Oxford III Ch. 54 Vocabulary Info for Cards Page Page 4

Oxford III Ch. 54 Vocabulary Info for Cards Page Page 4

<p>Oxford III – Ch. 54 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 1 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words Chapter 54 (p. 122) aegrōtō, aegrōtāre, aegrōtāvī, aegrōtātus/a/um = to be ill, sick [aeger – “sick.” A noun that means "an invalid"; as an adjective, it means "sick". In British universities, aeger is the traditional term used on students' medical excuses for failing to appear for an examination, and a medical excuse itself may also be called an aeger.] volvō, volvere, volvī, volūtus/a/um = to roll, turn over [advolution, archivolt, circumvolute, circumvolutio, circumvolution, circumvolve, circumvolving, convolute, convoluted, convolution, convolutional, counterrevolution, counterrevolutionary, counterrevolutionist, cultural evolution, demivolt, DEVO, devolution, devolution, devolve, devolvement, evolute, evolution, evolutional, evolutionary, evolutionism, evolutionist, evolutionize, evolvable, evolve, evolvement, evolver, femtovolt, gigavolt, involucre, involute, involuted, involution, involutional, involve, involved, involvedly, involvedness, involvement, kilovolt, macroevolution, megaelectronvoltcurie, megaelectrovolt, megavolt, millivolt, multivoltine, nanovolt, obvolute, obvolution, obvolvent, omentovolvulus, orthovoltage, revolt, revoltingly, revolute, revolution, revolutionary, revolutionism, revolutionist, revolutionize, revolve, revolver, teravolt, trivoltine, univoltine, vault, vaulter, volt, voltmeter, volubility, voluble, volubleness, volubly, volucrine, volume, volumeter, volumetry, voluminal, voluminous, voluminously, voluminousness, volute, Volventibus annīs = “With the years rolling on.” Also: "As time goes by."] coepī, coepisse = to begin *(defective verb – only exists in the perfect system) [related to capio inception, inceptive, incipiency, incipient] meminī, meminisse = to remember *(defective verb – only exists in the perfect system) [commemorate, commemoration, commemorative, commemoratively, commemoratory, immemorial, immemorially, memento, memento mori, memo, memoir, memorabilia, memorable, memorably, memoranda, memorandum, memorial, memorialization, memorialize, memorially, memoria technica, memorize, memory, remember, remembrance, reminisce, reminisced, reminiscence (s), reminiscences (pl), reminiscent, reminiscential, reminiscentially, reminiscently, reminiscer, reminisces, reminiscing, - mne root acousmatamnesia, amnemonic, amnesia, amnesiac, amnesic, amnesiophobia, amnestic, amnesty, anamnesis, anamnestic, antimnemonic, ataxiamnesia, ataxiamnestic, autoanamnesis, automnesia, catamnesis, catamnestic, Clytemnestra, cryptanamnesia, cryptomnesia, cryptomnesic, dysmnesia, dysmnesic, ecmnesia, hieromnemon, hypermnesia, hypermnestic, hypomnesia, hypomnesis, hypomnestic, lapsus memoriae, logamnesia, mnemasthenia, mneme, mnemic, mnemon, mnemonic, mnemonicon, mnemonics, mnemonist, mnemonize, mnemophobia, Mnemosyne= The goddess of Memory, mnemotaxis, mnemotactic, mnemotechny, mnemotechnic, neomnesia, paleomnesia, palinmnesia, panmnesia, paramnesia, presbymnemia, promnesia, pseudomnesia, telamnesia, telemnemonike] ōdī, ōdisse = to hate *(defective verb – only exists in the perfect system) [annoy, annoyance, annoyer, annoyingly, noisome, noisomely, noisomeness, odious, odiously, odiousness, odium, odium aestheticum, odium medicum, odium musicum, odium scholasticum, odium theologicum] oblīvīscor, oblīvīscī, oblītus sum = to forget [oblivescence, obliviate, obliviator, oblivion, oblivionize, oblivions, oblivious, obliviously, obliviousness, obliviscence, oubliette] senecta, senectae F. = old age [insenescence, seignior, seigniorage, seignory, seigniory, senate, senator, senatorial, Senatus consultum, </p><p>Continued Oxford III – Ch. 54 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 2 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words senatus populusque Romanus; S.P.Q.R. =The Senate and the People of Rome. The initials S.P.Q.R. appeared on many ancient official standards [flags] and emblems and they still exist on manhole covers in modern Rome.; senectitude, senesce, senescence, senescent, senex, senile, senilism, senile dementia, senility, senilize, senior, seniority, senium, senopia, señor, signor, signore (s); signori (pl), sir, sire, surly] tumulus, tumulī M = mound, tomb [entomb, tomb, tombolo, tumefaction, tumefactive, tumescence, tumid, tumor, tumorigenic, tumorous, tumult, tumultuary, tumultuous, tumulus] opēs, opum F pl. = wealth; resources [Ops = goddess of Wealth, opulence, opulent, copious, copy (s), copies (pl), cornucopia] pietās, pietātis F. = piety, faithfulness to country and the gods [piety, pious, impious, impiety] pulvis, pulveris M. = dust [pulverize, pulverable, pulverulent] quiēs, quiētis F = rest [acquiesce, acquiescence, acquit, acquittal, acquittance, coy, coyish, coyly, coyness, disquiet, disquieting, disquietude, inquietude, quiescence, quiescency, quiescent, quiet, quietism, quietist, quietistic, quietness, quietude, quietus, quit, quite, quittance, quitter, requiem, requiescat, requiescat in pace (R.I.P.), requiescence, requitable, requital, requite, requited, tranquil, tranquility, tranquillize (U.S.), unquiet, unrequited] sē quiētī dare = to rest (lit., to give oneself over to sleep) tellūs, tellūris F. = land, earth [tel (noun), tellurium, Tellus = Goddess of the Earth, tellurian, tellurion] maiōrēs nostrī = our ancestors… maior, maius = bigger, larger, more important, older mōs maiōrum = the custom of our ancestors [major, Canis Major, major domo, Ursa Major, force majeure, majoration, Majorca, majority, majuscule, supermajority; also the comparative degree of magnus/a/um] vīs, (no genitive, no dative, acc = vīm, abl. = vī) F. = force, violence vīrēs, vīrium F. pl. = strength [violence, violent, inviolability, inviolable, inviolableness, inviolably, inviolacy, inviolate, inviolately, nonviolence, nonviolent, nonviolently, unviolable, violable, violate, violates, violated, violating, violation, violative, violator, violence, violent, violently, but also from vir: centumvir, decimvir, deimvirile, duumvir, evirate, evirato, evirtuate, invirile, invirtuate, levirate, octovirate, quindecemvir, revirescence, triumvir, triumvirate, virile, virilescence, virilia, virilify, virilism, virilist, virility, virilization, virilocal, viripotent, viropause, virtual, virtualism, virtuality, virtue, virtuosity, virtuoso, virtuous] aciēs, aciēī F. = line of battle, battle; line of sight [acicula (s), aciculae (pl), acicular, acicularity, acicularly, acicular ice, aciculate, aciculate, aciculated, aciculiform, aciculilignosa, aciculine, aciculite, aciculum (s), acicula (pl), acuate, acuation, acuclosure, acufilopressure, acuition, acuity, aculeate, aculeated, aculeation, aculeiform, aculeolate, aculeous, aculeus, acumen, acute, acuity, acuminate, acumination, acuminous, acuminulate, acuologist, acuology, acupoint, acuporession, acupressure, acupressurist, acupunctuate, acupunctuation, </p><p>Continued Oxford III – Ch. 54 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 3 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words acupuncturation, acupuncture, acupunturist, acus, acusection, acusector, acusis, acutance, acutangular, acute, acutely, acuteness, acutiangle, acuticostal, acutifoliate, acutilingual, acutilobate, acutish, acutomancia, acutomanzia, acutomancy, ague, aguelike, aguish, aguishly, aguishness, cute, hyperacuity, hyperacusia, hyperacusis, hypoacuity, peracute, shaking ague, subacute, superacute] cunctī, -ae, -a (pl.) = all frīgidus, frīgida, frīgidum = cold [frigid, frigideserta, frigidity, frigidly, frigidness, frigolabile, frigophile, frigophilic, frigophily, frigophilic, frigophile, frigophily, frigophobia, frigorie, frigorific, frigorimeter, frigorism, frigostabile, frigostable, frigotherapy, frisson (s), frissons (pl), refrigerant, refrigerate, refrigeration, refrigerator] invīsus, invīsa, invīsum = hated [advise, advisement, advisory, belvedere, belvue, clairvoyant, déjà vu, envisage, envision, envious, envy, evidence, improvident, improvise, interview, invidious, invisible, jurisprudence, preview, previse, provide, providence, provision, provisional, proviso, prudence, prudent, purvey, purview, review, revisal, revise, revision, revisit, revisory, revue, stenovision, supervise, surveillance, survey, televise, v.i. (Vide infra), viz. (videlicet), video, videogenic, videognosis, videogram, videography, videolaseroscopy, videophile, videophone, videopoly, videotext, v.s. (Vide supra), vidette, view, visa, visage, vise, visible, vision, visionary, visit, visitation, visor, vista, visual, visuosensory] līberālis, līberāle = generous, liberal [liberal, liberality, liberalize, liberate, liberation, liberator, libertarian, liberticide, libertine, liberty] simul ac or simul atque = as soon as [assembly, assimilate, dissimilate, ensemble, facsimile, resemblance, resemble, semblance, similar, similarity, simile, similitude, simple, simplicity, simplify, simulacrum, simulate, simulation, simultaneity, simultaneous, verisimilar, verisimilitude]</p><p>The Short List for this chapter’s vocab: aegrōtō, aegrōtāre, aegrōtāvī, aegrōtātus/a/um = to be ill, sick volvō, volvere, volvī, volūtus/a/um = to roll, turn over coepī, coepisse = to begin *(defective verb – only exists in the perfect system) meminī, meminisse = to remember *(defective verb – only exists in the perfect system) ōdī, ōdisse = to hate *(defective verb – only exists in the perfect system) oblīvīscor, oblīvīscī, oblītus sum = to forget senecta, senectae F. = old age tumulus, tumulī M = mound, tomb opēs, opum F pl. = wealth; resources pietās, pietātis F. = piety, faithfulness to family, country and the gods pulvis, pulveris M. = dust quiēs, quiētis F = rest sē quiētī dare = to rest (lit., to give oneself over to sleep) tellūs, tellūris F. = land, earth</p><p>Continued Oxford III – Ch. 54 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 4 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words maiōrēs nostrī = our ancestors… maior, maius = bigger, larger, more important, older mōs maiōrum = the custom of our ancestors vīs, (no genitive, no dative, acc = vīm, abl. = vī) F. = force, violence vīrēs, vīrium F. pl. = strength aciēs, aciēī F. = line of battle, battle; line of sight cunctī, -ae, -a (pl.) = all frīgidus, frīgida, frīgidum = cold invīsus, invīsa, invīsum = hated līberālis, līberāle = generous, liberal simul ac or simul atque = as soon as</p><p>Ch. 54 Vocab folding practice 1st Column (to be folded back later) Give English meaning(s) Fold 1st column back, then give Latin aegrōtō, aegrōtāre, aegrōtāvī, aegrōtātus/a/um volvō, volvere, volvī, volūtus/a/um coepī, coepisse</p><p>(defective verb – only exists in the perfect system) meminī, meminisse</p><p>(defective verb – only exists in the perfect system) ōdī, ōdisse</p><p>(defective verb – only exists in the perfect system) oblīvīscor, oblīvīscī, oblītus sum senecta, senectae F. tumulus, tumulī M opēs, opum F pl. pietās, pietātis F. pulvis, pulveris M. quiēs, quiētis F sē quiētī dare tellūs, tellūris F. maiōrēs nostrī mōs maiōrum vīs, (no genitive, no dative, </p><p>Continued Oxford III – Ch. 54 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 5 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words acc = vīm, abl. = vī) F. vīrēs, vīrium F. pl. aciēs, aciēī F. cunctī, -ae, -a (pl.) frīgidus, frīgida, frīgidum invīsus, invīsa, invīsum līberālis, līberāle simul ac or simul atque</p><p>Continued</p>

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