Otterbein University Digital Commons @ Otterbein Otterbein Aegis Otterbein Journals & Magazines 11-1894 Otterbein Aegis November 1894 Otterbein Aegis Otterbein University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/aegis Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons Recommended Citation Otterbein Aegis, "Otterbein Aegis November 1894" (1894). Otterbein Aegis. 44. https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/aegis/44 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Otterbein Journals & Magazines at Digital Commons @ Otterbein. It has been accepted for inclusion in Otterbein Aegis by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Otterbein. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Editorial, 5 Our Missionaries, 7 Myself -1- Time = X, 7 The True Mission of the Teacher, 9 Y. W. C. A. Convention, 12 Y. W. C. A. Notes, 14 Y. M. C. A. Notes, 14 Personals, 15 Locals, 16 Denison vs. Otterbein, • 17 OTTERBEIN UNIVERSITY, --LOCATED AT-- WESTERVILLE, OHIO. - +---- WENTY minutes' ride from Columbus, the capital of the State, by the C., A . & C. railway. T-five trains each way daily. The last, or forty-sixth, year was, in every way, the most successful in its history, with unusually bright prospects for the future. Both sexes admitted to the same advantages. Fine literary societies, athletic and Christian associations, ninety to ninety-five per cent. of the st11dents Christians. New association and gymnasium building, the first of its kind in the State. Westerville, the site of the University, by means of the Columbus and Westerville electnc railway, now under contract for construction, becoming suburban to the city, and having its ad­ vantages, but not its disadvantages, is one of the most beautiful, healthful, intelligent. and moral towns in the State, and is constantly improving. There are no saloons or other low places of resort. The University is standard in its courses of study and faculty. Instruction thorough; moral and Christian atmosphere unsurpassed. It offers the following courses: Undergraduate : Graduate: Classical, Philosophy, Pedagogics, Philosophical, Political and Social Science, Literary, Indo-Iranian Lang· na~es and Comparative PhiloJogJ>, Normal, Latin Language and Literature, Music, Greek Language and Literature, Fine Art, English Language and Literature, Business. Mathematics. Exp ~ n ses as low as can be found a nywhere fo r t he same advantages and accommodations . Students a dmitted a t any time. Terms begm September 5, 1894, J a nuary 2, and M arch 25, 1895. For cat alogues and other inform at ion , a ddress the President , R_EV. <9HOMAS ~. SANDE~S, @H. D., WESTERVILLE, OHIO. OTTERBEIN ./EGI S. 3 MEDICINE A ScrENCE. REMEDIEs NoN-PorsoNous. 1). @J. @USTDER, D.D.s., Dentist__ G. H. MAYHUGH, M.D., In office every Physician and Surgeon. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sunbury, Ohio. Office Markley Blk. Residence Bank Bldg. J. W. MERCHANT, HOUGHTON & PRICE, LOANS, DENTISTS, Real Estate and Fire Insurance Furnish to their Patrons everything K.nown in t he Art and NOTARY PUBLIC. Science of Modern Dentistry. Office in Weyant Block.; WESTERVILLE, 0. 18, 19, and 2 0 Y. M . C . A . Bldg., COLUMBUS, 0 F. M. VAN BUSKIRK, D. D. S., D. W·. COBLE; M. D., Phy sician Corner State and Main Sts., } _,__, a.n.d Su1·geon.,_ OFFICE .UPSTAIRS. Residence Cor. State a n<l Park Sts., W esterville, 0 WESTERVILLE, 0. D. S. SEELEY. L. R. SEELEY. H . T. SIBEI~ . A. W. JONBS, M.D., EELEY, - DEALERS IN- SEEL~Y & I ____ Ph__:c_y~ski o..n o..nd Sur~eon, !BEL, Oftlce over Keefer's Drug Store.} Call and see us when you want to buy or sell. Residence on West Home Street, Office, Room I, Moses Block, WESTERVILLE, OHIO. WESTERVILLE, OHIO. J. B. f5 uN w, m. D., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon, Oftlce and Residence, SOUTH STATE STREET, CAN I OBTAIN A PA TENT ~ For a Rthmlf~ '&8CW.,a~go3 lia~~~~Bj g~:l 0~f~r!~~~ Ohio.~ experience In the patent business. 3ommiinitllt t lons strictly confidential. A Handbook of ln. formation concerning Pate n ts and how too~ taln t hem sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan­ A BRILLIANT STUDENT. Ical and scientific books sent free. P atents taken through Munn & Co. r eceive Head of t he class, perfect recitations and exam i n a~ i ons, en­ ~c:i ~r~0~~~~~b~b ~~~t; ]b~~~;e1~~ e~~ ;; n~ · ~rtll~ vied by al l. To attain such honor a good memory IS neces­ out cost to t tie inventor. T his splendid paper sary. The new physiological discovery --Memory R.estor­ t:::~tw~~~~a~lg~ag~~~~~~u::r:~r~·ch~so~k ~<;i' ~~= at ive Tablets quickly and permanently increase the memory world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free. two t o ten fold and greatly augment intellectual power. Building Edition monthly, $2.50 a year.' Single Diftlcul t studies lectures, etc., easily mastered; truly marvelous, ~i es, 2~ cents. Every number contains beuu- highly endorsed, your success assured. Price, $1.00, postpaid. to:!e~~~rfti ~?a~~,~~~&b~fn~ t~?Jtg:;saf~:b~fw~ 1~ latest designs and secure contracts. Adclress Send for circular. .M:UNJ){ & 00~ lliEW Y ORK, 361 BROADWAY. n EnORY TABLET CO., 114 sth Ave., N.Y. 4 OTTERBEIN .L£GIS. The KNOX SHOE HOUSE. Tennis and Bicycle Shoes a Specialty. Also Agents for the Troy Laundry, WESTERVILLE, OHIO, You are cordially in. vited to call on. Choice ALL GOODS NEW. Dr. KEEFER, The Druggist, -FOR- Pine ~tationery, Tablets, ~oaps, Brushes, Family Perfumes, Sponges, Select Toilet Articles, Groceries. Pure Drugs, . Fresh and Salt Meats in sea..on . Pure Leaf Lard. And anything in that line you may need. Fine Home-made Mince Meat. Goods at Fair Prices. M. D. WATERS, Agent. S. W. DUBOIS, «:l CLOUSE & CARTER, t:» CITY BARBER. UNDE~fllAJ\E~S ~N:ALERS I N FU~NIT11U~E. First-Class Workmen and 'Prompt Attention to Business. Latest Styles of Wall Paper, Window Shades, Etc. , Picture Framing Done to Order. First Door South of Post Office, Call and See Us. WESTERVILLE, OHIO. North State St. WESTERVILLE, OHIO. FOTOGRAFS. -----------------------------------------~---- PERSON & WILLIAMS, 527 1-2 N. High St., Columbus, 0. Special low rates to students. Proofs} show~ before you leave the gallery. For rates see W. u. KINTIGH. VoL. V. WESTERVILLE, OHIO, NOVEMBER, 1894. No.3· · r. Fubli sh~ d the 20th of Each Month of the College Year. much emphasized by college students~the man · ~ : EDITORIAL ADDRESS : without a well defined purpose, be he ever so Editor OTTERBEIN A':GIS, WESTER VILLE, OHIO. brilliant, will drift about and finally succeed ~ at BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS : ., nothing. .. :. Business Manager OTTERBEIN A':GIS, WESTERVILLE, OHIO. F. V. BEAR ......... ...... ......... .. .... ...... ......... Editor in Chief PRESIDENT SANDERS is now devoting his ener­ F. 0 . CLEMENTS .......... ............ ........ .................. Assistant gies toward raising an endowment for Otter­ R. E. BOWER ......... ...... ......... ....... .. ......... Exchange Editor bein. It is not enough to be free from debt ~ M. H. MATHEWS .................. ......... ...... ......... Local Editor , D. H. SENEFF .. ................ ................ :... Business Manager In order to employ first class instructors a W. L. RICHER ................ ...... ......... ...... Subscription Agent school must be able to pay first class salaries. It is not right for the Church to ask our prbc Subscription, 50 Cts. a Year in Advance. Single Copies. 10 Cts. Subscriptions will be continued until the paper Is ordered fe ssors to work at a sacrifice, which some of, stopped by the subscribPr, and all arrearages paid. them are doing at the present time. To de­ [Entered at post office, Wester ville, Ohio, as second-class mail m a tter.] pend upon conference assessments is uncertain, PHILOPHRONEAN PUBLISHING CO., PUBLISHERS. as there are too many others interests to be pro• vided for, which ·are regarded by many to be EDITOR.IAL. of more importance. It is to be hoped that the president will meet . with the same success THE football season ·will soon be at an end. in this that he has met with in his other labors .·· · - ~ . It is to be regretted that Otterbein has not for the advancement of the-<cause of education been able to procure more dates. Our team is in the U. B. Church. strong and has done excellent work in the few games we have played. We should liked to THERE is such a thing as being great in de"· have seen the tan and cardinal wave victoriously feat, but, some ' of our sister colleges do· not over a few more fields. seem to realize its hteaning. When a great university· raises a cry of injured innocence' ~ "·' ;_·; MYSELF -1- Time = X is the unique subject after being beaten · fai'rly by a college of one- · · "KE of an article in this number by Prof. Frank E . fourth her size, it is puerile, yet it is to be hop- • , Miller. It treats the subject of character build­ . ed that there is some ,Consolation.derived-from· ~, -•-< ing from the standpoint of a mathematician, , this sort of thing, for 'it is surely needed. and will be enjoyed not only by mathematical This is fooiish,' silly,- ·but to be robbed of a• ;:: · :J minds but 'by those who have no special taste game fairly won, and ·then to be misrepr't!sentc for that branch of science. ed in a manner 'whollyregardlessofthe truth;·.' is ungentlemanly to' say the least.-- ·The lEGIS ; HAVE a· purpose in life and bend every has neither space nor inclination, more than to <:rr energy to accomplish that purpose, was the give such things merely a passing riotice. But central thought of the excellent talks delivered the rules of common >courtesy should at least by the visitors at chapel on the morning of the be observed between· sister colleges, regardless 14th inst.
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