7va fi' v1 v, X-i- ' t - .e 4mm Baihd sit 9 and 5:20; Organ WEATHER at 11 Stere Opens at 9 Stere Closes at 5:30 Chlmea at Ncren WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S Fair Down Come the Prices On a Hest of Splendid Things!t r Net "as Little as We Can, But Monday as Much as We Dare" Hanging Lamps and Wall Ready Morning With is our own transposition of Bishop Wescott's words applicable te every Fixtures All Lowered in Price Mere Than $200,000 Werth honest undertaking and mutual help- A Brilliant Opportunity - fulness. of Men's and Women's Shoes Mere $20,000 of hanging fixtures side brackets Nene of us has finished his education than worth and and graduated from the high schools of for electric lights have just had their prices lowered. in a Most Unusual Sale faithful endeavor. 4 Yeu can equip your dining room or living room with new wall The price of shoes is one of Tomorrow's day should count up brackets all around; you can get new hanging-lam-p fixtures for the the greatest items of interest of mere than today's best day. Put en your thinking cap net te table that the family gathers about. the day. make a mere spurt, but te be your real, Instead of going te a manufacturer's and looking at a sample There is an immense amount best, steady sell. and waiting months te have them made up, you can come in here of speculation as te when they and get them and have them sent home at once and save money. are coming down and hew QM much. Signed ffaiMMfc. As low as $2.50 for a side-wa- ll bracket and through a great Nev. 13, 1030. variety of wall fixtures up te $150. The Wanamaker Extraor- dinary Sale of Shoes, starting As low as $2.50 for a small hanging light up te $225. that the women's French hats have served next Monday merni-ig- , bring- NOW There are hall lights, dining-roo- m lights, side lights, drawing-roo- m purpose, revealed the new styles and been ing mere than $200,000 worth models, we have marked them at new lights, living-roeo- m lights, and every sort used as low for the home and of men's and women's Winter prices in plenty of time for a woman te get the bene- assembly hall. fit of the savings and wear the hats all through the Shoes, will show just hew much 33 1-- 3 per winter. All going out with prices lessened cent. can be done in the way of less- (Seoend Floer, Cheitnnt) (Fourth nt, Cntntl) ening the prices of shoes at this If Thank Paris for These Somebody Ytu Knew time. Wants Boudoir Silver Jet Flenncings It's Wonderful the Way the Silks New is the time te find what Mere Than 10,000 of Women's Shoes Net only are they very lovely, pieces are needed te complete the Pair but they are quite new, for they Have Come Down in Price ! ret or it may be te start eno for her. $4.75, $8.75 have just been unpacked and New shipments coming in at lower costs have affected a large part of at $6.75 and you may be sure they are the We find that many women pre- our own geed price come down the pretty engine-turne- d sub- stocks, en which the markings have had te fer Savings of Mere Than $3 a Pair in Every Instance last word from Paris en the stripe te any ether kind, but ject. te meet the lowest market ratings. there are also a great many geed All the fleuncings are of sheer, Loek at these fine staple and novelty silks at these new low prices patterns in plain sterling silver Over 18,000 Pair of Men's Shoes fllmy black net with tiny Jet or cngraved period designs. Crepe new beads, bugles or glistening jet meteor, $4 a Mcssalincs, $2.26 a yard, White broadcloth, $8 a yard Rand mirrors, $25 te $30. jet yard, 40 inches wide, is in all lustrous, lovely qualities. 36 geed qual- $16.60 at $6.75, $7.75, $10.75 and $13.75 new washable silk of Hair brushes, te $21. spangles cleverly combined in the best shades, Including inches wide; colors and black. ity, 32 inches wide; white with Combs, $4 te $7.60. and unusual designs. Some have black. Satins, $3.60 a yard 38 colored stripes. Puff Jars, $11.60 te $20. Savings of$3, $3.25 te Mere Than $5en Every Pair All-Bil- k inches And embroidery, toe. And there is charmeuse, $3.50 a wide, all shades and silks all the smaller pieces te yard, 40 inches wide, is in all particularly geed quality, toe. White jersey and plain match. - one style with velvety chenille white broadcloth, $3 a yard Please note- that all the shoes in this Sale are geed, sound wanted colors, and is a very Georgette crepes, $2 a yard (Jwtr "(or, ChMtnat and introduced. superior quality. It repre- 40 inches wide; all the and 32 inches wide. Thirteenth) 27 38 inches wide, shoes, these most desired for Winter wear. They are te sents a reduction of Sl.'BO and wanted colors, plenty of white, Novelty Georgette crepes, and go from, $10.60 te $30 a yard. $2 a yard. black and flesh color. $1.60 a yard 40 inches wide. low shoes plenty of And te go with them thore are Tnftetas. $2.60 a yard, arc 38 Colored Japanese habuteis, Marie Antoinette Lace There are some Wintel and Winter nw jet fringes and bands in dif- inches wide, in all colors and $1.60 a yard 38 inches wide; Surely something here te high shoes of nearly every description. ferent widths. plenty of navy blue. plenty of black and navy blue. suit every silk-needi- woman! Curtains Ordered a (Main Floer, Central) (FlMt Floer, cheitnut) Year Age This Sale is distinctly net a clearaway of peer selling or But It takes se long te make freak styles. It is a genuine, splendid Sale of the best types of these beautiful curtains that we Women's Fine Tricetine Gowns have only recently received them. shoes in our collection. Nearly all arc imported and every New $85 $150 one is beautiful in workmanship te and design. These are the interesting indi- frock has ribbon ombreidory done Extra! Seme of the Descriptiens: rd Here one-thi- are have in lacquered ribbon; another The prices arc Just about vidual pieccs which been with less than we had order glazed Men's the house only a few weeks, but has ball buttons set en very close 1000 Women's Sports Coats, if te Women's Shoes at $4.75 black Shoes at $6.75 dull black calf having correspond- these curtains new. which have already had their together and In white and color kidskin, and dull black calfskin lace shoes skin and glazed kidskin shoes in lace, ma- They in ing loops; a third has n binding Slip-en- Arab sash prices lowered. are Sweaters and s curtains, $5.75 te $18.60 a pair. hogany bearded calfskin and tan grain black and navy only, the ma- of wide lacquered ribbon. Leng curtains. JR.75 te S30 a pair. in various heel and tee effects. quality, and These the gowns which blucher lace shoes in a variety of styles terial of beautiful are (Fifth Floer, Mark!) Women's Shoes at $6.75 dull black usually of the straight-lin- e type. leek be well with fur neck- in a Sudden Sale and toe shapes. One dress has large bound eye- pieces for their only finish when Fer immediate clearaway we will sell ever 1000 calfskin and glazed black kidskins and va- ornamentation; another the weather permits, and which The Modern Men's Shoes at $7.75 mostly fine, A lets for sports coats, slip-en- s and sweaters, in wool, silk, arti- Nursery has a delicate design wrought in can be worn under smart top rious tan calfskin shoes, all lace, mostly blucher and straight lace high shoes in green beads; en ethors again the coats or fur coats when it doesn't. ficial silk and jersey knit wool, at Has tbe Right Furniture dull black Deads navy or black. One $86 te $160. with Cuban and military heels. Splendid and tan calfskin, also various are Prices, and the right place te get (Flrit Floer, Central) One-Four- that excellent tan and black Oxfords. One-Ha- lf te th furniture is in the Children's shoes for the money. have Men's Stere, vhore they an excel- Women's Shoes at $8.75 a comprehen- Shoes at $10.75 a let of only lent assortment. 525 pair of tan Norwegian and mahogany of Regular Prices Dainty bassinets in many sive collection of nearly all sorts of geed Incomplete lines, oddments and garments slightly soiled from styles are $25.60 te $65. cordovan and tan calfskin shoes in fashion- handling but all first quality goods and values really wonderful. Kiddie koeps arc $31.50. calfskin, buckskin and glazed kidskin, high able effects. Wardrobes and chests of mi At $2.50 are 116 wool slip-en- s and sweaters. drawers are $34 te $08. and low shoes, mostly lace, with Cuban Men's Shoes at $13.75 very fine shoes Toilet chairs $12.76 te $14.
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