<p> a. Implementation year: School name:</p><p>This band plan has been developed in consultation with the Curriculum into the Classroom project team. Ident Phase curriculum focus1 ify curri culu m</p><p>Year level descriptions1</p><p>1 Source: Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education, http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/healthandphysicaleducation/Curriculum/F-10. Achievement standard1</p><p>Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 2 of 28 The Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education is organised in two content strands: Personal, social and community health, and Movement and physical activity. Each strand contains content descriptions which are organised under three sub-strands. In the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education (F–10), the two strands, Personal, social and community health and Movement and physical activity are interrelated and inform and support each other. Both strands of the Health and Physical Education curriculum must be taught in each year from Foundation to Year 10. Health and Physical Education lessons will provide students with the opportunity to participate in physical activity on a weekly basis as a minimum. When developing teaching and learning programs, teachers are encouraged to combine content descriptions from across sub-strands to provide students with learning experiences that meet their needs, interests, abilities and local contexts. The plan for Years 5 and 6 band Health and Physical Education is organised to: provide flexibility when making decisions about how the subject will be implemented, based on the local context and needs of students in schools; for example, being implemented in a range of ways and through a number of different methods, such as classroom teacher and health and physical education specialist, home economics or outdoor education align with the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education, which is organised in year level bands for the achievement standards and content descriptions provide a course structure and content that includes a sequence of teaching and learning and identification of opportunities for assessment and feedback, organised in units according to year levels, and developed using the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education practical application enhances the development of knowledge and understanding across health and movement contexts. Teaching and learning Units are paired. That is, one from Personal, social and community health and one from Movement and physical activity, are paired and taught concurrently. Unit 1 — Emotional interactions Unit 2 — Health y habits In this unit, students review the information they know about establishing and In this keeping relationships. They explore their roles in relationships and why they unit, may change over time. Students explore differing opinions and understand student assertive behaviours, as well as exploring bullying and harassment and how to s prevent or stop bullying. explore Students will: the recognise the influence of emotions on behaviours and discuss how people concep interact t of describe their own and other’s contributions to health, safety and wellbeing and health demonstrate the skills to work collaboratively and understand relationships and how they operate the understand the different types of relationships that exist in society import ance of examine the factors that influence our behaviour on a daily basis food investigate different points of view and opinions; they will identify positive and and negative interactions amongst their peers and their friendship groups activity recognise and understand how some negative interactions may lead to bullying . They and harassment identify develop a definition of safety, identify risks and justify practices to keep good themselves healthy, safe and well in a variety of situations. habits and the concep t of mental fitness. They identify how activity and good food contrib ute to overall health and mental fitness. Studen ts will: identify what is mea nt by the term ‘prev entat ive healt h’ explore the conc ept of healt h and the impo rtanc e of food and activi ty and ident ify the char acter istics of a healt hy pers on identify com muni ty reso urce s that are avail able to assis t with good healt h</p><p>Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 4 of 28 explore habit s that they have and how they are deve lope d identify whic h are good habit s explore how physi cal activi ty supp orts wellb eing and cultu ral unde rstan ding explore the conc ept of ment al fitne ss – (men tal fitne ss refer s to a pers on’s capa city to be self- deter mine d; self- deter mina tion refer s to a pers on’s capa city to think abou t, plan and act on pers onal decis ions that contr ibute to emot ional , socia l and physi cal deve lopm ent) identify how activi ty and good food contr ibute to ment al fitne ss and isolat e the ment al fitne ss, food and activi ty habit s.</p><p>Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 6 of 28 Unit 1 — Play2Rhythm Unit 2 — Faster , strong er, higher In this unit, students develop specialised football skills and create and perform a In this sequence of these skills to music. unit, Students will: student develop specialised football skills s develo explore performing movements to a musical beat p perform football skills in sequences to the beat of the music special design and perform a sequence of football skills to music. ised movem ent skills and explore the benefit s of flexibilit y within the context of athletic Teaching and learning s. Studen ts will: discus s the impa ct regul ar parti cipati on can have on healt h and wellb eing particip ate in physi cal activi ties desig ned to enha nce fitnes s develo p and pract ise fund ame ntal mov eme nt skills to perfo rm shot put, discu ss, long jump , high jump and sprin ting examin e the role the sport of athle tics plays in differ ent coun tries and how inter cultu ral conn ectio ns may be mad e, for exa mple , throu gh </p><p>Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 8 of 28 the Olym pics.</p><p>Units are paired. That is, one from Personal, social and community health and one from Movement and physical activity, are paired and taught concurrently. Unit 1 — Who influences me? Unit 2 — Let’s all be active In this unit, students explore how the media and important people in their lives In this can influence health behaviour. unit, Students will: student understand how personal qualities shape identity s review investigate the differences between the terms celebrity, hero and role model and their influences on identity sedent ary investigate the use of high profile people as health messengers and the different influences on personal choices behavi access and interpret health information from media sources to create a health our message for their age group. and physic al activity and the reason s why people particip ate in physic al activity . They identify how various technol ogies could be used to increas e particip ation in physic al activity and connec tions to the environ ment. Studen ts will: review sede ntary beha viour and physi cal activi ty and explo re the reas on for sede ntary beha viour occu rring – incre ased tech nolo gy investi gate the types of activi ty, the reas ons why peop le parti cipat e, and the impa ct regul ar parti cipati</p><p>Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 10 of 28 on has on healt h and wellb eing identify how the food s eate n can influe nce level s of physi cal activi ty explore the differ ent level s of physi cal activi ty, in parti cular , grou ps withi n the class , such as boys, girls, cultu ral grou ps, and reas ons why and how physi cal activi ty supp orts wellb eing and cultu ral unde rstan ding identify how vario us tech nolo gies could be used to incre ase parti cipati on in physi cal activi ty, such as apps explore the outd oor activi ties that are parti cipat ed in – parti cularl y in conn ectio n to speci al place s, and how conn ectio n to the local com muni</p><p>Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 12 of 28 ty, envir onm ent or speci al place s can influe nce pers onal and com muni ty healt h identify how acce ss to the natur al and built envir onm ents can help or hind er parti cipati on in physi cal activi ties; for exa mple , living near a well- equi pped park or living in a conc rete jungl e. Teaching and learning Unit 1 — Surf or turf Unit 2</p><p>Fitnes s fun Junior lifesaver In this In this context, students practice specialised movement skills, including unit, swimming strokes, survival strokes and rescue situations. They apply and student combine the above skills in different rescue and real-life situations. Students s apply critical and creative thinking processes in order to generate and assess develo solutions to lifesaving challenges. p Students will: special ised develop and extend swimming strokes movem develop and demonstrate lifesaving skills of stride entry, treading water and rope ent rescue in different movement challenges skills perform freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and survival backstroke within perform lifesaving skills and strategies to solve challenges in lifesaving differe scenarios. nt OR fitness context People in motion s. They In this context, students develop specialised movement skills of free running, particip including running, jumping, landing, balancing and safety rolls. They apply and ate in combine the above skills in different movement situations. Students apply critical physic and creative thinking processes in order to generate and assess solutions to al movement challenges within a free running environment. activiti Students will: es develop and demonstrate free running skills of landing, balancing, rolling, design running and jumping ed to perform landing, balancing, rolling, running and jumping enhanc perform free running skills and strategies to solve challenges in movement e scenarios. fitness, and discus s the impact regular particip ation can have on health and wellbei ng. Studen ts will: describ e the impa ct that parti cipati on in regul ar physi</p><p>Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 14 of 28 cal activi ty can have on your healt h and wellb particip ate in differ ent fitnes s activi ties to devel op an unde rstan ding of healt h- relat ed fitnes s and it’s com pone nts develo p and perfo rm speci alise d mov eme nt skills design a fitnes s circui t to devel op a healt h- relat ed fitnes s com pone nt.</p><p>Opportunities to engage with: Opport unities to engag e with:</p><p>Literacy Numeracy ICT capability Critical and creative thinking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia </p><p>Develop assessment Students should contribute to an individual assessment folio that provides evidence of their learning and represents their achievements over the year. The folio should include a range and balance of assessments for teachers to make valid judgments about whether the student has met the achievement standard. Unit 1 — Emotional interactions Unit 2 — Health y habits Research Resea Students complete an assignment. They respond to a series of questions and rch scenarios about emotional responses and interactions with others. Studen The assessment will gather evidence of the student’s ability to: ts recognise the influence of emotions on behaviours and discuss factors that comple influence how people interact te a describe their own and others’ contributions to health, physical activity, safety multim and wellbeing odal demonstrate skills to work collaboratively. presen tation. They investi gate a school proced ure and rules </p><p>Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 16 of 28 presen tation to highlig ht the import ance of these Thepractic assess ment will gather eviden ce of the student ’s ability to: describ e the key featu res of healt h- relat ed fitnes s and the signif icanc e of physi cal activi ty parti cipati on to healt h and wellb eing examin e how physi cal activi ty supp orts com muni ty wellb eing and cultu ral unde rstan ding access and inter pret healt h infor mati on and apply decis ion- maki ng and probl em- solvi ng skills to enha nce their own and other s’ healt h, safet y and wellb eing. Unit 1 — Play2Rhythm Unit 2 — Faster, strong er, higher</p><p>Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 18 of 28 Physical performance Physic Based on the ongoing application of skills and conceptual understandings. al Assessment occurs over a period of time during lessons where students perfor complete planned assessment activities. Performances are observed on a mance number of occasions throughout a unit of work, and judgments relating to the Based quality of performance are made iteratively and recorded on observation on the records. ongoin The assessment will gather evidence of the student’s ability to: g applica perform specialised movement skills tion of apply the elements of movement when composing and creating movement skills sequences. and concep tual unders tanding s. Assess ment occurs over a period of time during lesson s where student s comple te planne d assess ment activiti es. Perfor mance s are observ ed on a numbe r of occasi ons throug hout a unit of work, and judgme nts relating to the quality of perfor mance are made iterativ ely and record ed on observ ation record s. The assess ment will gather eviden ce of the student ’s ability to: describ e the key featu res of healt h- relat ed fitnes s and the signif icanc e of physi cal activi ty parti cipati on to healt h and wellb eing perfor m speci alise d mov eme Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 20 of 28 nt skills propos e and com bine mov eme nt conc epts and strat egies to achie ve mov eme nt outc ome s. Develop assessment Unit 1 — Who influences me? Unit 2 — Let’s all be active Research Resea Students complete an assignment. They investigate role models and celebrities rch associated with delivering health messages and the circles of influence they Studen project on the individual. ts The assessment will gather evidence of the student’s ability to: comple examine the changing nature of personal and cultural identities te an assign access and interpret health information and apply decision-making and problem- solving skills to enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. ment. They investi gate how physic al activity and technol ogy are used concur rently, and how to use technol ogy to increas e people’ s particip ation in physic al activity . The assess ment will gather eviden ce of the student ’s ability to: describ e Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 22 of 28 their own and other s’ contr ibutio ns to healt h, physi cal activi ty, safet y and wellb eing describ e the key featu res of healt h- relat ed fitnes s and the signif icanc e of physi cal activi ty parti cipati on to healt h and wellb eing examin e how physi cal activi ty supp orts com muni ty wellb eing and cultu ral unde rstan ding.</p><p>Unit 1 — Surf or turf Unit 2 — Fitnes s fun Physical performance Physic Based on the ongoing application of skills and conceptual understandings. al perfor Assessment occurs over a period of time during lessons where students mance complete planned assessment activities. Performances are observed on a number of occasions throughout a unit of work, and judgments relating to the Physic quality of performance are made iteratively and recorded on observation al records. perfor mance The assessment will gather evidence of the student’s ability to: s are perform specialised movement skills and propose and combine movement based concepts and strategies to achieve movement outcomes on the solve movement challenges. ongoin g applica tion of skills and concep tual unders tanding s. Assess ment occurs over a period of time during lesson s where student s comple te planne d assess ment activiti es. Perfor mance Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 24 of 28 s are observ ed on a numbe r of occasi ons throug hout a unit of work, and judgme nts relating to the quality of perfor mance are made iterativ ely and record ed on observ ation record s. The assess ment will gather eviden ce of the student ’s ability to: describ e the key featu res of healt h- relat ed fitnes s and the signif icanc e of physi cal activi ty parti cipati on to healt h and wellb eing perfor m speci alise d mov eme nt skills apply the elem ents of mov eme nt when com posin g and creat ing mov eme nt sequ ence s. Making judgments and feedback Identify opportunities to moderate samples of student work at a school or cluster Identify level to reach consensus and consistency. opport unities to moder ate sample s of student work at a school or cluster level to reach consen sus and Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 26 of 28 consist ency. Content descriptions for Years 5–6 Health and Physical Education</p><p>Personal, social and community health Year 5 Year 6 Movement and physical activity</p><p>Units 1 2 3 4 1 3 Units</p><p>Being healthy, safe and active Moving our body</p><p>Explore personal and cultural identities and how they change and adapt to different Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in different contexts and situations (ACPPS051) movement situations (ACPMP061)</p><p>Investigate resources and strategies to manage changes and transitions associated Design and perform a variety of movement sequences (ACPMP062) with puberty (ACPPS052) Propose and apply movement concepts and strategies (ACPMP063) Investigate community resources and strategies to seek help about health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS053) Understanding movement</p><p>Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS054) Participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact regular participation can have on health and Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing wellbeing (ACPMP064)</p><p>Practise skills to establish and manage relationships (ACPPS055) Manipulate and modify the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people to perform movement sequences (ACPMP065) Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour and relationships (ACPPS056) Participate in physical activities from their own and other cultures and examine how involvement creates community connections and Recognise how media and important people in the community influence personal intercultural understanding (ACPMP066) attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours (ACPPS057) Learning through movement Contributing to healthy and active communities Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and Investigate the role of preventive health in promoting and maintaining health, safety negotiating roles and responsibilities (ACPMP067) and wellbeing for individuals and their communities (ACPPS058) Apply critical and creative thinking processes in order to generate and Explore how participation in outdoor activities supports personal and community assess solutions to movement challenges (ACPMP068) health and wellbeing and creates connections to the natural and built environment (ACPPS059) Demonstrate ethical behaviour and fair play that aligns with the rules when participating in a range of physical activities (ACPMP069) Investigate and reflect on how valuing diversity positively influences the wellbeing of the community (ACPPS060)</p><p>Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Years 5–6 band plan — Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority July 2014 Page 28 of 28</p>
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