<p> the return of Christ the King in his Second Advent. Thus, Advent is far more than simply marking a 2,000 year old event in history. It is celebrating a truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ whereby all of creation might be reconciled to God. That is a process in which we now participate, and the consummation of which we anticipate.</p><p>In this double focus on past and future, Advent also symbolizes the spiritual journey of individuals and a congregation, as they affirm that Christ has come, that He is present in the world today, and that He will come again in power. That acknowledgment Advent provides a basis for Kingdom ethics, for holy living arising from a profound sense that we live "between the times" and are called to be faithful stewards of what is entrusted to us as God’s people. So, as the church celebrates God’s inbreaking into history in the Incarnation, and anticipates a future consummation to that history for which "all creation is groaning awaiting its redemption," it also confesses its own responsibility as a people Daily Devotional commissioned to "love the Lord your God with all your heart" and to "love your neighbor as yourself." (Taken from “Advent” by Dennis Bratcher).</p><p>The verses that have been used are taken from The Daily Lectionary, which is arranged in a two-year cycle. This Daily Lectionary comes from The Book of Common 2008 Prayer of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States, and is also used by many Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians and other mainline Protestants. You are encouraged, when possible, to read the entire scripture passage from your own Bible, as many times only a partial scripture was printed in this devotional.</p><p>Many thanks go to the writers and artists who contributed to this devotional. This diverse group of men and women, boys and girls come from eleven different countries and even more diverse faith perspectives. They are united, however, in their love of God and commitment to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ through the power of Santiago Community Church the Holy Spirit. We invite you to pray for each writer as you use this devotional. Santiago, Chile</p><p>“Advent Daily Devotional 2008” was written by those who attend Santiago Sunday, November 30 Community Church in Santiago, Chile. Advent is the beginning of the Church Year for most churches in the Western tradition. It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Psalm 146 Day, which is the Sunday nearest November 30, and ends on December 24. If Christmas Eve is a Sunday, it is counted as the fourth Sunday of Advent, with Christmas Eve proper beginning at sundown. As I read these words, I started thinking about the Advent traditions my family had growing up. My mother, having been raised a strict Catholic, was full of The word Advent means "coming" or "arrival." The focus of the entire season is tradition and the Advent wreath was the most visual one our family had for the celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ in his First Advent, and the anticipation of Advent. Being one of five children in the family, we all wanted to blow out the candles after each meal and that was memorable. But, what I remember more Words written in the scripture lesson, although written hundreds of years than the candles was the prayer my mother taught us to say before we lit them ago, still hold true to us today and bring us peace, strength and and after we blew them out at the end of the meal: guidance.</p><p>“Come into my heart Lord Jesus! My faith is ever deepening and over the course of the year I have felt the Come in today. Lord work through me and those whom I hold dear. Feeling strength Come in to stay. Come in to my heart Lord Jesus.” when I am weak, focus and clarity when times are challenging and God's love when I fail has been inspirational to me this year. I have come to Between teaching, planning for holiday travel and rushing to prepare for next have a more profound understanding of what forgiveness and grace is year, I put God further down on my list of priorities. I am rushed to finish the and am learning to really listen to the Holy Spirit guiding me. school year and pack for travels. However, Psalm 146 reminds me right away to “Praise the Lord.” I do not think to praise God during Advent. Unfortunately I We look to the future with hope and although we may face challenges have often been starting my Advent a few days before Christmas, usually on the ahead, we have faith in the love of our Father and his assurance of that flight home. But why not praise God as part of Advent? What a perfect time to love everlasting. praise God and prepare my heart. So, as I begin this Advent season by inviting Baby Jesus into my heart…to stay. To make this invitation sincere, I will prepare my heart for Jesus by praising God for everything he had done for me today, this week, this year.</p><p>Carey Sonnenberg Penelope Lawrie, UK, wife, mother & teacher The United States of America Teacher, student, youth director</p><p>Monday, December 1 Tuesday, December 2 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10 You will be ashamed because of the sacred oaks in which you have delighted; As we approach Christmas, we prepare ourselves for the great You will be disgraced because of the gardens that you have chosen. celebration and thanksgiving for the life of Jesus. You will be like an oak with fading leaves, like a garden without water. Isa. 1:29-30 Rick and I have commented several times, that the one memory from last year Every day many events are changing our lives. The development of that our children have talked about most, has been a trip we made to Rocky these large changes in the world and our environment often makes us Point, Mexico, In our trip we delivered coloring books, crayons, and bags of rice hesitate, and in some cases lose confidence and also faith. and beans to a poor community. As we went down the neighborhood with a Strength and patience help us to face all obstacles with intelligence, to trusted missionary, we had family upon family greeting us with smiles and hugs confront with wisdom all the consequences of these changes, and to to thank the boys for their kindness. avoid doubt. It was such a simple thing, but yet it had such a significant impact to all of us. Hope can help us to reach glory in these complicated days. That experience has changed our perspective of the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. The true lasting memory for last Christmas came from giving to those most in need, not from receiving. We tested it. Upon writing Cristian Carrasco, Chile. Sales Manager this, we gave the boys 10 seconds to tell us what gifts they received for Christmas last year. As their eyes rolled up in thought, they could barely come up with one. It has been the giving that they have remembered most, not the receiving. </p><p>As difficult as it is in today’s rushed culture full of traditions and obligations, we will once again try our best to somehow make sure our “garden gets some water”. That somehow we can “delight in good choices” and see our children’s excitement as we help others in need. God calls us to make righteous choices and with these choices our hearts will be filled with the love and care that we receive from our Lord Jesus Christ.</p><p>As a side note, I must share some of the classic and unforgettable comments made by our children during this experience. Nathan was completely wide-eyed as he exclaimed, “No fair, they get to build their own houses out of trash.” Riley marveled excitedly and said, “They have smiles on their faces even though they are playing with a coke bottle full of sand with a bag at the end as a parachute!”</p><p>Rick and Elizabeth Tesman, USA. Parents, enjoy church, sports and the outdoors.</p><p>Wednesday, December 3</p><p>1 Thessalonians 2:13-20 Thursday, December 4</p><p>1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 with reference to Luke 20:27-40. Youth Bible. Judgement day, God as a protector, Sadducees trying to trick Jesus and “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing. (v.2)” You a letter from Paul to the Thessalonians, those were the choices. Paul’s are the only good thing that exists. Away from you, there is no letter struck a chord because perhaps the Thessalonians in 45AD had goodness in me. Born stubborn and fearful, what kind of person the same worries as me in 2008 – how am I supposed to be able to would I have become if you hadn’t found me when I was young? interpret the Bible and say something useful about it? Have I understood Only you can wash away my sticky ego, and change me into a what Jesus meant in the Sadducees story? Shouldn’t I, can’t I, wait for good being. someone more knowledgeable to explain it to me? Maybe I should ask Paul/David directly, they know the answers. However, it is clear that the “You have assigned me my portion and my cup (v.5)”- my mission Thessalonians didn’t stop because Paul was not with them and they on earth and your abundant support for its fulfillment. Whenever didn’t grumble when ‘only’ Timothy arrived to see how they were getting my cup feels too heavy, you on the cross tell me to pray, “Yet not on. They were exploring, questioning, loving and growing faithfully my will, but yours be done.” I know you prepare human sorrow together, trusting that they were able to communicate directly with God and suffering for your greater purpose. Make me “poor in spirit” and learn for themselves. day by day. Empty me of my proud, selfish thoughts, so that I can be a cup to carry your goodness to others. We, the congregation, undoubtedly draw strength and wisdom from the teaching of clergy but that is not to say that we can’t try to draw “You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with conclusions on our own. Perhaps ministers, vicars, preachers, get just joy in your presence. (v.11)” The world staggers and is falling as much joy from watching an individual grappling with questions and (Isaiah 3:8), but you have shown me “how to live in order to please growing in faith, as Paul did from hearing Timothy’s account of the God (I Thessalonians 4:1).” As long as I am embraced by your Thessalonians. presence, my cup overflows with your love, blessing and joy. May my offering be as pleasing to you as the poor widow’s two coins (Luke 21:4). How thankful I am that you came down to earth to Sarah Lyle, UK, hydrogeologist and lover of all things outdoors. give away your life so that I may live.</p><p>Taeko Kushiro, Japan Mother</p><p>Friday, December 5 Saturday, December 6 Psalm 16 (New International Version) Psalm 20 (New International Version) A psalm of David. Psalm 150</p><p>With confidence and authority, the psalmist showers God’s blessings on I have been a member of Santiago Community Church for over twenty his people: “May the Lord answer you when you are in distress… may he years, from the time I first came to Chile as a young wife and mother. My give you the desire of your heart…” He knows the Lord saves his Christian faith continues to grow as my children have grown to young anointed, encouraging us to trust in the Lord. Then comes the final plea: adulthood. My life here would not have been the same without my bible “Answer us when we call!” study group. One of my greatest joys is the time of year when we go on Knowledge, trust and hope. retreat together, away from the cares and responsibilities of home and In a recent conversation, our eight-year old grandchild challenged family, sharing spiritual bonds of friendship, fellowship and learning, my assertion that the heart responds to an electrical impulse. “You need singing praises and exulting in the marvels of God’s creation. wires and plugs for electricity,” she said. “Trust me, Grandma. I know.” Her certainty reminded me that my understanding of all things, As we take walks along the rugged coastline under the mighty heavens, electrical or otherwise, seems to be lessening with the passing years. listen to the resounding cymbals of the waves, the washing rhythm of Like her, I was once as sure of my facts. David’s psalm counters this harp and lyre of the sea, hear the trumpet of the wind to the strings and fuzziness and leads back to a simple truth: that we are both children of flute of a glorious sunset over the Pacific Ocean, our hearts cannot but God. That he will bless us. That no matter what the future holds, we can sing praises to the surpassing greatness of the Lord. As our minister trust him to answer our prayers. David told us recently, the Celts call those places where heaven and earth seem to meet, “thin places”. There we do rejoice, as we hear everything that has breath praise the Lord. How good it is to take time to praise the Lord. Praise the Lord! Ellen Hawkins Canadian writer and hiker</p><p>Tessa Too-Kong Born in Guyana (formerly British Guiana)</p><p>Monday, December 8</p><p>Sunday, December 7 Luke 21 v20-28; 1 Thessalonians 5 v1-11. New International Version “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for A first reading of Luke 21v20-28 appears to offer a terrifying vision of this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5: 16 – 18 NIV God’s potential to inflict his wrath upon the Earth. As we grapple with the Women’s Devotional Bible images of ‘anguish and perplexity’ and ‘great distress’ it seems natural to feel a little uneasy and to question our hope in a loving and merciful Lord. What began as a romantic getaway at a chateau in the Loire Yet amidst this chaos and confusion, the message to us as Christians Valley turned into a nightmare when I awoke during the night to find my seems clear. Instead of turning and running, chased on by fear, we are skin crawling with bedbugs. The bugs wrangled their way into our instructed to ‘stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is suitcases and when we arrived back at our apartment in Paris, so did drawing near’. Indeed, ‘God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to they! In those torturous two weeks of battling with those bedbugs, never receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (1 Thessalonians 5 v9). once did it cross my mind to thank God for them. Why would I? Who could give thanks at a time like that? In times of crisis or uncertainty, the act of standing up and having faith, You may have heard of Corrie ten Boom from her biography The whether in ourselves or others, can be extremely difficult. Fears and Hiding Place. After having been shipped off to a notorious women’s doubts often hinder our ability to trust sufficiently in our own strengths or concentration camp – Ravensbruck, she complains about the lice that beliefs. Yet the promise of redemption offered to us through faith in Jesus infested their barracks. Christ is too important to allow weakness and fear to take the upper One day, Betsy said to her, "We need to give thanks to God for hand. We can ensure that we are well equipped, however, by putting on the lice." ‘faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet’. Corrie said, "Betsy . . . I am not going to thank God for lice." The period of Advent offers us the perfect opportunity to do exactly this, Betsy said, "but Corrie, the Bible tells us, 'In everything give as we look forward with hope to the coming of Jesus, realise the great thanks.' " love of God in sending his son to die for us, and rekindle our faith through As it turns out, Betsy was right – because of these bugs, the Nazi Jesus’ life, most importantly his dying and coming again. guards would not enter their barracks. Thus, the sisters were free to lead their bunkmates in Bible studies, which certainly would have ended had the lice not been there to keep the guards out. Betsy serves as an amazing example of redemptive grace, healing Isabel Gammie, London, UK. English Language Assistant. love and steadfast joy that God calls us to. Help me, Oh Lord, to give thanks in all circumstances and to be joyful always, even for bugs.</p><p>-Katie Gallery Fox, USA (South Carolina), but really a global nomad now. Tuesday, December 9 Spends most of her time volunteering, painting and reading. Wednesday, December 10</p><p>“Then I heard the voice of Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here I am; send me!” And he said, “Go and say to this people, ‘Keep listening, but do not comprehend, keep looking, but do not What is the Lord telling me in this passage as I await the celebration of understand.’ Make the mind of this people dull, and stop their ears, and shut his birth and coming? I am reminded and blessed through the Advent their eyes, so that they may not look with their eyes, and listen with their ears, Daily Devotional to TRUST in HIM. He has always been there for me. He and comprehend with their minds, and turn and be healed.” Isaiah 6: 8-10 has always blessed me with His Love and the wonderful gifts of life that Sometimes understanding the Bible isn’t easy. Sometimes engaging with manifest his unconditional love for us all. scripture means being willing to leave questions unanswered, and reading In the past two weeks the Lord has blessed me, my wife Pirjo, and our parts that seem unfair, antiquated, or that we simply disagree with. What does this verse mean? God seems to be commanding the prophet son Emil. After a long period of concerns, the Lord gave us peace of Isaiah to turn people away from God. Some commentaries say that while mind. He has reminded me of the wonderful gift of life and friendship, these verses are written as a command, they are actually intended to be a drawing me closer to Him through Christianity and Discipleship Explored. prediction of Israel’s reaction to Isaiah’s difficult task. As a lay person, it’s Having been asked to coach a fellow Christian brother in the company, hard to know what to make of it. never knowing, nor previously sharing with anyone at work my faith in Christ Jesus our Lord, he has given me the strength to open up to many I wonder what Isaiah made of this message. I wonder if his reaction was “I in the workplace about my faith through blessing me with this Advent volunteered to be your servant, and now you want me to do WHAT?” I can Daily Devotional contribution, and not feel discomfort, nor be afraid of remember times in my work life when I wanted to say to my superiors, “You what people might think. want me to do WHAT?” in response to a seemingly illogical or unreasonable request! And certainly I think all of us had the childhood experience of Leading up to Advent, I pray to our Lord for guidance through his words thinking that our parents were unfair and unreasonable. in Psalm 37:1-18 to actively trust in Him, be patient, not give in to anger, Yet we are called to continue on this faith journey in the midst of this nor envy, not aspire to mundane short lived glories or desires, but to uncertainty. The Bible doesn’t always make sense to us. God’s will isn’t follow in His path and be fulfilled with His unconditional love for us, always clear. And yet our faith tells us that God is with us and, in the end, knowing that as long as we seek Him, He will always be there for us. God’s will will be done. In this season of Advent, as we deal with the Amen. ambiguity of modern life and try to make sense of Jesus’s teachings and the rest of the Bible, let us approach the scriptures with an attitude of patience, Elias Georges Chowdhury, Finland (family); France (motherland); UK (at openness, and wonder. After all, the Israelites were expecting a mighty heart). Chemical and Process Engineer. warrior to rebuke their enemies, but the savior instead came in the form of a baby born in a barn to a poor unwed mother. Jennifer Spande, USA, working mom and armchair theologian wannabe</p><p>Thursday, December 11 Friday, December 12 PSALM 37:1 – 18 Trust the Lord Psalm 31 (New American Bible) Psalm 31 seems to be written from an incredibly stressed-out, yet At times we experience great losses, and the difficulties or strangely hopeful, place. This psalm is a prayer, a plea, a cry in the disappointments in life may seem overwhelming. We resist change and midst of distress, for God’s help: try to protect ourselves, and those we love, but life seems to overpower all our efforts. Nothing we do succeeds in reversing events. Losing loved My strength has failed through affliction, and my bones are ones, living far from familiar homes, missing family and friends who live consumed…I am like a dish broken… Into your hands I commend far away, aging… these are things that we all have experienced and that my spirit, you will redeem me, O Lord, O faithful God. leave us with feelings of sorrow and grief and loss. It is also a petition, written from this broken place that weaves back and forth with two images of God. One is of a loving God who embodies In this season of Advent, though, we are reminded how blessed we are strength and goodness -- You are my rock and my fortress. by our Lord’s love, and that we are never alone. I am certain, as is the psalmist, that our pleas to God are always answered, for He is faithful The second is an image that seems to revel in a God who smites his and He favors each one of us. When we find ourselves in the depths of enemies….let them be reduced to silence in the nether world. Let the the greatest despair, He is there, always. He waits for us to merely look dumbness strike their lying lips. up, and ask Him for help; He lifts us up from the pit with His enduring love and gives each of us reasons to hope, opening our eyes to all the Isn’t that the dual reality I struggle with, that we all struggle with, possibilities for joy. especially when stressed out, overwhelmed or vulnerable? The search for faith in an all-loving God and through that faith a connection to all As we near Christmas and its celebrations – celebrations of love and human beings, mixed with an undercurrent that revels in the misfortune family and friends and Christ’s coming – our joy is multiplied by the of someone who “gets what he deserves.” knowledge of God’s love for all of us. This time of year, we are all waiting – from children waiting for Christmas morning with eagerness and joy, to So the central question: How to live more fully in the hopeful place, that adults looking forward to the holidays and the time to be with family and quiet spot that allows our best to shine through? What are the friends. I never knew Christmas, though, until I finally understood what possibilities for meditation and prayer to help us become less broken, we are really waiting for – our Savior, coming to us as a baby on more whole and at peace? Christmas, with promises of rejoicing to come in the morning, and His Into your hands I commend my spirit; love to clothe us with joy. you will redeem me, O LORD, O faithful God. Richard Simon, USA, astronomer, husband and father Steve Reifenberg, USA, educator, lover of Patagonia</p><p>Saturday, December 13 Sunday, December 14</p><p>Psalm 30 Hebrews 12: 18-29 NASB Life always brought them to many places with many options and many questions. For the most important one God answered them sweetly: This is exactly what I want to do with your heart: to destroy it, to melt it. I want to shake you, to burn your arrogance, your pride, to create in you a faith that can´t be shaken, just like my Kingdom. Surprised and still unbelieving they allowed God to judge them, to become less so He could become greater.</p><p>Jesus made a new heart, a place where He could be born and a place where the freedom to choose from many possible journeys in this life on earth, will always lead to the one that will be preserved in the end: the path He has set for us through his Word, through faith in Christ, and especially through His Grace – everlasting Life.</p><p>Rocio Rodriguez Leon, Costa Rica, Home-maker</p><p>Friedrich Speidel, Canada, Adventurous geologist</p><p>Joachim Speidel, age 13. Artist, born in Panama but has also lived in Costa Rica and Peru.</p><p>Monday, December 15 Psalm 41 and Luke 22:39-53 This year has been a difficult one for many events that have taken place and the government will be on his shoulders. in my life. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6) There have been times when I have wondered where God is when it hurts. I never thought that being a happy and positive person I would one I've been waiting for my girlfriend for 15 years. I've been craving for her. day see everything as black and negative. I've prayed a lot that I may finally find her. Either in church, or in Jerusalem, or in a coffee place surrounded by happy couples, or alone I started therapy with a psychologist about a month ago and on the third as I smoke a cigar listening to a Leonard Cohen song. She will be the meeting she suggested that the very best place to be was in my church, one who will bring happiness to me in love; who will share with me my joy with my brothers and sisters in the faith, and to think about all the good and my sadness as well; who will kiss me; who will give me her wise things I have received from God in my life. I have said as the psalmist: “O advice; and who will allow me to have delightful moments of pleasure, Lord have mercy on me; heal me, for I have sinned against you” Psalm both by day and by night. 41: 4 when I doubt about your love for me, when I ignore those who are less blessed. As I'm in this quest, I've been getting ready for her. I've been learning to dance; I've been trying out words of healing if she's sad; maybe I will Now I see things differently, I look at the pictures of Martin my one year learn to cook. I want to be her best boyfriend, and to give her the greatest old, only grandson where he smiles and looks so happy. I thank God for raptures she may have ever dreamt of. his many blessings. Advent is also a moment of waiting. We are waiting for the Messiah. It's a “I will praise you forever for what you have done, in your name I will hope moment to believe that He will finally arrive, and to trust Isaiah's word, for your name is good. I will praise you in the presence of your saints!” because God is speaking through his mouth. But if we are believing, if we Jesus asked his disciples: “Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray so are waiting, we must be ready to welcome him. that you will not fall into temptation “. Luke 22: 46 Let´s not sleep in faith, let´s not forget the weak and the sick for God has promised to Do we believe? And if we do, how are we getting ready? deliver us in times of troubles. (Psalm 41:1) Ricardo Arturo Pulgar May this new Advent Season bring us new hopes and prepare our hearts Graduate in Economics at the Catholic University of Chile. for the birth of our everlasting Saviour Jesus. God bless you, all! He's researched counterterrorism and counterfeit. He likes playing the piano, writing poetry, dancing and going Hector Barrientos, Proud Grandfather, Teacher of English at Liceo to the theatre. He speaks four languages (English, Spanish, French and Andres Bello, La Florida Hebrew). Tuesday, December 16 Wednesday, December 17</p><p>For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, The Advent season is a time of waiting and preparation. Just as in Matthew 3.1-12, we find John the Baptist was proclaiming and preparing a way for our Lord. Verse 3 quotes: This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah. “A voice of one calling in the desert, Prepare the way for the Lord, Make straight paths for him.”</p><p>We also should be preparing our hearts, minds and our spiritual lives to be focusing on the birth of our Lord Jesus into this world. Where are we in the midst of this season? Frantically shopping, working, planning Christmas activities and parties, or are we listening and waiting? Should we plan our lives in minute detail? </p><p>In Psalm 50 verse 1: "The Mighty One, God the Lord, speaks and summons the earth, from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets. From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth." </p><p>What do we gain from so much planning, when God holds our future in His hands? Yes we should plan for His arrival and should be constantly prepared..... but the rest we must leave up to Him who has the eternal plan for us. </p><p>As we await yet another Christmas Season, let us once again remember the significance of His birth. What it has meant to our lives. Let us keep close to Him who guides and nourishes us through His word, the Bible that we may truly be prepared and waiting... not only this Advent season, but forever.</p><p>Penny Reid, Originally from the UK, but now permanently in Chile. Mother, grandmother, nature lover and walker (along flat paths). Grania McKittrick , age 7. Chilean/British. Loves hockey, drawing, Member of the Women´s Forum and Monday Morning Bible Study group. strawberries and cream! Thursday, December 18 Friday, December 19</p><p>Psalm 50 and Matthew 3:1-12. Matthew 11:2-15 New International Version</p><p>“Oh, look! Look up high in the tree at what I have found! I can’t believe it! Are A Case of Mistaken Identity you ready? Do you have your camera ready? Take a look at this! It is unbelievable!” I heard these words endless times during the week that I toured “When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples around Costa Rica, visiting tropical and rain forests. The guides are all about to ask him ‘Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect building expectation and excitement. someone else?’” In face of this high-energy banter, my inner process transformed. At first, in reaction to these words, my thought process was “Wow! This is exciting! What John was sent to prepare the way for Jesus, and when John heard what am I going to see this time? Will it be a toucan?” I would go through my mental Jesus was doing, he still did not recognize in Jesus the expected checklist of all of the animals that I was expecting to see but had not yet had the Messiah. “How is that possible?” we might ask. opportunity, and I would eagerly look through the binoculars. However, as the days went on, my attitude began to change. My excitement began to be tainted Mark reports that the disciples did not understand Jesus’ mission right up with cynicism as yet another sloth was pointed out. I found my thought process to the end: on the road to Jerusalem, Jesus corrects, even rebukes, his to sound like the following: “Hmm… will it really be something new and exciting, disciples for their misunderstanding of him and of his kingdom. (See or is it just hype? I have seen enough sloths. Will I ever get to see a toucan?” Mark 8:31-9:1, 9:31-37, 10:33-45). Again, how is it possible that they did not understand what was right before them? Today’s reading begins, “As the people were filled with expectation, and all were questioning in their hearts concerning John, whether he might be the Messiah…” (Luke 3:15) For generations the Jews had been (and still are) on The Messianic expectation was that Jesus would do justice and establish the lookout for the Messiah. Here we have another reference to their his kingdom by defeating the Romans militarily. In other words, they expectation and their questioning despite the multi-generational wait. expected violence and domination to be Jesus’s means of establishing justice. Unequivocally, Jesus says, “No!” to this. The kingdom looks like How am I doing in this re-invented wait of Advent? What are my expectations this, he says: “The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have like this far into the season? Am I still actively preparing myself for Jesus´ birth? leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news Is my expectation like that of the Jews, or have I allowed the pre-Christmas is preached to the poor. Blessed is the man who does not fall away on activity to turn my Advent preparation into a cynical toucan search? account of me.”</p><p>What is our Messianic expectation? Who will arrive on Christmas Day? Shana Harrison, U.S.A (Arkansas), Adores children and those who are differently-abled. Danette Beavers, USA, Wife/Mother</p><p>Saturday, December 20 Sunday, December 21 Luke 3:15-20 NRSV Ephesians 6:10-20 New International Version How do you wear your armor from God? Is it light and easy to carry, hardly noticeable as a part of who you are and how you live? Or does it weigh heavily? And shift sideways a little every now and then? Do bits fall off and have to be retrieved?</p><p>I know I struggle with my armor - ¨this belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, ready feet, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of spirit.¨ It is a lot of armor to carry around all the time.</p><p>As I travel through my life I know bits of my armor do fall off and move out of place. I am aware of this and so I work hard to replace the rebellious bits, to wear this full armor from God comfortably and with complete conviction.</p><p>This awareness helps me to focus more on my Christianity, on how God works in my life and how I should work at being a better Christian. It makes me reflect, read, pray and make changes. I would love to be able to wear my full armor of God lightly, easily, and happily, so it is a complete and permanent part of me. This is my challenge. I suspect it may take a life time.</p><p>How do you wear your armor?</p><p>Jenny Woodfield, Mother, Teacher, Baker, Friend</p><p>Josh Tweed, age 8. Canada, avid reader and loves sports.</p><p>Monday, December 22 Tuesday, December 23 A prayer based on today’s bible readings: Psalm 66, 67/Isaiah 11:10- 16/Rev. 20:11-21:8/Luke 1:5-25 from NIV Psalm 89: 1-29 (NIV)</p><p>My beloved grandmother recently passed away at the age of 98 years. How awesome are your deeds, God. Let all the earth praise you. During her lifetime she saw many changes, from cars which she learned You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. to drive, to computers which she never could understand. She also outlived many important people in her life including my grandfather, We confess our sins to you and earnestly repent. family members and friends. Over the past several years, when she was Your word has come to us that all your people will share in the not in good health and often alone, I remember wondering what it was inheritance of the new heaven and the new earth, where you will live that kept her going, content and always kind. Verses 16-18 of Psalm 89 among them. clearly explain to me what my grandmother always understood, that the Lord is our shield and strength. We give you thanks for that promise and for gathering your people from all corners of the earth. Throughout the year, and in particular at this time of year, our lives seem filled with important tasks and urgent deadlines. This Psalm reminded John the Baptist was set apart from the time before his birth to proclaim me of what I know in my heart—although I am often unwilling to let it the coming of your son. As advent is coming to a close and we will soon steer me—the fact that all I really need to be happy and protected is celebrate the anniversary of the first coming of Jesus, we pray that your God’s love. Spirit will guide us to live lives in expectation of his second coming. May we, by doing so, lead others to salvation. On Christmas Eve and everyday let us thank God for the love that he showed us through the gift of his son Jesus by rejoicing in His name and May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon exulting in His righteousness. us. Laurie Kelly, USA Amen. Wife and mother</p><p>Arina Lewis, Born in the Netherlands, immigrated to Canada as a teenager and have wandered the globe since marrying Dale. Mother of Jonathan and Janelle.</p><p>Wednesday, December 24 December 24th continued Psalm 89: 1-29 (Extreme Faith, Contemporary English Version)</p><p>Our Lord, you bless those who join in the festival and walk in the brightness of your presence. We are happy all day because of you, and your saving power brings honor to us. Your own glorious power Makes us strong, and because of your kindness, our strength increases. our Lord and our King, the Holy One of Israel, You are truly our shield.</p><p>Lord we should always be happy because you love us. I have learned that you bring honor to the world and forgive us. You always put us on the right path, but sometimes we go on the wrong path because we do not listen to you and do the wrong thing. Even then we know that you are with us, and you indicate the right way. That’s why I always know you love me a lot, and I will always love you. We thank you for the gift you gave us on Christmas Eve when you sent Jesus to teach us more about you.</p><p>Antonia Bignotti Kelly, Chile 4th grade student Loves spending time with friends, ballet and TP club Madeline Woodfield, age 9. Australian who has lived in Peru, Canada and Chile but never Australia! Enjoys swimming, kayaking and skiing. Christmas Day</p>
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