I U :"IVEI{SITY OF 1\1I:"NESOTA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIME:"T STATIO:" The Red Wing Project on Utilization of Electricity in Agriculture I E. A. Stewart, J. 1\1. Larson. .1. Rornncxs Division of Agricultural Engineering J TABLE OF COXTEXTS Page Introduction . I Acknowledgment of Financial Support........ 2 Characteristics of Co-operating Farms........................................ 2 High-Line Construction :J 'Viring the Farmsteads.................................................................. () "Tiring the Farm Buildings for Light and Power...................... 8 Furm Lighting 17 Accounting Studies on F'ive Farms on the Red 'Ving Line...... 22 Equipment on Red 'Ving Farms........... 28 Operating Tests on High-Line Voltage Regulations................ :31 'Vater Systems nud Plumbing....................................................... -J,1 Pumping 'Yater with Electric ::\Iotors........................................ -1<5 Barns for Use with Electricity..................................................... 51 Electrical Energy Used 5U Line Consumption Data......... fil Cost of Energy................................................................................ 61 Energy Uses 64 Demand and Connected Load................ 70 Connected Load and Energy Consumption................................ 7-i Feed Grinding 78 Shelling Corn 82 Eleyating Grain 82 Cutting Ensilage 813 Threshing with Electric Motors......... 98 Electric Fan Ventilation................................................................ 120 (T ses of Electricit~T iu the Dairy....................... 12fi Corn Husking and Shredding...................................................... 127 Hoot Cutting 128 Glow Heater for Haby Pigs.......................................................... 128 P se of Electricity in Poultry Industry...................................... 128 T'nloading Hay with a Power Hoist........................................... 136 Sawing'Vood and J,umber............................................................ 137 The Portable ::\Iotor........................................................................ 139 'Yater Heating 141 Household ITses of Electricity...................................................... 142 Appendix 145 The Red Wing Project on Utilization of Electricity In Agriculture r,:, :\, STJ-:\\',\In," J,:\L I,\\(SII:\,T I, 1\1l\[:\I::-;:-; INTRODUCTION The committee ha\'ing been organized, the Division u '1'(1 stuclv the possibility of meeting the grU\\'il1g' de­ III .vericulturnl l':nuineerin of the Universit v outlined It pn0ect on "TI1l'''UtilizaGun III Electricity' in ,\gri, m.md illr electric scrvicc on 11 inru-suta farms. a state c', .nunutc-c on "The Relat ion of Electricity tu :\grinJi­ culture," Through this project it \\'a,,; hoped to deter­ mine whether elect ric servic« at rea~unablc rates couk] t urv" \\'a~ organized in Septemlwr. 1<)2,), Th« chairman Ill' u,;nl witl: profit 1111 Minnesota fa nus. The pr<Jjcct "1 t hi-, committee \\'a~ james F, I\eed, president (Ii the \\'a,; lruuil ia rlv k nowu as "The I\ed \\'il1g T'rllject" and \1 iilllL'~ota Farm I~llreau Fcdcr.uion. t Jtlll'r member-. \\'a~ listed a, l 'roject ~Il, I; in the r('cllrd,; III rill' II trl' \\', C, Clltl'ey, dean III the Departmellt Ili .\gri­ \ Iinnesot.: .\gricllltllr;d 1':"pLTiI11L'nt Stalilll1, and \\,:1'; ,ulluIT. l"uin'r~it\' ui :\lilll1e~'lta; l l erm.m Schnll:'Chd. apprll\l'd IJy the admillistrat ion Ilf the ,;tal iou ill ~ Il­ -Ltlc' -cnator and' fa nuc-r : I -a:«: 1':mLT~Il11, state repr('­ -l·!,tati\',' and Ianucr ; .\, C. Bn';l11, fanner; C. S, vc-mlx-r. \1)2,), ThL' uhjcct of the pr<Jjel't \\'a,; dn'Jared :""'llIlcdy. Ottertnil l 'ower ('()mpan~': Ch;lrle~ F, StU:lrt. I'J Ill': "T« det('nl1illl' tile opi innuu econlll1lic 11';1''; oi ckct ricit,: ill agriclIlLllre .u«l 10 ,;tudy the va luc ot '\"nlll'rIl St;lte~ l'owcr ('Ilnlpany; \\', S, I kald, :\Iill­ c1L-~'tricily '-I,t;1 I .ight and !'U\\'lT ('Ilmpany ; and I':, .\, Stc\\,ar1. ill imjuovr«! li\il1g 1'llnditi"II'; Oil i ln- farm," I'l.ui-, ha\'ing been I"nlllllated and th« I \ur1hi,k conl­ : hi..,i"u ,II ,\gricnltmal 1':ngillcL'rilig', l'lli\'er~ity uf 111l1l1it\' uca r Red \\'il1,g ha\illg' hccu ,;('lected f"r tl:(' \1 innc--ota. ~enetary, The Division o t . \grindtlll'al ':':,:il1('LTing (If the L'l,inTsity had been making a studv l'IIII,;lrlll'tiol1 III a [L',;t liru-, a "high liiu-" t" c;trr\, ';l'n'ic(' I" Ihc i.um- Ili t lu- COllllllllnit\, \\,;h 1111i1t ill [)cceml",r , «k-ct ri« "'n'il'c .uicl rates {Ill' :\rinnc~ola i.um«. The ~- "lUll1itt,,(, IlI1 l\l'iatilJ11 of Llcctricit v til .\griculture Forutcrlv ;\ ...... Ill'j:lte p:·Oft'-:-:l'l" pf agric-ul t nrnl r-nuinc-c-r ing . llui ver ... irv ,I f .\1innr.... IJ(;l, :,- Ilrg;l1Iized tl) as-ist in carrying liln\';lrd 'till' -t ndv -;- Fr.rnu-rl v with l Ji vi .... ion of ~\~Tirt1I;\lr:d Ellgillt'erillg, llniv c-rxit y i.um 1'1ectric service and ratc-. Ilf ~I innesotn. I, c ,_, ! " r MAP or LXPE.R,I MENTAL ~U~AL r.u:.CTR,IC UN e IN GOODHUE. COUNTY N£AR. R,E.D 'lfI'INC MINNf:.SOTA • I-ICJUSE.S .:.. TQANsrO'QMI:.t(' --1('uRAL LINL =..5TATI:. HWY. N2::"l -=- OTHLV QOAD~ " ~ ~i J BJ;;'lAN .:n ~.:r: NOB";' Tt. J rW.TOOT I BOYAN Fig, I" Location of rural electric line and farms where experimental work was conducted. and electricitv \Ya~ turned on for the first time Decem­ This company also lent the University more than 100 ber 2-+, 1923. It is believed that this was the first meters for testing purposes. Seventy-nine manu iac­ experimental rural electric line in the world. People tnring companies placed at the disposal of the univer­ in other states became interested and other test lines sity equipment for use on the project. The farmers on and experi mental projects were organi zed. Twenty­ the route assisted by permitting interference with their three other states are now conducting investigations of regular routine. by installing recommended systems of a similar nature. Foreign countries also have taken up \\'iring ami wa ter supply. and by boa rcling extra help the work. employed on the project. According to the plans. the Division of c\gricultural The cont ributions f rom the various sources are E ngineeriiu; of the L'ni versity was to do the major shown in Table 1. part of the work, the Divisions of Farm Management 1'.\BLE 1 and of Home Economics co-operating in certain phases L'(IXTIIIBl'TORS TO r m: Fl'XlI FOR EXPEXSES OF THE REO Wixc of the work. PRO.! ECT TO .1 U XE 1, IC)2R I n order to meet the expenses of the project. an L'ni\'crsity of Xl inncsota $ 9.374·04 agreenlent was drafted whereby the I.'nivcrsitv was to Statl' <. ommittcc Oil the Relation of Llectricity \0 assume the cost of office and laboratory space. office .\g-riCtl:tlln.' 17.jOO.Oo lu-lp, and general supervision: the ::\orthern States :\onhnn Statc-, Power Company Lint' C(j:-,t:-, ....•..... 12.308.00 r'o\HT Company. all costs of building the experimental ~ktcr., luanetl . 1.000.00 n]('a~urin~ lii.« and supplying the wan-hour meters for Sl'\ClltY-lline manufacturiug companics . .d.632 .0 7 energy cousumption. and the Corumiucc on Relation of ('o-ope-rating f armcr-, at Red \\·;ng­ . 13.344.38 I':lcctricity to .\griculturc prm'ision for a Iund of T(ltal ._._......... ...._.._.._..._._._._ ..• $7S.15R-4~ :3.:;.000 for the biennium ending Jnne 30. lIpS. Thi~ agrccmcnt. wh ich was renewed twice a tter wa rd. was '1'1](' uses made by the l'nivcr-itv oj the funds listed approYed by the Board of Regents of the l'nin'rsity in Table I arc gi\'~n by years in-Table II, the fund of :\1 iunesota in .vptil. I <J2-+. supplied to the University by the state committee being' Th« experimental work wa-. originally carried on designated as "Special fund. Hudgl't RljO." on eight farms of i hc I\nrnside ('OIl1lll\11li\ \.1 On« fann was added later. CHARACTERISTICS OF CO-OPERATING FARMS ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF FINANCIAL The Burnside community is in a district of hills, SUPPORT fertile narrow vallevs, and rolling uplands. It was Financial ~npport for the Red \Ving Project wa-, ~elcct('d for the experiment because it presented certain deriyed from the :\orthcrn States PO\YlT Company. difficulties in line construction and in the uses of elec­ mann fact u rcr- 0 [ electrical aud farm equipment, the tricity Olt farms, which. it \vas believed if o vercouu-. Ia nncr- of the Burn-ide conunuuitv, the ~tate Com­ would point the wav to the satisLtcton' use of elec­ mittee on the Relation of Electricity to .\gricnlture. tricity on the a\'(~rag~' farm in lVIinnesot,~. Both farms a IIII the l~nivl'1'~ilv of Xl ir.ue-ot«. and farmers were considered fairly representative of The Xorthern' States Power Company. which built Xliunc-sota gencral1y. Tables 11 1. 1\', V. and VI give the original line in 1C)23. later changed tlris to an all· data ,l~ to the characteristics of the farms in the proj­ copper line and in 1926 increased the yoltage to G.<Joo. cct. a('('ordi1u~' to a su rvev made January I, ll)2-+. by 1 A map of the Hurnsidc community, showing the locn tiun «f .he I.. F. Carey of the l rivision of Farm Management, experimental line and the eight original fa rms is shown in Figure I. L"ui\'l'r.;ity I;arm. T.\HLE IT CSE OF CXln:R~1TY .\XIJ Sr.vn: C<>:lI:IltTTEE Fl·XIh. :-<o\',::lIBER I. 11)23 '10 J \'XE r. lC)2S __lV24-2.:; ~_"IC)~5-26--- 1026- 27 :33.05l).()U .~2.K<.'().,'(> 9.,6.2b 1'.'-+' I () 3&'<·4(' R_J'O.4,' 102.30 :;58.38 122.:;0 552.1 1 l' ,'«" 62.6" 19.60 , 3) 1)·3U 2.06~3() 1.307-;; I t.229·09 :f()~060.7., .
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