<p> UNITED NATIONS HSP</p><p>Governing Council Distr. GENERAL of the United Nations Human UN-HABITAT Settlements Programme HSP/GC/19/9 22 January 2003</p><p>ORIGINAL: ENGLISH</p><p>Nineteenth session* Nairobi, 5 - 9 May 2003 Item 8 of the provisional agenda**</p><p>Work programme of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, for the biennium 2004-2005 and budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for the biennium 2004-2005</p><p>PROPOSED BUDGET OF THE UNITED NATIONS HABITAT AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS FOUNDATION FOR THE BIENNIUM 2004-2005</p><p>Report of the Executive Director</p><p>Summary</p><p>The present document provides the proposed programme and support budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for the biennium 2004-2005, in the context of the overall financial framework of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT). The budget is based on estimations of expected voluntary contributions to the general and special purpose funds, as well as the level of expenditures required to supplement the United Nations regular budget and technical cooperation resources in order to implement the UN-HABITAT work programme for the biennium and to provide required programme support. </p><p>The Executive Director recommends that the Governing Council of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme approve the programme and support budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for the biennium 2004–2005, as proposed herein.</p><p>* In its resolution 56/206 of 21 December 2001, the General Assembly transformed the Commission on Human Settlements into the Governing Council of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly. This session has been designated as the nineteenth instead of the first session of the Governing Council to signify the continuity and relationship between the Governing Council and the Commission on Human Settlements.</p><p>** HSP/GC/19/1.</p><p>K0360183 310103</p><p>For reasons of economy, this document is printed in a limited number. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to meetings and not to request additional copies. This document is printed on environment friendly paper. HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>CONTENTS</p><p>Chapter Page</p><p>I. OVERVIEW...... 4 A. Introduction and executive summary...... 4 B. Overall financial framework for the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)...... 5</p><p>1. Introduction...... 5 2. Revised resource plan for 2002-2003...... 6 3. Objectives and strategy for 2004-2005...... 6 4. Summary of proposals for 2004-2005...... 8</p><p>II. UNITED NATIONS HABITAT AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS FOUNDATION...... 10</p><p>Proposed budget for the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation...... 10 for the biennium 2004-2005...... 10</p><p>1. General...... 10 2. Update for the 2002-2003 biennium (as at end November 2002)...... 11 3. Proposed programme budget for 2004-2005...... 12 4. Proposed support budget for 2004-2005...... 13</p><p>Annexes</p><p>I. TERMINOLOGY...... 16</p><p>II. ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODOLOGY...... 18</p><p>III. MANAGEMENT ACTION TAKEN TO IMPLEMENT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS BOARD OF AUDITORS AND THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS WITH REGARD TO THE UNITED NATIONS HABITAT AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS FOUNDATION...... 21</p><p>IV. TABLES...... 23</p><p>Table 1. Consolidated resource plan: approved 2002-2003 and proposed 2004-2005...... 23</p><p>Table 2. Consolidated resource plan: approved and revised 2002-2003 ...... 24</p><p>Table 3. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) consolidated budget estimates by expenditure category and source of funds: budget for the biennium 2004-2005...... 25</p><p>Table 4. United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation: budget for the biennium 2004-2005, general purpose and special purpose funds...... 26</p><p>Table 5. United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation (general purpose funds only): budget for the biennium 2004-2005...... 28</p><p>Table 6. United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation (special account for programme support): budget for the biennium 2004-2005 ………………...... 29</p><p>2 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 7. Regular budget (Human settlements): budget estimates by expenditure category for the biennium 2004-2005...... 29</p><p>Table 8. Technical cooperation activities: budget estimates by expenditure category for the biennium 2004-2005...... 30</p><p>Table 9. Estimated distribution of posts by source of funds...... 31</p><p>Table 10. Estimated distribution of posts by programme and source of funds...... 32</p><p>Table 11. Overall staffing table: United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation, general purpose funds for the bienniums 2002-2003 and 2004-2005...... 33</p><p>Table 12. United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation: summary of general purpose contributions and earmarked contributions, 1990 - 2001...... 34</p><p>Table 13A. United Nations Human Settlements Programme: resource requirements estimates by expenditure category and source of funds, budget for the biennium 2004 – 2005 Subprogramme 1, Shelter and sustainable human settlements development...... 35</p><p>Table 13B. United Nations Human Settlements Programme: resource requirements estimates by expenditure category and source of fund, budget for the biennium 2004 – 2005 Subprogramme 2, Monitoring the Habitat Agenda...... 36</p><p>Table 13C. United Nations Human Settlements Programme: resource requirements estimates by expenditure category and source of funds, budget for the biennium 2004 – 2005 Subprogramme 3, Regional and technical cooperation...... 37</p><p>Table 13D. United Nations Human Settlements Programme: resource requirements estimates by expenditure category and source of funds, budget for the biennium 2004 – 2005 Subprogramme 4, Financing Human Settlements...... 39</p><p>Table 14. Proposed United Nations Human Settlements Programme organizational structure and post distribution for the biennium 2004-2005...... 40</p><p>3 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>I. OVERVIEW</p><p>A. Introduction and executive summary</p><p>1. As in the previous biennium, the proposed budget has been prepared using the harmonized budget format used by several United Nations organizations, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (HS/C/17/9/Add.1). </p><p>2. The overall financial framework of UN-HABITAT is presented in order to provide a coherent context within which the Governing Council of UN-HABITAT can decide on the proposed appropriation for 2004-2005 for the Programme's resources that are under its direct jurisdiction, that is the resources of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation.</p><p>3. UN-HABITAT has also taken into account the instructions from United Nations Headquarters for the preparation of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2004-2005, in order to reduce duplication of effort. It should be noted that the figures included in the present document as proposals for the regular budget for 2004-2005 are preliminary and are given for general guidance only. The General Assembly at its fifty-eighth session, in December 2003, will review and approve the regular budget contribution to UN-HABITAT for the biennium 2004-2005.</p><p>4. The harmonized budget for UN-HABITAT is presented in the context of the proposed revisions to the medium-term plan for the period 2002-2005 (A/57/6 (Prog. 11)), presently before the General Assembly. That proposed plan has been used as the basis for the formulation of the draft work programme for 2004- 2005 for UN-HABITAT (see HSP/GC/19/8/Rev.1). This in turn has provided the programmatic basis for the proposed budget for 2004-2005.</p><p>5. The overall expenditure framework proposed to support the draft work programme for 2004-2005 can be summarized as follows:</p><p>Overall expenditure framework (millions of United States dollars)</p><p>Expenditure totals Actual Planned Revised estimates Estimates</p><p>2000/01 2002/03 2002/03 2004/05</p><p>Regular budget 15.7 16.2 13.8 14.8 Foundation 20.8 24.0 31.2 50.5 Technical cooperation 319.5 87.4 254.2 160.6 Total 356.0 127.6 299.2 225.9</p><p>The information above is provided in more detail in later sections of the present report and in tables 1 and 2.</p><p>6. In preparing estimates for the biennium 2004-2005, a 7.7 per cent increase in real terms in total regular budget funding for UN-HABITAT has been assumed, compared to the final approved budget for the biennium 2002-2003. The proposed budget reflects the urgent need not only to increase the non-post costs of UN-HABITAT to support the existing allocation of posts properly, but also to provide certain additional posts to support implementation of the work programme. In addition, in General Assembly resolution 56/206 of 21 December 2001, UN-HABITAT has been elevated to the status of a full Programme, reflecting the increased importance attached to the area of human settlements and the monitoring of the Habitat Agenda. In this regard, assumption of an increase of $1.1 million before inflation is made.</p><p>4 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>7. In addition, an increase of 61 per cent in funding to the Foundation has been assumed ($49.1 million in 2004-2005 compared to $30.5 million in 2002-2003). This reflects the expectation that Governments and other partners will wish to commit additional resources to build on the successful revitalization of UN-HABITAT and on the development of a clear and focused strategic vision and work programme.</p><p>8. Following the holding of the first session of the World Urban Forum and with the adoption of the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development and the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, a very positive climate for resource mobilization is expected. Several donors have already indicated that they are willing to sign multi-year partnership funding agreements.</p><p>9. In order to ensure that UN-HABITAT is able to move forward as reflected in the present budget proposal and related work programme, it is essential to satisfy the concerns of Member States relating to financial management. In this regard, UN-HABITAT is pleased to report that the estimated Foundation resources and expenditures for the current biennium are very close to the higher ceiling of $31.7 million (HS/C/18/9/Add.3) approved by the eighteenth session of the Commission on Human Settlements. This is a strong indication that UN-HABITAT is exercising prudent financial management to commit and spend only when resources become available.</p><p>10. The technical cooperation programme expenditure for 2004-2005 has been projected at $160.6 million. This is based on a conservative estimate as the continuation of the Iraq Programme, which represents a great part of the technical cooperation activities of UN-HABITAT, remains uncertain.</p><p>11. A memorandum of understanding has been signed with UNDP allowing for the fielding of UN-HABITAT programme managers in selected UNDP country offices. This will give UN-HABITAT increased presence at the country level and will enable UN-HABITAT to participate more actively in discussions within the United Nations country teams and with Governments. UN-HABITAT intends to field nine programme managers per year over the next three years for a total of 27 by the end of 2005. The expected cost of this deployment programme has been budgeted at $1.6 million for the biennium 2004-2005.</p><p>B. Overall financial framework for the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)</p><p>1. Introduction</p><p>12. Table 1 below sets out in the harmonized format an overview of the consolidated resource plan for UN-HABITAT for 2002–2003, together with the proposed consolidated resource plan for 2004-2005. Funding is received from the three primary sources described below.</p><p>13. First, from the United Nations regular budget. In 2002-2003, the total regular budget appropriation approved by the General Assembly for UN-HABITAT amounted to $13,768,700, of which $12,794,200 falls under Section 13: Human Settlements, and $974,500 under Section 21: Regular programme of technical cooperation, for sectoral advisory services in the field of human settlements. </p><p>14. Second, from contributions to the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation. Contributions are of two kinds: general purpose and special purpose. General purpose funds are mainly voluntary contributions from Governments to support general implementation of the UN-HABITAT work programme. Special purpose funds are earmarked contributions from Governments and other donors for implementation of specific activities consistent with UN-HABITAT aims and policies. Included within special purpose funds is the special account for programme support costs, under which charges for support services for implementation of activities financed by special purpose funds are credited to a separate account for programme support costs. </p><p>5 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>15. Third, from technical cooperation activities financed by funding agencies such as UNDP, the Office of the Iraq Programme (OIP) and donor Governments for country specific activities. Included in funding for technical cooperation activities is a special account for programme support costs. Budget allotments against the special account are approved by the Executive Director based on income projections.</p><p>2. Revised resource plan for 2002-2003</p><p>16. Table 2 below shows the consolidated approved baseline resource plan for 2002-2003 (HS/C/18/9) and the revised resource plan for 2002-2003 based on updated projections on income and expenditure.</p><p>17. The main changes between the approved baseline resource plan and the revised resource plan are as follows:</p><p>(a) Brought-forward balances (which include financial and operating reserves) are the actual closing balances reported in the final accounts for 2000-2001;</p><p>Technical cooperation activities</p><p>(b) Predicted technical cooperation income has been increased from $88,600,000 to $255,500,000. This increase is mainly attributable to the UN-HABITAT reconstruction activities in Iraq, financed under the Oil for Food agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Iraq. The original resource plan for 2002-2003 included only $20 million for the Iraq Programme because, at the time the assumptions were made, the extent and scope of the Programme were uncertain;</p><p>(c) The revised projection for technical cooperation funding for 2002-2003 envisages funding for the Iraq Programme of $206 million, and funding for other technical cooperation projects of $49.5 million;</p><p>(d) Projected technical cooperation programme support and management and administration costs have been increased from $7.4 to $9.2 million (compared to $6.9 million of actual expenditure in 2000-2001). This is in the light of projected increases in technical cooperation activities;</p><p>(e) UN-HABITAT is required to maintain an operating reserve of 20 per cent of estimated annual programme support income (ST/AI/286). In the context of projected average annual income of $5.2 million, with possible increases, an operating reserve of $1.05 million is considered the required minimum;</p><p>United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation</p><p>(f) Projected contributions for Foundation general purpose funds have increased from $9.6 million to $13.5 million, whereas projected programme and support expenditure against the general purpose funds has increased from $10.3 million to $14.7 million in the revised plan. This means that part of the programme and support expenditure is financed from other sources, mainly interest income and fund balances;</p><p>(g) In the revised resource plan, income projections for Foundation special purpose funds have increased from $13.6 million to $16.95 million, which covers the projected programme and support expenditure against the special purpose funds for 2002-2003 of $16.59 million;</p><p>(h) The operating reserve for the special account for programme support has been increased from $257,900 to $390,000, in line with administrative instruction ST/AI/286.</p><p>3. Objectives and strategy for 2004-2005</p><p>Objectives</p><p>18. In line with the revised medium-term plan for the period 2002-2005, the basic orientation of the Human Settlements Programme during the 2004-2005 biennium will be to promote:</p><p>6 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>(a) The adoption and implementation by Member Sates of effective residential tenure systems and shelter development and upgrading policies;</p><p>(b) The improvement of local governance and management systems so as to enable human settlements to more effectively meet the rising demand for basic services;</p><p>(c) The improved monitoring of the implementation of the Habitat Agenda;</p><p>(d) Enhanced international cooperation in shelter and sustainable human settlements development.</p><p>Strategy</p><p>19. In compliance with the revised medium-term plan for the period 2002-2005, the strategy of UN-HABITAT during the biennium 2004-2005 will be organized around four subprogrammes corresponding to the main recommendations of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and the Habitat Agenda, the United Nations Millenium Declaration, especially its goal of achieving a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers by the year 2020, and the Declaration on Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millenium. Through technical cooperation, UN-HABITAT will support developing countries in achieving the goals of adequate shelter for all and the development of sustainable human settlements. The four subprogrammes are as follows:</p><p>Subprogramme 1, Shelter and sustainable human settlements development; Subprogramme 2, Monitoring the Habitat Agenda; Subprogramme 3, Regional and technical cooperation; Subprogramme 4, Human settlements financing.</p><p>20. The merging of elements of the two current subprogrammes on adequate shelter for all and sustainable human settlements development results from the need to ensure better integration between shelter policies and human settlements policies and to understand shelter development as an integral part of sustainable human settlements development. This streamlining will also contribute to the strengthening of the relationship between the Global Campaign on Urban Governance and the Global Campaign for Secure Tenure in the perspective of the millennium development target on slum upgrading.</p><p>21. The establishment of a specific subprogramme entitled “Monitoring the Habitat Agenda” responds to the repeated calls from the Commission on Human Settlements and the General Assembly to strengthen the global monitoring and reporting function of UN-HABITAT. This subprogramme will include research and policy-oriented activities, for example the Global Urban Observatory and gender mainstreaming. It will focus on the production of the State of the World’s Cities report 2004 and the Global Report on Human Settlements 2005, on the basis of urban indicators and documented best practices. It will also coordinate preparations for the second session of the World Urban Forum, to be held in September 2004.</p><p>22. In the same vein, the establishment of a subprogramme on “Regional and technical cooperation” responds to several appeals from the Commission on Human Settlements and the General Assembly to UN-HABITAT requesting the Programme to provide more comprehensive advisory services and to implement larger human settlements projects and programmes at the request of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. This subprogramme will combine normative and operational activities at regional, national and local levels. </p><p>7 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>23. The new subprogramme on “Human settlements financing” responds particularly to General Assembly resolution 56/206, which devotes a full section to this particular issue and calls upon UN-HABITAT to strengthen the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation. The same section calls for the active collaboration of financial organizations and bodies within and outside the United Nations system in the activities of UN-HABITAT, in particular with regard to the provision of seed capital and the financing of operational projects and programmes, as well as the development of innovative financing approaches. Subprogramme 4 will focus on the identification and promotion of such approaches in order to support the millennium development target on slum upgrading.</p><p>4. Summary of proposals for 2004-2005</p><p>24. In framing the UN-HABITAT budget proposals for 2004-2005, a positive view has been taken of the prospects for increased financial support from Governments and partners, through the regular budget, through the technical cooperation budget and through the Foundation. The harmonized budget format provides an opportunity for Member States to see the interlinkage between these three sources of core funding in supporting the UN-HABITAT proposed work programme.</p><p>25. The structural weakness of the financing of UN-HABITAT is centred around the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation. The special purpose contributions to the Foundation have for many years surpassed the general purpose contributions, making it difficult for UN-HABITAT to plan coherently for the future. The Foundation has not expanded fast enough and responded to challenges. The annual income is increasing, but is still insufficient as a supplement to the regular budget. Moreover, the funding is highly volatile, depending on a few major donors, and unpredictable, owing to the fact that most countries make annual pledges, which are subject to domestic political considerations.</p><p>26. Over the past two years, UN-HABITAT has achieved considerable progress in the implementation of a more focused work programme, the improved integration of normative and operational activities, a more transparent management and administration, the completion of a vigorous organizational and staffing reform to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization, and a more effective approach towards resource mobilization.</p><p>27. Moving forward from the successful implementation of the special session of the General Assembly for an overall review and appraisal of the implementation of the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II), known as Istanbul +5, the upgrading of the organization to a fully fledged programme, the organization of the innovative and broad-based first World Urban Forum and the re-appointment of the Executive Director at the level of Under-Secretary-General, UN-HABITAT has positioned itself firmly as the United Nations focal point and task manager for the implementation of the Habitat Agenda.</p><p>28. Building on the process that was embarked upon during the eighteenth session of the Commission on Human Settlements, by approving a new organizational structure of UN-HABITAT (as presented in document HS/C/18/2/Add.4), UN-HABITAT has continued to realign its resources and refine its organizational structure towards a stable framework for the conclusive strengthening of UN-HABITAT.</p><p>29. Following the proposed revision of the medium-term plan and the issuance of the new Secretary-General’s bulletin on the organization of the secretariat of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (ST/SGB/2002/14) a revised organizational structure is being implemented (see table 14 below), which is aimed at streamlining the functioning of UN-HABITAT, both in terms of substantive and operational management.</p><p>30. While previously the two subprogrammes, with their linked outputs and resources, had to be distributed over several organizational units, in the new organizational structure the distribution of human resources and financial resources has been synchronized with organizational units. Each substantive subprogramme is implemented by a separate division with clearly defined outputs.</p><p>8 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>31. The proposals assume a 7.7 per cent increase, or $1.1 million, in the regular budget in real terms above the appropriation for 2002-2003 and a 61 per cent increase in real terms for Foundation funding. The Programme considers that increases of this magnitude are the minimum in order to: </p><p>(a) Give credibility to the successful implementation of the UN-HABITAT work programme as a crucial input into the implementation of the Habitat Agenda and achieving the relevant millenium development goals;</p><p>(b) Provide sufficient resources to enable UN-HABITAT to implement the four subprogrammes proposed in the work programme for 2004-2005;</p><p>(c) Strengthen United Nations programmes in Nairobi in a meaningful way, in pursuance of the commitment to develop the role of the location as the fourth United Nations headquarters; </p><p>(d) Assist UN-HABITAT to move away from over-reliance on earmarked funds for core posts and activities and the financial gymnastics that have impeded its ability to plan effectively and to manage its financial resources transparently. </p><p>32. UN-HABITAT proposes to allocate the additional funds referred to above as follows:</p><p>(a) Posts</p><p>33. Regular budget. Five new Professional posts have been requested together with upgrading of three posts. The additional posts are for the positions of Director, Monitoring and Research Division (Urban Secretariat) (D-2); Chief, Disaster, Post Conflict and Safety Section (P-5); Senior Human Settlements Officer for Monitoring and Evaluation (P-5); Human Settlements Officer, Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Transition Countries (P-4); and Human Settlements Officer, Water and Sanitation (P-4).</p><p>34. Foundation budget. A total of 21 new professional posts are proposed under the Foundation budget. Of these, 18 posts are proposed to be funded by general purpose funds and three new posts are funded by the special account for programme support. This brings the total number of Professional posts funded under the Foundation to 58 (including four under earmarked Foundation funds). They are distributed as follows: Subprogramme 1, Shelter and sustainable human settlements development (20); Subprogramme 2, Monitoring the Habitat Agenda (17); Subprogramme 3, Regional and technical cooperation (1); Subprogramme 4, Human settlements financing (7); Programme support (9); and management and administration (4).</p><p>(b) Non-post costs</p><p>35. A number of changes to non-post costs are proposed, the most significant of which are presented in paragraphs 36 to 40 below.</p><p>36. Consultants. $73,000 increase in the regular budget and $103,100 increase in the Foundation budget. </p><p>37. Travel. The regular budget increase is $316,400 and the Foundation increase is $167,900. UN-HABITAT has a very low appropriation for travel in the regular budget. The regular budget appropriation under section 13 for travel for 2002-2003 is $246,200. This is for 46 Professional posts, including the Executive Director, and works out at $5,352 per biennium for each Professional staff member. This contrasts with an average travel budget of approximately $13,000 per biennium per Professional staff member throughout the United Nations. The proposed increases bring the programme closer to the United Nations average. </p><p>9 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>38. The increase in the travel budget is necessary to reduce the isolation of UN-HABITAT, which is headquartered in Nairobi, encouraging more frequent contacts; to compensate for the generally more expensive travel from Nairobi; and to reduce the reliance on project funds for travel, thereby increasing transparent management and the pursuit of clear strategic priorities.</p><p>39. Contractual services. The increase under the regular budget is $33,300 and under the Foundation budget is $226,000. An increased volume of publications and technical material is expected in the next biennium.</p><p>40. Earmarked project expenditure is projected to double from $12 million to $24 million, as a result of anticipated increased activities relating to partnership programmes.</p><p>(c) Conclusion</p><p>41. The cost of the proposed changes is approximately $1.1 million for the biennium, before inflation, to the regular budget (see table 7) and $5.5 million to the Foundation general purpose funds (see table 5). It is the view of the Executive Director that increases of this order are a critical part of giving UN-HABITAT the basic tools and means it requires to perform its tasks, to meet the expectations of Member States expressed in the process leading up to the special session on the overall review of the Habitat Agenda, and to move forward from its successful revitalization phase.</p><p>II. UNITED NATIONS HABITAT AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS FOUNDATION</p><p>Proposed budget for the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for the biennium 2004-2005</p><p>1. General</p><p>42. The Executive Director of UN-HABITAT is submitting the present proposed budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for 2004-2005, covering anticipated programme and support costs, in accordance with financial rule 303.1 of the Foundation.</p><p>43. The proposed expenditure budget for the Foundation amounts to $50.5 million dollars. The budget consists of the following elements: </p><p>(a) Programme budget $42.9 million;</p><p>(b) Programme support budget $3.3 million;</p><p>(c) Management and administration $4.3 million.</p><p>44. In accordance with financial rule 303.5, the proposed budget was submitted to the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions for study and comment. Both the proposed budget and the comments of the Advisory Committee are submitted to the Governing Council of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme for its consideration and approval. The comments of the Advisory Committee may be found in its report, contained in document HSP/GC/19/9/Add.1.</p><p>45. The Commission on Human Settlements at its eighteenth session, based on the suggested adjustments to the proposed budget for the biennium 2002-2003 put forward in document HS/C/18/9/Add.3, authorized the Executive Director to make commitments, subject to the availability of funds, up to the amount of $31,693,900 (resolution 18/6). The 2002-2003 data in the text below and related tables are based on the financial and human resource allocation as presented in tables 1 and 2 of document HS/C/18/9/Add.3.</p><p>46. In preparing the budget proposals, UN-HABITAT has assumed a 61 per cent increase in total earmarked and non-earmarked funding for the Foundation.</p><p>10 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>47. With regard to non-earmarked funding, the requirement is for $22 million for the biennium or $11 million per annum. Table 12 below illustrates the pattern of general purpose contributions to the Foundation from 1990 to 2001, with an average of $4 million per annum. However, the trend is on the rise with $7.3 million in 2001. Although the number of donor countries increased from 32 in 2000 to 44 in 2001, the five largest contributors accounted for approximately 75 per cent of total income. In other words, UN-HABITAT remains dependent on fluctuating contributions from a very small group of donors. In 2002, contributions received as at the end of November amounted to $6 million.</p><p>48. The Executive Director is optimistic that the importance of the work programme for 2004-2005, and the strong support shown by Member States for the strategic vision for UN-HABITAT, will result in a further increase in government contributions, coupled with a broadening of the donor base. Several donors have indicated that they are willing to sign multi-year partnership programmes.</p><p>49. With regard to special purpose funding, the assumption is for $13.5 million per annum. Table 12 illustrates the pattern of earmarked funding from 1990 to 2001. The pattern is somewhat erratic, but generally shows a rising trend. In 2002, contributions received as at the end of November amounted to $10.5 million. While $13.5 million per annum will be a challenging target, the special account for programme costs (the Programme’s support costs associated with earmarked projects) is very closely monitored against income to ensure that costs are committed only on the basis of the most up-to-date income projections. </p><p>50. In accordance with financial rule 311.2(b), upon the recommendation of the Executive Director, the Governing Council determines the level of the general purpose statutory reserve from time to time. The statutory reserve was last increased by the Commission in 1989. Since there is sufficient projected fund balance to increase the reserve, it is proposed to increase it from $1,002,663 to $2,419,100 which is equivalent to 10 per cent of the general purpose 2004-2005 expenditure budget. UN-HABITAT recommends to the Governing Council to approve the proposed increase.</p><p>2. Update for the 2002-2003 biennium (as at end November 2002)</p><p>(a) Fund balances and reserves</p><p>51. Fund balances and reserves have significantly increased above the original forecast for the start of the 2002 -2003 biennium, from $2.8 million to $9.5 million (see table 2). The fund balance at the end of the current biennium is projected to be $10.1 million.</p><p>52. The operating reserve on the special account for programme support costs has been increased from $257,900 to $390,000 in line with administrative instruction ST/AI/286.</p><p>(b) Income</p><p>53. The revised Foundation income budget for the biennium 2002-2003 amounts to $31.8 million: $13.5 million from general purpose contributions; $17 million (inclusive of 13 per cent programme support charges) from special purpose contributions; and $1.3 million from interest and other income (see table 2).</p><p>54. The current projection for general purpose contributions for the first year of the biennium is $6 million. As at the end of November 2002, contributions received totalled $5.1 million, and pledges given but not yet received totalled $0.9 million. A number of important donors have already indicated and/or pledged that their general purpose contributions for 2003 will be significantly increased. The projection of $13.5 million for the biennium is, therefore, considered realistic.</p><p>55. The forecast interest income has been revised from $300,000 per annum to $675,000 per annum.</p><p>56. With regard to special purpose contributions, UN-HABITAT had received $10.5 million in contributions for 2002 as at the end of November 2002. The budgeted contribution for the biennium 2002-2003 was revised upwards from $13.6 million to $17 million.</p><p>11 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>57. Projected programme support income based on signed projects as at the end of November is $1 million. It is considered that $1.2 million is a reasonable projection for programme support income over a full year. Budgeted income for the biennium has been increased from $1.56 million to $1.95 million, in line with the expected increase in special purpose contributions.</p><p>(c) Expenditure – programme budget</p><p>58. The general purpose programme expenditure budget for the Foundation for 2002-2003 is $18 million (see table 5). Current projections are $14.7 million against this higher ceiling budget. The programme budget includes $1.4 million per annum for non-earmarked project and information activities. During 2002, these funds have been used, inter alia, to support the secure tenure and urban governance campaigns, the Cities Alliance partnership with the World Bank, information activities in several regions, and the production of the Global Report on Human Settlements.</p><p>59. The special purpose programme expenditure budget for 2002-2003 was $13.7 million. This has been revised upwards to $16.6 million (see table 2). Expenditure to date is in line with this revised target for the biennium, including implementation of the Habitat Agenda in Africa, women’s empowerment, local governance, urban youth, water for African and Asian cities, the Sustainable Cities Programme and the Safer Cities Programme.</p><p>(d) Expenditure – support budget</p><p>60. The higher ceiling support budget for the biennium 2002-2003 was $7.3 million. Current projections for the biennium are $5.3 million, of which $1.6 million comprises special purpose funds and $3.7 million is general purpose funds.</p><p>61. The special purpose share of the support budget is financed out of the special account for programme support costs, details of which are shown in table 6. In the case of this account, support costs for the biennium are principally posts ($1,178,700) and a fixed contribution to the United Nations Office at Nairobi ($336,000). The current forecast for costs under this account in the year 2002 is approximately $750,000, which is close to the full annual budget.</p><p>62. The general purpose share of the support budget is $5.6 million, $1.4 million is for programme support and $4.2 million for management and administration costs (see table 5). In addition to financing 19 posts (8 Professional and 11 General Service) and a payment to the United Nations Office at Nairobi, this budget covers general operating expenses budgeted at $1.6 million for the biennium (primarily rent, communications, and equipment rental and maintenance). Projected expenditure for the current year is approximately $900,000 below the budget, because of the need to keep costs within income received.</p><p>3. Proposed programme budget for 2004-2005</p><p>63. The proposed programme budget for 2004-2005 provides for expenditure of $42.9 million as detailed in table 4.</p><p>64. Within the programme budget an amount of $24 million has been set aside for direct programme expenditure out of special purpose funds, as compared with $12 million budgeted for the current biennium. The remaining $18.9 million of programme expenditure is under general purpose funds (see table 5), and is mainly attributable to posts ($12.7 million) and to non-earmarked projects ($4.6 million). The budget for posts includes a volume increase of $5.5 million, related to proposed changes in the staffing table.</p><p>65. The proposed programme staffing table consists of 41 Professional posts and 33 General Service posts funded from general purpose funds and 4 Professional posts from special purpose funds. A distribution of the posts is provided in tables 10, 11 and 13A-D.</p><p>12 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>66. The staffing table has been adjusted to accommodate the requirements of the new organizational structure of UN-HABITAT (ST/SGB/2002/14), which was approved in December 2002. Programme posts have been re-distributed across the four subprogrammes.</p><p>67. A total of 18 new Professional programme posts have been identified, which will be introduced incrementally, in accordance with the development of the subprogrammes and the availability of financial and human resources. A great part of the new programme posts (seven) are related to the new subprogramme on human settlements financing. They include the Deputy Executive Director (Assistant Secretary-General), the Director of the Division (D-2), a Chief, Grants Appraisal (D-1), a Senior Investment Officer (P-5), a Housing Funds Sector Specialist (P-4) and Human Settlements Officers in the areas of housing investment (P-3) and housing grant monitoring (P-3).</p><p>68. Four new posts are envisaged in the subprogramme on shelter and sustainable human settlements development, including a Chief of the Water, Sanitation and Infrastructure Branch (D-1) and Human Settlements Officers in the areas of slum upgrading (P-3), urban governance (P-2) and urban environment (P-2).</p><p>69. In the subprogramme on monitoring the Habitat Agenda, nine new posts have been budgeted for, while for two senior management posts (one D-2 and one D-1, see paragraph 33) regular budget funding has been requested. The new posts include the Deputy Chief, Urban Economy and Finance Branch (P-5), the Chief, Partners and Youth Unit (P-5), an Urban Youth Specialist (P-4) and Human Settlements Officers in the areas of housing finance (P-3), urban economy (P-3), monitoring the Habitat Agenda (P-3, based in New York and P-2 based in Nairobi) and programme and policy analysis (one P-3 and one P-2).</p><p>70. The non-earmarked project expenditures remain at $4.6 million equivalent to the current appropriation (see table 4). As in the past, these project activities are approved by the Executive Director on a case-by-case basis and are targeted to those areas of the approved work programme where the Programme has to respond to requests, organize identification missions and prepare project documents for fund-raising. These activities follow the programme priorities of UN-HABITAT, and tend to concentrate on areas for which it is difficult to attract earmarked funding.</p><p>71. Given the limited resources of the Foundation, the non-earmarked project activities are normally restricted to preparatory assistance, activities with a demonstrated multiplier effect and those that are likely to have a significant impact on the overall development of human settlements. Resources from the non- earmarked projects may also be provided for information activities, documentation and awareness-raising. </p><p>72. The other increases in the programme budget for the Foundation are $39,800 for other staff costs (to provide coverage for maternity leave and periods of peak workload), $103,100 for consultants, $233,500 for travel, $164,100 for contractual services, and $58,100 for the replacement and acquisition of computers and office furniture.</p><p>4. Proposed support budget for 2004-2005</p><p>73. Table 4 details the proposed Foundation support budget for 2004-2005, showing the two components of the support budget: programme support and management and administration. </p><p>(a) Programme support</p><p>74. The proposed programme support budget for 2004-2005 is $3,334,300, which includes a volume increase of $516,600 compared to the present biennium. This increase principally relates to new posts under programme support. This includes three new posts, two programme management officers at the P-3 level and one at the P-2 level, to cope with the expected increase in earmarked funding.</p><p>75. The proposed programme support staffing table consists of 9 Professional posts and 19 General Service posts. Out of these, 4 Professional posts and 3 General Service posts are funded by general purpose funds </p><p>13 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>(see table 10). The 5 remaining Professional posts and 16 General Service posts are covered by the special account for programme support costs (see table 6).</p><p>76. The proposed budget includes $1,993,900 for the special account for programme support costs (see table 6), which shows a volume increase of $562,500. This is mainly owing to an increase in the number of posts and a corresponding increase in the other objects of expenditure: other staff costs $12,180, travel $26,940, and furniture and equipment $7,940. </p><p>77. The remaining $1,340,400 of the proposed programme support budget relates to general purpose funds (see table 5). This includes $1,199,500 for staff costs: 4 Professional posts and 3 General Service posts as set out in table 10. </p><p>(b) Management and administration</p><p>78. The proposed budget for management and administration costs is $4,292,200 compared to $4,572,000 for 2002-2003 (see table 4). This has three main components.</p><p>Posts</p><p>79. The provision of $1.1 million for posts covers 4 Professional staff and 3 General Service staff posts. Compared to the 2002-2003 biennium there is a net volume reduction of $391,200 in the provision for posts. This is the net result of the following staffing amendments: the move of the post of Deputy Executive Director from management and administration to a programme post in the subprogramme on human settlements financing (in accordance with ST/SGB/2002/14), the move of two D-1 posts, Secretary of the Governing Council, and Chief, Office of the Executive Director (the latter post at the P-5 level) to the regular budget, and the addition of two P-4 posts (one for office management and follow-up to reports of the Office for Internal Oversight Services, and Chief, Office of the Deputy Executive Director), and one P-3 post (press and media).</p><p>General operating expenses</p><p>80. The proposed budget of $1,802,400 for general operating expenses covers rent for the offices in Nairobi and Geneva ($770,100), communications costs, including telephones, facsimiles and video conferencing ($515,000), and equipment rental and maintenance ($517,300). The rent figure above includes $700,000 for the offices at the Gigiri Complex, Nairobi, where the Programme is currently occupying 5,265 square metres. This is currently charged at $90 per square metre per annum. The rental charges are distributed on the basis of proportions of space occupied by staff funded by the regular budget, the Foundation and technical cooperation. For the 2004-2005 biennium, the total cost is estimated at $1,500,000. After deduction of the regular budget share (30 per cent), an amount of $1,051,100 has to be divided between the Foundation and technical cooperation.</p><p>81. Based on the proposed distribution of staff, the rental charges will be apportioned as follows: Foundation (113 staff members) $770,100, and technical cooperation (51 staff members in Nairobi) $281,000.</p><p>82. It should be noted that, in line with the practice in the 2002-2003 budget and in order to simplify budgetary management, Foundation general operating costs for rent, communications and equipment rental and maintenance are all centralized under management and administration costs, instead of being pro-rated to the relevant programme costs. This has the effect of artificially inflating management and administration costs.</p><p>United Nations Office at Nairobi</p><p>14 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>83. For budget purposes, it has been assumed that the Foundation will make provisions at the same level of $1,176,000 for payment to the United Nations Office at Nairobi as for the present biennium. This sum, plus a contribution of $1,114,000 from the technical cooperation special account for programme support costs (see table 3), gives a total for the United Nations Office at Nairobi of $2,290,000.</p><p>15 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Annex I</p><p>TERMINOLOGY</p><p>Allotment</p><p>A financial authorization issued by or on behalf of the executive head of the organization to an official or a unit to incur obligations for specific purposes and within specified limits during a definite period.</p><p>Appropriation</p><p>Amount approved by the relevant authority for specified purposes for a financial period, against which obligations may be incurred for those purposes up to the approved amounts.</p><p>Cost increase or decrease</p><p>Any increase or decrease in the cost of a resource input in a budget period compared with that in a previous budget period, arising from changes in costs, prices or exchange rates.</p><p>Expected accomplishment</p><p>A desired outcome involving benefits to end-users, expressed as a quantitative or qualitative standard, value or rate. Accomplishments are the direct consequence of the generation of outputs and lead to the fulfillment of a certain objective.</p><p>Financial reserve</p><p>A reserve, established at a level determined by the Governing Council of UN-HABITAT, to ensure the financial liquidity and integrity of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation to compensate for uneven cash flows and to meet such other similar requirements as may be decided upon from time to time by the Governing Council.</p><p>United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation general purpose resources</p><p>Resources of the Foundation that are co-mingled and untied. These include voluntary contributions pledged or paid by Governments or intergovernmental organizations, donations from non-governmental sources and related interest earnings and miscellaneous income.</p><p>United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation special purpose resources</p><p>Resources of the Foundation that are provided under specific terms of reference or under specific agreements with donors for the purpose of financing wholly or in part the cost of activities consistent with the organization’s aims and policies. This also includes the special account for programme support costs.</p><p>Management and administration</p><p>Organizational units whose primary function is the maintenance of the identity, direction and well-being of an organization. This will typically include units that carry out the functions of executive direction, organizational policy and evaluation, external relations and administration.</p><p>Objective</p><p>An objective in programme budgeting refers to an overall desired achievement involving a process of change and aimed at meeting certain needs of identified end-users within a given period.</p><p>16 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Operating reserve</p><p>As required by administrative instruction ST/AI/286, an operating reserve of 20 per cent of the estimated annual programme support income is required to protect against unforeseen shortfalls in delivery, inflation and currency adjustments or to liquidate legal obligations in case of abrupt terminations of activities financed from extrabudgetary resources.</p><p>Output</p><p>Final products or services delivered by a programme or subprogramme to end-users, such as reports, publications, training, servicing of meetings, which an activity is expected to produce in order to achieve its objectives.</p><p>Performance indicators</p><p>Performance indicators are used to measure the extent to which the objectives and/or expected accomplishments have been achieved.</p><p>Programme support</p><p>Organizational units whose primary functions are the development, formulation and evaluation of an organization’s programmes. This will typically include units that provide backstopping of programmes whether on a technical, thematic, logistical or administrative basis.</p><p>Subprogrammes</p><p>A set of activities directed towards the attainment of one or more defined objectives or expected accomplishments.</p><p>Support budget</p><p>The budget of an organization covering programme support and management and administration of the organization.</p><p>Technical cooperation activities</p><p>Activities which provide economic and social development assistance to developing countries and countries with economies in transition.</p><p>United Nations regular budget</p><p>The funds provided by the United Nations from its assessed budget to finance the secretariat referred to in General Assembly resolution 32/162, section III, paragraph 1.</p><p>Volume increase or decrease</p><p>Any increase or decrease in resource requirements attributable to changes in the level or nature of activities carried out by an organization during the current budget period and those proposed for the forthcoming budget period. Volume is expressed using the same cost factors applicable for the approved appropriations to permit direct comparison of these changes relative to the level of activities approved for the current budget period.</p><p>17 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Annex II</p><p>ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODOLOGY</p><p>A. Assumptions for 2004-2005</p><p>1. Vacancy rates</p><p>1. Vacancy rates of 5 per cent for Professional staff and 3.1 per cent for General Service staff are assumed in costing posts for 2004–2005.</p><p>2. Inflation</p><p>2. Inflation factors have not been applied either to direct programme activities or to regular budget costs, as this will be done later by United Nations Headquarters at the time of the adoption of the United Nations regular budget by the General Assembly in 2003. </p><p>3. The following inflation rates are assumed:</p><p>Professional posts: 3.87 per cent per annum; General Service posts: 7 per cent and 6.8 per cent per annum respectively; Non-staff: 5.8 per cent per annum.</p><p>4. The above inflation rates for posts have been applied to the United Nation's regular budget standard salary costs, version 6 (as used in the 2002–2003 initial appropriation), after adjusting for the above vacancy rates. </p><p>3. Exchange rate</p><p>5. An exchange rate of 79 Kenya Shillings to US$ 1 is assumed.</p><p>4. Income assumptions</p><p>6. 7.7 per cent growth in real terms in regular budget funding, and 57 per cent growth in real terms in United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation general purpose and special purpose contributions. Technical cooperation funding is estimated at $158.7 million for the biennium.</p><p>B. Methodology: biennial support budget a/</p><p>7. The methodology involves several sequential steps in calculating estimates. These calculations are carried out separately for each year of a biennium. Essentially, the methodology is to take the approved appropriations for the first year of the current biennium and add the volume and cost adjustments, which results in the estimates required for the first year of the proposed biennium. Similarly, the approved appropriations for the second year of the current biennium are updated to result in the estimates required for the second year of the proposed biennium. It should be borne in mind that, normally, the time during which estimates are prepared for the proposed biennial support budget is the third quarter of the first year of the current biennium. A description of each sequential step follows.</p><p> a / The same methodology on cost adjustments will be followed with respect to the biennial programme budget.</p><p>18 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>1. Volume adjustments</p><p>8. First, using the approved appropriations as a base, real increases or decreases in requirements are calculated and designated as volume changes. Volume changes represent the controllable elements in the estimates, subject to the Executive Director’s assessment of what the organization requires to perform the tasks with which it is entrusted. Volume changes are calculated at the same price levels as the approved appropriations in order to facilitate comparison with the currently approved base.</p><p>2. Various cost adjustments</p><p>9. To the approved appropriations and volume changes are added cost increases or decreases attributable to changes in rates or conditions not tied to currency or annual inflation adjustments. They reflect only known changes that have occurred in the two years since the preparation of the previous biennial support budget. Such cost factors include, for example, decisions of the International Civil Service Commission on a variety of staff entitlements (such as dependency allowance and education grant). For staff cost adjustments, the standard salary cost formulated by United Nations Headquarters is used.</p><p>3. Currency adjustments</p><p>10. Currency adjustments are then calculated by year on the total of approved appropriations, volume and various cost adjustments. These currency adjustments would normally be the difference between the United Nations operational rate of exchange in effect on, for example, 1 September of the year preceding the current biennium and, for example, on 1 September of the first year of the current biennium (that is the time of preparation of the proposed biennial support budget).</p><p>4. Inflation adjustment</p><p>11. Finally, to complete the picture and to develop the final estimate of requirements for the next biennium, the organization must adjust or estimate, as appropriate, inflation over a four-year period. These adjustments are calculated by year on the total of approved appropriations, volume and various cost adjustments, as adjusted for currency, as follows:</p><p>(a) For the first year of the current biennium to the first year of the proposed biennium</p><p>The existing estimates already embody earlier estimates of inflation. The inflation adjustment for this transition therefore includes:</p><p>(i) The difference between the application of earlier estimates and the actual inflation for the first six months of the first year of the current biennium;</p><p>(ii) The difference between the application of earlier estimates and the revised inflation projection for the last 18 months of the current biennium; and</p><p>(iii) The inflation projection for the first year of the proposed biennium. </p><p>(b) For the second year of the current biennium to the second year of the proposed biennium</p><p>(i)-(iii) as in (a) above; and</p><p>(iv) The inflation projection for the second year of the proposed biennium. </p><p>12. In order to arrive at these estimates of inflation, four inflation factors are used for each year as follows:</p><p>19 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>(a) The first inflation factor is the estimated movement of post adjustment for international Professional staff;</p><p>(b) The second inflation factor pertains to international travel and common staff costs for international Professional staff; </p><p>(c) The third factor encompasses salaries and common staff costs for local staff, that is General Service and other categories, which may vary significantly from location to location; and</p><p>(d) The fourth factor relates to all other costs, such as operating expenses. </p><p>20 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Annex III</p><p>MANAGEMENT ACTION TAKEN TO IMPLEMENT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS BOARD OF AUDITORS AND THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS WITH REGARD TO THE UNITED NATIONS HABITAT AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS FOUNDATION</p><p>Brief description of the recommendation Action taken to implement the recommendation</p><p>BOARD OF AUDITORS (A/57/5/ADD.8, Chapter II)</p><p>The Foundation should apply strict expenditure UN-HABITAT, in close cooperation with the United control over each trust fund and project to Nations Office at Nairobi, has improved its project ensure that the expenditures do not exceed the management system with new procedures set in place authorized limits of allotments in accordance and enhanced by the introduction of the Integrated with existing rules. Management Information System (IMIS) in July 2001. These ensure strict expenditure control and provide detailed financial information for the Programme Support Division and the programme managers.</p><p>The Foundation should comply fully with the UN-HABITAT continues to be committed to ensuring comprehensive guides for the use of that consultants are selected competitively and in consultants, as accepted by the General accordance with established United Nations guidelines. Assembly. All programme managers have been provided with administrative instruction ST/AI/1999/7 on the use of consultants and individual contractors and have been reminded that its provisions should be strictly enforced.</p><p>The administration should update the roster of UN-HABITAT is in the process of updating its roster of consultants and provide it to the United Nations consultants to make it more usable and comprehensive. Office at Nairobi to facilitate the development Discussions are under way with the United Nations of a computerized central roster of consultants. Office at Nairobi to make the roster compatible with its roster. Financial and staffing constraints make it difficult to maintain the roster, but this may be addressed as soon as additional resources are identified.</p><p>The administration should financially close all All appropriate staff were instructed to close financially operationally completed projects to ensure that all operationally closed projects before 31 December only records of ongoing projects are kept and 2002. Financially open projects are reviewed on a that pertinent expenditures are charged only to quarterly basis to ensure that operationally completed these projects accounts. Access should be projects are financially closed as soon as possible. restricted to the senior officer to limit the risk of modification of closed accounts.</p><p>The administration should ensure that complete Recommendation will be implemented as part of the records and project documentation are overall review of UN-HABITAT’s archiving system maintained for the projects to facilitate effective monitoring, evaluation, and financial and management reporting.</p><p>21 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (HS/C/18/9/Add.1)</p><p>The Advisory Committee recommends a Posts have been established on the basis of prudent cautious approach with regard to new posts, assessments of income, although it should be noted that which should only be established and filled no level of income can be assured while the Foundation once sufficient income is assured. depends for its income on voluntary rather than assessed contributions. The Foundation also has accumulated surpluses and reserves totaling approximately $7 million, which help in providing a cushion against unexpected income fluctuations.</p><p>22 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Annex IV Table 1. Consolidated resource plan: approved 2002-2003 and proposed 2004-2005 (in thousands of US dollars) 2000/2001 Baseline Resource Plan 2002/2003 Resource Plan 2004/2005 Total Regular Technical UNHHSF Total Regular Technical UNHHSF Total Actual Budget Cooperation General Special Total Resources Budget Cooperation General Special Total Resources Resources/ Purpose Purpose Purpose Purpose Expenditures</p><p>Resources available Opening balance 5,733.4 - 4,203.3 2,229.5 618.5 2,848.0 7,051.3 - 9,086.4 6,926.8 3,160.1 10,086.9 19,173.3 Income Contributions 366,043.7 16,156.9 86,600.0 9,600.0 13,560.0 23,160.0 125,916.9 14,832.7 158,700.0 22,000.0 27,120.0 49,120.0 222,652.7 Other 4,029.8 600.0 600.0 600.0 1,400.0 1,500.0 1,500.0 2,900.0</p><p>Total 375,806.9 16,156.9 90,803.3 12,429.5 14,178.5 26,608.0 133,568.2 14,832.7 169,186.4 30,426.8 30,280.1 60,706.9 244,726.0</p><p>Use of resources</p><p>Policy making organs 1,417.5 1,158.5 1,158.5 34.6 34.6</p><p>Programme resources Total programme resources 341,288.9 11,647.3 80,000.0 7,409.0 12,000.0 19,409.0 111,056.3 12,266.1 157,270.8 18,894.0 24,000.0 42,894.0 212,430.9</p><p>Support budget Programme support 6,669.4 905.5 6,332.3 608.8 1,355.5 1,964.3 9,202.1 - 2,173.7 1,340.4 1,993.9 3,334.3 5,508.0 Management and administration 6,652.2 2,445.6 1,114.0 2,289.6 336.0 2,625.6 6,185.2 2,532.0 1,114.0 3,956.2 336.0 4,292.2 7,938.2 Total support budget 13,321.6 3,351.1 7,446.3 2,898.4 1,691.5 4,589.9 15,387.3 2,532.0 3,287.7 5,296.6 2,329.9 7,626.5 13,446.2</p><p>Total 356,028.0 16,156.9 87,446.3 10,307.4 13,691.5 23,998.9 127,602.1 14,832.7 160,558.5 24,190.6 26,329.9 50,520.5 225,911.7</p><p>Prior period adjustments (139.2) Other adjustments (2,307.2) Closing balance 17,332.5 - 3,357.0 2,122.1 487.0 2,609.1 5,966.1 - 8,627.9 6,236.2 3,950.2 10,186.4 18,814.3</p><p>Analysis of closing balances: Statutory Reserve - - 2,419.1 - 2,419.1 2,419.1 Operating Reserve - Programme Support Costs - 4,000.0 - 624.0 624.0 4,624.0 Other fund balances - 3,052.2 3,817.1 682.6 4,499.7 7,551.9 Project balances - 1,575.7 - 2,643.6 2,643.6 4,219.3 - 8,627.9 6,236.2 3,950.2 10,186.4 18,814.3</p><p>Note 1. The Foundation special account for programme support is included above under "UNHHSF Special Purpose". The technical cooperation special account for programme support is included under "Technical Cooperation". Note 2. Opening balances for 2004-2005 are taken from the revised resource plan for 2002-2003 set out in table 2. Note 3. No cost adjustment has been applied to the regular budget part of the Resource plan. Information on cost adjustment assumptions is contained in annex II. Note 4. The baseline resource plan 2002/2003 reflects the approved appropriations for UNHHSF as per HS/C/18/9. A higher ceiling of $31,693.90 based on HS/C/18/9/Add.3 was also approved subject to the availability of funds.</p><p>23 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 2. Consolidated resource plan: approved and revised 2002-2003 (in thousands of US dollars)</p><p>2000/2001 Baseline Resource Plan 2002/2003 Revised Resource Plan 2002/2003 Total Regular Technical UNHHSF Total Regular Technical UNHHSF Total Resources Budget Cooperation General Special Total Resources Budget Cooperation General Special Total Resources Resources/ Purpose Purpose Purpose Purpose Expenditures</p><p>Resources Available Opening balance 5,733.4 0.0 4,203.3 2,229.5 618.5 2,848.0 7,051.3 0.0 7,806.6 6,728.5 2,797.4 9,525.9 17,332.5 Income Contributions 366,043.7 16,156.9 86,600.0 9,600.0 13,560.0 23,160.0 125,916.9 13,768.7 255,500.0 13,500.0 16,950.0 30,450.0 299,718.7 Other 4,029.8 600.0 600.0 600.0 1,350.0 1,350.0 1,350.0</p><p>Total 375,806.9 16,156.9 90,803.3 12,429.5 14,178.5 26,608.0 133,568.2 13,768.7 263,306.6 21,578.5 19,747.4 41,325.9 318,401.2</p><p>Use of Resources</p><p>Policy making organs 1,417.5 1,158.5 1,158.5 30.1 30.1</p><p>Programme Resources Total Programme Resources 341,288.9 11,647.3 80,000.0 7,409.0 12,000.0 19,409.0 111,056.3 11,162.2 245,000.0 10,895.8 15,000.0 25,895.8 282,058.0</p><p>Support Budget Programme Support 6,669.4 905.5 6,332.3 608.8 1,355.5 1,964.3 9,202.1 8,106.2 1,231.3 1,251.3 2,482.6 10,588.8 Management and Administration 6,652.2 2,445.6 1,114.0 2,289.6 336.0 2,625.6 6,185.2 2,576.4 1,114.0 2,524.6 336.0 2,860.6 6,551.0 Total Support Budget 13,321.6 3,351.1 7,446.3 2,898.4 1,691.5 4,589.9 15,387.3 2,576.4 9,220.2 3,755.9 1,587.3 5,343.2 17,139.8</p><p>Total 356,028.0 16,156.9 87,446.3 10,307.4 13,691.5 23,998.9 127,602.1 13,768.7 254,220.2 14,651.7 16,587.3 31,239.0 299,227.9</p><p>Prior Period Adjustments (139.2) Other Adjustments (2,307.2) Closing Balance 17,332.5 0.0 3,357.0 2,122.1 487.0 2,609.1 5,966.1 0.0 9,086.4 6,926.8 3,160.1 10,086.9 19,173.3</p><p>Analysis of closing balances: Statutory Reserve - - 1,002.7 - 1,002.7 1,002.7 Operating Reserve - Programme Support Costs - 4,000.0 - 390.0 390.0 4,390.0 Other fund balances - 2,581.5 5,924.1 5,924.1 8,505.6 Project balances - 2,504.9 - 2,770.1 2,770.1 5,275.0 - 9,086.4 6,926.8 3,160.1 10,086.9 19,173.3</p><p>24 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 3. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) consolidated budget estimates by expenditure category and source of funds: budget for the biennium 2004-2005 (in thousands of US dollars)</p><p>2000-2001 2002-2003 Increase / (Decrease) 2004-2005 Approved Actual Amount % Estimates Appropriations Regular budget Posts 11,744.1 11,544.3 438.4 3.8% 11,982.7 Other staff costs 2,686.3 1,100.1 32.2 2.9% 1,132.3 Consultants 559.7 201.5 73.0 36.2% 274.5 Travel 305.6 317.7 316.4 99.6% 634.1 Contractual services 71.3 70.2 33.3 47.4% 103.5 General operating expenses 124.3 399.8 86.0 21.5% 485.8 Supplies and materials 116.8 75.1 7.4 9.9% 82.5 Furniture and equipment 129.2 60.0 77.3 128.8% 137.3 Support to UNON - - - - Project expenditure - - - - Total regular budget 15,737.3 13,768.7 1,064.0 7.7% 14,832.7</p><p>Foundation Posts 4,251.0 10,787.6 6,005.6 55.7% 16,793.2 Other staff costs - 119.4 31.2 26.1% 150.6 Consultants 155.5 228.4 103.1 45.2% 331.5 Travel 157.6 400.4 167.9 41.9% 568.3 Contractual services 328.8 500.4 226.0 45.2% 726.4 General operating expenses 1,227.8 1,610.2 192.2 11.9% 1,802.4 Supplies and materials 52.5 97.1 56.5 58.2% 153.6 Furniture and equipment - 174.4 44.1 25.3% 218.5 Support to UNON 736.0 1,176.0 - 0.0% 1,176.0 Project expenditures (non-earmarked) 1,806.5 4,600.0 - 0.0% 4,600.0 Project expenditures (earmarked) 12,092.8 12,000.0 12,000.0 100.0% 24,000.0 Total Foundation 20,808.5 31,693.9 18,826.6 59.4% 50,520.5</p><p>Technical cooperation Posts 5,270.7 6,219.6 1,528.1 24.6% 7,747.7 Other staff costs - 62.0 15.5 25.0% 77.5 Consultants 15.6 560.0 (240.0) (42.9%) 320.0 Travel 34.8 500.0 (25.3) (5.1%) 474.7 Contractual services 73.4 10.0 (10.0) (100.0%) - General operating expenses 392.3 596.6 53.7 9.0% 650.3 Supplies and materials 10.8 28.0 70.6 252.2% 98.6 Furniture and equipment 8.6 130.0 (54.3) (41.8%) 75.7 Support to UNON 1,114.0 1,114.0 - 0.0% 1,114.0 Project expenditures 312,562.0 245,000.0 (95,000.0) (38.8%) 150,000.0 Total technical cooperation 319,482.2 254,220.2 (93,661.7) (36.8%) 160,558.5</p><p>Grand Total 356,028.0 299,682.8 (73,771.1) (24.6%) 225,911.7</p><p>UN-HABITAT EXPENDITURE BY CATEGORY</p><p>17% 4% Staff costs Other expenditures Project expenditures</p><p>79%</p><p>Note 1: Regular budget appropriations 2002-2003. Note 2: Foundation budget approved appropriations as per HS/C/18/9/Add.3. Note 3: Technical cooperation approved appropriations as at 30 November 2002.</p><p>25 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 4. United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation: budget for the biennium 2004-2005, general purpose and special purpose funds (in thousands of US dollars)</p><p>2000-2001 2002-2003 Changes 2004-2005 Appropriations Actual Volume Cost Estimates as per HS/C/18/9/Add.3 Amount % Amount %</p><p>Programme Posts 2,893.2 6,840.7 5,514.0 80.6% 366.8 5.4% 12,721.5 Other staff costs 62.8 31.4 50.0% 8.4 13.4% 102.6 Consultants 155.5 228.4 76.1 33.3% 27.0 11.8% 331.5 Travel 105.1 221.6 196.4 88.6% 37.1 16.7% 455.1 Contractual services 231.1 363.3 121.1 33.3% 43.0 11.8% 527.4 General operating expenses - - 0.0% - 0.0% - Supplies and materials - - 0.0% - 0.0% - Furniture and equipment 97.8 45.4 46.4% 12.7 13.0% 155.9 Project expenditures (non-earmarked) 1,806.5 4,600.0 - 0.0% - 0.0% 4,600.0 Project expenditures (earmarked) 12,092.8 12,000.0 12,000.0 100.0% - 0.0% 24,000.0</p><p>Total Programme 17,284.2 24,414.6 17,984.4 73.7% 495.0 2.0% 42,894.0</p><p>Programme support Posts 765.5 2,402.8 487.5 20.3% 80.8 3.4% 2,971.1 Other staff costs 38.1 (1.9) (5.0%) 3.2 8.4% 39.4 Consultants - - 0.0% - 0.0% - Travel 75.9 (4.9) (6.5%) 6.3 8.3% 77.3 Contractual services 97.7 137.1 45.7 33.3% 16.2 11.8% 199.0 General operating expenses - - 0.0% - 0.0% - Supplies and materials - - 0.0% - 0.0% - Furniture and equipment 53.4 (9.8) (18.3%) 3.9 7.2% 47.5</p><p>Total Programme support 863.2 2,707.3 516.6 19.1% 110.4 4.1% 3,334.3</p><p>Management and administration Posts 592.3 1,544.1 (391.2) (25.3%) (52.3) (3.4%) 1,100.6 Other staff costs - 18.5 (10.6) (57.3%) 0.7 3.8% 8.6 Consultants - - - - Travel 52.5 102.9 (69.9) (67.9%) 2.9 2.8% 35.9 Contractual Services - - - - - General operating expenses 1,227.8 1,610.2 45.4 2.8% 146.8 9.1% 1,802.4 Supplies and materials 52.5 97.1 44.0 45.3% 12.5 12.9% 153.6 Furniture and equipment - 23.2 (9.4) (40.5%) 1.3 5.6% 15.1 Support to UNON 736.0 1,176.0 - 0.0% - 0.0% 1,176.0</p><p>Total management and administration 2,661.1 4,572.0 (391.7) (8.6%) 111.9 2.4% 4,292.2</p><p>Total support budget 3,524.3 7,279.3 124.9 1.7% 222.3 3.1% 7,626.5</p><p>Grand Total 20,808.5 31,693.9 18,109.3 57.1% 717.3 2.3% 50,520.5</p><p>FOUNDATION EXPENDITURE BY CATEGORY 8% 7%</p><p>Programme</p><p>Programme support</p><p>Management & administration</p><p>85%</p><p>26 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 5. United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation (general purpose funds only): budget for the biennium 2004-2005 (in thousands of US dollars)</p><p>2000-2001 2002-2003 Changes 2004-2005 Actual Appropriations as Volume Cost Estimates per HS/C/18/9/Add.3 Amount % Amount</p><p>Programme Posts 2,893.2 6,840.7 5,514.0 80.6% 366.8 12,721.5 Other staff costs 62.8 31.4 50.0% 8.4 102.6 Consultants 155.5 228.4 76.1 33.3% 27.0 331.5 Travel 105.1 221.6 196.4 88.6% 37.1 455.1 Contractual services 231.1 363.3 121.1 33.3% 43.0 527.4 General operating expenses - - 0.0% - - Supplies and materials - - 0.0% - - Furniture and equipment 97.8 45.4 46.4% 12.7 155.9 Project expenditures (non-earmarked) 1,806.5 4,600.0 - 0.0% - 4,600.0</p><p>Total Programme 5,191.4 12,414.6 5,984.4 48.2% 495.0 18,894.0</p><p>Programme support Posts 1,224.1 (47.5) (3.9%) 22.9 1,199.5 Other staff costs 17.1 (11.4) (66.7%) 0.5 6.2 Consultants - - 0.0% - - Travel 59.9 (28.3) (47.2%) 2.8 34.4 Contractual services 25.1 56.1 223.5% 7.2 88.4 General operating expenses - - 0.0% - - Supplies and materials - - 0.0% - - Furniture and equipment 25.7 (14.8) (57.6%) 1.0 11.9</p><p>Total programme support 1,351.9 (45.9) (3.4%) 34.4 1,340.4</p><p>Management and administration Posts 592.3 1,544.1 (391.2) (25.3%) (52.3) 1,100.6 Other staff costs 18.5 (10.6) (57.1%) 0.7 8.6 Consultants - - 0.0% - - Travel 52.5 102.9 (69.9) (67.9%) 2.9 35.9 Contractual services - - 0.0% - - General operating expenses 1,227.8 1,610.2 45.4 2.8% 146.8 1,802.4 Supplies and materials 52.5 97.1 44.0 45.3% 12.5 153.6 Furniture and equipment 23.2 (9.4) (40.3%) 1.2 15.1 Support to UNON 400.0 840.0 - 0.0% - 840.0</p><p>Total management and administration 2,325.1 4,236.0 (391.6) (9.2%) 111.8 3,956.2</p><p>Total support budget 2,325.1 5,587.9 (437.5) (7.8%) 146.2 5,296.6</p><p>Grand Total 7,516.5 18,002.5 5,546.9 30.8% 641.2 24,190.6</p><p>27 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 6. United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation (special account for programme support): budget for the biennium 2004-2005 (in thousands of US dollars)</p><p>2000-2001 2002-2003 Changes 2004-2005 Actual Appropriations as Volume Cost Estimates per HS/C/18/9/Add.3 Amount % Amount</p><p>Resources available Contributions 1,464.9 1,950.0 1,170.0 0.6 - 3,120.0 Other income 65.1 Total Income 1,530.0 1,950.0 1,170.0 0.6 - 3,120.0</p><p>Use of resources Programme support Posts 765.5 1,178.7 535.0 0.5 57.9 1,771.6 Other staff costs 21.0 9.5 0.5 2.7 33.2 Travel 16.0 23.4 1.5 3.5 42.9 Contractual services 97.7 112.0 (10.4) (0.1) 9.0 110.6 General operating expenses - - - - - Supplies and materials - - - - Furniture and equipment 27.7 5.0 0.2 2.9 35.6 Total programme support 863.2 1,355.4 562.5 2.5 76.0 1,993.9</p><p>Management and administration Support to UNON 336.0 336.0 - - - 336.0 Total management and administration 336.0 336.0 - - - 336.0</p><p>Total expenditures 1,199.2 1,691.4 562.5 2.5 76.0 2,329.9</p><p>Surplus/(deficit) 330.8 258.6 790.1</p><p>Prior period adjustments (676.1)</p><p>Opening balance 2,892.5 257.9 516.5 Transfer to Foundation (2,289.3) Balance at end of period 257.9 516.5 1,306.6</p><p>Analysis of balance at end of period Operating reserve 257.9 257.9 624.0 Fund balances (0.0) 258.6 682.6 257.9 516.5 1,306.6</p><p>Staffing table – Human Settlements Foundation programme support for the bienniums 2002-2003 and 2004-2005</p><p>Category 2002-2003 Change 2004-2005</p><p>Professional staff D-2 - D-1 - P-5 - P-4 1 - 1 P-3 2 2 P-2 1 1 2 Sub total 2 3 5</p><p>General Service staff Local level 16 - 16 Sub total 16 - 16</p><p>Total 18 3 21</p><p>28 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 7. Regular budget (Human settlements): budget estimates by expenditure category for the biennium 2004-2005 (in thousands of US dollars)</p><p>2000-2001 2002-2003 2004-2005 Actuals Approved Increase / Estimates Appropriations (Decrease)</p><p>Policy-making organs 1,417.5 30.1 4.5 34.6 Total Policy-making organs 1,417.5 30.1 4.5 34.6</p><p>Programme Posts 9,206.0 9,342.0 635.4 9,977.4 Other staff costs 1,087.7 883.4 (2.0) 881.4 Consultants 559.7 201.5 73.0 274.5 Travel 257.3 265.2 221.9 487.1 Contractual services 71.3 65.4 25.5 90.9 General operating expenses 74.7 310.5 71.7 382.2 Supplies and materials 86.3 48.5 8.8 57.3 Furniture and equipment 99.7 45.7 69.6 115.3 Support to UNON</p><p>Total Programme 11,442.7 11,162.2 1,103.9 12,266.1</p><p>Programme support Posts Other staff costs Consultants Travel Contractual services General operating expenses Supplies and materials Furniture and equipment Support to UNON</p><p>Total Programme support - - - -</p><p>Management and administration Posts 2,538.1 2,202.3 (197.0) 2,005.3 Other staff costs 193.2 191.4 30.5 221.9 Consultants Travel 48.3 52.5 94.5 147.0 Contractual services 7.0 7.0 General operating expenses 37.5 89.3 14.3 103.6 Supplies and materials 30.5 26.6 (1.4) 25.2 Furniture and equipment 29.5 14.3 7.7 22.0 Suport to UNON</p><p>Total Management and administration 2,877.1 2,576.4 (44.4) 2,532.0</p><p>Total Support Budget 2,877.1 2,576.4 (44.4) 2,532.0</p><p>Grand Total 15,737.3 13,768.7 1,064.0 14,832.7</p><p>29 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 8. Technical cooperation activities: budget estimates by expenditure category for the biennium 2004-2005 (in thousands of US dollars)</p><p>2000-2001 2002-2003 2004-2005 Actual Approved Increase / Estimates Appropriations (Decrease)</p><p>Programme Posts 5,958.9 5,958.9 Other staff costs 59.6 59.6 Consultants 320.0 320.0 Travel 397.4 397.4 Contractual services General operating expenses 422.7 422.7 Supplies and materials 64.1 64.1 Furniture and equipment 48.1 48.1 Support to UNON Project expenditures 312,562.0 245,000.0 (95,000.0) 150,000.0</p><p>Total Programme 312,562.0 245,000.0 (87,729.2) 157,270.8</p><p>Programme support Posts 5,270.7 6,219.6 (4,430.8) 1,788.8 Other staff costs 62.0 (44.1) 17.9 Consultants 15.6 560.0 (560.0) Travel 34.8 500.0 (422.7) 77.3 Contractual services 73.4 10.0 (10.0) General operating expenses 392.3 596.6 (369.0) 227.6 Supplies and materials 10.8 28.0 6.5 34.5 Furniture and equipment 8.6 130.0 (102.4) 27.6 Support to UNON</p><p>Total Programme support 5,806.2 8,106.2 (5,932.5) 2,173.7</p><p>Management and administration Posts Other staff costs Consultants Travel Contractual services General operating expenses Supplies and materials Furniture and equipment Support to UNON 1,114.0 1,114.0 1,114.0</p><p>Total Management and administration 1,114.0 1,114.0 - 1,114.0</p><p>Total Support budget 6,920.2 9,220.2 (5,932.5) 3,287.7</p><p>Grand Total 319,482.2 254,220.2 (93,661.7) 160,558.5</p><p>30 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 9. Estimated distribution of posts by source of funds</p><p>Professional category and above Grand USG ASG D-2 D-1 P-5 P-4 P-3 P-2/1 Total L-L Other Total</p><p>Grand Total of Posts by Source of Funds 2002-2003 UN Regular Budget 1 1 3 7 17 12 5 46 23 2 71 Foundation General Purpose 1 2 6 6 8 8 31 32 1 64 Foundation Special Purpose 3 3 5 4 15 16 31 Technical Cooperation 4 10 3 3 9 29 11 40 Total 2002-2003 1 1 3 13 26 31 28 18 121 82 3 206</p><p>Changes (decrease)/increase UN Regular Budget 1 2 1 1 5 2 7 Foundation General Purpose (1) 3 4 8 4 18 5 1 24 Foundation Special Purpose 1 (3) (1) (1) (2) (6) (6) Technical Co-operation (1) 2 1 (1) 5 6 4 1 11 Net Changes - - 1 1 3 5 6 7 23 11 2 36</p><p>2004-2005 UN Regular Budget 1 2 5 8 18 12 5 51 25 2 78 Foundation General Purpose 1 2 5 9 12 16 4 49 37 2 88 Foundation Special Purpose 1 2 4 2 9 16 25 Technical Cooperation 3 12 4 2 14 35 15 1 51 Total 2004-2005 1 1 4 14 29 36 34 25 144 93 5 242</p><p>DISTRIBUTION OF PROFESSIONAL STAFF POSTS BY SOURCE OF FUNDS 2004-2005</p><p>6% 24% UN Regular Budget</p><p>Foundation General Purpose</p><p>Foundation Special Purpose 34% Technical Cooperation 36%</p><p>31 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 10. Estimated distribution of posts by programme and source of funds</p><p>Professional category and above Grand Sub-programme USG ASG D-2 D-1 P-5 P-4 P-3 P-2/1 Total L-L Other Total</p><p>Sub-programme 1: Shelter and Sustainable Human Settlements Development 2002-2003 UN Regular Budget 1 4 7 6 1 19 9 28 Foundation General Purpose 1 2 3 4 4 14 12 1 27 Foundation Special Purpose 4 4 4 Technical Cooperation 1 1 7 9 9 Subtotal 2002-2003 - - 1 4 7 11 15 8 46 21 1 68</p><p>2004-2005 UN Regular Budget 1 5 7 5 3 21 10 31 Foundation General Purpose 1 3 3 4 5 2 18 12 2 32 Foundation Special Purpose 1 1 2 2 Technical Cooperation 4 4 4 Subtotal 2004-2005 - - 1 5 8 11 11 9 45 22 2 69</p><p>Sub-programme 2: Monitoring the Habitat Agenda 2002-2003 UN Regular Budget 1 2 5 6 2 16 9 25 Foundation General Purpose 1 1 2 2 2 8 9 17 Foundation Special Purpose 3 2 1 3 9 9 Technical Cooperation - - Subtotal 2002-2003 - - 1 2 7 9 9 5 33 18 - 51</p><p>2004-2005 UN Regular Budget 1 2 2 5 6 2 18 10 28 Foundation General Purpose 4 3 6 2 15 12 27 Foundation Special Purpose 1 1 2 2 Technical Cooperation 2 2 2 Subtotal 2004-2005 - - 1 2 6 9 13 6 37 22 - 59</p><p>Sub-programme 3: Regional and Technical Cooperation 2002-2003 UN Regular Budget 1 3 4 1 5 Foundation General Purpose 1 1 1 Foundation Special Purpose - - Technical Cooperation - - Subtotal 2002-2003 - - 1 - - 3 1 - 5 1 - 6</p><p>2004-2005 UN Regular Budget 1 4 5 1 6 Foundation General Purpose 1 1 1 2 Foundation Special Purpose - - Technical Cooperation 3 12 1 1 5 22 8 1 31 Subtotal 2004-2005 - - 1 3 12 5 2 5 28 10 1 39</p><p>Sub-programme 4: Human Settlements Financing 2002-2003 UN Regular Budget - - Foundation General Purpose - - Foundation Special Purpose - - Technical Cooperation - - Subtotal 2002-2003 ------</p><p>2004-2005 UN Regular Budget 1 1 1 Foundation General Purpose 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 6 13 Foundation Special Purpose - - Technical Cooperation - - Subtotal 2004-2005 - 1 1 1 1 2 2 - 8 6 - 14</p><p>Programme Support 2002-2003 UN Regular Budget - - Foundation General Purpose 1 1 1 1 4 4 8 Foundation Special Purpose 1 1 2 16 18 Technical Cooperation 3 10 3 2 2 20 11 31 Subtotal 2002-2003 - - - 4 11 5 3 3 26 31 - 57</p><p>2004-2005 UN Regular Budget - - Foundation General Purpose 1 1 1 1 4 3 7 Foundation Special Purpose 1 2 2 5 16 21 Technical Cooperation 3 1 3 7 7 14 Subtotal 2004-2005 - - - 1 1 5 4 5 16 26 - 42</p><p>Management and Administration 2002-2003 UN Regular Budget 1 1 1 2 2 7 4 2 13 Foundation General Purpose 1 2 1 4 7 11 Foundation Special Purpose - - Technical Cooperation - - Subtotal 2002-2003 1 1 - 3 1 3 - 2 11 11 2 24</p><p>2004-2005 UN Regular Budget 1 2 1 1 1 6 4 2 12 Foundation General Purpose 3 1 4 3 7 Foundation Special Purpose - - Technical Cooperation - - Subtotal 2004-2005 1 - - 2 1 4 2 - 10 7 2 19 - 2002-2003 Total Posts 1 1 3 13 26 31 28 18 121 82 3 206 2004-2005 Total Posts 1 1 4 14 29 36 34 25 144 93 5 242</p><p>32 HSP/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 11: Overall staffing table: (United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation) general purpose funds for the bienniums 2002-2003 and 2004-2005</p><p>2002-2003 (HS/C/18/9 Add.3) Changes (decrease)/increase 2004-2005 Level Programme Prog. Mgmt & Total Programme Prog. Mgmt & Total Programme Prog. Mgmt & Total Support Admin Support Admin Support Admin</p><p>USG - - - ASG 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 D-2 2 2 2 2 D-1 3 1 2 6 1 (2) (1) 4 1 5 P-5 5 1 6 3 3 8 1 9 P-4 6 1 1 8 2 2 4 8 1 3 12 P-3 7 1 8 7 1 8 14 1 1 16 P-2/-1 - 4 4 4 4 Sub total 23 4 4 31 18 - - 18 41 4 4 49</p><p>L-L 21 4 7 32 10 (1) (4) 5 31 3 3 37 Other 1 1 1 - - 1 2 2 Sub total 22 4 7 33 11 (1) (4) 6 33 3 3 39</p><p>Grand Total 45 8 11 64 29 (1) (4) 24 74 7 7 88</p><p>33 HS/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 12. United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation: summary of general purpose contributions and earmarked contributions, 1990 - 2001</p><p>FOUNDATION - SUMMARY OF GENERAL PURPOSE CONTRIBUTIONS 9,000,000</p><p>8,000,000</p><p>7,000,000</p><p>6,000,000</p><p>US$ 5,000,000</p><p>4,000,000</p><p>3,000,000 Other 2,000,000 Five major donors 1,000,000</p><p>0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001</p><p>FOUNDATION - SUMMARY OF EARMARKED CONTRIBUTIONS</p><p>9,000,000</p><p>8,000,000 7,000,000</p><p>6,000,000 US$ 5,000,000 4,000,000</p><p>3,000,000 2,000,000 Earmarked Contributions 1,000,000 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001</p><p>34 HS/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 13A. United Nations Human Settlements Programme: resource requirements estimates by expenditure category and source of funds, budget for the biennium 2004 – 2005 (in thousands of US dollars)</p><p>Subprogramme 1, Shelter and sustainable human settlements development</p><p>2002-2003 Increase / (Decrease) 2004-2005 Approved Amount % Estimates Appropriations Regular budget Posts 4,747.6 (186.4) (3.9%) 4,561.2 Other staff costs - - 0.0% - Consultants 97.3 30.8 31.7% 128.1 Travel 93.6 86.4 92.3% 180.0 Contractual services 31.6 10.8 34.2% 42.4 General operating expenses 144.1 28.9 20.1% 173.0 Supplies and materials 23.4 3.5 15.0% 26.9 Furniture and equipment 18.5 31.6 170.8% 50.1 Support to UNON Project expenditure Total regular budget 5,156.1 5.6 0.1% 5,161.7</p><p>Foundation Posts 4,187.8 1,126.5 26.9% 5,314.3 Other staff costs 37.1 6.4 17.2% 43.5 Consultants 139.0 6.5 4.7% 145.6 Travel 134.9 64.9 48.1% 199.8 Contractual services 221.1 10.4 4.7% 231.5 General operating expenses - - 0.0% - Supplies and materials - - 0.0% - Furniture and equipment 58.7 (7.0) (12.0%) 51.6 Project expenditures (non-earmarked) 2,800.0 (780.5) (27.9%) 2,019.5 Project expenditures (earmarked) 7,304.3 1,928.0 26.4% 9,232.3 Total foundation 14,883.0 2,355.2 15.8% 17,238.2</p><p>Technical cooperation Posts Other staff costs Consultants Travel Contractual services General operating expenses Supplies and materials Furniture and equipment Support to UNON Project expenditures Total technical cooperation - -</p><p>Grand total 20,039.1 2,360.8 11.8% 22,399.9</p><p>Professional category and above Grand D-2 D-1 P-5 P-4 P-3 P-2/1 Total L-L Other Total</p><p>2002-2003 UN Regular Budget 1 4 7 6 1 19 9 28 Foundation General Purpose 1 2 3 4 4 14 12 1 27 Foundation Special Purpose 4 4 4 Technical Cooperation 1 1 7 9 9 2002-2003 Subtotal 1 4 7 11 15 8 46 21 1 68</p><p>2004-2005 UN Regular Budget 1 5 7 5 3 21 10 31 Foundation General Purpose 1 3 3 4 5 2 18 12 2 32 Foundation Special Purpose 1 0 1 2 2 Technical Cooperation 4 4 4 2004-2005 Subtotal 1 5 8 11 11 9 45 22 2 69</p><p>35 HS/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 13B. United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Resource requirements estimates by expenditure category and source of fund, budget for the biennium 2004 – 2005 (in thousands of US dollars)</p><p>Subprogramme 2, Monitoring the Habitat Agenda</p><p>2002-2003 Increase / (Decrease) 2004-2005 Approved Amount % Estimates Appropriations Regular budget Posts 4,053.2 (102.3) -2.5% 3,950.9 Other staff costs - - 0.0% - Consultants 86.8 29.1 33.5% 115.9 Travel 83.5 79.5 95.2% 163.0 Contractual services 28.2 10.2 36.2% 38.4 General operating expenses 128.6 27.6 21.5% 156.2 Supplies and materials 20.9 3.4 16.3% 24.3 Furniture and equipment 16.5 28.8 174.5% 45.3 Support to UNON Project expenditure Total regular budget 4,417.7 76.3 1.7% 4,494.0</p><p>Foundation Posts 2,458.8 1,638.5 66.6% 4,097.3 Other staff costs 25.7 11.6 45.2% 37.3 Consultants 79.4 41.9 52.7% 121.3 Travel 77.1 89.4 116.0% 166.5 Contractual services 126.4 66.6 52.7% 192.9 General operating expenses - - 0.0% - Supplies and materials - - 0.0% - Furniture and equipment 36.9 6.6 17.9% 43.6 Project expenditures (non-earmarked) 1,600.0 82.9 5.2% 1,682.9 Project expenditures (earmarked) 4,173.9 3,617.2 86.7% 7,791.1 Total foundation 8,578.3 5,554.7 64.8% 14,132.9</p><p>Technical cooperation Posts Other staff costs Consultants Travel Contractual services General operating expenses Supplies and materials Furniture and equipment Support to UNON Project expenditures Total technical cooperation - -</p><p>Grand Total 12,996.0 5,631.0 43.3% 18,626.9</p><p>36 HS/GC/19/9</p><p>Professional category and above Grand D-2 D-1 P-5 P-4 P-3 P-2/1 Total L-L Other Total 2002-2003 UN Regular Budget 1 2 5 6 2 16 9 25 Foundation General Purpose 1 1 2 2 2 8 9 17 Foundation Special Purpose 3 2 1 3 9 9 Technical Cooperation - - Subtotal 2002-2003 1 2 7 9 9 5 33 18 - 51</p><p>2004-2005 UN Regular Budget 1 2 2 5 6 2 18 10 28 Foundation General Purpose 4 3 6 2 15 12 27 Foundation Special Purpose 1 1 2 2 Technical Cooperation 2 2 2 Subtotal 2004-2005 1 2 6 9 13 6 37 22 - 59</p><p>37 HS/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 13C. United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Resource requirements estimates by expenditure category and source of funds, budget for the biennium 2004 – 2005 (in thousands of US dollars)</p><p>Subprogramme 3, Regional and technical cooperation</p><p>2002-2003 Increase / (Decrease) 2004-2005 Approved Amount % Estimates Appropriations Regular Budget Posts 541.2 716.9 132.5% 1,258.1 Other staff costs 883.4 (2.0) 0.0% 881.4 Consultants 17.4 13.1 75.3% 30.5 Travel 88.1 47.0 53.3% 135.1 Contractual services 5.6 4.5 80.4% 10.1 General operating expenses 37.8 9.6 25.4% 47.4 Supplies and materials 4.2 1.0 23.8% 5.2 Furniture and equipment 10.7 7.6 71.0% 18.3 Support to UNON - Project expenditure Total Regular Budget 1,588.4 797.7 50.2% 2,386.1</p><p>Foundation Posts 194.1 848.0 437.0% 1,042.1 Other staff costs - 3.1 100.0% 3.1 Consultants 9.9 (1.8) (18.6%) 8.1 Travel 9.6 1.5 15.2% 11.1 Contractual services 15.8 (2.9) (18.6%) 12.9 General operating expenses - - 0.0% - Supplies and materials - - 0.0% - Furniture and equipment 2.2 1.1 48.5% 3.2 Project expenditures (non-earmarked) 200.0 (87.8) (43.9%) 112.2 Project expenditures (earmarked) 521.7 3,180.7 609.6% 3,702.5 Total Foundation 953.3 3,941.8 413.5% 4,895.1</p><p>Technical Cooperation Posts 5,958.9 100.0% 5,958.9 Other staff costs 59.6 100.0% 59.6 Consultants 320.0 100.0% 320.0 Travel 397.4 100.0% 397.4 Contractual services - 0.0% - General operating expenses 422.7 100.0% 422.7 Supplies and materials 64.1 100.0% 64.1 Furniture and equipment 48.1 100.0% 48.1 Support to UNON - 0.0% - Project expenditures 245,000.0 (95,000.0) (38.8%) 150,000.0 Total Technical Cooperation 245,000.0 (87,729.2) (35.8%) 157,270.8</p><p>Grand Total 247,541.7 (82,989.7) (33.5%) 164,552.0</p><p>38 HS/GC/19/9</p><p>Professional category and above Grand D-2 D-1 P-5 P-4 P-3 P-2/1 Total L-L Other Total 2002-2003 UN Regular Budget 1 3 4 1 5 Foundation General Purpose 1 1 1 Foundation Special Purpose - - Technical Cooperation - - Sub-total 2002-2003 1 - - 3 1 - 5 1 - 6 - 2004-2005 - UN Regular Budget 1 4 5 1 6 Foundation General Purpose 1 1 1 2 Foundation Special Purpose - - Technical Cooperation 3 12 1 1 5 22 8 1 31 Sub-total 2004-2005 1 3 12 5 2 5 28 10 1 39</p><p>39 HS/GC/19/9</p><p>Table 13D. United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Resource requirements estimates by expenditure category and source of funds, budget for the biennium 2004 – 2005 (in thousands of US dollars)</p><p>Subprogramme 4, Financing Human Settlements</p><p>2002-2003 Increase / (Decrease) 2004-2005 Approved Amount % Estimates Appropriations Regular Budget Posts 207.2 Other staff costs - Consultants - Travel 9.0 Contractual services - General operating expenses 5.6 Supplies and materials 0.9 Furniture and equipment 1.6 Support to UNON - Project expenditure Total Regular Budget 224.3</p><p>Foundation Posts 2,267.7 Other staff costs 18.6 Consultants 56.6 Travel 77.7 Contractual services 90.0 General operating expenses - Supplies and materials - Furniture and equipment 57.5 Project expenditures (non-earmarked) 785.4 Project expenditures (earmarked) 3,274.1 Total Foundation 6,627.7</p><p>Technical Cooperation Posts Other staff costs Consultants Travel Contractual services General operating expenses Supplies and materials Furniture and equipment Support to UNON Project expenditures Total Technical Cooperation - -</p><p>Grand Total 6,852.0</p><p>40 HS/GC/19/9</p><p>Professional category and above Grand ASG D-2 D-1 P-5 P-4 P-3 P-2/1 Total L-L Other Total</p><p>2002-2003 UN Regular Budget - - Foundation General Purpose - - Foundation Special Purpose - - Technical Cooperation - - Subtotal 2002-2003 ------</p><p>2004-2005 UN Regular Budget 1 1 1 Foundation General Purpose 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 6 13 Foundation Special Purpose - - Technical Cooperation - - Subtotal 2004-2005 1 1 1 1 2 2 - 8 6 - 14 Executive Director Table 14. Proposed United Nations Human SettlementsRB: 1 USG Programme organizational structure and post distribution for the biennium 2004-2005</p><p>Office of the Executive Director RB FND 2 P-5 1 P-4 1 P-3 2 P-2</p><p>Deputy Executive Director Programme Support Liaison Offices (including Governing Council & External Affairs, and Information Division RB FND Other Services) RB FND Other 1 D-1 1 D-1 1 P-4 1 P-4 1 D-1 1 P-3 1 P-4 1 P-5 RB FND 1 P-5 1 P-3 1 D-1 1 ASG 3 P-4 1 P-5 3 P-4 2 P-3 2 P-3 2 P-3</p><p>Shelter & Sustainable Urban Secretariat Regional & Technical United Nations Habitat Human Settlements Cooperation Division & Human Settlements Development Division RB FND Other Foundation RB FND Other 1 D-2 4 P-5 2 P-2 RB FND Other 1 D-2 1 P-3 3 D-1 2 D-1 1 P-4 RB FND 1 D-1 1 D-2 7 P-2 4 P-4 13 P-5 6 P-4 5 P-3 1 P-4 1 D-2 5 P-5 3 D-1 2 P-4 5 P-3 1 P-2 1 D-1 5 P-4 2 P-5 1 P-3 2 P-2 1 P-5 5 P-3 5 P-4 5 P-2 1 P-4 3 P-2 5 P-3 3 P-3 3 P-2</p><p>TOTAL = 144 Regular budget (RB) = 51 Foundation (FND) = 58 41 Technical cooperation----- and earmarked funds (Other) = 35</p>
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