<p> Revised October 25, 2006</p><p>Continuous Assessment Plan Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Unit Wide Assessment- Initial Evaluation of Teacher Candidates General Academic Proficiency (GAP) Mission and Goal Data Collection Statement Instruments Evaluation Criteria Assessment Results Program Improvement MSU Mission: Murray State ACT Composite 21 Average 23 Faculty teaching EDU 103, University serves as a (same as 2004-2005 EDU 303, ELE 306, REA 306, residential, regional university average; increased from and ELE 307 will encourage offering core programs in the 2003-2004 average of 22) students to meet with their liberal arts, humanities, sciences faculty advisors to develop a The COE is enforcing an plan of action to prepare to and selected high quality retake the exam by attending professional programs. Murray advising policy adopted in Fall, 2004. Students who ACT workshops, accessing State shall offer a limited have ACT < 19 remain with ACT prep texts and software, number of master’s degrees as Dr. Kem. Students with and seeking assistance through well as the specialist program in ACT > 19 are reassigned to MSU student support services education. faculty advisors who will as needed. Students with ACT scaffold their efforts to raise < 19 may be counseled to seek their scores to > 21. another profession. </p><p>Dr. Lee Kem conducted 4 Extended campus sites will ACT preparatory workshops hold firm to advising policy. (2 per semester) to assist Site coordinators will work students’ efforts to raise with community college faculty their scores. 27 students to encourage students to attended these workshops. achieve ACT > 21 before Created FYE 098 section of taking MSU professional Freshmen O for students coursework. with low ACT scores to facilitate their efforts. Extended campus site coordinators work with community colleges to offer ACT prep sessions.</p><p>Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 1 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Revised October 25, 2006</p><p>Initial Evaluation of Teacher Candidates General Academic Proficiency (GAP) Mission and Goal Data Collection Evaluation Criteria Assessment Results Program Improvement Statement Instruments MSU Mission: Murray State GPA in Major and/or 2.5 or higher Checkpoint One: Advisors develop Academic University serves as a Area of Academic 3.27 Restoration (ARP) and residential, regional Emphasis; (decrease from 2004-2005 Professional Development average of 3.40; increase from university offering core Professional Education (PDP) plans with advisees programs in the liberal arts, 2003-2004 average of 3.25) who have not met this humanities, sciences and Checkpoint Two: requirement. selected high quality 3.40 (increase from 2004-2005 professional programs. average of 3.39) Murray State shall offer a Checkpoint Three: limited number of master’s 3.71 degrees as well as the (increase from 2004-2005 specialist program in average of 3.69) education. ENG 101/102 (written) B or better One hundred percent of Design system to input COM 161 (spoken) C or better students admitted to and analyze data via Live MAT 117 C or better Teacher Education met Text. (or other approved higher these requirements. level math) EDU 103 (Phi-NTS 2) Evaluation rubrics with . EDU 103: 89% (fall), . Cooperatively 86% (spring) achieved design rubrics for SED EDP 260 established threshold adequate process (Class Mgt plan-NTS 2) scores. . EDP 260: 76% (fall) 300. SED 300 (ARC-NTS 6) Scores analyzed using and 64% (spring) achieved . Identify and adequate progress. This is address reason why EDP EDU 405 [383] Live Text. below 80% threshold. 260 students did not meet (Project-NTS 4) . EDU 405: 96% (fall) threshold. and 98% (spring) achieved adequate progress. Admission Interview Yes, 2nd Interview, No . One hundred percent . Design online (D 1-6) of students admitted to system to input checklist Teacher Education met this data onto Live Text. requirement. . Analyze . There is no aggregated and systematic procedure in Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 2 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Revised October 25, 2006</p><p> place to identify number of disaggregated data via students who did not pass Live Text. the interview. Formative Evaluation of Teacher Candidates Elem. Ed. Undergraduate, 13.1202 Mission and Goal Data Collection Evaluation Criteria Assessment Results Program Improvement Statement Instruments MSU Mission: Murray State Flagging System Positive or negative 6 positive flags . Inform students of University serves as a (NTS 1-9; D 1-6) by instructor 6 negative flags flagging system during residential, regional university (decrease from 10 positive flags in course introduction. 2004-2005; decrease from 13 . Explore ways to offering core programs in the Flags filed in TES liberal arts, humanities, negative flags in 2004-2005) assist students in addressing student folders. deficit areas. sciences and selected high Reviewed at Main concerns included: . Continue to quality professional programs. Checkpoints 1 and 2. responsibility, unprepared, group encourage faculty to use Murray State shall offer a work, class participation, flagging system. limited number of master’s attendance, late work, and . Develop system for degrees as well as the academic knowledge and skills. collecting/analyzing flag specialist program in date via Live Text. education. Revised TES forms to include new student dispositions.</p><p>Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 3 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Revised October 25, 2006</p><p>Committee Yes or No . 360 candidates admitted . Faculty assist Review of to Teacher Education. Some students having difficulty Candidates candidates were ineligible meeting the GAP by because of failure to meet referring them to special GAP scores. services and/or developing . Students who do not PDP plans. meet the GAP and have ACT . Design online < 19 remain as Dr. Kem’s system to input data onto advisees. Students with ACT Live Text. > 19 are assigned to faculty . Analyze advisors. aggregated and . Designed Professional disaggregated data via Development Plan (PDP) Live Text. forms to facilitate faculty efforts to assist students. . There is no systematic procedure in place to analyze the data.</p><p>Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 4 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Revised October 25, 2006</p><p>Formative Evaluation of Teacher Candidates Elem. Ed. Undergraduate, 13.1202 Mission and Goal Data Collection Evaluation Criteria Assessment Results Program Improvement Statement Instruments MSU Mission: Murray State Praxis Specialty Pass or Fail 117 students took the Praxis Encourage University serves as a Exam #0011 #0011 exam. 100% passed. students to attend Dr. residential, regional university Elementary Praxis #0011: 163 The #0011 is no longer Kem’s ACT preparatory offering core programs in the Education (P-5) available for KY use. workshops because both liberal arts, humanities, (NTS 8) Praxis #0014: 158 24 students took the Praxis tests address similar sciences and selected high #0014 exam. 100% passed. content. quality professional programs. Murray State shall offer a Continue series of limited number of master’s Altogether, 141 students took PRAXIS #0014 degrees as well as the a Praxis exam. More students workshops to prepare specialist program in took the PRAXIS than in students at all sites. education. previous years. Revisit #0014 2004-05: 141 alignment with new 2003-04: 129 undergraduate studies 2002-03: 129 coursework. 2001-02: 111 Encourage faculty 2000-01: 82 to integrate sample 1999-00: 84 Praxis questions within existing coursework. Dr. Jacqueline Hansen, Dr. Joyce Shatzer, and Veronica Russell revisited the elementary program alignment with the #0014 exam. </p><p>Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 5 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Revised October 25, 2006</p><p>Formative Evaluation of Teacher Candidates Elem. Ed. Undergraduate, 13.1202 Mission and Goal Data Collection Evaluation Criteria Assessment Results Program Improvement Statement Instruments MSU Mission: Murray State Principles of Pass or Fail 152 students took the exam. Create a series of University serves as a Learning and 100% passed. PLT #0052 workshops residential, regional university Teaching Exam Cut Score:161 to prepare students at offering core programs in the # 0052 More took the PLT than in all sites. liberal arts, humanities, (NTS 1-8) previous years: sciences and selected high Encourage 2004-05: 152 quality professional programs. faculty to integrate 2003-04: 132 Murray State shall offer a sample PLT questions 2002-03: 132 within existing limited number of master’s 2001-02: 124 degrees as well as the coursework. specialist program in education.</p><p>Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 6 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Revised October 25, 2006</p><p>Summative Evaluation of Teacher Candidates Elem. Ed. Undergraduate, 13.1202 Mission and Goal Data Collection Evaluation Criteria Assessment Results Program Improvement Statement Instruments MSU Mission: Murray Student Teacher Outstanding Performance/ Created scantron forms to . Annually update State University serves as 7/8 Week Evaluation and Satisfactory Performance/ facilitate data input. forms. a residential, regional (NTS 1-9; D 1-6) Not Making Progress . Initiate analysis of university offering core Integrated new dispositions data via Live Text. programs in the liberal Final Evaluation of Outstanding Performance/ on forms. arts, humanities, sciences Student Teachers Satisfactory Performance/ Not Making Progress Data has not been analyzed at and selected high quality (NTS 1-9; D 1-6) this time. professional programs. Murray State shall offer a limited number of master’s</p><p>Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 7 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Revised October 25, 2006</p><p> degrees as well as the Eligibility Portfolio Satisfactory Performance/ . 100% of student . Design online specialist program in (NTS 1-9; D 1-6) Making Progress/ teachers passed the system to input and education. Not Making Progress eligibility portfolio analyze data via Live requirement. This Text. This might be information is entered on included in a checklist COESIS, but there is no format. systematic procedure in place to analyze the data. . COE committee . An ad hoc, continues working on the interdepartmental committee TWS (TPA) e-portfolio is investigating ways to format. revise the existing portfolio to more closely align with the Teacher Work Sample version being touted by the EPSB. . Beginning Fall 2007 students will be required to use Live Text for their e- portfolios. . Portfolios are constructed in EDU 103. They are evaluated at checkpoints 2 and 3.</p><p>Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 8 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Revised October 25, 2006</p><p>Summative Evaluation of Teacher Candidates Elem. Ed. Undergraduate, 13.1202 Mission and Goal Data Collection Evaluation Criteria Assessment Results Program Improvement Statement Instruments MSU Mission: Murray Weekly Reflections Satisfactory Performance/ There is no systematic . Annually update State University serves as Professional Growth Plans Making Progress/ procedure in place to analyze forms. a residential, regional Remediation Plan (if Not Making Progress the data. . Design online university offering core needed) system to input data onto programs in the liberal (NTS 5,7) Live Text. arts, humanities, sciences . Analyze data via and selected high quality Live Text. professional programs. Pass or Fail There is no systematic . Consider aligning Murray State shall offer a Case Study (NTS 2; D 2) procedure in place to analyze study design with teacher limited number of the data. work sample procedures. master’s degrees as well . Design online as the specialist program system to input data onto in education. Live Text. . Analyze data via Live Text.</p><p>Teaching Observations Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory There is no systematic . Design online 6 observations recorded procedure in place to analyze system (checklist?) to input the data. data onto Live Text. . Analyze data via Live Text.</p><p>Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 9 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Revised October 25, 2006</p><p>Summative Evaluation of Teacher Candidates Elem. Ed. Undergraduate, 13.1202 Mission and Goal Data Collection Evaluation Criteria Assessment Results Program Improvement Statement Instruments MSU Mission: Murray Recent Graduate Survey Various Responses Targeted items with < 80% . Work with Roads State University serves as combined rating in top three Scholars and TQI FEA a residential, regional levels of satisfaction. programs to encourage university offering core culturally diverse students to programs in the liberal N=150 ELE enter ELE program arts, humanities, sciences students . Encourage students 94.67% Caucasian to seek financial aid and and selected high quality 49.33% < 22 years support for being first in professional programs. old families to earn BS. Murray State shall offer a 66.67% first BS in . Work closely with limited number of family community colleges and master’s degrees as well 58.39% transfer extended campus sites. as the specialist program from CC . Continue building in education. 33.56% worked 11- program offerings at 2 + 2 20+ hrs. sites.</p><p>Overall satisfaction with instruction, advising, and program coursework. Student Teaching 5-point Likert scale Because of a change in Develop Exit Survey ITs, this data is in the online system to analyze Rated the degree to which process of being results instantly. Continue the elementary program analyzed at the time of conversations with coursework prepared them this writing. targeted course instructors, for their student teaching university coordinators, and future career. and advisory council members to encourage alignment of course activities with PLT/Praxis topics and the standards of learned societies and ELE program goals. Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 10 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Revised October 25, 2006</p><p>Summative Evaluation of Teacher Candidates Elem. Ed. Undergraduate, 13.1202 Mission and Goal Data Collection Evaluation Criteria Assessment Results Program Improvement Statement Instruments MSU Mission: Murray EPSB KTIP Survey Excellent/ Good/ Fair/ Targeted items with < . Continued State University serves as Poor 80% rating on combined implementation of a residential, regional excellent/good categories. CHAMPs program. university offering core 25 item Results indicated a need Implement CHAMPs programs in the liberal survey for interns to become program modules into arts, humanities, sciences 4-pt. Likert better prepared in these designated courses. and selected high quality scale areas: Develop online system to professional programs. track students’ progress. N= 757 Murray State shall offer a lesson design/ Define summative project. limited number of working with students . Encourage master’s degrees as well with special needs faculty to teach students as the specialist program (items 7, 22, 24) how to apply relevant in education. student assessment assessment and (item 14) instructional strategies throughout the ELE We currently conduct two methods coursework. classroom management workshops per semester for student teachers</p><p>Trained faculty to integrate CHAMPs modules into identified courses. </p><p>Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 11 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Revised October 25, 2006</p><p>Elem. Ed. Undergraduate, 13.1202 Suggestions for Program Improvement: Fall, 2005 People Making Suggestions Suggestions: Fall, 2005 Update: Fall, 2006 Department Chair and Create department committee to design and COE sponsored Folklore Festival Feb. 16, 2005. Dr. Elementary Program implement an annual Folklore Festival. Johnston Akuma-Kalu was the keynote speaker. Sixteen Coordinator Undergraduate and graduate students in the ELE 20-minute presentations were given by student presenters. program will make poster and session presentations There were 26 poster presentations. Approximately 60 celebrating folklore from around the world. This will people attended the event. Food was provided by the be a one-day event. A keynote speaker’s address will be followed by a box lunch and student Dean’s office. presentations. A formal proposal review process will Continuance is being considered. Expand program be followed. The purpose of this event is to provide committee. Perhaps schedule it later in the semester. professional development opportunities for ELE Have simple snacks instead of box lunches. students. Moreover, students will investigate and celebrate cultural diversity. Suggestions for Program Improvement: Fall, 2006 Dean, Department Chair, and . Create position of Extended Campus Coordinator. This individual will facilitate the site coordinators’ Elementary Program efforts at the regional campuses. Coordinator . Revise the undergraduate guide sheets once the university studies proposal is accepted by the Provosts’ Office. . Work with regional schools to keep up to date on: classroom management, character education, KY standards, scope and sequence, accommodations for students with special needs, interactive instructional technology . Vary grade levels during field . Embed lessons on effective assessment throughout methods courses . Professors visit schools for the day; Professors model during field experiences . Give students more choices and options . Conduct an informational, voluntary meeting for seniors about the MA programs</p><p>Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 12 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006 Revised October 25, 2006</p><p>Program Decision Made October 31, 2006 Decision-Making Committee ELE Faculty Elementary Advisory Council members:</p><p>. Dr. Jo Robertson (ECE Department Chair) . Dr. Jacqueline Hansen (elementary program coordinator) . Arlene Alexander (Henderson site coordinator) . Lisa Armstrong (elementary teacher; graduate student) . Holly Bloodworth (elementary teacher; adjunct) . Janet Caldwell (elementary principal) . Patsy Chaney (retired principal; adjunct) . Susan Edington (Madisonville site coordinator) . Jennifer Gentry (environmental education consultant; graduate student) . Sharon Gieselmann (Hopkinsville site coordinator) . Pam Matlock (Paducah site coordinator) . Cheryl Polichette (undergraduate student) . Veronica Russell (distinguished practitioner) . Joyce Shatzer (assistant professor) . Lynnette Smith (undergraduate student) . Hannah Stark (elementary teacher; graduate student)</p><p>Program: Elementary Education Level: Undergraduate CIP Number: 13.1202 13 College of Education Assessment Year: 2006-2007 Student Data: 2005-2006</p>
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