<p> Fusing Online Commerce and Social Network:</p><p>Enhance Social Shopping Experience via Desktop Application</p><p>A Master Project Presented</p><p>By</p><p>Ning Song</p><p>In Partial Fulfillment</p><p> of Requirements for the Degree</p><p>Master of Science in the </p><p>School of Literature Communication and Culture</p><p>Georgia Institute of Technology</p><p>April 2010</p><p>1 Fusing Online Commerce and Social Network:</p><p>Enhance Social Shopping Experience via Desktop Application</p><p> by</p><p>Ning Song</p><p>Committee Chair: Michael Nitsche </p><p>Committee: Celia Pearce</p><p>Ian Bogost </p><p>2 TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………………4</p><p>CHAPTER I: SOCIAL COMMERCE ON EBAY AND FACEBOOK……………………..5</p><p>Define Social Commerce……………………………………………………………5</p><p>Existing Studies on Social Commerce/Social Shopping ………………………..6</p><p>Existing Social Commerce/Shopping Applications on eBay and Facebook ….9</p><p>CHAPTER II: EXPLORING A NEW SOCIAL SHOPPING ENVIRONMENT…………..14</p><p>Analyzing Target Users and Activities……………………………………………..15</p><p>Prioritizing Social Shopping Tasks…………………………………………………18</p><p>CHAPTER III: BUILDING THE SOCIAL SHOPPING APPLICATION…………………...21</p><p>Interface Design………………………………………………………………………22</p><p>CHAPTER IV: OVERVIEW OF APPLICATION……………………………………………27</p><p>Overview of Final Prototype…………………………………………………………28</p><p>CHAPTER V: DISCUSSION AND FUTURE EXTENSION……………………………….43</p><p>Example Usage of the Application………………………………………………….43</p><p>Future Extension……………………………………………………………………...46</p><p>REFERENCE…………………………………………………………………………………..48</p><p>3 Fusing Online Commerce and Social Network:</p><p>Enhance Social Shopping Experience via Desktop Application</p><p>Abstract</p><p>The past few years have witnessed the raise of social commerce practices in the online retail world. The phenomenon has become a new focus for e-commerce industry. Even as the overall effectiveness of various social commerce features are still under study by academic scholars and marketing experts, the online retail industry views social commerce as more than just a trend that may fade away over time. Many experts argue that social commerce/social shopping is the future of the online retail industry. The purpose of this project therefore is to investigate the possibility to combine social media functionality with electronic commerce. My central research task is to meet the challenge of creating an application that effectively merges the existing shopping functionalities of an online marketplace (eBay) with the social networking capability of a social network community (Facebook). I will present a prototype design and implementation that answers this research question.</p><p>4 Chapter I</p><p>SOCIAL COMMERCE ON EBAY AND FACEBOOK</p><p>Define Social Commerce</p><p>The term social commerce has been used in recent years to refer to a broad range of online activities. It is used to describe commercial activities conducted on social networking sites such as Facebook, where via applications users can make purchases from online marketplace without leaving the social site itself. Social commerce can also refer to the integration of social networking capability into e-commerce sites, which include but are not limited to product reviews, rating, videos, blogging, live chats and online forums.</p><p>As a relatively new term, social commerce still lacks a clear definition. In general, social commerce refers to the merging of online shopping and social networking activities </p><p>(Tedeschi, 2006). Stephen and Toubia defined social commerce as forms of Internet- based “social media” that allows people to actively participate in the marketing and selling of products and services in online marketplaces and communities (Stephen and </p><p>Toubia, 2009). While the term has been loosely used to encompass a broad range of online commercial practices and shopping activities, scholars like Stephen and Toubia </p><p>(2009) emphasized the difference between social commerce (social networking activities that connect sellers/stores) and social shopping (social networking activities that connect buyers). Under their classification, social shopping mainly revolve around the central idea of online word-of-mouth(WOM), which refers to various consumer activities ranging from creating user contents to recommendations and rating (Stephen and Toubia, </p><p>2009). In accordance to this definitional distinction, for the proposed project the term </p><p>5 “social shopping” is adapted to highlight its main focus on enhancing consumer’s online social shopping experience. </p><p>Existing Studies on Social Commerce/Social Shopping</p><p>While it is generally believed that adding social networking features into online shopping activities will help the growth of e-commerce (Chevalier and Mayzlin, 2006; Stephen and</p><p>Toubia, 2009), some scholars have designed studies to measure the assumed improvement both quantitative and qualitatively. For example, Stephen and Toubia </p><p>(2009) studied the economic value implications of a social network between sellers in a large online social commerce marketplace. Their study examined a European online marketplace in which individual stores are connected with other stores by directed hyperlinks. With an emphasis on the economic potential of social commerce activity (the direct hyperlink between stores), the authors applied statistic and mathematic models to measure the effectiveness of direct links between stores. The results of the study indicated that the direct connection between stores can generate considerable economic value to both individual sellers and to the network in general (Stephen and Toubia, </p><p>2009). The study showed that network’s value lies primarily in making shops more accessible to customers browsing the online marketplace by creating a “virtual shopping mall.” It also indicated that the sellers that benefit the most from the social network are those whose accessibility is most enhanced by the network (Stephen and Toubia, 2009).</p><p>As one of the oldest e-commerce website that provides its consumers with social commerce features, Amazon.com has been subject of various studies on the commercial impact of its social commerce functionalities. Some scholars have focused their attention on the effect of online word-of-mouth. Chevalier and Mayzlin (2006), for example, studied the effect of online book review on the overall sale numbers of books. </p><p>They argued it’s an important component of Internet retail strategies to create online 6 consumer communities that provide customer reviews. In the study, they characterized book reviewer behavior at two leading online bookstores: Amazon.com and </p><p>BarnesandNoble.com. Using publicly-available selling records, they examined the incremental sales effects of having reviews for a particular book versus not having reviews and also the differential sales effects of positive and negative reviews (Chevalier and Mayzlin, 2006). The study found customer reviews were in general very positive at both sites (Chevalier and Mayzlin, 2006). Based on the statistic retrieved from both online bookstores, the authors claimed that customer word-of-mouth has a causal impact on consumer purchasing behavior at both sites. Further more, the study suggested that customers certainly behave as if the fit between customer and book is improved by using reviews to screen purchases (Chevalier and Mayzlin, 2006).</p><p>Oestreicher-Singer and Sundararajan (2008) studied the correlation between peer preferences and choices and consumer’s buying behaviors on Amazon.com. They pointed out that a person’s circle of friends has always been a main source of influence for one’s shopping behavior. This influence, however, has become increasingly visible and persistent online as it is shared in social networking sites like Facebook and </p><p>MySpace (Oestreicher-Singer and Sundararajan, 2008). The authors considered the link of “Consumers who bought this item also bought. . . ” on Amazon.com as one of the oldest examples of a visible electronic peer network. Their study measured how the visibility of electronic "social" networks affects how individual peers influence each others’ choices. The results indicated the explicit visibility of a co-purchased relationship more than triples the average influence that complementary products have on each others’ demand (Oestreicher-Singer and Sundararajan, 2008). </p><p>For the past several years, online social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter and </p><p>LinkedIn have witnessed a rapid growth in membership and popularity. According to 7 Facebook’s official statistics, the website has more than 300 million active users in total and average user has 130 friends on the site (Facebook, 2009). A typical social networking site like Facebook allows its user to build and maintain a network of friends for social interaction (Trusov, Bodapati and Bucklin, 2009). Like other Web 2.0 sites, social networking websites rely heavily on user-generated contents (Trusov, Bodapati and Bucklin, 2009). </p><p>The booming online social network communities are viewed by many scholars and marketing experts as a new hotbed for marketing and social commerce practices. </p><p>Oestreicher-Singer and Sundararajan (2009) claimed that whereas co-consumption websites such as Amazon.com and YouTube.com link products or content, social networking websites like Facebook link user in similar ways. Users of social networks are viewed as consumers of the websites because they are constantly bombarded with advertisements (Oestreicher-Singer and Sundararajan, 2009). </p><p>In their empirical study of a popular online social network, Iyengar, Han and Gupta </p><p>(2009) evaluated the assumption that friends in a social network site can influence each other’s online purchasing behavior. The study quantified this social influence by measuring it in terms of increase in sales and revenue. It also analyzed the relationship between user’s level of social network activities with their online purchasing behaviors within the site. The results suggested “peer pressure” played a crucial role in shaping user’s social networking behaviors (Iyengar, Han and Gupta, 2009). In order to “keep up with the trend(p.19),” users with moderate level of activities on the website tend to purchase more virtual items for their avatar and virtual space when their friends were doing the same. This purchase behavior, however, did not apply to users with high activity level on the social network site (Iyengar, Han and Gupta, 2009). The authors argued that this was because the “elite” group of users played the roles of “virtual trend 8 leaders” in the social network. They tended to reduce purchasing behaviors and increase other online activities in order to separate themselves from imitators who are trying to copy their moves (Iyengar, Han and Gupta, 2009). This study therefore suggested that whereas social networking behaviors can lead to increased online commercial activities, the amount of increment may vary or is not guaranteed (Iyengar, </p><p>Han and Gupta (2009). </p><p>Existing Social Commerce/Shopping Applications on eBay and Facebook</p><p>The past few years have witnessed the raise of social commerce/social shopping practices in the online retail industry. Amazon.com, as described above, is viewed by many as a social commerce pioneer and a paradigm for its extensive investment on </p><p>“collaborative” consumer contents (Chevalier and Mayzlin, 2006). Other major Internet retailers, however, are quickly catching up. In 2007, the online marketplace giant eBay announced its plan to incorporate social commerce elements in the current website </p><p>(Needle, 2007). In the same year, eBay launched its own shopping social network called eBay neighborhood. Members can join any neighborhoods they like, and add to discussion boards there, post photos and meet other people who share the same interest. eBay API and My eBay</p><p>Amid its steady march toward building a social commerce environment, eBay opened up its API (application programming interface) to third party developers in 2007. Its most recent move allows subscriber of its “Selling Manager” program (recently made free) to add third-party applications to the eBay managing webpage called “My eBay.” Starting in</p><p>August 2009, for the first time, eBay sellers can access third-party applications created 9 by developers other than eBay to manage their eBay activities. The introduction of third party applications is an answer to the long-time demand from eBay users that are looking for easier, more efficient way to use eBay. </p><p>The first batch of 17 applications available to subscribers (up to Aug 26, 2009) shows a clear emphasis on the improvement of the “commerce (selling)” side of eBay. Programs cover inventory management, payment and shipping management. Of the 17 applications, only one focuses on providing rich media asset, one focuses on customer support and one on product review. More applications addressing the social commerce/social shopping aspect for eBay users are therefore needed. eBay Desktop eBay Desktop is the official eBay desktop application. It covers the basic functions of eBay such as item search, basic buying/selling, track-keeping/management and e-mail (message) management. It is a full- fledged desktop application that makes it possible to make eBay transactions without going to the website. The application, however, lacks features of social commerce. While the application offers eBay users the convenience to make easy purchase on their desktop, it doesn’t allow users to conduct any social shopping activities. For example, even as users now can write product review on eBay Neighborhood, eBay Desktop users still don’t have the access from within the application. With eBay’s plan to add more social commerce features in its online marketplace, further renovation of its current desktop application to encompass social commerce activities seems to be a necessary move(Needle, 2007). </p><p>10 Facebook eBay Marketplace</p><p>By default, Facebook has provided its users with functions that can be used for social commerce purpose. On Facebook a user can post a product review; he/she can upload images/videos of product; and discussion groups can be formed for people with similar interest. Many online retailers have targeted the website for their promotions and advertising campaigns. Among the major e- commerce sites, eBay maintains a strong presence on Facebook. It recently published an “official” application called eBay Marketplace that allow users to share their eBay activities with Facebook friends, such as item bought, sold, watched and details of a friend’s eBay feedback history. The limitation of this eBay marketplace application is that users have to customize their Facebook page in order to use the application. To use the application, a user has to plough through tabs and menus to navigate to the application. </p><p>The content being displayed in the application is separated from the main “wall” page and can only be accessed by going to a separate “application” page. It is not only inconvenient to use (user has to switch back and forth between the facebook “wall” page and the application page) but also greatly limits the exposure of the contents that the user is meant to share with their friends online. </p><p>Other available eBay and Facebook Social Shopping Applications</p><p>The above-mentioned applications are just some examples (and arguably most visible ones) of the available eBay and Facebook applications that relate to social commerce.</p><p>11 There are many other applications/widgets created specifically to satisfy user’s need for social commerce functionalities. Many of these applications serve a single social commerce purpose for either online shoppers or online retailers. MyStoreMaps, for example, is a commercial application that embeds a custom flash-map in eBay seller’s listings to show locations of past buyers around the world. Its purpose is to help buyers get a quick idea of a seller’s experience in shipping to their location.</p><p>On the shopper’s side, many simple widgets are also available on Facebook to help users search eBay items or perform other simple eBay tasks without going to the website. These kinds of applications are abundant but with various levels of usefulness. eBay Shopping, for example, is a simple application whose sole purpose is to allow Facebook users to search and buy items (through the search result link) from eBay without leaving the social network. </p><p>While many of the above-mentioned applications have dealt with the concept of social commerce/Social Shopping in one way or another, very few of them successfully focus on the communicative aspects of users’ online social shopping experience. In general, applications that address the needs of social shopping are scarce. Among the third-party applications that are currently available on eBay, only one (123 Show) that allows users to search and embed product reviews in their listing pages. Second, among the existing social shopping applications, many are designed to fulfill a single or a few social shopping functions. Their usability is in general limited. Therefore, while all the “rings” of social shopping features are already out there in one form or another, an application that actually links them together is still needed. </p><p>12 The current eBay website is built to optimize the buying and selling activities between individual customer and seller. eBay has been trying to insert social commerce features into its websites. However, these features are either not in place yet or are scattered all over the place on its website. Because of their low visibility in general, many of the social commerce features are simply ignored by eBay users. </p><p>Even as the management team of eBay has promised eBay’s transaction to a social commerce marketplace, a total social make-over of the website is still unlikely to happen in the near future. Before that can happen, a practical way to improve eBay users’ social commerce experience is therefore to create applications that merge the website’s sophisticated commercial functionalities with the social networking features of a social website, such as Facebook. This application should improve user’s overall social shopping experience before, during and after the actual transaction on eBay.</p><p>Chapter II</p><p>EXPLORING A NEW SOCIAL SHOPPING ENVIRONMENT</p><p>The purpose of this project is to investigate the possibility to combine social media functionality with online commerce. The central research task is to meet the challenge of creating an application that effectively merges the existing shopping functionalities of an online marketplace (eBay) with the social networking capability of a social network 13 community (Facebook) in order to create a unique social shopping environment for users.</p><p>Research Questions</p><p>My research questions are: </p><p>A) How can I combine functionalities of social media website (represented by </p><p>Facebook) with functionalities of online commerce website (represented by eBay)</p><p> in order to create unique social shopping experiences for online shoppers and </p><p> social media users? </p><p>B) What are the features that should be included in such applications in order to </p><p> facilitate user’s social shopping activities?</p><p>To answer these research questions, this project will first analyze the needs of online social shoppers , design an application around these needs, and build the application prototype that reach the goal of providing users with newly designed online social shopping environment. </p><p>Analyzing Target Users and Activities </p><p>This application targets at an audience group that are users of both online auction website (eBay) and online social network (Facebook). As both websites have huge number of active users, it is estimated that a large amount of users among them may be interested in an online environment that helps them engaging social shopping activities with friends online. In order to design an application that serves this group of users, it is 14 necessary to identify the needs of these users, i.e. the information they look for, the process they need to take and the goals they try to achieve. A social shopping scenario is therefore described here in the following paragraphs to help illustrating user’s needs/tasks when shopping socially online. </p><p>A is an active user of both eBay and Facebook. She wants to buy a new digital camera to replace an old one. Knowing many of her Facebook friends own digital cameras, A posted a short message on Facebook for their recommendations. Some of her friends responded. One friend B recommended a specific model and sent A a link to a review article. A replied on B’s comments and asked more questions regarding the camera. At the same time A is browsing through eBay listings for potential candidates. She bookmarked several listings using the “watch now” button on eBay. The information she got from Facebook friends helps her to decide on which model to buy and the listing information on eBay help her to decide which seller to buy from based on factors such as price, distance and feedback score. A received the camera several days later. After spending some time playing with the new camera, she wants more information about a new feature of the camera. While she turns to her Facebook friends for help, she found there are several fan groups for the camera on Facebook. She joins one of them, posts some questions and receives the answer she needs. After A joined the fan group, she also befriends several members from the group. </p><p>From this scenario some major needs/tasks for social shoppers can be identified. First of all, identifying and locating the desired product is always a critical task. To begin with, online shoppers need information regarding the exact products or a general category of products. eBay provides a good venue, both on its website and through the Platform </p><p>API, for users to search for products, browse search results and check for great deal of product information such as product specification, detailed description, price, auction 15 format, location, end time and seller information. Facebook, on the other hand, provides a venue for finding user-generated content outside the boundary of online commerce websites. Information related to the product of interest on Facebook can be found in the forms of communication between friend, links for review articles, images and multimedia contents, product fan group posts, etc. Product-related information on Facebook is generally less technical, less commercial and more personal due to the “social” nature of the networking website. </p><p>For users of Facebook, any shopping experience can be shared with their online audience (friends, fellow fan group members or the general Facebook community) throughout the online shopping process. Not only can they ask questions or collect opinions from friends about products, Facebook user are also commonly seen to share contents related to shopping experience, which may include but is not limited to: product reviews, sharing technical know-how, sharing photos, deals alerts, etc. </p><p>The following chart lists the common activities of online social shopper as a summary to the discussion above. </p><p>Table 1: Common online social shopping activities</p><p> eBay Facebook Searching for specific product Seeking/giving advice</p><p> Searching for a certain type of Creating product review</p><p> product Searching for/comparing product Search for information related to</p><p> information the product of interest</p><p>16 Making purchase Expand online social network by</p><p> common interest</p><p> Managing Creating event invitation</p><p> communication/messages Managing transactions/tracking Creating wish list</p><p> shipment </p><p> Managing account Uploading photos</p><p> Leaving feedback Uploading videos</p><p> Creating product review Sharing general shopping </p><p> experience Sharing deals alarm</p><p>It can be argued that both eBay and Facebook are capable of supporting a majority of the social shopping activities listed in the table above. eBay’s website provides its users with sophisticated services for finding products, making purchase and managing activities. The limitation of the eBay website is its lack of integration of social shopping features. Facebook, on the other hand, is by default a social media hotbed with robust online networking capabilities but limited online commerce features. How to combine the strength of both websites to create an easy-to-use and meaningful social shopping application is therefore a challenge this application tries to answer. On the other hand, as social commerce is such a broad topic, it is not realistic to tackle all the issues with just one project. This leads to the second challenge for the project, which is to pinpoint the central issues within the area of social shopping and provide solution to them specifically.</p><p>Prioritizing Social Shopping Tasks</p><p>While the previous section has laid out the common social shopping activities for users, 17 the focus in this section is to further narrow them down to several central tasks for one application to handle. </p><p>For the sake of clarity, these tasks are grouped under two general categories: </p><p>“shopping” and “social.” Social shopping is at its core a form of online commerce. For the application this means the functionality on the “shopping” aspect should cover the shopping activities that all the way lead to actual purchase of products. These activities, to break it down, include identifying the desired product, getting detailed listing information and eventually purchasing the product. Shopping activities should also serve as a “seed” or “incentive” for initiating social activates on Facebook. </p><p>For the “social” aspect, the key design goal of the application is to help users achieving satisfying social experience without shifting back and forth between commercial and social media websites. The application will allow users to create user-contribute contents and share them with Facebook friends. These contents will include but not limit to posts, links and images. The application should also allow users to expand their online social network by having new friends either through friend introduction or by finding friends with common interests. </p><p>Although in the discussion above I intentionally separate the major functions of the application into two categories, in reality the two aspects of social shopping are certainly not two separate entities that isolate from each other. The purpose of the application is not to just put together functions of eBay and that of Facebook under one roof. Instead, it means to integrate the functionalities in meaningful ways to form a bridge between the two, therefore providing its users with a unique experience. </p><p>18 Based on the analysis above, the following is a list of the functionalities that I intend to include in the proposed application:</p><p> Functionalities related to eBay product information </p><p> o Search eBay listings by designated search keywords</p><p> o Browse eBay search results in respond to search requests</p><p> o Check for listing details for individual eBay items</p><p> Functionalities related to eBay purchase</p><p> o Save (bookmark) item for future use</p><p> o Direct link to the actual listing page for item purchase </p><p> Functionalities related to Facebook social communication</p><p> o Access to user’s Facebook account to enable Facebook communication </p><p> o Display user’s Facebook friends/groups </p><p> o Search Facebook for information related to the item of interest</p><p> o Communicate with friends about the item of interest</p><p> o Share with friends in terms of links, images and other media formats </p><p> o Expand user’s social network while doing social shopping</p><p>This proposed social shopping application doesn’t mean to create a new model of online shopping in isolation from the existing commercial and social media frameworks. </p><p>Instead, the value of the application lies in its ability to link the rings of the existing functionalities from eBay/Facebook and streamline them into a unique social shopping environment. </p><p>19 Chapter III BUILDING THE SOCIAL SHOPPING APPLICATION</p><p>Once the application’s basic framework is specified, the focus now shifts to the tasks of constructing the application, namely choosing the suitable technology, designing user interface and eventually implementing the design. This process begins with the selection of the right technology for the project. </p><p>Underlying Technology and Architecture</p><p>The project is developed in Adobe Flex Builder 3. The Programming language used is </p><p>Actionscript 3. The final product is an Adobe AIR application that that runs on user’s desktop. I choose to make this project an AIR desktop application for several reasons. </p><p>Adobe AIR runtime lets developers to build rich Internet applications (RIAs) that run on </p><p>20 user’s desktop. AIR applications can run across different operating systems or platforms; they are easily delivered using a single installer file; Flex environment also works greatly together with other Adobe programs such as Photoshop, Firework and Flash to build highly engaging, visually rich applications. Overall, Adobe AIR technology suits the technical requirement of the development process quite well. </p><p>In order to retrieve data from both the eBay and Facebook websites, the application needs to establish communication with the respective APIs (Application Programming </p><p>Interface) from both websites. The data flow pattern is like the following:</p><p>The application makes asynchronous calls to the Facebook server using the official eBay and Facebook ActionScript Library in order to transfer data between the application and web servers. Both eBay and Facebook API require user authorization tokens to validate the connection. Once the connection is established, application can send a variety of API calls to the eBay/Facebook servers. </p><p>Upon receiving the API call, the eBay/Facebook server returns JSON formatted data in respond to the specific call requested. The application will listen to and handle the data returned by the servers. After the built-in parser processed the data being received, they could be stored locally and displayed on the screen with customized renderers. Figure 1 show an illustration of the data flow of the application.</p><p>21 Figure 1: Data exchange between application and servers</p><p>Interface Design</p><p>The first draft of the application serves as a testing ground for the underlying communication structure between the application and the respective web services. The goal at this stage was to test the basic communication and data retrieval capability. </p><p>Many mini programs were built at this stage to test individual eBay and Facebook functionality. Figure 2 shows an example that was used to test out the capability to retrieve search results through eBay’s server. </p><p>22 Figure 2: Early version, illustrating communication capability with eBay </p><p>As the early model had made progress in solving technical issues, more focus now was put on the User Interface (UI) aspect of the application. </p><p>The interface design of the application follows the innovative interface design principles laid out by Constantine and Lockwood (2000). These principles are: </p><p> The structure principle: The structure principle mainly deals with overall user </p><p> interface layout. It states that design should organize the interface in meaningful </p><p> and useful ways based on clear, consistent models that are apparent and </p><p> recognizable to users. </p><p> The simplicity principle: the design should make it simple for users to perform </p><p> common tasks and communicate clearly and simply in the user's own language. </p><p> The visibility principle: the visibility principle asks for the designer to make all </p><p> needed options and materials for a given task visible without distracting the user </p><p> with extraneous or redundant information.</p><p>23 The feedback principle: design should keep users informed of actions or </p><p> interpretations, changes of state or condition. The feedback principle is closely </p><p> coupled with the visibility principle mentioned above in order to provide users </p><p> with a clear, concise and easy-to-use interface. </p><p> The tolerance principle: the tolerance principle states the design should be </p><p> flexible and tolerant while also preventing errors wherever possible by tolerating </p><p> varied inputs and sequences and by interpreting all reasonable actions.</p><p>Constantine and Lockwood argue that interface design for desktop (client) applications require distinct solutions. An effective design for desktop application interface should arise from the criteria, goals and constraints inherited in the nature of this type of applications. Desktop applications are different from standard websites or web applications in their higher level of interactivity and more options for user actions. The proposed application, for example, supports user interaction based on drag-and-drop behaviors. Drag-and-drop mouse actions are not commonly seen for web sites or web applications. This design choice is unique to the application and the special interactive tasks that it is designed to achieve. This lead to a user interface that is different from a traditional website or web application, which requires user to invest some efforts to learn application’s functionality in exchange for increased interactivity. The principles by </p><p>Constantine and Lockwood focus on designing for innovative user interface to enhance usability and reduce user learning time. Therefore, these principles are used as guidelines for the UI design of the application. </p><p>In the early stage of UI design for the application, several mock-ups were made to evaluate the effectiveness of various interface designs. Figure 3 shows one of them that </p><p>24 was later abandoned for its poor user interaction capability. As shown here the design was full of fix-sized frames. Interaction within the application was severely limited. For example, users can search for eBay items and chat with Facebook friends about the item. The application brings these two useful functions together into one screen but still lacks a way that allows for meaning interaction between the two. </p><p>Figure 3: UI design mock-up (a)</p><p>A second UI design as shown in Figure 4 was then introduced with the aim to explore new ways of user interaction in the application. This design utilizes the drag-drop capability provided by Flex to manage the layout of the application and to add interaction among various components. For the traditional web applications or web sites, users control the interface by clicking buttons and navigating through menus. Drag-and-drop capability has never been fully utilized to support interactivity in these types of applications. The proposed application, on the other hand, runs without the inherited limitation of web applications or web sites such as limited space and rigid layout arrangement. It is designed to open up new ways of interaction for users. The final UI design is based on the second version of UI design with drag-drop capability. 25 Figure 4: UI design mock-up (b) with drag-drop capability</p><p>Chapter IV</p><p>OVERVIEW OF APPLICATION</p><p>26 The final version of the application (see Figure 5) aims to give users a unique and meaningful social shopping experience by offering them new ways to mingle their eBay and Facebook activities. </p><p>The challenge for creating such an application is two-fold. On one hand, technical/programming issues must be solved to prove that the envisioned functionalities can be actually achieved through codes. On the other hand, to design an effective, meaning and visually pleasing user interface for the application is proved to be equally challenging. Overall, more than thirty versions of the application were built over the period of three months. During this process, technical issues and programming challenges were tackled one by one; the UI design was revised many times as well. </p><p>In the final UI design, the use of draggable (droppable) components becomes a major element that answers to the design challenge of enhancing interactivities. By giving the various components the ability to be dragged around and freely arranged, the application escapes the confine of the frames and tables shown in the earlier design. This also introduces new method for managing and interacting with data and components of the application. Below is an overview of the final version of the application and a brief description of its components and features. </p><p>27 Figure 5: The final version design layout</p><p>Overview of Final Prototype</p><p>The application can be easily download as an installer file. Installation process is straightforward. If needed, installer will ask the user to download the latest version of </p><p>Adobe AIR in order for the application (and other AIR applications) to run properly on user’s computer. Once installed, the application can be accessed by clicking its desktop icon or start menu icon. The application will ask user to log on to Facebook by showing a separate login window (see Figure 6). Facebook login is required for retrieving Facebook server-side data. If a user chooses not to log on to Facebook at this time, he/she will still be able to launch the application and reach the default main “desktop” view. The application will prompt the user to log on to Facebook later if it should access any </p><p>Facebook data locate on the server (displaying a list of Facebook friend, for example). </p><p>Login confirmation screen will be displayed upon a successful user login. </p><p>28 Figure 6: Facebook login window</p><p>Draggable and removable panels:</p><p>As discussed above, draggable components are a major feature of the application. Most panel (window) components (see Figure 7 for example) in the application are drag-drop enabled, which means they can be dragged around and freely arranged within the application. User also has full control over a panel’s display status (show/disappear), which is usually triggered by click of a button or specific user actions. Animation effects are used throughout the application when users interact with the panels. For example, panels will emerge from the boarder when called in and retreat to the original position </p><p>(out of the boarder of the desktop and invisible) when the “minimizer” is clicked. By removing the movable panels from the desktop, the goal is to provide users with uncluttered space to place and arrange items and friend icons. It is also hoped that the use of animation effects will make the interaction more dynamic and appealing. </p><p>29 Figure 7: Drag-drop enabled panel with minimizer</p><p>Facebook friends display:</p><p>Once logged on to Facebook, user can click on the “Facebook” button to call in the Facebook friend list from the bottom of the application (login window will pop up to prompt user to login if the user has not done so). This list (Figure 8) corresponds to the user’s confirmed Facebook friends list. A member from the friend list is rendered with a customized item renderer, which contains the member’s Facebook profile picture (50X50 pixels) and user’s first name. The friend list support user action in two ways. User can choose a member from the list and drag the icon onto the desktop for later interactions. </p><p>User can also double-click on the friend’s icon to bring up the Facebook dialogue panel from the bottom of the application. Compare to the way Facebook website displays a </p><p>30 user’s friends, the friend display list in the application is not only easier to access but also allows for new ways of interaction. </p><p>Figure 8: Facebook friend list</p><p>Facebook dialogue panel: </p><p>Upon user double-click on any member of the Facebook friend list, the dialogue panel </p><p>(Figure 9) will rise from the bottom of the application. The panel retreats to the bottom when the “minimize” icon was clicked. The dialogue panel contains the following sections: images and names of the current friends that involves in the dialogue at the top of the panel; a minimizer at the upper-right corner; a text input area followed by a “Post” button that allow user to post new message to Facebook’s “main” wall as well as the profile page; a comment text input area and “Comment” button that allow user to comment on selected post; a post display area displays the posts originated from the current user to the friend that being selected as well as the post time and numbers of comments ; a comment display area shows the comments correspond to any messages. </p><p>When containing no user input texts, the “post” text input displays the hint text “what’s on your mind?” Clicking on the text input eliminates the hint. This is identical to what users would see if they use the Facebook website. The goal is to help users to adapt to this new desktop environment by presenting design elements that Facebook users are </p><p>31 familiar with. This principle is enforced throughout the application by designing and presenting visual elements that imitate Facebook and eBay’s respective choice of color, layout and overall look and feel. </p><p>Figure 9: Facebook dialogue panel expanded</p><p>Search eBay button:</p><p>The “Search eBay” button brings the search panel into the application from the left boarder. </p><p>Search panel:</p><p>This contains the search bar and result display area (see Figure 10). Users can type in </p><p> search keywords in the search input area and click the “Search” button to conduct</p><p>32 the search. Search results will be returned from eBay and displayed in the search result area below the search bar. Alternatively, user can search the keyword on Facebook by </p><p> clicking the “Search Facebook” button to obtain any search result related to the search keywords. </p><p>Figure 10: Search panel</p><p>In the previous versions eBay search results were displayed in a default datagrid component. This was soon determined not to be an optimized way for displaying the data for two reasons. In a datagrid, photos, item titles and all other information were forced to fit into small spaces available in each row, making them hard to read and hard to select . Also the built-in sorting functions of datagrid can easily mess up the order of data. In the final version, the search results are displayed in a customized TileList component that shows nine results in a row and as many as four rows in the search result display area (more rows can be displayed upon using the vertical scrollbar). Each 33 item in the search result list is rendered by a customized item renderer that displays a photo of the item. For a quick review of the item information, user can place the mouse cursor over the item for a short period to pop up a window that displays details of the eBay listing, including item’s title, ending time, price, auction format, location, item description and a larger picture that reveals more graphic details of the item. </p><p>Alternatively, user can double-click on the item in the search result list to go to the actual eBay listing webpage, which shows up as a new page in user’s default web browser. </p><p>Every item displayed in the search result panel is drag-drop enabled. User can drag any item from the panel and placed it on the application’s “desktop” (see Figure 11). In this way user can bookmark (save) this item for future viewing or interaction. A saved eBay item is represented by a “desktop eBay item” icon.</p><p>Figure 11: A saved eBay search result on desktop</p><p>Desktop eBay item icon: </p><p>Once an eBay item is saved on the desktop of the application, it becomes a desktop eBay item. Like other draggable components, an desktop item icon can be dragged around or drag over the “trash can” to delete it from the desktop. </p><p>A desktop item has three states: default, with friend list and friend chat. The default display contains a photo of the item and a short title with link (see Figure 11). Click on the item title will bring up a window that displays the actual listing page (see Figure 12). </p><p>34 Here user can further review the product detail and make purchase. Double-click inside the display window will close it. </p><p>Figure 12: Listing page displayed in a window</p><p>If a user would like to share the link of the eBay item to Facebook friends, he/she can drag any member from the Facebook friend list and drop it onto the eBay item icon. The application will add the member into the list of friends to whom the link will be posted on their Facebook wall. Once added into the list, an icon of the friend will be displayed on top of the item (see figure 13). This is the second state of the desktop item icon. Double- click on the friend’s icon will delete the friend from the list. </p><p>35 Figure 13: desktop item icons with one showing friends added</p><p>User can double-click the desktop item icon to display the “chat” state (Figure 14). Chat state is similar to the Facebook “dialogue” panel. Here a user can post message related to the item to Facebook friends and make comments. The eBay item of the interest will be displayed at the top of the panel with its title. Below them a list of the Facebook friends involved in the discussion is displayed. User can double-click on any of the friends to delete them from the list and therefore exclude them from the communication.</p><p>36 Figure 14: Chat state of a desktop item</p><p>Once a post is sent out to friends from the application, a post with message, photo and link will be displayed on those friends’ Facebook wall (see Figure 15). User’s Facebook friends can comment on the post just like what they would do normally to any Facebook posts. URL Links can be included in the reply as well, such as links to review articles or link to other Facebook user’s profile page. Once the application receives the reply message from the Facebook server, it parses the data to look for URLs. Any links will then be highlighted and made clickable. </p><p>37 Figure 15: Post from application to friend's Facebook page</p><p>Search Facebook Button:</p><p>The application allows users to search information related to an item on Facebook. A user that wants to buy a product on eBay may be also interested in finding information about the product on Facebook. Related information may include product pages/fan groups and previous posts from friends that contain the keywords. Once the user conduct a search on an item on eBay through the application, the exact search key words will be used to search Facebook for related search results. To access the </p><p>Facebook search result, user needs to click on the “Search Facebook” button next to the “search eBay” button to bring up the “Facebook search result” panel.</p><p>Facebook Search Result Panel:</p><p>38 The Facebook search result panel rise from the bottom of the application once it is called upon. The panel displays the following contents: Facebook search results, the current user’s Facebook group membership information and member information of groups that the user has joined (see Figure 16). The content being displayed in this panel is controlled by the three buttons at the bottom of the panel: “Search,” “Group” and </p><p>”Members.”</p><p>By default, the “Facebook search result” panel displays the search results returned by </p><p>Facebook based on user’s search keywords. Useful search results include individual </p><p>Facebook user whose profile containing the keywords, fan group/fan pages for the item of interest, relevant events organized containing the keywords or previous communication between the user and friends that containing the keywords. Once the </p><p>Facebook search results are obtained, users can further interact with the application based on the data received. User, for example, can view other user’s open profile or join a fan group that is being displayed in the search results. </p><p>Figure 16: Facebook fan groups search results</p><p>39 User can view the group information of any group that he/she is a member of by clicking on the “Groups” button. The “Groups” view displays the users’ Facebook groups in a customized list (see Figure 17). For each group, an image of the group, group’s title and brief description are displayed. User can choose a group by clicking on it. This will allow the user to display more detailed group member information in the next “Members” view.</p><p>Figure 17: User's Facebook group list</p><p>Once user has chosen a group, he/she can view all members of the group by going to the “Member” view (Figure 18). Similar to the eBay item display discussed above, the group member view display the member information by a customized icon showing a photo and name of each member. </p><p>40 Figure 18: Facebook group member list</p><p>Double-click on a user’s icon will pop-up an information window where user can view more details of the member and add him/her as a Facebook friend (Figure 19). </p><p>41 Figure 19: Facebook Group Member Details</p><p>Trash can icon: </p><p>The trash can on the desktop of the application is the equivalent to the “Recycle </p><p>Bin” in Windows operation system. Users can drag any unwanted items (eBay items or friends) on the desktop into the trash can and effectively delete them from the desktop. </p><p>Once deleted, the item can’t be restored. Trash can helps to keep the desktop clean and uncluttered. </p><p>Permission panel:</p><p>The Facebook permission panel can be called in by clicking the “setup” button . </p><p>User needs to grant extended permissions to the application in order to access/update data on the Facebook from outside the website. The application will check the Facebook extended permission status once the user had logged into the Facebook through the application. If determined additional permissions—post on Facebook, retrieve posts from</p><p>42 Facebook, upload images—were needed, the permission panel will pop up and prompt the user to grant permission accordingly. User only needs to grant permission to the application once. </p><p>Chapter V </p><p>DISCUSSION AND FUTURE EXTENSION</p><p>As the last chapter detailed the major components and functionalities of the application, in this chapter I will discuss the ways users can use the application to improve social shopping experience and the future plans to further improve the application’s social shopping functionalities. </p><p>Example Usage of the Application</p><p>As a summary, the application is capable of performing the following tasks: 43 Search for eBay items</p><p> Browse eBay search results in respond to search requests</p><p> Check for listing details for selected eBay items</p><p> Direct link to the actual listing page</p><p> Save (bookmark) item in the application</p><p> Log user into Facebook</p><p> Display a list of Facebook friends of the current user of the application (require </p><p>Facebook log in)</p><p> Grant extended Facebook permissions for the application </p><p> Share the item on Facebook (title, link, picture)</p><p> Search Facebook fan groups/pages related to the eBay item of interest</p><p> Display user’s Facebook groups </p><p> View member information of Face groups, adding members as friends</p><p> Post and display messages to friends on Facebook</p><p> Post and display comments to posts on Facebook</p><p>Back to the camera-hunting example mentioned previously, a likely scenario of using the application may begin with the Facebook user A posting questions about cameras, either a general question about what kind of camera to buy or more specific one about technical specification about a particular model. The post can be displayed to all of user </p><p>44 A’s Facebook friends, to specific friends or to the members of A’s Facebook fan groups. </p><p>Functioning as a Facebook client, the application automatically posts the message on </p><p>Facebook according to user’s chosen destination. Any feedback to the post then will be retrieved and displayed in the application. Friend’s feedback comes in the form of comments and links. A friend can add links to product pages or their Facebook friend’s profile page. The product links can help user A to have more useful information. A </p><p>Facebook profile link can lead user to friend’s friend who knows a lot about the product of interest. At the same time, while the conversation continues, user A may type the keywords in the application to retrieve search results from eBay database. A will be able to view the listing details of the product, compare between products, share them with </p><p>Facebook friends, save them in the application for future review or simply make purchase. </p><p>While user A search the product on eBay, the application automatically searches the </p><p>Facebook and returned the search result. With a click of the “Facebook search result” button, user A could view all the search results on Facebook that relate to the product. </p><p>She can view the information about the product fan groups on Facebook and all the posts from the fan group. She can join the group and then view all group member’s public information. If she wants, she can send any of them message or add them as friends. </p><p>This scenario shows the application’s capability to mingle eBay’s shopping functionalities with Facebook’s social network functionalities. As discussed above, these two categories of functionalities should not be treated as separated entities if the application aims to achieve a continuous and integrated social shopping experience for users. </p><p>45 The scenario above also shows the two main themes of the application: sharing experience and expanding social network. Users of Facebook can have many reasons to share their shopping experience. After all, sharing life experience with others is a main reason for people to use Facebook. Buying an awesome product for a bargain price is quite something to brag about. On the other hand, sharing an unsatisfactory product or shopping experience may be equally motivating. Furthermore, user shouldn’t have to wait until the actual purchase to start sharing their experience. The application encourages its users to start sharing their experience before, during and after the actual online shopping. </p><p>Expanding user’s social network is the second main theme of the application. The application helps its users to maintain and expand their social networks by means such as conversation, sharing of information, friends referring and expanding new social network by common interest. All of these can happen anytime while user using the application, before, during or after the actual online shopping. </p><p>This application aims to give user more freedom while using the application. In other words, a user doesn’t need to follow a particular “path” in order to use the application. </p><p>As the example above has shown, to use the application a user doesn’t have to start with a search of certain item on eBay or by asking question to friends for their recommendation. The application provides its user with other opportunities such as browse fan groups and individual user information on Facebook or just chats with friends. </p><p>While the application mainly targets at improving shopper’ online social shopping experience, it can arguably also be used for sellers as an indirect word-of-moth marketing tool on eBay. For example, sellers can utilize its capability to promote product </p><p>46 to members of Facebook fan groups (writing product reviews or giving discount coupon code, etc). </p><p>Future Extension</p><p>The plan to further improve the application is two-fold. For short-term, more functions are planned to add to the application and existing ones further optimized. The initial project plan calls for the inclusion of image and video uploading support in the application. </p><p>These were not fully implemented due to time limit. A short term improvement should allow users to store/ upload photos and videos to the Facebook website. These functions should also be easy to use and in compliance to the existing drag-drop scheme of the application. For example, user should be able to simply drag the photos from outside the application, drop them onto the specific online album for them to be uploaded to Facebook. </p><p>Being an Adobe Air application, this application should be easily modified to run on multiple operation systems/platforms. So part of the short-term plan is to make the application run on handheld devices such as iPhone, slate computers such as iPad and also smart phones that run Android operation system. </p><p>A long-term plan for further improvement calls for the inclusion of more social media networks and online commerce websites into the application. The current application demonstrates the capability to facilitating user’s social shopping activities for Facebook and eBay. For the future plan, the application should be able to include multiple social media websites of user’s choice into the application. The source of shopping data should not be limited to just eBay either. The application should give more freedom to users as to what they can do and how to do it with the application in terms of social shopping activities. Furthermore, as social shopping activities being just one aspect of user’s </p><p>47 social network universe, the application may become just a part of an overall social networking environment that allows user activities for all aspects of their social network activities. </p><p>References</p><p>1. Chevalier, Judith A. and Dina Mayzlin (2006), “The Effect of Word of Mouth on Sales: </p><p>Online Book Reviews,” Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (3), 345-354.</p><p>48 2. Constantine, L L., & Lockwood L. A. D. (2000). Inventing Interfaces: Tactics, Tricks, and </p><p>Techniques for Breakthrough Innovations. North Andover, MA: User Interface </p><p>Engineering</p><p>3. Facebook Press Room, Statistics (2009), www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics</p><p>4. Iyengar, Raghuram, Han, Sangman and Gupta, Sunil (2009), “Do Friends Influence </p><p>Purchases in a Social Network?” Harvard Business School Marketing Unit Working Paper</p><p>No. 09-123. </p><p>5. Needle, David (2007), “Whitman: eBay For 'Social Commerce',” InternetNews.com. </p><p> www.internetnews.com/bus-news/article.php/3706101</p><p>6. Oestreicher-Singer, Gal and Sundararajan, Arun, The Visible Hand of Social Networks in </p><p>Electronic Markets(November 19, 2008). Available at SSRN: </p><p> http://ssrn.com/abstract=1268516</p><p>7. Oestreicher-Singer, Gal and Sundararajan, Arun, Recommendation Networks and the </p><p>Long Tail of Electronic Commerce (January 2009). Available at SSRN: </p><p> http://ssrn.com/abstract=1324064</p><p>8. Stephen, Andrew T. and Toubia, Olivier (2009), “Deriving Value from Social Commerce </p><p>Networks,” Journal of Marketing Research, Forthcoming. Available at SSRN: </p><p> http://ssrn.com/abstract=1150995</p><p>9. Tedeschi, Bob (2006), “Like Shopping? Social Networking? Try Social Shopping,” New </p><p>York Times, Available at http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/11/technology/11ecom.html </p><p>49</p>
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