Butte School District No

Butte School District No

<p> 194</p><p>BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 17, 2012</p><p>The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Monday, December 17, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. at School Administration Building with Chairwoman Ann Boston presiding. Trustees present: Scott Ferguson, Linda Sorini Granger, Vikki O’Brien, John Ries, Debbie Shea and Carol Wold. Absent: Patti Hepola. Also present were: Judy Jonart, Interim Superintendent, Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resources and J.R. Richardson, Business Manager. </p><p>CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE</p><p>APPROVAL OF MINUTES</p><p>Item 1 - Regular Board Meeting, November 19, 2012</p><p>Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried.</p><p>COMMUNICATIONS</p><p>Item 2 – Butte High School Presentation </p><p>John Metz discussed the Butte High School 2012-2013 Action Plan and Common Core Standards. </p><p>Mr. Metz shared the following three goals for Butte High School:</p><p>Math Goal: Butte High School will reach Safe Harbor in all disaggregated groups for the 2012-2013 school year. BHS had 15% of students in the highest level of the Nearing Proficiency category, which indicates BHS was close to reaching its measurable objective of Safe Harbor. According to the data, BHS needs at least 14 additional students to score at a Proficient Level in order to reach Safe Harbor.</p><p>Reading Goal: BHS students will score 92% proficient or advanced on the 2013 MontCas Assessment. To achieve Safe Harbor, Butte High School needs five students to improve to the proficient level.</p><p>Writing Goal: One Hundred Percent of BHS classes, regardless of course content or focus, will include a significant writing component that promotes student writing development appropriate to task, purpose, and audience for the specific content area.</p><p>Item 3– Update from BHS Student Representative – Kendall Alley</p><p>Kendall gave the following update on Butte High School activities:  Ugly Sweater Day in on Friday  Service Projects include: o Toys for Tots o MRI Baskets for Needy o Infinity Club o Montana History Club Christmas Display  State Championship Football team held a “Meet and Greet” at the Butte Plaza Mall  Sports are on-going</p><p>Item 4 – Action Plan Brochures – Jim O’Neill</p><p>Jim O’Neill reported that Action Plan Brochures have been developed for all schools. </p><p>Note: An Action Plan Brochure for each school is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. 195</p><p>Mr. O’Neill stated that the brochures were developed with the help of teams from each school and will be sent out to staff and parents. A copy was sent out with report cards.</p><p>Item 5 – Update on Food Service Menu Change for BHCC – Mark Harrison</p><p>Mark Harrison reported that the students at the BHCC will be provided the same menu as Butte High School beginning on Monday, January 7, 2013.</p><p>Item 6 – Update on Bread Delivery Contract – Mark Harrison</p><p>Mark Harrison reported that Franz’s Bakery has indicated that they would be willing to take over the District’s bread deliveries for the rest of the school year due to the fact that our contracted bread delivery company, Hostess/Sweetheart Breads, was closing down.</p><p>Item 7 – Public Comment On Items Not On Agenda</p><p>None</p><p>CONSENT AGENDA</p><p>Item 8 – Consent Agenda</p><p> Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers (November 2012)</p><p>Page #6 PAYROLL RECAP</p><p>MONTH: NOVEMBER 2012</p><p>DATE: DECEMBER 6, 2012</p><p>FUND TOTALS GRAND TOTAL</p><p>ELEMENTARY GENERAL $1,247,281.22 $1,247,281.22 ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION $57,990.81 $57,990.81 FOOD SERVICE $59,787.54 $59,787.54 ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT $171,565.75 $171,565.75 ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION FUND $1,750.74 $1,750.74 MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES $22,514.12 $22,514.12 ELEMENTARY SICK LEAVE RESERVE $332.38 $332.38 HIGH GENERAL $685,775.01 $685,775.01 HIGH TRANSPORTATION $28,856.97 $28,856.97 HIGH RETIREMENT $91,919.85 $91,919.85 HIGH ADULT EDUCATION $4,085.09 $4,085.09 HIGH SICK LEAVE RESERVE $157.54 $157.54 BUS ACTIVITY $7,687.59 $7,687.59 HIGH CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FUND $3,512.91 $3,512.91 FEDERAL PROGRAMS $253,557.59 $253,557.59 </p><p>TOTAL CLAIMS (400) $2,636,775.11 $2,636,775.11 GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $2,636,775.11 </p><p>CLAIMS Page # 5 RECAP</p><p>NOVEMBER MONTH: 2012</p><p>December 6, DATE: 2012 196</p><p>FUND TOTALS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL</p><p>ELEMENTARY GENERAL $155,548.80 $13,052.97 $142,495.83 ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION $40,342.54 $40,342.54 FOOD SERVICE $85,155.16 $2,218.65 $82,936.51 ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION $175.00 $175.00 MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES $136,285.65 $208.93 $136,076.72 ELEMENTARY TECHNOLOGY FUND $9,379.63 $9,379.63 ELEMENTARY DEBT SERVICES $26,932.91 $1,467.98 $25,464.93 ELEMENTARY BUILDING FUND $672.00 $672.00 COBRA $29,810.95 $29,810.95 HIGH GENERAL $138,772.56 $7,062.03 $131,710.53 HIGH TRANSPORTATION $19,871.78 $19,871.78 HIGH TRAFFIC EDUCATION $247.73 $247.73 HIGH TECHNOLOGY FUND $4,831.93 $4,831.93 HIGH DEBT SERVICES $13,464.52 $733.99 $12,730.53 HIGH BUILDING RESERVE FUND $15,000.00 $15,000.00 ACTIVITY BUS $237.98 $237.98 CO-CURRICULAR $9,908.46 $9,908.46 FEDERAL PROGRAMS $134,539.96 $15.00 $134,524.96 </p><p>TOTAL CLAIMS (400) $821,177.56 $24,759.55 $796,418.01 LESS REIMBURSEMENTS $24,759.55 GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $796,418.01 </p><p>Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Claims and Budget Transfers is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes.</p><p> Travel Request o David Johnson to Grand Canyon, Arizona on March 30-April 6, 2013 for ABGX Grand Canyon Trek. $240.00 for substitute costs to be paid from Butte High General Fund. All other costs to be paid by individuals.  Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School (November 2012)  Student Activity Fund Report from Butte High School (September & October 2012)  Policy 2312 – Instruction – Copyright – 2 nd Reading  Procedure 2312P – Instruction – Copyright Compliance – 2 nd Reading  Policy 2332 – Instruction – Student Religious Activity at School – 2 nd Reading  Policy 2333 – Instructions – Participation in Commencement Exercises – 2 nd Reading  Procedure 3600P – Students – Students Records – 2 nd Reading  Form 3600F-1 – Student Records – 2 nd Reading  Policy 5337 – Personnel – Workers’ Compensation Benefits – 2 nd Reading </p><p>Ries moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried.</p><p>PERSONNEL</p><p>Item 9 –Personnel Action Report – Therese McClafferty</p><p>BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT December 17, 2012</p><p>Name Effective Assignment/Location 197</p><p>CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL</p><p>RETIREMENT:</p><p>Norma Anderson 11/15/12 Cook’s Helper, BHS</p><p>RESIGNATION:</p><p>Michelle Hall 01/04/13 Cook’s Helper, East</p><p>APPOINTMENT:</p><p>Shauna Clark 01/02/13 District Receptionist Pam O’Leary 01/02/13 Cleaner, Margaret Leary Denise Stanyard 12/18/12 Sub. Clerical, Cleaner, Monitor</p><p>LEAVE OF ABSENCE:</p><p>Jean Parrett 11/28/12-02/20/13 Cleaner, BHS Rita Schultz 60 days during the Cleaner, BHS 2012-2013 year CERTIFIED PERSONNEL</p><p>LEAVE OF ABSENCE:</p><p>Amanda Curtis 01/07/13-04/27/13 Math Teacher, BHS</p><p>SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL</p><p>APPOINTMENT:</p><p>Keith Ogolin 12/18/12 Volunteer Boys’ Basketball Coach, ROCKIES Gary Burt 12/18/12 Volunteer Boys’ Basketball Coach, ROCKIES Robert Stagnoli 12/18/12 Volunteer Boys’ Basketball Coach, ROCKIES Larry Davis 12/18/12 Volunteer Boys’ Basketball Coach, ROCKIES Jake Larson 12/18/12 Volunteer Assist. Boy’s Basketball Coach, BHS Terry Faulkner 11/16/12 Event Worker Dean Gransbery 11/16/12 Event Worker</p><p>RESIGNATION:</p><p>Sean Cleverly 11/30/12 Head Girls’ Soccer Coach, BHS</p><p>ADDITION TO SUBSTITUTE TEACHER LIST:</p><p>Micaul Bosch 12/18/12</p><p>Granger moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. Nay: Trustee Ries</p><p>Item 10 – Approval of Temporary Teaching Assignment for the Remainder of the 2012- 2013 School Year – Superintendent Jonart</p><p>Superintendent Jonart requested approval to assign a substitute teacher to a half-time temporary teaching position for the remainder of the 2012-2013 school year at Whittier School.</p><p>Ms. Jonart explained that this position would fill a gap in services for students in grades K-3 who have been identified as emotionally disturbed and in need of a smaller classroom environment. </p><p>Ms. Jonart stated that because there is such a critical need for these services across our District, the K-8 administrators agreed to fund a percentage of the salary using funds from their individual general fund budget.</p><p>Granger moved to approve, second by Ries, motion carried. 198</p><p>Item 11 – Approval of the Adult Education Spring Schedule – Kathy Cannon</p><p>Kathy Cannon requested approval of the Adult Education spring schedule which will begin on January 14, 2013.</p><p>Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried.</p><p>Item 12 – Approval to Award Bid for East Middle School Complex Repairs to Bentley Construction Company in the Amount of $448,000.00 – Jed Hoopes</p><p>Jed Hoopes requested Board approval to award the bid for the East Middle School Complex repairs to Bentley Construction Company. </p><p>Mr. Hoopes reported that the stadium complex has some bleacher sections that need to be repaired. The total cost is $448,000.00 and will be funded using High School Building Reserve and High School General Fund surplus dollars.</p><p>Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Nay: Trustee Ries</p><p>Item 13 – Approval of Change order Request #3 (Margaret Leary Roof/Soffits, Boiler/Air Handling Unit Replacement) in the Amount of $ 1,557.19 – Jed Hoopes</p><p>Jed Hoopes requested Board approval of a Change Order Request #3 on the Margaret Leary Roof/Soffits, Boiler/Air Handling Unit replacement as designed by Tekton Architects.</p><p>Mr. Hoopes stated that the total amount of the change order is $1, 557.19 and will be funded using the Elementary General Funds.</p><p>Granger moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried.</p><p>Item 14 – Approval of a Grant Application to the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks to Visit the New Montana Wild – Education Center located at Spring Meadow Lake State Park in Helena, Montana (Terry Hettick, Team D) – Larry Driscoll</p><p>Larry Driscoll requested approval for Terry Hettick of Team D to submit a Grant Application to the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks to Visit the New Montana Wild – Education Center located at Spring Meadow Lake State Park in Helena, Montana. </p><p>Ries moved to approve, second by O’Brien, motion carried.</p><p>Item 15 – Approval of a Grant Application to the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks to Visit the New Montana Wild – Education Center located at Spring Meadow Lake State Park in Helena, Montana (Karen Alley, Team A) – Larry Driscoll</p><p>Larry Driscoll requested approval for Karen Alley of Team A to submit a Grant Application to the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks to Visit the New Montana Wild – Education Center located at Spring Meadow Lake State Park in Helena, Montana. </p><p>Ries moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried.</p><p>Item 16 – Approval of a Grant Application to Town Pump of Montana in the Amount of $500.00 to Purchase Christmas Gifts – Larry Driscoll</p><p>Larry Driscoll requested approval to submit a Grant Application to Town Pump of Montana in the amount of $500.00. The Builder’s Club (Kiwanis Leaders of Lunch) and Recycling Club at East Middle School are applying for the grant to buy gifts, clothing and/or food for one underprivileged family for Christmas.</p><p>Ries moved to approve, seconded by Ferguson, motion carried.</p><p>Item 17 – Approval of a Grant Application to the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks to Visit the New Montana Wild – Education Center located at Spring Meadow Lake State Park in Helena, Montana (Becky Fisk, Teacher) – JP Gallagher 199</p><p>Superintendent Jonart requested approval for Becky Fisk, Teacher at Whittier Elementary, to submit a Grant Application to the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks to Visit the New Montana Wild – Education Center located at Spring Meadow Lake State Park in Helena, Montana. </p><p>Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried.</p><p>ADJOURNMENT</p><p>There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Wold moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Granger, motion carried. Chairwoman Boston adjourned the meeting at 5:27 p.m.</p><p>______Chairwoman of Board of Trustees ______District Clerk pj</p>

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