GAP Mission Statement

GAP Mission Statement

<p> Associates Building Careers</p><p>ABC Manual</p><p>ASSOCIATES BUILDING CAREERS (ABC)</p><p>Last Formatted by BS Daly on 2/8/2005 Associates Building Careers</p><p>ABC Manual</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>ABC OVERVIEW</p><p>ABC: ABOUT US...... 3 ABC MISSION STATEMENT...... 3 ABC BENEFITS...... 3 ABC ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE...... 4 ABC Chairs...... 4 ABC Coordinators...... 4 ABC Members...... 4 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES...... 5 ABC Chair/Co-Chair...... 5 FAT Coordinator...... 6 International Luncheon Coordinator...... 6 Miscellaneous Positions...... 6 Elections and Nominations...... 7 BUDGET...... 7 ABC ACTIVITIES ABC MEETINGS...... 8 Winter Meeting...... 8 New-Hire/Intern Welcome Meeting...... 8 Intern Presentations...... 8 Fall Meeting...... 8 INTERNATIONAL LUNCHEON...... 8 FLUOR ASSOCIATES IN TRAINING (FAT)...... 9 MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM...... 9 Industrial Scholars Internship Program (ISIP)...... 9 GRADUATES ADVANCING TO PROFESSIONALISM (GAP)...... 10</p><p>Last Formatted by BS Daly on 2/8/2005 Associates Building Careers</p><p>ABC Manual</p><p>ABC OVERVIEW Devoted to the continual technical, professional, and social development of Fluor Associate engineers, Associates Building Careers (ABC) serves as a unifying organization which seeks to provide opportunities to each member. The following booklet details the history, structure, past events, and helpful instruction for future ABC members.</p><p>ABC: About Us During the Summer of 2001, the Associates Building Careers (ABC) organization was reinstated within the Houston Process Department in order to foster relationships between Process Associates and assist them in their early career as a professional engineer. The overall goal of ABC is to develop Associate Process Engineers through technical, professional, and personal opportunities by utilizing various outlets such as quarterly meetings, training programs, departmental events, and charity activities. ABC primary membership consists of Associate Process Engineers or those with zero to three years post- baccalaureate. ABC is organized and led by a chair and a co-chair, advised and supervised by the Process Technology Department managers.</p><p>ABC Mission Statement The mission of Associates Building Career (ABC) is to enhance the technical, professional, and personal skills of the Associate Process Engineers and interns by providing opportunities within the Process Technology department while creating a bond between fellow Associates and easing them into the role of a professional Process Engineer.</p><p>ABC Benefits ABC encourages Fluor Process Associate engineers to explore their capabilities through the opportunities available at Fluor, providing the following variety of benefits:</p><p> Increased exposure to Fluor Process management in a leadership role  Open forum for one to express new ideas and suggestions that will improve upon the environment of the Process Associate  Increased understanding of the Fluor Process culture  Numerous opportunities to meet peers and share knowledge  Increased teamwork to reach a common goal  Improved communication skills  Enhanced pride in the company and work</p><p>Last Formatted by BS Daly on 2/8/2005 Associates Building Careers</p><p>ABC Manual</p><p>ABC ORGANIZATION ABC is organized to provide a flat structure consistent with the goal of providing opportunities in leadership and in event coordination while maintaining an organized, cooperative environment. The following section outlines and defines the structure and overall role of each position within ABC, also outlining the key responsibilities of each coordinating member.</p><p>STRUCTURE</p><p>ABC Structure</p><p>Chair/Co-Chair Chair/Co-Chair</p><p>International Luncheon Coordinator New-Hire/Intern Coordinator FAT Coordinator International Luncheon Coordinator New-Hire/Intern Coordinator FAT Coordinator</p><p>ABC Chairs ABC Chairs provide leadership for the ABC group. The Chair and Co-Chair interact regularly with the Process Management and Sponsors on issues such as the ABC budget, proposed events, and service opportunities while representing the interest of the ABC members. Each Chair makes sure ABC Coordinators communicate regularly regarding planned events, sharing the resources of available volunteers, and budget.</p><p>ABC Coordinators ABC Coordinators function as organizers for various activities that benefit the Process Department. About every month, each ABC Coordinator will update the Chairs via email, phone, or meeting on their progress or issues they may have.</p><p>ABC Members ABC Members represent one to four year post-collegiate graduates; those designated as Associate Process Engineers, and temporary engineers such as interns, cooperative, and ISIP students. Members have the opportunity to continually rotate into coordinator positions to ensure that each member has the opportunity to exercise their leadership abilities.</p><p>Last Formatted by BS Daly on 2/8/2005 Associates Building Careers</p><p>ABC Manual</p><p>ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES</p><p>ABC Chair/Co-Chair The ABC chairs head the Associates Building Careers (ABC) group. He/she leads ABC and is the representative of the group to the Process Technology Department and Upper Management. These people will work together to raise concerns and matters of Process Associates to Process Management. </p><p>The chair positions will be responsible, but not limited to the following tasks:</p><p> Set and guarantee approval of the ABC budget from Process Technology Department.  Deal with any problems or concerns brought up by ABC members  Organize the four annual meetings, (Winter Meeting, New-hire/Intern Welcome Meeting, Summer Intern Presentations, and Fall Meeting) which entail ordering food and securing room reservations.  Help plan the two major events sponsored by ABC (FAT and International Luncheon)  Dialog with coordinators (about once a month) and deal with the issues they may raise  Keep in contact with Process Management on the forecast of incoming new-hires/interns for the year  Keep in contact with Graduates Advancing to Professionalism (GAP) committee and submit a general calendar of activities to them at the beginning of the year.  Updating the ABC member and e-mail distribution list.  Consult with Process Management on advice for ABC activities  Seek out volunteers for chair and coordinator positions for the next year  Keep track of all ABC records.</p><p>This position requires a strong commitment for the entire year. </p><p>New-Hire/Intern Coordinator Every year the process department hires several college students during the summer. The coordinator will serve as the focal point among the ISIP and summer interns, new-hires, and the ABC group. The New-Hire/Intern Coordinator is encouraged to delegate some of their responsibilities to other members if the need arises.</p><p>The coordinator will be responsible for the following:</p><p> Will welcome new-hires/interns when informed of their arrival  Will give them the FAT Process Engineering Project Overview and their ‘Getting Started Kit’  Get new-hires/interns initially acquainted with the basics (i.e. finding the Fluor Phone Directory, downloading useful software, how to map to network drives, etc)  Make certain to answer any questions they may have and give them his/her extension  Check-in on them every week for the first month to make sure they’re doing okay and then once a month after that for about 6 months  During the summer, collect intern slideshows and organize them before the scheduled day of the Internship Presentations.  Update the chairs on the status of all new-hires/interns once a month via either email or by phone</p><p>This position is especially time consuming during the summer to early winter months (May to October). </p><p>Last Formatted by BS Daly on 2/8/2005 Associates Building Careers</p><p>ABC Manual</p><p>FAT Coordinator Fluor Associates in Training (FAT) Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating the FAT program along side the Process Department Training Coordinator(s) if possible. The FAT Coordinator may solicit other members for help.</p><p>This position is involved with the following activities:  Put together a budget based on the number of new-hires/interns coming to Fluor for the summer and present it to the Process Director by April/March  Maintaining and updating the FAT material and presentations on the department’s directory.  Find veteran process engineers (5+ yrs) and ABC members to teach the 7 sessions and oversee the material being presented.  Put together training materials (i.e. binders and the like) for trainees.  Reserve the rooms and computers about a month in advance for the sessions and order lunch the day before.  Keep the chairs updated on progress and any problems.</p><p>The FAT coordinator will invest a lot of her/his time during the summer months (May to August) once a year.</p><p>International Luncheon Coordinator Once a year, the Process Technology Department asks ABC to sponsor and organize an International Luncheon held in mid-December. The International Luncheon Coordinator will report directly to the chairs in organizing this event. They are encouraged to delegate some responsibilities to other members if the need arises.</p><p>This position is involved with the following activities:</p><p> Set decorations and/or setup slide show in room  Email the Process Department for donations  Keep track of money and food promised for Luncheon from each person  Coordinate with Chairs on schedule for event  Keep Chairs up to date on progress or problems as well as any money expenditures</p><p>The International Luncheon coordinator will invest a lot of her/his time during the fall months (September to December) once a year.</p><p>Miscellaneous Positions</p><p>Occasionally, ABC will have the opportunity to participate in other activities and the ABC Chairs will create new positions to meet the demands of these activities if the need arises.</p><p>Last Formatted by BS Daly on 2/8/2005 Associates Building Careers</p><p>ABC Manual</p><p>Elections and Nominations</p><p>ABC Chair and Co-Chairs The ABC Chair and Co-Chair will be elected on an annual basis. An email entailing the ABC Chair Election process of the ABC Chair will be sent to all ABC members prior to the Fall Meeting. After the email is sent, Associates have one week to submit their names as delegates and a brief about what benefits they would bring to the group. Each delegate will run as an individual delegate. At the end of this week, the delegates’ names and brief will be sent out to the ABC group. At the meeting, all ABC members will vote anonymously and the winners announced. The winners will then work with the existing Chairs to ensure complete turnover of the ABC leadership by the end of the year.</p><p>ABC Coordinators</p><p>The ABC Coordinators for FAT, New-Hire/Intern, and International Luncheon will be annual positions. By the end of January, the new ABC Chairs will announce which chairs are up for transition and ask for applicants. The ABC Chair and current/past Coordinator will then pick the replacement based on the position’s criteria and on the current Coordinator’s knowledge of the required experience. If no interest is expressed, the ABC Chairs and current/past Coordinator will recommend the replacement.</p><p>BUDGET</p><p>The Chairs will present Process Management with a yearly budget for ABC around the end of January. The ABC will only need to include the cost of the four meetings and a few miscellaneous events. The FAT Coordinator will submit a budget around April estimating the costs based on a forecast of new-hires and interns coming in during the summer. A budget for the International Luncheon will be submitted around early September with input from Process Management. Attached below are samples of budgets for each event.</p><p>ABC budget 2005.xls International FAT Budget 04.xls Luncheon Budget 2004.xls</p><p>Last Formatted by BS Daly on 2/8/2005 Associates Building Careers</p><p>ABC Manual</p><p>ABC ACTIVITIES ABC plans, organizes, and coordinates several events throughout the year. The following section details the purpose of each event, examples of past activities, and event guidelines.</p><p>ABC MEETINGS ABC will facilitate four meetings a year. Each meeting will focus on an aspect of a Process Associates development, (be it technical, professional, and social), and helping them through the first few years of their career as a Process Engineer. It will be the responsibility of the Chairs to plan and schedule each of these meetings.</p><p>Winter Meeting The Winter Meeting will be held between February to April. The content of this meeting has a lot of flexibility ranging from an informal discussion with the General Management of the Houston Office to a technical presentation by one of the Senior Process Engineers to a talk from a financial group on managing a 401K. </p><p>New-Hire/Intern Welcome Meeting The Welcome Meeting will be held around mid-June to early July. The purpose of this meeting is to introduce the new-hire and interns to ABC as well as be an open forum between new-hires and interns and ABC members. Also, this meeting will inform the new-hires and interns of future events (like the Intern Presentations) and opportunities offered by ABC.</p><p>Intern Presentations Intern Presentations will be held near the end of the summer term, (mid to late August). Each of the interns (ISIP interns included) will give a presentation to Process Management about what they had done on their projects as well as what they learned over the summer. </p><p>Fall Meeting The Fall Meeting will be held between mid-September to early October. Process Management will talk to ABC members about what paths they can take their careers and how to get there as well as a talking to them about updating their PDP and a crash course on how it works. The content of this meeting can be just as flexible as the Winter Meeting.</p><p>INTERNATIONAL LUNCHEON</p><p>Last Formatted by BS Daly on 2/8/2005 Associates Building Careers</p><p>ABC Manual</p><p>The International Luncheon is held every year in mid-December and is an ABC sponsored event. It is expected of ABC to budget, solicit donations from the Process Department, and organize food and entertainment for this event. The Process Department Administrative Assistants will assist, but they will be taking directions from the ABC member in charge of organizing the event. Attached below are some helpful documents. </p><p>"Inte rnationa l "TELL US ABOUT Lunc heonSig n-UpSh eet.xls" YOUR DI SH.doc"</p><p>FLUOR ASSOCIATES IN TRAINING (FAT) In order to better prepare new-hires and interns for working on a project, ABC offers a summer training seminar on seven basic technical engineering topics that all beginning Process Associates will have experience with. Each session is facilitate by s veteran (5+ years experience) Process Engineer and presented by seasoned members of ABC. The seven sessions will take place over the summer months between June and July during lunch. </p><p>See d5-data21\Wrk085\Dept\ABC\Fluor Associates in Training for latest information. This folder contains general layout, schedule and session slide shows from the previous years of FAT. </p><p>Last Formatted by BS Daly on 2/8/2005 Associates Building Careers</p><p>ABC Manual</p><p>MISCELLANEOUS </p><p>SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM</p><p>The summer internship program lasts from May to the middle of August. At the end of the term, the interns will present to Process Management what they have gotten out of their experience here at Fluor and give Management an insight into how well the engineering projects are utilizing the interns. Attached below are a brief summary of the first intern presentations and two documents on a general format for the presentations. </p><p>" Measuri ngthe "Fina l "Inte rnstude nt Effec tiveness ofProc essTech nologyS tudentW orkTer ms.doc" Pres entation .doc" pres entation .doc"</p><p>Industrial Scholars Internship Program (ISIP) ISIP is a program sponsored by the University of Houston which places a junior level and senior level Chemical Engineering majors in engineering and industrial companies as interns. The interns stay with the company during the year while attending school and usually participant in the summer internship program here. For more information check their website:</p><p>Graduates Advancing to Professionalism (GAP)</p><p>Graduates Advancing to Professionalism (GAP) is an organization that is comprised of recent engineering graduates from all the other engineering departments. Since GAP will be comprised of members of ABC, it is imperative that the ABC Chairs and the GAP Chairs stay in contact and remain informed to avoid any conflicts in activities. The ABC Chairs and GAP Chairs will share a general calendar of planned activities at the beginning of the year to insure no overlap in activities.</p><p>Last Formatted by BS Daly on 2/8/2005</p>

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