<p> ***Prospectus for Dwarf Coconut Propagation***</p><p>“He who plants a Coconut Tree is assured a place in Heaven.” ~ Old Polynesian Proverb ~</p><p>“SHe who plants a Coconut Orchard is already in Heaven.” ~ J. Philip Young Jr.</p><p>Background on Coconuts and Dwarf Coconuts: </p><p>The Coconut Tree is revered as the Central Plant of the Hawaiian Culture, It feeds all Life and provides myriad other functions with products for the Culture: pure beverage, toddy, thatching, fabric, animal fodder, lumber, rope, palm heart, oil, mulch, and nut cream oil, ect. The common Hawaiian Coconut grows and fruits at a tall stature compared to the Dwarf Coconut varieties. Dwarf is actually a misnomer, the only Dwarf aspect of these Trees is the rate which they grow vertically, they often have a larger trunk, thicker leaf, larger fruits, sooner bearing, and able to be picked conveniently for 20-30 years without being an overhead danger until advanced age. </p><p>The rate at which these Trees grow tall varies by the variety and genetic purity of each Tree. Dwarf Samoan Trees have a larger vegetative body than other Dwarf varieties and may grow up to 2 feet per year vertically with fruit available from knee high to waist high at first fruiting on the trunk, with the best trees fruiting knee high, touching the ground with fruit. Dwarf Malayan varieties may grow as little as 6 inches in height per year while producing fruit consistently each month. The Coconut tree is always flowering year round, proof that it should be the Centerpiece of our tropical Culture. </p><p>PRESENT MARKET DATA FOR DWARF COCONUT TREES: </p><p>- Baby Dwarf Coconut Trees (25$) cost 10 X’s what a tall Coconut Tree baby costs (2.50$).</p><p>- Quantities of baby dwarf Coconut Trees are presently un-available in Hawaii. This is due to their being unprotected from cross-pollination by other nearby tall growing Coconut Trees. </p><p>- Worldwide palm diseases have spared Hawaii, which state AG officials have manifested a quarantine where palm products may not enter Hawaii from anywhere else in the world. Hawaii may export palm products to any destination worldwide. This creates a world- wide market for our baby Trees.</p><p>- J. Philip Young Jr. has spent the last 25 years locating and propagating all of the high quality dwarf Coconut specimens he could find that were already here in Hawaii. By Providence, historic Global commerce has brought most of these dwarf coconut varieties to Hawaii previous to the quarantine and disease problems. His current orchard is made up of his best 400 trees dedicated to generate high quality baby trees that will be guaranteed to fruit at a low level, “walk up and pick” at first fruiting. </p><p>- We call our Orchard Moon Fruit Orchard, because the fruit looks like the Moon, flowers every month, carrying Mothers deeply nourishing Vibrational Essence with her Pure nectar Waters.</p><p>- At Moon Fruit Orchard we have 8 distinct varieties of Dwarf Coconut Trees, with variations.</p><p>- We have removed any taller varieties that developed from our original planting to increase the likelihood of replicating the quality Trees. The purpose of Moon Fruit Orchard is to be a planetary source of Dwarf Coconut genetics, we have canary yellow fruiting Malayans, golden Malayan, orange Malayan, green Malayans, golden Samoan, green Samoan, and red Samoan. We are a long ways off from being able to offer specific varieties of baby Trees. Guaranteed Dwarf will be our only guarantee for the foreseeable future.</p><p>- Moon Fruit Orchard was recently visited by Ed Kaiwi, a Hawaiian Elder. He is a Kahuna of the Kameamea order, and the chief Konohiki, land use director, for all Hawaii. He did a double take and said “I have chicken skin, there was a prophetic story the Elders told me when I was young that when the Gods come to Earth, all the fruit Trees will be low bearing. The Coconut Tree, Niu, is the Centerpiece of Hawaiian Culture, it is the Well~Spring of the Sacred Water of Life. I am declaring this Orchard a National Treasure to the People of Hawaii and for all Humanity.” See Document 1 attached.</p><p>- It is now possible to secure delivery of the future babies from this National Treasury Orchard. Every day people call Moon Fruit Orchard asking to buy the baby dwarf Coconut Trees we have collected for up- leveling our Orchard stalk. We tell them, we are still collecting specimens, but as soon as the fresh seeds have germinated here at the Treasury, we will make them available. For quantities and to assure the most prompt delivery, we are offering them by futures contract, quantities of guaranteed baby dwarf Coconut Trees for future delivery. </p><p>- We expect by winter 2011 we will begin deliveries, and possibly sooner. We should reach full production of 10,000 - 25,000 baby trees per year, enough to plant between 100 and 250 acres at Orchard spacing. Futures are offered on a first come, first serve basis and will be numbered for sequential delivery. COSTS OF DWARF COCONUT ORCHARD DEVELOPMENT</p><p>PERTINANT DATA:</p><p>1. At 20 foot spacing 110 Trees fit onto an acre. This is optimal spacing for mature dwarf Coconut Trees. </p><p>2. At 10 foot spacing 500 Trees fit onto an acre. As the orchard matures by year five, 400 of these Trees would need to be removed or they would crowd each other.</p><p>3. Coconut futures cost is variable with quantity purchased. (A) 10,000$ investment secures 400 guaranteed baby dwarf Coconut Trees costing 25$ each. (B) 5,000$ investment secures 167 guaranteed baby dwarf Coconut Trees at 30$ each. (C) 1,000$ investment secures 30 guaranteed baby dwarf Coconut Trees at 33$ each. (D) Smaller purchases will be at 40$ each, guaranteed baby dwarf Coconut Trees are only available from Moon fruit Orchards’ Hawaiian National Treasury.</p><p>OTHER ORCHARD DEVELOPMENT COSTS:</p><p>1. AG Land lease 100-150$ per acre per year or % of gross income by negotiation. </p><p>2. Water system materials and installation: 2 inch plastic mains, ¾ inch soft tube and drips for each Tree = 1000$ per acre. 3. Amendments: Rock powders and manures = 2-3 $ per Tree x 400 = 1,000$</p><p>4. Planting baby Trees: backhoe large holes and mix amendments 5$ per tree per hole x 400 = $2,000, hand labor support 3$ per tree x 400 = $1,200. </p><p>5. Mulch and companion planting, tree maintenance: mulch cloth, mulch and companion planting 20-30$ per tree = 10,000$</p><p>6. Yearly maintenance: Mowing = 2,000$ a year, Weed whacking 6,000$ a year.</p><p>7. Yearly Water: 1,200$ estimate</p><p>ORCHARD MATURITY:</p><p>Approximately 5 years from planting, the Orchard reaches maturity with first Flowering Trees. Factors required to bring the Orchard to maturity include:</p><p>Initial Tree investment for 400 trees = 10,000$.</p><p>1. AG land lease 4 acres to locate 400 trees = 500 per year X 5 years = 2,500$.</p><p>2. Drip water system materials and installation: 1,000$ per acre x 4 acres = 4,000$ 3. Amendments: 1,000$ at initial planting, 3,000$ over 5 years maturation process = 4,000$.</p><p>4. Planting = 3,200$.</p><p>5. Mulch and companion planting tree maintenance over 5 years = 20,000 with initial planting maintenance included.</p><p>6. Yearly maintenance over 5 years 40,000$.</p><p>7. Water over 5 years = 6,000$</p><p>Grand total for expenses over 5 years: $89,700. </p><p>Value of Dwarf Coconut Orchard at 5 years: Mature Trees Flowering at waist high or lower are worth 700$ each wholesale in year 2009 X 400 trees = 280,000$.</p><p>NET increase in value over first 5 years = 190,300$.</p><p>VALUE OF FRUITING ORCHARD AT 7 YEARS OLD:</p><p>Making an average of 50 Babies per Mother Tree at 25$ each per Baby. 400 Trees X 50 = 20,000 X 25$ each = 500,000$ per year income from year 7 forward.</p><p>With proper companion planting of nitrogen fixing Trees and other vitalizing techniques, the 50 Trees per Mother may well be exceeded up to possibly 100 or more per Mother Tree which would make this conservative estimate deliver 1 million dollars per year with 4 acres. </p><p>I am writing a book about this endeavor revealing the secrets of identifying, authenticating, and propagating the dwarf Coconut Trees with the most desired characteristics. Dwarf Coconut Babies are the number one landscape item requested with no guaranteed stock yet available. Help us secure the future, with your support today.</p><p>Make checks payable to: Union of Divine Beings of One Sovereign State/UDBOSS, a Spiritually Sovereign and Sacred Ecology in Action organization, see declaration attached. </p><p>Moon Fruit Orchards is part of Merlin’s Sacred endowment to the Union of Divine Beings of One Sovereign State.</p><p>UDBOSS has been entrusted with the Treasury of these Sacred Genetics, dedicated to empower Humanities’ quest for a stable and balanced ecology ongoing with Spiritual Sovereignty for every aspect of our Sacred Reality.</p><p>Thank you for your participation on every level.</p><p>See photos on next pages of Dwarf Coconut Trees.</p><p>Union of Divine Beings of One Sovereign State</p><p>To Whom It May Concern, February 1, 2008</p><p>Many changes have occurred over the coarse of the last five years with the dwarf coconut orchard and nursery project I developed. Notably, the Chief Kahuna of the Kamehameha order, Ed Kaiwi, Ed is as well the chief Konohiki (native land use director) for all of Hawaii, has declared our coconut plantation a National Treasure to the Hawaiian people and as well all Humanity. </p><p>Due to the extreme costs of maintenance, which occur endlessly, with many years before any real payback, I felt it wise and prudent to surrender ownership of this Treasure to a larger body, The Union of Divine Beings of One Sovereign State, who might also help with the maintenance expenses and labors. Income from the Tree sales goes directly to the Church’s Living Ecology Awareness in Action Foundation, to empower sharing the Green Awareness which humanity may need presently. </p><p>As such, our orchard and nursery operation have been taken out of the “commercial venue” and have become an asset to an important ecology education organization. John Philip Young Jr. is showing no income, nor writing off any expenses concerning the activities of the orchard.</p><p>Sincerely,</p><p>John Philip Young Jr. X______</p><p>Witnesses: Ed Kaiwi X.______</p><p>Ixa Chaska X.______Aunty Angeline X______</p><p>GLOBAL SPIRITUAL ALLIANCE ANNOUNCING THE FORMATION OF UNION OF DIVINE BEINGS OF ONE SOVEREIGN STATE U.D.B.O.S.S. </p><p>WE HEAR AND ALIGN WITH THE VOICE OF DIVINE INTELLIGENCE ARISING FROM WITHIN, REVEALING THE FULFILMENT OF OUR NEEDS IN PRESENT TIME. </p><p>WE RECOGNIZE AND DECLARE ALL BEINGS PERSONAL CONNECTION WITH THIS INTELLIGENCE, EACH OTHER AND ALL THAT IS, ONE SACRED WHOLE BEING. </p><p>WE REALIZE THAT ALL HUMAN BEINGS HAVE MUCH TO LEARN FROM THIS EVER-PRESENT INTELLIGENCE. </p><p>WE RECOGNIZE THE ABSOLUTE NECESSITY OF LIVING RESPONSIVE TO THE VITAL FORCES OF NATURE AND THE DIVINELY MANDATED INNER DIRECTIVES GIVEN TO US PERSONALLY. </p><p>WE RECOGNIZE THESE DIVINE INNER MANDATES TO BE THE SUPREME LAW OF CREATION. </p><p>WE RECOGNIZE AND DECLARE ALL BEINGS AND NATURAL LIFE FORMS TO BE SOVEREIGN AUTHENTIC EMANATIONAS OF THE GIVER OF DIVINESSENCE, G.O.D., WHOSE ESSENCE AND SUBSTANCE IS PURE LOVE, DEMONSTRATING DIVINE INTELLIGENCE. </p><p>WE RECOGNIZE THE DIVINE ESSENCE IN ALL BEINGS EXPRESSING OUR TRUE NATURE IN PEACE, LOVE AND HARMONY WITH ALL THAT IS. </p><p>WE RECOGNIZE ALL TRADITIONS REACHING FOR SPIRITUAL TRUTH, SELF-DISCOVERY AND SELF- DETERMINATION (SOVEREIGNTY) AS IT ENHANCES THE GREATER HARMONY OF ALL LIFE. </p><p>WE RECOGNIZE THE DIVINE CURRENCY ISSUING FORTH FROM THE PRESENCE OF G.O.D. TO BE THE TRUE SOURCE OF ALL VITAL FORCES, WEALTH AND POWER. WE ACKNOWLEDGE THE CREATIVE POWER OF THE PEOPLE, AS THE VALUE BEHIND ALL PAPER CURRENCIES; AS SUCH, WE MAY CIRCULATE IT AS A LIBERATING EMPOWERMENT. </p><p>WE RECOGNIZE PERSONAL AND PLANETARY ECOLOGY TO BE A DIVINELY ORDERED PROCESS OF RECONCILIATION, AWAKENING US TO CARE FOR THE VITAL FORCES WITHIN OURSELVES, EACHOTHER, THE EARTH, THE COSMOS AND ALL THAT IS. </p><p>WE RECOGNIZE THE DIVINE AND INDIGENOUS RIGHTS OF ALL BEINGS TO ACCESS OUR GOD- GIVEN RESOURCES INCLUDING; PURE ELEMENTS OF EARTH, AIR, WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, AND AIR WITH ETHERIC VIBRATIONAL INTEGRITY FREE FROM LOW FREQUENCY, MID-FREQUENCY AND HIGH FREQUENCY BROADCASTS WITH DISINTIGRATING INTENTIONS OR RESULTS AS WELL AS MANDATORY VACCINATIONS, ANTIBIOTICS AND GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS. </p><p>WE RECOGNIZE ALL HEIRLOOM PLANT AND ANIMAL GENETICS TO BE OF DIVINE ORIGIN, WITH CLEAR ACCESS FOR STABLE USAGE TO ALL PEOPLES. </p><p>WE PRIORITIZE AND MANDATE THE STABILIZATION OF OUR DIVINE ORGANIC REALITY, WITH DAILY RESEARCH AND EDUCATION INTO PERSONAL AND PLANETARY ECOLOGY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCOVERING THE DIVINE GIFT THAT HAS BEEN GIVEN, WAITING FOR US TO COME INTO AWARENESS OF IT... THIS DIVINE MYSTERY OF LIFE AS IT REALLY IS. </p><p>THE UNION OF DIVINE BEINGS OF ONE SOVEREIGN STATE IS OUR PRE-EMINENT AND ORIGINAL CONDITION, SUPERCEDING THE MUNDANE REALMS OF GOVERNMENT AND AGREEMENTS OF COMMERCE. </p><p>WE ACKNOWLEDGE ONLY THOSE LAWS, CONTRACTS AND STATUTES WHICH WE OURSELVES HAVE PERSONALLY RATIFIED WITH OUR OWN SIGNATURE, WITH FULL DISCLOSURE AND WITHOUT DURESS. </p><p>AS EMPOWERED BY G.O.D. AND THE COUNCIL OF ELDERS, U.D.B.O.S.S. </p>
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