H4644 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 21, 2004 GREENWOOD) came running up to me months he had in power before 9/11, Saudis or the Pakistanis or anyone else when he saw me and said, ‘‘How did you was, along with a few others, in a high to provide the leadership. It is up to know? How did you know?’’ Well, the level position to argue against, if not the people of the United States and our question is why did any of us not to change, the grotesquely mistaken leaders here to lead the way, and I have know? Why did we not know? Why did policies of the eighties and nineties, every confidence that our President those whom we have hired to protect but he failed to do so. In fact, we know will do and is doing just that. us not know? a few of the things that he did were ex- f It is time for those who made pos- actly in the wrong direction. sible the rise of the Taliban, the rise of If another 9/11 is to be avoided, we LEAVE OF ABSENCE bin Laden, and, yes, the tragedy of 9–11 need accountability. We do not need By unanimous consent, leave of ab- to be held personally accountable and the rearranging of a bureaucratic orga- sence was granted to: for us to understand the policies and nizational chart. There is nothing Mr. BECERRA (at the request of Ms. the people that caused 9–11. It was not wrong with our system that brought on PELOSI) for today on account of per- something that was ordained by God to 9/11, and there is nothing wrong with sonal reasons. happen. It could have been stopped had our system which will not be corrected Ms. CARSON of Indiana (at the request we been responsible and had people by having different policies in place of Ms. PELOSI) for today on account of done their job. and different people in positions of au- personal reasons. The list stretches over both Repub- thority. Mr. EMANUEL (at the request of Ms. lican and Democratic administrations. Let us now, if nothing else, be honest PELOSI) for June 18 and today on ac- Through the failures of the CIA under with each other. We have Ms. Gorelick, count of personal reasons. Ronald Reagan when the CIA fellow in who is on the panel investigating 9/11, Mr. FROST (at the request of Ms. Islamabad channeled our money to fa- when she herself issued mandates that PELOSI) for today on account of per- natics when there were other people undercut our ability to fight terrorism sonal reasons. fighting the communists, the Soviets, back in the 1990s. Let us be honest with Mr. HASTINGS of Florida (at the re- who would have been happy to get each other. Let us have an honest ac- quest of Ms. PELOSI) for today on ac- those supplies. We could have built counting. We can start right there by count of illness in the family. their strength up. So from that failure relieving that person from her respon- Mr. REYES (at the request of Ms. to the blunders of the State Depart- sibilities and looking at that role that PELOSI) for today and June 22 on ac- ment under George Bush to the incom- she played that undercut the ability of count of a family health matter. petence and disingenuous posturing of our departments and agencies to do Mr. MCINNIS (at the request of Mr. the diplomats under Bill Clinton, ac- their job. DELAY) for today and June 22 and 23 on countability requires that their names So, let us be honest with one another, account of attending a funeral. be given. have an honest accounting, and then Mr. PORTER (at the request of Mr. Retired General Patrick Hughes, who let us join together and let us commit DELAY) for today on account of official as head of the Defense Intelligence ourselves to defeating this murderous business. Agency, fired Julie Sirrs and today enemy, this enemy that would destroy Mr. PUTNAM (at the request of Mr. holds a high position in the Depart- our way of life, who hates everything DELAY) for today on account of official ment of Homeland Security. He must that America stands for, and let us de- business. accept responsibility for something he feat this enemy so completely that no Mr. TAUZIN (at the request of Mr. did that was just demonstrably wrong. one will ever again miscalculate about DELAY) for today and the balance of Former ambassador and now Governor the power of the American people or the week on account of medical rea- Bill Richardson, a man who was our the courage of the American people. sons. ambassador to the United Nations, a Today, we have a chance to make a f good person, a good human being whom better world for tomorrow. We saw SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED I personally like, he, under orders from where people and policies of a decade By unanimous consent, permission to who knows who, saved the Taliban ago have left us in this turmoil and address the House, following the legis- from defeat when they were vulnerable. this bloodshed that we face today. But He personally did, along with Former lative program and any special orders if we have courage, and our President Assistant Secretary of State Rick heretofore entered, was granted to: has this courage, and he is unrelenting, Inderfurth. The following Members (at the re- and if we get behind him, and if the Had the Taliban been defeated as quest of Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York) American people are unified in our they were in a position of being de- to revise and extend their remarks and commitment, this threat, just like the feated, 9–11 just would not have hap- include extraneous material: threat of Nazism and Japanese mili- pened. There would not have been a Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York, for 5 staging area for bin Laden to operate tarism in the 1940s and 1930s, we de- minutes, today. feated that threat to mankind, and out of, and, as I say, the former CIA Of- Mr. DEFAZIO, for 5 minutes, today. ficer Milton Bearden, who armed the then we defeated the threat of com- Mr. BROWN of Ohio, for 5 minutes, most fanatic of the Afghan forces who munism. today. But if we are honest with ourselves struggled against the Soviet occupa- Mr. BLUMENAUER, for 5 minutes, tion. and we move forward, correcting our today. The former CIA Director George mistakes, and there will always be mis- Ms. WOOLSEY, for 5 minutes, today. Tenet, whose culpability I have men- takes, there were mistakes in World Ms. SOLIS, for 5 minutes, today. tioned several times, he resigned. He War II, there were mistakes in the war The following Members (at the re- should have done so long ago. Former against communism, but if we correct quest of Mr. JONES of North Carolina) Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, our mistakes and insist that people be to revise and extend their remarks and she was the point person for the policy held accountable, we will build a future include extraneous material: of covert support for the Taliban, and for our children that is secure, and we Mr. GOODLATTE, for 5 minutes, June she was the one who detailed the op- will build a country that can live in 22. portunity for us to receive information peace and prosperity and in friendship Mr. BURTON of Indiana, for 5 minutes, from Sudan that would have permitted with others. June 22, 23, 24, and 25. us to eliminate bin Laden’s terrorist More than that, we will live in Mr. GUTKNECHT, for 5 minutes, today network. Of course it was not the pol- friendship with all people, especially and June 22. icy. She was doing something that was those moderate Muslims who do not Mrs. MUSGRAVE, for 5 minutes, today. consistent with the policy of that ad- share in the hatred and are appalled by Mr. GINGREY, for 5 minutes, today. ministration. the hatred of bin Laden towards the f West. Let us build a world where Chris- b 2330 tians and Muslims can respect each ADJOURNMENT Then, of course, Dick Clarke, who other’s faith. But we need to take the Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, I has criticized this President for the few leadership. We cannot depend on the move that the House do now adjourn. VerDate May 21 2004 03:45 Jun 22, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21JN7.100 H21PT1.
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