Hoisting & Rigging Assessment Plan

Hoisting & Rigging Assessment Plan

<p> HOISTING & RIGGING Assessment Plan NNSA/Nevada Site Office Facility Representative Division</p><p>Performance Objective: To determine that hoisting and rigging operations are conducted according to “industry best standards” for increasing equipment reliability while assuring worker safety, and to verify issues being addressed in BN Hoisting assessment.</p><p>Criteria: Lifts are identified and categorized appropriately for scheduled maintenance. DOE-STD-1090-2001</p><p>An integrated process ensures safety issues are identified and controls established. DOE-STD-1090-2001</p><p>Personnel operating and maintaining the hoisting equipment are trained; they understand their roles and responsibilities. DOE-STD-1090-2001</p><p>Maintenance conducts safety inspections of hoisting and rigging equipment on a scheduled basis, certifying that safe operations are in compliance with good conduct of operations. DOE-STD-1090-2001</p><p>Equipment operators comply with ”industry best standards” for operating hoisting and rigging equipment. DOE-STD-1090-2001</p><p>Management ensures that all personnel operating hoists have been medically xamined and certified as fit to perform their duties. DOE-STD-1090-2001</p><p>References: Title 29 CFR 1910.179, “Overhead and Gantry Cranes” Title 29 CFR 1910.180, “Crawler Locomotive and Truck Cranes” Title 29 CFR 1910.184, “Slings” Title 29 CFR 1926.251, “Rigging Equipment for Material Handling” Title 29 CFR 1926.550, “Cranes and Derricks” Title 29 CFR 1926.553, “Base-Mounted Drum Hoists” Title 29 CFR 1926.554, “Overhead Hosts” Title 29 CFR 1926.555, “Conveyors” Title 30 CFR Part 57, Subpart D, "Personnel Hoisting" ANSI A10.28, “Work Platforms Suspended from Cranes and Derricks ANSI B20.1-1957, “Safety Code for Conveyors, Cableways and Related Equipment ANSI B30.2, “Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top Running Trolley Hoist” ANSI B30.5, “Mobil and Locomotive Cranes” ANSI B30.7, “Base-Mounted Drum Hoist” ANSI B-30.9, “Slings” ANSI B30.10, “Hooks” ANSI B30.11, Monorail and Underhung Cranes” ANSI B30.16, “Overhead Hoists (Underhung) ANSI B30.17, “Overhead and Gentry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single Girder, Underhung Hoists) ANSI B30.21, “Manually Lever-Operated Hoists” ASTM A-391, “Alloy Steel Chain” DOE-STD-1090-2001, Hoisting and Rigging (Formerly Hoisting and Rigging Manual) BN CD-0444.001, “General Safety Rules” BN CD-0444.006, “Formal Workplace Inspection Program (FWIP). BN CD-0444.063, “Lockout/Tagout” BN CD-0444.071, “Chains and Slings” BN CD-0444.70, Hoisting Apparatus, Cranes and Conveyors BN-0029, “Inspection Log Alloy Steel Chains & Load Binders” BN-0030, “Inspection Log Natural & Synthetic Fiber Rope Slings” BN-0031, “Inspection Log Synthetic Web Straps & Slings” BN-0032, “Inspection Log Wire Rope Slings” Purchasing Requisition BN OP-2110.121, “Crane Inspections and Certification” BN OP-2110.008, “Inspections of Slings and Chains” BN OP-21110.061, “Hoist Operator Qualification” BN OP-2100.042, “Rigging Work Operations” BN OP-2110.018, “Use of Rigging and Lifting Fixtures” BN CD-0444.072, “Powered Industrial Trucks” BN CD-0444.073, “Aerial Work Platforms/Lifts”</p><p>Approach: Document Review</p><p>Interviews:</p><p>Fleet & Equipment personnel / Signalers Qualified Crane or Hoist Operators (Operators) Facility Manager / Supervisors / Employees Qualified Crane or Hoist Inspectors (Inspectors) Safety & Industrial Hygiene Department Manager Procurement & Property Management Department Manager</p><p>Observations: Operations/Work Lines of Inquiry HOISTING & RIGGING NNSA/Nevada Site Office Facility Representative Division</p><p>YES NO N/A COMMENTS Hoisting Apparatus, Cranes and Conveyors – BN CD 0444.070 Initial Inspections – BN CD-0444.070, 4.1 1. Have Fleet & Equipment personnel performed a thorough inspection of the crane, conveyor or hoist and all associated components after: a. Initial installation? b. Any alteration, modification or reassembly? 2. Have the results of each inspection been recorded according to the requirements in Title 29 CFR 1910.179, 1910.180, 1926.550, or ANSI B30.2 or B30.10 standards? Pre-operation Inspections – BN CD-0444.070, 4.2 3. Are Operators using an appropriate pre-operation inspection checklist and performing a visual inspection at the beginning of each shift or prior to start-up? Inspections - BN CD-0444.070, 4.3 4. Are Inspectors performing routine inspections according to Title 29 CFR 1910.179, 1910.180, 1926.550 and the appropriate ANSI B30 series standards? 5. Are they performing inspections, when appropriate, at floor level? 6. Are they recording the results of each inspection according to the requirements in Title 29 CFR 1910.179, 1910.180, 1926.550 or ANSI B30.2 or B30.10 standards? Technical Inspections of Device-Handling Crane/Hoists – BN CD-0444.070, 4.4 YES NO N/A COMMENTS 7. Are Fleet & Equipment personnel in concert with a device owner or designee, performing technical inspections of device-handling cranes according to DOE, BN. LANL, LLNL, SNL or other customer requirements as deemed appropriate by the Safety & Industrial Hygiene Department Manager? 8. Are they documenting the results of each inspection according to the requirements in Title 29 CFR 1910.179, 1910.180, 1926.550 or ANSI B30.2 or B30.10 standards? Operating Cranes or Hoists and Using Standard Hand Signals - BN CD-0444.070, 4.5 9. Are Supervisors classifying each lift as ordinary or critical during the planning phase of each lift? 10. Are Supervisors designating a signaler for each crane or hoist operation when a signaler is required? 11. Are Supervisors ensuring that the crane/hoist operator and signaler are familiar with standard hand signals before the operation begins? 12. Are the Signalers using standard hand signals to direct crane or hoist operations? 13. Do the Signalers remain clearly visible to the operator and close enough so that had signals are distinctly apparent to the operator? 14. Do the Signalers use a radio or telephone communication system when unable to remain clearly visible to the operator? 15. Do the Signalers communicate directly with the operator when using radio or telephone communications without going through a third person? 16. Do they cease operations if the operator cannot clearly see a hand single, hear a radio or use the telephone communication system? 17. Do they ensure that communications have been reestablished before resuming the operation? Personnel Hoist - BN CD-0444.070, 4.6 YES NO N/A COMMENTS 18. Has the Facility Manager ensured that hoist or cranes used for transporting personnel have been previously approved to perform these operations by the Safety & Industrial Hygiene Department Manger? 19. Has the Facility Manager made the personnel hoisting operations support execution plan (SEP) readily available on the site? 20. Has the Facility Manager submitted a copy of the SEP to the Safety & Industrial Hygiene Department Manager for review and approval? 21. Does the SEP show the approval signature of the Safety & Industrial Hygiene Department Manager? 22. Does the Facility Manager have a copy of the SEP at the worksite? 23. How does the Facility Manager enforce compliance with the SEP? Conveyors - BN CD-0444.070, 4.7 24. How has the Facility Manager ensured that conveyors used for transporting bulk materials have been previously approved to perform their respective operations in a safe manner? 25. Is there a copy of the SEP at the worksite? 26. Does the SEP identify the method used to safely operate conveyors? General Conveyor Requirements - BN CD-0444.070, 4.8 27. Are there means at the operator’s station for stopping the motor or engine of any conveyor system? 28. Is the conveyor system equipped with audible warning signal which sounds immediately before starting up the conveyor? 29. Are there suitable guards provided to protect employees required to work below the conveyors where a conveyor passes over work areas, aisles or thoroughfares? YES NO N/A COMMENTS 30. Are conveyors locked out or otherwise rendered inoperable and tagged out with a “Do Not Operate” tag during repairs or when operation is hazardous to employees performing maintenance work? 31. Do all the conveyors meet the requirements for design, construction, inspection, testing, maintenance and operation as prescribed in ANSI B20.1-1957, “Safety Code for Conveyor, Cableways and Related Equipment.”? 32. Do the operators perform a visual inspection, using appropriate pre-operation inspection checklist, at the beginning of each shift or before start up of any conveyor system? 33. Are operators aware that they should cease operations of any conveyor system at the first sign of an unsafe condition and immediately notify their supervisor? 34. Are inspectors performing routine inspections of conveyor systems according to Safety Directive BN CD-0444.006, “Formal Workplace Inspection Program (FWIP).”? 35. Do they place special emphasis on: a. Conveyor design and construction? b. Guards along the conveyor’s entire length? c. Gears, sprockets, sheaves and other moving parts are protected either by standard guards or are positioned in such manner as to protect employees from injury? d. Lubrication of moving parts? e. Excessive wear on conveyor components? f. Guards along travel ways? g. Lighting, ventilation and drainage? 36. Are the results of the inspections being recording per BN Safety Directive CD-0444.006? 37. Do the Inspectors cease operations of any conveyor system at the first sign of an unsafe condition and immediately notify the manager? YES NO N/A COMMENTS Disqualifying Operators and Inspectors – BN CD-0444.070, 4.9 38. Are Facility Managers aware that they should disqualify a crane, hoist or convey operator or inspector for unsafe work practices, physical incapacity, accidents, failure to pass a skill evaluation, or other reasons that indicate the employee is not capable of competently and safely performing assigned tasks? Training - BN CD-0444.070, 5.0 39. Have Managers scheduled overhead and gantry crane operators and hoist operators to attend course 1E000371, “Hoist and Overhead Cranes”, or an equivalent course? 40. Have Facility Managers scheduled mobile crane operators to attend course 1E000373, “Mobile Cranes”, or an equivalent course? 41. Has the Facility Manager required crane or hoist operators to demonstrate knowledge by completing a daily inspection? 42. Has the Facility Manager required crane or hoist operators to demonstrate skill in manipulating and controlling the crane or hoist through all phased of standard operations? 43. Has the Facility Manager scheduled employees who perform monthly overhead crane or hoist inspections to attend course 1E00P371, “Practical Operations and Monthly Inspection of Hoist Overhead Cranes”, or an equivalent course? Chains and Slings – BN CD 0444.071 General - Slings – BN CD-0444. 44. Are all slings individually identified by the manufacture or by the user organization before use? 45. Is each sling and fastening inspected before use for damage or defects? 46. Are all slings tested, maintained, inspected, and certified according to the most recent edition of ANSI Standard B-30.9 and Title 29 CFR 1910.184? YES NO N/A COMMENTS 47. Is each sling purchased certified as proof tested by the manufacturer according to the appropriate ANSI B30.9 and Title 29 CFR 1926.251, “Rigging Equipment for Material Handling”? 48. Does each sling purchased meet the requirements of Title 29 CFR 1910.184, “Slings” and Title 29 CFR 1926.251, Rigging Equipment for Material Handling”? 49. Does BN Procurement & Property Management Department maintain a copy of the certification issued with each sling? 50. Does the user organization have a copy of each certification? 51. Are slings stored in an area not near acids or alkalies and in an area where they are safe from being struck by tools or equipment? Alloy Steel Chains and Slings - BN CD-0444. 52. Do all hooks, rings, oblong links, pear-shaped links, or mechanical coupling links or other attachments when used with alloy-steel chains have a rated capacity of at least equal to that of the chain. Job or shop hooks or links, makeshift fasteners, or other such attachments formed from bolts, rods. Steel plate, etc. shall not be used. Nonstandard end fittings designed by the designated engineer may be used but they must be proof tested to two times their rated load? 53. Do all alloy steel chains have a permanently affixed durable metal identification tag stating the following information: a. Size? b. Manufacturer’s grade? c. Rated load and the angle upon which the rating is based? d. Reach? e. Number of legs? f. Sling manufacturer? 54. Are all chains used for hoisting alloy grade 80 steel and do they have markings as shown in the table 1 on page 4 of CD- 0444.071? YES NO N/A COMMENTS 55. Are slings stored in racks or in designated locations when not in use? 56. Are the slings wiped clean periodically to remove as much dirt and grit as possible and are they not lubricated when in use? Synthetic Web Slings - BN CD-0444. 57. Is each synthetic web sling permanently marked by the manufacturer showing the following information: a. Manufacturer’s name or trademark? b. Manufacturer’s code or stock number? c. Rated loads for the type of hitches used? d. Type of natural or synthetic material? 58. Is each sling marked with an identifying number and inspection due date? 59. Are the synthetic web slings stored, preferable vertical, in racks or in designated locations? 60. Are slings stored in a location that protects them from direct sunlight or ultraviolet light? 61. Are the slings wiped clean periodically to remove as much dirt and abrasive grit as possible? 62. Are slings stored in areas that are not dame or dirty or exposed to corrosive materials or adverse weather conditions? Natural and Synthetic Fiber Rope Slings – BN CD-0444. 63. Are the natural or synthetic fiber rope slings marked to show the following information: a. Manufacturer’s name or trademark? b. Manufacturer’s code or stock number? c. Rated loads for the type of hitches used? d. Type of natural or synthetic material? e. Date of manufacture? 64. Do operators ensure that natural or synthetic fiber rope slings are not subjected to a sustained load equal to the rated load for more than three days? YES NO N/A COMMENTS 65. Are natural or synthetic fiber rope slings inspected to ensure they are made from new rope and have not been repaired or reconditioned? 66. Are natural or synthetic fiber rope slings stored in an area where they will not be subjected to any of the following: a. Mechanical damage or corrosive action? b. Extreme temperatures – lower than 20F (-6.6C) and higher than 150F (65.5C)? c. Excessive moisture – higher than 80% relative humidity? d. Excessive dryness – lower than 10% relative humidity? Wire Rope Slings - BN CD-0444. 67. Is each wire rope sling permanently marked with its rated capacity on a swage or socket either by stamping or etching? 68. Do all wire rope slings have a means of individual identification for use in recording the required periodic inspection? It may be the manufacturer’s tag (purchase order number, item number), organization tag, etching on the swage or socket, or stamping according to the manufacturer’s directions. 69. If the manufacturer’s tag has been lost has the user organization used an etching or stamping system in its place? 70. If the organization does not have an etching or stamping system has a qualified engineer performed a proof test according to ANSI B30.9, Section 9.2.3 and documented the results on the BN-0032 “Inspection Log Wire Rope Slings”? 71. Are wire rope slings stored in racks (preferably vertical) or in designated locations when not in use? 72. Are wire rope slings cleaned periodically to remove as much dirt and abrasive grit as possible? Slings - BN CD-0444.071.4.2 73. Has the Facility Manager designated a qualified inspector to conduct periodic inspections and maintain an inspection log for each individual sling? 74. Does the Facility Manager maintain an inspection log for all YES NO N/A COMMENTS slings using the identification for each sling established by the user organization, which shows a description of the new sling and its condition on each periodic inspection? 75. Does the Facility Manager ensure that a sling is not loaded in excess of its rated capacity? The rated capacity shall be reduced by 25 percent when a sling is used as a chocker? 76. Does the Facility Manager ensure that job-built slings are not used unless approved by the designated engineer and proof testing and identification requirements are met? 77. Does the Facility Manager ensure that slings are not shortened by knots and that leads are not twisted or kinked? 78. Does the Facility Manager instruct employees to protect slings from any sharp edges by means of pads, blocks, etc.? Inspecting Alloy Steel Chains and Slings - BN CD-0444.071.4.3 79. Does the user inspect all hoisting chains and slings daily before use for any deterioration that could result in an appreciable loss of the original strength? 80. If the inspection reveals signs of deterioration does the user have a qualified inspector perform an inspection? 81. Do qualified inspectors remove the sling from service if it does not meet the following conditions: a. Chain and attachments should be free from wear, nicks, cracks, breaks. Gouges, stretch, bends, and weld splatter and discoloration from excessive temperature? b. Hooks should be free of cracks, should not be opened more than 15 percent of the normal throat opening measured at the narrowest point, or twisted more than 10 degrees from the plane of the unbent hook? c. Chain links and attachments should hinge freely with adjacent links? d. Latches on hooks, if provided, should hinge freely and seat properly without evidence of permanent distortion? 82. Do qualified inspectors conduct periodic yearly inspections for YES NO N/A COMMENTS normal service? 83. Do qualified inspectors conduct and document inspections monthly to quarterly for severe service? 84. Do qualified inspectors conduct a complete link-by-link inspection during each periodic inspection? 85. Does the qualified inspector document the inspection on an inspection log? 86. Does the qualified inspector maintain a file of the periodic inspection documentation in the user organization for one year after the equipment is taken out of service? 87. Do the users remove alloy chains from service if they have been broken during use and not try to repair them with mechanical coupling links or low carbon steel repair links? 88. Does the user prevent chain in use from being twisted, knotted, kinked, or crossed (unless padded)? 89. Does the user remove the sling from service if the chain size at any point is less than that stated in Table 2 of CD-0444.071, Inspecting Wire Rope Slings - BN CD-0444.071.4.4 90. Does the user inspect all wire rope slings daily before use for any deterioration that could result in an appreciable loss of the original strength? 91. If any deterioration is noted does the user have a qualified inspector perform an inspection of the sling? 92. Do qualified inspectors remove the sling from service if any of the following conditions are found: a. Ten randomly distributed broken wires in one rope lay or five broken wires in one strand in one rope lay? b. For construction slings, in any length of eight diameters, the total number of visible broken wires exceeds ten percent of the total number of wires? c. Wear, abrasion, or scraping of one-third the original diameter of the outside individual wire? YES NO N/A COMMENTS d. Kinking, crushing, birdcaging, or any other damage resulting in distortion of the rope structure? e. Evidence of heat damage? f. End attachments that are cracked, deformed, or worn to the extent hat the strength or the sling is substantially reduced? g. Corrosion of rope or end attachments? 93. Are qualified inspectors performing an initial inspection and periodic inspections on a regular basis but at least annually and basing the frequency of inspections on the following criteria: a. Frequency of sling use? b. Severity of service conditions? c. Nature of lifts being made? d. Experience gained on the service life of slings used in similar circumstances? 94. If the qualified inspectors are performing more frequent inspections are they documenting the need on the inspection log? 95. Are qualified inspectors recording the results of the periodic inspection on the inspection log? 96. Does the qualified inspector maintain a file of the inspection documentation in the user organization for one year after the equipment is taken out of service? Wire Rope Socketing - BN CD-0444.071.4.5 97. Do employees engaged in the process of wire rope socketing maintain a valid qualification certificate issued by the engineering organization? 98. Have all wedge socket anchorages on nonrotating wire ropes used authorized by a professional engineer and the manager? Inspecting Synthetic Web Slings - BN CD-0444.071.4.6 YES NO N/A COMMENTS 99. Does the user visually inspect all synthetic web slings daily before use for any deterioration that could result in an appreciable loss of the original strength? 100. If the visually inspection shows any signs of deterioration does the user have a qualified inspector perform an inspection? 101. Does the qualified inspector remove the sling from service if any of the following conditions are found: a.Acid or caustic burns? b.Melting or charring of any part of the sling? c. Holes, tears, cuts, or snags? d.Broken or worn stitching in load-bearing splices? e.Excessive abrasive wear? f. Knots in any part of the sling? g.Excessive pitting or corrosion or cracked, distorted, or broken fittings? h.Other visible damage that causes doubt about the strength of the sling? 102. Are qualified inspectors conducting an initial inspection and periodic inspections on a regular basis but at least annually and basing the frequency of inspections on the following criteria: a. Frequency of sling use? b. Severity of service conditions? c. Experience gained on the service life of slings used in similar applications? 103. If the qualified inspectors are performing more frequent inspections are they documenting the need on the inspection log? 104. Does the qualified inspector record the results of the period inspection on the inspection log? 105. Does the qualified inspector maintain a file of the inspection documentation in the user organization for one year after the YES NO N/A COMMENTS equipment is taken out of service? Inspecting Natural and Synthetic Fiber Rope Slings – BN CD-0444.071.4.7 106. Does the user visually inspect all natural and synthetic fiber rope slings daily before use for any deterioration that could result in an appreciable loss of the original strength? 107. If the inspection by the user finds any deterioration do they a qualified inspector perform an inspection of the sling? 108. Does the qualified inspector remove the sling from service if any of the following conditions are found: a. Cuts, gouges, or badly abraded spots? b. Seriously worn surface fibers or yarns? c. Considerable filament or fiber breakage along the line where adjacent strands meet(light fuzzing is acceptable)? d. Particles of broken filament of fibers inside the rope between the strands (inspect the inside of the rope)? e. Discoloration or harshness that may mean chemical damage or excessive exposure to sunlight. Inspect filaments or fibers for weakness or brittleness? f. Kinks? g. Melting or charring on any part of the sling? h. Excessive pitting or corrosion or cracked, distorted, or broken fittings? i. Other visible damage that causes doubt about the strength of the sling? 109. Are designated personnel performing periodic inspections at least annually and basing the frequency of inspections on the following criteria: a. Frequency of sling use? b. Severity of service conditions? c. Experience gained on the service life of slings used in similar applications? 110. If the designated personnel are performing more frequent YES NO N/A COMMENTS inspections are they documenting the need on the inspection log? 111. Do the designated personnel record the results of the periodic inspection on the inspection log? 112. Do the designated personnel maintain a file of the inspection documentation in the user organization for one year after the equipment is taken out of service? 113. Do the designated personnel remove the sling from service if damage such as the following is visible: a. Cuts, gouges, or badly abraded spots? b. Seriously worn surface fibers or yarns? c. Considerable filament or fiber breakage along the line where adjacent strands meet(light fuzzing is acceptable)? d. Particles of broken filament of fibers inside the rope between the strands (inspect the inside of the rope)? e. Discoloration or harshness that may mean chemical damage or excessive exposure to sunlight. Inspect filaments or fibers for weakness or brittleness? f. Kinks? g. Melting or charring on any part of the sling? h. Excessive pitting or corrosion or cracked, distorted, or broken fittings? i. Other visible damage that causes doubt about the strength of the sling? Training - BN CD-0444.071.5 114. Do Facility Managers verify that all users of slings have successfully completed a craft apprenticeship program that included hoisting and rigging training or attended and successfully completed course 1E000370, “Rigging Considerations Training?” General Safety Rules – BN CD-0444.001 Cranes and Material Handling – BN CD-0444.001.4.23 115. Are Tag lines used as required to guide snub and control YES NO N/A COMMENTS loads and is hands guidance used only when necessary? 116. Does the use of softeners, slings, and wire ropes conform to regulatory statues? 117. Are proper barricades in place around the swing radius of cranes and other lifting equipment? 118. Is evidence of current annual inspections located at the work site for all cranes in use? 119. Are cranes and other lifting equipment inspected daily and are the results, including defects or repairs needed, recorded in the log? 120. Are personnel operating cranes competent to operate such equipment?</p>

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