<p> Minutes of the meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7:30pm on Monday 19th June 2017 in the Millennium Hall </p><p>Present: Cllrs S. Alcock, Fleetwood, Houghton, Millar, Moore, Palmer (arrived at 7.35pm), Robinson, Trevor, Welburn, Mrs M Vail (clerk) and one resident. Absent: Cllr Beattie Meeting started at 7.30pm The resident spoke in respect of recent vandalism and anti-social behaviour; especially along the High Street area; noting the need for it to be stopped before matters escalated. Action: clerk to write to schools and police; and to submit item to Cherry News. Action: Cllr Trevor to talk to head of community school. 2017/15 Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and the reasons for absence where given: All were welcomed. Cllrs A. Alcock (work), Bloomfield (ill), Cllr Booth (work), Brylewski (no reason), Mellor (family matters), Palmer (to arrive late due to work), D/Cllr Darcel (Fiskerton PC meeting), Mr MJ Tomlinson (RFO) (holiday). In addition, Cllr Fleetwood and Cllr Trevor gave apologies due to needing to leave early. It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies and reasons for absence where given. 2017/16 Members’ disclosure of pecuniary interests: None. 2017/17 Chairman’s remarks: None. 2017/18 To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 15th May 2017, and agree for them to be signed as a true record: It was RESOLVED that the notes were a true record and they were duly signed. 2017/19 To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required: Police – a report had been circulated. C/Cllr Fleetwood – a report had been circulated. In addition, he noted that bypass work had begun; also that he was due to meet with LCC Highways. Action: all to advise of any new or outstanding issues. D/Cllrs Palmer and Welburn – a report had been circulated. D/Cllr Darcel – he sought feedback on a suggestion that the No 3 bus service be extended to Bardney. Members discussed the matter and supported the suggestion but agreed it was a matter for Stagecoach so RESOLVED that no further action was required. (Note: Cherry Willingham residents have previously expressed a preference for a Sunday service to Lincoln). 2017/20 To receive the schedule of receipts and payments for May 2017: The schedule was received. 2017/21 For information only: To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree any actions accordingly: a) Finance & General Purposes (F&GP) (Chair: Cllr Welburn): Nothing to report. b) Planning matters (Chair: Cllr Moore) a.i. To receive a report on recent planning applications: 136187: land r/o 14 High Street: application to vary condition 3 change of materials: no objections. 136259: 12 Rosedale Close: single storey extension and garage: no objections 136210: land adjacent to 44 High Street: erect a new dwelling: objections. No information had been received in respect of Bleak Farm, High Street. The planning application for 69 homes on Hawthorn Road (phase 3); where a decision was originally deferred to allow for a site visit; had subsequently been refused by WLDC. a.ii. To approve the actions of the Planning Committee: 2017 Full Council 19th June Signed Minutes Page 1 of 4 It was RESOLVED to approve the actions of the planning committee. </p><p> a.iii. To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan: A quote had been received which was being reviewed but which appeared to be in order. A Steering Group meeting was required to discuss. Action: Cllr Moore The resident left the meeting at 7.51pm. It was RESOLVED to take items 8i and 8iv next due to Cllr Fleetwood needing to leave. Item 8i: To consider matters relating to flying flags on the Parade: A resident was amenable to continue to store the flag poles. Action: clerk is advertising in Cherry News for volunteers to fly the flags. Members would share flag raising duties if no interest was received from residents. Item 8 iv.To consider request to flag the flag for one week starting 19th June 2017 for Armed Forces Week It was RESOLVED to fly the flag continuously for this one week. Action: Cllr Fleetwood Cllr Fleetwood left the meeting at 8.55pm. c) Employment Committee (Chair: Cllr Palmer): i. To receive the notes, for information only, of the meetings held on 10th May 2017 and 13th June 2017: The May 2017 Full Council minutes contained a summary of the meeting held on 10th May. The notes for this meeting were received. The 13th June meeting had not taken place due to not being quorate, and would be rescheduled. It was then RESOLVED that Cllr Mellor move from the Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) to the Employment Committee. It was noted that L&A were short of regularly attending members and often were only just quorate. d) Village Improvement Committee (VIC) (Chair: Cllr Welburn): a.i. To receive a progress report on matters relating to Cherry Fields: A progress report was given to include the following: The contractor was now on site and the Project Manager had discussed plant work with him. The Project Manager is to act as the single point of contact for the contractor. The verge running alongside the ditch in the first field, comprising some soil but mainly vegetation, would be stripped and levelled as a starting point. A location for these arisings had been agreed. A significant amount of spare soil would be generated from the project, and all arisings must stay on site as no money had been allocated for disposal. Within the bike path route there were planting areas identified for trees where some of the spare soil could be utilised. The contractor had requested an interim payment which was unexpected as he had not set out terms of payment when quoting. He was aware that his payment would be from grant monies. It was noted that he had not had a site presence at the time of submitting the interim invoice, and that it was not usual procedure for CWPC to make payment in advance; although Members thought that it was in business. Payment should not be made until materials were on site and some progress on the work had been made. It was further noted that monies needed to be transferred into the correct bank account before a cheque could be released, which would not be until approx. end of June. Action: Cllr Millar, RFO. The tenant farmer would be erecting some fencing but had been let down by his suppliers. If need be, the fencing down the first section of path could be delayed, with the tenant installing the fencing from his side after the field had been cropped. At all times, access to the Growing Plot would be maintained. It was noted that the Growing Plot had a separate contractor on site to lay free drainage for them; and that this work must not damage CWPC’s work. Action: Cllr Millar. a.ii. To approve expenditure of up to £10,000 on fencing for Cherry Fields (to be grant funded): It was RESOLVED to approve this expenditure. The tenant farmer was ordering in the materials. a.iii. To receive an update on Scout Hut footpath lighting scheme: A lighting scheme; as referred to in previous full council meetings; had proved not to be appropriate; so the Scout and Guides continued to research matters. They had updated D/Cllr Darcel who was offering grant money towards this project. Action: clerk to approach LCC. 2017 Full Council 19th June Signed Minutes Page 2 of 4 Parking continues to be an issue; which is of concern given that children are at risk. LCC had in the past advised that they did not support the concreting over of verges. A suggestion for bollards could be discussed by the Village Improvement Committee. Action: VIC e) Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) (Chair: Cllr Robinson): a.i.1.a.i.i. To receive the notes, for information only, of meetings held on 2nd May 2017 and 12th June 2017: Notes of both meetings were received. f) Events Task and Finish group (Cllr S. Alcock): i. To receive progress report on 2017 Gala and the Cherry Fields picnic event: Gala – all was progressing to plan. Confirmation of first aid cover by St Johns was still awaited but alternative cover could be provided if required. A small poster was being circulated; the Gala would be used to promote the Cherry Fields bulb planting day, and tables had been booked for the council and Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Picnic – this would be on 2nd September between 1pm and 3pm, and would be promoted via Cherry News, Facebook and the website. Action: clerk to ask schools to promote. ii. To consider matters relating to Christmas tree (Cllr Trevor) The tree had died and would be removed. It was considered that people climbing in the tree had caused it to die via damage caused. 2017/22 To consider other matters relating to the work of the Council: i. To consider matters relating to flying flags on the Parade Item considered earlier in meeting. a.ii.To consider methods to promote the Autumn Parish Meeting: In addition to the usual methods of promotion, the use of a generic banner in locations around the village was suggested. A similar approach could be taken with the Gala. Action: clerk to obtain quotes. Cllr Trevor left the meeting at 8.37pm a.iii.To consider request to flag the flag for one week starting 19th June 2017 for Armed Forces Week: Item considered earlier in meeting. a.iv.To receive update on remedial work to verges in Minster Drive following gas pipe replacement works: The contractors had returned to site; picking up rubbish and topping up/replacing topsoil and seed. It was noted that verge parking was damaging the remedial work. a.v.To approve expenditure to book school hall for Autumn Parish Meeting 2017 and Annual Parish Meeting 2018: Members were in support of holding an Autumn Parish Meeting. It was RESOLVED to book and pay for both meetings. Action: clerk a.vi.To approve expenditure to update names on Chairman’s Board and Stead Community Board 1) in 2017 and 2) from 2018 onwards until further notice: It was RESOLVED to pay £45 exc VAT to update the two boards, and further RESOLVED to update them every subsequent year until further notice. Action: clerk 2017/23 To note any other correspondence received and to agree actions as appropriate: i. E-mail from resident regarding recent anti-social behaviour in village: Matters discussed at start of meeting. Action: clerk to update resident. 2017/24 Councillors’ matters for report/notice of items to be included in the July 2017 agenda: Overhanging tree branch reported on Rudgard Avenue. Action: clerk Meeting ended at 8.45pm Mrs Michelle Vail Parish Clerk 29/6/17 Date of next meeting: 24th July 2017 (agenda items by noon on Friday 14th July, with the agenda issued on Monday 17th July)</p><p>2017 Full Council 19th June Signed Minutes Page 3 of 4 2017 Full Council 19th June Signed Minutes Page 4 of 4</p>
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