YEAR VIII n° 1 MAY 2008 The harvesting specialist’s journal The new alliance the market likes Excellent feedback from the Laverda-Agco understanding Meanwhile, the combine sector is up and coming in Italy and the “reds” soar to over 36 percent A POSITIVE 2007 FOR FELLA AND COMBINE CONTESTS, THE GERMAN ENERGY THE LAVERDA “FAMILY”: HAYMAKING, AN THE “REDS” MAN MANUFACTURERS SELF-PRODUCTION, THE TURNOVER IDEA THAT DATES WINS IN RUSSIA MEET IN BREGANZE LAVERDA WAS ONE OF TOPS 150 MILLION BACK 90 YEARS THE PIONEERS page 2 page 7 page 11 page 12 pages 14-15 Gruppo Industriale ARGO The situation by Mario Scapin Ready to enter the field Mario Scapin and reap lots more satisfaction director general The Laverda Group’s turnover topped 150 million in 2007, also thanks to a strategic agreement reached with Agco The harvesting specialist’s Dear readers, as we approach the of all the workers, dealers, market- tion of the segment of conven- journal period in which you’ll be making ers and shareholders. I’d like to tional machines, with straw-walk- Year VIII, N° 1, May 008 Quarterly periodical a start on your field work, we can express my sincere gratitude to all, ers. The number of orders received Registered with the Court of Vicenza all look forward with optimism to but I also and above all wish to ex- from the East European countries N° 1017 of 5 March 00 this new harvest because it should tend my thanks to all our custom- is extremely positive, particularly publishing management finally provide all farmers with the ers for their trust in the products those from Bulgaria and Romania. Mario Scapin Angelo Benedetti level of profit they’ve been hoping and services offered by Laverda. But our results in other markets, Simonetta Lambrocco for and expecting for some time. The positive trends of the last pe- such as Greece and Poland, is also director in charge Owing to the growth in consump- riods have been confirmed in this growing both as to volumes and Claudio Strati tions, the development of bio-fuels first part of 008. The demand for market share. art work and, presumably, of financial strat- harvesting machines is continuing The Agco group brands are also Andrea Rosset egies as well, the prices of agricul- to be high. Laverda is doing all in its achieving similar results. Both Piergiorgio Laverda tural products have been the driv- power to satisfy the market by tak- Massey Ferguson and Fendt are the following persons ing force behind the development ing all the necessary actions able to enjoying continual growth in all collaborated: of the combine-harvester market in increase the daily production rate. their markets, and this provides a Aneliya Kaneva sales manager all the main countries. The sales volumes are significantly further contribution towards the Opticom Ltd Bulgaria It’s thanks to these positive fac- on the upswing in Italy. This is espe- development of the Breganze en- Andres Moradas Lopez tors that Laverda’s 007 balance cially thanks to the demands from terprise. Laverda Spain sales manager sheet, recently approved by the the central-southern part of the So I can say with extreme satisfac- Elena Korovkina Investa Agro management assistant shareholders’ meeting, closed with country and to the excellent way in tion that I firmly believe that all Thomas Beckert a gratifying increase as compared which the new self-levelling com- this represents a tangible confir- Fella product manager to the previous business year. The bines AL Quattro and AL Rev have mation of how strategically sound Piergiorgio Laverda turnover has actually grown by been received. The M304 Ls Integ- is the agreement we signed last curator of the “Pietro Laverda” Historic Archive 19% and exceeds 99 million Euros. rale model is also obtaining results year with the Agco group. This result has been due to a 15% beyond our expectations and is Now, as the campaign is drawing photographs Archivio Laverda spa rise in the number of machines sold proving to be the ideal machine for near, I’ll conclude by extending my and to the increasingly more con- harvesting in hilly areas. sincerest best wishes to you all for © by Laverda spa 3604 Breganze (VI) Italy sistent contribution provided by the The growth has almost reached a satisfactory harvest and with the via F. Laverda, 15/17 sale of spare parts, whose business 50% on the French market and hope of being able to present all tel. +39.0445.385311 fax +39.0445.873355 turnover has risen by 0%. This here, Laverda has been right on the Laverda customers with wel- www.laverdaworld.com year, so important for the company the mark by not only increasing come surprises during the Autumn [email protected] and characterized by the strategic the sales volumes but also its por- trade fairs. Printed by G.N.G. agreement reached with the Agco Via Galvani, 58 - 36066 group, the operating margin, after Sandrigo (VI) deduction of the extraordinary as- Literary rights reserved. Articles and pictures may only be duplicated if source is cited. sets, presented the most significant growth with an 8% improve- ment. The stock value decreased for both raw materials and the fin- ished product, which strengthened To all journal subscribers PRIVACY STATEMENT AS PER ART. 13 the company’s financial position to OF DECREE LAW D.LGS. 30.6. 003, N° 196 an even greater extent. Your identification data have been ac- quired by Laverda S.p.A. from either The business year of Fella Werke, you yourselves or from public lists and the company entirely possessed by registers, thus from documents ac- cessible to anyone, for our marketing Laverda and with the same man- activities in the future. Laverda S.p.A. will deal with these agement in common, also featured data on paper and/or by computeri- zed or telematic media. The informa- the same trends, with a turnover tion will solely be used in our com- pany or by auxiliary bodies authorized that increased by 10% and topped by our company for postal purposes, in relation to our need to acquire new 51 million Euros. In short, the con- customers by sending commercial proposals, also in the future. solidated turnover of the Laverda Laverda S.p.A. guarantees that the data will be treated in the most con- group exceeded 150 million Euros fidential way and that, upon your request, your data may be cancelled and fully confirmed the company’s (or corrected) from our archives free of charge. You are therefore entitled growth process. These results were to exercise all the rights established by art. 7 of Decree Law d.lgs N° 196/003 obtained thanks to the contribution and in particular, to wholly or partly refuse to allow the data to be used. 3 Italy by Simonetta Lambrocco Farming’s fine andcombines are Simonetta Lambrocco feeling much better communication and public relations manager The home market tots up 36% more than 2007 The agricultural sector is recovering fast and absurd, but products that come from an- it’s for this reason that the scientific world the market for combines is beginning to other part of the world often cost less than suggests a holistic approach, i.e. an atti- grow again as a consequence. In Italy, there’s their local equivalent. This situation can be tude that considers every aspect as part of a been a gigantic leap forwards as compared reversed by our joint efforts to set matters in whole and not as an individual element. For to 007. a more logical order. If we can do this, we’ll our part, we can verify how each of our ac- The increase in the food demand has led to not just be saving energy but also reducing tions corresponds to a series of effects that the appearance of new, strong economies the amount of pollution. we can make either positive or negative. on the market, a different trend in tastes and If we actually succeed in limiting the demand Going back to the subject with which we an increased amount of cash in the hands for products from far-off lands, we’ll be cut- are more closely involved, the increase in of very numerous populations, first and fore- ting down on transport and, consequently, the price of grain crops and stocks that are most those of China and India. And these on pollution. beginning to run short are encouraging are not the only decisive factors to have con- It’s a chilling thought, but every kilo of petrol farmers to stop leaving farmlands uncul- tributed towards the general recovery of the consumed produces 3 kilos of carbon diox- tivated. Moreover, the alternative energy agricultural sector. ide, one of the main causes of global warm- business absorbs most of the products and This growth trend also concerns the sub- ing. contributes in a considerable way towards ject of energy production from alternative As explained by scientist Ernesto Hofmann, the sector’s newly found optimism. A sen- sources. an expert in technologies, at the “Energy To- sation that we’re also experiencing in Italy, When it comes to energy, the increase in morrow” forum organized in Venice by Col- where we’ve witnessed an upswing on the the price of crude oil is of the structural diretti and The European House Ambrosetti, combine harvester market, which marked type. We’re now facing the third oil shock recent studies show that 22 million barrels a 36% increase as compared to 007. This in history. But while the first (1973-74) and of oil are consumed each day in the United increase in the domestic market is especially second (1978-79) oil crises were caused by States while, according to the 008 Legambi- due to the growth of the self-levelling com- OPEC (Organisation of the Petroleum Ex- ente report, a citizen of the European Union bine segment, as these machines have cur- porting Countries) having rationed the oil consumes about half that of an American, rently doubled their volume to reach 31% supply, today’s crisis has been determined but three times more than a Chinese citizen of the total market portion.
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