN HCMV_NP , thereby_RB possibly_RB resulting_JJ in_IN defective_JJ antigen_NN presentation_NN to_IN cytotoxic_JJ T_ZZ lymphocytes_NNS 167_CD as_CS for_IN antigen-nonspecific_JJ effectors_NNS of_IN the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN , various_JJ viral_JJ countermeasures_NNS that_WPR involve_VB the_ATI pirating_NN of_IN host_NN genes_NNS have_HV been_BEN identified_VBN examples_NNS for_IN cytokines_NNS , cytokine_NN receptors_NNS , chemoattractant_NN receptors_NNS , and_CC complement_NN control_NN proteins_NNS have_HV been_BEN demonstrated_VBN these_DTS viral_JJ imitators_NNS may_MD modulate_VB intracellular_VB communication_NN in_IN at_RB least_RB two_CD ways_NNS (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) the_ATI first_OD way_NN involves_VBZ the_ATI disruption_NN by_IN poxvirus_JJ products_NNS of_IN communication_NN pathways_NNS that_CS lead_NN to_TO cytolysis_VB and_CC inflammation_NN the_ATI net_JJB result_NN of_IN this_DT disruption_NN is_BEZ decreased_VBN inflammation_NN at_IN infected_JJ sites_NNS and_CC increased_JJ virulence_NN in_RB vivo_RB , as_CS shown_VBN by_IN experiments_NNS with_IN recombinant_NN poxviruses_NNS that_CS specifically_RB lack_VB the_ATI gene_NN in_IN question.=20_CD 168_CD examples_NNS of_IN this_DT type_NN of_IN disruption_NN include_VB the_ATI IL- 1_CD-CD receptor_NN homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI vaccinia_NN virus_NN , the_ATI TNF_NP receptor_JJ homologues_NNS of_IN the_ATI myxoma_NN and_CC Shope_NP fibroma_NN viruses_NNS , the_ATI IFN-gamma_NP receptor_JJ homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI myxoma_NN virus_NN , the_ATI complement_NN control_NN protein_NN homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI vaccinia_NN virus_NN , a_AT serpin_NN (_( serine_NN protease_NN inhibitor_NN )_) homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI cowpox_NN virus_NN , and_CC the_ATI eukaryotic_JJ initiation_NN factor-2alpha_JJ homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI vaccinia_NN virus_NN 169_CD the_ATI respective_JJ poxviruses_NNS have_HV redesigned_VBN all_ABN the_ATI cytokine_NN receptor_NN homologues_NNS so_CS that_CS they_PP3AS lack_NN a_AT membrane_NN anchor_NN and_CC the_ATI cytoplasmic_JJ signaling_VBG domain_NN the_ATI cytokine_NN receptor_NN homologues_NNS are_BER therefore_RB secreted_VBN , ligand-binding_NN proteins_NNS incapable_JJ of_IN transmembrane_NN signal_NN transduction_NN the_ATI homologues_NNS appear_VB to_TO act_VB by_IN binding_JJ the_ATI respective_JJ cytokine_NN before_CS it_PP3 can_MD dock_NN to_IN its_PP$ cellular_JJ receptor_NN and_CC unload_VB its_PP$ antiviral_JJ signal_NN the_ATI complement_NN control_NN protein_NN homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI vaccinia_NN virus_NN binds_VBZ to_IN C4b_NP , thereby_RB halting_VBG the_ATI complement_NN cascade_NN , whether_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ activated_VBN by_IN classical_JJ or_CC alternative_JJ pathways_NNS the_ATI serpin_JJ homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI cowpox_NN virus_NN blocks_VBZ the_ATI action_NN of_IN the_ATI IL-1beta-converting_CD-CD enzyme_NN , a_AT cysteine_NN protease_NN that_CS cleaves_NNS an_AT inactive_JJ precursor_NN into_IN mature_JJ IL-1beta_CD-CD in_IN this_DT way_NN , the_ATI convertase_NN inhibitor_NN reduces_VBZ the_ATI concentration_NN of_IN mature_JJ IL-1beta_CD-CD , a_AT key_NN immunoregulatory_NN molecule_NN 170_CD the_ATI second_OD way_NN by_IN which_WDTR DNA_NP virus_NN imitators_NNS may_MD modulate_VB intracellular_NN communication_NN is_BEZ by_IN expropriating_VBG a_AT normal_JJ cell_NN communication_NN pathway_NN the_ATI most_QL thoroughly_RB studied_JJ example_NN is_BEZ for_IN the_ATI open_JJ reading_NN frame_NN BCRF1_CD of_IN the_ATI Epstein-Barr_NP virus_NN (_( EBV_NP )_) , which_WDTR encodes_VBZ a_AT fully_RB functional_JJ homologue_NN of_IN interleukin_NN 10_CD (_( IL-10_CD-CD )_) .=20_CD 171_CD the_ATI reproductive_JJ potential_NN of_IN EBV_NP is_BEZ apparently_RB enhanced_VBN by_IN tapping_VBG into_IN the_ATI anti-inflammatory_JJ functions_NNS of_IN IL-10_CD-CD , which_WDTR are_BER mediated_VBN by_IN the_ATI cellular_JJ IL-10_CD-CD receptor_NN in_IN Herpesvirus_JJ saimiri_NN (_( HVS_NP )_) a_AT reciprocal_JJ situation_NN has_HVZ been_BEN discovered_VBN instead_RB of_IN pirating_VBG the_ATI gene_NN for_IN an_AT immunoregulatory_NN ligand_NN , HVS_NP copied_VBD the_ATI gene_NN for_IN an_AT interleukin_NN 8_CD (_( IL-8_NP )_) receptor_NN the_ATI viral_JJ IL-8_NP receptor_NN is_BEZ an_AT integral_JJ membrane_NN protein_NN that_CS , on_IN binding_JJ to_IN a_AT ligand_NN , transmits_NNS a_AT signal_NN to_IN the_ATI cytoplasm_NN this_DT property_NN distinguishes_VBZ it_PP3 from_IN the_ATI soluble_JJ cytokine_NN receptor_NN homologues_NNS of_IN poxviruses_NNS the_ATI precise_JJ biological_JJ actions_NNS of_IN IL-8_NP that_CS are_BER coveted_JJ by_IN the_ATI virus_NN are_BER not_XNOT yet_RB known_VBN , but_CC probably_RB involve_VB immune_JJ cell_NN activation_NN both_ABX EBV_NP and_CC HVS_NP are_BER closely_RB related_JJ gamma- herpesviruses_NNS with_IN highly_RB conserved_VBN genomes_NNS the_ATI HVS_NP IL-8_NP receptor_NN gene_NN and_CC the_ATI EBV_NP IL-10_CD- CD gene_NN are_BER two_CD genes_NNS not_XNOT conserved_VBN in_IN EBV_NP and_CC HVS_NP 172_CD subversion_NN of_IN the_ATI IL-1_CD-CD system_NN by_IN the_ATI vaccinia_NN virus_NN could_MD have_HV occurred_VBN either_DTX by_IN mimicking_VBG the_ATI ligands_NNS or_CC the_ATI receptors_NNS (_( Table_NP 3_CD )_) two_CD forms_NNS of_IN IL-1_CD-CD are_BER produced_VBN in_IN mammals-IL- 1alpha_CD-CD , which_WDTR is_BEZ cell_NN associated_VBN and_CC may_MD not_XNOT serve_VB a_AT signaling_VBG function_NN in_RB vivo_RB , and_CC IL- 1beta_CD-CD , the_ATI major_JJ circulating_JJ form_NN of_IN IL-1_CD-CD that_CS accounts_NNS for_IN the_ATI known_VBN biological_JJ actions_NNS of_IN IL-1_CD- CD a_AT third_OD isoform_NN , the_ATI IL-1_CD-CD receptor_NN antagonist_NN , blocks_VBZ the_ATI actions_NNS of_IN IL-1_CD-CD but_CC lacks_VBZ agonist_NN activity_NN all_ABN three_CD isoforms_NNS possess_VB about_IN 20%_NP amino_NN acid_NN sequence_NN identity_NN , which_WDTR indicates_VBZ that_CS they_PP3AS arose_VBD from_IN a_AT common_JJ ancestral_JJ gene_NN the_ATI IL-1_CD-CD receptor_NN is_BEZ also_RB complex.=20_CD 173_CD two_CD are_BER known_VBN the_ATI type_NN II_NP receptor_NN has_HVZ a_AT short_JJ cytoplasmic_JJ domain_NN and_CC has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO have_HV a_AT signaling_VBG function_NN it_PP3 may_MD reduce_VB concentrations_NNS of_IN soluble_JJ IL-1_CD-CD available_JJ to_IN the_ATI type_NN I_PP1A receptor_VB , which_WDTR in_IN contrast_NN has_HVZ a_AT long_JJ cytoplasmic_JJ domain_NN and_CC mediates_VBZ all_ABN the_ATI known_VBN signaling_VBG functions_NNS of_IN IL-1_CD-CD both_ABX receptors_NNS bind_VB all_ABN three_CD forms_NNS of_IN IL-1_CD-CD however_RB , the_ATI binding_JJ affinity_NN for_IN IL-1beta_CD-CD by_IN the_ATI type_NN II_NP receptor_NN is_BEZ about_RB 10_CD times_NNS greater_JJR than_IN that_DT of_IN the_ATI type_NN I_PP1A receptor_VB given_VBN these_DTS facts_NNS , natural_JJ selection_NN has_HVZ yielded_VBN what_WDT appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE the_ATI most_QL logical_JJ route_NN to_TO efficiently_RB subvert_VB the_ATI IL-1_CD-CD system_NN the_ATI viral_JJ IL-1_CD-CD receptor_NN corresponds_VBZ only_RB to_IN the_ATI soluble_JJ portion_NN of_IN the_ATI type_NN II_NP receptor_NN ; moreover_RB , it_PP3 binds_VBZ IL-1beta_CD-CD , the_ATI signaling_NN isoform_NN , but_CC ignores_VBZ IL-1alpha_CD-CD , the_ATI nonsignaling_NN isoform_NN 174_CD similarly_RB , natural_JJ selection_NN may_MD have_HV yielded_VBN what_WDT appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE the_ATI most_QL logical_JJ way_NN for_IN HVS_NP to_TO take_VB full_JJ advantage_NN of_IN the_ATI IL-8_NP signaling_VBG system_NN interleukin_NN 8_CD is_BEZ one_CD1 of_IN a_AT family_NN of_IN at_RB least_RB 18_CD structurally_RB and_CC functionally_RB related_VBN human_JJ molecules_NNS known_VBN as_IN chemokines-for_NN chemoattractants_NNS and_CC cytokines_NNS the_ATI chemokines_NNS possess_VB both_ABX broadly_RB overlapping_JJ and_CC distinct_JJ roles_NNS in_IN the_ATI regulation_NN of_IN phagocyte_NN and_CC lymphocyte_NN motility_NN and_CC activation_NN and_CC thus_RB may_MD play_VB important_JJ roles_NNS in_IN acute_JJ and_CC chronic_JJ inflammation.=20_CD 175_CD in_IN addition_NN , several_AP of_IN the_ATI chemokines_NNS may_MD play_VB a_AT broader_JJR role_NN in_IN cell_NN proliferation_NN the_ATI sequences_NNS for_IN a_AT receptor_JJ dedicated_JJ to_IN IL-8_NP (_( IL-8_NP receptor_NN A_ZZ or_CC IL8RA_NP )_) and_CC for_IN a_AT second_OD receptor_NN (_( IL-8_NP receptor_NN B_ZZ or_CC IL8RB_NP )_) shared_VBD among_IN IL-8_NP and_CC the_ATI closely_RB related_JJ chemokines_NNS called_VBN neutrophil- activating_NN peptide-2_NN (_( NAP-2_NP )_) and_CC the_ATI growth-related_JJ gene_NN product_NN GROalpha_NP have_HV been_BEN deduced_VBN by_IN molecular_JJ cloning_NN by_IN copying_VBG IL8RB_NP , the_ATI more_QL promiscuous_JJ IL-8_NP receptor_NN , HVS_NP may_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO tap_VB into_IN a_AT richer_JJR variety_NN of_IN potential_JJ signaling_NN pathways_NNS than_IN if_CS it_PP3 had_HVD copied_VBN IL8RA_NP 176_CD when_WRB they_PP3AS are_BER expressed_VBN in_IN frog_NN oocytes_NNS , the_ATI viral_JJ IL-8_NP receptor_NN is_BEZ 200_CD times_NNS more_QL sensitive_JJ than_IN human_JJ IL8RB_NP to_IN GROalpha_NP , a_AT molecule_NN with_IN known_JJ growth-factor_NN activity_NN thus_RB , the_ATI viral_JJ receptor_NN may_MD sensitize_VB cells_NNS infected_VBN with_IN HVS_NP to_IN concentrations_NNS of_IN GROalpha_NP that_CS do_DO not_XNOT activate_VB the_ATI cellular_JJ receptor_NN the_ATI biochemical_JJ changes_NNS that_WPR occur_VB in_IN the_ATI cytoplasm_NN of_IN phagocytes_NNS stimulated_VBN with_IN IL-8_NP , GROalpha_NP , and_CC NAP- 2_NP are_BER similar_JJ to_IN those_DTS that_CS have_HV been_BEN measured_VBN during_IN the_ATI infection_NN of_IN fibroblasts_NNS by_IN HCMV_NP in_IN fact_NN , inhibition_NN of_IN these_DTS biochemical_JJ changes_NNS markedly_RB attenuates_VBZ HCMV_NP replication.=20_CD 177_CD by_IN analogy_NN with_IN HCMV_NP , these_DTS changes_NNS may_MD ensure_VB for_IN HVS_NP a_AT cytoplasmic_JJ milieu_NN that_WPR has_HVZ been_BEN optimally_RB conditioned_VBN for_IN replication_NN or_CC the_ATI establishment_NN of_IN latency_NN in_IN its_PP$ natural_JJ host_NN , the_ATI squirrel_NN monkey_NN , HVS_NP infects_NNS T_ZZ lymphocytes_NNS without_IN causing_VBG disease_NN when_WRB other_AP primates_NNS are_BER infected_VBN , however_RB , HVS_NP causes_NNS fatal_JJ leukemias_NNS and_CC lymphomas_NNS it_PP3 can_MD also_RB transform_VB human_JJ T_ZZ cells_NNS in_IN vitro_NN the_ATI relationship_NN of_IN the_ATI pirated_NN IL-8_NP receptor_NN of_IN HVS_NP to_IN malignant_JJ transformation_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT yet_RB been_BEN tested_VBN in_RB vivo_RB with_IN mutant_NN viruses_NNS 178_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ a_AT fascinating_JJ paradox_NN that_CS although_CS the_ATI HVS_NP homologue_NN of_IN IL8RB_NP is_BEZ only_RB 30%_NP identical_JJ to_IN IL8RB_NP , it_PP3 binds_VBZ the_ATI same_AP three_CD ligands_NNS as_CS IL8RB_NP , whereas_CS mammalian_NN IL8RA_NP is_BEZ 78%_JJ identical_JJ to_IN IL8RB_NP , but_CC it_PP3 has_HVZ a_AT more_QL restricted_JJ ligand_JJ profile_NN another_DT mammalian_NN chemokine_NN receptor_NN that_CS binds_VBZ closely_RB related_JJ molecules_NNS such_IN as_IN macrophage_JJ inflammatory_JJ protein- 1alpha_CD-CD (_( MIP-1alpha_CD-CD )_) and_CC RANTES_NP (_( an_AT acronym_NN for_IN reduced_VBN on_IN activation_JJ normal_JJ T_ZZ expressed_VBN and_CC secreted_VBN )_) has_HVZ also_RB been_BEN pirated_VBN , in_IN this_DT case_NN by_IN HCMV_NP although_CS the_ATI viral_JJ protein_NN binds_VBZ MIP-1alpha_CD-CD and_CC RANTES_NP , its_PP$ capacity_NN for_IN signal_NN transduction_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT yet_RB been_BEN reported_VBN 179_CD in_IN addition_NN to_IN these_DTS functionally_RB characterized_VBN viral_JJ proteins_NNS , several_AP open_JJ reading_NN frames_NNS have_HV been_BEN identified_VBN among_IN the_ATI poxviruses_NNS and_CC herpesviruses_NNS that_CS encode_JJ putative_JJ proteins_NNS with_IN clear-cut_JJ sequence_NN relationships_NNS to_IN families_NNS of_IN cellular_JJ proteins_NNS , but_CC where_WRB the_ATI specific_JJ function_NN of_IN the_ATI viral_JJ protein_NN or_CC its_PP$ closest_JJT cellular_JJ homologue_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT yet_RB been_BEN delineated_VBN several_AP of_IN these_DTS are_BER viral_JJ G_ZZ protein-coupled_JJ receptorlike_NN sequences_NNS the_ATI HVS_NP IL-8_NP receptor_NN and_CC the_ATI HCMV_NP MIP- 1alpha_RANTES_CD-CD binding_JJ protein_NN are_BER the_ATI only_AP functionally_RB characterized_VBN viral_JJ homologues_NNS of_IN mammalian_NN G_ZZ protein-coupled_JJ receptors_NNS there_EX are_BER other_AP examples_NNS of_IN herpesviruses_NNS that_CS have_HV pirated_JJ genes_NNS that_CS may_MD be_BE involved_VBN in_IN cell_NN cycle_NN regulation_NN and_CC programmed_VBN cell_NN death_NN (_( apoptosis_NN )_) 180_CD MOLECULAR_NPT MIMICRY_NPT BY_NPT CONVERGENT_NP EVOLUTION_NP 181_CD two_CD proteins_NNS may_MD have_HV no_ATI sequence_NN similarity_NN but_CC subserve_NN a_AT similar_JJ function_NN this_DT phenomenon_NN is_BEZ termed_VBN convergent_NN evolution_NN interestingly_RB , although_CS the_ATI herpesviruses_NNS have_HV acquired_JJ chemokine_NN receptor_NN genes_NNS to_TO mimic_VB their_PP$ primate_NN hosts_NNS , at_RB least_RB one_CD1 host_NN , Homo_NP sapiens_NNS , has_HVZ inactivated_VBN another_DT chemokine_NN receptor_NN gene_NN under_IN the_ATI pressure_NN of_IN convergent_JJ molecular_JJ mimicry_NN in_IN this_DT case_NN , however_RB , the_ATI pathogen_NN is_BEZ a_AT protozoan_NN the_ATI Duffy_NP blood_NN group_NN antigen_NN has_HVZ been_BEN known_VBN for_IN almost_RB 20_CD years_NNS to_TO be_BE the_ATI receptor_NN for_IN the_ATI malaria_NN parasite_NN Plasmodium_NP vivax_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ also_RB known_VBN that_CS the_ATI majority_NN of_IN inhabitants_NNS of_IN Africa_NP , where_WRB P_ZZ vivax_NN is_BEZ rare_JJ , lack_VB the_ATI Duffy_NP antigen_NN and_CC are_BER thus_RB protected_VBN from_IN vivax_NN malaria_NN it_PP3 has_HVZ recently_RB been_BEN shown_VBN that_CS the_ATI Duffy_NP blood_NN group_NN antigen_NN is_BEZ a_AT red_JJ blood_NN cell_NN chemokine- binding_NN protein_NN that_WPR is_BEZ more_QL promiscuous_JJ in_IN its_PP$ ligand_NN affiliations_NNS than_IN any_DTI of_IN the_ATI white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN chemokine_NN receptors.=20_CD 182_CD in_IN fact_NN , the_ATI Duffy_NP blood_NN group_NN antigen_NN is_BEZ able_JJ to_TO bind_VB all_ABN three_CD sets_NNS of_IN chemokines_NNS (_( IL-8_NP , NAP- 2_NP , GROalpha_NP ; RANTES_NP ; and_CC monocyte_NN chemoattractant_NN protein_NN 1_CD1 )_) that_CS target_NN three_CD distinct_JJ white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN chemokine_NN receptors_NNS recently_RB Chaudhuri_NP et_&FW al_APS succeeded_VBN in_IN cloning_VBG cDNAs_NP encoding_VBG the_ATI Duffy_NP antigen_NN the_ATI deduced_VBN protein_NN sequence_NN is_BEZ clearly_RB related_VBN to_TO that_CS of_IN the_ATI white_JJ cell_NN chemokine_NN receptors_NNS (_( almost_RB 26%_NN amino_NN acid_NN identity_NN )_) the_ATI parasite_NN molecule_NN that_CS binds_VBZ to_IN the_ATI Duffy_NP antigen_NN has_HVZ no_ATI sequence_NN relationship_NN to_IN chemokines_NNS and_CC thus_RB probably_RB targeted_VBN Duffy_NP by_IN a_AT convergent_JJ evolutionary_JJ pathway_NN the_ATI dynamic_JJ coevolution_NN of_IN hosts_NNS and_CC parasites_NNS may_MD be_BE graphically_RB illustrated_VBN by_IN the_ATI loss_NN of_IN the_ATI Duffy_NP antigen_NN in_IN malaria-exposed_JJ Africans_NNPS and_CC their_PP$ American_JNP descendants.=20_CD 183_CD although_CS the_ATI apparent_JJ good_JJ health_NN of_IN persons_NNS not_XNOT possessing_VBG the_ATI Duffy_NP antigen_NN may_MD argue_VB against_IN an_AT important_JJ role_NN in_IN homeostasis_NN for_IN Duffy_NP on_IN red_JJ blood_NN cells_NNS , the_ATI ability_NN of_IN chemokines_NNS to_TO block_VB infection_NN of_IN red_JJ cells_NNS by_IN the_ATI related_JJ parasite_NN Plasmodium_NP knowlesi_NN in_IN vitro_NN raises_VBZ the_ATI possibility_NN of_IN developing_VBG new_JJ chemokine-based_JJ therapeutics_NNS for_IN vivax_NN malaria_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN the_ATI Duffy_NP antigen_NN 184_CD several_AP examples_NNS of_IN viral_JJ interference_NN in_IN immunoregulatory_NN pathways_NNS involve_VB proteins_NNS without_IN clear-cut_JJ homology_NN to_IN host_NN proteins_NNS the_ATI p15E_CD protein_NN of_IN murine_NN retroviruses_NNS may_MD contribute_VB to_TO immunosuppression_VB by_IN inhibiting_JJ protein_NN kinase_NN C_ZZ adenoviruses_NNS encode_NN a_AT protein_NN dedicated_JJ to_TO the_ATI subversion_NN of_IN antigen_NN presentation_NN pathways_NNS however_RB , unlike_IN the_ATI UL18_CD gene_JJ product_NN of_IN HCMV_NP , this_DT adenovirus_JJ protein_NN (_( E3-gp19K_CD-CD )_) binds_VBZ to_TO the_ATI variable_JJ chain_NN of_IN the_ATI class_NN I_PP1A molecule_VB , thus_RB preventing_VBG its_PP$ assembly_NN and_CC transport_NN to_IN the_ATI plasma_NN membrane_NN .=20_CD 185_CD at_RB least_RB three_CD genes_NNS from_IN adenoviruses_NNS are_BER known_VBN to_TO disrupt_VB the_ATI TNF_NP cytolytic_JJ signal_NN transduction_NN pathway_NN at_IN the_ATI level_NN of_IN cytosolic_JJ second_OD messengers_NNS and_CC transcription_NN factor_NN activation_NN unlike_IN poxviruses_NNS , which_WDTR cause_NN acute_JJ , cytolytic_JJ infections_NNS in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI virus_NN drives_VBZ the_ATI pathology_NN , adenoviruses_NNS cause_NN persistent_JJ infections_NNS with_IN long- term_JJB viral_JJ shedding_VBG in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN drives_VBZ the_ATI pathology_NN thus_RB , in_IN contrast_NN to_IN the_ATI decreased_VBD virulence_NN of_IN poxviruses_NNS bearing_VBG inactivating_VBG mutations_NNS in_IN pirated_JJ immunoregulatory_NN genes_NNS , adenoviruses_NNS bearing_VBG inactivating_VBG mutations_NNS in_IN the_ATI genes_NNS that_WPR interfere_VB with_IN TNF_NP signaling_VBG cause_NN dramatically_RB increased_JJ pathology_NN in_IN rodent_NN models_NNS of_IN pneumonia_NN , despite_IN wild-type_JJ levels_NNS of_IN viral_JJ replication_NN 186_CD MOLECULAR_NPT MIMICRY_NPT AND_NPT THE_NPT GENERATION_NPT OF_NPT HOST_NPT DEFENSE_NP PROTEIN_NP DIVERSITY_NP 187_CD the_ATI virus_NN clearly_RB has_HVZ an_AT interest_NN in_IN copying_VBG and_CC improving_VBG what_WDT works_NNS well_RB in_IN the_ATI host_NN the_ATI host_NN , however_RB , has_HVZ an_AT interest_NN in_IN eluding_VBG imitation_NN by_IN the_ATI virus_NN a_AT natural_JJ competition_NN is_BEZ thus_RB established_VBN the_ATI score_NN of_IN this_DT competition_NN may_MD be_BE read_VB in_IN the_ATI sequence_NN differences_NNS between_IN homologous_JJ host_NN and_CC viral_JJ gene_NN products_NNS to_IN the_ATI extent_NN that_CS different_JJ host_NN species_NN may_MD be_BE infected_VBN by_IN different_JJ species-specific_JJ viruses_NNS that_DT may_MD or_CC may_MD not_XNOT target_NN the_ATI same_AP gene_NN for_IN copying_VBG , targeted_VBD genes_NNS might_MD be_BE subjected_VBN to_IN exaggerated_JJ sequence_NN variation_NN relative_JJ to_IN untargeted_JJ genes.=20_CD 188_CD it_PP3 has_HVZ recently_RB been_BEN shown_VBN that_CS human_JJ and_CC rodent_NN versions_NNS of_IN host_NN defense_NN proteins_NNS are_BER far_RB more_QL divergent_JJ in_IN sequence_NN than_IN human_JJ and_CC rodent_NN versions_NNS of_IN proteins_NNS from_IN any_DTI other_AP functional_JJ grouping_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ worth_IN considering_VBG that_CS molecular_JJ mimicry_NN by_IN species-specific_JJ pathogens_NNS may_MD be_BE a_AT potent_JJ selective_JJ force_NN behind_IN the_ATI generation_NN of_IN host_NN defense_NN protein_NN diversity_NN since_IN viruses_NNS can_MD mutate_VB much_AP more_QL quickly_RB than_IN their_PP$ hosts_NNS , the_ATI absolute_JJ dependence_NN of_IN the_ATI virus_NN on_IN the_ATI host_NN may_MD ultimately_RB be_BE the_ATI only_AP thing_NN that_CS constrains_VBZ the_ATI zest_NN with_IN which_WDTR it_PP3 redesigns_VBZ the_ATI cellular_JJ protein_NN to_TO subvert_VB the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN 189_CD CONCLUSION_NP 190_CD finally_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ likely_JJ that_CS the_ATI pirating_NN of_IN immunoregulatory_NN genes_NNS may_MD not_XNOT be_BE restricted_JJ to_IN viruses_NNS , but_CC may_MD instead_RB be_BE a_AT general_JJ strategy_NN by_IN which_WDTR bacterial_JJ , protozoan_JJB , and_CC perhaps_RB metazoan_JJ parasites_NNS chisel_NN chinks_NNS in_IN the_ATI armor_NN of_IN the_ATI host_NN immune_JJ system_NN several_AP nonviral_JJ examples_NNS have_HV already_RB been_BEN identified_VBN there_EX are_BER probably_RB hundreds_CDS of_IN distinct_JJ cytokines_NNS and_CC dozens_CDS of_IN cytokine-activated_JJ second_OD messenger_NN systems_NNS that_CS regulate_VB immunity_NN and_CC inflammation_NN just_RB as_RB the_ATI retroviral_JJ oncogenes_NNS have_HV been_BEN useful_JJ for_IN identifying_VBG key_NN cellular_JJ proteins_NNS involved_VBN in_IN normal_JJ growth_NN and_CC differentiation_NN , the_ATI greatest_JJT value_NN of_IN the_ATI pirated_NN immunoregulatory_NN genes_NNS may_MD be_BE in_IN quickly_RB directing_VBG the_ATI therapeutic_JJ efforts_NNS of_IN immunologists_NNS , pharmacologists_NNS , and_CC clinicians_NNS to_TO key_NN molecules_NNS , such_ABL as_CS IL-1_CD-CD , TNF_NP , and_CC IL-8_NP , that_DT may_MD be_BE driving_VBG inflammatory_JJ reactions_NNS in_IN people_NNS JGANUE_NP physical_JJ Examination_NN of_IN the_ATI Liver_NP 2_CD the_ATI patient_NN in_IN your_PP$ examining_VBG room_NN is_BEZ new_JJ to_IN the_ATI practice_NN he_PP3A is_BEZ 52_CD years_NNS old_JJ , emigrated_VBD from_IN Southeast_NP Asia_NP about_RB 10_CD years_NNS ago_RB , and_CC has_HVZ no_ATI specific_JJ complaints_NNS except_IN fatigue_NN on_IN examination_NN you_PP2 find_VB little_JJ of_IN note_NN except_IN that_DT his_PP$ liver_NN edge_NN is_BEZ firm_JJ , easily_RB felt_VBD , and_CC extends_VBZ about_IN 6_CD cm_NNU below_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN across_IN much_AP of_IN the_ATI right_JJ upper_JJB quadrant_NN The_NP span_NN , by_IN light_NN percussion_NN , is_BEZ 17_CD or_CC 18_CD cm._NN should_MD you_PP2 be_BE concerned_VBN ? What_NP does_DOZ the_ATI research_NN literature_NN tell_VB us_PP1OS about_IN the_ATI meaning_NN of_IN these_DTS findings_NNS ? 3_CD ideally_RB , the_ATI clinical_JJ meaning_NN of_IN physical_JJ examination_NN findings_NNS should_MD be_BE established_VBN in_IN research_NN studies_NNS that_CS account_NN for_IN the_ATI overall_JJB context_NN , including_IN other_AP signs_NNS and_CC details_NNS from_IN the_ATI medical_JJ history_NN this_DT approach_NN is_BEZ difficult_JJ in_IN liver_NN disease_NN , because_CS the_ATI physical_JJ manifestations_NNS of_IN hepatic_JJ dysfunction_NN are_BER protean_NN and_CC many_AP multisystem_NN diseases_NNS affect_VB the_ATI liver_NN our_PP$ focus_NN , therefore_RB , is_BEZ on_IN physical_JJ examination_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN itself_PPL this_DT means_VBZ , however_RB , that_CS we_PP1AS implicitly_RB depend_VB on_IN the_ATI clinician's_NP$ ability_NN to_TO make_VB a_AT baseline_JJ estimate_NN of_IN the_ATI likelihood_NN of_IN liver_NN disease_NN on_IN the_ATI basis_NN of_IN the_ATI history_NN and_or_CC other_AP physical_JJ findings_NNS 4_CD although_CS many_AP maneuvers_NNS recommended_VBN in_IN liver_NN examination_NN are_BER unproven_JJ , there_EX is_BEZ reasonable_JJ evidence_NN that_CS the_ATI presence_NN or_CC absence_NN of_IN hepatomegaly_RB can_MD be_BE determined_JJ with_IN moderate_JJ accuracy_NN on_IN physical_JJ examination_NN descriptive_JJ studies_NNS suggest_VB that_CS other_AP qualitative_JJ findings_NNS may_MD help_VB in_IN clinical_JJ assessment_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN possible_JJ liver_NN disease_NN Liver_NP examination_NN , like_IN most_QL physical_JJ diagnosis_NN maneuvers_NNS , is_BEZ not_XNOT dissimilar_JJ to_IN a_AT screening_NN test_NN ; it_PP3 may_MD support_VB or_CC refute_VB hypotheses_NNS generated_VBN by_IN the_ATI history_NN , and_CC generate_VB further_JJB hypotheses_NNS itself_PPL , allowing_VBG more_QL selective_JJ use_NN of_IN imaging_VBG techniques_NNS and_CC laboratory_NN tests_NNS as_CS tools_NNS to_TO confirm_VB the_ATI suspected_VBD diagnoses_VBZ 5_CD TOPOGRAPHY_NP 6_CD situated_VBN intraperitoneally_RB in_IN the_ATI right_JJ upper_JJB quadrant_NN , the_ATI liver_NN seldom_RB extends_VBZ more_AP than_IN 5_CD to_IN 6_CD cm_NNU across_IN the_ATI midline_NN into_IN the_ATI left_NN upper_JJB quadrant_NN the_ATI upper_JJB surface_NN is_BEZ convex_JJ and_CC nestles_NNS under_IN the_ATI diaphragm_NN typically_RB at_IN the_ATI level_NN of_IN the_ATI fifth_OD or_CC sixth_OD anterior_JJ rib_NN in_IN quiet_JJ respiration_NN the_ATI lower_JJR surface_NN tends_VBZ to_TO be_BE concave_VBN , with_IN the_ATI gallbladder_NN in_IN it_PP3 although_CS the_ATI fundus_NN of_IN the_ATI gallbladder_NN may_MD project_VB below_IN and_CC anteriorly_RB to_IN the_ATI lower_JJR liver_NN edge_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ not_XNOT felt_VBN in_IN healthy_JJ persons_NNS 7_CD the_ATI bulk_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN sits_VBZ posteriorly_RB where_WRB it_PP3 cannot_NN be_BE assessed_VBN from_IN behind_IN because_CS of_IN intervening_JJ retroperitoneal_JJ contents_NNS , ribs_NNS , and_CC lumbar_NN musculature_NN anteriorly_RB , the_ATI liver_NN sits_VBZ partly_RB above_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN , with_IN ribs_NNS and_CC lung_NN supervening_VBG , and_CC partly_RB below_IN it_PP3 the_ATI portion_NN extending_VBG below_IN or_CC inferior_JJ to_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN varies_VBZ and_CC typically_RB runs_VBZ parallel_JJ to_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN however_RB , physicians_NNS working_VBG in_IN modern_JJ imaging_NN departments_NNS , like_IN generations_NNS of_IN surgeons_NNS and_CC anatomists_NNS before_CS them_PP3OS , can_MD attest_VB to_IN the_ATI degree_NN of_IN variability_NN in_IN the_ATI shape_NN of_IN the_ATI organ_NN , including_IN the_ATI extent_NN to_TO which_WDTR the_ATI lower_JJR edge_NN parallels_VBZ the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN and_CC the_ATI degree_NN of_IN extension_NN beyond_IN the_ATI midline_NN into_IN the_ATI left_NN upper_JJB quadrant_NN (_( Fig_NP 1).=20_CD 8_CD to_IN some_DTI extent_NN , the_ATI vertical_JJ liver_NN span_NN (_( ie_NN , the_ATI linear_JJ distance_NN from_IN the_ATI top_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN dome_NN down_RP to_IN the_ATI lower_JJR edge_NN )_) is_BEZ a_AT function_NN of_IN where_WRB in_IN the_ATI right_JJ hypochondrium_VBG the_ATI liver_NN edge_NN is_BEZ palpated_VBN or_CC percussed_VBN (_( Fig_NP 1_CD1 and_CC Fig_NP 2_CD ) _) the_ATI falciform_NN ligament_NN joins_VBZ the_ATI midanterior_JJ surface_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN to_IN the_ATI diaphragm_NN and_CC anterior_JJ abdominal_JJ wall_NN with_IN respiration_NN , diaphragmatic_JJ contraction_NN drives_VBZ the_ATI liver_NN downward_JJB , and_CC the_ATI anterior_JJ surface_NN of_IN the_ATI organ_NN rotates_VBZ slightly_RB to_IN the_ATI right_JJ in_IN quiet_JJ inspiration_NN and_CC expiration_NN , the_ATI excursion_NN is_BEZ approximately_RB 2_CD to_IN 3_CD cm._NN 9_CD a_AT SUGGESTED_NPT APPROACH_NPT TO_NPT LIVER_NP EXAMINATION_NP 10_CD we_PP1AS assume_VB that_QL , as_IN part_NN of_IN the_ATI general_JJ abdominal_JJ examination_NN , you_PP2 have_HV already_RB inspected_VBN the_ATI abdomen_NN , including_IN the_ATI right_JJ upper_JJB quadrant_NN , looking_VBG for_IN obvious_JJ irregularities_NNS or_CC deformities_NNS then_RN , in_IN adults_NNS without_IN a_AT history_NN or_CC physical_JJ findings_NNS suggestive_JJ of_IN potential_JJ liver_NN disease_NN , palpate_NN for_IN the_ATI lower_JJR liver_NN edge_NN start_VB with_IN gentle_JJ pressure_NN in_IN the_ATI right_JJ lower_JJR quadrant_NN ; ask_VB the_ATI patient_NN to_TO breathe_VB in_IN gently_RB and_CC slowly_RB to_TO bring_VB the_ATI liver_NN edge_NN down_RP to_IN the_ATI examining_VBG fingertips_NNS at_IN each_DT exhalation_NN , move_VB the_ATI fingers_NNS up_RP about_RB 2_CD cm._NN if_CS the_ATI edge_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT felt_VBN , no_ATI further_JJB examination_NN is_BEZ suggested_VBN 11_CD if_CS the_ATI edge_NN is_BEZ felt_VBN , confirm_VB that_CS you_PP2 are_BER palpating_VBG roughly_RB in_IN the_ATI middle_JJB of_IN the_ATI right_JJ portion_NN of_IN the_ATI abdomen_NN , ie_NN , corresponding_JJ to_IN the_ATI midthoracic_JJ line_NN or_CC so-called_JJB midclavicular_NN line_NN (_( MCL_NP )_) mark_VB the_ATI lower_JJR edge_NN then_RN , in_IN the_ATI same_AP approximate_JJ plane_NN , percuss_NN down_RP from_IN about_IN the_ATI level_NN of_IN the_ATI third_OD rib_NN , with_IN the_ATI pleximeter_NN finger_NN (_( the_ATI finger_NN that_CS you_PP2 strike_NN with_IN the_ATI percussing_NN finger_NN )_) laid_VBN horizontally_RB typical_JJ lung_NN field_NN resonance_NN will_MD be_BE heard_VBN move_VB one_CD1 rib_NN space_NN at_IN a_AT time_NN until_IN the_ATI tone_NN changes_NNS because_CS of_IN the_ATI interposition_NN of_IN the_ATI dome_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN behind_IN the_ATI air-filled_JJ lung_NN there_EX will_MD be_BE a_AT gradation_NN with_IN increasing_JJ dullness_NN as_CS you_PP2 move_VB caudally_RB and_CC the_ATI volume_NN of_IN the_ATI air-filled_JJ lung_NN overlying_JJ the_ATI liver_NN is_BEZ diminished_VBN (_( Fig_NP 3_CD )_) 12_CD 12_CD to_TO confirm_VB increased_JJ dullness_NN , spread_NN two_CD or_CC three_CD pleximeter_NN fingers_NNS over_IN adjacent_JJ rib_NN spaces_NNS and_CC percuss_NN quickly_RB a_AT number_NN of_IN times_NNS from_IN greater_JJR to_TO lesser_JJR resonance_NN if_CS doubts_NNS persist_VB , have_HV the_ATI patient_NN take_VB a_AT deeper_JJR breath_NN and_CC hold_VB it_PP3 ; then_RN percuss_NN to_TO confirm_VB an_AT unequivocal_JJ increase_NN in_IN resonance_NN at_IN that_DT rib_NN space_NN determination_NN of_IN a_AT level_NN for_IN the_ATI upper_JJB edge_NN of_IN liver_NN dullness_NN is_BEZ sometimes_RB helped_VBN by_IN placing_VBG the_ATI middle_JJB finger_NN over_IN the_ATI likely_JJ level_NN for_IN initial_JJ tone_NN change_NN and_CC laying_VBG the_ATI second_OD and_CC ring_NN fingers_NNS on_IN adjacent_JJ rib_NN spaces_NNS again_RB , percuss_NN back_RP and_CC forth_RP the_ATI percussion_NN tone_NN over_IN the_ATI fourth_OD or_CC ring_NN (_( ie_NN , top_NN )_) finger_NN should_MD be_BE resonant_JJ ; the_ATI second_OD or_CC index_NN finger_NN , unequivocally_RB dull_JJ ; and_CC the_ATI third_OD finger_NN , in_RP between_RI 13_CD try_VB to_TO ensure_VB that_CS the_ATI lower_JJR and_CC upper_JJB borders_NNS are_BER marked_JJ either_DTX in_IN quiet_JJ respiration_NN or_CC , if_CS deep_JJ breaths_NNS are_BER taken_VBN , in_IN the_ATI same_AP phase_NN of_IN respiration_NN 14_CD in_IN instances_NNS during_IN which_WDTR you_PP2 have_HV other_AP evidence_NN to_TO suggest_VB liver_NN disease_NN , but_CC the_ATI liver_NN edge_NN was_BEDZ not_XNOT palpable_JJ , attempt_NN to_TO locate_VB the_ATI lower_JJR edge_NN by_IN gentle_JJ percussion_NN in_IN the_ATI right_JJ lower_JJR quadrant_NN , following_JJ the_ATI plane_NN of_IN the_ATI MCL_NP and_CC again_RB working_VBG from_IN resonance_NN to_IN dullness_NN Tricks_NNS similar_JJ to_IN these_DTS (_( eg_NN , multiple_JJ pleximeter_NN fingers_NNS and_CC manipulating_JJ level_NN of_IN dullness_NN with_IN changes_NNS in_IN depth_NN of_IN respiration_NN )_) may_MD help_VB confirm_VB the_ATI finding_NN if_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI definite_JJ tone_NN change_NN up_RP to_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin-a_NN not_XNOT uncommon_JJ finding-end_VBG the_ATI attempt_NN to_TO define_VB liver_NN size_NN 15_CD determination_NN of_IN vertical_JJ liver_NN span_NN in_IN the_ATI MCL_NP can_MD be_BE done_VBN two_CD ways_NNS we_PP1AS recommend_VB gentle_JJ percussion_NN for_IN locating_VBG the_ATI upper_JJB liver_NN border_NN and_CC palpation_NN or_CC gentle_JJ percussion_NN to_TO locate_VB the_ATI lower_JJR border_NN an_AT alternative_NN is_BEZ to_TO use_VB firm_JJ percussion_NN , deliberately_RB ignoring_VBG whether_CS or_CC not_XNOT the_ATI lower_JJR edge_NN is_BEZ palpable_JJ 16_CD liver_NN size_NN correlates_NNS with_IN body_NN size_NN , and_CC liver_NN shape_NN correlates_NNS with_IN habitus_JJ liver_NN span_NN is_BEZ greater_JJR in_IN men_NNS than_IN women_NNS and_CC in_IN tall_JJ vs_IN short_JJ persons_NNS however_RB , as_IN a_AT rough_JJ guide_NN , an_AT MCL_NP span_NN of_IN less_AP than_IN 12_CD to_IN 13_CD cm_NNU with_IN gentle_JJ percussion_NN alone_JJ or_CC gentle_JJ percussion_NN combined_VBN with_IN palpation_NN makes_VBZ hepatomegaly_RB very_QL unlikely_JJ ranges_NNS of_IN normal_JJ have_HV been_BEN established_VBN for_IN firm_JJ percussion_NN (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) but_CC will_MD vary_VB among_IN clinicians_NNS depending_VBG on_IN percussion_NN techniques_NNS enlargement_NN suggested_VBN by_IN percussive_JJ span_JJ alone_JJ is_BEZ weaker_JJR evidence_NN for_IN hepatomegaly_RB than_IN span_NN based_VBN on_IN palpation_NN of_IN the_ATI lower_JJR liver_NN edge_NN 17_CD apart_IN perhaps_RB from_IN the_ATI situation_NN of_IN fulminant_JJ hepatic_JJ failure_NN , observing_VBG reduction_NN in_IN liver_NN span_NN is_BEZ of_IN limited_JJ usefulness_NN since_CS many_AP other_AP features_NNS of_IN chronic_JJ liver_NN failure_NN will_MD be_BE present_NN in_IN situations_NNS in_IN which_WDTR reduction_NN in_IN parenchymal_JJ mass_NN has_HVZ occurred_VBN 18_CD when_WRB the_ATI liver_NN edge_NN is_BEZ palpable_JJ , tracing_JJ the_ATI edge_NN and_CC defining_VBG its_PP$ characteristics_NNS qualitatively_RB is_BEZ recommended_VBN primarily_RB in_IN persons_NNS who_WPR are_BER strongly_RB suspected_VBD of_IN having_HVG liver_NN disease_NN auscultation_NN is_BEZ seldom_RB helpful_JJ once_RB you_PP2 have_HV a_AT high_JJ index_NN of_IN suspicion_NN about_IN liver_NN disease_NN , biochemical_JJ tests_NNS and_CC biopsy_NN are_BER the_ATI main_JJB events_NNS ; the_ATI more_AP esoteric_JJ findings_NNS on_IN physical_JJ examination_NN become_VB a_AT sideshow_NN for_IN impressing_VBG referring_VBG physicians_NNS or_CC trainees_NNS 19_CD EVIDENTIARY_NPT BASIS_NPT FOR_NPT THE_NP APPROACH_NP 20_CD inspection_NN 21_CD visualization_NN of_IN infracostal_JJ extension_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN is_BEZ occasionally_RB possible_JJ when_WRB malnutrition_NN and_or_CC cachexia_JJ thin_JJ out_RP the_ATI overlying_JJ tissues_NNS or_CC when_WRB there_EX is_BEZ massive_JJ hepatomegaly_RB no_ATI studies_NNS , to_IN our_PP$ knowledge_NN , describe_VB the_ATI yield_NN from_IN inspection_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN outline_NN in_IN the_ATI abdomen_NN , but_CC clear-cut_JJ abnormalities_NNS should_MD at_RB least_RB be_BE specific_JJ thereby_RB ruling_JJ in_IN hepatomegaly_RB and_CC underlying_JJ disease_NN 22_CD auscultation_NN 23_CD friction_NN rubs_NNS may_MD occur_VB with_IN primary_JJ and_CC metastatic_JJ malignancies_NNS , after_IN liver_NN biopsies_NNS , with_IN infective_JJ and_CC inflammatory_JJ conditions_NNS , and_CC with_IN or_CC without_IN concomitant_NN hepatomegaly_RB rubs_NNS , though_CS always_RB abnormal_JJ , are_BER rare_JJ and_CC nonspecific_JJ ; even_RB with_IN careful_JJ examination_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN liver_NN tumors_NNS , no_ATI more_AP than_IN 10%_CD of_IN patients_NNS have_HV a_AT rub_NN 24_CD a_AT detailed_JJ review_NN of_IN abdominal_JJ auscultation_NN is_BEZ provided_VBN by_IN Sapira_NP , including_IN bruits_NNS and_CC hums_NNS occurring_VBG in_IN and_CC around_IN the_ATI right_JJ upper_JJB quadrant_NN considerable_JJ time_NN can_MD be_BE spent_VBN on_IN auscultation_NN , but_CC there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI evidence_NN that_CS these_DTS findings_NNS are_BER helpful_JJ in_IN routine_NN examination_NN Features_NNS reputed_VBN to_TO help_VB separate_JJ bruits_NNS of_IN arterial_JJ and_CC venous_JJ sources_NNS are_BER noted_VBN in_IN Table_NP 2_CD venous_JJ hums_NNS occur_VB in_IN portal_NN venous_JJ hypertension_NN of_IN any_DTI cause_NN the_ATI hum_NN , a_AT low-pitched_JJ murmur_NN with_IN systolic_JJ and_CC diastolic_JJ components_NNS , arises_VBZ from_IN communication_NN between_IN the_ATI umbilical_JJ or_CC paraumbilical_JJ veins_NNS and_CC abdominal_JJ wall_NN veins_NNS the_ATI responses_NNS of_IN venous_JJ hums_NNS to_TO Valsalva's_NP$ maneuver_NN , splenic_JJ pressure_NN , or_CC ingestion_NN of_IN meals_NNS are_BER inconsistent_JJ other_AP causes_NNS of_IN true_JJ continuous_JJ murmurs_NNS , such_IN as_IN arteriovenous_JJ fistula_NN in_IN the_ATI splanchnic_JJ circulation_NN or_CC hepatic_JJ hemangioma_NN , are_BER uncommon_JJ , and_CC arterial_JJ bruits_NNS rarely_RB have_HV such_ABL lengthy_JJ diastolic_JJ spillover_NN that_CS they_PP3AS sound_JJ continuous_JJ 25_CD 25_CD arterial_JJ bruits_NNS over_IN the_ATI liver_NN or_CC in_IN the_ATI epigastrium_NN have_HV been_BEN described_VBN with_IN most_QL liver_NN tumors_NNS , as_QL well_RB as_IN alcoholic_JJ hepatitis_NN However_NP , among_IN patients_NNS with_IN liver_NN disease_NN in_IN general_JJ (_( eg_NN , a_AT convenience_NN sample_NN of_IN cirrhosis_NN , alcoholic_JJ hepatitis_NN , and_CC malignancy_NN )_) , the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN bruits_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN reported_VBN at_IN less_AP than_IN 3%_CD both_ABX clinically_RB and_CC with_IN phonoangiographic_JJ enhancement_NN , the_ATI murmurs_NNS associated_VBN with_IN alcoholic_JJ hepatitis_NN and_CC malignancy_NN cannot_NN be_BE distinguished_JJ from_IN one_CD1 another_DT , although_CS the_ATI former_AP resolve_NN if_CS and_CC when_WRB the_ATI condition_NN improves_VBZ The_NP prevalence_NN of_IN clinically_RB audible_JJ bruits_NNS in_IN patients_NNS with_IN confirmed_VBN liver_NN cancer_NN varies_VBZ from_IN 10%_CD to_TO as_IN much_AP as_IN 56%_NN Kingston_NP et_&FW al_APS reported_VBN a_AT diastolic_JJ component_NN to_IN most_QL bruits_NNS heard_VBN in_IN their_PP$ patients_NNS with_IN hepatoma_NN about_RB 1%_CD to_TO 2%_NN of_IN unselected_JJ patients_NNS on_IN a_AT general_JJ medical_JJ service_NN will_MD have_HV abdominal_JJ bruits_NNS of_IN some_DTI kind_NN , and_CC the_ATI ability_NN of_IN clinicians_NNS to_TO distinguish_VB hepatic_JJ from_IN other_AP arterial_JJ bruits_NNS has_HVZ never_RB been_BEN assessed_VBN 26_CD 26_CD auscultation_NN over_IN the_ATI liver_NN should_MD be_BE considered_VBN only_RB when_WRB history_NN and_CC other_AP physical_JJ findings_NNS are_BER suggestive_JJ of_IN hepatic_JJ disease_NN ; even_RB then_RN , the_ATI findings_NNS should_MD be_BE interpreted_VBN cautiously_RB 27_CD 27_CD a_AT PALPABLE_NPT LIVER_NP EDGE_NP : WHAT_NPT DOES_NPT IT_NP MEAN_NP ? 28_CD 28_CD cirrhosis_NN or_CC infiltrative_JJ disorders_NNS increase_VB the_ATI firmness_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN edge_NN and_CC the_ATI likelihood_NN of_IN its_PP$ being_BEG felt_VBD independent_NN of_IN effect_NN on_IN organ_NN size_NN among_IN gastroenterologists_NNS , agreement_NN on_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN a_AT palpable_JJ liver_NN edge_NN is_BEZ about_IN 50%_NP greater_JJR than_IN expected_VBN by_IN chance_NN alone_JJ More_NP interobserver_NN disagreement_NN would_MD be_BE expected_VBN in_IN ordinary_JJ practice_NN 29_CD 29_CD there_EX is_BEZ a_AT paucity_NN of_IN data_NNS on_IN the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN palpable_JJ livers_NNS in_IN the_ATI general_JJ population_NN one_CD1 study_NN has_HVZ reported_VBN data_NNS on_IN palpability_JJ of_IN the_ATI liver_NN among_IN 1000_CD military_JJ personnel_NNS (_( 717_CD men_NNS and_CC 283_CD women_NNS )_) undergoing_VBG routine_NN examination_NN ; 852_NN subjects_NNS were_BED 40_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN or_CC younger_JJR Palmer_NP , the_ATI author_NN and_CC sole_JJB examiner_NN , excluded_VBD any_DTI persons_NNS in_IN whom_WPOR liver_NN disease_NN was_BEDZ suspected_VBN or_CC who_WPR were_BED difficult_JJ to_TO examine_VB in_IN 57%_NN of_IN subjects_NNS , the_ATI liver_NN either_DTX was_BEDZ not_XNOT palpable_JJ in_IN the_ATI right_JJ upper_JJB quadrant_NN or_CC was_BEDZ felt_VBN just_RB at_RB the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN an_AT additional_JJ 28%_NN descended_VBD only_RB 1_CD1 to_IN 2_CD cm_NNU below_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin.=20_CD 30_CD 30_CD findings_NNS were_BED similar_JJ for_IN both_ABX sexes_NNS the_ATI proportion_NN of_IN palpable_JJ livers_NNS was_BEDZ inflated_VBN by_IN two_CD factors_NNS first_OD , all_ABN subjects_NNS were_BED examined_VBN in_IN deep-held_NN inspiration_NN second_OD , as_CS Palmer_NP himself_PPL cautioned_VBD , _** there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI question_NN but_CC that_CS many_AP of_IN the_ATI potentially_RB palpable_JJ livers_NNS would_MD have_HV been_BEN overlooked_VBN if_CS this_DT had_HVD not_XNOT been_BEN a_AT specially_RB directed_JJ study_NN _** 31_CD 31_CD ability_NN to_TO palpate_VB the_ATI liver_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT closely_RB correlated_VBN with_IN liver_NN size_NN in_IN studies_NNS using_VBG reference_NN standards_NNS such_IN as_IN scintigraphy_NN or_CC ultrasonography_NN (_( although_CS many_AP published_JJ studies_NNS use_NN scintigraphy_NN as_IN a_AT reference_NN standard_NN , it_PP3 does_DOZ have_HV the_ATI drawback_NN of_IN motion_NN artifact_NN in_IN conventional_JJ applications_NNS )_) patients_NNS undergoing_VBG liver_NN scintiscan_NN are_BER preselected_VBN , and_CC a_AT high_JJ proportion_NN of_IN palpable_JJ livers_NNS might_MD be_BE expected_VBN However_NP , studies_VBZ from_IN nuclear_JJ medicine_NN departments_NNS show_VB that_CS although_CS the_ATI overwhelming_JJ majority_NN of_IN patients_NNS scanned_VBD have_HV some_DTI infracostal_JJ extension_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN , less_AP than_IN half_ABN of_IN these_DTS patients_NNS had_HVD palpable_JJ livers_NNS in_IN one_CD1 study_NN , Rosenfield_NP et_&FW al_APS chose_VBD 100_CD scintiscans_NNS at_IN random_JJ and_CC compared_VBN the_ATI findings_NNS with_IN the_ATI clinical_JJ records.=20_CD 32_CD 32_CD among_IN patients_NNS without_IN definite_JJ evidence_NN for_IN liver_NN disease_NN in_IN the_ATI medical_JJ records_NNS , mean_VB scintigraphic_JJ vertical_JJ span_NN in_IN the_ATI right_JJ MCL_NP was_BEDZ similar_JJ among_IN those_DTS with_IN palpable_JJ (_( 12.9_CD cm_NNU )_) and_CC nonpalpable_JJ organs_NNS (_( 12.5_CD cm_NNU )_) , as_CS were_BED the_ATI proportions_NNS in_IN each_DT category_NN (_( 45%_NN vs_IN 55%_NN )_) Overall_NP , the_ATI chance_NN that_CS a_AT patient_NN with_IN a_AT palpable_JJ liver_NN also_RB had_HVD liver_NN disease_NN were_BED 63%_CD (_( 36_CD of_IN 57_CD patients_NNS ; 95%_NN CI_NP , 49%_NN to_TO 76%_VB )_) , but_CC the_ATI chances_NNS of_IN a_AT palpable_JJ liver_NN meeting_NN scintigraphic_JJ criteria_NNS for_IN enlargement_NN were_BED only_RB 46%_JJ (_( 24_CD of_IN 52_CD patients_NNS ; 95%_NN CI_NP , 32%_CD to_IN 61%_CD )_) Studies_NP on_IN palpability_NN and_CC hepatomegaly_RB are_BER summarized_VBN in_IN Table_NP 3_CD this_DT distinction_NN between_IN abnormal_JJ and_CC enlarged_JJ livers_NNS is_BEZ a_AT recurrent_JJ problem_NN because_CS livers_NNS may_MD be_BE abnormal_JJ yet_RB not_XNOT enlarged_JJ 33_CD 33_CD what_WDT of_IN the_ATI converse_NN proposition_NN , ie_NN , that_CS a_AT nonpalpable_JJ liver_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT enlarged_JJ ? since_CS normal_JJ livers_NNS usually_RB extend_VB below_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN yet_RB may_MD not_XNOT be_BE palpable_JJ , this_DT proposition_NN rests_VBZ on_IN an_AT assumption_NN that_CS enlarged_JJ livers_NNS will_MD be_BE diseased_JJ , abnormally_RB hard_JJ , and_CC therefore_RB much_AP more_QL easily_RB felt_JJ as_CS summarized_VBN in_IN Table_NP 3_CD , a_AT nonpalpable_JJ liver_NN does_DOZ reduce_VB the_ATI probability_NN of_IN hepatomegaly_RB , even_RB though_IN a_AT palpable_JJ organ_NN has_HVZ less_AP than_IN a_AT 50%_NP chance_NN of_IN being_BEG enlarged_JJ these_DTS figures_NNS are_BER influenced_VBN by_IN the_ATI pooled_VBD prevalence_NN of_IN hepatomegaly_RB , 23%_CD in_IN these_DTS studies_NNS as_IN a_AT prevalence-free_NN parameter_NN , we_PP1AS can_MD report_VB that_CS the_ATI pooled_VBD likelihood_NN ratio_NN (_( LR_NP )_) for_IN hepatomegaly_RB , given_VBN a_AT palpable_JJ liver_NN (_( LR_NP +_IN )_) , is_BEZ 2.5_CD the_ATI LR_NP in_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN palpable_JJ hepatomegaly_RB (_( LR- _NP )_) for_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN an_AT enlarged_JJ liver_NN detected_VBN by_IN scanning_VBG is_BEZ 0.45.=20_CD 34_CD 34_CD however_RB , there_EX will_MD likely_JJ be_BE a_AT workup_NN bias_NN in_IN these_DTS figures_NNS as_IN a_AT result_NN of_IN preferential_JJ referral_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN palpable_JJ livers_NNS for_IN scintigraphy_NN this_DT bias_NN would_MD arguably_RB lead_VB to_IN a_AT slight_JJ overestimate_VB of_IN sensitivity_NN and_CC still_RB larger_JJR underestimate_VB of_IN specificity_NN if_CS specificity_NN were_BED higher_JJR , the_ATI LR_NP +_IN would_MD be_BE stronger_JJR in_IN any_DTI event_NN , an_AT LR_NP approach_NN is_BEZ most_QL useful_JJ if_CS you_PP2 know_VB the_ATI prior_RB odds_NNS of_IN hepatomegaly_RB for_IN representative_JJ cohorts_NNS of_IN patients_NNS with_IN various_JJ diseases-_NN a_AT set_VBN of_IN numbers_NNS that_CS are_BER currently_RB unknown_JJ and_CC should_MD be_BE the_ATI subject_NN of_IN research_NN in_IN the_ATI future_NN 35_CD 35_CD in_IN sum_NN , a_AT palpable_JJ liver_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT necessarily_RB enlarged_JJ or_CC diseased_JJ but_CC does_DOZ increase_VB the_ATI likelihood_NN of_IN hepatomegaly_RB the_ATI vertical_JJ liver_NN span_NN and_CC overall_JJB clinical_JJ context_NN must_MD also_RB be_BE considered_VBN conversely_RB , a_AT nonpalpable_JJ liver_NN edge_NN does_DOZ not_XNOT rule_VB out_RP hepatomegaly_RB but_CC does_DOZ reduce_VB its_PP$ likelihood_NN this_DT is_BEZ particularly_RB relevant_JJ in_IN those_DTS settings_NNS of_IN low_JJ prior_RB probability_NN of_IN liver_NN disease_NN where_WRB further_JJB examination_NN is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO have_HV little_JJ yield_NN if_CS the_ATI liver_NN cannot_NN be_BE felt_VBN 36_CD 36_CD WHAT_NPT ELSE_NPT CAN_NPT BE_NPT LEARNED_NPT FROM_NP PALPATION_NP ? 37_CD 37_CD da_&FW Costa_NP wrote_VBD 70_CD years_NNS ago_RB , _** Tactile_NP sense_NN decides_VBZ the_ATI questions_NNS of_IN hepatic_JJ tenderness_NN , pulsation_NN , friction_NN , and_CC thrills_NNS and_CC determines_VBZ the_ATI consistence_NN and_CC the_ATI contour_NN of_IN its_PP$ anterior_JJ and_CC lower_JJR surfaces_NNS _** however_RB , there_EX are_BER few_AP data_NNS on_IN the_ATI reliability_NN and_CC accuracy_NN of_IN these_DTS qualitative_JJ judgments_NNS about_IN liver_NN edge_NN characteristics_NNS 38_CD 38_CD a_AT pulsatile_NN liver_NN edge_NN is_BEZ well_RB documented_VBN in_IN tricuspid_NN valvular_NN disease_NN although_CS this_DT sign_NN may_MD be_BE present_JJ clinically_RB in_IN the_ATI majority_NN of_IN cases_NNS , no_ATI modern_JJ studies_NNS adequately_RB document_NN the_ATI frequency_NN of_IN the_ATI association_NN and_CC its_PP$ relationship_NN to_IN differing_JJ degrees_NNS of_IN tricuspid_NN valvular_NN dysfunction_NN unequivocal_JJ pulsatile_NN hepatomegaly_RB is_BEZ also_RB reported_VBN in_IN 35_CD of_IN 55_CD consecutive_JJ patients_NNS (_( 64%_NN ; 95%_NN CI_NP , 50%_NP to_TO 76%_VB )_) with_IN confirmed_VBN constrictive_JJ pericarditis_NN accumulated_VBD in_IN two_CD separate_JJ case_NN series_NN the_ATI low_JJ false-negative_JJ rates_NNS give_VB this_DT sign_NN some_DTI potential_JJ value_NN in_IN a_AT setting_VBG where_WRB constrictive_JJ pericarditis_NN is_BEZ already_RB suspected_VBN 39_CD 39_CD unfortunately_RB , as_CS Osler_NP noted_VBD a_AT century_NN ago_RB , there_EX is_BEZ a_AT need_NN to_TO distinguish_VB between_IN an_AT expansile_NN liver_NN edge_NN and_CC transmitted_VBN aortic_JJ or_CC right_JJ ventricular_JJ impulses_NNS that_CS are_BER commonly_RB present_JJ there_EX are_BER no_ATI data_NNS on_IN examination_NN maneuvers_NNS to_TO make_VB such_ABL a_AT distinction_NN , although_CS inspiratory_NN increase_NN in_IN the_ATI magnitude_NN of_IN the_ATI pulsation_NN has_HVZ been_BEN reported_VBN anecdotally_RB with_IN tricuspid_NN insufficiency_NN detection_NN of_IN differential_JJ timing_NN of_IN hepatic_JJ pulsations_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN described_VBN (_( eg_NN , A_ZZ vs_IN V_ZZ waves_NNS )_) but_CC is_BEZ rare_JJ and_CC doubtless_RB difficult_JJ to_TO pinpoint_VB 40_CD 40_CD palpation_NN for_IN an_AT expansile_NN liver_NN edge_NN should_MD be_BE limited_JJ to_IN cases_NNS of_IN suspected_VBD tricuspid_NN valve_NN disease_NN or_CC constrictive_JJ pericarditis_NN 41_CD 41_CD the_ATI other_AP qualitative_JJ parameters_NNS are_BER consistency_NN , nodularity_NN , and_CC tenderness_NN of_IN a_AT palpable_JJ liver_NN edge_NN among_IN multiple_JJ expert_JJ observers_NNS examining_VBG variously_RB alcoholic_JJ or_CC jaundiced_JJ patients_NNS , kappa_NN statistics_NNS for_IN chance- corrected_JJ agreement_NN were_BED 11%_CD for_IN abnormal_JJ consistency_NN of_IN a_AT palpable_JJ liver_NN edge_NN and_CC 26%_NN or_CC 29%_NN for_IN presence_NN of_IN nodularity_NN only_RB agreement_NN on_IN tenderness_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN edge_NN was_BEDZ within_IN a_AT useful_JJ range_NN at_IN 49%_NN 42_CD 42_CD palpation_NN to_TO describe_VB the_ATI liver_NN edge_NN qualitatively_RB or_CC to_TO detect_VB isolated_JJ enlargement_NN of_IN the_ATI left_NN (_( caudate_NN )_) lobe_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN should_MD therefore_RB be_BE considered_VBN primarily_RB if_CS there_EX is_BEZ other_AP evidence_NN of_IN organ_NN disease_NN or_CC concern_NN about_IN liver_NN tumor_NN and_CC even_RB then_RN , is_BEZ optional_JJ 43_CD 43_CD ASSESSING_NPT VERTICAL_NPT LIVER_NP SPAN_NP 44_CD 44_CD unequivocal_JJ reduction_NN in_IN liver_NN size_NN should_MD be_BE detectable_JJ in_IN fulminant_JJ hepatic_JJ failure_NN however_RB , no_ATI evidence_NN was_BEDZ located_VBN to_TO support_VB the_ATI common_JJ belief_NN that_CS a_AT substantial_JJ proportion_NN of_IN persons_NNS with_IN chronic_JJ cirrhosis_NN have_HV detectably_RB small_JJ livers_NNS by_IN physical_JJ examination_NN the_ATI focus_NN herein_RB is_BEZ accordingly_RB on_IN hepatomegaly_RB 45_CD 45_CD since_CS half_ABN of_IN all_ABN palpable_JJ livers_NNS are_BER not_XNOT enlarged_JJ , measurement_NN of_IN vertical_JJ liver_NN span_NN in_IN some_DTI plane_NN is_BEZ required_VBN the_ATI usual_JJ reference_NN point_NN is_BEZ the_ATI MCL_NP however_RB , unless_CS care_NN is_BEZ taken_VBN in_IN examination_NN , the_ATI MCL_NP can_MD be_BE _** a_AT wandering_VBG landmark_NN , _** with_IN documented_VBN interobserver_NN variation_NN as_QL much_AP as_IN 10_CD cm_NNU sup_VB 34_CD variation_NN in_IN the_ATI MCL_NP will_MD inevitably_RB lead_VB to_TO imprecision_NN in_IN liver_NN span_NN assessments_NNS (_( Fig_NP 2_CD )_) note_NN also_RB that_CS vertical_JJ span_NN could_MD only_RB be_BE an_AT accurate_JJ predictor_NN of_IN liver_NN mass_NN if_CS the_ATI organ_NN were_BED more_QL or_CC less_QL cuboid_JJ rather_RB than_IN irregular_JJ 46_CD 46_CD palpation_NN should_MD , in_IN theory_NN , be_BE the_ATI most_QL reliable_JJ and_CC accurate_JJ method_NN of_IN locating_VBG the_ATI lower_JJR border_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN to_TO measure_VB organ_NN span_NN Two_NP studies_NNS report_NN specialists'_NNS$ ability_NN to_TO agree_VB on_IN distance_NN from_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN to_IN a_AT palpable_JJ liver_NN edge_NN , an_AT approach_NN that_CS overstates_NNS accuracy_NN by_IN eliminating_VBG the_ATI largest_JJT source_NN of_IN error-location_NN of_IN the_ATI upper_JJB border_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN .=20_CD 47_CD 47_CD meyhoff_NN et_&FW al_APS further_JJB controlled_JJ interobserver_NN disagreement_NN by_IN having_HVG all_ABN measurements_NNS made_VBN at_IN a_AT predetermined_JJ MCL_NP mean_VB maximum_JJ interobserver_NN difference_NN about_IN distance_NN from_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN was_BEDZ 6.1_CD cm_NNU (_( SD_NN , 2.7_CD cm_NNU )_) in_IN the_ATI MCL_NP intraobserver_NN variation_NN was_BEDZ smaller_JJR , with_IN differences_NNS not_XNOT greater_JJR than_IN 2_CD cm_NNU in_IN 60%_NP to_IN 80%_NP of_IN MCL_NP measurements_NNS There_NP was_BEDZ no_ATI clear_JJ relationship_NN to_TO liver_NN size_NN , a_AT finding_VBG that_CS underscores_VBZ the_ATI need_NN to_TO measure_VB span_NN from_IN the_ATI upper_JJB border_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN not_XNOT the_ATI costal_JJ margin.=20_CD 48_CD 48_CD theodossi_NN et_&FW al_APS performed_VBN a_AT similar_JJ experiment_NN without_IN marking_VBG the_ATI MCL_NP the_ATI intraclass_NN correlation_NN coefficient_NN was_BEDZ 0.66_CD , analogous_JJ to_IN a_AT weighted_VBN kappa_NN of_IN more_AP than_IN 60%_NP however_RB , agreement_NN beyond_IN chance_NN on_IN whether_CS the_ATI liver_NN was_BEDZ truly_RB enlarged_JJ was_BEDZ only_RB 30%_NP 49_CD 49_CD what_WDT are_BER the_ATI alternatives_NNS to_IN localizing_VBG the_ATI lower_JJR liver_NN edge_NN by_IN palpation_NN ? the_ATI scratch_NN test_NN is_BEZ performed_VBN by_IN placing_VBG the_ATI diaphragm_NN of_IN the_ATI stethoscope_NN at_IN the_ATI xiphisternum_NN or_CC over_IN the_ATI liver_NN just_RB above_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN in_IN the_ATI MCL_NP starting_VBG low_RB in_IN the_ATI abdomen_NN , a_AT finger_NN is_BEZ moved_VBN up_RP the_ATI abdomen_NN scratching_VBG gently_RB the_ATI intensity_NN becomes_VBZ greatly_RB enhanced_VBN once_RB the_ATI finger_NN is_BEZ over_IN the_ATI lower_JJR border_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN the_ATI other_AP major_JJ alternative_NN is_BEZ percussion_NN 50_CD 50_CD comparative_JJ studies_NNS are_BER summarized_VBN in_IN Table_NP 4_CD two_CD caveats_NNS are_BER in_IN order_NN both_ABX studies_NNS involved_VBN limited_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN observers_NNS and_CC patients_NNS as_CS well_RB , the_ATI overall_JJB accuracy_NN in_IN the_ATI report_NN by_IN Fuller_NP et_&FW al_APS is_BEZ greatly_RB exaggerated_JJ on_IN two_CD scores_NNS first_OD , the_ATI ultrasonographic_JJ measurement_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN in_IN a_AT plane_NN defined_VBN by_IN the_ATI observers_NNS in_IN actual_JJ practice_NN , the_ATI MCL_NP of_IN the_ATI clinical_JJ observer_NN varies_VBZ from_IN that_DT of_IN the_ATI scintigrapher_NN or_CC ultrasonographer_NN , a_AT situation_NN that_CS was_BEDZ applicable_JJ for_IN the_ATI patients_NNS examined_VBN by_IN Sullivan_NP et_&FW al_APS second_OD , Fuller_NP et_&FW al_APS took_VBD their_PP$ measurements_NNS from_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN 51_CD 51_CD the_ATI scratch_NN test_NN may_MD be_BE a_AT useful_JJ adjunct_NN to_TO percussion_NN or_CC palpation_NN in_IN locating_VBG the_ATI lower_JJR edge_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN however_RB , further_JJB studies_NNS are_BER needed_VBN before_CS it_PP3 can_MD be_BE recommended_VBN for_IN routine_NN use_NN 52_CD 52_CD also_RB shown_VBN in_IN Table_NP 4_CD are_BER the_ATI results_NNS of_IN other_AP studies_NNS in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI authors_NNS used_JJ percussion_NN and_or_CC palpation_NN to_TO locate_VB the_ATI lower_JJR liver_NN edge_NN excluded_VBN is_BEZ one_CD1 outlying_JJ study_NN in_IN which_WDTR 100%_CD of_IN measurements_NNS were_BED accurate_JJ within_IN 2_CD cm_NNU of_IN scintigraphic_JJ MCL_NP span_NN and_CC exact_JJ agreement_NN at_IN the_ATI 0.1- cm_CD-CD level_NN is_BEZ claimed_VBN for_IN several_AP observations_NNS we_PP1AS also_RB exclude_VB a_AT study_NN using_VBG direct_JJ percussion_NN without_IN a_AT pleximeter_NN finger_NN ; this_DT study_NN related_VBN mean_VB clinical_JJ liver_NN span_NN to_IN ultrasonographic_JJ span_NN , but_CC lacked_VBD measures_NNS of_IN either_DTX case-by-case_JJ absolute_JJ span_NN discrepancies_NNS or_CC categorical_JJ agreement_NN on_IN organ_NN normalcy_NN 53_CD 53_CD once_RB span_JJ has_HVZ been_BEN determined_JJ , clinicians_NNS must_MD still_RB decide_VB whether_CS the_ATI liver_NN is_BEZ enlarged_JJ or_CC not_XNOT blendis_NN et_&FW al_APS reported_VBN that_CS among_IN 28_CD patients_NNS with_IN blood_NN dyscrasias_NNS or_CC liver_NN diseases_NNS examined_VBN by_IN four_CD observers_NNS , three_CD of_IN four_CD observers_NNS agreed_VBD in_IN 93%_CD of_IN cases_NNS about_IN the_ATI presence_NN or_CC absence_NN of_IN hepatic_JJ enlargement_NN , but_CC the_ATI data_NNS do_DO not_XNOT permit_VB a_AT kappa_NN correction_NN theodossi_NN et_&FW al_APS , with_IN five_CD observers_NNS and_CC a_AT structured_VBN history_NN and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN on_IN 20_CD jaundiced_JJ patients_NNS , reported_VBD a_AT kappa_NN for_IN presence_NN or_CC absence_NN of_IN hepatomegaly_RB of_IN 30%.=20_CD 54_CD 54_CD moreover_RB , agreement_NN among_IN the_ATI qualitative_JJ judgments_NNS of_IN clinicians_NNS and_CC an_AT external_JJ reference_NN standard_NN is_BEZ modest_JJ for_IN example_NN , Blendis_NP et_&FW al_APS found_VBN that_CS in_IN the_ATI cases_NNS in_IN which_WDTR at_RB least_RB three_CD clinicians_NNS agreed_VBD on_IN hepatomegaly_RB , concordant_JJ assessments_NNS of_IN radiological_JJ liver_NN surface_NN area_NN were_BED found_VBN in_IN only_RB 48%_JJ of_IN cases_NNS Halpern_NP et_&FW al_APS compared_VBN judgments_NNS recorded_VBN in_IN medical_JJ charts_NNS with_IN a_AT convenience_NN sample_NN of_IN 214_CD scintigraphic_JJ images_NNS with_IN 16_CD cm_NNU as_IN the_ATI cut_JJ point_NN accuracy_NN was_BEDZ 66%_NN , slightly_RB higher_JJR than_CS in_IN the_ATI Blendis_NP study_NN however_RB , when_WRB corrected_VBN for_IN agreement_NN expected_VBN on_IN the_ATI basis_NN of_IN chance_NN alone_JJ , the_ATI resulting_JJ kappa_NN statistic_NN was_BEDZ only_RB 32%.=20_CD 55_CD 55_CD Naylor_NP et_&FW al_APS used_VBN 15_CD cm_NNU as_IN a_AT cut_JJ point_NN for_IN scintigraphic_JJ hepatomegaly_RB and_CC , with_IN two_CD observers_NNS , found_VBD that_CS the_ATI accuracy_NN of_IN clinical_JJ examination_NN ranged_VBD from_IN 67%_NN to_TO 82%_VB , depending_VBG on_IN the_ATI observer_NN and_CC choice_NN of_IN clinical_JJ threshold_NN value_NN for_IN determining_VBG the_ATI presence_NN of_IN hepatomegaly_RB correcting_VBG for_IN chance_NN agreement_NN , the_ATI kappa_NN statistics_NNS ranged_VBD from_IN 28%_NN to_TO 55%_VB overall_JJB , it_PP3 appears_VBZ that_CS combinations_NNS of_IN palpation_NN and_CC percussion_NN yield_NN modest_JJ accuracy_NN greater_JJR than_IN expected_VBN by_IN chance_NN alone_RB in_IN determining_VBG whether_CS the_ATI liver_NN is_BEZ enlarged_JJ or_CC not_XNOT 56_CD 56_CD Castell_NP et_&FW al_APS suggested_VBN measuring_JJ span_NN by_IN percussion_NN alone_JJ They_NP examined_VBD 116_CD healthy_JJ subjects_NNS to_TO establish_VB a_AT range_NN of_IN normal_JJ for_IN percussive_JJ span_NN in_IN the_ATI MCL_NP and_CC midsternal_JJ line_NN since_IN the_ATI goal_NN was_BEDZ to_TO establish_VB a_AT clinical_JJ range_NN of_IN normal_JJ , there_EX was_BEDZ no_ATI reason_NN to_TO validate_VB the_ATI measurements_NNS against_IN a_AT reference_NN standard_NN percussive_JJ span_NN correlated_VBN positively_RB with_IN height_NN and_CC differed_VBD between_IN males_NNS and_CC females_NNS as_CS would_MD be_BE expected_VBN from_IN autopsy_NN studies_NNS (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) formulas_NNS to_TO predict_VB span_NN were_BED derived_VBN that_CS incorporated_VBN height_NN and_CC weight_NN midclavicular_NN line_NN liver_NN dullness_NN for_IN males_NNS (_( cm_NNU )_) =3D_CD {_( (_( 0.032_NP x_IN weight_NN (_( lb_NNU )_) )_) +_IN (_( 0.18_CD x_IN height_NN (_( in_IN )_) )_) }_) -_IN 7.86_NN midclavicular_NN line_NN liver_NN dullness_NN for_IN females_NNS (_( cm_NNU )_) =3D_CD {_( 0.027_NP x_IN weight_NN (_( lb_NNU )_) )_) +_IN (_( 0.22_NP x_IN height_NN (_( in_IN )_) )_) }_) -_IN 10.75_CD 57_CD 57_CD the_ATI advantages_NNS of_IN percussion_NN alone_JJ are_BER that_CS observers_NNS may_MD not_XNOT agree_VB on_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN a_AT palpable_JJ liver_NN , and_CC palpable_JJ livers_NNS will_MD often_RB be_BE felt_VBN below_IN the_ATI point_NN where_WRB the_ATI percussion_NN note_NN changes_NNS the_ATI latter_AP occurs_VBZ because_CS the_ATI thin_JJ lower_JJR liver_NN edge_NN may_MD not_XNOT cause_VB dullness.=20_CD 58_CD 58_CD thus_RB , since_CS not_XNOT all_ABN livers_NNS are_BER palpable_JJ , you_PP2 must_MD rely_VB on_IN palpation_NN in_IN a_AT variable_JJ proportion_NN of_IN subjects_NNS , and_CC these_DTS subjects_NNS will_MD tend_VB to_TO have_HV somewhat_RB larger_JJR liver_NN spans_NNS however_RB , clinical_JJ MCL_NP span_NN compared_VBN with_IN technetium_JJ scintigraphic_JJ span_NN is_BEZ less_QL accurate_JJ when_WRB the_ATI lower_JJR border_NN is_BEZ nonpalpable_JJ , and_CC errors_NNS are_BER always_RB greatest_JJT in_IN the_ATI upper_JJB border_NN that_WPR can_MD only_RB be_BE approached_VBN by_IN percussion_NN it_PP3 therefore_RB seems_VBZ counterintuitive_JJ to_TO propose_VB examining_VBG liver_NN span_NN by_IN percussion_NN alone_JJ also_RB , the_ATI forcefulness_NN of_IN percussion_NN greatly_RB modifies_VBZ the_ATI measured_JJ span_NN use_NN of_IN percussive_JJ span_NN therefore_RB demands_VBZ that_CS each_DT observer_NN double-check_NN his_PP$ or_CC her_PP$ own_AP range_NN of_IN normal_JJ against_IN the_ATI established_JJ norms_NNS to_TO ensure_VB that_CS strength_NN of_IN percussion_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT a_AT confounder_NN 59_CD 59_CD another_DT group_NN used_VBN the_ATI percussive_JJ span_NN technique_NN to_TO examine_VB 46_CD patients_NNS with_IN liver_NN disease_NN there_EX was_BEDZ significant_JJ disagreement_NN among_IN six_CD examining_VBG clinicians_NNS , presumably_RB because_CS of_IN strength_NN and_CC plane_NN of_IN percussion_NN interobserver_NN agreement_NN on_IN the_ATI appraisal_NN of_IN the_ATI organ_NN as_CS _** small_JJ , _** _** normal_JJ , _** or_CC _** enlarged_JJ _** was_BEDZ excellent_JJ only_RB for_IN massively_RB enlarged_JJ livers_NNS if_CS moderately_RB enlarged_JJ organs_NNS (_( ultrasound_NN volumes_NNS between_IN 2000_CD and_CC 2700_CD mL_NN )_) are_BER included_VBN , the_ATI probability_NN of_IN any_DTI two_CD randomly_RB chosen_JJ observers_NNS agreeing_VBG on_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN hepatomegaly_RB was_BEDZ between_IN 40%_NP and_CC 75%_NN 60_CD 60_CD this_DT limited_JJ performance_NN is_BEZ perhaps_RB understandable_JJ since_IN the_ATI concept_NN of_IN percussive_JJ span_NN rests_VBZ on_IN the_ATI questionable_JJ assumption_NN that_CS it_PP3 consistently_RB underestimates_VBZ liver_NN span_NN allowing_VBG for_IN reliable_JJ demarcation_NN of_IN abnormally_RB sized_JJ livers_NNS nonetheless_RB , Castell_NP et_&FW al_APS are_BER the_ATI only_AP group_NN to_TO establish_VB a_AT range_NN of_IN normal_JJ for_IN clinical_JJ liver_NN span_NN that_CS reflects_VBZ the_ATI known_JJ variability_NN of_IN span_NN with_IN height_NN , weight_NN , and_CC gender_NN 61_CD 61_CD use_NN of_IN percussion_NN alone_JJ to_TO determine_VB span_NN , independent_NN of_IN whether_CS or_CC where_WRB the_ATI lower_JJR liver_NN edge_NN is_BEZ felt_VBN , remains_VBZ feasible_JJ However_NP , clinicians_NP should_MD standardize_VB their_PP$ percussion_NN technique_NN and_CC compare_VB their_PP$ typical_JJ findings_NNS in_IN normal_JJ subjects_NNS to_TO published_VBN normal_JJ ranges_NNS future_NN research_NN should_MD evaluate_VB the_ATI clinical_JJ utility_NN of_IN the_ATI percussive_JJ method_NN as_CS compared_VBN with_IN methods_NNS using_VBG percussion_NN and_CC palpation_NN , with_IN and_CC without_IN the_ATI _** scratch_NN test_NN _** 62_CD 62_CD PHYSICAL_NPT FINDINGS_NPT IN_NP CONTEXT_NP 63_CD 63_CD in_IN the_ATI foregoing_JJ studies_NNS , accuracy_NN is_BEZ generally_RB defined_VBN against_IN a_AT single_JJ reference_NN standard_NN such_IN as_IN ultrasound_NN or_CC scintigraphy_NN this_DT procedure_NN contrasts_NNS with_IN studies_NNS such_IN as_IN the_ATI one_CD1 by_IN Rosenfield_NP et_&FW al_APS in_IN which_WDTR measured_JJ span_NN and_CC palpability_NN were_BED compared_VBN with_IN evidence_NN in_IN the_ATI clinical_JJ record_NN for_IN any_DTI liver_NN disease_NN the_ATI latter_AP study_NN has_HVZ the_ATI advantage_NN of_IN capturing_VBG the_ATI fact_NN that_CS although_CS all_ABN truly_RB enlarged_JJ livers_NNS are_BER diseased_JJ , not_XNOT all_ABN normal_JJ sized_JJ livers_NNS are_BER free_JJ of_IN disease_NN 64_CD 64_CD a_AT further_JJB problem_NN with_IN many_AP studies_NNS is_BEZ the_ATI extent_NN of_IN blinding_JJ Some_NP studies_NNS blind_JJ observers_NNS to_IN all_ABN details_NNS of_IN the_ATI patients'_NNS$ history_NN and_CC other_AP physical_JJ findings_NNS others_APS ask_VB observers_NNS to_TO perform_VB a_AT structured_VBN history_NN and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN or_CC set_JJ inclusion_NN criteria_NNS (_( eg_NN , jaundiced_JJ or_CC alcoholic_JJ patients_NNS )_) that_DT will_MD affect_VB clinicians'_NNS$ judgments_NNS The_NP nature_NN and_CC extent_NN of_IN confounding_VBG from_IN this_DT variable_NN is_BEZ unknown_JJ , but_CC it_PP3 seems_VBZ probable_JJ that_CS the_ATI extent_NN of_IN interobserver_NN agreement_NN , and_CC even_RB the_ATI match_NN between_IN clinical_JJ judgments_NNS and_CC reference_NN standards_NNS , will_MD be_BE affected_VBN by_IN the_ATI amount_NN of_IN information_NN available_JJ to_IN the_ATI examiner_NN 65_CD 65_CD finally_RB , few_AP studies_NNS try_VB to_TO place_VB liver_NN findings_NNS in_IN the_ATI overall_JJB context_NN of_IN clinical_JJ decision_NN making_NN sapira_NN has_HVZ noted_VBN that_CS clinical_JJ liver_NN span_NN assessments_NNS need_MD not_XNOT match_VB closely_RB ultrasonographic_JJ or_CC scintigraphic_JJ measures_NNS , since_IN the_ATI _** clinical_JJ worth_IN _** of_IN a_AT sign_NN is_BEZ its_PP$ potential_JJ contribution_NN to_IN clinical_JJ decision_NN making_NN of_IN interest_NN , Espinoza_NP et_&FW al_APS used_JJ stepwise_NN discriminant_NN analysis_NN to_TO assess_VB the_ATI ability_NN of_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN physical_JJ findings_NNS to_TO distinguish_VB among_IN 50_CD consecutive_JJ alcoholic_JJ patients_NNS presenting_VBG variously_RB with_IN cirrhosis_NN , noncirrhotic_JJ alcoholic_JJ liver_NN disease_NN , or_CC no_ATI clinical_biochemical_JJ evidence_NN of_IN liver_NN disease_NN three_CD variables-spider_NN nevi_NN , splenomegaly_RB , and_CC abdominal_JJ wall_NN collateral_JJ veins-appeared_JJ useful_JJ ; liver_NN examination_NN findings_NNS were_BED not_XNOT significant_JJ contributors_NNS to_IN the_ATI differential_JJ diagnostic_JJ exercise.=20_CD 66_CD 66_CD similarly_RB , Theodossi_NP et_&FW al_APS examined_VBN the_ATI ability_NN of_IN a_AT large_JJ array_NN of_IN symptoms_NNS and_CC signs_NNS to_TO differentiate_VB between_IN medical_JJ and_CC surgical_JJ causes_NNS of_IN jaundice_NN they_PP3AS found_VBD that_CS descent_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN edge_NN more_AP than_IN 2_CD cm_NNU below_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN was_BEDZ more_QL common_JJ with_IN surgical_JJ causes_NNS of_IN jaundice_NN (_( P{.01_CD )_) , but_CC the_ATI independent_JJ contribution_NN of_IN this_DT sign_NN to_IN the_ATI overall_JJB diagnostic_JJ process_NN was_BEDZ unclear_JJ 67_CD 67_CD both_ABX studies_NNS started_VBD with_IN populations_NNS that_CS had_HVD liver_NN disease_NN and_CC determined_JJ whether_CS physical_JJ diagnosis_NN helped_VBD in_IN categorizing_VBG the_ATI type_NN of_IN disease_NN neither_DTX addresses_NNS whether_CS the_ATI physical_JJ examination_NN was_BEDZ helpful_JJ in_IN deciding_VBG which_WDTR patients_NNS had_HVD liver_NN disease_NN in_IN the_ATI first_OD place_NN little_JJ is_BEZ known_VBN about_IN the_ATI real_JJ contribution_NN of_IN liver_NN examination_NN findings_NNS to_TO the_ATI overall_JJB clinical_JJ diagnostic_JJ and_CC management_NN process_NN this_DT topic_NN should_MD be_BE a_AT research_NN priority_NN 68_CD 68_CD WHAT_NPT CAN_NPT YOU_NPT DO_NPT TO_NPT GET_NPT BETTER_NPT AT_NPT EXAMINING_NPT THE_NP LIVER_NP ? 69_CD 69_CD no_ATI educational_JJ studies_NNS , to_IN our_PP$ knowledge_NN , have_HV tested_VBN methods_NNS to_TO improve_VB your_PP$ accuracy_NN and_CC precision_NN in_IN examining_VBG the_ATI liver_NN , but_CC a_AP few_AP suggestions_NNS can_MD be_BE hazarded_VBD first_OD , once_RB you_PP2 are_BER comfortable_JJ examining_VBG the_ATI liver_NN , pursue_VB the_ATI various_JJ shortcuts_NNS recommended_VBN herein_RB early_JJ on_RP , however_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ useful_JJ to_TO check_VB the_ATI liver_NN span_NN by_IN percussion_NN even_RB in_IN persons_NNS with_IN a_AT low_JJ probability_NN of_IN liver_NN disease_NN and_CC a_AT nonpalpable_JJ organ_NN This_NN can_MD help_VB you_PP2 begin_VB to_TO understand_VB what_WDT your_PP$ own_AP range_NN of_IN normal_JJ is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO be_BE second_OD , check_NN your_PP$ reliability_NN by_IN reexamining_VBG stable_JJ patients_NNS and_CC comparing_VBG your_PP$ follow-up_NN assessment_NN with_IN your_PP$ first_OD impressions.=20_CD 70_CD 70_CD third_OD , both_ABX tyros_NNS and_CC experts_NNS should_MD quantitatively_RB and_CC qualitatively_RB benchmark_JJ their_PP$ physical_JJ examinations_NNS of_IN the_ATI liver_NN against_IN findings_NNS on_IN nuclear_JJ examination_NN or_CC ultrasound_NN try_VB to_TO determine_VB how_WRB you_PP2 are_BER doing_VBG in_IN assessing_VBG vertical_JJ liver_NN span_NN or_CC extent_NN of_IN descent_NN of_IN the_ATI edge_NN below_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN or_CC in_IN _** calling_VBG _** the_ATI presence_NN of_IN hepatomegaly_RB fourth_OD , consider_VB the_ATI potential_JJ errors_NNS in_IN locating_VBG the_ATI MCL_NP If_NP sequential_JJ clinical_JJ span_NN assessments_NNS are_BER being_BEG made_VBN (_( eg_NN , fulminant_NN hepatic_JJ failure_NN or_CC treatment_NN of_IN hepatic_JJ metastases_NNS )_) , it_PP3 may_MD help_VB to_TO record_NN a_AT reference_NN plane_NN such_IN as_IN 10_CD cm_NNU from_IN the_ATI midline_NN or_CC , alternatively_RB , where_WRB the_ATI lateral_JJ edge_NN of_IN the_ATI rectus_JJ abdominus_JJ crosses_NNS the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN 71_CD 71_CD THE_NPT BOTTOM_NP LINE_NP 72_CD 72_CD once_RB historical_JJ data_NNS and_CC other_AP physical_JJ signs_NNS have_HV been_BEN elicited_VBN , the_ATI additional_JJ value_NN of_IN a_AT detailed_JJ physical_JJ examination_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN remains_VBZ uncertain_JJ moreover_RB , just_RB as_CS diagnostic_JJ tests_NNS yield_VB little_JJ at_IN the_ATI extremes_NNS of_IN prior_RB probability_NN , so_QL also_RB would_MD you_PP2 expect_VB less_QL yield_VB from_IN liver_NN examination_NN in_IN persons_NNS who_WPR are_BER not_XNOT suspected_VBD of_IN having_HVG liver_NN disease_NN or_CC who_WPR are_BER obviously_RB suffering_VBG from_IN some_DTI hepatobiliary_NN complaint_NN 73_CD 73_CD a_AT selective_JJ approach_NN to_IN physical_JJ examination_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN is_BEZ therefore_RB suggested_VBN palpate_NN to_TO locate_VB the_ATI lower_JJR liver_NN border_NN in_IN the_ATI MCL_NP in_IN situations_NNS of_IN low_JJ probability_NN of_IN liver_NN disease_NN if_CS the_ATI liver_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT palpable_JJ , one_CD1 can_MD defensibly_RB forgo_VB any_DTI further_JJB examination_NN in_IN patients_NNS without_IN reasons_NNS to_TO suspect_VB liver_NN disease_NN since_CS , however_RB , palpation_NN of_IN the_ATI abdomen_NN is_BEZ difficult_JJ in_IN some_DTI subjects_NNS , light_NN percussion_NN remains_VBZ an_AT option_NN to_TO confirm_VB lack_NN of_IN extension_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN edge_NN below_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN and_or_CC guide_NN further_JJB palpation_NN with_IN a_AT palpable_JJ lower_JJR edge_NN , MCL_NP span_NN can_MD be_BE ascertained_VBN by_IN light_NN percussion_NN of_IN the_ATI upper_JJB border.=20_CD 74_CD 74_CD a_AT span_NN of_IN less_AP than_IN 12_CD to_IN 13_CD cm_NNU reduces_VBZ the_ATI probability_NN of_IN hepatomegaly_RB in_IN persons_NNS with_IN an_AT impalpable_JJ liver_NN and_CC a_AT high_JJ probability_NN of_IN liver_NN disease_NN , measuring_JJ span_NN by_IN percussion_NN alone_JJ may_MD also_RB be_BE worthwhile_JJ ; tables_NNS of_IN norms_NNS have_HV been_BEN published_VBN , although_CS these_DTS apply_VB to_TO moderate_JJ or_CC heavy_JJ percussion_NN methods_NNS palpation_NN specifically_RB to_TO assess_VB the_ATI quality_NN of_IN the_ATI liver_NN edge_NN is_BEZ recommended_VBN only_RB if_CS there_EX are_BER signs_NNS of_IN liver_NN disease_NN , including_IN unequivocal_JJ hepatomegaly_RB auscultation_NN over_IN the_ATI liver_NN has_HVZ a_AT limited_JJ role_NN in_IN examination_NN 75_CD Zollinger-Ellison_NP Syndrome_NP : advances_NNS in_IN Treatment_NP of_IN Gastric_NP Hypersecretion_NN and_CC the_ATI Gastrinoma_NP 76_CD case_NN 1_CD1 77_CD a_AT 56-year-old_JJB man_NN had_HVD an_AT 8-year_JJ history_NN of_IN heartburn_NN and_CC diarrhea_NN (_( three_CD to_IN four_CD loose_JJ bowel_NN movements_NNS a_AT day_NN )_) and_CC a_AT 3-year_CD history_NN of_IN epigastric_JJ pain_NN with_IN two_CD episodes_NNS of_IN melena_NN upper_JJB gastrointestinal_JJ endoscopy_NN demonstrated_VBN a_AT duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN ; however_RB , no_ATI Helicobacter_NP pylori_NN was_BEDZ seen_VBN on_IN the_ATI biopsy_NN specimen_NN he_PP3A was_BEDZ treated_VBN with_IN ranitidine_NN pain_NN recurred_VBD when_WRB ranitidine_NN administration_NN was_BEDZ stopped_VBN despite_IN visits_NNS to_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN physicians_NNS , the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN Zollinger-Ellison_NP syndrome_NN (_( ZES_NP )_) was_BEDZ not_XNOT made_VBN until_IN 1_CD1 month_NN before_CS he_PP3A was_BEDZ referred_VBN to_IN the_ATI National_NP Institutes_NNS of_IN Health_NP (_( NIH_NP ) _) , when_WRB he_PP3A was_BEDZ found_VBN to_TO have_HV an_AT elevated_VBD fasting_NN gastrin_NN level_NN and_CC a_AT gastric_JJ pH_NN less_AP than_IN 2.5.=20_CD 78_CD fasting_NN gastrin_NN at_IN the_ATI NIH_NP was_BEDZ elevated_VBD at_IN 363_CD ng_L_NN (_( normal_JJ , {_( 100_CD ng_L_NN )_) , and_CC basal_JJ acid_NN output_NN (_( BAO_NP )_) was_BEDZ 46_CD mEq_h_NN (_( normal_JJ , {_( 10_CD mEq_h_NN )_) Results_NNS of_IN the_ATI secretin-provocative_JJ test_NN were_BED positive_JJ , with_IN a_AT baseline_NN value_NN of_IN 352_CD ng_L_JJ increasing_JJ to_IN 708_NP ng_L_NN at_IN 2_CD minutes_NNS after_IN secretin_NN injection_NN (_( normal_JJ increase_NN , {_( 200_CD ng_L_NN )_) ultrasonography_RB , computed_VBN tomographic_JJ (_( CT_NP )_) scan_NN , magnetic_JJ resonance_NN (_( MR_NP )_) imaging_VBG , and_CC angiography_NN failed_VBN to_TO identify_VB a_AT gastrinoma_NN portal_NN venous_JJ gastrin_NN sampling_NN did_DOD not_XNOT demonstrate_VB a_AT selective_JJ gastrin_NN gradient_NN , but_CC hepatic_JJ venous_JJ sampling_NN during_IN selective_JJ intra-arterial_JJ injection_NN of_IN secretin_NN showed_VBD a_AT significant_JJ increase_NN , from_IN 248_CD to_IN 1038_CD ng_L_NN , 30_CD seconds_NNS after_IN gastroduodenal_JJ artery_NN injection_NN (_( normal_JJ increase_NN , {_( 50%).=20_CD 79_CD acid_NN hypersecretion_NN was_BEDZ controlled_VBN with_IN omeprazole_NN (_( 60_CD mg_d_NN )_) there_EX was_BEDZ no_ATI history_NN or_CC laboratory_NN evidence_NN to_TO suggest_VB multiple_JJ endocrine_NN neoplasia_NN type_NN 1_CD1 (_( MEN-I_NP )_) at_IN surgery_NN , palpation_NN , intraoperative_JJ ultrasonography_NN , and_CC duodenal_JJ transillumination_NN were_BED normal_JJ , but_CC a_AT 0.4-cm_NP duodenal_JJ tumor_NN was_BEDZ found_VBN when_WRB a_AT duodenotomy_NN was_BEDZ performed_VBN a_AT peripancreatic_JJ lymph_NN node_NN was_BEDZ also_RB positive_JJ for_IN gastrinoma_NN Postoperatively_NP , the_ATI fasting_NN serum_NN gastrin_NN was_BEDZ normal_JJ , and_CC the_ATI secretin_NN test_NN was_BEDZ negative_JJ both_ABX have_HV remained_VBN normal_JJ for_IN 4_CD years_NNS continued_VBD mild_JJ gastric_JJ hypersecretion_NN (_( BAO_NP , 15_CD mEq_h_NN ) _) is_BEZ controlled_VBN with_IN ranitidine_NN (_( 300_CD mg_d_NN )_) 80_CD case_NN 2_CD 81_CD 7_CD a_AT 57-year-old_JJB woman_NN had_HVD a_AT 7-year_JJ history_NN of_IN abdominal_JJ pain_NN , diarrhea_NN , and_CC heartburn_NN six_CD years_NNS before_CS admission_NN , she_PP3A had_HVD a_AT vagotomy_NN for_IN refractory_JJ duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN , and_CC ZES_NP was_BEDZ diagnosed_VBN 4_CD years_NNS later_RBR when_WRB she_PP3A was_BEDZ found_VBN to_TO have_HV hypergastrinemia_NN (_( }1000_CD ng_L_NN )_) , a_AT gastric_JJ pH_NN less_AP than_IN 2.5_CD , and_CC a_AT duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN at_IN admission_NN , her_PP$ fasting_NN gastrin_NN level_NN was_BEDZ elevated_VBD at_IN 4540_CD ng_L_NN (_( normal_JJ , {_( 100_CD ng_L_NN )_) and_CC BAO_NP was_BEDZ 15_CD mEq_h._NN acid_NN secretion_NN was_BEDZ controlled_VBN with_IN omeprazole_NN (_( 20_CD mg_NNU , twice_RB a_AT day).=20_CD 82_CD ultrasonography_RB , CT_NP scan_NN , and_CC angiography_NN demonstrated_VBN a_AT 6-cm_NN mass_NN in_IN the_ATI head_NN of_IN the_ATI pancreas_NNS ; in_IN addition_NN , MR_NP imaging_VBG suggested_VBN a_AP few_AP small_JJ liver_NN metastases_NNS comparison_NN with_IN previous_JJ imaging_NN suggested_VBN that_CS the_ATI pancreatic_JJ mass_NN was_BEDZ increasing_JJ in_IN size_NN the_ATI patient_NN had_HVD a_AT family_NN history_NN of_IN nephrolithiases_NNS and_CC had_HVD a_AT parathyroidectomy_NN 2_CD years_NNS before_CS admission_NN , which_WDTR revealed_VBD hyperplasia_NN of_IN all_ABN glands_NNS and_CC suggested_VBN that_CS ZES_NP was_BEDZ part_NN of_IN the_ATI MEN-I_NP syndrome_NN upper_JJB gastrointestinal_JJ endoscopy_NN demonstrated_VBN gastric_JJ and_CC duodenal_JJ nodules_NNS a_AT biopsy_NN specimen_NN from_IN one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI duodenal_JJ nodules_NNS showed_VBD a_AT neuroendocrine_NN tumor_NN that_CS stained_VBN positive_JJ for_IN gastrin_NN and_CC chromogranin_NN A.=20_NP 83_CD findings_NNS on_IN bone_NN scan_NN were_BED normal_JJ at_IN laparotomy_NN , multiple_JJ small_JJ (_( {_( 0.2_CD cm_NNU )_) nodules_NNS in_IN the_ATI liver_NN and_CC a_AT 5-cm_NN mass_NN in_IN the_ATI head_NN of_IN the_ATI pancreas_NNS were_BED seen_VBN histologically_RB , the_ATI liver_NN nodules_NNS were_BED metastatic_JJ gastrinoma_NN the_ATI metastases_NNS increased_VBN further_JJB in_IN size_NN and_CC the_ATI patient_NN has_HVZ been_BEN treated_VBN with_IN interferon_NN (_( 5_CD million_CD units_NNS per_NNU day_NN )_) for_IN the_ATI past_NN 2_CD years_NNS there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN no_ATI further_JJB growth_NN of_IN the_ATI metastases_NNS or_CC pancreatic_JJ tumor_NN 84_NN case_NN 1_CD1 demonstrates_VBZ that_CS , in_IN addition_NN to_IN abdominal_JJ pain_NN , diarrhea_NN and_CC esophageal_JJ complaints_NNS may_MD be_BE important_JJ early_JJ symptoms_NNS of_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP the_ATI imaging_NN results_NNS were_BED normal_JJ in_IN this_DT case_NN , as_CS in_IN 50%_NP of_IN patients_NNS the_ATI new_JJ functional_JJ localization_NN method_NN of_IN selective_JJ intra- arterial_JJ secretin_NN injection_NN with_IN hepatic_JJ venous_JJ sampling_NN was_BEDZ positive_JJ , even_RB though_IN the_ATI classical_JJ portal_NN venous_JJ sampling_NN for_IN a_AT gastrin_NN gradient_NN was_BEDZ negative_JJ prospective_JJ studies_NNS have_HV lately_RB demonstrated_VBN that_CS more_AP than_IN 50%_NP of_IN gastrinomas_NNS are_BER in_IN the_ATI duodenum_NN and_CC can_MD be_BE detected_VBN only_RB by_IN duodenotomy_NN , as_IN in_IN this_DT case_NN furthermore_RB , in_IN contrast_NN to_TO older_JJR studies_NNS , it_PP3 is_BEZ now_RN known_VBN that_CS duodenal_JJ gastrinomas_NNS are_BER as_CS frequently_RB malignant_JJ as_CS pancreatic_JJ tumors_NNS (_( this_DT patient_NN is_BEZ typical_JJ , with_IN a_AT metastatic_JJ lymph_NN node_NN found_VBN in_IN addition_NN to_IN the_ATI duodenal_JJ tumor_NN )_) Postoperatively_NP , both_ABX the_ATI secretin_NN test_NN and_CC fasting_NN gastrin_NN level_NN are_BER necessary_JJ to_TO determine_VB cure_NN (_( as_CS was_BEDZ done_VBN for_IN this_DT patient_NN )_) cure_NN is_BEZ reported_VBN in_IN 17%_CD to_TO 82%_NN of_IN patients_NNS immediately_RB after_IN surgery_NN and_CC in_IN 30%_NP up_RP to_IN 5_CD years_NNS later_RBR (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) 85_CD case_NN 2_CD is_BEZ a_AT patient_NN with_IN ZES_NP and_CC MEN-I_NP with_IN metastatic_JJ gastrinoma_NN Studies_NP show_VB that_CS 20%_NP to_TO 25%_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP have_HV MEN-I_NP and_CC suggest_VB that_CS gastrinomas_NNS in_IN patients_NNS with_IN MEN-I_NP are_BER found_VBN frequently_RB in_IN the_ATI duodenum_NN this_DT patient_NN also_RB had_HVD a_AT tumor_JJ metastatic_JJ to_IN the_ATI liver_NN , as_CS occurs_VBZ in_IN 30%_NP of_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP at_IN diagnosis_NN the_ATI metastases_NNS were_BED suggested_VBN only_RB on_IN the_ATI MR_NP imaging_NN , a_AT finding_VBG consistent_JJ with_IN a_AT report_NN demonstrating_VBG that_CS the_ATI best_JJT noninvasive_JJ method_NN of_IN detecting_JJ liver_NN metastases_NNS in_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP is_BEZ MR_NP imaging_VBG .=20_CD 86_CD recent_JJ studies_NNS show_VB patients_NNS with_IN liver_NN metastases_NNS with_IN ZES_NP have_HV a_AT worse_JJR prognosis_NN than_IN previously_RB thought_VBD ; because_CS the_ATI metastases_NNS increased_VBN in_IN size_NN , the_ATI patient_NN was_BEDZ treated_VBN with_IN interferon_NN however_RB , there_EX was_BEDZ no_ATI decrease_NN in_IN tumor_NN size_NN or_CC progression_NN over_IN 2_CD years_NNS this_DT result_NN is_BEZ consistent_JJ with_IN a_AT study_NN demonstrating_VBG that_CS interferon_NN did_DOD not_XNOT decrease_NN tumor_NN size_NN in_IN any_DTI patients_NNS with_IN gastrinoma_JJ metastatic_JJ to_IN the_ATI liver_NN , although_CS in_IN 25%_NN of_IN patients_NNS the_ATI tumor_NN did_DOD not_XNOT increase_VB in_IN size_NN 87_CD newer_JJR data_NNS suggest_VB that_CS the_ATI differentiation_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP with_IN MEN-I_NP (_( familial_JJ form_NN )_) (_( case_NN 2_CD )_) from_IN those_DTS with_IN ZES_NP without_IN MEN-I_NP (_( sporadic_JJ form_NN )_) (_( case_NN 1_CD1 )_) is_BEZ more_QL difficult_JJ and_CC more_QL clinically_RB important_JJ than_IN previously_RB thought_NN patients_NNS with_IN MEN-I_NP develop_VB multiple_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS with_IN hyperparathyroidism_NN occurring_VBG in_IN 88%_NN to_TO 97%_VB , pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS in_IN 81%_CD to_IN 100%_CD (_( of_IN which_WDTR nonfunctional_JJ or_CC pancreatic_JJ polypeptide-producing_NN tumors_NNS occur_VB in_IN 80%_NP to_IN 100%_CD )_) , gastrinomas_VBZ in_IN 54%_NN , insulinomas_NNS in_IN 21%_CD , pituitary_NN tumors_NNS in_IN 21%_CD to_TO 65%_VB , and_CC adrenal_JJ tumors_NNS in_IN 27%_NN to_IN 36%_CD previously_RB , it_PP3 was_BEDZ generally_RB felt_VBN that_CS the_ATI differentiation_NN between_IN the_ATI sporadic_JJ and_CC familial_JJ forms_NNS of_IN ZES_NP was_BEDZ not_XNOT difficult_JJ because_CS patients_NNS were_BED thought_VBN to_TO almost_RB always_RB develop_VB hyperparathyroidism_NN or_CC pituitary_NN disease_NN prior_RB to_IN developing_VBG a_AT functional_JJ pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumor_NN .=20_CD 88_CD recent_JJ studies_NNS in_IN some_DTI patients_NNS with_IN MEN-I_NP demonstrate_VB that_CS either_DTX a_AT gastrinoma_NN (_( up_RP to_TO one_CD1 third_OD of_IN all_ABN familial_JJ ZES_NP cases_NNS in_IN one_CD1 study_NN )_) or_CC insulinoma_NN may_MD be_BE an_AT initial_JJ manifestation_NN of_IN the_ATI MEN- I_NP the_ATI differentiation_NN between_IN these_DTS two_CD forms_NNS of_IN ZES_NP is_BEZ important_JJ because_CS they_PP3AS may_MD differ_VB in_IN natural_JJ history_NN , need_NN for_IN family_NN screening_NN , difficulty_NN in_IN controlling_VBG the_ATI gastric_JJ acid_NN hypersecretory_NN state_NN , need_NN for_IN routine_NN exploratory_JJ laparotomy_NN for_IN cure_NN , and_CC the_ATI potential_JJ risk_NN of_IN developing_VBG a_AT gastric_JJ carcinoid_NN tumor_NN .=20_CD 89_CD because_CS of_IN the_ATI importance_NN of_IN identifying_VBG patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP with_IN MEN-I_NP , all_ABN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP should_MD have_HV a_AT careful_JJ family_NN and_CC personal_JJ history_NN taken_VBN for_IN nephrolithiasis_NN , hyperparathyroidism_NN , or_CC disorders_NNS attributable_JJ to_TO pituitary_VB or_CC pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS ; however_RB , the_ATI history_NN is_BEZ usually_RB contributory_JJ in_IN only_RB 50%_NP of_IN patients_NNS therefore_RB , all_ABN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP also_RB need_NN assessment_NN of_IN parathyroid_NN function_NN (_( serum_NN calcium_NN and_CC plasma_NN parathormone_NN levels_NNS )_) , pituitary_NN function_NN (_( prolactin_NN measurements_NNS and_CC MR_NP imaging_VBG of_IN sella_NN turcica_NN )_) , and_CC adrenal_JJ status_NN (_( 24-hour_NN urinary_NN cortisol_NN )_) in_IN family_NN members_NNS , the_ATI minimum_NN screening_NN tests_NNS should_MD be_BE serum_NN calcium_NN levels_NNS and_CC , if_CS symptoms_NNS of_IN acromegaly_RB , peptic_JJ disease_NN , or_CC hypoglycemia_NN occur_VB , appropriate_JJ hormonal_JJ assays_NNS 90_CD case_NN 1_CD1 and_CC case_NN 2_CD demonstrate_VB the_ATI current_JJ long_JJ delay_NN (_( mean_VB , 6_CD years_NNS )_) in_IN establishing_VBG the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN ZES_NP in_IN the_ATI past_NN , the_ATI disease_NN was_BEDZ suspected_VBN in_IN any_DTI patients_NNS with_IN nonhealing_VBG peptic_JJ ulcers_NNS , ulcers_NNS in_IN unusual_JJ locations_NNS , gastric_JJ acid_NN hypersecretion_NN with_IN hypergastrinemia_NN , the_ATI presence_NN of_IN prominent_JJ gastric_JJ folds_NNS , recurrent_JJ ulcer_NN after_IN surgery_NN , a_AT familial_JJ history_NN of_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN , or_CC peptic_JJ ulcers_NNS with_IN other_AP endocrine_NN disorders_NNS it_PP3 still_RB should_MD be_BE strongly_RB suspected_VBN in_IN these_DTS situations_NNS , but_CC ZES_NP also_RB should_MD be_BE suspected_VBN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN without_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN , as_IN in_IN case_NN 1_CD1 , because_CS only_RB 50%_NP of_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP with_IN duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN have_HV H_ZZ pylori_NN , whereas_CS more_AP than_IN 90%_NP of_IN patients_NNS with_IN idiopathic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN have_HV H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN .=20_CD 91_CD once_RB ZES_NP is_BEZ suspected_VBN clinically_RB , fasting_NN gastrin_NN levels_NNS should_MD be_BE determined_JJ as_QL well_RB as_IN gastric_JJ pH_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO measure_VB both_ABX , not_XNOT only_RB to_TO exclude_VB achlorhydria_NN , but_CC also_RB because_CS in_IN individual_JJ patients_NNS there_EX may_MD be_BE a_AT poor_JJ correlation_NN between_IN these_DTS two_CD parameters_NNS if_CS fasting_NN gastrin_NN is_BEZ greater_JJR than_IN 1000_CD ng_L_NN and_CC the_ATI pH_NN is_BEZ less_AP than_IN 2.5_CD , the_ATI patient_NN almost_RB certainly_RB has_HVZ ZES_NP , as_IN in_IN case_NN 2_CD if_CS the_ATI fasting_NN gastrin_NN is_BEZ elevated_VBD but_CC less_AP than_IN 1000_CD ng_L_NN , as_IN in_IN case_NN 1_CD1 (_( which_WDTR occurs_VBZ in_IN 60%_NP of_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP )_) , acid_NN secretory_NN rate_NN and_CC a_AT secretin-provocative_JJ test_NN should_MD be_BE done_VBN eighty-seven_CD percent_NNU of_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP will_MD have_HV a_AT positive_JJ secretin_NN test_NN and_CC more_AP than_IN 90%_NP will_MD have_HV a_AT BAO_NP greater_JJR than_IN 15_CD mEq_h_NN if_CS no_ATI previous_JJ gastric_JJ surgery_NN was_BEDZ done_VBN (_( as_IN in_IN case_NN 1_CD1 )_) or_CC greater_JJR than_IN 5_CD mEq_h_NN if_CS a_AT previous_JJ gastric_JJ resection_NN or_CC vagotomy_NN was_BEDZ done_VBN (_( as_IN in_IN case_NN 2_CD )_) 92_CD IMPORTANCE_NPT OF_NPT RECENT_NPT ADVANCES_NPT IN_NPT PATIENTS_NPT WITH_NP ZES_NP 93_CD in_IN 1955_CD , Zollinger_NP and_CC Ellison_NP described_VBD two_CD patients_NNS with_IN extreme_JJ gastric_JJ acid_NN hypersecretion_NN , refractory_JJ peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN and_CC a_AT non-beta_NN islet_NN cell_NN tumor_NN of_IN the_ATI pancreas_NNS subsequently_RB , this_DT syndrome_NN was_BEDZ shown_VBN to_TO be_BE attributable_JJ to_IN autonomous_JJ release_NN of_IN gastrin_NN by_IN the_ATI tumor_NN this_DT syndrome_NN , subsequently_RB called_VBN the_ATI Zollinger-Ellison_NP syndrome_NN , was_BEDZ the_ATI second_OD pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumor_NN syndrome_NN described_VBN after_IN insulinomas_NNS in_IN 1927_CD studies_NNS demonstrate_VB that_CS pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS are_BER uncommon_JJ (_( only_RB four_CD new_JJ cases_NNS per_NNU 1_CD1 million_CD population_NN per_NNU year_NN )_) gastrinomas_NNS , pancreatic_JJ polypeptide-producing_NN islet_NN cell_NN tumors_NNS (_( PPomas_NP )_) , and_CC insulinomas_NNS are_BER equally_RB common_JJ and_CC are_BER eight_CD times_NNS more_QL common_JJ than_IN pancreatic_JJ islet_NN G-cell_NP tumors_NNS (_( VIPomas_NP )_) , 17_CD times_NNS more_QL common_JJ than_IN glucagonomas_NNS , and_CC more_AP than_IN 100_CD times_NNS more_QL common_JJ than_IN somatostatinomas_NNS .=20_CD 94_CD Zollinger-Ellison_NP syndrome_NN was_BEDZ the_ATI first_OD pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumor_NN syndrome_NN described_VBN in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI majority_NN of_IN the_ATI patients_NNS had_HVD a_AT malignant_JJ tumor_NN subsequent_JJ studies_NNS have_HV demonstrated_VBN that_CS almost_RB all_ABN of_IN the_ATI clinical_JJ symptoms_NNS patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP develop_VB , except_CS for_IN those_DTS due_JJ to_TO advanced_JJ metastatic_JJ tumors_NNS late_RB in_IN the_ATI course_NN of_IN the_ATI disease_NN , are_BER attributable_JJ to_IN the_ATI profound_JJ gastric_JJ acid_NN hypersecretion_NN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP have_HV two_CD treatment_NN issues_NNS that_DT must_MD be_BE addressed_VBN first_OD , therapy_NN must_MD be_BE directed_VBN initially_RB and_CC over_IN the_ATI long_JJ term_NN at_IN controlling_VBG the_ATI symptoms_NNS caused_VBN by_IN the_ATI autonomous_JJ release_NN of_IN the_ATI hormone_NN by_IN the_ATI tumor_NN Second_NP , therapy_NN must_MD be_BE directed_VBN against_IN the_ATI tumor_NN itself.=20_CD 95_CD in_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP , gastric_JJ acid_NN hypersecretion_NN was_BEDZ initially_RB treated_VBN satisfactorily_RB only_RB by_IN total_JJ gastrectomy_NN however_RB , almost_RB all_ABN patients_NNS can_MD now_RN be_BE treated_VBN medically_RB studies_NNS have_HV provided_VBN information_NN on_IN subsets_NNS of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR require_VB higher_JJR drug_NN doses_NNS , on_IN effective_JJ drug_NN regimens_NNS when_WRB parenteral_JJ dosing_NN is_BEZ required_VBN , on_IN drug_NN dosing_NN after_IN tumor_NN resection_NN , and_CC on_IN identifying_VBG subsets_NNS of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR require_VB lower_JJR doses_NNS of_IN antisecretory_NN drugs_NNS than_IN generally_RB recommended_VBN With_NP the_ATI increased_JJ ability_NN to_TO control_VB gastric_JJ acid_NN hypersecretion_NN , the_ATI progression_NN of_IN the_ATI tumor_NN is_BEZ becoming_VBG the_ATI primary_JJ determinant_NN of_IN long-term_JJB survival_NN 96_CD increased_JJ understanding_NN of_IN the_ATI natural_JJ history_NN of_IN ZES_NP and_CC the_ATI development_NN of_IN improved_JJ treatment_NN methods_NNS have_HV broad_JJ implications_NNS beyond_IN the_ATI disease_NN there_EX is_BEZ increasing_JJ concern_NN over_IN the_ATI possible_JJ long-term_JJB effects_NNS of_IN hypergastrinemia_NN , and_CC ZES_NP is_BEZ an_AT excellent_JJ model_NN for_IN studying_VBG this_DT question_NN for_IN example_NN , patients_NNS with_IN advanced_JJ idiopathic_JJ reflux_NN disease_NN require_VB continuous_JJ treatment_NN with_IN omeprazole_NN , and_CC most_QL will_MD develop_VB mild_JJ hypergastrinemia_NN in_IN some_DTI cases_NNS , however_RB , gastrin_NN levels_NNS will_MD be_BE in_IN the_ATI range_NN seen_VBN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP whereas_CS duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN now_RN may_MD be_BE curable_VBN by_IN eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN , advanced_JJ reflux_NN disease_NN is_BEZ a_AT common_JJ disorder_NN and_CC is_BEZ not_XNOT curable_JJ ; therefore_RB , a_AT significant_JJ number_NN of_IN patients_NNS will_MD require_VB long-term_JJB omeprazole_NN treatment_NN long-term_JJB treatment_NN with_IN omeprazole_NN or_CC other_AP means_NNS of_IN inducing_VBG prolonged_JJ hypergastrinemia_NN results_NNS in_IN gastric_JJ carcinoid_NN tumors_NNS in_IN rats_NNS , and_CC some_DTI of_IN these_DTS tumors_NNS are_BER malignant_JJ .=20_CD 97_CD in_IN addition_NN , some_DTI experimental_JJ studies_NNS in_IN isolated_JJ cells_NNS and_CC in_IN animals_NNS , but_CC not_XNOT epidemiologic_JJ studies_NNS in_IN humans_NNS , suggest_VB that_CS hypergastrinemia_NN may_MD affect_VB the_ATI growth_NN of_IN some_DTI cancers_NNS of_IN the_ATI colon_NN and_CC stomach_NN some_DTI studies_NNS have_HV reported_VBN higher_JJR fasting_NN and_or_CC postprandial_JJ serum_NN gastrin_NN levels_NNS in_IN patients_NNS with_IN colon_NN polyps_NNS or_CC cancers_NNS ; others_APS have_HV not_XNOT furthermore_RB , an_AT increase_NN in_IN in_RB vivo_RB colonic_JJ cell_NN proliferation_NN has_HVZ recently_RB been_BEN reported_VBN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP because_CS of_IN the_ATI delay_NN in_IN diagnosis_NN , almost_RB all_ABN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP have_HV evidence_NN of_IN chronic_JJ hypergastrinemic_JJ changes_NNS in_IN the_ATI stomach_NN when_WRB first_OD seen_VBN also_RB , only_RB 30%_NP of_IN patients_NNS are_BER cured_VBN long_JJ term_NN (_( discussed_VBN hereinafter_RB )_) , hence_RB most_QL patients_NNS will_MD have_HV life-long_JJ profound_JJ hypergastrinemia_NN therefore_RB , ZES_NP provides_VBZ an_AT excellent_JJ natural_JJ model_NN to_TO study_VB the_ATI possible_JJ long-term_JJB risks_NNS of_IN prolonged_JJ hypergastrinemia_NN 98_NN studying_VBG patients_NNS with_IN gastrinomas_NNS may_MD lead_VB to_IN insights_NNS that_DT will_MD apply_VB to_IN the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN the_ATI other_AP , less_QL common_JJ malignant_JJ pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS gastrinoma_RB , in_IN contrast_NN to_TO insulinoma_VB , resembles_VBZ the_ATI other_AP less_QL common_JJ tumors_NNS in_IN frequently_RB being_BEG malignant_JJ in_IN older_JJR studies_NNS , 60%_NP to_IN 90%_NP of_IN patients_NNS with_IN gastrinomas_NNS had_HVD metastatic_JJ disease_NN similar_JJ to_IN the_ATI other_AP less-common_NN tumors_NNS ; at_IN present_NN , 34%_CD of_IN patients_NNS have_HV metastatic_JJ disease_NN at_IN diagnosis_NN , and_CC the_ATI percentage_NN developing_VBG metastases_NNS with_IN time_NN is_BEZ unclear_JJ gastrinoma_NN resembles_VBZ the_ATI other_AP tumors_NNS in_IN its_PP$ histology_NN , ability_NN to_TO secrete_VB multiple_JJ peptides_NNS , and_CC patterns_NNS of_IN metastatic_JJ spread_NN .=20_CD 99_CD further_JJB , gastrinoma_NN is_BEZ being_BEG increasingly_RB diagnosed_VBN earlier_RBR Therefore_NP , patients_NNS are_BER seen_VBN before_CS metastatic_JJ spread_NN occurs_VBZ , thereby_RB allowing_VBG the_ATI assessment_NN of_IN methods_NNS to_TO localize_VB smaller_JJR gastrinomas_NNS These_NP results_NNS will_MD likely_JJ be_BE applicable_JJ to_IN the_ATI less- common_NN tumors_NNS if_CS they_PP3AS can_MD be_BE diagnosed_VBN earlier_RBR 100_CD 26_CD also_RB , medical_JJ therapies_NNS such_IN as_IN octreotide_NN are_BER less_QL successful_JJ for_IN the_ATI other_AP less-common_JJ pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS and_CC , therefore_RB , long-term_JJB follow-up_NN and_CC information_NN on_IN the_ATI natural_JJ history_NN of_IN these_DTS tumors_NNS is_BEZ limited_JJ in_IN contrast_NN , there_EX is_BEZ effective_JJ long-term_JJB treatment_NN for_IN gastric_JJ hypersecretion_NN in_IN ZES_NP (_( described_VBN hereinafter_RB )_) therefore_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ likely_JJ that_CS studying_VBG gastrinoma_NN will_MD lead_VB to_IN the_ATI collection_NN of_IN excellent_JJ data_NNS that_DT will_MD likely_JJ be_BE applicable_JJ to_TO other_AP less-common_NN malignant_JJ pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS conclusions_NNS from_IN recent_JJ prospective_JJ studies_NNS (_( reviewed_VBN hereinafter_RB )_) are_BER already_RB changing_VBG a_AT number_NN of_IN the_ATI widely_RB held_JJ conclusions_NNS about_IN ZES_NP that_CS have_HV been_BEN used_VBN for_IN clinical_JJ decisions_NNS , but_CC were_BED based_VBN on_IN small_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN cases_NNS these_DTS include_VB the_ATI prognosis_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN advanced_JJ metastatic_JJ disease_NN , location_NN of_IN primary_JJ tumors_NNS , ability_NN to_TO cure_VB , and_CC effectiveness_NN of_IN medical_JJ therapies_NNS 101_CD 27_CD TREATMENT_NPT OF_NPT THE_NPT GASTRIC_NPT HYPERSECRETORY_NP STATE_NP 102_CD 28_CD older_JJR studies_NNS reported_VBN variable_NN results_NNS for_IN histamine_NN H_ZZ sub_NN 2_CD -blockers_NNS in_IN controlling_VBG gastric_JJ hypersecretion_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP More_NP recent_JJ studies_NNS demonstrate_VB that_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ possible_JJ to_TO control_VB acid_NN secretion_NN in_IN most_QL patients_NNS only_RB if_CS enough_QLP antisecretory_NN drug_NN is_BEZ used_VBN to_TO inhibit_VB acid_NN secretion_NN to_IN less_AP than_IN 10_CD mEq_h_NN for_IN the_ATI hour_NN before_IN the_ATI next_AP dose_NN this_DT level_NN of_IN control_NN required_VBN high_JJ dosages_NNS (_( mean_VB dosage_NN , 3_CD g_ZZ of_IN ranitidine_CD per_NNU day_NN )_) , frequent_JJ dosing_NN (_( every_AT 4_CD to_IN 6_CD hours_NNS )_) , and_CC yearly_JJ increases_NNS in_IN dosage_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN complicated_JJ ZES_NP (_( ZES_NP with_IN previous_JJ gastric_JJ surgery_NN , with_IN esophageal_JJ reflux_NN disease_NN , or_CC with_IN MEN-I_NP )_) , it_PP3 was_BEDZ often_RB difficult_JJ to_TO eliminate_VB all_ABN mucosal_JJ disease_NN with_IN the_ATI availability_NN of_IN the_ATI hydrogen_potassium_NN adenosine_NN triphosphatase_NN inhibitors_NNS omeprazole_NN and_CC lansoprazole_NN , acid_NN secretion_NN can_MD be_BE controlled_VBN in_IN all_ABN patients_NNS (_( Table_NP 2).=20_CD 103_CD 29_CD omeprazole_NN and_CC lansoprazole_NN have_HV a_AT prolonged_JJ duration_NN of_IN action_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP (_( half-life_NN , 35_CD to_IN 37_CD hours_NNS )_) ; hence_RB , dosing_NN once_RB a_AT day_NN is_BEZ possible_JJ for_IN most_QL patients_NNS (_( 70%_NP )_) , and_CC twice_RB a_AT day_NN is_BEZ sufficient_JJ for_IN the_ATI remainder_NN the_ATI median_JJ dosages_NNS were_BED 60_CD to_IN 100_CD mg_NNU of_IN omeprazole_NN per_NNU day_NN and_CC 60_CD to_IN 90_CD mg_NNU of_IN lansoprazole_CD per_NNU day_NN patients_NNS with_IN complicated_JJ ZES_NP more_QL frequently_RB require_VB dosing_NN twice_RB a_AT day_NN with_IN omeprazole_NN , it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN possible_JJ to_IN heal_JJ anastomotic_JJ ulcers_NNS in_IN patients_NNS with_IN previous_JJ gastric_JJ surgery_NN and_CC to_TO eliminate_VB all_ABN esophageal_JJ disease_NN However_NP , in_IN some_DTI patients_NNS , sufficient_JJ omeprazole_NN may_MD have_HV to_TO be_BE given_VBN to_TO reduce_VB gastric_JJ hypersecretion_NN to_TO less_AP than_IN 1_CD1 mEq_h_NN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP have_HV now_RN been_BEN treated_VBN continuously_RB with_IN omeprazole_NN for_IN up_RP to_IN 9_CD years_NNS without_IN evidence_NN of_IN tachyphylaxis_NN or_CC drug-related_JJ toxicity_NN 104_CD 30_CD research_NN has_HVZ demonstrated_VBN that_CS the_ATI currently_RB recommended_VBN maintenance_NN dosages_NNS of_IN omeprazole_NN and_CC lansoprazole_NN (_( 60_CD to_IN 100_CD mg_d_NN )_) are_BER too_QL high_JJ for_IN many_AP patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP in_IN a_AT recent_JJ study_NN involving_VBG 37_CD patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP , the_ATI omeprazole_NN maintenance_NN doses_NNS were_BED successfully_RB reduced_VBN to_IN 20_CD to_IN 40_CD mg_NNU per_IN day_NN in_IN 20_CD (_( 95%_JJ )_) of_IN the_ATI 21_CD patients_NNS without_IN complicated_JJ disease_NN (_( such_IN as_IN MEN-I_NP , moderate-to-severe_JJ esophageal_JJ disease_NN , or_CC gastric_JJ surgery_NN )_) taking_VBG the_ATI drug_NN once_RB or_CC twice_RB a_AT day_NN this_DT reduction_NN was_BEDZ possible_JJ in_IN only_RB 25%_JJ of_IN patients_NNS with_IN complicated_JJ disease_NN (_( P{.01).=20_CD 105_CD 31_CD currently_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ recommended_VBN that_CS patients_NNS be_BE started_VBN on_IN higher_JJR doses_NNS (_( ie_NN , at_RB least_RB 60_CD mg_d_NN )_) , with_IN the_ATI initial_JJ dosing_NN established_VBN by_IN titration_NN studies_NNS and_CC then_RN the_ATI daily_JJ dose_NN reduced_VBN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN uncomplicated_JJ disease_NN for_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN reasons_NNS omeprazole_NN is_BEZ acid_JJ labile_NN , and_CC high_JJ levels_NNS of_IN acid_NN secretion_NN may_MD alter_VB the_ATI effectiveness_NN of_IN low_JJ doses_NNS patients_NNS are_BER frequently_RB severely_RB ill_JJ when_WRB the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN ZES_NP is_BEZ made_VBN , and_CC it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ that_CS the_ATI high_JJ acid_NN secretion_NN be_BE rapidly_RB controlled_VBN no_ATI data_NNS show_NN that_CS low-dose_NN omeprazole_NN is_BEZ equally_RB effective_JJ as_IN the_ATI currently_RB used_VBN high_JJ doses_NNS in_IN the_ATI initial_JJ setting_NN 106_CD 32_CD patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP frequently_RB require_VB parenteral_JJ gastric_JJ antisecretory_NN therapy_NN at_IN some_DTI time_NN during_IN the_ATI course_NN of_IN their_PP$ disease_NN Although_NP intermittent_JJ bolus_JJ injection_NN of_IN omeprazole_NN is_BEZ highly_RB effective_JJ , it_PP3 is_BEZ not_XNOT available_JJ in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP studies_NNS show_VB that_CS continuous_JJ infusions_NNS of_IN either_DTX ranitidine_NN or_CC cimetidine_NN are_BER highly_RB effective_JJ in_IN controlling_VBG gastric_JJ hypersecretion_NN the_ATI median_JJ dosage_NN found_VBN effective_JJ was_BEDZ 3_CD mg_NNU of_IN cimetidine_CD per_NNU kilogram_NN of_IN body_NN weight_NN per_NNU hour_NN (_( range_NN , 1_CD1 to_IN 6_CD mg_NNU )_) or_CC 1_CD1 mg_NNU of_IN ranitidine_CD per_NNU kilogram_NN per_NNU hour_NN (_( range_NN , 0.5_CD to_IN 3_CD mg_NNU )_) Patients_NP have_HV been_BEN treated_VBN for_IN up_RP to_IN 81_CD days_NNS without_IN any_DTI dose-related_JJ side_NN effects_NNS 107_CD 33_CD LONG-TERM_NPT EFFECTS_NPT AND_NPT RISKS_NPT OF_NPT HYPERGASTRINEMIA_NPT ON_NPT THE_NP GASTRIC_NP MUCOSA_NP 108_CD 34_CD studies_NNS of_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP are_BER providing_VBG information_NN on_IN the_ATI course_NN and_CC magnitude_NN of_IN changes_NNS in_IN the_ATI gastric_JJ mucosa_NN caused_VBN by_IN chronic_JJ hypergastrinemia_NN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP have_HV thickened_VBN gastric_JJ mucosa_NN , increased_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN parietal_JJ cells_NNS and_CC a_AT twofold_JJ to_IN threefold_JJ increase_NN in_IN enterochromaffinlike_NN cells_NNS (_( ECL_NP cells_NNS )_) the_ATI mean_NN delay_NN in_IN diagnosing_VBG ZES_NP is_BEZ 6_CD years_NNS ; thus_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ often_RB unclear_JJ when_WRB the_ATI disease_NN first_OD started_VBD in_IN a_AT given_JJ patient_NN , and_CC the_ATI onset_NN of_IN changes_NNS is_BEZ difficult_JJ to_TO determine_VB However_NP , the_ATI time_NN course_NN of_IN the_ATI reversal_NN of_IN these_DTS changes_NNS in_IN patients_NNS cured_VBN of_IN their_PP$ gastrinoma_NN was_BEDZ recently_RB assessed_VBN by_IN examining_VBG BAO_NP and_CC maximal_JJ acid_NN output_NN (_( MAO_NP )_) at_IN different_JJ postoperative_JJ times.=20_CD 109_CD 35_CD changes_NNS in_IN the_ATI MAO_NP have_HV been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO correlate_VB with_IN changes_NNS in_IN parietal_JJ cell_NN mass_NN basal_JJ acid_NN output_NN and_CC MAO_NP decreased_VBD 75%_NN and_CC 40%_NP , respectively_RB , by_IN 3_CD to_IN 6_CD months_NNS after_IN surgery_NN and_CC then_RN remained_VBD unchanged_JJ for_IN up_RP to_IN 4_CD years_NNS these_DTS results_NNS demonstrate_VB that_CS the_ATI trophic_JJ changes_NNS are_BER rapidly_RB reversible_JJ about_IN 60%_NP of_IN the_ATI patients_NNS continued_VBD mild_JJ gastric_JJ acid_NN hypersecretion_NN for_IN up_RP to_IN 4_CD years_NNS after_IN curative_JJ resection_NN , and_CC 60%_NP require_VB continued_VBD low_JJ doses_NNS of_IN gastric_JJ antisecretory_NN drugs_NNS 110_CD 36_CD at_IN present_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ not_XNOT established_VBN that_CS the_ATI long- term_JJB changes_NNS in_IN the_ATI gastric_JJ mucosa_NN and_CC long-term_JJB risks_NNS of_IN chronic_JJ hypergastrinemia_NN in_IN the_ATI achlorhydric_JJ stomach_NN are_BER the_ATI same_AP as_CS those_DTS in_IN the_ATI hyperacidic_JJ stomach_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP however_RB , similar_JJ to_IN patients_NNS with_IN pernicious_JJ anemia_NN , patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP have_HV increased_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN ECL_NP cells_NNS and_CC both_ABX types_NNS of_IN patients_NNS have_HV an_AT increased_JJ risk_NN of_IN developing_VBG gastric_JJ carcinoid_NN tumors_NNS numerous_JJ studies_NNS now_RN demonstrate_VB that_CS the_ATI risk_NN of_IN chronic_JJ hypergastrinemia_NN causing_VBG a_AT gastric_JJ carcinoid_NN tumor_NN (_( ECLoma_NP )_) is_BEZ related_VBN to_TO whether_CS the_ATI patient_NN also_RB has_HVZ MEN-I_NP .=20_CD 111_CD 37_CD in_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP without_IN MEN-I_NP , fundic_JJ argyrophilic_JJ cells_NNS showed_VBD a_AT normal_JJ pattern_NN in_IN 16%_CD , diffuse_NN pattern_NN in_IN 71%_CD , and_CC linear_JJ hyperplasia_NN in_IN 13%_CD in_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP with_IN MEN-I_NP , diffuse_NN hyperplasia_NN occurred_VBD in_IN 53%_CD and_CC linear_JJ hyperplasia_NN in_IN 47%_NN 112_CD 38_CD the_ATI availability_NN of_IN potent_JJ gastric_JJ acid_NN antisecretory_NN agents_NNS has_HVZ changed_VBN this_DT situation_NN studies_NNS of_IN 200_CD patients_NNS with_IN intact_JJ stomachs_NNS followed_VBN up_RP at_IN NIH_NP for_IN up_RP to_IN 18_CD years_NNS have_HV reported_VBN that_CS 0.6%_NP of_IN patients_NNS without_IN MEN-I_NP had_HVD a_AT gastric_JJ carcinoid_NN tumor_NN and_CC 13%_CD of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR had_HVD ZES_NP with_IN MEN-I_NP developed_VBD such_ABL a_AT tumor_NN these_DTS data_NNS are_BER similar_JJ to_TO research_NN reported_VBN by_IN Lehy_NP et_&FW al_APS involving_VBG 48_CD patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP in_IN which_WDTR 30%_NP of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR had_HVD ZES_NP and_CC MEN- I_NP and_CC 0%_NP who_WPR did_DOD not_XNOT have_HV MEN-I_NP developed_VBN gastric_JJ carcinoid_NN tumors_NNS these_DTS data_NNS demonstrate_VB that_CS genetic_JJ factors_NNS are_BER important_JJ in_IN determining_VBG the_ATI risk_NN of_IN developing_VBG a_AT gastric_JJ ECLoma.=20_CD 113_CD 39_CD in_IN a_AT patient_NN with_IN ZES_NP without_IN MEN-I_NP , the_ATI risk_NN appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE low_JJ , whereas_CS in_IN patients_NNS who_WPR have_HV ZES_NP with_IN MEN-I_NP , it_PP3 increases_NNS more_AP than_IN 20-_NP to_IN 30- fold_NP recent_JJ genetic_JJ studies_NNS show_VB allelic_JJ losses_NNS on_IN chromosome_NN 11q13_CD in_IN parathyroid_NN and_CC pancreatic_JJ tumors_NNS of_IN patients_NNS with_IN MEN-I_NP , suggesting_VBG that_CS the_ATI MEN-I_NP gene_NN functions_NNS as_IN a_AT tumor-suppressor_NN gene_NN Loss_NN of_IN heterozygosity_NN in_IN an_AT ECLoma_NP from_IN a_AT patient_NN who_WPR had_HVD ZES_NP and_CC MEN-I_NP has_HVZ recently_RB been_BEN reported_VBN this_DT finding_VBG suggests_VBZ that_CS , in_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP with_IN MEN-I_NP , gastric_JJ ECLomas_NP also_RB result_NN from_IN the_ATI inactivation_JJ of_IN two_CD copies_NNS of_IN the_ATI MEN-I_NP gene_NN and_CC provides_VBZ direct_JJ evidence_NN of_IN the_ATI genetic_JJ contribution_NN to_IN gastric_JJ ECLomas_NP 114_CD 40_CD ADVANCES_NPT IN_NPT TREATMENT_NPT OF_NPT THE_NP GASTRINOMA_NP 115_CD 41_CD in_IN older_JJR studies_NNS , 60%_NP to_IN 70%_NP of_IN patients_NNS treated_VBN with_IN total_JJ gastrectomy_NN to_TO control_VB acid_NN secretion_NN eventually_RB died_VBD from_IN the_ATI tumor_NN Further_NP , the_ATI prognosis_NN is_BEZ directly_RB related_VBN to_IN the_ATI spread_NN of_IN the_ATI tumor_NN Patients_NP with_IN liver_NN metastases_NNS have_HV only_RB a_AT 20%_NP to_IN 30%_NP chance_NN of_IN surviving_JJ for_IN 5_CD years_NNS , whereas_CS patients_NNS without_IN liver_NN metastases_NNS have_HV an_AT excellent_JJ long- term_JJB prognosis_NN (_( }90%_NP 5-year_NN survival_NN rate_NN )_) at_IN present_NN , approximately_RB 30%_NP of_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP present_JJ with_IN liver_NN metastases_NNS The_NP percentage_NN of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR do_DO not_XNOT initially_RB have_HV liver_NN metastases_NNS who_WPR will_MD develop_VB liver_NN metastases_NNS over_IN a_AT 5-_NN or_CC 10-year_CD-CD period_NN is_BEZ currently_RB unknown.=20_CD 116_CD 42_CD gastrinomas_NNS release_NN increased_JJ amounts_NNS of_IN gastrin_NN precursors_NNS including_IN progastrin_NN , NH_NP sub_NN 2_CD terminal_JJ and_CC COOH_NP terminal_JJ gastrin_NN fragments_NNS , chromogranin_NN , numerous_JJ other_AP gastrointestinal_JJ hormones_NNS , and_CC alpha-_NN and_CC beta- subunits_NNS of_IN human_JJ chorionic_JJ gonadotropin_NN , and_CC none_PN have_HV proved_VBN to_TO adequately_RB predict_VB which_WDTR gastrinomas_VBZ will_MD metastasize_VB about_IN 20%_NP to_IN 30%_NP of_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP also_RB have_HV MEN-I_NP , and_CC research_NN suggests_VBZ that_CS , contrary_NN to_IN earlier_RBR reports_NNS , these_DTS patients_NNS may_MD not_XNOT have_HV a_AT lower_JJR rate_NN of_IN metastatic_JJ disease_NN 117_CD 43_CD patients_NNS who_WPR have_HV ZES_NP with_IN MEN-I_NP have_HV multiple_JJ microadenomas_NNS throughout_IN the_ATI pancreas_NNS in_IN addition_NN to_IN some_DTI larger_JJR tumors_NNS ; thus_RB , until_CS recently_RB it_PP3 was_BEDZ thought_VBN that_CS they_PP3AS could_MD not_XNOT be_BE cured_VBN by_IN simple_JJ gastrinoma_NN enucleation_NN Pipeleers-Marichal_NP et_&FW al_APS found_VBN all_ABN of_IN the_ATI gastrinomas_NNS in_IN their_PP$ patients_NNS were_BED in_IN the_ATI duodenum_NN and_CC raised_VBD the_ATI possibility_NN , therefore_RB , that_CS the_ATI disease_NN could_MD be_BE surgically_RB cured_VBN These_NP results_NNS suggest_VB the_ATI importance_NN of_IN developing_VBG effective_JJ treatment_NN directed_VBN against_IN the_ATI gastrinoma_NN in_IN patients_NNS who_WPR have_HV ZES_NP with_IN and_CC without_RI MEN-I._NP in_IN contrast_NN to_IN 10_CD years_NNS ago_RB , most_QL authorities_NNS currently_RB recommend_VB that_CS all_ABN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP without_IN MEN-I_NP (_( and_CC without_IN other_AP diseases_NNS that_DT would_MD contraindicate_VB surgery_NN )_) should_MD undergo_VB tumor_VB localization_NN studies_NNS and_CC be_BE considered_VBN for_IN exploratory_JJ laparotomy_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ currently_RB unproven_JJ that_CS surgical_JJ resection_NN decreases_VBZ the_ATI rate_NN of_IN development_NN of_IN metastatic_JJ disease_NN or_CC improves_VBZ survival.=20_CD 118_CD 44_CD however_RB , because_CS the_ATI risk_NN of_IN developing_VBG metastatic_JJ disease_NN is_BEZ unknown_JJ and_CC the_ATI risk_NN of_IN surgery_NN by_IN experienced_JJ surgeons_NNS is_BEZ low_JJ (_( mortality_NN , 0%_NP in_IN 100_CD cases_NNS at_IN the_ATI NIH_NP )_) , it_PP3 is_BEZ recommended_VBN that_CS routine_NN laparotomy_NN be_BE performed_VBN it_PP3 is_BEZ also_RB recommended_VBN that_CS surgery_NN be_BE done_VBN only_RB in_IN centers_NNS with_IN considerable_JJ experience_NN with_IN pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS in_IN patients_NNS who_WPR have_HV ZES_NP with_IN MEN-I_NP , the_ATI usefulness_NN of_IN surgery_NN is_BEZ still_RB not_XNOT established_VBN , and_CC most_QL authorities_NNS do_DO not_XNOT recommend_VB routine_NN laparotomy_NN 119_CD 45_CD tumor_NN localization_NN studies_NNS demonstrate_VB that_CS ultrasonography_NN , CT_NP scanning_VBG , and_CC angiography_NN are_BER helpful_JJ and_CC will_MD localize_VB 20%_NP , 30%_NP , and_CC 50%_NP of_IN the_ATI primary_JJ tumors_NNS , respectively_RB pisegna_NN et_&FW al_APS report_NN that_CS MR_NP imaging_VBG , particularly_RB the_ATI short_JJ T_ZZ sub_NN 1_CD1 inversion-recovery_NN sequence_NN , does_DOZ not_XNOT localize_VB primary_JJ tumors_NNS any_DTI better_JJR than_IN CT_NP scanning_VBG even_RB with_IN the_ATI addition_NN of_IN gadolinium_NN however_RB , MR_NP imaging_VBG was_BEDZ better_JJR at_IN localizing_VBG gastrinoma_JJ metastatic_JJ to_IN the_ATI liver_NN (_( Fig_NP 1_CD1 )_) and_CC is_BEZ now_RN the_ATI noninvasive_JJ method_NN of_IN choice_NN for_IN localizing_VBG metastatic_JJ disease_NN endoscopic_JJ ultrasonography_NN and_CC radionuclide_NN scanning_VBG using_VBG radiolabeled_JJ octreotide_NN , which_WDTR identifies_VBZ somatostatin_NN receptors_NNS that_CS are_BER frequently_RB present_JJ in_IN large_JJ numbers_NNS on_IN gastrinomas_NNS and_CC other_AP pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS , are_BER two_CD new_JJ techniques_NNS that_DT may_MD prove_VB useful_JJ , but_CC it_PP3 is_BEZ not_XNOT clear_JJ whether_CS they_PP3AS will_MD localize_VB small_JJ duodenal_JJ gastrinomas_NNS .=20_CD 120_CD 46_CD functional_JJ localization_NN using_VBG a_AT transhepatic_JJ approach_NN to_TO measure_NN selective_JJ venous_JJ gastrin_NN gradients_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO be_BE less_QL sensitive_JJ and_CC to_TO have_HV a_AT higher_JJR morbidity_NN than_IN hepatic_JJ venous_JJ gastrin_NN sampling_NN after_IN intra- arterial_JJ injection_NN of_IN small_JJ amounts_NNS of_IN secretin_NN This_NN approach_NN is_BEZ particularly_RB good_JJ at_IN localizing_VBG duodenal_JJ gastrinomas_NNS and_CC can_MD be_BE done_VBN during_IN angiography_NN a_AT typical_JJ diagnostic_JJ result_NN is_BEZ shown_VBN in_IN Fig_NP 2_CD a_AT similar_JJ approach_NN has_HVZ been_BEN used_VBN in_IN insulinomas_NNS after_IN intra-arterial_JJ injection_NN of_IN calcium_NN imaging_VBG studies_NNS can_MD detect_VB more_QL than_IN 95%_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN liver_NN metastases_NNS and_CC , thus_RB , avoid_VB unnecessary_JJ surgery_NN however_RB , the_ATI reverse_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT true_JJ an_AT experienced_JJ surgeon_NN will_MD find_VB gastrinoma_NN in_IN more_AP than_IN 90%_NP of_IN all_ABN patients_NNS , so_QL even_CS if_CS imaging_VBG is_BEZ normal_JJ , surgical_JJ exploration_NN should_MD still_RB be_BE done_VBN 121_CD 47_CD Sugg_NP et_&FW al_APS demonstrate_VB that_CS palpation_NN , even_RB after_IN extensive_JJ mobilization_NN of_IN the_ATI duodenum_NN , will_MD find_VB only_RB 65%_JJ of_IN duodenal_JJ tumors_NNS Intraoperative_NP ultrasonography_NN localizes_VBZ no_ATI additional_JJ duodenal_JJ tumors_NNS , endoscopic_JJ transillumination_NN an_AT additional_JJ 20%_NP , and_CC duodenotomy_NN an_AT additional_JJ 15%_CD not_XNOT localized_VBN by_IN any_DTI other_AP modality_NN (_( Fig_NP 3_CD )_) for_IN duodenal_JJ tumors_NNS , 71%_CD are_BER located_VBN in_IN the_ATI first_OD part_NN , 21%_CD in_IN the_ATI second_OD , and_CC 8%_NN in_IN the_ATI third_OD therefore_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ recommended_VBN that_CS all_ABN patients_NNS have_HV a_AT 3-cm_CD duodenotomy_NN along_IN the_ATI lateral_JJ aspect_NN of_IN the_ATI duodenum_NN beginning_NN in_IN the_ATI first_OD part_NN using_VBG this_DT approach_NN on_IN the_ATI last_AP 42_CD patients_NNS at_IN NIH_NP , surgeons_NNS found_JJ gastrinomas_NNS in_IN 95%_NN and_CC duodenal_JJ tumors_NNS in_IN 71%_CD (_( Fig_NP 3_CD )_) 122_CD 48_CD newer_JJR studies_NNS from_IN centers_NNS with_IN extensive_JJ experience_NN in_IN the_ATI surgical_JJ treatment_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN ZES_NP report_NN that_CS 58%_NN to_TO 82%_NN of_IN patients_NNS have_HV a_AT normal_JJ fasting_NN gastrin_NN level_NN and_CC negative_JJ secretin_NN test_NN when_WRB a_AT routine_NN duodenotomy_NN is_BEZ done_VBN , and_CC 30%_NP will_MD remain_VB cured_VBN at_IN 5_CD years_NNS (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) this_DT cure_NN rate_NN is_BEZ higher_JJR than_IN that_DT reported_VBN in_IN older_JJR studies_NNS fishbeyn_NN et_&FW al_APS have_HV shown_VBN that_CS both_ABX a_AT fasting_NN gastrin_NN determination_NN and_CC secretin_NN test_NN are_BER required_VBN to_TO diagnose_VB all_ABN recurrent_JJ disease_NN Furthermore_NP , all_ABN patients_NNS will_MD demonstrate_VB recurrent_JJ disease_NN by_IN an_AT alteration_NN in_IN either_DTX the_ATI fasting_NN gastrin_NN level_NN or_CC secretin_NN test_NN before_CS imaging_VBG studies_NNS become_VB positive_JJ therefore_RB , repeat_VB imaging_VBG for_IN functionally_RB cured_VBN postoperative_JJ patients_NNS who_WPR had_HVD a_AT negative_JJ secretin_NN test_NN , and_CC normal_JJ fasting_NN gastrin_NN level_NN was_BEDZ not_XNOT needed_VBN this_DT latter_AP study_NN also_RB demonstrates_VBZ that_CS if_CS patients_NNS have_HV both_ABX a_AT normal_JJ fasting_NN gastrin_NN level_NN and_CC secretin_NN test_NN immediately_RB after_IN surgery_NN , there_EX is_BEZ a_AT 70%_NP likelihood_NN they_PP3AS will_MD remain_VB cured_VBN 3_CD years_NNS later_RBR 123_CD 49_CD it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN proposed_VBN that_CS some_DTI patients_NNS with_IN gastrinoma_NN be_BE considered_VBN for_IN a_AT proximal_JJ pancreatoduodenectomy_NN (_( Whipple's_NP$ operation_NN )_) Such_NP patients_NNS include_VB those_DTS with_IN a_AT high_JJ likelihood_NN of_IN multiple_JJ tumors_NNS , those_DTS with_IN large_JJ nonenucleatable_JJ tumors_NNS in_IN the_ATI head_NN area_NN of_IN the_ATI pancreas_NNS , those_DTS with_IN no_ATI tumor_NN found_VBN at_IN surgery_NN but_CC with_IN preoperative_JJ functional_JJ localization_NN to_IN the_ATI pancreatic_JJ head_NN area_NN , or_CC those_DTS found_VBN at_IN surgery_NN to_TO have_HV multiple_JJ positive_JJ lymph_NN nodes_NNS in_IN the_ATI pancreatic_JJ head_NN area_NN most_AP of_IN these_DTS patients_NNS have_HV an_AT excellent_JJ long-term_JJB prognosis_NN without_IN a_AT Whipple_NP operation_NN , and_CC it_PP3 is_BEZ not_XNOT possible_JJ to_TO predict_VB the_ATI few_AP patients_NNS who_WPR will_MD have_HV an_AT aggressive_JJ course_RB .=20_CD 124_CD 50_CD flow_NN cytometry_JJ results_NNS of_IN tumor_NN DNA_NP have_HV recently_RB been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO be_BE an_AT independent_JJ predictor_NN of_IN tumor_NN extent_NN , but_CC whether_CS these_DTS will_MD be_BE useful_JJ in_IN identifying_VBG subsets_NNS of_IN patients_NNS where_WRB such_ABL extensive_JJ surgery_NN should_MD be_BE done_VBN remains_VBZ to_TO be_BE established_VBN at_IN present_NN , this_DT operation_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT recommended_VBN until_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ established_VBN that_CS the_ATI benefits_NNS outweigh_VB the_ATI risks_NNS in_IN a_AT defined_JJ group_NN of_IN patients_NNS 125_CD 51_CD in_IN patients_NNS with_IN metastases_NNS to_IN the_ATI liver_NN , approximately_RB 15%_CD were_BED found_VBN to_TO have_HV disease_NN localized_VBN to_TO one_CD1 lobe_NN and_CC , thus_RB , potentially_RB resectable_JJ data_NNS from_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN studies_NNS involving_VBG patients_NNS with_IN gastrinomas_NNS and_CC other_AP pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS suggest_VB that_CS surgery_NN is_BEZ beneficial_JJ for_IN patients_NNS with_IN resectable_JJ metastatic_JJ disease_NN in_IN the_ATI 85%_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN diffuse_NN liver_NN metastases_NNS , recent_JJ studies_NNS at_IN the_ATI NIH_NP show_VB that_CS 12%_CD to_IN 20%_NP have_HV bone_NN metastases_NNS and_CC , thus_RB , treatment_NN cannot_NN be_BE directed_VBN only_RB at_IN the_ATI liver_NN patients_NNS with_IN diffuse_JJ metastatic_JJ disease_NN to_TO the_ATI liver_NN have_HV a_AT 5-year_NN survival_NN rate_NN of_IN only_RB 20%_NP to_IN 30%_NP , which_WDTR is_BEZ less_QL than_IN previously_RB thought_NN 126_CD 52_CD according_IN to_IN older_JJR studies_NNS , streptozocin_NN and_CC fluorouracil_NN were_BED the_ATI chemotherapeutic_JJ agents_NNS of_IN choice_NN and_CC resulted_VBD in_IN a_AT response_NN rate_NN of_IN 20%_NP to_IN 80%_NP however_RB , these_DTS studies_NNS frequently_RB involved_VBN several_AP different_JJ pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS , and_CC it_PP3 is_BEZ not_XNOT clear_JJ that_CS all_ABN are_BER equally_RB sensitive_JJ to_TO chemotherapy_VB studies_NNS in_IN patients_NNS with_IN metastatic_JJ gastrinoma_NN reported_VBN chemotherapy_NN response_NN rates_NNS of_IN 5%_NN and_CC 40%_NP with_IN streptozocin_NN and_CC fluorouracil_NN treatment_NN , and_CC in_IN one_CD1 study_NN chemotherapy_NN did_DOD not_XNOT prolong_VB life_NN recently_RB , the_ATI combination_NN of_IN streptozocin_NN and_CC doxorubicin_NN was_BEDZ observed_VBN to_TO be_BE superior_JJ to_TO streptozocin_VB and_CC fluorouracil_NN , with_IN a_AT response_NN rate_NN of_IN 65%_NN and_CC improved_JJ survival_NN However_NP , this_DT study_NN involved_VBN a_AT number_NN of_IN different_JJ pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS , and_CC research_NN needs_NNS to_TO be_BE done_VBN on_IN patients_NNS with_IN metastatic_JJ gastrinoma_NN only_RB streptozocin_NN has_HVZ important_JJ side_NN effects_NNS , especially_RB nephrotoxicity_NN 127_CD 53_CD interferon_NN is_BEZ reported_VBN effective_JJ in_IN metastatic_JJ carcinoid_NN and_CC pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS however_RB , in_IN a_AT recent_JJ prospective_JJ study_NN of_IN 13_CD patients_NNS with_IN metastatic_JJ gastrinoma_NN , none_PN of_IN the_ATI tumors_NNS decreased_VBD in_IN size_NN and_CC 25%_NN of_IN them_PP3OS stabilized_VBD without_IN further_JJB growth_NN similarly_RB , preliminary_JJ data_NNS on_IN octreotide_NN demonstrate_VB that_CS only_RB a_JJ few_AP patients_NNS with_IN metastatic_JJ pancreatic_JJ endocrine_NN tumors_NNS show_VB a_AT decrease_NN in_IN tumor_NN size_NN , while_CS a_AT significant_JJ percentage_NN demonstrate_VB no_ATI further_JJB growth_NN neither_DTX octreotide_NN nor_CC interferon_NN has_HVZ been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO prolong_VB survival_NN 128_CD 54_CD last_AP , after_IN resection_NN of_IN a_AT primary_JJ endocrine_NN tumor_NN , liver_NN transplantation_NN is_BEZ being_BEG performed_VBN on_IN some_DTI patients_NNS with_IN metastases_NNS confined_VBN to_IN the_ATI liver_NN , but_CC whether_CS this_DT treatment_NN will_MD result_VB in_IN improved_JJ survival_NN remains_VBZ to_TO be_BE proven_VBN at_IN present_NN , the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN choice_NN for_IN gastrinoma_JJ metastatic_JJ to_IN the_ATI liver_NN is_BEZ chemotherapy_JJ with_IN streptozocin_NN and_CC doxorubicin_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ , however_RB , of_IN limited_JJ benefit_NN , and_CC better_JJR regimens_NNS and_CC newer_JJR agents_NNS or_CC methods_NNS will_MD need_VB to_TO be_BE developed_VBN to_TO further_JJB extend_VB the_ATI survival_NN of_IN this_DT group_NN of_IN patients_NNS , which_WDTR is_BEZ increasing_JJ in_IN number_NN because_IN effective_JJ treatment_NN of_IN gastric_JJ hypersecretion_NN leads_VBZ to_TO longer_RBR survival_NN 129_CD is_BEZ This_JJ Patient_NP Malnourished_NP ? 130_CD case_NN 1_CD1 : ten_CD days_NNS prior_RB to_TO being_BEG seen_VBN a_AT 65- year-old_JJB man_NN suffered_VBD a_AT Wallenberg_NP stroke_NN involving_VBG the_ATI lateral_JJ medulla_NN this_DT left_VBD him_PP3O with_IN difficulty_NN swallowing_NN since_IN that_DT time_NN he_PP3A had_HVD been_BEN treated_VBN with_IN intravenous_JJ fluids_NNS , and_CC attempts_NNS at_IN eating_VBG led_VBD to_IN mild_JJ aspiration_NN with_IN pneumonia_NN in_IN that_DT period_NN he_PP3A lost_JJ 6%_NN of_IN his_PP$ usual_JJ body_NN weight_NN and_CC was_BEDZ continuing_VBG to_TO lose_VB weight_NN he_PP3A felt_VBD weak_JJ and_CC was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO ambulate_VB only_RB with_IN difficulty_NN , both_ABX because_CS of_IN his_PP$ stroke-related_JJ ataxia_NN and_CC generalized_JJ weakness_NN on_IN physical_JJ examination_NN there_EX was_BEDZ an_AT obvious_JJ squared- off_NN appearance_NN to_IN his_PP$ shoulders_NNS from_IN subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN and_CC muscle_NN wasting_VBG there_EX was_BEDZ no_ATI edema_NN 131_CD case_NN 2_CD : a_AT 63-year-old_JJB man_NN was_BEDZ admitted_VBN to_IN the_ATI hospital_NN for_IN gastric_JJ resection_NN of_IN an_AT obstructing_VBG gastric_JJ carcinoma_NN he_PP3A was_BEDZ well_RB until_IN 6_CD weeks_NNS prior_RB to_TO admission_NN when_WRB he_PP3A began_VBD to_TO notice_VB the_ATI rapid_JJ onset_NN of_IN early_JJ satiety_NN this_DT progressed_VBN to_IN the_ATI point_NN where_WRB he_PP3A began_VBD to_TO vomit_VB virtually_RB all_ABN food_NN and_CC fluids_NNS he_PP3A had_HVD lost_VBN 15%_CD of_IN his_PP$ body_NN weight_NN and_CC was_BEDZ continuing_VBG to_TO lose_VB weight_NN he_PP3A was_BEDZ ambulatory_NN but_CC felt_VBD weak_JJ and_CC was_BEDZ no_ATI longer_RBR able_JJ to_TO carry_VB on_IN his_PP$ usual_JJ daily_JJ activities_NNS because_CS of_IN this_DT weakness_NN on_IN physical_JJ examination_NN the_ATI man_NN looked_VBD wasted_VBN there_EX was_BEDZ obvious_JJ subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN loss_NN in_IN the_ATI triceps_NNS and_CC thoracic_JJ regions_NNS as_CS well_RB as_IN muscle_NN loss_NN in_IN the_ATI deltoids_NNS there_EX was_BEDZ edema_NN in_IN his_PP$ ankles_NNS but_CC no_ATI ascites_NNS 132_CD case_NN 3_CD : a_AT 70-year-old_JJB man_NN was_BEDZ admitted_VBN to_IN the_ATI hospital_NN for_IN resection_NN of_IN his_PP$ descending_JJ colon_NN because_CS of_IN an_AT adenocarcinoma_NN detected_VBN on_IN investigation_NN for_IN bright-red_JJ blood_NN in_IN his_PP$ bowel_NN movements_NNS between_IN 6_CD and_CC 3_CD months_NNS prior_RB to_TO admission_NN he_PP3A had_HVD lost_VBN 10%_CD of_IN his_PP$ body_NN weight_NN for_IN reasons_NNS that_CS he_PP3A could_MD not_XNOT explain_VB however_RB , his_PP$ weight_NN had_HVD stabilized_VBN in_IN the_ATI 2_CD months_NNS prior_RB to_TO admission_NN , and_CC in_IN fact_NN he_PP3A had_HVD gained_VBN back_RP 4%_NN of_IN his_PP$ weight_NN his_PP$ dietary_JJ intake_NN had_HVD been_BEN slightly_RB below_IN normal_JJ but_CC had_HVD recently_RB improved_JJ he_PP3A reported_VBD no_ATI significant_JJ gastrointestinal_JJ symptoms_NNS other_AP than_IN the_ATI bleeding_NN and_CC a_AT mild_JJ change_NN in_IN his_PP$ bowel_NN habits_NNS he_PP3A had_HVD his_PP$ usual_JJ level_NN of_IN energy_NN on_IN physical_JJ examination_NN there_EX was_BEDZ no_ATI evidence_NN of_IN subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN loss_NN , muscle_NN wasting_VBG , edema_NN , or_CC ascites_NNS 133_CD WHY_NPT PERFORM_NPT NUTRITIONAL_NPT STATUS_NP ASSESSMENT_NP ? 134_CD malnutrition_NN occurs_VBZ among_IN patients_NNS either_DTX because_CS of_IN their_PP$ primary_JJ diseases_NNS (_( eg_NN , malignancy_NN )_) or_CC because_CS the_ATI procedures_NNS they_PP3AS undergo_VB in_IN order_NN to_TO treat_VB the_ATI primary_JJ disease_NN prevent_VB them_PP3OS from_IN receiving_VBG adequate_JJ nutritional_JJ intake_NN for_IN prolonged_JJ periods_NNS of_IN time_NN (_( eg_NN , surgery_NN )_) 135_CD there_EX are_BER two_CD components_NNS of_IN nutritional_JJ status_NN assessment_NN the_ATI first_OD is_BEZ body_NN composition_NN analysis_NN , the_ATI determination_NN of_IN the_ATI mass_NN of_IN body_NN components_NNS , such_IN as_IN total_JJ body_NN protein_NN and_CC total_JJ body_NN fat_NN these_DTS components_NNS are_BER measured_VBN by_IN in_RB vivo_RB neutron_NN activation_NN analysis_NN and_CC tritiated_JJ water_NN dilution_NN technique_NN , which_WDTR represents_VBZ the_ATI criterion_NN standard_NN (_( also_RB known_VBN as_IN the_ATI gold_NN standard_NN )_) for_IN measures_NNS of_IN body_NN composition_NN the_ATI second_OD component_NN is_BEZ physiological_JJ function_NN defined_VBN by_IN some_DTI as_CS changes_NNS in_IN cellular_JJ and_CC organ_NN function_NN , measured_VBD in_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN ways_NNS , such_IN as_IN skeletal_JJ muscle_NN strength_NN , respiratory_JJ function_NN , protein_NN synthesis_NN , and_CC tissue_NN repair_NN 136_CD during_IN the_ATI past_JJB three_CD decades_NNS , clinicians_NNS have_HV become_VBN increasingly_RB aware_JJ of_IN the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN malnutrition_NN among_IN hospitalized_JJ patients_NNS (_( 1-4_CD-CD )_) clinicians_NNS have_HV recognized_VBN that_CS malnourished_JJ patients_NNS are_BER at_IN a_AT higher_JJR risk_NN of_IN developing_VBG complications_NNS while_CS undergoing_VBG treatment_NN These_NP complications_NNS include_VB death_NN , sepsis_NN , abscess_NN formation_NN , other_AP infections_NNS , such_IN as_IN pneumonia_NN , wound_NN healing_NN difficulties_NNS postoperatively_RB , and_CC respirator_NN failure_NN some_DTI have_HV used_VBN the_ATI term_NN _** nutrition-associated_JJ complications_NNS _** (_( 5,6_NN )_) to_TO highlight_NN the_ATI relationship_NN between_IN malnutrition_NN and_CC these_DTS adverse_JJ events_NNS the_ATI increased_JJ risk_NN for_IN malnourished_JJ patients_NNS is_BEZ thought_VBN to_TO be_BE caused_VBN more_AP by_IN functional_JJ impairment_NN than_IN changes_NNS in_IN body_NN composition_NN (_( 7_CD )_) , although_CS in_IN studied_VBN subjects_NNS there_EX is_BEZ clearly_RB a_AT correlation_NN between_IN the_ATI two_CD components_NNS of_IN nutritional_JJ status_NN 137_CD investigations_NNS in_IN the_ATI 1970s_CD (_( 1,2_CD )_) estimated_VBN that_CS the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN malnutrition_NN among_IN hospitalized_JJ patients_NNS was_BEDZ as_QL high_JJ as_IN 40%_NP more_AP recent_JJ studies_NNS (_( 4,8_NN )_) on_IN patients_NNS undergoing_VBG general_JJ gastrointestinal_JJ surgery_NN showed_VBD the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN either_DTX mild_JJ or_CC severe_JJ malnutrition_NN was_BEDZ 48%_NN (_( 3_CD )_) and_CC 31%_CD , respectively_RB detsky_NN et_&FW al_APS (_( 4_CD )_) confirmed_VBN the_ATI relationship_NN between_IN malnutrition_NN and_CC the_ATI risk_NN of_IN nutrition-associated_JJ complications_NNS In_NP their_PP$ series_NN of_IN 202_CD patients_NNS undergoing_VBG general_JJ gastrointestinal_JJ surgery_NN at_IN two_CD Toronto_NP (_( Ontario_NP )_) teaching_NN hospitals_NNS , 10%_CD of_IN the_ATI total_JJ series_NN of_IN patients_NNS suffered_VBD from_IN major_JJ nutrition-associated_JJ complications_NNS , including_IN six_CD deaths_NNS related_VBN to_TO sepsis_VB , two_CD nonfatal_JJ episodes_NNS of_IN sepsis_NN , three_CD subphrenic_JJ or_CC intra-abdominal_JJ abscesses_NNS , two_CD anastomotic_JJ breakdowns_NNS , two_CD wound_NN dehiscences_NNS , and_CC five_CD major_JJ wound_NN abscesses_NNS however_RB , among_IN those_DTS who_WPR were_BED assessed_VBN to_TO be_BE severely_RB malnourished_VBN preoperatively_RB , this_DT major_JJ complication_NN rate_NN was_BEDZ 67%_NN Windsor_NP and_CC Hill_NPL (_( 7_CD )_) , using_VBG a_AT slightly_RB different_JJ system_NN of_IN nutritional_JJ status_NN assessment_NN in_IN 102_CD patients_NNS undergoing_VBG major_JJ gastrointestinal_JJ surgery_NN , also_RB showed_VBD that_CS severely_RB malnourished_JJ patients_NNS had_HVD a_AT higher_JJR risk_NN of_IN major_JJ complications_NNS than_IN patients_NNS designated_VBN as_CS having_HVG normal_JJ nutritional_JJ status_NN these_DTS results_NNS confirm_VB the_ATI usefulness_NN of_IN nutritional_JJ status_NN assessment_NN as_IN a_AT predictor_NN of_IN high_JJ risk_NN for_IN postoperative_JJ complications_NNS thus_RB , it_PP3 becomes_VBZ both_ABX a_AT method_NN of_IN assessing_VBG prognosis_NN as_CS well_RB as_IN a_AT method_NN of_IN diagnosing_VBG a_AT particular_JJ health_NN state_NN 138_CD furthermore_RB , assessing_VBG nutritional_JJ status_NN identifies_VBZ patients_NNS who_WPR may_MD benefit_VB from_IN enteral_JJ or_CC parenteral_JJ nutritional_JJ repletion_NN to_TO reduce_VB the_ATI risk_NN of_IN these_DTS complications_NNS (_( 9-11_CD-CD )_) although_CS patients_NNS with_IN chronic_JJ medical_JJ conditions_NNS also_RB are_BER thought_VBN to_TO be_BE at_IN higher_JJR risk_NN of_IN developing_VBG complications_NNS , such_IN as_IN respiratory_JJ failure_NN or_CC infection_NN , most_AP of_IN what_WDT we_PP1AS know_VB comes_VBZ from_IN patients_NNS undergoing_VBG surgical_JJ procedures_NNS 139_CD THE_NPT ANATOMIC_PHYSIOLOGICAL_NPT ORIGIN_NPT OF_NPT FINDINGS_NPT IN_NPT THIS_NP AREA_NP 140_CD syndromes_NNS of_IN undernutrition_NN of_IN calories_NNS and_CC protein_NN have_HV been_BEN studied_VBN most_QL extensively_RB in_IN children_NNS of_IN developing_VBG nations_NNS and_CC are_BER not_XNOT frequently_RB observed_VBN in_IN North_NP America_NP two_CD polar_JJ extremes_NNS of_IN protein-energy_NN malnutrition_NN have_HV been_BEN defined_VBN : (_( 1_CD1 )_) marasmus_JJ , caused_VBD primarily_RB by_IN deficiency_NN of_IN calories_NNS resulting_JJ in_IN stunted_JJ growth_NN in_IN children_NNS , loss_NN of_IN adipose_NN tissue_NN , and_CC generalized_JJ wasting_VBG of_IN lean_JJ body_NN mass_NN without_IN edema_NN ; and_CC (_( 2_CD )_) kwashiorkor_NN , a_AT primary_JJ deficiency_NN of_IN protein_NN manifested_VBN by_IN edema_NN , but_CC adipose_NN tissue_NN is_BEZ preserved_VBN 141_CD many_AP individuals_NNS who_WPR are_BER malnourished_VBN will_MD have_HV elements_NNS of_IN both_ABX protein_NN and_CC calorie_NN deficiencies_NNS the_ATI complex_JJ metabolic_JJ processes_NNS that_CS result_NN from_IN protein- energy_NN malnutrition_NN are_BER beyond_IN the_ATI scope_NN of_IN this_DT overview_NN however_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO note_VB that_CS in_IN North_NP America_NP , nutritional_JJ assessment_NN is_BEZ used_VBN as_IN a_AT predictor_NN of_IN future_NN complications_NNS in_IN patients_NNS and_CC therefore_RB may_MD go_VB beyond_IN the_ATI traditional_JJ measurement_NN of_IN pure_JJ malnutrition_NN resulting_JJ from_IN inadequate_JJ intake_NN of_IN protein_NN , calories_NNS , or_CC micronutrients_NNS nutritional_JJ assessment_NN , particularly_RB if_CS it_PP3 encompasses_VBZ or_CC focuses_VBZ on_IN physiological_JJ function_NN , may_MD be_BE an_AT overall_JJB marker_NN of_IN illness_NN that_WPR is_BEZ not_XNOT caused_VBN solely_RB by_IN inadequate_JJ intake_NN or_CC reversed_VBD by_IN nutritional_JJ supplementation_NN this_DT may_MD explain_VB why_WRB the_ATI clinical_JJ trials_NNS of_IN total_JJ parenteral_JJ nutrition_NN in_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN clinical_JJ circumstances_NNS have_HV in_IN some_DTI cases_NNS produced_VBN disappointing_JJ results_NNS in_IN improving_VBG outcomes_NNS (_( 12_CD )_) 142_CD nutritional_JJ deficiency_NN syndromes_NNS involving_VBG vitamins_NNS and_CC micronutrients_NNS evolve_VB through_IN three_CD stages_NNS because_CS most_QL micronutrients_NNS are_BER stored_VBN in_IN tissues_NNS , and_CC a_AT temporary_JJ reduction_NN in_IN intake_NN is_BEZ buffered_VBN by_IN a_AT reduction_NN in_IN body_NN stores_NNS the_ATI second_OD stage_NN involves_VBZ metabolic_JJ changes_NNS without_IN symptoms_NNS , while_CS severe_JJ depletion_NN will_MD result_VB in_IN the_ATI final_JJ stage_NN of_IN clinical_JJ signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS they_PP3AS will_MD not_XNOT be_BE discussed_VBN in_IN this_DT article_NN 143_CD HOW_NPT TO_NPT PERFORM_NPT NUTRITIONAL_NP ASSESSMENT_NP 144_CD this_DT article_NN primarily_RB describes_VBZ features_NNS of_IN the_ATI history_NN and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN , as_CS do_DO all_ABN articles_NNS in_IN this_DT series_NN on_IN The_NP Rational_NP Clinical_NP Examination_NN , in_IN assessing_VBG overall_JJB nutritional_JJ status_NN 145_CD the_ATI relevant_JJ features_NNS of_IN a_AT patient's_NN$ history_NN and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN can_MD be_BE elicited_VBN by_IN a_AT technique_NN known_VBN as_IN the_ATI Subjective_NP Global_NP Assessment_NP (_( SGA_NP )_) of_IN nutritional_JJ status_NN (_( 8_CD )_) the_ATI application_NN of_IN this_DT technique_NN divides_VBZ patients_NNS into_IN three_CD classes_NNS : class_NN A_ZZ , well_RB nourished_VBN ; class_NN B_ZZ , moderately_RB (_( or_CC suspected_VBD of_IN being_BEG )_) malnourished_VBN ; and_CC class_NN C_ZZ , severely_RB malnourished_VBN the_ATI components_NNS of_IN this_DT technique_NN are_BER described_VBN in_IN Table_NP 1_CD1 there_EX are_BER four_CD elements_NNS of_IN the_ATI history_NN 146_CD weight_NN Loss_NN in_IN the_ATI 6_CD Months_NP Prior_NP to_IN the_ATI Examination_NN , Expressed_NP as_CS a_AT Proportionate_NP Loss_NN From_NP Previous_JJ Weight_NP 147_CD a_AT weight_NN loss_NN of_IN less_AP than_IN 5%_NN is_BEZ considered_VBN small_JJ a_AT weight_NN loss_NN between_IN 5%_NN and_CC 10%_CD is_BEZ considered_VBN potentially_RB significant_JJ , and_CC a_AT weight_NN loss_NN of_IN more_AP than_IN 10%_CD is_BEZ considered_VBN definitely_RB significant_JJ in_IN addition_NN to_IN considering_VBG the_ATI amount_NN of_IN weight_NN loss_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO note_VB the_ATI pattern_NN of_IN the_ATI weight_NN loss_NN for_IN example_NN , if_CS a_AT patient_NN lost_VBN 12%_CD of_IN his_PP$ or_CC her_PP$ weight_NN in_IN the_ATI period_NN 6_CD months_NNS to_TO 1_CD1 month_NN prior_RB to_IN the_ATI examination_NN but_CC regained_VBD half_ABN of_IN that_DT weight_NN in_IN the_ATI subsequent_JJ month_NN , resulting_JJ in_IN a_AT net_JJB loss_NN of_IN 6%_NN for_IN the_ATI entire_JJB period_NN , the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ considered_VBN better_JJR nourished_VBN than_IN a_AT patient_NN who_WPR had_HVD lost_JJ 6%_NN progressively_RB in_IN the_ATI 6_CD months_NNS prior_RB to_IN the_ATI examination_NN and_CC who_WPR is_BEZ continuing_VBG to_TO lose_VB weight.=20_CD 148_CD we_PP1AS still_RB consider_VB patients_NNS to_TO be_BE well_RB nourished_VBN despite_IN significant_JJ proportions_NNS of_IN weight_NN loss_NN if_CS there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT recent_JJ stabilization_NN or_CC increase_NN in_IN weight_NN in_IN eliciting_VBG the_ATI history_NN of_IN weight_NN pattern_NN from_IN patients_NNS , we_PP1AS recommend_VB asking_VBG the_ATI patient_NN what_WDT his_PP$ or_CC her_PP$ maximum_JJ weight_NN was_BEDZ , what_WDT it_PP3 was_BEDZ 1_CD1 year_NN ago_RB , 6_CD months_NNS ago_RB , 1_CD1 month_NN ago_RB , and_CC at_IN the_ATI present_JJ time_NN (_( of_RB course_RB , current_JJ weight_NN can_MD be_BE measured_VBN )_) if_CS the_ATI patient_NN reports_NNS substantial_JJ weight_NN loss_NN , we_PP1AS ask_VB for_IN confirming_VBG history_NN of_IN a_AT change_NN in_IN clothing_NN size_NN or_CC whether_CS their_PP$ clothes_NNS fit_VB very_QL loosely_RB now_RN finally_RB , we_PP1AS ask_VB for_IN the_ATI pattern_NN of_IN the_ATI weight_NN loss_NN during_IN the_ATI past_NN few_AP weeks_NNS (_( continued_VBD loss_NN , stabilization_NN , or_CC gain_VB )_) 149_CD dietary_JJ Intake_NP in_IN Relation_NN to_IN the_ATI Patient's_NP$ Usual_NP Pattern_NP 150_CD patients_NNS are_BER classified_VBN as_CS having_HVG either_DTX normal_JJ or_CC abnormal_JJ (_( decreased_VBD )_) intake_NN in_IN the_ATI weeks_NNS to_IN months_NNS prior_RB to_IN the_ATI examination_NN the_ATI duration_NN and_CC degree_NN of_IN abnormality_NN is_BEZ also_RB noted_VBN (_( eg_NN , starvation_NN , hypocaloric_JJ liquids_NNS , full_JJ liquid_JJ diet_NN , or_CC suboptimal_JJ solid_JJ diet_NN )_) for_IN example_NN , patients_NNS with_IN strokes_NNS resulting_JJ in_IN swallowing_NN difficulties_NNS may_MD have_HV been_BEN starved_VBN , simply_RB receiving_VBG intravenous_JJ or_CC hypocaloric_JJ fluids_NNS for_IN several_AP weeks_NNS prior_RB to_IN the_ATI examination_NN patients_NNS with_IN lesions_NNS that_CS obstruct_VB the_ATI outflow_NN from_IN the_ATI stomach_NN , such_IN as_IN cancer_NN or_CC severe_JJ ulcers_NNS , may_MD have_HV been_BEN on_IN pure_JJ liquid_JJ diets_NNS in_IN eliciting_VBG this_DT history_NN , we_PP1AS recommend_VB asking_VBG patients_NNS whether_CS their_PP$ eating_VBG patterns_NNS have_HV changed_VBN during_IN the_ATI past_JJB few_AP weeks_NNS , then_RN during_IN the_ATI past_JJB few_AP months_NNS has_HVZ the_ATI amount_NN of_IN food_NN eaten_VBN decreased_VBD ? if_CS so_PN , by_IN how_WRB much_AP ? are_BER there_EX certain_JJ kinds_NNS of_IN foods_NNS that_CS they_PP3AS used_VBD to_TO eat_VB that_CS they_PP3AS can_MD no_RB longer_RBR eat_VB ? why_WRB are_BER they_PP3AS eating_VBG less_QL (_( intentional_JJ reduction_NN , unintentional_JJ reduction_NN , ordered_VBN by_IN clinician_NN )_) ? what_WDT happens_VBZ if_CS they_PP3AS try_VB to_TO eat_VB more_QL ? ask_VB for_IN an_AT example_NN of_IN a_AT typical_JJ breakfast_NN , lunch_NN , and_CC dinner_NN and_CC a_AT comparison_NN with_IN typical_JJ meals_NNS 6_CD to_IN 12_CD months_NNS ago_RB 151_CD presence_NN of_IN Significant_NPT Gastrointestinal_NP Symptoms_NP : anorexia_RB , Nausea_NP , Vomiting_NP , and_CC Diarrhea_NP 152_CD by_IN significant_JJ we_PP1AS mean_VB that_CS these_DTS symptoms_NNS must_MD have_HV persisted_VBN on_IN virtually_RB a_AT daily_JJ basis_NN for_IN a_AT period_NN longer_RBR than_IN 2_CD weeks_NNS short-term_JJB diarrhea_NN or_CC intermittent_JJ vomiting_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT considered_VBN significant_JJ daily_JJ or_CC twice-daily_RB vomiting_NN secondary_JJ to_TO obstruction_NN is_BEZ considered_VBN significant_JJ 153_CD the_ATI Patient's_NP$ Functional_NP Capacity_NP or_CC Energy_NP , Ranging_NPT From_NP Full_NP Capacity_NP to_IN Bedridden_NP 154_CD patients_NNS who_WPR are_BER unable_JJ to_TO eat_VB will_MD often_RB complain_VB of_IN fatigue_NN and_CC weakness_NN to_IN the_ATI point_NN where_WRB they_PP3AS are_BER bedridden_NN 155_CD there_EX are_BER three_CD features_NNS of_IN the_ATI physical_JJ examination_NN that_CS are_BER recorded_VBN as_CS normal_JJ (_( 0_CD )_) , mild_JJ (_( 1_CD1 +_IN ) _) , moderate_JJ (_( 2_CD +_IN )_) , or_CC severe_JJ (_( 3_CD +_IN )_) 156_CD loss_NN of_IN Subcutaneous_JJ Fat_NP 157_CD there_EX are_BER several_AP locations_NNS where_WRB one_CD1 can_MD look_VB for_IN loss_NN of_IN subcutaneous_JJ fat_NN , and_CC the_ATI best_JJT are_BER the_ATI triceps_NNS region_NN of_IN the_ATI arms_NNS , the_ATI midaxillary_NN line_NN at_IN the_ATI costal_JJ margin_NN , the_ATI interosseous_JJ and_CC palmar_JJ areas_NNS of_IN the_ATI hand_NN , and_CC the_ATI deltoid_JJ regions_NNS of_IN the_ATI shoulder_NN (_( 1_CD1 and_CC 2_CD )_) positive_JJ findings_NNS are_BER loss_NN of_IN fullness_NN or_CC one_CD1 or_CC more_QL areas_NNS where_WRB the_ATI skin_NN fits_VBZ too_QL loosely_RB over_IN the_ATI deeper_JJR tissues_NNS ; this_DT latter_AP sign_NN may_MD be_BE falsely_RB positive_NN in_IN elderly_JJ individuals_NNS who_WPR may_MD appear_VB to_TO have_HV lost_VBN subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN without_IN being_BEG clinically_RB malnourished_VBN 158_CD muscle_NN Wasting-_NP 159_CD the_ATI best_JJT muscles_NNS to_TO examine_VB are_BER the_ATI quadriceps_NNS femoris_NN and_CC deltoids_NNS in_IN the_ATI deltoid_NN region_NN , malnourished_JJ patients_NNS have_HV a_AT squared-off_NN appearance_NN to_IN their_PP$ shoulders_NNS from_IN the_ATI combination_NN of_IN muscle_NN and_CC subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN loss_NN (_( 3_CD )_) in_IN severe_JJ malnutrition_NN , the_ATI quadriceps_NNS will_MD have_HV loss_NN of_IN bulk_NN and_CC tone_NN obviously_RB , neurological_JJ lesions_NNS (_( that_CS may_MD present_JJ with_IN unilateral_JJ wasting_VBG )_) may_MD produce_VB false-positive_JJ findings_NNS here_RN 160_CD loss_NN of_IN Fluid_NP From_NP the_ATI Intravascular_NP to_IN Extravascular_NP Space_NP , Namely_NP , Ankle_NP or_CC Sacral_NP Edema_NP and_CC Ascites-_NP 161_CD the_ATI first_OD two_CD signs_NNS are_BER best_JJT assessed_VBN by_IN inspection_NN and_CC then_RN by_IN palpation_NN , remembering_VBG that_CS some_DTI features_NNS are_BER best_JJT inspected_VBN from_IN a_AT distance_NN , eg_NN , squared-off_NN shoulders_NNS edema_NN is_BEZ assessed_VBN by_IN pressing_VBG the_ATI ankle_NN (_( leg_NN )_) or_CC sacrum_NN , feeling_VBG the_ATI fluid_NN move_NN out_RP of_IN the_ATI subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN , and_CC then_RN observing_VBG _** pitting_NN , _** persistent_JJ depression_NN of_IN the_ATI area_NN pressed_VBD (_( more_AP than_IN 5_CD seconds_NNS )_) 162_CD there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI explicit_JJ numerical_JJ weighting_NN scheme_NN described_VBN for_IN combining_VBG these_DTS features_NNS of_IN the_ATI history_NN and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN into_IN an_AT SGA_NP rather_RB , they_PP3AS are_BER combined_VBN subjectively_RB into_IN an_AT overall_JJB or_CC global_JJ assessment_NN in_IN the_ATI study_NN that_CS established_VBN the_ATI precision_NN and_CC accuracy_NN of_IN SGA_NP (_( 4,8_NN )_) , clinicians_NNS placed_VBN greatest_JJT importance_NN on_IN the_ATI following_JJ variables_NNS : weight_NN loss_NN of_IN more_AP than_IN 10%_CD , poor_JJ dietary_JJ intake_NN , loss_NN of_IN subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN , and_CC muscle_NN wasting_VBG patients_NNS suspected_VBD of_IN being_BEG malnourished_VBN or_CC judged_VBN to_TO have_HV moderate_JJ malnourishment_NN (_( class_NN B_ZZ )_) had_HVD lost_VBN at_RB least_RB 5%_NN of_IN their_PP$ body_NN weight_NN in_IN the_ATI weeks_NNS prior_RB to_TO examination_NN without_IN stabilization_NN or_CC weight_NN gain_NN , had_HVD a_AT definite_JJ history_NN of_IN reduction_NN in_IN dietary_JJ intake_NN , and_CC exhibited_VBN mild_JJ (_( 1_CD1 +_IN )_) loss_NN of_IN subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN when_WRB patients_NNS had_HVD considerable_JJ edema_NN , ascites_NNS , or_CC tumor_NN mass_NN , less_QL attention_NN was_BEDZ paid_VBN to_IN the_ATI amount_NN of_IN weight_NN loss_NN the_ATI other_AP historical_JJ features_NNS helped_VBD the_ATI clinicians_NNS confirm_VB the_ATI patient's_NN$ self-report_NN of_IN weight_NN loss_NN or_CC dietary_JJ change_NN but_CC received_VBD less_QL weight_NN in_IN the_ATI ranking_NN system_NN 163_CD if_CS , on_IN the_ATI other_AP hand_NN , a_AT patient_NN had_HVD a_AT recent_JJ weight_NN gain_NN that_CS did_DOD not_XNOT appear_VB to_TO be_BE merely_RB fluid_JJ retention_NN , clinicians_NNS designated_VBN that_CS patient_NN well_RB nourished_VBN (_( class_NN A_ZZ )_) , even_CS if_CS the_ATI net_JJB weight_NN loss_NN was_BEDZ between_IN 5%_NN and_CC 10%_CD , and_CC there_EX was_BEDZ mild_JJ loss_NN of_IN subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN the_ATI assignment_NN of_IN a_AT class_NN A_ZZ rank_NN also_RB should_MD occur_VB in_IN settings_NNS where_WRB the_ATI patient_NN has_HVZ had_HVN an_AT improvement_NN in_IN the_ATI other_AP historical_JJ features_NNS of_IN SGA_NP , such_IN as_IN appetite_NN 164_CD in_IN order_NN to_TO be_BE classified_VBN as_CS severely_RB malnourished_VBN (_( class_NN C_ZZ )_) , patients_NNS should_MD demonstrate_VB obvious_JJ physical_JJ signs_NNS of_IN malnutrition_NN , such_ABL as_CS severe_JJ (_( 3_CD +_IN )_) subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN loss_NN and_CC muscle_NN wasting_VBG , often_RB with_IN edema_NN , in_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN a_AT clear_JJ and_CC convincing_JJ pattern_NN of_IN ongoing_VBG weight_NN loss_NN of_IN at_RB least_RB 10%_CD 165_CD by_IN design_NN , this_DT system_NN is_BEZ less_QL sensitive_JJ and_CC more_QL specific_JJ that_DT is,very_NN few_AP well-nourished_JJ patients_NNS will_MD receive_VB a_AT false-positive_JJ diagnosis_NN of_IN malnourishment_NN , but_CC some_DTI patients_NNS with_IN mild_JJ degrees_NNS of_IN malnutrition_NN may_MD be_BE missed_VBN 166_CD Windsor_NP and_CC Hill_NPL (_( 7_CD )_) describe_VB a_AT slightly_RB different_JJ system_NN of_IN nutritional_JJ status_NN that_CS focuses_VBZ more_AP on_IN physiological_JJ function_NN their_PP$ system_NN has_HVZ two_CD components_NNS : weight_NN loss_NN and_CC functional_JJ status_NN Preoperative_NP percentage_NN of_IN weight_NN loss_NN is_BEZ defined_VBN as_CS recalled_VBD well_RB weight_NN minus_IN current_JJ measured_JJ weight_NN divided_VBN by_IN well_RB weight_NN a_AT weight_NN loss_NN of_IN more_AP than_IN 10%_CD during_IN the_ATI preceding_JJ 3_CD months_NNS was_BEDZ considered_VBN significant_JJ confirmation_NN of_IN weight_NN loss_NN is_BEZ sought_VBN in_IN the_ATI physical_JJ examination_NN by_IN palpating_VBG skin_NN folds_NNS for_IN loss_NN of_IN fat_NN and_CC muscles_NNS in_IN a_AT manner_NN similar_JJ to_TO that_CS just_RB described_VBN functional_JJ impairment_NN of_IN overall_JJB activity_NN levels_NNS (_( by_IN observing_VBG the_ATI patient_NN on_IN the_ATI ward_NN )_) , overall_JJB mood_NN (_( alertness_NN , ability_NN to_TO concentrate_VB , and_CC irritability_NN )_) , skeletal_JJ muscle_NN function_NN (_( having_HVG the_ATI patient_NN squeeze_VB the_ATI examiner's_NN$ hand_NN )_) , respiratory_JJ function_NN (_( effort_NN and_CC sound_NN of_IN coughing_NN and_CC shortness_NN of_IN breath_NN )_) , wound_NN healing_NN (_( unhealed_JJ wounds_NNS and_CC sores_NNS or_CC scratches_NNS and_or_CC skin_NN sepsis_NN )_) , and_CC serum_NN albumin_NN level_NN of_IN less_AP than_IN 32_CD g_L_NN if_CS patients_NNS have_HV weight_NN loss_NN of_IN less_AP than_IN 10%_CD , with_IN no_ATI evidence_NN of_IN abnormal_JJ physiological_JJ function_NN , they_PP3AS are_BER placed_VBN in_IN group_NN 1_CD1 with_IN weight_NN loss_NN of_IN more_AP than_IN 10%_CD but_CC no_ATI abnormal_JJ physiological_JJ function_NN , patients_NNS are_BER placed_VBN in_IN group_NN 2_CD , and_CC with_IN both_ABX features_NNS , they_PP3AS are_BER placed_VBN in_IN group_NN 3_CD 167_CD READER_NP PARTICIPATION_NP 168_CD before_CS reading_NN further_JJB , we_PP1AS suggest_VB that_CS you_PP2 return_VB to_IN the_ATI patient_NN scenarios_NNS that_WPR opened_VBD this_DT overview_NN and_CC decide_VB whether_CS you_PP2 judge_VB them_PP3OS to_TO be_BE well_RB nourished_VBN , moderately_RB malnourished_VBN , or_CC severely_RB malnourished_VBN using_VBG SGA_NP after_IN doing_VBG so_PN , read_VB on_RP 169_CD case_NN 1_CD1 was_BEDZ moderately_RB malnourished_VBN (_( class_NN B_ZZ )_) this_DT ranking_VBG was_BEDZ determined_VBN by_IN his_PP$ continuing_JJ loss_NN of_IN weight_NN , the_ATI limitation_NN of_IN nutritional_JJ intake_NN to_IN hypocaloric_JJ fluids_NNS for_IN 2_CD weeks_NNS , and_CC the_ATI mild_JJ loss_NN of_IN subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN and_CC muscle_NN 170_CD case_NN 2_CD was_BEDZ severely_RB malnourished_VBN (_( class_NN C_ZZ )_) this_DT judgment_NN was_BEDZ most_QL influenced_VBN by_IN his_PP$ continuing_VBG large_JJ weight_NN loss_NN , change_NN in_IN dietary_JJ intake_NN , and_CC positive_JJ physical_JJ findings_NNS 171_CD case_NN 3_CD was_BEDZ well_RB nourished_VBN (_( class_NN A_ZZ )_) although_CS he_PP3A had_HVD suffered_VBN considerable_JJ weight_NN loss_NN at_IN some_DTI time_NN prior_RB to_TO admission_NN , his_PP$ weight_NN had_HVD stabilized_VBN and_CC increased_VBN in_IN the_ATI period_NN just_RB prior_RB to_IN admission_NN 172_CD PRECISION_NPT OF_NPT THE_NPT ASSESSMENT_NPT OF_NPT NUTRITIONAL_NP STATUS_NP 173_CD investigators_NNS at_IN the_ATI University_NPL of_IN Toronto_NP studied_VBD 202_CD patients_NNS at_IN two_CD teaching_NN hospitals_NNS who_WPR were_BED undergoing_VBG major_JJ gastrointestinal_JJ surgery_NN (_( 8_CD )_) a_AT nurse_NN and_CC three_CD residents_NNS learned_VBD the_ATI technique_NN of_IN nutritional_JJ status_NN described_VBN herein_RB by_IN examining_VBG a_AT series_NN of_IN patients_NNS and_CC reviewing_VBG their_PP$ assessments_NNS with_IN those_DTS of_IN a_AT senior_JJ clinician_NN the_ATI emphasis_NN was_BEDZ on_IN combining_VBG the_ATI symptoms_NNS and_CC signs_NNS of_IN malnutrition_NN in_IN such_ABL a_AT way_NN as_IN to_TO minimize_VB the_ATI false-positive_JJ diagnosis_NN of_IN malnutrition_NN (_( high_JJ specificity_NN )_) at_IN the_ATI expense_NN of_IN increasing_JJ false_JJ negatives_NNS (_( lower_JJR sensitivity_NN )_) after_IN reviewing_VBG several_AP patients_NNS together_RB , the_ATI nurse_NN and_CC one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI three_CD residents_NNS performed_VBN duplicate_NN , independent_JJ assessments_NNS of_IN 109_CD patients_NNS there_EX was_BEDZ perfect_JJ agreement_NN in_IN 100_CD (_( 91%_CD )_) of_IN 109_CD patients_NNS on_IN the_ATI SGA_NP rankings_NNS this_DT was_BEDZ 78%_NN above_IN the_ATI agreement_NN that_CS could_MD be_BE expected_VBN by_IN chance_NN alone_JJ (_( the_ATI kappa_NN statistic_NN was_BEDZ 0_CD 784_NN with_IN an_AT SE_NN of_IN 0_CD 08_NP and_CC 95%_NN confidence_NN interval_NN ranging_VBG from_IN 0_CD 62_CD to_IN 0_CD 94_CD )_) The_NP kappa_NN statistics_NNS for_IN the_ATI three_CD pairings_NNS of_IN the_ATI nurse_NN with_IN the_ATI individual_JJ residents_NNS were_BED 0_CD 60_CD , 0_CD 81_CD , and_CC 1_CD1 0_CD , respectively_RB , revealing_VBG some_DTI variation_NN in_IN agreement_NN between_IN different_JJ clinicians_NNS Hirsch_NP et_&FW al_APS (_( 13_CD )_) also_RB document_NN 79%_NN concordance_NN between_IN SGA_NP rankings_NNS of_IN residents_NNS and_CC specialists_NNS in_IN clinical_JJ nutrition_NN 174_CD ACCURACY_NPT OF_NPT NUTRITIONAL_NP ASSESSMENT_NP 175_CD since_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI criterion_NN standard_NN for_IN the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN malnutrition_NN that_CS incorporates_VBZ body_NN composition_NN and_CC physiological_JJ function_NN (_( the_ATI in_RB vivo_RB neutron_NN activation_NN analysis_NN and_CC tritiated_JJ water_NN technique_NN are_BER the_ATI criterion_NN standards_NNS of_IN body_NN composition_NN alone_JJ ) _) , studies_NNS of_IN the_ATI accuracy_NN of_IN techniques_NNS of_IN nutritional_JJ status_NN assessment_NN have_HV related_VBN it_PP3 to_IN the_ATI development_NN of_IN complications_NNS judged_VBN to_TO result_VB from_IN malnutrition_NN therefore_RB , the_ATI criterion_NN standard_NN conditions_NNS that_CS constitute_VB the_ATI columns_NNS of_IN the_ATI usual_JJ 2x2_NN accuracy_NN table_NN constitute_VB patients_NNS who_WPR do_DO and_CC do_DO not_XNOT develop_VB nutrition-associated_JJ complications_NNS 176_CD the_ATI study_NN of_IN Detsky_NP et_&FW al_APS (_( 4_CD )_) once_RB again_RB provides_VBZ useful_JJ data_NNS on_IN the_ATI accuracy_NN of_IN SGA_NP the_ATI major_JJ results_NNS of_IN this_DT study_NN are_BER summarized_VBN in_IN Table_NP 2_CD nineteen_CD patients_NNS (_( 10%_CD of_IN the_ATI total_JJ studied_VBN )_) were_BED classified_VBN as_CS severely_RB malnourished_VBN (_( class_NN C_ZZ ) _) , 44_CD (_( 21%_CD )_) were_BED classified_VBN as_CS moderately_RB (_( or_CC suspected_VBD of_IN being_BEG )_) malnourished_VBN (_( class_NN B_ZZ )_) , and_CC 139_CD (_( 69%_NN )_) were_BED classified_VBN as_CS well_RB nourished_VBN (_( class_NN A_ZZ )_) the_ATI likelihood_NN ratios_NNS in_IN this_DT table_NN show_NN that_CS the_ATI SGA_NP is_BEZ a_AT powerful_JJ predictor_NN of_IN postoperative_JJ complications_NNS the_ATI likelihood_NN ratio_NN greater_JJR than_IN 4_CD for_IN severely_RB malnourished_JJ patients_NNS means_NNS that_CS this_DT designation_NN (_( class_NN C_ZZ )_) was_BEDZ more_QL than_IN four_CD times_NNS as_CS likely_JJ to_TO be_BE found_VBN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN , as_CS opposed_VBN to_IN patients_NNS without_IN , postoperative_JJ complications_NNS patients_NNS designated_VBN moderately_RB (_( or_CC suspected_VBD of_IN being_BEG )_) malnourished_VBN (_( class_NN B_ZZ )_) generated_VBN a_AT likelihood_NN ratio_NN of_IN close_RB to_TO unity_NN , indicating_VBG no_ATI clinically_RB important_JJ change_NN between_IN the_ATI preexamination_NN and_CC postexamination_JJ probability_NN of_IN postoperative_JJ complications_NNS (_( 20_202_NP , or_CC 10%_CD )_) finally_RB , well-nourished_JJ patients_NNS (_( class_NN A_ZZ )_) generated_VBN likelihood_NN ratios_NNS of_IN 0_CD 66_CD for_IN their_PP$ admission_NN SGA_NP and_CC only_RB 0_CD 38_CD for_IN their_PP$ minimum_NN SGA_NP , indicating_VBG a_AT lower_JJR than_IN average_JJ risk_NN of_IN postoperative_JJ complications_NNS 177_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO note_VB that_CS SGA_NP performed_VBD better_JJR than_IN objective_JJ measurements_NNS of_IN the_ATI physical_JJ examination_NN , such_IN as_IN percentage_NN of_IN ideal_JJ weight_NN on_IN admission_NN and_CC percentage_NN of_IN body_NN fat_NN calculated_VBN from_IN anthropometric_JJ measurements_NNS the_ATI range_NN of_IN likelihood_NN ratios_NNS for_IN these_DTS variables_NNS displayed_VBN considerably_RB less_QL accuracy_NN than_IN those_DTS associated_VBN with_IN SGA_NP and_CC the_ATI combination_NN of_IN SGA_NP (_( Table_NP 3_CD )_) 178_CD laboratory_NN determination_NN of_IN serum_NN albumin_NN level_NN was_BEDZ also_RB shown_VBN to_TO be_BE an_AT accurate_JJ predictor_NN of_IN complications_NNS , associated_VBN with_IN a_AT progression_NN of_IN likelihood_NN ratios_NNS that_DT is_BEZ similar_JJ to_TO that_CS of_IN SGA_NP moreover_RB , the_ATI combination_NN of_IN SGA_NP and_CC albumin_NN provided_VBN slightly_RB improved_JJ accuracy_NN compared_VBN with_IN either_DTX method_NN alone_JJ however_RB , other_AP objective_JJ methods_NNS that_CS are_BER frequently_RB said_VBD to_TO be_BE useful_JJ techniques_NNS of_IN assessing_VBG nutritional_JJ status_NN (_( serum_NN transferrin_NN level_NN , creatinine-height_NN index_NN , and_CC total_JJ lymphocyte_NN count_NN )_) were_BED not_XNOT shown_VBN to_TO be_BE accurate_JJ predictors_NNS of_IN complications_NNS (_( 4_CD )_) 179_CD the_ATI study_NN by_IN Windsor_NP and_CC Hill_NPL (_( 7_CD )_) provides_VBZ similar_JJ data_NNS demonstrating_VBG the_ATI predictive_JJ validity_NN of_IN their_PP$ system_NN of_IN the_ATI 102_CD patients_NNS , 43_CD (_( 42%_NN )_) were_BED in_IN group_NN 1_CD1 (_( analogous_JJ to_IN SGA_NP class_NN A_ZZ )_) , 17_CD (_( 17%_CD )_) were_BED in_IN group_NN 2_CD (_( analogous_JJ to_IN SGA_NP class_NN B_ZZ )_) , and_CC 42_CD (_( 41%_CD )_) were_BED in_IN group_NN 3_CD (_( analogous_JJ to_IN SGA_NP class_NN C_ZZ )_) the_ATI rate_NN of_IN major_JJ complications_NNS , septic_JJ complications_NNS , and_CC pneumonia_NN in_IN the_ATI three_CD groups_NNS was_BEDZ significantly_RB different_JJ , and_CC the_ATI likelihood_NN ratios_NNS for_IN predicting_VBG major_JJ complications_NNS showed_VBD a_AT similar_JJ progression_NN to_IN SGA_NP of_IN 0_CD 53_CD , 0_CD 69_CD , and_CC 1_CD1 8_CD for_IN groups_NNS 1_CD1 , 2_CD , and_CC 3_CD , respectively_RB 180_CD finally_RB , the_ATI predictive_JJ validity_NN of_IN SGA_NP was_BEDZ also_RB reported_VBN by_IN the_ATI Veterans_NNS Affairs_NNS perioperative_JJ total_JJ parenteral_JJ nutrition_NN randomized_VBN trial_NN (_( 11_CD )_) that_CS enrolled_VBN only_RB malnourished_JJ patients_NNS of_IN varying_JJ degrees_NNS Among_NP the_ATI control_NN patients_NNS , those_DTS in_IN SGA_NP class_NN C_ZZ had_HVD higher_JJR rates_NNS of_IN major_JJ infectious_JJ complications_NNS and_CC noninfectious_JJ complications_NNS 181_CD some_DTI have_HV also_RB reported_VBN the_ATI high_JJ correlation_NN between_IN SGA_NP and_CC other_AP measures_NNS of_IN nutritional_JJ status_NN assessments_NNS that_CS are_BER felt_VBN to_TO be_BE perhaps_RB more_QL objective_JJ , such_IN as_IN anthropometry_NN (_( 3,13_CD )_) , albumin_NN (_( 3,13_CD )_) , total_JJ serum_NN protein_NN (_( 3,13_CD )_) , and_CC criterion_NN standard_JJ measures_NNS of_IN body_NN composition_NN Windsor_NP and_CC Hill_NPL (_( 7_CD )_) also_RB show_VB good_JJ correlations_NNS between_IN their_PP$ system_NN and_CC anthropometry_NN , body_NN composition_NN , and_CC objective_JJ measures_NNS of_IN the_ATI physiological_JJ functions_NNS in_IN their_PP$ method_NN (_( eg_NN , grip_NN strength_NN and_CC respiratory_JJ muscle_NN index_NN )_) 182_CD ARE_NPT THESE_NPT SYMPTOMS_NPT OR_NPT SIGNS_NPT EVER_NP NORMAL_NP ? 183_CD many_AP individuals_NNS are_BER thin_JJ , and_CC this_DT in_IN itself_PPL does_DOZ not_XNOT constitute_VB malnutrition_NN however_RB , we_PP1AS should_MD note_VB that_CS overnutrition_NN or_CC obesity_NN , defined_VBN as_IN an_AT excess_NN of_IN adipose_NN tissue_NN or_CC by_IN the_ATI degree_NN to_TO which_WDTR a_AT patient's_NN$ weight_NN exceeds_VBZ that_CS which_WDTR is_BEZ judged_VBN ideal_JJ by_IN some_DTI anthropometric_JJ formula_NN , is_BEZ also_RB a_AT common_JJ problem_NN in_IN hospitalized_VBN patients_NNS epidemiologic_JJ studies_NNS have_HV shown_VBN that_CS a_AT 20%_NP excess_JJ over_IN ideal_JJ weight_NN imparts_VBZ a_AT health_NN risk_NN similarly_RB , obesity_NN has_HVZ been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO place_VB patients_NNS at_IN a_AT high_JJ risk_NN of_IN suffering_VBG from_IN surgical_JJ complications_NNS , such_ABL as_IN poor_JJ wound_NN healing_NN and_CC venous_JJ thrombosis_NN 184_CD SPECIAL_NPT WAYS_NPT TO_NP LEARN_NP , TEST_NP YOURSELF_NP , AND_NPT CORRECT_NPT DEFICIENCIES_NP IN_NP THE_NPT ELICITATION_NPT OF_NPT THESE_NPT SYMPTOMS_NPT AND_NP SIGNS_NP 185_CD clinicians_NNS who_WPR wish_VB to_TO become_VB competent_JJ at_IN nutritional_JJ assessment_NN can_MD do_DO so_QL by_IN applying_VBG the_ATI following_JJ strategies_NNS : first_OD , they_PP3AS should_MD undergo_VB a_AT training_NN period_NN with_IN other_AP learners_NNS in_IN which_WDTR they_PP3AS discuss_VB each_DT of_IN the_ATI features_NNS of_IN the_ATI technique_NN together_RB and_CC review_NN a_AT series_NN of_IN patients_NNS for_IN each_DT of_IN the_ATI findings_NNS in_IN particular_JJ , the_ATI group_NN should_MD review_VB methods_NNS of_IN eliciting_VBG the_ATI history_NN , performing_VBG the_ATI inspection_NN , and_CC standardizing_VBG terms_NNS such_ABL as_CS normal_JJ , mild_JJ , moderate_JJ , and_CC severe_JJ next_AP , they_PP3AS should_MD rank_VB several_AP patients_NNS together_RB and_CC reach_VB consensus_NN about_IN what_WDT constitutes_VBZ an_AT A_ZZ , B_ZZ , or_CC C_ZZ ranking_NN finally_RB , they_PP3AS should_MD perform_VB their_PP$ own_AP tests_NNS of_IN clinical_JJ reproducibility_NN by_IN seeing_VBG a_AT series_NN of_IN (_( perhaps_RB 10_CD )_) patients_NNS independently_RB and_CC comparing_VBG their_PP$ rankings_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO improve_VB the_ATI precision_NN and_CC validity_NN of_IN their_PP$ elicitation_NN of_IN the_ATI individual_JJ features_NNS of_IN the_ATI SGA_NP , they_PP3AS should_MD consider_VB verification_VB strategies_NNS , such_ABL as_CS asking_VBG the_ATI patient's_NN$ spouse_NN about_IN the_ATI features_NNS of_IN the_ATI history_NN , examining_VBG physician_NN records_NNS for_IN previous_JJ weights_NNS , asking_VBG whether_CS the_ATI patient's_NN$ clothes_NNS now_RN fit_VB loosely_RB , and_CC examining_VBG recent_JJ and_CC remote_JJ pictures_NNS of_IN the_ATI patient_NN 186_CD clinicians_NNS can_MD learn_VB to_TO perform_VB SGA_NP of_IN nutritional_JJ status_NN in_IN a_AT precise_JJ fashion_NN the_ATI features_NNS of_IN the_ATI history_NN and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN are_BER shown_VBN in_IN Table_NP 1_CD1 we_PP1AS recommend_VB the_ATI group_NN approach_NN to_TO standardize_VB the_ATI definitions_NNS of_IN the_ATI features_NNS of_IN the_ATI history_NN and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN contained_VBD in_IN SGA_NP and_CC to_TO gain_VB competency_NN in_IN their_PP$ application_NN in_IN doing_VBG so_PN , we_PP1AS recommend_VB that_CS clinicians_NNS train_NN themselves_PPLS to_TO be_BE less_QL sensitive_JJ and_CC more_QL specific_JJ in_IN labeling_VBG patients_NNS as_IN malnourished_VBN since_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI criterion_NN standard_NN for_IN malnutrition_NN that_CS incorporates_VBZ body_NN composition_NN and_CC physiological_JJ function_NN , this_DT clinical_JJ skill_NN should_MD be_BE used_VBN as_IN a_AT prognostic_JJ instrument_NN to_TO identify_VB patients_NNS who_WPR are_BER at_IN high_JJ risk_NN of_IN developing_VBG complications_NNS and_CC who_WPR may_MD benefit_VB from_IN nutritional_JJ repletion_NN and_CC support_NN the_ATI technique_NN is_BEZ an_AT accurate_JJ predictor_NN of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR are_BER at_IN higher_JJR risk_NN of_IN developing_VBG complications_NNS such_IN as_IN infection_NN or_CC poor_JJ wound_NN healing_NN 187_CD the_ATI Emerging_NP Role_NP of_IN Vitamins_NNS as_CS Antioxidants_NNS >_&FO 188_CD the_ATI recommended_VBN dietary_JJ allowances_NNS for_IN vitamins_NNS are_BER designed_VBN to_TO estimate_VB the_ATI levels_NNS of_IN intake_NN needed_VBN to_TO prevent_VB known_JJ deficiency_NN states_NNS in_IN most_QL healthy_JJ people_NNS evidence_NN is_BEZ now_RN accumulating_JJ that_CS some_DTI vitamins_NNS may_MD have_HV health-promoting_VBN benefits_NNS in_IN amounts_NNS higher_JJR than_IN the_ATI current_JJ recommendations.=20_CD 189_CD the_ATI antioxidant_JJ properties_NNS of_IN vitamins_NNS may_MD play_VB a_AT role_NN in_IN treating_VBG or_CC preventing_VBG a_AT variety_NN of_IN disorders_NNS , including_IN atherosclerosis_NN , age-related_JJ cataracts_NNS and_CC macular_NN degeneration_NN , and_CC some_DTI cancers_NNS this_DT article_NN reviews_NNS the_ATI possible_JJ risks_NNS and_CC benefits_NNS of_IN high_JJ intakes_NNS of_IN antioxidant_NN vitamins_NNS , including_IN the_ATI controversy_NN about_IN supplementation_NN 190_CD it_PP3 has_HVZ now_RN been_BEN about_RB 100_CD years_NNS since_IN the_ATI discovery_NN that_CS vitamin_NN deficiencies_NNS were_BED responsible_JJ for_IN many_AP common_JJ diseases_NNS for_IN example_NN , niacin_NN deficiency_NN is_BEZ responsible_JJ for_IN pellagra_NN ; vitamin_NN C_ZZ (_( ascorbic_JJ acid_NN )_) deficiency_NN , scurvy_NN ; vitamin_NN D_ZZ deficiency_NN , rickets_NNS (_( in_IN children_NNS )_) and_CC osteomalacia_NN (_( in_IN adults_NNS )_) ; and_CC thiamine_NN deficiency_NN , beriberi_NN relatively_RB small_JJ amounts_NNS of_IN these_DTS vitamins_NNS (_( termed_VBD micronutrients_NNS )_) are_BER necessary_JJ to_TO prevent_VB these_DTS deficiency_NN states_NNS ; for_IN example_NN , 10_CD mg_d_NN of_IN vitamin_NN C_ZZ will_MD prevent_VB scurvy_NN the_ATI recommended_VBN dietary_JJ allowances_NNS (_( RDAs_NP )_) are_BER the_ATI result_NN of_IN a_AT rigorous_JJ attempt_NN to_TO scientifically_RB determine_VB how_WRB much_AP of_IN each_DT vitamin_NN most_QL healthy_JJ people_NNS need_NN to_TO consume_VB to_TO prevent_VB the_ATI known_VBN and_CC agreed_VBD on_IN classic_JJ deficiency_NN states_NNS there_EX is_BEZ now_RN a_AT growing_JJ recognition_NN , however_RB , that_CS some_DTI vitamins_NNS may_MD have_HV important_JJ disease-preventing_NN and_CC health-promoting_NN effects_NNS at_IN intakes_NNS higher_JJR than_IN the_ATI RDAs_NP (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) that_DT is_BEZ , the_ATI amount_NN of_IN a_AT vitamin_NN necessary_JJ for_IN optimum_JJ health_NN may_MD be_BE higher_JJR than_IN that_DT needed_VBN to_TO prevent_VB deficiency_NN states_NNS the_ATI RDAs_NP are_BER not_XNOT minimal_JJ requirements_NNS , and_CC they_PP3AS do_DO not_XNOT claim_VB to_TO represent_VB optimal_JJ intakes_NNS this_DT makes_VBZ their_PP$ utility_NN confusing_JJ for_IN the_ATI practicing_VBG clinician_NN the_ATI RDAs_NP were_BED designed_VBN for_IN population_NN groups_NNS ; there_EX are_BER many_AP conditions_NNS that_WPR require_VB adjustments_NNS for_IN any_DTI specific_JJ individual_JJ in_IN addition_NN , the_ATI RDAs_NP continue_VB to_TO include_VB elderly_JJ persons_NNS within_IN the_ATI category_NN of_IN all_ABN persons_NNS above_IN 51_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN , which_WDTR may_MD not_XNOT be_BE appropriate_JJ for_IN certain_JJ vitamins_NNS and_CC minerals_NNS 191_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ difficult_JJ to_TO find_VB a_AT balanced_JJ assessment_NN of_IN the_ATI potential_JJ antioxidant_NN role_NN for_IN vitamins_NNS definitive_JJ and_CC incontrovertible_JJ experimental_JJ conclusions_NNS are_BER still_RB lacking_JJ and_CC may_MD be_BE years_NNS away_RP this_DT article_NN is_BEZ designed_VBN to_TO clarify_VB what_WDT is_BEZ currently_RB known_VBN about_IN the_ATI emerging_VBG role_NN of_IN antioxidants_NNS in_IN health_NN and_CC disease_NN in_IN adults_NNS , particularly_RB the_ATI role_NN of_IN vitamins_NNS as_CS antioxidants_NNS , and_CC to_TO allow_VB physicians_NNS to_TO intelligently_RB counsel_NN adult_JJ patients_NNS who_WPR have_HV questions_NNS about_IN high-dose_NN vitamin_NN intake_NN or_CC may_MD already_RB be_BE consuming_VBG vitamins_NNS for_IN their_PP$ antioxidant_NN properties_NNS this_DT article_NN concerns_VBZ antioxidative_JJ effects_NNS and_CC does_DOZ not_XNOT cover_VB all_ABN potential_JJ positive_JJ effects_NNS of_IN high-dose_NN vitamin_NN intake_NN 192_CD THE_NPT DAMAGING_NPT EFFECTS_NPT OF_NP OXIDATION_NP 193_CD oxygen_NN is_BEZ essential_JJ for_IN human_JJ life_NN , and_CC oxygen_NN therapy_NN has_HVZ many_AP benefits_NNS however_RB , like_IN most_QL other_AP chemicals_NNS , it_PP3 can_MD also_RB be_BE toxic_JJ Environments_NNS with_IN high_JJ levels_NNS of_IN oxygen_NN are_BER known_VBN to_TO injure_VB the_ATI eyes_NNS (_( retinopathy_NN of_IN prematurity_NN )_) , lungs_NNS (_( adult_JJ respiratory_JJ distress_NN syndrome_NN , atelectasis_NN , and_CC bronchopulmonary_NN dysplasia_NN )_) , and_CC central_JJ nervous_JJ system_NN (_( seizures_NNS )_) in_IN addition_NN , potentially_RB toxic_JJ intermediate_JJ compounds_NNS are_BER generated_VBN as_IN oxygen_NN is_BEZ metabolized_VBN normally_RB within_IN the_ATI body_NN as_CS electrons_NNS are_BER added_VBN to_TO oxygen_NN (_( oxygen_NN reduction_NN )_) , free_JJ radicals_NNS (_( possessing_VBG one_CD1 or_CC more_QL unpaired_JJ electrons_NNS that_WPR make_VB them_PP3OS very_QL reactive_JJ to_IN other_AP molecules_NNS )_) and_CC other_AP unstable_JJ compounds_NNS are_BER generated_VBN (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) subcellular_NN organelles_NNS , membranes_NNS , and_CC various_JJ enzymes_NNS in_IN all_ABN tissues_NNS , including_IN the_ATI cytochrome_NN P-450_NP system_NN in_IN the_ATI liver_NN , can_MD reduce_VB oxygen_NN and_CC make_VB free_JJ radicals_NNS highly_RB reactive_JJ oxygen_NN metabolites_NNS are_BER also_RB generated_VBN by_IN the_ATI mitochondrial_JJ respiratory_JJ chain_NN , by_IN detoxification_NN of_IN xenobiotics_NNS by_IN cytochromes_NNS , and_CC during_IN metabolism_NN of_IN arachidonic_JJ acid_NN that_CS generates_NNS prostaglandins_NNS and_CC leukotrienes_NNS Cigarette_NP smoke_NN , ozone_NN , carbon_NN tetrachloride_NN , and_CC ionizing_VBG radiation_NN appear_VB to_TO be_BE toxic_JJ in_IN part_NN because_IN of_IN free_JJ radical_JJ generation_NN 194_CD the_ATI controlled_JJ production_NN and_CC release_NN of_IN free_JJ radicals_NNS allow_VB phagocytes_NNS to_TO kill_VB invading_JJ organisms_NNS and_CC may_MD be_BE successfully_RB exploited_VBN in_IN some_DTI forms_NNS of_IN cancer_NN chemotherapy_NN however_RB , free_JJ radicals_NNS from_IN the_ATI environment_NN or_CC generated_VBN within_IN the_ATI body_NN can_MD also_RB cause_VB damage_NN when_WRB reactive_JJ electrons_NNS are_BER passed_VBN from_IN molecule_NN to_TO molecule_VB , a_AT cascade_NN of_IN injury_NN can_MD result_VB the_ATI body_NN has_HVZ many_AP natural_JJ defenses_NNS ; but_CC , over_IN time_NN or_CC under_IN stressful_JJ conditions_NNS , these_DTS defenses_NNS may_MD wane_VB or_CC be_BE overwhelmed_VBN The_NP accumulation_NN of_IN free_JJ radical_JJ damage_NN can_MD lead_VB to_TO injury_NN , disease_NN , or_CC aging_VBG phenomena_NNS for_IN example_NN , strenuous_JJ physical_JJ exercise_NN can_MD cause_VB free_JJ radical-mediated_JJ muscle_NN cell_NN injury_NN that_WPR may_MD be_BE prevented_VBN by_IN antioxidant_NN administration_NN free_JJ radicals_NNS can_MD react_VB with_IN fatty_JJ acids_NNS in_IN cell_NN membranes_NNS to_TO produce_VB lipid_NN peroxides_NNS , which_WDTR in_IN turn_NN inhibit_VB cellular_JJ enzymes_NNS or_CC decompose_VB into_IN other_AP reactive_JJ metabolites_NNS lipid_NN peroxidation_NN can_MD lead_VB to_IN accumulation_NN of_IN lipofuscin_NN in_IN amounts_NNS found_VBN inversely_RB related_VBN to_IN longevity_NN free_JJ radicals_NNS also_RB impair_VB generation_NN of_IN adenosine_NN triphosphate_NN , damage_NN DNA_NP , depolymerize_NN mucopolysaccharides_NNS , and_CC inactivate_NN enzymes_NNS by_IN protein_NN sulfhydryl_NN oxidation_NN free_JJ radicals_NNS may_MD play_VB a_AT role_NN in_IN cancer_NN or_CC immune_JJ disorders_NNS and_CC have_HV been_BEN implicated_VBN in_RP over_IN 50_CD diseases_NNS 195_CD both_ABX intracellular_NN and_CC extracellular_JJ protective_JJ antioxidant_NN systems_NNS exist_VB enzymes_NNS such_IN as_IN superoxide_NN dismutase_NN , catalase_NN , and_CC glutathione_NN peroxidase_NN are_BER important_JJ intracellularly_RB antioxidants_NNS can_MD also_RB be_BE divided_VBN into_IN those_DTS that_CS are_BER water_NN soluble_JJ (_( nonenzymatic_JJ )_) (_( vitamin_NN C_ZZ , uric_JJ acid_NN , bilirubin_NN , glutathione_NN , albumin_NN , ferritin_NN , transferrin_NN , and_CC ceruloplasmin_NN )_) or_CC lipid_JJ soluble_JJ (_( vitamin_NN E_ZZ (_( tocopherol_NN )_) , carotenoids_NNS (_( including_IN beta-carotene_NN )_) , and_CC ubiquinone_NN (_( coenzyme_NN Q_ZZ )_) )_) this_DT dichotomy_NN helps_VBZ predict_VB or_CC explain_VB their_PP$ different_JJ modes_NNS of_IN action_NN estrogens_NNS like_IN estriol_NN and_CC estradiol-17beta_CD-CD are_BER naturally_RB occurring_VBG antioxidants_NNS that_DT may_MD have_HV the_ATI capacity_NN to_TO protect_VB lipids_NNS from_IN oxidation_NN , while_CS corticosterone_NN and_CC cortisone_NN have_HV mild_JJ prooxidant_NN properties_NNS various_JJ foods_NNS (_( eg_NN , soybeans_NNS , garlic_NN , and_CC tea_NN )_) also_RB have_HV antioxidant_NN properties_NNS 196_CD OXIDATION_NPT AND_NP ATHEROGENESIS_NP 197_CD 11_CD oxidative_JJ damage_NN appears_VBZ to_TO play_VB a_AT significant_JJ role_NN in_IN atherogenesis_NN (_( Figure_NP 2_CD )_) oxidized_JJ low-density_NN lipoprotein_NN (_( LDL_NP )_) cholesterol_NN and_CC probably_RB other_AP oxidized_JJ lipoproteins_NNS such_ABL as_CS small_JJ , dense_JJ , LDL_NP particles_NNS and_CC lipoprotein_NN (_( a_AT )_) , unlike_IN unmodified_JJ LDL_NP , can_MD bypass_VB a_AT down-regulation_JJ protective_JJ system_NN and_CC become_VB actively_RB taken_VBN up_RP by_IN special_JJ scavenger_NN receptors_NNS on_IN monocytes_NNS and_CC macrophages_NNS in_IN the_ATI subendothelial_JJ space_NN of_IN blood_NN vessel_NN walls_NNS oxidized_JJ LDL_NP within_IN the_ATI vessel_NN wall_NN eventually_RB leads_VBZ to_TO foam_VB cell_NN formation_NN , attracting_VBG monocytes_NNS and_CC inhibiting_JJ macrophage_NN movement_NN out_RP of_IN the_ATI vessel_NN wall_NN , which_WDTR further_JJB induces_VBZ endothelial_JJ cell_NN damage_NN and_CC begins_VBZ atherogenesis_NN Glycation_NN (_( or_CC glycosylation_JJ )_) of_IN proteins_NNS , as_IN occurs_VBZ in_IN diabetes_NN mellitus_JJ , can_MD accelerate_VB vascular_VB injury_NN caused_VBN by_IN oxidized_JJ LDL_NP Intervention_NN directed_VBN at_IN reducing_VBG the_ATI oxidation_NN of_IN LDL_NP may_MD modify_VB the_ATI process_NN of_IN atherogenesis_NN and_CC lesion_NN development_NN the_ATI susceptibility_NN of_IN LDL_NP to_TO lipid_VB oxidation_NN in_IN vitro_NN is_BEZ associated_VBN with_IN the_ATI severity_NN of_IN atherosclerosis_NN probucol_RB , a_AT drug_NN found_VBN to_TO lower_JJR LDL_NP cholesterol_NN independent_NN of_IN the_ATI LDL_NP receptor_NN , also_RB has_HVZ lipophilic_JJ antioxidant_NN activity_NN that_CS appears_VBZ to_TO delay_VB lipid_NN peroxidation_NN and_CC reduce_VB atherosclerotic_JJ lesion_NN development_NN (_( independent_NN of_IN its_PP$ effect_NN of_IN lowering_VBG cholesterol_NN levels_NNS )_) a_AT recent_JJ National_NP Institutes_NNS of_IN Health_NP consensus_NN conference_NN concluded_VBD that_CS clinical_JJ trials_NNS of_IN antioxidant_NN supplementation_NN should_MD be_BE encouraged_VBN based_VBN on_IN the_ATI promising_JJ evidence_NN now_RN available_JJ 198_CD the_ATI LDL_NP particle_NN can_MD also_RB carry_VB molecules_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN E_ZZ , beta-carotene_NN , and_CC coenzyme_NN Q_ZZ that_DT may_MD counteract_VB or_CC delay_NN lipid_NN peroxidation_NN vitamin_NN C_ZZ may_MD intercept_VB oxidants_NNS in_IN the_ATI aqueous_JJ phase_NN before_CS they_PP3AS can_MD attack_VB and_CC damage_NN lipids_NNS , and_CC it_PP3 can_MD also_RB modify_VB LDL_NP to_TO increase_NN its_PP$ resistance_NN to_TO metal_NN ion-dependent_NN oxidation_NN high-dose_NN tocopherol_NN (_( vitamin_NN E_ZZ )_) supplementation_NN (_( but_CC not_XNOT beta_NN carotene_NN )_) decreases_VBZ LDL_NP susceptibility_NN to_IN oxidation_NN in_IN vitro_NN 199_CD considerable_JJ synergism_NN exists_VBZ among_IN antioxidants_NNS for_IN example_NN , vitamin_NN C_ZZ helps_VBZ regenerate_JJ oxidized_JJ vitamin_NN E_ZZ back_RP to_IN its_PP$ reduced_VBD (_( antioxidant_NN )_) state_NN in_IN turn_NN , oxidized_JJ vitamin_NN C_ZZ can_MD itself_PPL be_BE regenerated_VBN via_IN glutathione_NN , using_VBG selenium_NN as_IN a_AT cofactor_NN ascorbic_JJ acid_NN supplementation_NN can_MD maintain_VB red_JJ blood_NN cell_NN glutathione_NN , an_AT important_JJ intracellular_NN antioxidant_NN , in_IN its_PP$ effective_JJ state_NN 200_CD observational_JJ and_CC epidemiologic_JJ studies_NNS strongly_RB suggest_VB , but_CC do_DO not_XNOT conclusively_RB prove_VB , that_CS antioxidant_NN intake_NN is_BEZ inversely_RB associated_VBN with_IN cardiovascular_NN disease_NN and_CC mortality_NN population_NN studies_NNS suggest_VB that_CS alpha-tocopherol_NN serum_NN levels_NNS show_VB a_AT stronger_JJR correlation_NN with_IN ischemic_JJ heart_NN disease_NN than_IN either_DTX cholesterol_NN levels_NNS or_CC diastolic_JJ blood_NN pressure_NN a_AT cohort_NN study_NN of_IN 11000_CD people_NNS found_VBN a_AT substantial_JJ reduction_NN in_IN cardiovascular_NN and_CC total_JJ deaths_NNS in_IN persons_NNS with_IN higher_JJR intakes_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN C_ZZ those_DTS persons_NNS who_WPR took_VBD ascorbic_JJ acid_NN supplements_NNS and_CC had_HVD a_AT reasonable_JJ dietary_JJ intake_NN of_IN vitamin_NN C_ZZ did_DOD better_JJR than_IN those_DTS who_WPR just_RB consumed_JJ vitamin_NN C_ZZ in_IN their_PP$ diet_NN a_AT 12-year_CD-CD follow-up_NN of_IN the_ATI Prospective_NP Basel_NP (_( Switzerland_NP )_) Study_NP found_VBD that_CS either_DTX low_JJ plasma_NN carotene_NN or_CC vitamin_NN C_ZZ levels_NNS are_BER associated_VBN with_IN a_AT significant_JJ increase_NN in_IN the_ATI risk_NN for_IN ischemic_JJ heart_NN disease_NN and_CC , if_CS both_ABX are_BER low_JJ , cerebrovascular_JJB stroke_NN 201_CD 15_CD in_IN an_AT 8-year_JJ follow-up_NN of_IN 80000_CD women_NNS in_IN the_ATI Nurses'_NNS$ Health_NP Study_NP , those_DTS in_IN the_ATI top_NN fifth_OD of_IN the_ATI cohort_NN with_IN respect_NN to_TO vitamin_NN E_ZZ intake_NN (_( averaging_VBG 200_CD IU_d_NP , mostly_RB consumed_VBN as_IN a_AT supplement_NN )_) had_HVD a_AT relative_JJ risk_NN for_IN major_JJ coronary_JJ artery_NN disease_NN of_IN 0.66_CD after_IN adjusting_VBG for_IN age_NN and_CC smoking_VBG , compared_VBD with_IN those_DTS in_IN the_ATI lowest_JJT fifth_OD (_( consuming_VBG about_RB 3_CD IU_d_NP )_) as_CS expected_VBN , there_EX was_BEDZ little_JJ apparent_JJ benefit_NN to_IN the_ATI short-term_JJB use_NN of_IN tocopherol_NN , but_CC those_DTS who_WPR took_VBD supplements_VBZ for_IN more_QL than_IN 2_CD years_NNS had_HVD a_AT relative_JJ risk_NN of_IN 0.59_NP although_CS not_XNOT statistically_RB significant_JJ , there_EX were_BED trends_NNS toward_IN a_AT reduction_NN in_IN risk_NN for_IN mortality_NN from_IN cardiovascular_NN causes_NNS and_CC ischemic_JJ stroke_NN , as_QL well_RB as_IN decreased_VBD risk_NN for_IN coronary_JJ artery_NN surgery_NN and_CC overall_JJB mortality_NN 202_CD 16_CD an_AT evaluation_NN involving_VBG almost_RB 40000_CD men_NNS in_IN the_ATI Health_NP Professionals_NPT Follow-up_NP Study_NP after_IN 5_CD years_NNS found_VBN a_AT lower_JJR risk_NN for_IN coronary_JJ disease_NN among_IN men_NNS with_IN higher_JJR vitamin_NN E_ZZ intakes_NNS those_DTS consuming_VBG more_AP than_IN 60_CD IU_d_NP of_IN vitamin_NN E_ZZ had_HVD a_AT relative_JJ risk_NN of_IN 0.64_NP compared_VBN with_IN those_DTS consuming_VBG less_AP than_IN 7.5_JJ IU_d_NP compared_VBN with_IN men_NNS who_WPR did_DOD not_XNOT take_VB tocopherol_NN supplements_NNS , men_NNS who_WPR took_VBD at_RB least_RB 100_CD IU_d_NP for_IN at_RB least_RB 2_CD years_NNS had_HVD a_AT relative_JJ risk_NN of_IN coronary_JJ disease_NN of_IN 0.63_NP Without_NP supplements_NNS , the_ATI top_JJB quintile_NN of_IN the_ATI cohort_NN consumed_VBN only_RB 8_CD IU_d_NP of_IN vitamin_NN E._NP carotene_NN intake_NN was_BEDZ inversely_RB associated_VBN with_IN the_ATI risk_NN for_IN coronary_JJ heart_NN disease_NN in_IN current_JJ or_CC former_AP smokers_NNS but_CC not_XNOT among_IN those_DTS who_WPR had_HVD never_RB smoked_VBN a_AT high_JJ intake_NN of_IN vitamin_NN C_ZZ was_BEDZ not_XNOT associated_VBN with_IN a_AT lower_JJR risk_NN for_IN coronary_JJ disease_NN in_IN either_DTX this_DT study_NN or_CC the_ATI Nurses'_NNS$ Health_NP Study_NP 203_CD 17_CD among_IN 333_CD physicians_NNS participating_VBG in_IN the_ATI Physicians'_NNS$ Health_NP Study_NP who_WPR had_HVD evidence_NN of_IN coronary_JJ artery_NN disease_NN (_( chronic_JJ stable_JJ angina_NN or_CC coronary_JJ revascularization_NN , but_CC no_ATI prior_RB myocardial_JJ infarction_NN or_CC stroke_NN )_) , preliminary_JJ analysis_NN has_HVZ found_VBN that_CS the_ATI group_NN taking_NN beta_NN carotene_NN supplements_NNS (_( 50_CD mg_NNU every_AT other_AP day_NN )_) had_HVD 40%_NP fewer_AP coronary_JJ events_NNS than_IN the_ATI control_NN group_NN 204_CD 18_CD while_CS antioxidants_NNS appear_VB to_TO be_BE protective_JJ against_IN cardiovascular_NN disease_NN , prooxidants_NNS likely_JJ increase_NN the_ATI risk_NN the_ATI best_JJT example_NN is_BEZ iron_JJ iron_NN is_BEZ intimately_RB associated_VBN with_IN aerobic_JJ metabolism_NN It_NP is_BEZ necessary_JJ in_IN the_ATI transport_NN , storage_NN , and_CC use_NN of_IN oxygen_NN , as_QL well_RB as_CS being_BEG an_AT essential_JJ part_NN of_IN oxidases_NNS , oxygenases_NNS , and_CC antioxidant_NN enzymes_NNS however_RB , it_PP3 also_RB has_HVZ the_ATI ability_NN to_TO generate_VB oxidants_NNS (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) , and_CC therefore_RB the_ATI body_NN tries_VBZ to_TO sequester_VB iron_NN in_IN poorly_RB reactive_JJ forms_NNS (_( eg_NN , transferrin_NN , hemosiderin_NN , and_CC ferritin_NN )_) the_ATI exact_JJ role_NN of_IN iron_NN in_IN coronary_JJ heart_NN disease_NN remains_VBZ controversial_JJ however_RB , ferritin_NN levels_NNS do_DO reflect_VB the_ATI body's_NN$ iron_NN load_NN , and_CC a_AT high_JJ ferritin_NN level_NN has_HVZ been_BEN found_VBN to_TO be_BE associated_VBN with_IN an_AT increased_VBN relative_JJ risk_NN for_IN myocardial_JJ infarction_NN a_AT recent_JJ analysis_NN of_IN the_ATI ongoing_NN Health_NP Professionals_NP Follow-up_NP Study_NP found_VBD that_CS heme_NN iron_NN intake_NN , but_CC not_XNOT total_JJ iron_NN intake_NN , was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN an_AT increased_JJ serum_NN level_NN of_IN ferritin_NN as_QL well_RB as_IN increased_JJ incidence_NN of_IN fatal_JJ coronary_JJ disease_NN and_CC nonfatal_JJ myocardial_JJ infarction_NN one_CD1 reason_NN that_CS women_NNS are_BER protected_VBN from_IN cardiovascular_NN disease_NN until_IN after_IN menopause_NN may_MD be_BE their_PP$ low_JJ iron_NN stores_NNS resulting_JJ from_IN menstruation_NN 205_CD 19_CD AGE-ASSOCIATED_NPT EYE_NPT DISEASE_NP 206_NP 20_CD the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN cataract_NN formation_NN in_IN the_ATI lens_NN of_IN the_ATI eye_NN increases_NNS with_IN age_NN senile_JJ cataract_NN is_BEZ found_VBN in_RP over_IN 45%_NN of_IN persons_NNS above_IN 75_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN and_CC may_MD be_BE associated_VBN with_IN markedly_RB decreased_VBD vision_NN and_CC quality_NN of_IN life_NN cataract_NN removal_NN is_BEZ also_RB one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI most_QL commonly_RB performed_VBN surgical_JJ procedures_NNS in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP oxidation_NN may_MD cause_VB or_CC be_BE associated_VBN with_IN cortical_JJ and_CC nuclear_JJ cataract_NN , possibly_RB owing_IN to_IN the_ATI formation_NN of_IN free_JJ radicals_NNS from_IN the_ATI hydrogen_NN peroxide_NN present_NN in_IN aqueous_JJ humor_NN , near-ultraviolet_NN radiation_NN , and_or_CC glucose_NN oxidation_NN in_IN diabetes_NN mellitus_JJ 207_CD 21_CD glutathione_NN and_CC vitamin_NN C_ZZ are_BER present_NN in_IN the_ATI lens_NN of_IN the_ATI eye_NN , as_IN are_BER the_ATI antioxidant_NN enzymes_NNS glutathione_NN peroxidase_NN , catalase_NN , and_CC superoxide_NN dismutase_NN animal_NN studies_NNS suggest_VB an_AT age-related_JJ decline_NN in_IN ascorbate_NN levels_NNS in_IN the_ATI lens_NN levels_NNS of_IN ascorbic_JJ acid_NN are_BER low_JJ or_CC absent_JJ in_IN cataractous_JJ lenses_NNS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT statistical_JJ association_NN between_IN supplementary_JJ ascorbic_JJ acid_NN and_CC tocopherol_NN intake_NN over_IN the_ATI previous_JJ 5_CD years_NNS and_CC decreased_VBD risk_NN for_IN senile_JJ cataract_NN of_IN 2_CD 1_2_CD times_NNS persons_NNS who_WPR consume_VB more_AP than_IN 300_CD mg_d_NN of_IN ascorbic_JJ acid_NN or_CC 400_CD IU_d_NP of_IN tocopherol_NN have_HV about_IN one_CD1 third_OD the_ATI risk_NN of_IN developing_VBG cataracts_NNS Persons_NP who_WPR consumed_VBD less_AP than_IN 125_CD mg_d_NN of_IN ascorbic_JJ acid_NN over_IN the_ATI previous_JJ year_NN have_HV a_AT fourfold_NN greater_JJR probability_NN of_IN having_HVG any_DTI cataract_NN and_CC an_AT 11_CD times_NNS greater_JJR risk_NN for_IN having_HVG a_AT posterior_JJ subcapsular_NN cataract_NN than_IN those_DTS who_WPR consumed_VBD more_AP than_IN 490_CD mg_d_NN of_IN ascorbic_JJ acid_NN low_JJ serum_NN concentrations_NNS of_IN alpha-tocopherol_NN and_CC beta- carotene_NN are_BER also_RB associated_VBN with_IN an_AT increased_JJ incidence_NN of_IN senile_JJ cataract_NN similar_JJ associations_NNS have_HV been_BEN found_VBN with_IN vitamin_NN A_ZZ , carotenoids_NNS , and_CC multivitamins_NNS and_CC consumption_NN of_IN fewer_AP than_IN 3_CD 1_2_CD servings_NNS of_IN fruits_NNS and_CC vegetables_NNS daily_JJ 208_NP 22_CD not_XNOT all_ABN studies_NNS find_VB the_ATI same_AP associations_NNS an_AT analysis_NN of_IN the_ATI Nurses'_NNS$ Health_NP Study_NP found_VBD that_CS long-term_JJB multivitamin_NN intake_NN was_BEDZ not_XNOT protective_JJ against_IN cataracts_NNS , but_CC long-term_JJB vitamin_NN C_ZZ intake_NN (_( } 10_CD years_NNS )_) was_BEDZ , perhaps_RB because_CS multivitamins_NNS contain_VB relatively_RB low_JJ levels_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN C._NP since_IN spinach_NN consumption_NN , but_CC not_XNOT carrot_NN intake_NN , was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN a_AT lower_JJR relative_JJ risk_NN , carotenoids_NNS other_AP than_IN beta-carotene_NN may_MD be_BE more_QL protective_JJ 209_NP a_AT study_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN neovascular_JJ age-related_JJ macular_NN degeneration_NN found_VBN that_CS persons_NNS with_IN higher_JJR carotenoid_NN levels_NNS had_HVD one_CD1 half_ABN to_TO one_CD1 third_OD the_ATI risk_NN of_IN macular_NN degeneration_NN compared_VBN with_IN control_NN patients_NNS while_CS no_ATI statistically_RB significant_JJ protective_JJ effect_NN was_BEDZ found_VBN for_IN vitamins_NNS C_ZZ or_CC E_ZZ or_CC selenium_NN individually_RB , an_AT antioxidant_NN index_NN combining_VBG all_ABN micronutrients_NNS showed_VBD significant_JJ reductions_NNS in_IN risk_NN with_IN increasing_JJ levels_NNS of_IN the_ATI index_NN in_IN addition_NN , persons_NNS with_IN age-related_JJ macular_NN degeneration_NN have_HV much_RB lower_JJR levels_NNS of_IN several_AP antioxidant_NN enzymes_NNS in_IN their_PP$ cells_NNS compared_VBD with_IN age-matched_JJ controls_NNS 210_CD on_IN the_ATI other_AP hand_NN , increased_JJ levels_NNS of_IN copper_NN and_CC iron_NN , reported_VBD in_IN aging_VBG lenses_NNS and_CC cataracts_NNS , may_MD oxidize_VB ascorbate_VB and_CC produce_VB metabolites_NNS that_WPR induce_VB cataract_NN formation_NN therefore_RB , under_IN certain_JJ conditions_NNS , the_ATI antioxidant-prooxidant_NN balance_NN can_MD tip_VB , and_CC ascorbate_NN may_MD increase_VB protein_NN modifications_NNS that_WPR produce_VB cataracts_NNS 211_CD CARCINOGENESIS_NP 212_CD free_JJ radicals_NNS and_CC oxidant_NN damage_NN appear_VB to_TO play_VB a_AT major_JJ role_NN in_IN some_DTI forms_NNS of_IN cancer_NN epidemiologic_JJ studies_NNS have_HV generally_RB shown_VBN a_AT protective_JJ effect_NN of_IN consumption_NN of_IN fruits_NNS and_CC vegetables_NNS , foods_NNS rich_JJ in_IN vitamin_NN C_ZZ and_CC beta-carotene_NN , on_IN many_AP kinds_NNS of_IN cancers_NNS to_TO what_WDT degree_NN the_ATI antioxidant_JJ properties_NNS of_IN vitamins_NNS are_BER specifically_RB responsible_JJ for_IN these_DTS effects_NNS is_BEZ unclear_JJ for_IN example_NN , ascorbate_NN , unrelated_JJ to_IN its_PP$ antioxidant_NN capabilities_NNS , may_MD inhibit_VB stomach_VB cancer_NN by_IN reducing_VBG levels_NNS of_IN nitrous_JJ acid_NN and_CC inhibiting_JJ the_ATI formation_NN of_IN carcinogenic_JJ N-nitroso_NP compounds_NNS in_IN the_ATI gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN because_CS carotenoids_NNS , folic_JJ acid_NN , vitamin_NN C_ZZ , soluble_JJ and_CC insoluble_JJ fiber_NN , and_CC various_JJ phytochemicals_NNS are_BER frequently_RB in_IN the_ATI same_AP foods_NNS , it_PP3 is_BEZ difficult_JJ to_TO document_NN which_WDTR dietary_JJ factor_NN is_BEZ most_QL responsible_JJ or_CC how_WRB synergetic_JJ the_ATI interactions_NNS are_BER in_IN addition_NN , persons_NNS who_WPR consume_VB this_DT type_NN of_IN diet_NN may_MD have_HV other_AP lifestyle_NN behaviors_NNS that_CS also_RB lower_JJR their_PP$ risk_NN 213_CD beta-Carotene_NN and_or_CC preformed_JJ vitamin_NN A_ZZ intake_NN have_HV been_BEN most_QL strongly_RB associated_VBN with_IN a_AT decreased_VBD risk_NN for_IN lung_NN cancer_NN and_CC upper_JJB gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN cancers_NNS the_ATI association_NN is_BEZ less_QL consistent_JJ with_IN prostate_NN and_CC breast_NN cancer_NN a_AT 12-year_CD-CD follow-up_NN of_IN almost_RB 3000_CD men_NNS in_IN Basel_NP revealed_VBD a_AT significant_JJ inverse_JJ relationship_NN between_IN carotene_NN levels_NNS on_IN entering_VBG the_ATI study_NN and_CC subsequent_JJ cancer_NN , particularly_RB lung_NN and_CC stomach_NN cancers_NNS a_AT prospective_JJ study_NN of_IN nearly_RB 90000_CD female_JJ registered_JJ nurses_NNS found_VBN that_CS large_JJ intakes_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN C_ZZ or_CC E_ZZ did_DOD not_XNOT protect_VB women_NNS from_IN breast_NN cancer_NN , but_CC a_AT low_JJ intake_NN of_IN all_ABN forms_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN A_ZZ (_( {_( 6630_CD IU_d_NP )_) was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN an_AT increased_JJ risk_NN for_IN the_ATI disease_NN women_NNS who_WPR consumed_VBD little_JJ vitamin_NN A_ZZ from_IN food_NN , but_CC who_WPR took_VBD at_IN least_RB 10000_CD IU_NP from_IN supplements_NNS , had_HVD about_IN half_ABN the_ATI risk_NN of_IN women_NNS who_WPR did_DOD not_XNOT take_VB supplements_NNS on_IN the_ATI other_AP hand_NN , an_AT analysis_NN combining_VBG the_ATI data_NNS of_IN 12_CD case-control_JJ studies_NNS of_IN diet_NN and_CC breast_NN cancer_NN found_VBN a_AT significant_JJ inverse_JJ association_NN between_IN vitamin_NN C_ZZ intake_NN and_CC breast_NN cancer_NN there_EX is_BEZ also_RB an_AT inverse_JJ relationship_NN between_IN vegetable_JJ consumption_NN and_CC the_ATI risk_NN for_IN breast_NN cancer_NN 214_CD antioxidant_NN vitamin_NN and_CC mineral_NN supplementation_NN over_IN a_AT 6- year_NN period_NN (_( beta_NN carotene_NN , 50_CD mg_NNU ; tocopherol_RB , 30_CD mg_NNU ; and_CC selenium_NN sulfide_NN , 50_CD micrograms_NNS )_) in_IN 15000_CD people_NNS in_IN rural_JJ China_NP , which_WDTR has_HVZ one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI world's_NN$ highest_JJT rates_NNS of_IN upper_JJB gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN cancer_NN , was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN a_AT reduction_NN in_IN total_JJ mortality_NN , primarily_RB owing_IN to_IN a_AT decrease_NN in_IN stomach_NN cancer_NN the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN heart_NN disease_NN in_IN this_DT population_NN is_BEZ minuscule_JJ vitamin_NN C_ZZ has_HVZ also_RB been_BEN associated_VBN with_IN a_AT decreased_VBD risk_NN for_IN many_AP gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN cancers_NNS , breast_NN cancer_NN , and_CC lung_NN cancer_NN 215_CD in_IN a_AT study_NN of_IN 209_NP individuals_NNS who_WPR were_BED followed_VBN up_RP for_IN an_AT average_JJ of_IN 18_CD months_NNS after_IN removal_NN of_IN adenomatous_JJ polyps_NNS and_CC randomized_VBN to_TO receive_VB antioxidant_NN vitamins_NNS (_( axerophthol_NN palmitate_NN , equivalent_JJ to_IN 30000_CD IU_d_NP of_IN vitamin_NN A_ZZ activity_NN ; ascorbic_JJ acid_NN , 1_CD1 g_d_NN ; and_CC dl-alpha-tocopherol_NN , 70_CD mg_d_NN )_) , 20_CD g_d_NN of_IN lactulose_NN , or_CC nothing_PN , percentages_NNS of_IN recurrences_NNS of_IN adenomas_NNS were_BED 5.7%_NN for_IN the_ATI vitamin_NN group_NN , 14.7%_CD for_IN the_ATI lactulose_NN group_NN , and_CC 35.9%_CD for_IN the_ATI untreated_JJ group_NN 216_CD not_XNOT all_ABN studies_NNS are_BER uniformly_RB positive_JJ some_DTI studies_NNS have_HV reported_VBN a_AT relationship_NN between_IN vitamin_NN E_ZZ status_NN alone_JJ and_CC certain_JJ cancers_NNS , although_CS this_DT has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN uniform_JJ for_IN example_NN , an_AT inverse_JJ association_NN has_HVZ been_BEN found_VBN between_IN vitamin_NN E_ZZ status_NN and_CC lung_NN cancer_NN occurrence_NN in_IN nonsmokers_NNS but_CC not_XNOT among_IN smokers_NNS results_NNS from_IN one_CD1 recent_JJ case-control_NN study_NN examining_VBG dietary_JJ factors_NNS and_CC lung_NN cancer_NN in_IN nonsmokers_NNS suggest_VB that_CS dietary_JJ beta-carotene_NN (_( but_CC not_XNOT retinol_VB )_) , raw_JJ (_( not_XNOT processed_VBN )_) fruits_NNS and_CC vegetables_NNS , and_CC tocopherol_NN supplements_NNS are_BER significantly_RB associated_VBN with_IN risk_NN reduction_NN 217_CD a_AT randomized_VBN , double-blind_NN , placebo-controlled_JJ primary_JJ prevention_NN trial_NN of_IN white_JJ male_JJ smokers_NNS (_( aged_JJ 50_CD to_IN 69_CD years_NNS )_) undergoing_VBG analysis_NN following_JJ 5_CD to_IN 8_CD years_NNS of_IN supplementation_NN found_VBN no_ATI protective_JJ effect_NN of_IN 20_CD mg_d_NN of_IN beta_NN carotene_NN and_CC 50_CD IU_d_NP of_IN alpha- tocopherol_NN this_DT study_NN was_BEDZ surprising_JJ in_IN that_DT it_PP3 showed_VBD a_AT higher_JJR incidence_NN of_IN lung_NN cancer_NN and_CC ischemic_JJ heart_NN disease_NN among_IN men_NNS who_WPR received_JJ beta_NN carotene_NN but_CC fewer_AP cases_NNS of_IN prostate_NN cancer_NN in_IN those_DTS who_WPR received_JJ alpha-tocopherol_NN other_AP long-term_JJB prospective_JJ studies_NNS are_BER now_RN in_IN progress_NN to_TO look_VB at_IN vitamin_NN chemoprevention_NN (_( including_IN natural_JJ and_CC synthetic_JJ analogues_NNS )_) in_IN cancer_NN 218_CD VITAMIN_NP TOXICITY_NP 219_CD it_PP3 should_MD be_BE expected_VBN , because_CS diseases_NNS can_MD have_HV multifactorial_JJ causes_NNS , that_CS some_DTI vitamin_NN intervention_NN studies_NNS have_HV ambiguous_JJ results_NNS or_CC have_HV not_XNOT shown_VBN a_AT positive_JJ influence_NN indeed_RB , some_DTI animal_NN and_CC human_JJ studies_NNS have_HV even_RB shown_VBN a_AT disease-enhancing_NN , prooxidant_NN effect_NN for_IN some_DTI vitamins_NNS under_IN some_DTI conditions_NNS this_DT should_MD temper_NN unbridled_JJ enthusiasm_NN but_CC is_BEZ usually_RB ignored_VBN by_IN proponents_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN supplementation_NN Vitamins_NNS do_DO have_HV known_JJ toxicity_NN of_IN all_ABN the_ATI antioxidant_NN vitamins_NNS , vitamin_NN A_ZZ is_BEZ easily_RB the_ATI most_QL dangerous_JJ hypervitaminosis_NN A_ZZ can_MD occur_VB both_ABX acutely_RB and_CC after_IN long-term_JJB ingestion_NN acute_JJ toxic_JJ effects_NNS present_JJ as_IN headaches_NNS , drowsiness_NN , irritability_NN , dizziness_NN , nausea_NN , vomiting_NN , and_CC diarrhea_NN elderly_JJ people_NNS with_IN normal_JJ kidney_NN and_CC liver_NN functions_NNS may_MD tolerate_VB a_AT daily_JJ dose_NN of_IN 50000_CD retinol_NN equivalents_NNS (_( RE_NP )_) for_IN up_RP to_IN 6_CD months_NNS , while_CS younger_JJR adults_NNS have_HV taken_VBN 300000_CD RE_d_NP (_( as_IN retinyl_NN palmitate_NN )_) for_IN 12_CD months_NNS with_IN few_AP adverse_JJ effects_NNS .=20_CD 220_CD however_RB , toxic_JJ effects_NNS have_HV been_BEN seen_VBN in_IN intakes_NNS of_IN as_QL little_JJ as_IN 15_CD 000_CD RE_d_NP chronic_JJ toxic_JJ effects_NNS may_MD classically_RB , and_CC nonspecifically_RB , present_JJ as_IN desquamation_NN and_CC redness_NN of_IN the_ATI skin_NN and_CC mucous_JJ membranes_NNS , disturbed_JJ hair_NN growth_NN , loss_NN of_IN appetite_NN , fatigue_NN , irritability_NN , thyroid_JJ suppression_NN , cerebrospinal_JJ fluid_NN pressure_NN elevation_NN (_( producing_VBG symptoms_NNS similar_JJ to_IN those_DTS of_IN pseudotumor_NN cerebri_NN )_) , and_CC elevation_NN of_IN liver_NN enzyme_NN levels_NNS toxic_JJ effects_NNS increase_VB in_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN renal_JJ failure_NN and_CC preexisting_VBG hepatic_JJ dysfunction_NN and_CC decrease_NN in_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN excess_JJ levels_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN E._NP hypercalcemia_NN and_CC a_AT negative_JJ calcium_NN balance_NN similar_JJ to_TO that_CS seen_VBN with_IN hypervitaminosis_NN D_ZZ may_MD occur_VB , but_CC excess_JJ retinol_NN levels_NNS affect_VB the_ATI organic_JJ bone_NN matrix_NN , whereas_CS excess_JJ vitamin_NN D_ZZ levels_NNS cause_NN dissolution_NN of_IN the_ATI mineral_NN matrix_NN 221_CD toxic_JJ effects_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN E_ZZ may_MD present_JJ as_IN diarrhea_NN or_CC fatigue_NN , but_CC even_RB huge_JJ intakes_NNS are_BER usually_RB well_RB tolerated_VBN the_ATI major_JJ potential_JJ side_NN effect_NN may_MD be_BE that_CS vitamin_NN E_ZZ can_MD potentiate_VB warfarin_VB sodium_NN (_( Coumadin_NP )_) and_CC increase_VB the_ATI risk_NN for_IN bleeding_NN in_IN persons_NNS receiving_VBG this_DT anticoagulant_NN under_IN certain_JJ circumstances_NNS , vitamin_NN E_ZZ has_HVZ been_BEN found_VBN to_TO promote_VB skin_NN tumorigenesis_NN in_IN animal_NN studies_NNS therefore_RB , prolonged_JJ topical_JJ exposure_NN to_IN antioxidants_NNS like_IN vitamin_NN E_ZZ should_MD be_BE discouraged_VBN until_CS more_QL is_BEZ known_VBN 222_CD vitamin_NN C_ZZ can_MD increase_VB the_ATI absorption_NN of_IN iron_NN , and_CC supplementation_NN should_MD not_XNOT be_BE recommended_VBN in_IN persons_NNS at_IN risk_NN of_IN iron_NN overload_NN (_( eg_NN , persons_NNS with_IN thalassemia_NN or_CC hemohromatosis_NN )_) without_IN close_RB supervision_NN It_NP is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS , in_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN appropriate_JJ levels_NNS of_IN copper_NN or_CC iron_NN , vitamin_NN C_ZZ may_MD act_VB as_IN a_AT prooxidant_NN ; whether_CS this_DT finding_VBG is_BEZ clinically_RB significant_JJ is_BEZ unknown_JJ however_RB , in_IN general_JJ , ascorbic_JJ acid_NN supplementation_NN causes_VBZ no_ATI problems_NNS , even_RB in_IN older_JJR persons_NNS vitamin_NN C_ZZ may_MD also_RB affect_VB results_NNS of_IN fecal_JJ occult_NN blood_NN tests_NNS as_QL well_RB as_IN some_DTI urinary_NN and_CC blood_NN glucose_NN tests_NNS abruptly_RB discontinuing_VBG high_JJ vitamin_NN C_ZZ intake_NN may_MD make_VB some_DTI persons_NNS deficient_JJ , but_CC this_DT result_NN is_BEZ probably_RB rare_JJ there_EX are_BER few_AP acute_JJ toxic_JJ effects_NNS of_IN high-dose_NN vitamin_NN C_ZZ ingestion_NN ; occasionally_RB diarrhea_JJ can_MD occur_VB 223_CD VITAMIN_NP A_ZZ AND_NP CAROTENE_NP 224_NN most_AP total_JJ vitamin_NN A_ZZ intake_NN in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP comes_VBZ from_IN liver_NN , carrots_NNS , eggs_NNS , vegetable-based_JJ soups_NNS , whole-milk_NN products_NNS , and_CC fortified_JJ food_NN products_NNS while_CS vitamin_NN A_ZZ intake_NN decreases_VBZ with_IN age_NN , hypovitaminosis_NN A_ZZ in_IN adults_NNS is_BEZ uncommon_JJ , even_RB in_IN the_ATI very_QL old_JJ there_EX is_BEZ evidence_NN that_CS vitamin_NN E_ZZ and_CC C_ZZ status_NN declines_VBZ in_IN many_AP older_JJR individuals_NNS , while_CS retinol_NN status_NN usually_RB does_DOZ not_XNOT 225_NN vitamin_NN A_ZZ may_MD refer_VB to_IN two_CD different_JJ groups_NNS of_IN substances_NNS one_CD1 is_BEZ retinol_NN , or_CC preformed_JJ vitamin_NN A_ZZ , found_VBD in_IN dairy_NN products_NNS and_CC animal_NN and_CC fish_NNS meats_NNS similar_JJ foms_NNS include_VB synthetic_JJ vitamin_NN A_ZZ analogues_NNS such_IN as_IN all-trans-retinoic_JJ acid_NN and_CC 13-cis-retinoic_CD-CD acid_NN , which_WDTR can_MD be_BE converted_VBN to_TO retinol_VB within_IN the_ATI body_NN vitamin_NN A_ZZ is_BEZ necessary_JJ for_IN maintaining_VBG the_ATI integrity_NN of_IN epithelial_JJ tissues_NNS (_( skin_NN , cornea_NN , gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN , lungs_NNS , urinary_NN tract_NN , etc_RB )_) it_PP3 is_BEZ also_RB required_VBN for_IN proper_JJ retinal_JJ function_NN , immune_JJ function_NN , and_CC growth_NN 226_CD vitamin_NN A_ZZ activity_NN in_IN foods_NNS is_BEZ currently_RB expressed_VBN as_IN RE_NP ; 1_CD1 RE_NP is_BEZ defined_VBN as_CS 1_CD1 micrograms_NNS of_IN all-trans-retinol_NN and_CC roughly_RB estimated_VBN to_TO be_BE equivalent_JJ to_IN 6_CD micrograms_NNS of_IN all-trans-beta-carotene_NN or_CC 12_CD micrograms_NNS of_IN other_AP provitamin_NN A_ZZ carotenoids_NNS international_JJ units_NNS are_BER often_RB used_VBN for_IN both_ABX vitamin_NN A_ZZ and_CC the_ATI carotenoids_NNS and_CC are_BER frequently_RB confusing_JJ and_CC inaccurate_JJ one_CD1 RE_NP equals_NNS 3.33_CD IU_NP (_( or_CC IU_NP sub_NN a_AT )_) of_IN preformed_JJ vitamin_NN A_ZZ (_( retinol_NN )_) and_CC 10_CD IU_NP (_( or_CC IU_NP sub_NN c_ZZ )_) of_IN provitamin_NN A_ZZ carotenoids_NNS despite_IN this_DT , food_NN composition_NN tables_NNS often_RB assume_VB that_CS 1_CD1 IU_NP sub_NN a_AT equals_NNS 1_CD1 IU_NP sub_NN c._NN therefore_RB , consumers_NNS and_CC physicians_NNS should_MD use_VB food_NN composition_NN tables_NNS only_RB as_CS rough_JJ guides_NNS to_IN approximate_JJ vitamin_NN A_ZZ and_CC carotenoid_NN quantities_NNS in_IN specific_JJ foods_NNS 227_NN using_VBG the_ATI retinol_JJ equivalent_JJ to_TO determine_VB the_ATI antioxidant_NN activity_NN of_IN foods_NNS is_BEZ also_RB misleading_JJ , since_IN retinol_NN is_BEZ generally_RB not_XNOT an_AT antioxidant_NN the_ATI current_JJ RDA_NP is_BEZ 1000_CD micrograms_NP RE_NP in_IN men_NNS and_CC 800_CD micrograms_NP RE_NP in_IN women_NNS (_( Table1_CD )_) however_RB , it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN proposed_VBN that_CS the_ATI RDA_NP for_IN vitamin_NN A_ZZ is_BEZ too_QL high_JJ and_CC should_MD be_BE reduced_VBN to_IN 700_CD and_CC 600_CD micrograms_NP RE_NP for_IN men_NNS and_CC women_NNS , respectively_RB except_CS at_IN the_ATI extreme_JJ ranges_NNS , retinol_NN levels_NNS correlate_VB poorly_RB with_IN vitamin_NN A_ZZ status_NN and_CC are_BER affected_VBN by_IN many_AP nonnutritional_JJ diseases_NNS hepatic_JJ levels_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN A_ZZ appear_VB unchanged_JJ in_IN adults_NNS up_RP to_IN advanced_JJ age_NN retinol_NN absorption_NN increases_NNS with_IN age_NN in_IN some_DTI animals_NNS , but_CC it_PP3 is_BEZ not_XNOT known_VBN whether_CS the_ATI absorption_NN rate_NN in_IN humans_NNS changes_NNS with_IN age_NN 228_NN preformed_JJ vitamin_NN A_ZZ enters_VBZ the_ATI intestinal_JJ cell_NN by_IN a_AT carrier-mediated_JJ mechanism_NN in_IN contrast_NN , carotenoids_NNS are_BER passively_RB absorbed_VBN vitamin_NN A_ZZ is_BEZ transported_VBN via_IN the_ATI lymphatics_NNS to_IN the_ATI liver_NN and_CC stored_VBN as_IN the_ATI retinyl_NN ester_NN from_IN the_ATI liver_NN , which_WDTR contains_VBZ 95%_NN of_IN the_ATI body's_NN$ vitamin_NN A_ZZ stores_NNS , it_PP3 can_MD be_BE released_VBN as_IN retinol_NN bound_VBN to_TO retinol-binding_NN protein_NN and_CC prealbumin_NN and_CC transported_VBD to_IN various_JJ tissues_NNS 229_NN the_ATI other_AP form_NN of_IN vitamin_NN A_ZZ is_BEZ carotene_JJ (_( provitamin_NN A_ZZ )_) , found_VBD primarily_RB in_IN plants_NNS , especially_RB carrots_VBZ and_CC dark_JJ green_JJ leafy_JJ vegetables_NNS The_NP color_JJ intensity_NN of_IN a_AT fruit_NN or_CC vegetable_JJ , however_RB , does_DOZ not_XNOT reliably_RB indicate_VB its_PP$ provitamin_NN A_ZZ content_NN beta-Carotene_NN usually_RB makes_VBZ up_RP the_ATI largest_JJT fraction_NN of_IN provitamin_NN A_ZZ in_IN foods_NNS carotene_NN is_BEZ also_RB found_VBN in_IN yellow_JJ animal_NN fat_NN and_CC dairy_NN products_NNS of_IN the_ATI approximately_RB 500_CD or_CC so_PN carotenoids_NNS , only_RB 50_CD to_IN 60_CD are_BER known_VBN to_IN be_BE precursors_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN A_ZZ , but_CC many_AP more_QL may_MD act_VB as_IN antioxidants_NNS it_PP3 is_BEZ difficult_JJ to_TO interpret_VB tables_NNS of_IN carotenoid_JJ contents_NNS of_IN foods_NNS since_CS neither_DTX REs_NNS nor_CC beta- carotene_NN content_NN may_MD fully_RB reflect_VB the_ATI significant_JJ biologic_JJ antioxidant_NN activity_NN In_NP fact_NN , gamma-carotene_NN is_BEZ a_AT better_JJR antioxidant_NN than_IN beta-carotene_NN There_NP are_BER no_ATI RDAs_NP for_IN the_ATI carotenoids_NNS because_CS of_IN their_PP$ many_AP conjugated_VBD double_JJ bonds_NNS , carotenoids_NNS can_MD act_VB as_CS antioxidants_NNS by_IN quenching_VBG the_ATI unpaired_JJ electrons_NNS of_IN free_JJ radicals_NNS and_CC diverting_VBG free_JJ radical_JJ damage_NN to_TO themselves_PPLS rather_RB than_IN other_AP molecules_NNS (_( like_IN LDL_NP cholesterol_NN )_) beta-Carotene_NN and_CC other_AP carotenoids_NNS like_IN lycopenes_NNS may_MD be_BE protective_JJ of_IN the_ATI body_NN independent_NN of_IN any_DTI provitamin_NN A_ZZ role_NN beta-Carotene_NN can_MD be_BE converted_VBN to_IN retinoic_JJ acid_NN without_IN being_BEG converted_VBN into_IN retinol_NN this_DT retinoid_NN effect_NN may_MD promote_VB cell_NN differentiation_NN by_IN binding_JJ to_TO and_CC turning_VBG on_IN genes_NNS beta-Carotene_NN may_MD also_RB improve_VB cell-cell_NN communication_NN 230_CD only_RB about_RB 15%_CD of_IN beta-carotene_NN is_BEZ absorbed_VBN by_IN the_ATI body_NN , and_CC only_RB 20%_NP of_IN that_DT absorbed_VBN is_BEZ ultimately_RB converted_VBN to_TO retinol_VB therefore_RB , except_IN for_IN reversible_JJ carotenodermia_NN , an_AT orange- yellow_JJ skin_NN discoloration_NN most_QL prominent_JJ in_IN palms_NNS and_CC soles_NNS but_CC not_XNOT sclera_VB , which_WDTR may_MD be_BE seen_VBN with_IN an_AT ingestion_NN of_IN 30_CD mg_d_NN of_IN beta-carotene_NN , side_NN effects_NNS of_IN beta-carotene_NN ingestion_NN are_BER rare_JJ most_AP of_IN the_ATI beta-carotene_NN in_IN the_ATI blood_NN is_BEZ associated_VBN with_IN LDL_NP cholesterol_NN and_CC stored_VBD primarily_RB in_IN fat_NN rather_RB than_CS in_IN the_ATI liver_NN 231_CD VITAMIN_NP C_ZZ 232_CD the_ATI current_JJ RDA_NP for_IN vitamin_NN C_ZZ in_IN adults_NNS is_BEZ 60_CD mg_NNU (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN argued_VBN that_CS this_DT amount_NN could_MD be_BE safely_RB reduced_VBN in_IN contrast_NN , body_NN pools_NNS are_BER saturated_VBN at_IN 100_CD to_IN 150_CD mg_d_NN in_IN men_NNS and_CC 80_CD to_IN 100_CD mg_d_NN in_IN women_NNS , suggesting_VBG to_IN some_DTI that_CS the_ATI RDA_NP should_MD be_BE higher_JJR the_ATI RDA_NP for_IN vitamin_NN C_ZZ was_BEDZ not_XNOT formulated_VBN with_IN respect_NN to_IN its_PP$ antioxidant_NN properties_NNS Vitamin_NP C_ZZ deficiency_NN is_BEZ common_NN in_IN general_JJ malnutrition_NN and_CC many_AP frail_JJ , elderly_JJ populations_NNS .=20_CD 233_CD the_ATI pharmacokinetics_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN C_ZZ do_DO not_XNOT appear_VB to_TO change_VB with_IN age_NN , although_CS higher_JJR intakes_NNS of_IN ascorbic_JJ acid_NN are_BER needed_VBN in_IN older_JJR men_NNS than_IN older_JJR women_NNS to_TO attain_VB the_ATI same_AP plasma_NN concentrations_NNS , probably_RB owing_IN to_TO higher_JJR renal_JJ tubular_JJ reabsorption_NN in_IN women_NNS 234_CD tables_NNS from_IN the_ATI US_NP Department_NP of_IN Agriculture_NP provide_VB L-ascorbate_NP content_NN only_RB ; biologically_RB active_JJ dehydroascorbate_JJ present_NN in_IN foods_NNS may_MD provide_VB an_AT unrecognized_JJ additional_JJ vitamin_NN C_ZZ source_NN vegetables_NNS and_CC fruits_NNS contain_VB the_ATI highest_JJT concentrations_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN C_ZZ ; meats_NNS , fish_NNS , poultry_NN , eggs_NNS , and_CC dairy_NN products_NNS contain_VB some_DTI ; and_CC grains_NNS contain_VB none_PN In_NP the_ATI United_NP States_NP , most_QL ascorbate_NN is_BEZ supplied_VBN by_IN citrus_NN fruits_NNS , potatoes_NNS , and_CC other_AP vegetables_NNS vitamin_NN C_ZZ is_BEZ easily_RB destroyed_VBN by_IN heat_NN and_CC oxygen_NN or_CC lost_VBD in_IN cooking_NN water_NN 235_CD bioavailability_NN of_IN vitamin_NN C_ZZ is_BEZ inversely_RB related_VBN to_IN the_ATI amount_NN as_CS well_RB as_IN the_ATI form_NN ingested_VBN sustained-release_NN capsules_NNS allow_VB higher_JJR absorption_NN than_IN standard_NN pills_NNS smoking_VBG lowers_NNS vitamin_NN C_ZZ levels_NNS , and_CC smokers_NNS require_VB a_AT higher_JJR intake_NN to_TO achieve_VB plasma_NN levels_NNS comparable_JJ with_IN those_DTS of_IN nonsmokers_NNS , perhaps_RB because_CS of_IN increased_JJ metabolism_NN Absorption_NN does_DOZ not_XNOT appear_VB to_TO change_VB with_IN age_NN 236_CD VITAMIN_NP E_ZZ 237_CD 51_CD vitamin_NN E_ZZ is_BEZ the_ATI generic_JJ term_NN for_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN chemicals_NNS (_( tocopherols_NNS and_CC tocotrienols_NNS )_) originally_RB discovered_VBN to_TO affect_VB reproduction_NN in_IN the_ATI rat_NN it_PP3 was_BEDZ given_VBN the_ATI letter_NN E_ZZ to_TO follow_VB vitamin_NN D_ZZ and_CC the_ATI name_NN tocopherol_NN from_IN the_ATI Greek_JNP word_NN tokos_NNS , for_IN childbirth_NN , and_CC pherin_NN , to_TO bring_VB forth_RP alpha-Tocopherol_NN is_BEZ considered_VBN the_ATI most_QL active_JJ compound_JJ , but_CC other_AP forms_NNS of_IN tocopherols_NNS may_MD also_RB have_HV significant_JJ biologic_JJ functions_NNS the_ATI RDA_NP for_IN vitamin_NN E_ZZ is_BEZ 10_CD mg_NNU (_( natural_JJ alphatocopherol_NN equivalents_NNS )_) for_IN men_NNS and_CC 8_CD mg_NNU for_IN women_NNS (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) Although_NP the_ATI synthetic_JJ form_NN of_IN alpha-tocopherol_NN has_HVZ 74%_NN of_IN the_ATI activity_NN of_IN naturally_RB occurring_VBG vitamin_NN E_ZZ , both_ABX the_ATI natural_JJ and_CC synthetic_JJ forms_NNS provide_VB equal_JJ antioxidant_NN protection_NN to_IN LDL_NP international_JJ units_NNS are_BER still_RB frequently_RB used_VBN ; 1_CD1 mg_NNU of_IN natural_JJ alpha-tocopherol_NN (_( one_CD1 alpha-tocopherol_JJ equivalent_JJ )_) equals_NNS about_RB 1.1_CD to_IN 1.5_CD IU_NP , while_CS 1_CD1 mg_NNU of_IN synthetic_JJ alpha-_NN tocopherol_NN equals_NNS 1_CD1 IU_NP beta-Tocopherol_NN has_HVZ one_CD1 half_ABN of_IN the_ATI activity_NN of_IN natural_JJ alpha-tocopherol_NN ; gamma-tocopherol_NN has_HVZ one_CD1 tenth_OD of_IN the_ATI activity_NN 238_CD large_JJ losses_NNS of_IN tocopherols_NNS can_MD occur_VB during_IN processing_NN , storage_NN , and_CC preparation_NN of_IN food_NN the_ATI richest_JJT sources_NNS in_IN the_ATI American_JNP diet_NN are_BER common_JJ vegetable_JJ oils_NNS and_CC products_NNS made_VBN from_IN them_PP3OS (_( eg_NN , margarine_NN and_CC shortening_VBG )_) western_JJ diets_NNS contain_VB much_AP more_QL gamma-tocopherol_JJ than_IN alpha-tocopherol_NN , but_CC alpha-tocopherol_NN appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE much_RB better_JJR absorbed_VBN and_CC accounts_NNS for_IN most_AP of_IN the_ATI total_JJ serum_NN vitamin_NN E_ZZ concentration_NN meats_NNS , fish_NNS , animal_NN fats_NNS , fruits_NNS , and_CC vegetables_NNS have_HV little_JJ vitamin_NN E._NP 239_CD vitamin_NN E_ZZ decreases_VBZ platelet_NN adhesion_NN , which_WDTR does_DOZ not_XNOT depend_VB on_IN its_PP$ antioxidant_NN properties_NNS and_CC may_MD be_BE protective_JJ in_IN thromboembolic_JJ disease_NN It_NP also_RB enhances_VBZ cell-mediated_JJ immunity_NN in_IN healthy_JJ elderly_JJ persons_NNS , and_CC antioxidants_NNS may_MD retard_VB some_DTI of_IN the_ATI age-related_JJ changes_NNS in_IN the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN the_ATI role_NN of_IN vitamin_NN E_ZZ in_IN intermittent_JJ claudication_NN syndromes_NNS remains_VBZ unclear_JJ 240_CD clinical_JJ vitamin_NN E_ZZ deficiency_NN syndromes_NNS are_BER not_XNOT well_RB recognized_VBN in_IN adults_NNS , although_CS peripheral_JJ neuropathy_NN , hand_NN myopathy_NN , and_CC cardiomyopathy_NN may_MD occur_VB in_IN association_NN with_IN severe_JJ fat_NN malabsorption_NN 241_CD TO_NPT SUPPLEMENT_NPT OR_NP NOT_NP ? 242_CD the_ATI RDAs_NP were_BED developed_VBN to_TO prevent_VB classic_JJ vitamin_NN deficiencies_NNS and_CC deliberately_RB do_DO not_XNOT reflect_VB other_AP possible_JJ health-promoting_JJ benefits_NNS of_IN vitamins_NNS therefore_RB , they_PP3AS cannot_NN be_BE used_VBN as_IN a_AT gold_NN standard_NN regarding_IN vitamin_NN use_NN to_TO optimize_VB health_NN the_ATI Second_NPT National_NP Health_NP and_CC Nutrition_NN Examination_JJ Survey_NP of_IN about_RB 12000_CD adults_NNS found_VBN that_CS 17%_CD had_HVD eaten_VBN no_ATI vegetables_NNS and_CC 41%_CD no_ATI fruit_NN on_IN the_ATI date_NN of_IN the_ATI survey_NN ; only_RB one_CD1 fourth_OD had_HVD eaten_VBN a_AT fruit_NN or_CC vegetable_JJ rich_JJ in_IN vitamin_NN A_ZZ or_CC C_ZZ ; and_CC only_RB 10%_CD consumed_VBN the_ATI recommended_VBN five_CD daily_JJ servings_NNS of_IN fruits_NNS and_CC vegetables_NNS On_NP the_ATI other_AP hand_NN , many_AP vegetarians_NNS and_CC nonvegetarians_NNS consume_VB nutritional_JJ supplements_NNS with_IN few_AP adverse_JJ consequences_NNS 243_CD while_CS the_ATI data_NNS so_QL far_RB support_VB the_ATI association_NN of_IN antioxidant_NN consumption_NN with_IN positive_JJ health_NN benefits_NNS , many_AP questions_NNS remain_VB unanswered_JJ , particularly_RB about_IN supplementation_NN for_IN skeptics_NNS , increasing_JJ consumption_NN of_IN fruits_NNS and_CC vegetables_NNS and_CC decreasing_VBG saturated_VBN fat_NN intake_NN (_( and_CC perhaps_RB partially_RB hydrogenated_JJ fat_NN intake_NN as_CS well_RB )_) would_MD be_BE the_ATI most_QL conservative_JJ approach_NN however_RB , experienced_JJ clinicians_NNS know_VB the_ATI difficulty_NN of_IN changing_VBG people_NNS 's_BEZ eating_VBG habits_NNS therefore_RB , this_DT approach_NN is_BEZ also_RB likely_JJ to_TO be_BE the_ATI least_RB acceptable_JJ or_CC possible_JJ or_CC successful_JJ for_IN many_AP high- risk_NN individuals_NNS recent_JJ surveys_NNS in_IN the_ATI media_NNS have_HV suggested_VBN that_CS people_NNS are_BER increasingly_RB reversing_JJ previously_RB healthy_JJ diets_NNS and_CC lifestyles.=20_CD 244_CD for_IN clinicians_NNS who_WPR consider_VB nutritional_JJ supplementation_NN a_AT reasonable_JJ additional_JJ intervention_NN , risk_NN factors_NNS for_IN diseases_NNS most_QL likely_JJ to_TO respond_VB to_IN antioxidants_NNS , as_QL well_RB as_CS potential_JJ toxic_JJ effects_NNS , should_MD be_BE explored_VBN with_IN each_DT patient_NN to_IN tailor_NN supplements_NNS appropriately_RB and_CC reinforce_VB the_ATI importance_NN of_IN other_AP risk_NN factor_NN interventions_NNS (_( eg_NN , exercise_NN , fat_NN reduction_NN , weight_NN control_NN , and_CC reduction_NN of_IN environmental_JJ toxin_NN exposures_NNS such_IN as_IN alcohol_NN and_CC tobacco_NN use_NN )_) there_EX are_BER many_AP intervention_NN studies_NNS in_IN progress_NN that_WPR will_MD continue_VB to_TO clarify_VB new_JJ roles_NNS for_IN all_ABN vitamins- not_NN just_RB those_DTS with_IN antioxidant_NN properties-and_VB the_ATI most_QL appropriate_JJ uses_VBZ for_IN supplementation_NN physicians_NNS , dietitians_NNS , and_CC other_AP health_NN care_NN professionals_NNS need_NN to_TO continually_RB reinforce_VB the_ATI importance_NN of_IN good_JJ nutrition_NN in_IN health_NN promotion_NN and_CC to_TO use_VB nutritional_JJ interventions_NNS appropriately_RB in_IN high-risk_NN patients_NNS 245_CD POTENTIAL_NPT ROLES_NPT FOR_NP ANTIOXIDANTS_NP 246_CD ANTIOXIDANTS_NPT AND_NPT CENTRAL_NPT NERVOUS_NPT SYSTEM_NP INJURY_NP 247_CD the_ATI brain_NN may_MD be_BE particularly_RB vulnerable_JJ to_IN oxidative_JJ stressors_NNS because_CS of_IN its_PP$ limited_JJ capacity_NN for_IN regeneration_NN , high_JJ concentrations_NNS of_IN polyunsaturated_VBN fatty_JJ acids_NNS and_CC iron_NN , and_CC a_AT relative_JJ deficiency_NN in_IN antioxidant_JJ protective_JJ mechanisms_NNS it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN postulated_JJ that_CS some_DTI neurodegenerative_JJ disorders_NNS , such_IN as_IN Parkinson's_NP$ disease_NN , may_MD be_BE slowed_VBN by_IN the_ATI use_NN of_IN antioxidants_NNS however_RB , a_AT multicenter_JJ study_NN of_IN l-deprenyl_NN (_( selegiline_NN hydrochloride_NN , an_AT inhibitor_NN of_IN monoamine_NN oxidase_NN B_ZZ that_CS decreases_VBZ hydrogen_NN peroxidase_NN production_NN during_IN brain_NN monoamine_NN catabolism_NN )_) and_CC vitamin_NN E_ZZ did_DOD not_XNOT find_VB that_CS oral_JJ vitamin_NN E_ZZ at_IN high_JJ doses_NNS (_( 2000_CD IU_d_NP )_) slowed_VBD functional_JJ decline_NN or_CC clinically_RB improved_JJ patients_NNS with_IN Parkinson's_NP$ disease_NN 248_CD however_RB , a_AT familial_JJ variant_NN of_IN amyotrophic_JJ lateral_JJ sclerosis_NN is_BEZ linked_VBN to_IN defective_JJ synthesis_NN of_IN the_ATI endogenous_JJ antioxidant_NN , superoxide_NN dismutase_NN , suggesting_VBG that_CS this_DT chronic_JJ neurodegenerative_JJ disease_NN may_MD be_BE related_VBN to_IN the_ATI production_NN of_IN reactive_JJ oxidant_NN metabolites_NNS in_IN the_ATI brain_NN In_NP addition_NN , high_JJ doses_NNS of_IN vitamin_NN E_ZZ (_( 1600_CD IU_d_NP )_) may_MD be_BE useful_JJ in_IN treating_VBG tardive_JJ dyskinesia_NN 249_CD acute_JJ central_JJ nervous_JJ system_NN injury_NN can_MD be_BE exacerbated_VBN by_IN oxygen_NN radical_JJ formation_NN from_IN arachidonic_JJ acid_NN , catecholamine_NN and_CC hemoglobin_NN oxidation_NN , leaking_JJ mitochondria_NN , and_CC infiltrating_VBG neutrophils_NNS these_DTS free_JJ radicals_NNS , in_IN turn_NN , can_MD initiate_VB peroxidation_NN of_IN neuronal_JJ , glial_JJ , and_CC vascular_NN cell_NN membranes_NNS and_CC myelin_NN , catalyzed_VBN by_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN iron_NN there_EX is_BEZ a_AT strong_JJ correlation_NN between_IN the_ATI ability_NN to_TO inhibit_VB central_JJ nervous_JJ system_NN tissue_NN peroxidation_NN and_CC neurologic_JJ recovery_NN the_ATI steroid_NN methylprednisolone_NN has_HVZ antioxidant_NN efficacy_NN independent_NN of_IN its_PP$ glucocorticoid_NN action_NN and_CC , when_WRB administered_VBN in_IN high_JJ amounts_NNS , has_HVZ improved_JJ recovery_NN after_IN spinal_JJ cord_NN injury_NN novel_NN 21-aminosteroids_CD-CD now_RN being_BEG developed_VBN have_HV antioxidant_NN activity_NN surpassing_JJ methylprednisolone_NN and_CC have_HV been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO be_BE quite_RB effective_JJ in_IN animal_JJ models_NNS of_IN brain_NN and_CC spinal_JJ cord_NN injury_NN 250_CD REPERFUSION_NP INJURY_NP 251_CD postischemic_JJ tissue_NN injury_NN results_NNS from_IN the_ATI additive_JJ effects_NNS of_IN both_ABX the_ATI ischemia_NN and_CC subsequent_JJ reperfusion_NN the_ATI reperfusion_NN that_CS follows_VBZ tissue_NN ischemia_NN (_( eg_NN , heart_NN or_CC bowel_NN infarction_NN or_CC organ_NN transplantation_NN )_) generates_NNS large_JJ quantities_NNS of_IN toxic_JJ oxygen_NN metabolites_NNS , such_IN as_IN superoxide_NN anion_NN (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) , from_IN activated_VBN inflammatory_JJ cells_NNS , xanthine_NN oxidase_NN , heme_NN protein_NN , and_CC disrupted_VBN mitochondria_NN this_DT overwhelms_NNS antioxidant_NN defense_NN mechanisms_NNS , paradoxically_RB producing_VBG further_JJB injury_NN (_( including_IN capillary_JJ permeability_NN and_CC endothelial_JJ cell_NN lysis_NN )_) the_ATI prostaglandin_NN synthesis_NN and_CC the_ATI autoxidation_NN of_IN catecholamines_NNS accompanying_JJ reperfusion_NN may_MD also_RB generate_VB free_JJ radicals_NNS Studies_NP are_BER in_IN progress_NN to_TO examine_VB whether_CS tissue_NN injury_NN can_MD be_BE moderated_VBN by_IN preventing_VBG free_JJ radical_JJ generation_NN , directly_RB scavenging_VBG free_JJ radicals_NNS , or_CC preventing_VBG increased_JJ tissue_NN damage_NN by_IN neutrophils_NNS JIMMUE_NP Gram-positive_JJ Organisms_NNS and_CC Sepsis_NP 2_CD at_IN present_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ widely_RB believed_VBN that_CS sepsis_NN is_BEZ caused_VBN predominantly_RB by_IN gram-negative_JJ organisms_NNS , and_CC endotoxin_NN , a_AT substance_NN produced_VBN by_IN these_DTS organisms_NNS , is_BEZ often_RB posited_VBN to_TO be_BE the_ATI primary_JJ initiator_NN of_IN sepsis_NN three_CD arguments_NNS are_BER generally_RB put_VB forth_RP to_TO support_VB this_DT supposition_NN 3_CD many_AP patients_NNS with_IN sepsis_NN have_HV gram-negative_JJ infections_NNS , and_CC at_RB least_RB some_DTI of_IN those_DTS who_WPR have_HV other_AP types_NNS of_IN underlying_JJ infections_NNS demonstrate_VB the_ATI presence_NN of_IN endotoxin_NN in_IN their_PP$ blood_NN 4_CD endotoxin_NN can_MD initiate_VB the_ATI cascade_NN of_IN inflammatory_JJ mediators_NNS that_DT is_BEZ believed_VBN to_TO underlie_VB sepsis_NN 5_CD administration_NN of_IN antibodies_NNS to_TO endotoxin_VB prevents_VBZ the_ATI onset_NN of_IN sepsis_NN if_CS given_VBN before_CS endotoxin_NN challenge_NN , and_CC the_ATI administration_NN of_IN endotoxin_NN antiserum_NN reduces_VBZ mortality_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN gram-negative_JJ bacteremia_NN also_RB , monoclonal_JJ antibodies_NNS to_TO endotoxin_VB improve_VB survival_NN in_IN some_DTI patients_NNS with_IN gram-negative_JJ sepsis_NN or_CC gram- negative_JJ bacteremia_NN 6_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ now_RN becoming_VBG clear_JJ , however_RB , that_CS undue_JJ emphasis_NN has_HVZ been_BEN placed_VBN on_IN gram-negative_JJ organisms_NNS in_IN the_ATI origin_NN of_IN sepsis_NN a_AT wealth_NN of_IN recent_JJ evidence_NN indicates_VBZ that_CS the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ infections_NNS has_HVZ risen_VBN markedly_RB in_IN the_ATI last_AP decade_NN , and_CC there_EX has_HVZ also_RB been_BEN an_AT increase_NN in_IN the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN in_IN many_AP reports_NNS , gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS are_BER now_RN as_QL common_JJ as_CS , if_CS not_XNOT more_QL common_JJ than_IN , gram-negative_JJ organisms_NNS in_IN causing_VBG sepsis_NN newly_RB developed_VBN definitions_NNS for_IN sepsis_NN and_CC related_JJ disorders_NNS (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) underscore_VB the_ATI fact_NN that_CS gram- negative_JJ bacteria_NNS are_BER only_RB one_CD1 of_IN many_AP possible_JJ causes_NNS of_IN these_DTS diseases_NNS 7_CD there_EX are_BER at_RB least_RB two_CD reasons_NNS for_IN the_ATI undue_JJ emphasis_NN on_IN gram-negative_JJ organisms_NNS the_ATI first_OD is_BEZ epidemiologic_JJ sepsis_NN became_VBD clinically_RB important_JJ in_IN the_ATI 1960s_CDS , after_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN advances_NNS in_IN our_PP$ ability_NN to_TO keep_VB severely_RB ill_JJ or_CC injured_JJ patients_NNS alive_JJ at_IN that_DT time_NN , however_RB , another_DT major_JJ change_NN occurred_VBD : the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN gram-negative_JJ infections_NNS rose_VBD markedly_RB after_IN the_ATI introduction_NN of_IN antibiotics_NNS because_CS the_ATI increasing_JJ incidence_NN of_IN sepsis_NN seemed_VBD to_TO mirror_NN the_ATI increasing_JJ incidence_NN of_IN gram-negative_JJ infection_NN , a_AT causal_JJ relationship_NN between_IN the_ATI two_CD was_BEDZ often_RB suggested-but_JJ it_PP3 is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS the_ATI relationship_NN was_BEDZ essentially_RB coincidental_JJ (_( this_DT issue_NN will_MD be_BE explored_VBN in_IN greater_JJR detail_NN below_IN )_) 8_CD the_ATI second_OD reason_NN for_IN the_ATI emphasis_NN on_IN gram-negative_JJ organisms_NNS is_BEZ experimental_JJ a_AT single_JJ component_NN of_IN the_ATI gram-negative_JJ organism_NN (_( endotoxin_NN )_) is_BEZ believed_VBN to_TO be_BE involved_VBN in_IN inciting_VBG sepsis_NN endotoxin_NN is_BEZ relatively_RB easy_JJ to_TO purify_VB and_CC inject_NN , and_CC , because_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ a_AT single_JJ substance_NN , the_ATI mechanisms_NNS by_IN which_WDTR gram-negative_JJ organisms_NNS cause_NN sepsis_NN can_MD be_BE mapped_VBD fairly_RB simply_RB in_IN contrast_NN , a_AT gram-positive_JJ organism_NN contains_VBZ a_AT number_NN of_IN different_JJ substances_NNS that_DT can_MD initiate_VB sepsis_VB , an_AT issue_NN that_WPR will_MD also_RB be_BE discussed_VBN in_IN more_QL detail_NN below_RI 9_CD if_CS present_JJ trends_NNS continue_VB , gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS may_MD predominate_VB as_IN the_ATI cause_NN of_IN sepsis_NN within_IN the_ATI next_AP few_AP years_NNS thus_RB , it_PP3 seems_VBZ reasonable_JJ to_TO explore_VB the_ATI implications_NNS of_IN the_ATI increase_NN in_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN I_PP1A do_DO not_XNOT mean_VB to_TO suggest_VB that_CS sepsis_NN is_BEZ essentially_RB a_AT gram-positive_JJ disorder_NN , just_RB that_CS it_PP3 should_MD not_XNOT be_BE thought_VBN of_IN as_CS strictly_RB a_AT gram-negative_JJ (_( or_CC endotoxic_JJ )_) problem_NN 10_CD BACKGROUND_NP 11_CD to_TO understand_VB the_ATI rising_JJ incidence_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ helpful_JJ to_TO reexamine_VB certain_JJ infectious_JJ disease_NN patterns_NNS during_IN the_ATI last_AP several_AP decades_NNS at_IN the_ATI outset_NN , however_RB , it_PP3 must_MD be_BE remembered_VBN that_CS the_ATI term_NN sepsis_NN did_DOD not_XNOT exist_VB 30_CD years_NNS ago_RB however_RB , the_ATI clinical_JJ findings_NNS of_IN _** sepsis_NN _** are_BER ancient_JJ , and_CC before_IN the_ATI 1960s_CDS there_EX were_BED undoubtedly_RB patients_NNS who_WPR suffered_VBD from_IN conditions_NNS that_DT would_MD be_BE defined_VBN as_IN sepsis_NN today_NR but_CC there_EX was_BEDZ no_ATI clinically_RB recognized_JJ syndrome_NN , and_CC therefore_RB little_JJ or_CC no_ATI information_NN was_BEDZ gathered_VBN on_IN its_PP$ incidence-or_NN its_PP$ cause_NN Consequently_NP , our_PP$ search_NN must_MD be_BE somewhat_RB indirect_JJ 12_CD as_CS noted_VBN above_IN , the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN gram-negative_JJ infections- particularly_RB nosocomial_JJ gram-negative_JJ bacteremia-increased_JJ markedly_RB in_IN the_ATI l950s_NNS and_CC 1960s_CDS until_IN the_ATI 1940s_CDS , bacteremia_NN was_BEDZ comparatively_RB rare_JJ and_CC most_QL often_RB resulted_VBD from_IN gram-positive_JJ infection_NN beginning_NN in_IN the_ATI 1950s_CDS , however_RB , the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN bacteremia_NN rose_VBD substantially_RB because_CS of_IN a_AT dramatic_JJ upsurge_NN in_IN the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN gram-negative_JJ bacteremia_NN by_IN the_ATI early_JJ 1970s_CD , gram-negative_JJ bacilli_NN were_BED responsible_JJ for_IN most_QL cases_NNS of_IN bacteremia_NN in_IN adults_NNS 13_CD during_IN the_ATI 1970s_CD and_CC 1980s_CD , however_RB , prevalence_NN patterns_NNS for_IN nosocomial_JJ infections_NNS changed_VBN again_RB there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT marked_JJ resurgence_NN in_IN gram-positive_JJ infections_NNS , including_IN gram-positive_JJ bacteremia_NN and_CC gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN this_DT change_NN was_BEDZ first_OD noted_VBN in_IN the_ATI early_JJ 1980s_CD In_NP its_PP$ 1984_CD surveillance_NN survey_NN , the_ATI Centers_NP for_IN Disease_NP Control_NP found_VBD that_CS gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS were_BED responsible_JJ for_IN less_AP than_IN 30%_NP of_IN all_ABN nosocomial_JJ infections_NNS , but_CC that_CS they_PP3AS caused_VBD 37%_CD of_IN all_ABN bloodstream_NN infections_NNS coagulase-negative_JJ staphylococci_NN were_BED the_ATI single_JJ most_QL frequent_JJ cause_NN of_IN bacteremia_NN in_IN a_AT slightly_RB later_RBR survey_NN (_( 1986_CD through_IN 1989_CD )_) , the_ATI Centers_NP for_IN Disease_NP Control_NP found_VBD that_CS gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS were_BED implicated_VBN in_IN at_RB least_RB 55%_NN of_IN all_ABN cases_NNS of_IN nosocomial_JJ bacteremia_NN coagulase-negative_JJ staphylococci_JJ alone_RB accounted_VBN for_IN 27%_NN of_IN these_DTS cases_NNS 14_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO note_VB that_CS the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN gram- negative_JJ nosocomial_JJ bacteremia_NN did_DOD not_XNOT decline_VB during_IN the_ATI 1980s_CD there_EX was_BEDZ , however_RB , a_AT marked_JJ increase_NN in_IN the_ATI overall_JJB number_NN of_IN cases_NNS of_IN nosocomial_JJ bacteremia__JJ much_AP of_IN the_ATI increase_NN was_BEDZ due_JJ to_IN the_ATI rising_JJ incidence_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ bacteremia_NN (_( the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN fungemia_NN , primarily_RB candidemia_NN , also_RB rose_VBD substantially_RB during_IN this_DT period_NN )_) 15_CD at_IN this_DT point_NN , two_CD caveats_NNS should_MD be_BE raised_VBN first_OD , sepsis_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT always_RB a_AT nosocomial_JJ infection_NN , and_CC the_ATI causes_NNS of_IN sepsis_NN are_BER not_XNOT identical_JJ to_IN the_ATI causes_NNS of_IN nosocomial_JJ infection_NN nevertheless_RB , the_ATI link_NN between_IN sepsis_NN and_CC nosocomial_JJ infection_NN is_BEZ sufficiently_RB strong_JJ that_CS a_AT knowledge_NN of_IN prevalence_NN patterns_NNS can_MD often_RB help_VB to_TO pinpoint_VB the_ATI cause_NN of_IN sepsis_NN second_OD , sepsis_NN and_CC bacteremia_NN should_MD not_XNOT be_BE used_VBN as_CS interchangeable_JJ terms_NNS not_XNOT all_ABN patients_NNS with_IN sepsis_NN are_BER bacteremic_JJ , and_CC not_XNOT all_ABN bacteremic_JJ patients_NNS have_HV systemic_JJ consequences_NNS however_RB , most_AP early_JJ studies_NNS of_IN sepsis_NN were_BED performed_VBN in_IN bacteremic_JJ patients__NN in_IN fact_NN , the_ATI terms_NNS gram-negative_JJ bacteremia_NN and_CC gram-negative_JJ sepsis_NN were_BED often_RB used_VBN synonymously_RB thus_RB , there_EX is_BEZ some_DTI merit_NN in_IN mapping_NN the_ATI prevalence_NN patterns_NNS for_IN bacteremia_NN (_( while_CS simultaneously_RB recognizing_VBG the_ATI differences_NNS between_IN sepsis_NN and_CC bacteremia_NN )_) the_ATI new_JJ definitions_NNS presented_VBN in_IN Table_NP 1_CD1 help_VB clarify_VB the_ATI distinction_NN between_IN sepsis_NN and_CC bacteremia_NN 16_CD INCIDENCE_NPT OF_NPT GRAM-POSITIVE_NP SEPSIS_NP 17_CD no_ATI large_JJ studies_NNS of_IN patients_NNS with_IN sepsis_NN have_HV been_BEN conducted_VBN specifically_RB to_TO ascertain_VB causative_JJ organisms_NNS thus_RB , this_DT information_NN must_MD be_BE derived_VBN from_IN other_AP sources_NNS four_CD large_JJ multicenter_NN trials_NNS (_( two_CD corticosteroid_NN studies_NNS and_CC two_CD studies_NNS of_IN monoclonal_JJ antibodies_NNS to_TO endotoxin_NN )_) reported_VBN causative_JJ organisms_NNS in_IN at_RB least_RB some_DTI patients_NNS in_IN the_ATI methyprednisolone_NN study_NN , information_NN about_IN causative_JJ organisms_NNS was_BEDZ given_VBN only_RB for_IN patients_NNS with_IN bacteremia_NN (_( 179_CD of_IN the_ATI 382_CD patients_NNS enrolled_VBN )_) among_IN these_DTS patients_NNS , 115_CD (_( 64%_NN )_) had_HVD gram-negative_JJ infections_NNS , 59_CD (_( 33%_CD )_) had_HVD gram-positive_JJ infections_NNS , and_CC five_CD (_( 3%_CD )_) had_HVD fungal_JJ infections_NNS the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ bacteremia_NN was_BEDZ even_RB higher_JJR in_IN the_ATI Veterans_NNS Affairs_NNS systemic_JJ sepsis_NN study_NN of_IN the_ATI 90_CD cases_NNS of_IN bacteremia_NN documented_VBN in_IN that_DT study_NN (_( among_IN 223_CD patients_NNS enrolled_VBN )_) , 51_CD (_( 56%_NN ) _) were_BED gram-negative_VBN in_IN origin_NN , 36_CD (_( 40%_NP )_) were_BED gram-positive_JJ , and_CC three_CD (_( 3%_CD )_) were_BED fungal_JJ neither_DTX of_IN these_DTS studies_NNS provided_VBN information_NN about_IN the_ATI causes_NNS of_IN nonbacteremic_JJ sepsis__NN however_RB , the_ATI Veterans_NNS Affairs_NNS study_NN did_DOD note_NN that_CS evidence_NN of_IN gram-negative_JJ infection_NN could_MD be_BE documented_VBN in_IN only_RB 83_CD patients_NNS (_( 37%_CD )_) given_VBN that_CS both_ABX of_IN these_DTS studies_NNS were_BED conducted_VBN in_IN the_ATI early_JJ to_IN middle_JJB 1980s_CD , they_PP3AS probably_RB underrepresent_VB the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN for_IN that_DT period_NN 18_CD in_IN trials_NNS of_IN two_CD different_JJ monoclonal_JJ antibodies_NNS against_IN endotoxin_NN , the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ infection_NN was_BEDZ much_RB lower_JJR in_IN the_ATI HA-1A_CD-CD trial_NN (_( 9%_NN )_) and_CC was_BEDZ not_XNOT reported_VBN in_IN the_ATI study_NN of_IN E5_NP both_ABX of_IN these_DTS studies_NNS specifically_RB sought_VBD patients_NNS with_IN gram-negative_JJ sepsis_NN , however_RB Thus_JJ , the_ATI low_JJ incidence_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ infection_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT surprising_JJ 19_CD several_AP smaller_JJR , more_QL recent_JJ studies_NNS may_MD better_JJR reflect_VB the_ATI current_JJ incidence_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN although_CS these_DTS studies_NNS were_BED not_XNOT performed_VBN specifically_RB to_TO elucidate_VB causative_JJ organisms_NNS , they_PP3AS did_DOD include_VB consecutive_JJ series_NN of_IN patients.=20_CD 20_CD table_NN 2_CD outlines_VBZ the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN organisms_NNS in_IN these_DTS studies__NN in_IN all_ABN but_CC one_CD1 , the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN equaled_VBN or_CC exceeded_VBD that_CS of_IN gram- negative_JJ sepsis_NN 21_CD on_IN the_ATI basis_NN of_IN this_DT evidence_NN , it_PP3 seems_VBZ reasonable_JJ to_TO conclude_VB that_CS between_IN one_CD1 third_OD and_CC one_CD1 half_ABN of_IN all_ABN cases_NNS of_IN sepsis_NN are_BER currently_RB caused_VBN by_IN gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS , and_CC that_CS the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN gram- positive_JJ sepsis_NN should_MD continue_VB to_TO rise_VB for_IN at_RB least_RB the_ATI next_AP few_AP years_NNS the_ATI overall_JJB incidence_NN of_IN sepsis_NN is_BEZ unknown_JJ , but_CC it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN estimated_VBN that_CS about_RB 400000_CD cases_NNS occur_VB each_DT year_NN in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP Thus_JJ , at_RB least_RB 133000-and_CD-CD possibly_RB more_AP than_IN 200000- Americans_NNS will_MD suffer_VB from_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN this_DT year_NN 22_CD RISK_NP FACTORS_NP 23_CD a_AT number_NN of_IN factors_NNS are_BER known_VBN to_TO place_VB patients_NNS at_IN risk_NN for_IN sepsis__NN these_DTS include_VB the_ATI aggressive_JJ use_NN of_IN catheters_NNS and_CC other_AP invasive_JJ equipment_NN , the_ATI implantation_NN of_IN prosthetic_JJ devices_NNS , and_CC the_ATI administration_NN of_IN chemotherapy_NN or_CC immunosuppressive_JJ agents_NNS in_IN addition_NN , elderly_JJ persons_NNS , trauma_NN and_CC burn_VB victims_NNS , and_CC patients_NNS with_IN metabolic_JJ , neoplastic_JJ , or_CC immunodeficiency_NN disorders_NNS are_BER at_IN increased_VBN risk_NN none_PN of_IN these_DTS risk_NN factors_NNS is_BEZ specific_JJ for_IN gram- positive_JJ sepsis_NN However_NP , coagulase-negative_JJ staphylococci_NN are_BER the_ATI leading_JJ cause_NN of_IN infections_NNS related_VBN to_IN Hickman_NP catheters_NNS , central_JJ venous_JJ nutrition_NN catheters_NNS , peripheral_JJ intravenous_JJ catheters_NNS , and_CC prosthetic_JJ heart_NN valves_NNS coagulase-negative_JJ staphylococci_NN have_HV also_RB been_BEN linked_VBN to_IN infections_NNS from_IN intravenous_JJ administration_NN of_IN lipid_NN emulsions_NNS 24_CD two_CD recent_JJ studies_NNS reported_VBN a_AT high_JJ incidence_NN of_IN staphylococcal_JJ sepsis_NN in_IN patients_NNS receiving_VBG interleukin_NN 2_CD snydman_NN et_&FW al_APS found_VBN that_CS sepsis_NN developed_VBN in_IN 20_CD of_IN 107_CD patients_NNS with_IN cancer_NN treated_VBN with_IN interleukin_NN 2__NN 13_CD cases_NNS resulted_VBD from_IN Staphylococcus_&FW aureus_&FW infection_NN and_CC five_CD from_IN Staphylococcus_&FW epidermidis_NN infection_NN Lim_NP et_&FW al_APS detected_VBN four_CD episodes_NNS of_IN septicemia_NN in_IN 10_CD patients_NNS with_IN lymphoma_NN given_VBN interleukin_NN 2__NN three_CD episodes_NNS were_BED staphylococcal_JJ in_IN origin_NN 25_CD injecting_VBG drug_NN use_NN may_MD be_BE another_DT risk_NN factor_NN for_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN in_IN the_ATI study_NN by_IN Jafri_NP et_&FW al_APS , nine_CD of_IN 23_CD patients_NNS with_IN sepsis_NN were_BED injecting_VBG drug_NN users__NN all_ABN nine_CD had_HVD gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN the_ATI association_NN between_IN gram-positive_JJ infection_NN and_CC injecting_VBG drug_NN use_NN has_HVZ been_BEN noted_VBN by_IN others_APS crane_NN et_&FW al_APS found_VBN that_CS gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS were_BED implicated_VBN (_( exclusively_RB or_CC in_IN part_NN )_) in_IN 90%_NP of_IN 180_CD cases_NNS of_IN bacteremia_NN in_IN narcotic_JJ addicts_NNS the_ATI most_AP common_JJ pathogens_NNS were_BED methicillin-sensitive_JJ S_ZZ aureus_&FW , methicillin-resistant_NN S_ZZ aureus_&FW , and_CC streptococci_NN 26_CD overall_JJB , however_RB , the_ATI increasing_JJ incidence_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN may_MD result_VB less_AP from_IN an_AT increase_NN in_IN the_ATI number_NN of_IN new_JJ risk_NN factors_NNS for_IN sepsis_NN than_CS from_IN the_ATI increasing_JJ prevalence_NN of_IN known_JJ risk_NN factors_NNS in_IN clinical_JJ practice_NN , coupled_VBN with_IN changes_NNS in_IN gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS themselves_PPLS for_IN example_NN , the_ATI number_NN of_IN strains_NNS of_IN S_ZZ aureus_&FW and_CC coagulase-negative_JJ staphylococci_JJ resistant_JJ to_IN conventional_JJ antibiotics_NNS keeps_VBZ growing_JJ resistance_NN has_HVZ also_RB been_BEN found_VBN in_IN strains_NNS of_IN Streptococcus_JJ pneumoniae_NN and_CC group_NN A_ZZ streptococci_NN 27_CD evidence_NN also_RB suggests_VBZ an_AT increase_NN in_IN virulence_NN in_IN recent_JJ years_NNS , there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT resurgence_NN of_IN acute_JJ rheumatic_JJ fever_NN the_ATI discovery_NN of_IN toxic_JJ shock_NN syndrome_NN and_CC related_VBD streptococcal_JJ disorders_NNS further_JJB supports_VBZ this_DT idea_NN pyrogenic_JJ exotoxin_NN A_ZZ (_( the_ATI scarlet_JJ fever_NN toxin_NN )_) has_HVZ reappeared_VBD 28_CD HOW_NPT GRAM-POSITIVE_NPT ORGANISMS_NPT CAUSE_NP SEPSIS_NP 29_CD sepsis_NN is_BEZ believed_VBN to_TO result_VB from_IN a_AT complex_JJ mechanism_NN involving_VBG activation_NN of_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN cells_NNS , most_QL notably_RB monocytes_VBZ , T_ZZ cells_NNS , neutrophils_NNS , and_CC platelets_NNS cytokines_NNS (_( especially_RB tumor_JJ necrosis_NN factor_NN (_( TNF_NP )_) and_CC various_JJ interleukins_NNS )_) are_BER released_VBN , arachidonic_JJ acid_NN is_BEZ metabolized_VBN , the_ATI complement_NN and_CC coagulation_NN systems_NNS are_BER activated_VBN , and_CC toxic_JJ oxygen_NN species_NN are_BER produced_VBN the_ATI result_NN is_BEZ widespread_JJ endothelial_JJ inflammation_NN and_CC , ultimately_RB , increased_VBD endothelial_JJ permeability_NN (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) 30_CD a_AT number_NN of_IN reports_NNS suggest_VB that_CS gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS can_MD prompt_JJ release_NN of_IN the_ATI inflammatory_JJ mediators_NNS that_CS underlie_NN sepsis_NN and_CC can_MD also_RB reproduce_VB the_ATI clinical_JJ signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS of_IN sepsis_NN how_WRB this_DT occurs_VBZ is_BEZ not_XNOT yet_RB entirely_RB clear_JJ , although_CS a_AT number_NN of_IN recent_JJ discoveries_NNS have_HV greatly_RB increased_VBN our_PP$ understanding_NN of_IN this_DT area_NN both_ABX constituents_NNS of_IN the_ATI gram-positive_JJ cell_NN wall_NN and_CC toxins_NNS released_VBN by_IN these_DTS organisms_NNS may_MD be_BE involved_VBN furthermore_RB , toxins_NNS and_CC cell_NN wall_NN components_NNS may_MD not_XNOT always_RB act_NN independently__NN evidence_NN suggests_VBZ that_CS toxins_NNS may_MD accelerate_VB the_ATI effects_NNS of_IN cell_NN wall_NN products_NNS 31_CD so_QL many_AP new_JJ discoveries_NNS are_BER being_BEG made_VBN about_IN the_ATI effects_NNS of_IN gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS that_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ beyond_IN the_ATI scope_NN of_IN this_DT article_NN to_TO review_NN them_PP3OS all_ABN however_RB , I_PP1A will_MD attempt_VB to_IN present_JJ enough_QLP data_NNS to_TO show_VB that_CS gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS are_BER as_CS capable_JJ of_IN inciting_VBG sepsis_NN as-and_NN perhaps_RB even_RB more_QL powerful_JJ than-gram-negative_JJ organisms_NNS I_PP1A will_MD concentrate_VB my_PP$ discussion_NN on_IN the_ATI organisms_NNS responsible_JJ for_IN most_QL cases_NNS of_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN : S_ZZ aureus_&FW , coagulase-negative_JJ staphylococci_NN , pneumococci_NN , and_CC streptococci_NN for_IN a_AT more_AP complete_JJ discussion_NN of_IN how_WRB gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS cause_NN sepsis_NN , see_VB Bone_NP 32_CD effects_NNS of_IN Cell_NPT Wall_NP Components_NP 33_CD one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI chief_JJB difficulties_NNS in_IN elucidating_VBG how_WRB gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS cause_NN sepsis_NN is_BEZ that_CS there_EX are_BER considerable_JJ differences_NNS in_IN cell_NN wall_NN composition_NN among_IN various_JJ gram-positive_JJ species_NN (_( Figure_NP 2_CD )_) Specific_NP components_NNS of_IN the_ATI cell_NN wall_NN may_MD be_BE structurally_RB different_JJ from_IN species_NN to_TO species_NN , or_CC even_RB within_IN the_ATI same_AP species_NN also_RB , the_ATI composition_NN of_IN these_DTS components_NNS may_MD change_VB during_IN maturation_NN of_IN the_ATI organism_NN nevertheless_RB , a_AT number_NN of_IN different_JJ cell_NN wall_NN constituents_NNS from_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS have_HV been_BEN shown_VBN to_IN prompt_JJ the_ATI release_NN of_IN inflammatory_JJ mediators_NNS 34_CD humoral_JJ Effects_NNS both_ABX peptidoglycans_NNS and_CC teichoic_JJ acids_NNS can_MD activate_VB the_ATI alternate_JJ complement_NN pathway_NN pneumococcal_JJ cell_NN wall_NN components_NNS have_HV been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO interact_VB with_IN arachidonic_JJ acid_NN metabolism_NN , although_CS how_WRB this_DT occurs_VBZ is_BEZ not_XNOT yet_RB understood_VBN it_PP3 may_MD be_BE related_VBN to_TO complement_VB activation_NN , to_TO cytokine_VB production_NN , or_CC to_IN an_AT as_CS yet_RB unidentified_JJ mechanism_NN 35_CD staphylococcal_JJ peptidoglycan_NN induces_VBZ platelet_NN aggregation_NN when_WRB in_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN protein_NN A_ZZ pneumococcal_JJ lipoteichoic_JJ acid_NN is_BEZ structurally_RB similar_JJ to_TO platelet_VB activating_VBG factor_NN __*- it_PP3 is_BEZ unclear_JJ , however_RB , whether_CS the_ATI two_CD behave_VB similarly_RB 36_CD peptidoglycan_NN precursors_NNS from_IN penicillin-treated_JJ Streptococcus_JJ faecalis_NN and_CC staphylococcal_JJ lipoteichoic_JJ acids_NNS can_MD stimulate_VB interleukin_VB 1_CD1 release_NN from_IN human_JJ monocytes_NNS other_AP studies_NNS have_HV also_RB demonstrated_VBN that_CS human_JJ monocytes_NNS can_MD produce_VB interleukin_VB 1_CD1 in_IN response_NN to_TO stimulation_NN with_IN cell_NN wall_NN components_NNS from_IN a_AT wide_JJ variety_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS these_DTS studies_NNS , however_RB , produce_VB conflicting_JJ evidence_NN as_CS to_TO whether_CS lipoteichoic_JJ acids_NNS and_CC other_AP cell_NN wall_NN products_NNS can_MD elicit_VB TNF_NP production_NN in_IN human_JJ monocytes_NNS 37_CD several_AP explanations_NNS can_MD be_BE given_VBN for_IN these_DTS discordant_NN results_NNS __*- these_DTS explanations_NNS are_BER not_XNOT mutually_RB exclusive_JJ 38_CD it_PP3 may_MD be_BE possible_JJ that_CS gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS do_DO not_XNOT act_VB identically_RB in_IN producing_VBG inflammation_NN or_CC inciting_VBG sepsis_NN the_ATI highly_RB variable_JJ nature_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ cell_NN walls_NNS supports_VBZ this_DT argument_NN 39_CD the_ATI highly_RB evanescent_JJ nature_NN of_IN TNF_NP makes_VBZ it_PP3 difficult_JJ to_TO study_VB 40_CD experiments_NNS with_IN cell_NN wall_NN products_NNS may_MD simply_RB not_XNOT reflect_VB the_ATI clinical_JJ situation_NN adequately_RB in_IN patients_NNS with_IN sepsis_NN , a_AT number_NN of_IN other_AP nearby_JJB bacterial_JJ products_NNS or_CC inflammatory_JJ mediators_NNS might_MD well_RB alter_VB the_ATI effects_NNS of_IN cell_NN wall_NN components_NNS 41_CD clinical_JJ Effects_NNS clinical_JJ reactions_NNS after_IN administration_NN of_IN cell_NN wall_NN products_NNS have_HV also_RB been_BEN studied_VBN intratracheal_JJ instillation_NN of_IN either_DTX peptidoglycan_NN or_CC teichoic_JJ acids_NNS from_IN pneumococcal_JJ cell_NN walls_NNS produces_VBZ leukocytosis_NN and_CC elevated_VBD protein_NN concentrations_NNS in_IN rabbit_NN bronchoalveolar_NN lavage_NN fluid__VB the_ATI two_CD agents_NNS together_RB produce_VB a_AT greater_JJR inflammatory_JJ effect_NN than_IN does_DOZ either_DTX independently_RB 42_CD in_IN guinea_NN pigs_NNS , staphylococcal_JJ peptidoglycan_NN has_HVZ been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO induce_VB disseminated_VBN intravascular_NN coagulation_NN platelet_NN counts_VBZ and_CC fibrinogen_NN concentrations_NNS are_BER decreased__NN prothrombin_NN times_NNS , activated_VBD partial_JJ thromboplastin_NN times_NNS , and_CC fibrin_NN degradation_NN product_NN levels_NNS are_BER increased_VBN in_IN the_ATI same_AP animal_NN model_NN , staphylococcal_JJ peptidoglycan_NN causes_NNS leukopenia_NN and_CC thrombocytopenia_NN 43_CD effects_NNS of_IN Toxins_NNS 44_CD enterotoxins_NNS and_CC exotoxins_NNS released_VBN by_IN gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS may_MD also_RB be_BE involved_VBN in_IN the_ATI pathogenesis_NN of_IN sepsis_NN these_DTS toxins_NNS may_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO initiate_VB the_ATI inflammatory_JJ cascade_NN through_IN their_PP$ direct_JJ effects_NNS on_IN macrophages_NNS and_CC other_AP cells_NNS , as_QL well_RB as_IN through_IN their_PP$ ability_NN to_TO act_VB as_CS _** superantigens_NNS , _** substances_NNS that_CS profoundly_RB affect_VB T-cell_NP function_NN , thereby_RB interfering_VBG with_IN the_ATI body's_NN$ immune_JJ response_NN 45_CD humoral_JJ Effects_NNS toxic_JJ shock_NN syndrome_NN toxin_NN 1_CD1 (_( TSST-1_CD-CD )_) has_HVZ been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO be_BE more_QL potent_JJ than_IN endotoxin_NN in_IN prompting_NN human_JJ monocytes_NNS to_TO release_NN interleukin_NN 1_CD1 the_ATI TSST-1_CD-CD can_MD also_RB stimulate_VB TNF_NP release_NN from_IN human_JJ monocytes_NNS in_IN addition_NN , human_JJ monocytes_NNS have_HV been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO secrete_NN interleukin_NN 1_CD1 after_IN stimulation_NN with_IN S_ZZ aureus_&FW alpha-toxin_NN and_CC to_TO produce_VB TNF_NP after_IN exposure_NN to_IN staphylococcal_JJ enterotoxins_NNS B_ZZ or_CC C1_CD , or_CC streptococcal_JJ pyrogenic_JJ exotoxin_NN A_ZZ 46_CD a_AT number_NN of_IN toxins_NNS have_HV also_RB been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO metabolize_VB arachidonic_JJ acid_NN via_IN either_DTX the_ATI lipoxygenase_NN or_CC cyclo-oxygenase_NN pathways_NNS Streptolysin_NP O_ZZ has_HVZ also_RB been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO activate_VB the_ATI classic_JJ complement_NN pathway_NN staphylococcal_JJ alpha-toxin_NN is_BEZ known_VBN to_TO alter_VB platelet_NN function_NN after_IN exposure_NN to_IN this_DT toxin_NN , platelets_NNS copiously_RB secrete_JJ granule_NN constituents_NNS , such_IN as_IN factor_NN V_ZZ and_CC platelet_NN factor_NN 4_CD in_IN turn_NN , these_DTS cause_NN prothrombinase_JJ complex_JJ generation_NN and_CC thrombin_NN generation__NN disseminated_VBN intravascular_NN coagulation_NN may_MD ensue_VB 47_CD staphylococcal_JJ enterotoxins_NNS , TSST-1_CD-CD , and_CC streptococcal_JJ exotoxins_NNS form_VB the_ATI group_NN known_VBN as_CS superantigens_NNS and_CC are_BER among_IN the_ATI most_QL potent_JJ stimulators_NNS of_IN T_ZZ cells_NNS known_VBN superantigens_NNS bind_VB directly_RB to_TO class_VB II_NP major_JJ histocompatibility_NN molecules_NNS to_TO form_VB a_AT complex_JJ that_CS , in_IN turn_NN , attaches_VBZ to_IN an_AT unusual_JJ V_ZZ beta_NN region_NN on_IN a_AT T_ZZ cell's_NN$ antigen_NN receptor_NN Superantigens_NP have_HV two_CD somewhat_RB contradictory_JJ effects_NNS : they_PP3AS exert_VB an_AT extremely_RB powerful_JJ proliferative_JJ effect_NN on_IN T_ZZ cells_NNS , but_CC they_PP3AS can_MD produce_VB a_AT profound_JJ state_NN of_IN T-cell_NP unresponsiveness_JJ or_CC even_RB T-cell_NP death_NN as_IN a_AT consequence_NN , the_ATI body_NN may_MD have_HV first_OD too_QL many_AP , and_CC then_RN too_QL few_AP , T_ZZ cells_NNS to_TO fight_VB infection_NN (_( it_PP3 should_MD be_BE noted_VBN that_CS TSST-1_CD-CD , staphylococcal_JJ enterotoxins_NNS , and_CC streptococcal_JJ exotoxins_NNS are_BER not_XNOT the_ATI only_AP superantigens__NN others_APS include_VB an_AT exoprotein_NN of_IN Mycoplasma_NP arthritidis_NN , a_AT Clostridium_NP perfringens_NNS enterotoxin_NN , an_AT antigen_NN from_IN Yersinia_NP enterocolitica_NN , and_CC a_AT nucleocapsid_NN of_IN the_ATI rabies_NNS virus_NN superantigens_NNS may_MD also_RB be_BE encoded_VBN in_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN retroviruses_NNS , possibly_RB including_IN the_ATI acquired_JJ immunodeficiency_NN virus_NN for_IN more_AP information_NN about_IN superantigens_NNS , see_VB Johnson_NP et_&FW al_APS and_CC Fleischer_NP )_) 48_CD another_DT mechanism_NN by_IN which_WDTR gram-positive_JJ toxins_NNS cause_NN sepsis_NN may_MD be_BE through_IN an_AT increase_NN in_IN membrane_NN permeability_NN many_AP of_IN these_DTS toxins_NNS produce_VB pores_NNS that_WPR permit_VB rapid_JJ transmembrane_JJ flux_NN of_IN ions_NNS and_CC small_JJ molecules_NNS , especially_RB calcium_NN ionic_JJ disequilibrium_NN may_MD also_RB cause_VB functional_JJ derangements_NNS within_IN endothelial_JJ contractile_NN microfilaments_NNS , thereby_RB creating_VBG intercellular_NN gaps_NNS within_IN the_ATI endothelium_NN exposure_NN of_IN the_ATI endothelium_NN to_IN low_JJ doses_NNS of_IN staphylococcal_JJ alpha-toxin_NN produce_NN such_ABL gaps_NNS , permitting_VBG free_JJ passage_NN of_IN molecules_NNS 49_CD clinical_JJ Effects_NNS it_PP3 is_BEZ well_RB known_VBN that_CS TSST-1_CD-CD and_CC the_ATI scarlet_JJ fever_NN toxins_NNS of_IN Streptococcus_JJ pyogenes_NNS can_MD cause_VB fever_NN and_CC shock_NN it_PP3 may_MD be_BE less_QL well_RB known_VBN that_CS staphylococcal_JJ enterotoxins_NNS are_BER also_RB extremely_RB pyrogenic__NN enterotoxin_NN A_ZZ is_BEZ markedly_RB more_QL potent_JJ than_IN TSST-1_CD-CD in_IN producing_VBG fever_NN , cachexia_NN , multiple_JJ organ_NN system_NN dysfunction_NN , and_CC death_NN enterotoxin_NN B_ZZ can_MD also_RB cause_VB fever_NN , shock_NN , and_CC death_NN 50_CD the_ATI TSST-1_CD-CD can_MD also_RB directly_RB inhibit_VB myocardial_JJ function_NN __*- 51_CD a_AT similar_JJ effect_NN on_IN myocardial_JJ function_NN can_MD be_BE caused_VBN by_IN purified_VBN alpha-toxin_NN from_IN C_ZZ perfringens_NNS injection_NN of_IN staphylococcal_JJ alpha-toxin_NN to_IN rabbit_NN lungs_NNS results_NNS in_IN a_AT dose-dependent_NN increase_NN in_IN pulmonary_NN artery_NN pressure_NN , and_CC also_RB pulmonary_JJ edema_NN and_CC elevated_VBD ventilation_NN pressure_NN 52_CD INFLAMMATORY_NPT MEDIATORS_NPT IN_NPT PATIENTS_NPT WITH_NPT GRAM-POSITIVE_NP SEPSIS_NP 53_CD information_NN on_IN the_ATI serum_NN levels_NNS of_IN inflammatory_JJ mediators_NNS in_IN patients_NNS with_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN is_BEZ limited_JJ most_AP studies_NNS of_IN inflammatory_JJ mediators_NNS in_IN sepsis_NN do_DO not_XNOT report_VB causative_JJ organisms_NNS or_CC do_DO not_XNOT report_VB levels_NNS separately_RB for_IN gram-positive_JJ and_CC gram-negative_JJ infections_NNS at_RB least_RB three_CD studies_NNS , however_RB , have_HV reported_VBN this_DT information_NN 54_CD in_IN a_AT study_NN by_IN Debets_NP et_&FW al_APS , detectable_JJ TNF_NP levels_NNS were_BED present_NN in_IN 11_CD of_IN 43_CD patients_NNS with_IN sepsis_NN the_ATI TNF_NP was_BEDZ present_NN in_IN four_CD of_IN 13_CD patients_NNS with_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN and_CC four_CD of_IN 19_CD patients_NNS with_IN gram-negative_JJ infections_NNS mean_VB TNF_NP levels_NNS were_BED markedly_RB higher_JJR in_IN the_ATI patients_NNS with_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN than_CS in_IN those_DTS with_IN gram-negative_JJ infection_NN (_( 54_CD vs_IN 25_CD pg_mL_NN , respectively_RB )_) 55_CD marks_NNS et_&FW al_APS found_VBN only_RB a_AT slight_JJ difference_NN in_IN mean_NN peak_NN TNF_NP levels_NNS between_IN patients_NNS with_IN gram- positive_JJ and_CC gram-negative_JJ sepsis_NN in_IN this_DT study_NN , measurable_JJ TNF_NP levels_NNS were_BED found_VBN in_IN 12_CD of_IN 32_CD patients_NNS with_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN (_( mean_VB peak_NN value_NN , 196_CD pg_mL_NN )_) and_CC in_IN nine_CD of_IN 25_CD patients_NNS with_IN gram-negative_JJ infection_NN (_( mean_VB peak_NN value_NN , 167_CD pg_mL_NN )_) 56_CD in_IN the_ATI study_NN by_IN Guidet_NP et_&FW al_APS , all_ABN 11_CD patients_NNS with_IN gram-negative_JJ sepsis_NN , and_CC seven_CD of_IN nine_CD patients_NNS with_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN , had_HVD measurable_JJ TNF_NP levels_NNS patients_NNS with_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN had_HVD lower_JJR mean_VB initial_JJ TNF_NP levels_NNS than_IN did_DOD those_DTS with_IN gram-negative_JJ infections_NNS (_( 196_CD vs_IN 455_NN pg_mL_NN , respectively_RB )_) 57_CD my_PP$ colleagues_NNS and_CC I_PP1A have_HV found_VBN measurable_JJ levels_NNS of_IN TNF_NP , interleukin_NN 1_CD1 , and_CC interleukin_NN 6_CD in_IN patients_NNS with_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN elevated_VBD levels_NNS of_IN these_DTS cytokines_NNS have_HV also_RB been_BEN detected_VBN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN gram-positive_JJ meningitis_NN __*- increased_JJ interleukin_NN 6_CD levels_NNS are_BER also_RB demonstrable_JJ in_IN patients_NNS with_IN gram-positive_JJ septic_JJ arthritis_NN 58_CD CONCLUSIONS_NP 59_CD if_CS gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS are_BER capable_JJ of_IN causing_VBG sepsis_NN , three_CD questions_NNS must_MD be_BE addressed_VBN : what_WDT role_NN , if_CS any_DTI , does_DOZ endotoxin_NN have_HV in_IN the_ATI pathogenesis_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ sepsis_NN ? does_DOZ the_ATI underlying_JJ organism_NN alter_VB the_ATI outcome_NN in_IN sepsis_NN ? what_WDT implications_NNS do_DO these_DTS findings_NNS have_HV for_IN the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN sepsis_NN ? 60_CD role_NN of_IN Endotoxin_NP 61_CD a_AT study_NN by_IN Natanson_NP et_&FW al_APS provides_VBZ confirmation_NN that_CS endotoxin_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT required_VBN for_IN the_ATI onset_NN of_IN sepsis_NN these_DTS authors_NNS injected_VBD endotoxin_NN into_IN dogs_NNS and_CC found_VBN that_CS it_PP3 reproduced_VBN the_ATI cardiovascular_NN changes_NNS characteristic_NN of_IN septic_JJ shock_NN however_RB , injection_NN of_IN S_ZZ aureus_&FW into_IN other_AP dogs_NNS reproduced_VBN these_DTS changes_NNS natanson_NN et_&FW al_APS thus_RB concluded_VBD that_CS endotoxin_NN is_BEZ sufficient_JJ , but_CC not_XNOT necessary_JJ , to_TO produce_VB sepsis_NN 62_CD perhaps_RB the_ATI strongest_JJT argument_NN for_IN endotoxin_NN as_IN the_ATI primary_JJ initiator_NN of_IN sepsis_NN comes_VBZ from_IN the_ATI discovery_NN that_CS a_AT large_JJ proportion_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN non-gram-negative_JJ sepsis_NN have_HV endotoxemia_NN this_DT finding_VBG is_BEZ actually_RB not_XNOT surprising__VB bacterial_JJ translocation_NN may_MD allow_VB endotoxin_VB to_IN leak_NN across_IN the_ATI gut_NN , and_CC the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN polymicrobial_JJ infections_NNS may_MD be_BE higher_JJR than_IN realized_VBN nevertheless_RB , I_PP1A would_MD argue_VB that_CS in_IN this_DT setting_VBG , the_ATI primary_JJ problem_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT endotoxemia_VB 63_CD what_WDT impact_NN endotoxemia_NN has_HVZ on_IN the_ATI course_NN of_IN gram- positive_JJ sepsis_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT known_VBN there_EX is_BEZ evidence_NN that_CS the_ATI presence_NN of_IN endotoxin_NN in_IN the_ATI bloodstream_NN may_MD exacerbate_VB the_ATI effects_NNS of_IN gram- positive_JJ bacteria_NNS __*- it_PP3 is_BEZ equally_RB possible_JJ that_CS the_ATI presence_NN of_IN gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS worsens_NNS the_ATI impact_NN of_IN endotoxin_NN however_RB , given_VBN the_ATI considerable_JJ evidence_NN that_CS gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS can_MD cause_VB sepsis_VB by_IN themselves_PPLS , there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI reason_NN to_TO assume_VB that_CS the_ATI presence_NN of_IN endotoxin_NN is_BEZ required_VBN in_IN other_AP words_NNS , endotoxin_NN is_BEZ an_AT initiator_NN , but_CC not_XNOT the_ATI initiator_JJ , of_IN sepsis_NN 64_CD effect_NN of_IN the_ATI Underlying_NP Organism_NP 65_CD there_EX has_HVZ never_RB been_BEN consensus_NN on_IN whether_CS the_ATI underlying_JJ organism_NN alters_VBZ outcome_NN in_IN sepsis_NN wiles_NNS et_&FW al_APS found_VBN that_CS the_ATI hyperdynamic_JJ cardiovascular_NN response_NN was_BEDZ similar_JJ , regardless_RB of_IN whether_CS patients_NNS had_HVD gram-positive_JJ , gram-negative_JJ , or_CC fungal_JJ sepsis_NN however_RB , it_PP3 has_HVZ often_RB been_BEN said_VBD that_CS shock_NN is_BEZ more_QL common_JJ and_CC the_ATI mortality_NN higher_JJR in_IN patients_NNS with_IN gram-negative_JJ sepsis_NN in_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN a_AT large_JJ study_NN directly_RB comparing_VBG outcome_NN in_IN different_JJ types_NNS of_IN sepsis_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ difficult_JJ to_TO confirm_VB or_CC refute_VB this_DT assumption_NN however_RB , several_AP recent_JJ reports_NNS demonstrate_VB that_CS patients_NNS with_IN gram-positive_JJ and_CC gram-negative_JJ sepsis_NN have_HV comparable_JJ disease_NN severity_NN scores_NNS and_CC similar_JJ mortality_NN other_AP studies_NNS show_VB that_CS patients_NNS with_IN septic_JJ shock_NN are_BER as_CS likely_JJ to_TO have_HV gram-positive_JJ as_IN gram-negative_JJ infection_NN 66_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ unlikely_JJ that_CS gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS , as_IN a_AT group_NN , are_BER any_DTI more_QL or_CC less_QL likely_JJ to_TO produce_VB an_AT adverse_JJ outcome_NN than_IN are_BER gram-negative_JJ organisms_NNS individual_JJ strains_NNS , however_RB , may_MD be_BE especially_RB virulent_JJ or_CC have_HV other_AP factors_NNS that_WPR make_VB them_PP3OS particularly_RB deadly__JJ this_DT may_MD help_VB explain_VB the_ATI resurgence_NN of_IN gram- positive_JJ sepsis_NN for_IN example_NN , a_AT recent_JJ report_NN documents_NNS a_AT new_JJ , highly_RB virulent_JJ clone_NN of_IN Spyogenes_NP that_DT is_BEZ characterized_VBN by_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN an_AT invasive_JJ 67_CD restriction-fragment_NN profile_NN and_CC the_ATI presence_NN of_IN the_ATI speA_NN gene_NN (_( the_ATI gene_NN for_IN the_ATI scarlet_JJ fever_NN toxin_NN ) _) this_DT clone_NN was_BEDZ present_NN in_IN 17_CD of_IN 19_CD patients_NNS with_IN S_ZZ pyogenes-caused_JJ sepsis_NN , but_CC in_IN only_RB 20_CD of_IN the_ATI 48_CD patients_NNS with_IN less_QL severe_JJ forms_NNS of_IN S_ZZ pyogenes_NNS infection_NN 68_CD implications_NNS for_IN Treatment_NP 69_CD until_CS recently_RB , the_ATI only_AP available_JJ treatments_NNS for_IN sepsis_NN were_BED directed_VBN at_IN the_ATI underlying_JJ infection_NN or_CC were_BED purely_RB supportive_JJ soon_RB , however_RB , a_AT variety_NN of_IN new_JJ treatments_NNS may_MD become_VB available_JJ to_TO make_VB best_JJT use_NN of_IN these_DTS new_JJ agents_NNS (_( as_QL well_RB as_CS current_JJ therapies_NNS )_) , we_PP1AS must_MD recognize_VB three_CD things_NNS : first_OD , in_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN culture_NN results_NNS , there_EX is_BEZ currently_RB no_ATI way_NN to_TO ascertain_VB rapidly_RB the_ATI cause_NN of_IN sepsis_NN second_OD , the_ATI predominant_JJ causes_NNS of_IN sepsis_NN probably_RB change_NN over_IN time_NN and_CC may_MD vary_VB from_IN institution_NN to_IN institution_NN third_OD , there_EX is_BEZ usually_RB no_ATI reason_NN to_TO assume_VB that_CS the_ATI cause_NN of_IN sepsis_NN is_BEZ a_AT gram-negative_JJ organism_NN 70_CD these_DTS three_CD points_NNS are_BER not_XNOT as_QL obvious_JJ as_CS they_PP3AS may_MD appear_VB in_IN the_ATI studies_NNS of_IN E5_NP and_CC HA-1A_CD-CD , almost_RB one_CD1 third_OD of_IN patients_NNS did_DOD not_XNOT have_HV gram-negative_JJ sepsis_NN , despite_IN the_ATI fact_NN that_CS these_DTS studies_NNS sought_VBD to_TO include_VB only_RB patients_NNS with_IN gram-negative_JJ infection_NN this_DT is_BEZ one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI major_JJ factors_NNS limiting_JJ the_ATI use_NN of_IN these_DTS agents_NNS although_CS both_ABX ES_NP and_CC HA-1A_CD-CD were_BED effective_JJ in_IN lowering_VBG mortality_NN in_IN specific_JJ subgroups_NNS of_IN patients_NNS , there_EX is_BEZ currently_RB no_ATI reliable_JJ way_NN to_TO identify_VB those_DTS subgroups_NNS in_IN advance_NN 71_CD what_WDT may_MD prove_VB more_QL effective_JJ are_BER agents_NNS directed_VBN against_IN the_ATI cascade_NN of_IN endogenous_JJ inflammatory_JJ mediators_NNS , since_IN this_DT cascade_NN is_BEZ common_JJ to_IN all_ABN forms_NNS of_IN sepsis_NN among_IN the_ATI most_AP promising_JJ are_BER receptor_NN antagonists_NNS to_TO interleukin_VB 1_CD1 and_CC monoclonal_JJ antibodies_NNS to_IN TNF_NP a_AT recombinant_NN receptor_NN antagonist_NN to_TO interleukin_VB 1_CD1 has_HVZ been_BEN found_VBN to_TO improve_VB survival_NN in_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN animal_JJ models_NNS of_IN sepsis_NN astudy_RB of_IN this_DT agent_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN sepsis_NN has_HVZ begun_VBN 72_CD in_IN a_AT phase_NN 1_CD1 study_NN , Exley_NP et_&FW al_APS administered_VBN murine_NN IgG_NP monoclonal_JJ antibodies_NNS raised_VBN against_IN recombinant_JJ human_JJ TNF_NP to_IN 14_CD patients_NNS with_IN severe_JJ septic_JJ shock_NN (_( causes_NNS of_IN sepsis_NN were_BED not_XNOT reported_VBN )_) mean_VB arterial_JJ pressure_NN increased_VBN markedly_RB after_IN the_ATI infusion_NN , and_CC there_EX were_BED no_ATI adverse_JJ reactions_NNS a_AT controlled_JJ trial_NN of_IN anti-TNF_NN antibodies_NNS is_BEZ now_RN under_IN way_NN 73_CD other_AP agents_NNS that_DT may_MD dampen_VB the_ATI inflammatory_JJ cascade_NN include_VB pentoxifylline_NN , a_AT substance_NN that_CS inhibits_VBZ neutrophil_NN behavior_NN and_CC decreases_VBZ the_ATI tendency_NN of_IN the_ATI blood_NN to_TO clot__VB cyclo-oxygenase_NN or_CC thromboxane_NN synthetase_NN inhibitors__NN and_CC monoclonal_JJ antibodies_NNS to_TO adhesion_NN molecules_NNS in_IN animal_NN models_NNS , each_DT of_IN these_DTS agents_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO counteract_VB successfully_RB the_ATI effects_NNS produced_VBN by_IN various_JJ gram-positive_JJ organisms_NNS 74_CD what_WDT is_BEZ important_JJ about_IN each_DT of_IN these_DTS agents_NNS is_BEZ not_XNOT just_RB that_CS it_PP3 worked_VBN in_IN models_NNS of_IN gram- positive_JJ sepsis_NN , but_CC that_CS it_PP3 also_RB was_BEDZ effective_JJ in_IN models_NNS of_IN gram-negative_JJ sepsis_NN if_CS results_NNS in_IN animal_NN studies_NNS are_BER confirmed_VBN in_IN clinical_JJ trials_NNS , we_PP1AS will_MD have_HV found_VBN a_AT means_NNS to_TO combat_VB sepsis_JJ regardless_RB of_IN the_ATI underlying_JJ cause_NN 75_CD as_CS these_DTS new_JJ agents_NNS are_BER introduced_VBN , however_RB , we_PP1AS should_MD not_XNOT overlook_VB the_ATI importance_NN of_IN appropriate_JJ antibiotic_JJ therapy_NN and_CC drainage_NN of_IN purulent_NN material- the_NN first_OD lines_NNS of_IN treatment_NN for_IN sepsis_NN if_CS we_PP1AS continue_VB to_TO assume_VB that_CS sepsis_NN is_BEZ predominantly_RB a_AT gram-negative_JJ problem_NN , we_PP1AS risk_VB selecting_VBG the_ATI wrong_JJ empiric_JJ antibiotics_NNS the_ATI best_JJT approach_NN may_MD be_BE to_TO combine_VB information_NN from_IN the_ATI patient_NN history_NN , knowledge_NN of_IN the_ATI prevalence_NN patterns_NNS for_IN nosocomial_JJ infection_NN at_IN our_PP$ own_AP institutions_NNS , and_CC recognition_NN that_CS sepsis_NN may_MD result_VB from_IN any_DTI of_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN organisms_NNS 76_CD ultimately_RB , a_AT combination_NN of_IN agents_NNS will_MD probably_RB be_BE required_VBN to_TO combat_NN sepsis_NN effectively_RB we_PP1AS are_BER fortunate_JJ that_CS enough_QLP agents_NNS are_BER under_IN active_JJ investigation_NN that_CS several_AP should_MD withstand_VB the_ATI test_NN of_IN controlled_VBN clinical_JJ trials_NNS , even_CS if_CS the_ATI results_NNS of_IN recent_JJ trials_NNS have_HV been_BEN disappointing_JJ in_IN the_ATI not_XNOT too_QL distant_JJ future_NN , we_PP1AS may_MD finally_RB be_BE able_JJ to_TO improve_VB outcome_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN sepsis_JJ resulting_JJ from_IN gram-positive_JJ as_QL well_RB as_CS gram-negative_JJ bacteria_NNS 77_CD agranulocytosis_NN 78_CD a_AT 60-year-old_JJB man_NN with_IN moderately_RB severe_JJ congestive_JJ heart_NN failure_NN secondary_JJ to_TO cardiomyopathy_VB was_BEDZ treated_VBN with_IN an_AT experimental_JJ inotropic_JJ drug_NN , vesnarinone_NN (_( Otsuka_NP America_NP , Rockville_NP , Md_NP )_) , known_VBN to_TO be_BE associated_VBN with_IN agranulocytosis_NN blood_NN cell_NN counts_VBZ were_BED monitored_VBN weekly_JJ ten_CD weeks_NNS after_IN beginning_NN treatment_NN , the_ATI total_JJ white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN count_VB , previously_RB normal_JJ , was_BEDZ 2.6x10_CD sup_VB 9_L_NN with_IN an_AT absolute_JJ neutrophil_NN count_NN of_IN 1.282x10_CD sup_VB 9_L_NN the_ATI patient_NN was_BEDZ not_XNOT symptomatic_JJ the_ATI experimental_JJ drug_NN was_BEDZ discontinued_VBN two_CD days_NNS later_RBR the_ATI absolute_JJ neutrophil_NN count_NN was_BEDZ 0.396x10_CD sup_VB 9_L_NN the_ATI patient_NN was_BEDZ hospitalized_VBN for_IN observation_NN a_AT bone_NN marrow_NN aspirate_NN showed_VBD absence_NN of_IN mature_JJ granulocytes_NNS and_CC myeloid_NN precursor_NN cells_NNS the_ATI patient_NN was_BEDZ treated_VBN with_IN oral_JJ cephalexin_NN fever_NN occurred_VBD to_IN a_AT temperature_NN of_IN 38.6_CD degrees_NNS C_ZZ (_( 101.4_CD degrees_NNS F_ZZ )_) , leading_JJ to_IN withdrawal_NN of_IN an_AT intravenous_JJ catheter_NN Over_NP a_AT week_NN both_ABX total_JJ white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN and_CC neutrophil_NN numbers_NNS returned_VBD to_IN normal_JJ 79_CD a_AT 75-year-old_JJB woman_NN with_IN severe_JJ congestive_JJ heart_NN failure_NN due_JJ to_TO ischemic_JJ cardiomyopathy_NN received_VBN the_ATI same_AP cardiotonic_JJ drug_NN nine_CD weeks_NNS after_IN therapy_NN she_PP3A presented_VBD to_IN a_AT hospital_NN with_IN fever_NN to_IN 40_CD degrees_NNS C_ZZ (_( 104_CD degrees_NNS F_ZZ )_) the_ATI total_JJ white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN count_NN was_BEDZ 0.8x10_CD sup_VB 9_L_NN with_IN an_AT absolute_JJ neutrophil_JJ count_NN of_IN 0.016x10_CD sup_VB 9_L_NN the_ATI experimental_JJ drug_NN was_BEDZ withdrawn_VBN and_CC the_ATI patient_NN was_BEDZ admitted_VBN to_IN the_ATI hospital_NN for_IN broad- spectrum_JJ antibiotic_JJ treatment_NN a_AT bone_NN marrow_NN aspirate_NN showed_VBD absolute_JJ absence_NN of_IN all_ABN myeloid_NN cells.=20_CD 80_CD several_AP days_NNS later_RBR her_PP$ neutrophil_JJ count_NN was_BEDZ 0_CD , and_CC granulocyte_NN colony-stimulating_NN factor_NN (_( G-CSF_NP )_) at_IN 5_CD micrograms_kg_NN was_BEDZ added_VBN to_IN her_PP$ regimen_NNS fever_NN continued_VBD but_CC all_ABN bacterial_JJ cultures_NNS were_BED negative_JJ two_CD weeks_NNS after_IN entering_VBG the_ATI hospital_NN her_PP$ total_JJ white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN count_NN remained_VBD 1.0x10_CD sup_VB 9_L_NN and_CC neutrophils_NNS were_BED 0_CD she_PP3A developed_JJ confusion_NN ; ventricular_JJ arrhythmias_NNS were_BED noted_VBN , which_WDTR rapidly_RB degenerated_VBN into_IN ventricular_JJ fibrillation_NN resuscitation_NN was_BEDZ not_XNOT attempted_VBN due_JJ to_IN the_ATI patient_NN 's_BEZ previously_RB expressed_VBN wishes_VBZ an_AT autopsy_NN was_BEDZ not_XNOT performed_VBN 81_CD these_DTS case_NN histories_NNS span_VB the_ATI clinical_JJ spectrum_NN of_IN agranulocytosis_NN Agranulocytosis_NN in_IN both_ABX cases_NNS probably_RB resulted_VBD from_IN treatment_NN with_IN a_AT single_JJ drug_NN , and_CC both_ABX were_BED entered_VBN in_IN a_AT blood_NN count_NN monitoring_VBG program_NN The_NP first_OD patient_NN was_BEDZ asymptomatic_JJ and_CC agranulocytosis_JJ was_BEDZ detected_VBN only_RB as_IN a_AT result_NN of_IN monitoring_VBG ; the_ATI bone_NN marrow_NN recovered_VBN spontaneously_RB after_IN discontinuation_NN of_IN the_ATI incriminated_JJ agent_NN , and_CC the_ATI patient_NN did_DOD well_RB despite_IN treatment_NN with_IN oral_JJ antibiotics_NNS only_RB the_ATI second_OD patient's_NN$ course_RB was_BEDZ progressive_NN in_IN the_ATI face_NN of_IN appropriate_JJ treatment_NN with_IN broad-spectrum_JJ parenteral_JJ antibiotics_NNS and_CC a_AT hematopoietic_JJ growth_NN factor_NN 82_CD HISTORY_NP 83_CD 7_CD agranulocytosis_NN was_BEDZ named_VBN by_IN Schultz_NP in_IN 1923_CD in_IN a_AT paper_NN presented_VBN before_IN the_ATI Berlin_NP Medical_NP Society_NP ; the_ATI title_NN may_MD be_BE translated_VBN as_CS _** On_NP a_AT Peculiar_NPT Throat_NP Disease_NP _** he_PP3A associated_VBN the_ATI severe_JJ local_JJ symptoms_NNS of_IN infection_NN in_IN the_ATI pharynx_NN with_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN granulocytes_NNS in_IN the_ATI blood_NN in_IN the_ATI following_JJ decade_NN in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP , Kracke_NP and_CC Parker_NP argued_VBD that_CS agranulocytosis_NN was_BEDZ a_AT new_JJ disease_NN , the_ATI result_NN of_IN the_ATI introduction_NN of_IN a_AT popular_JJ class_NN of_IN potent_JJ analgesics_NNS and_CC antipyretics_NNS derived_VBN from_IN amidopyrine_NN they_PP3AS successfully_RB campaigned_VBD to_TO restrict_VB exposure_NN to_IN these_DTS drugs_NNS by_IN requiring_VBG prescriptions_NNS for_IN their_PP$ use_NN in_IN the_ATI early_JJ 1930s_CDS , Madison_NP and_CC Squier_NP reproduced_VBN agranulocytosis_NN in_IN susceptible_JJ patients_NNS by_IN readministering_VBG the_ATI drug_NN , and_CC in_IN 1951_CD Moeschlin_NP and_CC Wagner_NP transferred_VBD the_ATI disease_NN to_IN normal_JJ volunteers_NNS by_IN using_VBG serum_NN from_IN affected_JJ patients_NNS , thus_RB offering_VBG an_AT immunologic_JJ mechanism_NN for_IN amidopyrine-induced_JJ agranulocytosis_NN in_IN the_ATI 1970s_CD , Pisciotta's_NP$ clinical_JJ and_CC laboratory_NN observations_NNS of_IN leukopenia_NN in_IN psychiatric_JJ patients_NNS treated_VBN with_IN phenothiazines_NNS characterized_VBN direct_JJ toxicity_NN as_IN a_AT second_OD mechanism_NN of_IN agranulocytosis_NN several_AP recent_JJ articles_NNS and_CC monographs_NNS review_VB the_ATI disease_NN 84_NN CLINICAL_NPT PRESENTATION_NPT AND_NPT DIFFERENTIAL_NP DIAGNOSIS_NP 85_CD in_IN the_ATI classical_JJ patient_NN , the_ATI presentation_NN is_BEZ severe_JJ sore_JJ throat_NN Older_NP case_NN reports_NNS describe_VB striking_JJ local_JJ evidence_NN of_IN edema_NN , necrosis_NN , and_CC obstruction_NN in_IN the_ATI pharynx_NN , followed_VBD within_IN days_NNS by_IN prostration_NN , coma_NN , and_CC death_NN when_WRB antibiotics_NNS are_BER used_VBN early_JJ , both_ABX the_ATI patient's_NN$ complaints_NNS and_CC the_ATI physical_JJ findings_NNS may_MD be_BE less_QL dramatic-fever_JJ may_MD be_BE the_ATI only_AP symptom_NN agranulocytosis_NN may_MD be_BE entirely_RB asymptomatic_JJ despite_IN absolute_JJ neutropenia_NN , especially_RB in_IN patients_NNS whose_WP$R blood_NN cell_NN counts_VBZ are_BER regularly_RB monitored_VBN during_IN drug_NN therapy_NN 86_CD the_ATI peripheral_JJ blood_NN findings_NNS are_BER of_IN absent_JJ neutrophil_NN and_CC band_NN forms_NNS the_ATI hemoglobin_NN and_CC platelet_NN counts_VBZ are_BER normal_JJ the_ATI bone_NN marrow_NN typically_RB shows_VBZ normal_JJ or_CC mildly_RB reduced_VBN total_JJ cellularity_NN but_CC a_AT striking_JJ absence_NN of_IN myeloid_NN precursor_NN cells_NNS a_AT more_AP restricted_JJ picture_NN of_IN decreased_VBD late_JJ granulocytic_JJ cells_NNS with_IN preserved_VBN immature_JJ forms_NNS to_TO the_ATI myelocyte_NN stage_NN is_BEZ described_VBN as_IN _** myeloid_NN arrest_NN , _** which_WDTR may_MD represent_VB either_DTX a_AT selective_JJ effect_NN on_IN later_RBR cells_NNS or_CC the_ATI recovery_NN phase_NN similarly_RB , myeloid_NN progenitor_NN cells_NNS (_( colony-forming_NN unit- granulocyte-macrophage_NN (_( CFU-GM_NP )_) or_CC colony-forming_NN unit- granulocyte_NN )_) , while_CS usually_RB greatly_RB depressed_VBN in_IN number_NN , may_MD also_RB be_BE normal_JJ for_IN patients_NNS receiving_VBG drugs_NNS like_IN procainamide_NN , an_AT antinuclear_NN antibody_NN test_NN result_NN may_MD also_RB be_BE positive_JJ 87_CD in_IN the_ATI appropriate_JJ setting_VBG the_ATI diagnosis_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT difficult_JJ isolated_JJ absolute_JJ neutropenia_NN has_HVZ a_AT limited_JJ number_NN of_IN causes_NNS (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) , and_CC performance_NN of_IN a_AT bone_NN marrow_NN examination_NN will_MD further_JJB limit_VB diagnostic_JJ possibilities_NNS (_( Table_NP 2_CD )_) the_ATI most_AP important_JJ distinctions_NNS are_BER among_IN (_( 1_CD1 )_) immune_JJ neutropenia_NN that_WPR is_BEZ secondary_JJ to_IN peripheral_JJ destruction_NN of_IN polymorphonuclear_NN cells_NNS , also_RB often_RB drug_NN associated_VBN ; (_( 2_CD )_) neutropenia_NN that_DT is_BEZ secondary_JJ to_IN overwhelming_JJ sepsis_NN ; and_CC (_( 3_CD )_) neutropenia_NN appearing_VBG as_IN a_AT harbinger_NN of_IN more_QL generalized_JJ bone_NN marrow_JJ failure_NN of_IN hematologic_JJ cause_NN (_( for_IN example_NN , myelodysplasia_NN )_) 88_CD EPIDEMIOLOGY_NP 89_CD 13_CD the_ATI strong_JJ association_NN between_IN drug_NN use_NN and_CC agranulocytosis_NN has_HVZ been_BEN formally_RB confirmed_VBN in_IN an_AT extensive_JJ and_CC rigorous_JJ prospective_JJ survey_NN performed_VBN by_IN the_ATI International_NPT Aplastic_NP Anemia_NP and_CC Agranulocytosis_NN Study_NP (_( IAAAS_NP )_) in_IN Europe_NP and_CC Israel_NP from_IN 1980_CD to_IN 1986_CD both_ABX rate_NN and_CC specific_JJ risk_NN factors_NNS were_BED determined_VBN in_IN this_DT hospital-based_JJ study_NN by_IN identifying_VBG and_CC interviewing_NN all_ABN cases_NNS in_IN eight_CD metropolitan_JJ areas_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS matched_JJ controls_NNS the_ATI overall_JJB incidence_NN of_IN agranulocytosis_NN was_BEDZ 3.4_CD per_NNU 1_CD1 million_CD population_NN the_ATI incidence_NN of_IN agranulocytosis_NN rose_VBD precipitously_RB with_IN age_NN ; only_RB 10%_CD of_IN cases_NNS occurred_VBD in_IN children_NNS and_CC young_JJ adults_NNS , and_CC more_AP than_IN half_ABN developed_VBN in_IN older_JJR persons_NNS agranulocytosis_NN was_BEDZ about_IN twice_RB as_CS frequent_JJ among_IN women_NNS as_IN men_NNS these_DTS associations_NNS may_MD only_RB reflect_VB more_QL frequent_JJ medication_NN use_NN among_IN women_NNS and_CC the_ATI elderly_JJ Confirmatory_NP results_NNS were_BED obtained_VBN for_IN US_NP populations_NNS from_IN examination_NN of_IN computerized_VBN Medicaid_NP billing_NN data_NNS in_IN the_ATI IAAAS_NP , most_QL cases_NNS of_IN agranulocytosis_NN were_BED linked_VBN to_TO suspect_VB drug_NN use_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ worth_IN noting_VBG that_CS the_ATI epidemiology_NN of_IN agranulocytosis_NN differs_VBZ from_IN that_DT of_IN aplastic_JJ anemia_NN : the_ATI rates_NNS of_IN the_ATI two_CD diseases_NNS are_BER inversely_RB correlated_VBN in_IN geographic_JJ regions_NNS , aplastic_JJ anemia_NN occurs_VBZ in_IN a_AT much_RB younger_JJR population_NN , and_CC only_RB a_AT minority_NN of_IN cases_NNS of_IN aplastic_JJ anemia_NN are_BER drug_NN related_VBN 90_CD 14_CD PATHOPHYSIOLOGY_NP 91_CD 15_CD clinical_JJ observations_NNS , studies_VBZ in_IN volunteers_NNS and_CC patients_NNS , and_CC laboratory_NN experiments_NNS have_HV suggested_VBN that_CS agranulocytosis_NN has_HVZ at_RB least_RB two_CD underlying_JJ mechanisms_NNS (_( Table_NP 3_CD )_) leukoagglutinins_NNS were_BED measured_VBN in_IN patients_NNS many_AP decades_NNS ago_RB , but_CC today_NR this_DT crude_JJ test_NN has_HVZ been_BEN replaced_VBN by_IN more_QL quantitative_JJ assays_NNS of_IN antibody_NN binding_JJ , often_RB to_TO surrogate_VB myeloid_NN cell_NN lines_NNS rather_RB than_IN bone_NN marrow_NN cells_NNS (_( Fig_NP 1_CD1 )_) Antineutrophil_NP antibodies_NNS have_HV been_BEN detected_VBN in_IN drug- associated_JJ agranulocytosis_NN for_IN example_NN , in_IN one_CD1 study_NN , IgG_NP or_CC IgM_NP antibodies_NNS were_BED detected_VBN in_IN 13_CD of_IN 13_CD cases_NNS of_IN drug-associated_JJ agranulocytosis_NN (_( with_IN hypoplastic_JJ bone_NN marrows_NNS )_) using_VBG enzyme-linked_JJ binding_JJ assays_NNS for_IN antibodies_NNS to_IN autologous_JJ or_CC normal_JJ granulocytes_NNS (_( antineutrophil_NN antibodies_NNS are_BER also_RB present_JJ in_IN other_AP types_NNS of_IN neutropenia_NN , including_IN pure_JJ white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN aplasia_NN , immune_JJ neutropenia_NN , Felty's_NP$ syndrome_NN , and_CC systemic_JJ lupus_JJ erythematosus_JJ )_) in_IN agranulocytosis_NN , antibody_NN binding_JJ to_TO target_NN cells_NNS usually_RB requires_VBZ the_ATI presence_NN of_IN a_AT drug_NN and_CC often_RB consumes_VBZ complement_NN sometimes_RB serum_NN reactivity_NN has_HVZ been_BEN enhanced_VBN by_IN addition_NN of_IN a_AT purified_VBN metabolite_NN or_CC metabolites_NNS in_IN the_ATI urine_NN of_IN treated_VBN patients_NNS to_TO the_ATI target_NN neutrophils_NNS failure_NN to_TO demonstrate_VB an_AT antibody_NN has_HVZ been_BEN blamed_VBN on_IN antibody_NN specificity_NN for_IN a_AT drug's_NN$ intermediate_JJ metabolite_NN (_( Fig_NP 2_CD )_) or_CC on_IN a_AT low_JJ antibody_NN titer_NN in_IN a_AP few_AP well-studied_JJ cases_NNS , antibody_NN binding_JJ to_IN a_AT myeloid_NN progenitor_NN cell_NN has_HVZ been_BEN inferred_VBN from_IN inhibition_NN by_IN a_AT patient's_NN$ serum_NN of_IN CFU-GM_NP derived_JJ colony_NN formation_NN in_IN clonogenic_JJ assays_NNS the_ATI relative_JJ specificity_NN of_IN a_AT putative_JJ serum_NN antibody_NN for_IN immature_JJ progenitors_NNS compared_VBN with_IN granulocytes_NNS was_BEDZ nicely_RB demonstrated_VBN for_IN a_AT case_NN of_IN chlorpropamide_NN agranulocytosis_NN , in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI patient's_NN$ serum_NN inhibited_VBN CFU-GM-derived_NP colony_NN formation_NN in_IN a_AT drug_NN dose-dependent_NN manner_NN , but_CC it_PP3 did_DOD not_XNOT inhibit_VB CFU-E- derived_NP or_CC mixed_JJ colonies_NNS , and_CC the_ATI serum_NN did_DOD not_XNOT bind_VB to_IN either_DTX neutrophils_NNS or_CC recognizable_JJ granulocytic_JJ precursor_NN cells_NNS 92_CD 16_CD drugs_NNS can_MD also_RB directly_RB damage_NN myeloid_NN precursors_NNS the_ATI complex_JJ enzymatic_JJ pathways_NNS present_NN in_IN myelopoietic_JJ cells_NNS for_IN digestion_NN of_IN microbial_JJ constituents_NNS can_MD also_RB be_BE applied_VBN to_IN drugs_NNS and_CC chemicals_NNS Detoxification_NN of_IN many_AP nonpolar_NN compounds_NNS , such_IN as_IN the_ATI benzene-based_JJ group_NN of_IN arene_NN oxides_NNS , requires_VBZ conversion_NN to_IN a_AT chemically_RB reactive_JJ intermediate_JJ prior_RB to_TO covalent_VB linkage_NN to_IN polar_JJ groups_NNS these_DTS short-lived_JJ , nucleophilic_JJ intermediate_JJ molecules_NNS are_BER also_RB available_JJ to_TO covalently_RB bind_VB to_IN nuclear_JJ material_NN or_CC cytoplasmic_JJ proteins_NNS , thereby_RB resulting_JJ in_IN either_DTX direct_JJ damage_NN to_IN the_ATI cell_NN or_CC induction_NN of_IN an_AT immunologic_JJ response_NN (_( Fig_NP 2_CD )_) the_ATI complex_JJ metabolic_JJ pathways_NNS that_CS detoxify_NN drugs_NNS and_CC chemicals_NNS are_BER genetically_RB regulated_VBN ; idiosyncratic_JJ susceptibility_NN can_MD thus_RB be_BE explained_VBN by_IN the_ATI presence_NN or_CC absence_NN of_IN genes_NNS for_IN enzymes_NNS that_WPR generate_VB or_CC destroy_VB toxic_JJ intermediate_JJ compounds_NNS Well-studied_NP examples_NNS include_VB arylhydroxylases_NNS for_IN hydrophobic_JJ cyclical_JJ aromatic_JJ hydrocarbons_NNS , epoxide_NN hydroxylases_NNS that_WPR convert_VB epoxides_NNS to_IN phenols_NNS , S- methylation_NN in_IN purine_NN metabolism_NN , and_CC N-acetylation_NN of_IN procainamide_NN 93_CD 17_CD SPECIFIC_NP DRUGS_NP 94_CD 18_CD case_NN reports_NNS show_VB that_CS a_AT large_JJ number_NN of_IN drugs_NNS have_HV been_BEN associated_VBN with_IN agranulocytosis_NN table_NN 4_CD represents_VBZ a_AT review_NN of_IN the_ATI medical_JJ literature_NN for_IN relatively_RB well-documented_JJ instances_NNS where_WRB blood_NN cell_NN counts_VBZ and_CC bone_NN marrow_JJ morphological_JJ features_NNS are_BER described_VBN and_CC the_ATI temporal_JJ relationship_NN to_TO drug_NN use_NN is_BEZ reasonable_JJ in_IN some_DTI series_NN of_IN patients_NNS from_IN specialty_NN clinics_NNS , agranulocytosis_NN rates_NNS for_IN some_DTI drugs_NNS have_HV been_BEN high_JJ : antibiotics_NNS (_( 6%_NN for_IN penicillin_NN in_IN one_CD1 orthopedic_JJ population_NN )_) , psychotropics_NNS (_( about_RB 1%_CD to_IN 3%_CD for_IN clozapine_NN )_) , and_CC procainamide_NN (_( about_IN 4%_NN in_IN patients_NNS recovering_VBG from_IN surgery_NN )_) 95_CD 19_CD for_IN a_JJ few_AP drugs_NNS , specific_JJ risk_NN factors_NNS have_HV been_BEN identified_VBN for_IN levamisole_NN , histocompatibility_NN antigens_NNS prevalent_JJ among_IN Jewish_JNP patients_NNS have_HV conferred_VBN greater_JJR risk_NN , a_AT finding_VBG that_CS suggests_VBZ genetically_RB based_VBN susceptibility_NN for_IN captopril_NN , patients_NNS with_IN renal_JJ failure_NN or_CC those_DTS concurrently_RB receiving_VBG probenecid_NN have_HV a_AT higher_JJR rate_NN of_IN agranulocytosis_NN , and_CC drug-associated_JJ agranulocytosis_NN may_MD occur_VB predominantly_RB in_IN patients_NNS with_IN underlying_JJ autoimmune_NN diseases_NNS , such_IN as_IN rheumatoid_NN arthritis_NN 96_CD 20_CD in_IN general_JJ , however_RB , apparently_RB high_JJ rates_NNS of_IN agranulocytosis_NN that_CS are_BER based_VBN on_IN biased_VBN collections_NNS of_IN patient_NN data_NNS have_HV not_XNOT been_BEN validated_VBN in_IN formal_JJ epidemiologic_JJ studies_NNS the_ATI IAAAS_NP compared_VBD drug_NN use_NN in_IN the_ATI week_NN before_CS hospitalization_NN for_IN cases_NNS and_CC controls_NNS relative_JJ risks_NNS were_BED especially_RB elevated_VBD for_IN certain_JJ groups_NNS of_IN medications_NNS , including_IN antithyroid_NN drugs_NNS , nonsteroidal_JJ anti-inflammatory_NN drugs_NNS , some_DTI cardiotonics_NNS , and_CC anticonvulsants_NNS (_( Table_NP 5_CD )_) however_RB , while_CS the_ATI relative_JJ risk_NN of_IN agranulocytosis_NN was_BEDZ elevated_VBD for_IN many_AP drugs_NNS , this_DT risk_NN translated_VBN into_IN far_RB smaller_JJR numbers_NNS than_IN those_DTS derived_VBN from_IN a_AT selection_NN of_IN cases_NNS in_IN clinics_NNS or_CC estimates_NNS based_VBN on_IN the_ATI quantity_NN of_IN case_NN reports_NNS in_IN the_ATI literature_NN in_IN addition_NN , the_ATI absolute_JJ increase_NN in_IN the_ATI number_NN of_IN cases_NNS in_IN the_ATI population_NN was_BEDZ small_JJ relative_JJ to_IN the_ATI extensive_JJ use_NN of_IN many_AP of_IN the_ATI agents_NNS 97_CD 21_CD PREVENTION_NPT AND_NP TREATMENT_NP 98_NN 22_CD due_JJ to_IN the_ATI lack_NN of_IN suitable_JJ assays_NNS , testing_NN to_TO detect_VB the_ATI rare_JJ individual_JJ who_WPR might_MD manifest_JJ drug_NN sensitivity_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT feasible_JJ early_JJ detection_NN of_IN a_AT change_NN in_IN neutrophil_NN counts_VBZ in_IN a_AT patient_NN receiving_VBG treatment_NN has_HVZ been_BEN used_VBN for_IN several_AP drugs_NNS , including_IN antithyroid_NN drugs_NNS , phenothiazines_NNS , carbamazepine_NN , and_CC most_QL recently_RB clozapine_JJ the_ATI benefit_NN of_IN monitoring_VBG is_BEZ uncertain_JJ , and_CC it_PP3 is_BEZ often_RB abandoned_VBN or_CC modified_VBN as_IN the_ATI low_JJ probability_NN of_IN agranulocytosis_NN is_BEZ appreciated_VBN early_JJ detection_NN is_BEZ desirable_JJ to_TO avoid_VB continued_VBD drug_NN exposure_NN and_CC to_IN alert_JJ the_ATI patient_NN and_CC the_ATI treating_NN physician_NN to_IN dangerous_JJ levels_NNS of_IN neutropenia_NN for_IN this_DT reason_NN , rapid_JJ and_CC accurate_JJ white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN levels_NNS and_CC differential_JJ counts_VBZ are_BER required_VBN there_EX is_BEZ sufficient_JJ laboratory_NN and_CC biological_JJ variability_NN in_IN these_DTS numbers_NNS so_CS that_CS the_ATI criteria_NNS for_IN discontinuing_VBG the_ATI drug_NN are_BER difficult_JJ to_TO set_VBN , and_CC patients_NNS may_MD be_BE required_VBN to_TO stop_VB and_CC start_VB the_ATI drug_NN repeatedly_RB the_ATI expense_NN of_IN such_ABL precautions_NNS is_BEZ enormous_JJ ; for_IN example_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ estimated_VBN to_TO be_BE a_AT major_JJ proportion_NN of_IN the_ATI $10_CD 000_CD yearly_JJ cost_NN of_IN clozapine_NN , with_IN a_AT projected_JJ national_JJ cost-even_NN if_CS the_ATI drug_NN were_BED used_VBN only_RB for_IN refractory_JJ schizophrenia-in_JJ excess_NN of_IN $1_CD billion_CD the_ATI predictive_JJ value_NN of_IN a_AT positive_JJ antineutrophil_NN antibody_NN test_NN result_NN for_IN the_ATI development_NN of_IN agranulocytosis_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT known_VBN 99_CD 23_CD once_RB drug_NN exposure_NN stops_VBZ , recovery_NN should_MD follow_VB old_JJ age_NN , septicemia_NN , shock_NN , and_CC metabolic_JJ complications_NNS of_IN infection_NN like_IN renal_JJ failure_NN are_BER poor_JJ prognostic_JJ variables_NNS the_ATI severity_NN of_IN neutropenia_NN and_CC especially_RB its_PP$ duration_NN must_MD also_RB relate_VB negatively_RB to_IN outcome_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN agranulocytosis_NN who_WPR survive_VB , the_ATI time_NN to_IN recovery_NN of_IN granulocytes_NNS in_IN the_ATI blood_NN is_BEZ highly_RB variable_JJ (_( 3_CD to_IN 56_CD days_NNS in_IN one_CD1 series_NN , with_IN a_AT mean_NN of_IN about_RB 12_CD days_NNS )_) however_RB , the_ATI natural_JJ history_NN of_IN agranulocytosis_NN is_BEZ progression_NN of_IN the_ATI severe_JJ localized_JJ infection_NN to_TO sepsis_NN and_CC death_NN within_IN a_JJ few_AP days_NNS ; few_AP of_IN the_ATI patients_NNS in_IN the_ATI 1920s_CDS and_CC 1930s_CDS survived_VBN the_ATI disease_NN the_ATI introduction_NN of_IN sulfa_NN antibacterials_NNS and_CC penicillin_NN in_IN the_ATI 1940s_CDS much_AP improved_JJ the_ATI prognosis_NN the_ATI rapid_JJ utilization_NN of_IN broad-spectrum_JJ parenteral_JJ antibiotics_NNS for_IN fever_NN or_CC the_ATI first_OD sign_NN of_IN infection_NN is_BEZ the_ATI mainstay_NN of_IN treatment_NN of_IN agranulocytosis_NN due_JJ to_IN drugs_NNS as_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ for_IN fever_NN in_IN the_ATI setting_NN of_IN severe_JJ neutropenia_NN of_IN any_DTI cause_NN mortality_NN remains_VBZ at_IN about_RB 10%_CD , resulting_JJ at_RB least_RB in_IN part_NN from_IN the_ATI older_JJR age_NN of_IN the_ATI patients_NNS and_CC the_ATI presence_NN of_IN serious_JJ underlying_JJ diseases_NNS because_CS of_IN the_ATI high_JJ risk_NN of_IN death_NN during_IN agranulocytosis_NN , an_AT incriminated_JJ drug_NN should_MD not_XNOT be_BE readministered_VBN to_IN a_AT patient_NN , unless_CS there_EX is_BEZ doubt_NN about_IN its_PP$ culpability_NN among_IN other_AP suspected_VBD agents_NNS and_CC its_PP$ reintroduction_NN is_BEZ potentially_RB lifesaving_JJ 100_CD 24_CD hematopoietic_JJ growth_NN factors_NNS , such_ABL as_CS G-CSF_NP and_CC granulocyte-macrophage_NN colony-stimulating_NN factor_NN (_( GM-CSF_NP )_) , act_NN directly_RB on_IN progenitor_NN cells_NNS in_IN the_ATI bone_NN marrow_NN , and_CC their_PP$ administration_NN increases_NNS neutrophil_NN counts_VBZ in_IN normal_JJ individuals_NNS and_CC in_IN patients_NNS made_VBN neutropenic_JJ after_IN chemotherapy_NN or_CC bone_NN marrow_NN transplantation_NN rapid_JJ improvement_NN in_IN granulocyte_NN numbers_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN reported_VBN anecdotally_RB in_IN patients_NNS treated_VBN with_IN GM-CSF_NP and_CC G-CSF_NP , but_CC case_NN reports_NNS are_BER of_IN limited_JJ value_NN because_CS of_IN the_ATI enormous_JJ range_NN in_IN the_ATI time_NN to_TO granulocyte_VB recovery_NN after_IN an_AT offending_JJ agent_NN is_BEZ discontinued_VBN in_IN my_PP$ experience_NN with_IN a_AT single_JJ experimental_JJ drug_NN , for_IN which_WDTR the_ATI protocol_NN required_VBN careful_JJ weekly_JJ monitoring_VBG of_IN blood_NN cell_NN counts_VBZ , recovery_NN from_IN absolute_JJ neutropenia_NN occurred_VBD as_QL soon_RB as_IN 2_CD days_NNS to_TO as_QL long_JJ as_IN 3_CD weeks_NNS after_IN the_ATI drug_NN was_BEDZ stopped_VBN in_IN comparing_VBG about_IN a_AT dozen_CD patients_NNS who_WPR recovered_VBD spontaneously_RB with_IN a_AT similar_JJ number_NN who_WPR received_VBD G-CSF_NP (_( 130_CD mg_d_NN to_IN 750_CD mg_d_NN )_) , the_ATI mean_JJ duration_NN of_IN neutropenia_NN was_BEDZ shortened-but_NN not_XNOT significantly-by_VB about_RB 3_CD days_NNS (_( from_IN 9.5_CD days_NNS to_IN 6.5_CD days_NNS )_) observations_NNS in_IN other_AP patients_NNS have_HV suggested_VBN that_CS G- CSF_NP may_MD not_XNOT necessarily_RB shorten_VB recovery_NN time_NN a_AT rigorous_JJ therapeutic_JJ trial_NN in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI important_JJ variables_NNS of_IN drug_NN , monitoring_VBG , and_CC supportive_JJ care_NN are_BER all_ABN well_RB controlled_VBN is_BEZ desirable_JJ but_CC not_XNOT very_QL feasible_JJ granulocyte_NN colony-stimulating_NN factor_NN is_BEZ expensive_JJ but_CC minimally_RB toxic_JJ , and_CC most_QL patients_NNS with_IN agranulocytosis_NN likely_JJ will_MD receive_VB it_PP3 in_IN the_ATI future_NN (_( Table_NP 6_CD )_) 101_CD new_JJ Vaccine_NP Technologies_NNS 102_CD prevention_NN of_IN disease_NN is_BEZ a_AT tenet_NN of_IN all_ABN the_ATI various_JJ approaches_NNS to_TO health_NN care_NN reform_NN one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI most_QL effective_JJ medical_JJ interventions_NNS ever_RB devised_VBN are_BER vaccines_NNS , with_IN their_PP$ high_JJ level_NN of_IN benefit_NN and_CC cost-effectiveness_NN for_IN public_JJ health_NN there_EX has_HVZ never_RB been_BEN a_AT more_QL exciting_JJ time_NN for_IN vaccine_NN research_NN and_CC development_NN , largely_RB as_IN a_AT result_NN of_IN the_ATI implementation_NN and_CC refinement_NN of_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN new_JJ technologies_NNS Several_NP new_JJ vaccines_NNS have_HV been_BEN licensed_JJ recently_RB in_IN different_JJ countries_NNS for_IN routine_NN use_NN , including_IN recombinant_NN hepatitis_NN B_ZZ (_( HB_NP )_) , Haemophilus_JJ influenzae_NN type_NN b_ZZ (_( Hib_NP )_) conjugate_NN , and_CC hepatitis_NN A_ZZ (_( HA_NP )_) vaccines_NNS Several_NP more_AP are_BER expected_VBN to_TO be_BE licensed_JJ throughout_IN the_ATI 1990s_CD , including_IN acellular_RB pertussis_JJ (_( for_IN infants_NNS )_) , varicella_NN , and_CC pneumococcal_JJ conjugate_NN vaccines_NNS of_IN potentially_RB greater_JJR importance_NN are_BER several_AP technological_JJ developments_NNS that_CS , if_CS successful_JJ , would_MD revolutionize_VB the_ATI way_NN in_IN which_WDTR vaccines_NNS are_BER produced_VBN and_CC used_VBN this_DT article_NN reviews_NNS three_CD such_ABL developments_NNS , each_DT of_IN which_WDTR is_BEZ being_BEG researched_VBN and_CC developed_VBN in_IN numerous_JJ academic_JJ and_CC industrial_JJ laboratories_NNS : combination_NN vaccines_NNS , new_JJ formulation_NN strategies_NNS (_( controlled_JJ delivery_NN and_CC adjuvants_NNS )_) , and_CC new_JJ vector_NN systems_NNS (_( live_VB vectors_NNS and_CC polynucleotide_NN vaccines_NNS )_) 103_CD COMBINATION_NP VACCINES_NP 104_CD a_AT combination_NN vaccine_NN contains_VBZ two_CD or_CC more_QL vaccines_NNS delivered_VBN in_IN a_AT single_JJ inoculation_NN because_CS infants_NNS and_CC young_JJ children_NNS sometimes_RB receive_VB three_CD or_CC four_CD separate_JJ injections_NNS at_IN a_AT single_JJ visit_NN , the_ATI availability_NN of_IN combination_NN vaccines_NNS can_MD avoid_VB such_ABL multiple_JJ injections_NNS by_IN providing_VBG as_CS many_AP different_JJ vaccines_NNS as_CS possible_JJ in_IN a_AT single_JJ inoculation_NN the_ATI following_JJ four_CD such_ABL vaccines_NNS have_HV been_BEN available_JJ for_IN at_RB least_RB 10_CD years_NNS for_IN routine_NN immunization_NN : (_( 1_CD1 )_) diphtheria_NN and_CC tetanus_JJ toxoids_NNS and_CC pertussis_NN vaccine_NN (_( DTP_NP )_) , which_WDTR is_BEZ an_AT inactivated_VBN bacterial_JJ vaccine_NN for_IN infants_NNS and_CC children_NNS ; (_( 2_CD )_) measles_NNS , mumps_NNS , and_CC rubella_NN (_( MMR_NP )_) virus_NN vaccine_NN (_( M-M- R_NP sub_NN II_NP )_) , which_WDTR is_BEZ a_AT live_VB attenuated_JJ viral_JJ vaccine_NN for_IN young_JJ children_NNS ; (_( 3_CD )_) oral_JJ polio_NN vaccine_NN (_( OPV_NP )_) , a_AT mixture_NN of_IN three_CD strains_NNS of_IN live_VB attenuated_JJ poliovirus_JJ for_IN infants_NNS and_CC children_NNS ; and_CC (_( 4_CD )_) pneumococcal_JJ vaccines_NNS (_( Pneumovax_NP 23_CD (_( Merck_NP )_) and_CC Pnu-Imune_NP 23_CD (_( Lederle_NP Laboratories_NNS , Pearl_NP River_NPL , NY_NP )_) )_) , which_WDTR are_BER mixtures_NNS of_IN 23_CD polysaccharides_NNS from_IN different_JJ pneumococcal_JJ strains_NNS for_IN older_JJR individuals_NNS these_DTS combination_NN vaccines_NNS have_HV established_VBN the_ATI principle_NN that_CS an_AT individual_JJ vaccine_NN effective_JJ at_IN preventing_VBG disease_NN can_MD be_BE similarly_RB effective_JJ when_WRB combined_VBN and_CC inoculated_JJ with_IN other_AP vaccines.=20_CD 105_CD the_ATI following_JJ are_BER three_CD ways_NNS in_IN which_WDTR vaccines_NNS can_MD be_BE combined_VBN : (_( 1_CD1 )_) by_IN mixing_NN in_IN a_AT vial_JJ at_IN the_ATI manufacturing_NN stage_NN ; (_( 2_CD )_) by_IN filling_VBG different_JJ vaccines_NNS in_IN separate_JJ chambers_NNS of_IN a_AT dual-chambered_JJ syringe_NN ; and_CC (_( 3_CD )_) by_IN mixing_NN vaccines_NNS from_IN separate_JJ vials_NNS in_IN the_ATI practitioner's_NP$ office_NN at_IN the_ATI time_NN of_IN administration_NN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN ease_NN of_IN use_NN , the_ATI manufacturer_NN seeks_VBZ to_TO develop_VB a_AT combination_NN vaccine_NN preferably_RB by_IN the_ATI first_OD option_NN or_CC alternatively_RB the_ATI second_OD ; the_ATI four_CD above-mentioned_JJ vaccines_NNS use_VB the_ATI first_OD option_NN 106_CD the_ATI first_OD issue_NN that_WPR must_MD be_BE considered_VBN in_IN creating_VBG new_JJ combination_NN vaccine_NN products_NNS is_BEZ that_CS each_DT component_NN vaccine_NN must_MD be_BE recommended_VBN for_IN administration_NN at_IN the_ATI same_AP age_NN this_DT can_MD be_BE established_VBN only_RB through_IN controlled_VBN clinical_JJ trials_NNS the_ATI DTP_NP vaccine_NN has_HVZ been_BEN the_ATI most_QL commonly_RB used_VBN inactivated_JJ vaccine_NN , being_BEG administered_VBN in_IN early_JJ childhood_NN at_IN 2_CD , 4_CD , 6_CD , and_CC 15_CD through_IN 18_CD months_NNS of_IN age_NN as_IN a_AT consequence_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ desirable_JJ that_CS other_AP inactivated_VBN pediatric_JJ vaccines_NNS be_BE recommended_VBN at_IN these_DTS ages_NNS for_IN ultimate_JJ combination_NN with_IN DTP_NP similarly_RB , because_CS MMR_NP vaccine_NN is_BEZ administered_VBN at_IN 15_CD months_NNS , other_AP live_VB pediatric_JJ vaccines_NNS should_MD be_BE recommended_VBN , if_CS possible_JJ , for_IN administration_NN at_IN 15_CD months_NNS as_IN a_AT step_NN toward_IN ultimate_JJ combination_NN with_IN MMR_NP vaccine_NN 107_CD a_AT second_OD issue_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_ATI final_JJ product_NN must_MD be_BE pharmaceutically_RB stable_JJ and_CC acceptable_JJ in_IN terms_NNS of_IN physical_JJ interactions_NNS among_IN individual_JJ vaccines_NNS and_CC other_AP components_NNS in_IN the_ATI vial_JJ it_PP3 takes_VBZ considerable_JJ preclinical_JJ research_NN and_CC development_NN to_TO achieve_VB a_AT stable_JJ and_CC acceptable_JJ vaccine_NN formulation_NN , often_RB involving_VBG many_AP trial-and-error_NN attempts_NNS Furthermore_NP , the_ATI procedures_NNS that_WPR enable_VB a_AT particular_JJ combination_NN vaccine_NN to_TO be_BE formulated_VBN are_BER not_XNOT necessarily_RB applicable_JJ to_IN another_DT combination_NN vaccine_NN the_ATI final_JJ combination_NN vaccine_NN product_NN should_MD be_BE uniform_JJ and_CC stable_JJ for_IN as_QL long_JJ as_CS possible_JJ , preferably_RB 2_CD or_CC more_QL years_NNS at_IN the_ATI indicated_VBN storage_NN temperature_NN in_IN the_ATI field_NN (_( currently_RB refrigerated_VBN or_CC frozen_JJ )_) as_IN a_AT result_NN , the_ATI manufacture_NN and_CC quality_NN control_NN of_IN combination_NN vaccines_NNS can_MD be_BE very_QL complex_JJ 108_CD the_ATI third_OD key_NN issue_NN for_IN combination_NN vaccines_NNS is_BEZ clinical_JJ evaluation_NN , which_WDTR includes_VBZ the_ATI determination_NN of_IN local_JJ and_CC systemic_JJ tolerability_NN and_CC immunogenicity_NN in_IN well- controlled_JJ studies_NNS comparing_VBG the_ATI combination_NN with_IN its_PP$ licensed_JJ component_NN vaccines_NNS in_IN particular_JJ , the_ATI immunogenicity_NN of_IN each_DT vaccine_NN in_IN combination_NN should_MD be_BE as_CS good_JJ clinically_RB as_CS those_DTS of_IN the_ATI vaccines_NNS administered_VBN individually_RB , based_VBD on_IN well- defined_JJ serological_JJ assays_NNS for_IN antibodies_NNS specific_JJ to_IN each_DT vaccine_NN component_NN there_EX have_HV been_BEN reports_NNS of_IN inhibition_NN or_CC immunologic_JJ interference_NN among_IN components_NNS in_IN a_AT combination_NN , which_WDTR can_MD be_BE detected_VBN only_RB through_IN well-controlled_JJ clinical_JJ trials_NNS if_CS a_AT diminution_NN in_IN a_AT particular_JJ immune_JJ response_NN is_BEZ considered_VBN clinically_RB significant_JJ , the_ATI combination_NN vaccine_NN may_MD be_BE immunologically_RB unacceptable_JJ on_IN the_ATI other_AP hand_NN , there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT report_NN of_IN enhancement_NN of_IN immune_JJ responses_NNS associated_VBN with_IN a_AT combination_NN product_NN , which_WDTR highlights_NNS the_ATI unpredictability_NN of_IN responses_NNS to_TO such_ABL combination_NN vaccines_NNS the_ATI assessment_NN of_IN tolerability_NN and_CC side_NN effects_NNS of_IN the_ATI combination_NN product_NN relative_JJ to_IN its_PP$ individual_JJ vaccines_NNS is_BEZ complex_JJ and_CC requires_VBZ carefully_RB designed_VBN clinical_JJ studies_NNS for_IN proper_JJ assessment_NN 109_CD a_AT final_JJ issue_NN is_BEZ convenience_NN of_IN use_NN vaccines_NNS should_MD be_BE presented_VBN in_IN the_ATI simplest_JJT possible_JJ form_NN to_IN medical_JJ practitioners_NNS in_IN the_ATI private_JJ and_CC the_ATI public_NN sectors_NNS in_IN terms_NNS of_IN clear_JJ labeling_NN with_IN respect_NN to_TO age_NN of_IN administration_NN , identity_NN of_IN component_NN vaccines_NNS , and_CC compatibility_NN or_CC incompatibility_NN for_IN simultaneous_JJ administration_NN with_IN other_AP vaccines_NNS Moreover_NP , the_ATI number_NN of_IN overall_JJB combination_NN products_NNS should_MD be_BE limited_JJ to_TO avoid_VB confusion_NN regarding_IN age_NN of_IN administration_NN and_CC storage_NN in_IN medical_JJ offices_NNS and_CC clinics_NNS attention_NN to_IN these_DTS issues_NNS is_BEZ very_QL important_JJ in_IN increasing_JJ rates_NNS of_IN vaccination_NN 110_CD the_ATI available_JJ vaccines_NNS readily_RB combinable_JJ with_IN DTP_NP include_VB the_ATI following_JJ : (_( 1_CD1 )_) Hib_NP conjugate_NN vaccine_NN , which_WDTR has_HVZ been_BEN recommended_VBN for_IN infants_NNS since_IN 1990_CD ; (_( 2_CD )_) HB_NP vaccine_NN , which_WDTR has_HVZ been_BEN recommended_VBN for_IN infants_NNS since_IN 1992_CD ; and_CC (_( 3_CD )_) inactivated_JJ polio_NN vaccine_NN (_( IPV_NP )_) , which_WDTR may_MD replace_VB OPV_NP in_IN initial_JJ pediatric_JJ doses_NNS to_TO avoid_VB the_ATI rare_JJ cases_NNS of_IN vaccine-induced_JJ polio_NN in_IN vaccinees_NNS or_CC contacts_NNS of_IN vaccinees_NNS receiving_VBG OPV_NP in_IN 1993_CD , a_AT new_JJ combination_NN product_NN became_VBD available_JJ that_CS combines_VBZ DTP_NP with_IN Hib_NP (_( Tetramune_NP (_( Lederle_NP Laboratories_NNS )_) )_) other_AP combination_NN vaccine_NN products_NNS now_RN or_CC soon_RB to_TO be_BE in_IN clinical_JJ testing_NN include_VB DTP-IPV_NP , Hib-HB_NP , DTP-HB_NP , DTP-Hib-HB_NP , and_CC DTP-Hib-HB-IPV_NP the_ATI lattermost_NN vaccine_NN is_BEZ noteworthy_JJ in_IN that_DT it_PP3 would_MD combine_VB six_CD common_JJ pediatric_RB inactivated_VBN vaccines_NNS into_IN a_AT single_JJ injection_NN and_CC could_MD become_VB the_ATI most_QL widely_RB used_VBN combination_NN vaccine_NN in_IN the_ATI latter_AP part_NN of_IN the_ATI 1990s_CD subsequently_RB , HA_NP and_CC pneumococcal_JJ conjugate_NN vaccines_NNS eventually_RB might_MD be_BE combined_VBN with_IN these_DTS as_IN well_RB it_PP3 is_BEZ expected_VBN that_CS MMR_NP vaccine_NN could_MD be_BE combined_VBN with_IN varicella_NN (_( V_ZZ )_) vaccine_NN to_TO create_VB MMR- V_NP vaccine_NN , as_IN a_AT new_JJ pediatric_JJ combination_NN live_VB vaccine_NN 111_CD thus_RB , it_PP3 can_MD be_BE seen_VBN that_CS combining_VBG vaccines_NNS is_BEZ a_AT very_QL complex_JJ and_CC time-consuming_NN process_NN nevertheless_RB , the_ATI result_NN of_IN these_DTS programs_NNS , if_CS successful_JJ , would_MD be_BE a_AT reduction_NN in_IN the_ATI number_NN of_IN vaccine_NN needlesticks_NNS in_IN the_ATI first_OD 2_CD years_NNS of_IN life_NN from_IN approximately_RB 15_CD to_IN five_CD , which_WDTR should_MD result_VB in_IN increased_JJ immunization_NN rates_NNS in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP 112_CD NEW_NPT FORMULATION_NP STRATEGIES_NP 113_CD a_AT second_OD major_JJ technological_JJ development_NN is_BEZ that_CS of_IN new_JJ formulation_NN strategies_NNS , one_CD1 of_IN which_WDTR is_BEZ the_ATI application_NN of_IN controlled-release_NN delivery_NN systems_NNS to_IN vaccines.=20_CD 114_CD this_DT is_BEZ a_AT technology_NN not_XNOT yet_RB proven_VBN feasible_JJ , but_CC it_PP3 may_MD offer_VB the_ATI opportunity_NN to_TO convert_VB a_AT multidose_NN vaccination_NN regimen_NNS to_IN a_AT single-dose_NN vaccination_NN , which_WDTR is_BEZ the_ATI ultimate_JJ goal_NN for_IN the_ATI Children's_NP$ Vaccine_NP Initiative_NP of_IN the_ATI World_NP Health_NP Organization_NN the_ATI principle_NN involved_VBN is_BEZ the_ATI encapsulation_NN of_IN a_AT vaccine_NN antigen_NN in_IN a_AT polymer_NN that_CS provides_VBZ for_IN the_ATI controlled_JJ release_NN of_IN the_ATI antigen_NN this_DT would_MD result_VB in_IN a_AT longer_RBR period_NN of_IN immune_JJ stimulation_NN than_CS for_IN a_AT conventional_JJ vaccine_NN , thus_RB obviating_VBG the_ATI need_NN for_IN additional_JJ doses_NNS of_IN the_ATI vaccine_NN 115_CD most_AP of_IN the_ATI developmental_JJ efforts_NNS to_TO date_VB have_HV been_BEN with_IN tetanus_JJ toxoid_NN , which_WDTR offers_VBZ the_ATI advantages_NNS of_IN ready_JJ availability_NN and_CC relative_JJ structural_JJ simplicity_NN ; there_EX is_BEZ a_AT major_JJ worldwide_NN need_NN for_IN a_AT single-dose_NN tetanus_JJ vaccine_NN for_IN immunizing_VBG women_NNS for_IN the_ATI prevention_NN of_IN neonatal_JJ tetanus_JJ such_ABL polymers_NNS need_NN to_TO be_BE safe_JJ , biodegradable_JJ , stable_JJ during_IN long-term_JJB storage_NN , reproducible_JJ in_IN quality_NN , physically_RB compatible_JJ with_IN the_ATI particular_JJ vaccine_NN antigen_NN , and_CC permeable_JJ enough_QLP to_TO permit_VB slow_JJ release_NN of_IN the_ATI antigen_NN the_ATI polymer_NN and_CC vaccine_NN antigen_NN are_BER formulated_VBN in_IN microspheres_NNS or_CC microcapsules_NNS approximately_RB 10_CD to_IN 200_CD microns_NNS in_IN diameter_NN depending_VBG on_IN the_ATI precise_JJ formulation_NN , release_NN of_IN the_ATI antigen_NN occurs_VBZ through_IN degradation_NN of_IN the_ATI polymer_NN as_IN well_RB as_IN diffusion_NN through_IN pores_NNS in_IN the_ATI particles_NNS continuous-release_NN formulations_NNS may_MD enable_VB the_ATI vaccine_NN antigen_NN to_TO be_BE released_VBN during_IN a_AT range_NN of_IN time_NN from_IN a_JJ few_AP days_NNS to_TO a_AT year_NN or_CC more_QL pulse-release_NN formulations_NNS may_MD enable_VB the_ATI antigen_NN to_TO be_BE released_VBN at_IN discrete_JJ intervals_NNS that_WPR mimic_VB a_AT typical_JJ vaccination_NN schedule_NN to_TO accomplish_VB the_ATI latter_AP , it_PP3 may_MD be_BE possible_JJ to_TO formulate_VB different_JJ types_NNS of_IN microspheres_NNS that_DT would_MD release_VB the_ATI antigen_NN at_IN different_JJ time_NN intervals_NNS according_IN to_IN their_PP$ composition_NN (_( eg_NN , week_NN 1_CD1 , months_NNS 2_CD to_IN 3_CD , months_NNS 4_CD to_IN 5_CD , and_CC months_NNS 12_CD to_IN 15_CD )_) the_ATI mixture_NN of_IN these_DTS microspheres_NNS then_RN would_MD release_VB the_ATI antigen_NN in_IN intervals_NNS similar_JJ to_TO those_DTS of_IN an_AT actual_JJ vaccination_NN regimen_NNS (_( eg_NN , vaccination_NN at_IN 2_CD , 4_CD , 6_CD , and_CC 15_CD months_NNS of_IN age_NN )_) thus_RB , the_ATI reduction_NN to_IN five_CD injections_NNS achieved_VBN with_IN pediatric_JJ combination_NN vaccines_NNS conceivably_RB may_MD be_BE further_JJB reduced_VBN to_IN a_AT single_JJ injection_NN early_RB in_IN life_NN 116_CD there_EX remains_VBZ much_AP development_NN work_NN to_TO be_BE done_VBN for_IN preparing_VBG appropriate_JJ and_CC stable_JJ formulations_NNS and_CC proving_VBG their_PP$ efficacy_NN in_IN preclinical_JJ animal_NN models_NNS before_CS this_DT approach_NN is_BEZ widely_RB tested_VBN in_IN humans_NNS the_ATI principle_NN challenge_NN at_IN present_NN is_BEZ the_ATI development_NN of_IN consistent_JJ and_CC stable_JJ formulations_NNS using_VBG appropriate_JJ biodegradable_JJ components_NNS beyond_IN testing_NN for_IN efficacy_NN in_IN humans_NNS in_IN terms_NNS of_IN sustained_VBN immune_JJ responses_NNS , the_ATI immunologic_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN continual_JJ exposure_NN to_TO released_JJ antigens_NNS need_NN to_TO be_BE considered_VBN should_MD controlled-release_VB delivery_NN prove_VB to_TO be_BE well_RB tolerated_VBN and_CC efficacious_JJ in_IN humans_NNS , this_DT technology_NN could_MD greatly_RB simplify_VB vaccination_NN by_IN converting_VBG multidose_NN to_TO single-dose_NN regimens_NNS , thereby_RB significantly_RB improving_VBG compliance_NN and_CC reducing_VBG the_ATI overall_JJB expense_NN associated_VBN with_IN vaccination_NN 117_CD another_DT formulation_NN strategy_NN is_BEZ the_ATI use_NN of_IN novel_NN adjuvants_NNS , which_WDTR are_BER defined_VBN as_CS formulations_NNS that_WPR augment_VB humoral_JJ and_CC cell-mediated_JJ immune_JJ responses_NNS to_IN vaccine_NN antigens_NNS the_ATI formulation_NN is_BEZ made_VBN by_IN mixing_NN the_ATI vaccine_NN antigen_NN with_IN the_ATI adjuvant_NN , to_TO which_WDTR it_PP3 is_BEZ stably_RB bound_VBN this_DT is_BEZ a_AT long-standing_JJ field_NN in_IN that_DT aluminum_JJ salt-based_JJ adjuvants_NNS have_HV been_BEN used_VBN for_IN decades_NNS with_IN vaccines_NNS such_ABL as_CS DTP_NP and_CC also_RB are_BER used_VBN for_IN vaccines_NNS such_ABL as_CS HB_NP , IPV_NP , HA_NP , and_CC Hib_NP and_CC pneumococcal_JJ conjugates_NNS Although_NP aluminum_NN salts_NNS have_HV been_BEN widely_RB used_VBN in_IN vaccines_NNS and_CC have_HV been_BEN generally_RB well_RB tolerated_VBN , it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN recognized_VBN that_CS these_DTS adjuvants_NNS often_RB do_DO not_XNOT provide_VB sufficient_JJ augmentation_NN to_IN immune_JJ responses_NNS for_IN certain_JJ experimental_JJ vaccines_NNS therefore_RB , there_EX have_HV been_BEN many_AP investigations_NNS into_IN several_AP groups_NNS of_IN novel_NN adjuvants_NNS , which_WDTR include_VB liposomes_NNS , squalene_NN emulsions_NNS , and_CC immune-stimulating_NN complexes_NNS many_AP preclinical_JJ studies_NNS have_HV demonstrated_VBN that_CS such_ABL new_JJ adjuvant_NN formulations_NNS are_BER often_RB more_QL potent_JJ than_IN aluminum_NN salts_NNS for_IN stimulating_JJ immune_JJ responses_NNS to_IN certain_JJ vaccine_NN antigens_NNS some_DTI of_IN these_DTS new_JJ adjuvants_NNS also_RB have_HV been_BEN tested_VBN clinically_RB with_IN promising_JJ results_NNS Nevertheless_NN , extensive_JJ evaluations_NNS of_IN tolerability_NN will_MD be_BE required_VBN for_IN such_ABL adjuvants_NNS , given_VBN that_CS aluminum_JJ salt- based_JJ adjuvants_NNS have_HV been_BEN employed_VBN in_IN billions_NNS of_IN doses_NNS of_IN vaccines_NNS over_IN decades_NNS of_IN use_NN Furthermore_NP , it_PP3 may_MD be_BE anticipated_VBN that_CS considerable_JJ experience_NN would_MD need_VB to_TO be_BE gained_VBN with_IN novel_NN adjuvants_NNS in_IN adults_NNS before_IN they_PP3AS are_BER widely_RB used_VBN for_IN routine_NN vaccination_NN in_IN infants_NNS 118_CD NEW_NPT VECTOR_NP SYSTEMS_NP 119_CD a_AT third_OD major_JJ technological_JJ development_NN is_BEZ the_ATI application_NN of_IN new_JJ vector_NN systems_NNS to_IN the_ATI delivery_NN of_IN vaccine_NN antigens_NNS into_IN cells_NNS after_IN immunization_NN subunit_NN or_CC inactivated_JJ vaccines_NNS such_ABL as_CS those_DTS mentioned_VBN in_IN the_ATI preceding_JJ paragraph_NN do_DO not_XNOT replicate_VB in_IN the_ATI host_NN they_PP3AS are_BER recognized_VBN by_IN the_ATI host's_NP$ immune_JJ system_NN as_CS foreign_JJ and_CC typically_RB elicit_VB an_AT antibody-based_JJ immune_JJ response_NN on_IN the_ATI other_AP hand_NN , foreign_JJ antigens_NNS that_CS are_BER expressed_VBN in_IN cells_NNS (_( eg_NN , after_IN viral_JJ infection_NN )_) can_MD elicit_VB killer_NN T-cell_NP or_CC cytotoxic_JJ T-lymphocyte_NP (_( CTL_NP )_) activity_NN in_IN addition_NN to_IN antibodies_NNS therefore_RB , vaccine_NN antigens_NNS expressed_VBN in_IN cells_NNS typically_RB elicit_VB more_QL broadly_RB based_VBN immune_JJ responses_NNS than_IN subunit_NN or_CC inactivated_VBD vaccine_NN antigens_NNS in_IN the_ATI case_NN of_IN some_DTI pathogens_NNS , elicitation_NN of_IN CTL_NP responses_NNS may_MD be_BE required_VBN for_IN protection_NN against_IN infection_NN 120_CD there_EX are_BER several_AP vector_NN systems_NNS being_BEG applied_VBN to_IN the_ATI delivery_NN of_IN vaccine_NN antigens_NNS into_IN cells_NNS for_IN expression_NN two_CD of_IN these_DTS are_BER conceptually_RB similar_JJ and_CC involve_VB the_ATI use_NN of_IN live_VB viruses_NNS or_CC bacteria_NNS to_TO carry_VB vaccine_NN antigens_NNS for_IN other_AP pathogens_NNS all_ABN viruses_NNS and_CC some_DTI bacteria_NNS (_( eg_NN , Salmonella_NP typhimurium_NN and_CC Mycobacterium_NP tuberculosis_NN )_) replicate_NN intracellularly_RB if_CS the_ATI gene_NN encoding_NN a_AT vaccine_NN antigen_NN , such_ABL as_IN influenza_NN virus_NN nucleoprotein_NN (_( NP_NP )_) , is_BEZ inserted_VBN into_IN the_ATI genome_NN of_IN the_ATI virus_NN or_CC bacterium_NN by_IN means_NNS of_IN recombinant_NN DNA_NP technology_NN , then_RN the_ATI antigen_NN (_( NP_NP )_) is_BEZ expressed_VBN in_IN cells_NNS after_IN immunization_NN with_IN the_ATI recombinant_NN virus_NN or_CC bacterium_NN some_DTI of_IN the_ATI viruses_NNS that_CS have_HV been_BEN engineered_VBN into_IN live_VB vectors_NNS include_VB adenovirus_JJ and_CC vaccinia_JJ , herpes_NNS simplex_NN , varicella-zoster_NN , fowlpox_NN , and_CC canarypox_NN viruses_NNS , while_CS bacterial_JJ vector_NN systems_NNS include_VB S_ZZ typhimurium_NN and_CC the_ATI Mycobacterium_NP bovis_NN Calmette-Guerin_NP bacillus_JJ strain_NN the_ATI viruses_NNS or_CC bacteria_NNS that_CS are_BER used_VBN as_CS live_VB vectors_NNS have_HV been_BEN selected_VBN or_CC engineered_VBN to_TO be_BE attenuated_JJ in_IN their_PP$ infectivity_NN for_IN humans_NNS such_ABL that_CS they_PP3AS replicate_NN in_IN the_ATI host_NN without_IN causing_VBG disease_NN or_CC significant_JJ clinical_JJ symptoms_NNS the_ATI live_VB vectors_NNS have_HV undergone_VBN extensive_JJ preclinical_JJ evaluations_NNS , and_CC some_DTI of_IN these_DTS vectors_NNS carrying_VBG foreign_JJ antigens_NNS have_HV been_BEN or_CC are_BER planned_VBN to_TO be_BE tested_VBN in_IN humans_NNS extensive_JJ evaluations_NNS of_IN safety_NN and_CC efficacy_NN will_MD be_BE required_VBN for_IN such_ABL vaccines_NNS to_TO enjoy_VB widespread_JJ use_NN 121_CD the_ATI third_OD vector_NN system_NN is_BEZ quite_RB distinct_JJ from_IN the_ATI other_AP two_CD and_CC is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN the_ATI use_NN of_IN _** naked_JJ DNA_NP _** as_IN a_AT vaccine_NN , also_RB known_VBN as_IN the_ATI _** polynucleotide_NN vaccine_NN _** this_DT field_NN recently_RB was_BEDZ created_VBN from_IN the_ATI observation_NN that_CS injection_NN of_IN a_AT DNA_NP or_CC an_AT RNA_NP molecule_NN with_IN the_ATI complete_JJ genetic_JJ information_NN for_IN a_AT protein_NN product_NN into_IN mouse_NN skeletal_JJ muscle_NN elicited_VBN the_ATI synthesis_NN of_IN the_ATI particular_JJ protein_NN in_IN the_ATI injected_VBD muscle_NN cells_NNS furthermore_RB , protein_NN expression_NN from_IN injected_VBD DNA_NP was_BEDZ shown_VBN to_TO persist_VB in_IN mouse_NN muscle_NN for_IN up_RP to_IN 19_CD months_NNS , with_IN no_ATI evidence_NN for_IN the_ATI integration_NN of_IN the_ATI injected_VBD DNA_NP into_IN mouse_NN chromosomal_JJ DNA_NP as_IN a_AT result_NN of_IN these_DTS observations_NNS , the_ATI technology_NN of_IN naked_JJ DNA_NP injection_NN was_BEDZ seen_VBN to_TO have_HV potential_JJ utility_NN for_IN the_ATI fields_NNS of_IN gene_NN therapy_NN and_CC vaccine_NN development_NN the_ATI DNA_NP was_BEDZ termed_VBN _** naked_JJ _** because_CS no_ATI chemical_JJ carrier_NN was_BEDZ required_VBN in_IN addition_NN , the_ATI DNA_NP did_DOD not_XNOT need_VB to_TO be_BE part_NN of_IN a_AT virus_NN or_CC bacterium_NN to_TO function_VB as_IN a_AT vaccine_NN 122_CD the_ATI initial_JJ demonstration_NN of_IN the_ATI utility_NN of_IN the_ATI polynucleotide_NN vaccine_NN approach_NN was_BEDZ in_IN a_AT mouse_NN model_NN of_IN infection_NN with_IN influenza_NN virus_NN Injection_NN of_IN DNA_NP encoding_NN influenza_NN virus_NN NP_NP into_IN mouse_NN muscle_NN , which_WDTR induces_VBZ synthesis_NN of_IN NP_NP , elicited_VBD CTL_NP activity_NN against_IN influenza_NN virus_NN and_CC protection_NN against_IN infection_NN with_IN a_AT different_JJ (_( heterologous_JJ )_) strain_NN of_IN influenza_NN A_ZZ virus_NN than_IN that_DT from_IN which_WDTR the_ATI NP_NP DNA_NP was_BEDZ derived_VBN these_DTS results_NNS are_BER significant_JJ in_IN that_DT conventional_JJ influenza_NN vaccines_NNS elicit_VB no_ATI CTL_NP reactivity_NN and_CC fail_VB to_TO protect_VB against_IN heterologous_JJ influenza_NN virus_NN infections_NNS ; rather_RB , the_ATI conventional_JJ vaccine_NN protects_VBZ only_RB against_IN the_ATI same_AP (_( homologous_JJ )_) strains_NNS as_IN the_ATI vaccine_NN strains_NNS by_IN eliciting_VBG antibodies_NNS against_IN hemagglutinin_NN , a_AT highly_RB variable_JJ viral_JJ protein_NN based_VBN on_IN these_DTS results_NNS , it_PP3 may_MD be_BE possible_JJ to_TO develop_VB an_AT influenza_NN polynucleotide_NN vaccine_NN that_CS encodes_NNS internal_JJ proteins_NNS of_IN influenza_NN virus_NN , such_ABL as_CS NP_NP , which_WDTR are_BER conserved_VBN among_IN all_ABN influenza_NN strains_NNS such_ABL a_AT vaccine_NN may_MD protect_VB against_IN heterologous_JJ infection_NN by_IN means_NNS of_IN CTL_NP , as_CS can_MD be_BE tested_VBN in_IN ferret_NN or_CC primate_NN models_NNS of_IN infection_NN it_PP3 also_RB has_HVZ been_BEN shown_VBN that_CS DNA_NP encoding_NN hemagglutinin_NN elicits_NNS protective_JJ levels_NNS of_IN anti-hemagglutinin_NN antibodies_NNS in_IN animals_NNS this_DT means_VBZ that_CS polynucleotide_NN vaccines_NNS can_MD elicit_VB both_ABX CTL_NP and_CC antibody_NN responses_NNS , which_WDTR are_BER the_ATI two_CD major_JJ arms_NNS of_IN protective_JJ immunity_NN against_IN infectious_JJ agents_NNS depending_VBG on_IN the_ATI particular_JJ infectious_JJ agent_NN , either_DTX antibody-based_JJ immunity_NN or_CC CTL-based_NP immunity_NN may_MD be_BE important_JJ in_IN the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN a_AT vaccine_NN if_CS both_ABX can_MD contribute_VB to_TO protection_NN or_CC enhanced_JJ recovery_NN , then_RN it_PP3 would_MD be_BE ideal_JJ to_TO include_VB both_ABX in_IN the_ATI design_NN of_IN a_AT polynucleotide_NN vaccine_NN this_DT strategy_NN may_MD offer_VB a_AT potential_JJ approach_NN to_IN agents_NNS that_CS have_HV not_XNOT yet_RB succumbed_VBD to_IN conventional_JJ vaccine_NN technology_NN , such_IN as_IN human_JJ immunodeficiency_NN virus_NN 123_CD there_EX are_BER other_AP potential_JJ advantages_NNS to_IN a_AT polynucleotide_NN vaccine_NN The_NP DNA_NP is_BEZ relatively_RB easier_JJR to_TO produce_VB , purify_VB , and_CC assure_VB quality_NN consistently_RB compared_VBN with_IN protein-based_JJ or_CC live_VB attenuated_JJ vaccines_NNS in_IN addition_NN , the_ATI demonstrated_VBN persistence_NN of_IN expression_NN of_IN a_AT protein_NN after_IN intramuscular_JJ injection_NN of_IN its_PP$ gene_NN (_( DNA_NP )_) may_MD lead_VB to_IN the_ATI maintenance_NN of_IN protective_JJ immune_JJ responses_NNS for_IN a_AT period_NN beyond_IN that_DT elicited_VBN by_IN some_DTI conventional_JJ vaccines_NNS nevertheless_RB , these_DTS exciting_JJ findings_NNS are_BER of_IN a_AT preliminary_JJ nature_NN with_IN regard_NN to_IN applicability_NN to_IN humans_NNS there_EX remain_VB significant_JJ challenges_VBZ to_IN the_ATI development_NN of_IN polynucleotide_NN vaccines_NNS , including_IN demonstrations_NNS of_IN efficacy_NN in_IN animal_NN models_NNS most_QL relevant_JJ to_TO human_JJ disease_NN , assurance_NN that_WPR injected_VBD DNA_NP does_DOZ not_XNOT readily_RB integrate_VB into_IN genomic_JJ DNA_NP as_CS diagnosed_VBN by_IN the_ATI highly_RB sensitive_JJ technique_NN of_IN polymerase_NN chain_NN reaction_NN , and_CC eventual_JJ human_JJ clinical_JJ studies_NNS of_IN short-_NN and_CC long-term_JJB side_NN effects_NNS and_CC efficacy_NN , which_WDTR are_BER expected_VBN during_IN the_ATI next_AP few_AP years_NNS if_CS these_DTS challenges_VBZ are_BER met_VBN , polynucleotide_NN vaccines_NNS would_MD have_HV the_ATI potential_JJ to_TO revolutionize_VB the_ATI field_NN of_IN vaccines_NNS 124_CD the_ATI net_JJB impact_NN of_IN these_DTS three_CD technologies_NNS , combination_NN vaccines_NNS , formulation_NN strategies_NNS , and_CC vector_NN systems_NNS , would_MD be_BE a_AT significant_JJ decrease_NN in_IN the_ATI number_NN of_IN needlesticks_NNS and_CC physician_NN appointments_NNS for_IN vaccination_NN , a_AT concomitant_NN increase_NN in_IN rates_NNS of_IN immunization_NN , and_CC the_ATI potential_JJ development_NN of_IN innovative_JJ vaccines_NNS 125_CD helicobacter_NN pylori_NN 126_CD helicobacter_NN pylori_NN is_BEZ the_ATI cause_NN of_IN chronic_JJ active_JJ gastritis_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ integral_JJ to_IN the_ATI pathogenesis_NN of_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN and_CC is_BEZ epidemiologically_RB linked_VBN to_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN and_CC lymphoma_NN helicobacter_NN pylori_NN can_MD be_BE detected_VBN through_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN invasive_JJ (_( urease_NN testing_NN , culture_NN , or_CC histologic_JJ diagnosis_NN of_IN endoscopic_JJ biopsies_NNS )_) and_CC noninvasive_JJ (_( urease_NN breath_NN tests_NNS , serologic_JJ tests_NNS )_) diagnostic_JJ tests_NNS it_PP3 is_BEZ now_RN appropriate_JJ to_TO detect_VB and_CC eradicate_VB H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN a_AT peptic_JJ ulcer_NN as_IN the_ATI natural_JJ history_NN of_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN is_BEZ then_RN markedly_RB improved_JJ at_IN this_DT time_NN , there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI role_NN for_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN in_IN the_ATI prevention_NN of_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN ; however_RB , this_DT concept_NN is_BEZ being_BEG actively_RB investigated.=20_CD 127_CD there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI indication_NN to_TO treat_VB patients_NNS who_WPR have_HV H_ZZ pylori_NN and_CC nonulcer_NN dyspepsia_NN or_CC gastritis_NN because_CS eradication_NN does_DOZ not_XNOT reliably_RB affect_VB their_PP$ symptoms_NNS current_JJ regimens_NNS for_IN eradication_NN include_VB bismuth_NN , antibiotics_NNS , and_CC antisecretory_NN agents_NNS complex_JJ and_CC poorly_RB tolerated_VBN regimens_NNS (_( triple_JJ therapy_NN )_) may_MD no_RB longer_RBR be_BE necessary_JJ , as_CS simpler_JJR regimens_NNS (_( omeprazole_NN and_CC amoxicillin_NN or_CC clarithromycin_NN )_) appear_VB to_TO be_BE as_CS effective_JJ and_CC better_JJR tolerated_VBN 128_CD helicobacter_NN pylori_NN was_BEDZ first_OD identified_VBN and_CC isolated_JJ nearly_RB a_AT decade_NN ago_RB since_IN that_DT time_NN , H_ZZ pylori_NN has_HVZ been_BEN proposed_VBN to_TO be_BE the_ATI causative_JJ factor_NN for_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN maladies_NNS ranging_VBG from_IN nonulcer_NN dyspepsia_NN to_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN the_ATI role_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN as_IN the_ATI major_JJ causative_JJ factor_NN of_IN _** environmental_JJ _** (_( nonautoimmune_NN )_) gastritis_NN and_CC peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN seems_VBZ beyond_IN refute_VB ; however_RB , its_PP$ association_NN with_IN other_AP gastroduodenal_JJ disorders_NNS remains_VBZ speculative_JJ This_NN review_NN is_BEZ meant_VBN to_TO provide_VB a_AT state-of-the-art_NN update_NN regarding_IN epidemiology_NN , pathogenesis_NN , diagnosis_NN , and_CC treatment_NN of_IN this_DT _** elusive_JJ _** organism_NN 129_CD BACTERIOLOGY_NP 130_CD the_ATI organism_NN was_BEDZ originally_RB named_VBN Campylobacter_NP pyloridis_NN because_CS of_IN its_PP$ structural_JJ similarity_NN to_TO other_AP Campylobacter_NP species_NN because_CS of_IN its_PP$ enteric_JJ nature_NN it_PP3 was_BEDZ renamed_VBN Campylobacter_NP pylori_NN to_TO correspond_VB to_TO the_ATI nomenclature_NN of_IN other_AP enteric_JJ pathogens_NNS in_IN 1989_CD it_PP3 was_BEDZ given_VBN the_ATI name_NN H_ZZ pylori_NN within_IN a_AT new_JJ genus_JJ , Helicobacter_NP , on_IN the_ATI basis_NN of_IN distinct_JJ functional_JJ and_CC enzymatic_JJ properties_NNS in_IN retrospect_NN , Helicobacter-like_NP organisms_NNS were_BED detected_VBN in_IN animal_NN mucosa_NN in_IN the_ATI 1800s_CD and_CC in_IN humans_NNS in_IN the_ATI earlier_RBR part_NN of_IN the_ATI 20th_OD century_NN however_RB , because_CS of_IN misconceptions_NNS and_CC faulty_JJ reasoning_NN , the_ATI organism_NN was_BEDZ ignored_VBN until_IN interest_NN in_IN it_PP3 was_BEDZ resurrected_VBN by_IN Marshall_NP and_CC Warren_NP in_IN 1983_CD 131_CD the_ATI organism_NN is_BEZ a_AT spiral-shaped_JJ , gram-negative_JJ rod_NN measuring_VBG 0.5x3.0_CD microns_NNS with_IN four_CD to_IN six_CD sheathed_JJ flagella_NN it_PP3 resides_NNS below_IN the_ATI mucous_JJ layer_NN in_IN apposition_NN to_IN gastric_JJ epithelium_NN in_IN any_DTI location_NN in_IN which_WDTR gastric_JJ epithelium_NN is_BEZ found_VBN , including_IN the_ATI stomach_NN and_CC such_ABL metaplastic_JJ locations_NNS as_IN the_ATI esophagus_JJ , duodenum_JJB , and_CC Meckel's_NP$ diverticulum_NN the_ATI organism_NN is_BEZ motile_JJ (_( via_IN its_PP$ flagella_NN )_) , and_CC because_CS of_IN this_DT motility_NN and_CC its_PP$ spiral_NN shape_NN , H_ZZ pylori_NN is_BEZ able_JJ to_TO burrow_VB through_IN and_CC reside_VB under_IN the_ATI mucous_JJ layer_NN the_ATI organism_NN also_RB possesses_VBZ a_AT high-_NN molecular-weight_NN urease_NN enzyme_NN that_CS allows_VBZ it_PP3 to_TO catalyze_VB urea_NN , thus_RB forming_VBG ammonium_NN and_CC bicarbonate_NN the_ATI ammonium_NN forms_NNS an_AT alkaline_JJ microenvironment_NN that_CS protects_VBZ H_ZZ pylori_NN from_IN gastric_JJ acid_NN , to_TO which_WDTR the_ATI organism_NN is_BEZ very_QL sensitive_JJ the_ATI bicarbonate_NN that_WPR is_BEZ produced_VBN by_IN the_ATI urease_NN reaction_NN can_MD be_BE used_VBN as_IN a_AT diagnostic_JJ test_NN , as_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ absorbed_VBN into_IN the_ATI blood_NN and_CC eventually_RB excreted_VBN as_IN carbon_NN dioxide_NN by_IN the_ATI lungs_NNS (_( see_VB the_ATI _** Diagnosis_NP _** section_NN )_) the_ATI organism_NN is_BEZ able_JJ to_TO attach_VB to_IN epithelial_JJ membranes_NNS , which_WDTR may_MD determine_VB pathogenicity_VB attachment_NN is_BEZ facilitated_VBN by_IN adherence_NN pedestals_NNS and_CC proteins_NNS that_CS are_BER similar_JJ to_IN those_DTS found_VBN in_IN enteropathogenic_JJ Escherichia_NP coli_&FW 132_CD the_ATI organism_NN demonstrates_VBZ considerable_JJ diversity_NN by_IN DNA_NP analysis_NN This_NN diversity_NN can_MD be_BE used_VBN to_TO type_VB various_JJ strains_NNS and_CC may_MD be_BE valuable_JJ in_IN epidemiologic_JJ studies_NNS a_AT minority_NN of_IN strains_NNS appear_VB to_TO possess_VB plasmids_NNS , although_CS their_PP$ role_NN in_IN pathogenesis_NN or_CC survival_NN is_BEZ unclear_JJ 133_CD transmission_NN appears_VBZ to_TO occur_VB via_IN human-to-human_NN spread_NN , as_IN no_ATI environmental_JJ reservoir_NN has_HVZ been_BEN identified_VBN humans_NNS appear_VB to_TO be_BE the_ATI only_RB major_JJ reservoir_NN of_IN infection_NN and_CC are_BER the_ATI probable_JJ vectors_NNS of_IN transmission_NN isolation_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN the_ATI stool_NN indicates_VBZ fecal-oral_JJ transmission_NN as_IN the_ATI likely_JJ route_NN human_JJ transmission_NN is_BEZ further_JJB supported_VBN by_IN the_ATI findings_NNS of_IN increased_JJ prevalence_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN family_NN members_NNS of_IN affected_JJ subjects_NNS 134_CD PATHOGENESIS_NP 135_CD the_ATI mechanisms_NNS by_IN which_WDTR H_ZZ pylori_NN produces_VBZ the_ATI inflammatory_JJ and_CC cellular_JJ destructive_JJ changes_NNS that_WPR accompany_VB its_PP$ infection_NN remain_VB unclear_JJ lack_NN of_IN availability_NN of_IN a_AT suitable_JJ animal_NN model_NN has_HVZ hindered_VBN research_NN in_IN this_DT area_NN , but_CC recent_JJ work_NN indicates_VBZ that_CS gnotobiotic_JJ piglets_NNS may_MD provide_VB a_AT suitable_JJ model_NN in_IN which_WDTR to_TO study_VB pathogenic_JJ mechanisms_NNS of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN 136_CD tissue_NN invasion_NN by_IN the_ATI organism_NN is_BEZ extremely_RB rare_JJ and_CC is_BEZ probably_RB not_XNOT important_JJ to_TO pathogenesis_VB however_RB , the_ATI bacteria_NNS are_BER able_JJ to_TO penetrate_VB epithelial_JJ cell_NN junctions_NNS the_ATI role_NN that_CS this_DT process_NN plays_NNS in_IN pathogenesis_NN is_BEZ unclear_JJ , although_CS it_PP3 does_DOZ allow_VB the_ATI organism_NN to_TO reside_VB in_IN proximity_NN to_IN epithelial_JJ cell_NN membranes_NNS helicobacter_NN pylori_NN also_RB possesses_VBZ proteases_NNS , lipases_NNS , and_CC phospholipases_NNS , which_WDTR may_MD account_VB for_IN some_DTI of_IN its_PP$ pathogenic_JJ properties_NNS by_IN disrupting_VBG mucous_JJ lipids_NNS 137_CD cytotoxins_NNS have_HV been_BEN identified_VBN that_CS cause_NN vacuolization_NN in_IN tissue_NN culture_NN cell_NN lines_NNS , and_CC these_DTS cytotoxins_NNS appear_VB to_TO be_BE more_QL common_NN in_IN those_DTS patients_NNS who_WPR present_JJ with_IN duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN further_JJB evidence_NN that_CS cytotoxins_NNS may_MD be_BE important_JJ to_TO pathogenesis_VB is_BEZ the_ATI finding_NN of_IN antibody_NN to_TO cytotoxin_VB in_IN the_ATI serum_NN of_IN affected_JJ patients_NNS purified_VBN toxin_NN has_HVZ some_DTI homology_NN to_TO transport_VB and_CC ion_NN channel_NN proteins_NNS , but_CC how_WRB this_DT affects_VBZ pathogenesis_NN is_BEZ unclear_JJ 138_CD the_ATI organism_NN also_RB has_HVZ the_ATI ability_NN to_TO adhere_VB to_IN epithelial_JJ cell_NN membranes_NNS via_IN attachment_NN pedestals_NNS or_CC adhesion_NN proteins_NNS this_DT ability_NN to_TO attach_VB probably_RB confers_VBZ some_DTI element_NN of_IN pathogenicity_NN to_IN the_ATI organism_NN , as_IN adhesion_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT essential_JJ for_IN colonization_NN it_PP3 also_RB appears_VBZ that_CS organisms_NNS that_CS are_BER motile_NN are_BER more_QL virulent_JJ , although_CS the_ATI mechanism_NN for_IN this_DT is_BEZ unclear_JJ 139_CD the_ATI existence_NN of_IN the_ATI potent_JJ , cell-bound_JJB urease_NN enzyme_NN allows_VBZ an_AT acid-labile_NN organism_NN to_TO survive_VB in_IN an_AT acid_NN environment_NN urease_NN may_MD produce_VB some_DTI of_IN the_ATI cellular_JJ injury_NN that_WPR is_BEZ observed_VBN either_DTX directly_RB or_CC through_IN the_ATI local_JJ production_NN of_IN ammonium_NN urease_NN may_MD act_VB directly_RB as_IN a_AT gastric_JJ cell_NN cytotoxin_NN or_CC may_MD disrupt_VB tight_JJ cell_NN junctions_NNS , resulting_JJ in_IN increased_VBN ionic_JJ flow_NN urease_NN also_RB acts_VBZ as_IN a_AT virulence_NN factor_NN , as_IN urease_NN is_BEZ necessary_JJ during_IN the_ATI initial_JJ steps_NNS of_IN colonization_NN before_IN the_ATI organism's_NP$ entry_NN into_IN the_ATI mucous_JJ layer_NN ammonia_NN production_NN impairs_NNS mitochondrial_JJ and_CC cellular_JJ respiration_NN , thus_RB decreasing_VBG cell_NN viability_NN and_CC leading_JJ to_IN mucosal_JJ damage_NN ammonia_NN also_RB disrupts_VBZ the_ATI mucous_JJ layer_NN and_CC may_MD be_BE a_AT direct_JJ cytotoxin_NN clarification_NN of_IN pathogenic_JJ factors_NNS and_CC their_PP$ mechanisms_NNS may_MD allow_VB the_ATI development_NN of_IN novel_JJ therapeutic_JJ agents_NNS or_CC agents_NNS or_CC vaccines_NNS that_DT will_MD prevent_VB infection_NN and_CC colonization_NN 140_CD PREVALENCE_NP 141_CD the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN the_ATI organism_NN is_BEZ dependent_JJ on_IN socioeconomic_JJ class_NN , race_NN , and_CC whether_CS the_ATI subject_NN resides_NNS in_IN a_AT developing_VBG country_NN in_IN Western_NP countries_NNS , infection_NN before_IN the_ATI age_NN of_IN 20_CD years_NNS is_BEZ unusual_JJ , and_CC in_IN adulthood_NN prevalence_NN rates_NNS range_VB from_IN 40%_NP to_IN 60%_NP at_IN age_NN 60_CD years_NNS However_NP , in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP , Hispanics_NP and_CC blacks_NNS are_BER noted_VBN to_TO have_HV markedly_RB increased_JJ prevalence_NN rates_NNS compared_VBN with_IN that_DT of_IN whites_NNS lower_JJR socioeconomic_JJ class_NN and_CC crowding_NN seem_VB to_TO result_VB in_IN higher_JJR prevalence_NN rates_NNS additionally_RB , an_AT increased_JJ prevalence_NN (_( up_RP to_IN 80%_NP )_) is_BEZ found_VBN in_IN family_NN members_NNS of_IN an_AT affected_JJ patient_NN 142_CD in_IN developing_VBG countries_NNS , children_NNS are_BER colonized_VBN early_JJ , with_IN up_RP to_TO 80%_NP of_IN children_NNS under_IN 20_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN being_BEG infected_VBN , compared_VBD with_IN less_AP than_IN 20%_NP of_IN children_NNS in_IN developed_JJ countries_NNS thus_RB , the_ATI age_NN of_IN acquisition_NN and_CC prevalence_NN of_IN infection_NN are_BER different_JJ between_IN populations_NNS , and_CC , more_QL importantly_RB , age_NN at_IN infection_NN may_MD determine_VB disease_NN presentation_NN (_( ie_NN , ulcer_NN disease_NN vs_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN )_) 143_CD recent_JJ epidemiologic_JJ data_NNS suggest_VB that_CS the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN is_BEZ decreasing_VBG for_IN all_ABN ages_NNS , the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN is_BEZ less_AP than_IN prevalence_JJ rates_NNS earlier_RBR in_IN the_ATI century_NN , and_CC seroconversion_NN rates_NNS (_( incidence_NN )_) in_IN adults_NNS are_BER low_JJ (_( {_( 1%_CD per_NNU year_NN )_) the_ATI mechanism_NN responsible_JJ for_IN the_ATI decreasing_VBG prevalence_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT known_VBN but_CC may_MD involve_VB changes_NNS in_IN health_NN , hygiene_NN , socioeconomic_JJ condition_NN , antibiotic_JJ usage_NN , and_CC cohort_NN effect_NN the_ATI impact_NN of_IN this_DT decreasing_JJ prevalence_NN on_IN gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN diseases_NNS (_( ie_NN , ulcers_NNS , gastric_JJ cancer_NN )_) is_BEZ under_IN investigation_NN 144_CD NATURAL_NP COURSE_NP 145_CD inoculation_NN with_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN results_NNS in_IN acute_JJ symptomatic_JJ gastritis_NN with_IN hypochlorhydria_NN in_IN many_AP subjects_NNS although_CS spontaneous_JJ clearance_NN presumably_RB occurs_VBZ , many_AP , if_CS not_XNOT most_QL , of_IN these_DTS patients_NNS will_MD develop_VB chronic_JJ gastritis_NN (_( which_WDTR is_BEZ not_XNOT symptomatic_JJ )_) associated_VBN with_IN normal_JJ acid_NN production_NN the_ATI infection_NN appears_VBZ to_TO remain_VB stable_JJ , with_IN little_JJ change_NN in_IN the_ATI gastritis_NN or_CC antibody_NN titers_NNS over_IN time_NN , and_CC infection_NN probably_RB persists_VBZ for_IN decades_NNS , if_CS not_XNOT for_IN life_NN however_RB , eradication_NN of_IN the_ATI organism_NN does_DOZ result_NN in_IN improvement_NN or_CC healing_NN of_IN the_ATI gastritis_NN in_IN the_ATI majority_NN of_IN patients_NNS (_( see_VB below_IN )_) 146_CD GASTRITIS_NP 147_CD it_PP3 appears_VBZ that_CS H_ZZ pylori_NN is_BEZ the_ATI predominant_JJ cause_NN of_IN type_NN B_ZZ antral_JJ , or_CC environmental_JJ (_( vs_IN type_NN A_ZZ , or_CC autoimmune_NN )_) , gastritis_NN prevalence_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN subjects_NNS with_IN type_NN B_ZZ antral_JJ gastritis_NN approaches_NNS 100%_CD there_EX is_BEZ a_AT decreased_VBN prevalence_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN those_DTS with_IN a_AT specific_JJ gastritis_NN , such_ABL as_CS that_CS related_VBN to_TO alcohol_NN or_CC nonsteroidal_JJ anti-inflammatory_NN drug_NN ingestion_NN , lending_VBG credence_NN to_IN the_ATI association_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN and_CC type_NN B_ZZ gastritis_NN three_CD other_AP lines_NNS of_IN evidence_NN support_NN the_ATI hypothesis_NN that_CS H_ZZ pylori_NN causes_NNS gastritis_NN first_OD , acute_JJ inflammatory_JJ gastritis_NN developed_VBN in_IN volunteer_NN studies_NNS after_IN ingestion_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN However_NP , in_IN the_ATI case_NN of_IN one_CD1 volunteer_NN ingestion_NN , chronic_JJ active_JJ gastritis_NN persisted_VBD after_IN treatment_NN , so_QL future_NN human_JJ studies_NNS are_BER unlikely_JJ additionally_RB , accidental_JJ inoculation_NN during_IN the_ATI course_NN of_IN acid_NN secretory_NN studies_NNS resulted_VBD in_IN an_AT epidemic_NN of_IN gastritis_NN second_OD , animal_NN studies_NNS using_VBG a_AT gnotobiotic_JJ pig_NN model_NN resulted_VBD in_IN chronic_JJ inflammation_NN and_CC a_AT histologic_JJ picture_NN compatible_JJ with_IN human_JJ chronic_JJ active_JJ gastritis_NN 148_CD 24_CD finally_RB , it_PP3 appears_VBZ that_CS gastritis_NN resolves_VBZ after_IN treatment_NN and_CC subsequent_JJ eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN studies_NNS with_IN bismuth_NN compounds_NNS showed_VBD improvement_NN or_CC disappearance_NN of_IN gastritis_NN after_IN eradication_NN of_IN the_ATI organism_NN however_RB , because_CS bismuth_NN may_MD have_HV effects_NNS on_IN the_ATI gastric_JJ mucosa_JJ independent_NN of_IN its_PP$ activity_NN against_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN , further_JJB studies_NNS using_VBG antibiotic_JJ combinations_NNS without_IN bismuth_NN were_BED performed_VBN , with_IN similar_JJ results_NNS thus_RB , it_PP3 appears_VBZ that_CS for_IN gastritis_NN , Koch's_NP$ postulates_NNS for_IN an_AT infecting_VBG organism_NN have_HV been_BEN fulfilled_VBN however_RB , chronic_JJ active_JJ gastritis_NN and_CC associated_VBN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN are_BER common_JJ and_CC not_XNOT necessarily_RB associated_VBN with_IN symptoms_NNS 149_CD NONULCER_NP DYSPEPSIA_NP 150_CD there_EX are_BER conflicting_JJ data_NNS in_IN the_ATI literature_NN on_IN whether_CS nonulcer_NN dyspepsia_NN is_BEZ associated_VBN with_IN gastritis_NN or_CC H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN mechanisms_NNS by_IN which_WDTR gastritis_NN and_CC H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN could_MD result_VB in_IN symptoms_NNS of_IN dyspepsia_NN are_BER unclear_JJ however_RB , there_EX is_BEZ some_DTI evidence_NN that_CS inflammatory_JJ changes_NNS of_IN the_ATI gastric_JJ mucosa_NN result_NN in_IN a_AT motor_NN derangement_NN and_CC gastric_JJ emptying_VBG abnormalities_NNS , which_WDTR may_MD cause_VB upper_JJB gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN symptoms_NNS the_ATI association_NN of_IN nonulcer_NN dyspepsia_NN and_CC chronic_JJ active_JJ gastritis_NN is_BEZ variable_JJ , occurring_VBG in_IN 30%_NP to_IN 70%_NP of_IN patients_NNS treatment_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT necessarily_RB associated_VBN with_IN clinical_JJ improvement_NN , and_CC many_AP investigators_NNS have_HV shown_VBN that_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI association_NN between_IN either_DTX the_ATI finding_NN of_IN chronic_JJ gastritis_NN or_CC the_ATI symptoms_NNS of_IN dyspepsia.=20_CD 151_CD furthermore_RB , eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN with_IN subsequent_JJ resolution_NN of_IN gastritis_NN does_DOZ not_XNOT alleviate_VB dyspeptic_JJ symptoms_NNS however_RB , efficacy_NN of_IN therapy_NN has_HVZ been_BEN variable_NN a_JJ few_AP studies_NNS have_HV shown_VBN that_CS dyspepsia_NN may_MD improve_VB after_IN the_ATI eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN with_IN antimicrobial_JJ therapy_NN , but_CC the_ATI preponderance_NN of_IN evidence_NN does_DOZ not_XNOT support_VB the_ATI association_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN and_CC dyspeptic_JJ symptoms_NNS 152_CD DUODENAL_NP ULCER_NP 153_CD maintenance_NN of_IN gastric_JJ and_CC duodenal_JJ mucosal_JJ integrity_NN is_BEZ a_AT balance_NN between_IN mucosal_JJ defensive_JJ and_CC aggressive_JJ factors_NNS in_IN the_ATI past_NN we_PP1AS have_HV assumed_VBN that_CS aggressive_JJ factors_NNS consisted_VBD entirely_RB of_IN acid_NN and_CC pepsin_NN It_NP is_BEZ now_RN clear_JJ that_CS H_ZZ pylori_NN should_MD be_BE considered_VBN an_AT aggressive_JJ factor_NN and_CC may_MD also_RB affect_VB pathogenesis_NN via_IN alteration_NN of_IN mucosal_JJ defensive_JJ factors.=20_CD 154_CD the_ATI role_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN the_ATI causation_NN of_IN duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN is_BEZ supported_VBN by_IN the_ATI nearly_RB uni-_JJ versal_JJ finding_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN and_CC inflammation_JJ of_IN the_ATI gastric_JJ antrum_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN (_( excluding_VBG those_DTS with_IN ulcers_NNS related_VBN to_IN nonsteroidal_JJ anti-inflammatory_NN drugs_NNS and_CC patients_NNS with_IN ulcers_NNS related_VBN to_TO gastrinoma_VB )_) this_DT association_NN among_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN , gastritis_NN , and_CC duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN is_BEZ seen_VBN in_IN more_AP than_IN 90%_NP of_IN patients_NNS unfortunately_RB , no_ATI clinical_JJ clues_NNS are_BER reliable_JJ in_IN differentiating_VBG ulcers_NNS associated_VBN with_IN H._NP pylori_NN from_IN those_DTS secondary_JJ to_TO nonsteroidal_JJ anti-inflammatory_NN drugs_NNS or_CC gastrinoma_NN clearly_RB , concomitant_NN use_NN of_IN nonsteroidal_JJ anti-inflammatory_NN drugs_NNS or_CC lack_NN of_IN _** gastritis_NN _** on_IN a_AT biopsy_NN specimen_NN should_MD alert_JJ a_AT physician_NN that_CS another_DT cause_NN of_IN ulceration_NN is_BEZ likely_JJ 155_CD 31_CD one_CD1 pathogenic_JJ mechanism_NN that_WPR has_HVZ been_BEN hypothesized_VBN to_TO explain_VB duodenal_JJ ulceration_NN associated_VBN with_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN is_BEZ an_AT increased_VBN postprandial_JJ gastrin_NN release_NN related_VBN to_IN the_ATI effect_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN on_IN antral_JJ endocrine_NN cells_NNS that_CS release_NN somatostatin_NN this_DT increase_NN in_IN gastrin_NN presumably_RB results_VBZ in_IN increased_JJ acid_NN delivery_NN to_IN the_ATI duodenal_JJ bulb_NN , resulting_JJ in_IN gastric_JJ metaplasia_NN , which_WDTR is_BEZ later_RBR colonized_VBN by_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN The_NP presence_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN this_DT metaplastic_JJ epithelium_NN causes_NNS a_AT secondary_JJ inflammatory_JJ process_NN and_CC subsequently_RB an_AT ulcer_NN 156_CD 32_CD however_RB , other_AP effects_NNS that_CS H_ZZ pylori_NN may_MD have_HV on_IN duodenal_JJ defensive_JJ factors_NNS , ie_NN , bicarbonate_NN secretion_NN , need_NN to_TO be_BE clarified_VBN , and_CC the_ATI exact_JJ pathogenic_JJ mechanism_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN remains_VBZ unknown_JJ 157_CD 33_CD further_JJB evidence_NN supporting_VBG the_ATI association_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN and_CC duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN is_BEZ that_CS eradication_NN of_IN the_ATI organism_NN results_NNS in_IN markedly_RB reduced_JJ rates_NNS of_IN ulcer_NN relapse_NN compared_VBN with_IN findings_NNS in_IN patients_NNS treated_VBN with_IN conventional_JJ antisecretory_NN therapy_NN (_( ie_NN , histamine_NN sub_NN 2_CD blockers_NNS )_) relapse_NN rates_NNS in_IN those_DTS in_IN whom_WPOR H_ZZ pylori_NN has_HVZ been_BEN eradicated_VBN range_NN between_IN 0%_NP and_CC 25%_NN , compared_VBD with_IN relapse_NN rates_NNS of_IN 70%_NP to_IN 90%_NP seen_VBN in_IN those_DTS treated_VBN with_IN more_QL conventional_JJ therapy_NN 158_CD 34_CD while_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ clear_JJ that_CS H_ZZ pylori_NN plays_NNS a_AT pivotal_JJ role_NN in_IN the_ATI pathogenesis_NN and_CC prevalence_NN of_IN duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN , the_ATI exact_JJ mechanism_NN by_IN which_WDTR infection_NN of_IN the_ATI gastric_JJ antrum_NN contributes_VBZ to_TO duodenal_JJ ulceration_NN and_CC the_ATI ideal_JJ form_NN of_IN therapy_NN for_IN duodenal_JJ ulcers_NNS remains_VBZ problematic_JJ (_( see_VB the_ATI _** Treatment_NP _** section_NN )_) 159_CD 35_CD GASTRIC_NP ULCERS_NP 160_CD 36_CD as_IN with_IN duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN , nearly_RB 100%_CD of_IN patients_NNS with_IN gastric_JJ ulcers_NNS who_WPR are_BER not_XNOT taking_VBG nonsteroidal_JJ anti- inflammatory_NN drugs_NNS have_HV evidence_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN although_CS gastric_JJ ulcer_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN nearly_RB as_CS well_RB studied_VBN as_IN duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN , it_PP3 appears_VBZ that_CS eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN gastric_JJ ulcers_NNS also_RB markedly_RB diminishes_VBZ rates_NNS of_IN relapse_NN once_RB again_RB , the_ATI mechanism_NN by_IN which_WDTR H_ZZ pylori_NN produces_VBZ gastric_JJ ulceration_NN and_CC the_ATI ideal_JJ form_NN of_IN therapy_NN for_IN this_DT infection_NN is_BEZ unclear_JJ 161_CD 37_CD GASTRIC_NP CANCER_NP 162_CD 38_CD three_CD lines_NNS of_IN evidence_NN support_VB the_ATI association_NN of_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN and_CC infection_NN with_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN first_OD , populations_NNS at_IN increased_JJ risk_NN of_IN developing_VBG gastric_JJ cancer_NN have_HV higher_JJR prevalence_JJ rates_NNS of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN all_ABN age_NN groups_NNS second_OD , precursor_NN histologic_JJ lesions_NNS known_VBN to_TO be_BE present_JJ before_IN the_ATI development_NN of_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN are_BER also_RB associated_VBN with_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN third_OD , in_IN numerous_JJ epidemiologic_JJ studies_NNS gastric_JJ cancer_NN has_HVZ been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO be_BE strongly_RB associated_VBN with_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN in_IN two_CD of_IN these_DTS studies_NNS , infection_NN with_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN was_BEDZ documented_VBN by_IN serologic_JJ analysis_NN more_AP than_IN a_AT decade_NN before_IN the_ATI development_NN of_IN cancer_NN 163_CD 39_CD the_ATI purported_VBN mechanism_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN gastric_JJ carcinogenesis_NN is_BEZ related_VBN to_IN the_ATI superficial_JJ and_CC chronic_JJ active_JJ gastritis_NN that_CS occurs_VBZ in_IN response_NN to_IN infection_NN some_DTI patients_NNS , in_IN response_NN to_IN this_DT chronic_JJ inflammatory_JJ process_NN , will_MD subsequently_RB develop_VB gastric_JJ atrophy_RB , a_AT process_NN that_WPR may_MD occur_VB over_IN many_AP decades_NNS gastric_JJ atrophy_RB is_BEZ known_VBN to_TO be_BE associated_VBN with_IN increased_VBN epithelial_JJ cell_NN proliferation_NN ; coupled_VBN with_IN dietary_JJ factors_NNS , environmental_JJ factors_NNS , and_or_CC mutational_JJ events_NNS , this_DT may_MD result_VB in_IN the_ATI _** fertile_JJ field_NN _** necessary_JJ for_IN the_ATI carcinogenesis_NN to_TO occur_VB 164_CD 40_CD further_JJB work_NN along_IN these_DTS lines_NNS documenting_VBG the_ATI epidemiologic_JJ association_NN and_CC the_ATI carcinogenic_JJ mechanism_NN involved_VBN may_MD lead_VB to_TO intervention_NN and_CC prevention_NN of_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN at_IN the_ATI present_JJ time_NN there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI clinical_JJ role_NN for_IN eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN cancer_NN prevention_NN , even_RB in_IN _** high-risk_NN _** subjects_NNS 165_CD 41_CD DIAGNOSIS_NP 166_CD 42_CD diagnosis_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN uses_VBZ a_AT variety_NN of_IN noninvasive_JJ and_CC invasive_JJ tests_NNS (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) the_ATI carbon_NN 13_CD and_CC carbon_NN 14_CD urea_NN breath_NN tests_NNS take_VB advantage_NN of_IN the_ATI fact_NN that_CS the_ATI organism_NN possesses_VBZ a_AT potent_JJ urease_NN enzyme_NN the_ATI subject_NN ingests_NNS radiolabeled_JJ urea_NN , which_WDTR , in_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN this_DT bacterial_JJ urease_NN , results_VBZ in_IN the_ATI formation_NN of_IN ammonium_NN and_CC radiolabeled_JJ bicarbonate_NN this_DT bicarbonate_NN is_BEZ readily_RB absorbed_VBN into_IN the_ATI bloodstream_NN , and_CC the_ATI radiolabeled_JJ carbon_NN is_BEZ excreted_VBN in_IN the_ATI breath_NN in_IN the_ATI form_NN of_IN carbon_NN dioxide_NN in_IN the_ATI Carbon-14_CD-CD breath_NN test_NN , Carbon-14_CD-CD is_BEZ detected_VBN by_IN scintillation_NN counter_NN , whereas_CS in_IN the_ATI Carbon- 13_CD-CD breath_NN test_NN , mass_NN spectrography_NN is_BEZ used_VBN the_ATI sensitivity_NN and_CC specificity_NN of_IN these_DTS breath_NN tests_NNS is_BEZ 90%_NP to_TO 95%_VB .=20_CD 167_CD 43_CD advantages_NNS of_IN the_ATI breath_NN tests_NNS are_BER their_PP$ simplicity_NN and_CC noninvasiveness_NN as_QL well_RB as_IN the_ATI minimal_JJ radiation_NN exposure_NN that_CS occurs_VBZ with_IN Carbon-14_CD-CD however_RB , the_ATI test_NN does_DOZ require_VB fasting_NN , and_CC false- negative_JJ results_NNS may_MD occur_VB if_CS antibiotics_NNS have_HV been_BEN used_VBN within_IN the_ATI previous_JJ 4_CD weeks_NNS additionally_RB , false-positive_JJ results_NNS can_MD occur_VB from_IN urease_JJ present_NN in_IN the_ATI mouth_NN , but_CC this_DT can_MD be_BE diminished_VBN by_IN toothbrushing_VBG before_IN testing_NN although_CS this_DT test_NN is_BEZ currently_RB available_JJ only_RB as_IN a_AT research_NN tool_NN , its_PP$ availability_NN as_IN a_AT routine_JJ clinical_JJ test_NN is_BEZ expected_VBN in_IN the_ATI near_IN future_NN 168_CD 44_CD helicobacter_NN pylori_NN urease_NN activity_NN can_MD also_RB be_BE used_VBN to_TO diagnose_VB infection_NN by_IN measuring_VBG the_ATI gastric_JJ ammonia- urea_NN ratio_NN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN bacterial_JJ urease_NN results_NNS in_IN an_AT increased_JJ ratio_NN of_IN ammonia_NN (_( result_NN of_IN urease_NN activity_NN on_IN urea_NN )_) to_TO urea_VB with_IN eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN , urease_NN activity_NN decreases_VBZ and_CC the_ATI ammonia-urea_NN ratio_NN falls_VBZ to_TO normal_JJ 169_CD 45_CD urease_NN activity_NN can_MD also_RB be_BE detected_VBN within_IN a_AT mucosal_JJ biopsy_NN specimen_NN obtained_VBN at_IN the_ATI time_NN of_IN endoscopy_NN the_ATI specimen_NN is_BEZ placed_VBN within_IN a_AT urea_NN gel_NN or_CC broth_NN that_CS contains_VBZ a_AT pH_NN detector_NN (_( most_QL commonly_RB phenol_JJ red_JJ )_) ; if_CS the_ATI specimen_NN contains_VBZ H_ZZ pylori_NN , its_PP$ urease_NN will_MD form_VB ammonia_NN , resulting_JJ in_IN an_AT increased_JJ pH_NN and_CC a_AT distinctive_JJ color_NN change_NN (_( Clotest_JJT , Trimed_NP Specialties_NP Inc_JNP , Lenexa_NP , Kan_NP )_) this_DT test_NN can_MD be_BE read_VB within_IN 2_CD to_IN 3_CD hours_NNS , and_CC two_CD thirds_NNS of_IN the_ATI tests_NNS will_MD become_VB positive_JJ within_IN 30_CD minutes_NNS the_ATI sensitivity_NN and_CC specificity_NN of_IN this_DT test_NN is_BEZ 90%_NP to_TO 98%_VB false-negative_JJ results_NNS can_MD occur_VB secondary_JJ to_TO sampling_NN artifact_NN or_CC a_AT low_JJ inoculum_NN of_IN bacteria_NNS in_IN the_ATI sample_NN 170_CD 46_CD mucosal_JJ biopsy_NN can_MD also_RB be_BE used_VBN to_TO detect_VB the_ATI infection_NN Originally_NP , the_ATI Warthin-Starry_NP silver_NN stain_NN was_BEDZ commonly_RB used_VBN ; however_RB , the_ATI Giemsa_NP stain_NN is_BEZ simpler_JJR to_TO perform_VB and_CC also_RB allows_VBZ the_ATI pathologist_NN to_TO determine_VB the_ATI histologic_JJ characteristics.=20_CD 171_CD 47_CD its_PP$ simplicity_NN and_CC ease_NN of_IN use_NN make_NN Giemsa_NP the_ATI stain_NN of_IN choice_NN for_IN detecting_JJ H_ZZ pylori_NN however_RB , with_IN experience_NN , H_ZZ pylori_NN can_MD be_BE readily_RB detected_VBN with_IN routine_NN hematoxylin-eosin_NN staining_NN biopsy_NN of_IN the_ATI antrum_NN of_IN the_ATI stomach_NN results_NNS in_IN the_ATI greatest_JJT yield_NN , and_CC the_ATI performance_NN of_IN two_CD endoscopic_JJ biopsies_NNS also_RB significantly_RB increases_VBZ detection_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN 172_CD 48_CD diagnosis_NN can_MD also_RB be_BE made_VBN by_IN culture_NN of_IN mucosal_JJ biopsy_NN specimens_NNS advantages_NNS of_IN culture_NN include_VB the_ATI establishment_NN of_IN antibiotic_JJ sensitivities_NNS if_CS treatment_NN is_BEZ indicated_VBN biopsy_NN specimens_NNS need_NN to_TO be_BE placed_VBN into_IN supplemented_VBN selected_JJ media_NNS , such_IN as_IN chocolate_NN agar_NN , to_TO which_WDTR antibiotics_NNS have_HV been_BEN added_VBN to_TO prevent_VB other_AP bacterial_JJ overgrowth_NN the_ATI organism_NN requires_VBZ a_AT warm_JJ , humid_JJ microaerophilic_JJ environment_NN for_IN optimal_JJ growth_NN sensitivities_NNS for_IN cultures_NNS are_BER 70%_NP to_TO 95%_VB , with_IN a_AT specificity_NN of_IN 100%_CD if_CS metronidazole_NN resistance_NN becomes_VBZ widespread_JJ , then_RN the_ATI use_NN of_IN culture_NN and_CC sensitivity_NN may_MD become_VB necessary_JJ in_IN routine_NN clinical_JJ practice_NN 173_CD 49_CD diagnosis_NN via_IN serologic_JJ studies_NNS is_BEZ possible_JJ through_IN the_ATI detection_NN of_IN antibodies_NNS produced_VBN against_IN high-molecular-weight_NN cell_NN proteins_NNS of_IN the_ATI outer_JJB membrane_NN of_IN the_ATI organism_NN initially_RB , antibodies_NNS were_BED detected_VBN by_IN enzyme-linked_JJ immunosorbent_NN assay_NN against_IN whole_JJ extracts_NNS of_IN the_ATI organism_NN ; however_RB , these_DTS serologic_JJ tests_NNS were_BED less_QL sensitive_JJ and_CC specific_JJ than_IN the_ATI newer_JJR antibodies_NNS against_IN high-molecular-weight_NN cell_NN proteins_NNS however_RB , positive_JJ tests_NNS indicate_VB both_ABX current_JJ infection_NN as_QL well_RB as_IN old_JJ infection_NN thus_RB , serologic_JJ tests_NNS are_BER valuable_JJ as_IN an_AT epidemiologic_JJ tool_NN but_CC are_BER suboptimal_VBN in_IN individual_JJ case_NN testing_NN serologic_JJ testing_NN may_MD be_BE used_VBN after_IN therapy_NN for_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN Successful_JJ eradication_NN of_IN the_ATI organism_NN results_NNS in_IN a_AT progressive_JJ fall_NN in_IN antibody_NN titer_NN , and_CC this_DT titration_NN of_IN the_ATI serum_NN antibody_NN response_NN can_MD be_BE useful_JJ in_IN assessing_VBG the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN therapy_NN for_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN sensitivity_NN and_CC specificity_NN of_IN the_ATI newer_JJR antibody_NN tests_NNS is_BEZ greater_JJR than_IN 90%_NP 174_CD 50_CD TREATMENT_NP 175_CD 51_CD the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN and_CC associated_VBN gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN disease_NN has_HVZ been_BEN an_AT extraordinarily_RB controversial_JJ subject_NN at_IN the_ATI present_JJ time_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ appropriate_JJ to_TO treat_VB only_RB H_ZZ pylori_NN associated_VBN with_IN duodenal_JJ or_CC gastric_JJ ulcers_NNS ongoing_VBG randomized_VBN controlled_JJ studies_NNS looking_VBG at_IN the_ATI effect_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN treatment_NN and_CC eradication_NN on_IN the_ATI occurrence_NN of_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN in_IN high-risk_NN populations_NNS will_MD eventually_RB answer_VB the_ATI question_NN of_IN whether_CS or_CC not_XNOT patients_NNS at_IN high_JJ risk_NN for_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN also_RB should_MD be_BE treated_VBN 176_CD 52_CD the_ATI goal_NN of_IN therapy_NN in_IN treating_VBG patients_NNS with_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN and_CC H_ZZ pylori_NN is_BEZ eradication_JJ of_IN the_ATI organism_NN because_CS of_IN the_ATI complexity_NN and_CC side_NN effects_NNS of_IN the_ATI regimens_NNS described_VBN below_IN and_CC the_ATI availability_NN of_IN other_AP effective_JJ therapies_NNS for_IN ulcer_NN disease_NN (_( eg_NN , histamine_NN sub_NN 2_CD blockers_NNS , sucralfate_NN , antacids_NNS , proton_NN pump_NN inhibitors_NNS )_) , the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN the_ATI setting_NN of_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN remains_VBZ an_AT option_NN for_IN any_DTI patient_NN with_IN a_AT peptic_JJ ulcer_NN who_WPR has_HVZ H_ZZ pylori_NN although_CS most_AP studies_NNS have_HV focused_VBN on_IN patients_NNS with_IN duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN , those_DTS with_IN gastric_JJ ulcer_NN probably_RB respond_VB as_IN well_RB to_TO eradication_NN of_IN the_ATI organism_NN Recurrence_NP of_IN ulcer_NN disease_NN is_BEZ rare_JJ after_IN eradication_NN and_CC healing_NN of_IN the_ATI ulcer_NN (_( {_( 10%_CD per_NNU year_NN )_) , reflecting_VBG the_ATI low_JJ reinfection_NN rate_NN with_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN this_DT population_NN (_( 1%_CD to_TO 2%_VB per_NNU year_NN )_) in_IN patients_NNS with_IN recurrent_JJ , recalcitrant_JJ , or_CC complicated_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN , H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN therapy_NN may_MD be_BE the_ATI most_QL appropriate_JJ treatment.=20_CD 177_CD 53_CD there_EX is_BEZ recent_JJ evidence_NN that_CS in_IN patients_NNS presenting_VBG with_IN bleeding_JJ peptic_JJ ulcers_NNS , H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN decreased_VBD rebleeding_VBG associated_VBN with_IN later_RBR ulcer_NN recurrence_NN , although_CS this_DT preliminary_JJ finding_VBG needs_NNS confirmation_NN in_IN large_JJ clinical_JJ trials_NNS as_CS safer_JJR and_CC simpler_JJR regimens_NNS become_VB available_JJ with_IN the_ATI development_NN of_IN novel_NN antimicrobial_JJ agents_NNS , it_PP3 may_MD be_BE appropriate_JJ to_TO treat_VB all_ABN presentations_NNS of_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN as_IN infectious_JJ disease_NN whether_CS patients_NNS who_WPR are_BER positive_JJ for_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN and_CC taking_VBG nonsteroidal_JJ anti-inflammatory_NN drugs_NNS respond_VB to_TO H_ZZ pylori_NN therapy_NN is_BEZ unknown_JJ , and_CC this_DT cannot_NN be_BE recommended_VBN as_IN a_AT treatment_NN option_NN at_IN this_DT time_NN 178_CD 54_CD there_EX are_BER no_ATI data_NNS at_IN this_DT time_NN to_TO support_VB H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN as_IN a_AT treatment_NN of_IN nonulcer_NN dyspepsia_NN or_CC gastritis_NN or_CC to_TO prevent_VB gastric_JJ cancer_NN 179_CD 55_CD although_CS H_ZZ pylori_NN shows_VBZ in_IN vitro_NN susceptibility_NN to_TO most_QL antibiotics_NNS , this_DT does_DOZ not_XNOT translate_VB into_IN in_RB vivo_RB effectiveness_NN this_DT dichotomy_NN may_MD result_VB from_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN reasons_NNS , including_IN the_ATI fact_NN that_CS the_ATI bacteria_NNS reside_VB below_IN the_ATI mucous_JJ layer_NN and_CC thus_RB have_HV a_AT decreased_VBN exposure_NN to_IN luminal_JJ concentrations_NNS of_IN antibiotics_NNS in_IN addition_NN , resistance_NN to_IN single_JJ antibiotic_JJ agents_NNS develops_VBZ rapidly_RB , and_CC metronidazole_NN resistance_NN may_MD be_BE seen_VBN in_IN as_QL many_AP as_CS 30%_NP of_IN strains_NNS Probably_NP the_ATI most_QL common_JJ cause_NN of_IN failure_NN to_TO eradicate_VB H_ZZ pylori_NN is_BEZ noncompliance_NN with_IN these_DTS complex_JJ regimens_NNS additionally_RB , side_NN effects_NNS may_MD be_BE seen_VBN in_IN up_RP to_IN 30%_NP of_IN patients_NNS treated_VBN with_IN the_ATI regimens_NNS described_VBN below_RI 180_CD 56_CD the_ATI most_AP effective_JJ regimen_NNS for_IN eradicating_VBG H_ZZ pylori_NN has_HVZ been_BEN bismuth_NN and_CC two_CD antibiotics_NNS the_ATI regimen_NNS with_IN the_ATI greatest_JJT success_NN rate_NN is_BEZ tetracycline_NN (_( 2_CD g_d_NN )_) , metronidazole_NN (_( 750_CD mg_d_NN )_) , and_CC bismuth_NN (_( eight_CD tablets_NNS per_NNU day_NN )_) for_IN 2_CD weeks_NNS , which_WDTR results_VBZ in_IN an_AT eradication_JJ rate_NN of_IN 90%_NP in_IN those_DTS intolerant_JJ of_IN tetracycline_NN , amoxicillin_NN can_MD be_BE substituted_VBN with_IN nearly_RB equal_JJ efficacy_NN antibiotics_NNS without_IN bismuth_NN can_MD also_RB eradicate_VB H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN 90%_NP of_IN patients_NNS .=20_CD 181_CD 57_CD newer_JJR regimens_NNS include_VB the_ATI use_NN of_IN omeprazole_NN and_CC such_ABL antibiotics_NNS as_IN amoxicillin_NN or_CC clarithromycin_NN ; these_DTS result_NN in_IN eradication_JJ rates_NNS of_IN 60%_NP to_IN 80%_NP and_CC appear_VB to_TO be_BE much_RB better_JJR tolerated_VBN Thus_JJ , these_DTS regimens_NNS are_BER currently_RB used_VBN by_IN many_AP physicians_NNS as_IN the_ATI treatment_NN regimens_NNS of_IN choice_NN reinfection_NN after_IN eradication_NN is_BEZ unusual_JJ , and_CC so_PN maintenance_NN therapy_NN is_BEZ unnecessary_JJ this_DT approach_NN to_TO therapy_NN should_MD be_BE more_QL cost-effective_JJ than_IN the_ATI standard_NN (_( antisecretory_NN agents_NNS )_) therapy_NN , which_WDTR requires_VBZ frequent_JJ retreatment_NN or_CC maintenance_NN therapy_NN as_CS well_RB as_IN continued_VBD use_NN of_IN medical_JJ resources_NNS 182_CD viral_JJ Imitations_NNS of_IN Host_NPT Defense_NP Proteins_NP : flattery_NN That_NP Turns_NNS to_IN Battery_NP 183_CD a_AT 40-year-old_JJB Indian_JNP woman_NN with_IN Takayasu's_NP$ arteritis_NN presented_VBN to_TO the_ATI National_NP Naval_NPT Medical_NP Center_NP with_IN chest_NN pain_NN of_IN 1_CD1 day's_NN$ duration_NN One_NP year_NN previously_RB , she_PP3A had_HVD presented_VBN with_IN malaise_NN , diminished_VBD left_VBN upper_JJB extremity_NN pulses_NNS , and_CC an_AT elevated_VBD erythrocyte_NN sedimentation_NN rate_NN A_ZZ diagnosis_NN of_IN Takayasu's_NP$ arteritis_NN had_HVD been_BEN made_VBN by_IN angiographic_JJ demonstration_NN of_IN stenosis_NN of_IN the_ATI left_NN subclavian_JJ artery_NN she_PP3A had_HVD been_BEN treated_VBN initially_RB with_IN 1_CD1 mg_kg_CD per_NNU day_NN of_IN prednisone_NN with_IN angiographically_RB evident_JJ improvement_NN , and_CC the_ATI drug_NN dosage_NN had_HVD been_BEN tapered_JJ over_IN the_ATI past_NN year_NN to_IN 10_CD mg_NNU of_IN prednisone_NN every_AT other_AP day_NN 184_CD on_IN the_ATI day_NN of_IN admission_NN she_PP3A noted_VBD constant_JJ , sharp_JJ left_JJ chest_NN pain_NN without_IN radiation_NN and_CC without_IN dyspnea_NN her_PP$ past_NN medical_JJ history_NN was_BEDZ otherwise_RB unremarkable_JJ the_ATI physical_JJ examination_NN revealed_VBN a_AT woman_NN who_WPR appeared_VBD well_RB nourished_VBN her_PP$ temperature_NN was_BEDZ 38.5_CD degrees_NNS C_ZZ orally_RB her_PP$ heart_NN rate_NN was_BEDZ 92_CD beats_VBZ per_NNU minute_NN , and_CC her_PP$ blood_NN pressure_NN was_BEDZ 126_78_CD mm_UH Hg_&FO the_ATI physical_JJ examination_NN produced_VBN entirely_RB normal_JJ results_NNS except_CS for_IN slightly_RB diminished_VBN left_VBN upper_JJB extremity_NN pulses_NNS that_CS were_BED unchanged_JJ from_IN the_ATI previous_JJ month_NN results_NNS of_IN blood_NN analysis_NN were_BED normal_JJ except_CS for_IN an_AT erythrocyte_NN sedimentation_JJ rate_NN of_IN 52_CD mm_h_NN and_CC a_AT white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN count_NN of_IN 11.3x10_CD sup_VB 9_L_NN with_IN a_AT normal_JJ differential_JJ the_ATI electrocardiogram_NN was_BEDZ normal.=20_CD 185_CD on_IN the_ATI second_OD hospital_NN day_NN , several_AP vesicles_NNS appeared_VBD in_IN the_ATI left_NN T-7_NP dermatomal_JJ distribution_NN the_ATI mucous_JJ membranes_NNS and_CC other_AP dermatomes_NNS remained_VBD normal_JJ the_ATI results_NNS of_IN a_AT Tzanck_NP test_NN were_BED positive_JJ , and_CC a_AT clinical_JJ diagnosis_NN of_IN localized_JJ varicella-zoster_NN virus_NN (_( VZV_NP )_) infection_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN since_IN the_ATI patient_NN was_BEDZ considered_VBN to_TO be_BE at_IN low_JJ risk_NN for_IN dissemination_NN , treatment_NN with_IN acyclovir_NN was_BEDZ withheld_VBN and_CC oral_JJ analgesics_NNS were_BED given_VBN for_IN pain_NN a_AT culture_NN of_IN the_ATI vesicular_NN fluid_NN confirmed_VBN the_ATI diagnosis_NN the_ATI vesicles_NNS healed_VBN during_IN the_ATI next_AP several_AP weeks_NNS 186_CD CASE_NP DISCUSSION_NP 187_CD in_IN an_AT article_NN entitled_VBN _** Viral_NP Quasispecies_NNS _** published_VBN in_IN Scientific_NP American_JNP in_IN 1993_CD , Nobel_NP laureate_NN Manfred_NP Eigen_NP wrote_VBD : _** according_IN to_TO Greek_JNP mythology_NN , when_WRB curious_JJ Pandora_NP opened_VBD a_AT forbidden_JJ box_NN she_PP3A set_VBD loose_JJ all_ABN the_ATI miseries_NNS and_CC evils_NNS known_VBN to_IN the_ATI world_NN one_CD1 of_IN them_PP3OS was_BEDZ undoubtedly_RB the_ATI virus-the_NN very_QL name_NN of_IN which_WDTR is_BEZ Latin_JNP for_IN slime_NN , poison_NN and_CC stench_NN _** later_RBR , somewhat_RB more_QL prosaically_RB , he_PP3A wrote_VBD , _** Essentially_NP , a_AT virus_NN is_BEZ a_AT genetic_JJ program_NN that_CS carries_VBZ the_ATI simple_JJ message_NN '_**' Reproduce_NP me_PP1O !_! '_**' from_IN one_CD1 cell_NN to_IN another.=20_CD 188_CD Eigen_NP has_HVZ captured_VBN the_ATI essential_JJ paradox_NN of_IN the_ATI virus_NN : how_WRB can_MD something_PN so_QL helpless_JJ and_CC dependent_JJ do_DO so_QL much_AP damage_NN to_IN its_PP$ host_NN ? the_ATI case_NN presented_VBN herein_RB illustrates_VBZ the_ATI complex_JJ relationship_NN that_CS certain_JJ viruses_NNS may_MD have_HV with_IN their_PP$ hosts_NNS varicella-zoster_NN virus_NN is_BEZ a_AT herpesvirus_VBN in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI first_OD disease_NN manifestation_NN on_IN invading_JJ the_ATI human_JJ host_NN is_BEZ varicella_JJ (_( chickenpox_NN )_) , usually_RB occurring_VBG in_IN childhood_NN The_NP virus_NN then_RN becomes_VBZ latent_JJ in_IN the_ATI ganglia_NNS , only_RB to_TO reemerge_VB most_QL commonly_RB in_IN a_AT dermatomal_JJ distribution_NN as_IN zoster_NN (_( shingles_NNS )_) later_RBR in_IN life_NN , or_CC sometimes_RB as_IN disseminated_VBN infection_NN when_WRB the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN is_BEZ severely_RB depressed_JJ how_WRB do_DO all_ABN viral_JJ pathogens_NNS elude_VB the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN initially_RB , and_CC how_WRB do_DO viruses_NNS like_IN VZV_NP survive_VB for_IN so_QL long_RB in_IN the_ATI host?=20_CD 189_CD although_CS specific_JJ mechanisms_NNS of_IN pathogenesis_NN are_BER poorly_RB understood_VBN for_IN most_QL viruses_NNS , one_CD1 particularly_RB interesting_JJ strategy_NN that_WPR may_MD have_HV general_JJ relevance_NN involves_VBZ the_ATI ability_NN of_IN viruses_NNS to_TO copy_VB key_NN host_NN genes_NNS to_TO subvert_VB host_NN functions_NNS this_DT strategy_NN , which_WDTR was_BEDZ first_OD identified_VBN for_IN the_ATI oncogenes_NNS of_IN acutely_RB transforming_VBG retroviruses_NNS by_IN J._NP Michael_NP Bishop_NPT , MD_NP , and_CC Harold_NP Varmus_JJ , MD_NP , 15_CD years_NNS ago_RB , is_BEZ now_RN known_VBN to_TO be_BE used_VBN by_IN DNA_NP viruses_NNS as_IN well_RB all_ABN of_IN the_ATI DNA_NP virus_NN examples_NNS have_HV been_BEN discovered_VBN within_IN the_ATI past_JJB 5_CD years_NNS , and_CC so_PN far_RB all_ABN of_IN them_PP3OS come_VB from_IN the_ATI poxviruses_NNS and_CC herpesviruses_NNS interestingly_RB , most_AP of_IN the_ATI products_NNS of_IN the_ATI pirated_NN genes_NNS of_IN DNA_NP viruses_NNS mimic_VB key_NN regulatory_JJ molecules_NNS of_IN the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN 190_CD among_IN all_ABN known_VBN viral_JJ protein_NN sequences_NNS , only_RB a_AT small_JJ number_NN have_HV significant_JJ sequence_NN similarity_NN to_IN cellular_JJ proteins_NNS (_( Table_NP 1_CD1 )_) of_IN these_DTS , the_ATI majority_NN are_BER proteins_NNS involved_VBN in_IN regulating_VBG cell_NN growth_NN or_CC in_IN host_NN defense_NN the_ATI former_AP are_BER found_VBN primarily_RB among_IN the_ATI oncogenic_JJ RNA_NP retroviruses_NNS , whereas_CS the_ATI latter_AP are_BER found_VBN primarily_RB among_IN the_ATI DNA_NP poxviruses_NNS and_CC herpesviruses_NNS the_ATI sequence_NN relationship_NN of_IN the_ATI host_NN and_CC viral_JJ homologues_NNS for_IN the_ATI RNA_NP viruses_NNS is_BEZ very_QL strong_JJ , generally_RB more_AP than_IN 80%_NP amino_NN acid_NN identity_NN , yet_RB for_IN the_ATI DNA_NP viruses_NNS it_PP3 is_BEZ usually_RB weak_JJ , generally_RB less_AP than_IN 40%_NP amino_NN acid_NN identity.=20_CD 191_CD in_IN most_AP cases_NNS , the_ATI protein_NN sequences_NNS discovered_VBN separately_RB by_IN virologists_NNS and_CC cell_NN biologists_NNS have_HV been_BEN connected_VBN by_IN homology_NN searches_NNS of_IN protein_NN sequence_NN databases_NNS in_IN this_DT way_NN , the_ATI databases_NNS and_CC the_ATI algorithms_NNS that_CS analyze_NN them_PP3OS have_HV served_VBN as_IN a_AT computerized_VBN dating_VBG service_NN for_IN modern_JJ biology_NN , matching_JJ fields_NNS with_IN distinct_JJ pasts_NNS to_IN the_ATI promise_NN of_IN shared_VBD discovery_NN in_IN the_ATI future_NN 192_CD BARRIERS_NPT TO_NPT VIRAL_NP REPLICATION_NP 193_CD a_AT successful_JJ virus_NN must_MD first_OD penetrate_VB the_ATI host's_NP$ defenses_NNS and_CC then_RN redirect_VB the_ATI host's_NP$ cell_NN functions_NNS to_IN its_PP$ own_AP replicative_JJ advantage_NN this_DT is_BEZ true_JJ whether_CS the_ATI virus_NN infects_NNS a_AT bacterium_NN or_CC a_AT human_JJ being_BEG in_IN the_ATI case_NN of_IN bacteria_NNS , restriction_NN enzymes_NNS are_BER a_AT primitive_JJ but_CC effective_JJ immune_JJ system_NN that_CS works_NNS by_IN chopping_JJ up_RP viral_JJ DNA_NP before_CS it_PP3 can_MD be_BE transcribed_VBN or_CC replicated_VBN however_RB , the_ATI barriers_NNS that_DT must_MD be_BE overcome_VB for_IN the_ATI reproductive_JJ success_NN of_IN an_AT animal_NN virus_NN are_BER by_IN far_RB more_QL daunting_JJ and_CC diverse_JJ the_ATI virus_NN must_MD first_OD survive_VB physical_JJ threats_NNS such_ABL as_IN heat_NN , ultraviolet_NN radiation_NN , and_CC gastric_JJ acidity_NN then_RN it_PP3 must_MD get_VB past_NN the_ATI integument_NN and_CC elude_VB extracellular_JJ immune_JJ defenses_NNS such_IN as_IN complement-mediated_JJ lysis_NN and_CC antibody_NN neutralization_NN if_CS the_ATI virus_NN is_BEZ still_RB viable_JJ at_IN this_DT point_NN , it_PP3 must_MD find_VB a_AT way_NN to_TO attach_VB to_IN a_AT suitable_JJ host_NN cell_NN , penetrate_VB the_ATI plasma_NN membrane_NN , and_CC finally_RB commandeer_VB the_ATI host's_NP$ replicative_JJ machinery.=20_CD 194_CD inside_IN the_ATI cell_NN , the_ATI virus_NN must_MD hide_VB from_IN antigen- specific_JJ cytotoxic_JJ T_ZZ lymphocytes_NNS , which_WDTR home_NR in_RP on_IN the_ATI viral_JJ peptides_NNS displayed_VBN by_IN class_NN I_PP1A major_JJ histocompatibility_JJ complex_JJ (_( MHC_NP )_) molecules_NNS on_IN the_ATI surfaces_NNS of_IN infected_JJ cells_NNS the_ATI virus_NN must_MD also_RB neutralize_VB the_ATI potent_JJ antiviral_JJ and_CC proinflammatory_JJ effects_NNS of_IN cytokines_NNS such_IN as_IN tumor_NN necrosis_NN factor_NN (_( TNF_NP )_) , interleukin_NN 1_CD1 (_( IL-1_CD-CD )_) , and_CC interferon_NN gamma_NN (_( IFN-gamma_NP )_) finally_RB , it_PP3 must_MD come_VB to_IN terms_NNS with_IN its_PP$ own_AP virulence_NN , since_IN the_ATI death_NN of_IN the_ATI host_NN before_CS its_PP$ reproduction_NN may_MD be_BE a_AT Pyrrhic_JNP victory_NN for_IN the_ATI virus_NN the_ATI host-virus_JJ relationship_NN , developed_VBD over_IN evolutionary_JJ time_NN , can_MD range_VB from_IN all-out_JJB biological_JJ warfare_NN (_( humans_NNS and_CC smallpox_NN )_) to_IN peaceful_JJ coexistence_NN (_( swine_NNS and_CC swinepox_NN )_) 195_CD VIRAL_NPT WEAPONS_NPT AGAINST_NPT IMMUNOLOGIC_NPT DEFENSESOF_NPT THE_NP HOST_NP 196_CD all_ABN prospective_JJ pathogens_NNS must_MD counteract_VB both_ABX the_ATI general_JJ and_CC antigen-specific_JJ effector_JJ mechanisms_NNS of_IN the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN (_( Table_NP 2_CD )_) Known_NP viral_JJ strategies_NNS for_IN eluding_VBG antigen-recognition_NN molecules_NNS (_( antibody_NN and_CC T-cell_NP antigen_NN receptors_NNS )_) include_VB antigenic_JJ drift_NN and_CC the_ATI sabotage_NN of_IN antigen_NN presentation_NN pathways_NNS the_ATI influenza_NN A_ZZ hemagglutinin_NN and_CC neuraminidase_NN and_CC the_ATI human_JJ immunodeficiency_NN virus_NN envelope_NN protein_NN are_BER the_ATI best-documented_JJ examples_NNS of_IN how_WRB antigenic_JJ drift_NN may_MD enable_VB a_AT virus_NN to_TO escape_VB detection_NN by_IN the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN this_DT countermeasure_NN does_DOZ not_XNOT involve_VB pirating_VBG host_NN genes_NNS , however_RB 197_CD in_IN contrast_NN , the_ATI open_JJ reading_NN frame_NN UL18_CD of_IN the_ATI human_JJ cytomegalovirus_JJ (_( HCMV_NP )_) , a_AT beta_NN herpesvirus_JJ , encodes_NNS a_AT protein_NN that_WPR is_BEZ approximately_RB 20%_NP identical_JJ in_IN amino_NN acid_NN sequence_NN to_IN the_ATI variable_NN chain_NN of_IN mammalian_NN class_NN I_PP1A MHC_NP molecules_NNS the_ATI UL18_CD product_NN binds_VBZ to_IN cellular_JJ beta_NN sub_NN 2_CD -microglobulin_NN , the_ATI invariant_JJ chain_NN of_IN the_ATI class_NN I_PP1A molecule_VB essential_JJ for_IN transporting_VBG normal_JJ class_NN I_PP1A heterodimers_NNS to_IN the_ATI plasma_NN membrane_NN in_IN this_DT way_NN , deployment_NN of_IN fully_RB assembled_JJ class_NN I_PP1A molecules_NNS on_IN the_ATI cell_NN surface_NN is_BEZ prevented_VBN in_IN cells_NNS infected_VBN with_IN HCMV_NP , thereby_RB possibly_RB resulting_JJ in_IN defective_JJ antigen_NN presentation_NN to_IN cytotoxic_JJ T_ZZ lymphocytes_NNS 198_CD as_CS for_IN antigen-nonspecific_JJ effectors_NNS of_IN the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN , various_JJ viral_JJ countermeasures_NNS that_WPR involve_VB the_ATI pirating_NN of_IN host_NN genes_NNS have_HV been_BEN identified_VBN examples_NNS for_IN cytokines_NNS , cytokine_NN receptors_NNS , chemoattractant_NN receptors_NNS , and_CC complement_NN control_NN proteins_NNS have_HV been_BEN demonstrated_VBN these_DTS viral_JJ imitators_NNS may_MD modulate_VB intracellular_VB communication_NN in_IN at_RB least_RB two_CD ways_NNS (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) the_ATI first_OD way_NN involves_VBZ the_ATI disruption_NN by_IN poxvirus_JJ products_NNS of_IN communication_NN pathways_NNS that_CS lead_NN to_TO cytolysis_VB and_CC inflammation_NN the_ATI net_JJB result_NN of_IN this_DT disruption_NN is_BEZ decreased_VBN inflammation_NN at_IN infected_JJ sites_NNS and_CC increased_JJ virulence_NN in_RB vivo_RB , as_CS shown_VBN by_IN experiments_NNS with_IN recombinant_NN poxviruses_NNS that_CS specifically_RB lack_VB the_ATI gene_NN in_IN question.=20_CD 199_CD examples_NNS of_IN this_DT type_NN of_IN disruption_NN include_VB the_ATI IL- 1_CD-CD receptor_NN homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI vaccinia_NN virus_NN , the_ATI TNF_NP receptor_JJ homologues_NNS of_IN the_ATI myxoma_NN and_CC Shope_NP fibroma_NN viruses_NNS , the_ATI IFN-gamma_NP receptor_JJ homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI myxoma_NN virus_NN , the_ATI complement_NN control_NN protein_NN homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI vaccinia_NN virus_NN , a_AT serpin_NN (_( serine_NN protease_NN inhibitor_NN )_) homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI cowpox_NN virus_NN , and_CC the_ATI eukaryotic_JJ initiation_NN factor-2alpha_JJ homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI vaccinia_NN virus_NN 200_CD the_ATI respective_JJ poxviruses_NNS have_HV redesigned_VBN all_ABN the_ATI cytokine_NN receptor_NN homologues_NNS so_CS that_CS they_PP3AS lack_NN a_AT membrane_NN anchor_NN and_CC the_ATI cytoplasmic_JJ signaling_VBG domain_NN the_ATI cytokine_NN receptor_NN homologues_NNS are_BER therefore_RB secreted_VBN , ligand-binding_NN proteins_NNS incapable_JJ of_IN transmembrane_NN signal_NN transduction_NN the_ATI homologues_NNS appear_VB to_TO act_VB by_IN binding_JJ the_ATI respective_JJ cytokine_NN before_CS it_PP3 can_MD dock_NN to_IN its_PP$ cellular_JJ receptor_NN and_CC unload_VB its_PP$ antiviral_JJ signal_NN the_ATI complement_NN control_NN protein_NN homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI vaccinia_NN virus_NN binds_VBZ to_IN C4b_NP , thereby_RB halting_VBG the_ATI complement_NN cascade_NN , whether_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ activated_VBN by_IN classical_JJ or_CC alternative_JJ pathways_NNS the_ATI serpin_JJ homologue_NN of_IN the_ATI cowpox_NN virus_NN blocks_VBZ the_ATI action_NN of_IN the_ATI IL-1beta-converting_CD-CD enzyme_NN , a_AT cysteine_NN protease_NN that_CS cleaves_NNS an_AT inactive_JJ precursor_NN into_IN mature_JJ IL-1beta_CD-CD in_IN this_DT way_NN , the_ATI convertase_NN inhibitor_NN reduces_VBZ the_ATI concentration_NN of_IN mature_JJ IL-1beta_CD-CD , a_AT key_NN immunoregulatory_NN molecule_NN 201_CD the_ATI second_OD way_NN by_IN which_WDTR DNA_NP virus_NN imitators_NNS may_MD modulate_VB intracellular_NN communication_NN is_BEZ by_IN expropriating_VBG a_AT normal_JJ cell_NN communication_NN pathway_NN the_ATI most_QL thoroughly_RB studied_JJ example_NN is_BEZ for_IN the_ATI open_JJ reading_NN frame_NN BCRF1_CD of_IN the_ATI Epstein-Barr_NP virus_NN (_( EBV_NP )_) , which_WDTR encodes_VBZ a_AT fully_RB functional_JJ homologue_NN of_IN interleukin_NN 10_CD (_( IL-10_CD-CD )_) .=20_CD 202_CD the_ATI reproductive_JJ potential_NN of_IN EBV_NP is_BEZ apparently_RB enhanced_VBN by_IN tapping_VBG into_IN the_ATI anti-inflammatory_JJ functions_NNS of_IN IL-10_CD-CD , which_WDTR are_BER mediated_VBN by_IN the_ATI cellular_JJ IL-10_CD-CD receptor_NN in_IN Herpesvirus_JJ saimiri_NN (_( HVS_NP )_) a_AT reciprocal_JJ situation_NN has_HVZ been_BEN discovered_VBN instead_RB of_IN pirating_VBG the_ATI gene_NN for_IN an_AT immunoregulatory_NN ligand_NN , HVS_NP copied_VBD the_ATI gene_NN for_IN an_AT interleukin_NN 8_CD (_( IL-8_NP )_) receptor_NN the_ATI viral_JJ IL-8_NP receptor_NN is_BEZ an_AT integral_JJ membrane_NN protein_NN that_CS , on_IN binding_JJ to_IN a_AT ligand_NN , transmits_NNS a_AT signal_NN to_IN the_ATI cytoplasm_NN this_DT property_NN distinguishes_VBZ it_PP3 from_IN the_ATI soluble_JJ cytokine_NN receptor_NN homologues_NNS of_IN poxviruses_NNS the_ATI precise_JJ biological_JJ actions_NNS of_IN IL-8_NP that_CS are_BER coveted_JJ by_IN the_ATI virus_NN are_BER not_XNOT yet_RB known_VBN , but_CC probably_RB involve_VB immune_JJ cell_NN activation_NN both_ABX EBV_NP and_CC HVS_NP are_BER closely_RB related_JJ gamma- herpesviruses_NNS with_IN highly_RB conserved_VBN genomes_NNS the_ATI HVS_NP IL-8_NP receptor_NN gene_NN and_CC the_ATI EBV_NP IL-10_CD- CD gene_NN are_BER two_CD genes_NNS not_XNOT conserved_VBN in_IN EBV_NP and_CC HVS_NP 203_CD subversion_NN of_IN the_ATI IL-1_CD-CD system_NN by_IN the_ATI vaccinia_NN virus_NN could_MD have_HV occurred_VBN either_DTX by_IN mimicking_VBG the_ATI ligands_NNS or_CC the_ATI receptors_NNS (_( Table_NP 3_CD )_) two_CD forms_NNS of_IN IL-1_CD-CD are_BER produced_VBN in_IN mammals-IL- 1alpha_CD-CD , which_WDTR is_BEZ cell_NN associated_VBN and_CC may_MD not_XNOT serve_VB a_AT signaling_VBG function_NN in_RB vivo_RB , and_CC IL- 1beta_CD-CD , the_ATI major_JJ circulating_JJ form_NN of_IN IL-1_CD-CD that_CS accounts_NNS for_IN the_ATI known_VBN biological_JJ actions_NNS of_IN IL-1_CD- CD a_AT third_OD isoform_NN , the_ATI IL-1_CD-CD receptor_NN antagonist_NN , blocks_VBZ the_ATI actions_NNS of_IN IL-1_CD-CD but_CC lacks_VBZ agonist_NN activity_NN all_ABN three_CD isoforms_NNS possess_VB about_IN 20%_NP amino_NN acid_NN sequence_NN identity_NN , which_WDTR indicates_VBZ that_CS they_PP3AS arose_VBD from_IN a_AT common_JJ ancestral_JJ gene_NN the_ATI IL-1_CD-CD receptor_NN is_BEZ also_RB complex.=20_CD 204_CD two_CD are_BER known_VBN the_ATI type_NN II_NP receptor_NN has_HVZ a_AT short_JJ cytoplasmic_JJ domain_NN and_CC has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO have_HV a_AT signaling_VBG function_NN it_PP3 may_MD reduce_VB concentrations_NNS of_IN soluble_JJ IL-1_CD-CD available_JJ to_IN the_ATI type_NN I_PP1A receptor_VB , which_WDTR in_IN contrast_NN has_HVZ a_AT long_JJ cytoplasmic_JJ domain_NN and_CC mediates_VBZ all_ABN the_ATI known_VBN signaling_VBG functions_NNS of_IN IL-1_CD-CD both_ABX receptors_NNS bind_VB all_ABN three_CD forms_NNS of_IN IL-1_CD-CD however_RB , the_ATI binding_JJ affinity_NN for_IN IL-1beta_CD-CD by_IN the_ATI type_NN II_NP receptor_NN is_BEZ about_RB 10_CD times_NNS greater_JJR than_IN that_DT of_IN the_ATI type_NN I_PP1A receptor_VB given_VBN these_DTS facts_NNS , natural_JJ selection_NN has_HVZ yielded_VBN what_WDT appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE the_ATI most_QL logical_JJ route_NN to_TO efficiently_RB subvert_VB the_ATI IL-1_CD-CD system_NN the_ATI viral_JJ IL-1_CD-CD receptor_NN corresponds_VBZ only_RB to_IN the_ATI soluble_JJ portion_NN of_IN the_ATI type_NN II_NP receptor_NN ; moreover_RB , it_PP3 binds_VBZ IL-1beta_CD-CD , the_ATI signaling_NN isoform_NN , but_CC ignores_VBZ IL-1alpha_CD-CD , the_ATI nonsignaling_NN isoform_NN 205_CD similarly_RB , natural_JJ selection_NN may_MD have_HV yielded_VBN what_WDT appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE the_ATI most_QL logical_JJ way_NN for_IN HVS_NP to_TO take_VB full_JJ advantage_NN of_IN the_ATI IL-8_NP signaling_VBG system_NN interleukin_NN 8_CD is_BEZ one_CD1 of_IN a_AT family_NN of_IN at_RB least_RB 18_CD structurally_RB and_CC functionally_RB related_VBN human_JJ molecules_NNS known_VBN as_IN chemokines-for_NN chemoattractants_NNS and_CC cytokines_NNS the_ATI chemokines_NNS possess_VB both_ABX broadly_RB overlapping_JJ and_CC distinct_JJ roles_NNS in_IN the_ATI regulation_NN of_IN phagocyte_NN and_CC lymphocyte_NN motility_NN and_CC activation_NN and_CC thus_RB may_MD play_VB important_JJ roles_NNS in_IN acute_JJ and_CC chronic_JJ inflammation.=20_CD 206_NP in_IN addition_NN , several_AP of_IN the_ATI chemokines_NNS may_MD play_VB a_AT broader_JJR role_NN in_IN cell_NN proliferation_NN the_ATI sequences_NNS for_IN a_AT receptor_JJ dedicated_JJ to_IN IL-8_NP (_( IL-8_NP receptor_NN A_ZZ or_CC IL8RA_NP )_) and_CC for_IN a_AT second_OD receptor_NN (_( IL-8_NP receptor_NN B_ZZ or_CC IL8RB_NP )_) shared_VBD among_IN IL-8_NP and_CC the_ATI closely_RB related_JJ chemokines_NNS called_VBN neutrophil- activating_NN peptide-2_NN (_( NAP-2_NP )_) and_CC the_ATI growth-related_JJ gene_NN product_NN GROalpha_NP have_HV been_BEN deduced_VBN by_IN molecular_JJ cloning_NN by_IN copying_VBG IL8RB_NP , the_ATI more_QL promiscuous_JJ IL-8_NP receptor_NN , HVS_NP may_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO tap_VB into_IN a_AT richer_JJR variety_NN of_IN potential_JJ signaling_NN pathways_NNS than_IN if_CS it_PP3 had_HVD copied_VBN IL8RA_NP 207_CD when_WRB they_PP3AS are_BER expressed_VBN in_IN frog_NN oocytes_NNS , the_ATI viral_JJ IL-8_NP receptor_NN is_BEZ 200_CD times_NNS more_QL sensitive_JJ than_IN human_JJ IL8RB_NP to_IN GROalpha_NP , a_AT molecule_NN with_IN known_JJ growth-factor_NN activity_NN thus_RB , the_ATI viral_JJ receptor_NN may_MD sensitize_VB cells_NNS infected_VBN with_IN HVS_NP to_IN concentrations_NNS of_IN GROalpha_NP that_CS do_DO not_XNOT activate_VB the_ATI cellular_JJ receptor_NN the_ATI biochemical_JJ changes_NNS that_WPR occur_VB in_IN the_ATI cytoplasm_NN of_IN phagocytes_NNS stimulated_VBN with_IN IL-8_NP , GROalpha_NP , and_CC NAP- 2_NP are_BER similar_JJ to_IN those_DTS that_CS have_HV been_BEN measured_VBN during_IN the_ATI infection_NN of_IN fibroblasts_NNS by_IN HCMV_NP in_IN fact_NN , inhibition_NN of_IN these_DTS biochemical_JJ changes_NNS markedly_RB attenuates_VBZ HCMV_NP replication.=20_CD 208_NP by_IN analogy_NN with_IN HCMV_NP , these_DTS changes_NNS may_MD ensure_VB for_IN HVS_NP a_AT cytoplasmic_JJ milieu_NN that_WPR has_HVZ been_BEN optimally_RB conditioned_VBN for_IN replication_NN or_CC the_ATI establishment_NN of_IN latency_NN in_IN its_PP$ natural_JJ host_NN , the_ATI squirrel_NN monkey_NN , HVS_NP infects_NNS T_ZZ lymphocytes_NNS without_IN causing_VBG disease_NN when_WRB other_AP primates_NNS are_BER infected_VBN , however_RB , HVS_NP causes_NNS fatal_JJ leukemias_NNS and_CC lymphomas_NNS it_PP3 can_MD also_RB transform_VB human_JJ T_ZZ cells_NNS in_IN vitro_NN the_ATI relationship_NN of_IN the_ATI pirated_NN IL-8_NP receptor_NN of_IN HVS_NP to_IN malignant_JJ transformation_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT yet_RB been_BEN tested_VBN in_RB vivo_RB with_IN mutant_NN viruses_NNS 209_NP it_PP3 is_BEZ a_AT fascinating_JJ paradox_NN that_CS although_CS the_ATI HVS_NP homologue_NN of_IN IL8RB_NP is_BEZ only_RB 30%_NP identical_JJ to_IN IL8RB_NP , it_PP3 binds_VBZ the_ATI same_AP three_CD ligands_NNS as_CS IL8RB_NP , whereas_CS mammalian_NN IL8RA_NP is_BEZ 78%_JJ identical_JJ to_IN IL8RB_NP , but_CC it_PP3 has_HVZ a_AT more_QL restricted_JJ ligand_JJ profile_NN another_DT mammalian_NN chemokine_NN receptor_NN that_CS binds_VBZ closely_RB related_JJ molecules_NNS such_IN as_IN macrophage_JJ inflammatory_JJ protein- 1alpha_CD-CD (_( MIP-1alpha_CD-CD )_) and_CC RANTES_NP (_( an_AT acronym_NN for_IN reduced_VBN on_IN activation_JJ normal_JJ T_ZZ expressed_VBN and_CC secreted_VBN )_) has_HVZ also_RB been_BEN pirated_VBN , in_IN this_DT case_NN by_IN HCMV_NP although_CS the_ATI viral_JJ protein_NN binds_VBZ MIP-1alpha_CD-CD and_CC RANTES_NP , its_PP$ capacity_NN for_IN signal_NN transduction_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT yet_RB been_BEN reported_VBN 210_CD in_IN addition_NN to_IN these_DTS functionally_RB characterized_VBN viral_JJ proteins_NNS , several_AP open_JJ reading_NN frames_NNS have_HV been_BEN identified_VBN among_IN the_ATI poxviruses_NNS and_CC herpesviruses_NNS that_CS encode_JJ putative_JJ proteins_NNS with_IN clear-cut_JJ sequence_NN relationships_NNS to_IN families_NNS of_IN cellular_JJ proteins_NNS , but_CC where_WRB the_ATI specific_JJ function_NN of_IN the_ATI viral_JJ protein_NN or_CC its_PP$ closest_JJT cellular_JJ homologue_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT yet_RB been_BEN delineated_VBN several_AP of_IN these_DTS are_BER viral_JJ G_ZZ protein-coupled_JJ receptorlike_NN sequences_NNS the_ATI HVS_NP IL-8_NP receptor_NN and_CC the_ATI HCMV_NP MIP- 1alpha_RANTES_CD-CD binding_JJ protein_NN are_BER the_ATI only_AP functionally_RB characterized_VBN viral_JJ homologues_NNS of_IN mammalian_NN G_ZZ protein-coupled_JJ receptors_NNS there_EX are_BER other_AP examples_NNS of_IN herpesviruses_NNS that_CS have_HV pirated_JJ genes_NNS that_CS may_MD be_BE involved_VBN in_IN cell_NN cycle_NN regulation_NN and_CC programmed_VBN cell_NN death_NN (_( apoptosis_NN )_) 211_CD MOLECULAR_NPT MIMICRY_NPT BY_NPT CONVERGENT_NP EVOLUTION_NP 212_CD two_CD proteins_NNS may_MD have_HV no_ATI sequence_NN similarity_NN but_CC subserve_NN a_AT similar_JJ function_NN this_DT phenomenon_NN is_BEZ termed_VBN convergent_NN evolution_NN interestingly_RB , although_CS the_ATI herpesviruses_NNS have_HV acquired_JJ chemokine_NN receptor_NN genes_NNS to_TO mimic_VB their_PP$ primate_NN hosts_NNS , at_RB least_RB one_CD1 host_NN , Homo_NP sapiens_NNS , has_HVZ inactivated_VBN another_DT chemokine_NN receptor_NN gene_NN under_IN the_ATI pressure_NN of_IN convergent_JJ molecular_JJ mimicry_NN in_IN this_DT case_NN , however_RB , the_ATI pathogen_NN is_BEZ a_AT protozoan_NN the_ATI Duffy_NP blood_NN group_NN antigen_NN has_HVZ been_BEN known_VBN for_IN almost_RB 20_CD years_NNS to_TO be_BE the_ATI receptor_NN for_IN the_ATI malaria_NN parasite_NN Plasmodium_NP vivax_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ also_RB known_VBN that_CS the_ATI majority_NN of_IN inhabitants_NNS of_IN Africa_NP , where_WRB P_ZZ vivax_NN is_BEZ rare_JJ , lack_VB the_ATI Duffy_NP antigen_NN and_CC are_BER thus_RB protected_VBN from_IN vivax_NN malaria_NN it_PP3 has_HVZ recently_RB been_BEN shown_VBN that_CS the_ATI Duffy_NP blood_NN group_NN antigen_NN is_BEZ a_AT red_JJ blood_NN cell_NN chemokine- binding_NN protein_NN that_WPR is_BEZ more_QL promiscuous_JJ in_IN its_PP$ ligand_NN affiliations_NNS than_IN any_DTI of_IN the_ATI white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN chemokine_NN receptors.=20_CD 213_CD in_IN fact_NN , the_ATI Duffy_NP blood_NN group_NN antigen_NN is_BEZ able_JJ to_TO bind_VB all_ABN three_CD sets_NNS of_IN chemokines_NNS (_( IL-8_NP , NAP- 2_NP , GROalpha_NP ; RANTES_NP ; and_CC monocyte_NN chemoattractant_NN protein_NN 1_CD1 )_) that_CS target_NN three_CD distinct_JJ white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN chemokine_NN receptors_NNS recently_RB Chaudhuri_NP et_&FW al_APS succeeded_VBN in_IN cloning_VBG cDNAs_NP encoding_VBG the_ATI Duffy_NP antigen_NN the_ATI deduced_VBN protein_NN sequence_NN is_BEZ clearly_RB related_VBN to_TO that_CS of_IN the_ATI white_JJ cell_NN chemokine_NN receptors_NNS (_( almost_RB 26%_NN amino_NN acid_NN identity_NN )_) the_ATI parasite_NN molecule_NN that_CS binds_VBZ to_IN the_ATI Duffy_NP antigen_NN has_HVZ no_ATI sequence_NN relationship_NN to_IN chemokines_NNS and_CC thus_RB probably_RB targeted_VBN Duffy_NP by_IN a_AT convergent_JJ evolutionary_JJ pathway_NN the_ATI dynamic_JJ coevolution_NN of_IN hosts_NNS and_CC parasites_NNS may_MD be_BE graphically_RB illustrated_VBN by_IN the_ATI loss_NN of_IN the_ATI Duffy_NP antigen_NN in_IN malaria-exposed_JJ Africans_NNPS and_CC their_PP$ American_JNP descendants.=20_CD 214_CD although_CS the_ATI apparent_JJ good_JJ health_NN of_IN persons_NNS not_XNOT possessing_VBG the_ATI Duffy_NP antigen_NN may_MD argue_VB against_IN an_AT important_JJ role_NN in_IN homeostasis_NN for_IN Duffy_NP on_IN red_JJ blood_NN cells_NNS , the_ATI ability_NN of_IN chemokines_NNS to_TO block_VB infection_NN of_IN red_JJ cells_NNS by_IN the_ATI related_JJ parasite_NN Plasmodium_NP knowlesi_NN in_IN vitro_NN raises_VBZ the_ATI possibility_NN of_IN developing_VBG new_JJ chemokine-based_JJ therapeutics_NNS for_IN vivax_NN malaria_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN the_ATI Duffy_NP antigen_NN 215_CD several_AP examples_NNS of_IN viral_JJ interference_NN in_IN immunoregulatory_NN pathways_NNS involve_VB proteins_NNS without_IN clear-cut_JJ homology_NN to_IN host_NN proteins_NNS the_ATI p15E_CD protein_NN of_IN murine_NN retroviruses_NNS may_MD contribute_VB to_TO immunosuppression_VB by_IN inhibiting_JJ protein_NN kinase_NN C_ZZ adenoviruses_NNS encode_NN a_AT protein_NN dedicated_JJ to_TO the_ATI subversion_NN of_IN antigen_NN presentation_NN pathways_NNS however_RB , unlike_IN the_ATI UL18_CD gene_JJ product_NN of_IN HCMV_NP , this_DT adenovirus_JJ protein_NN (_( E3-gp19K_CD-CD )_) binds_VBZ to_TO the_ATI variable_JJ chain_NN of_IN the_ATI class_NN I_PP1A molecule_VB , thus_RB preventing_VBG its_PP$ assembly_NN and_CC transport_NN to_IN the_ATI plasma_NN membrane_NN .=20_CD 216_CD at_RB least_RB three_CD genes_NNS from_IN adenoviruses_NNS are_BER known_VBN to_TO disrupt_VB the_ATI TNF_NP cytolytic_JJ signal_NN transduction_NN pathway_NN at_IN the_ATI level_NN of_IN cytosolic_JJ second_OD messengers_NNS and_CC transcription_NN factor_NN activation_NN unlike_IN poxviruses_NNS , which_WDTR cause_NN acute_JJ , cytolytic_JJ infections_NNS in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI virus_NN drives_VBZ the_ATI pathology_NN , adenoviruses_NNS cause_NN persistent_JJ infections_NNS with_IN long- term_JJB viral_JJ shedding_VBG in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN drives_VBZ the_ATI pathology_NN thus_RB , in_IN contrast_NN to_IN the_ATI decreased_VBD virulence_NN of_IN poxviruses_NNS bearing_VBG inactivating_VBG mutations_NNS in_IN pirated_JJ immunoregulatory_NN genes_NNS , adenoviruses_NNS bearing_VBG inactivating_VBG mutations_NNS in_IN the_ATI genes_NNS that_WPR interfere_VB with_IN TNF_NP signaling_VBG cause_NN dramatically_RB increased_JJ pathology_NN in_IN rodent_NN models_NNS of_IN pneumonia_NN , despite_IN wild-type_JJ levels_NNS of_IN viral_JJ replication_NN 217_CD MOLECULAR_NPT MIMICRY_NPT AND_NPT THE_NPT GENERATION_NPT OF_NPT HOST_NPT DEFENSE_NP PROTEIN_NP DIVERSITY_NP 218_CD the_ATI virus_NN clearly_RB has_HVZ an_AT interest_NN in_IN copying_VBG and_CC improving_VBG what_WDT works_NNS well_RB in_IN the_ATI host_NN the_ATI host_NN , however_RB , has_HVZ an_AT interest_NN in_IN eluding_VBG imitation_NN by_IN the_ATI virus_NN a_AT natural_JJ competition_NN is_BEZ thus_RB established_VBN the_ATI score_NN of_IN this_DT competition_NN may_MD be_BE read_VB in_IN the_ATI sequence_NN differences_NNS between_IN homologous_JJ host_NN and_CC viral_JJ gene_NN products_NNS to_IN the_ATI extent_NN that_CS different_JJ host_NN species_NN may_MD be_BE infected_VBN by_IN different_JJ species-specific_JJ viruses_NNS that_DT may_MD or_CC may_MD not_XNOT target_NN the_ATI same_AP gene_NN for_IN copying_VBG , targeted_VBD genes_NNS might_MD be_BE subjected_VBN to_IN exaggerated_JJ sequence_NN variation_NN relative_JJ to_IN untargeted_JJ genes.=20_CD 219_CD it_PP3 has_HVZ recently_RB been_BEN shown_VBN that_CS human_JJ and_CC rodent_NN versions_NNS of_IN host_NN defense_NN proteins_NNS are_BER far_RB more_QL divergent_JJ in_IN sequence_NN than_IN human_JJ and_CC rodent_NN versions_NNS of_IN proteins_NNS from_IN any_DTI other_AP functional_JJ grouping_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ worth_IN considering_VBG that_CS molecular_JJ mimicry_NN by_IN species-specific_JJ pathogens_NNS may_MD be_BE a_AT potent_JJ selective_JJ force_NN behind_IN the_ATI generation_NN of_IN host_NN defense_NN protein_NN diversity_NN since_IN viruses_NNS can_MD mutate_VB much_AP more_QL quickly_RB than_IN their_PP$ hosts_NNS , the_ATI absolute_JJ dependence_NN of_IN the_ATI virus_NN on_IN the_ATI host_NN may_MD ultimately_RB be_BE the_ATI only_AP thing_NN that_CS constrains_VBZ the_ATI zest_NN with_IN which_WDTR it_PP3 redesigns_VBZ the_ATI cellular_JJ protein_NN to_TO subvert_VB the_ATI immune_JJ system_NN 220_CD CONCLUSION_NP 221_CD finally_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ likely_JJ that_CS the_ATI pirating_NN of_IN immunoregulatory_NN genes_NNS may_MD not_XNOT be_BE restricted_JJ to_IN viruses_NNS , but_CC may_MD instead_RB be_BE a_AT general_JJ strategy_NN by_IN which_WDTR bacterial_JJ , protozoan_JJB , and_CC perhaps_RB metazoan_JJ parasites_NNS chisel_NN chinks_NNS in_IN the_ATI armor_NN of_IN the_ATI host_NN immune_JJ system_NN several_AP nonviral_JJ examples_NNS have_HV already_RB been_BEN identified_VBN there_EX are_BER probably_RB hundreds_CDS of_IN distinct_JJ cytokines_NNS and_CC dozens_CDS of_IN cytokine-activated_JJ second_OD messenger_NN systems_NNS that_CS regulate_VB immunity_NN and_CC inflammation_NN just_RB as_RB the_ATI retroviral_JJ oncogenes_NNS have_HV been_BEN useful_JJ for_IN identifying_VBG key_NN cellular_JJ proteins_NNS involved_VBN in_IN normal_JJ growth_NN and_CC differentiation_NN , the_ATI greatest_JJT value_NN of_IN the_ATI pirated_NN immunoregulatory_NN genes_NNS may_MD be_BE in_IN quickly_RB directing_VBG the_ATI therapeutic_JJ efforts_NNS of_IN immunologists_NNS , pharmacologists_NNS , and_CC clinicians_NNS to_TO key_NN molecules_NNS , such_ABL as_CS IL-1_CD-CD , TNF_NP , and_CC IL-8_NP , that_DT may_MD be_BE driving_VBG inflammatory_JJ reactions_NNS in_IN people_NNS 222_CD helicobacter_NN pylori_NN in_IN Peptic_NPT Ulcer_NP Disease_NP 223_CD NIH_NP Consensus_JJ Development_NP Panel_NP on_IN Helicobacter_NP pylori_NN in_IN Peptic_NP Ulcer_NP Disease_NP 224_NN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN is_BEZ a_AT chronic_JJ inflammatory_JJ condition_NN of_IN the_ATI stomach_NN and_CC duodenum_NN that_QL affects_VBZ as_QL many_AP as_IN 10%_CD of_IN people_NNS in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP at_IN some_DTI time_NN in_IN their_PP$ lives_NNS the_ATI disease_NN has_HVZ relatively_RB low_JJ mortality_NN , but_CC it_PP3 results_NNS in_IN substantial_JJ human_JJ suffering_NN and_CC high_JJ economic_JJ costs_NNS 225_NN in_IN the_ATI early_JJ 20th_OD century_NN , the_ATI pathogenesis_NN of_IN the_ATI disorder_NN was_BEDZ believed_VBN to_TO be_BE related_VBN to_TO stress_VB and_CC dietary_JJ factors_NNS thus_RB , treatment_NN focused_VBD on_IN hospitalization_NN with_IN bed_NN rest_NN and_CC prescription_NN of_IN special_JJ bland_JJ foods_NNS later_RBR , the_ATI concept_NN arose_VBD that_CS peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN was_BEDZ caused_VBN by_IN the_ATI injurious_JJ effects_NNS of_IN digestive_JJ secretions_NNS such_IN as_IN gastric_JJ acid_NN ; hence_RB , antacids_NNS became_VBD the_ATI standard_NN of_IN therapy.=20_CD 226_CD in_IN 1971_CD , Sir_NPT James_NP Black_NP identified_VBD a_AT subtype_NN of_IN the_ATI histamine_NN receptor_NN (_( the_ATI H_ZZ sub_NN 2_CD receptor_NN )_) that_WPR appeared_VBD to_TO be_BE the_ATI principal_JJB mediator_NN of_IN gastric_JJ acid_NN secretion_NN antagonists_NNS of_IN this_DT receptor_NN proved_VBN to_TO be_BE safe_JJ and_CC effective_JJ therapy_NN for_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN more_AP recently_RB , inhibitors_NNS of_IN the_ATI proton_NN pump_NN (_( H_ZZ sup_VB +_IN ,K_NN sup_VB +_IN -adenosinetriphosphatase_NN )_) in_IN gastric_JJ parietal_JJ cells_NNS have_HV proved_VBN to_TO be_BE rapidly_RB effective_JJ and_CC extremely_RB potent_JJ antiulcerative_JJ drugs_NNS other_AP drugs_NNS that_WPR appear_VB to_TO enhance_VB mucosal_JJ defense_NN such_IN as_IN bismuth_NN compounds_NNS , sucralfate_NN , and_CC prostaglandins_NNS have_HV also_RB been_BEN applied_VBN to_IN the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN peptic_JJ ulcers_NNS despite_IN these_DTS sophisticated_JJ therapeutic_JJ agents_NNS , the_ATI disturbing_JJ problem_NN of_IN the_ATI high_JJ recurrence_NN rate_NN of_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN , even_RB after_IN complete_JJ healing_NN , remains_VBZ 227_NN in_IN 1982_CD , Warren_NP and_CC Marshall_NP provided_VBD the_ATI first_OD insight_NN into_IN another_DT important_JJ pathogenic_JJ factor_NN in_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN they_PP3AS isolated_JJ a_AT spiral_NN urease-producing_NN organism_NN (_( later_RBR identified_VBN as_IN Helicobacter_NP pylori_NN )_) nestled_VBD in_IN the_ATI narrow_JJ interface_NN between_IN the_ATI gastric_JJ epithelial_JJ cell_NN surface_NN and_CC the_ATI overlying_JJ mucus_NN gel_NN in_IN their_PP$ early_JJ studies_NNS , the_ATI presence_NN of_IN this_DT organism_NN was_BEDZ shown_VBN to_TO be_BE highly_RB correlated_VBN with_IN antral_JJ gastritis_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS with_IN gastric_JJ and_CC duodenal_JJ ulcers_NNS , and_CC eradication_NN of_IN this_DT organism_NN effectively_RB eliminated_VBN ulcer_NN recurrences_NNS Furthermore_NP , a_AT disturbing_JJ epidemiologic_JJ relationship_NN between_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN and_CC gastric_JJ malignancies_NNS was_BEDZ reported.=20_CD 228_NN such_ABL studies_NNS have_HV given_JJ rise_NN to_IN the_ATI hypothesis_NN that_CS H_ZZ pylori_NN is_BEZ a_AT major_JJ etiologic_JJ factor_NN in_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN , and_CC that_CS diagnosis_NN and_CC eradication_NN of_IN the_ATI organism_NN are_BER necessary_JJ for_IN optimal_JJ therapy_NN of_IN the_ATI disorder_NN 229_NN to_TO address_VB these_DTS issues_NNS , the_ATI National_NP Institute_NPL of_IN Diabetes_NP and_CC Digestive_NP and_CC Kidney_NP Diseases_NP and_CC the_ATI Office_NP of_IN Medical_NP Applications_NNS of_IN Research_NP of_IN the_ATI National_NP Institutes_NNS of_IN Health_NP convened_VBN a_AT Consensus_JJ Development_NP Conference_NP on_IN Helicobacter_NP pylori_NN in_IN Peptic_NPT Ulcer_NP Disease_NP The_NP conference_NN was_BEDZ cosponsored_VBN by_IN the_ATI National_NP Institute_NPL of_IN Allergy_NP and_CC Infectious_JJ Diseases.=20_CD 230_CD WHAT_NPT IS_NPT THE_NPT CAUSAL_NPT RELATIONSHIP_NP OF_NP H_ZZ PYLORI_NPT TO_NP UPPER_NP GASTROINTESTINAL_NP DISEASE_NP ? 231_CD a_AT strong_JJ association_NN between_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN and_CC upper_JJB gastrointestinal_JJ disease_NN has_HVZ been_BEN reported_VBN the_ATI causal_JJ relationship_NN between_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN and_CC chronic_JJ superficial_JJ gastritis_NN is_BEZ well_RB established_VBN the_ATI evidence_NN for_IN this_DT statement_NN is_BEZ as_IN follows_VBZ : 232_CD virtually_RB all_ABN H_ZZ pylori-positive_JJ patients_NNS demonstrate_VB antral_JJ gastritis_NN 233_CD eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN results_NNS in_IN resolution_NN of_IN gastritis_NN 234_CD the_ATI lesion_NN of_IN chronic_JJ superficial_JJ gastritis_NN has_HVZ been_BEN reproduced_VBN following_JJ intragastric_JJ administration_NN of_IN the_ATI isolated_JJ organism_NN in_IN some_DTI animal_NN models_NNS and_CC oral_JJ administration_NN in_IN two_CD humans_NNS 235_CD a_AT causal_JJ relationship_NN between_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN and_CC peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN is_BEZ more_QL difficult_JJ to_TO establish_VB from_IN the_ATI available_JJ data_NNS , in_IN part_NN because_IN of_IN the_ATI lack_NN of_IN an_AT animal_NN model_NN , and_CC because_CS only_RB a_AT small_JJ proportion_NN of_IN individuals_NNS harboring_VBG the_ATI organism_NN develop_VB ulceration_NN however_RB , nearly_RB all_ABN patients_NNS with_IN duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN have_HV H_ZZ pylori_NN gastritis_NN thus_RB , infection_NN with_IN the_ATI organism_NN may_MD be_BE a_AT prerequisite_NN for_IN the_ATI occurrence_NN of_IN almost_RB all_ABN duodenal_JJ ulcers_NNS in_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN other_AP precipitating_VBG factors_NNS such_IN as_IN nonsteroidal_JJ anti-inflammatory_NN drug_NN (_( NSAID_NP )_) use_NN or_CC Zollinger-Ellison_NP syndrome.=20_CD 236_CD the_ATI association_NN between_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN and_CC gastric_JJ ulcer_NN is_BEZ only_RB slightly_RB less_QL strong_JJ , in_IN that_DT 80%_NP of_IN patients_NNS with_IN non-NSAID-induced_JJ gastric_JJ ulcers_NNS are_BER infected_VBN nevertheless_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO note_VB that_CS the_ATI majority_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori-infected_JJ individuals_NNS do_DO not_XNOT develop_VB duodenal_JJ or_CC gastric_JJ ulcers_NNS these_DTS facts_NNS imply_VB that_CS host_NN characteristics_NNS , strain_NN variability_NN , or_CC other_AP factors_NNS play_VB a_AT role_NN in_IN the_ATI pathogenesis_NN of_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN 237_CD the_ATI strongest_JJT evidence_NN for_IN the_ATI pathogenic_JJ role_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN is_BEZ the_ATI marked_JJ decrease_NN in_IN recurrence_NN rate_NN of_IN ulcers_NNS following_JJ the_ATI eradication_NN of_IN infection_NN the_ATI prevention_NN of_IN recurrence_NN following_JJ H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN is_BEZ less_QL well_RB documented_VBN for_IN gastric_JJ ulcer_NN than_CS for_IN duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN , but_CC the_ATI available_JJ data_NNS suggest_VB similar_JJ efficacy_NN 238_CD in_IN the_ATI case_NN of_IN duodenal_JJ ulcer_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ curious_JJ that_CS in_IN some_DTI studies_NNS the_ATI organism_NN is_BEZ more_QL often_RB present_JJ in_IN the_ATI antrum_NN than_CS in_IN the_ATI duodenum_NN , where_WRB the_ATI ulcer_NN is_BEZ found_VBN suggested_JJ mechanisms_NNS by_IN which_WDTR an_AT antral_JJ organism_NN causes_NNS a_AT duodenal_JJ lesion_NN include_VB bacterial_JJ colonization_NN of_IN gastric_JJ metaplasia_NN in_IN the_ATI duodenum_NN , secondary_JJ changes_NNS in_IN gastric_JJ acid_NN or_CC duodenal_JJ bicarbonate_NN secretion_NN , or_CC changes_NNS caused_VBN by_IN products_NNS of_IN the_ATI infecting_NN organism_NN and_or_CC the_ATI inflammatory_JJ response_NN of_IN the_ATI host_NN further_JJB studies_NNS are_BER needed_VBN to_TO clarify_VB the_ATI mechanisms_NNS of_IN bacterial_JJ pathogenesis_NN and_CC host_NN responses_NNS leading_JJ to_IN duodenal_JJ ulceration_NN 239_CD to_TO date_VB , there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI convincing_JJ evidence_NN for_IN an_AT association_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN with_IN nonulcerative_JJ dyspepsia_NN the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN is_BEZ no_ATI higher_JJR in_IN patients_NNS with_IN nonulcerative_JJ dyspepsia_NN than_CS in_IN the_ATI general_JJ population_NN although_CS some_DTI patients_NNS with_IN nonulcerative_JJ dyspepsia_NN may_MD have_HV symptoms_NNS that_CS are_BER related_VBN to_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN , there_EX are_BER no_ATI data_NNS to_TO demonstrate_VB how_WRB to_TO identify_VB such_ABL a_AT subject_NN studies_NNS are_BER needed_VBN to_TO determine_VB whether_CS H_ZZ pylori- infected_JJ patients_NNS with_IN nonulcerative_JJ dyspepsia_NN would_MD benefit_VB from_IN treatment_NN of_IN the_ATI infection_NN 240_CD HOW_NPT DOES_NPT ONE_NPT DIAGNOSE_NPT AND_NP ERADICATE_NP H_ZZ PYLORI_NP INFECTION_NP ? 241_CD a_AT fundamental_JJ principle_NN of_IN specific_JJ antimicrobial_JJ therapy_NN is_BEZ accurate_JJ diagnosis_NN numerous_JJ validated_JJ methods_NNS to_TO diagnose_VB patients_NNS with_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN are_BER in_IN use_NN these_DTS methods_NNS can_MD be_BE divided_VBN into_IN invasive_JJ and_CC noninvasive_JJ diagnostic_JJ tests_NNS 242_CD 21_CD the_ATI invasive_JJ tests_NNS include_VB endoscopy_NN followed_VBN by_IN gastric_JJ biopsy_NN and_CC histologic_JJ demonstration_NN of_IN organisms_NNS , biopsy_NN with_IN direct_JJ detection_NN of_IN urease_NN activity_NN in_IN the_ATI tissue_NN specimen_NN , and_CC biopsy_NN with_IN culture_NN of_IN the_ATI H_ZZ pylori_NN organism_NN although_CS culturing_VBG the_ATI organism_NN is_BEZ traditionally_RB considered_VBN the_ATI criterion_NN (_( _** gold_NN _** )_) standard_NN for_IN diagnosis_NN of_IN many_AP infectious_JJ agents_NNS , it_PP3 is_BEZ the_ATI least_RB sensitive_JJ diagnostic_JJ test_NN (_( approximately_RB 70%_NP to_IN 80%_NP positivity_NN )_) both_ABX histologic_JJ demonstration_NN of_IN the_ATI organism_NN by_IN Giemsa_NP or_CC Warthin-Starry_NP stains_NNS and_CC urease_NN testing_NN have_HV sensitivities_NNS and_CC specificities_NNS greater_JJR than_IN 90%_NP 243_CD excellent_JJ diagnostic_JJ sensitivities_NNS and_CC specificities_NNS (_( }95%_NN )_) are_BER also_RB obtained_VBN with_IN noninvasive_JJ tests_NNS for_IN the_ATI initial_JJ diagnosis_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN these_DTS include_VB serological_JJ tests_NNS for_IN IgG_NP antibodies_NNS to_TO H_ZZ pylori_NN antigens_NNS and_CC breath_NN tests_NNS of_IN urease_NN activity_NN using_VBG orally_RB administered_VBN urea_NN labeled_VBN with_IN carbon_NN 14_CD or_CC carbon_NN 13_CD a_AT number_NN of_IN highly_RB accurate_JJ serological_JJ kits_NNS for_IN diagnosis_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN are_BER available_JJ labeled_JJ urea_NN breath_NN tests_NNS have_HV had_HVD restricted_JJ availability_NN as_IN research_NN tools_NNS in_IN the_ATI past_NN , but_CC commercial_JJ assays_NNS will_MD be_BE available_JJ in_IN the_ATI near_IN future_NN 244_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO note_VB that_CS , with_IN the_ATI exception_NN of_IN the_ATI serological_JJ assays_NNS , all_ABN of_IN the_ATI tests_NNS for_IN diagnosis_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN may_MD be_BE falsely_RB negative_JJ in_IN patients_NNS who_WPR have_HV taken_VBN antibiotics_NNS , bismuth_NN compounds_NNS , or_CC omeprazole_NN in_IN the_ATI recent_JJ past_NN 245_CD currently_RB , there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI readily_RB available_JJ , inexpensive_JJ , and_CC accurate_JJ noninvasive_JJ method_NN to_TO monitor_NN eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN without_IN such_ABL an_AT assay_NN , routine_NN monitoring_VBG for_IN relapse_NN , reinfection_NN , or_CC treatment_NN failure_NN cannot_NN be_BE recommended_VBN even_CS if_CS such_ABL a_AT test_NN were_BED available_JJ , testing_NN all_ABN patients_NNS treated_VBN for_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN probably_RB would_MD not_XNOT be_BE necessary_JJ in_IN view_NN of_IN the_ATI high_JJ efficacy_NN of_IN treatment_NN and_CC the_ATI low_JJ reinfection_NN rate_NN Important_NP exceptions_NNS would_MD be_BE patients_NNS with_IN complicated_JJ , recurrent_JJ , or_CC refractory_JJ peptic_JJ ulcers_NNS who_WPR should_MD be_BE evaluated_VBN for_IN successful_JJ eradication_NN of_IN infection_NN before_CS cessation_NN of_IN antiulcer_NN therapy_NN antibody_NN levels_NNS decrease_NN slowly_RB following_JJ successful_JJ eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection.=20_CD 246_CD if_CS the_ATI same_AP well-standardized_JJ assay_NN is_BEZ used_VBN , a_AT dramatic_JJ decrease_NN in_IN antibody_NN titer_NN 6_CD to_IN 12_CD months_NNS following_JJ antimicrobial_JJ treatment_NN indicates_VBZ successful_JJ eradication_NN however_RB , variability_NN among_IN serological_JJ tests_NNS applied_VBN in_IN commercial_JJ laboratories_NNS may_MD limit_VB their_PP$ usefulness_NN in_IN confirming_VBG H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN although_CS breath_NN testing_NN is_BEZ the_ATI best_JJT noninvasive_JJ assay_NN for_IN evaluating_JJ success_NN of_IN eradication_NN , there_EX are_BER unresolved_JJ issues_NNS of_IN availability_NN , cost_NN , and_CC ease_NN of_IN use_NN in_IN the_ATI practical_JJ application_NN of_IN this_DT method_NN invasive_JJ tests_NNS can_MD also_RB be_BE used_VBN for_IN documenting_VBG cure_NN , but_CC these_DTS incur_VB the_ATI cost_NN and_CC morbidity_NN associated_VBN with_IN endoscopy_NN 247_CD therapy_NN for_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN poses_VBZ several_AP unique_JJ challenges_VBZ the_ATI organism_NN resides_NNS under_IN a_AT mucus_NN gel_NN layer_NN in_IN the_ATI highly_RB acidic_JJ milieu_NN of_IN the_ATI stomach_NN , where_WRB rapid_JJ removal_NN of_IN ingested_VBN antimicrobials_NNS may_MD occur_VB these_DTS and_CC other_AP factors_NNS may_MD contribute_VB to_IN the_ATI variable_NN correlation_NN between_IN in_IN vitro_NN and_CC in_RB vivo_RB antimicrobial_JJ activity_NN a_AT problem_NN in_IN selection_NN of_IN a_AT therapeutic_JJ regimen_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN the_ATI lack_NN of_IN a_AT suitable_JJ animal_NN model_NN for_IN these_DTS reasons_NNS , much_AP of_IN the_ATI available_JJ information_NN concerning_IN choice_NN of_IN antimicrobial_JJ agents_NNS is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN small_JJ empiric_JJ trials_NNS in_IN humans_NNS Multiple_NP agents_NNS that_CS have_HV been_BEN studied_VBN in_IN various_JJ combinations_NNS include_VB metronidazole_NN , tetracycline_NN , amoxicillin_NN , clarithromycin_NN , bismuth_NN compounds_NNS , H_ZZ sub_NN 2_CD -receptor_NN antagonists_NNS , and_CC proton-pump_NN inhibitors_NNS The_NP choice_NN of_IN a_AT particular_JJ regimen_NNS must_MD be_BE tempered_VBN by_IN the_ATI rapidly_RB developing_VBG data_NNS on_IN optimal_JJ therapy_NN 248_CD consideration_NN of_IN the_ATI therapeutic_JJ options_NNS should_MD take_VB into_IN account_NN efficacy_NN , compliance_NN , side_NN effects_NNS , and_CC cost_NN a_AT triple_JJ antimicrobial_JJ regimen_NNS consisting_VBG of_IN bismuth_NN subsalicylate_NN , tetracycline_NN , and_CC metronidazole_NN has_HVZ been_BEN studied_VBN extensively_RB and_CC can_MD yield_VB eradication_VB rates_NNS of_IN approximately_RB 90%_NP substitution_NN of_IN amoxicillin_NN for_IN tetracycline_NN or_CC metronidazole_NN lowers_NNS efficacy_NN only_RB slightly_RB (_( }80%_NP )_) one_CD1 promising_JJ study_NN reported_VBN efficacy_NN of_IN approximately_RB 90%_NP with_IN the_ATI combination_NN of_IN ranitidine_NN , metronidazole_NN , and_CC amoxicillin_NN although_CS variable_NN , eradication_JJ rates_NNS of_IN more_AP than_IN 80%_NP have_HV also_RB been_BEN reported_VBN with_IN the_ATI combination_NN of_IN omeprazole_NN (_( a_AT proton-pump_NN inhibitor_NN )_) and_CC amoxicillin_NN Omeprazole_NP should_MD be_BE given_VBN at_RB least_RB twice_RB daily_JJ and_CC the_ATI two_CD agents_NNS begun_VBN at_IN the_ATI same_AP time_NN because_CS immediate_JJ pretreatment_NN with_IN omeprazole_NN lowers_NNS efficacy_NN of_IN the_ATI combination_NN of_IN omeprazole_NN and_CC amoxicillin_NN two-drug_NN or_CC three-drug_NN regimens_NNS should_MD last_AP 2_CD weeks_NNS if_CS therapy_NN is_BEZ begun_VBN at_IN the_ATI time_NN of_IN active_JJ peptic_JJ disease_NN , treatment_NN with_IN antisecretory_NN agents_NNS in_IN addition_NN to_IN antimicrobials_NNS is_BEZ recommended.=20_CD 249_CD when_WRB multiple_JJ drugs_NNS are_BER administered_VBN at_IN various_JJ times_NNS in_IN the_ATI day_NN , patient_NN compliance_NN may_MD become_VB an_AT important_JJ factor_NN affecting_VBG efficacy_NN if_CS symptoms_NNS persist_VB or_CC recur_NN after_IN initial_JJ treatment_NN , diagnostic_JJ reevaluation_NN should_MD be_BE undertaken_VBN and_CC a_AT second_OD course_RB of_IN therapy_NN considered_VBN side_NN effects_NNS are_BER more_QL frequent_JJ with_IN the_ATI three-drug_NN regimen_NNS than_CS with_IN the_ATI two-drug_NN regimen_NNS , but_CC have_HV been_BEN mild_JJ in_IN either_DTX case_NN and_CC infrequently_RB have_HV prevented_VBN completion_NN of_IN therapy_NN serious_JJ but_CC rare_JJ events_NNS such_IN as_IN anaphylaxis_NN , Stevens- Johnson_NP syndrome_NN , and_CC pseudomembranous_JJ colitis_NN should_MD be_BE expected_VBN as_CS antimicrobial_JJ regimens_NNS are_BER used_VBN more_QL widely_RB safety_NN and_CC efficacy_NN of_IN antimicrobial_JJ therapy_NN in_IN H_ZZ pylori- infected_JJ children_NNS and_CC adolescents_NNS have_HV not_XNOT been_BEN studied_VBN in_IN detail_NN 250_CD resistance_NN to_IN antimicrobials_NNS , in_IN particular_JJ to_IN nitroimidazoles_NNS such_ABL as_IN metronidazole_NN , is_BEZ an_AT important_JJ problem_NN and_CC a_AT cause_NN for_IN treatment_NN failure_NN in_IN some_DTI studies_NNS resistance_NN to_TO metronidazole_VB varies_VBZ worldwide_NN , with_IN the_ATI highest_JJT rates_NNS (_( 40%_NP to_IN 50%_NP )_) in_IN developing_VBG countries_NNS application_NN of_IN currently_RB available_JJ one-drug_NN regimens_NNS has_HVZ led_VBN to_TO enhanced_VBN antimicrobial_JJ resistance_NN and_CC , thus_RB , is_BEZ strongly_RB discouraged_VBN the_ATI widespread_JJ application_NN of_IN antimicrobial_JJ regimens_NNS to_TO treat_VB H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN may_MD magnify_VB the_ATI problem_NN of_IN drug_NN resistance_NN thus_RB , alternative_NN treatment_NN or_CC prevention_NN strategies_NNS such_IN as_IN vaccines_NNS or_CC immunotherapy_NN may_MD deserve_VB attention_NN in_IN the_ATI future_NN 251_CD DOES_NPT ERADICATION_NP OF_NP H_ZZ PYLORI_NPT INFECTION_NPT BENEFIT_NPT THE_NPT PATIENT_NP WITH_NP PEPTIC_NPT ULCER_NP DISEASE_NP ? 252_CD helicobacter_NN pylori_NN infection_NN is_BEZ strongly_RB associated_VBN with_IN the_ATI predominant_JJ forms_NNS of_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN and_CC appears_VBZ to_TO play_VB an_AT important_JJ contributory_JJ role_NN in_IN their_PP$ pathogenesis_NN ; thus_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ reasonable_JJ to_TO suggest_VB that_CS eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN may_MD benefit_VB patients_NNS with_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN although_CS further_JJB studies_NNS are_BER needed_VBN to_TO delineate_VB fully_RB the_ATI role_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN in_IN many_AP other_AP patient_NN populations_NNS , available_JJ studies_NNS have_HV demonstrated_VBN clearly_RB the_ATI principal_JJB benefit_NN of_IN eradication_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN peptic_JJ ulcers_NNS , a_AT substantial_JJ reduction_NN in_IN the_ATI risk_NN of_IN ulcer_NN recurrence_NN (_( to_IN {_( 10%_CD in_IN 1_CD1 year_NN )_) the_ATI evidence_NN is_BEZ more_QL complete_JJ for_IN patients_NNS with_IN duodenal_JJ ulcers_NNS than_CS for_IN those_DTS with_IN gastric_JJ ulcers_NNS , although_CS the_ATI benefits_NNS to_IN the_ATI two_CD sets_NNS of_IN patients_NNS appear_VB to_IN be_BE comparable.=20_CD 253_CD the_ATI side_NN effects_NNS of_IN current_JJ regimens_NNS for_IN eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN are_BER generally_RB minor_JJ and_CC are_BER outweighed_VBN by_IN the_ATI benefit_NN of_IN reduced_JJ ulcer_NN recurrence_NN when_WRB combined_VBN with_IN standard_NN antisecretory_NN therapy_NN , H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN may_MD contribute_VB to_IN a_AT modest_JJ reduction_NN in_IN time_NN to_TO ulcer_NN healing_NN moreover_RB , eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN may_MD enhance_VB healing_NN of_IN ulcers_NNS refractory_JJ to_IN conventional_JJ therapy_NN 254_CD a_AT separate_JJ question_NN is_BEZ whether_CS H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN prevents_VBZ future_NN problems_NNS in_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN patients_NNS with_IN a_AT history_NN of_IN bleeding_NN or_CC other_AP complications_NNS although_CS preliminary_JJ data_NNS indicate_VB such_ABL efficacy_NN , more_QL definitive_JJ data_NNS are_BER needed_VBN 255_CD the_ATI benefits_NNS of_IN eradicating_VBG H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN may_MD vary_VB depending_VBG on_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN factors_NNS including_IN those_DTS related_VBN to_IN the_ATI host_NN , the_ATI organism_NN , and_CC the_ATI environment_NN Such_NP factors_NNS include_VB patient_NN demographics_NNS (_( age_NN , socioeconomic_JJ status_NN , concurrent_JJ illness_NN , and_CC behavioral_JJ factors_NNS )_) , frequency_NN of_IN reinfection_NN , mode_NN of_IN transmission_NN , and_CC strain_NN variation_NN 256_CD the_ATI potential_JJ cost_NN savings_NNS associated_VBN with_IN treating_VBG H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN have_HV not_XNOT been_BEN established_VBN , but_CC may_MD be_BE substantial_JJ carefully_RB designed_VBN economic_JJ analyses_NNS are_BER needed_VBN to_TO assess_VB more_QL completely_RB the_ATI cost-effectiveness_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN 257_CD WHAT_NPT IS_NPT THE_NPT RELATIONSHIP_NP BETWEEN_NP H_ZZ PYLORI_NPT INFECTION_NPT AND_NP GASTRIC_NP MALIGNANCY_NP ? 258_CD 37_CD adenocarcinoma_NN of_IN the_ATI stomach_NN is_BEZ one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI most_QL common_JJ malignancies_NNS in_IN the_ATI world_NN , although_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ relatively_RB uncommon_JJ in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP (_( 24_CD 000_CD new_JJ cases_NNS and_CC 14_CD 000_CD deaths_NNS per_NNU year_NN )_) there_EX is_BEZ evidence_NN that_CS H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN is_BEZ associated_VBN with_IN adenocarcinoma_NN of_IN the_ATI body_NN and_CC antrum_NN of_IN the_ATI stomach_NN however_RB , gastric_JJ cancer_NN occurs_VBZ in_IN some_DTI individuals_NNS with_IN no_ATI evidence_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN , and_CC in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP fewer_AP than_IN 1%_CD of_IN H_ZZ pylori-infected_JJ individuals_NNS will_MD ever_RB develop_VB gastric_JJ cancer_NN the_ATI effect_NN of_IN prevention_NN or_CC treatment_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN on_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN risk_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN studied_VBN adequately_RB 259_CD 38_CD descriptive_JJ epidemiologic_JJ data_NNS indicate_VB that_CS gastric_JJ cancer_NN occurs_VBZ more_QL frequently_RB in_IN some_DTI populations_NNS that_CS have_HV higher_JJR rates_NNS of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN rates_NNS both_ABX of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN and_CC of_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN correlate_VB inversely_RB with_IN socioeconomic_JJ status_NN , increase_NN as_IN a_AT function_NN of_IN age_NN , have_HV declined_VBN in_IN successive_JJ birth_NN cohorts_NNS in_IN developed_JJ countries_NNS , and_CC occur_VB less_QL commonly_RB in_IN whites_NNS than_IN in_IN African_JNP Americans_NNPS and_CC Hispanics_NP in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP a_AT geographic_JJ correlation_NN has_HVZ been_BEN found_VBN between_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN and_CC gastric_JJ cancer_NN death_NN rates_NNS however_RB , some_DTI clear_JJ examples_NNS exist_VB of_IN disparity_NN in_IN the_ATI epidemiology_NN of_IN the_ATI two_CD diseases_NNS gastric_JJ cancer_NN is_BEZ more_QL common_NN in_IN men_NNS than_IN in_IN women_NNS , whereas_CS the_ATI rates_NNS of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN are_BER not_XNOT different_JJ between_IN the_ATI sexes_NNS Some_NP populations_NNS are_BER reported_VBN to_TO have_HV a_AT high_JJ rate_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN but_CC low_JJ rates_NNS of_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN these_DTS disparities_NNS indicate_VB that_CS factors_NNS other_AP than_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN are_BER also_RB important_JJ in_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN risk_NN 260_CD 39_CD some_DTI but_CC not_XNOT all_ABN of_IN the_ATI retrospective_JJ serological_JJ studies_NNS have_HV shown_VBN that_CS patients_NNS with_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN more_QL frequently_RB have_HV H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN than_IN do_DO controls_NNS the_ATI strongest_JJT evidence_NN that_CS H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN is_BEZ associated_VBN with_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN comes_VBZ from_IN three_CD prospective_JJ cohort_NN serological_JJ studies_NNS that_WPR indicate_VB that_CS H_ZZ pylori-infected_JJ individuals_NNS have_HV a_AT significantly_RB increased_JJ rate_NN of_IN gastric_JJ cancer_NN there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI association_NN in_IN any_DTI of_IN these_DTS studies_NNS between_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN and_CC cancer_NN in_IN the_ATI gastric_JJ cardia_NN and_CC gastroesophageal_JJ junction_NN , which_WDTR is_BEZ increasing_JJ in_IN incidence_NN in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP 261_CD Non-Hodgkin's_NP$ lymphoma_NN of_IN the_ATI stomach_NN is_BEZ a_AT rare_JJ disorder_NN that_CS accounts_NNS for_IN only_RB 3%_CD of_IN gastric_JJ malignancies_NNS mucosa-associated_JJ lymphoid_NN tissue_NN lymphomas_NNS , which_WDTR constitute_VB a_AT subset_NN of_IN non-Hodgkin's_NP$ lymphoma_NN , are_BER low- grade_JJ clonal_JJ neoplasms_NNS that_CS are_BER thought_VBN to_TO arise_VB from_IN lymphoid_NN aggregates_NNS in_IN the_ATI lamina_NN propria_NN preliminary_JJ epidemiologic_JJ data_NNS suggest_VB that_CS H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN is_BEZ associated_VBN both_ABX with_IN non-Hodgkin's_NP$ lymphoma_NN and_CC with_IN mucosa-associated_JJ lymphoid_NN tissue_NN lymphomas_NNS of_IN the_ATI stomach_NN Further_NP study_NN of_IN the_ATI relationship_NN between_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN and_CC gastric_JJ lymphomas_NNS is_BEZ warranted_VBD 262_CD in_IN summary_NN , if_CS there_EX is_BEZ any_DTI causal_JJ relationship_NN between_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN and_CC gastric_JJ cancer_NN , clearly_RB other_AP factors_NNS are_BER also_RB important_JJ in_IN gastric_JJ carcinogenesis_NN helicobacter_NN pylori_NN eradication_NN for_IN the_ATI purpose_NN of_IN preventing_VBG gastric_JJ cancer_NN cannot_NN be_BE recommended_VBN at_IN this_DT time_NN 263_CD WHICH_NP H_ZZ PYLORI-INFECTED_NPT PATIENTS_NPT SHOULD_NPT BE_NP TREATED_NP ? 264_CD there_EX are_BER ample_JJ data_NNS to_TO support_VB the_ATI antimicrobial_JJ eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN all_ABN patients_NNS with_IN gastric_JJ or_CC duodenal_JJ ulcers_NNS who_WPR are_BER infected_VBN with_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN should_MD be_BE treated_VBN with_IN antimicrobials_NNS regardless_RB of_IN whether_CS they_PP3AS are_BER suffering_VBG from_IN the_ATI initial_JJ presentation_NN of_IN the_ATI disease_NN or_CC from_IN a_AT recurrence_NN Helicobacter_NP pylori-infected_JJ patients_NNS with_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN who_WPR are_BER receiving_VBG maintenance_NN treatment_NN with_IN antisecretory_NN agents_NNS or_CC who_WPR have_HV a_AT history_NN of_IN complicated_JJ or_CC refractory_JJ disease_NN should_MD also_RB be_BE treated_VBN for_IN the_ATI infection_NN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN NSAIDs_NP , including_IN aspirin_NN , as_IN a_AT contributing_VBG factor_NN should_MD not_XNOT alter_VB the_ATI antimicrobial_JJ regimen_NNS , but_CC these_DTS drugs_NNS should_MD be_BE discontinued_VBN whenever_WRB possible_JJ however_RB , in_IN asymptomatic_JJ H_ZZ pylori-infected_JJ patients_NNS without_IN ulcers_NNS , the_ATI data_NNS are_BER not_XNOT sufficient_JJ to_TO support_VB prophylactic_JJ antimicrobial_JJ therapy_NN to_TO prevent_VB ulcer_NN disease_NN in_IN the_ATI future_NN or_CC to_TO reduce_VB the_ATI likelihood_NN of_IN developing_VBG gastric_JJ neoplasia_NN also_RB , no_ATI convincing_JJ data_NNS exist_VB to_TO support_VB routine_NN treatment_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN nonulcerative_JJ dyspepsia_NN who_WPR are_BER H_ZZ pylori-infected.=20_CD-CD 265_NN thus_RB , at_IN the_ATI present_JJ time_NN there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI reason_NN to_TO consider_VB routine_NN detection_NN or_CC treatment_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN in_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN ulcers_NNS Carefully_NP controlled_VBD prospective_JJ studies_NNS are_BER needed_VBN to_TO assess_VB the_ATI benefits_NNS of_IN treating_VBG nonulcer_NN dyspepsia_NN patients_NNS with_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN obviously_RB , no_ATI patient_NN should_MD be_BE treated_VBN for_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN unless_CS one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI sensitive_JJ and_CC specific_JJ tests_NNS previously_RB discussed_VBN demonstrates_VBZ infection_NN 266_NN bleeding_NN is_BEZ the_ATI complication_NN of_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN associated_VBN with_IN the_ATI highest_JJT mortality_NN rate_NN and_CC , therefore_RB , demands_NNS aggressive_JJ therapy_NN the_ATI available_JJ data_NNS suggest_VB that_CS after_IN these_DTS ulcers_NNS heal_JJ , the_ATI likelihood_NN of_IN recurrence_NN with_IN bleeding_NN is_BEZ significantly_RB reduced_VBN by_IN maintenance_NN antisecretory_NN therapy_NN preliminary_JJ studies_NNS indicate_VB that_CS eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN may_MD be_BE equally_RB efficient_JJ in_IN preventing_VBG the_ATI recurrence_NN of_IN ulcerative_JJ bleeding_NN until_CS these_DTS studies_NNS can_MD be_BE confirmed_VBN , maintenance_NN antisecretory_NN therapy_NN may_MD be_BE prudent_JJ in_IN such_ABL patients_NNS even_RB after_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN in_IN view_NN of_IN the_ATI high_JJ risks_NNS associated_VBN with_IN rebleeding_NN 267_CD WHAT_NPT ARE_NPT THE_NPT MOST_NPT IMPORTANT_NPT QUESTIONS_NPT THAT_NPT MUST_NPT BE_NPT ADDRESSED_NP BY_NP FUTURE_NPT RESEARCH_NP IN_NP H_ZZ PYLORI_NP INFECTIONS_NP ? 268_NN although_CS much_AP is_BEZ known_VBN about_IN the_ATI role_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN in_IN gastrointestinal_JJ disease_NN , many_AP issues_NNS are_BER still_RB unresolved_JJ 269_NN further_JJB , well-designed_JJ studies_NNS on_IN the_ATI role_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN in_IN the_ATI management_NN of_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN are_BER needed_VBN , particularly_RB in_IN populations_NNS not_XNOT well_RB studied_VBN to_TO date_VB , including_IN children_NNS , patients_NNS with_IN gastric_JJ ulcers_NNS , and_CC patients_NNS with_IN duodenal_JJ or_CC gastric_JJ ulcers_NNS with_IN complications_NNS these_DTS studies_NNS should_MD use_VB standard_NN definitions_NNS , be_BE randomized_VBN , be_BE analyzed_VBN on_IN an_AT intent-to-treat_NN basis_NN , have_HV sample_NN size_NN adequate_JJ to_TO detect_VB clinically_RB meaningful_JJ differences_NNS between_IN treatment_NN arms_NNS , and_CC be_BE double-blinded_JJ whenever_WRB possible_JJ 270_CD fundamental_JJ questions_NNS remain_VB concerning_IN the_ATI initial_JJ evaluation_NN of_IN a_AT patient_NN who_WPR presents_VBZ with_IN dyspepsia_NN should_MD that_CS patient_NN be_BE tested_VBN for_IN H._NP pylori_NN infection_NN ? should_MD that_CS patient_NN be_BE treated_VBN empirically_RB for_IN H._NP pylori_NN infection_NN if_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ present_JJ ? the_ATI answers_NNS to_IN these_DTS questions_NNS depend_VB in_IN part_NN on_IN whether_CS antimicrobial_JJ therapy_NN relieves_NNS symptoms_NNS in_IN some_DTI or_CC all_ABN symptomatic_JJ patients_NNS with_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN and_CC gastritis_NN , but_CC without_IN ulcers_NNS if_CS the_ATI answer_NN is_BEZ yes_UH , patients_NNS presenting_VBG to_IN the_ATI physician_NN with_IN dyspepsia_NN should_MD be_BE tested_VBN for_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN and_CC , if_CS the_ATI results_NNS are_BER positive_JJ , be_BE treated_VBN with_IN antimicrobial_JJ therapy.=20_CD 271_CD however_RB , if_CS symptomatic_JJ H_ZZ pylori-infected_JJ patients_NNS without_IN ulcers_NNS do_DO not_XNOT respond_VB to_IN antimicrobial_JJ therapy_NN , it_PP3 will_MD continue_VB to_TO be_BE imperative_JJ to_TO confirm_VB the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO identify_VB the_ATI patients_NNS who_WPR will_MD benefit_VB from_IN treatment_NN of_IN their_PP$ infection_NN under_IN these_DTS circumstances_NNS , the_ATI question_NN arises_VBZ as_CS to_TO whether_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ necessary_JJ , appropriate_JJ , and_CC cost-effective_JJ to_TO perform_VB endoscopy_NN in_IN dyspeptic_JJ patients_NNS at_IN initial_JJ presentation_NN 272_NN another_DT major_JJ question_NN that_CS remains_VBZ to_TO be_BE answered_VBN is_BEZ whether_CS eradication_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN prevents_VBZ gastric_JJ cancer_NN such_ABL a_AT question_NN cannot_NN be_BE answered_VBN directly_RB without_IN a_AT long_JJ and_CC costly_JJ study_NN Thus_JJ , an_AT alternative_NN approach_NN might_MD be_BE to_TO conduct_VB studies_NNS looking_VBG at_IN intermediate_JJ end_NN points_NNS that_CS are_BER thought_VBN to_TO predict_VB the_ATI evolution_NN of_IN malignancy_NN and_CC their_PP$ response_NN to_TO H_ZZ pylori_NN eradication_NN epidemiologic_JJ studies_NNS are_BER also_RB needed_VBN to_TO define_VB more_QL precisely_RB the_ATI subset_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori-infected_JJ individuals_NNS who_WPR will_MD develop_VB gastric_JJ cancer_NN 273_CD a_AT major_JJ opportunity_NN for_IN additional_JJ studies_NNS is_BEZ in_IN the_ATI area_NN of_IN mechanisms_NNS by_IN which_WDTR H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN leads_VBZ to_IN gastrointestinal_JJ disease_NN virulence_NN factors_NNS , bacterial_JJ genetics_NNS , mechanisms_NNS of_IN immunity_NN , animal_NN models_NNS , antibiotic_JJ resistance_NN , and_CC modes_NNS of_IN transmission_NN are_BER all_ABN issues_NNS that_DT should_MD be_BE examined_VBN in_IN future_NN studies_NNS furthermore_RB , the_ATI natural_JJ history_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infections_NNS and_CC the_ATI nature_NN of_IN the_ATI interaction_NN between_IN host_NN and_CC organism_NN require_VB further_JJB study_NN the_ATI pathogenic_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN in_IN childhood_NN and_CC adolescence_NN and_CC the_ATI optimal_JJ management_NN of_IN infection_NN are_BER additional_JJ important_JJ questions_NNS more_AP information_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN on_IN the_ATI value_NN of_IN testing_NN to_TO confirm_VB eradication_NN after_IN antimicrobial_JJ therapy_NN , and_CC antimicrobial_JJ regimens_NNS need_NN to_TO be_BE optimized_VBN to_TO improve_VB treatment_NN efficacy_NN a_AT comprehensive_JJ economic_JJ analysis_NN should_MD be_BE conducted_VBN to_TO examine_VB the_ATI cost-effectiveness_NN of_IN treating_VBG H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN 274_CD CONCLUSIONS_NP 275_CD the_ATI discovery_NN of_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN as_IN a_AT gastrointestinal_JJ pathogen_NN has_HVZ had_HVN a_AT profound_JJ effect_NN on_IN current_JJ concepts_NNS of_IN the_ATI pathogenesis_NN of_IN peptic_JJ ulcer_NN disease_NN evidence_NN presented_VBN at_IN this_DT Consensus_JJ Development_NP Conference_NP has_HVZ led_VBN to_IN the_ATI following_JJ conclusions_NNS : 276_CD ulcer_NN patients_NNS with_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN require_VB treatment_NN with_IN antimicrobial_JJ agents_NNS in_IN addition_NN to_TO antisecretory_VB drugs_NNS whether_CS on_IN first_OD presentation_NN with_IN the_ATI illness_NN or_CC on_IN recurrence_NN 277_NN the_ATI value_NN of_IN treatment_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN nonulcerative_JJ dyspepsia_NN and_CC H._NP pylori_NN infection_NN remains_VBZ to_TO be_BE determined_JJ 278_NN the_ATI interesting_JJ relationship_NN between_IN H_ZZ pylori_NN infection_NN and_CC gastric_JJ cancers_NNS requires_VBZ further_JJB exploration_NN 279_CD chronic_JJ Hepatitis_NP C_ZZ : advances_NNS in_IN Diagnostic_NP Testing_NP and_CC Therapy_NP 280_CD the_ATI methods_NNS for_IN diagnosing_VBG hepatitis_NN C_ZZ virus_NN infection_NN have_HV been_BEN evolving_VBG since_IN the_ATI first-generation_JJ enzyme-linked_JJ immunosorbent_NN assay_NN antibody_NN test_NN was_BEDZ devised_VBN in_IN 1989_CD in_IN addition_NN to_IN assaying_VBG for_IN serum_NN antibodies_NNS against_IN viral_JJ proteins_NNS , serum_NN and_CC liver_NN tissue_NN can_MD be_BE tested_VBN for_IN viral_JJ RNA_NP , evidence_NN of_IN ongoing_VBG viral_JJ replication_NN the_ATI improving_VBG ability_NN to_TO diagnose_VB hepatitis_NN C_ZZ has_HVZ furthered_VBD the_ATI understanding_NN of_IN the_ATI natural_JJ history_NN of_IN this_DT infection_NN acute_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ results_NNS in_IN chronic_JJ elevations_NNS of_IN serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS following_JJ nearly_RB one_CD1 half_ABN of_IN cases_NNS cirrhosis_NN complicates_VBZ approximately_RB 20%_NP of_IN chronic_JJ infections_NNS Long-standing_NP chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ may_MD play_VB a_AT role_NN in_IN the_ATI pathogenesis_NN of_IN hepatocellular_NN carcinoma_NN sustained_JJ normalization_NN of_IN serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS , often_RB accompanied_VBN by_IN a_AT decrease_NN in_IN or_CC disappearance_NN of_IN viral_JJ RNA_NP , occurs_VBZ in_IN approximately_RB 25%_JJ of_IN patients_NNS with_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ who_WPR are_BER treated_VBN with_IN a_AT 6- month_JJ course_RB of_IN recombinant_NN interferon_NN alfa_NN This_NN treatment_NN can_MD occasionally_RB be_BE complicated_VBN by_IN hematologic_JJ , endocrinologic_JJ , and_CC psychiatric_JJ adverse_JJ effects_NNS but_CC is_BEZ usually_RB fairly_RB well_RB tolerated_VBN whether_CS interferon_NN therapy_NN will_MD diminish_VB the_ATI risk_NN of_IN cirrhosis_NN or_CC carcinoma_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT yet_RB known_VBN this_DT article_NN reviews_NNS the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN as_QL well_RB as_IN the_ATI mechanisms_NNS of_IN action_NN , efficacy_NN , and_CC adverse_JJ effects_NNS associated_VBN with_IN interferon_NN alfa_NN therapy_NN 281_CD it_PP3 has_HVZ only_RB been_BEN 4_CD years_NNS since_IN the_ATI first_OD immunoassay_NN to_TO detect_VB human_JJ serum_NN antibodies_NNS directed_VBN against_IN hepatitis_NN C_ZZ virus_NN (_( HCV_NP )_) antigens_NNS was_BEDZ developed_VBN subsequent_JJ improvements_NNS in_IN diagnosing_VBG hepatitis_NN C_ZZ and_CC the_ATI rapidly_RB evolving_VBG description_NN of_IN the_ATI hepatitis_NN C_ZZ genome_NN have_HV contributed_VBN to_IN the_ATI expanding_JJ understanding_NN of_IN the_ATI epidemiologic_JJ characteristics_NNS , natural_JJ history_NN , and_CC response_NN to_IN treatment_NN of_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN 282_NN while_CS approximately_RB 90%_NP of_IN cases_NNS of_IN posttransfusional_JJ hepatitis_NN are_BER now_RN known_VBN to_TO be_BE caused_VBN by_IN HCV_NP , transfusions_NNS account_VB for_IN only_RB 5%_JJ to_IN 10%_CD of_IN new_JJ cases_NNS of_IN hepatitis_NN C_ZZ other_AP percutaneous_JJ exposures_NNS , mostly_RB from_IN intravenous_JJ drug_NN use_NN but_CC also_RB related_VBN to_TO hemodialysis_VB , organ_NN transplantation_NN , and_CC occupational_JJ exposures_NNS , account_NN for_IN a_AT significant_JJ number_NN of_IN cases_NNS vertical_JJ (_( from_IN mother_NN to_TO neonate_VB at_IN birth_NN )_) and_CC sexual_JJ transmission_NN have_HV also_RB been_BEN implicated_VBN as_IN risk_NN factors_NNS for_IN hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN in_IN many_AP epidemiologic_JJ series_NN , however_RB , known_JJ risk_NN factors_NNS have_HV still_RB not_XNOT been_BEN identified_VBN in_IN up_RP to_IN 40%_NP of_IN cases_NNS of_IN hepatitis_NN C_ZZ 283_CD various_JJ studies_NNS of_IN both_ABX posttransfusion_NN and_CC community- acquired_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ have_HV demonstrated_VBN that_CS chronic_JJ elevations_NNS of_IN serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS develop_VB following_JJ nearly_RB 50%_NP of_IN cases_NNS of_IN acute_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN reported_VBN that_CS approximately_RB 20%_NP of_IN these_DTS chronic_JJ infections_NNS progress_NN to_TO cirrhosis_VB epidemiologic_JJ evidence_NN also_RB implicates_NNS hepatitis_NN C_ZZ as_CS having_HVG a_AT possible_JJ causal_JJ role_NN in_IN the_ATI development_NN of_IN some_DTI cases_NNS of_IN hepatocellular_NN carcinoma_NN 284_NN prior_RB to_IN the_ATI demonstration_NN of_IN the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN interferon_NN alfa_NN therapy_NN , there_EX were_BED no_ATI successful_JJ therapies_NNS for_IN eradicating_VBG hepatitis_NN C._NP While_NP not_XNOT universally_RB effective_JJ , treatment_NN with_IN interferon_NN represents_VBZ a_AT major_JJ advance_NN in_IN the_ATI management_NN of_IN this_DT chronic_JJ disorder_NN not_XNOT every_AT patient_NN with_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ , however_RB , is_BEZ an_AT appropriate_JJ candidate_NN for_IN interferon_NN therapy_NN the_ATI choice_NN of_IN which_WDTR patients_NNS to_TO treat_VB involves_VBZ both_ABX objective_JJ and_CC subjective_JJ criteria_NNS , guided_VBN by_IN clinical_JJ judgment_NN 285_NN this_DT article_NN will_MD concentrate_VB on_IN the_ATI advances_NNS made_VBN in_IN the_ATI diagnostic_JJ testing_NN for_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ as_QL well_RB as_IN the_ATI results_NNS achieved_VBN with_IN interferon_NN therapy_NN specifically_RB , the_ATI indications_NNS for_IN interferon_NN treatment_NN , the_ATI expected_JJ response_NN rates_NNS , and_CC the_ATI anticipated_VBN adverse_JJ effects_NNS will_MD be_BE reviewed_VBN 286_NN DIFFERENTIAL_NPT DIAGNOSIS_NPT OF_NPT CHRONIC_NP HEPATITIS_NP 287_CD the_ATI term_NN hepatitis_NN indicates_VBZ a_AT liver_NN disease_NN that_CS primarily_RB involves_VBZ ongoing_VBG hepatocellular_NN necrosis_NN hepatitis_NN is_BEZ typically_RB characterized_VBN by_IN a_AT disproportionate_JJ elevation_NN of_IN the_ATI serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS compared_VBN with_IN serum_NN alkaline_JJ phosphatase_NN and_CC bilirubin_NN levels_NNS in_IN contrast_NN , cholestatic_JJ liver_NN diseases_NNS , such_IN as_IN primary_JJ biliary_NN cirrhosis_NN or_CC sclerosing_VBG cholangitis_NN , typically_RB exhibit_VB the_ATI opposite_JJ pattern_NN , with_IN predominant_JJ elevations_NNS of_IN serum_NN alkaline_JJ phosphatase_NN and_CC , possibly_RB , bilirubin_NN levels_NNS there_EX are_BER clearly_RB instances_NNS in_IN which_WDTR it_PP3 is_BEZ difficult_JJ to_TO categorize_VB a_AT liver_NN disease_NN as_IN either_DTX hepatocellular_NN or_CC cholestatic_JJ based_VBN solely_RB on_IN the_ATI liver_NN enzyme_NN levels_NNS while_CS not_XNOT universally_RB indicated_VBN in_IN the_ATI assessment_NN of_IN chronic_JJ liver_NN diseases_NNS , liver_NN biopsy_NN may_MD clarify_VB which_WDTR general_JJ pathophysiologic_JJ pattern_NN predominates_VBZ 288_CD all_ABN cases_NNS of_IN hepatitis_NN A_ZZ , most_QL cases_NNS of_IN viral_JJ hepatitis_NN B_ZZ , about_IN half_ABN the_ATI cases_NNS of_IN hepatitis_NN C_ZZ , and_CC many_AP other_AP causes_NNS of_IN abnormal_JJ liver_NN enzyme_JJ levels_NNS of_IN varying_JJ causes_NNS remit_VB without_IN long-term_JJB sequelae_NN most_AP authorities_NNS designate_VB liver_NN disease_NN as_CS chronic_JJ if_CS elevations_NNS in_IN serum_NN liver_NN enzyme_NN levels_NNS persist_VB for_IN more_AP than_IN 6_CD months_NNS there_EX are_BER a_AT number_NN of_IN nonviral_JJ causes_NNS of_IN chronic_JJ elevations_NNS in_IN serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS , including_IN alcohol- related_JJ liver_NN disease_NN , autoimmune_NN hepatitis_NN , medication-induced_JJ liver_NN disease_NN , Wilson's_NP$ disease_NN , hemochromatosis_NN , alpha_NN sub_NN 1_CD1 -antitrypsin_NN deficiency_NN , and_CC nonalcoholic_JJ steatohepatitis_NN Since_NP several_AP of_IN these_DTS diseases_NNS are_BER treatable_VBN in_IN their_PP$ early_JJ stages_NNS , they_PP3AS need_NN to_TO be_BE considered_VBN in_IN the_ATI differential_JJ diagnosis_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN persistently_RB elevated_VBD serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS 289_NN the_ATI two_CD major_JJ causes_NNS of_IN chronic_JJ viral_JJ hepatitis_NN in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP are_BER hepatitis_NN B_ZZ and_CC C._NP prior_RB to_IN 1989_CD , the_ATI term_NN non-A_NN , non-B_NN (_( NANB_NP )_) hepatitis_NN was_BEDZ used_VBN to_TO connote_VB those_DTS cases_NNS of_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN thought_VBD to_TO be_BE virally_RB mediated_VBN but_CC without_IN specific_JJ positive_JJ serologic_JJ findings_NNS since_IN the_ATI discovery_NN of_IN the_ATI hepatitis_NN C_ZZ genome_NN in_IN 1989_CD , it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN recognized_VBN that_CS hepatitis_NN C_ZZ accounts_NNS for_IN 60%_NP to_IN 90%_NP of_IN what_WDT was_BEDZ formerly_RB designated_VBN NANB_NP hepatitis_NN 290_CD there_EX are_BER clearly_RB other_AP non-A_NN , non-B_NN , non-C_NN (_( NANBNC_NP )_) hepatitis_NN viruses_NNS hepatitis_NN E_ZZ is_BEZ a_AT recently_RB discovered_VBN RNA_NP virus_NN transmitted_VBN via_IN the_ATI fecal-oral_JJ route_NN that_WPR has_HVZ been_BEN documented_VBN primarily_RB in_IN Southeast_NP Asia_NP , India_NP , and_CC South_NP America_NP similar_JJ to_TO hepatitis_VB A_ZZ , hepatitis_NN E_ZZ does_DOZ not_XNOT appear_VB to_TO eventuate_VB in_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN Epstein-Barr_NP virus_NN (_( mononucleosis_NN )_) , herpes_NNS simplex_NN virus_NN , cytomegalovirus_JJ , and_CC adenovirus_JJ may_MD all_ABN cause_VB acute_JJ hepatitis_NN but_CC do_DO not_XNOT result_VB in_IN chronic_JJ liver_NN disease_NN in_IN immunocompetent_NN hosts_NNS still_RB , some_DTI of_IN these_DTS infections_NNS may_MD take_VB several_AP months_NNS to_TO resolve_VB (_( although_CS nearly_RB always_RB fewer_AP than_IN 6_CD months_NNS )_) It_NP is_BEZ probable_JJ , however_RB , that_CS there_EX are_BER other_AP , yet_RB unrecognized_JJ NANBNC_NP hepatitis_NN viruses_NNS that_CS result_NN in_IN chronic_JJ liver_NN disease_NN 291_CD DIAGNOSIS_NPT OF_NP HEPATITIS_NP C_ZZ 292_NN the_ATI methods_NNS available_JJ for_IN diagnosing_VBG hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN have_HV been_BEN continually_RB evolving_VBG since_IN 1989_CD prior_RB to_TO that_CS , indirect_JJ surrogate_NN markers_NNS were_BED used_VBN in_IN an_AT attempt_NN to_TO identify_VB potential_JJ blood_NN donors_NNS who_WPR might_MD transmit_VB posttransfusional_JJ NANB_NP hepatitis_NN in_IN 1986_CD , for_IN example_NN , it_PP3 was_BEDZ recognized_VBN that_CS NANB_NP hepatitis_NN (_( most_AP of_IN which_WDTR , we_PP1AS now_RN recognize_VB , was_BEDZ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ )_) shared_VBD several_AP epidemiologic_JJ risk_NN factors_NNS with_IN hepatitis_NN B._NP therefore_RB , donated_VBN blood_NN was_BEDZ screened_VBN for_IN antibody_NN to_TO hepatitis_NN B_ZZ core_NN antigen_NN as_QL well_RB as_IN for_IN elevated_VBD serum_NN alanine_NN aminotransferase_NN levels_NNS while_CS screening_NN with_IN these_DTS surrogate_NN markers_NNS may_MD have_HV successfully_RB decreased_VBN the_ATI rate_NN of_IN posttransfusion_NN NANB_NP hepatitis_NN , this_DT indirect_JJ method_NN did_DOD not_XNOT eliminate_VB it_PP3 altogether_RB 293_CD First-Generation_NN Assays_NNS for_IN Hepatitis_NP C_ZZ Antibodies_NNS in_IN Serum_NP 294_CD Choo_NP et_&FW al_APS first_OD cloned_VBN HCV_NP from_IN highly_RB infectious_JJ chimpanzee_NN plasma_NN in_IN 1989_CD after_IN inserting_VBG complementary_JJ DNA_NP fragments_NNS from_IN this_DT serum_NN into_IN a_AT cloning_VBG vector_NN , viral_JJ proteins_NNS were_BED expressed_VBN by_IN Escherichia_NP coli_&FW organisms_NNS when_WRB the_ATI resultant_JJ proteins_NNS were_BED screened_VBN with_IN serum_NN from_IN a_AT patient_NN with_IN NANB_NP hepatitis_NN , a_AT single_JJ clone_NN (_( termed_VBD 5-1-1_CD-CD )_) reacted_VBN a_AT larger_JJR antigen_NN , c100-3_CD-CD , was_BEDZ assembled_VBN from_IN several_AP clones_NNS and_CC expressed_VBN in_IN yeast_NN as_IN a_AT fusion_NN protein_NN using_VBG human_JJ superoxide_NN dismutase_NN (_( SOD_NP )_) to_TO facilitate_VB expression_NN the_ATI 5-1-1_CD-CD and_CC c100-3_CD-CD antigens_NNS comprise_VB amino_NN acid_NN sequences_NNS derived_VBN from_IN nonstructural_JJ regions_NNS of_IN the_ATI hepatitis_NN C_ZZ genome_NN 295_NN in_IN the_ATI first-generation_JJ enzyme-linked_JJ immunosorbent_NN assay_NN (_( ELISA-1_CD-CD )_) , the_ATI patient's_NN$ serum_NN is_BEZ tested_VBN for_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN IgG_NP antibody_NN against_IN the_ATI c100-3_CD-CD antigen_NN the_ATI patient's_NN$ serum_NN is_BEZ added_VBN to_IN a_AT plate_NN coated_VBN with_IN recombinant_NN c100-3_CD-CD antigen_NN and_CC then_RN washed_VBN with_IN monoclonal_JJ antibody_NN against_IN human_JJ IgG_NP _** linked_VBN _** to_IN the_ATI enzyme_NN , horseradish_NN peroxidase_NN if_CS human_JJ antibody_NN against_IN c100-3_CD-CD is_BEZ present_JJ , when_WRB additional_JJ reagents_NNS are_BER added_VBN , they_PP3AS react_VB with_IN the_ATI horseradish_NN peroxidase_NN , emitting_VBG an_AT optical_JJ density_NN greater_JJR than_IN the_ATI predetermined_JJ threshold_NN (_( when_WRB read_VB at_IN a_AT specific_JJ wavelength_NN )_) 296_NN the_ATI ELISA-1_CD-CD test_NN was_BEDZ initially_RB confirmed_VBN in_IN human_JJ sera_NNS that_CS had_HVD transmitted_VBN NANB_NP hepatitis_NN to_IN chimpanzees_NNS and_CC in_IN a_AT retrospective_JJ analysis_NN of_IN human_JJ donor_NN blood_NN that_WPR resulted_VBD in_IN posttransfusion_NN NANB_NP hepatitis_NN unfortunately_RB , shortly_RB thereafter_RB , reports_NNS suggested_VBN that_CS false- positive_JJ ELISA-1_CD-CD results_NNS may_MD arise_VB in_IN the_ATI setting_NN of_IN hypergammaglobulinemia_NN , where_WRB low_JJ optical_JJ density_NN readings_NNS were_BED attributed_VBN to_IN binding_NN of_IN nonspecific_JJ antibodies_NNS to_IN the_ATI SOD_NP carrier_NN moiety_NN 297_NN the_ATI first-generation_NN recombinant_NN immunoblot_NN assay_NN (_( RIBA-1_CD- CD )_) incorporates_VBZ nitrocellulose_JJ strips_NNS of_IN purified_VBN c100_CD recombinant_NN antigen_NN from_IN yeast_NN , 5-1-1_CD-CD recombinant_NN antigen_NN from_IN E_ZZ coli_&FW organisms_NNS , and_CC SOD_NP These_NP strips_NNS are_BER bathed_VBN in_IN the_ATI serum_NN to_TO be_BE tested_VBN , and_CC goat_NN antibody_NN directed_VBN against_IN human_JJ IgG_NP is_BEZ added_VBN the_ATI antigen_NN band_NN response_NN is_BEZ compared_VBN with_IN that_DT of_IN positive_JJ controls_NNS for_IN the_ATI test_NN to_TO be_BE rated_VBN positive_JJ , there_EX must_MD be_BE at_RB least_RB a_AT weakly_RB positive_JJ response_NN to_TO both_ABX the_ATI c100_CD and_CC 5-1-1_CD-CD bands_NNS the_ATI inclusion_NN of_IN the_ATI SOD_NP strip_NN is_BEZ an_AT attempt_NN to_TO minimize_JJ possible_JJ false-positive_JJ results_NNS confounding_VBG ELISA- 1_CD-CD a_AT number_NN of_IN reports_NNS have_HV suggested_VBN improved_JJ specificity_NN of_IN RIBA-1_CD-CD compared_VBN with_IN ELISA-1_CD-CD 298_CD with_IN first-generation_NN testing_NN , HCV_NP antibodies_NNS are_BER usually_RB detectable_JJ a_AT mean_NN of_IN 15_CD weeks_NNS (_( range_NN , 10_CD to_IN 52_CD weeks_NNS )_) following_JJ acute_JJ infection_NN 299_NN this_DT implies_VBZ that_CS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT seronegative_JJ _** window_NN _** during_IN which_WDTR patients_NNS with_IN acute_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ may_MD have_HV a_AT negative_JJ test_NN result_NN using_VBG first-generation_NN assays_NNS moreover_RB , not_XNOT all_ABN patients_NNS with_IN consistent_JJ clinical_JJ histories_NNS ultimately_RB seroconvert_JJ using_VBG first-generation_NN testing_NN this_DT may_MD relate_VB to_TO either_DTX low_JJ titers_NNS of_IN antibodies_NNS directed_VBN against_IN the_ATI specific_JJ antigens_NNS tested_VBN for_IN by_IN these_DTS assays_NNS or_CC to_TO more_QL global_JJ impairments_NNS in_IN the_ATI particular_JJ host's_NP$ immune_JJ response_NN 300_CD Second-Generation_NN Assays_NNS for_IN Hepatitis_NP C_ZZ Antibodies_NNS in_IN Serum_NP 301_CD the_ATI concerns_NNS regarding_IN suboptimal_JJ sensitivity_NN and_CC specificity_NN , as_CS well_RB as_IN the_ATI protracted_JJ seronegative_JJ window_NN , underscored_JJ the_ATI need_NN for_IN improved_JJ diagnostic_JJ testing_NN beyond_IN the_ATI capacity_NN of_IN first-generation_NN testing_NN the_ATI second-generation_NN assays_NNS incorporate_VB additional_JJ recombinant_NN antigens_NNS from_IN the_ATI viral_JJ genome_NN the_ATI ELISA-2_NP test_NN is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN antigens_NNS from_IN both_ABX the_ATI core_NN region_NN (_( c22-3_CD )_) and_CC a_AT nonstructural_JJ protein_NN consisting_VBG of_IN c100-3_CD-CD and_CC c33c_CD proteins_NNS (_( c200_CD )_) in_IN the_ATI second-generation_NN RIBA-2_NP assay_NN , the_ATI c33c_CD and_CC c22-3_CD HCV_NP recombinant_NN antigens_NNS expressed_VBN in_IN yeast_NN were_BED added_VBN to_IN the_ATI 5-1-1_CD-CD , c100-3_CD-CD , and_CC SOD_NP antigens_NNS already_RB present_JJ in_IN RIBA-1_CD-CD the_ATI RIBA-2_NP assay_NN result_NN is_BEZ considered_VBN positive_JJ when_WRB there_EX is_BEZ at_IN least_RB weak_JJ positivity_NN in_IN response_NN to_IN any_DTI two_CD or_CC more_QL HCV_NP antigens_NNS 302_NP the_ATI RIBA-2_NP test_NN has_HVZ been_BEN especially_RB helpful_JJ in_IN resolving_JJ the_ATI true_JJ status_NN of_IN samples_NNS found_VBN to_TO be_BE indeterminate_JJ by_IN RIBA-1_CD-CD several_AP studies_NNS have_HV shown_VBN not_XNOT only_RB increased_JJ sensitivity_NN and_CC specificity_NN of_IN second-generation_NN assays_NNS compared_VBN with_IN their_PP$ first-generation_NN counterparts_NNS but_CC also_RB earlier_RBR seroconversion_NN against_IN the_ATI c22-3_CD and_CC c33c_CD antigens_NNS than_CS against_IN the_ATI c100-3_CD-CD antigen_NN 303_NP polymerase_NN Chain_NP Reaction_NN Assay_NP for_IN HCV_NPT RNA_NP 304_NP the_ATI ELISA_NP and_CC RIBA_NP tests_NNS detect_VB only_RB the_ATI presence_NN of_IN antibodies_NNS to_TO HCV_NP antigens_NNS they_PP3AS do_DO not_XNOT provide_VB insight_NN into_IN the_ATI replication_NN of_IN HCV_NP and_CC are_BER flawed_JJ because_CS of_IN prolonged_JJ seronegative_JJ windows_NNS the_ATI detection_NN of_IN serum_NN and_or_CC liver_NN HCV_NP RNA_NP using_VBG polymerase_NN chain_NN reaction_NN (_( PCR_NP )_) techniques_NNS offers_VBZ advantages_NNS on_IN both_ABX fronts_NNS 305_CD the_ATI PCR_NP techniques_NNS are_BER currently_RB the_ATI most_QL sensitive_JJ methods_NNS of_IN detecting_JJ HCV_NP RNA_NP the_ATI PCR_NP technique_NN amplifies_NNS reverse-transcribed_JJ complementary_JJ DNA_NP , permitting_VBG detection_NN of_IN minute_JJ quantities_NNS of_IN viral_JJ RNA_NP it_PP3 appears_VBZ that_CS primers_NNS from_IN the_ATI highly_RB conserved_VBN 5'_NNS$ noncoding_VBG region_NN are_BER the_ATI most_QL helpful_JJ for_IN identifying_VBG hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN Rather_NP than_IN merely_RB determining_VBG the_ATI presence_NN or_CC absence_NN of_IN viral_JJ RNA_NP , quantifying_VBG the_ATI amount_NN of_IN HCV_NP RNA_NP has_HVZ been_BEN refined_VBN with_IN a_AT competitive_JJ reverse_JJ transcriptase_NN PCR_NP assay_NN 306_NP the_ATI PCR_NP assays_NNS can_MD detect_VB viral_JJ RNA_NP within_IN 1_CD1 to_IN 2_CD weeks_NNS of_IN exposure_NN to_IN HCV_NP , shortening_VBG the_ATI _** window_NN _** period_NN viral_JJ RNA_NP has_HVZ been_BEN accepted_VBN as_CS the_ATI current_JJ _** gold_NN standard_NN _** by_IN which_WDTR to_TO make_VB the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN ; however_RB , the_ATI false-positive_JJ and_CC false-negative_JJ rates_NNS for_IN PCR_NP have_HV yet_RB to_TO be_BE determined_JJ more_AP work_NN is_BEZ clearly_RB needed_VBN to_TO appraise_VB the_ATI clinical_JJ impact_NN and_CC cost-effectiveness_NN of_IN this_DT technique_NN while_CS primarily_RB still_RB a_AT research_NN tool_NN , PCR_NP for_IN HCV_NP RNA_NP will_MD probably_RB become_VB routinely_RB available_JJ for_IN clinical_JJ use_NN in_IN the_ATI near_IN future_NN 307_NP there_EX have_HV been_BEN reports_NNS of_IN patients_NNS in_IN whom_WPOR HCV_NP RNA_NP was_BEDZ documented_VBN by_IN PCR_NP despite_IN negative_JJ ELISA-2_NP test_NN results_NNS and_CC of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR tested_VBD negative_JJ for_IN viral_JJ RNA_NP by_IN PCR_NP but_CC positive_JJ for_IN HCV_NP antibody_NN by_IN ELISA-2_NP While_NP the_ATI latter_AP may_MD represent_VB false-positive_JJ results_NNS , it_PP3 is_BEZ also_RB possible_JJ that_CS HCV_NP may_MD only_RB intermittently_RB replicate_JJ at_IN levels_NNS sufficient_JJ for_IN viral_JJ RNA_NP to_TO be_BE detected_VBN in_IN the_ATI serum_NN 308_NP it_PP3 is_BEZ fairly_RB straightforward_JJ to_TO diagnose_VB chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ in_IN a_AT patient_NN with_IN a_AT history_NN of_IN blood_NN transfusions_NNS , chronic_JJ elevations_NNS of_IN serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS , a_AT positive_JJ ELISA-2_NP assay_NN result_NN , and_CC chronic_JJ active_JJ hepatitis_NN on_IN liver_NN biopsy_NN in_IN other_AP patients_NNS , however_RB , the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ can_MD be_BE more_QL clinically_RB challenging_JJ Especially_NP in_IN patients_NNS without_IN risk_NN factors_NNS for_IN hepatitis_NN C_ZZ , it_PP3 is_BEZ imperative_JJ to_TO exclude_VB other_AP potential_JJ causes_NNS of_IN chronic_JJ elevations_NNS of_IN serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS , even_CS if_CS a_AT second-generation_NN assay_NN result_NN is_BEZ positive_JJ while_CS serum_NN or_CC hepatic_JJ viral_JJ RNA_NP implies_VBZ ongoing_VBG viral_JJ replication_NN and_CC therefore_RB persistent_JJ infection_NN , a_AT positive_JJ ELISA-2_NP or_CC RIBA-2_NP result_NN may_MD merely_RB reflect_VB past_NN exposure_NN to_IN the_ATI virus_NN 309_NP liver_NN biopsy_NN often_RB plays_VBZ a_AT key_NN role_NN in_IN the_ATI management_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN suspected_VBD chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C._NP although_CS there_EX are_BER no_ATI pathognomonic_JJ histologic_JJ features_NNS of_IN hepatitis_NN C_ZZ , liver_NN biopsy_NN can_MD help_VB to_TO exclude_VB other_AP pathologic_JJ conditions_NNS although_CS not_XNOT unique_JJ to_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN , prominent_JJ portal_NN lymphoid_NN follicles_NNS provide_VB a_AT suggestive_JJ diagnostic_JJ clue_NN other_AP characteristic_JJ histologic_JJ features_NNS appreciated_VBN in_IN chronic_JJ HCV_NP infection_NN include_VB damage_NN to_IN the_ATI intrahepatic_JJ bile_NN ducts_NNS and_CC steatosis_NN since_IN a_AT patient's_NN$ serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS are_BER correlated_VBN poorly_RB with_IN the_ATI histologic_JJ extent_NN of_IN disease_NN , liver_NN biopsy_NN often_RB provides_VBZ the_ATI clinician_NN with_IN important_JJ _** staging_NN _** information_NN 310_CD TREATMENT_NPT OF_NPT CHRONIC_NP HEPATITIS_NP C_ZZ INFECTION_NP 311_CD once_RB the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ is_BEZ made_VBN , the_ATI decision_NN of_IN whether_CS to_TO treat_VB with_IN interferon_NN is_BEZ typically_RB complex_JJ it_PP3 incorporates_VBZ laboratory_NN and_CC histologic_JJ criteria_NNS as_QL well_RB as_IN an_AT assessment_NN of_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ overall_JJB clinical_JJ status_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ useful_JJ to_TO describe_VB the_ATI proposed_VBN mechanism_NN of_IN action_NN of_IN interferon_NN before_CS reviewing_VBG the_ATI results_NNS of_IN interferon's_NP$ efficacy_NN in_IN the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C._NP 312_CD interferons_NNS are_BER not_XNOT a_AT single_JJ molecular_JJ species_NN ; they_PP3AS comprise_VB three_CD (_( alfa_NN , beta_NN , and_CC gamma_NN )_) families_NNS of_IN proteins_NNS lymphocytes_NNS , macrophages_NNS , and_CC fibroblasts_NNS normally_RB produce_VB interferons_NNS in_IN response_NN to_IN viral_JJ antigenic_JJ stimulation_NN interferons_NNS can_MD induce_VB cytokine_VB gene_NN expression_NN and_CC enhance_VB the_ATI function_NN of_IN natural_JJ killer_NN cells_NNS , cytotoxic_JJ T_ZZ cells_NNS , and_CC macrophages_NNS rather_RB than_IN directly_RB inactivating_VBG viruses_NNS , interferons_NNS stimulate_VB target_NN cells_NNS by_IN binding_JJ to_IN specific_JJ cell_NN surface_NN receptors_NNS , inducing_VBG the_ATI synthesis_NN of_IN intracellular_NN effector_NN proteins_NNS 313_CD the_ATI antiviral_JJ effect_NN of_IN the_ATI interferons_NNS is_BEZ due_JJ to_IN the_ATI modulation_NN of_IN different_JJ steps_NNS of_IN the_ATI viral_JJ replication_NN cycle_NN for_IN example_NN , the_ATI induction_NN of_IN intracellular_NN 2_CD '-5'_NNS$ oligoadenylate_NN synthetase_NN results_NNS in_IN the_ATI formation_NN of_IN oligonucleotides_NNS , which_WDTR , in_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN double- stranded_JJ RNA_NP , activate_VB endoribonucleases_NNS that_CS degrade_JJ viral_JJ messenger_NN RNA_NP interferon_NN also_RB induces_VBZ the_ATI synthesis_NN of_IN a_AT double- stranded_JJ RNA-dependent_NP protein_NN kinase_NN that_CS interferes_VBZ with_IN the_ATI elongation_NN step_NN in_IN viral_JJ protein_NN synthesis_NN in_IN addition_NN to_IN its_PP$ multiple_JJ effects_NNS on_IN viral_JJ replication_NN , interferon_NN also_RB has_HVZ significant_JJ immunomodulatory_NN actions_NNS these_DTS complex_JJ effects_NNS include_VB increased_VBN HLA_NP class_NN I_PP1A expression_NN and_CC enhanced_VBN natural_JJ killer_NN cell_NN activity_NN exactly_RB which_WDTR of_IN the_ATI multiple_JJ actions_NNS of_IN interferon_NN alfa_NN account_NN for_IN its_PP$ effectiveness_NN in_IN treating_VBG chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN is_BEZ incompletely_RB understood_VBN 314_CD selection_NN of_IN Patients_NP for_IN Treatment_NP 315_CD candidates_NNS for_IN interferon_NN therapy_NN should_MD have_HV a_AT clinical_JJ presentation_NN consistent_JJ with_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN and_CC (_( usually_RB )_) a_AT positive_JJ second-generation_NN test_NN or_CC PCR_NP result_NN there_EX is_BEZ disagreement_NN concerning_IN which_WDTR pretreatment_JJ clinical_JJ characteristics_NNS identify_VB patients_NNS most_QL likely_JJ to_TO benefit_VB from_IN antiviral_JJ therapy_NN 316_CD although_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ not_XNOT clear_JJ whether_CS patients_NNS with_IN only_RB mild_JJ elevations_NNS of_IN serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS benefit_NN less_AP from_IN interferon_JJ therapy_NN , most_QL research_NN studies_NNS have_HV focused_VBN on_IN patients_NNS whose_WP$R serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS have_HV exceeded_VBN the_ATI upper_JJB limits_NNS of_IN normal_JJ by_IN two_CD to_IN three_CD times_NNS for_IN at_RB least_RB 6_CD months_NNS younger_JJR patients_NNS with_IN infection_NN of_IN more_QL recent_JJ onset_NN and_CC patients_NNS with_IN biopsy_JJ evidence_NN of_IN ongoing_VBG inflammation_NN but_CC minimal_JJ cirrhosis_NN appear_VB to_TO respond_VB more_QL effectively_RB to_TO interferon_VB treatment_NN than_IN patients_NNS with_IN minimal_JJ inflammation_NN or_CC with_IN established_VBN cirrhosis_NN the_ATI pretreatment_JJ titer_NN of_IN viral_JJ RNA_NP and_CC the_ATI degree_NN of_IN variability_NN in_IN the_ATI viral_JJ genome_NN as_CS determined_VBN by_IN sequencing_VBG of_IN complementary_JJ DNA_NP are_BER among_IN the_ATI other_AP determinants_NNS that_DT may_MD predict_VB a_AT sustained_JJ response_NN to_TO interferon_VB therapy_NN 317_CD the_ATI decision_NN to_TO treat_VB a_AT patient_NN with_IN interferon_NN is_BEZ influenced_VBN in_IN a_AT complex_JJ manner_NN by_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ age_NN there_EX is_BEZ certainly_RB no_ATI rigid_JJ cutoff_NN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN years_NNS ; however_RB , the_ATI patient's_NN$ chronological_JJ age_NN may_MD be_BE less_QL important_JJ than_IN overall_JJB medical_JJ health_NN an_AT otherwise_RB healthy_JJ 65-year-old_JJB woman_NN who_WPR has_HVZ moderate_JJ elevations_NNS of_IN serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS and_CC active_JJ inflammation_NN on_IN biopsy_NN without_IN evidence_NN of_IN cirrhosis_NN would_MD seem_VB to_TO be_BE a_AT suitable_JJ candidate_NN for_IN therapy_NN still_RB , at_IN our_PP$ current_JJ level_NN of_IN understanding_NN , the_ATI progression_NN from_IN acute_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN to_TO cirrhosis_NN and_CC , possibly_RB , to_TO hepatocellular_VB carcinoma_NN may_MD span_VB decades_NNS Before_NP interferon_NN treatment_NN can_MD be_BE widely_RB advocated_VBN for_IN older_JJR patients_NNS , the_ATI possible_JJ risks_NNS and_CC benefits_NNS of_IN therapy_NN have_HV to_TO be_BE measured_VBN , in_IN terms_NNS of_IN how_WRB the_ATI morbidity_NN and_CC mortality_NN associated_VBN with_IN hepatitis_NN C_ZZ can_MD be_BE modified_VBN by_IN this_DT treatment_NN , and_CC weighed_VBN against_IN realistic_JJ predictors_NNS of_IN a_AT patient_NN 's_BEZ expected_JJ survival_NN 318_CD 40_CD interferon_NN therapy_NN is_BEZ contraindicated_VBN in_IN patients_NNS in_IN whom_WPOR , despite_IN the_ATI advances_NNS described_VBN in_IN diagnostic_JJ testing_NN , a_AT distinction_NN between_IN autoimmune_NN hepatitis_NN and_CC hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN cannot_NN be_BE made_VBN confidently_RB there_EX have_HV been_BEN several_AP reports_NNS of_IN patients_NNS with_IN autoimmune_NN hepatitis_NN whose_WP$R condition_NN deteriorated_VBD dramatically_RB when_WRB treated_VBN with_IN interferon_NN if_CS there_EX are_BER doubts_NNS about_IN the_ATI correct_JJ ultimate_JJ diagnosis_NN , an_AT initial_JJ trial_NN of_IN corticosteroid_NN therapy_NN is_BEZ prudent_JJ while_CS corticosteroid_NN therapy_NN will_MD not_XNOT eradicate_VB hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ less_QL potentially_RB harmful_JJ in_IN this_DT setting_VBG than_IN is_BEZ mistreating_VBG a_AT patient_NN with_IN interferon_NN if_CS interferon_NN therapy_NN is_BEZ attempted_VBN after_IN an_AT unsuccessful_JJ trial_NN of_IN corticosteroid_NN therapy_NN , most_QL clinicians_NNS would_MD suggest_VB initiating_JJ treatment_NN with_IN a_AT lower-than-usual_JJ dose_NN to_TO minimize_VB potential_JJ adverse_JJ effects_NNS 319_CD patients_NNS with_IN decompensated_JJ liver_NN disease_NN , manifested_VBN by_IN variceal_JJ bleeding_NN , ascites_NNS , jaundice_NN , encephalopathy_NN , or_CC profound_JJ synthetic_JJ dysfunction_NN , are_BER poor_JJ candidates_NNS for_IN interferon_NN therapy_NN unfortunately_RB , medical_JJ therapy_NN will_MD not_XNOT reverse_JJ their_PP$ established_JJ cirrhosis_NN and_CC end-stage_NN liver_NN disease_NN 320_CD efficacy_NN of_IN Interferon_NP for_IN Chronic_NP Hepatitis_NP C_ZZ 321_CD the_ATI first_OD large_JJ , multicenter_JJB , randomized_VBD , controlled_JJ trial_NN of_IN the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ with_IN recombinant_NN interferon_NN alfa_NN demonstrated_VBN that_CS the_ATI probability_NN of_IN normalization_NN or_CC near_IN normalization_JJ of_IN the_ATI serum_NN alanine_NN aminotransferase_NN level_NN after_IN the_ATI subcutaneous_JJ administration_NN of_IN 3_CD million_CD units_NNS of_IN interferon_NN thrice_RB weekly_JJ for_IN 6_CD months_NNS was_BEDZ just_RB under_RB 50%_NP it_PP3 has_HVZ also_RB been_BEN shown_VBN that_CS in_IN patients_NNS who_WPR respond_VB to_TO interferon_VB therapy_NN , serum_NN levels_NNS of_IN HCV_NP RNA_NP decrease_NN or_CC disappear_VB , usually_RB preceding_JJ improvements_NNS in_IN serum_NN aminotransferase_NN levels_NNS while_CS histologic_JJ improvement_NN , manifested_VBD as_IN regression_NN of_IN lobular_NN and_CC periportal_JJ inflammation_NN , is_BEZ observed_VBN in_IN approximately_RB 50%_NP of_IN liver_NN biopsies_NNS of_IN patients_NNS treated_VBN with_IN this_DT regimen_NN of_IN interferon_NN , histologic_JJ improvement_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT necessarily_RB restricted_JJ to_IN the_ATI patients_NNS who_WPR exhibit_VB a_AT biochemical_JJ response_NN 322_CD transient_JJ flares_VBZ of_IN serum_NN alanine_NN aminotransferase_NN levels_NNS may_MD be_BE seen_VBN during_IN the_ATI posttreatment_NN follow-up_NN period_NN in_IN patients_NNS who_WPR sustain_VB remissions_NNS unfortunately_RB , in_IN the_ATI first_OD 6_CD months_NNS after_IN therapy_NN , about_IN 50%_NP of_IN patients_NNS who_WPR initially_RB respond_VB successfully_RB demonstrate_VB sustained_VBN relapses_NNS of_IN elevated_VBD transaminase_NN levels_NNS accompanied_VBN by_IN increases_NNS in_IN serum_NN viral_JJ RNA_NP alternative_NN dosing_NN schedules_NNS and_CC treatment_NN periods_NNS have_HV not_XNOT reliably_RB been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO alter_VB the_ATI initial_JJ and_CC sustained_JJ response_NN rates_NNS , but_CC studies_NNS using_VBG higher_JJR doses_NNS and_CC longer_RBR treatment_NN periods_NNS are_BER under_IN way.=20_CD 323_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO keep_VB in_IN mind_NN that_CS normalizing_VBG transaminase_NN levels_NNS and_CC even_RB successfully_RB clearing_VBG serum_NN viral_JJ RNA_NP may_MD not_XNOT provide_VB evidence_NN of_IN a_AT _** cure_NN _** use_NN of_IN more_AP sensitive_JJ assays_NNS for_IN serum_NN or_CC liver_NN tissue_NN HCV_NP RNA_NP may_MD be_BE necessary_JJ to_TO document_NN eradication_NN of_IN the_ATI virus_NN to_TO date_NN , there_EX are_BER no_ATI studies_NNS with_IN sufficient_JJ longitudinal_JJ follow-up_NN to_TO assess_VB whether_CS _** successful_JJ _** treatment_NN with_IN interferon_NN decreases_VBZ the_ATI progression_NN of_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ infection_NN to_TO cirrhosis_VB or_CC to_TO hepatocellular_NN carcinoma_NN 324_CD adverse_JJ Effects_NNS of_IN Interferon_NP 325_CD symptoms_NNS of_IN fatigue_NN and_CC malaise_NN are_BER common_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN and_CC may_MD be_BE exacerbated_VBN by_IN interferon_NN therapy_NN transient_JJ minor_JJ flulike_JJ adverse_JJ effects_NNS , such_IN as_IN fever_NN , myalgias_NNS , arthralgias_NNS , and_CC headache_NN , often_RB follow_VB the_ATI injections_NNS for_IN several_AP hours_NNS these_DTS symptoms_NNS can_MD usually_RB be_BE ameliorated_VBN by_IN acetaminophen_NN or_CC nonsteroidal_JJ anti-inflammatory_NN drugs_NNS and_CC may_MD be_BE minimized_VBN if_CS the_ATI patient_NN self-administers_VBZ the_ATI medication_NN at_IN bedtime_NN many_AP of_IN these_DTS symptoms_NNS are_BER better_JJR tolerated_VBN the_RB longer_RBR therapy_NN continues_VBZ 326_CD other_AP , uncommonly_RB reported_VBN adverse_JJ effects_NNS of_IN interferon_NN therapy_NN include_VB diarrhea_NN , anorexia_NN , and_CC mild_JJ alopecia_NN while_CS many_AP patients_NNS describe_VB anxiety_NN or_CC increased_JJ irritability_NN while_CS taking_VBG interferon_NN , special_JJ caution_NN should_MD be_BE exercised_VBN in_IN treating_VBG patients_NNS who_WPR have_HV a_AT preexisting_VBG psychiatric_JJ history_NN there_EX have_HV been_BEN case_NN reports_NNS of_IN frank_JJ delirium_NN and_CC suicidal_JJ ideation_NN attributed_VBN to_TO interferon_VB therapy_NN 327_CD laboratory_NN abnormalities_NNS seen_VBN with_IN interferon_NN therapy_NN are_BER usually_RB restricted_JJ to_IN reversible_JJ mild_JJ thrombocytopenia_NN or_CC leukopenia_NN these_DTS may_MD occasionally_RB necessitate_VB dosage_NN reduction_NN mild_JJ asymptomatic_JJ thyroid_JJ function_NN test_NN abnormalities_NNS may_MD be_BE noted_VBN in_IN a_AT minority_NN of_IN patients_NNS receiving_VBG interferon_NN , but_CC clinically_RB significant_JJ thyroid_JJ dysfunction_NN (_( usually_RB hypothyroidism_JJ )_) is_BEZ very_QL uncommon_JJ 328_CD depending_VBG on_IN the_ATI preparation_NN used_VBN , neutralizing_VBG antibodies_NNS directed_VBN against_IN interferon_NN alfa_NN develop_VB during_IN treatment_NN in_IN a_AT small_JJ percentage_NN of_IN patients_NNS recombinant_NN interferon_NN alfa-2a_NN appears_VBZ to_TO induce_VB neutralizing_VBG antibodies_NNS more_QL frequently_RB than_IN interferon_NN alfa- 2b_NN or_CC lymphoblastoid-derived_JJ interferon_NN alfa_NN whether_CS these_DTS neutralizing_VBG antibodies_NNS alter_VB response_NN to_TO treatment_NN remains_VBZ controversial_JJ Additionally_NP , anti-smooth_NN muscle_NN , anti-nuclear_JJ , or_CC anti-thyroid_NN microsomal_JJ antibodies_NNS may_MD develop_VB during_IN interferon_NN therapy_NN for_IN hepatitis_NN B_ZZ infection_NN these_DTS autoantibodies_NNS do_DO not_XNOT appear_VB to_TO influence_VB response_NN to_IN treatment_NN 329_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ recommended_VBN that_CS patients_NNS have_HV complete_JJ blood_NN cell_NN counts_VBZ in_IN the_ATI first_OD couple_NN of_IN weeks_NNS after_IN interferon_NN therapy_NN is_BEZ initiated_VBN and_CC monthly_JJ thereafter_RB liver_NN function_NN tests_NNS are_BER usually_RB performed_VBN at_IN monthly_JJ intervals_NNS thrombocytopenia_NN or_CC leukopenia_NN , significant_JJ mood_NN disturbances_NNS , or_CC other_AP intractable_JJ adverse_JJ effects_NNS may_MD necessitate_VB either_DTX reduction_NN of_IN the_ATI dosage_NN or_CC cessation_NN of_IN interferon_NN therapy_NN Marked_NP elevations_NNS of_IN serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS during_IN interferon_NN treatment_NN would_MD raise_VB questions_NNS concerning_IN other_AP causes_NNS for_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ liver_NN disease_NN , and_CC therapy_NN should_MD be_BE stopped_VBN 330_CD although_CS there_EX are_BER ongoing_VBG clinical_JJ trials_NNS assessing_VBG the_ATI potential_JJ efficacy_NN of_IN alternative_JJ antiviral_JJ medications_NNS , the_ATI current_JJ treatment_NN of_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ centers_NNS on_IN the_ATI use_NN of_IN interferon_NN alfa_NN at_IN our_PP$ current_JJ level_NN of_IN understanding_NN , the_ATI ideal_JJ candidate_NN for_IN therapy_NN might_MD be_BE an_AT otherwise_RB healthy_JJ patient_NN who_WPR acquired_JJ hepatitis_NN C_ZZ relatively_RB recently_RB and_CC has_HVZ moderate_JJ elevations_NNS of_IN serum_NN transaminase_NN levels_NNS , low_JJ pretreatment_JJ levels_NNS of_IN HCV_NP RNA_NP , and_CC active_JJ inflammation_NN without_IN cirrhosis_NN on_IN biopsy_NN as_CS described_VBN , only_RB approximately_RB 25%_JJ of_IN patients_NNS will_MD have_HV a_AT sustained_JJ response_NN to_TO interferon_VB therapy_NN after_IN a_AT 6-month_NN course_RB these_DTS data_NNS , coupled_VBN with_IN interferon_NN 's_BEZ known_VBN adverse_JJ effect_NN profile_NN , underscore_VB the_ATI need_NN to_TO use_VB this_DT medication_NN judiciously_RB and_CC to_TO continue_VB the_ATI search_NN for_IN a_AT more_QL effective_JJ medical_JJ treatment_NN of_IN chronic_JJ hepatitis_NN C._NP 331_CD how_WRB Is_NNS Anaphylaxis_NN Recognized_NP ? 332_CD prompt_JJ recognition_NN of_IN anaphylaxis_NN may_MD be_BE lifesaving_VBN although_CS its_PP$ presentation_NN has_HVZ been_BEN described_VBN , there_EX are_BER no_ATI criteria_NNS for_IN making_VBG a_AT rapid_JJ diagnosis_NN a_AT systematic_JJ review_NN of_IN the_ATI literature_NN was_BEDZ performed_VBN to_TO develop_VB objective_JJ clinical_JJ criteria_NNS aimed_VBN at_IN improving_VBG the_ATI recognition_NN of_IN anaphylaxis_NN a_AT MEDLINE_NP search_NN of_IN the_ATI word_NN anaphylaxis_NN over_IN a_AT 1-year_CD-CD period_NN identified_VBN all_ABN of_IN the_ATI reports_NNS describing_VBG the_ATI initial_JJ manifestations_NNS of_IN 160_CD reviewed_VBN articles_NNS , 116_CD contained_VBD a_AT clinical_JJ description_NN of_IN anaphylaxis_NN eighty-nine_CD (_( 77%_JJ )_) of_IN these_DTS 116_CD articles_NNS were_BED case_NN reports_NNS hypotension_NN (_( 84_NN reports_NNS (_( 72%_NN )_) )_) and_CC urticaria_NN and_or_CC angioedema_NN (_( 70_CD reports_NNS (_( 60%_NP )_) )_) were_BED the_ATI most_QL frequently_RB described_VBN signs_NNS Of_NP the_ATI identified_JJ allergens_NNS , 73%_CD were_BED diagnostic_JJ or_CC therapeutic_JJ agents_NNS In_NP 72_CD of_IN the_ATI 80_CD articles_NNS in_IN which_WDTR a_AT reaction_NN time_NN could_MD be_BE identified_VBN , the_ATI reaction_NN occurred_VBD within_IN 60_CD minutes_NNS as_IN a_AT result_NN of_IN this_DT analysis_NN , we_PP1AS conclude_VB that_CS anaphylaxis_NN recognition_NN may_MD be_BE improved_VBN by_IN the_ATI identification_NN of_IN one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI following_JJ criteria_NNS , which_WDTR describe_VB the_ATI presentation_NN in_IN 82%_NN of_IN the_ATI analyzed_JJ reports_NNS : (_( 1_CD1 )_) exposure_NN to_IN an_AT allergen_NN within_IN 1_CD1 hour_NN produces_VBZ one_CD1 or_CC more_QL systemic_JJ signs_NNS (_( hypotension_NN , upper_JJB or_CC lower_JJR respiratory_JJ tract_NN compromise_NN , or_CC increased_VBN gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN motility_NN )_) , or_CC (_( 2_CD )_) urticaria_NN or_CC angioedema_NN accompanies_VBZ at_RB least_RB one_CD1 of_IN these_DTS systemic_JJ signs_NNS 333_CD anaphylaxis_NN is_BEZ a_AT fulminant_NN , multisystem_NN , and_CC sometimes_RB fatal_JJ syndrome_NN associated_VBN with_IN immediate_JJ hypersensitivity_NN in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP , it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN estimated_VBN to_TO occur_VB as_QL frequently_RB as_CS once_RB in_IN every_AT 3000_CD inpatients_NNS and_CC may_MD be_BE the_ATI cause_NN of_IN more_AP than_IN 500_CD deaths_NNS annually_RB .=20_CD 334_CD fatalities_NNS occur_VB in_IN approximately_RB 3%_CD to_TO 9%_NN of_IN the_ATI reported_VBN cases_NNS Immediate_NP diagnosis_NN is_BEZ imperative_JJ because_CS the_ATI more_QL rapid_JJ the_ATI onset_NN , the_ATI more_QL likely_JJ the_ATI reaction_NN will_MD be_BE severe_JJ , and_CC prompt_JJ treatment_NN may_MD be_BE lifesaving_NN in_IN addition_NN , recognition_NN is_BEZ important_JJ for_IN the_ATI prevention_NN of_IN further_JJB episodes.=20_CD 335_CD although_CS there_EX are_BER many_AP descriptions_NNS of_IN characteristic_JJ presentations_NNS , its_PP$ unanticipated_JJ nature_NN and_CC the_ATI lack_NN of_IN specific_JJ standard_JJ clinical_JJ criteria_NNS sometimes_RB make_VB anaphylaxis_NN a_AT difficult_JJ diagnostic_JJ problem_NN 336_CD the_ATI history_NN and_CC physical_JJ examination_NN are_BER the_ATI most_QL important_JJ elements_NNS of_IN patient_NN evaluation_NN , especially_RB when_WRB the_ATI process_NN must_MD be_BE rapid_JJ the_ATI goal_NN of_IN this_DT study_NN was_BEDZ to_TO construct_VB diagnostic_JJ criteria_NNS aimed_VBN at_IN improving_VBG the_ATI recognition_NN of_IN anaphylaxis_NN through_IN a_AT systematic_JJ review_NN of_IN the_ATI literature_NN 337_CD METHODS_NP 338_CD a_AT MEDLINE_NP search_NN for_IN citations_NNS of_IN anaphylaxis_NN over_IN a_AT 1-year_CD-CD period_NN identified_VBN all_ABN English_JNP language_NN reports_NNS pertaining_VBG to_IN humans_NNS because_CS this_DT investigation_NN was_BEDZ purely_RB clinical_JJ , a_AT distinction_NN between_IN IgE-mediated_NP hypersensitivity_NN reactions_NNS (_( anaphylactic_JJ )_) and_CC reactions_NNS with_IN identical_JJ clinical_JJ manifestations_NNS and_CC treatment_NN choices_NNS but_CC without_IN a_AT documented_VBN IgE-mediated_NP cause_NN (_( anaphylactoid_NN )_) was_BEDZ not_XNOT made.=20_CD 339_CD the_ATI articles_NNS were_BED reviewed_VBN independently_RB by_IN us_PP1OS , and_CC the_ATI information_NN was_BEDZ summarized_VBN in_IN spreadsheet_NN form_NN , and_CC four_CD article_NN categories_NNS were_BED defined_VBN : case_NN report_NN , investigative_JJ case_NN report_NN , investigation_NN , and_CC editorial_JJ an_AT investigative_JJ case_NN report_NN consisted_VBD of_IN a_AT case_NN report_NN and_CC an_AT investigation_NN of_IN some_DTI aspect_NN of_IN the_ATI case_NN , such_IN as_IN the_ATI performance_NN of_IN immunoassays_NNS to_TO confirm_VB the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN anaphylaxis_NN or_CC to_TO determine_VB the_ATI precipitating_VBG allergen_NN the_ATI editorial_JJ group_NN contained_VBD letters_NNS that_CS were_BED not_XNOT case_NN reports_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS reviews_NNS and_CC commentaries_NNS it_PP3 was_BEDZ hypothesized_VBN that_CS clinical_JJ descriptions_NNS such_ABL as_CS those_DTS described_VBN in_IN the_ATI first_OD three_CD categories_NNS would_MD be_BE the_ATI most_QL useful_JJ in_IN determining_VBG the_ATI critical_JJ clinical_JJ characteristics_NNS of_IN anaphylaxis_NN thus_RB , the_ATI editorial_JJ articles_NNS were_BED not_XNOT used_VBN in_IN extracting_VBG the_ATI diagnostic_JJ components_NNS of_IN this_DT syndrome_NN we_PP1AS recorded_VBN whether_CS a_AT control_NN population_NN was_BEDZ used_VBN in_IN the_ATI analyzed_JJ studies_NNS for_IN evaluating_VBG the_ATI risk_NN factors_NNS , the_ATI initial_JJ clinical_JJ presentation_NN , or_CC the_ATI initial_JJ treatment_NN these_DTS were_BED called_VBN controlled_VBN studies_NNS immunologic_JJ investigations_NNS were_BED those_DTS in_IN which_WDTR skin_NN testing_NN , radioallergosorbent_NN tests_NNS , enzyme-linked_JJ immunosorbent_NN assays_NNS , or_CC other_AP immunologic_JJ laboratory_NN investigations_NNS were_BED used_VBN to_TO identify_VB the_ATI allergen_NN also_RB included_VBN in_IN this_DT category_NN were_BED studies_NNS that_CS examined_VBN markers_NNS of_IN immunologic_JJ activation_NN such_IN as_IN serum_NN or_CC urine_NN histamine_NN or_CC serum_NN tryptase_NN levels_NNS 340_CD the_ATI signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS attributed_VBN to_TO anaphylaxis_VB were_BED recognized_VBN and_CC combined_VBN into_IN system-related_JJ groups_NNS the_ATI frequency_NN with_IN which_WDTR these_DTS manifestations_NNS occurred_VBD was_BEDZ obtained_VBN 341_CD whether_CS a_AT relevant_JJ exposure_NN to_IN a_AT precipitating_VBG allergen_NN could_MD be_BE identified_VBN was_BEDZ determined_JJ the_ATI identified_JJ allergens_NNS were_BED then_RN organized_VBN into_IN groups_NNS the_ATI reaction_NN time_NN , defined_VBD as_IN the_ATI time_NN between_IN the_ATI exposure_NN to_IN an_AT allergen_NN and_CC the_ATI actual_JJ onset_NN of_IN anaphylactic_JJ manifestations_NNS , was_BEDZ recorded_VBN 342_CD because_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ most_QL difficult_JJ to_TO establish_VB a_AT diagnosis_NN when_WRB there_EX are_BER no_ATI typical_JJ dermatologic_JJ manifestations_NNS such_IN as_IN urticaria_NN , angioedema_NN , flushing_VBG , and_CC pruritus_NN or_CC when_WRB there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI identifiable_JJ antigen_NN exposure_NN , these_DTS articles_NNS were_BED reviewed_VBN separately_RB 343_CD from_IN this_DT information_NN , criteria_NNS were_BED developed_VBN that_CS were_BED defined_VBN as_CS satisfactory_JJ if_CS they_PP3AS identified_VBD at_RB least_RB 80%_NP of_IN the_ATI reviewed_VBN anaphylactic_JJ events_NNS 344_CD the_ATI signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS described_VBN in_IN the_ATI 116_CD articles_NNS that_CS we_PP1AS reviewed_VBN and_CC the_ATI frequency_NN with_IN which_WDTR they_PP3AS were_BED reported_VBN are_BER presented_VBN in_IN Table_NP 1_CD1 the_ATI most_QL frequently_RB described_VBN dermatologic_JJ manifestations_NNS included_VBN urticaria_NN , angioedema_NN , erythema_NN or_CC flushing_VBG , and_CC pruritus_NN Urticaria_NP and_or_CC angioedema_NN were_BED described_VBN in_IN 70_CD (_( 80%_NP )_) of_IN the_ATI 88_CD dermatologic_JJ reports_NNS (_( 60%_NP of_IN the_ATI entire_JJB group_NN of_IN 116_CD )_) thus_RB , these_DTS two_CD signs_NNS were_BED selected_VBN for_IN use_NN in_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS flushing_VBG or_CC erythema_NN were_BED noted_VBN in_IN 10_CD additional_JJ reports_NNS in_IN which_WDTR neither_DTX angioedema_NN nor_CC urticaria_NN were_BED described_VBN pruritus_NN was_BEDZ described_VBN in_IN 16_CD articles_NNS , but_CC 11_CD of_IN these_DTS also_RB reported_VBN urticaria_NN or_CC angioedema_NN 345_CD the_ATI most_AP frequent_JJ cardiovascular_NN sign_NN was_BEDZ hypotension_NN , appearing_VBG either_DTX as_IN hypotension_NN itself_PPL or_CC as_IN shock_NN , collapse_NN , or_CC syncope_NN associated_VBN with_IN hypotension_NN in_IN 84_NN (_( 97%_JJ )_) of_IN the_ATI 87_CD cardiovascular_NN reports_NNS (_( 72%_NN of_IN the_ATI entire_JJB group_NN of_IN analyzed_JJ articles_NNS )_) thus_RB , hypotension_NN was_BEDZ the_ATI most_QL commonly_RB reported_VBN manifestation_NN of_IN anaphylaxis_NN tachycardia_RB , a_AT relatively_RB nonspecific_JJ sign_NN , was_BEDZ described_VBN in_IN 10_CD articles_NNS , but_CC eight_CD of_IN these_DTS also_RB noted_JJ hypotension_NN hypotension_NN was_BEDZ used_VBN in_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS 346_CD the_ATI most_AP frequent_JJ respiratory_JJ tract_NN description_NN involved_JJ words_NNS associated_VBN with_IN obstruction_NN (_( wheeze_NN , bronchospasm_NN , asthma_NN , status_NN asthmaticus_JJ , and_CC rhonchi_NN )_) and_CC synonyms_NNS for_IN dyspnea_NN there_EX were_BED 41_CD reports_NNS of_IN bronchospasm_NN , and_CC 73_CD (_( 90%_NP )_) of_IN the_ATI 81_CD articles_NNS suggested_VBN either_DTX bronchospasm_NN or_CC dyspnea_NN thus_RB , bronchospasm_NN or_CC dyspnea_NN were_BED used_VBN for_IN respiratory_JJ tract_NN criteria_NNS although_CS not_XNOT mentioned_VBN as_CS frequently_RB , cough_NN was_BEDZ cited_VBN in_IN at_RB least_RB five_CD reports_NNS , and_CC in_IN three_CD , it_PP3 was_BEDZ the_ATI only_AP respiratory_JJ tract_NN manifestation_NN 347_CD emesis_RB , diarrhea_NN , and_CC abdominal_JJ cramps_NNS or_CC discomfort_NN were_BED the_ATI most_QL common_JJ gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS because_CS these_DTS terms_NNS could_MD be_BE grouped_VBN most_QL easily_RB as_IN increased_VBN gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN motility_NN , this_DT expression_NN was_BEDZ used_VBN in_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS nausea_NN was_BEDZ avoided_VBN because_CS it_PP3 could_MD not_XNOT be_BE measured_VBN objectively_RB and_CC because_CS of_IN its_PP$ relative_JJ nonspecificity_NN in_IN seven_CD articles_NNS , nausea_NN was_BEDZ mentioned_VBN ; three_CD of_IN these_DTS also_RB reported_VBN vomiting_NN ; and_CC the_ATI remaining_JJ four_CD reports_NNS also_RB described_VBN hypotension_NN reports_NNS of_IN genitourinary_NN peristalsis_NN appeared_VBD in_IN only_RB two_CD reports_NNS : one_CD1 describing_VBG uterine_NN contractions_NNS and_CC another_DT , urinary_NN incontinence_NN because_CS these_DTS reports_NNS were_BED so_QL few_AP in_IN number_NN and_CC because_CS one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI articles_NNS also_RB described_VBN increased_VBN gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN motility_NN , genitourinary_NN signs_NNS were_BED not_XNOT included_VBN in_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS 348_CD laryngeal_JJ and_or_CC pharyngeal_JJ manifestations_NNS were_BED reported_VBN as_IN stridor_NN , laryngeal_JJ and_or_CC pharyngeal_JJ edema_NN , choking_VBG , throat_NN tightness_NN , dysphonia_NN , and_CC dysphagia_NN of_IN these_DTS , hoarseness_NN was_BEDZ described_VBN most_QL frequently_RB hoarseness_NN or_CC other_AP types_NNS of_IN dysphonia_NN were_BED noted_VBN in_IN 13_CD reports_NNS edema_NN of_IN portions_NNS of_IN the_ATI larynx_NN or_CC pharynx_NN , including_IN the_ATI tongue_NN , was_BEDZ reported_VBN in_IN nine_CD papers_NNS although_CS stridor_NN was_BEDZ described_VBN less_QL frequently_RB than_IN dysphonia_NN or_CC edema_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ perhaps_RB the_ATI most_QL striking_JJ and_CC severe_JJ form_NN of_IN laryngeal_JJ involvement_NN thus_RB , dysphonia_NN , edema_NN , and_CC stridor_NN were_BED included_VBN in_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS in_IN the_ATI laryngeal_JJ and_or_CC pharyngeal_JJ category_NN 349_CD rhinoconjunctivitis_RB , including_IN rhinorrhea_NN , nasal_JJ congestion_NN , conjunctivitis_NN , sneezing_VBG , and_CC lacrimation_NN , was_BEDZ described_VBN in_IN 17_CD articles_NNS These_NP signs_NNS were_BED not_XNOT used_VBN in_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS because_CS they_PP3AS were_BED reported_VBN less_QL frequently_RB 350_CD ALLERGEN_NP IDENTIFICATION_NP 351_CD an_AT inciting_VBG allergen_NN was_BEDZ reported_VBN in_IN all_ABN but_CC six_CD (_( 5%_JJ )_) of_IN the_ATI 116_CD articles_NNS in_IN three_CD of_IN the_ATI six_CD , no_ATI allergen_NN could_MD be_BE identified_VBN despite_IN an_AT extensive_JJ evaluation_NN in_IN the_ATI other_AP three_CD , the_ATI main_JJB thrust_VBD of_IN the_ATI article_NN did_DOD not_XNOT involve_VB the_ATI identification_NN of_IN an_AT allergen_NN 352_CD to_TO facilitate_VB description_NN , the_ATI allergens_NNS were_BED organized_VBN into_IN large_JJ groups_NNS and_CC are_BER displayed_VBN in_IN Table_NP 2_CD exposures_NNS to_IN diagnostic_JJ or_CC therapeutic_JJ agents_NNS were_BED mentioned_VBN most_QL frequently_RB (_( 85_CD (_( 73%_CD )_) of_IN the_ATI 116_CD analyzed_JJ papers_NNS )_) and_CC are_BER characterized_VBN further_JJB in_IN Table_NP 3_CD of_IN these_DTS , sensitivity_NN to_TO latex_NN was_BEDZ discussed_VBN most_QL frequently_RB 353_CD REACTION_NP TIME_NP 354_CD the_ATI reaction_NN time_NN from_IN antigen_NN exposure_NN to_IN the_ATI onset_NN of_IN symptoms_NNS was_BEDZ reported_VBN in_IN 80_CD (_( 73%_CD )_) of_IN the_ATI 110_CD articles_NNS in_IN which_WDTR an_AT allergen_NN was_BEDZ identified_VBN figure_NN 1_CD1 describes_VBZ reaction_NN times_NNS in_IN 68_CD (_( 85%_JJ )_) of_IN the_ATI 80_CD reports_NNS , the_ATI reaction_NN occurred_VBD within_IN 30_CD minutes_NNS and_CC , in_IN 77_CD (_( 96%_NN )_) , the_ATI reaction_NN time_NN was_BEDZ less_AP than_IN 2_CD hours_NNS six_CD of_IN the_ATI nine_CD articles_NNS reporting_VBG reaction_NN times_NNS of_IN between_IN 30_CD and_CC 120_CD minutes_NNS either_DTX specifically_RB gave_VBD reaction_NN times_NNS of_IN within_IN 60_CD minutes_NNS (_( five_CD reports_NNS )_) or_CC the_ATI time_NN could_MD be_BE estimated_VBN to_IN be_BE within_IN 60_CD minutes_NNS thus_RB , 73_CD reaction_NN times_NNS (_( 91%_CD )_) of_IN the_ATI 80_CD reported_VBN were_BED within_IN 60_CD minutes_NNS , and_CC this_DT was_BEDZ the_ATI time_NN chosen_VBN for_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS for_IN anaphylaxis_NN 355_CD of_IN the_ATI three_CD reports_NNS that_CS described_VBN a_AT reaction_NN time_NN of_IN more_AP than_IN 2_CD hours_NNS , two_CD involved_VBN delayed_VBN systemic_JJ exposures_NNS : one_CD1 by_IN depot_NN injection_NN and_CC one_CD1 by_IN topical_JJ application_NN to_IN the_ATI conjunctiva_NN 356_CD ANAPHYLAXIS_NPT WITHOUT_NPT DERMATOLOGIC_NP FINDINGS_NP 357_CD there_EX were_BED 19_CD articles_NNS describing_VBG anaphylaxis_NN in_IN which_WDTR typical_JJ dermatologic_JJ manifestations_NNS were_BED absent_JJ a_AT specific_JJ allergen_NN was_BEDZ identified_VBN in_IN all_ABN but_CC one_CD1 report_NN , and_CC in_IN that_DT one_CD1 report_NN of_IN simulated_VBN intraoperative_JJ anaphylaxis_NN , symptoms_NNS began_VBD within_IN minutes_NNS of_IN administration_NN of_IN the_ATI first_OD drug_NN in_IN general_JJ , the_ATI distribution_NN of_IN systemic_JJ signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS was_BEDZ the_ATI same_AP as_CS for_IN the_ATI complete_JJ set_NN of_IN articles_NNS hypotension_NN was_BEDZ the_ATI most_QL frequent_JJ manifestation_NN 358_CD THE_NP CRITERIA_NP 359_CD from_IN the_ATI signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS , relevant_JJ exposures_NNS , and_CC reaction_NN times_NNS described_VBN in_IN the_ATI 116_CD articles_NNS , two_CD separate_JJ criteria_NNS for_IN recognizing_VBG anaphylaxis_NN were_BED devised_VBN and_CC are_BER presented_VBN in_IN Table_NP 4_CD these_DTS criteria_NNS satisfied_JJ 92_CD (_( 79%_JJ )_) of_IN the_ATI 116_CD analyzed_JJ articles_NNS seventy-six_NN articles_NNS reported_VBN an_AT exposure_NN to_IN an_AT allergen_NN within_IN 1_CD1 hour_NN with_IN at_RB least_RB one_CD1 systemic_JJ sign_NN sixteen_CD articles_NNS did_DOD not_XNOT depict_VB an_AT exposure_NN to_IN an_AT allergen_NN within_IN 1_CD1 hour_NN but_CC described_VBD urticaria_NN and_or_CC angioedema_NN in_IN conjunction_NN with_IN at_RB least_RB one_CD1 systemic_JJ sign_NN 360_CD an_AT additional_JJ criterion_NN was_BEDZ considered_VBN for_IN cases_NNS in_IN which_WDTR no_ATI exposure_NN to_IN an_AT allergen_NN within_IN 1_CD1 hour_NN was_BEDZ suspected_VBN and_CC for_IN which_WDTR no_ATI urticaria_NN or_CC angioedema_NN was_BEDZ observed_VBN : anaphylaxis_NN should_MD be_BE considered_VBN if_CS two_CD systemic_JJ manifestations_NNS are_BER observed_VBN the_ATI addition_NN of_IN this_DT criterion_NN would_MD describe_VB three_CD additional_JJ communications_NNS , for_IN a_AT total_NN of_IN 95_CD (_( 82%_JJ )_) of_IN the_ATI articles_NNS it_PP3 was_BEDZ concluded_VBN that_CS the_ATI first_OD two_CD criteria_NNS characterized_VBN the_ATI majority_NN of_IN the_ATI articles_NNS , and_CC the_ATI addition_NN of_IN this_DT criterion_NN would_MD not_XNOT significantly_RB increase_VB the_ATI number_NN of_IN articles_NNS described_VBN 361_CD there_EX was_BEDZ insufficient_JJ information_NN about_IN the_ATI events_NNS called_VBN anaphylactic_VBN in_IN 18_CD reports_NNS (_( 16%_CD )_) to_TO determine_VB whether_CS any_DTI of_IN the_ATI three_CD criteria_NNS under_IN consideration_NN fit_NN twelve_CD did_DOD not_XNOT record_VB either_DTX the_ATI observed_JJ signs_NNS or_CC the_ATI reaction_NN time_NN , and_CC another_DT four_CD did_DOD not_XNOT state_VB a_AT reaction_NN time_NN four_CD reports_NNS discussed_VBN immunologic_JJ tests_NNS and_CC not_XNOT the_ATI clinical_JJ events_NNS the_ATI criteria_NNS did_DOD not_XNOT fit_VB two_CD case_NN reports_NNS or_CC one_CD1 report_NN of_IN a_AT laboratory_NN investigation_NN of_IN isolated_JJ human_JJ mast_NN cells_NNS of_IN the_ATI 98_NN articles_NNS with_IN sufficient_JJ information_NN to_TO analyze_VB the_ATI criteria_NNS , 92_CD (_( 96%_NN )_) satisfied_JJ the_ATI first_OD two_CD criteria_NNS 362_CD COMMENT_NP 363_CD there_EX are_BER few_AP controlled_JJ investigations_NNS of_IN the_ATI clinical_JJ presentation_NN of_IN anaphylaxis_NN because_CS rapid_JJ diagnosis_NN may_MD be_BE elusive_JJ but_CC lifesaving_VBG , an_AT attempt_NN to_TO extract_VB useful_JJ criteria_NNS for_IN recognition_NN from_IN recent_JJ literature_NN was_BEDZ undertaken_VBN schwid_NN and_CC O_ZZ 'Donnell_NP$ illustrated_VBN the_ATI difficulty_NN in_IN identifying_VBG anaphylaxis_NN in_IN their_PP$ study_NN of_IN the_ATI management_NN of_IN simulated_JJ anesthesia_NN emergencies_NNS they_PP3AS found_VBD that_CS anaphylaxis_NN was_BEDZ recognized_VBN by_IN only_RB 40%_NP of_IN the_ATI participating_VBG anesthesiologists_NNS (_( 10_CD residents_NNS , 10_CD faculty_NN , and_CC 10_CD private_JJ practitioners_NNS )_) even_RB though_IN the_ATI simulation_NN represented_VBN a_AT classic_JJ presentation_NN : rash_NN , hypotension_NN , tachycardia_NN , vasodilatation_NN , and_CC wheeze_NN occurring_VBG within_IN minutes_NNS of_IN the_ATI administration_NN of_IN the_ATI first_OD drug_NN 364_CD among_IN the_ATI 160_CD identified_JJ articles_NNS , there_EX were_BED only_RB five_CD controlled_VBN studies_NNS involving_VBG the_ATI initial_JJ clinical_JJ presentation_NN , and_CC the_ATI majority_NN were_BED case_NN reports_NNS thus_RB , one_CD1 would_MD like_VB to_IN abstract_JJ information_NN from_IN uncontrolled_JJ studies_NNS in_IN a_AT meaningful_JJ way_NN case_NN reports_NNS are_BER anecdotal_JJ accounts_NNS , and_CC this_DT retrospective_JJ analysis_NN may_MD describe_VB the_ATI most_QL easily_RB identified_JJ cases_NNS or_CC merely_RB record_NN cases_NNS satisfying_JJ commonly_RB accepted_VBN descriptions_NNS of_IN anaphylaxis_NN keeping_VBG these_DTS limitations_NNS in_IN mind_NN , such_ABL an_AT analysis_NN may_MD provide_VB useful_JJ information_NN on_IN the_ATI relevant_JJ signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS , exposures_NNS , and_CC reaction_NN times_NNS in_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN prospective_JJ studies_NNS 365_CD 35_CD different_JJ controls_NNS may_MD need_VB to_TO be_BE developed_VBN for_IN assessing_VBG anaphylactic_JJ events_NNS examples_NNS from_IN the_ATI cited_VBN reports_NNS include_VB the_ATI comparison_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN themselves_PPLS before_CS and_CC after_IN the_ATI institution_NN of_IN prophylaxis_NN and_CC the_ATI controlled_VBN challenges_VBZ of_IN a_AT single_JJ individual_JJ to_TO confirm_VB the_ATI allergen_NN and_CC to_TO evaluate_VB a_AT prophylactic_JJ regimen_NNS recently_RB , this_DT technique_NN has_HVZ been_BEN formalized_VBN , using_VBG randomized_VBN controlled_VBN blinded_VBD trials_NNS on_IN a_AT single_JJ subject_NN , for_IN examining_VBG the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN a_AT therapeutic_JJ intervention_NN these_DTS N_ZZ of_IN 1_CD1 randomized_VBN controlled_JJ trials_NNS , which_WDTR are_BER a_AT modification_NN of_IN the_ATI blinded_VBD crossover_NN method_NN , may_MD be_BE useful_JJ for_IN studying_VBG several_AP aspects_NNS of_IN anaphylaxis_NN : prophylactic_JJ regimens_NNS , clinical_JJ presentation_NN , and_CC therapy_NN 366_CD analysis_NN of_IN these_DTS clinical_JJ reports_NNS suggests_VBZ that_CS the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN anaphylaxis_NN has_HVZ three_CD elements_NNS : (_( 1_CD1 )_) signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS , (_( 2_CD )_) the_ATI presence_NN of_IN an_AT identifiable_JJ allergen_NN , and_CC (_( 3_CD )_) the_ATI reaction_NN time_NN these_DTS three_CD elements_NNS form_VB the_ATI foundation_NN for_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS if_CS all_ABN three_CD are_BER present_JJ , the_ATI diagnosis_NN is_BEZ straightforward_JJ but_CC anaphylaxis_NN may_MD occur_VB without_IN an_AT identifiable_JJ allergen_NN , for_IN example_NN , in_IN idiopathic_JJ anaphylaxis_NN in_IN these_DTS cases_NNS , not_XNOT only_RB is_BEZ there_EX no_ATI identified_JJ allergen_NN , but_CC also_RB no_ATI reaction_NN time_NN can_MD be_BE determined_JJ occasionally_RB , anaphylaxis_NN may_MD take_VB place_VB more_QL than_IN 1_CD1 hour_NN after_IN exposure_NN to_IN an_AT allergen_NN , usually_RB in_IN the_ATI setting_NN of_IN a_AT depot_NN injection_NN or_CC an_AT exposure_NN in_IN which_WDTR systemic_JJ absorption_NN is_BEZ delayed_VBN Diagnostic_NP criteria_NNS must_MD be_BE specific_JJ enough_QLP to_TO include_VB the_ATI instances_NNS when_WRB all_ABN three_CD elements_NNS are_BER present_JJ on_IN the_ATI other_AP hand_NN , these_DTS rules_NNS must_MD be_BE broad_JJ enough_QLP to_TO point_VB out_RP those_DTS presentations_NNS in_IN which_WDTR elements_NNS are_BER missing_JJ but_CC the_ATI diagnosis_NN should_MD be_BE considered_VBN 367_CD checking_VBG that_CS the_ATI devised_VBN diagnostic_JJ criteria_NNS described_VBN more_AP than_IN 80%_NP of_IN the_ATI MEDLINE-identified_NP articles_NNS was_BEDZ a_AT means_NNS of_IN testing_VBG the_ATI scope_NN of_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS neglecting_VBG the_ATI 18_CD articles_NNS that_CS did_DOD not_XNOT provide_VB sufficient_JJ data_NNS for_IN the_ATI determination_NN of_IN the_ATI appropriateness_NN of_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS , two_CD criteria_NNS failed_VBN to_TO suit_VB only_RB six_CD articles_NNS if_CS the_ATI third_OD criterion_NN is_BEZ considered_VBN , only_RB three_CD reports_NNS were_BED excluded_VBN 368_CD although_CS the_ATI third_OD criterion_NN was_BEDZ not_XNOT necessary_JJ to_TO describe_VB the_ATI majority_NN of_IN the_ATI presentations_NNS , it_PP3 should_MD still_RB be_BE considered_VBN criterion_NN 3_CD has_HVZ a_AT much_RB broader_JJR differential_JJ diagnosis_NN , including_IN visceral_JJ hemorrhage_NN or_CC infarct_NN , pulmonary_NN embolism_NN , myocardial_JJ infarction_NN , and_CC sepsis_NN a_AT situation_NN satisfying_JJ only_RB criterion_NN 3_CD would_MD represent_VB a_AT somewhat_RB atypical_JJ presentation_NN of_IN anaphylaxis_NN , and_CC such_ABL cases_NNS may_MD be_BE underrepresented_VBN in_IN the_ATI literature_NN reviewed_VBN here_RN the_ATI sudden_JJ onset_NN of_IN manifestations_NNS consistent_JJ with_IN criterion_NN 3_CD for_IN which_WDTR no_ATI diagnosis_NN is_BEZ immediately_RB apparent_JJ should_MD precipitate_VB a_AT review_NN of_IN all_ABN diagnostic_JJ and_CC therapeutic_JJ agents_NNS administered_VBN in_IN the_ATI previous_JJ hour_NN 369_CD signs_NNS and_CC Symptoms_NP 370_CD signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS were_BED grouped_VBN by_IN organ_NN system_NN for_IN analysis_NN with_IN the_ATI exception_NN of_IN cardiovascular_NN signs_NNS , the_ATI organ_NN systems_NNS most_QL frequently_RB cited_VBN were_BED those_DTS directly_RB exposed_VBN to_IN the_ATI environment_NN : skin_NN , respiratory_JJ tract_NN , and_CC gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN systems_NNS in_IN each_DT category_NN , an_AT attempt_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN to_TO identify_VB the_ATI most_QL prominent_JJ and_CC specific_JJ manifestations_NNS for_IN use_NN in_IN the_ATI diagnostic_JJ criteria_NNS thus_RB , urticaria_NN and_CC angioedema_NN were_BED included_VBN as_IN the_ATI most_QL frequent_JJ dermatologic_JJ manifestations_NNS , and_CC hypotension_NN was_BEDZ cited_VBN as_IN the_ATI most_QL frequently_RB mentioned_JJ cardiovascular_NN sign_NN 371_CD an_AT abstract_JJ by_IN Wolf_NP and_CC Lieberman_NP reported_VBD very_QL similar_JJ frequencies_NNS of_IN urticaria_NN and_or_CC angioedema_NN and_CC respiratory_JJ tract_NN findings_NNS , but_CC these_DTS authors_NNS reported_VBN hypotension_NN in_IN only_RB 24%_JJ of_IN 89_CD retrospectively_RB reviewed_VBN cases_NNS our_PP$ review_NN would_MD suggest_VB it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO consider_VB anaphylaxis_NN in_IN cases_NNS of_IN hypotension_NN in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI cause_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT obvious_JJ 372_CD this_DT analysis_NN also_RB identified_VBN the_ATI clinical_JJ findings_NNS that_WPR appeared_VBD commonly_RB and_CC , although_CS they_PP3AS were_BED not_XNOT used_VBN in_IN the_ATI diagnostic_JJ criteria_NNS , may_MD be_BE prodromal_JJ examples_NNS include_VB nasal_JJ congestion_NN , rhinorrhea_NN , flushing_VBG , pruritus_NN , and_CC cough_NN indeed_RB , in_IN one_CD1 MEDLINE-identified_NP article_NN , of_IN 11_CD cases_NNS of_IN food-dependent_NN , exercise-induced_JJ anaphylaxis_NN , flushing_VBG , pruritus_NN , cough_NN , nasal_JJ discharge_NN , dyspnea_NN , colic_JJ , nausea_NN , and_CC headache_NN were_BED reported_VBN as_CS early_JJ manifestations_NNS another_DT sign_NN that_CS was_BEDZ noted_VBN occasionally_RB was_BEDZ uterine_NN cramping_VBG and_CC , although_CS not_XNOT diagnostic_JJ , may_MD be_BE underreported_JJ 373_CD allergen_NN Identification_NN 374_CD a_AT specific_JJ allergen_NN was_BEDZ identified_VBN in_IN 95%_NN of_IN the_ATI 116_CD articles_NNS analyzed_VBN when_WRB one_CD1 can_MD be_BE identified_VBN , diagnosis_NN should_MD be_BE easier_JJR because_CS reaction_NN time_NN also_RB can_MD be_BE defined_VBN specific_JJ allergens_NNS were_BED not_XNOT used_VBN in_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS because_CS the_ATI cited_VBN allergens_NNS from_IN a_AT 1-year_CD-CD survey_NN reflected_VBD interest_NN in_IN solving_VBG current_JJ problems_NNS thus_RB , it_PP3 was_BEDZ likely_JJ that_CS cases_NNS involving_VBG latex_NN allergy_NN were_BED overrepresented_VBN whereas_CS beta-lactam_NN reactions_NNS , which_WDTR have_HV been_BEN described_VBN more_QL extensively_RB in_IN past_NN years_NNS , were_BED underrepresented_VBN by_IN sampling_NN from_IN a_AT specific_JJ year_NN the_ATI most_AP commonly_RB recognized_JJ allergens_NNS in_IN this_DT series_NN were_BED diagnostic_JJ and_CC therapeutic_JJ agents_NNS it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO consider_VB anaphylaxis_NN in_IN any_DTI patient_NN who_WPR presents_VBZ with_IN the_ATI described_VBN systemic_JJ signs_NNS within_IN 1_CD1 hour_NN of_IN exposure_NN to_IN a_AT diagnostic_JJ or_CC therapeutic_JJ agent_NN , and_CC it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO know_VB which_WDTR agents_NNS are_BER most_QL frequently_RB implicated_VBN in_IN episodes_NNS of_IN anaphylaxis_NN 375_CD there_EX were_BED only_RB six_CD articles_NNS in_IN which_WDTR no_ATI allergen_NN was_BEDZ reported_VBN and_CC three_CD in_IN which_WDTR an_AT extensive_JJ investigation_NN had_HVD been_BEN undertaken_VBN this_DT analysis_NN raises_VBZ the_ATI question_NN as_CS to_TO whether_CS idiopathic_JJ anaphylaxis_NN is_BEZ truly_RB a_AT rare_JJ event_NN or_CC whether_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ underreported_JJ because_CS this_DT important_JJ issue_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN resolved_VBN , the_ATI criteria_NNS are_BER structured_VBN to_TO identify_VB episodes_NNS of_IN idiopathic_JJ anaphylaxis_NN so_QL they_PP3AS may_MD be_BE examined_VBN further_JJB 376_CD reaction_NN Time_NP 377_CD the_ATI reaction_NN time_NN chosen_VBN for_IN the_ATI criteria_NNS was_BEDZ 1_CD1 hour_NN , which_WDTR is_BEZ consistent_JJ with_IN that_DT used_VBN by_IN Levine_NP in_IN the_ATI 1960s_CDS for_IN describing_VBG penicillin_NN allergy_NN although_CS delayed_JJ reactions_NNS , ie_NN , those_DTS with_IN reaction_NN times_NNS greater_JJR than_IN 1_CD1 hour_NN , have_HV been_BEN reported_VBN and_CC also_RB were_BED noted_VBN in_IN this_DT review_NN , these_DTS were_BED not_XNOT frequent_JJ and_CC in_IN some_DTI may_MD be_BE due_JJ to_TO depot_NN administration_NN on_IN the_ATI other_AP hand_NN , in_IN 85%_NN of_IN the_ATI reviewed_VBN articles_NNS with_IN identified_JJ reaction_NN times_NNS , the_ATI onset_NN of_IN symptoms_NNS occurred_VBD within_IN 30_CD minutes_NNS a_AT reaction_NN time_NN of_IN 60_CD minutes_NNS is_BEZ broad_JJ enough_QLP to_TO include_VB almost_RB all_ABN immediate_JJ reactions_NNS while_CS tending_VBG to_TO eliminate_VB many_AP equivocal_JJ ones_CD1S Severe_NP delayed_VBD reactions_NNS would_MD still_RB be_BE recognized_VBN by_IN the_ATI likely_JJ presence_NN of_IN urticaria_NN and_or_CC angioedema_NN or_CC more_AP than_IN one_CD1 systemic_JJ sign_NN 378_CD anaphylaxis_NN Without_NP Dermatologic_NP Findings_NNS 379_CD cases_NNS in_IN which_WDTR diagnosis_NN may_MD be_BE particularly_RB difficult_JJ are_BER those_DTS in_IN which_WDTR common_JJ dermatologic_JJ presentations_NNS are_BER absent_JJ that_DT the_ATI largest_JJT group_NN of_IN articles_NNS from_IN a_AT nonallergy_NN specialty_NN came_VBD from_IN anesthesiologists_NNS may_MD reflect_VB the_ATI difficulty_NN in_IN recognizing_VBG the_ATI syndrome_NN in_IN a_AT setting_VBG where_WRB the_ATI most_QL characteristic_JJ findings_NNS may_MD be_BE obscured_VBN by_IN surgical_JJ drapes_NNS in_IN the_ATI subgroup_NN of_IN articles_NNS in_IN which_WDTR dermatologic_JJ signs_NNS were_BED absent_JJ , the_ATI same_AP physical_JJ findings_NNS and_CC reaction_NN times_NNS were_BED noted_VBN as_CS in_IN the_ATI entire_JJB collection_NN of_IN 116_CD articles_NNS , but_CC the_ATI number_NN , 19_CD articles_NNS , was_BEDZ small_JJ it_PP3 is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS this_DT group_NN , too_RB , is_BEZ underreported_JJ , but_CC using_VBG the_ATI criteria_NNS prospectively_RB could_MD clarify_VB this_DT issue_NN 380_CD CONCLUSION_NPT AND_NP SUMMARY_NP 381_CD anaphylaxis_NN can_MD be_BE recognized_VBN by_IN a_AT history_NN of_IN exposure_NN to_IN an_AT allergen_NN within_IN 1_CD1 hour_NN of_IN the_ATI onset_NN of_IN symptoms_NNS or_CC by_IN classical_JJ dermatologic_JJ findings_NNS (_( urticaria_NN or_CC angioedema_NN )_) accompanied_VBN by_IN one_CD1 or_CC more_QL systemic_JJ signs_NNS in_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN an_AT identifiable_JJ allergen_NN exposure_NN or_CC dermatologic_JJ findings_NNS , two_CD or_CC more_QL systemic_JJ manifestations_NNS (_( cardiovascular_NN , upper_JJB or_CC lower_JJR respiratory_JJ tract_NN , or_CC gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN )_) are_BER suggestive_JJ of_IN anaphylaxis_NN in_IN the_ATI cases_NNS reviewed_VBN , dermatologic_JJ manifestations_NNS were_BED noted_VBN in_IN 76%_NN of_IN the_ATI reports_NNS ; cardiovascular_NN manifestations_NNS , in_IN 75%_NN ; and_CC respiratory_JJ tract_NN manifestations_NNS , in_IN 70%_NP gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN and_CC laryngeal_JJ or_CC pharyngeal_JJ signs_NNS were_BED common_JJ but_CC less_QL frequently_RB described_VBN (_( 28%_NN and_CC 26%_NN , respectively_RB )_) JORDEE rosacea_NN : pathophysiology_NN and_CC Treatment_NP 2_CD however_RB , to_TO directly_RB pursue_VB these_DTS theories_NNS would_MD be_BE premature_JJ without_IN a_AT brief_JJ note_NN on_IN what_WDT rosacea_NN really_RB is_BEZ (_( and_CC is_BEZ not_XNOT )_) rosacea_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT a_AT disease_NN rosacea_NN is_BEZ a_AT typology_NN , namely_RB , a_AT cluster_NN of_IN persons_NNS with_IN a_AT characteristic_JJ combination_NN of_IN cutaneous_JJ stigmata_NN given_VBN the_ATI typologic_JJ model_NN , the_ATI epicenter_NN of_IN rosacea_NN is_BEZ occupied_VBN by_IN a_AP few_AP unfortunate_JJ patients_NNS with_IN flushing_VBG , erythema_NN , telangiectasia_NN , facial_JJ edema_NN , papules_NNS , pustules_NNS , ocular_JJ lesions_NNS , and_CC rhinophyma_NN most_AP patients_NNS , of_RB course_RB , have_HV less_AP than_IN the_ATI full_RB set_VBN of_IN these_DTS stigmata_NN senior_JJ medical_JJ students_NNS who_WPR have_HV invested_VBN a_AT month_NN in_IN a_AT clinical_JJ dermatology_JJ elective_JJ are_BER able_JJ to_TO recognize_VB rosacea_NN in_IN its_PP$ fullest_JJT expression_NN during_IN residency_NN training_NN , one_CD1 begins_VBZ to_TO discover_VB in_IN the_ATI dermatology_NN clinic_NN patients_NNS with_IN fewer_AP variables_NNS experiencing_VBG rosacea_NN in_IN this_DT manner_NN , dermatologists_NNS are_BER gradually_RB mapping_NN the_ATI area_NN around_IN the_ATI nodal_JJ point_NN , the_ATI typological_JJ center_NN far_RB away_RP from_IN the_ATI center_NN in_IN the_ATI periphery_NN , the_ATI variables_NNS are_BER so_QL few_AP and_CC their_PP$ expressions_NNS so_QL vague_JJ that_CS identification_NN of_IN rosacea_NN becomes_VBZ increasingly_RB uncertain_JJ thus_RB , rosacea_NN is_BEZ well_RB defined_VBN in_IN its_PP$ center_NN but_CC not_XNOT in_IN its_PP$ periphery_NN 3_CD as_IN knowledge_NN of_IN a_AT disease_NN increases_NNS , it_PP3 often_RB becomes_VBZ possible_JJ for_IN the_ATI definition_NN to_TO be_BE moved_VBN from_IN a_AT more_QL primitive_JJ mode_NN , eg_NN , the_ATI typology_NN , to_IN a_AT definition_NN based_VBN on_IN disordered_JJ anatomy_NN or_CC physiology_NN or_CC , finally_RB , to_IN a_AT definition_NN based_VBN on_IN causality_NN despite_IN its_PP$ primitive_JJ nature_NN , the_ATI typologic_JJ approach_NN is_BEZ of_IN considerable_JJ heuristic_JJ value_NN typologically_RB , rosacea_NN may_MD be_BE considered_VBN a_AT reaction_NN pattern_NN , a_AT phenotype_NN that_WPR may_MD be_BE elicited_VBN by_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN causes_NNS in_IN _** rosacea-prone_NN _** individuals_NNS Identifying_NP and_CC cataloguing_NN these_DTS various_JJ , putative_JJ _** causes_NNS _** invites_VBZ speculation_NN on_IN the_ATI predominant_JJ physiologic_JJ pathway_NN involved_VBN in_IN rosacea_NN If_NP subsequently_RB verified_VBN by_IN experiment_NN , a_AT definition_NN based_VBN on_IN disordered_JJ physiology_NN can_MD be_BE established_VBN , and_CC the_ATI definition_NN of_IN rosacea_NN will_MD be_BE moved_VBN from_IN a_AT less_QL primitive_JJ to_IN a_AT more_QL advanced_JJ state_NN 4_CD not_XNOT only_RB are_BER erythema_NN and_CC telangiectasia_NN obviously_RB vascular_JJ in_IN nature_NN , but_CC even_RB those_DTS features_NNS of_IN rosacea_NN that_CS are_BER not_XNOT primarily_RB vascular_NN may_MD derive_VB from_IN this_DT same_AP pathophysiology_NN rosacea_NN is_BEZ essentially_RB a_AT cutaneous_JJ vascular_NN disorder_NN first_OD , there_EX are_BER several_AP lines_NNS of_IN evidence_NN for_IN flushing_VBG in_IN the_ATI pathogenesis_NN of_IN rosacea_NN there_EX is_BEZ an_AT increased_JJ frequency_NN of_IN flushing_VBG with_IN rosacea_NN there_EX is_BEZ a_AT correlation_NN between_IN severity_NN of_IN ocular_JJ rosacea_NN and_CC a_AT tendency_NN to_IN strong_JJ flushing_VBG Intravenously_NP administered_VBD xanthinol_NN nicotinate_NN produces_VBZ a_AT dilation_NN of_IN the_ATI small_JJ conjunctival_JJ vessels_NNS , with_IN a_AT particularly_RB noticeable_JJ appearance_NN of_IN the_ATI collateral_JJ vessels_NNS patients_NNS with_IN severe_JJ flushing_VBG due_JJ to_TO carcinoid_VB develop_VB all_ABN the_ATI various_JJ stigmata_NN , including_IN ocular_JJ rosacea_NN , facial_JJ telangiectasia_NN , and_CC severe_JJ connective_JJ tissue_NN hypertrophy_NN 5_CD likewise_RB , patients_NNS with_IN severe_JJ flushing_VBG due_JJ to_TO mastocytosis_VB can_MD develop_VB a_AT rapidly_RB progressive_JJ rosacea_NN mild_JJ rosacea_NN often_RB appears_VBZ in_IN women_NNS after_IN age_NN 35_CD years_NNS when_WRB the_ATI frequency_NN of_IN _** hot_JJ flashes_NNS _** and_CC flushing_VBG increases_NNS flushing_VBG is_BEZ invariably_RB the_ATI earliest_JJT component_NN of_IN rosacea_NN to_TO be_BE apparent_JJ , and_CC recurrent_JJ flushing_VBG in_IN a_AT rosacea-prone_NN individual_JJ may_MD be_BE regarded_VBN as_IN _** prerosacea_NN _** (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) 6_CD the_ATI first_OD definitive_JJ stage_NN of_IN rosacea_NN is_BEZ vascular_JJ early_JJ vascular_NN rosacea_JJ consists_VBZ of_IN simple_JJ erythema_NN (_( or_CC cyanosis_NN on_IN cold_JJ days_NNS )_) this_DT erythema_NN represents_VBZ the_ATI increased_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN erythrocytes_NNS in_IN a_AT mildly_RB inflamed_JJ superficial_JJ vasculature_NN no_ATI microorganisms_NNS have_HV been_BEN consistently_RB identified_VBN , and_CC so_PN it_PP3 is_BEZ tempting_JJ to_TO speculate_VB that_CS a_AT low- grade_NN , sterile_JJ dermal_JJ cellulitis_NN may_MD result_VB from_IN the_ATI extravascular_NN fluid_NN that_QL accumulates_VBZ as_IN the_ATI result_NN of_IN multiple_JJ provocative_JJ factors_NNS Certainly_NP , local_JJ irritants_NNS , such_ABL as_CS some_DTI topical_JJ medications_NNS , astringents_NNS , toners_NNS , aeroirritants_NNS , wind_NN , and_CC temperature_NN extremes_NNS , will_MD directly_RB lead_NN to_TO extravascular_VB fluid_NN accumulations_NNS in_IN the_ATI superficial_JJ dermis_NN flushing_VBG reactions_NNS , regardless_RB of_IN whether_CS the_ATI cause_NN is_BEZ menopausal_JJ , blushing_VBG , vasodilator_NN drug_NN therapy_NN , carcinoidosis_NN , mastocytosis_NN , ethanol_NN , or_CC food_NN intolerance_NN , consist_VB of_IN an_AT increased_VBN blood_NN flow_NN in_IN the_ATI superficial_JJ dermis_NN this_DT leads_VBZ to_IN an_AT increase_NN in_IN the_ATI extracellular_NN fluid_NN that_CS accumulates_VBZ faster_RBR than_IN the_ATI lymphatics_NNS can_MD remove_VB it.=20_CD 7_CD when_WRB facial_JJ cutaneous_JJ lymphatic_JJ vessels_NNS are_BER acutely_RB damaged_VBN , inflammatory_JJ edema_NN can_MD appear_VB rapidly_RB chronic_JJ progressive_JJ lymphatic_JJ damage_NN may_MD occur_VB subclinically_RB from_IN the_ATI low-grade_NN cellulitis_NN and_CC actinic_JJ changes_NNS (_( see_VB below_IN )_) the_ATI frequent_JJ occurrence_NN of_IN overt_JJ facial_JJ edema_NN in_IN the_ATI course_NN of_IN rosacea_NN has_HVZ been_BEN documented_VBN 8_CD rosacea_NN responds_VBZ to_TO massage_VB therapy_NN , supporting_VBG the_ATI theory_NN that_CS flushing_VBG leads_VBZ to_TO edema_VB , which_WDTR then_RN leads_VBZ to_IN the_ATI other_AP stigmata_NN Although_NP local_JJ massage_VB significantly_RB enhances_VBZ clearance_NN of_IN isotope_NN tracers_NNS in_IN cutaneous_JJ lymphatics_NNS , the_ATI most_QL effective_JJ massage_VB is_BEZ a_AT milking_NN motion_NN at_IN a_AT downstream_RB site_NN , rather_RB than_IN massage_VB of_IN the_ATI lymphedematous_JJ area_NN (_( T._NP J._NP Ryan_NP , DM_NNU , FRCP_NP , oral_JJ communication_NN , October_NR 17_CD , 1988_CD )_) rosacea_NN stigmata_NN are_BER typically_RB found_VBN in_IN those_DTS areas_NNS of_IN the_ATI face_NN overlying_JJ relatively_RB inactive_JJ musculature_NN , where_WRB the_ATI edema_NN caused_VBN by_IN the_ATI flushing_VBG tends_VBZ to_TO persist_VB _** extrafacial_JJ rosacea_NN _** seems_VBZ to_TO occur_VB in_IN extrafacial_JJ areas_NNS of_IN flushing_VBG rhinophyma_NN may_MD be_BE explained_VBN by_IN the_ATI observation_NN that_CS chronic_JJ cutaneous_JJ edema_NN is_BEZ frequently_RB followed_VBN by_IN connective_JJ tissue_NN hypertrophy_NN and_CC fibroplasia_NN and_CC may_MD be_BE due_JJ to_TO factor_NN XIII_NP expression_NN 9_CD Ryan_NP has_HVZ emphasized_VBN that_CS the_ATI elastin_NN network_NN that_CS surrounds_VBZ the_ATI lymphatic_JJ system_NN in_IN the_ATI skin_NN serves_VBZ two_CD important_JJ functions_NNS first_OD , it_PP3 is_BEZ a_AT tethering_VBG that_CS permits_VBZ the_ATI lymphatic_JJ endothelium_NN to_TO be_BE sensitive_JJ to_TO the_ATI volume_NN of_IN fluids_NNS in_IN the_ATI vicinity_NN of_IN the_ATI lymphatic_JJ vessels_NNS , so_CS that_CS any_DTI increased_JJ volume_NN results_NNS in_IN greater_JJR tension_NN on_IN the_ATI anchoring_VBG filaments_NNS second_OD , the_ATI elastin_NN network_NN provides_VBZ a_AT low_JJ resistance_NN pathway_NN through_IN the_ATI interstitium_NN along_IN which_WDTR macromolecules_NN pass_VB to_IN the_ATI lymphatic_JJ vessels_NNS elastin_NN degeneration_NN due_JJ to_IN actinic_JJ exposure_NN is_BEZ probably_RB a_AT common_JJ cause_NN of_IN lymphatic_JJ failure_NN in_IN the_ATI rosacea_NN distribution_NN 10_CD further_JJB , as_IN rosacea_NN progresses_VBZ , the_ATI continued_VBD activity_NN of_IN proteases_NNS during_IN inflammation_NN will_MD release_VB the_ATI cytoskeleton_NN from_IN the_ATI attachment_NN of_IN the_ATI cell_NN membrane_NN neutrophils_NNS can_MD exacerbate_VB the_ATI rapid_JJ degradation_NN of_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN extracellular_NN matrix_NN macromolecules_NNS , especially_RB elastin_JJ , in_IN inflammatory_JJ disease_NN states_NNS neutrophil_NN elastase_NN also_RB degrades_VBZ type_NN IV_NP collagen_NN in_IN the_ATI extracellular_NN matrix_NN on_IN which_WDTR the_ATI integrity_NN of_IN the_ATI capillary_JJ wall_NN depends_VBZ thus_RB , the_ATI sterile_JJ superficial_JJ dermal_JJ cellulitis_NN in_IN rosacea_NN will_MD lead_VB to_IN the_ATI separation_NN of_IN the_ATI elastin_NN from_IN the_ATI lymphatic_JJ vessels_NNS with_IN a_AT loss_NN of_IN the_ATI superficial_JJ lymphatic_JJ microvascular_NN function_NN , any_DTI extravascular_NN fluid_NN accumulation_NN at_IN this_DT site_NN (_( such_ABL as_CS may_MD occur_VB with_IN flushing_VBG )_) will_MD tend_VB to_TO persist_VB longer_RBR 11_CD lymphatic_JJ failure_NN results_NNS in_IN a_AT sustained_VBN inflammatory_JJ response_NN in_IN cutaneous_JJ cellulitis_NN in_IN fact_NN , in_IN the_ATI setting_NN of_IN lymphatic_JJ failure_NN , any_DTI factor_NN able_JJ to_TO trigger_VB an_AT exudation_NN of_IN protein_NN will_MD produce_VB a_AT self-sustained_JJ inflammation_NN these_DTS proteins_NNS that_CS cannot_NN be_BE cleared_VBN from_IN the_ATI interstitium_JJ because_CS of_IN lymphatic_JJ failure_NN are_BER denatured_VBN , becoming_VBG phlogistic_JJ factors_NNS the_ATI accumulating_JJ plasma_NN proteins_NNS may_MD also_RB play_VB an_AT important_JJ role_NN in_IN the_ATI fibroplasia_NN , which_WDTR underlies_VBZ the_ATI development_NN of_IN rhinophyma_NN the_ATI chronic_JJ sterile_JJ dermal_JJ cellulitis_NN also_RB leads_VBZ to_IN an_AT increased_JJ microvascular_NN capacitance_NN , which_WDTR then_RN acutely_RB increases_VBZ further_JJB with_IN vasodilator_NN stimuli_NNS leading_JJ to_IN the_ATI subjective_JJ notion_NN that_CS flushing_VBG occurs_VBZ much_AP more_QL frequently_RB in_IN patients_NNS with_IN rosacea_NN stigmata_NN 12_CD telangiectasia_NN represents_VBZ the_RB later_RBR phase_NN of_IN the_ATI vascular_JJ stage_NN of_IN rosacea_NN (_( Figure_NP )_) one_CD1 key_NN causative_JJ factor_NN is_BEZ a_AT reduction_NN in_IN the_ATI mechanical_JJ integrity_NN of_IN the_ATI upper_JJB dermal_JJ connective_JJ tissue_NN , allowing_VBG a_AT passive_JJ dilation_NN of_IN the_ATI vasculature_NN the_ATI perivascular_JJ inflammatory_JJ cell_NN infiltrate_VB and_CC increased_VBN endothelial_JJ labeling_NN index_NN underlie_VB the_ATI vessel_NN wall_NN damage_NN that_CS contributes_VBZ to_TO rosacea_VB pathology_NN dilation_NN of_IN both_ABX small_JJ dermal_JJ blood_NN vessels_NNS and_CC lymphatics_NNS is_BEZ prominent_JJ in_IN rosacea_NN the_ATI ablation_NN of_IN these_DTS vessels_NNS by_IN flash_NN lamp_NN pumped_VBN dye_NN laser_NN is_BEZ followed_VBN by_IN fewer_AP inflammatory_JJ lesions_NNS 13_CD angiogenesis_NN may_MD also_RB contribute_VB to_IN the_ATI telangiectasia_NN of_IN rosacea_NN Angiogenesis_NN depends_VBZ on_IN the_ATI availability_NN of_IN a_AT space_NN into_IN which_WDTR endothelial_JJ cells_NNS can_MD grow_VB thus_RB , edema_NN of_IN the_ATI cornea_NN , which_WDTR may_MD result_VB from_IN severe_JJ flushing_VBG , reduces_VBZ the_ATI corneal_JJ compactness_NN , permitting_VBG its_PP$ vascularization_NN ocular_JJ rosacea_NN is_BEZ principally_RB vascular_JJ and_CC correlates_NNS with_IN the_ATI severity_NN of_IN flushing_VBG since_IN lymphatic_JJ failure_NN can_MD result_VB in_IN the_ATI sustained_VBN inflammatory_JJ response_NN in_IN the_ATI sterile_JJ cellulitis_NN of_IN rosacea_NN , a_AT variety_NN of_IN features_NNS may_MD favor_NN angiogenesis_NN proteases_NNS may_MD release_VB angiogenetic_JJ factors_NNS stored_VBN in_IN the_ATI extracellular_NN matrix_NN , macrophages_NNS may_MD be_BE attracted_VBN and_CC activated_VBN to_TO release_VB angiogenic_JJ factors_NNS , and_CC endothelial_JJ factors_NNS may_MD be_BE released_VBN from_IN inhibitory_NN control_NN 14_CD recently_RB , rosacea_NN has_HVZ emerged_VBN as_IN an_AT important_JJ dermatosis_NN , in_IN part_NN because_CS of_IN its_PP$ prevalence_NN rosacea_NN is_BEZ a_AT common_JJ dermatosis_NN the_ATI only_AP study_NN in_IN which_WDTR investigators_NNS systematically_RB examined_VBN the_ATI facial_JJ skin_NN of_IN people_NNS in_IN a_AT community- based_JJ nonmedical_JJ setting_NN found_VBN that_CS 10%_CD of_IN office_NN employees_NNS had_HVD rosacea_NN even_RB 10%_CD of_IN the_ATI population_NN may_MD be_BE an_AT underestimate_VB , since_CS workers_NNS are_BER usually_RB healthier_JJR than_IN the_ATI general_JJ population_NN this_DT observation_NN that_CS healthier_JJR people_NNS are_BER more_QL likely_JJ to_TO both_ABX get_VB jobs_NNS and_CC continue_VB to_TO work_VB is_BEZ known_VBN as_IN the_ATI _** healthy_JJ worker_NN effect_NN _** thus_RB , people_NNS with_IN severe_JJ rosacea_NN may_MD not_XNOT seek_VB office_NN employment_NN or_CC may_MD not_XNOT be_BE selected_VBN for_IN office_NN employment_NN with_IN the_ATI graying_NN of_IN North_NP America_NP and_CC Europe_NP , demographic_JJ changes_NNS will_MD increase_VB the_ATI already_RB substantial_JJ prevalence_NN of_IN rosacea_NN the_ATI pharmaceutical_JJ industry_NN has_HVZ recently_RB recognized_VBN the_ATI potential_JJ market_NN created_VBN by_IN this_DT chronic_JJ dermatosis_NN that_CS affects_VBZ a_AT more_QL affluent_JJ segment_NN of_IN the_ATI population_NN 15_CD although_CS , on_IN close_RB scrutiny_NN , every_AT patient_NN with_IN rosacea_NN appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE different_JJ from_IN all_ABN the_ATI others_APS , something_PN can_MD be_BE done_VBN regardless_RB of_IN the_ATI combination_NN of_IN cutaneous_JJ stigmata_NN and_CC the_ATI individual_JJ patient's_NN$ exacerbating_VBG factors_NNS rosacea_NN is_BEZ a_AT treatable_JJ disorder_NN avoiding_VBG flushing_VBG and_CC anything_PN that_CS causes_NNS stinging_VBG of_IN facial_JJ skin_NN can_MD be_BE sufficient_JJ in_IN some_DTI patients_NNS to_TO sustain_VB remissions_NNS in_IN the_ATI patient_NN with_IN severe_JJ rhinophyma_NN and_CC abundant_JJ telangiectases_NNS , such_ABL preventive_JJ measures_NNS are_BER akin_JJ to_IN sunscreens_NNS for_IN extensive_JJ actinic_JJ keratosis_NN and_CC skin_NN cancers_NNS ; namely_RB , they_PP3AS are_BER insufficient_JJ to_TO reduce_VB all_ABN of_IN the_ATI damage_NN that_WPR has_HVZ already_RB occurred_VBN , but_CC may_MD prevent_VB further_JJB damage_NN 16_CD in_IN this_DT regard_NN , a_AT laudable_JJ goal_NN is_BEZ the_ATI recognition_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN _** prerosacea_NN _** a_AT typical_JJ patient_NN is_BEZ one_CD1 who_WPR blushes_NNS or_CC flushes_NNS frequently_RB , has_HVZ a_AT strong_JJ family_NN history_NN of_IN rosacea_NN , and_CC often_RB first_OD comes_VBZ to_IN the_ATI dermatologist's_NP$ attention_NN because_CS of_IN an_AT unusually_RB brisk_JJ and_CC persistent_JJ erythema_NN to_TO anti-acne_VB or_CC other_AP topicals_NNS avoidance_NN of_IN facial_JJ skin_NN irritants_NNS and_CC controlling_VBG flushing_VBG reactions_NNS may_MD prevent_VB the_ATI development_NN or_CC slow_JJ the_ATI progression_NN of_IN rosacea_NN stigmata_NN in_IN such_ABL patients_NNS 17_CD the_ATI earliest_JJT component_NN of_IN the_ATI vascular_NN stage_NN , erythema_NN , often_RB responds_VBZ to_IN topical_JJ and_CC systemic_JJ antibiotics_NNS , but_CC not_XNOT dependably_RB to_IN the_ATI extent_NN that_CS promises_NNS can_MD be_BE made_VBN to_IN the_ATI patients_NNS in_IN particularly_RB dramatic_JJ cases_NNS , however_RB , the_ATI response_NN may_MD be_BE complete_JJ , occasionally_RB resulting_JJ in_IN distress_NN to_IN the_ATI patient_JJ due_JJ to_IN the_ATI phenomenon_NN of_IN PERT_NP (_( posterythema-revealed_JJ telangiectasia_NN )_) the_ATI telangiectasia_NN was_BEDZ present_JJ all_ABN along_IN ; however_RB , it_PP3 was_BEDZ masked_VBN by_IN the_ATI erythema_NN I_PP1A now_RN counsel_NN patients_NNS with_IN particularly_RB intense_JJ erythema_NN about_IN this_DT possibility_NN to_TO preempt_JJ subsequent_JJ worries_NNS that_CS the_ATI antibiotic_JJ therapy_NN _** produced_VBN _** the_ATI telangiectasia_NN 18_CD the_RB later_RBR vascular_NN stage_NN includes_VBZ telangiectases_NNS of_IN varying_JJ caliber_NN from_IN very_QL fine_JJ to_TO very_QL coarse_JJ the_ATI treatment_NN for_IN telangiectasia_NN is_BEZ surgical_JJ , consisting_VBG of_IN electrodestruction_NN or_CC laser_NN techniques_NNS Importantly_NP , after_IN destruction_NN of_IN the_ATI telangiectasia_NN , patients_NNS may_MD have_HV fewer_AP papules_NNS and_CC pustules_NNS ocular_JJ rosacea_NN is_BEZ largely_RB vascular_JJ in_IN its_PP$ origin_NN and_CC is_BEZ frequently_RB treated_VBN with_IN systemic_JJ antibiotics_NNS flushing_VBG reactions_NNS in_IN patients_NNS with_IN ocular_JJ rosacea_NN must_MD be_BE controlled_VBN 19_CD the_ATI inflammatory_JJ lesions_NNS of_IN rosacea_NN , the_ATI papules_NNS and_CC pustules_NNS , and_CC occasionally_RB nodules_VBZ and_CC plaques_NNS , are_BER easily_RB treated_VBN in_IN most_QL patients_NNS , unless_CS they_PP3AS appear_VB superimposed_VBN on_IN rhinophyma_NN and_CC other_AP phymatous_JJ changes_NNS of_IN the_ATI skin_NN the_ATI response_NN to_IN treatment_NN with_IN systemic_JJ tetracycline_NN and_CC other_AP members_NNS of_IN the_ATI tetracycline_NN family_NN is_BEZ typically_RB prompt_JJ and_CC complete_JJ in_IN patients_NNS who_WPR have_HV not_XNOT responded_VBN to_IN my_PP$ _** first_OD tier_NN _** oral_JJ agents_NNS , I_PP1A have_HV gone_VBN on_RP to_IN those_DTS of_IN the_ATI _** second_OD tier_NN , _** including_IN sulfamethoxazole- trimethoprim_NN , trimethoprim_JJ alone_JJ , metronidazole_NN , dapsone_NN , isotretinoin_NN , and_CC prednisone_NN in_IN a_AT small_JJ number_NN of_IN patients_NNS , I_PP1A have_HV resorted_VBN to_IN the_ATI Helicobacter_NP pylori_NN eradication_NN therapy_NN consisting_VBG of_IN amoxicillin_NN , metronidazole_NN , and_CC bismuth_NN subsalicylate_NN although_CS some_DTI of_IN the_ATI edema_NN of_IN rhinophyma_NN may_MD subside_VB with_IN this_DT therapy_NN , the_ATI eradication_NN of_IN the_ATI connective_JJ tissue_NN hypertrophy_NN in_IN rhinophyma_NN is_BEZ surgical_JJ 20_CD 20_CD rosacea_NN is_BEZ unpredictably_JJ , but_CC potentially_RB , progressive_JJ and_CC relapsing_NN in_IN my_PP$ experience_VB the_ATI patients_NNS who_WPR have_HV the_ATI greatest_JJT difficulty_NN with_IN progression_NN or_CC relapse_NN are_BER those_DTS with_IN patulous_JJ follicles_NNS (_( the_ATI earliest_JJT harbinger_NN of_IN rhinophyma_NN )_) or_CC severe_JJ ocular_JJ rosacea_NN most_AP patients_NNS will_MD do_DO well_RB with_IN 1_CD1 g_ZZ of_IN tetracycline_NN a_AT day_NN in_IN divided_JJ doses_NNS for_IN 2_CD or_CC 3_CD weeks_NNS and_CC then_RN 0.5_CD g_ZZ a_AT day_NN for_IN the_ATI next_AP 2_CD or_CC 3_CD weeks_NNS topical_JJ metronidazole_NN is_BEZ the_ATI only_AP topically_RB applied_JJ agent_NN currently_RB approved_VBN to_TO be_BE marketed_VBN for_IN rosacea_NN , and_CC I_PP1A usually_RB add_VB this_DT preparation_NN twice_RB daily_JJ from_IN the_ATI beginning_NN although_CS I_PP1A attribute_VB most_AP of_IN the_ATI improvement_NN to_IN the_ATI systemic_JJ tetracycline_NN , the_ATI topical_JJ antibiotic_JJ likely_JJ provides_VBZ an_AT additional_JJ effect_NN also_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ a_AT useful_JJ replacement_NN for_IN the_ATI widespread_JJ over-the-counter_NN corticosteroids_NNS that_CS many_AP of_IN my_PP$ patients_NNS had_HVD used_VBN in_IN the_ATI past_NN 21_CD besides_IN replacing_VBG topical_JJ corticosteroids_NNS or_CC other_AP agents_NNS with_IN a_AT topical_JJ agent_NN that_WPR has_HVZ intrinsic_JJ benefit_NN , this_DT regimen_VBZ also_RB prepares_VBZ the_ATI patient_NN for_IN what_WDT I_PP1A view_VB as_IN the_ATI greatest_JJT clinical_JJ value_NN of_IN topical_JJ metronidazole_NN , namely_RB , a_AT remission_NN maintaining_VBG agent_NN typically_RB , after_IN 1_CD1 to_IN 3_CD months_NNS of_IN systemic_JJ tetracycline_NN plus_IN topical_JJ metronidazole_NN , I_PP1A can_MD wean_VB patients_NNS from_IN the_ATI systemic_JJ agent_NN completely_RB to_IN the_ATI topical_JJ metronidazole_JJ alone_JJ knight_NN and_CC Vickers_NP studied_VBD 68_CD patients_NNS who_WPR achieved_VBN remission_NN with_IN systemic_JJ tetracycline_NN within_IN 1_CD1 month_NN of_IN tetracycline_NN withdrawal_NN , 25%_NN of_IN these_DTS patients_NNS relapsed_VBN within_IN 6_CD months_NNS , two_CD thirds_NNS of_IN the_ATI patients_NNS relapsed_VBN in_IN my_PP$ practice_NN , topical_JJ agents_NNS , such_IN as_IN metronidazole_NN , appear_VB to_TO maintain_VB the_ATI remission_NN at_IN significantly_RB higher_JJR levels_NNS than_IN those_DTS in_IN the_ATI untreated_JJ patients_NNS of_IN Knight_NP and_CC Vickers_NP since_CS topical_JJ agents_NNS for_IN the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN rosacea_NN achieve_VB initial_JJ control_NN only_RB after_IN longer_RBR courses_NNS of_IN therapy_NN than_IN systemic_JJ antibiotics_NNS and_CC may_MD provide_VB a_AT less_AP than_IN complete_JJ maintenance_NN of_IN remission_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ clear_JJ that_CS more_QL potent_JJ topical_JJ agents_NNS for_IN the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN rosacea_NN would_MD be_BE welcomed_VBN 22_CD tretinoin_NN offers_VBZ not_XNOT only_RB this_DT possibility_NN , but_CC several_AP theoretical_JJ advantages_NNS as_IN well_RB topical_JJ 0.1%_CD tretinoin_NN cream_NN produces_VBZ an_AT increase_NN in_IN collagen_NN I_PP1A in_IN the_ATI papillary_NN dermis_NN in_IN photodamaged_VBN human_JJ skin_NN the_ATI dystrophic_JJ process_NN in_IN the_ATI superficial_JJ dermis_NN in_IN rosacea_NN might_MD be_BE reversed_VBN by_IN this_DT active_JJ repair_NN of_IN dermal_JJ collagen_NN topical_JJ tretinoin_NN also_RB has_HVZ significant_JJ effects_NNS on_IN the_ATI non- sun-exposed_JJ , protected_JJ skin_NN of_IN the_ATI elderly_JJ , including_IN increases_NNS in_IN dermal_JJ glycosaminoglycan_NN deposition_NN , elastic_JJ fibers_NNS , and_CC new_JJ blood_NN vessel_NN formation_NN 23_CD however_RB , there_EX may_MD be_BE disadvantages_NNS of_IN tretinoin_NN as_IN well_RB first_OD , tretinoin_NN may_MD provoke_VB a_AT severe_JJ erythema_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN rosacea_NN Flushing_NP reactions_NNS will_MD have_HV a_AT more_QL intense_JJ redness_NN and_CC an_AT enhancement_NN of_IN the_ATI inflammatory_JJ process_NN likewise_RB , the_ATI irritation_NN from_IN the_ATI tretinoin_NN may_MD exacerbate_VB directly_RB the_ATI underlying_JJ inflammatory_JJ reaction_NN 24_CD second_OD , the_ATI tretinoin_NN may_MD cause_VB angiogenesis_VB in_IN the_ATI rosacea_NN distribution_NN Kligman_NP et_&FW al_APS have_HV remarked_VBN that_CS _** angiogenesis_NN was_BEDZ particularly_RB noteworthy_JJ</p><p>_** in_IN non-sun-exposed_JJ protected_JJ skin_NN of_IN the_ATI elderly_JJ treated_VBN with_IN topical_JJ tretinoin_NN likewise_RB , Weiss_NN et_&FW al_APS observed_VBN wider_JJR vascular_NN lumina_NN in_IN the_ATI papillary_JJ dermis_NN of_IN tretinoin-treated_JJ skin_NN compared_VBN with_IN untreated_JJ areas_NNS 25_CD third_OD , the_ATI tretinoin-induced_JJ erythema_NN may_MD mask_NN the_ATI worsening_NN angiogenesis_NN and_CC telangiectasia_NN I_PP1A have_HV seen_VBN several_AP patients_NNS who_WPR had_HVD bright_JJ red_JJ faces_NNS during_IN treatment_NN with_IN topical_JJ tretinoin_NN when_WRB they_PP3AS discontinued_VBN the_ATI tretinoin_NN , they_PP3AS were_BED impressed_VBN (_( negatively_RB )_) by_IN the_ATI apparent_JJ increase_NN in_IN telangiectasia_NN , the_ATI PERT_NP phenomenon_NN the_ATI study_NN by_IN Ertl_NP et_&FW al_APS does_DOZ not_XNOT provide_VB the_ATI information_NN that_WPR would_MD allay_VB the_ATI concerns_VBZ regarding_IN tretinoin_NN and_CC the_ATI PERT_NP phenomenon_NN 26_CD Ertl_NP et_&FW al_APS report_NN that_CS _** Tretinoin_NP cream_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN previously_RB reported_VBN as_IN a_AT therapeutic_JJ alternative_NN in_IN rosacea_NN</p><p>_** in_IN fact_NN , a_AT study_NN larger_JJR than_IN theirs_PP$$ was_BEDZ conducted_VBN in_IN Moscow_NP and_CC reported_VBN in_IN 1977_CD Verbenko_NP and_CC Katsman_NP reported_VBD that_CS _** complete_JJ resolution_NN of_IN nodular_NN elements_NNS came_VBD in_IN 23_CD (_( patients_NNS )_) with_IN rosacea_NN and_CC visible_JJ improvement_NN in_RP</p><p>9_CD with_IN rosacea_NN as_CS shown_VBN by_IN our_PP$ observations_NNS , Retin-A_NP appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE an_AT effective_JJ remedy_NN in_IN the_ATI treatment_NN</p><p> of_IN rosacea.=20_CD 27_CD the_ATI studies_NNS both_ABX by_IN Verbenko_NP and_CC Katsman_NP and_CC later_RBR Ertl_NP et_&FW al_APS emphasize_VB the_ATI inflammatory_JJ lesions_NNS of_IN rosacea_NN , the_ATI papules_NNS and_CC pustules_NNS In_NP most_AP patients_NNS , the_ATI inflammatory_JJ process_NN can_MD be_BE controlled_VBN with_IN systemic_JJ and_CC topical_JJ antibiotics_NNS without_IN exacerbating_VBG the_ATI underlying_JJ vascular_NN process_NN since_IN rosacea_NN appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE in_IN its_PP$ most_QL fundamental_JJ elements_NNS a_AT vascular_NN disorder_NN , it_PP3 would_MD be_BE wise_JJ to_TO first_OD do_DO no_ATI harm_NN Until_NP further_JJB studies_NNS are_BER conducted_VBN on_IN the_ATI retinoids_NNS , specifically_RB looking_VBG for_IN the_ATI PERT_NP phenomenon_NN , it_PP3 would_MD be_BE premature_JJ to_TO take_VB the_ATI results_NNS of_IN Ertl_NP et_&FW al_APS as_IN the_ATI basis_NN for_IN treating_VBG rosacea_NN patients_NNS with_IN topical_JJ tretinoin_NN 28_CD is_BEZ Allergic_NPT Contact_NPT Dermatitis_NPT Being_NP Overlooked_NP ? >_&FO 29_CD contact_NN dermatitis_NN is_BEZ very_QL common_JJ contact_NN dermatitis_NN is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO recognize_VB since_IN there_EX are_BER prevention_NN and_CC intervention_NN strategies_NNS that_CS may_MD be_BE of_IN great_JJ help_NN to_IN the_ATI patient.=20_CD 30_CD contact_NN dermatitis_NN , particularly_RB involving_VBG the_ATI hands_NNS , is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL common_JJ occupational_JJ disease_NN the_ATI clinical_JJ features_NNS can_MD be_BE similar_JJ to_IN a_AT wide_JJ variety_NN of_IN other_AP dermatologic_JJ conditions_NNS , such_IN as_IN atopic_JJ dermatitis_NN (_( eczema_NN )_) , psoriasis_NN , seborrheic_JJ dermatitis_NN , and_CC dermatophytosis_NN , which_WDTR may_MD make_VB it_PP3 difficult_JJ to_TO appreciate_VB an_AT exogenous_JJ agent_NN as_IN the_ATI cause_NN of_IN or_CC contributing_JJ factor_NN to_IN the_ATI dermatitis.=20_CD 31_CD therefore_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ for_IN physicians_NNS to_TO recognize_VB identifying_VBG features_NNS of_IN contact_NN dermatitis_NN so_CS that_CS appropriate_JJ diagnostic_JJ tests_NNS , avoidance_NN of_IN triggering_VBG factors_NNS , and_CC treatment_NN may_MD be_BE employed_VBN 32_CD ALLERGIC_NPT VS_NPT IRRITANT_NPT CONTACT_NP DERMATITIS_NP 33_CD the_ATI two_CD major_JJ types_NNS of_IN contact_NN dermatitis_NN may_MD be_BE indistinguishable_JJ in_IN clinical_JJ and_CC histological_JJ appearance_NN , but_CC each_DT has_HVZ a_AT different_JJ pathogenesis_NN allergic_JJ contact_NN dermatitis_NN (_( ACD_NP )_) is_BEZ a_AT type_NN IV_NP immunologic_JJ reaction_NN to_IN a_AT specific_JJ antigen_NN to_TO which_WDTR the_ATI individual_JJ has_HVZ been_BEN previously_RB sensitized_VBN poison_NN ivy_NN or_CC poison_NN oak_NN dermatitis_NN is_BEZ a_AT common_JJ example_NN of_IN acute_JJ ACD_NP irritant_NN contact_NN dermatitis_NN (_( ICD_NP )_) is_BEZ a_AT nonimmunologic_JJ reaction_NN in_IN which_WDTR an_AT exogenous_JJ substance_NN , without_IN previous_JJ sensitization_NN , causes_NNS direct_JJ damage_NN to_IN the_ATI skin_NN chapped_JJ skin_NN from_IN handwashing_VBG due_JJ to_IN frequent_JJ exposure_NN to_TO water_VB and_CC detergent_NN is_BEZ a_AT typical_JJ example_NN the_ATI irritant_NN variety_NN is_BEZ more_QL common_JJ , accounting_NN for_IN 80%_NP of_IN all_ABN cases_NNS of_IN contact_NN dermatitis.=20_CD 34_CD presentation_NN of_IN both_ABX entities_NNS can_MD be_BE acute_JJ , subacute_JJB , or_CC chronic.=20_CD 35_CD the_ATI acute_JJ variety_NN is_BEZ characterized_VBN by_IN erythema_NN , edema_NN , vesicles_NNS , and_CC bullae_NN , and_CC the_ATI subacute_NN and_CC chronic_JJ stages_NNS exhibit_VB erythema_NN , scaling_VBG , and_CC lichenification_NN (_( thickened_VBN appearance_NN )_) itching_VBG is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL common_JJ symptom_NN of_IN either_DTX type.=20_CD 36_CD since_IN the_ATI morphological_JJ features_NNS may_MD be_BE similar_JJ , points_VBZ in_IN the_ATI history_NN about_IN exposure_NN to_IN exogenous_JJ substances_NNS and_CC physician_NN knowledge_NN of_IN potential_JJ cutaneous_JJ irritants_NNS and_CC allergens_NNS can_MD be_BE helpful_JJ in_IN focusing_VBG on_IN a_AT diagnosis_NN of_IN contact_NN dermatitis_NN while_CS the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN ICD_NP is_BEZ made_VBN clinically_RB , there_EX is_BEZ a_AT diagnostic_JJ test_NN for_IN ACD_NP : the_ATI patch_NN test_NN 37_CD the_ATI prognosis_NN of_IN chronic_JJ contact_NN dermatitis_NN is_BEZ poor_JJ , with_IN as_QL many_AP as_IN 25%_NN of_IN workers_NNS with_IN occupational_JJ contact_NN dermatitis_NN being_BEG affected_VBN persistently_RB despite_IN job_NN modification_NN or_CC optimal_JJ medical_JJ management_NN .=20_CD 38_CD FEATURES_NPT SUGGESTIVE_NPT OF_NP ACD_NP 39_CD occasionally_RB a_AT patient_NN will_MD present_JJ complaining_VBG of_IN an_AT allergy_NN to_IN a_AT specific_JJ substance_NN for_IN example_NN , the_ATI patient_NN may_MD suspect_VB allergy_VB to_IN a_AT specific_JJ cosmetic_NN or_CC piece_NN of_IN jewelry_NN , and_CC the_ATI existence_NN of_IN an_AT allergy_NN should_MD be_BE confirmed_VBN , if_CS possible_JJ , with_IN a_AT patch_NN test_NN of_IN standard_NN substances_NNS in_IN cosmetics_NNS or_CC metals_NNS known_VBN to_TO cause_VB allergy_NN some_DTI physicians_NNS do_DO not_XNOT perform_VB patch_NN tests_NNS on_IN patients_NNS with_IN obvious_JJ allergies_NNS to_TO nickel_NN or_CC topical_JJ products_NNS it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO consider_VB doing_VBG so_QL because_CS clinical_JJ suspicion_NN may_MD be_BE wrong_JJ , and_CC specific_JJ allergen_NN identification_NN would_MD have_HV implications_NNS for_IN appropriate_JJ patient_NN education_NN , substitution_NN of_IN products_NNS to_TO avoid_VB the_ATI allergen_NN , and_CC sometimes_RB modification_NN of_IN occupational_JJ exposures_NNS .=20_CD 40_CD many_AP patients_NNS present_JJ with_IN a_AT dermatitis_NN whose_WP$R cause_NN is_BEZ unsuspected_JJ by_IN them_PP3OS , or_CC the_ATI patient_NN may_MD have_HV a_AT concern_NN about_IN possible_JJ triggering_NN factors_NNS (_( such_IN as_IN workplace_NN exposures_NNS )_) about_IN which_WDTR the_ATI physician_NN has_HVZ little_JJ knowledge_NN in_IN these_DTS cases_NNS it_PP3 is_BEZ up_RP to_IN the_ATI physician_NN to_TO recognize_VB several_AP features_NNS that_CS are_BER suggestive_JJ of_IN a_AT contact_NN dermatitis_NN 41_CD timing_NN 42_CD many_AP patients_NNS expect_VB outbreak_NN of_IN the_ATI eruption_NN to_TO quickly_RB follow_VB contact_NN with_IN the_ATI allergen_NN , when_WRB in_IN fact_NN the_ATI response_NN usually_RB occurs_VBZ 1_CD1 to_IN 2_CD days_NNS following_JJ contact_NN and_CC can_MD be_BE delayed_VBN up_RP to_IN a_AT week_NN a_AT feature_NN of_IN ACD_NP that_DT may_MD also_RB confuse_VB the_ATI picture_NN is_BEZ the_ATI fact_NN that_CS development_NN of_IN a_AT type_NN IV_NP hypersensitive_JJ allergic_JJ response_NN may_MD suddenly_RB occur_VB after_IN years_NNS of_IN contact_NN with_IN a_AT substance_NN 43_CD exposures_NNS 44_CD an_AT accurate_JJ history_NN of_IN exposures_NNS may_MD be_BE difficult_JJ to_TO obtain_VB because_CS people_NNS sometimes_RB are_BER not_XNOT aware_JJ of_IN or_CC forget_VB substances_NNS to_TO which_WDTR they_PP3AS are_BER exposed_VBN equally_RB important_JJ as_IN workplace_NN exposure_NN is_BEZ exposure_NN through_IN hobbies_NNS , second_OD jobs_NNS , or_CC household_NN activities.=20_CD 45_CD patients_NNS may_MD initially_RB suspect_VB a_AT certain_JJ substance_NN as_IN an_AT allergen_NN but_CC later_RBR discount_VB this_DT theory_NN when_WRB repeated_VBN substituting_VBG of_IN products_NNS is_BEZ not_XNOT successful_JJ in_IN ameliorating_VBG the_ATI dermatitis_NN however_RB , many_AP personal_JJ care_NN products_NNS share_NN common_JJ ingredients_NNS and_CC thus_RB may_MD perpetuate_VB contact_VB with_IN the_ATI possible_JJ cause_NN of_IN the_ATI dermatitis_NN despite_IN product_NN substitution_NN 46_CD distribution_NN 47_CD the_ATI distribution_NN is_BEZ usually_RB the_ATI single_JJ most_QL important_JJ clue_NN to_IN the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN contact_NN dermatitis_NN but_CC can_MD also_RB lead_VB to_TO confusion_NN when_WRB presentation_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT typical_JJ it_PP3 is_BEZ possible_JJ for_IN contact_NN dermatitis_NN to_TO occur_VB unilaterally_RB , even_RB though_IN exposure_NN is_BEZ bilateral_JJ (_( as_IN in_IN the_ATI case_NN of_IN shoe_NN dermatitis_NN )_) the_ATI eruption_NN may_MD be_BE patchy_VB instead_RB of_IN uniform_JJ in_IN sites_NNS where_WRB the_ATI stratum_NN corneum_NN is_BEZ thinner_JJR , thereby_RB allowing_VBG greater_JJR penetration_NN of_IN the_ATI allergen_NN (_( as_IN in_IN the_ATI case_NN of_IN eyelid_NN dermatitis_NN following_JJ exposure_NN to_TO nail_VB polish_NN )_) , the_ATI rash_NN may_MD be_BE more_QL severe_JJ than_CS at_IN other_AP contact_NN points_NNS all_ABN areas_NNS of_IN the_ATI body_NN may_MD be_BE affected_VBN , including_IN the_ATI palms_NNS and_CC soles_NNS 48_CD misconceptions_NNS 49_CD misconceptions_NNS about_IN contact_NN dermatitis_NN can_MD confuse_VB patients_NNS and_CC physicians_NNS alike_RB patients_NNS who_WPR have_HV undergone_VBN evaluation_NN by_IN an_AT allergist_NN or_CC other_AP physician_NN often_RB believe_VB erroneously_RB that_CS negative_JJ test_NN results_NNS for_IN immediate_JJ IgE_NP reactions_NNS (_( radioallergosorbent_NN test_NN or_CC immediate_JJ scratch_NN or_CC prick_JJ test_NN )_) rule_NN out_RP ACD_NP , yet_RB the_ATI immune_JJ mechanisms_NNS are_BER different_JJ more_AP misconceptions_NNS exist_VB as_CS to_IN the_ATI characteristic_JJ appearance_NN of_IN ACD_NP often_RB patients_NNS expect_VB the_ATI rash_NN to_TO occur_VB only_RB at_IN the_ATI site_NN of_IN contact_NN with_IN an_AT allergen_NN , but_CC because_CS allergens_NNS are_BER frequently_RB spread_JJ to_TO other_AP parts_NNS of_IN the_ATI body_NN (_( especially_RB from_IN the_ATI hands_NNS )_) , dermatitis_NN may_MD occur_VB at_IN distant_JJ sites_NNS patients_NNS and_CC physicians_NNS often_RB incorrectly_RB rule_NN out_RP contact_NN dermatitis_NN when_WRB there_EX have_HV been_BEN no_ATI new_JJ exposures_NNS , not_XNOT realizing_VBG that_CS contact_NN allergy_NN to_IN substances_NNS can_MD develop_VB after_IN years_NNS of_IN intermittent_JJ or_CC frequent_JJ exposure_NN 50_CD WHO_NPT SHOULD_NPT UNDERGO_NPT PATCH_NP TESTING_NP ? 51_CD at_IN present_NN , the_ATI only_AP scientific_JJ method_NN for_IN diagnosing_VBG ACD_NP is_BEZ the_ATI patch_NN test_NN , which_WDTR entails_VBZ placing_VBG test_NN substances_NNS on_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ skin_NN (_( back_RP )_) , covering_VBG the_ATI substance_NN with_IN tape_NN , and_CC examining_VBG the_ATI skin_NN 48_CD and_CC 72_CD hours_NNS later_RBR for_IN signs_NNS of_IN reaction_NN the_ATI patch_NN test_NN is_BEZ indicated_VBN when_WRB an_AT allergic_JJ component_NN of_IN the_ATI dermatitis_NN is_BEZ suspected.The_JJ patch_NN test_NN may_MD also_RB be_BE useful_JJ in_IN evaluation_NN of_IN ICD_NP by_IN demonstrating_VBG that_CS a_AT common_JJ allergen_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT part_NN of_IN the_ATI pathogenesis_NN of_IN a_AT contact_NN dermatitis_NN (_( negative_JJ patch_NN test_NN results).=20_CD 52_CD the_ATI patch_NN test_NN is_BEZ a_AT simple_JJ and_CC relatively_RB inexpensive_JJ test_NN the_ATI current_JJ recommendations_NNS are_BER to_TO use_VB the_ATI Finn_NP Chamber_NP (_( Hermal_NP Pharmaceutical_NP Laboratories_NNS , Delmar_NP , NY_NP )_) with_IN ScanPor_NP tape_NN (_( Allerderm_NP Laboratories_NNS , Mill_NPL Valley_NPL , Calif_NP )_) and_CC the_ATI Patch_NPT Test_NP Allergen_NP kit_NN (_( Hermal_NP Pharmaceuticals_NP )_) the_ATI standard_NN tray_NN consists_VBZ of_IN 20_CD common_JJ allergens_NNS (_( Table_NP 2_CD )_) that_CS are_BER diluted_VBN to_IN standardized_JJ nonirritant_NN concentrations.=20_CD 53_CD once_RB the_ATI patches_NNS have_HV been_BEN in_IN place_NN for_IN 48_CD hours_NNS , the_ATI patient_NN should_MD return_VB for_IN initial_JJ readings_NNS ; each_DT individual_JJ substance_NN site_NN is_BEZ given_VBN a_AT numerical_JJ score_NN using_VBG the_ATI following_JJ guide:=20_CD 54_CD 1_CD1 indicates_VBZ a_AT weak_JJ (_( nonvesicular_NN )_) positive_JJ reaction_NN with_IN erythema_NN , infiltration_NN , and_CC possible_JJ papules;=20_CD 55_CD 2_CD , a_AT strong_JJ (_( vesicular_NN )_) positive_JJ reaction_NN with_IN erythema_NN , infiltration_NN , papules_NNS , and_CC vesicles;=20_CD 56_CD 3_CD , an_AT extreme_JJ positive_JJ reaction_NN with_IN bullae_NN or_CC confluent_NN vesicles;=20_CD 57_CD 4_CD , macular_NN erythema_NN only_RB (_( doubtful_JJ reaction);=20_CD 58_CD 5_CD , irritant_JJ morphological_JJ features_NNS (_( glazed_VBN or_CC ulcerated_VBN ) _) ; and=20_CD 59_CD 6_CD , negative_JJ 60_CD results_NNS are_BER recorded_VBN and_CC the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ again_RB instructed_VBN to_TO keep_VB the_ATI test_NN sites_NNS dry_JJ until_IN returning_VBG 24_CD or_CC 48_CD hours_NNS later_RBR 61_CD COMMON_NPT CAUSES_NPT OF_NPT FALSE-NEGATIVE_NPT AND_NPT FALSE- POSITIVE_NP READINGS_NP 62_CD a_AT negative_JJ reading_NN may_MD be_BE due_JJ to_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN an_AT allergic_JJ cause_NN (_( true-negative_JJ reading_NN )_) or_CC failure_NN of_IN the_ATI patch_NN test_NN to_TO reproduce_VB the_ATI allergic_JJ reaction_NN (_( false-negative_JJ reading_NN )_) common_JJ causes_NNS of_IN false-negative_JJ responses_NNS include_VB the_ATI following_JJ : improper_JJ techniques_NNS , such_IN as_IN early_JJ removal_NN of_IN the_ATI patch_NN , Failure_NP to_TO read_VB test_NN results_NNS at_IN 72_CD hours_NNS , Using_NP too_QL low_JJ a_AT concentration_NN of_IN test_NN substance_NN , Application_NN of_IN topical_JJ corticosteroids_NNS to_IN the_ATI test_NN site_NN for_IN several_AP days_NNS prior_RB to_IN the_ATI test_NN ; and_CC Failure_NP to_TO test_VB the_ATI actual_JJ offending_JJ allergen_NN 63_CD false-positive_JJ responses_NNS are_BER also_RB a_AT source_NN of_IN error_NN in_IN patch_NN testing_NN common_JJ causes_NNS of_IN false-positive_JJ responses_NNS include_VB the_ATI following_JJ : 64_CD use_NN of_IN irritant_NN substances_NNS , with_IN irritant_NN reactions_NNS characterized_VBN by_IN sharply_RB demarcated_JJ margins_NNS confined_VBN to_IN an_AT area_NN covered_VBN by_IN the_ATI disk_NN Burning_NP and_CC pain_NN , and_CC not_XNOT itching_VBG , are_BER indicative_NN of_IN an_AT irritant_NN reaction_NN one_CD1 blister_NN covering_VBG the_ATI entire_JJB disk_NN area_NN , as_QL well_RB as_IN an_AT ulceration_NN , is_BEZ also_RB more_QL characteristic_NN of_IN an_AT irritant_NN reaction_NN angry_JJ back_RP phenomenon_NN , a_AT regional_JJ phenomenon_NN whereby_WRB one_CD1 or_CC two_CD strong_JJ positive_JJ reactions_NNS may_MD trigger_VB an_AT exaggerated_JJ response_NN at_IN other_AP test_NN sites_NNS pressure_NN reaction_NN , an_AT edematous_JJ response_NN to_IN the_ATI pressure_NN of_IN an_AT applied_JJ substance_NN , often_RB more_QL severe_JJ on_IN the_ATI periphery_NN 65_CD initial_JJ management_NN of_IN ACD_NP : 66_CD try_VB to_TO identify_VB a_AT triggering_VBG agent_NN (_( eg_NN , poison_NN ivy_NN , topical_JJ product_NN , or_CC metal_NN )_) 67_CD have_HV the_ATI patient_NN avoid_VB the_ATI suspected_VBD agent_NN or_CC related_JJ substances_NNS 68_CD have_HV the_ATI patient_NN avoid_VB additional_JJ topical_JJ agents_NNS that_DT could_MD irritate_VB the_ATI inflamed_JJ sites_NNS and_CC minimize_VB the_ATI effects_NNS of_IN topical_JJ therapy_NN 69_CD avoid_VB topical_JJ medications_NNS with_IN common_JJ allergens_NNS (_( eg_NN , benzocaine_NN , neomycin_NN )_) 70_CD treat_VB secondary_JJ infection_NN with_IN oral_JJ antibiotics_NNS to_TO cover_VB Staphylococcus_&FW aureus_&FW and_CC beta-hemolytic_JJ streptococcus_JJ 71_CD if_CS systemic_JJ corticosteroids_NNS are_BER used_VBN , courses_NNS of_IN 2_CD to_IN 3_CD weeks_NNS are_BER preferable_JJ to_IN shorter_JJR courses_NNS 72_CD consider_VB temporary_JJ removal_NN from_IN usual_JJ workplace_NN exposures_NNS , but_CC be_BE aware_JJ that_CS improvement_NN may_MD be_BE slow_JJ 73_CD avoid_VB excessive_JJ water_evaporative_JJ exposure_NN to_IN inflamed_JJ skin_NN 74_CD initial_JJ management_NN of_IN chronic_JJ contact_NN dermatitis_NN : 75_CD same_AP as_IN above_RI obtain_VB a_AT careful_JJ history_NN of_IN multiple_JJ exposures_NNS and_CC try_VB to_TO clarify_VB repeated_VBN or_CC cumulative_JJ exposures_NNS , even_RB to_IN common_JJ substances_NNS such_IN as_IN water_NN 76_CD determine_VB use_NN of_IN protective_JJ clothing_NN (_( eg_NN , gloves_NNS )_) and_CC how_WRB the_ATI use_NN correlated_VBN with_IN signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS 77_CD remember_VB emollients_ointments_NNS such_IN as_IN petroleum_NN jelly_NN may_MD be_BE as_CS helpful_JJ as_CS topical_JJ corticosteroids_NNS at_IN this_DT point_NN remember_VB systemic_JJ corticosteroids_NNS may_MD have_HV a_AT minimal_JJ effect_NN now_RN 78_CD develop_VB a_AT time_NN line_NN of_IN dermatitis_NN , workplace_NN and_CC home_NR exposures_NNS , and_CC treatments_NNS 79_CD further_JJB evaluation_NN should_MD be_BE considered_VBN for_IN both_ABX if_CS the_ATI dermatitis_NN : 80_CD recurs_VBZ frequently_RB 81_CD rebounds_NNS after_IN corticosteroid_NN therapy_NN 82_CD responds_VBZ only_RB to_IN frequent_JJ systemic_JJ corticosteroid_NN therapy_NN 83_CD may_MD be_BE caused_VBN by_IN a_AT topical_JJ product_NN or_CC class_NN of_IN product_NN (_( eg_NN , cosmetics_NNS )_) that_CS the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT willing_JJ to_TO avoid_VB 84_NN interferes_VBZ with_IN work_NN or_CC social_JJ interaction_NN 85_CD has_HVZ been_BEN examined_VBN by_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN physicians_NNS 86_CD presentations_NNS of_IN Diabetic_NP Feet_NP 87_CD those_DTS afflicted_VBN with_IN diabetes_NN mellitus_JJ have_HV high_JJ rates_NNS of_IN morbidity_NN and_CC mortality_NN owing_IN to_IN the_ATI many_AP complications_NNS of_IN the_ATI disease_NN the_ATI complications_NNS can_MD manifest_JJ themselves_PPLS as_CS ophthalmic_JJ , renal_JJ , vascular_JJB , neurologic_JJ , and_CC pedal_NN diseases_NNS unfortunately_RB , the_ATI most_QL often_RB overlooked_VBN or_CC neglected_JJ complications_NNS involve_VB the_ATI feet_NNS it_PP3 is_BEZ estimated_VBN that_CS in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP foot_NN disease_NN is_BEZ five_CD times_NNS more_QL prevalent_JJ in_IN diabetic_JJ patients_NNS than_CS in_IN those_DTS without_IN diabetes_NN in_IN fact_NN , 20%_NP of_IN all_ABN diabetic_JJ patients_NNS admitted_VBN to_IN hospitals_NNS in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP are_BER admitted_VBN for_IN foot_NN disease_NN , with_IN foot_NN and_CC ankle_NN ulcers_NNS being_BEG the_ATI most_QL common_JJ presentation_NN 88_CD the_ATI amputation_NN rate_NN in_IN diabetic_JJ patients_NNS in_IN the_ATI United_NP States_NP is_BEZ reported_VBN to_TO be_BE as_QL high_JJ as_IN 15_CD times_NNS that_CS of_IN nondiabetic_JJ patients_NNS , and_CC of_IN all_ABN nontraumatic_JJ amputations_NNS performed_VBN , approximately_RB 50%_NP are_BER in_IN patients_NNS with_IN diabetes_NN more_AP than_IN half_ABN of_IN the_ATI diabetic_JJ patients_NNS who_WPR undergo_VB limb_NN amputation_NN will_MD require_VB contralateral_JJ limb_NN amputation_NN within_IN 5_CD years_NNS , and_CC 60%_NP will_MD die_VB within_IN the_ATI first_OD 5_CD years_NNS after_IN amputation_NN for_IN these_DTS reasons_NNS , it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ that_CS primary_JJ care_NN physicians_NNS thoroughly_RB examine_VB the_ATI feet_NNS and_CC become_VB familiar_JJ with_IN the_ATI various_JJ presentations_NNS of_IN the_ATI diabetic_JJ foot_NN the_ATI American_JNP Diabetes_NP Association_NN recommends_VBZ that_CS an_AT examination_NN of_IN diabetic_JJ feet_NNS be_BE done_VBN at_IN every_AT regular_JJ visit_NN 89_CD the_ATI increased_JJ risk_NN for_IN foot_NN disease_NN in_IN diabetic_JJ patients_NNS is_BEZ primarily_RB due_JJ to_IN the_ATI combined_JJ effects_NNS of_IN peripheral_JJ vascular_NN disease_NN and_CC peripheral_JJ and_CC autonomic_JJ neuropathies_NNS these_DTS may_MD result_VB in_IN decreased_VBD sensation_NN , dry_JJ , cracked_JJ skin_NN , and_CC loss_NN of_IN the_ATI intrinsic_JJ muscle_NN function_NN of_IN the_ATI foot_NN patients_NNS may_MD have_HV a_AT deformed_JJ foot_NN with_IN the_ATI inability_NN to_TO sense_NN repeated_JJ trauma_NN this_DT may_MD lead_VB to_IN further_JJB deformity_NN , tissue_NN necrosis_NN , and_CC subsequent_JJ ulceration_NN if_CS not_XNOT properly_RB treated_VBN , soft-tissue_NN infection_NN , osteomyelitis_NN , and_CC sepsis_NN may_MD result_VB this_DT may_MD necessitate_VB lower-limb_NN amputation_NN 90_CD often_RB , with_IN proper_JJ foot_NN care_NN , this_DT scenario_NN can_MD be_BE avoided_VBN , resulting_JJ in_IN fewer_AP lower-extremity_NN amputations_NNS as_QL well_RB as_IN a_AT decrease_NN in_IN the_ATI overall_JJB disease-related_JJ morbidity_NN and_CC mortality_NN the_ATI National_NP Diabetes_NPT Advisory_NP Board_NP reported_VBD in_IN 1987_CD that_CS there_EX are_BER a_AT number_NN of_IN patient_NN care_NN programs_NNS and_CC available_JJ preventive_JJ and_CC therapeutic_JJ strategies_NNS that_CS have_HV the_ATI potential_JJ for_IN reducing_VBG the_ATI number_NN of_IN amputations_NNS , but_CC these_DTS strategies_NNS are_BER not_XNOT optimally_RB used_VBN in_IN public_JJ and_CC private_JJ health_NN system_NN settings_NNS 91_CD the_ATI purpose_NN of_IN this_DT report_NN is_BEZ to_TO review_VB the_ATI vascular_NN , neurologic_JJ , muscular_JJ , and_CC infectious_JJ foot_NN manifestations_NNS of_IN diabetes_NN and_CC thereby_RB familiarize_VB the_ATI primary_JJ care_NN physician_NN with_IN the_ATI more_QL common_JJ foot_NN complications_NNS of_IN diabetes_NN mellitus_JJ 92_CD VASCULAR_NPT PRESENTATION_NPT OF_NPT THE_NPT DIABETIC_NP FOOT_NP 93_CD assessing_VBG vascular_NN function_NN is_BEZ an_AT essential_JJ component_NN of_IN examining_VBG the_ATI diabetic_JJ foot_NN diabetes_NN , genetic_JJ factors_NNS , hypertension_NN , cigarette_NN smoking_VBG , hypercholesterolemia_NN , and_CC age_NN have_HV been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO increase_VB the_ATI risk_NN of_IN atherosclerotic_JJ disease_NN diabetes_NN alone_JJ confers_VBZ a_AT two_CD to_IN six_CD times_NNS increase_VB in_IN the_ATI likelihood_NN of_IN developing_VBG peripheral_JJ vascular_NN or_CC coronary_JJ artery_NN diseases_NNS insulin_NN resistance_NN and_CC hyperinsulinemia_NN commonly_RB seen_VBN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN diabetes_NN mellitus_JJ promote_VB atherosclerosis_NN by_IN retarding_VBG the_ATI fibrinolytic_JJ process_NN , by_IN stimulating_JJ vascular_JJ smooth_JJ muscle_NN cell_NN proliferation_NN , and_CC by_IN increasing_JJ platelet- clotting_NN tendencies_NNS furthermore_RB , chronic_JJ hyperglycemia_NN itself_PPL has_HVZ direct_JJ toxic_JJ effects_NNS on_IN vascular_JJ endothelial_JJ cells_NNS and_CC promotes_VBZ the_ATI formation_NN of_IN glycosylation_NN products_NNS in_IN vascular_NN walls_NNS , ultimately_RB resulting_JJ in_IN increased_JJ vascular_NN remodeling_VBG and_CC atherosclerosis_NN as_IN a_AT result_NN , vascular_NN disease_NN is_BEZ the_ATI major_JJ cause_NN of_IN morbidity_NN and_CC mortality_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN diabetes_NN mellitus_JJ 94_CD vascular_NN disease_NN generally_RB can_MD be_BE divided_VBN into_IN microvascular_NN and_CC macrovascular_NN diseases_NNS macrovascular_NN disease_NN involves_VBZ the_ATI large_JJ , muscular_JJ , elastic_JJ arteries_NNS and_CC can_MD result_VB in_IN occlusive_JJ disease_NN affecting_VBG cerebral_JJ , coronary_JJ , and_CC peripheral_JJ arteries_NNS microvascular_NN disease_NN affects_VBZ only_RB the_ATI capillary_JJ basement_NN membranes_NNS diabetic_JJ patients_NNS have_HV a_AT significantly_RB higher_JJR incidence_NN of_IN microvascular_NN and_CC macrovascular_NN disease_NN than_IN nondiabetic_JJ individuals_NNS , but_CC certainly_RB not_XNOT all_ABN patients_NNS with_IN diabetes_NN have_HV physical_JJ evidence_NN of_IN vascular_NN disease_NN although_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI evidence_NN of_IN occlusive_JJ disease_NN , diabetic_JJ patients_NNS may_MD have_HV functional_JJ abnormalities_NNS of_IN the_ATI capillaries_NNS that_WPR contribute_VB to_TO ulceration_NN of_IN the_ATI diabetic_JJ foot_NN 95_CD vascularity_NN of_IN the_ATI lower_JJR extremities_NNS should_MD be_BE assessed_VBN frequently_RB Historical_NP features_NNS that_DT may_MD suggest_VB arterial_JJ insufficiency_NN include_VB rest_NN pain_NN , calf_NN pain_NN after_IN walking_VBG short_JJ distances_NNS (_( intermittent_JJ claudication_NN )_) , or_CC constantly_RB cold_JJ feet_NNS questioning_NN patients_NNS about_IN the_ATI distance_NN they_PP3AS can_MD walk_VB before_CS experiencing_VBG pain_NN may_MD help_VB quantitate_VB the_ATI degree_NN of_IN ischemia_NN rest_NN pain_NN often_RB reflects_VBZ the_ATI most_QL severe_JJ ischemic_JJ disease_NN patients_NNS often_RB describe_VB an_AT intense_JJ pain_NN or_CC burning_VBG sensation_NN that_CS frequently_RB presents_VBZ at_IN night_NN this_DT is_BEZ thought_VBN to_TO be_BE caused_VBN by_IN the_ATI shunting_NN of_IN blood_NN from_IN the_ATI lower_JJR extremities_NNS when_WRB the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ in_IN the_ATI supine_NN position_NN patients_NNS may_MD have_HV to_TO dangle_VB their_PP$ legs_NNS off_IN the_ATI bed_NN to_TO help_VB return_NN some_DTI of_IN the_ATI blood_NN flow_NN to_IN the_ATI periphery_NN and_CC thereby_RB relieve_VB the_ATI symptoms_NNS 96_CD the_ATI dorsalis_NN pedis_NN and_CC posterior_JJ tibial_JJ pulses_NNS should_MD be_BE assessed_VBN when_WRB the_ATI lower_JJR extremities_NNS are_BER examined_VBN when_WRB the_ATI pulses_NNS are_BER diminished_VBN , Doppler_NP ultrasound_NN with_IN ankle-arm_NN index_NN determinations_NNS , segmental_JJ pressures_NNS , and_CC digital_JJ photoplethysmography_NN are_BER excellent_JJ initial_JJ investigative_JJ modalities_NNS the_ATI temperature_NN of_IN the_ATI skin_NN should_MD be_BE determined_JJ and_CC a_AT comparison_NN made_VBN with_IN the_ATI other_AP limb_NN this_DT is_BEZ especially_RB important_JJ in_IN patients_NNS with_IN ulcerations_NNS or_CC a_AT history_NN of_IN previous_JJ skin_NN breakdown_NN (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) 97_CD when_WRB dorsalis_NN pedis_NN pulses_NNS are_BER absent_JJ , obtaining_VBG digital_JJ pressures_NNS with_IN a_AT digital_JJ photoplethysmographer_NN can_MD assess_VB whether_CS collateral_JJ circulation_NN is_BEZ adequately_RB perfusing_VBG the_ATI foot_NN capillary_JJ filling_NN time_NN is_BEZ a_AT useful_JJ initial_JJ test_NN to_TO help_VB determine_VB if_CS the_ATI digits_NNS have_HV a_AT patent_NN arterial_JJ blood_NN supply_NN edema_RB , whether_CS pitting_NN or_CC nonpitting_VBG , should_MD also_RB be_BE investigated_VBN since_CS it_PP3 may_MD be_BE due_JJ to_TO either_DTX local_JJ or_CC systemic_JJ disease_NN If_NP venous_JJ insufficiency_NN is_BEZ suspected_VBN , circumference_NN measurements_NNS of_IN the_ATI leg_NN are_BER useful_JJ in_IN monitoring_VBG the_ATI disease_NN and_CC the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN treatment_NN Arterial_NP disease_NN is_BEZ much_AP more_AP of_IN an_AT immediate_JJ concern_NN than_IN either_DTX venous_JJ or_CC lymphatic_JJ disease_NN and_CC warrants_NNS prompt_JJ attention_NN 98_NN diabetic_JJ patients_NNS may_MD also_RB present_JJ with_IN excellent_JJ peripheral_JJ circulation_NN , leading_JJ the_ATI clinician_NN to_TO believe_VB that_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI vascular_NN disease_NN however_RB , this_DT may_MD be_BE misleading_JJ if_CS there_EX are_BER associated_VBN calcified_JJ vessels_NNS , Charcot's_NP$ disease_NN , infection_NN , or_CC trauma_NN these_DTS are_BER conditions_NNS in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI foot_NN may_MD take_VB on_IN a_AT hypervascular_NN appearance_NN More_NP than_IN 80%_NP of_IN patients_NNS with_IN diabetic_JJ osteoarthropathy_NN have_HV been_BEN reported_VBN to_TO have_HV calcified_JJ vessels_NNS , and_CC along_RP with_IN impairment_NN of_IN sympathetic_JJ tone_NN may_MD present_JJ with_IN bounding_VBG pulses_NNS because_CS of_IN the_ATI inability_NN to_TO vasoconstrict_VB (_( Figure_NP 2_CD )_) 99_CD with_IN relatively_RB simple_JJ office_NN examinations_NNS , the_ATI primary_JJ care_NN physician_NN can_MD detect_VB the_ATI early_JJ stages_NNS of_IN vascular_NN disease_NN and_CC provide_VB proper_JJ treatment_NN or_CC refer_VB the_ATI patient_NN to_IN an_AT appropriate_JJ specialist_JJ 100_CD NEUROLOGIC_NPT PRESENTATION_NPT OF_NPT THE_NPT DIABETIC_NP FOOT_NP 101_CD sensory_JJ and_CC autonomic_JJ neuropathy_NN may_MD be_BE considered_VBN the_ATI primary_JJ causes_NNS of_IN diabetic_JJ foot_NN complications_NNS approximately_RB three_CD times_NNS as_CS many_AP diabetic_JJ patients_NNS are_BER hospitalized_VBN for_IN disease_NN secondary_JJ to_TO trauma_VB in_IN a_AT neuropathic_JJ foot_NN than_IN are_BER admitted_VBN for_IN ischemic_JJ pain_NN without_IN routine_NN foot_NN examinations_NNS , a_AT patient_NN with_IN an_AT insensate_NN foot_NN may_MD develop_VB an_AT undetected_JJ infection_NN , diabetic_JJ osteoarthropathy_NN , ulceration_NN , or_CC traumatic_JJ injury_NN 102_CD distal_JJ symmetric_JJ polyneuropathy_NN is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL common_JJ form_NN of_IN diabetic_JJ neuropathy_NN this_DT typically_RB produces_VBZ sensory_JJ deficits_NNS that_CS manifest_JJ in_IN the_ATI lower_JJR extremities_NNS the_ATI most_AP common_JJ symptoms_NNS are_BER paresthesias_NNS , dysesthesias_NNS , allodynia_NN , and_CC hyperpathia_NN paresthesias_NNS are_BER abnormal_JJ spontaneous_JJ sensations_NNS of_IN numbness_NN , itching_VBG , or_CC burning_NN dysesthesias_NNS are_BER more_QL painful_JJ paresthesias_NNS allodynia_NN is_BEZ the_ATI sensation_NN of_IN severe_JJ pain_NN produced_VBN by_IN a_AT normal_JJ stimulus_NN hyperpathia_NN is_BEZ constant_JJ exaggerated_JJ pain_NN Metabolic_NP abnormalities_NNS of_IN the_ATI neuron_NN cell_NN body_NN , axon_NN , and_CC Schwann_NP cell_NN have_HV been_BEN reported_VBN to_TO relate_VB etiologically_RB to_IN the_ATI neuropathic_JJ symptoms_NNS The_NP duration_NN of_IN diabetes_NN and_CC degree_NN of_IN blood_NN glucose_NN level_NN control_NN are_BER known_JJ factors_NNS associated_VBN with_IN the_ATI development_NN of_IN neuropathy_NN it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN postulated_JJ that_CS near-normal_JJ control_NN of_IN blood_NN glucose_NN levels_NNS in_IN the_ATI early_JJ years_NNS after_IN diabetes_NN onset_NN may_MD help_VB delay_VB the_ATI development_NN of_IN clinically_RB significant_JJ neuropathy_NN 103_CD autonomic_JJ neuropathy_NN can_MD affect_VB the_ATI gastrointestinal_JJ , cardiovascular_NN , and_CC genitourinary_NN systems_NNS distal_JJ anhydrosis_JJ leading_JJ to_TO increased_VBN dry_JJ , cracked_JJ skin_NN of_IN the_ATI feet_NNS is_BEZ a_AT lesser_JJR known_JJ result_NN of_IN autonomic_JJ neuropathy_NN (_( Figure_NP 3_CD )_) significant_JJ findings_NNS of_IN sensory_JJ neuropathy_NN related_VBN to_IN the_ATI lower_JJR extremity_NN may_MD include_VB decreased_VBD proprioception_NN , light_NN touch_NN sensation_NN , sharp_dull_NN discrimination_NN , and_CC vibratory_NN perception_NN 104_CD many_AP diabetic_JJ patients_NNS have_HV a_AT decreased_VBN protective_JJ threshold_NN and_CC are_BER not_XNOT able_JJ to_TO recognize_VB trauma_NN that_WPR will_MD cause_VB soft-tissue_VB breakdown.=20_CD 105_CD as_IN a_AT result_NN , continued_VBD microtraumatic_JJ episodes_NNS to_IN the_ATI bottom_NN of_IN the_ATI foot_NN can_MD cause_VB tissue_NN necrosis_NN , hypertrophic_JJ bone_NN formation_NN , pathologic_JJ fractures_NNS , or_CC ulceration_NN such_ABL neurotrophic_JJ ulcerations_NNS tend_VB to_TO be_BE associated_VBN with_IN an_AT intact_JJ vascular_NN status_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS exuberant_JJ peripheral_JJ callus_JJ formation_NN (_( Figure_NP 4_CD )_) without_IN intact_JJ sensation_NN , something_PN as_QL simple_JJ as_IN a_AT pebble_NN or_CC a_AT bobby_NN pin_NN in_IN a_AT shoe_NN can_MD progress_VB to_TO major_JJ complications_NNS ill-fitting_NN shoes_NNS , tight_JJ stockings_NNS , and_CC extremes_NNS in_IN temperature_NN , coupled_VBN with_IN sensory_JJ loss_NN , xerosis_NN , increased_JJ plantar_NN pressures_NNS , and_CC diminished_JJ circulation_NN predispose_NN patients_NNS to_TO foot_NN ulceration_NN a_AT superimposed_JJ infection_NN may_MD lead_VB to_IN thrombosis_NN of_IN the_ATI digital_JJ vessels_NNS and_CC consequently_RB to_TO gangrene_NN of_IN the_ATI toes_NNS pressure_NN necrosis_NN can_MD occur_VB because_CS of_IN irritation_NN from_IN a_AT stocking_NN or_CC shoe_NN Prolonged_NP cold_JJ exposure_NN can_MD progress_VB to_TO frostbite_NN and_CC chilblains_NNS 106_CD in_IN an_AT insensate_NN foot_NN , heat_NN may_MD not_XNOT be_BE perceived_VBN and_CC as_IN a_AT result_NN can_MD easily_RB burn_VB the_ATI skin_NN , with_IN subsequent_JJ ulcer_NN formation_NN by_IN the_ATI time_NN patients_NNS discover_VB their_PP$ own_AP foot_NN ulcers_NNS or_CC notice_NN any_DTI significant_JJ disease_NN , irreversible_JJ damage_NN may_MD have_HV already_RB ensued_VBD therefore_RB , patients_NNS with_IN an_AT insensate_NN foot_NN must_MD be_BE instructed_VBN on_IN inspecting_JJ their_PP$ shoes_NNS and_CC stockings_NNS daily_JJ for_IN foreign_JJ objects_NNS 107_CD as_CS is_BEZ true_JJ for_IN vascular_NN disease_NN , not_XNOT all_ABN diabetic_JJ patients_NNS have_HV neurologic_JJ dysfunction_NN diabetic_JJ patients_NNS can_MD have_HV intact_JJ epicritic_JJ sensation_NN without_IN any_DTI neuropathic_JJ symptoms_NNS a_AT thorough_JJ neurologic_JJ examination_NN of_IN the_ATI lower_JJR extremities_NNS should_MD include_VB patellar_VB and_CC achilles_NNS deep_JJ tendon_NN reflexes_NNS , inspection_NN for_IN breaks_VBZ in_IN the_ATI integument_NN , and_CC evaluation_NN of_IN sensation_NN of_IN touch_NN , vibration_NN , and_CC proprioception_NN While_NP tuning_NN forks_NNS , pins_NNS , reflex_NN hammers_NNS , and_CC feathers_NNS are_BER valuable_JJ diagnostic_JJ neurologic_JJ tools_NNS , Semmes- Weinstein_NP monofilaments_NNS of_IN differing_JJ diameters_NNS are_BER state-of- the-art_NN for_IN determining_VBG protective_JJ threshold_NN 108_CD with_IN the_ATI patient_NN in_IN the_ATI supine_NN position_NN and_CC the_ATI eyes_NNS closed_VBN , monofilaments_NNS of_IN differing_JJ diameters_NNS are_BER placed_VBN on_IN the_ATI skin_NN when_WRB bent_VBD against_IN the_ATI skin_NN , each_DT correlates_VBZ to_IN a_AT given_JJ amount_NN of_IN pressure_NN if_CS the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ able_JJ to_TO perceive_VB the_ATI 5.07_NP monofilament_NN , then_RN protective_JJ threshold_NN is_BEZ considered_VBN to_TO be_BE intact_JJ this_DT would_MD signify_VB that_CS a_AT patient_NN is_BEZ able_JJ to_TO sense_VB trauma_NN that_WPR could_MD potentially_RB cause_VB soft-tissue_NN breakdown_NN 109_CD if_CS a_AT diabetic_JJ patient_NN has_HVZ developed_VBN a_AT neuropathic_JJ ulcer_NN on_IN the_ATI plantar_JJ aspect_NN of_IN the_ATI foot_NN , the_ATI ulcer_NN needs_NNS to_TO be_BE treated_VBN with_IN regular_JJ debridements_NNS , dressing_NN changes_NNS , and_CC removal_NN of_IN the_ATI weight-bearing_NN forces_NNS across_IN the_ATI ulcer_NN site_NN debridement_NN of_IN neuropathic_JJ ulcers_NNS is_BEZ performed_VBN as_CS needed_VBN (_( usually_RB once_RB or_CC twice_RB a_AT week_NN )_) to_TO remove_VB only_RB the_ATI excessive_JJ keratosis_NN on_IN the_ATI rim_NN of_IN the_ATI ulcer_NN the_ATI granulation_NN tissue_NN base_NN should_MD be_BE kept_VBN intact_JJ sterile_JJ saline_NN dressings_NNS are_BER changed_VBN daily_JJ topical_JJ ointments_NNS , debriders_NNS , and_CC powders_NNS should_MD not_XNOT be_BE used_VBN special_JJ shoes_NNS are_BER designed_VBN for_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ foot_NN to_TO remove_VB weight-bearing_NN forces_NNS across_IN the_ATI ulcer_NN 110_CD to_TO prevent_VB recurrence_NN once_RB the_ATI ulcer_NN has_HVZ healed_VBN , abnormal_JJ forces_NNS that_CS produced_VBN the_ATI ulcer_NN need_NN to_TO be_BE removed_VBN or_CC reduced_VBN since_CS underlying_JJ bony_JJ prominences_NNS are_BER the_ATI most_QL frequent_JJ cause_NN of_IN abnormal_JJ pedal_NN pressure_NN , strategies_NNS to_TO prevent_VB ulceration_NN should_MD address_VB the_ATI bony_JJ prominences_NNS in_IN cases_NNS in_IN which_WDTR the_ATI deforming_NN force_NN is_BEZ mild_JJ or_CC in_IN patients_NNS who_WPR represent_VB a_AT high_JJ surgical_JJ risk_NN , the_ATI treatment_NN includes_VBZ the_ATI use_NN of_IN multidensity_NN orthotic_JJ devices_NNS when_WRB possible_JJ , surgical_JJ intervention_NN to_TO remove_VB the_ATI underlying_JJ bony_JJ prominence_NN should_MD be_BE performed_VBN 111_CD the_ATI importance_NN of_IN continuously_RB educating_VBG diabetic_JJ patients_NNS in_IN foot_NN care_NN cannot_NN be_BE overemphasized_VBN patients_NNS with_IN diabetes_NN ought_MD to_TO be_BE taught_VBN simple_JJ common_JJ sense_NN approaches_NNS to_TO foot_NN hygiene_NN and_CC daily_JJ feet_NNS inspection_NN techniques_NNS and_CC should_MD be_BE advised_VBN about_IN choosing_VBG proper_JJ shoe_NN wear_NN this_DT is_BEZ especially_RB important_JJ for_IN neuropathic_JJ patients_NNS simple_JJ reminders_NNS , such_ABL as_CS always_RB wearing_VBG protective_JJ footwear_NN or_CC looking_VBG for_IN objects_NNS inside_IN shoes_NNS before_CS putting_VBG them_PP3OS on_RP , are_BER essential_NN in_IN preventing_VBG ulceration_NN or_CC infections_NNS also_RB , trimming_NN nails_NNS , corns_NNS , and_CC calluses_NNS should_MD be_BE performed_VBN only_RB by_IN appropriate_JJ health_NN care_NN providers_NNS 112_CD DIABETIC_NP OSTEOARTHROPATHY_NP 113_CD diabetic_JJ osteoarthropathy_NN , or_CC Charcot's_NP$ disease_NN , is_BEZ a_AT progressive_JJ degeneration_NN of_IN single_JJ or_CC multiple_JJ foot_NN joints_NNS caused_VBN by_IN an_AT underlying_JJ neuropathy_NN with_IN maintenance_NN of_IN good_JJ vascularity_NN this_DT commonly_RB misdiagnosed_JJ process_NN usually_RB presents_VBZ in_IN diabetic_JJ patients_NNS between_IN the_ATI ages_NNS of_IN 40_CD and_CC 60_CD years_NNS its_PP$ prevalence_NN has_HVZ been_BEN reported_VBN to_TO be_BE as_CS high_JJ as_CS one_CD1 of_IN every_AT 680_CD patients_NNS with_IN diabetes_NN patients_NNS typically_RB have_HV had_HVD diabetes_NN for_IN more_AP than_IN 12_CD years_NNS before_CS developing_VBG Charcot_NP changes_NNS 114_CD the_ATI classic_JJ presentation_NN of_IN Charcot's_NP$ disease_NN is_BEZ a_AT warm_JJ , erythematous_JJ , swollen_VBN , essentially_RB nonpainful_JJ foot_NN (_( Figure_NP 5_CD )_) some_DTI patients_NNS report_NN some_DTI pain_NN or_CC discomfort_NN , but_CC much_AP less_AP than_IN would_MD be_BE expected_VBN for_IN the_ATI degree_NN of_IN disease_NN the_ATI tarsometatarsal_JJ joint_JJB is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL commonly_RB affected_JJ area_NN , followed_VBN by_IN the_ATI midtarsal_JJ joint_NN Associated_NP neuromuscular_NN deformities_NNS , consisting_VBG of_IN hammer_NN toes_NNS , a_AT cocked-up_NN hallux_NN , a_AT prominent_JJ and_CC hypertrophied_JJ naviculocuneiform_NN joint_JJB , and_CC intrinsic_JJ muscular_JJ atrophy_RB , are_BER common_JJ findings_NNS (_( Figure_NP 6_CD )_) a_AT later_RBR finding_VBG may_MD be_BE a_AT rocker-bottom_JJ configuration_NN of_IN the_ATI foot_NN 115_CD diabetic_JJ osteoarthropathy_NN has_HVZ three_CD phases_NNS : developmental_JJ , coalescent_NN , and_CC reconstruction_NN during_IN the_ATI developmental_JJ phase_NN , there_EX may_MD be_BE fragmentation_NN , interarticular_NN debris_NN , synovial_JJ effusion_NN , edema_NN , and_CC erythema_NN the_ATI coalescent_NN phase_NN demonstrates_VBZ early_JJ repair_NN and_CC is_BEZ recognized_VBN by_IN periosteal_JJ new_JJ bone_NN formation_NN and_CC subchondral_JJ sclerosis_NN During_NP the_ATI reconstruction_NN phase_NN , there_EX is_BEZ revascularization_JJ and_CC remodeling_VBG of_IN bone_NN fragments_NNS with_IN the_ATI possible_JJ appearance_NN of_IN ankylosis_NN 116_CD the_ATI disease_NN is_BEZ thought_VBN to_TO be_BE of_IN either_DTX neurovascular_NN or_CC neurotraumatic_JJ origin_NN the_ATI neurovascular_NN theory_NN regards_VBZ autonomic_JJ neuropathy_NN as_IN the_ATI primary_JJ causative_JJ factor_NN loss_NN of_IN autonomic_JJ vascular_NN regulation_NN results_NNS in_IN greater_JJR blood_NN vessel_NN diameter_NN and_CC increased_VBD local_JJ blood_NN flow_NN vasodilation_NN with_IN increased_VBN peripheral_JJ and_CC osseous_JJ perfusion_NN leads_VBZ to_TO accelerated_VBD bone_NN resorption_NN and_CC osteopenia_NN fracture_NN and_CC repair_NN occur_VB secondarily_RB dysfunction_NN of_IN the_ATI small_JJ vasculature_NN and_CC sweat_NN glands_NNS explains_VBZ the_ATI clinical_JJ appearance_NN of_IN the_ATI warm_JJ , erythematous_JJ , edematous_JJ , and_CC anhydrotic_JJ foot.=20_CD 117_CD the_ATI neurotraumatic_JJ theory_NN proposes_VBZ that_CS peripheral_JJ sensory_JJ neuropathy_NN with_IN subsequent_JJ loss_NN of_IN protective_JJ threshold_NN is_BEZ the_ATI primary_JJ causative_JJ factor_NN repeated_VBN undetected_JJ trauma_NN can_MD cause_VB large_JJ effusions_NNS , ligamentous_JJ laxity_NN , and_CC joint_JJB instability_NN with_IN further_JJB trauma_NN , there_EX is_BEZ subluxation_NN , dislocation_NN , and_CC osteochondral_JJ fragmentation_NN owing_IN to_IN the_ATI fact_NN that_CS peripheral_JJ circulation_NN is_BEZ intact_JJ , exuberant_JJ osseous_JJ repair_NN ensues_VBZ 118_CD the_ATI roentgenographic_JJ appearance_NN along_RP with_IN positive_JJ bone_NN scans_NNS often_RB lead_NN physicians_NNS to_TO incorrectly_RB diagnose_VB diabetic_JJ osteoarthropathy_NN as_IN osteomyelitis_NN (_( Figure_NP 7_CD )_) in_IN addition_NN to_TO osteomyelitis_VB , other_AP conditions_NNS to_TO consider_VB in_IN the_ATI differential_JJ diagnosis_NN include_VB rheumatoid_NN arthritis_NN , gouty_NN arthritis_NN , and_CC soft-tissue_NN infections_NNS 119_CD early_JJ recognition_NN and_CC treatment_NN are_BER essential_JJ for_IN preventing_VBG progression_NN of_IN this_DT deformity_NN immediate_JJ referral_JJ to_IN an_AT appropriate_JJ foot_NN specialist_JJ and_CC a_AT strict_JJ non-weight-bearing_NN regimen_NNS should_MD be_BE initiated_VBN The_NP goal_NN is_BEZ to_TO get_VB these_DTS patients_NNS out_RP of_IN the_ATI acute_JJ developmental_JJ phase_NN and_CC into_IN the_ATI coalescent_NN and_CC reconstructive_JJ phases_NNS as_QL soon_RB as_IN possible_JJ Since_NP there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI way_NN to_IN reverse_JJ the_ATI damage_NN , treatment_NN is_BEZ directed_VBN at_IN protection_NN of_IN the_ATI foot_NN to_TO reduce_VB the_ATI chance_NN of_IN further_JJB deformity_NN during_IN the_ATI acute_JJ phase_NN , the_ATI foot_NN is_BEZ protected_VBN from_IN fracturing_VBG and_CC collapse_NN with_IN a_AT non-weight-bearing_NN regimen_NNS and_CC total_JJ contact_NN casts_NNS total_JJ contact_NN casts_NNS are_BER used_VBN until_IN superficial_JJ skin_NN temperatures_NNS equilibrate_NN , then_RN gradual_JJ weight_NN bearing_VBG of_IN the_ATI affected_JJ limb_NN is_BEZ begun_VBN 120_CD MUSCULAR_NPT PRESENTATION_NPT OF_NPT THE_NPT DIABETIC_NP FOOT_NP 121_CD neuropathy_NN can_MD affect_VB the_ATI musculature_NN of_IN the_ATI foot_NN and_CC leg_NN Sixty-five_NP percent_NNU of_IN patients_NNS with_IN neuropathies_NNS have_HV associated_JJ muscle_NN weakness_NN motor_NN neuropathies_NNS manifest_JJ themselves_PPLS as_CS myopathic_JJ changes_NNS and_CC are_BER the_ATI result_NN of_IN demyelination_NN , axonal_JJ swelling_NN , endoneural_JJ edema_NN , and_CC fibrosis_NN in_IN the_ATI intramuscular_NN nerve_NN branches_NNS when_WRB such_ABL nerve_NN degeneration_NN occurs_VBZ in_IN the_ATI pelvic_JJ girdle_NN and_CC thigh_NN musculature_NN associated_VBN with_IN muscular_JJ atrophy_RB and_CC subacute_JJ painful_JJ weakness_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ referred_VBN to_TO as_IN diabetic_JJ amyotrophy_NN it_PP3 occassionally_RB can_MD affect_VB distal_JJ muscles_NNS , such_IN as_IN the_ATI tibialis_NN and_CC peroneal_JJ muscles_NNS 122_CD intrinsic_JJ muscular_JJ wasting_VBG and_CC progressive_JJ forefoot_NN contracture_NN can_MD contribute_VB to_TO foot_NN deformity_NN with_IN paresis_NN of_IN the_ATI intrinsic_JJ musculature_NN , the_ATI metatarsal_JJ phalangeal_JJ joints_NNS become_VB destabilized_VBN and_CC as_IN a_AT result_NN digital_JJ contractures_NNS develop_VB and_CC progress_NN dorsal_JJ contracture_NN increases_NNS the_ATI retrograde_NN plantar-flexor_NN force_NN through_IN the_ATI metatarsal_JJ heads_NNS the_ATI plantar_NN fat_NN pad_NN also_RB tends_VBZ to_TO displace_VB distally_RB , further_JJB increasing_JJ the_ATI pressure_NN over_IN the_ATI metatarsal_JJ heads_NNS and_CC predisposing_VBG the_ATI foot_NN to_TO soft- tissue_NN breakdown_NN and_CC ulceration_NN 123_CD deformities_NNS arising_VBG from_IN neuropathies_NNS are_BER not_XNOT only_RB attributable_JJ to_TO the_ATI intrinsic_JJ musculature_NN but_CC to_IN the_ATI proximal_JJ musculature_NN as_IN well_RB the_ATI extensor_NN halluces_NNS longus_JJ muscle_NN may_MD be_BE affected_VBN early_RB in_IN the_ATI course_NN of_IN neuropathy_NN weakness_NN of_IN this_DT long_JJ extensor_NN creates_VBZ hammering_VBG of_IN the_ATI hallux_NN by_IN the_ATI overriding_JJ pull_NN of_IN the_ATI long_JJ flexor_NN (_( Figure_NP 8_CD )_) subacute_NN motor_NN neuropathy_NN can_MD cause_VB gradual_JJ weakness_NN of_IN the_ATI anterior_JJ muscle_NN group_NN of_IN the_ATI leg_NN , enabling_VBG the_ATI posterior_JJ muscles_NNS to_TO gain_VB a_AT mechanical_JJ advantage_NN over_IN the_ATI anterior_JJ muscles_NNS this_DT can_MD lead_VB to_IN limitation_NN of_IN ankle_NN joint_JJB dorsiflexion_NN and_CC further_JJB increase_VB the_ATI stress_NN on_IN the_ATI plantar_NN forefoot_NN when_WRB digital_JJ and_CC ray_NN resections_NNS are_BER required_VBN , the_ATI weight-bearing_NN forces_NNS are_BER profoundly_RB altered_VBN by_IN shifting_JJ the_ATI stress_NN to_TO adjacent_JJ structures_NNS all_ABN of_IN these_DTS developments_NNS act_NN to_IN further_JJB place_VB the_ATI patient_NN with_IN diabetes_NN at_IN an_AT increased_JJ risk_NN for_IN soft- tissue_NN breakdown_NN , prolonged_JJ ulceration_NN , and_CC infection_NN 124_CD early_JJ recognition_NN of_IN motor_NN neuropathies_NNS can_MD aid_VB in_IN limiting_JJ breakdown_NN , ulceration_NN , and_CC infection_NN of_IN the_ATI feet_NNS the_ATI primary_JJ care_NN physician_NN should_MD examine_VB the_ATI diabetic_JJ patient_NN for_IN progressive_JJ hammering_JJ of_IN the_ATI digits_NNS with_IN dorsal_JJ contracture_NN , a_AT decrease_NN in_IN muscle_NN power_NN of_IN the_ATI legs_NNS , and_CC atrophy_RB of_IN the_ATI intrinsic_JJ foot_NN musculature_NN proper_JJ referral_JJ for_IN electromyography_NN and_CC nerve-conduction_NN velocity_NN studies_NNS can_MD expedite_VB the_ATI diagnosis_NN treatment_NN consisting_VBG of_IN palliation_NN , shoe_NN gear_NN modification_NN , and_CC accommodative_JJ shoe_NN inserts_VBZ can_MD significantly_RB decrease_VB the_ATI associated_VBN morbidity_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN motor_NN neuropathy_NN 125_CD INFECTIOUS_NPT PRESENTATION_NPT OF_NPT THE_NPT DIABETIC_NP FOOT_NP 126_CD the_ATI most_AP common_JJ complication_NN of_IN diabetes_NN mellitus_NN is_BEZ a_AT foot_NN infection_NN more_AP inpatient_NN days_NNS are_BER used_VBN treating_VBG diabetic_JJ foot_NN infections_NNS than_IN any_DTI other_AP complication_NN of_IN diabetes_NN it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN reported_VBN that_CS 25%_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN diabetes_NN have_HV a_AT history_NN of_IN significant_JJ cutaneous_JJ infection_NN and_CC that_CS 10%_CD have_HV an_AT active_JJ infection_NN at_IN any_DTI one_CD1 time_NN although_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ commonly_RB stated_VBN that_CS patients_NNS with_IN diabetes_NN are_BER more_QL susceptible_JJ to_IN infection_NN than_IN nondiabetic_JJ individuals_NNS , there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI convincing_JJ evidence_NN that_CS these_DTS patients_NNS are_BER immunologically_RB compromised_VBD reported_VBN defects_NNS in_IN the_ATI immune_JJ function_NN relate_VB to_IN white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN dysfunction_NN with_IN respect_NN to_TO diapedesis_VB , adherence_NN , chemotaxis_NN , and_CC phagocytosis_NN these_DTS defects_NNS are_BER thought_VBN to_TO be_BE aggravated_VBN by_IN poor_JJ glucose_NN control_NN 127_CD neuropathy_JJ leading_JJ to_IN an_AT insensate_NN , dry_JJ , fissured_JJ foot_NN will_MD predispose_VB to_TO ulcer_NN formation_NN pathogenic_JJ bacteria_NNS gain_VB a_AT portal_NN of_IN entry_NN through_IN such_ABL wounds_NNS and_CC can_MD progress_VB to_IN an_AT infection_NN often_RB , the_ATI initial_JJ lesion_NN is_BEZ at_IN a_AT weight-bearing_NN area_NN improperly_RB fitting_JJ shoes_NNS , trauma_NN , and_CC puncture_NN wounds_NNS are_BER common_JJ initiating_JJ factors_NNS symptoms_NNS may_MD be_BE minimal_JJ , although_CS an_AT associated_JJ cellulitis_NN may_MD result_VB in_IN fever_NN , pain_NN , tenderness_NN , and_CC peripheral_JJ leukocytosis_NN neuropathic_JJ ulcers_NNS are_BER typically_RB surrounded_VBN by_IN thickened_VBN , hyperkeratotic_JJ skin_NN , so_RB the_ATI actual_JJ size_NN and_CC depth_NN will_MD be_BE difficult_JJ to_TO determine_VB before_IN debridement_NN Purulent_NP drainage_NN with_IN edema_NN and_CC erythema_NN are_BER some_DTI associated_VBN local_JJ findings_NNS systemic_JJ signs_NNS are_BER often_RB absent_JJ , with_IN the_ATI only_AP evidence_NN of_IN an_AT infection_NN being_BEG an_AT unexplained_JJ loss_NN of_IN glucose_NN control_NN in_IN the_ATI absence_NN of_IN proper_JJ foot_NN care_NN , the_ATI presence_NN of_IN a_AT septic_JJ foot_NN ulcer_NN may_MD remain_VB undetected_JJ until_IN the_ATI odor_NN , hyperglycemia_NN , or_CC circulatory_NN collapse_NN cause_NN the_ATI patient_NN to_TO seek_VB medical_JJ attention_NN 128_CD 43_CD after_IN a_AT complete_JJ medical_JJ history_NN is_BEZ obtained_VBN and_CC a_AT physical_JJ examination_NN performed_VBN (_( including_IN probing_VBG of_IN the_ATI ulcer_NN site_NN )_) , obtaining_VBG a_AT complete_JJ blood_NN cell_NN count_NN and_CC appropriate_JJ cultures_NNS , measuring_VBG the_ATI erythrocyte_NN sedimentation_NN rate_NN and_CC the_ATI blood_NN glucose_NN level_NN , and_CC performing_VBG urinalysis_NN are_BER recommended_VBN bacterial_JJ culture_NN sensitivities_NNS and_CC liver_NN and_CC renal_JJ function_NN ought_MD to_TO be_BE assessed_VBN in_IN deciding_VBG on_IN proper_JJ antibiotic_JJ therapy_NN while_CS the_ATI erythrocyte_NN sedimentation_NN rate_NN is_BEZ usually_RB elevated_VBD , it_PP3 is_BEZ a_AT very_QL nonspecific_JJ marker_NN for_IN infection_NN if_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ extremely_RB high_JJ , it_PP3 is_BEZ suggestive_JJ of_IN osteomyelitis_NN , but_CC a_AT normal_JJ value_NN does_DOZ not_XNOT exclude_VB the_ATI diagnosis_NN the_ATI white_JJ blood_NN cell_NN count_NN and_CC serum_NN glucose_NN level_NN may_MD be_BE normal_JJ or_CC elevated_VBD 129_CD gas_NN within_IN the_ATI soft_JJ tissue_NN may_MD be_BE palpated_VBN as_IN crepitant_JJ pockets_NNS of_IN air_NN and_CC indicate_VB the_ATI need_NN for_IN immediate_JJ surgical_JJ intervention_NN the_ATI infected_JJ ulcers_NNS should_MD be_BE probed_VBD to_TO determine_VB their_PP$ depth_NN and_CC to_TO help_VB in_IN their_PP$ classification_NN the_ATI most_AP common_JJ ulcer_NN classification_NN system_NN was_BEDZ originated_VBN by_IN F._NP William_NP Wagner_NP , Jr_NP , MD_NP , and_CC is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN the_ATI depth_NN of_IN penetration_NN and_CC extent_NN of_IN tissue_NN necrosis_NN grade_NN 0_CD ulcers_NNS have_HV no_ATI open_JJ lesions_NNS ; rather_RB , there_EX is_BEZ deformity_NN , cellulitis_NN , or_CC callused_VBN preulcerative_JJ lesions_NNS grade_NN 1_CD1 ulcers_NNS are_BER defined_VBN as_CS superficial_JJ ulcerations_NNS invading_JJ the_ATI dermis_NN but_CC not_XNOT the_ATI subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN (_( Figure_NP 9_CD )_) grade_NN 2_CD ulcers_NNS penetrate_VB deeper_JJR , through_IN the_ATI subcutaneous_JJ tissue_NN to_TO the_ATI tendon_NN or_CC joint_JJB capsule.=20_CD 130_CD grade_NN 3_CD ulcers_NNS involve_VB the_ATI periosteum_NN and_CC are_BER associated_VBN with_IN deep_JJ abscess_NN formation_NN and_CC osteomyelitis_NN grade_NN 4_CD ulcers_NNS present_JJ with_IN partial_JJ gangrene_NN of_IN the_ATI foot_NN extensive_JJ gangrene_NN of_IN the_ATI entire_JJB foot_NN is_BEZ considered_VBN a_AT grade_NN 5_CD ulcer_NN , and_CC a_AT major_JJ amputation_NN is_BEZ usually_RB required_VBN Gangrene_NP typically_RB occurs_VBZ when_WRB vascular_NN insufficiency_NN produces_VBZ tissue_NN necrosis_NN that_CS becomes_VBZ secondarily_RB infected_VBN arterial_JJ insufficiency_NN with_IN superimposed_VBN regional_JJ increased_JJ tissue_NN turgor_NN and_CC metabolic_JJ rate_NN increases_VBZ the_ATI tissue_NN demand_NN while_CS reducing_VBG the_ATI delivery_NN of_IN oxygen_NN 131_CD after_IN the_ATI ulcer_NN is_BEZ classified_VBN , a_AT properly_RB collected_JJ specimen_NN for_IN anaerobic_JJ and_CC aerobic_JJ culture_NN and_CC sensitivity_NN along_RP with_IN a_AT Gram's_NN$ stain_NN should_MD be_BE obtained_VBN the_ATI optimum_JJ specimen-gathering_NN technique_NN involves_VBZ initial_JJ debridement_NN of_IN the_ATI ulcer_NN to_TO remove_VB overlying_JJ necrotic_JJ and_CC presumably_RB superficially_RB colonized_JJ tissue_NN followed_VBN by_IN dermal_JJ curettage_JJ of_IN the_ATI base_NN of_IN the_ATI ulcer_NN diabetic_JJ foot_NN ulcer_NN infections_NNS have_HV been_BEN extensively_RB reported_VBN in_IN the_ATI literature_NN as_CS being_BEG polymicrobial_JJ although_CS the_ATI foot_NN ulcer_NN infections_NNS are_BER generally_RB polymicrobial_JJ , the_ATI associated_VBN bacteremia_NN is_BEZ usually_RB monomicrobial_JJ 132_CD neuropathic_JJ patients_NNS with_IN diabetes_NN and_CC infected_JJ ulcerations_NNS frequently_RB develop_VB osteomyelitis_NN in_IN fact_NN , at_RB least_RB one_CD1 third_OD of_IN all_ABN patients_NNS with_IN osteomyelitis_NN are_BER diabetic_JJ roentgenograms_NNS may_MD be_BE helpful_JJ in_IN identifying_VBG gas_NN and_CC osteomyelitis_NN bone_NN scans_NNS are_BER another_DT useful_JJ diagnostic_JJ modality_NN technetium_NN phosphate-99m_NN is_BEZ taken_VBN up_RP at_IN areas_NNS of_IN increased_JJ bone_NN vascularity_NN and_CC at_IN areas_NNS of_IN reactive_JJ bone_NN formation_NN this_DT is_BEZ considered_VBN to_TO be_BE a_AT highly_RB sensitive_JJ , but_CC fairly_RB nonspecific_JJ , diagnostic_JJ tool_NN gallium_NN citrate-67_NN is_BEZ localized_VBN in_IN tissues_NNS to_TO which_WDTR there_EX is_BEZ increased_JJ blood_NN flow_NN and_CC thus_RB is_BEZ considerably_RB more_QL specific_JJ for_IN soft-tissue_NN infections_NNS the_ATI most_AP specific_JJ radionucleotide_NN examination_NN uses_VBZ indium_NN 111_CD , which_WDTR is_BEZ particularly_RB useful_JJ in_IN differentiating_VBG osteomyelitis_NN from_IN diabetic_JJ osteoarthropathy_NN 133_CD the_ATI primary_JJ care_NN physician_NN should_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO recognize_VB a_AT diabetic_JJ foot_NN infection_NN and_CC initiate_VB appropriate_JJ diagnostic_JJ testing_NN this_DT includes_VBZ probing_VBG , classifying_VBG , and_CC culturing_VBG the_ATI ulceration_NN , along_RP with_IN obtaining_VBG appropriate_JJ blood_NN work_NN and_CC roentgenograms_NNS empiric_JJ antibiotic_JJ therapy_NN should_MD be_BE started_VBN primary_JJ care_NN physicians_NNS can_MD coordinate_VB a_AT team_NN of_IN specialists_NNS in_IN vascular_NN surgery_NN , infectious_JJ diseases_NNS , and_CC foot_NN and_CC ankle_NN disease_NN to_TO deal_VB with_IN the_ATI difficult_JJ problems_NNS of_IN diabetic_JJ foot_NN infection_NN and_CC significantly_RB reduce_VB patient_NN morbidity_NN and_CC mortality_NN 134_CD SUMMARY_NP 135_CD the_ATI primary_JJ care_NN physician_NN plays_NNS a_AT vital_JJ role_NN in_IN maintaining_VBG the_ATI health_NN and_CC welfare_NN of_IN those_DTS afflicted_VBN with_IN diabetes_NN mellitus_JJ patients_NNS most_QL often_RB rely_VB on_IN their_PP$ primary_JJ care_NN physicians_NNS for_IN prevention_NN , initial_JJ diagnosis_NN , and_CC treatment_NN of_IN disease_NN proper_JJ lower-extremity_NN evaluation_NN is_BEZ essential_NN in_IN recognizing_VBG the_ATI various_JJ diseases_NNS that_WPR occur_VB in_IN patients_NNS with_IN diabetes_NN without_IN proper_JJ foot_NN inspection_NN , many_AP diabetic_JJ foot_NN problems_NNS continue_VB to_TO go_VB undetected_JJ and_CC progress_NN to_TO more_QL serious_JJ and_CC possibly_RB life-threatening_JJ illnesses_NNS the_ATI degree_NN of_IN morbidity_NN and_CC mortality_NN associated_VBN with_IN diabetic_JJ foot_NN disease_NN could_MD be_BE dramatically_RB reduced_VBN by_IN early_JJ recognition_NN and_CC proper_JJ treatment_NN 136_CD the_ATI lower_JJR extremity_NN ought_MD to_TO be_BE assessed_VBN as_QL frequently_RB as_IN possible_JJ Vascular_NP diagnostic_JJ modalities_NNS , such_IN as_IN Doppler_NP ultrasound_NN and_CC skin_NN temperature_NN thermometers_NNS , are_BER very_QL useful_JJ in_IN this_DT assessment_NN neurologic_JJ examination_NN should_MD include_VB evaluation_NN of_IN deep_JJ tendon_NN reflexes_NNS , proprioception_NN and_CC vibratory_JJ sensory_JJ testing_NN , and_CC determination_NN of_IN protective_JJ threshold_NN inspection_NN for_IN any_DTI breaks_VBZ in_IN the_ATI integument_NN and_CC xerotic-appearing_NN skin_NN should_MD be_BE noted_VBN tuning_NN forks_NNS , Semmes-Weinstein_NP monofilaments_NNS , and_CC reflex_NN hammers_NNS are_BER excellent_JJ modalities_NNS for_IN assessing_VBG neurologic_JJ integrity_NN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN hammered_VBD digits_NNS with_IN dorsally_RB contracted_VBN metatarsal_JJ phalangeal_JJ joints_NNS indicates_VBZ associated_JJ motor_NN neuropathy_NN electromyography_NN and_CC nerve-conduction_NN velocities_NNS are_BER useful_JJ in_IN confirming_VBG the_ATI presence_NN of_IN this_DT disease_NN erythematous_JJ , warm_JJ , and_CC edematous_JJ feet_NNS should_MD be_BE assessed_VBN for_IN evidence_NN of_IN infectious_JJ disease_NN and_CC diabetic_JJ osteoarthropathy_NN 137_CD early_JJ recognition_NN , proper_JJ evaluation_NN , and_CC initial_JJ treatment_NN will_MD significantly_RB reduce_VB foot_NN complications_NNS in_IN patients_NNS with_IN diabetes_NN we_PP1AS recommend_VB using_VBG a_AT team_NN approach_NN when_WRB treating_VBG those_DTS who_WPR develop_VB complicated_JJ diabetic_JJ foot_NN disease_NN 138_CD conservative_JJ Treatment_NP of_IN the_ATI Scoliotic_NP and_CC Kyphotic_NP Patient_NP : brace_NN Treatment_NP and_CC Other_NP Modalities_NNS >_&FO 139_CD although_CS various_JJ forms_NNS of_IN nonoperative_JJ treatment_NN have_HV been_BEN applied_VBN to_IN spinal_JJ deformities_NNS over_IN the_ATI centuries_NNS , it_PP3 was_BEDZ the_ATI development_NN of_IN the_ATI original_JJ Milwaukee_NP brace_NN , a_AT cervicothoracic-lumbosacral_JJ orthosis_NN (_( CTLSO_NP )_) , by_IN Blount_NP and_CC Schmidt_NP in_IN the_ATI middle_JJB 1940s_CDS that_CS heralded_VBN a_AT new_JJ era_NN of_IN nonoperative_JJ treatment_NN and_CC that_WPR has_HVZ led_VBN to_TO much_AP of_IN the_ATI success_NN we_PP1AS enjoy_VB with_IN nonoperative_JJ treatment_NN today_NR furthermore_RB , as_IN our_PP$ understanding_NN of_IN the_ATI natural_JJ history_NN of_IN scoliosis_NN has_HVZ grown_VBN and_CC our_PP$ recognition_NN of_IN the_ATI specific_JJ genetic_JJ , curvature-related_JJ , or_CC neurophysiological_JJ factors_NNS that_CS predispose_NN patients_NNS to_TO curvature_NN progression_NN has_HVZ improved_JJ , so_QL has_HVZ our_PP$ ability_NN to_TO successfully_RB treat_VB patients_NNS by_IN nonoperative_JJ means_NNS 140_CD although_CS there_EX continue_VB to_TO be_BE some_DTI authors_NNS who_WPR voice_NN skepticism_NN over_IN the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN bracing_JJ for_IN idiopathic_JJ scoliosis_NN , it_PP3 remains_VBZ the_ATI only_RB nonoperative_JJ modality_NN consistently_RB shown_VBN to_TO alter_VB the_ATI natural_JJ progression_NN of_IN these_DTS curvatures_NNS the_ATI recent_JJ report_NN by_IN Nachemson_NP and_CC Peterson_NP of_IN the_ATI results_NNS of_IN a_AT prospective_JJ , randomized_JJ study_NN of_IN adolescent_JJ girls_NNS is_BEZ the_ATI latest_JJT and_CC soundest_JJT proof_NN of_IN the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN bracing_JJ , showing_VBG not_XNOT only_RB that_CS bracing_JJ significantly_RB curtailed_VBN curvature_NN progression_NN but_CC that_CS another_DT popular_JJ modality_NN , electrical_JJ stimulation_NN , was_BEDZ of_IN no_ATI benefit_NN whatsoever_WDT while_CS the_ATI CTLSO_NP remains_VBZ the_ATI gold_NN standard_NN for_IN orthotic_JJ treatment_NN in_IN adolescent_JJ idiopathic_JJ scoliosis_NN and_CC kyphosis_NN , many_AP new_JJ braces_NNS have_HV been_BEN developed_VBN that_WPR appear_VB to_TO provide_VB comparable_JJ control_NN , with_IN the_ATI added_VBD benefits_NNS of_IN improved_JJ patient_NN compliance_NN and_CC more_QL satisfactory_JJ brace_NN wear_NN nonetheless_RB , clear-cut_JJ answers_NNS to_TO many_AP questions_NNS regarding_IN the_ATI timing_NN and_CC the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN bracing_JJ do_DO not_XNOT exist_VB at_IN this_DT time_NN 141_CD OBSERVATION_NP 142_CD 5_CD knowing_VBG what_WDT we_PP1AS do_DO about_IN the_ATI natural_JJ history_NN of_IN scoliosis_NN , the_ATI most_QL reasonable_JJ initial_JJ approach_NN to_IN most_QL patients_NNS with_IN spinal_JJ deformities_NNS is_BEZ observation_NN while_CS measurable_JJ curvature_NN (_( greater_JJR than_IN 10_CD degrees_NNS in_IN magnitude_NN )_) may_MD be_BE found_VBN in_IN roughly_RB 3%_CD of_IN school- aged_JJ children_NNS , curvature_NN progressing_VBG to_IN greater_JJR than_IN 30_CD degrees_NNS in_IN magnitude_NN is_BEZ found_VBN in_IN less_AP than_IN 0.15%_CD of_IN that_DT population_NN the_ATI prevalence_NN of_IN scoliotic_JJ deformities_NNS requiring_VBG surgery_NN is_BEZ quite_RB low_JJ ; for_IN every_AT 30_CD patients_NNS with_IN measurable_JJ curvature_NN , only_RB two_CD or_CC three_CD will_MD require_VB bracing_JJ , and_CC only_RB one_CD1 will_MD require_VB surgical_JJ treatment_NN curvature_NN progression_NN , defined_VBD as_IN an_AT increase_NN in_IN angulation_NN of_IN more_AP than_IN 5_CD degrees_NNS , does_DOZ not_XNOT of_IN itself_PPL require_VB treatment_NN , but_CC persistent_JJ progression_NN , particularly_RB in_IN young_JJ patients_NNS , will_MD require_VB intervention_NN to_TO prevent_VB severe_JJ curvature_NN Skeletal_NP immaturity_NN at_IN diagnosis_NN , determined_VBN by_IN Risser_NP stages_NNS of_IN ossification_NN (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) , is_BEZ another_DT predictor_NN of_IN outcome_NN , as_IN is_BEZ the_ATI degree_NN of_IN deformity_NN at_IN initial_JJ presentation_NN although_CS we_PP1AS can_MD identify_VB a_AT number_NN of_IN risk_NN factors_NNS that_DT may_MD suggest_VB that_CS specific_JJ curvature_NN will_MD progress_VB , observation_NN remains_VBZ a_AT necessary_JJ mode_NN of_IN treatment_NN for_IN almost_RB all_ABN patients_NNS initially_RB 143_CD despite_IN the_ATI advent_NN of_IN modified_JJ inclinometers_NNS such_IN as_IN the_ATI scoliosometer_NN and_CC the_ATI use_NN of_IN other_AP measuring_VBG systems_NNS such_IN as_IN Moire_NP topography_NN , serial_JJ roentgenography_NN remains_VBZ the_ATI standard_NN for_IN following_JJ up_RP developmental_JJ spinal_JJ deformities_NNS once_RB a_AT significant_JJ rib_NN prominence_NN has_HVZ been_BEN noted_VBN on_IN forward_RB bending_NN (_( 2_CD to_IN 3_CD cm_NNU of_IN rib_NN elevation_NN or_CC more_AP than_IN 5_CD degrees_NNS of_IN trunk_NN rotation_NN by_IN scoliosmeter_NN )_) , a_AT single_JJ screening_NN posteroanterior_NN roentgentogram_NN is_BEZ warranted_VBD deformities_NNS of_IN lesser_JJR magnitude_NN require_VB reexamination_NN at_IN 6_CD to_IN 12_CD months_NNS but_CC no_ATI roentgenogram_NN The_NP frequency_NN with_IN which_WDTR roentgenograms_NN should_MD be_BE obtained_VBN thereafter_RB is_BEZ determined_VBN by_IN both_ABX the_ATI patient's_NN$ age_NN and_CC the_ATI severity_NN of_IN curvature_NN at_IN presentation_NN patients_NNS with_IN high-degree_NN curvature_NN presenting_VBG during_IN their_PP$ growth_NN spurts_NNS or_CC with_IN additional_JJ risk_NN factors_NNS such_IN as_IN neurologic_JJ dysfunction_NN or_CC strong_JJ genetic_JJ histories_NNS should_MD be_BE followed_VBN up_RP more_QL frequently_RB than_IN patients_NNS with_IN low-degree_NN curvature_NN presenting_VBG before_CS or_CC after_IN their_PP$ growth_NN spurts_NNS for_IN patients_NNS with_IN curvature_NN greater_JJR than_IN 10_CD degrees_NNS , follow-up_NN should_MD be_BE continued_VBN until_IN skeletal_JJ maturity_NN patients_NNS with_IN curvature_NN greater_JJR than_IN 20_CD degrees_NNS may_MD require_VB follow-up_NN for_IN 2_CD to_IN 4_CD years_NNS after_IN skeletal_JJ maturity_NN to_TO access_NN possible_JJ progression_NN in_IN adulthood_NN 144_CD in_IN following_JJ up_RP patients_NNS with_IN scoliosis_NN , serial_JJ roentgenograms_NNS should_MD always_RB be_BE viewed_VBN in_IN a_AT series_NN as_CS increases_NNS of_IN 2_CD degrees_NNS to_IN 3_CD degrees_NNS in_IN the_ATI deformity_NN may_MD be_BE dismissed_VBN as_IN a_AT measurement_NN error_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ always_RB important_JJ to_TO compare_VB current_JJ films_NNS with_IN the_ATI initial_JJ films_NNS taken_VBN at_IN presentation_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ also_RB important_JJ to_TO be_BE sure_JJ that_CS all_ABN films_NNS being_BEG compared_VBN are_BER taken_VBN in_IN the_ATI same_AP manner_NN films_NNS taken_VBN at_IN an_AT outside_IN facility_NN may_MD not_XNOT be_BE comparable_JJ to_IN those_DTS taken_VBN at_IN a_AT scoliosis_NN center_NN , and_CC differences_NNS in_IN measurements_NNS between_IN the_ATI two_CD are_BER not_XNOT necessarily_RB dependable_JJ 145_CD the_ATI timing_NN of_IN follow-up_NN depends_VBZ on_IN the_ATI individual_JJ young_JJ patients_NNS with_IN relatively_RB minor_JJ curvature_NN should_MD be_BE seen_VBN every_AT 6_CD months_NNS to_TO 1_CD1 year_NN for_IN examination_NN and_CC roentgenography_NN likewise_RB , patients_NNS nearing_VBG maturity_NN who_WPR have_HV relatively_RB minor_JJ curvature_NN may_MD also_RB be_BE seen_VBN on_IN a_AT yearly_JJ basis_NN Patients_NP with_IN more_QL significant_JJ curvature_NN and_CC those_DTS entering_VBG the_ATI rapid-growth_JJ phase_NN of_IN development_NN should_MD be_BE seen_VBN every_AT 3_CD to_IN 4_CD months_NNS for_IN an_AT examination_NN with_IN roentgenography_NN if_CS curvature_NN appears_VBZ stable_JJ , roentgenograms_NNS may_MD be_BE taken_VBN at_IN every_AT other_AP visit_NN , but_CC it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO examine_VB these_DTS patients_NNS on_IN a_AT frequent_JJ and_CC regular_JJ basis.=20_CD 146_CD patients_NNS who_WPR have_HV entered_VBN into_IN a_AT bracing_JJ program_NN should_MD be_BE seen_VBN at_IN least_RB every_AT 3_CD to_IN 4_CD months_NNS for_IN a_AT clinical_JJ evaluation_NN , and_CC roentgenograms_NNS should_MD be_BE obtained_VBN every_AT 6_CD months_NNS and_CC any_DTI time_NN there_EX is_BEZ an_AT apparent_JJ change_NN in_IN the_ATI contour_NN of_IN the_ATI back_RP or_CC the_ATI fit_NN of_IN the_ATI brace_NN 147_CD observation_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT appropriate_JJ for_IN certain_JJ patients_NNS skeletally_RB immature_JJ patients_NNS (_( at_IN Risser_NP stages_NNS 0_CD to_IN 2_CD )_) presenting_VBG with_IN 30_CD degrees_NNS to_IN 40_CD degrees_NNS curvature_NN may_MD warrant_VB immediate_JJ bracing_JJ , as_IN a_AT delay_NN may_MD result_VB in_IN curvature_NN progression_NN , necessitating_VBG surgical_JJ intervention_NN Likewise_NP , the_ATI patient_NN with_IN flaccid_JJ paralysis_NN and_CC 20_CD degrees_NNS or_CC more_AP of_IN curvature_NN may_MD benefit_VB from_IN early_JJ brace_NN immobilization_NN , obtaining_VBG significant_JJ trunk_NN growth_NN prior_RB to_IN surgical_JJ intervention_NN the_ATI use_NN of_IN bracing_NN in_IN spastic_JJ patients_NNS is_BEZ more_QL controversial_JJ , although_CS some_DTI authors_NNS have_HV shown_VBN that_CS , even_RB in_IN face_NN of_IN mild_JJ spasticity_NN , bracing_JJ can_MD be_BE beneficial_JJ at_IN an_AT early_JJ stage_NN 148_CD ORTHOTIC_NP TREATMENT_NP 149_CD despite_IN great_JJ innovation_NN and_CC complexity_NN of_IN treatment_NN , success_NN in_IN controlling_VBG scoliotic_JJ deformities_NNS was_BEDZ not_XNOT reliably_RB obtained_VBN until_IN the_ATI 1900s_CD in_IN 1946_CD , Blount_NP and_CC Schmidt_NP demonstrated_VBD their_PP$ CTLSO_NP at_IN the_ATI annual_JJ meeting_NN of_IN the_ATI American_JNP Academy_NP of_IN Orthopaedic_NP Surgeons_NP Initially_NP intended_VBD as_IN a_AT postoperative_JJ support_NN , the_ATI Milwaukee_NP brace_NN was_BEDZ soon_RB recognized_VBN as_CS being_BEG effective_JJ in_IN the_ATI nonoperative_JJ treatment_NN of_IN early_JJ scoliotic_JJ curvature_NN the_ATI principle_NN of_IN the_ATI device_NN is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN control_NN of_IN the_ATI lumbar_NN lordosis_NN , pressure_NN over_IN the_ATI apices_NNS of_IN the_ATI curve_NN , and_CC application_NN of_IN longitudinal_JJ traction_NN through_IN the_ATI neck_NN ring_NN (_( Figure_NP 2).=20_CD 150_CD lower_JJR lumbar_NN curvature_NN is_BEZ controlled_VBN by_IN a_AT molded_JJ lumbar_NN pad_NN , and_CC thoracic_JJ curvature_NN is_BEZ controlled_VBN by_IN a_AT molded_VBN thoracic_JJ pad_NN placed_VBN just_RB below_IN the_ATI apex_NN of_IN the_ATI curve_NN on_IN the_ATI convex_NN side_NN the_ATI patient's_NN$ head_NN is_BEZ positioned_VBN against_IN the_ATI bilateral_JJ occipital_JJ pads_NNS , and_CC the_ATI anterior_JJ throat_NN mold_NN ensures_VBZ that_CS the_ATI patient_NN maintains_VBZ contact_NN with_IN these_DTS pads_NNS as_IN the_ATI head_NN rocks_NNS back_RP against_IN the_ATI pads_NNS , the_ATI resulting_JJ axial_JJ traction_NN acts_NNS to_TO further_JJB straighten_VB the_ATI upper_JJB thoracic_JJ and_CC the_ATI cervical_JJ spine_NN by_IN adjusting_VBG the_ATI position_NN of_IN the_ATI lumbar_NN and_CC the_ATI thoracic_JJ pads_NNS , a_AT wide_JJ variety_NN of_IN curvature_NN patterns_NNS can_MD be_BE controlled_VBN using_VBG the_ATI Milwaukee_NP brace_NN it_PP3 is_BEZ still_RB the_ATI brace_NN of_IN choice_NN for_IN any_DTI major_JJ thoracic_JJ curvature_NN with_IN the_ATI apex_NN above_IN the_ATI T-7_NP level_NN , for_IN cervicothoracic_JJ curvature_NN patterns_NNS , and_CC for_IN kyphotic_JJ thoracic_JJ deformities_NNS 151_CD a_AT wide_JJ variety_NN of_IN underarm_NN orthoses_NNS have_HV been_BEN developed_VBN over_IN the_ATI past_JJB 20_CD years_NNS , designed_VBD to_TO improve_VB on_IN the_ATI aesthetics_NN and_CC the_ATI comfort_NN of_IN the_ATI Milwaukee_NP brace_NN (_( Figure_NP 3_CD )_) taking_VBG advantage_NN of_IN new_JJ thermoplastic_JJ materials_NNS , these_DTS braces_NNS have_HV proven_VBN effective_JJ in_IN treating_VBG many_AP forms_NNS of_IN scoliotic_JJ curvature_NN , with_IN a_AT high_JJ degree_NN of_IN patient_NN acceptance_NN and_CC a_AT far_RB more_QL pleasant_JJ appearance_NN than_IN the_ATI Milwaukee_NP brace_NN while_CS the_ATI Milwaukee_NP brace_NN depends_VBZ to_IN some_DTI extent_NN on_IN the_ATI longitudinal_JJ traction_NN generated_VBN by_IN contact_NN with_IN the_ATI occipital_JJ posts_NNS , underarm_NN orthoses_NNS are_BER passive_JJ devices_NNS , depending_VBG on_IN fit_NN and_CC appropriate_JJ padding_VBG for_IN control_NN thoracic_JJ curvature_NN is_BEZ controlled_VBN by_IN a_AT built-in_JJB pad_NN set_VBN just_RB below_IN the_ATI apex_NN of_IN the_ATI curve_NN on_IN the_ATI convex_NN side.=20_CD 152_CD these_DTS orthoses_NNS are_BER primarily_RB effective_JJ in_IN patients_NNS with_IN thoracic_JJ curvature_NN , with_IN the_ATI apex_NN of_IN the_ATI curve_NN below_IN the_ATI T-7_NP level_NN , and_CC in_IN patients_NNS with_IN thoracolumbar_NN and_CC lumbar_NN curvature_NN 153_CD the_ATI Charleston_NP nighttime_NN bending_NN brace_NN is_BEZ a_AT custom- molded_JJ orthosis_NN designed_VBN to_TO reduce_VB scoliotic_JJ curvature_NN by_IN holding_VBG the_ATI patients_NNS in_IN a_AT markedly_RB reversed_JJ position_NN from_IN their_PP$ scoliotic_JJ curvature_NN the_ATI brace_NN is_BEZ molded_VBN in_IN maximal_JJ reverse_JJ bending_NN so_CS that_CS curvature_NN is_BEZ forcibly_RB straightened_VBD to_IN the_ATI greatest_JJT degree_NN allowed_VBN by_IN its_PP$ flexibility_NN the_ATI awkward_JJ position_NN imposed_VBN on_IN the_ATI patient_NN makes_VBZ walking_VBG very_QL difficult_JJ , and_CC , therefore_RB , the_ATI brace_NN is_BEZ worn_VBN only_RB at_IN night_NN preliminary_JJ results_NNS with_IN this_DT system_NN have_HV been_BEN good_JJ : 83%_CD of_IN skeletally_RB immature_JJ patients_NNS have_HV had_HVD satisfactory_JJ control_NN of_IN curvature_NN using_VBG the_ATI nighttime_NN brace_NN only_RB further_JJB study_NN and_CC analysis_NN of_IN the_ATI long-term_JJB results_NNS will_MD be_BE necessary_JJ before_CS this_DT brace_NN can_MD be_BE endorsed_VBN without_IN reservation_NN , however_RB , and_CC some_DTI authors_NNS have_HV questioned_VBN its_PP$ use_NN in_IN double_JJ major_JJ curvature_NN 154_CD despite_IN the_ATI variety_NN of_IN orthotic_JJ designs_NNS and_CC materials_NNS , the_ATI following_JJ objectives_NNS of_IN treatment_NN remain_VB the_ATI same_AP : (_( 1_CD1 )_) to_TO stop_VB the_ATI progression_NN of_IN scoliotic_JJ curvature_NN , (_( 2_CD )_) to_TO gain_VB permanent_JJ correction_NN in_IN anticipation_NN of_IN skeletal_JJ maturity_NN , and_CC (_( 3_CD )_) to_TO allow_VB for_IN continued_VBD growth_NN of_IN the_ATI spine_NN during_IN adolescence_NN orthotic_JJ devices_NNS are_BER better_JJR at_IN halting_VBG curvature_NN progression_NN than_CS at_IN correcting_VBG deformity_NN hence_RB , the_ATI degree_NN of_IN deformity_NN seen_VBN at_IN the_ATI start_NN of_IN bracing_NN is_BEZ usually_RB about_IN the_ATI same_AP as_IN the_ATI final_JJ outcome_NN seen_VBN after_IN completion_NN of_IN bracing_JJ for_IN this_DT reason_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO begin_VB brace_NN wear_NN before_CS curvature_NN reaches_VBZ an_AT unacceptable_JJ magnitude.=20_CD 155_CD the_ATI general_JJ indications_NNS for_IN orthotic_JJ treatment_NN in_IN idiopathic_JJ scoliosis_NN are_BER as_IN follows_VBZ : 156_CD children_NNS presenting_VBG with_IN curvature_NN of_IN 10_CD degrees_NNS to_IN 20_CD degrees_NNS are_BER almost_RB always_RB indicated_VBN for_IN observation_NN occasionally_RB a_AT young_JJ child_NN with_IN a_AT significant_JJ genetic_JJ history_NN or_CC other_AP risk_NN factors_NNS will_MD be_BE considered_VBN for_IN bracing_JJ with_IN curvature_NN of_IN less_AP than_IN 20_CD degrees_NNS , but_CC this_DT is_BEZ an_AT unusual_JJ situation_NN 157_CD children_NNS presenting_VBG with_IN curvature_NN of_IN 20_CD degrees_NNS to_IN 30_CD degrees_NNS should_MD also_RB be_BE observed_VBN , at_RB least_RB initially_RB roughly_RB 20%_NP of_IN patients_NNS in_IN this_DT group_NN will_MD show_VB no_ATI further_JJB progression_NN if_CS followed_VBN up_RP over_IN time_NN During_NP the_ATI observation_NN period_NN , roentgenograms_NNS should_MD be_BE obtained_VBN at_IN 3-_CD to_TO 6-month_VB intervals_NNS and_CC compared_VBN with_IN the_ATI original_JJ films_NNS if_CS the_ATI curvature_NN increases_NNS by_IN more_AP than_IN 5_CD degrees_NNS in_IN a_AT skeletally_RB immature_JJ patient_NN , bracing_NN is_BEZ indicated_VBN 158_CD children_NNS presenting_VBG with_IN 30_CD degrees_NNS to_IN 39_CD degrees_NNS curvature_NN require_VB prompt_JJ treatment_NN these_DTS patients_NNS are_BER at_IN high_JJ risk_NN of_IN progression_NN of_IN curvature_NN and_CC may_MD rapidly_RB progress_VB beyond_IN the_ATI point_NN at_IN which_WDTR bracing_NN is_BEZ effective_JJ once_RB curvature_NN exceeds_VBZ 40_CD degrees_NNS , surgical_JJ treatment_NN may_MD be_BE the_ATI only_AP means_NNS of_IN controlling_VBG and_CC correcting_VBG the_ATI deformity_NN children_NNS presenting_VBG with_IN curvature_NN of_IN 40_CD degrees_NNS to_IN 50_CD degrees_NNS in_IN magnitude_NN usually_RB require_VB surgical_JJ treatment_NN however_RB , if_CS the_ATI patient_NN has_HVZ a_AT well-balanced_JJ spine_NN and_CC the_ATI curvature_NN is_BEZ flexible_JJ , there_EX may_MD be_BE some_DTI benefit_NN to_IN bracing_JJ rather_RB than_IN surgery_NN in_IN very_AP young_JJ patients_NNS , bracing_JJ may_MD retard_VB progression_NN long_JJ enough_QLP to_TO allow_VB further_JJB trunk_NN growth_NN before_CS the_ATI inevitable_JJ fusion_NN 159_CD bracing_NN is_BEZ generally_RB ineffective_JJ in_IN controlling_JJ curvature_NN of_IN greater_JJR than_IN 50_CD degrees_NNS in_IN curvature_NN of_IN this_DT magnitude_NN , the_ATI Mehta_NP rib_NN angle_NN is_BEZ usually_RB such_ABL that_CS no_ATI significant_JJ corrective_NN pressure_NN can_MD be_BE applied_VBN over_IN the_ATI rib_NN cage_NN likewise_RB , the_ATI imbalance_NN of_IN the_ATI rib_NN hump_NN and_CC trunk_NN are_BER frequently_RB such_ABL that_CS bracing_JJ will_MD not_XNOT result_VB in_IN a_AT satisfactory_JJ outcome_NN these_DTS patients_NNS are_BER generally_RB best_JJT treated_VBN with_IN surgery_NN 160_CD lateral_JJ roentgenograms_NNS should_MD be_BE studied_VBN carefully_RB in_IN all_ABN patients_NNS indicated_VBN for_IN brace_NN treatment_NN ; those_DTS with_IN significant_JJ thoracic_JJ hypokyphosis_NN may_MD prove_VB impossible_JJ to_TO successfully_RB treat_VB with_IN bracing_JJ in_IN these_DTS patients_NNS , the_ATI thoracic_JJ pressure_NN pad_NN of_IN an_AT orthosis_NN may_MD tend_VB to_TO increase_VB the_ATI hypokyphosis_NN and_CC aggravate_VB the_ATI scoliotic_JJ deformity_NN these_DTS patients_NNS may_MD require_VB surgical_JJ treatment_NN at_IN an_AT earlier_RBR age_NN , because_CS of_IN both_ABX the_ATI difficulty_NN in_IN bracing_JJ this_DT type_NN of_IN curvature_NN and_CC its_PP$ high_JJ propensity_NN for_IN progression_NN 161_CD noncompliance_NN is_BEZ the_ATI primary_JJ cause_NN of_IN failure_NN in_IN orthotic_JJ treatment_NN programs_NNS the_ATI older_JJR the_ATI child_NN at_IN the_ATI beginning_NN of_IN treatment_NN , the_ATI less_QL likely_JJ he_PP3A or_CC she_PP3A is_BEZ to_TO comply_VB with_IN bracing_JJ compliance_NN is_BEZ better_JJR with_IN underarm_NN braces_NNS than_CS with_IN the_ATI more_QL cumbersome_JJ CTLSO_NP to_TO maximize_VB brace_NN compliance_NN and_CC minimize_NN treatment_NN failure_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO spend_VB time_NN fitting_JJ the_ATI brace_NN and_CC ensuring_VBG that_CS the_ATI brace_NN is_BEZ comfortable_JJ and_CC properly_RB padded_JJ and_CC trimmed_VBN the_ATI nursing_NN staff_NN and_CC the_ATI physician_NN should_MD spend_VB time_NN educating_VBG both_ABX patients_NNS and_CC parents.=20_CD 162_CD once_RB the_ATI brace_NN is_BEZ obtained_VBN , roentgenograms_NNS should_MD be_BE obtained_VBN to_TO document_NN the_ATI improvement_NN of_IN curvature_NN in_IN the_ATI brace_NN it_PP3 also_RB helps_VBZ to_TO have_HV some_DTI form_NN of_IN peer_NN support_NN from_IN other_AP patients_NNS with_IN braces_NNS special_JJ peer_NN support_NN groups_NNS established_VBN through_IN a_AT brace_NN clinic_NN may_MD help_VB adolescent_JJ patients_NNS deal_VB with_IN the_ATI social_JJ stigma_NN of_IN brace_NN wear_NN and_CC can_MD provide_VB them_PP3OS with_IN positive_JJ role_NN models_NNS for_IN treatment_NN compliance_NN 163_CD the_ATI length_NN of_IN time_NN that_CS a_AT brace_NN must_MD be_BE worn_VBN each_DT day_NN to_TO be_BE effective_JJ is_BEZ unknown_JJ patients_NNS using_VBG the_ATI Milwaukee_NP brace_NN were_BED originally_RB instructed_VBN to_TO wear_VB it_PP3 23_CD h_d_NN and_CC to_TO have_HV it_PP3 off_RP no_ATI more_AP than_IN 1_CD1 hour_NN for_IN bathing_VBG and_CC exercises_NNS the_ATI good_JJ outcomes_NNS reported_VBN by_IN many_AP authors_NNS in_IN long- term_JJB follow-up_NN studies_NNS on_IN the_ATI Milwaukee_NP brace_NN have_HV assumed_VBN that_CS patients_NNS wore_VBD their_PP$ braces_NNS for_IN the_ATI desired_JJ time_NN more_AP recent_JJ studies_NNS , however_RB , have_HV pointed_VBN out_RP that_CS patients_NNS rarely_RB wear_VB their_PP$ braces_NNS for_IN the_ATI full_JJ prescribed_JJ time_NN , and_CC that_CS partial_JJ brace_NN wear_NN is_BEZ usually_RB the_ATI norm_NN Subsequent_NP studies_NNS have_HV shown_VBN that_CS patients_NNS who_WPR wear_VB their_PP$ braces_NNS part-time_JJB have_HV had_HVD equally_RB satisfactory_JJ outcomes_NNS compared_VBN with_IN those_DTS patients_NNS who_WPR wear_VB their_PP$ braces_NNS full-time_JJB many_AP physicians_NNS now_RN recommend_VB part-time_JJB bracing_JJ as_IN their_PP$ standard_JJ nonoperative_JJ treatment_NN of_IN scoliosis_NN , usually_RB using_VBG a_AT 16-h_d_CD-CD protocol_NN 164_CD although_CS exercise_NN programs_NNS have_HV not_XNOT been_BEN shown_VBN to_TO affect_VB correction_NN of_IN curvature_NN or_CC final_JJ outcome_NN , most_QL physicians_NNS feel_VB that_CS a_AT general_JJ exercise_NN program_NN is_BEZ in_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ best_JJT interest_NN for_IN this_DT reason,patients_NNS on_IN a_AT 16-h_d_CD-CD protocol_NN may_MD be_BE out_RP of_IN their_PP$ braces_NNS for_IN physical_JJ education_NN activities_NNS and_CC exercise_NN as_QL often_RB as_IN desired_VBN patients_NNS should_MD be_BE encouraged_VBN to_TO exercise_VB both_ABX in_IN and_CC out_RP of_IN the_ATI brace_NN and_CC should_MD not_XNOT be_BE restricted_JJ from_IN competitive_JJ athletic_JJ programs_NNS by_IN wearing_VBG their_PP$ braces_NNS 165_CD during_IN brace_NN treatment_NN , patients_NNS are_BER seen_VBN every_AT 3_CD to_IN 6_CD months_NNS , with_IN a_AT clinical_JJ examination_NN at_IN each_DT visit_NN (_( Figure_NP 4_CD )_) the_ATI skin_NN should_MD be_BE carefully_RB checked_VBN for_IN breakdown_NN or_CC dermatitis_NN , and_CC problems_NNS with_IN refitting_VBG of_IN the_ATI brace_NN should_MD be_BE corrected_VBN promptly_RB the_ATI patient's_NN$ weight_NN and_CC conditioning_NN should_MD be_BE assessed_VBN on_IN a_AT regular_JJ basis_NN , and_CC patients_NNS undergoing_VBG significant_JJ weight_NN gain_NN should_MD be_BE counseled_VBN about_IN exercise_NN and_CC diet.=20_CD 166_CD if_CS patients_NNS are_BER gaining_VBG significant_JJ amounts_NNS of_IN weight_NN , refitting_VBG or_CC replacement_NN of_IN the_ATI brace_NN may_MD be_BE necessary_JJ although_CS newer_JJR equipment_NN and_CC film_NN types_NNS have_HV markedly_RB reduced_VBN the_ATI amount_NN of_IN radiation_NN involved_VBN in_IN posteroanterior_JJ films_NNS of_IN scoliosis_NN , roentgenograms_NNS are_BER not_XNOT necessary_JJ at_IN every_AT visit_NN unless_CS there_EX is_BEZ clinical_JJ evidence_NN of_IN progression_NN , roentgenograms_NNS need_MD not_XNOT be_BE taken_VBN more_QL often_RB than_IN twice_RB a_AT year_NN in_IN most_QL cases_NNS 167_CD weaning_JJ from_IN the_ATI brace_NN can_MD begin_VB when_WRB the_ATI patient_NN reaches_VBZ skeletal_JJ maturity_NN this_DT process_NN usually_RB begins_VBZ when_WRB the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ 2_CD years_NNS of_IN postmenarchal_JJ age_NN or_CC has_HVZ reached_VBN at_RB least_RB Risser_NP stage_NN 4_CD a_AT useful_JJ protocol_NN for_IN weaning_JJ usually_RB begins_VBZ by_IN allowing_VBG the_ATI patient_JJ out_RP of_IN the_ATI brace_NN an_AT additional_JJ 4_CD hours_NNS in_IN the_ATI afternoon_NN or_CC evening_NN and_CC increasing_JJ the_ATI time_NN allowed_VBN out_RP of_IN the_ATI brace_NN by_IN 4-hour_NN increments_NNS at_IN sequential_JJ visits_NNS 4_CD months_NNS apart_RP even_RB after_IN the_ATI patient_NN has_HVZ reached_VBN the_ATI point_NN when_WRB he_PP3A or_CC she_PP3A is_BEZ out_RP of_IN the_ATI brace_NN full- time_JJB during_IN the_ATI day_NN , the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ encouraged_VBN to_TO continue_VB wearing_VBG the_ATI brace_NN at_IN night_NN for_IN an_AT additional_JJ year_NN after_IN that_DT time_NN , the_ATI brace_NN is_BEZ simply_RB eliminated_VBN 168_CD RESULTS_NP 169_CD orthotic_JJ treatment_NN of_IN scoliosis_NN results_NNS in_IN one_CD1 of_IN four_CD typical_JJ outcomes_NNS first_OD , there_EX are_BER a_JJ few_AP patients_NNS who_WPR will_MD experience_VB great_JJ improvement_NN in_IN curvature_NN while_CS wearing_VBG the_ATI orthosis_NN and_CC will_MD stabilize_VB at_IN this_DT corrected_VBN position_NN even_RB after_IN completing_VBG brace_NN wear_NN , these_DTS patients_NNS will_MD have_HV a_AT significant_JJ improvement_NN in_IN their_PP$ scoliosis_JJ relative_JJ to_IN original_JJ curvature_NN second_OD , a_AT much_RB larger_JJR group_NN of_IN patients_NNS will_MD experience_VB significant_JJ improvement_NN while_CS in_IN the_ATI brace_NN but_CC , after_IN weaning_JJ from_IN the_ATI brace_NN and_CC brace_NN removal_NN , will_MD lose_VB most_AP of_IN this_DT correction_NN These_NP patients_NNS tend_VB to_TO stabilize_VB with_IN final_JJ curvature_NN that_WPR is_BEZ a_AP few_AP degrees_NNS better_JJR than_IN curvature_NN with_IN which_WDTR they_PP3AS presented_VBD but_CC without_IN marked_JJ correction.=20_CD 170_CD a_AT third_OD group_NN of_IN patients_NNS will_MD suffer_VB some_DTI small_JJ increase_NN in_IN curvature_NN despite_IN bracing_JJ but_CC will_MD not_XNOT progress_VB to_IN the_ATI point_NN where_WRB surgical_JJ intervention_NN is_BEZ indicated_VBN a_AT final_JJ , small_JJ group_NN of_IN patients_NNS will_MD experience_VB relentless_JJ progression_NN of_IN curvature_NN despite_IN appropriate_JJ bracing_JJ and_CC good_JJ patient_NN compliance_NN these_DTS patients_NNS invariably_RB undergo_VB surgical_JJ intervention_NN and_CC spinal_JJ fusion_NN as_IN their_PP$ definitive_JJ treatment_NN This_NN last_AP group_NN represents_VBZ roughly_RB 10%_CD of_IN all_ABN children_NNS undergoing_VBG bracing_JJ 171_CD orthotic_JJ treatment_NN appears_VBZ to_TO have_HV equal_JJ efficacy_NN for_IN thoracic_JJ , thoracolumbar_NN , and_CC lumbar_NN curvature_NN although_CS patients_NNS with_IN thoracolumbar_NN and_CC lumbar_NN curvature_NN generally_RB see_VB a_AT greater_JJR degree_NN of_IN correction_NN when_WRB bracing_NN is_BEZ started_VBN , they_PP3AS often_RB demonstrate_VB a_AT greater_JJR decompensation_NN after_IN bracing_NN is_BEZ completed_VBN in_IN all_ABN three_CD curvature_NN patterns_NNS , patients_NNS generally_RB end_NN with_IN curvature_NN similar_JJ to_TO that_CS with_IN which_WDTR they_PP3AS presented_VBD with_IN respect_NN to_TO high-magnitude_VB curvature_NN , however_RB , thoracic_JJ curvature_NN does_DOZ tend_VB to_TO respond_VB to_IN bracing_JJ more_QL favorably_RB than_IN high-magnitude_NN thoracolumbar_NN and_CC lumbar_NN curvature_NN 172_CD BRACE_NPT TREATMENT_NPT FOR_NP BOYS_NP 173_CD recent_JJ studies_NNS have_HV identified_JJ differences_NNS in_IN the_ATI evolution_NN of_IN curvature_NN in_IN girls_NNS and_CC boys_NNS , which_WDTR have_HV implications_NNS in_IN treatment_NN decisions_NNS the_ATI likelihood_NN of_IN curvature_NN progression_NN in_IN boys_NNS with_IN idiopathic_JJ scoliosis_NN has_HVZ been_BEN linked_VBN to_TO curvature_NN magnitude_NN while_CS curvature_NN of_IN less_AP than_IN 25_CD degrees_NNS can_MD progress_VB in_IN patients_NNS at_IN Risser_NP stage_NN 0_CD , such_ABL progression_NN is_BEZ unlikely_JJ in_IN patients_NNS at_IN more_QL advanced_JJ Risser_NP stages_NNS in_IN curvature_NN larger_JJR than_IN 25_CD degrees_NNS , however_RB , progression_NN has_HVZ been_BEN documented_VBN in_IN nearly_RB one_CD1 third_OD of_IN boys_NNS at_IN Risser_NP stages_NNS 1_CD1 through_IN 4_CD in_IN addition_NN , in_IN studies_NNS of_IN boys_NNS at_IN Risser_NP stage_NN 4_CD , in_IN whom_WPOR curvature_NN was_BEDZ initially_RB believed_VBN to_TO be_BE stable_JJ , 15%_CD progressed_VBN in_IN the_ATI group_NN studied_VBN by_IN Karol_NP et_&FW al_APS , and_CC 30%_NP progressed_VBD in_IN the_ATI population_NN studied_VBN by_IN Suh_NP and_CC MacEwen_NP .=20_CD 174_CD based_VBN on_IN these_DTS data_NNS , conservative_JJ treatment_NN in_IN boys_NNS should_MD include_VB (_( 1_CD1 )_) observation_NN of_IN all_ABN curvature_NN until_IN Risser_NP stage_NN 5_CD (_( complete_JJ skeletal_JJ maturity_NN )_) is_BEZ reached_VBN ; (_( 2_CD )_) prescription_NN of_IN braces_NNS to_IN boys_NNS with_IN progressive_JJ curvature_NN in_IN excess_NN of_IN 25_CD degrees_NNS , including_IN those_DTS presenting_VBG at_IN Risser_NP stage_NN 4_CD ; and_CC (_( 3_CD )_) delayed_VBN weaning_JJ from_IN the_ATI brace_NN until_IN the_ATI boys_NNS are_BER nearer_RBR to_IN skeletal_JJ maturity_NN despite_IN these_DTS guidelines_NNS for_IN brace_NN treatment_NN in_IN boys_NNS with_IN scoliosis_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ evident_JJ that_CS a_AT brace_NN sitting_VBG in_IN a_AT closet_NN will_MD have_HV no_ATI effect_NN on_IN curvature_NN compliance_NN in_IN boys_NNS is_BEZ a_AT distinct_JJ problem_NN , with_IN 36%_CD of_IN boys_NNS in_IN the_ATI series_NN by_IN Karol_NP et_&FW al_APS documented_VBN as_CS poor_JJ users_NNS or_CC nonusers_NNS of_IN their_PP$ braces_NNS 175_CD SCHEUERMANN_NP 'S_NP$ KYPHOSIS_NP 176_CD patients_NNS with_IN Scheuermann's_NP$ kyphosis_NN , even_RB with_IN severe_JJ clinical_JJ deformity_NN and_CC kyphosis_NN of_IN more_AP than_IN 50_CD degrees_NNS , can_MD be_BE successfully_RB treated_VBN with_IN the_ATI CTLSO_NP Sachs_NP et_&FW al_APS have_HV shown_VBN generally_RB good_JJ results_NNS using_VBG the_ATI Milwaukee_NP brace_NN for_IN patients_NNS with_IN moderate-to- severe_NN Scheuermann's_NP$ kyphosis_NN Bradford_NP et_&FW al_APS described_VBN 75_CD patients_NNS with_IN Scheuermann's_NP$ kyphosis_NN who_WPR were_BED treated_VBN with_IN the_ATI Milwaukee_NP brace_NN , noting_VBG a_AT 40%_NP improvement_NN in_IN the_ATI degree_NN of_IN kyphotic_JJ deformity_NN , with_IN 73_CD of_IN the_ATI 75_CD patients_NNS showing_VBG some_DTI degree_NN of_IN improvement.=20_CD 177_CD unsuccessful_JJ treatment_NN (_( failure_NN to_TO reduce_VB the_ATI kyphosis_NN to_TO less_AP than_IN 45_CD degrees_NNS )_) was_BEDZ more_QL likely_RB in_IN patients_NNS with_IN (_( 1_CD1 )_) vertebral_JJ wedging_VBG greater_JJR than_IN 10_CD degrees_NNS in_IN more_AP than_IN one_CD1 vertebra_NN , (_( 2_CD )_) initial_JJ kyphosis_NN greater_JJR than_IN 65_CD degrees_NNS , and_CC (_( 3_CD )_) initiation_NN of_IN treatment_NN after_IN the_ATI iliac_JJ epiphyses_NNS had_HVD closed_VBN in_IN another_DT study_NN , patients_NNS treated_VBN with_IN a_AT modified_VBN CTLSO_NP saw_VBD significant_JJ initial_JJ improvement_NN in_IN kyphosis_NN over_IN 18_CD months_NNS , only_RB to_TO experience_VB an_AT average_JJ 15_CD degrees_NNS loss_NN of_IN correction_NN during_IN the_ATI next_AP 18_CD months_NNS after_IN weaning_JJ from_IN the_ATI brace_NN to_TO maintain_VB correction_NN , it_PP3 has_HVZ been_BEN suggested_VBN that_CS the_ATI brace_NN be_BE worn_VBN until_IN there_EX is_BEZ improvement_NN in_IN vertebral_JJ wedging_VBG to_IN roughly_RB 5_CD degrees_NNS bracing_JJ for_IN longer_RBR than_IN 18_CD months_NNS is_BEZ necessary_JJ to_TO achieve_VB this_DT improvement_NN in_IN most_QL cases_NNS 178_CD the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN postural_JJ kyphosis_NN (_( supple_JJ , nonstructural_JJ kyphosis_NN that_WPR is_BEZ usually_RB easily_RB correctable_JJ early_JJ on_IN )_) is_BEZ similar_JJ to_TO that_CS of_IN patients_NNS with_IN Scheuermann's_NP$ kyphosis_NN in_IN young_JJ , preadolescent_NN children_NNS with_IN supple_JJ kyphosis_NN , exercises_NNS may_MD be_BE sufficient_JJ to_IN correct_JJ the_ATI deformity_NN if_CS progression_NN of_IN the_ATI kyphosis_NN is_BEZ seen_VBN or_CC if_CS the_ATI patient_NN develops_VBZ roentgenographic_JJ changes_NNS secondary_JJ to_IN prolonged_JJ kyphosis_NN , bracing_JJ may_MD be_BE instituted_VBD to_IN correct_JJ the_ATI kyphotic_JJ deformity_NN 179_CD CONCLUSIONS_NP 180_CD modern_JJ brace_NN treatment_NN has_HVZ proven_VBN effective_JJ in_IN controlling_VBG spinal_JJ deformities_NNS in_IN skeletally_RB immature_JJ patients_NNS when_WRB curvature_NN is_BEZ identified_VBN early_JJ (_( scoliosis_NN of_IN less_AP than_IN 40_CD degrees_NNS ; kyphosis_NN of_IN less_AP than_IN 60_CD degrees_NNS )_) , a_AT high_JJ rate_NN of_IN success_NN can_MD be_BE anticipated_VBN when_WRB braces_NNS are_BER worn_VBN as_IN directed_VBN 181_CD patient_NN compliance_NN has_HVZ been_BEN improved_VBN by_IN the_ATI increasing_JJ popularity_NN of_IN underarm_JJ bracing_JJ and_CC part-time_JJB bracing_JJ results_NNS of_IN studies_NNS on_IN underarm_JJ bracing_JJ and_CC part-time_JJB bracing_JJ suggest_VB that_CS these_DTS modalities_NNS are_BER as_QL effective_JJ as_CS full-time_JJB bracing_JJ with_IN the_ATI CTLSO_NP , the_ATI gold_NN standard_NN for_IN nonoperative_JJ treatment_NN the_ATI use_NN of_IN newer_JJR bracing_JJ methods_NNS such_IN as_IN the_ATI Charleston_NP nighttime_NN bending_NN brace_NN have_HV not_XNOT been_BEN fully_RB assessed_VBN yet_RB but_CC show_VB promise_NN for_IN treating_VBG patients_NNS on_IN a_AT part-time_JJB basis_NN 182_CD *figure_NN 1_CD1 the_ATI Risser_NP stages_NNS of_IN iliac_JJ apophyseal_JJ ossification_NN reflect_VB the_ATI patient's_NN$ degree_NN of_IN skeletal_JJ maturity_NN the_ATI apophysis_NN first_OD appears_VBZ as_IN a_AT small_JJ area_NN of_IN ossification_NN over_IN the_ATI lateral_JJ aspect_NN of_IN the_ATI iliac_JJ margin_NN , usually_RB around_IN 14_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN in_IN girls_NNS and_CC 15_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN in_IN boys_NNS ossification_NN progresses_VBZ from_IN the_ATI lateral_JJ to_IN the_ATI medial_JJ aspect_NN as_IN the_ATI patient_NN matures_NNS (_( stages_NNS 1_CD1 through_IN 4_CD )_) , ending_VBG with_IN complete_JJ fusion_NN of_IN the_ATI apophysis_NN with_IN the_ATI crest_NN at_IN skeletal_JJ maturity_NN (_( stage_NN 5_CD )_) Spinal_NP growth_NN is_BEZ usually_RB complete_JJ at_IN Risser_NP stage_NN 4_CD , and_CC all_ABN growth_NN at_IN Risser_NP stage_NN 5_CD *_* 183_CD *figure_NN 2_CD the_ATI classic_JJ Milwaukee_NP brace_NN consists_VBZ of_IN a_AT lower_JJR pelvic_JJ girdle_NN contoured_VBN to_TO grip_NN the_ATI pelvis_NN and_CC control_NN pelvic_JJ rotation_NN , anterior_JJ and_CC posterior_JJ uprights_NNS from_IN which_WDTR thoracic_JJ pads_NNS and_CC straps_NNS are_BER suspended_VBN , and_CC an_AT upper_JJB cervical_JJ collar_NN with_IN a_AT chin_NN rest_NN and_CC occipital_JJ pads_NNS lumbar_NN (_( lower_JJR arrow_NN )_) and_CC thoracic_JJ (_( middle_JJB arrow_NN )_) pads_NNS provide_VB direct_JJ pressure_NN over_IN the_ATI convexities_NNS of_IN curvature_NN , serving_VBG to_TO passively_VB correct_JJ the_ATI deformity_NN pressure_NN of_IN the_ATI occiput_NN against_IN the_ATI occipital_JJ pads_NNS (_( upper_JJB arrow_NN )_) generates_NNS longitudinal_JJ distraction_NN forces_NNS along_IN the_ATI axis_NN of_IN the_ATI spine_NN , serving_VBG to_TO actively_RB correct_JJ curvature_NN through_IN the_ATI traction_NN *_* 184_CD *figure_NN 3_CD left_VBN , Polyethylene_NP underarm_NN brace_NN for_IN the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN scoliosis_NN this_DT one-piece_NN , molded_JJ orthosis_NN is_BEZ semirigid_JJ , allowing_VBG the_ATI patient_NN to_TO enter_VB from_IN behind_RP posterior_JJ Velcro_NP straps_NNS provide_VB a_AT snug_JJ closure_NN , while_CS pads_NNS mounted_VBN to_IN the_ATI wall_NN of_IN the_ATI shell_NN (_( arrow_NN ) _) provide_VB passive_JJ correction_NN of_IN curvature_NN this_DT brace_NN is_BEZ suitable_JJ for_IN correction_NN of_IN curvature_NN with_IN the_ATI thoracic_JJ apex_NN of_IN the_ATI curve_NN below_IN the_ATI T-7_NP level_NN Right_NP , Lyon_NP underarm_NN orthosis_NN this_DT rigid_JJ acrylic_JJ brace_NN hinges_NNS in_IN the_ATI back_RP and_CC latches_NNS in_IN the_ATI front_JJB to_TO provide_VB support_NN for_IN thoracic_JJ and_CC lumbar_JJ curvature_NN the_ATI pelvic_JJ mold_NN controls_NNS lordosis_NN , as_CS in_IN the_ATI Milwaukee_NP brace_NN , and_CC scoliotic_JJ curvature_NN is_BEZ passively_RB corrected_VBN with_IN mounted_JJ pads_NNS , as_CS in_IN the_ATI polyethylene_NN brace_NN (_( arrows_NNS )_) 185_CD *figure_NN 4_CD scoliotic_JJ correction_NN with_IN an_AT underarm_NN orthosis_NN left_VBN , Roentgenogram_NP of_IN a_AT patient_NN who_WPR presented_VBD at_IN the_ATI age_NN of_IN 15_CD years_NNS with_IN marked_JJ thoracic_JJ and_CC moderate_JJ lumbar_NN curvature_NN as_IN the_ATI patient_NN was_BEDZ skeletally_RB immature_JJ , the_ATI risk_NN for_IN progression_NN was_BEDZ significant_JJ she_PP3A was_BEDZ , however_RB , still_RB treatable_JJ with_IN bracing_JJ and_CC not_XNOT indicated_VBN for_IN surgical_JJ correction_NN right_JJ , Roentgenogram_NP shows_VBZ excellent_JJ correction_NN 1_CD1 year_NN later_RBR with_IN a_AT polyethylene_NN underarm_NN orthosis_NN markers_NNS show_VB the_ATI position_NN of_IN the_ATI pads_NNS she_PP3A is_BEZ wearing_VBG the_ATI brace_NN approximately_RB 19_CD h_d_NN , with_IN time_NN out_RP for_IN bathing_VBG and_CC sports_NNS , and_CC will_MD begin_VB weaning_JJ from_IN the_ATI brace_NN in_IN approximately_RB 6_CD months_NNS her_PP$ anticipated_VBD final_JJ curvature_NN is_BEZ still_RB likely_JJ to_IN approximate_JJ that_CS with_IN which_WDTR she_PP3A presented_VBD JPSYCE_NP (_( 152_CD )_) 1_CD1 synopsis_NN of_IN the_ATI Clinical_NP Practice_NP Guidelines_NNS for_IN Diagnosis_NP and_CC Treatment_NP of_IN Depression_NP in_IN Primary_NP Care_NP 2_CD a_AT depressed_JJ (_( sad_JJ )_) mood_NN is_BEZ a_AT normal_JJ reaction_NN to_IN disappointments_NNS or_CC losses_NNS this_DT reaction_NN is_BEZ distinguished_JJ from_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN , however_RB , which_WDTR is_BEZ a_AT serious_JJ medical_JJ illness_NN with_IN major_JJ public_JJ health_NN consequences_NNS about_RB 15%_CD of_IN the_ATI general_JJ public_JJ will_MD suffer_VB from_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN at_IN some_DTI time_NN in_IN their_PP$ lives_NNS , but_CC the_ATI disorder_NN will_MD be_BE accurately_RB diagnosed_VBN and_CC treated_VBN in_IN fewer_AP than_IN one_CD1 third_OD of_IN these_DTS persons_NNS depression_NN is_BEZ often_RB viewed_VBN by_IN patients_NNS and_CC the_ATI lay_VBD public_JJ as_IN evidence_NN of_IN a_AT character_NN defect_NN or_CC inadequate_JJ willpower_NN ; thus_RB , those_DTS persons_NNS with_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN must_MD endure_VB the_ATI additional_JJ burden_NN of_IN having_HVG an_AT illness_NN that_CS society_NN views_NNS as_IN the_ATI reflection_NN of_IN an_AT inherent_JJ weakness_NN or_CC a_AT fault_NN 3_CD DIAGNOSIS_NP 4_CD major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN is_BEZ characterized_VBN by_IN one_CD1 or_CC more_QL episodes_NNS of_IN major_JJ depression_NN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN is_BEZ a_AT syndrome_NN or_CC specific_JJ constellation_NN of_IN signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS that_CS are_BER not_XNOT normal_JJ reactions_NNS to_TO life's_NN$ stresses_NNS a_AT sad_JJ or_CC depressed_JJ mood_NN is_BEZ only_RB one_CD1 of_IN the_ATI several_AP signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS of_IN a_AT major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN episode_NN in_IN fact_NN , clinicians_NNS may_MD note_VB a_AT predominant_JJ mood_NN of_IN apathy_NN , irritability_NN , or_CC even_RB anxiety_NN rather_RB than_IN or_CC in_IN addition_NN to_IN sadness_NN the_ATI patient's_NN$ interest_NN or_CC capacity_NN for_IN pleasure_NN or_CC enjoyment_NN is_BEZ often_RB markedly_RB reduced_VBN not_XNOT all_ABN clinically_RB depressed_JJ patients_NNS appear_VB sad_JJ ; many_AP sad_JJ patients_NNS are_BER not_XNOT depressed_JJ furthermore_RB , the_ATI leading_JJ complaints_NNS of_IN many_AP patients_NNS with_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN are_BER pain_NN , other_AP somatic_JJ complaints_NNS , or_CC anxiety_NN rather_RB than_IN a_AT sad_JJ mood.=20_CD 5_CD according_IN to_IN the_ATI Diagnostic_NP and_CC Statistical_NP Manual_NP of_IN Mental_NP Disorders_NP , Revised_NP Third_NP Edition_NN (_( Ref._NP 6_CD )_) , at_RB least_RB five_CD of_IN the_ATI following_JJ symptoms_NNS during_IN the_ATI same_AP period_NN are_BER the_ATI diagnostic_JJ criteria_NNS for_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN : a_AT depressed_JJ mood_NN (_( sometimes_RB irritability_NN in_IN children_NNS and_CC adolescents_NNS )_) for_IN most_AP of_IN the_ATI day_NN , nearly_RB every_AT day_NN ; markedly_RB diminished_JJ interest_NN or_CC pleasure_NN in_IN almost_RB all_ABN activities_NNS for_IN most_AP of_IN the_ATI day_NN , nearly_RB every_AT day_NN (_( as_CS indicated_VBN by_IN either_DTX a_AT subjective_JJ account_NN or_CC the_ATI observation_NN of_IN apathy_NN by_IN others_APS most_AP of_IN the_ATI time_NN )_) ; a_AT significant_JJ weight_NN loss_NN or_CC gain_VB ; insomnia_NN or_CC hypersomnia_NN ; psychomotor_NN agitation_NN or_CC retardation_NN ; fatigue_NN (_( loss_NN of_IN energy_NN )_) ; feelings_NNS of_IN worthlessness_NN (_( guilt_NN )_) ; impaired_VBN concentration_NN (_( indecisiveness_NN )_) ; and_CC recurrent_JJ thoughts_NNS of_IN death_NN or_CC suicide_NN at_RB least_RB the_ATI depressed_JJ mood_NN or_CC the_ATI loss_NN of_IN interest_NN or_CC pleasure_NN must_MD be_BE present_JJ the_ATI symptoms_NNS are_BER present_JJ most_AP of_IN the_ATI day_NN , nearly_RB daily_JJ , for_IN at_RB least_RB 2_CD weeks_NNS (_( Goodwin_NP and_CC Jamison_NP (_( Ref._NP 7_CD )_) provide_VB an_AT excellent_JJ review_NN of_IN issues_NNS of_IN diagnosis_NN and_CC treatment_NN )_) 6_CD figure_NN 1_CD1 shows_VBZ the_ATI diagnostic_JJ decisions_NNS needed_VBN to_TO arrive_VB at_IN a_AT differential_JJ diagnosis_NN of_IN the_ATI primary_JJ mood_NN disorders_NNS , including_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN either_DTX a_AT mood_NN disturbance_NN or_CC a_AT reduction_NN in_IN interest_NN or_CC in_IN the_ATI capacity_NN for_IN pleasure_NN must_MD be_BE present_JJ inquiry_NN about_IN prior_RB manic_JJ episodes_NNS is_BEZ essential_JJ , as_IN antidepressants_NP can_MD trigger_VB mania_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN bipolar_NN disorder_NN (_( episodes_NNS of_IN major_JJ depression_NN interspersed_VBN with_IN episodes_NNS of_IN mania_NN or_CC hypomania_NN )_) 7_CD clinical_JJ clues_NNS that_WPR raise_VB the_ATI likelihood_NN of_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN include_VB : 8_CD complaints_NNS of_IN pain_NN (_( eg_NN , headaches_NNS , backaches_NNS , and_CC abdominal_JJ pain_NN )_) ; 9_CD symptoms_NNS of_IN fatigue_NN , malaise_NN , irritability_NN , or_CC sadness_NN during_IN the_ATI postpartum_NN period_NN ; 10_CD prior_RB episodes_NNS of_IN depression_NN ; 11_CD a_AT personal_JJ or_CC family_NN history_NN of_IN attempted_VBD suicide_NN ; 12_CD a_AT family_NN history_NN of_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN or_CC bipolar_NN disorder_NN ; 13_CD concurrent_JJ substance_NN abuse_NN ; and_CC 14_CD the_ATI presence_NN of_IN other_AP general_JJ medical_JJ disorders_NNS 15_CD recent_JJ stressful_JJ events_NNS and_CC the_ATI lack_NN of_IN social_JJ supports_VBZ may_MD also_RB contribute_VB to_IN developing_VBG or_CC maintaining_VBG depressive_JJ episodes_NNS many_AP patients_NNS are_BER aware_JJ of_IN only_RB some_DTI symptoms_NNS and_CC may_MD minimize_VB their_PP$ disability_NN interviewing_NN an_AT important_JJ other_AP person_NN can_MD be_BE extremely_RB valuable_JJ in_IN obtaining_VBG an_AT accurate_JJ picture_NN of_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ symptoms_NNS , degree_NN of_IN disability_NN , and_CC prior_RB course_RB of_IN illness_NN 16_CD a_AT normal_JJ grief_NN reaction_NN following_JJ the_ATI death_NN of_IN a_AT loved_VBD one_CD1 persists_VBZ for_IN several_AP months_NNS but_CC usually_RB improves_VBZ steadily_RB without_IN specific_JJ treatment_NN although_CS they_PP3AS are_BER unpleasant_JJ , grief_NN reactions_NNS typically_RB cause_NN time-limited_JJ , modest_JJ impairment_NN in_IN work_NN or_CC other_AP functions_NNS most_AP grief_NN reactions_NNS never_RB meet_VB the_ATI full_JJ criteria_NNS for_IN a_AT major_JJ depressive_JJ episode_NN (_( Ref._NP 1,7_CD )_) if_CS a_AT patient_NN meets_VBZ the_ATI criteria_NNS for_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN (_( Figure_NP 1_CD1 )_) 2_CD months_NNS after_IN the_ATI loss_NN , major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN is_BEZ diagnosed_VBN and_CC treatment_NN is_BEZ indicated_VBN , as_CS these_DTS individuals_NNS are_BER very_QL likely_JJ to_TO still_VB be_BE in_IN a_AT major_JJ depressive_JJ episode_NN 1_CD1 year_NN later_RBR (_( Ref._NP 8_CD )_) 17_CD certain_JJ medications_NNS may_MD cause_VB depression_NN current_JJ evidence_NN clearly_RB implicates_NNS only_RB reserpine_JJ , glucocorticoids_NNS , and_CC anabolic_JJ steroids_NNS with_IN the_ATI de_&FW novo_JJ development_NN of_IN depression_NN as_IN a_AT common_JJ side_NN effect_NN of_IN using_VBG these_DTS medications_NNS many_AP other_AP medications_NNS can_MD cause_VB , less_QL commonly_RB , idiosyncratic_JJ reactions_NNS in_IN some_DTI individuals_NNS , including_IN depressive_JJ symptoms_NNS usually_RB , depressive_JJ symptoms_NNS begin_VB within_IN days_NNS to_IN weeks_NNS of_IN first_OD using_VBG the_ATI medication_NN 18_CD perhaps_RB the_ATI most_AP important_JJ recommendation_NN is_BEZ to_TO not_XNOT _** explain_VB away_RP _** major_JJ depressive_JJ episodes_NNS by_IN the_ATI presence_NN of_IN untoward_JJ life_NN events_NNS or_CC general_JJ medical_JJ illnesses_NNS both_ABX explanations_NNS , in_IN fact_NN , are_BER risk_NN factors_NNS for_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ episodes_NNS careful_JJ reviews_NNS of_IN the_ATI literature_NN suggest_VB that_CS only_RB 20%_NP to_TO 25%_NN of_IN patients_NNS with_IN various_JJ general_JJ medical_JJ illnesses_NNS (_( eg_NN , stroke_NN , diabetes_NN , myocardial_JJ infarction_NN , and_CC cancer_NN )_) (_( Ref._NP 1_CD1 )_) develop_VB major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN and_CC , when_WRB present_JJ , it_PP3 appears_VBZ to_TO worsen_VB the_ATI morbidity_NN associated_VBN with_IN the_ATI general_JJ medical_JJ illness_NN (_( Ref._NP 1,5_CD )_) 19_CD 19_CD the_ATI critical_JJ steps_NNS in_IN detecting_JJ and_CC managing_JJ depressive_JJ conditions_NNS as_CS provided_VBN by_IN the_ATI Agency_NP for_IN Health_NPT Care_NP Policy_NP and_CC Research_NP (_( Ref._NP 1_CD1 )_) are_BER as_IN follows_VBZ : (_( 1_CD1 )_) maintain_VB a_AT high_JJ index_NN of_IN suspicion_NN and_CC evaluate_VB the_ATI risk_NN factors_NNS ; (_( 2_CD )_) detect_VB depressive_JJ symptoms_NNS with_IN a_AT clinical_JJ interview_NN and_or_CC a_AT self-reported_JJ questionnaire_NN ; (_( 3_CD )_) define_VB the_ATI mood_NN syndrome_NN (_( with_IN clinical_JJ history_NN and_CC interview_NN provided_VBN by_IN the_ATI patient_NN and_CC , if_CS needed_VBN , by_IN a_AT spouse_NN or_CC a_AT significant_JJ other_AP person_NN )_) ; (_( 4_CD )_) define_VB potential_JJ known_JJ causes_NNS of_IN mood_NN syndrome_NN (_( eg_NN , medical_JJ causes_NNS , medications_NNS , substance_NN abuse_NN , and_CC other_AP causal_JJ psychiatric_JJ disorders_NNS )_) ; (_( 5_CD )_) treat_VB potential_JJ causes_NNS ; (_( 6_CD )_) reevaluate_VB the_ATI condition_NN for_IN mood_NN syndromes_NNS ; and_CC (_( 7_CD )_) if_CS the_ATI mood_NN syndrome_NN is_BEZ still_RB present_JJ , treat_VB it_PP3 as_IN a_AT primary_JJ mood_NN disorder_NN (_( Ref._NP 1_CD1 )_) 20_CD TREATMENT_NP 21_CD the_ATI effectiveness_NN of_IN any_DTI treatment_NN is_BEZ highly_RB determined_VBN by_IN patient_NN adherence_NN adherence_NN has_HVZ been_BEN shown_VBN , empirically_RB , to_TO be_BE increased_VBN with_IN the_ATI education_NN of_IN the_ATI depressed_JJ patients_NNS (_( Ref._NP 2_CD )_) the_ATI guidelines_NNS recommend_VB that_CS patients_NNS be_BE told_VBN the_ATI diagnosis_NN , prognosis_NN , and_CC treatment_NN options_NNS , including_IN costs_NNS , duration_NN , and_CC potential_JJ side_NN effects_NNS the_ATI following_JJ are_BER the_ATI essential_JJ elements_NNS of_IN patient_NN and_CC family_NN education_NN in_IN the_ATI clinical_JJ management_NN of_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN 22_CD major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN is_BEZ diagnosed_VBN based_VBN on_IN specific_JJ signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS if_CS the_ATI signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS are_BER present_JJ , they_PP3AS should_MD not_XNOT be_BE explained_VBN away_RP by_IN current_JJ life_NN stresses_NNS or_CC other_AP medical_JJ conditions_NNS 23_CD depression_NN is_BEZ a_AT major_JJ illness_NN , not_XNOT a_AT character_NN defect_NN or_CC weakness_NN 24_CD recovery_NN is_BEZ the_ATI rule_NN , not_XNOT the_ATI exception_NN 25_CD treatments_NNS are_BER effective_JJ , and_CC there_EX are_BER many_AP treatment_NN options_NNS an_AT effective_JJ treatment_NN can_MD be_BE found_VBN for_IN nearly_RB all_ABN patients_NNS 26_CD since_IN practitioner_NN optimism_NN is_BEZ therapeutic_JJ , it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO convey_VB a_AT sense_NN of_IN hope_NN for_IN full_JJ recovery_NN 27_CD primary_JJ care_NN practitioners_NNS can_MD treat_VB most_QL depressions_NNS successfully_RB 28_CD the_ATI aim_NN of_IN treatment_NN is_BEZ complete_JJ remission_NN of_IN symptoms_NNS , not_XNOT just_RB getting_VBG better_JJR , but_CC staying_VBG well_RB 29_CD the_ATI risk_NN of_IN recurrence_NN is_BEZ significant_JJ , at_IN 50%_NP after_IN one_CD1 episode_NN , 70%_NP after_IN two_CD episodes_NNS , and_CC 90%_NP after_IN three_CD episodes_NNS 30_CD the_ATI patient_NN and_CC the_ATI family_NN should_MD be_BE alert_JJ to_IN early_JJ signs_NNS and_CC symptoms_NNS of_IN recurrence_NN and_CC seek_VB treatment_NN early_JJ if_CS depression_NN returns_VBZ 31_CD all_ABN depressed_JJ patients_NNS should_MD be_BE assessed_VBN for_IN their_PP$ risk_NN for_IN suicide_NN by_IN direct_JJ questioning_NN about_IN suicidal_JJ thinking_NN and_CC impulses_NNS and_CC personal_JJ history_NN of_IN suicide_NN attempts_NNS patients_NNS are_BER reassured_VBN by_IN questions_NNS about_IN suicidal_JJ thoughts_NNS and_CC by_IN education_NN that_CS suicidal_JJ thinking_NN is_BEZ a_AT common_JJ symptom_NN of_IN the_ATI depression_NN itself_PPL and_CC not_XNOT a_AT sign_NN that_CS the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ _** crazy_JJ _** the_ATI risk_NN factors_NNS associated_VBN with_IN death_NN by_IN suicide_NN include_VB hopelessness_NN , personal_JJ substance_NN abuse_NN , physical_JJ illnesses_NNS , being_BEG male_JJ , the_ATI presence_NN of_IN psychotic_NC symptoms_NNS , a_AT family_NN history_NN of_IN substance_NN abuse_NN , being_BEG white_JJ , depression_NN , advanced_JJ age_NN , and_CC living_VBG alone_JJ the_ATI presence_NN of_IN significant_JJ current_JJ substance_NN abuse_NN or_CC psychosis_NN makes_VBZ hospitalization_NN a_AT consideration_NN 32_CD treatment_NN of_IN depression_NN consists_VBZ of_IN three_CD phases_NNS (_( Figure_NP 2_CD )_) acute_JJ treatment_NN (_( 6_CD to_IN 12_CD weeks_NNS )_) aims_NNS at_IN remission_NN of_IN symptoms_NNS continuation_NN treatment_NN (_( 4_CD to_IN 9_CD months_NNS )_) aims_NNS at_IN prevention_NN of_IN relapse_NN the_ATI evidence_NN is_BEZ rather_RB clear_JJ that_CS continuation-phase_NN medication_NN (_( at_IN the_ATI full_JJ dosage_NN )_) is_BEZ indicated_VBN there_EX is_BEZ evidence_NN to_TO suggest_VB that_CS continuation-phase_NN psychotherapy_NN may_MD be_BE helpful_JJ for_IN selected_JJ individuals_NNS who_WPR respond_VB to_TO psychotherapy_NN alone_RB in_IN the_ATI acute- treatment_NN phase_NN maintenance_NN treatment_NN aims_NNS at_IN prevention_NN of_IN recurrence_NN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN prior_RB episodes_NNS there_EX is_BEZ strong_JJ evidence_NN for_IN the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN maintenance- phase_NN medication_NN treatment_NN , but_CC far_RB less_QL evidence_NN for_IN the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN maintenance-phase_NN psychotherapy_NN alone_JJ 33_CD figure_NN 3_CD presents_VBZ a_AT flow_NN diagram_NN for_IN the_ATI acute- phase_JJ treatment_NN of_IN depression_NN these_DTS principles_NNS apply_VB whether_CS psychotherapy_NN , antidepressants_NNS , or_CC these_DTS therapies_NNS in_IN combination_NN are_BER chosen_VBN as_IN acute-phase_NN treatment_NN essential_JJ features_NNS of_IN this_DT plan_NN include_VB regular_JJ monitoring_VBG of_IN the_ATI patient's_NN$ symptoms_NNS and_CC changes_NNS in_IN the_ATI treatment_NN plan_NN if_CS the_ATI patient's_NN$ response_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT timely_JJ 34_CD the_ATI advantage_NN of_IN such_ABL algorithms_NNS (_( simplicity_NN )_) has_HVZ within_IN it_PP3 an_AT inherent_JJ disadvantage_NN (_( generalizability_NN )_) for_IN example_NN , in_IN the_ATI more_QL severely_RB ill_JJ or_CC impulsive_JJ patients_NNS or_CC in_IN those_DTS with_IN substantial_JJ hopelessness_NN or_CC prior_RB poor_JJ adherence_NN to_TO either_DTX treatment_NN with_IN medication_NN or_CC psychotherapy_NN , the_ATI monitoring_NN of_IN response_NN should_MD occur_VB at_RB least_RB once_RB a_AT week_NN or_CC even_RB more_QL often_RB similarly_RB , a_AT switch_NN in_IN plan_NN may_MD be_BE needed_VBN before_IN 6_CD weeks_NNS if_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_ATI response_NN and_CC the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ severely_RB ill_JJ 35_CD conversely_RB , for_IN patients_NNS who_WPR ultimately_RB respond_VB fully_RB to_TO either_DTX formal_JJ psychotherapy_NN , medication_NN treatment_NN , or_CC their_PP$ combination_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ common_JJ to_TO see_VB at_RB least_RB a_AT partial_JJ response_NN by_IN week_NN 6_CD thus_RB , week_NN 6_CD presents_VBZ a_AT choice_NN point_NN for_IN either_DTX continuing_VBG treatment_NN protocol_NN unchanged_JJ (_( or_CC adjusting_VBG the_ATI dosage_NN of_IN medication_NN )_) or_CC (_( for_IN nonresponders_NNS )_) augmenting_VBG or_CC switching_NN treatments_NNS 36_CD a_AT partial_JJ response_NN by_IN week_NN 12_CD presents_VBZ several_AP options_NNS if_CS psychotherapy_NN alone_JJ was_BEDZ the_ATI initial_JJ treatment_NN , the_ATI addition_NN of_IN medication_NN is_BEZ indicated_VBN if_CS the_ATI treatment_NN has_HVZ been_BEN medication_NN , the_ATI addition_NN of_IN psychotherapy_NN may_MD be_BE useful_JJ , especially_RB if_CS the_ATI residual_JJ symptoms_NNS are_BER largely_RB cognitive_JJ (_( eg_NN , low_JJ self- esteem_NN )_) if_CS the_ATI initial_JJ treatment_NN was_BEDZ medication_NN , but_CC the_ATI residual_JJ symptoms_NNS are_BER largely_RB vegetative_JJ , then_RN either_DTX a_AT switch_NN to_IN another_DT medication_NN or_CC augmentation_NN with_IN a_AT second_OD medication_NN are_BER options_NNS with_IN evidence_NN for_IN efficacy_NN 37_CD a_AT consultation_NN or_CC referral_NN is_BEZ an_AT option_NN at_IN any_DTI time_NN in_IN the_ATI diagnosis_NN and_CC treatment_NN of_IN outpatients_NNS with_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN conversely_RB , a_AT substantial_JJ number_NN of_IN uncomplicated_JJ cases_NNS of_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN can_MD be_BE effectively_RB treated_VBN in_IN PC_NPT settings_NNS the_ATI available_JJ results_NNS of_IN randomized_VBN , controlled_JJ trials_NNS indicate_VB that_CS symptoms_NNS in_IN approximately_RB 50%_NP of_IN patients_NNS will_MD remit_VB with_IN an_AT initial_JJ medication_NN trial_NN , and_CC that_CS symptoms_NNS in_IN another_DT 25%_NN will_MD remit_VB with_IN a_AT second_OD (_( different_JJ class_NN )_) medication_NN for_IN time-limited_JJ psychotherapy_NN alone_JJ , again_RB symptoms_NNS in_IN approximately_RB 50%_NP of_IN patients_NNS will_MD remit_VB during_IN a_AT single_JJ treatment_NN trial_NN whether_CS a_AT second_OD psychotherapy_NN trial_NN would_MD be_BE effective_JJ if_CS the_ATI first_OD is_BEZ not_XNOT has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN studied_VBN therefore_RB , medication_NN is_BEZ indicated_VBN if_CS psychotherapy_NN fails_VBZ whether_CS treatment_NN with_IN psychotherapy_NN or_CC medication_NN produces_VBZ a_AT symptomatic_JJ response_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ clear_JJ that_CS normalization_NN of_IN psychosocial_JJ function_NN often_RB follows_VBZ , albeit_CS from_IN weeks_NNS to_IN some_DTI months_NNS later_RBR (_( Ref._NP 2_CD )_) 38_CD PSYCHOTHERAPY_NP 39_CD randomized_VBN , controlled_JJ trials_NNS have_HV established_VBN that_CS several_AP forms_NNS of_IN time-limited_JJ psychotherapy_NN (_( eg_NN , cognitive_JJ , interpersonal_JJ , or_CC behavioral_JJ )_) are_BER more_QL effective_JJ in_IN reducing_VBG symptoms_NNS than_IN being_BEG assigned_VBN to_IN a_AT wait-listed_JJ control_NN comparison_NN in_IN the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN less_QL severe_JJ , nonpsychotic_JJ forms_NNS of_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN in_IN the_ATI studies_NNS conducted_VBN to_TO date_VB , which_WDTR have_HV largely_RB included_VBN less_QL severely_RB ill_JJ , depressed_JJ outpatients_NNS , medication_NN alone_JJ and_CC time-limited_JJ psychotherapy_NN alone_JJ have_HV equal_JJ efficacy_NN in_IN the_ATI acute-treatment_NN phase_NN brief_JJ dynamic_JJ therapy_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN tested_VBN against_IN a_AT waiting_VBG list_NN and_CC at_IN present_NN appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE less_QL effective_JJ than_IN the_ATI previously_RB mentioned_VBN time-limited_JJ psychotherapies_NNS that_CS are_BER designed_VBN specifically_RB for_IN depression_NN other_AP types_NNS of_IN psychotherapy_NN (_( eg_NN , marital_JJ , supportive_JJ , and_CC problem_NN solving_VBG )_) may_MD well_RB be_BE helpful_JJ in_IN the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN and_CC are_BER commonly_RB used_VBN however_RB , they_PP3AS have_HV not_XNOT been_BEN sufficiently_RB evaluated_VBN in_IN randomized_VBN , controlled_JJ trials_NNS to_TO establish_VB their_PP$ efficacy_NN with_IN scientific_JJ certainty_NN thus_RB , of_IN the_ATI many_AP therapies_NNS available_JJ , it_PP3 is_BEZ logical_JJ to_TO recommend_VB those_DTS that_CS have_HV been_BEN better_JJR evaluated_VBN for_IN efficacy_NN before_CS those_DTS that_CS have_HV been_BEN less_QL well_RB studied_VBN 40_CD considerations_NNS for_IN acute-phase_NN treatment_NN with_IN time-limited_JJ psychotherapy_NN alone_JJ for_IN symptom_NN relief_NN include_VB : 41_CD less_AP severe_JJ depressions_NNS ; 42_CD less_AP recurrent_JJ , chronic_JJ , or_CC disabling_JJ depressions_NNS ; 43_CD prior_RB response_NN to_TO psychotherapy_NN ; 44_CD incomplete_JJ response_NN to_IN treatment_NN with_IN medication_NN alone_JJ ; 45_CD chronic_JJ psychosocial_JJ problems_NNS ; 46_CD the_ATI availability_NN of_IN a_AT trained_VBN , competent_JJ therapist_NN ; and_CC 47_CD patient_NN preference_NN 48_CD time-limited_JJ treatment_NN with_IN psychotherapies_NNS aimed_VBN at_IN depression_NN or_CC with_IN medications_NNS are_BER clearly_RB an_AT equivalent_JJ option_NN in_IN less_QL severely_RB depressed_JJ patients_NNS patient_NN preference_NN may_MD also_RB play_VB a_AT substantial_JJ role_NN in_IN the_ATI treatment_NN selection_NN for_IN such_ABL cases_NNS in_IN addition_NN to_TO symptom_NN relief_NN , psychotherapy_NN may_MD be_BE useful_JJ in_IN increasing_JJ adherence_NN or_CC remediating_VBG the_ATI secondary_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN depression_NN (_( eg_NN , marital_JJ discord_NN , occupational_JJ difficulties_NNS , and_CC low_JJ self-esteem_NN )_) 49_CD furthermore_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ clear_JJ from_IN randomized_VBN , controlled_JJ trials_NNS that_CS a_AT significant_JJ number_NN (_( 15%_CD to_IN 30%_NP )_) of_IN patients_NNS with_IN less_QL severe_JJ forms_NNS of_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN obtain_VB substantial_JJ symptom_NN relief_NN with_IN time_NN , support_NN , and_CC reassurance_NN therefore_RB , when_WRB clinically_RB safe_JJ , more_AP than_IN one_CD1 visit_NN for_IN evaluation_NN (_( extended_JJ evaluation_NN )_) can_MD help_VB to_TO identify_VB those_DTS patients_NNS for_IN whom_WPOR formal_JJ treatment_NN (_( whether_CS with_IN medication_NN or_CC psychotherapy_NN )_) is_BEZ more_QL clearly_RB indicated.=20_CD 50_CD conversely_RB , full_JJ remission_NN rather_RB than_IN simple_JJ improvement_NN is_BEZ the_ATI objective_NN of_IN acute-phase_NN treatment_NN those_DTS patients_NNS who_WPR improve_VB but_CC are_BER still_RB symptomatic_JJ after_IN an_AT extended_JJ evaluation_NN should_MD receive_VB formal_JJ treatment_NN (_( with_IN psychotherapy_NN or_CC medication_NN )_) in_IN addition_NN , even_CS if_CS the_ATI depressive_JJ symptoms_NNS remit_VB with_IN several_AP visits_NNS for_IN evaluation_NN and_or_CC support_NN , symptoms_NNS often_RB return_NN , so_CS that_CS monitoring_VBG these_DTS patients_NNS is_BEZ useful_JJ to_TO detect_VB early_JJ relapse_NN or_CC subsequent_JJ recurrence_NN 51_CD TREATMENT_NP SELECTION_NP 52_CD medication_NN 53_CD acute-phase_JJ treatment_NN of_IN depression_NN in_IN the_ATI PC_NPT setting_NN includes_VBZ medication_NN , psychotherapy_NN , or_CC both_ABX many_AP randomized_VBN , controlled_JJ trials_NNS indicate_VB that_CS over_IN 50%_NP of_IN depressed_JJ outpatients_NNS who_WPR begin_VB a_AT medication_NN treatment_NN will_MD experience_VB marked_JJ improvement_NN or_CC a_AT complete_JJ remission_NN of_IN their_PP$ depressive_JJ symptoms_NNS with_IN a_AT single_JJ antidepressant_NN this_DT rate_NN of_IN marked_JJ improvement_NN or_CC remission_NN compares_VBZ with_IN a_AT 25%_NN to_IN 30%_NP response_NN to_TO placebo_NN considerations_NNS for_IN acute-phase_NN treatment_NN with_IN medication_NN are_BER : 54_CD more_AP severe_JJ symptoms_NNS ; 55_CD recurrent_JJ episodes_NNS (_( two_CD prior_RB episodes_NNS indicate_VB treatment_NN with_IN medication_NN )_) ; 56_CD family_NN history_NN of_IN depression_NN ; 57_CD prior_RB response_NN to_IN treatment_NN with_IN medication_NN ; 58_CD incomplete_JJ response_NN to_TO psychotherapy_NN alone_JJ ; 59_CD the_ATI availability_NN of_IN a_AT trained_VBN , competent_JJ physician_NN ; and_CC 60_CD patient_NN preference_NN 61_CD 61_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ useful_JJ to_TO become_VB familiar_JJ with_IN one_CD1 drug_NN with_IN minimal_JJ side_NN effects_NNS from_IN each_DT of_IN several_AP major_JJ classes_NNS of_IN antidepressants_NNS although_CS many_AP patients_NNS will_MD respond_VB to_IN an_AT adequate_JJ trial_NN of_IN the_ATI first_OD drug_NN , those_DTS who_WPR do_DO not_XNOT are_BER likely_JJ to_TO respond_VB to_IN an_AT alternate_JJ drug_NN from_IN a_AT different_JJ class_NN (_( Figure_NP 4_CD )_) 62_CD medications_NNS are_BER selected_VBN based_VBN on_IN their_PP$ short-_NN and_CC long-term_JJB side_NN effects_NNS , the_ATI patient's_NN$ history_NN of_IN response_NN or_CC nonresponse_NN , consideration_NN of_IN possible_JJ drug_NN interactions_NNS , and_CC the_ATI presence_NN of_IN other_AP psychiatric_JJ and_CC general_JJ medical_JJ conditions_NNS 63_CD inadequate_JJ response_NN to_IN tricyclic_JJ antidepressants_NNS is_BEZ often_RB due_JJ to_TO inadequate_JJ dosing_NN , perhaps_RB because_CS of_IN side_NN effects_NNS encountered_VBN the_ATI secondary_JJ amines_NNS (_( eg_NN , desipramine_NN and_CC nortriptyline_NN )_) have_HV equal_JJ efficacy_NN but_CC fewer_AP side_NN effects_NNS than_IN amitriptyline_NN , imipramine_NN , or_CC doxepin_NN Sometimes_NP serum_NN drug_NN levels_NNS (_( for_IN selected_JJ antidepressants_NNS )_) are_BER useful_JJ (_( eg_NN , inadequate_JJ response_NN , potential_JJ serious_JJ drug_NN interactions_NNS , or_CC associated_VBN general_JJ medical_JJ conditions_NNS that_WPR affect_VB drug_NN absorption_NN metabolism_NN or_CC excretion_NN or_CC that_WPR require_VB the_ATI administration_NN of_IN the_ATI lowest_JJT effective_JJ dosages_NNS )_) minimal_JJ therapeutic_JJ serum_NN levels_NNS have_HV been_BEN fairly_RB well_RB documented_VBN for_IN amitriptyline_NN , desipramine_NN , imipramine_NN , and_CC nortriptyline_NN a_AT therapeutic_JJ window_NN has_HVZ been_BEN defined_VBN for_IN nortriptyline_NN 64_CD elderly_JJ patients_NNS often_RB require_VB lower_JJR dosages_NNS of_IN medication_NN , and_CC dosage_NN increments_NNS should_MD be_BE made_VBN more_QL slowly_RB elderly_JJ patients_NNS are_BER also_RB at_IN higher_JJR risk_NN of_IN other_AP general_JJ medical_JJ disorders_NNS or_CC are_BER more_QL likely_JJ to_TO be_BE taking_VBG nonpsychotropic_JJ medications_NNS that_DT can_MD cause_VB depression_NN Therefore_NP , a_AT particularly_RB careful_JJ history_NN and_CC general_JJ medical_JJ evaluation_NN are_BER important_JJ before_CS selecting_VBG treatment_NN for_IN these_DTS patients_NNS 65_CD antidepressants_NNS without_IN antimanic_JJ medications_NNS (_( eg_NN , lithium_NN ) _) are_BER to_TO be_BE avoided_VBN in_IN patients_NNS with_IN bipolar_NN disorder_NN in_IN the_ATI depressed_JJ phase_NN , since_CS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT substantial_JJ risk_NN for_IN inducing_VBG mania_NN with_IN antidepressants_NNS (_( this_DT may_MD even_RB occur_VB when_WRB the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ taking_VBG lithium_NN )_) therefore_RB , psychiatric_JJ consultation_NN can_MD be_BE valuable_JJ in_IN cases_NNS of_IN suspected_VBD bipolar_NN disorder_NN , before_CS medication_NN is_BEZ prescribed_VBN 66_CD combination_NN Treatment_NP With_NP Medication_NN and_CC Psychotherapy_NP 67_CD combination_NN treatment_NN with_IN medication_NN and_CC formal_JJ psychotherapy_NN , based_VBN on_IN some_DTI very_QL modest_JJ data_NNS and_CC substantial_JJ clinical_JJ consensus_NN , is_BEZ a_AT consideration_NN in_IN various_JJ situations_NNS , including_IN : 68_CD recurrent_JJ major_JJ depressive_JJ episodes_NNS with_IN poor_JJ interepisode_NN recovery_NN ; 69_CD incomplete_JJ therapeutic_JJ response_NN to_TO either_DTX medication_NN or_CC psychotherapy_NN ; 70_CD patient_NN preference_NN ; and_CC 71_CD evidence_NN of_IN a_AT significant_JJ personality_NN disorder_NN , usually_RB indicated_VBN by_IN prior_RB poor_JJ interepisode_NN recovery_NN , partial_JJ response_NN to_TO medication_NN , marked_JJ adherence_NN problems_NNS , maladaptive_JJ interpersonal_JJ relationships_NNS , multiple_JJ suicide_NN attempts_NNS , and_CC chronic_JJ somatization_NN (_( multiple_JJ , medically_RB unexplained_JJ physical_JJ symptoms_NNS )_) 72_CD CONTINUATION_NP TREATMENT_NP 73_CD once_RB patients_NNS have_HV responded_VBN to_TO acute-phase_VB treatment_NN , continuation_NN treatment_NN is_BEZ indicated_VBN to_TO prevent_VB the_ATI return_NN of_IN the_ATI most_QL recent_JJ episode_NN Continuing_NP the_ATI medication_NN is_BEZ always_RB called_VBN for_IN if_CS the_ATI acute-phase_NN treatment_NN included_VBN medication_NN the_ATI dosage_NN is_BEZ the_ATI same_AP as_CS that_CS used_VBN in_IN acute- phase_NN treatment_NN visits_NNS to_TO determine_VB the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN medication_NN can_MD be_BE extended_VBN to_IN once_RB every_AT 2_CD to_IN 3_CD months_NNS for_IN most_QL patients.=20_CD 74_CD if_CS psychotherapy_NN alone_JJ constituted_VBD acute-phase_NN treatment_NN , the_ATI patient's_NN$ depressive_JJ symptoms_NNS remit_VB , and_CC psychosocial_JJ function_NN is_BEZ restored_VBN , it_PP3 is_BEZ unclear_JJ (_( ie_NN , largely_RB unstudied_JJ )_) as_CS to_TO whether_CS or_CC not_XNOT psychotherapy_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN as_IN a_AT continuation_NN treatment_NN however_RB , results_VBZ of_IN two_CD uncontrolled_JJ , nonrandomized_JJ studies_NNS (_( Ref._NP 9,10_CD )_) are_BER consistent_JJ with_IN the_ATI notion_NN that_CS continuation_NN psychotherapy_NN may_MD reduce_VB the_ATI relapse_NN rate_NN in_IN those_DTS patients_NNS who_WPR respond_VB to_TO acute-phase_VB psychotherapy_NN 75_CD if_CS combined_JJ acute-phase_NN treatment_NN was_BEDZ used_VBN , we_PP1AS believe_VB that_CS psychotherapy_NN can_MD be_BE discontinued_VBN if_CS the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ in_IN remission_NN and_CC if_CS psychosocial_JJ function_NN has_HVZ been_BEN restored_VBN , although_CS this_DT recommendation_NN rests_VBZ solely_RB on_IN clinical_JJ experience_NN 76_CD 76_CD while_CS some_DTI naturalistic_JJ follow-up_NN studies_NNS suggest_VB a_AT lower_JJR recurrence_NN rate_NN for_IN those_DTS patients_NNS who_WPR respond_VB acutely_RB to_IN cognitive_JJ therapy_NN alone_JJ (_( or_CC in_IN combination_NN with_IN medication_NN )_) once_RB treatment_NN is_BEZ discontinued_VBN , other_AP studies_NNS have_HV failed_VBN to_TO confirm_VB these_DTS findings_NNS these_DTS presently_RB mixed_JJ results_NNS could_MD indicate_VB a_AT specific_JJ effect_NN of_IN the_ATI therapy_NN or_CC , from_IN a_AT selection_NN of_IN cases_NNS with_IN a_AT naturally_RB better_JJR prognosis_NN , a_AT capacity_NN of_IN certain_JJ patients_NNS to_TO respond_VB acutely_RB to_IN psychotherapy_NN to_TO date_NN , the_ATI hypothetical_JJ benefit_NN of_IN preventing_VBG recurrence_NN with_IN acute-phase_NN psychotherapy_NN alone_JJ has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN established_VBN , and_CC further_JJB research_NN is_BEZ indicated_VBN 77_CD MAINTENANCE_NP TREATMENT_NP 78_CD maintenance_NN treatment_NN with_IN medication_NN should_MD be_BE considered_VBN for_IN selected_JJ patients_NNS after_IN acute-_NN and_CC continuation-phase_NN treatment_NN with_IN medication_NN the_ATI goal_NN of_IN maintenance_NN treatment_NN is_BEZ the_ATI prevention_NN of_IN the_ATI recurrence_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ episode_NN of_IN major_JJ depression_NN patients_NNS who_WPR are_BER at_IN high_JJ risk_NN of_IN recurrence_NN should_MD be_BE maintained_VBN for_IN 1_CD1 or_CC more_QL years_NNS on_IN medication_NN treatment_NN at_IN the_ATI same_AP dosage_NN that_CS was_BEDZ effective_JJ in_IN the_ATI acute-phase_NN treatment_NN considerations_NNS for_IN maintenance_NN medication_NN as_CS provided_VBN by_IN the_ATI Depression_NPT Guideline_NP Panel_NP (_( Ref._NP 2_CD )_) include_VB three_CD or_CC more_QL episodes_NNS of_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN or_CC two_CD episodes_NNS of_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN in_IN combination_NN with_IN a_AT positive_JJ , clear-cut_JJ history_NN in_IN one_CD1 or_CC more_QL first-degree_JJB relatives_NNS (_( a_AT family_NN history_NN )_) of_IN bipolar_NN disorder_NN ; a_AT history_NN of_IN recurrence_NN within_IN 1_CD1 year_NN after_IN previously_RB effective_JJ treatment_NN with_IN medication_NN was_BEDZ discontinued_VBN ; a_AT family_NN history_NN (_( as_CS defined_VBN above_IN )_) of_IN recurrent_JJ major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN ; early_JJ onset_NN (_( before_IN age_NN 20_CD years_NNS )_) of_IN the_ATI first_OD episode_NN ; and_CC having_HVG severe_JJ , sudden_JJ or_CC life-threatening_NN symptoms_NNS in_IN both_ABX episodes_NNS in_IN the_ATI past_JJB 3_CD years_NNS 79_CD the_ATI efficacy_NN of_IN maintenance_NN treatment_NN in_IN preventing_VBG a_AT future_NN episode_NN of_IN depression_NN has_HVZ been_BEN demonstrated_VBN only_RB with_IN medications_NNS maintenance_NN psychotherapy_NN , given_VBN at_RB least_RB monthly_JJ , does_DOZ not_XNOT appear_VB to_TO prevent_VB recurrence_NN (_( Ref._NP 11,12_CD )_) , although_CS one_CD1 study_NN (_( Ref._NP 11_CD )_) suggests_VBZ that_CS it_PP3 may_MD help_VB to_TO delay_VB the_ATI onset_NN of_IN the_ATI next_AP episode_NN in_IN recurrent_JJ major_JJ depressive_JJ disorders_NNS consequently_RB , maintenance_NN psychotherapy_NN can_MD be_BE useful_JJ for_IN women_NNS who_WPR want_VB to_TO become_VB pregnant_JJ and_CC bear_VB a_AT child_NN in_IN a_AT drug-free_NN condition_NN or_CC for_IN other_AP patients_NNS who_WPR must_MD be_BE medication_NN free_JJ for_IN limited_JJ time_NN periods_NNS 80_CD MAJOR_NPT DEPRESSIVE_NPT DISORDER_NPT ASSOCIATED_NPT WITH_NPT OTHER_NP CONDITIONS_NP 81_CD the_ATI algorithm_NN in_IN Figure_NP 4_CD indicates_VBZ the_ATI treatment_NN priorities_NNS when_WRB major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN is_BEZ associated_VBN with_IN another_DT psychiatric_JJ condition_NN for_IN example_NN , a_AT depressed_JJ patient_NN with_IN alcohol_NN dependence_NN should_MD first_OD discontinue_VB alcohol_NN use_NN for_IN several_AP weeks_NNS if_CS the_ATI major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN persists_VBZ , it_PP3 should_MD be_BE treated_VBN this_DT principle_NN has_HVZ several_AP exceptions_NNS : 82_CD when_WRB generalized_JJ anxiety_NN disorder_NN coexists_NNS with_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN , treatment_NN should_MD be_BE directed_VBN toward_IN the_ATI major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN first_OD 83_CD if_CS panic_NN disorder_NN is_BEZ present_JJ only_RB during_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ episodes_NNS , the_ATI major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN is_BEZ treated_VBN first_OD 84_NN if_CS panic_NN disorder_NN and_CC major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN are_BER both_ABX present_JJ and_CC the_ATI panic_NN disorder_NN has_HVZ been_BEN present_JJ without_IN episodes_NNS of_IN major_JJ depression_NN in_IN the_ATI past_NN , the_ATI clinician_NN must_MD judge_VB by_IN family_NN history_NN , the_ATI level_NN of_IN current_JJ disability_NN attributable_JJ to_IN each_DT condition_NN , or_CC prior_RB course_RB of_IN illness_NN which_WDTR is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL significant_JJ condition_NN and_CC treat_VB that_CS condition_NN first_OD (_( some_DTI medications_NNS have_HV proven_VBN effective_JJ for_IN both_ABX disorders_NNS and_CC , therefore_RB , may_MD be_BE preferred_VBN in_IN such_ABL situations_NNS )_) 85_CD if_CS a_AT personality_NN disorder_NN is_BEZ suspected_VBN , the_ATI major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN is_BEZ treated_VBN first_OD whenever_WRB feasible_JJ 86_CD general_JJ medical_JJ conditions_NNS that_CS are_BER associated_VBN with_IN depressive_JJ symptoms_NNS include_VB autoimmune_NN , neurologic_JJ , metabolic_JJ , infectious_JJ , oncologic_JJ , and_CC endocrine_NN disorders_NNS , among_IN others_APS in_IN such_ABL cases_NNS , the_ATI practitioner_NN should_MD consider_VB the_ATI following_JJ four_CD possibilities_NNS : (_( 1_CD1 )_) if_CS the_ATI depression_NN is_BEZ biologically_RB caused_VBN by_IN the_ATI general_JJ medical_JJ disorder_NN (_( eg_NN , hypothyroidism_NN )_) , treatment_NN of_IN the_ATI medical_JJ disorder_NN often_RB resolves_VBZ the_ATI depression_NN ; (_( 2_CD )_) if_CS the_ATI patient_NN has_HVZ a_AT situational_JJ adjustment_NN reaction_NN to_IN the_ATI diagnosis_NN , prognosis_NN , or_CC disability_NN , then_RN counseling_VBG , advice_NN , and_CC support_NN with_IN clear_JJ information_NN provided_VBN by_IN the_ATI family_NN physician_NN is_BEZ recommended_VBN ; (_( 3_CD )_) if_CS the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ taking_VBG a_AT medication_NN for_IN the_ATI general_JJ medical_JJ condition_NN that_WPR is_BEZ causing_VBG the_ATI depressive_JJ symptoms_NNS or_CC even_RB a_AT major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN , then_RN a_AT change_NN in_IN medication_NN is_BEZ the_ATI preferred_VBN first_OD step_NN ; and_CC (_( 4_CD )_) if_CS the_ATI patient_NN has_HVZ a_AT major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN , either_DTX precipitated_VBN biologically_RB or_CC psychologically_RB by_IN the_ATI general_JJ medical_JJ disorder_NN or_CC co-occurring_NN by_IN chance_NN , then_RN specific_JJ treatment_NN for_IN the_ATI clinical_JJ depression_NN is_BEZ indicated.=20_CD 87_CD similarly_RB , if_CS major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN is_BEZ still_RB present_JJ in_IN the_ATI first_OD three_CD cases_NNS after_IN the_ATI above_IN initial_JJ steps_NNS are_BER followed_VBN , specific_JJ treatment_NN for_IN the_ATI major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN is_BEZ recommended_VBN in_IN these_DTS cases_NNS , persistent_JJ major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN should_MD be_BE treated_VBN first_OD , followed_VBN by_IN optimal_JJ treatment_NN of_IN the_ATI nondepressive_JJ condition_NN (_( Figure_NP 5_CD )_) That_NP is_BEZ , when_WRB the_ATI general_JJ medical_JJ condition_NN is_BEZ complicated_VBN by_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN , the_ATI depression_NN becomes_VBZ the_ATI treatment_NN objective_JJ 88_CD CONSULTATION_NPT OR_NP REFERRAL_NP 89_CD a_AT consultation_NN or_CC referral_NN is_BEZ a_AT consideration_NN at_IN any_DTI time_NN during_IN the_ATI diagnosis_NN of_IN major_JJ depressive_JJ disorder_NN and_CC the_ATI treatment_NN of_IN the_ATI depressed_JJ patient_NN instances_NNS may_MD include_VB one_CD1 or_CC more_AP of_IN the_ATI following_JJ : 90_CD the_ATI patient_NN fails_VBZ to_TO respond_VB fully_RB within_IN three_CD treatment_NN trials_NNS 91_CD the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ actively_RB suicidal_JJ 92_CD the_ATI patient_NN is_BEZ suffering_VBG from_IN a_AT very_QL severe_JJ , psychotic_NC , or_CC chronic_JJ depression_NN 93_CD the_ATI patient's_NN$ symptoms_NNS suggest_VB a_AT complex_JJ psychiatric_JJ or_CC general_JJ medical_JJ diagnosis_NN 94_CD the_ATI patient_NN shows_VBZ persistent_JJ psychosocial_JJ problems_NNS 95_CD formal_JJ psychotherapy_NN is_BEZ a_AT consideration_NN 96_CD specialized_JJ treatment_NN , such_IN as_IN electroconvulsive_JJ therapy_NN and_CC light_NN therapy_NN , are_BER a_AT consideration_NN 97_CD the_ATI patient_NN requests_NNS a_AT second_OD opinion_NN 98_NN medical_JJ , Metabolic_NP , and_CC Psychological_NP Effects_NNS of_IN Weight_NP Cycling_NP 99_CD weight_NN cycling_VBG refers_VBZ to_IN the_ATI phenomenon_NN of_IN repeatedly_RB losing_VBG and_CC regaining_VBG weight_NN this_DT common_JJ experience_NN of_IN many_AP dieters_NNS leaves_NNS patients_NNS and_CC health_NN care_NN professionals_NNS frustrated_JJ and_CC disappointed_JJ thus_RB , significant_JJ interest_NN was_BEDZ generated_VBN when_WRB a_AT study_NN with_IN animals_NNS reported_VBN that_CS weight_NN cycling_VBG may_MD impede_VB subsequent_JJ weight_NN loss_NN and_CC promote_VB rapid_JJ regain_VB yo-yo_NN dieting_VBG became_VBD the_ATI colloquial_JJ term_NN for_IN this_DT process_NN 100_CD there_EX is_BEZ now_RN a_AT burgeoning_VBG scientific_JJ literature_NN on_IN weight_NN cycling_NN The_NP Diet_NP and_CC Health_NP report_NN of_IN the_ATI National_NP Academy_NP of_IN Sciences_NP noted_VBD the_ATI possible_JJ deleterious_JJ effects_NNS of_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG , and_CC the_ATI Surgeon_NP General's_NPT$ Report_NP on_IN Nutrition_NN and_CC Health_NP recommended_VBD that_CS _** the_ATI health_NN consequences_NNS of_IN repeated_JJ cycles_NNS of_IN weight_NN loss_NN and_CC gain_VB _** be_BE given_VBN _** special_JJ priority_NN _** the_ATI topic_NN has_HVZ been_BEN the_ATI subject_NN of_IN reviews_NNS and_CC editorials_NNS , and_CC a_AT poll_NN of_IN obesity_NN experts_NNS found_VBN that_CS genetics_NNS , physical_JJ inactivity_NN , weight_NN cycling_VBG , and_CC depression_NN were_BED listed_VBN as_IN the_ATI key_NN causes_NNS of_IN obesity_NN 101_CD national_JJ surveys_NNS show_VB that_CS 40%_NP of_IN women_NNS and_CC 20%_NP of_IN men_NNS are_BER dieting_VBG at_IN any_DTI one_CD1 time_NN ; 37%_CD of_IN men_NNS and_CC 52%_NN of_IN women_NNS feel_VB they_PP3AS are_BER overweight_NN Weight_NP loss_NN has_HVZ long_JJ been_BEN considered_VBN a_AT means_NNS of_IN promoting_VBG health_NN , but_CC since_CS so_QL many_AP people_NNS regain_VB the_ATI weight_NN , millions_CDS of_IN individuals_NNS could_MD be_BE damaging_JJ their_PP$ health_NN if_CS weight_NN cycling_VBG has_HVZ deleterious_JJ effects_NNS on_IN medical_JJ or_CC psychosocial_JJ factors_NNS 102_CD THE_NP PHENOMENON_NP 103_CD because_CS dieting_VBG is_BEZ so_QL common_JJ and_CC relapse_NN is_BEZ a_AT likely_JJ outcome_NN , it_PP3 is_BEZ logical_JJ to_TO assume_VB that_CS weight_NN cycling_VBG is_BEZ highly_RB prevalent_JJ just_RB how_WRB much_AP individuals_NNS gain_VB and_CC lose_VB can_MD only_RB be_BE inferred_VBN from_IN incomplete_JJ data_NNS Even_NP the_ATI most_QL detailed_JJ studies_NNS of_IN weight_NN change_NN only_RB offer_VB weights_NNS separated_VBN by_IN months_NNS or_CC years_NNS 104_CD 7_CD over_IN the_ATI first_OD 14_CD years_NNS of_IN the_ATI Framingham_NP Study_NP , the_ATI SD_NN of_IN body_NN mass_NN index_NN for_IN men_NNS and_CC women_NNS was_BEDZ 5.7%_NN and_CC 6.7%_NN , respectively_RB in_IN men_NNS in_IN the_ATI Multiple_NPT Risk_NP Factor_NP Intervention_NN Trial_NP , the_ATI SD_NN of_IN weight_NN was_BEDZ 2.9_CD kg_NNU over_IN the_ATI 6_CD to_IN 7_CD years_NNS of_IN the_ATI trial_NN weights_NNS were_BED measured_VBN every_AT 2_CD years_NNS in_IN the_ATI Framingham_NP Study_NP and_CC once_RB or_CC three_CD times_NNS per_NNU year_NN in_IN the_ATI Multiple_NP Risk_NP Factor_NP Intervention_NN Trial_NP study_NN , so_QL total_JJ fluctuation_NN between_IN intervals_NNS is_BEZ unknown_JJ weight_NN variability_NN is_BEZ not_XNOT identical_JJ to_IN a_AT measure_NN of_IN repeated_JJ cycles_NNS of_IN weight_NN loss_NN and_CC regain_VB , but_CC has_HVZ been_BEN used_VBN as_IN an_AT analogue_NN since_CS cycling_VBG is_BEZ not_XNOT possible_JJ to_IN document_NN in_IN many_AP instances_NNS 105_CD a_AT study_NN (_( S._NP a._RB Everson_NP , PhD_NP , K._NP a._RB Matthews_NP , PhD_NP , unpublished_JJ data_NNS )_) tracked_JJ weight_NN in_IN a_AT 6.5-year_JJ longitudinal_JJ study_NN of_IN blood_NN pressure_NN in_IN 153_CD middle-aged_JJ adults_NNS and_CC assessed_VBN weight_NN cycling_VBG at_IN the_ATI end_NN of_IN the_ATI study_NN with_IN a_AT questionnaire_NN developed_VBN previously_RB the_ATI sum_NN of_IN all_ABN weight_NN gains_NNS and_CC losses_NNS , respectively_RB , averaged_VBD 10.3_CD kg_NNU and_CC 10.5_CD kg_NNU for_IN men_NNS and_CC 14.1_CD kg_NNU and_CC 12.4_CD kg_NNU for_IN women_NNS the_ATI total_JJ weight_NN gain_NN for_IN men_NNS was_BEDZ 12%_CD and_CC loss_NN was_BEDZ 12%_CD of_IN initial_JJ body_NN weight_NN , but_CC for_IN women_NNS gain_VB and_CC loss_NN were_BED 21%_CD and_CC 19%_CD , respectively_RB a_AT study_NN tracking_VBG 332_CD individuals_NNS who_WPR were_BED 20%_NP or_CC more_QL overweight_JJ found_VBN that_CS the_ATI vast_JJ majority_NN either_DTX lost_VBN or_CC gained_VBN significant_JJ amounts_NNS of_IN weight_NN 106_CD WEIGHT_NP CYCLING_NP , WEIGHT_NP CHANGE_NP , AND_NP METABOLISM_NP 107_CD weight_NN Loss_NN on_IN Successive_NP Diets_NP 108_CD Blackburn_NP et_&FW al_APS published_VBN the_ATI first_OD test_NN in_IN humans_NNS of_IN the_ATI cycling_NN hypothesis_NN (_( successive_JJ cycles_NNS would_MD inhibit_VB weight_NN loss_NN )_) in_IN a_AT study_NN of_IN 43_CD individuals_NNS who_WPR lost_JJ weight_NN on_IN a_AT very-low-calorie_NN diet_NN as_CS outpatients_NNS , regained_VBD weight_NN , and_CC then_RN underwent_VB the_ATI same_AP treatment_NN Consistent_NP with_IN the_ATI hypothesis_NN , subjects_NNS lost_VBN significantly_RB less_QL weight_NN (_( 0.15_CD kg_d_NN )_) on_IN the_ATI second_OD diet_NN than_CS on_IN the_ATI first_OD (_( 0.19_CD kg_d_NN )_) poorer_JJR compliance_NN on_IN a_AT second_OD diet_NN , in_IN lieu_NN of_IN , or_CC in_IN addition_NN to_TO , adaptive_JJ metabolic_JJ changes_NNS , might_MD explain_VB these_DTS results.=20_CD 109_CD Smith_NP and_CC Wing_NP measured_JJ compliance_NN across_IN two_CD bouts_NNS of_IN a_AT very-low-calorie_NN diet_NN , and_CC reported_VBN dramatic_JJ declines_VBZ during_IN the_ATI second_OD diet_NN in_IN attendance_NN at_IN sessions_NNS and_CC dietary_JJ compliance_NN Blackburn_NP et_&FW al_APS addressed_VBN the_ATI compliance_NN issue_NN by_IN examining_VBG 14_CD individuals_NNS who_WPR had_HVD taken_VBN part_NN in_IN several_AP trials_NNS of_IN a_AT supplemented_VBN fast_RB , but_CC had_HVD done_VBN so_CS as_CS inpatients_NNS on_IN a_AT metabolic_JJ unit_NN under_IN these_DTS controlled_JJ circumstances_NNS , where_WRB compliance_NN was_BEDZ consistent_JJ , weight_NN loss_NN was_BEDZ still_RB significantly_RB less_AP on_IN a_AT second_OD diet_NN compared_VBN with_IN the_ATI first_OD 110_CD several_AP subsequent_JJ studies_NNS with_IN outpatient_NN samples_NNS failed_VBN to_TO find_VB differences_NNS in_IN the_ATI rate_NN of_IN weight_NN loss_NN over_IN successive_JJ diets_NNS all_ABN used_VBN different_JJ definitions_NNS of_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG , and_CC several_AP had_HVD small_JJ sample_NN sizes_NNS , but_CC two_CD studies_NNS had_HVD substantial_JJ samples_NNS 111_CD the_ATI animal_NN literature_NN is_BEZ similar_JJ to_IN the_ATI human_JJ literature_NN in_IN that_DT some_DTI studies_NNS show_VB slowing_NN of_IN weight_NN loss_NN , while_CS other_AP studies_NNS do_DO not_XNOT It_NP is_BEZ tempting_JJ to_TO dismiss_VB the_ATI studies_NNS showing_NN a_AT cycling_VBG effect_NN because_CS there_EX are_BER studies_NNS to_IN the_ATI contrary_NN yet_RB , it_PP3 is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS an_AT effect_NN occurs_VBZ in_IN susceptible_JJ individuals_NNS or_CC under_IN certain_JJ dietary_JJ conditions_NNS , or_CC that_CS there_EX are_BER critical_JJ periods_NNS of_IN vulnerability_NN the_ATI question_NN of_IN whether_CS the_ATI effect_NN exists_VBZ or_CC not_XNOT might_MD yield_VB to_IN the_ATI broader_JJR question_NN of_IN whether_CS weight_NN cycling_VBG affects_VBZ particular_JJ individuals_NNS under_IN specific_JJ circumstances_NNS 112_CD weight_NN Cycling_NP and_CC Metabolic_NP Rate_NP 113_CD to_TO examine_VB if_CS metabolic_JJ rate_NN is_BEZ a_AT mechanism_NN by_IN which_WDTR cycling_VBG alters_VBZ the_ATI rate_NN of_IN weight_NN loss_NN and_CC regain_VB , several_AP studies_NNS were_BED conducted_VBN with_IN wrestlers_NNS , a_AT group_NN known_VBN for_IN rapid_JJ , frequent_JJ , and_CC severe_JJ cycles_NNS Steen_NP et_&FW al_APS compared_VBN the_ATI resting_NN energy_NN expenditure_NN (_( REE_NP )_) of_IN elite_NN adolescent_JJ wrestlers_NNS with_IN a_AT history_NN of_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG to_IN REE_NP in_IN noncycling_VBG wrestlers_NNS the_ATI REE_NP was_BEDZ 14%_CD lower_JJR in_IN the_ATI cycling_NN than_CS in_IN the_ATI noncycling_NN subjects_NNS , after_IN accounting_NN for_IN age_NN , body_NN composition_NN , and_CC wrestling_VBG record.=20_CD 114_CD several_AP subsequent_JJ studies_NNS failed_VBN to_TO associate_VB weight_NN cycling_VBG with_IN lowered_VBD metabolic_JJ rate_NN in_IN wrestlers_NNS the_ATI evidence_NN for_IN changes_NNS in_IN metabolism_NN in_IN dieters_NNS also_RB appears_VBZ mixed_JJ while_CS nonobese_JJ female_JJ cyclic_JJ dieters_NNS appear_VB to_TO have_HV lower_JJR relative_JJ REE_NP and_CC exercise_NN energy_NN expenditure_NN than_IN do_DO nondieting_VBG control_NN subjects_NNS , studies_VBZ with_IN obese_JJ individuals_NNS show_VB no_ATI association_NN of_IN cycling_VBG history_NN with_IN metabolic_JJ rate_NN Jebb_NP et_&FW al_APS followed_VBN up_RP 11_CD obese_JJ women_NNS through_IN three_CD consecutive_JJ cycles_NNS of_IN 2_CD weeks'_NNS$ dieting_VBG followed_VBN by_IN 4_CD weeks_NNS of_IN nonrestricted_VBN eating_VBG and_CC found_VBN no_ATI evidence_NN of_IN progressive_JJ decreases_VBZ in_IN REE_NP 115_CD WEIGHT_NPT CYCLING_NPT BEHAVIOR_NPT AND_NPT PSYCHOLOGICAL_NP FACTORS_NP 116_CD a_AT small_JJ number_NN of_IN studies_NNS have_HV been_BEN done_VBN on_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG and_CC psychological_JJ adjustment_NN and_CC eating_VBG behavior_NN , but_CC the_ATI results_NNS thus_RB far_RB are_BER consistent_JJ foreyt_NN et_&FW al_APS found_VBN no_ATI differences_NNS in_IN psychopathology_NN between_IN obese_JJ and_CC nonobese_JJ individuals_NNS , but_CC individuals_NNS with_IN a_AT history_NN of_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG showed_VBD significantly_RB greater_JJR pathologic_JJ findings_NNS than_IN those_DTS with_IN stable_JJ weights_NNS , independent_NN of_IN weight_NN Everson_NP and_CC Matthews_NP reported_VBN that_CS lower_JJR levels_NNS of_IN life_NN satisfaction_NN were_BED related_VBN to_TO increased_JJ weight_NN cycling_VBG in_IN females_NNS but_CC not_XNOT in_IN males_NNS (_( unpublished_JJ data_NNS )_) 117_CD a_AT study_NN with_IN a_AT large_JJ sample_NN of_IN runners_NNS found_VBN that_CS a_AT history_NN of_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN higher_JJR levels_NNS of_IN disturbed_VBN eating_VBG practices_NNS (_( indicative_NN of_IN bulimia_NN nervosa_NN )_) 118_CD binge_NN eating_VBG in_IN overweight_NN persons_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN recognized_VBN as_IN a_AT special_JJ pattern_NN of_IN behavior_NN associated_VBN with_IN increased_JJ psychopathology_NN and_CC poor_JJ prognosis_NN in_IN weight_NN loss_NN programs_NNS repeated_VBN or_CC chronic_JJ dieting_NN may_MD predispose_VB an_AT individual_JJ to_IN disordered_JJ eating_NN , including_IN binge_NN eating_NN In_NP one_CD1 study_NN , restrained_VBN eating_VBG (_( dieting_VBG )_) was_BEDZ a_AT stronger_JJR predictor_NN of_IN weight_NN fluctuation_NN than_IN was_BEDZ body_NN weight_NN itself_PPL a_AT study_NN of_IN obese_JJ individuals_NNS in_IN treatment_NN showed_VBD no_ATI relationship_NN between_IN reports_NNS of_IN previous_JJ weight_NN fluctuation_NN and_CC binge_NN eating_NN a_AT large_JJ multisite_NN trial_NN , however_RB , found_VBD that_CS obese_JJ binge_NN eaters_NNS were_BED more_QL likely_JJ than_IN nonbinge_NN eaters_NNS to_TO have_HV a_AT history_NN of_IN weight_NN cycling_NN 119_CD WEIGHT_NPT CYCLING_NPT AND_NP MORTALITY_NP 120_CD several_AP studies_NNS have_HV considered_VBN the_ATI relationship_NN between_IN weight_NN variability_NN and_CC mortality_NN a_AT study_NN of_IN male_JJ employees_NNS of_IN the_ATI Western_NP Electric_NP Company_NP found_VBD that_CS a_AT single_JJ cycle_NN of_IN weight_NN gain_NN and_CC loss_NN (_( difference_NN in_IN self-reported_JJ weights_NNS in_IN 5-year_NN intervals_NNS )_) was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN risk_NN of_IN death_NN from_IN coronary_JJ heart_NN disease_NN (_( CHD_NP )_) but_CC not_XNOT with_IN all- cause_NN mortality_NN data_NNS from_IN the_ATI Harvard_NP Alumni_NP Study_NP documented_VBN that_CS weight_NN gain_NN and_CC weight_NN loss_NN were_BED associated_VBN with_IN increased_VBN mortality_NN from_IN all_ABN causes_NNS and_CC from_IN CHD_NP those_DTS losing_VBG or_CC gaining_VBG more_QL weight_NN reported_VBN greater_JJR total_JJ lifetime_NN weight_NN loss_NN , which_WDTR may_MD indicate_VB weight_NN cycling_NN 121_CD data_NNS from_IN the_ATI Gothenburg_NP (_( Sweden_NP )_) Prospective_NP Studies_NP found_VBD an_AT association_NN of_IN weight_NN variability_NN with_IN CHD_NP in_IN men_NNS and_CC with_IN total_JJ mortality_NN in_IN both_ABX men_NNS and_CC women_NNS in_IN a_AT study_NN of_IN 3130_CD subjects_NNS from_IN the_ATI Framingham_NP (_( Mass_NP )_) Heart_NP Study_NP , Lissner_NP et_&FW al_APS calculated_VBN the_ATI coefficient_NN of_IN variation_NN (_( SD_mean_NP )_) of_IN eight_CD weights_NNS collected_VBN over_IN the_ATI first_OD 14_CD years_NNS of_IN the_ATI study_NN plus_IN recalled_VBD weight_NN at_IN age_NN 25_CD years_NNS weight_NN , slope_NN of_IN weight_NN , smoking_VBG , physical_JJ activity_NN , serum_NN cholesterol_NN level_NN , systolic_JJ blood_NN pressure_NN , and_CC glucose_NN tolerance_NN were_BED included_VBN as_IN covariates_NNS to_TO avoid_VB bias_NN created_VBN by_IN antecedent_JJ disease_NN influencing_VBG weight_NN variability_NN , only_RB end_NN points_NNS occurring_VBG 4_CD or_CC more_QL years_NNS after_IN the_ATI last_AP weight_NN were_BED included_VBN weight_NN variability_NN was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN total_JJ mortality_NN in_IN both_ABX men_NNS and_CC women_NNS , with_IN CHD_NP mortality_NN in_IN men_NNS , and_CC with_IN CHD_NP morbidity_NN in_IN women_NNS 122_CD Blair_NP et_&FW al_APS investigated_VBN weight_NN variability_NN in_IN 10594_CD men_NNS at_IN high_JJ risk_NN for_IN CHD_NP in_IN the_ATI Multiple_NPT Risk_NP Factor_NP Intervention_NN Trial_NP over_IN the_ATI 6_CD to_IN 7_CD years_NNS of_IN the_ATI trial_NN , six_CD to_IN seven_CD weights_NNS were_BED available_JJ for_IN subjects_NNS receiving_VBG no_ATI intervention_NN , and_CC 18_CD to_IN 21_CD weights_NNS were_BED available_JJ for_IN subjects_NNS receiving_VBG lifestyle_NN intervention_NN to_TO reduce_VB risk_NN for_IN heart_NN disease_NN intrapersonal_JJ SD_NN of_IN weight_NN was_BEDZ calculated_VBN for_IN each_DT subject_NN Morbidity_NP and_CC mortality_NN were_BED evaluated_VBN at_IN a_AT follow- up_NN 9_CD to_IN 12_CD years_NNS after_IN the_ATI trial_NN began_VBD death_NN rates_NNS per_NNU 1000_CD person_NN years_NNS of_IN follow-up_NN by_IN quartiles_NNS one_CD1 to_IN four_CD of_IN ISD_NP were_BED 6.72_NN , 6.62_NN , 8.19_CD , and_CC 9.14_CD , respectively_RB increased_JJ weight_NN fluctuation_NN was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN 50%_NP to_TO 60%_NP increased_JJ risk_NN for_IN all-cause_NN , cardiovascular_NN disease_NN , and_CC CHD_NP mortality_NN in_IN subjects_NNS with_IN at_RB least_RB one_CD1 complete_JJ weight_NN cycle_NN , the_ATI relative_JJ risk_NN for_IN all-cause_NN mortality_NN was_BEDZ 1.55_CD compared_VBN with_IN subjects_NNS with_IN stable_JJ weights_NNS Blair_NP and_CC Paffenbarger_NP reported_VBD that_CS weight_NN variability_NN was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN CHD_NP , hypertension_NN , and_CC diabetes_NN in_IN 12025_CD college_NN alumni_NN followed_VBN up_RP for_IN approximately_RB 30_CD years_NNS 123_CD two_CD smaller_JJR studies_NNS failed_VBN to_TO find_VB a_AT relationship_NN between_IN weight_NN variability_NN and_CC health_NN one_CD1 study_NN used_JJ data_NNS from_IN 846_NN men_NNS in_IN the_ATI Baltimore_NP (_( Md_NP )_) Longitudinal_NP Study_NP of_IN Aging_NP , which_WDTR had_HVD three_CD to_IN 16_CD weights_NNS measured_VBN over_IN 2_CD to_IN 27_CD years_NNS using_VBG variability_NN around_IN a_AT time-dependent_NN regression_NN slope_NN to_TO express_VB weight_NN fluctuation_NN , the_ATI authors_NNS found_VBD no_ATI relationship_NN of_IN variability_NN with_IN CHD_NP or_CC all-cause_NN mortality_NN using_VBG three_CD weights_NNS in_IN 928_NN males_NNS and_CC females_NNS in_IN the_ATI Charleston_NP (_( SC_NP )_) Heart_NP Study_NP , no_ATI association_NN was_BEDZ found_VBN between_IN variability_NN and_CC all-cause_NN mortality_NN using_VBG the_ATI coefficient_NN of_IN variation_NN as_IN the_ATI measure_NN of_IN weight_NN fluctuation_NN 124_CD WEIGHT_NPT CYCLING_NP AS_NP A_ZZ RISK_NP FACTOR_NP 125_CD relationships_NNS between_IN weight_NN variability_NN and_CC cardiovascular_NN disease_NN and_CC CHD_NP mortality_NN are_BER fairly_RB consistent_JJ , hold_VB true_JJ for_IN males_NNS and_CC females_NNS , and_CC reflect_VB relative_JJ risks_NNS for_IN high_JJ levels_NNS of_IN fluctuation_NN of_IN 1.25_CD to_IN 2.0_CD across_IN studies_NNS existing_JJ studies_NNS differ_VB in_IN their_PP$ methods_NNS ; the_ATI determinants_NNS of_IN weight_NN variability_NN are_BER not_XNOT specified_VBN and_CC may_MD not_XNOT be_BE due_JJ to_IN dieting_VBG and_CC regaining_VBG , and_CC therefore_RB more_QL research_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN before_CS weight_NN cycling_VBG itself_PPL could_MD be_BE declared_VBN a_AT distinct_JJ risk_NN factor_NN 126_CD one_CD1 problem_NN is_BEZ that_CS existing_JJ data_NNS sets_NNS were_BED not_XNOT designed_VBN to_TO examine_VB weight_NN cycling_NN recorded_JJ weights_NNS are_BER separated_VBN by_IN months_NNS or_CC even_RB years_NNS , so_QL little_JJ is_BEZ known_VBN about_IN weight_NN fluctuation_NN between_IN assessments_NNS the_ATI hope_NN that_CS periodic_JJ weights_NNS are_BER representative_NN of_IN total_JJ fluctuation_NN is_BEZ supported_VBN by_IN the_ATI similar_JJ findings_NNS from_IN the_ATI special_JJ intervention_NN and_CC usual_JJ care_NN subjects_NNS in_IN the_ATI Multiple_NPT Risk_NP Factor_NP Intervention_NN Trial_NP population_NN , where_WRB weights_NNS were_BED obtained_VBN three_CD times_NNS vs_IN once_RB per_NNU year_NN Still_NP , more_QL frequent_JJ weights_NNS will_MD be_BE needed_VBN to_TO ensure_VB that_CS total_JJ variability_NN is_BEZ captured_VBN or_CC to_TO validate_VB the_ATI use_NN of_IN less_QL frequent_JJ weights_NNS 127_CD other_AP important_JJ questions_NNS remain_VB one_CD1 is_BEZ the_ATI extent_NN to_TO which_WDTR indexes_NNS of_IN weight_NN variability_NN reflect_VB attempts_NNS to_TO lose_VB weight_NN Individuals_NNS lose_VB and_CC gain_VB weight_NN for_IN reasons_NNS other_AP than_IN dieting_VBG (_( disease_NN , mood_NN disorders_NNS , altered_JJ exercise_NN )_) because_CS the_ATI available_JJ studies_NNS did_DOD not_XNOT monitor_NN why_WRB weight_NN loss_NN occurred_VBD , it_PP3 is_BEZ not_XNOT possible_JJ to_TO attribute_VB the_ATI changes_NNS to_IN dieting_NN 128_CD two_CD studies_NNS suggest_VB that_CS weight_NN variability_NN is_BEZ highly_RB correlated_VBN with_IN self-reports_NNS of_IN dieting_NN in_IN the_ATI Gothenburg_NP study_NN , variability_NN was_BEDZ positively_RB correlated_VBN with_IN a_AT history_NN of_IN dieting_NN using_VBG data_NNS from_IN the_ATI National_NP Health_NP and_CC Nutrition_NN Examination_NN Survey_NP , Williamson_NP reported_VBD that_CS individuals_NNS who_WPR reported_VBD being_BEG on_IN a_AT diet_NN at_IN the_ATI baseline_NN assessment_NN had_HVD much_RB greater_JJR percentage_NN changes_NNS in_IN body_NN weight_NN over_IN 10_CD years_NNS future_NN studies_NNS should_MD distinguish_VB reasons_NNS for_IN weight_NN change_NN before_CS asserting_VBG that_CS dieting_VBG is_BEZ a_AT risk_NN factor_NN 129_CD another_DT pressing_VBG issue_NN involves_VBZ the_ATI methods_NNS used_VBN to_TO express_VB and_CC analyze_NN data_NNS on_IN weight_NN change_NN existing_JJ studies_NNS on_IN weight_NN fluctuation_NN and_CC health_NN have_HV used_VBN different_JJ methods_NNS wing_NN and_CC Cutter_NP et_&FW al_APS have_HV shown_VBN that_CS each_DT method_NN creates_VBZ a_AT different_JJ picture_NN of_IN weight_NN variability_NN one_CD1 method_NN might_MD be_BE sensitive_JJ to_IN the_ATI number_NN of_IN times_NNS an_AT individual_JJ changes_NNS weight_NN , while_CS another_DT is_BEZ more_QL influenced_VBN by_IN the_ATI magnitude_NN or_CC direction_NN of_IN the_ATI changes_NNS an_AT individual_JJ might_MD lose_VB 22.5_VB kg_NNU and_CC then_RN regain_VB , while_CS another_DT might_MD lose_VB only_RB 2.25_CD kg_NNU and_CC regain_VB , but_CC do_DO so_QL 10_CD times_NNS studies_NNS to_TO date_VB have_HV not_XNOT separated_VBN different_JJ patterns_NNS of_IN variability_NN 130_CD MECHANISMS_NPT LINKING_NPT WEIGHT_NP VARIABILITY_NP (_( OR_NP CYCLING_NP )_) TO_NP HEALTH_NP : CARDIOVASCULAR_NPT RISK_NP FACTORS_NP 131_CD two_CD studies_NNS using_VBG retrospective_JJ reports_NNS (_( one_CD1 by_IN Everson_NP and_CC Matthews_NP , unpublished_JJ data_NNS )_) and_CC two_CD using_VBG recorded_JJ weights_NNS found_VBD no_ATI associations_NNS between_IN cycling_VBG history_NN and_CC blood_NN pressure_NN another_DT study_NN found_VBN that_CS obese_JJ patients_NNS with_IN a_AT history_NN of_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG had_HVD smaller_JJR reductions_NNS in_IN systolic_JJ and_CC diastolic_JJ blood_NN pressure_NN in_IN response_NN to_IN a_AT very-low-calorie_NN diet_NN than_IN did_DOD noncycling_VBG obese_JJ patients_NNS one_CD1 study_NN with_IN rats_NNS found_VBN sustained_JJ hypertension_NN in_IN cycled_VBD animals_NNS ; two_CD studies_NNS did_DOD not_XNOT , but_CC one_CD1 of_IN these_DTS found_VBN that_WPR cycled_VBD animals_NNS were_BED more_QL responsive_JJ to_IN the_ATI pressor_JJ effects_NNS of_IN an_AT alpha- adrenergic_JJ agonist_NN .=20_CD 132_CD data_NNS at_IN present_NN do_DO not_XNOT allow_VB us_PP1OS to_TO determine_VB whether_CS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT clear_JJ link_NN between_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG and_CC blood_NN pressure_NN the_ATI finding_NN that_CS cycled_VBD animals_NNS may_MD show_VB elevated_VBD blood_NN pressure_NN when_WRB challenged_VBN should_MD be_BE addressed_VBN in_IN humans_NNS with_IN studies_NNS examining_VBG challenges_VBZ such_ABL as_CS increased_VBN dietary_JJ sodium_NN , stress_NN , and_CC weight_NN change_NN 133_CD relatively_RB little_JJ work_NN has_HVZ been_BEN done_VBN on_IN cholesterol_NN , but_CC evidence_NN thus_RB far_RB suggests_VBZ no_ATI link_NN between_IN weight_NN fluctuation_NN and_CC levels_NNS of_IN serum_NN cholesterol_NN several_AP studies_NNS have_HV found_VBN no_ATI relationship_NN between_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG and_CC fasting_NN glucose_NN values_NNS or_CC between_IN metabolic_JJ control_NN and_CC need_NN for_IN hypoglycemic_JJ medication_NN in_IN diabetics_NNS in_IN contrast_NN , a_AT large_JJ longitudinal_JJ study_NN of_IN aging_VBG found_VBN that_CS weight_NN variability_NN over_IN time_NN was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN greater_JJR decreases_VBZ in_IN glucose_NN tolerance_NN in_IN another_DT longitudinal_JJ study_NN with_IN 2000_CD adults_NNS , weight_NN fluctuation_NN between_IN the_ATI ages_NNS of_IN 40_CD and_CC 60_CD years_NNS was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN a_AT significantly_RB increased_JJ rate_NN of_IN diabetes_NN (_( relative_JJ risk_NN , 1.7_CD )_) 134_CD BODY_NPT COMPOSITION_NPT AND_NPT FAT_NP DISTRIBUTION_NP 135_CD both_ABX lean_JJ and_CC fat_JJ tissue_NN are_BER lost_VBN when_WRB an_AT individual_JJ loses_VBZ weight_NN , but_CC little_JJ is_BEZ known_VBN about_IN weight_NN regain_VB if_CS more_AP body_NN fat_NN is_BEZ regained_VBN than_IN is_BEZ lost_VBN originally_RB , successive_JJ cycles_NNS of_IN loss_NN and_CC regain_VB would_MD lead_VB to_IN altered_JJ body_NN composition_NN with_IN one_CD1 exception_NN , studies_NNS have_HV shown_VBN no_ATI differences_NNS in_IN body_NN composition_NN in_IN individuals_NNS considered_JJ cyclers_NNS and_CC noncyclers_NNS 136_CD studies_NNS on_IN body_NN fat_NN distribution_NN create_VB a_AT different_JJ picture_NN Calculating_NP the_ATI waist-hip_NN ratio_NN (_( WHR_NP )_) is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL common_JJ method_NN of_IN evaluating_VBG fat_NN distribution_NN , with_IN a_AT higher_JJR ratio_NN indicative_NN of_IN greater_JJR risk_NN of_IN CHD_NP while_CS there_EX are_BER some_DTI reports_NNS of_IN no_ATI differences_NNS in_IN WHR_NP between_IN individuals_NNS who_WPR were_BED or_CC were_BED not_XNOT classified_VBN as_IN weight_NN cyclers_NNS , based_VBN on_IN reports_NNS of_IN past_NN dieting_VBG , other_AP studies_NNS with_IN a_AT better_JJR measure_NN of_IN cycling_VBG suggest_VB the_ATI possibility_NN of_IN fat_NN redistribution.=20_CD 137_CD Rodin_NP et_&FW al_APS studied_VBN premenopausal_JJ women_NNS and_CC found_VBN that_CS WHR_NP was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN a_AT higher_JJR degree_NN of_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG , that_CS a_AT significant_JJ association_NN of_IN WHR_NP with_IN body_NN mass_NN index_NN was_BEDZ true_JJ only_RB of_IN weight_NN cyclers_NNS , and_CC that_CS the_ATI number_NN of_IN pregnancies_NNS was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN a_AT higher_JJR WHR_NP a_AT longitudinal_JJ study_NN of_IN middle-aged_JJ individuals_NNS found_VBN that_CS cycling_VBG was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN an_AT increased_VBN WHR_NP in_IN women_NNS but_CC not_XNOT in_IN men_NNS (_( Everson_NP and_CC Matthews_NP , unpublished_JJ data_NNS )_) in_IN a_AT longitudinal_JJ study_NN of_IN aging_VBG in_IN men_NNS , weight_NN fluctuation_NN was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN increased_JJ ratio_NN of_IN subscapular_NN to_IN triceps_NNS skinfolds_NNS but_CC not_XNOT with_IN WHR_NP 138_CD PREFERENCE_NPT FOR_NPT DIETARY_NP FAT_NP 139_CD several_AP studies_NNS with_IN animals_NNS found_VBN that_CS rats_NNS cycled_VBD through_IN bouts_NNS of_IN loss_NN and_CC regain_VB increased_VBN the_ATI percent_NNU of_IN calorie_NN intake_NN from_IN dietary_JJ fat_NN when_WRB given_VBN free_JJ choice_NN of_IN fat_NN , carbohydrate_NN , and_CC protein_NN little_JJ work_NN has_HVZ been_BEN done_VBN with_IN humans_NNS Jeffery_NP et_&FW al_APS found_VBN no_ATI relationship_NN of_IN fat_NN intake_NN to_IN cycling_VBG history_NN in_IN obese_JJ men_NNS and_CC women_NNS prior_RB to_IN a_AT weight_NN loss_NN program_NN two_CD studies_NNS by_IN Drewnowski_NP and_CC colleagues_NNS , however_RB , found_VBD that_CS obese_JJ weight_NN cyclers_NNS had_HVD elevated_VBD preferences_NNS for_IN both_ABX sugar_NN and_CC fat_NN compared_VBN with_IN obese_JJ individuals_NNS with_IN stable_JJ weight_NN 140_CD PERIODS_NPT OF_NP VULNERABILITY_NP 141_CD it_PP3 is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS weight_NN cycling_VBG during_IN critical_JJ periods_NNS could_MD lead_VB to_IN increased_JJ risk_NN or_CC , similarly_RB , that_CS the_ATI vulnerability_NN created_VBN by_IN a_AT history_NN of_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG could_MD be_BE expressed_VBN during_IN critical_JJ periods_NNS For_NP example_NN , Keys_NNS et_&FW al_APS speculated_VBD that_CS irreversible_JJ atherogenesis_NN occurs_VBZ during_IN bouts_NNS of_IN weight_NN gain_NN and_CC that_CS this_DT is_BEZ not_XNOT offset_VB by_IN benefits_NNS incurred_VBN during_IN weight_NN loss_NN if_CS true_JJ , weight_NN cycling_VBG might_MD increase_VB risk_NN because_CS of_IN increased_JJ exposure_NN to_IN periods_NNS of_IN weight_NN gain_NN This_NN is_BEZ speculative_JJ , however_RB , because_CS the_ATI issue_NN has_HVZ not_XNOT been_BEN studied_VBN 142_CD pregnancy_NN may_MD represent_VB a_AT period_NN of_IN vulnerability_NN Rossner_NP found_VBD in_IN a_AT sample_NN of_IN severely_RB obese_JJ women_NNS that_CS pregnancy-related_JJ weight_NN gain_NN contributed_VBN significantly_RB to_IN their_PP$ weight_NN problems_NNS the_ATI findings_NNS of_IN Rodin_NP at_IN el_&FW that_CS both_ABX weight_NN cycling_VBG and_CC number_NN of_IN pregnancies_NNS are_BER related_VBN to_IN WHR_NP suggest_VB that_CS pregnancy_NN may_MD be_BE a_AT form_NN of_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG that_DT could_MD affect_VB risk_VB through_IN both_ABX weight_NN and_CC body_NN fat_NN distribution_NN 143_CD CONCLUSIONS_NP 144_CD the_ATI study_NN of_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG has_HVZ matured_VBN to_IN the_ATI point_NN where_WRB numerous_JJ reports_NNS exist_VB using_VBG human_JJ and_CC animal_JJ models_NNS , and_CC direct_JJ tests_NNS have_HV been_BEN made_VBN of_IN hypotheses_NNS regarding_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG , health_NN , and_CC metabolism_NN Given_NP that_CS work_NN on_IN the_ATI topic_NN began_VBD in_IN the_ATI middle_JJB 1980s_CD , the_ATI substantial_JJ literature_NN that_CS now_RN exists_VBZ is_BEZ testimony_NN to_IN the_ATI importance_NN of_IN the_ATI topic_NN and_CC the_ATI broad_JJ interest_NN it_PP3 has_HVZ generated_VBN despite_IN this_DT interest_NN , little_JJ is_BEZ known_VBN about_IN the_ATI natural_JJ history_NN of_IN weight_NN variability_NN in_IN the_ATI general_JJ population_NN 145_CD the_ATI hypothesis_NN that_CS the_ATI body_NN adapts_VBZ to_IN cycles_NNS of_IN loss_NN and_CC regain_VB by_IN becoming_VBG metabolically_RB efficient_JJ has_HVZ been_BEN found_VBN in_IN some_DTI , but_CC not_XNOT most_QL , studies_NNS it_PP3 is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS metabolism_NN is_BEZ affected_VBN by_IN cycling_VBG under_IN certain_JJ dietary_JJ conditions_NNS or_CC in_IN susceptible_JJ individuals_NNS 146_CD weight_NN cycling_VBG appears_VBZ linked_VBN to_IN increased_JJ psychopathology_NN , lower_JJR life_NN satisfaction_NN , more_QL disturbed_VBN eating_VBG in_IN general_JJ , and_CC perhaps_RB increased_JJ risk_NN for_IN binge_NN eating_NN prospective_JJ studies_NNS will_MD be_BE needed_VBN to_TO determine_VB whether_CS cycling_VBG causes_NNS these_DTS problems_NNS , whether_CS these_DTS problems_NNS lead_NN to_IN dieting_VBG and_CC regain_VB , or_CC whether_CS cycling_VBG and_CC psychological_JJ problems_NNS are_BER correlated_VBN but_CC not_XNOT related_VBN in_IN a_AT causal_JJ fashion_NN 147_CD the_ATI bulk_NN of_IN epidemiologic_JJ research_NN shows_VBZ an_AT association_NN of_IN weight_NN variability_NN with_IN important_JJ health_NN outcomes_NNS mortality_NN from_IN all_ABN causes_NNS and_CC from_IN CHD_NP is_BEZ the_ATI most_QL consistent_JJ finding_NN ; morbidity_NN from_IN CHD_NP has_HVZ also_RB been_BEN reported_VBN the_ATI relative_JJ risk_NN of_IN increased_JJ weight_NN variability_NN is_BEZ in_IN the_ATI range_NN of_IN 1.25_CD to_IN 2.00_CD , which_WDTR is_BEZ similar_JJ to_IN the_ATI risk_NN attributed_VBN to_TO obesity_NN and_CC to_TO several_AP of_IN the_ATI cardiovascular_NN risk_NN factors_NNS determining_VBG whether_CS weight_NN variability_NN is_BEZ attributable_JJ to_IN dieting_VBG and_CC regaining_VBG is_BEZ an_AT important_JJ question_NN at_IN present_NN 148_CD there_EX are_BER several_AP possible_JJ mechanisms_NNS that_CS link_NN weight_NN cycling_VBG to_TO health_NN the_ATI obvious_JJ candidates_NNS are_BER the_ATI cardiovascular_NN risk_NN factors_NNS such_ABL as_IN blood_NN pressure_NN and_CC cholesterol_NN , which_WDTR are_BER known_VBN to_TO vary_VB as_IN weight_NN changes_NNS the_ATI evidence_NN on_IN weight_NN variability_NN and_CC cardiovascular_NN risk_NN factors_NNS is_BEZ mixed_JJ , with_IN both_ABX blood_NN pressure_NN and_CC blood_NN glucose_NN control_NN being_BEG related_VBN in_IN some_DTI studies_NNS but_CC not_XNOT others_APS since_IN hypertension_NN and_CC diabetes_NN are_BER associated_VBN with_IN excess_JJ weight_NN , because_CS individuals_NNS so_QL afflicted_VBN are_BER likely_JJ to_TO diet_NN and_CC because_CS relapse_NN rates_NNS with_IN dieting_VBG are_BER high_JJ , research_NN on_IN this_DT topic_NN is_BEZ a_AT clear_JJ priority_NN 149_CD there_EX is_BEZ suggestive_JJ evidence_NN from_IN both_ABX humans_NNS and_CC animals_NNS that_CS weight_NN cycling_VBG may_MD increase_VB preference_NN for_IN dietary_JJ fat_NN , and_CC some_DTI , but_CC not_XNOT all_ABN , studies_NNS suggest_VB the_ATI possibility_NN that_CS weight_NN cycling_VBG alters_VBZ body_NN fat_NN distribution_NN other_AP possible_JJ mechanisms_NNS , such_IN as_IN a_AT stress_NN response_NN to_IN dieting_VBG and_CC an_AT effect_NN of_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG on_IN immune_JJ function_NN , have_HV not_XNOT been_BEN studied_VBN 150_CD with_IN the_ATI caution_NN that_CS little_JJ is_BEZ known_VBN about_IN periods_NNS of_IN vulnerability_NN or_CC which_WDTR individuals_NNS may_MD be_BE at_IN greatest_JJT risk_NN for_IN the_ATI untoward_JJ effects_NNS of_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG , we_PP1AS believe_VB the_ATI issue_NN deserves_VBZ direct_JJ study_NN when_WRB an_AT individual_NN is_BEZ hypertensive_JJ , hypercholesterolemic_JJ , or_CC diabetic_JJ ; when_WRB CHD_NP is_BEZ present_JJ ; or_CC when_WRB other_AP medical_JJ problems_NNS exist_VB where_WRB weight_NN and_CC diet_NN are_BER implicated_VBN , it_PP3 is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO know_VB the_ATI degree_NN to_TO which_WDTR weight_NN cycling_VBG has_HVZ negative_JJ effects_NNS this_DT is_BEZ an_AT area_NN in_IN need_NN of_IN more_QL research_NN 151_CD some_DTI questions_NNS in_IN this_DT field_NN have_HV definitive_JJ answers_NNS , but_CC most_QL do_DO not_XNOT this_DT is_BEZ due_NN in_IN part_NN to_IN differences_NNS across_IN studies_NNS in_IN the_ATI age_NN , sex_NN , and_CC weight_NN of_IN the_ATI subjects_NNS , the_ATI use_NN of_IN recorded_JJ weights_NNS vs_IN self-reported_JJ weights_NNS , the_ATI frequency_NN and_CC time_NN span_NN of_IN recorded_JJ weights_NNS , or_CC the_ATI period_NN over_IN which_WDTR individuals_NNS estimate_NN their_PP$ weight_NN variability_NN , among_IN other_AP issues_NNS greater_JJR consistency_NN in_IN methods_NNS would_MD be_BE a_AT valuable_JJ change_NN in_IN this_DT field_NN 152_CD given_VBN the_ATI number_NN of_IN people_NNS losing_VBG and_CC regaining_VBG weight_NN , and_CC the_ATI links_NNS between_IN weight_NN variability_NN , morbidity_NN , and_CC mortality_NN , weight_NN cycling_VBG should_MD be_BE a_AT research_NN priority_NN the_ATI field_NN is_BEZ sufficiently_RB new_JJ , and_CC existing_JJ results_NNS sufficiently_RB mixed_JJ , that_CS it_PP3 is_BEZ probably_RB premature_JJ to_TO urge_VB all_ABN patients_NNS to_TO stop_VB dieting_NN the_ATI prudent_JJ stance_NN is_BEZ still_RB to_TO recommend_VB that_CS overweight_NN individuals_NNS lose_VB weight_NN , but_CC what_WDT is_BEZ known_VBN about_IN weight_NN cycling_VBG makes_VBZ the_ATI issue_NN of_IN maintenance_NN even_RB more_QL consequential_JJ studies_NNS to_TO identify_VB the_ATI determinants_NNS and_CC process_NN of_IN maintenance_NN and_CC to_TO develop_VB approaches_NNS for_IN enhancing_VBG maintenance_NN are_BER vital_JJ</p>

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