<p> University of Central Florida College of Health and Public Affairs Department of Health Professions Annual Faculty Evaluation Standards and Procedures1</p><p>The purpose of this document is to provide standards and procedures to evaluate the annual performance of faculty in the Department of Health Professions, including tenured professors, tenure-earning professors, instructors and visiting faculty. </p><p>General Guidelines</p><p>Faculty, as academic and clinical professionals, are expected to contribute to the orderly and effective functioning of the University of Central Florida, the College of Health and Public Affairs and the Department of Health Professions. For satisfactory performance, all faculty are expected to create and maintain collegial relationships; show due respect for the beliefs and opinions of others, refrain from exploitation and harassment; maintain currency in and contribute to their appropriate discipline. Performance of these professional responsibilities, as well as the specific duties and responsibilities included in written annual assignments from the Chair of the Department of Health Professions, will be considered in evaluating faculty. While instructional activities, office hours, and other duties are responsibilities that require performance at a specific time and place, other non-scheduled activities may be appropriately performed in a manner and place determined by the faculty member, with the agreement of the Chair of the Department of Health Professions. Additionally, when formulating one’s goals, one is expected to consider one’s rank and FTE assignment(s) and state their goals in objective, behavioral and measurable terms.</p><p>Faculty are evaluated by examining contributions, competence, and scholarship in teaching, research and service within and beyond the University. All relevant areas are considered in the evaluation including consideration of the faculty member’s rank, academic assignment, and personal goals as delineated in the faculty member’s three-year plan.</p><p>Procedures</p><p>Each faculty member will develop a three year plan which reflects expected performance in the areas of teaching, research, service and other areas as applicable. New hires will develop one- year plans with the assistance of the appropriate Program Director(s) and/or the Department Chair. The initial one-year plans will form the basis for subsequent three-year plans as the incumbent advances. Goals should reflect performance at or above that expected for their academic rank as described in the accompanying Department of Health Professions documents. Three-year plans can be revised annually, but revision of the plan for the current year can only be done with the permission of the Chair of the Department of Health Professions. The Chair of the Department of Health Professions and the individual Program Directors jointly recognize a responsibility to provide adequate assignment time for faculty members to achieve distinction in the goals identified in their three-year plan.</p><p>At the beginning of each academic year, faculty will negotiate with the Chair the percentage of their workload assigned to each of the areas of teaching, research, service, and other areas as </p><p>1 Approved by tenured faculty of department Feb. 1, 2006</p><p>Revised 1/06 applicable. All faculty members shall have goals for accomplishments in all designated evaluation areas unless their academic assignment does not include an area. Faculty in clinical practice as part of their assignment may reflect in their three-year plan and/or annual review the unique characteristics of their faculty activities. At the end of the academic year, the annual faculty evaluation will be based on achievements of goals specified in that year’s section of the faculty member’s three-year plan. </p><p>Exemplars of performance </p><p>The exemplars in this document are possible activities that could be used to demonstrate that the standards have been met. It is not expected that all faculty will do all activities listed but activities should be appropriate for the faculty member’s rank. Some of the exemplars used to support standards may be drawn from a higher rank.</p><p>Visiting faculty will be assigned a set of expectations corresponding to a rank level commensurate with the hiring expectations as agreed between the chair and visiting faculty member.</p><p>Note: Adapted from guidelines promulgated by the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and the Department of Nursing at the University of Central Florida. January 2006.</p><p>Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 2 TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS</p><p>Teaching takes place in academic courses, clinical teaching, continuing education courses and academic advisement. All teachers demonstrate expert knowledge in an appropriate area related to their academic discipline. Generate enthusiasm for learning, critical thinking, intellectual inquiry, and academic achievement. Incorporate student feedback for programmatic improvements. Serve as a clinical practice role model.</p><p>Subcategory Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor General Demonstrates competence in Demonstrates competence in Demonstrates above average Demonstrates excellence and Statement teaching activities. teaching activities. quality in teaching activities. leadership in the development of creative teaching strategies. Teaching Participates in student project Chairs student project and Chairs student project and Chairs student project, thesis, performance and thesis committees thesis committees. thesis committees and and dissertation committees. Receives “Good” and “Very Receives “Good” and “Very participates in dissertations. Receives “Good” , “Very Good” student evaluations of Good” student evaluations of Receives “Good” , “Very Good” and “Excellent” ratings by classroom and clinical teaching classroom and clinical teaching Good” and “Excellent” ratings by students and peers for classroom Receives positive evaluation Receives positive feedback students and peers for classroom and clinical teaching of teaching by agency staff and from teaching by agency staff and clinical teaching Receives positive feedback clients and clients Receives positive feedback from teaching by agency staff Demonstrates creativity in Contributes to development of from teaching by agency staff and clients teaching (materials, use of new courses, major revisions of and clients Contributes to the subsequent experiential exercises). existing courses, and Demonstrates mature level of performance and professional Other programmatic curriculum design. critical thinking and knowledge development of graduates. Other in the field. Other Shares expertise with students at a level appropriate to their stage of professional development. Other</p><p>Dissemination Applies research and Evaluates research findings for Implements research projects Acts as a leader in promoting of knowledge of educational innovations to application in teaching. to evaluate teaching. the scholarship of teaching. teaching and curriculum and teaching. Shares information related to Shares information related to Shares information related to learning Encourages the professional curriculum or teaching through curriculum or teaching through curriculum or teaching through development of novice clinicians. publication. peer reviewed publications. peer reviewed publications and Other Facilitates the professional Serves as a consultant to presentations. development of novice clinicians promote the scholarship of Serves as a consultant to other and/or health services teaching. educational institutions to professionals. Mentors colleagues and promote the scholarship of Other students in their professional role teaching. development. Serves as faculty sponsor and Assists colleagues to become mentor for postdoctoral fellows Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 3 Subcategory Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor more effective teachers and is a and visiting scholars. role model of teaching Mentors the professional effectiveness. development of colleagues across Other disciplines and at multiple levels of expertise. Provides expert teaching services beyond the school such as visiting professor or invited scholar. Provides consultation as a site visitor to evaluate educational effectiveness of other institutions. Other Using new Seeks to improve teaching Seeks to improve teaching Seeks to improve teaching Provides leadership in approaches to through the Faculty Center for through the Faculty Center for through the Faculty Center for development and evaluation of teach Teaching and Learning and other Teaching and Learning and other Teaching and Learning and other innovative teaching strategies professional development professional development professional development including distributive and service programs programs programs learning strategies to create a Uses innovative teaching Participates in the Develops innovative teaching community of learners. strategies including distributive development of innovative strategies including distributive Provides leadership in the and service learning strategies to teaching strategies including and service learning strategies to development and evaluation of create a community of learners. distributive and service learning create a community of learners. new courses, major revisions of Contributes to development of strategies to create a community Develops new courses, major existing courses, and new courses and revisions of of learners. revisions of existing courses, and programmatic curriculum design. existing courses. Contributes to development of programmatic curriculum design. Provides leadership in Other new courses, major revisions of Contributes to activities activities related to the existing courses, and related to the acquisition of acquisition of equipment that programmatic curriculum design. equipment that enhances student enhances student learning. Participates in activities learning Other related to the acquisition of Other equipment that enhances student learning. Other Uses expertise to enrich Uses expertise to develop Uses expertise to develop Uses expertise to develop Reflects student's understanding of course clinically, relevant curriculum clinically relevant curriculum. visionary curriculum addressing expertise in content. and prepare graduates who can and prepare graduates who can future trends in practice. teaching Maintains national function in an evolving function in an evolving Maintains national enterprise certification in area of expertise healthcare system. healthcare system certification in area of expertise to inform and enhance teaching. Maintains national Maintains national to inform and enhance teaching. Other certification in area of expertise certification in area of expertise Provides leadership in to inform and enhance teaching. to inform and enhance teaching professional development Other Other conferences/ workshops that Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 4 Subcategory Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor reflect current teaching/clinical techniques. Other</p><p>Culturally Participates in the Promotes the development, Actively participates in Leads activities to promote the diverse student development, retention, and retention, and academic activities which promote the recruitment, development, body and academic achievement of a achievement of a diverse student recruitment, retention, and academic curriculum diverse student body. body retention, and academic achievement of a diverse student Creates a classroom Creates a classroom achievement of a body atmosphere that is culturally atmosphere that is culturally diverse student body Promotes a classroom sensitive to diversity . sensitive to diversity with Promotes a classroom atmosphere that is culturally Provides course content that respectful sharing of diverse atmosphere that is sensitive to diversity with reflects cultural diversity related philosophical positions on issues. culturally sensitive to diversity respectful sharing of diverse to clients and the profession. Provides course content that with respectful sharing of diverse philosophical positions on issues. Other reflects cultural diversity related philosophical positions on issues. Provides consultation on the to clients and the profession. Develops course content that development of course content Other reflects cultural diversity related that reflects cultural diversity to clients and the profession. related to clients and the Attracts outstanding graduate profession. students to program related to Attracts outstanding graduate expertise. students to program related to Other expertise. Other Funded support Participates in the Participates in the initiation Submits grants or other Provides leadership for and/or for teaching implementation of training grants and implementation of grants and funding mechanisms, which submits grants or other funding efforts and other funded projects. other funded projects to advance advance the teaching mission. mechanisms which advance the Other teaching. Initiates activities related to teaching mission. Contributes to activities the acquisition of resources Leads projects related to the related to the acquisition of (books, journals, equipment, acquisition of resources (books, resources (books, journals, AVs, computer software etc.) journals, equipment, AVs, equipment, AVs, computer that enhances student learning. computer software etc.) that software etc.) that enhances Other enhances student learning. student learning. Other Other</p><p>Evidence for teaching effectiveness is provided through student and peer evaluations and teaching portfolios when available.</p><p> Student evaluations: Ratings on standardized University forms or other evaluation forms.</p><p>Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 5 Peer evaluations: a) Evaluation of course syllabi, study materials, learning experiences, lectures, bibliographies, and audiovisual materials; and b.) Clinical and classroom teaching using departmental/school forms.</p><p> Teaching portfolios: Evaluation of course syllabus; examples of students work, examples of lectures or seminar-facilitation notes or web-based/CD-ROM based materials</p><p>Evaluation of Teaching will include a review of the teaching activities, recognition, and contributions (see above descriptions) that the faculty member has made to the University, the Department of Health Professions, and the individual professional programs. </p><p>It is the expectation that each each faculty member will meet class/ clinic assignments for the scheduled number of sessions as published in the university calendar and semester schedule, including the final examination period, unless a request to cancel a meeting during the final examination period has been approved by the Department Chair. In addition, for each course/clinic assignment all faculty must provide and follow a syllabus that adheres to current university guidelines as well as provide an electronic version of the syllabus to the appropriate staff member in the department. </p><p>Documentation of this (basic expectations) and other teaching accomplishments is most easily achieved through presentation of a teaching portfolio which may include any or all of the following:</p><p>. Statement of teaching and advising duties and responsibilities . Enrollment information on types of courses, advising load . Statement of philosophy of teaching . Description of materials and methods used in achieving desired learning outcomes, including efforts to improve quality and efeciveness of teaching as well as the integration of evidenced-based research into course content . Artifacts of Teaching such as: o Evaluation of course syllabus o Examples of students work, o Examples of lectures, seminar-facilitation notes, or web-based/CD-ROM based materials</p><p>The following schema provides specific direction for the evaluation of faculty in the area of teaching.</p><p>I. OUTSTANDING To achieve an evaluation of OUTSTANDING in Teaching, faculty must meet all of the standards to be considered SATISFACTORY and must demonstrate competence in teaching by achieving “Good” to “Excellent” course/instructor evaluation ratings from at least 70% of students in each course/practicum and receiving generally positive comments on the open ended portion of the evaluation form. In addition faculty must complete at least three of the following: a. Chair student thesis, dissertation or research project completed during the evaluation period b. Develop at least one new course or complete major revisions to an existing course or clinical learning experience based on student feedback and other data c. Demonstrate creativity or innovation in course development or delivery d. Participate actively in the Department or program curriculum process e. Demonstrate the infusion of evidence-based practices into course materials and clinical experiences f. Develop and implement strategies to recruit and retain a diverse student body g. Mentor graduate teaching assistants, adjuncts, or colleagues in the teaching process h. Disseminate information related to curriculum or teaching through peer reviewed publications and presentations* Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 6 i. Receive recognition for teaching expertise from the university or professional communities j. Organize or conduct professional development activities (e.g., conferences, workshops) k. Submit and receive grants or other funding that advances the department’s teaching mission* l. Other</p><p>To achieve an evaluation of ABOVE SATISFACTORY in Teaching, faculty must meet all of the standards to be considered SATISFACTORY and must demonstrate competence in teaching by achieving “Good” to Excellent” course/instructor evaluation ratings from at least 50% of students in each course/practicum and receiving generally positive comments on the open ended portion of the evaluation form. In addition faculty must complete at least three of the following: a. Chair student thesis, dissertation or research project completed during the evaluation period b. Develop at least one new course or complete major revisions to an existing course or clinical learning experience based on student feedback and other data c. Demonstrate creativity or innovation in course development or delivery d. Participate actively in the department or program curriculum process e. Demonstrate the infusion of evidence-based practices into course materials and clinical experiences f. Develop and implement strategies to recruit and retain a diverse student body g. Mentor graduate teaching assistants, adjuncts, or colleagues in the teaching process h. Disseminate information related to curriculum or teaching through peer reviewed publications and presentations* i. Receive recognition for teaching expertise from the university or professional communities j. Organize or conduct professional development activities (e.g., conferences, workshops) k. Submit and receive grants or other funding that advances the department’s teaching mission* l. Other</p><p>III. SATISFACTORY To achieve an evaluation of SATISFACTORY in Teaching, faculty must demonstrate competence in teaching by achieving “Good” to Excellent” course/instructor evaluation ratings from at least 50% of students in each course/practicum and receiving generally positive comments on the open ended portion of the evaluation form. In addition faculty must meet all of the following standards:</p><p> a. Use appropriate instructional materials such as textbooks, readings, assessment tools, and intervention programs. b. Cover appropriate course topics and reflect current knowledge in course presentations and clinical management in assigned areas. c. Integrate information on evidence-based practices into clinical health courses where appropriate. d. Use appropriate instructional techniques and evaluation and reporting formats. e. Keep regular and special advisement/conference appointment hours, is well informed and professional in advising assigned students, and handle paperwork associated with advisement in a timely manner. f. Evaluate student’s performance in a fair, equitable, and timely manner. g. Demonstrate current knowledge and expertise in assigned areas of teaching. h. Collaborate with course facu1ty to support the implementation of the curriculum. i. Integrate appropriate technology in course presentation (e. g., class e-mail, web CT enhancement, videotapes, CAIs)</p><p>AND at least two of the following:</p><p> a. Chair student thesis, dissertation or research project completed during the evaluation period b. Develop at least one new course or complete major revisions to an existing course or clinical learning experience c. Demonstrate creativity or innovation in course development or delivery Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 7 d. Participate actively in the department curriculum process e. Demonstrate the infusion of evidence-based practices into course materials and clinical experiences f. Develop and implement strategies to recruit and retain a diverse student body g. Mentor graduate teaching assistants, adjuncts, or colleagues in the teaching process h. Disseminate information related to curriculum or teaching through peer reviewed publications and presentations* i. Receive recognition for teaching expertise from the university or professional communities j. Organize or conduct professional development activities (e.g., conferences, workshops) k. Submit and receive grants or other funding that advances the department’s teaching mission* l. Other</p><p>*These items fall under teaching if their purpose is curriculum enhancement. Publications or grant funding that incorporate planning or completion of projects that collect or analyze data for the purposes of understanding or improving student learning are considered research/scholarship/creative activity.</p><p>IV. CONDITIONAL An evaluation of CONDITIONAL in Teaching will be assigned if a faculty member receives “Fair” to “Poor” course/instructor evaluations from at least 50% of the students in each course/practicum taught and demonstrates poor performance of teaching assignments. Evidence of poorly performing teaching assignments includes failure to meet classes in a responsible manner, failure to return papers, other assignments or tests on a timely basis, failure to communicate with students, failure to serve as a responsible advisor to students. </p><p>V. UNSATISFACTORY A faculty member who fails to perform, or chronically demonstrates poor performance will receive an evaluation of UNSATISFACTORY Poor performance includes consistent “Fair” to “Poor” course evaluation ratings from 50% of the students in each academic course taught, failure to meet classes in a responsible manner, failure to return papers, other assignments or tests on a timely basis, failure to communicate with students, failure to serve as a responsible advisor to students</p><p>Assignment as Executive Program Director or Program Director, or Program Coordinator will be evaluated as one of the subcategories of Teaching to be consistent with the reporting of this activity in the Faculty Activity Reports and the usual practice of course reduction that accompanies such an assignment. Faculty will be provided with a description of the position when the annual assignment is made. Evaluation of this portion of the assignment will be as follows. </p><p>I. OUTSTANDING To achieve an evaluation of OUTSTANDING, the faculty member must complete the assignments in the position description in a thoughtful and responsible manner, take a leadership position in ensuring program quality to meet standards of the university and accrediting agency, recognize and work with community representatives to meet community needs, and fulfill student needs while representing the program and its needs accurately to the Department Chair.</p><p>II. ABOVE SATISFACTORY To achieve an evaluation of ABOVE SATISFACTORY, the faculty member must complete the assignments in the position description in a thoughtful and responsible manner, maintaining program integrity and quality to the university and accrediting agency and graduating students successfully, in a manner that requires little intervention by the Department Chair in the administration of the program.</p><p>III. SATISFACTORY</p><p>Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 8 To achieve a SATISFACTORY evaluation, the faculty member must adequately complete the assignments in the position description during the period of evaluation in a manner that does not place the program in jeopardy with university or accreditation standards or require substantial intervention by the Department Chair in the administration of the program.</p><p>IV. CONDITIONAL A faculty member who fails to meet the standards of a SATISFACTORY rating, and places the program or students at academic risk will be given a CONDITIONAL rating. </p><p>V. UNSATISFACTORY A faculty member who receives a CONDITIONAL rating and does not remediate his or her performance in the following year will receive an UNSATISFACTORY and may have their responsibilities for program direction removed. </p><p>Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 9 RESEARCH EFFECTIVENESS</p><p>Research effectiveness encompasses both interpretive and empiric analytic paradigms. Systematic inquiry reflects the equal valuing of both paradigms and includes traditional research inquiry, clinical practice inquiry, historical and policy analyses, and systematic reviews of knowledge. It encompasses research, scholarship and creative activity.</p><p>Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Participates in research Demonstrates research productivity Demonstrates research competence Demonstrates excellence in and competence within a specialized area of research activities as recognized systematic inquiry as recognized within and beyond the institution within and beyond the institution and region and region</p><p>Exemplars Theme Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Focused Begins to develop a content Demonstrates development of Demonstrates productivity Demonstrates excellence over scholarship area of expertise a focused area of scholarship within a focused area of time within a focused area of scholarship scholarship Conduct of Participates in the conduct of Conducts systematic inquiry Demonstrates increasing Receives recognition within systematic research projects. within specialized field. creativity, insight, and and beyond the institution for inquiry Demonstrates increasing sophistication in focused area of excellence, creativity, and competence in systematic scholarship. innovation in systematic inquiry. inquiry. Receives recognition within Receives recognition within Articulates a clear plan for the and beyond the institution (at the and beyond the institution (at the continued development of local and/or regional level) for national and/or international scholarship. systematic inquiry competence level) for substantial and contribution to the body of contributions to the body of knowledge in the specialized knowledge in a selected field. field. Provides leadership in Collaborates in interdisciplinary research. interdisciplinary research. Research Participates with others in Pursues or receives funding Receives extramural funding Demonstrates consistent funding pursuing funding for systematic for systematic inquiry. for systematic inquiry within record of funded systematic inquiry. focused area. inquiry activities. Mentors faculty in writing and submitting grants for external funding Dissemination Attends research-related Disseminates findings from Disseminates findings from Disseminates findings from of findings from conferences. systematic inquiry through systematic inquiry through systematic inquiry through systematic Serves as an educated publications in refereed journals, publications in books, refereed publications in books, refereed inquiry consumer of findings from and presentations at local and/or journals and presentations at journals and presentations at systematic inquiry. regional meetings. regional and/or national national and/or international Disseminates findings from meetings. meetings. Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 10 Theme Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor systematic inquiry to diverse Disseminates material Publishes papers reflecting audiences including lay media analyzing the interrelationship advanced theory development, Serves as a reviewer for among theory, research, and policy analysis, complex case professional journals. practice within specialty area. analysis, or methodological Serves as a reviewer or issues. member of editorial board for Develops and demonstrates scholarly journals. programs based on evidence Disseminates findings from based practice. systematic inquiry to diverse Serves as an editor or member audiences including lay media. of editorial board for scholarly journals. Disseminates findings from systematic inquiry to diverse audiences including the lay media. Activities in Supports discipline related Supports discipline related Supports interdisciplinary Provides leadership in systematic research activities. research activities. research activities. professional organizations whose inquiry Participates in scholarly Provides local/regional primary focus is systematic inquiry activities of professional scholarly inquiry consultation. inquiry. organizations. Contributes to advancement of Provides consultation in areas Serves on scholarly inquiry practice standards through of systematic inquiry nationally/ committees within the institution participation in policy-making internationally. or for specialty organizations. boards, commissions, or Serves on or is an external Assists students in their consensus panels. reviewer for national review systematic inquiry. Contributes to theory committees, boards or development of clinical commissions. phenomena through publication Receives recognition from and presentations. within and beyond the institution Demonstrates expertise in for sustained leadership in advising students in their developing systematic inquiry systematic inquiry. excellence in self and others. Receives recognition from former students as having influenced their subsequent performance and achievement in systematic inquiry. Mentors students and faculty colleagues in systematic inquiry.</p><p>Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 11 Theme Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Evidence-based Utilizes research findings in Critically analyzes clinical Conducts evaluation studies of Leads development of practice teaching and clinical practice practice, issues, policies, and/or clinical practice models in evidence-based practice Implements research-based standards for the purpose of represented health professions guidelines discipline related interventions identifying trends, patterns, and Contributes to evidence-based Establishes new directions for new directions practice reviews and guideline advancement of discipline related Evaluates research findings for development practice standards application in clinical practice</p><p>Instructors ,Visiting faculty and other faculty who do not have an assignment in the category of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity will not be evaluated in this area.</p><p>Evaluation in the area of Research (and Scholarship and Creative Activity) will include a review of the scholarly activities, sponsored research, recognition, and contributions (see above descriptions) that the faculty member has undertaken during the evaluation period, The evaluation process will include review of faculty documentation of research and creative activity, including such evidence as letters of acceptance for journal articles, manuscripts, grant applications, and papers accepted for presentation or presented at professional conferences. All faculty who receive an assignment in research must demonstrate a coherent research agenda with ongoing work in progress and adhere to ethical principles in the development, conduct and dissemination of research. Tenured faculty should demonstrate a sustained research agenda with same characteristics. The critical standard for Research at the ranks of Assistant, Associate and Full Professor is the peer-reviewed, scholarly journal article. Typically, acceptance/publication of at least one peer reviewed article in a scholarly journal is required to receive an OUTSTANDING, and publication in other peer reviewed publications expected for ABOVE SATISFACTORY in this category. Faculty with higher than average research assignments through buy-outs or other agreements will have higher expectations. Submission of a competitive grant may take the place of a publication in a given year. </p><p>The following schema provides more specific direction for evaluation of faculty in the area of Research. Items may not be used more than once unless specifically indicated.</p><p>I. OUTSTANDING In order to achieve an OUTSTANDING evaluation in Research , a faculty member must have an established program of research and an article accepted (in press) or published in a scholarly peer-reviewed journal. In addition the faculty member must have at least two of the following:</p><p>1. Additional peer reviewed publications accepted 2. A peer reviewed presentation accepted at a national/international conference 3. Invited presentation at a major local, state, regional or national conference (depends on nature of presentation) 4. A book chapter accepted for publication 5. Recipient of external funding* 6. Consultant for program evaluation 7. Editor of a journal or guest editor of a journal issue 8. Member of an editorial board or Reviewer for a journal 9. Book published (published or in-press)**</p><p>*may count for 2-3 of above depending on the size and competitive nature of the award ** may count for 1,2 or 3 of above depending on the contribution </p><p>Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 12 II. ABOVE SATISFACTORY In order to achieve an ABOVE SATISFACTORY evaluation in Research, a faculty member must have a clear program of research and an article accepted (in press) or published in a peer reviewed journal. In addition the faculty member must have at least one of the following:</p><p>1. Additional peer review publications accepted 2. A peer reviewed presentation accepted at a regional/national/international conference 3. Invited presentation at a major local, state, regional or national conference (depends on nature of presentation) 4. A book chapter accepted for publication 5. Recipient of external funding* 6. Consultant for program evaluation 7. Editor of a journal or guest editor of a journal issue 8. Member of an editorial board or Reviewer for a journal 9. Book published (published or in-press)**</p><p>*may count for 2-3 of above depending on the size and competitive nature of the award ** may count for 1,2,or 3 of above depending on the contribution to the text </p><p>III. SATISFACTORY In order to achieve a SATISFACTORY evaluation in Research, a faculty member must have a preliminary research agenda and an article in progress (submitted but not yet accepted or in press). In addition the faculty member must have at least one of the following:</p><p>1. Additional peer reviewed publications in progress 2. A presentation accepted at a regional/national/international conference 3. Invited presentation at a major local, state, regional or national conference (depends on nature of presentation) 4. A book chapter accepted for publication 5. Submit application for external funding* 6. Evaluator for a local community partner 7. Member of an editorial board or Reviewer for a journal/books 8. Book published (published or in press)** 9. Participates on a research team</p><p>*may count for 2-3 of above depending on the size and competitive nature of the proposal ** may count for 1,2,or 3 of above depending on the contribution to the text </p><p>These items fall under teaching if their purpose is curriculum enhancement. Publications or grant funding that incorporate planning or completion of projects that collect or analyze data for the purposes of understanding or improving student learning are considered research/scholarship/creative activity.</p><p>Papers, book chapters, books and presentations should be reported in the year they occur with full and complete citations so that they may be considered and cited in the department annual report for the college and for possible publicity. However, notice of acceptance may be reported and documented for credit towards evaluation. Each item may only be counted once (either when accepted or published, but not both.)</p><p>Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 13 IV. CONDITIONAL* A faculty member will receive a CONDITIONAL evaluation in Research and Creative Activities if s/he has no focused research agenda but has at least two of the following:</p><p>1. An article in progress 2. Substantial work completed on a grant application 3. A presentation accepted at a national/international conference 4. A book chapter accepted for publication 5. Served as evaluator for a local community partner 6. Membership on an editorial board or served as reviewer for a journal</p><p>V. UNSATISFACTORY* A faculty member who does not complete the activities necessary for a CONDITIONAL evaluation will receive an UNSATISFACTORY rating in the area pf Research and Creative Activities. </p><p>*Faculty who receive a rating of Conditional in Research and Creative Activities will have their research assignment reduced or eliminated entirely if they are unable to improve their rating during the next evaluation period. Faculty who receive a rating below SATISFACTORY for more than one year will be ineligible for a reassignment to research for at least three years.</p><p>Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 14 EFFECTIVENESS IN PROFESSIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE</p><p>Professional and community service includes service to the University, the College of Health and Public Affairs, and the Department of Health Professions, as well as, the profession and the community at the local, state, national and international levels. An administration assignment in the Department of Health Professions, College or University is not viewed as a part of the service responsibility. </p><p>We do not include administrative role in the Department of Health Professions.</p><p>Subcategory Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Involved in departmental Attends professional Participates in and leads Participates in and leads in University/ committees and taskforces conference to enhance Department of Health governance at all university College/ knowledge and visibility of the Professions, COHPA, and UCF levels Departmental school committees and taskforces Assumes chair and/or serves Participates in Department of Works to enhance knowledge on special review groups, task Health Professions, COHPA and visibility of the institution forces and policy making bodies committees and taskforces Participates in activities that Serves as member of review Contributes to the climate for promote the professional committees growth of the department and/or development of students, staff, Demonstrates leadership in college and other faculty (Eg., FCTL recruitment, mentoring the workshops) professional development of Contributes to the recruitment students and faculty and promotion of diverse Serves as a mentor for the students and faculty professional development of students and faculty and encourages staff development Clinical/ Member of Participates in activities of Advances clinical practice Fosters diversity within the Professional professional/service professional organizations through continuing education, university environment organizations Provides expertise or workshops and conferences Provides leadership which Provides in-service training in consultation in appropriate Implements practice models in generates a climate conducive of clinical and educational practice settings clinical settings/sites professional growth organizations Participates in conduct of peer Contributes expertise to peers Implements and evaluates review through consultation, mentoring evidenced based practice Plans and presents continuing and practice Contributes expertise in theory education programs Serves on committees of and practice in clinical agency or professional organizations at the setting state and regional and national Develops and implements level practice models in clinical Provides consultation to settings/sites professional groups. Demonstrates leadership in Critically analyses practice professional and service activities standards for the purpose of Serves as a member of identifying new directions in extramural training review practice committees Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 15 Subcategory Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Provides keynote address at Evaluates materials of persons professional meetings at local or from other universities for regional meetings. purposes of promotion/tenure Provides keynote address at professional meetings at regional, national or international meetings. Participates in local Serves on agency, community Assists in the evaluation of Assumes leadership role on Community professional and community or organization boards, community research/educational committees/boards of community activities commissions, and committees at projects agencies, organization or Participates in the local level Collaborates with community commissions workshops/continuing education Enhances program and service in the development of programs Assists in the evaluation of programs for delivery in the community and/or services community projects/programs professional/community groups Participates actively in Serves on committees/boards Organizes professional Participates in health community organizations of community agencies, presentation in community (e.g. promotion activities in agencies Presents at and/or organizes organization or commissions develops of symposium) and communities workshops/ continuing education Contributes professional programs for expertise to schools, industry, professional/community groups business, state and federal Organizes health promotion organizations activities in agencies and communities</p><p>Evaluation in the area of Professional and Community Service will include a review of the service activities, recognition, and contributions (see above descriptions) that the faculty member makes to the university, college, department, profession, and local, state, regional, national and international communities. The evaluation process will include review of faculty documentation of Professional and Community Service, including such evidence as brochures or programs identifying presentations and workshops; a description of committee activity (e.g., name of committee, number of meetings attended, role on and contribution to the committee); consultant reports or products; and a description of substantial contribution to the effective functioning of a degree program. Typically paid consultations or other activities for which the faculty member receives payment should not be counted toward productivity in this area. The following schema provides specific direction for the evaluation of faculty in the area of Professsional and Community Service. </p><p>I. OUTSTANDING To achieve an OUTSTANDING in the area of Professional and Community Service faculty must meet the standards to be considered SATISFACTORY, adequately complete the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Health Professions during the evaluation period,, and readily respond to the service needs of the University, the profession, and the community by engaging in at least three of the following, one of which must require a leadership role:</p><p>1. Serve as member on department, college, or university committee/task force. 2. Chair a committee or task force at the department, college and/or university levels.</p><p>Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 16 3. Provide leadership to a university and/or community activity that impacts students, faculty, staff, and/or clients. 4. Provide presentation(s) and/or service to public schools, healthcare agencies, and or other higher education agencies. 5. Provide professionally related talks or speeches to local, regional, or national/international groups or organizations. 6. Assume leadership role in professional and/or community organizations impacting the professions and/or the people who we serve. 7. Participate on accreditation site visit teams or review boards. 8. Participate in conference planning and presentations. 9. Participate in external reviews for faculty promotion and tenure. 10. Other</p><p>II. ABOVE SATISFACTORY To achieve an ABOVE SATISFACTORY in the area of Professional and Community Service faculty must meet the standards to be considered SATISFACTORY, adequately complete the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Health Professions during the evaluation period, and readily respond to the service needs of the University, the profession, and the community by engaging in at least two of the following, one of which must require a leadership role:</p><p>1. Serve as member on department, college, or university committee/task force. 2. Chair a committee or task force at the department, college and/or university levels. 3. Provide leadership to a university and/or community activity that impacts students, faculty, staff, and/or clients. 4. Provide presentation(s) and/or service to public schools, healthcare agencies, and or other higher education agencies. 5. Provide professionally related talks or speeches to local, regional, or national/international groups or organizations. 6. Assume leadership role in professional and/or community organizations impacting the professions and/or the people who we serve. 7. Participate on accreditation site visit teams or review boards. 8. Participate in conference planning and presentations. 9. Participate in external reviews for faculty promotion and tenure. 10. Other</p><p>III. SATISFACTORY To achieve a SATISFACTORY in the area of Professional and Community Service faculty must adequately complete the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Health Professions during the evaluation period and meet the following standards:</p><p>1. Attend regularly college and departmental meetings and retreats. 2. Attend college and departmental functions such as Departmental Awards Ceremony, or the College Graduation Ceremony at least once a year.</p><p>In addition, faculty must readily respond to the service needs of the university, the profession, and the community by engaging in at least two of the following:</p><p>1. Serve as member on department, college, or university committee/task force. 2. Chair a committee or task force at the department, college and/or university levels. 3. Provide leadership to a university and/or community activity that impacts students, faculty, staff, and/or clients. 4. Provide presentation(s) and/or service to public schools, healthcare agencies, and or other higher education agencies. 5. Provide professionally related talks or speeches to local, regional, or national/international groups or organizations. 6. Assume leadership role in professional and/or community organizations impacting the professions and/or the people who we serve. 7. Participate on accreditation site visit teams or review boards. 8. Participate in conference planning and presentations. 9. Participate in external reviews for faculty promotion and tenure. Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 17 10. Other</p><p>IV. CONDITIONAL To achieve a CONDITIONAL in the area of Professional and Community Service faculty fail to meet the standards necessary to achieve a rating of SATISFACTORY, complete poorly the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Health Professions during the evaluation period, and do not respond to the needs of the university, the profession, and the community by engaging in service activities.</p><p>V. UNSATISFACTORY To achieve a BELOW SATISFACTORY in the area of Professional and Community Service faculty fail to meet the standards necessary to achieve a rating of SATISFACTORY, complete poorly the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Health Professions across two or more evaluation periods, and do not respond to the needs of the university, the profession, and the community by engaging in service activities.</p><p>EXAMPLE I</p><p>OTHER DUTIES In those cases where other duties are a significant part of evaluating a faculty member’s performance, the faculty member in consultation with the Chair, will determine alternate weights and include them on the assignment form for all categories at the beginning of each academic year.</p><p>I. OUTSTANDING The performance of duties mutually agreed upon by the faculty member and the chair, OR other work as assigned and accomplished during the year that contributes a body of service, professional development and governance activities featuring multiple leadership roles.</p><p>II. ABOVE SATISFACTORY The performance of duties mutually agreed upon by the faculty member and the chair, OR other work accomplished during the year that contributes a body of service, professional development and governance activities featuring at least one leadership role and multiple membership and/or participation roles.</p><p>III. SATISFACTORY The performance of duties mutually agreed upon by the faculty member and the Chair, OR other work accomplished during the year that contributes a body of service, professional development and governance activities featuring multiple membership and/or participation roles.</p><p>Example II.</p><p>Other university duties are occasionally assigned for special activities or other special projects. Since the nature of these assignments is variable no attempt is made to specify evaluation in proportion to the total amount of time the assignment is weighted in the annual assignment form.</p><p>Revised 1/06 Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures 18</p>
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